HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendas/Packets - 1999.04.07 - 40023KL A ND COUNTY PARKS 2800 Watkins Lake Road • Waterford, Michigan 48328-1917 248.858.0906 Fax 248.858. 1683 TDD 248.858.1684 1-888-OCPARKS • www.co.oakland.mi.us Oakland County Parks And Recreation Commission Oakland County, Michigan Ladies and Gentlemen: Ralph Richard Executive Officer Jon J. Kipke Assistant Manager April 1, 1999 Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. Chairman Ruth Johnson Vice Chairman Richard D. Kuhn, Jr Secretary A meeting has been called of the Parks And Recreation Commission as follows: Fred Korzon George W. Kuhn Nancy McConnell Frank H. Millard, Jr. Charles E. Palmer Richard Skarritt J. David VanderVeen pLACE. . . . . . . . . . . . .Parks and Recreation Office 2800 Watkins Lake Road Waterford, MI 48328 TIME . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wednesday,April 7, 1999 9: 00 A.M. PURPOSE . . . . . . . . . . . Regular Meeting This meeting has been called in accordance with the authorization of Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. Sincerely, Ralph Richard Executive Officer - Parks and Recreation OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING Parks and Recreation Office 2800 Watkins Lake Road Waterford MI48328 April 7, 1999 1. Call Meeting to Order at 9:00 a.m. 2. Roll Call. 3. Approval of Minutes for March 17, 1999 Commission Meeting. a. Approval of Minutes for March 17, 1999 Public Hearing. 4. Public Comments. 5. Approval of Payment: INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENT REGISTER: January, 1999 (FM 04) February, 1999 (FM 05) PAYMENT REGISTER: Voucher Report Period FM 05 (February, 1999)* C.I.P. Voucher Report Period FM 05 (February, 1999)* 6. Combined Statement of Operations for Month Ending February, 1999. 7. Investment Policy Resolution. F. Trionfi, P. Dohany / 858-4607 8. Concession Agreement Amendment. F. Trionfi, R. Richard / 858-0909 8a. Class C Liquor License - Lyon Oaks Golf Course. 44" 9. 1999 Operating Budget Amendment. F. Trionfi / 858-4607 10. Point -of -Sale Conversion - Waterparks. 44" 11. Springfield Oaks Activities Center. J. Kipke / 858-4605 12. Lyon Oaks Hydrology Study. J. Figa / 858-4620 13. Bid Item: Pool Vacuum - Red Oaks and Waterford Oaks Waterparls. T. Kopka / 975-5717 14. Bid Item: Chaise Lounge Chairs - Red Oaks and Waterford Oaks Waterparks. 15. Executive Officer's Report. R. Richard / 858-0909 16. Old Business. 17. New Business. 18. Adjourn. OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING March 17, 1999 The meeting was called to order at 9:12 a.m. by Chairman Pecky Lewis, Jr. in the commission room of the Parks and Recreation Commission's administration office. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Pecky Lewis, Jr. Secretary Richard D. Kuhn, Eric Coleman, George Kuhn,Thomas Law, Charles Palmer, J. David VanderVeen. COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Vice Chairman Richard Skarritt, Fred Korzon, Nancy McConnell ALSO PRESENT: Parks and Recreation Oakland County Executive Oakland County Purchasing North Oakland Huron Land Conservancy Women's National Flower and Garden Assoc. Private Citizen Nextel Communications Clarkston Eccentric Newspaper APPROVAL OF MINUTES Ralph Richard, Executive Officer Dan Stencil, Chief of Parks Operations Frank J. Trionfi, Chief of Admin. Services Joseph P. Figga, Jr., Chief, Desii�ggn/Development Michael Thibodeau Chief of Golf Sue Delridgge Chie? of Recreation Jan Pang, Public Communications Officer Michael Donnellon, Architectural Engineer I Sheila Cox, Accountant IV L. Brooks Patterson Bob Rhein, Buyer Tom. Stone Barbara Thomson Virginia Walter Blair Schweitzer Marian Emery John Reed Jim Winger Lucia Wilford Jerome Wilford Fredrick P. Raymond, Site Project Mgr. Susan Tauber, Reporter Moved by Mr. Palmer, supported by Mr. G. Kuhn to approve the minutes of the February 17, 1999 commission meeting as written. AYES: Coleman, G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Law, Lewis, Palmer, VanderVeen (7) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. PUBLIC COMMENTS: There were no questions asked by, nor comments received from the public. 3-1 (Commission Meeting, March 17, 1999) ACTIVITY REPORT: The Activities Report for the months of January and February, 1999 was accepted as filed. GRANT APPLICATION SUBMISSION: Moved by Mr. Coleman supported by Mr. R. Kuhn to approve the resolution for grant applications as follows: WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission has been notified by the Department of Natural Resources that application for cost sharing grants from the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund and Recreation Bond Program may be submitted by April 1, 1999; and WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission has been identified and established priorities for acquisitions and improvements within the adopted Recreation Master Plan; and WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission recommends the filing of the following applications to the Department of Natural Resources for matching grants: Upper Bushman Lake Acquisition Wave Pool Renovation NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County, Parks and Recreation Commission recommends submission of the above -signed grant applications with the appropriate matching funds to be designated from the one -quarter mill. NEXTEL ANTENNA LEASE: Commission voiced concerns about the proposed Nextel antenna lease for Springfield Oaks County park water tower including licensing vs. lease, real estate ownership, length of lease, propertyrestoration and reppair, exclusive rights of use, handling of hazard waste, and the spike fee. After discussion and review of the memo from Assistant Corporation Counsel John Ross, the following action was taken. Moved by Mr. Palmer, supported by Mr. Law to table the decision on the Nextel Tower proposal for Springfield Oaks water tower until next meeting. AYES: Coleman, G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Law, Lewis, Palmer, VanderVeen (7) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. OAK MANAGEMENT CONTRACT: Moved b Mr. R. Kuhn supported by Mr. Coleman to extend the current Oak Management contract for one month. AYES: Coleman, G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Law, Lewis, Palmer, VanderVeen (7) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. Executive Officer Ralph Richard noted that Mr. Dan Shaw will be the new liaison for Oak Management. 3-2 (Commission Meeting, March 17, 1999) PARK SECURITY CONTRACT: Moved by Mr. Coleman, supported by Mr. Palmer to approve the five-year park security contract with the Oakland County Sheriff s Department for the years 1999 through 2003 as follows: Rates for Services in Calendar Year 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Monthly Rate for: One (1) Sergeant $17,995 $18,535 $19,091 $19,664 $20,254 Two (ZZ) Deputy I Hourly Rate for Ten (10) Park Deputies $ 11.03 $ 11.36 $ 11.70 $ 12.05 $ 12.41 Overtime Rates Sergeant Overtime Rate $ 48.64 $ 50.10 $ 51.60 $ 53.15 $ 54.74 Deputy I Overtime Rate $ 30.47 $ 31.38 $ 32.33 $ 33.29 Park Deputy Overtime Rate $ 16.53 $ 17.03 $ 17.54 $ 18.07 $ 34.29 $ 18.61 AYES: Coleman, G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Law, Lewis, Palmer, VanderVeen (7) NAYS: (0) Motion carried by voice vote. DIRECT MAIL PIECE: Moved by Mr. Palmer, supported by Mr. Law to authorize staff to do a direct mail piece to all households in Oakland County with children from infancy to age 17. AYES: Coleman, G.Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Law, Lewis, Palmer, VanderVeen (7) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. Commission directed staff to increase the dollar amount of the discount coupon included in the mailer to $2.00; plus, in preparation for the upcoming millage, include a notation that parks are supported by a millage. BID ITEMS: As per the information filed in the agenda, the following bids were approved as recommended by staff ancr Purchasing: Moved by Mr. Coleman, supported by Mr. Law to approve award the contract of the Groveland Oaks and Addison Oaks 1999 fireworks display to low bidder Independence Professionals for $6000 per show for a total of $12,000. AYES: Coleman, G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Law, Lewis, Palmer, VanderVeen (7) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. 3-3 (Commission Meeting, March 17, 1999) Moved by Mr. VanderVeen, supported by Mr. Law to award a contract for labor only to install the masonry on the four modern restroom facilities being contructed at Springfield Oaks and White Lake Oaks to low bidder Benchmark Construction Associates, LLC for alternate bid #1 of of 8" split -face concrete masonry units and 8" concrete masonry units in the amount of $13,700 per building for a contract total of $54,800. AYES: Coleman, G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Law, Lewis, Palmer, VanderVeen (7) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. Moved by Mr. R. Kuhn, supported by Mr. Palmer to award the bid for the purchase of used skates for Mobile Recreation from Graphicon in the amount of $4,400. LYON OAKS CONSERVATION EASEMENT: Moved by Mr. Law, sup pported by Mr. VanderVeen to approve the conservation easement to Michigan Department of Natural Resources for the wetlands and heron rookery, at Lyon Oaks County Park, contingent upon review by Corporation Counsel and the Board of Commissioners. