HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendas/Packets - 1999.06.02 - 40031a;- ,,XiKLAND onimpl_ COUNTY PARKS 2800 Watkins Lake Road • Waterford, Michigan 48328-1917 248.858.0906 Fax 248.858.1683 TDD 248.858.1684 1-888-OCPARKS • www.co.oakland.mims Oakland County Parks And Recreation Commission Oakland County, Michigan Ladies and Gentlemen: Ralph Richard Executive Officer Jon J. Kipke Assistant Manager May 26, 1999 Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. Chairman Richard Skarritt Vice Chairman Richard D. Kuhn, Jr. Secretary A meeting has been called of the Parks And Recreation Commission as follows: Eric Coleman Fred Korzon George W. Kuhn Thomas A. Law Nancy McConnell Charles E. Palmer J. David VanderVeen PLACE . . . . . . . . . . . . .Parks and Recreation Office 2800 Watkins Lake Road Waterford, MI 48328 TIME . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wednesday, June 2, 1999 9: 00 A.M. PURPOSE . . . . . . . . . . . Regular Meeting This meeting has been called in accordance with the authorization of Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. Sincerely, /Z- � Z Ralph Richard Executive Officer - Parks and Recreation ARKS AND REC gEATION COMMISSION MEETING OAKLAND COUNTY PA Parks and Recreation Office 2840 WatkTas Lake �Road W aterfo June 1 Call Meeting to Order at 9.0--o 2 Roll Call. fission meeting - Approval roval of Minutes for May 5, 1999 Comm public Comments. 07 �April,1999) 4. Report Period e 07 �Apri1,1999) Voucher Rep Period FM Approval of Payment: C.I.p. Voucher Report 5. 1999, 6 Combined Statement of Operations for Month Ending April' Report for April, 858-4607 Activity Rep F . Trionfl � 7 opera ting Budget Amendment. Fias 1858-4620 g 19993. b 9. Bike Path - Lyon Oaks. " Easements _Independence Oaks- « 10 Edison Easem dustment - Lyon Oaks' 0909 11. CIP Budget A J R. Richard (858- 44 12. Twelve Towns Project - Red Oaks. 13. Millage. 14 Computers. 15. Nextel. EXECUTIVE SESSION 16. : « 17 Executive Officer's Report 1$ Old Business. 19 New Business. 20 Adjourn. OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING May 5. 1999 The meeting was called to order at 9:13 a.m. by Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. in the library at the Wixom Community Center. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr., Vice Chairman Richard Skarritt, Eric Coleman, George Kuhn, Thomas Law, Nancy McConnell, Charles Palmer, J. David VanderVeen COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Secretary Richard D. Kuhn, Jr., Fred Korzon ALSO PRESENT: Parks and Recreation Ralph Richard, Executive Officer Jon J. Kipke, Assistant Manager Frank Trionfi, Chief, Administrative Services Janet Pung, Public Communications Officer Joseph Figa, Chief, Design and Development Mike Thibodeau, Chief of Golf Sheila Cox, Accountant IV Sue Delridge, Chief of Recreation Daniel Stencil, Chief of Parks Oakland County Purchasing Bob Rhein, Buyer APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Moved by Mr. Palmer, supported by Mr. Skarritt to approve the minutes of the meeting of April 7, 1999, as written. AYES: Coleman, Law, Lewis, McConnell, Palmer, Skarritt (6) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. PUBLIC COMMENTS: There were no questions asked by, nor comments received from, the public. APPROVAL OF PAYMENTS: Moved by Mr. Palmer, supported by Mr. Coleman to approve the payment of the Journal Voucher Register for January, February, and March, 1999; the Oak Management Inc. Credit Register for January, February, and March, 1999; and the Payment Register, including Voucher Report for the Period FM 06 FY 1999 (March, 1999) and the