HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendas/Packets - 1997.11.05 - 40003C�Zj�%KLAND COUNTY PARKS 2800 Watkins Lake Road • Waterford, Michigan 48328-1917 248.858.0906 Fax 248.858.1683 TDD 248.858.1684 Internet address: www.co.oakland.mi.us Pecky D. Lewis, Jr Chairman Ralph Richard Ruth Johnson Manager Vice Chairman Jon J. Kipke Richard D. Kuhn, Jr Assistant Manager Secretary October 30, 1997 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Oakland County, Michigan Ladies and Gentlemen: A meeting has been called of the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION as follows: PLACE .................... Parks and Recreation Office 2800 Watkins Lake Road Waterford, MI 48328 TIME ...................... Wednesday, November 5, 1997 9:00 a.m. PURPOSE ................. Regular Meeting This meeting has been called in accordance with the authorization of Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr., of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. Sincerely, Ralph Richard Executive Officer Fred Korzon George W. Kuhn Nancy McConnell L. Brooks Patterson Lawrence Pernick Kay Schmid Richard Skarritt AND coMMISSiON MEETING RECREATION cOVNTY PARKS Office OAKO,ND Sand Recreation Road park atK►ns I-ay 28�a Orford, MI 43328 N'N\41 e tuber 5 1997 Meeting to Order at 9:0 1 call Me Meeting Roll call lobar 1,199'7 , c°tutu►sston 2 tes for Oc ApPr°gal of M nu 551 3. 1 through �` ME Re aster: voucher Nos.: 9- October, 199 4. Public Commentsartmental Pa aid in arges p Inc.. ApprOvai of Payments' lnterde September Cor oration 5 Oak Ma33 Quarter crester: 3rd Quaker charges `fran sfer voucher R� of September, 1997 3p, 1g97 eport for the m°nth t Update as of September R. Richard�858^09p9 p ct►vity R . ects Budge capital ImprO�ement Prol Dr Blackerby Z fi1858"�5g7 ,,Ward presentat►on F Trion 8 Sion Request q.6Q5 is Planning K►py\0858_ e and Sports village EXpan 9 Strateg Red Oaks Golf Dom Uift J Figa1g58-4620 Toboggan tension )9 0 9 10 Oaks Fridge Grant Ex R Richardtg5$" 11 Waterford Oaks Nature center Addit►on 12. independence Managers Repo 13• Old Business 15. New Business'` Adjourn' cam,°✓% V M\SS\oN ME�1tNG EGREPS\oN GoM ion room of the N\�{ PPRKS pip° ei 1 19g� s �� in tre G°mess oPK�ND Gov 'tman pecky ©bew� ' uhn, a m by Chan o{{\ce. George K et atg;�g rri�nistrat�° Kahn, fit., dGom�xsstiOn s ad Rlchatd D� tang was Gai\e eGretan! the knee d Recteat�o RSS� l �OhnsonI Skatt tt parks an MEMBERS p Gha�ttnan Rum6d, Richard a GpMM\SS\oN o `erdis, ��e pe �\ck K y Sc peGky awrenc Gha�tsn MGGonnei\, L PgS�N(. Nancy oN MEMBER SiS GoMM\S` STOoks paeCson h R�cha�d, M a�Mana9eSeN\ces �redKor2on, RaPK\pke, PSGh\efi, Pdmv etat�ons SENT'. 3° nk�riOn ccOokat\ t Go\t O\ s p PRE Fta G0 , �` Gh et O Opetatxon off\cet PoS eatiion Shea\a �bodeav' of park \cats°ns Oent and Relit M\ke C�' nc�i G�\e# Gommun d De�eioP parks Dan S pvng, Pu h\\el, oes'g� eai\On t bane h F\ga, G f ?,er, \ Eng\nee �°sep e\tidgeCh1etc ate SUe D Onne\\ot`, P Mkke Rhein, Buyet BOb G\Cetby Rae e attest as�n9 Ste�F SUmmets ?Ovo, inc Ghr�sG°oget oadand Go e S tate9� ,ates Beb Ght\st\e nd 07ixe otv an d Pss od\a<es Gat\ "CUB°td a of e t u e �\Ra der and Pss h�n9 Ps,OG BtuGe vtes of the meting Beek and Go\ATM SPO s ,d to approve the rn�n \ S oak F MiNv�ES. otted by Mrs. chin PppROV P� o by Mr Skg7as w den id, Skatt\tt l61 kept tuber 3, Ag kew\s, pern�ck, Sch'� C�Gheann9 G Kuhn, R• Kuhn, e m\nutes °{ the pub PEES. Or\avolce�Ote. Mr SkattitttOaPProve NP tried Orted by otion ca SuPP M Mr petOr' 9 as wnven SGhtr;�d, Sal l61 ed by 3 1� Sk Of September uhn Lewis, pern,Gk YES G Kuhn, R• K P rote- `1P�S poi avoice Motion carved on 1 (Commission Meeting, October 1, 1997) Moved by Mr. Pernick, supported by Mr. R. Kuhn to approve the minutes of the Commission Retreat of September 17, 1997, with the following change: Page 3 - 2, Beginning of first sentence changed from "Staff was..." to read "Staff and commissioners were..." AYES: G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Lewis, Pernick, Schmid, Skarritt (6) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. PUBLIC COMMENTS: There were no questions asked by, nor comments received from, the public. APPROVAL OF PAYMENTS: Moved by Mr. Pernick, supported by Mr. G. Kuhn to approve the payment of Vouchers 8-1 through 8-529 and the Interdepartmental Payment Register for the August charges paid in September. AYES: G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Lewis, Pernick, Schmid, Skarritt (6) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS: The Statement of Operations as of August 31, 1997, was accepted as filed. ACTIVITIES REPORT: The Activities Report for the month of August, 1997, was accepted as filed. DONATION RECOGNITION: Carl Christie, along with Bruce Tufford and Ozzie, representing the Oakland County Sportfishing Association, presented the Parks Commission with a $2,000 donation for dock improvement projects at Independence Oaks. The Association has made donations in the past totaling $7,000 for fishing dock improvements at Orion Oaks. Chief of Park Operations Dan Stencil presented Messrs. Christie and Tufford with a plaque in appreciation of the Oakland County Sportfishing Association's support. On behalf of the Commission, Chairman Lewis thanked the Association for their efforts and contributions. LYON OAKS MASTER PLAN: Representatives from Beckett Raeder, consultants for the Lyon Oaks Master Plan, presented several 3-2 November• Che �Ctober 1gg1) ned for pre entaand e ana\ysis- come C°mmiss�on Meet�n9 ands a final P\a on\as°\1s, ve9eta th Consu\cants iew and input° Bring park e\eva s' residents, and star, e s {or Co�`� ed �c\uded drawings . n "it from \OCa\ d�fol�mat on plesen and ler,6NA an p area eviewin9 a\\ aspects \ements for a p use and m stem \ nk to the -C ° 01 sk\ traits Pftewith the �O\tow oulse with CoueX sbbo tln9 tr e�1w th naturelctoss ou up 2� ho\e 9°\§stem to tie one wi\d%e Z°d • bike tra1\ suer in the cnon-Organ,Ze i County lain • nature Cr' use area 0s e Dak\and k •� picC i olTa e p1\0mr, are area ith his staff a� t b\e in the pa! ark • Ova erpark archery langethe wooded hn checkw eCtthe Ovate osed for th o to 24_station nlover\ook �n iss�oner G. Ku\Xom wi\\ a terpark prop°\elan Puth arks. obseN atio sted C°mm atev use by ndin9 {or the G nton Metro oposed waterp arri'd leque er or not v sti{y the the \ \ur°n er on the p ch °l the Gom,6,sion t f nd out wheth of the market `n iG ntact wathe with each °th anakyses for ea Col�,lriIssion the strength must lemathatwe COoPer axon9 with cost on tad d lotchan9es,November- on fo\\owed °t ad taae o our p\ans an �\s mts j a\so ed toe p an to ad000n m mission them Ceiv 14 0Q lot ens re we keep e N cominentsa�\c the enter sfer of ro ement nts wi\\nevi and bring b love the VanCapita\ \mp Ct at each Consulta !oposed, e\elr�ents p Mr R' Ku enCe Oa s �k Rep�aCement prOie CRANSFER supported bo! \ndependthe Fue\fan FUNp of SkalCid, �6e p y 0o continue with G�ove\and d9et Coniin9 Sc v6d, Skarr\tt �Zl PlaoKcls - Kuhn, \-ews, peln�ck, p ohnsOn G. Kuhn, R. staff and PYES. mmended by a voice vote. NAYS. poi id was approved as !ec ect,'O Motion Calved on ! on this plOks e the fO\\owing b e bidde G\en �a \D' f�\ed in the agenda though lot the pa ing pOrMro\ect at iss�on information noted that a\ summer Comm As per the \o lnent 3oea er ived earC�,o xr nd a rnates #k { he park�n9 \Ot. sing. purCha ©es. n an e peg s.4\,), Ae the area Of paving e the bid base Useein9 a\on9 the ba Chas ab\e to COomparab\e, and ntt to inC\ K de, C prices `Nere ded awardnha {ef a\ternate #� {O Staff recOmm of a\so inc\ude requested sta 3.3 1,19g7) the wave p°o1 pctober tractlor rernovax, Meeting tree co to award the rading, `Commission it is Alfjed Construction rn ed by Mrs. sch d aks including #2 and 3 plus Mrs'�Ohnson, sngpp olectatWttecenstallat�on, and , and alternates M°ved bt expans'on pav curb ande bid, half °f alount of ���3 ppp• parking wer con,tNSkxO for the ba d eted am storm se t of $1 pB to total bu g nc ,r a pemick (6) $ 5pp for cont,nge Kuhn Lewis, McC°Me11, ES 3OhnsonI G. Kuhn, R. AY ks is summer for the Glen pa NAYS•. Skarritt t�i a voice vote• Motion carried °n art %B Qo0 higher. G•. d the contract s EN pAKs LANDSCApI t the w bidder, `Nh°°d s and low bid Is al t0 the Commission• a penal' and Gl- F iga rep°�edtc alias withdrawn his b a recomr`iendation bac drier is going to be kept as Mr' dscapin, proj and will bring the low bI tan rOject and from reviewing the p Or nOtthe b'd by purchasing Staff is 734 pp to whether der review tne honed still un ment of ent of COm�nssion ques action is rove the pay enlargem to if not, why not, tha NC1NG Kuhn to app rd paks �ncluw�a erpark• ERFpRD (7PKs supp°rted b nMPc 10ects atWence prOlects atthe W Ai Mr Skarritt, e imPrOvem rai sm e all Moved by for fenc rea and seve PArrOma n 0 ce storage a pemick, Skarritt �6i the G Kuhn, R• Kuhn, �-ewis, AYES. 3ohnson, AYS.. gyp) a voice vote. ment of $29; ��1500 N ay A Motjon earned On ri t0 approve the d chioriding for HLpRIDE 'PARKS orted by MGou Count' for road grading an DC RpA oved by d C. Mm ssion ,d Gaepe dense paks Schrn%d, Skarritt �$) to tie Goodeland Oaks' a Lewis, McConnell, pern Oa Kuhn, AY ES ,Ohnson, G• Kuhn, R. NAYS: 1p� a voice vote. carried On was noted: Motion agenda, the following ORT MANAGER S REP ana9 er s Report filed ithe n In adition tothe M 3-`t (Commission Meeting, October 1, 1997) ---The lessees of the Red Oaks Golf Dome and Sports Village have approached staff about adding a new "dimension" to the facility --a new variety of putt -putt. Lessees will be present at the November 5 meeting to discuss this with the Commission, along with a request for the Commission to consider a five-year extension to their lease in exchange for the proposed expansion. OLD BUSINESS: Vice Chairman Johnson requested an update on the policy for allowing handicapped golfers to use our golf carts on our courses when weather/safety considerations prohibit other carts on the course. Staff remarked that Corporation Counsel has not returned an opinion on this issue. However, until we have an opinion, staff is allowing handicapped golfers to use carts, if they wish, when other carts are prohibited. Commission expressed concern that, if the carts are prohibited from the courses for safety reasons, as we state, then all carts should be prohibited. They suggested offering those golfers, who are physically unable to golf without a cart, a rain check to play another day. Moved by Mrs. McConnell, supported by Mrs. Schmid to adopt a policy that when the golf courses,, for safety reasons, prohibit golf carts from being on the courses, no golfers may take a cart on the course. Those golfers who are physically unable to golf without a cart will be offered rain checks to golf on another day. AYES: Johnson, G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Lewis, McConnell, Pernick, Schmid, Skarritt (8) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. STRATEGIC PLANNING: Dr. Blackerby continued her work with the Commission and staff on the goals and objectives in the strategic planning process for the parks. She reviewed the five goals compiled from the September 17 work session. Goal #5 was rewritten to read as follows: "To ensure the people of Oakland County understand the need to support funding to acquire, maintain, and develop county parks." Commission and staff were asked to complete the objectives listed under each goal to include a measurable success and a year for that accomplishment. In the course of reviewing and completing each objective, the following additional changes were made: Strategic Objective #4: Change the word "located" to read "to serve." Strategic Objective #6: Change the year to 2007. Combine Strategic Objectives #7 and #8, plus add the following phrase: "...excluding those parks designated as golf courses only." Combine Strategic Objectives #9 and #10 to read "...public perception of Oakland County Parks as safe and clean family parks." Strategic Objective #11: Delete the word "average." 3-5 1,1g�(o according to a su rvey pctober feted as 62 mission Meet�ngwas comp s �Com entage in 1g he comfy ark t s for point Programm�n the Perc fan {°r artnersh P e # m er P �biic p 13'� as dvate(P is �b�ectN receat�on sharing., Stcateg ed for the anged to read ` ...P to ead "information, comPiet ch te9�c tp oba to\oPment thew°rd"data-sharing i\i be Ce�iS Oble� Nes and iaciUty Change #1j•. the obectNeas{e he �actjca is pbjectwe ectwes', Stcateg pp�e&\4e #2g" era` of the °bards, staff wiii Prep who by virtue °{ peiete te9�c ed numbers w k sess%On Pfte commissioners, Stra review the nex rovai. by Cofnmission and P eparatl mmission {Or aPp ecfives can aiso be done the e numb t those to the o{ these obi and Prese ted that sO \jeis of peoPie' my er g7 erby commch 6ffierent ie b 5 19 ve , D�egiobe, can rea m on Wednesday' No � meetmg wiU be at g a m -the ne • ourned at 12.14 P • ��� the meeting,Nas adl R`chard D KUhn Jr Secretanl rd�ng SecetaN e Kaen Smith, Rco Monthly Activity Report ( Combined Totals ) September, 1997 Golf Courses Recreational and Special Evnts Day Use Parks Leagues/ Groups Participants Leagues/Groups Partici ts1996 1997 1996 1997 1996 1997 1996 �1997 200 282 39,531 43,781 2,693 2,756 321,833 332,059 110 128 11,619 16,319 1,736 1,845 221,357 231,056 6,475 6,460 54,888 50,478 90,733 69,198 841,256 672,819 Grand Totals 6,785 6,870 1 106,038 110,578 11 95,1621 73,799 1 1,384,446 1 1,235,934 1 Glen Oaks Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played - 18 Holes Banquet Facilities Red Oaks Rounds Played Springfield Oaks Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played -18 Holes Activities Center White Lake Oaks Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played - 18 Holes Banquet Facilities Golf Courses- Month of January, 1997 Leagues Participants Lea ues TD Partici ants TD 1996 1 1997 1996 1997 1996 1997 1996 1 1997 39 65 5,430 5,970 717 765 46,485 48,831 0 1 1,494 2,476 0 2 12,978 14,563 16 22 1,737 2,496 129 94 15,335 12,881 19 26 5,459 5,582 3091 2941 41,741 40,781 31 34 2,049 2,093 473 490 21,893 22,661 0 11 1,827 2,744 0 35 14,132 17,379 22 33 12,759 12,862 204 259 103,373 107,402 52 69 5,484 5,964 782 741 47,082 48,695 9 6 2,471 2,460 12 15 13,767 14,028 12 15 821 1,134 67 61 5,047 4,838 Totals 200 2821 39,531 43,781 2,693 2,7561 321,833 332,059 10/15/97 M rn Mobile Recreation Bouncer Skate Mobile In - Line Mobile Broadway Review Puppet Mobile Sports Mobile Show Mobile Dunk Tank Orbitron Buses Waterford Oaks Activity Center Tennis Complex BMX Fridge/Lookout Lodge Environmental Program Nature Center Outreach * Nature Trail Usage Special Event Mt. Bike Race: spec/riders Inclusive Golf Wheelchair Basketball Totals