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Coleman, G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Law, Lewis, Palmer, VanderVeen (7) NAYS: (0) Motion carried. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Moved by Mr. VanderVeen, supported by Mr. Coleman to ajourn the meeting to an Executive Session for the purpose of discussing a proposed property acquisition. AYES: Coleman, G. Kuhn, R. Kuhn, Law, Lewis, Palmer, VanderVeen (6) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. Meeting adjourned to an Executive Session at 10:05 a.m. The meeting was reconvened at 10:45 a.m. Moved by Mr. Palmer, supported by Mr. Coleman to agree to pursue the concept as discussed in Executive Session. AYES: Coleman, R. Kuhn, Law, Lewis, Palmer, VanderVeen (6) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on voice vote. 3-4 (Commission Meeting, March 17, 1999) LYON OAKS GOLF COURSE: Staff presented preliminary plans for the additional 9 holes at Lyon Oaks golf course. Due to the cost of the additional 9 holes the commission made the following motion: Moved by Mr. Palmer, supported by Mr. G. Kuhn to continue with the plans to construct the first 18 holes of the Lyon Oaks Golf Course, leaving the additional 9 holes for future. AYES: Coleman, R. Kuhn, Law, Lewis, Palmer, VanderVeen (6) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S REPORT: In addition to the Executive report filed in the Agenda, the following was noted: -- Staff presented a recommendation for Parks and Recreation to be included in the annual audit at no fee to Parks and Recreation. A Statement of Operations would be supplied to Parks as in the past. Moved by Mr. Coleman, supported by Mr. R. Kuhn for Parks and Recreation to be included under the Oakland County audit. AYES: Coleman, R. Kuhn, Law, Lewis, Palmer, VanderVeen (6) NAYS: (0) -- Mobile Recreation section has budgeted $20,000 worth of free units for their community assistance program again this year. The next meeting will be at 9:00 a.m. Wednesday, April 7, 1999. The meeting was adjourned at 11:07 a.m. Richard D. Kuhn, Jr., Secretary L nda S. Baker, Recording Secretary 3-5 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING PUBLIC HEARING March 17. 1999 The public hearing for the grant applications was called to order at 9:10 a.m. by Chairman Pecky Lewis, Jr. in the commission room of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission's admission office. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Pecky Lewis, Jr., Secretary Richard Kuhn, Jr., Eric Coleman, George W. Kuhn, Thomas Law, Charles Palmer, J. David VanderVeen. COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Vice Chairman Richard Skarratt, Fred Korzon, Nancy McConnell ALSO PRESENT: Parks and Recreation Oakland County Purchasing North Oakland Headwaters Land Conservancy Women's National Flower and Garden Association Private Citizen Nextel Communications Clarkston Eccentric Newspaper Ralph Richard, Executive Officer Dan Stencil, Chief of Parks Operations Frank J. Trionfi, Chief of Admin. Services Joseph P. Figa, Jr., Chief, Design/Development Michael Thibodeau, Chief of Golf Sue Delridge, Chief of Recreation Jan Pung, Public Communications Officer Michael Donnellon, Architectural Engineer I Sheila Cox, Accountant IV Bob Rhein, Buyer Tom Stone Barbara Thomson Virginia Walter Blair Schweitzer Marian Emery John Reed Jim Winger Lucia Wilford Jerome Wilford Fredrick P. Raymond, Site Project Mgr. Susan Tauber, Reporter (Public Hearing, March 17, 1999) The purpose of the public hearing was to discuss proposed grant applications to the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund and Recreation Bond Program for land acquisition. and Waterford Oaks Wave Pool renovations. Upper Bushman Lake Acquisition The proposed property acquisition consists of 187.8 acres adjacent to Independence Oaks County Park. It includes 13-acre Upper Bushman Lake, high quality wetlands, the Clinton River headwaters, and three residences. The project is for $3.7 million, with $2.0 million from the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund and $1.7 million in matching funds from the Parks. Members of the audience voiced support of the acquisition of the Upper Bushman Lake property and of the Parks' efforts to preserve green space and protect the Clinton River headwaters. Wave Pool Renovation The Waterford Oaks Wave Pool Renovation will include a new pool floor, drains, coping, new wave - making equipment, and other necessary repairs. The project is for $500,000, with $300,000 from the Recreation Bond Program and $200,000 in matching funds from the Parks. No comments were received on the Waterford Oaks Wave Pool Renovation project. No further comments were received from the public, therefore Chairman Lewis declared the Public Hearing closed at 9:37 a.m. Richard D. Kuhn, Jr., Secretary (( Linda S. Baker, Recording Secretary OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION PAYMENT APPROVAL SUMMARY FOR MEETING OF: APRIL 7, 1999 INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENT REGISTER: January, 1999 (FM 04) February, 1999 (FM 05) PAYMENT REGISTER: Voucher Report Period FM 05 (February, 1999)* C.I.P. Voucher Report Period FM 05 (February, 1999)* TOTAL *BACKUP INFORMATION WILL BE AVAILABLE AT THE MEETING. $698,595.09 586,064.87 213,587.68 211,883.61 $1,710,131.25 5-1 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Interdepartmental Payment Register For the month of January, 1999 Source Department/Fund Purpose Amount 12/IN003874 O.C. Radio Communications Fund Communications-Rec. Admin., Add., Grove., Indep., Water., W.O.W.Park & Mob. Rec.; Radio Maint.-Admin., Rec. Admin., Tech. Sup., Add., Grove., Indep., Wh. Lk., Glen Oaks, Red Oaks, Spring., R.O.W.Park, Water., W.O.W.Park, Mob. Rec. & Nat. Cntr.; Equip. Maint.- Add., Indep., R.O.W.Park & W.O.W.Park;Sm. Tools - Add. & Grove. $11,089.56 Conv. Copier & Printing Fun Off. Sup.-Admin. 1,121.96 E12/IN003887PO.C.g, 003965als Management Fund Off. Sup.-Admin.; Hskp. Sup. -Tech. Sup. & Wh. Lk.;Misc. Exp.-Tech. Sup., Indep. & Water.;Grounds Maint.-Indep. 1,132.40 12/IN003988 O.C. Motor Pool Fund Transportation-Admin., Rec. Admin., Tech. Sup., Add., Grove., Indep., Wh. Lk., Glen Oaks, Red Oaks, Spring., SAC, Water., W.O.W.Park, Mob. Rec. & Nat. Cntr.; Insurance -Tech. Sup., Add., Grove., Indep., Wh. Lk., Glen Oaks, Red Oaks, S do ., R.O.W.Park, Water. & Mob. Rec.; Equip. Maint.-Tech. Sup., Add., Grove., Indep., Wh. Lk. Glen Oaks, Red Oaks, Spring., R.O.W.Park, Water. &Mob. Rec., Trucks &Buses 20,122.32 12/IN003990 O.C. General Fund Misc. Exp., Hep. B Shots/DOT Drug Testing-Rec. Admin., Tech. Sup. & Water. 166.47 12/PR003541 - 3543 O.C. Pa roll Fund Pa roll charges for pay period ending 1/1/99-All Parks 148,823.12 12/PR003649 & 3650 O.C. Payroll Fund Pa roll charges for pay period ending 1/15/99-All Parks 158,175.81 12/PR003827 & 3828 O.C. Payroll Fund Payroll charges for pay period ending 1/29/99-All Parks 152,663.74 12/FB405478 - 483 O.C. Fringe Benefits Fund Fri n e Benefit char es for a eriod endin 1/1/99-AII Parks 57,513.97 12/FB405734 - 735 & 738 O.C. Fringe Benefits Fund Fringe Benefit charges for pay period ending 1/15/99-AII Parks 61,256.09 12/FB406249 - 250 & 253 O.C. Fringe Benefits Fund Fringe Benefit charges for pay period ending 1/29/99-All Parks 57,725.85 14/CI990803 O.C. Telephone Communications Fund Communications-Admin., Rec. Admin., Tech. Sup., Add., Grove., Indep., Wh. Lk., Glen Oaks, Red Oaks, S rin ., R.O.W.Park, SAC., Water., Mob. Rec., Tob. Complex & Nat. Cntr. 5,346.07 14/IN000306 O.C. Facilities & Operations Fund Acct. Rec.-Admin.;Bld . Maint.-Admin., Rec. Admin., Tech. Sup., Wh. Lk., Glen Oaks, Red Oaks, Spring., R.O.W.Park SAC W.O.W.Park, Tennis Complex, BMX, Tob. Comdex & Nat. Cntr.; Grounds Maint.-Grove., Water., W.O.W.Park, Tennis Complex, BMX & Tob. Complex 2,719.85 E 431IN000020 O.C. General Fund Security Exp. 12/5/98 thru 1/1/99-Add., Grove., Orion, Indep., Wh. Lk., Spring., R.O.W.Park, Water., W.O.W.Park & Rose 19,740.63 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Interdepartmental Payment Register For the month of January, 1999 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Interdepartmental Payment Register For the month of February, 1999 Source Department/Fund Purpose Amount 121I1\1003994 O.C. Radio Communications Fund Communications-Rec. Admin, Add., Grove., Indep., Water., W.O.W.Park & Mob. Rec.; Radio Maint.-Admin., Rec. Admin, Tech. Sup., Add., Grove., Indep., Wh. Lk., Glen Oaks, Red Oaks, Spring., R.O.W.Park, Water., W.O.W.Park, Mob. Rec. &Nat. Cntr.; Equip. Maint.- Rec. Admin., Add., Grove., Indep. & W.O.W.Park $7,823.22 12/11\1004016 O.C. Mailing, Conv. Copier & Printing Fund Public Info.