CIP Voucher Report for the Period FM 06 FY 1999, (March, 1999). AYES: Coleman, Law, Lewis, McConnell, Palmer, Skarritt (6) NAYS: (0) 3-1 (Commission Meeting, May 5, 1999) Motion carried on a voice vote. COMBINED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS: The Combined Statement of Operations for the month ending March, 1999, was accepted as filed. ACTIVITIES REPORT: The Activities Report for the month of March was accepted as filed. BIDS: As per the information filed in the agenda, the following bids were approved as recommended by staff and Purchasing: Moved by Mrs. McConnell, supported by Mr. Coleman to award the contract for asphalt paving of additional cart paths at White Lake Oaks, Springfield Oaks, and Glen Oaks golf courses. to the low bidder, Bush Brothers, in the amount of $18,800, plus a ten percent contingency of $1,880, for a total budgeted amount of $20,680. AYES: Coleman, G. Kuhn, Law, Lewis, McConnell, Palmer, Skarritt (7) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. Moved by Mr. Skarritt, supported by Mr. G. Kuhn to award the bid for the purchase of six replacement 4-person shower towers for the Waterford Oaks Waterpark to the low bidder, Hodges Supply, in the amount of $13,820. AYES: Coleman, G. Kuhn, Law, Lewis, McConnell, Palmer, Skarritt (7) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. Moved by Mr. Palmer, supported by Mr. Law to approve the expenditure of $7,740 to LDS Contractors to re -side the Independence Oaks boathouse with lap siding in conjunction with the boathouse renovation project, and to approve the transfer of the funds from the 1999 Capital Improvement Projects Budget contingency to the project for the expenditure. AYES: Coleman, G. Kuhn, Law, Lewis, McConnell, Palmer, Skarritt, VanderVeen (8) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. ELECTRICAL EASEMENTS -WHITE LAKE AND SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE: Chief of Design and Development Joe Figa reported that Detroit Edison is requesting easements for the distribution lines and transformers being installed at White Lake Oaks and Springfield Oaks in conjunction with 3-2 (Commission Meeting, May 5, 1999) the construction of the new restroom facilities at the golf courses. The location has been approved by staff, but the descriptions of the easements are still being prepared. Mr. Figa requested Commission approval of the easements, subject to final descriptions and appropriate county approvals. Commission requested staff investigate including a clause in the easement that allows the easement to revert back to the County of Oakland if Detroit Edison makes a change in the service and the lines are no longer used. Staff was also directed to contact Carla Griggs, government liaison at Detroit Edison, for assistance in getting these lines installed. Moved by Mr. VanderVeen, supported by Mr. Palmer to approve the electrical easements to Detroit Edison for the electrical installation required for the construction of the restroom facilities at White Lake Oaks and Springfield Oaks Golf Course, subject to approval of the easement descriptions and appropriate county approvals. AYES: Coleman, G. Kuhn, Law, Lewis, McConnell, Palmer, Skarritt, VanderVeen (8) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. AMENDMENT TO THE 1999 OPERATING BUDGET: Due to the changes in the accounting process for depreciation resulting from the HRFIS conversion, staff requested Commission approval to amend the 1999 Operating Budget by increasing the 1999 Operating Expense Budget total and adjusting the depreciation line items at each budget center. Moved by Mr. Law, supported by