Recreational and Special Events September, 1997 Groups I Participants Grou s TD Partici ants TD 1996 1997 1996 1997 1996 1997 1996 1997 9 8 1,845 1,640 160 126 32,800 25,830 2 0 334 0 76 65 12,690 10,855 0 2 0 334 39 54 6,513 9,018 0 0 0 0 59 64 7,080 7,680 6 13 1,020 2,210 99 121 16,830 20,570 3 3 687 1,145 96 107 21,984 24,961 13 15 0 0 115 113 0 0 3 8 699 2,330 80 84 18,640 20,271 3 4 450 600 40 67 6,000 7,050 14 28 594 970 321 3201 13,329 12,814 8 9 2,500 1,962 8 9 13,371 11,923 0 0 1,063 188 0 0 10,987 8,850 0 0 192 2,326 0 0 11,653 19,211 0 8 0 425 1 86 1101 12,2421 13,429 30 29 1,785 2,169 370 417 21,949 21,703 19 1 450 20 187 188 15,289 16,891 0 0 4,271 3,430 0 0 47,995 47,030 0 0 0 2,400 0 0 45 2,400 0 0 0 80 0 0 75 80 0 0 0 60 0 0 125 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 0 011 01 01 01 0 110 1281 11,619 16,319 1,736 1,8451 221,357 231,056 * Not included in totals 10/15/97 Addison Oaks Park Campers Day Use Day Campers Groveland Oaks Park Campers Day Use Day Campers Independence Oaks Park Day Use Day Campers Overnight Group Campers Orion Oaks Addison Oaks Conference Ctr Waterford Oaks Waterpark Red Oaks Water Park Red Oaks Golf Dome & S. V. Totals Day Use Parks and Facilities September, 1997 Groups Partici ants Grou s YTD Partici ants YTD 1996 1997 1996 1997 1996 1997 1996 1997 373 264 6,370 4,916 2,633 2,357 44,444 45,082 904 1,100 9,968 7,144 14,513 11,672 72,541 57,798 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 67 98 5,116 4,104 7,927 3,449 200,542 82,008 271 165 949 578 13,646 8,663 49,502 31,106 0 0 0 0 30 18 2,858 2,741 4,326 4,231 15,141 14,809 46,360 36,763 162,297 146,033 2 1 200 20 137 142 11,602 12,566 2 0 162 0 9 7 432 245 500 5751 1,751 F 2,014 4,8281 5,5031 16,8981 19,268 30 241 4,589 3,912]j 221 2241 31,208 32,434 01 21 OF 2,00011 1511 1681 66,865 73,250 0 ol 0 0 278 2321 75,8611 59,305 0 01 10,642 10,961 01 0 1 106,206 110,983 6,475 6,460 54,888 50,478 90,733 69,1981 841,256 672,819 10/15/97 M CD Future Acquisition & Imp. Addison Oaks Groveland Oaks Independence Oaks Orlon Oaks Glen Oaks Red Oaks Springfield Oaks White Lake Oaks Waterford Oaks Lyon Oaks Rose Oaks Contingency Capital Projects Total Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Capital Improvement Budget for 1997 as of 9130/97 Summary Total for All Parks/Facilities Estimated 1996 1997 Net New Estimated Amount Project Cost Adjustment Adjustment Adjustment PPr Ject Cost PAW r-nCLIMINAMY UP" Y NOT FOR OFFICIAL tiSE Contract(s) Contract(s) Awarded Project Retaine Balance Balance $3,636,424.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,636,424.00 ($124.25) $0.00 $0.00 $3,636,299.75 446,501.00 3,876.50 32,910.63 36,787.13 483,288.13 (224,866,41) 8,734.61 (57,532.37) 200,889.35 2,268,454.50 0.00 74,495.48 74,495.48 2,342,949.98 (2,211,321.17) 99,081.58 (59,416.52) 72,212.29 1,638,225.00 0.00 9,601.82 9,601.82 1,647,826.82 (812,280.70) 29,499.11 (6,646.00) 828,900.12 247,265.00 2,400.00 (16,071.80) (13,671.80) 233,593.20 (218,070.86) 0.00 0.00 15,522.34 1,865,731.00 65,512.74 22,318.88 87,831.62 1,953,662.62 (1,535,738.87) 63,962.10 (352,863.32) 64,960.43 127,500.00 0.00 12,214.02 12,214.02 139,714.02 (34,771.15) 0.00 0.00 104,942.87 271,749.00 26,383.86 15,183.57 41,567.43 313,316.43 (223,306.53) 0.00 (27,096.34) 62,913.56 388,391.50 0.00 (24,858.11) (24,858.11) 363,533.39 (298,043.42) 5,623.00 (37,386,50) 28,103.47 4,022,367.00 (4,000.00) 135,390.49 131,390.49 4,163,757.49 (3,462,332.26) 0.00 0.00 691,425.23 1,822,629.00 0.00 65,566.24 65,566.24 1,888,195.24 (1,491,765.24) 0.00 (85,271.00) 311,159.00 173,000.00 0.00 24,555.51 24,555.51 197,555.51 (166,590,03) 0.00 0.00 30,965.48 1,495,734.00 (94,173.10) (351,306.73) (445 479.83) 1,050,254.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,050,254.17 $18,403,971.00 0.00' 0.00' 4k.00 $18,403,971.00 ($10,67%210.89) $206 900.40 ($626 212 05) $7 098 548 06 ::i m Actg. D & D hkL NIL Addison Oaks 093 AO-40 Outside Walkway, Conc. Bldg. 118 AO-37 Road Improvement 119 AO-47 Pool Building 120 AO.28 Conf. Ctnr. Improve. 127 AO.53 Primitive Camping, Group 128 AO.56 New Well, C.C. 129 AO-57 New Well, Malnt. Bldg. 130 AO-61 Fire Hydrant System, C.C. 131 AO-20 Camp Phase III 132 AO.55 Water Tower Removal 133 AO.56 Lagoon Expansion 134 AO-59 Restrooms, Camping Phase III 135 AO.60 Fire/Smoke Alarms, C.C. Addison Oaks Total Actg. D & D NZ No. Future Acqulsltlobdt)mp, 011 ADM-03 Future Acquisition & Imp. Future Acq. & Imp. Total J N Oakland County Parks anu recreation Commission Capital Improvement Budget for 1997 as of 9/30/97 Estimated 1996 1997 Net New Estimated Amount PPr ject Cost Adiustmen Adjustment Adjl sti ment Project Cost P" rhW1V111',Vb, Y t�;% NOT FOR OFFICIAL USE Contract(s) Contract(s) Awarded Project Retalne Balance Balance $50,000.00 $0.00 $27,165.61 $27,165.61 $77,165.61 ($74,154.29) $0.00 $0.00 $3,011.32 33,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 33,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 33.000.00 2.200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,200.00 (2,200.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 132,301.00 0.00 2,088.60 2,088.60 134,389.60 (102,733.73) 8,734.61 (31,655.87) 0.00 70,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 70,000.00 (29,523.45) 0.00 0.00 40,476.55 11,000.00 3,404.50 1,679.76 5,084.26 16.084.26 (1,679.76) 0.00 (14,404.50) 0.00 11,000.00 472.00 1,976.66 2.448.66 13,448.66 (1,976.66) 0.00 (11,472.00) 0.00 15,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 (11,000.00) 0.00 0.00 4,000.00 34,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 34.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 34.000.00 25,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 (5.59) 0.00 0.00 9,994.41 33.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 33.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 33,000.00 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00 (1.692.93) 0.00 0.00 18,407.07 $446,501.00 $3,816.60 $32 910.63 $36 78713 1483.288.13 ($224 868 41) $e 734 61 ($57 532 37) $200 889 35 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Capital Improvement Budget for 1997 as of 9130/97 PRELIMINARY OPv�Y NOT FOR OFFICIAL USE Contract(*) Estimated 1996 1997 Net New Estimated Amount Contract(s) Awarded Project ProjectCost Adjustment AdJustman Adjustment ProjectCost Eald Retains] Balance Balance $3,636.424.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3 636 424.00 ($124.25) $0.00 $0.00 $3 636 299 75 $3,636,424.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3 636 424 00 ($124 25) $0 00 $0.00 $3 636 298 75 . ••-...+rv���dr a ll V�11L1 Oakland County Parks anc...,,creation Commission NOT FOR OFFICIAL ' �� Capital Improvement Budget for 1997 as of 9130197 Actg. D & D Estimated 1996 1997 Net New Estimated Amount Contract(s) Contract(s) Awarded Project Mo, big. Groveland Oaks PPr Ject Cost Adjustment Adjustment Adjustment Protect Cost Ewd ins Balance gee 160 GRO-01 Tree Planting & Landscaping $16,337.50 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $16.337.50 ($1,450.00) $0.00 $0.00 $14,887.50 175 GRO.45 Picnic Shelters, Group Camping 120,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 120,000.00 (87,675.21) 0.00 0.00 32,324.79 179 GRO.34 Camp Renov. - East Side 2,062,117.00 0.00 62,344.01 52,344.01 2,114,461.01 (2,062,184.49) 99.081.58 (52,276.52) 0.00 188 GRO-43 Fuel Tanks 45,000.00 0.00 22,151.47 22,151.47 67,151.47 (60,011.47) 0.00 (7,140.00) 0.00 201 GRO.23 Court Improvement 26,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25,000.00 Groveland Oaks Total $2,268,454.50 $0.00 $74 495.48 $74 495 48 $2 342 949 98 ($2 211 321 17) $99 081 58 ($59 418 52) $72 212 29 PRELIMINARY ONLY Oakland County Parks and Recreation 1997 slop Capital Improvement Budget for 1997 NOT FOR OFFICIAL USE as of 9130197 Actg. M0. D & D j9C. Independence Oaks Estimated Project Cost 1996 Adjustment 1997 Adjustment Net New Estimated Amount Contract(s) Contract(s) Awarded Project Adjustment Project Cost p!J Retainer Balance Balance 231 245 10.25 10-03 Nature Center - Exhibit Nature Center Landscape $365,000.00 20,573.