-Admin.; Off. Sup.-Admin., Rec. Admin., Add., Grove., Orion, Indep., Wh. Lk., Glen Oaks, Red Oaks, Spring., R.O.W.Park, W.O.W.Park, Mob. Rec., Tob. Complex & Nat. Cntr.;Sp. Events, Sr. Citizens-Rec. Admin. 4,480.36 12/IN004017 O.C. Motor Pool Fund Acct. Rec.-Admin.;Transportation-Admin., Rec. Admin, Tech. Sup., Add., Grove., Indep., Wh. Lk., Glen Oaks, Red Oaks, Spring., SAC, Water., W.O.W.Park, Mob. Rec. & Nat. Cntrjnsurance-Tech. Sup., Add., Grove., Indep., Wh. Lk., Glen Oaks, Red Oaks, Spring., R.O.W.Park, Water. & Mob. Rec.; Equip. Maint.-Tech. Sup., Add., Grove., Indep., Spring., R.O.W.Park, Water. & Mob. Rec., Trucks & Buses 18,875.49 12/IN004040 O.C. Bldg. &Liability Insurance Fund Insurance -Tech. Sup., Add., Add. C.C.,Grove., Orion, Indep., Wh.Lk., Glen Oaks, Red Oaks, R.O.Dr.Range, Spring., R.O.W.Park, SAC, Water., W.O.W.Park, Tennis Complex, Mob. Rec., BMX, Tob. Complex, Nat. Cntr., L on & Rose 102,642.00 12/IN004169 O.C. Office Equipment Fund Off. Sup., fax machine rental-Admin. (Jan., Feb. & Mar. 1999) 52.50 124/11N004070 O.C. Materials Management Fund Off. Sup.-Admin., Rec. Admin., Tech. Sup. & Wh. Lk.; Hskp. Sup.-Add.;Misc. Exp.-Add.., Grove. & Indep.;Grounds Maint.-Add.;Uniforms-Indep. 1,153.13 12/PR003931 & 3932 O.C. Pa roll Fund Pa roll charges for pay period ending 2/12/99-All Parks 153,722.61 12/PR004029 & 4030 O.C. Payroll Fund Payroll charges for pay period ending 2/26/99-All Parks 152,705.77 12/FB406491, 493 & 496 O.C. Fringe Benefits Fund Fringe Benefit charges for pay period endin 2/12/99-A!I Parks 58,030.50 12/FB406721, 723 & 724 O.C. Fringe Benefits Fund Fringe Benefit charges �forpayperiod ending 2/26/99-AII Parks 58,496.22 14/C1990903 O.C. Telephone Communications Fund Communications-Admin., Rec. Admin., Tech. Sup., Add., Grove., Indep., Wh. Lk., Red Oaks, Spring., R.O.W.Park, Water., Mob. Rec. &Nat. Cntr. 5,103.66 14/IN000311 IO.C. Facilities & Operations Fund Acct. Rec.-Admin.; Bldg. Maint.-Admin., Rec. Admin., Tech. Sup., Wh. Lk., Glen Oaks, Red Oaks, Spring., R.O.W.Park, SAC, W.O.W.Park, Tennis Complex, BMX, Tob. Complex & Nat. Cntr.; Grounds Maint.-Water., W.O.W.Park, Tennis Complex, BMX &Tob. Complex 1,214.41 43/IN000022 O.C. General Fund Security Exp., 1/2/99 thru 1/29/99-Add., Grove., Orion, Indep., Wh. Lk., Glen Oaks, Spring., R.O.W.Park, SAC, Water., W.O.W.Park & Tob. Complex 19,240.13 61/I1\1000209 O.C. Drain Commission Fund Water & Sewer Exp., 2/1/99 thru 2/28/99-Add. & Add. Conf. Cntr. 997.25 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION COMBINED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS FM 05, FY 1999 (FOR MONTH ENDING 2/28/99) YEAR TO 1999 (OVER), % OF REVENUE DATE BUDGET UNDER BUDGET BUDGET ADMINISTRATION $8,692,800.63 $9,716,610.00 $1,023,809.37 89.5% GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE 195,262.51 1,131,000.00 935,737.49 17.3% RED OAKS GOLF COURSE 49,137.81 406,700.00 357,562.19 12.1% RED OAKS GOLF DOME & SPORTS VILLAGE 8,750.00 40.000.00 31,250.00 21.9% SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE 93,897.24 833,406.00 739,508.76 11.3% WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE 108,141.04 936,478.00 828,336.96 11.5% NATURE CENTER 7,880.72 15,500.00 7,619.28 50.8% ADDISON OAKS 40,897.48 355,500.00 314,602.52 11.5% ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 32,254.90 120,000.00 87,745.10 26.9% GROVELAND OAKS 9,684.25 573,500.00 563,815.75 1.7% INDEPENDENCE OAKS 45,549.39 240,250.00 194,700.61 19.0% LYON OAKS 1,426.00 4,000.00 2,574.00 35.7% ORION OAKS 833.00 2,500.00 1,667.00 33.3% ROSE OAKS 1,500.00 5,200.00 3,700.00 28.8% SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER 1,140.53 3,500.00 2,359.47 32.6% WATERFORD OAKS 21,878.95 43,700.00 21,821.05 50.1% RECREATION ADMINISTRATION 7,345.00 20,410.00 13,065.00 36.0% MOBILE RECREATION 48,701.16 205,000.00 156,298.84 23.8% RED OAKS WATERPARK 4.50 485,600.00 485,595.50 0.0% WATERFORD OAKS BMX COMPLEX 0.00 25,350,00 25,350.00 0.0% WATERFORD OAKS TENNIS COMPLEX 6,482.00 19,830.00 13,348.00 32.7% WATERFORD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 51,099.67 71,100.00 20,000.33 71.9% WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK 0.00 600,200.00 600.200.00 0.0% TOTAL REVENUE $9,424,666.78 $15,855,334.00 $6,430,667.22 59.4% OPERATING EXPENSES ADMINISTRATION $888,787.16 $2,206,248.00 $1,317,460.84 40.3% GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE 203,058.83 725,306.00 522,247.17 28.0% RED OAKS GOLF COURSE 119,744.50 423,134.00 303,389.50 28.3% RED OAKS GOLF DOME & SPORTS VILLAGE 0.00 1,068.00 1,068.00 0.0% SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE 175,339.10 677,606.00 502,266.90 25.9% WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE 168,032.00 630,470.00 462,438.00 26.7% NATURE CENTER 143,600.46 432,164.00 288,563.54 33.2% ADDISON OAKS 285,869.58 955,326.00 669,456.42 29.9% ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 14,192.35 71,361.00 57,168.65 19.9% GROVELAND OAKS 151,576.96 806,026.00 654,449.04 18.8% INDEPENDENCE OAKS 259,818.57 789,424.00 529,605.43 32.9% LYON OAKS 749.70 160,879.00 160,129.30 0.5% ORION OAKS 5,176.95 27,231.00 22,054.05 19.0% ROSE OAKS 9,748.59 27,733.00 17,984.41 35.2% SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER 20,488.33 92,602.00 72,113.67 22.1% WATERFORD OAKS 186,240.85 510,069.00 323,828.15 36.5% RECREATION ADMINISTRATION 161,482.63 443,316.00 281,833.37 36.4% MOBILE RECREATION 104,951.16 473,809.00 368,857.84 22.2% RED OAKS WATERPARK 133,365.49 699,466.00 566,100.51 19.1% WATERFORD OAKS BMX COMPLEX 1,549.14 52,804.00 51,254.86 2.9% WATERFORD OAKS TENNIS COMPLEX 4,648.36 41,585.00 36,936.64 11.2% WATERFORD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 77,610.19 117,924.00 40,313.81 65.8% WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK 83,700.78 874,386.00 790,685.22 9.6% TECHNICAL SUPPORT 316,537.65 862,704.00 546,166.35 36.7% CONTINGENCY' 78,752.99 237,945.00 159,192.01 N/A TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $3,595,022.32 $12,340,586.00 $8,745,563.68 29.1% REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENSES $5,829,644.46 $3,514,748.00 ($2,314,896.46) 1"-9 ACTUAL REVENUE TO DATE: 59.4% BUDGET BALANCE: 40.6% ACTUAL EXPENSE TO DATE: 29.1% BUDGET BALANCE: 70.9% 'CONTINGENCY YTD FIGURE: INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENTS IN TRANSIT. CONTINGENCY BUDGET FIGURE: $46,500 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO RED OAKS WATER PARK (DEC). $15,555 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO ADDISON OAKS (JAN). 6-1 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION COMBINED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS REVENUE AND EXPENSE COMPARISON FM 05, FY 1999 (FOR MONTH ENDING 2/28199) YEAR TO DATE YEAR TO DATE REVENUE OVER PARK REVENUE EXPENSE (UNDER)EXP. ADMINISTRATION GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE RED OAKS GOLF COURSE RED OAKS GOLF DOME & SPORTS VILLAGE SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE NATURE CENTER ADDISON OAKS ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER GROVELAND OAKS INDEPENDENCE OAKS LYON OAKS ORION OAKS ROSE OAKS SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER WATERFORD OAKS RECREATION ADMINISTRATION MOBILE RECREATION RED OAKS WATERPARK WATERFORD OAKS BMX COMPLEX WATERFORD OAKS TENNIS COMPLEX WATERFORD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK TECHNICAL SUPPORT CONTINGENCY* $8,692,800.63 195,262.51 49,137.81 8,750.00 93, 897.24 108,141.04 7,880.72 40, 897.48 32, 254.90 9,684.25 45,549.39 1,426.00 833.00 1,500.00 1,140.53 21, 878.95 7,345.00 48,701.16 4.50 0.00 6,482.00 51,099.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 $888,787.16 203, 058.83 119, 744.50 0.00 175, 339.10 168,032.00 143, 600.46 285, 869.58 14,192.35 151, 576.96 259,818.57 749.70 5,176.95 9,748.59 20,488.33 186,240.85 161,482.63 104,951.16 133,365.49 1,549.14 4,648.36 77,610.19 83,700.78 316, 537.65 78,752.99 TOTAL $9,424,666.78 $3,595,022.32 *CONTINGENCY YTD FIGURE: INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENTS IN TRANSIT. $7, 804, 013.47 (7,796.32) (70,606.69) 8,750.00 (81,441.86) (59,890.96) (135,719.74) (244,972.10) 18,062.55 (141,892.71) (214,269.18) 676.30 (4,343,95) (8,248.59) (19,347.80) (164,361.90) (154,137.63) (56,250.00) (133, 360.99) (1,549.14) 1,833.64 (26,510.52) (83,700.78) (316,537.65) (78,752.99) $5,829,644.46 6-2 ITEM #7 To: Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission MEMORANDUM From: C. Hugh Dohany, Oakland County Treasurer Subject: Investment Policy Date: March 30, 1999 As the Treasurer of your Commission, I from time to time have the opportunity to invest Commission funds on a short term basis. With recent changes to Public Act 20 of 1943 (an Act that governs the investment of public funds such as the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission's), I believe as a Commission you must now adopt a formal investment policy. I am enclosing a policy that meets the criteria of Public Act 20 of 1943 as amended and ask that you adopt this policy so that I may, when possible, continue to invest your Commission funds. Once you have adopted this investment policy, please forward the adopted resolution to me in the attached envelope. Should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. 