Mr. G. Kuhn to increase the 1999 Operating Expense Budget total to $13,155,711 and adjust the depreciation line item for the budget centers, as follows: Proposed Original Requested Adjusted Park Budget Increase Budget Administration $11,500 $ 9,708 $ 21,208 Technical Support 39,000 56,912 95,912 Addison Oaks 41,700 54,991 96,691 Groveland Oaks. 38,700 72,115 110,815 Independence Oaks 34,500 52,994 87,494 White Lake Oaks 51,600 54,713 106,313 Glen Oaks 68,000 94,767 162,767 Red Oaks Golf Course 37,500 66,922 104,422 Springfield Oaks Golf Course 82,000 154,244 236,244 Red Oaks Waterpark 15,000 26,692 41,692 Springfield Oaks Activities Center 2,700 6,049 8,749 Waterford Oaks Activities Center 22;000 28,769 50,769 Waterford Oaks Waterpark 7,500 12,193 19,693 3-3 May 5, 1999i 2,p07 1,157 17 5 917 mission Meetm9 �Gom g50 115,g1Aq65 5 6,761 1 4 kS Tennis cornPiex g0, 350 2 66 8, 38 Watetfiofd oa 4'1 00 1 238 Mobile Rec�aKs BMX ComP1ex 5 5 Waterford oaks - fobo99an j 5125 �1,338'225 ,Nate"e program 523,1p081 fission's 1g9g General RoI'Aaue oaks ce with ca Budget n9 Act" de in accOrduni{orm l-O eats are m�Ofporatestbe Skarritt,Vandefveen�$i These paag,ons Act° whh,n�cew�s, McConnell, pa\mef APP YES•" Coleman, G Kuhn, rtfnent A e depa vote• th sch uied NAYS: poi a voice ef Costs incurred yet. gs edrova\ Moron carried on ed the annual c ,a t rne. quested te Com'•r'ission apP p Frank incfea dus option ding M �TERS - rnonf� fev�ew Ses s but f inCiu Go ovef staff to discus ent oio9y s, Nicer s concern affan9em fechn county' S Sy stem', drriar�d exP messed sta - fechnOiogy nt leasing atio to the ChjGe°19 staff and infiOf a � es tion t0 the Pfese Separate ° ennfio men won sn een parks \ore a\tefn a system a „hosartfnents be a\Ow Staff{ to exP the imP\icat�ons being cons%ed byeo hef county dePmeetn9 Ord Oaks on S iicensM9 d or conses,% feP°d back at a fiuture -and Waterf g12 ussiOn {oi10 SeNice ' S being d pales a Ount off �18, use the 0isC u technica\ s Ped alternatNe o exPl°re Options and conversion s of A erica in tIs {oitowin9 \ Pp n Pius d,scuss ifected staff t fi the Pain - Go fi ReseN $5a, \\O e e rat than fi°f a fiuit y of the COfnmission d rted on the soadware quote �fiont act fie �oo� S of operation are lot $18,912 and iso fep° an annual s,Nkc the four fi a Stall has feceived se off the hardw Mvax rrparke `�e Cost, ei5eN1re GOntraCtfiOf only rove the 3u$50 annually the GOmPutes fior the on Of paying th tion to aPP ceed ' to purchase °f Waterpafk Considera of to ex rove Waterford oaks ce possibi\�ty rrikssion amount n to a P maMMnan Stall feauesnte aOce contfact'n an ed by Mr. o he Red 0.a 912dPs all ius a service SeNice ma w, suPPoct versat� unt °f Moved by M point off-saime°ca in the a 3 g50 annuai\y" Veen lQ) hardw f eRfor atiou A01 men not to exceed i palmef Skarfa, under eseN too factfof the eq baw `ewis, MCC°nnel , YES Coleman G. Kuhn, A NAYS: poi a voice vote- Mot�of carried on AGUST� V3 4 NE M\i-SAGE RE (Commission Meeting, May 5, 1999) Public Communications Officer Jan Pung requested Commission approval of the concept of a county -wide survey in preparation for the millage anticipated for August 1, 2000. Questions will be developed to focus on the financial issues and will be reviewed by the Commission before the survey is made. Moved by Mr. Palmer, supported by Mr. Law to approve the concept of a county -wide survey being conducted in preparation for the Parks millage anticipated for August 1, 2000. AYES: Coleman, G. Kuhn, Law, Lewis, McConnell, Palmer, Skarritt, VanderVeen (8) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. Executive Officer Richard noted that Jan Pung has offered to