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $365,000.00 ($42,000.00) $0.00 ($3,000.00) $320,000.00 268 1037 Expand Beach Parking 150,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20,573.00 150,000.00 0.00 (5,859.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 20,573.00 0.00 144,141.00 264 271 10.44 10.29 Fuel Tank Bike Path Trail 45,000.00 125,000.00 0.00 0.00 18,396.82 18,396.82 63,396.82 (63,396,82) 0.00 0.00 0.00 280 10 43 Nature Center Expansion 662,616.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 125,000.00 662,616.00 (4,612.76) (633,942.92) 0.00 29,499.11 0.00 120,387.24 (3,646.00) 25,027.08 265 286 1054 10.52 Restroom Renov. -Boathouse Play Lot, Pinegrove• 55,036.00 40,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (8,795.00) 0.00 55,036.00 (9,047.08) 0.00 0.00 45,988.92 287 10-14 Paving, Roads 45,000.00 0.00 0.00 (8,795.00) 0.00 31,205.00 45,000.00 (31,205.00) (8,883.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 288 10-51 Picnic Shelter, Lake Point 50,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 60.000.00 (13,084.12) 0.00 0.00 36.117.00 0.00 36,915.88 289 290 10.55 10-H Play Lot, Moraine Knoll Youth Camp 45,000.00 35,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 45,000.00 (250.00) 0.00 0.00 44.750.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 35.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 35.000.00 Independence Oaks Total $1,638,225.00 $0.00 $9 601 82 $9 601 82 11,647,826.82 (5812 280 70) J29,499.11 116,646.00) $828 90012 *Closed to Fixed Assets J W Actg. D 6 D bl% )110. Orlon Oaks 607 00-08 Sewer System Development* 806 00-09 Docks 609 00.10 Parking Lots* 610 00-11 Trail Development 611 00-13 Sale of land 612 00-04 Park Development, Day Use" Orion Oaks Total 'Closed to Fixed Assets "Postponed Actg. D & D h(L NQ. Glen Oaks 342 GLO-08 Paving, Cart Paths 344 GLO-19 Parking Lot Improvement 348 GLO-32 Restroom Facility' 351 GLO-02 Clubhouse Landscaping 361 GLO-12 Drainage Imp! 363 GLO-14 New Trees. 365 GLO-27 Clubhouse Addition 371 GLO-01 Automatic Sprinkler System Glen Oaks Total *Closed to Fixed Assets J Oakland County Parks anu . creation Commission Capital Improvement Budget for 1997 as of 9130197 NOT FOR OFFICIAL U Contract(s) Estimated 1996 1997 Net New Estimated Amount Contract(s) Awarded Project Project Cost Adlustmant Adjustment Adjustment Protect Cost Pau Retaine Balance Balance $145,265.;0 $0.00 $37,528.50 $37,528.50 $182,793.50 ($182,793.50) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 25,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25,000.00 (21.343.10) 0.00 0.00 3,656.90 12,000.00 0.00 (3,600.30) (3,600.30) 8,399.70 (8,399.70) 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 (3,134.56) 0.00 0.00 11,865.44 0.00 2,400.00 0.00 2,400.00 2,400.00 (2,400.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 50,000.00 0.00 (50,000.00) (50,000.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $247,265.00 $2,400.00 ($16,071.80) ($13,671.80) $233 593.20 ($218 070 86) $0.00 $0.00 $15 522 34 PRELIMINARY ONLY Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission NOS" FOR O' FI C IAL USE - Capital Improvement Budget for 1997 as of 9130197 Estimated 1996 1997 Net New Estimated Amount Contract(s) Contract(s) Awarded Project ProlactCost AdJus ment Adjustment Adjustment Prolect Cost Eald Retains Balance Balance $20,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $20,000.00 ($1,438.93) $0.00 ($16,420.00) $2,141.07 275,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 275,000.00 (19,214.70) 0.00 (244,206.00) 11.579.30 75,000.00 0.00 (25,777.09) (25,777.09) 49,222.91 (49,222.91) 0.00 0.00 0.00 25,000.00 0.00 14,887.50 14,887.50 39,887.50 (115.00) 0.00 0.00 39,772.50 32,714.00 0.00 (7,128.64) (7,128.64) 25,585.36 (25,585.36) 0.00 0.00 J.00 28,017.00 0.00 (14,887.50) (14.887.50) 13,129.50 (13,129.50) 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,400,000.00 65,512.74 55,224.61 120,737.35 1,520,737.35 (1,427,032.47), 63,962.10 (92,237.32) 1.467.66 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 $1,865,731.00 $65,512.74 $22 318.88 $87 831 62 $1 953 562 62 ($1 535 738 87) $63 962 10 ($352 863 32) $64 960 43 Oakland County Parks any ..acreation Commission NOT FOR OFFICIAL U S E Capital Improvement Budget for 1997 as of 9130/97 Actg. D 3 D Estimated 1996 1997 Net New Estimated Amount Contract(s) Contract(s) Awarded Project K% No. Red Oaks Protect Cost Adjustment Adjustment Adjustment Project Cost E!ald Retains L Balance Balance 379 RO-08 Entrance Sign, G.C! $7,500.00 $0.00 $3,120.00 $3,120.00 $10,620.00 ($10,620.00) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 396 R0-44 Entrance Sign, W.P' 7,500.00 0.00 3,120.00 3,120.00 10,620.00 (10,620.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 40RO.35 Irrigation System 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00 (1,071.36) 0.00 0.00 18.928.64 410 RO.41 Entrance System, W.P. 30,000.00 0.00 9,116.00 9.116.00 39,116.00 (7,845.57) 0.00 0.00 31,270.43 411 RO-42 Heating/Cooling System, Pro Shop* 7,500.60 0.00 (3,141.98) (3,141.98) 4.358.02 (4,358.02) 0.00 0.00 0.00 413 RO.15 Water Feature, Youth 40,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40,000.00 414 R0-45 Paving, Cart Paths 15,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15 000.00 (256.20) 0.00 0.00 14,743.80 Red Oaks Total $127,500.00 $0.00 $12 214.02 $12 214 02 $139 714 02 ($34 771 15) $0.00 $0.00 $104 942 87 *Closed to Fixed Assets PRELII�� Y, 1>r 16y + Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission NOT FOR 0 i ' IAL U S E Capital Improvement Budget for 1997 as of 9130197 Contract(s) Actg. D & D Estimated 1996 1997 Net New Estimated Amount Contract(s) Awarded Project KCL NIL Springfield Oaks AdJustmenj Adjustment Adjustment Project Cost Eau Retainer Balance Balance 464 SO-04 Cart Path Improvement $15,000.00 $0.00 $1,787.00 $1,787.00 $16,787.00 ($462.00) $0.00 ($16,325.00) $0.00 474 SO-09 New Trees 9,667.00 0.00 (9,000.00) (9,000.00) 667.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 667.00 482 SO-14 Gas Pump 142,082.00 0.00 6,160.89 6,160.89 148,242.89 (115,995.33) 0.00 0.00 32.246.66 485 SO-20 Retaining Wall, G.C., #1' 30,000.00 0.00 10,950.00 10,950.00 40,950.00 (40,950.