7-1 INVESTMENT POLICY RESOLUTION Resolution of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. Moved by , supported by WHEREAS, Public Act 20 of 1943 as amended requires the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission to adopt a formal investment policy; and WHEREAS, the Commission desires investment of its funds on a short term basis. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Commission adopts the investment policy attached as exhibit "A". Aye Abstain 1, , Secretary of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission, certify that a sufficient number of Aye votes were cast and the foregoing resolution was adopted on this day of , 1999. Secretary Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission 7-2 Exhibit A INVESTMENT POLICY FOR THE OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION As Required by Public Act 20 of 1943, as amended 1.0 PURPOSE It is the policy of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission to invest public funds in a manner which will ensure the preservation of principal while providing the highest investment return with maximum security, meeting the daily cash flow requirements of the Commission and conforming to all state statutes governing the investment of public funds. 2.0 SCOPE This investment policy applies to all financial assets of the Commission held by the county treasurer. These funds are accounted for in the county treasurer's Annual Financial Report. 3.0 OBJECTIVE The primary objectives, in priority order, of the county treasurer's investment activities shall be: 3.1 Safety: Safety of principal is the foremost objective in the investment of the Commission's funds. Investments shall be undertaken in a manner that seeks to ensure the preservation of principal in the overall portfolio. To attain this objective, diversification is required in order that potential losses on individual securities do not exceed the income generated from the remainder of the portfolio. 3.2 Liquidity: The investment portfolio shall remain sufficiently liquid to enable the county treasurer to meet all operating requirements which might be reasonably anticipated. 3.3 Return on investments: The investment portfolio shall be designed with the objective of attaining a rate of return throughout budgetary and economic cycles, commensurate with the investment risk constraints and the cash flow characteristics of the portfolio. 4.0 DIVERSIFICATION The county treasurer shall, whenever possible, diversify his/her investments by security type and institution. 5.0 DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY Management responsibility for the investment policy is hereby delegated to the county treasurer as required by state statute. 6.0 AUTHORIZED INVESTMENTS The county treasurer is authorized to invest in the following types of securities authorized by Public Act 20 of 1943, as amended: 7-3 6.1 Bonds, securities, and other obligations of the United States or an agency or instrumentality of the United States. 6.2 Certificates of deposit, savings accounts, deposit accounts, or depository receipts of a financial institution. 6.3 Commercial paper rated at the time of purchase at the highest classification established by not less than 2 standard rating services and that matures not more than 270 days after the date of purchase. 6.4 Repurchase agreements consisting of instruments in subdivision 6.1. 6.5 Bankers' acceptances of United States banks. 6.6 Obligations of this state or any of its political subdivisions that at the time of purchase are rated as investment grade by not less than 1 standard rating service. 6.7 Obligations described in subdivisions 6.1 through 6.6 if purchased through an interlocal agreement under the urban cooperation act of 1967. 1967 (Ex Sess) PA 7, MCL 124.501 to 124.512. 6.8 Investment pools organized under the surplus funds investment pool act, 1982 PA 367, MCL 129.111 to 129.118. 6.9 Investment pools organized under the local government investment pool act, 1985 PA 121, MCL 129.141 to 129.150. 6.10 Mutual Funds that are only legal for direct investment by a public corporation, limited to securities that maintain a net asset value of $1.00 per share and maintain a non -fluctuating net asset value. 7.0 SAFEKEEPING AND CUSTODY It shall be the responsibility of the county treasurer to determine which securities will be held by a third party custodian. Securities held in safekeeping by a third party custodian shall be evidenced by a safekeeping receipt. 8.0 PRUDENCE The standard of prudence to be used by the county treasurer shall be the "prudent person" standard and shall be applied in the context of managing an overall portfolio. Investments shall be made with judgment and care, under circumstances then prevailing, which persons of prudence, discretion and intelligence exercise in the management of their own affairs, not for speculation, but for investment, considering the probable safety of their capital as well as the probable income to be derived. 9.0 REPORTING The county treasurer shall provide at least an annual report to the Commission which provides a clear picture of the status and types of investments of the current investment portfolio. This report shall be prepared in a manner which will allow the Commission to ascertain whether investment activities during the reporting period have conformed to the investment policy. Wpdocs/chd/ivpol2 7_4 ITEM #8 CONCESSION AGREEMENT AMENDMENT Per our contract with Oak Management Corporation, we are required to negotiate a new rental agreement for January 1, 1999, through December 31, 2003. The following draft ninth amendment is attached with staff's recommendations and concurrence from Oak Management. Subsequently, staff is requesting approval of this amendment. In addition, staff has included a draft tenth amendment for Lyon Oaks and a subsequent extension of seven years from January 1, 2009 through December 31, 2015. An approval of this amendment is also requested. KIM NINTH AMENDMENT TO CONCESSION AGREEMENT THIS NINTH AMENDMENT is attached to and made a part of a certain Concession Agreement dated April 25, 1974, and revised on the day of , 1999, by and between the COUNTY OF OAKLAND (hereafter "County"), a Michigan Constitutional Corporation, and E. A. FULLER OAK MANAGEMENT CORPORATION (hereafter "Operator"), a Michigan Corporation. The parties agree that the original CONCESSION AGREEMENT entered into between the parties on April 25, 1974, and all eight (8) subsequent amendments thereto, shall continue and remain in full force and effect except as modified herein and shall constitute the entire agreement between the parties. E. A. FULLER OAK MANAGEMENT CORPORATION agrees that it shall assume all of the responsibilities and burdens of the "OPERATOR" Inc.", its predecessor corporation, contained inthe amendments. WITNESSETH: A. Paragraph 4.2 of the Concession J following therefore.in its entirety: 4.2 Payments by Operator Operator, in of this.Agreem the following sums, to -wit: , Werthman and Fuller Restaurants iginal CONCESSION AGREEMENT and all prior is hereby modified to substitute the hereby covenants and agrees to pay to the County Operator shall pay rental of ten percent (10%) of total annual gross sales and twenty-five percent Operator shall pay rental of eight percent (8%) of total annual gross sales and twenty-five g_1 percent (25%) of utility costs. Springfield Oaks Golf Clubhouse Operator shall pay as rental ten percent (10%) of the total annual gross sales or one hundred percent (100%) of utility costs, whichever is greater. Springfield Oaks Activities Center Operator shall pay as rental ten percent (10%) of the total annual gross sales. Addison Oaks Concession Stand Operator shall pay as rental twelve percent (12%) of the total annual gross sales. Waterford Oaks Activity Center Operator shall pay as rental ten percent (10%) of the total annual gross sales. Red Oaks Wave Pool Concession Stand Operator shall pay as rental eleven percent (11 percent (100%) of utility costs. shall pay percent ( gross sales and one hundred of the total annual gross sales and one hundred twelve percent (12%) of the total annual gross sales. Operator shall payyas rental twelve percent (12%) of the total annual gross sales. Operator shall pay as rental thirteen and one-half percent (13.5%) of the total annual gross sales on the banquet facility, twelve percent (12%) of the total annual gross sales on the grill room facility and fifty percent (50%) of the utility costs. 