head the millage renewal campaign. He also distributed preliminary information on proposed capital improvement projects, available funding, and proposed funding. DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITIES RESOLUTION: In response to Commission direction at the April 7 meeting, staff prepared a resolution for adoption regarding Downtown Development Authorities. Moved by Mr. Palmer, supported by Mr. Coleman to adopt the following resolution regarding Downtown Development Authorities: WHEREAS P.A. 1975, No. 197, provides for the establishment of Downtown Development Authorities (DDA), and WHEREAS pursuant to statute, a municipality may create a DDA Authority when it has determined that "it is necessary for the best interests of the public to halt property val and ue deterioration and increase property tax valuation where possible in its business district..."; WHEREAS the Oakland County Treasurer was notified by a number of townships and cities of their intent to establish a Downtown Development Authority; and WHEREAS Public Hearings were held to consider the adoption of the proposed ordinance to establish a D.D.A.; and WHEREAS pursuant to M.C.L.A 125.1653 (3) a governing body of a taxing jurisdiction levying ad valorem property taxes that would otherwise be subject to capture, may exempt its taxes from capture by adopting a resolution to that effect and filing a copy with the clerk of the municipality proposing to create the authority, not more than 60 days after a Public Hearing on the adoption of the proposed ordinance creating an authority; and WHEREAS, Miscellaneous Resolution #97157 establishes a policy that requires the capture and return of County taxes be the same as the capture and return of the lowest level of participation of other jurisdictions' taxes in each Downtown Development Authority (D.D.A.), Tax Incremental Finance Authority (T.I.FA.), and Local Development Finance Authority (L.D.F.A.), Miscellaneous Resolution #97157 also allows for exceptions to the policy upon a majority vote of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners. 3-5 and Recceat\oof gg� Parks nsr�P' c,� is May 5 19 Gounty n � °w exetnP �ss�on Meeting' ObvE� that 0 m caPtuce of Gomm�ss�o°ecs ES es fro °acd th G° p, R em taX Gou B ed e �H���FO ad v oCema ro e Oak`hodty �� °� be trans h Gha�cnan 1ss ��40�eXelctT t\tt�eta� ageneve oPhient Put °{ this ces �ce`asute , ax t`1 CIO"" ov, oc any 9oed VOINN town D vED that a Oak and Gav OPff\ p u far `ts prop°s FURIva?, Ossx n the QowntoWn O `Jandecveen �sl ang GQu � ao�c ry Gomm�ttee Gonnel�, Pa�me�ska to Oot the Pd Hoc P hn baw, is, Mc Ku PN�S. noted rote• was NAYS `o> ion caR\ed °n a v6�ce JO e agenda, the fO\lowin9 and aces<�ons- Mot OFFfG�RS REPORer s Rep°d,fi\ed to th dust«bated {°� reNie`N EXEGU�,v�o the.,executcve Offtic ks de,4efoPh`entwas n cneet�n9 SGhedu\e GOh`cntss\°n In add�t�on t pa 1ss�o ke Oaks, tus ceP°d °n the ``lonce noted in Geeaocnrn June3 fast atWh�twha was presented. P sta changes has been Wednesday' �sfators 6r tte reviewing Che {oitAay g mee6ng changed to nj\ssi°necsa end with a �e ne 16 to May 7 Gotn unable to Ju enda for the, n to those evlewed the a end infOrn'atio June 2 19gg' -R ted staff Wednesday' dt<ec cn• on } t meet�n9 be at 9 a cn 4 SecretaN the n�X adourned at 1o.ct1 a• aces K°hn RecOfding fhe cneetmg was K D Kuhn Jc SecretaN R,chacd 3_6 EATION COMMISSION S pND RECR LAND COUNT PARK PROVA`SUMMARY OAK YM0NT AP pp V:ORME�TiNG OF: JUNE 2,1g99 Pp IST1Qd FM 37 lPp�� `99r9? 