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 489 SAC-27 Outdoor Lighting, A.C. 30,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30,000.00 492 SO-33 irrigation System, G.C' 45,000.00 6,521.36 2,307.50 8,828.86 53,828.86 (53,828.86) 0.00 0.00 0.00 493 SAC-35 New Well, A.C. _ 0.00 19,862.60 2,978.18 22,840.58 22,840.68 (12,069.34) 0.00 (10,771.34) 0.00 Springfield Oaks Total $271,749.00 $26,383.86 $16,183.67 $41,567.43 $313,316.43 ($223,306,53) $0.00 ($27,096.34) $62,913.56 *Closed to Fixed Assets Actg. D & D hI% No. White Lake Oaks 303 WLO.14118 ADA, Lounge Restroom 309 WLO-01 Irrigation Improvement' 313 WLO-03 Cart Path Improvement 314 WLO.28 Restroom, G.C" 316 WLO-30 Material Storage Bins 316 WLO-01 Retalning Walls, #12 & #13' 31ll WLO-21/25 Fencing" 323 WL0.17 Greens Imp., #7 & Renovate #8• 325 WLO.26 Fairway Improvement, #18• 326 WLO.22 ADA, Front Entrance Ramp' White Lake Oaks Total *Closed to Fixed Assets "Postponed Actg. D & D K(L NCL 548 WAO.15 A.C. Imp., Carpet -Main Room 557 WAO.42 Wave Pool Complex Renov' 581 WAO.44 Land Acquisition 664 WAO.36 Parking Lot Imp., A.C. 570 WAO-38 Parking Lot Expansion, W.P. 579 WAO-50 House Removal, W.P. 581 WAO-08 Master Plan- 594 WAO.49 Ice Rinks, Toboggan Complex 595 WAO-46 Toboggan Lift, Toboggan Complex 596 WAO.48 Gas Tanks, New NONE WA0-47 Tennis Center Renov." Waterford Oaks Total *Closed to Fixed Assets "Bldg. Maint. Oakland County , _...a and Recreation Commission Capital Improvement Budget for 1997 as of 9130197 Estimated 1996 1997 Net New Estimated Project Cost Adjustment went A jjustment Project Cost rnLL11V1!!MJJnY UINL" NOT FOB a 0e„G uiulh UbE Contract(s) Amount Contract(s) Awarded Project Eau Retains L Balance Balance $118,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $118,000.00 ($113,490.03) $5,623.00 ($1,406.50) $3.103.47 16,000.00 0.00 (1,790.23) (1,790.23) 13.209.77 (13,209.77) 0.00 0.00 -0.00 10,000.00 0.00 31,965.00 31,965.00 41,965.00 (5,985.00) 0.00 (35,980.00) 0.00 40,000.00 0.00 (40,000.00) (40,000.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25,000.00 20,000.00 0.00 15,940.00 15,940.00 35,940.00 (35,940.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00 0.00 (20,000.00) (20,000.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 107,539.00 0.00 11,177.43 11.177.43 118,716.43 (118,716.43) 0.00 0.00 0.00 12,852.50 0.00 (6,385.06) (6,385.06) 6,467.44 (6,467.44) 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.000.00 0.00 (15,765.25) (15 765.25) 4,234.75 (4,234.75) 0.00 0.00 0.00 $388,391.50 $0.00 ($24 858.11) ($24 858.11) $363 533 39 ($298 043 42) $6 623 00 ($37 388 50) $28 103.47 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Capital Improvement Budget for 1997 as of 9130197 PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT EOI:.IL USE Contract(s) Estimated 1996 1997 Net New Estimated Amount Contract(s) Awarded Project Project Cost Adjustment A lustment Adjustment Project Cost EAW BetaineL Ralance Balance $10,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $10,000.00 ($2,715.00) $0.00 $0.00 $7,285.00 3,210,238.00 0.00 139,585.49 139,585.49 3,349,823.49 (3,349,823.49) 0.00 0.00 0.00 380,479.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 380,479.00 (5,478.96) 0.00 0.00 375,000.04 50,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50.000.00 100.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100,000.00 (6,610.80) 0.00 0.00 93.389.20 0.00 0.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 (105.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 0.00 (4,300.00) (4,300.00) 10,700.00 (10,700.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 97,650.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 97,650.00 (86,899.01) 0.00 0.00 10,750.99 125,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 125,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 125,000.00 30,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30,000.00 4,000.00 (4,000,00) 0.00 (4,000.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $4,022,367.00 ($4,000.00) $135 390.49 $131 390 49 $4153 757 49 ($3 462 332 26) ;0.00 10.00 $691 425 23 f I ILLIIVIIIiJ`- it /UIW1 ` Oakland County Parks anu ,,dcreation Commissiort NOT FOR E e Y •'g ,1 �.1 L LE Capital Improvement Budget for 1997 ���iiii 0 V!lL as of 9130197 Contract(s) Actg. D & D Estimated 1996 1997 Net New Estimated Amount I Contract(s) Awarded Project ML WL Lyon Oaks Project Cost Adjustment Adlugtmenj Adjustment pPr ject Cost Eald Retains Balance Balance 875 LO-08 Land Acquisition $1,427,628.00 $0.00 $55,696.24 $55,696.24 $1,483,324.24 ($1,483,315.24) $0.00 $0.00 $9.00 876 LO-01 Fencing 45,001.00 0.00 19,870.00 19,870.00 64,871.00 0.00 0.00 (64,871.00) 0.00 677 LO-02 Trail Development 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 678 LO-07 New Trees' 10,000.00 0.00 (10,000.00) (10,000.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 679 LO-04 Master Plan 30,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30,000.00 (8,450,00) 0.00 (20,400.00) 1,150.00 681 LO-06 Land Acq., Farm w/House 300,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 300.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 300,000.00 Lyon Oaks Total $1,822,629.00 $0.00 $65,566.24 $65,566.24 $1 888 195.24 1$1 491 765 24) $0.00 ($85 271 00) $311 159 00 *Cancelled Actg. D 3 D HQ. M0. Rose Oaks 749 ROSE-08 Land Acquisition w/House 751 ROSE-02 Entrance Sign 752 ROSE-06 Parking Lot Development 763 ROSE-07 Trail Development Rose Oaks Total Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Capital Improvement Budget for 1997 as of 9130197 PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR OFFICIAL USE Contract(s) Estimated 1996 1997 Net New Estimated Amount Contract(s) Awarded Project ProJect Cost Adjustmen Adjustment Adjustment Protect Cost Ea((j Retains Balance Balance $140,000.00 $0.00 $24,555.51 $24.555.51 $164,555.51 ($164,555.51) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 3,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,000.00 (1,795.00) 0.00 0.00 1,205.00 18,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 18,000.()0 0.00 0.00 0.00 18,000.00 12,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12 000.00 (239.52) 0.00 0.00 11.760.48 $173 000 00 $0 00 $24 555 51 $24 655 51 $197 555.51 ($168 590.03) $0.00 $0.00 $30,965.48 ITEM #8 R� p�ESE►`1iA�-�N_ p,WA ITEM #9 STRATEGIC PLANNING The first hour of our meeting will be dedicated to finalizing our strategic planning goals. The current revised list of the five goals, along with their strategic objectives, is attached. CAWPDOCSIAGENDA\STRATEGY. WPO 9-1 MISSION STATEMENT: To provide all residents of Oakland County with recreational, leisure and learning experiences, parks, open spaces, facilities, professional staff and fiscal management resulting in a comprehensive county park system that enhances the residents' quality of life. GOAL ONE: To ensure availability and access to the parks system to all people of Oakland County. Strat Obj 1: To increase parks and recreation participation by increasing community/business exposure by ten additional methods by the year 2007. Strat Obj 2: To increase parks and recreation attendance over 1997 levels by 40 percent by the year 2007. Strat Obj 3: To ensure there is Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance at all parkland development by the year 2000. Strat Obj 4: To increase by 2 the number of parks and facilities to serve (located) in the more -densely populated areas of Oakland County by the year 2007. GOAL TWO: To ensure optimum park land and quality recreational facilities for the people of Oakland County. Strat Obj 5: To maintain the currently -owned 6,000 acres of park lands and their respective recreational activities for the use and enjoyment of Oakland