8-2 The term gross sales shall include the gross amount of all sales of every kind and description made in, upon or resulting from the conduct of the business of Operator upon the various recreational facilities covered by this Agreement, but after deduction therefrom refunds made in the normal course of business and amounts paid for sales tax. Net proceeds from vending machines shall be included in gross sales. All percentage payments provided hereunder shall be payable quarts (30th) day following the end of the first three (3) months of operation and month period thereafter, and shall be based upon reports furnished by Opc payments. Operator shall furnish to the County within sixty (60) days, afte_ year a report certified to by an officer of Operator, showing preceding calendar year, the amount of any accumulated pri the net percentage payment, if any, owing hereunder for suc quarter it be determined that Operator has paid1or said payable under the provisions hereof for such exces IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I -ly, not, later than the thirtieth he end of each three (3) ator to the County with such the closing of,each,calendar ;s receipts during the percentage payments, and led that, if at the end of any r sum than would have been 'WARD A. FULLER; President and Secretary of E. A. FULLER ON, hereby acknowledges that he has authority to execute this --R OAK MANAGEMENT, CORPORATION, a Michigan rids E: A. FULLER OAK MANAGEMENT, CORPORATION, to 83 TO CONCESSION AGREEMENT on this WITNESSES: E. A. FULLER OAK MANAGEMENT, CORP. a Michigan Corporation EDWARD A. FULLER President and Secretary DANIEL J. SHAW Vice President COUNTY OF OAKLAND, a Michigan Constitutional 8-4 TENTH AMENDMENT TO CONCESSION AGREEMENT THIS TENTH AMENDMENT is attached to and made a part of a certain Concession Agreement dated April 25, 1974, and revised on the day of , 1999, by and between the COUNTY OF OAKLAND (hereafter "County"), a Michigan Constitutional Corporation, and E. A. FULLER OAK MANAGEMENT CORPORATION (hereafter "Operator"), a Michigan Corporation, The parties agree that the original CONCESSION AGREEMENT entered into between the parties on April 25, 1974, and all nine (9) subsequent amendments thereto, shall continue and remain in full force and effect except as modified herein and shall constitute the entire agreement between the parties. E. A. FULLER OAK MANAGEMENT Ci responsibilities and burdens of the "OPERATOR" Inc.", its predecessor corporation, contained in the amendments. WITNESSETH: A. Paragraph 1.3 shall assume all of the , Werthman and Fuller Restaurants and all prior is amended to include the following be in default under the terms and conditions of this the right at its option to extend the term of this Agreement for additional seven (7) year period, to commence on January 1, 2009 and to expire December 31, 2015: The percentages of the contract years under said extension are to be renegotiated for the seven-year period of 2009-2015. The negotiations shall be within the first ninety (90) days of the new seven-year period or the becomes null and void." 1 8-5 B. Paragraph 4.2 of the Concession Agreement is hereby modified to substitute the following therefore in its entirety: 4.2 Payments by Operator Operator, in consideration of this Agreement, hereby covenants and agrees to pay,to the County the following sums, to -wit: White Lake Oaks Operator shall pay rental of ten percent (10%) of (25%) of utility costs. Addison Oaks Conference Center Operator shall pay rental of eight percent (8%) of tot percent (25%) of utility costs. Springfield Oaks Golf Clubhouse Operator shall pay as rental ten percent (10%)'of the percent (100%) of utility costs, whichever is greater. uperator snaitpay as Oaks Concession St; Operator shall pay as rd Oaks Activi1y Cer Operator shall pay, as twenty-five annual gross sales or one hundred (10%) of the total annual gross sales. twelve percent (12%) of the total annual gross sales. rental ten percent (10%) of the total annual gross sales. Operator shall pay as rental eleven percent (11%) of the total annual gross sales and one hundred percent (100%) of utility costs. 2 8-6 Waterford Oaks Wave Pool Concession Stand Operator shall pay as rental eleven percent (11 %) of the total annual gross sales and one hundred percent (100%) of the utility costs. Groveland Oaks Concession Stand Operator shall pay as rental twelve percent (12%) of the total annual gross sales: Independence Oaks Concession Stand Operator shall pay as rental twelve percent (12%) of the total annual gross sales. Glen Oaks Golf Clubhouse Operator shall pay as rental thirteen and one-half percent (13.5%) of the total annual gross sales on the banquet facility, twelve percent (12%) of the total annual gross sales on the grill room facility and fifty percent (50%) of the utility costs. Lyon Oaks Golf Clubhouse After completion of the clubhouse banquet facility, Operator shall pay as rental three percent (3%) of the total annual gross sales up to $500,000 and thirteen and one-half percent (13.5%) of total annual gross sales over $500,000 on the banquet facility and grill room and twenty-five percent (25%) of the utility costs through December 31, 2000; six percent (6%) of the total annual gross sales up to $500,000 and thirteen and one-half percent (13.5%) of total annual gross sales over $500,000 on the banquet facility and grill room and twenty-five percent (25%) of the utility costs through December 31, 2001; nine percent (9%) of the total annual gross sales up to $500,000 and thirteen and one-half percent (13.5%) of total annual gross sales over $500,000 on the banquet facility and grill room and twenty-five percent (25%) of the utility costs through December 31, 2002; twelve percent (12%) of the total annual gross sales up to $500,000 and thirteen and one-half percent (13.5%) of total annual gross sales over $500,000 on the banquet facility and grill room and twenty-five percent (25%) of the utility costs through December 31, 2003. 3 8-7 The term gross sales shall include the gross amount of all sales of every kind and description made in, upon or resulting from the conduct of the business of Operator upon the various recreational facilities covered by this Agreement, but after deduction therefrom refunds made in the normal course of business and amounts paid for sales tax. Net proceeds from vending machines shall be included in gross sales. All percentage payments provided hereunder shall be payable quart( (30th) day following the end of the first three (3) months of operation and month period thereafter, and shall be based upon reports furnished by Ope payments. Operator shall furnish to the County within sixty (60) daysafte year a report certified to by an officer of Operator, showing preceding calendar year, the amount of any accumulated pr; the net percentage payment, if any, owing quarter it be determined that Operator has paid for said payable under the provisions hereof for such excess pa: IN WITNESS WHEREOF, EDWARD A. FUL ON, •ly, not later than the thirtieth he end of each three (3) ator to the County with such the closing of each calendar 3s receipts during the i percentage payments, and Jed that, if at the end of any -r sum than would have been and Secretary of E. A. FULLER that he has authority to execute this OAK MANAGEMENT, CORPORATION, a Michigan E. A. FULLER OAK MANAGEMENT, CORPORATION, to TO CONCESSION AGREEMENT on this 4 8-8 WITNESSES: E. A. FULLER OAK MANAGEMENT, CORP. a Michigan Corporation EDWARD A. FULLER President and Secretary DANIEL J. SHAW Vice President COUNTY OF OAKLAND, a Michigan Constitutional 84 0- QdK M4NAGEMENT CORPORATION JPNUARY 18, 1999 OAK MANAGEMENT CORPORATION OAKLAND COUNTY REPORT December 31, 199B IO1AL X PREVIOUS LOCATION SALES YTD SALES YTD RENT TOTAL (QUARTERS BALANCE White Lake Banquet $136,787.46 Grill 1154,212.81 1f91,000.27 IO.00Y, 129,100.03 $25,591.21 13,508.82 Addison Banquet ------------ E1,505,8;1.32 8.00% 1120,466.99 188,'212.0r� $32,254.90 Addison Concession $18,658.67 12.00% $2,239.134 $2,155.04 $84.00 Springfield Clubhouse $182,541.77 10.00% 118,254.18 117,342.08 1912.10 Springfield Activities Ctr 125,861.15 10.00% $2,586.12 $1,445.59 $1,140.53 Waterford Oaks Banquets $48,130.65 The Fridge iI4,v43.91 ----------- 162, 674.:56 10.009 16, 267.46 15, 6c^3.23 1644.23 Groveland 180,412.23 12.00% 19,649.47 $9,649.47 (10.00) Independence 123,051.22 12.00% $2,766.87 12,743.72 12115 Waterford Wave Pool $133,344.25 11.00% $14,E67,87 $14,667.87 (10.st0t st+=u Ud". Wave P'acl alrt15032 as t+-�t1X t11 +1..!i2 111.113.52 10.Ir}0 Glen Oaks Banquet @ 12% $448,970.41 12.00% $53,876.45 453,876.45 (10.00t 13.5% $761,669.37 13.50% $102,825.36 $45,348.85 $57,476.51 Grill 1152,021.60 ----------- $1,362,661.38 ------------- 12.00% ------------- $18,242.59 $17,557.86 ----------- $684.73 ----------- TOTALS 13,187, 080. 82.. $3-92, 055.931 1c'95, 326. 98 196, 728. 95 8-10 Addison Oaks Conference Center — 693-8305 Blossom Heath Inn — 771-2300 • Tyrone Hills — 629-1631 • Oakland Room Cafeteria • Waterford Oaks Wave Pool Glen Oaks — 626-2600 • Red Oaks Water Park • White Lake Oaks — 698-1233 • St. Clair Shores C.C. — 296-3740 Springfield Oaks Youth Activity Center • Waterford Oaks • Groveland Oaks • Springfield Oaks • Independence Oaks The Fridge ITEM #8a CLASS C LIQUOR LICENSE LYON OAKS GOLF COURSE Attached is a letter from Plunkett & Cooney, attorney for E. A. Fuller Oak Management Corporation, our concessionaire, regarding their intentions to apply for a Class C license from the Michigan Liquor Control Commission for alcohol sales at the Lyon Oaks Golf Course. The Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission would be co -applicant on the license, as in the same manner as our other facilities. Staff is requesting Commission approval to proceed with the license application. 