County residents. Strat Obj 6: To increase by 2,400 acres over 1997 levels park land acres owned by the year 2007. Strat Obj 7: To establish on an ongoing basis a 70/30 ratio of undeveloped to developed land for the total park system, excluding those classified only as golf courses. GOAL THREE: To provide Oakland County people the highest quality of service and affordable, safe recreational experiences. Strat Obj 8: To increase from 59 percent in 1996 to 85 percent the public perception of Oakland County parks as clean and well -maintained parks by the year 2007. Strat Obj 9: To increase from 61 % to 75% by the year 2007 public awareness of Oakland County Parks, recreational facilities, and programs. Strat Obj 10: To establish on an ongoing basis affordable fees and charges based on comparable averages of similar facilities and activities. Strat Obj 11: To increase from 62 percent in 1996 to 85 percent by 2007 the number of "very satisfied" customers. GOAL FOUR: To enhance cooperation and coordination with inter- governmental agencies, the private sector and other organizations. Strat Obj 12: To create 15 private/public partnerships for joint programming and facilities development by the year 2002. Strat Obj 13: To establish a biennial Recreation Summit by the year 2000. Strat Obj 14: To establish a countywide semiannual Parks Directors' Network by the year 2000. Strat Obj 15: To establish an information -sharing network by the year 2000. GOAL FIVE: To ensure the people of Oakland County understand the need to support funding to acquire, maintain, and develop county parks. Strat Obj 16: To increase from 67% to 80% by the year 2007 the number of county voters very willing/willing to support increased funding for land preservation and park improvements. Strat Obj 17: To establish a firm funding base (success measure?) for Oakland County Parks by the year 2001. CAW PDOCS\RETREAT\97DRAFT3. WPD As of 10/28/97 ITEM #10 aks Golf Dome "_ -="- " at their Red anew. On feature borne will be roval to add and operation) ear opt►on the COmmission s apP installation a five ( 5 ) t e Commission nesting nrchase, ranted lino are requesting new feature (i.e. p a that they be g tract with generated John and Vince Pag total cost of re uestint, current con Revenues g uenced linois are also q A copy of their lementation Red Oaks facility The the Pag the Y 2p14 rior to its imP contract coYnket enclosed) a roved, ear since the s. If pp tract through be neg°bated o the Commission a resentation ( pa have. by the Paglino are to ake p their current Con neatly distributed meeting to n' Comnuss1On may to extend Terms of the extension mission uestions the Oaks f0 *1' y and subseq at the Com answer any q has been enclosed. s will be and to the Red The Paglino uesting to date by below. are req III 1989 are shown osed new feature they regarding the Prop o.rts Village Revenues Dome and Sp Tota� Re4a golf 33,OQQ Rf R 5% of Gross r_ eater %iGxoss or LEASE This Lease is made this )I day ofPvcvjT 1989, by and between the COUNTY OF OAKLAND, through -its PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION (LESSOR), 2800 Watkins Lake Road, Pontiac, Michigan, and RED OAKS GOLF DOME AND SPORTS VILLAGE, (previously known as OAKLAND GOLF DOME, INC.,) a Michigan Corporation, 2320 Deer Path Court, Troy, Michigan 48098. 1. LEASED PREMISES. LESSOR leases to LESSEE real property in the City of Madison heights, Michigan (Premises) as described in Attachment -A, together with all easements, rights or appurtenances pertaining hereto. 2. TERMS. This Lease shall commence on January 1, 1990 and extend for twenty (20) years, terminating on December 31, 2009. 3. DOME. LESSEE shall maintain at its sole expense, an air structure golf dome, two 187hole miniature golf courses, children's play area, picnic area,' batting cage development, mini -car track, outdoor driving range and putting area on the Premises on a seven day per week, twelve month per year basis. 4. FACILITIES AND USE OF PREMISES. LESSEE will, at its own expense, construct, install and/or equip all of the above facilities up to the standards of the PARKS AND RECREATION COcM— MISSION and the codes of the city of r?adison heights, along with authorization for such from the Oakland County Drain Commission. Any additional use of the premises must'first be approved in writing by the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION and terms related thereto shall be covered in an additional agreement. (Attachment B) j. INSPECTION. LESSOR may.inspect the facility and Premises from time to time in order to'assurecompliance with this Lease, the standards of the OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECRE- ATION COMMISSION and the applicable state and local laws. 6. INSURANCE. LESSEE shall maintain the following in- surance coverages: a. Comprehensive General Liability including premises, operations, contractual, independent contractors, and personal injury in the minimum amount of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) combined single limit per occurrence and One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) aggregate. The County of Oakland, Oakland County Parks and Recreation and its Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission, its elected and appointed officials, its employees and volunteers shall be additional named insured to the policy. b. Worker's Compensation to conform to Statute recuire- ments and Coverage*B Employee's Liability of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000). The LESSEE shall provide written evidence of the above at the inception of the contract and the insurer shall provide. the County a minimum of thirty (30) days notice of cancellation, material alterations and/or change of coverage. 7. RENTAL RATE. LESSEE shall pay as rental and as compensation for the right and privilege of operation the park facility the following amounts on a quarterly basis: a. Years one through three (January 1, 1990 - December 31: 1992): Twenty-four Thousand Dollars ($24,000.00) per year or three percent (3°) of gross revenue from all sources, whichever sum is greater. b. Years four through five (January 1, 1993 - December 31, 1994): Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000.00) per year or four percent (4e) of gross revenue from all sources, whichever sum is greater. 10-2 C. Years six through seven (January 1, 1995 - December 31, 1996): Thirty-three Thousand Dollars ($33,000.00) per year or five percent (59) of gross revenue frc= all sources, whichever sum is greater. d. Years eight throug`: nine (January 1, 1997 - December 31, 1998): Thirty-five Thousand Dollars ($35,000.GO) per year or six percent (6,5) of gross revenue fret all sources, whichever su.- is greater. e. Years ten through twenty -(January 1, 1999 - December 31, 2009): Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000.00) per year or seven percent (7%) of gross revenue from all sources, whichever sum is greater. f. Starting with year one, if gross revenues reach and exceed $1,000,000, the LESSEE shall pay the LESSOE ten percent (10 ) of the gross revenues exceeding $1,000,000, in addition to the prescribed rental as indicated in a through e above. The obligation of the LESSEE to pay rent shall cc=_ence on the date that the inorovements hereinafter referred to are comoleted and capable of opening to the public for use. If the facility is not open for business during the calendar year of 1990, then no rental payment shall be due that year. If a portion of the facility is open during the calendar year, there shall be a rent of 30 of gross, per facility that is open and collecting revenues, in lieu of the contract minimum. The total minimum would therefore be in effect beginning the second year, no matter what facilities are open. The LESSEE shall have the right to petition the LESSOR for review and/or relief of the contract. LESSEE shall furnish LESSOR a statement by a certified public accountant setting forth the aggregate amount of gross revenues for the yearly term, within 90 days of the end of the year's term. The LESSEE shall provide the LESSOR a quarterly summary of gross revenues. LESSOR shall have the right to audit LESSEE'S records on a quarterly basis, which includes the review ,of all accounting records as well as cash receipts. 8. GROSS REVENUE. As used herein, "Gross Revenue" shall mean all sums paid LESSEE in connection with the operation of the Premises, including gross profit (sale price less cost of goods sold) on the sale of ecuipment or any other goods, net intone from vending machine sales, and any co:: -missions, rental, including premises rental, or other sums paid by others to LESSEE for the privilege of providing services or making sales within the facility. Regardless of when actually received, Gross Reve- nues received shall be deemed to have been received in the year to which they are attributable. There shall be excluded _rol Gross Revenue, the proceeds of any borrowings, capital contri-. butions, insurance recoveries, condemnation, damage, or other conoensible recoveries (including those generated by any liti- gation except amounts received by collection actions to recover gross revenues as defined above), excepting any portion thereof specifically attributable to loss of business. 9. EMPLOYEES. LESSEE may enploy or contract for services with such persons as may be required in the operation, management and maintenance of the facility and its appurtenances. LESSEE will not discriminate against any employee or applicant because of race, sex, age, creed, color, or national origin. 10. MAINTENANCE, TAXES AND UTILITIES. LESSEE shall, at its own expense, maintain the Premises to OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION'S standards including maintaining the driveways, sidewalks and parking lots, free from ice, snow and debris; maintaining the reception building, grounds (including lawn maintenance), light standards, and fencing; maintaining the air structure dome and equipment related thereto including repairs and replacement. LESSEE shall pay all utilities, taxes (including real property, personal property and sales), all jani- torial and grounds maintenance costs. 10- 3 11. CONFORMITY TO LAW. LESSEE shall promptly observe, ..perfo: execute, and comply with all applicable and valid laws, ordinances and regulations of every duly constituted govern.-ental authority or agency relating to the Demises Premises, 12. REMOVAL OF PEP.SO;;A.LTY. LESSEE may remove at the termination of this Lease any trace fixtures or equipment owner by it. Trade fixtures shall include property placed in the Premises by LESSEE and removable without material damage to the Premises, such as but not limited to, grand prix cars, driving range golf balls, putting golf balls, clubs, buckets, -cash registers, ball washers, utility vehicle, desk, mats, lawn rowers and small tools. Items not to be removed include, but are not limited to, the upper deck, stairways and related handrails, baffles, light fix- tures, grand Prix track, miniature golf courses, batting capes, playground equipment, public address system, park benches and tables, and landscaping. The Provisions of Section 17 relating to 'the surrender of the air structure (dome) shall apply, and anything that constitutes improvement on the land. 13. INDEMPIIFICATION. LESSEE shall indemnify and hold the LESSOR harmless from and against all liability, actions, claims, demands, costs, damages or expense of 'any kind which may be brought or made against the LESSOR arising from LESSEE'S negligent acts or omissions or upon the Premises. The LESSOR shall indemnify and hold the LESSEE harmless from and against all liability, actions, claims, demands, costs, damages or expense of any kind which may be brought or made against the LESSEE by reason of the LESSOR'S negligent performance of obligations under this Lease. 14. LESSEE'S DEFAULT. LESSEE shall be deemed to be in default, if it failed to fulfill any provision of this Lease. 15. RIGHT OF RE-ENTRY. In the event that LESSEE shall default, LESSOR may re-enter and repossess "he lease Premises and all improvements (including the air structure and related support equipment subject to any encumbrance on said equipert) thereon for the purpose of removing and putting out the LESSEE and those occupying under the LESSEE. 16. SUBLEASE OR ASSIGNMENT. This Lease may not be as- signed nor may LESSEE sublease 'the Premises without the prior written consent of LESSOR, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. 17. SURRENDER. On the last day of the term or an.: ex- tensions hereof, or upon termination of the Lease, LESSEE _hall surrender the Premises and at LESSOR'S option: a. The permanent improve=>_nts shall remain upon. the Premises and become the property of LESSOR; or b. The LESSEE shall keep the Premises in good repair and upon the expiration or termination of the lease term, shall yield and deliver up the same in as good condition as when taken, reasonable use and wear thereof accepted. C. The permanent improvements shall be removed at LESSEE's expense and the Premises shall be returned to a condition suitable to LESSOR'S standards. Five years prior to the termination of this lease or any extensions thereof, LESSOR and LESSEE shall meet to discuss the above options, and LESSOR shall give LESSEE notice of its option selection. 18. RE -NEGOTIATE CONTRACT. At the end of the 18th year of the contract, if both parties agree, they will wort: to re -negotiate the lease at the beginning of the 21st year. 19. NOTICES. All notices required to be given by either party hereunder shall be in writing and sent by registered or certified mail. 10-4 20. MODIFICATIONS. This Lease may be modified or a=enced only by the written agreement of LESSOR and LESSEE. 21. GOVERNING LAW. This Lease shall be interpreted i:nder and governed by the laws of the State of Michigan. 22. SEVERABILITY. If any provisions of this Lease, or the application thereof to any extent be invalid or unenforce- able, the remainder of this Lease, or the application of such provision to the parties or circumstances other than those to which it is invalid or unenforceabley shall not be affected thereby, and each provision of this Lease shall be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law. 23• WAIVER. One (1) or more waivers of any covenant, condition or agreement by 'LESSOR shall not be construed as a waiver of a subsequent breach of the same covenant, condition or agreement. No breach of a covenant, condition or agreement of this Lease shall be deemed to have been waived by LESSOR unless such waiver be in writing signed by LESSOR. 