8a-1 PLUNKETT -COONEY March 31, 1999 Mr. Ralph Richard, Executive Director Oakland County Parks & Recreation Comm. 2800 Watkins Lake Road Waterford, MI 48328-1917 Dear Mr. Richard: 505 North Woodward (248) 901-4000 Suite 3000 Fax (248) 901-4040 Bloomfield Hills, Michigan 48304 www.plunkettlaw.com This office represents E.A. Fuller Oak Management Corporation, and we intend to make application to the Michigan Liquor Control Commission for issuance of a Class C license for use at the Lyon Oaks Golf Course in Lyon Township. We propose to make application to the Michigan Liquor Control Commission for issuance of a Class C license under Section 436.1515 of the Michigan Liquor Control Act. We are enclosing herewith the Application for New License, together with the Application for an Official Permit for the Sale of Food and Golf, as well as an Application for a Sunday Sales Permit, which we have prepared for your signature on behalf of the Parks & Recreation Commission and recognizing your status as a co -licensee with E.A. Fuller Oak Management Corporation. If these forms meet with your approval, please sign them and return them to me for submittal to the Michigan Liquor Control Commission. I will provide you with copies of all of the appropriate documentation for the application and will keep you posted on its progress. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. I will await your response. JBCJR/kj Enclosures cc: E.A. Fuller 10888.9088-1.201965 ,Very truly ours, LJohn--R. arlin, Jr. Direct/ ial: (248) 901-4003 8a-2 Detroit Flint Gaylord Grand Rapids Kalamazoo Lansing Marquette Bloomfield Hills Ann Arbor Nit. Clemens Petoskey Pittsburgh ITEM #9 1999 OPERATING BUDGET AMENDMENT In accordance with the Commission's 1999 General Appropriation Act, which incorporates the Uniform Local Budgeting Act, the Executive Officer or his fiscal officer shall not permit expenditures to exceed the appropriation for any budget center as approved or amended by the Commission. I. WATERFORD OAKS PARK BUDGET New carpeting is being installed in the lobby area and hallways of the old Administration building. The current carpeting is more than 25 years old and in need of replacing. Budget Center Waterford Oaks Park Original Expense $14,000 Requested Increase $ 2,561 Proposed New Expense $16,561 Staff recommends the transfer of funds from the 1999 Operating Budget Contingency in the amount of $ 2,561 to the Waterford Oaks Building Maintenance line item. II. INDEPENDENCE OAKS PARK BUDGET The boathouse deck was replaced by the contractor for a cost of $12,925. The cost was originally budgeted in the CIP restroom expansion project; instead, because it is a replacement project, the cost will be charged to the Grounds Maintenance line item. Budget Center Original Expense Requested Increase Proposed New Expense Independence Oaks $40,000 $12,925 $52,925 Park Staff recommends the transfer of funds from the 1999 Operating Budget Contingency in the amount of $12,925 to the Independence Oaks Grounds Maintenance line item. III. WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK BUDGET Two 1500-square foot concrete pads, 4 inches thick with saw -cut expansion joints were installed at the group picnic sites at Waterford Oaks Waterpark. This cost will be charged to the Grounds Maintenance line item. Budget Center Waterford Oalcs Waterpark Original Expense Requested Increase 1999 Total Expense $20,000 $ 9,000 $29,000 Staff recommends the transfer of funds from the 1999 Operating Budget Contingency in the amount of $ 9,000 to the Waterford Oaks Waterpark Grounds Maintenance line item. 9-1 ITEM #10 POINT -OF -SALE CONVERSION WATERPARKS Staff is requesting software and hardware enhancements to the point -of -sale systems at the Commission's two waterparks. Our system, with its current programming, is no longer being fully supported by LaserGate, Inc. They have requested we upgrade our system to a Windows - based software system at a cost of $57,000. This cost included a software package for $45,000; the hardware and maintenance cost would add an additional $12,000. Staff has not been overly satisfied with the system, or its subsequent support, and considering the upgrade costs, decided to explore alternatives. Staff met with Golf Reservations of America, the vendor who installed the POS system at the four golf courses. They indicated they could convert the current system at the waterparks to a Windows based system for $26,000, which includes training and installation. This price is not only less expensive, but will provide consistency of operations for the Parks' POS systems and will allow continued usage of the previously purchased hardware after the conversion. However, some additional hardware will be added to support the new software. The cost will be $ 4,973 which brings the total project cost to $30,973. We will be saving $8,000 in current LaserGate maintenance costs and approximately $ 2,000 per year thereafter. (Golf Reservations of America maintenance costs are $6,000 per year.) In addition, the new converted system will reduce from 5 to 2 the need for dedicated telephone lines to operate the credit card functions. This will be an additional savings of approximately $ 2,000 per year. The cost of this conversion is approximately 19 cents per patron for one year. Consequently, staff is requesting Commission approval to contract with Golf Reservations of America in the amount of $30,973 for the Point -of -Sale program conversion at Waterford and Red Oaks Waterparks. Funds will be transferred from the Operating Budget Contingency. 10-1 ITEM #11 SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITIES CENTER Fair Oaks has requested the Parks Commission purchase the following items to improve the conditions of the Springfield Oaks Activities Center. The first two items are to improve the acoustics, while the third item is for appearance. • Install 825 square feet of two-inch Techtum Sound Board (Cost $2,625.00) • Install commercial carpet (drawing attached) (Cost $1,175.00) • Remove and replace existing drapes (Cost $3,850.00) Staff concurs with the improvements and recommends the Commission's approval to provide $7,650.00 for their implementation. A representative from Fair Oaks, L.L.C. will be at the meeting to answer any questions. CAMDOCS ViGENDAMMPROVE.SPO LOBIBI V-A ocs WILL -11 0FFIC EST Took, -BOOK Sr O� 'LAO Crlvlriv silvalof ITEM 112 LYON OAKS HYDROLOGY STUDY Site plans for the development of Lyon Oaks Park were submitted to Lyon Township Planning Commission for site plan review. One of the requirements for approval is the completion of a hydrological study for this development. A request for proposal was issued and proposals were received on March 24, 1999, from: Soil and Materials Engineers, Inc. (SME) of Lansing; STS Consultants, Ltd. (STS) of Lansing; and Testing Engineers & Consultants, Inc. (TEC) of Troy. The township requires several elements to be included and, in an effort to minimize costs, parks has requested the option of the test well being able to be used as the production well for the irrigation system. Staff and our consultants are evaluating the proposals to assure these factors are included and will fulfill the township requirements. Staff will make a presentation and recommendation at the commission meeting. 12-1 Lyon Oaks Hydrological Study Bid Results Testing Company Review Well Logs Monitor Well Drilling Aquifer Testing Analysis & Report Testing Subtotal Well Contractor (8"well) Total Picnic Areas, Clubhouse/Banquet Facility Wells STS Consultants, Ltd. $1,526.00 $2,097.00 $2,921.00 $5,011.00 $11,555.00 $34,275.62 $45,830.62 Not included in bid 3310 Ranger Road Lansing, Michigan 48906-2726 Testing Engineers & $1,000.00 $3,360.00 $2,500.00 $4,000.00 $10,860.00 $45,000.00 $55,860.00` $33,500.00 Consultants, Inc. 1333 Rochester Road Troy, Michigan 48099-0249 Note: 10" -12" irrigation/test well - $6,000.00 'An additional $11,000.00 is required to perform a 24 hour aquifer performance test. D: VOBSILOIWPDOCS14-6-992.REV ITEM #13 ULTRA MAX POOL VACUUM RED OAKS WATERPARK AND WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK The use of these self propelled pool cleaners, one at each waterpark, will provide higher water quality levels by scrubbing the pool bottom removing debris, sand, including algae growth and bacteria. An added bonus is up to a 10% savings on pool chemicals (about $2000.00 at ROWP alone) due to circulation of cooler chlorine saturated water on the bottom with the warmer chlorine starved water on the surface. Using these unattended pool cleaners will save on labor hours. Currently it takes two SCUBA certified staff about four hours a week to vacuum the entire pool at ROWP or about 100 hours per season. With the ULTRA MAX it is dropped into the pool at the end of the night and stops on its own when the entire bottom is gone over, then removed before opening for the day. The ULTRA MAX is expected to last six years or more and has an easily replaceable filter bag. Purchasing received the following bids (for two): LINCOLN EQUIPMENT $7884.00 W.M. SMITH & ASSOCIATES $8700.00 LESLIES SWIMMING POOL SUPPLIES $8800.00 BEL AQUA POOL SUPPLY $9224.00 ROBERTSON BROTHERS SERVICE $9496.00 DRAYTON SWIMMING POOL SUPPLY $10190.00 AQUA PRODUCTS $10560.00 Staff recommends accepting the low bid of $7884.00 from LINCOLN EQUIPMENT. $5000.00 from each park ($10,000.00 total) is budgeted from small tools line item. Staff had an on site (ROWP) demonstration of a pool cleaner July 1998 and found it to be very effective and efficient. Color photographs and a short video are available for viewing. 13-1 j�� t e L l ;rrp 1i ,=$st s - Yes, we said a Large Gommerciai Pool in about one hour► Ultra MAX is the durable, ultra wide -body commercial pool cleanerdesigned with inputfrom`the people, who- have to do the job -pool maintenance personnel: Ultra MAX is the most technologically advanced, easy -to -use, commercial -pool cleaner available. All you have to do is place your, lightweight Ultra MAX into the pool (no hoistrequired) and plug in the power supply. You may there use -the to spot clean your pool, or let its: on- board microprocessor guide Ultra MAXthroughits to give you the "cleanest swimming poo[ possible: ,r No Installation-' *Operates orr only 24 Its-' * Dual drive and pump motors Equipped with its own power'supply *Saves Labor- Can be operated by Vacuums up all types: of dirt and the life guard * Filters over 10,000 gallons of water debris per hour *Lightweight * 2 Micron filter rating - Ultra MAX * Cleans 12,600Square feet per hour can remove algae Y * On -Board, filtration system No external filter or pumps required * Cleans any type pool surface * Heavy-duty, reusable filter bag which cleans out easily in minutes * Requires no supervision * Scrubs pool bottoms Fully warranteed nd,, Ultra MAX Pays For Itself in 3 to 6 Months! 25 RUTGERS AVENUE CEDAR GROVE, NJ 07009" 201-857-2700 ITEM 114 MARCO FULL BASE CIIAISE LOUNGE RED OAKS WATERPARK AND WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK The existing Marco chaise lounges at the waterparks, which were purchased from Taylor and Associates, have been in service for over 11 years and have stood up very well to heavy use. It is apparent, however, that we should begin replacing our stock before they become worn out and dangerous. The current model and brand of chaise has withstood a daily routine of being stacked, used all day, then being stacked again. Stacking ability is very important, as the chairs are stacked at the end of every day in order for staff to clean the deck, plus they are stacked in the changing rooms for storage at the end of the season. The specially - built carts greatly help in this process. The Marco Full Base Chaise Lounge chairs are expected to wear and last in the same manner as the ones are are using, plus we have spare parts on hand to repair any incidental damage. The chaises that are replaced will go to auction and are expected to bring a very fair price. Bids were requested by Purchasing with the following response: TAYLOR & ASSOC. LESLIES S.P. AMER-A-CAN Meets bid specsifications YES NO NO Difference in bids existing dimensions and 3.5" shorter, 3" narrower, 2"shorter, 2" wider, color, correct size straps, 1 "lower, unsure of color unsure of color or welds, full 360o welds, stainless match or welds, wider wider straps, straps attach steel attachments, straps, plastic rivet with nylon anchor. individually grommeted attachments straps Replacement parts have at park new purchase, not sure of new purchase, not sure of repairability repairability Stacking ability YES, with all existing only with same brand, no only with same brand, no chaise at waterpark and carts carts on specially -purchased transport carts Life expectancy Lifetime Five years Five years Cost per chaise $140.00 Total for 115 chaise #7022: $16,100.00 Including shipping Staff recommends accepting the bid of $16,100.00 from Taylor & Associates. This expenditure is budgeted in the waterparks' operating budget small tools line item. Some of the benefits of accepting this bid are as follows: Taylor & Associates is the only bid meeting all bid specifications. These chaises will match the existing patio furniture at each waterpark and be of the same color scheme. It is proven by I I+ years of hard use that the Taylor & Associates chaise #7022 is very durable, repairable, and easy to stack. Each waterpark currently has a supply of replacement straps and stainless steel screws to make repairs. The #7022 will integrate with existing stacks and fit on the moving carts. The smaller straps make for a more comfortable seat. 14-1 7012 DINING CHAIR 7003 SIDE CHAIR rr; 7005 6000 OTTOMAN ECONO CHAIR 7000 CLUB CHAIR 7009 BAR STOOL 7017 SUNCOT 7020 3/4 BASE CHAISE 14-2 5 ITEM #15 EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S REPORT ---Attached is a summary of adaptive recreation programs held in cooperation with local cities, communities, and other agencies. ---The William and Myrtle Hess Charitable Trust recently contributed $5,000 to the Commission in support of park development projects facilitated by staff with labor and financial assistance from the "Friends of Orion Oaks" volunteer group. This fund has now provided a total of $8,500 to Orion Oaks. ---Our fireworks display contractor, Independence Professional Fireworks Inc., of Osseo, Michigan recently experienced its second catastrophic explosion in six months. This recent incident claimed the lives of five employees, including one of the co -owners and his wife. The company may cease its business operations. Staff will follow up on this situation and contact other fireworks display contractors who submitted bids for our recent request for proposal ---Orion Oaks has been the target of arson that has completely destroyed four park -owned port -a johns and damaged another four units during the last nine months. Park staff is working with the Oakland County Sheriffs Department - Arson Unit with the ongoing investigation of these acts of vandalism. Currently, the property damage loss to the Commission is in excess of $5,000. Our property insurance has a $1,000 deductible per occurrences (each fire location is an occurrence); therefore, these losses are not covered by insurance. ---Staff recently submitted a grant application to the 1999 MDNR - Inland Fisheries Grant Program for $20,000 on a 50/50 match. The application includes construction of boat ramps at Addison/Orion Oaks and fishing/boating dock installations at Addison, Independence and Rose Oaks. ---On Saturday, March 27, staff made a presentation at the Rose Township Annual Meeting, highlighting current effort to increase public access and discuss a three-year trial program to permit archery hunting. ---The Oakland County Sheriffs Department - Mounted Unit will again be holding their spring training session at Orion Oaks on Sunday, April 11. Commissioners are invited to attend. Park staff will be promoting public spectating through the provision of designated spectator parking, bleachers, and a tent with picnic tables ---A current "On the Desk of..." is attached, listing current projects in process. ---A copy of a letter to Nextel is attached for your review. This letter was sent in response to the Commission's concerns expressed at the last meeting. Staff and Mr. Trego from Nextel have been in contact with John Ross at Corporation Counsel to work out these details. ---The 1999 NRPA Congress for Recreation and Parks is scheduled for October 20-24 in Nashville, Tennessee. The hotel will be the Opryland Hotel; reservation deadline is VERY early, so pease let Karen know whether or not you are planning to attend no later than April 30. ---County commissioners have shown a concern by Lyon Township to have a downtown development authority created to freeze the rate for new development in this area. I have spoken with Corporation Counsel and we fall underneath the county taxing structure, which is being researched now to see the overall effect now on our parks. Will bring back additional information at a future meeting. ---The second pre -employment swim test for lifeguards will be held on Saturday, April 17 in Lake Orion. Forty-two returning lifeguards successfully passed the re -certification test on March 28 in Clawson. ---Also attached for your information is a copy of an article as an update on the Indian Springs Metropark proposed waterpark project. 