24. ENTIRE AC•REEIMENT. This Lease and the Exhibits attached hereto constitute the entire agreement of the parties hereto with respect to the Premises, and all prior negotiations, agreecents and understandings, either oral or written, are hereby merged herein. 25. BINDING EFFECT. The terms and conditions of this Lease shall be binding and shall inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective heirs, representatives, suc- cessors and assigns; provided, however, that no rights shall inure to the benefit of any assignee of LESSEE unless the assign- ment to such assignee has been apprbved by LESSOR. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Lease on the day and year above written. WITNESSES: COUNTY OF OAKLAND, by Its PARKS & RECREATION Co,.'?ISSION Lewis E. Wint, Chairperson OAKLAiiD GOLF DO'-, i�1C. John 1 egl ino ' Vince Pagline `.i 10-5 ITEM #11 S WpTE►�F��GGpN LIFT FFt1DGE TSB � lift si n and construction of a returned a prop°sal for de 9 the Request For • n only one company ret s meet the conditions of Agar It doe the F ridge toboggan lift• m for Completed construction cost' system 1on °# comp he finish of the ride and with the except loaded at t Proposal, would be proper orientation for requested, the toboggans in the AS the tower. They would be °nveyed up the center to in platform• e to c start g of the tower to loading onto the rnodificat1Qn endent immediate the ride is dep osal includes The speed of the art of this pCOp will double the pls°' a p ditional toboggans- the loading °f ad This modification date toboggans. ride on accommodate d onto the reduce the waiting ►n line for a fast riders can be loaded on will Sig need for riders carN the how turn nificantlY red the to which in will eliminate tthe risk and capacity to load, cern from odi#ications been a con The lift and tower m This has be busy days ans up the Stairs. and awkward toboggans Costs, heavy reduce staff and equ�prnent viewpoint all along would red ate for liability fined the lift w estimate as determine That was when the Originally ►t w about ten years. Slide one is for the lift cost in abo one and only RV from would recover feels we should which was �130,gd4' The cost, staff n and construction ack. C,iven the design Id mean a 3�-year payb �305 gggk , This would ect. not proceed any further on the prof O•.\W PDOGS�P.GEND➢`�RIDUFt.W ti'D 11-1 Sep 23,1997 F1ZOi�/1 Bob 100 RE VS1 Return Toboggan . s of the second release of .Prot° Mark The results 3oyce(Dayton Clinton TwP RESPONSE Kx'�ghtlHls Dayton,OH vongollTramway NO p Aiburn V estil Mf g Lift Eng- W aterto , N Angola"N Rocky MtnConVeyor COXSon City �enver,CO er S dV ft Serapid Dopplemey Troy BM Lift ST 3erome-pQ giblet Lift Se,ON Spokane�A Attached .PROPOSAL London, ON Slide One 11 -2 \1eo #12 der Ppp`-VXpN S NP�VR� GEN NoENGE �pitC ��NS�ON punch \�st 1N�Ep� GRp,N� �X eXceptfOr ale* etwas �oW °°,c�np\eted' eGause this pr°fie dditron rs et c°mp`ete. B o�C P�Otectm9 ature Center P rk rs not y tura\ Res ces rar`t P\th°u9h the N e Erna\ paper NOaxtmert of Na t \Ne submit a 9 rocess\n9 0 1 th \s OecessaN tha Vio a e p the MrChrgan De \rshed iter�s'th a grant�r°` program' rt must be accomp funded it pa�Cby ecreatrOn fond rocess r ar`s F uture R mp\etrOV °1 this p ttaot`ed) Mich 9 to a\\oW {or c° ors5ron. See P eXtevsr0v the parks G°m to on this pr°\ect re50\0t101{r°rn a br`el upda Staff �i\\ make RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission has been notified by the Department of Natural Resources that the grant agreement for the Independence Oaks Nature Center Addition, BF 93-036, has expired; and WHEREAS, an extension period is available for when project completion date is extended due to delays in submittal and review of the required documents and informa- tion; and WHEREAS, the Independence Oaks Nature Center Addition project has shown significant and continued progress toward completion; and WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission has ap- propriated matching funds and is actively pursuing the completion of the project, thereby meeting the criteria for extension. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission recommends amending the grant with the appropriate exten- sion. MOVED BY SUPPORTED BY Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public in and for the County of Oakland and State of Michigan, this th day of November, 1997. 12-2 ITEM #13 �S REPORT MANAGER employees Workers, and trash clean community service A rna�or p trusty inmates, paks h the efforts a# p ark sem has been developed at Rose -. Throug ile trail syst items as required by of ED , an eight-m in►t,ated. submittal of the following up has also been the dministrative star Is w°rk�ng on A Rose Township: Rezoning application d use application arking areas Speciaap for two proposed p Site p and placed • A park map is attached We purchased te: We currently have Al b ---Memorial Park Bench Program Up da within the park system• schedule. ednesdaY, Nove mber 19, a presentation on the _--Meeting for W , . planned. meeting Is scheduled d changes Adoption of the by°n The next m plan for final com►'nents an December 3• es for the pecem ded fee changes tyoun Oaks master p ill be Wednesday, recommen of the year w Will be presenting The final meeting lus staff aster plan is expected, p orking paks m ation. Staff is aterford 1998 season. ram 1011 our inform ram here at W 1998 tennis program the tennis grog of the revised to help Vied is a copy Tennis Association _-_Attach States with the United bout the county Oaks and thraug 1998 TENNIS PROGRAM • PLAY TENNIS AMERICAN - ADULT FREE LESSON - BLITZ (USTA Markets selected cities) (Marketed all at the same time) LEVEL ONE PLAY - group lesson (basic) LEVEL TWO PLAY - group lesson (advance drills & matches) LEVEL THREE PLAY - group lesson (specialty shots, round robin) • CARTOON NETWORK/SPECIAL EVENT FOR TENNIS WEEK • SENIOR OLYMPICS - SOUTHFIELD • WHEELCHAIR TENNIS THREE HOUR CLINIC TOURNAMENT • SPORTS CAMP • TENNIS OPTION ONE DAY DURING • TOURNAMENTS 2 JUNIOR 1 ADULT OPEN 1 ADULT SENIOR 1 LEVEL PLAY • COOPERATIVE PROGRAMMING - WATERFORD/PONTIAC MINORITY PROGRAM (GRANTS AVAILABLE) SCHOOL PROGRAM (EQUIPMENT/GRANTS AVAILABLE) • MISCELLANEOUS SEMTA - VENDOR AREA/PROGRAM AT MRPA ATTEND CLINICIANS TRAINING (PART TIME STAFF GRANTS FOR PROGRAM DIRECTOR/EQUIPMENT 13-3 G YRoSV,CT. t lndepcU&Tu Steil I)ES ect fo Teq �SNG ADD ej the paving $11 Epp© anew°k to date ' S E�G� to engine work d with th G� was D�1�1CV Q tact wig G�ti oVa1 S'`reyo beep Sat a the erastvie orig�'a1 bids xoved a con nested add ozk� Z had n alb�ds � . veil ion apP Cs1 Tea ey' g w the OTW"T, TOYoral ieci t that Porn the cpznnu�ng the d pp f°t 0Ole e£o�e Teseaxt�e xdieXt to � tk collie ed a Des• D a,$33,p s �hez oacbing vedthe Zia adhejoa ic�skzsl t to appz d �eGei an and e s co-O", �o110* C� Teo")" ng erminated 1 aTe max" 1gg p�T 3pp tip-1'g'1i �rexe°xe eceiyed 5� �1p2 z TO oxig�nal bids D A Cs1•tS. �11$ ppp � 8p g40 �. the pto�ect 11 '2p$ to zeview to 04 96 �$04� �1740p econd 1°w b as opo5al ended �1a be a 3 wasthe s e o�glna wehave 91) woul g'1'$4g c (�� whic Y zevisedst o f �(,'1,6�4 os of 1p 31- eexingIn feted• '� osed a cO l rev • °p s �ng�n be comp d prop d to % bid nested e gwoTktocon'plete(l hwhen a, of xe o�glnal 1 S a �e lexr� ahead b� C w1�c w not paxt acovet thk coxnplets px°)ect g �°t and for tho �$6'Z00 for t thew°rkzema> t°tal t is based o�Y on cos � xecelved