15-1 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Adaptive Recreation Summary Last year, Northwest Parks and Recreation Association approached Oakland County Parks and Recreation for assistance in providing programs and services to individuals with disabilities. The local municipalities do not have a certified therapist on staff and find it very difficult to hire and maintain part- time staff to implement programs. Therefore, Oakland County Parks is assisting municipalities in developing and implementing programs for individuals with disabilities. The programs are being cosponsored by various agencies. The agencies provide in -kind services of staff, volunteers, and facilities. Oakland County Parks coordinated a meeting with other agencies that provide services and programs in adaptive recreation. In the past, there has been limited communications among the various organizations that offer programs. It is our goal to meet biannually to network and share resources. We are developing a comprehensive resource guide of upcoming events for programs/services for adaptive recreation. Wright and Filippis has agreed to print this brochure for the Oakland County Parks. 1999 Programs for Adaptive Recreation Oakland County Parks: TGIF Monthly Dances, Hearing -impaired volleyball, Mighty Oaks CP Sports Team, Cavaliers W/C Basketball Team, Inclusive Golf Tournament Independence Township Programs: Lunch with the Bunny, Movie and Pizza Night, Weekly Activity (summer), Softball, Summer Picnic Royal Oak: Almost New Year's Eve Dance West Bloomfield Programs: 2 Summer Dance, 1 Fall Dance, Softball Farmington Hills: Day Camp, T-Ball, Friday Night open gym/swim (monthly), Picnic, Chair Aerobics (weekly) Madison Heights: Miniature Golf Outing Northwest Therapeutic Committee (Organized by Oakland County Parks) Wheels Inn, Rock n Bowl, CP Fundraiser, Softball, Kensington Cookout, Halloween Hop, Halloween Happiness, Holiday Festival, Jingle Bell Ball Softball has expanded from 2 teams to 7 teams in 1999. Other Cities Interested in Programs: Huntington Woods, Ferndale, Royal Oak, Pontiac, and Waterford, Rochester -Avon Recreation Authority In developmental phase: W/C softball Jr. sports team adaptive kayaking Outdoor/Fishing visually -impaired softball day trips aerobics/martial arts physically -challenged sports camp hearing -impaired softball disabled sailing List of agencies that we are cooperatively working together: DMC, Beaumont, CP Sports, Center for Indep, MS, Easter Seals, MAS, MWAA, Disabled Sailing, CMH, JCC, Wright and Filippis, Oakland Schools, and various parent support groups. 15-2 RALPH RICHARD Lyon Oaks Land Lyon Oaks Park and Golf Plan Golf Dome Lease DNR Grants Vision 2001 DAN STENCIL Rose Oaks Hunting Waterford Oaks Trail System Cash Management Procedures Community Tree Program Outside Agency Permits FRANK TRIONFI HRFIS Implementation Maintenance Scheduling Changeover Computer Master Plan Point of Sale, Dept. Oak Management Contract 2000 Budget SUE DELRIDGE Beach Operations Waterford Waterpark Pool Repair Computer Program Lasergate Group Sales, Waterparks/Picnics March 30, 1999 C:\WPDOCS\RAR\DESKOF99. WPD On the Desk of Ralph Richard April 1. 1999 JON KIPKE Springfield Dam Davis House Lease Nature Center Exhibits Nextel Lease Annual Risk Assessment Springfield Oaks Acoustics/Fair Oaks SOCRRA Land Time Clocks Radio Review JOE FIGA Independence Oaks Boathouse Golf Course Restrooms, June 1 Addison Oaks Campground Plans Lyon Oaks Golf/Park Plans Addison Oaks Lagoon Engineering Plans Conservation Easement JAN PUNG Summer Promotion/Marketing Annual Report New Slides Millage Planning/Research Supervise Staff Projects: Website Revisions Moving Toward 2000 MIKE THIBODEAU New Golf Rates, May 1 Environmental Stewardship Concrete Repairs, Springfield AC/Red Oaks Irrigation, Red Oaks & Glen Oaks 15-3 EA Lill AquatEL mi c %ch, e-m - n t ' PAGE A2 ® �/ township's power to control zon- PARK ing in park areas Walls said. Th. Officials oppose proposed facility, saying it will spoil nature of area By JILL ARMENTROUT Of The Oakland Press Indian Springs Metropark in Springfield Township is situated on the Huron Swamp, providing a haven for birds, plants and ani- mals and giving park -goers a chance to view them up close. Visitors can learn about the wildlife and natural resources at the park's nature center or hike through some of the 2,200 acres on tha six -mile nature t Winter brings o - ..xoss-country skiers. There are also picnic areas and a playground. Metroparks aren't just about preserving and enjoying nature, though. They also provide recreation- al opportunities. Indian Springs fea- tures an 18-hole golf course and eight -mile, paved bikelluke trail. The park is still removes a one of the least - developed in the Huron Clinton Metropolitan Authority system, but that could change, said spokesman Dave Moilanen. Plans for a 20-acre family aquatic cen- Naturalist Nathan Stouffer M. —VGK13Ru r�ran�nviv57r�m rc:�OP7t1i5-- ter have $PRINGFIELD been devel- TWR oped, but are held up in court over a dispute with the township. Springfield officials protest the plans, which they say violate/ township zoning and the master plan. The $11 million facility would include a wave pool, lazy river, two water slides, water play area for children, picnic area and bath- house. It would be contained by a perimeter fence and a 20-acre buffer zone would separate it from the rest of the park. Steve Horn, park interpreter, said he thinks the water facility would be a way to draw people to other activities. "We'd like to get more visitors," he said. "This is kind of a secret area. It could help us to create more impact on people." Educational pro- gramming is a big part of the park. Families, schools f sap and Scout groups can learn about everything from orienteering to maple sugar. There are wildflower hikes, woodcock walks and stargazing programs. Horn said he'd like to see more participants in these FROM PAGE A-1 If the court decides in park's favor, construction could begin immediately said. He said the nature center is in a "quiet zone" for bird -watch- ing. If the time of day is right, and viewers are lucky, they can see deer or other large animals, Horn said. The park is home to foxes, coyote, snakes and weasels. About 130 species of birds pass through or stay. "Once, when I was on an owl walk with a group, a nearby train whistled," he said. "Just 60 feet ahead of us on the trail, a coyote gave a good yelp. It was like I planned it." . Township officials are con- cerned a water park would not fit with the resource conservation zoning that includes the park. The zoning was changed in 1990 from recreational to protect the area, said Springfield Supervisor Collin Walls. The water center site is a half - mile from the nature center, but is part of land cleared for farming in the past, Horn said. The new development would not disturb the natural areas, he said. "We try to provide for a lot of different interests," Horn said. 'We aren't here just to preserve nature; we have to have recre- ational services." The township filed suit against HCMA in Oakland County DiA ct Court in 1997. Judge Nanci Grant ruled in favor of the Clarkston Community School&entary school students look at running sap from a tapped tree special events. `7_� March is maple sugar time at Indian Springs, one of the most ,lar programs. Schoolchildren row trees are tapped for their sweet sap, which is then boiled to make syrup, Horn said. The groups learn how native Americans started this practice and where the sap comes from inside the tree. Weekends are open to family groups, which can join a session every half-hour. The last times for the program are 11 a.m.-3 p.m. March 26 and noon-3 p.m. March 27. In April and May, there is a native American discovery pro- gram planned that will teach stu- dents how early Americans lived and their contributions. There's even an Easter egg hunt April 4 in the park. Most programs are free. Indian Springs opened in 1982. Most of the land is still in a nat- ural state, Horn said. The lower, swampy areas will remain untouched. The park is at the headwaters of the Huron River and part of its mission is to pro- tect the environmental quality, he issue that remains is the park authority's claim it was not prop- erly notified of the zoning changt A hearing is set for March 25. Walls said the suit was filed because the authority awarded a contract to start site work, but had not submitted a plan for approval. Moilanen said the authority argued legislation allows it to supercede township zoning ordi- nances. Grant didn't agree, how- ever. The township asserts the wate_ park is a commercial endeavor that doesn't belong in either con- servation or recreational zoning. The golf course is allowed under recreational, Walls said. When tht authority brought the plans back as a planned -unit development, the township board turned it down. "It is incompatible with the master plan, zoning and with existing land use," Walls said. That land use includes the nat- ural areas of the park and sur- rounding residential areas, he said. The park authority has been banking money in its general fund for the development, Moilanen said. If the court decides in the park's favor, con- struction could begin almost immediately, he said. A permit for sewage treatment on the site is awaiting Department of Environmental Quality approval. "Our parks have been themed for water recreation and this is only one without pools," Moilanen said. "We want to make it a full - service park. It's in the center of the county." SEE PARKA-2 15-4