1g99) r RepOttper perlOd FM GOl P voucher Report ,Z21,947.0 9 51 320 �2732g7.5$ �O-CAL gLE pT TN-MEE-t114G- BE AV ptLA Tt0'1'tWILL ."gpCKUP tNFORMA 5-1 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION COMBINED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS FM 07, FY 1999 (FOR MONTH ENDING 4130/99) YEAR TO 1999 (OVER), % OF REVENUE DATE BUDGET UNDER BUDGET BUDGET ADMINISTRATION $9,545,790.15 $9,716,610.00 $170,819.85 98.2% GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE 464,045.12 1,131,000.00 666,954.88 41.0% RED OAKS GOLF COURSE 126,134.08 406,700.00 280,565.92 31.0% RED OAKS GOLF DOME & SPORTS VILLAGE 23,364.20 40,000.00 16,635.80 58.4% SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE 278,097.04 833,406.00 555,308.96 33.4% WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE 329,895.09 936,478.00 606,582.91 35.2% NATURE CENTER 9,187.06 15,500.00 6,312.94 59.3% ADDISON OAKS 64,404.51 355,500.00 291,095.49 18.1% ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 48,712.81 120,000.00 71,287.19 40.6% GROVELAND OAKS 25,301.25 573,500.00 548,198.75 4.4% INDEPENDENCE OAKS 66,692.79 240,250.00 173,557.21 27.8% LYON OAKS 1,426.00 4,000.00 2,574.00 35.7% ORION OAKS 1,333.00 2,500.00 1,167.00 53.3% ROSE OAKS 2,100.00 5,200.00 3,100.00 40.4% SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER 1,518.15 3,500.00 1,981.85 43.4% WATERFORD OAKS 33,604.07 43,700.00 10,095.93 76.9% RECREATION ADMINISTRATION 12,327.30 20,410.00 8,082.70 60.4% MOBILE RECREATION 83,526.82 205,000.00 121,473.18 40.7% RED OAKS WATERPARK 304.50 485,600.00 485,295.50 0.1 % WATERFORD OAKS BMX COMPLEX 0.00 25,350.00 25,350.00 0.0% WATERFORD OAKS TENNIS COMPLEX 7,882.00 19,830.00 11,948.00 39.7% WATERFORD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 65,377.67 71,100.00 5,722.33 92.0% WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK 6,711.91 600,200.00 593,488.09 1.1% TOTAL REVENUE $11,197,735.52 $15,855,334.00 $4,657,598.48 70.6% OPERATING EXPENSES ADMINISTRATION $1,108,877.75 $2,206,248.00 $1,097.370.25 50.3% GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE 461,801.39 725,306.00 263.504.61 63.7% RED OAKS GOLF COURSE 274,710.99 423,134.00 148,423.01 64.9% RED OAKS GOLF DOME & SPORTS VILLAGE 769.82 1,068.00 298.18 72.1% SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE 487,029.05 677,606.00 190,576.95 71.9% WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE 346,150.11 630,470.00 284,319.89 54.9% NATURE CENTER 206,447.82 432,164.00 225,716.18 47.8% ADDISON OAKS 486,605.42 955,326.00 468,720.58 50.9% ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 34,931.27 71,361.00 36,429.73 49.0% GROVELAND OAKS 331,116.32 806,026.00 474,909.68 41.1% INDEPENDENCE OAKS 452,931.82 802,349.00 349,417.18 56.5% LYON OAKS 3,344.15 160,879.00 157,534.85 2.1% ORION OAKS 10,489.16 27,231.00 16,741.84 38.5% ROSE OAKS 14,734.57 27,733.00 12,998.43 53.1% SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER 46,997.56 100,252.00 53,254.44 46.9% WATERFORD OAKS 306,494.62 512,630.00 206,135.38 59.8% RECREATION ADMINISTRATION 220,158.43 443,316.00 223,157.57 49.7% MOBILE RECREATION 327,138.45 473,809,00 146,670.55 69.0% RED OAKS WATERPARK 224,964.05 718,049.80 493,085.75 31.3% WATERFORD OAKS BMX COMPLEX 6,010.08 52,804.00 46,793.92 11.4% WATERFORD OAKS TENNIS COMPLEX 11,601.12 41,585.00 29,983.88 27.9% WATERFORD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 105,786.27 117,924.00 12.137.73 89.7 % WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK 145,597.18 895,775.20 750.178.02 16.3% TECHNICAL SUPPORT 524,286.45 862,704.00 338,417.55 60.8% CONTINGENCY" 223,620.44 174,836.00 (48,784.44) N/A TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $6,362,594.29 $12,340,586.00 $5,977,991.71 51.6% REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENSES $4,835,141.23 $3,514,748.00 ($1,320,393.23) 1999 ACTUAL REVENUE TO DATE: 70.6% BUDGET BALANCE: 29.4% ACTUAL EXPENSE TO DATE: 51.6% BUDGET BALANCE: 48.4 % "CONTINGENCY YTD FIGURE: INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENTS IN TRANSIT. CONTINGENCY BUDGET FIGURE: $46,500 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO RED OAKS WATER PARK (DEC.) $15,565 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO ADDISON OAKS (JAN.) $2,561 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO WATERFORD OAKS (APR.) $12,925 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO INDEPENDENCE OAKS (APR.) $21,389.20 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK (APR.) $18,583.80 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO RED OAKS WATERPARK (APR.) $7,650 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO SPRINGFIELD OAKS A.C. (APR.) 6-1 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION COMBINED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS REVENUE AND EXPENSE COMPARISON FM 07, FY 1999 (FOR MONTH ENDING 4/30199) YEAR TO DATE YEAR TO DATE REVENUE OVER PARK REVENUE EXPENSE (UNDER)EXP. ADMINISTRATION $9,545,790.15 $1,108,877.75 $8,436,912.40 GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE 464,045.12 461,801.39 2,243.73 RED OAKS GOLF COURSE 126,134.08 274,710.99 (148,576.91) RED OAKS GOLF DOME & SPORTS VILLAGE 23,364.20 769.82 22,594.38 SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE 278,097.04 487,029.05 (208,932.01) WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE 329,895.09 346,150.11 (16,255.02) NATURE CENTER 9,187.06 206,447.82 (197,260.76) ADDISON OAKS 64,404.51 486,605.42 (422,200.91) ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 48,712.81 34,931.27 13,781.54 GROVELAND OAKS 25,301.25 331,116.32 (305,815.07) INDEPENDENCE OAKS 66,692.79 452,931.82 (386,239.03) LYON OAKS 1,426.00 3,344.15 (1,918.15) ORION OAKS 1,333.00 10,489,16 (9,156.16) ROSE OAKS 2,100.00 14,734.57 (12,634.57) SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER 1,518.15 46,997.56 (45,479.41) WATERFORD OAKS 33,604.07 306,494.62 (272,890.55) RECREATION ADMINISTRATION 12,327.30 220,158.43 (207,831.13) MOBILE RECREATION 83,526.82 327,138.45 (243,611.63) RED OAKS WATERPARK 304.50 224,964.05 (224,659.55) WATERFORD OAKS BMX COMPLEX 0.00 6,010.03 (6,010.08) WATERFORD OAKS TENNIS COMPLEX 7,882.00 11,601.12 (3,719.12) WATERFORD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 65,377.67 105,786.27 (40,408.60) WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK 6,711.91 145,597.18 (138,885.27) TECHNICAL SUPPORT 0.00 524,286.45 (524,286.45) CONTINGENCY* 0.00 223,620.44 (223,620.44) TOTAL $11,197,735.52 $6,362,594.29 $4,835,141.23 *CONTINGENCY YTD FIGURE: INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENTS IN TRANSIT. 6-2 Monthly Activity Repork. ' Combined Totals) April, 1999 Golf Courses Recreational and Special Evnts Day Use Parks Banquet Facilities Grand Totals Glen Oaks Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played - 18 Holes Banquet Facilities Red Oaks Rounds Played Springfield Oaks Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played - 18 Holes Activities Center White Lake Oal Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played - 18 Holes Banquet Facilities Totals r Leagues/ GroupsLParticipants Lea ues/Grou s Partici ants 1998 19998 1 1999 1 1998 1 1999 1998 1 1999 69 68 23,525 18,672 84 68 43,139 52,174 156 139 10,582 8,488 768 829 62,506 67,714 4,296 6,811 23,134 27,649 22,183 28,670 139,543 159,096 361 401 4,4441 5,5691 2461 2961 37,0721 44,725 1 4,5571 7,05811 61,6851 60,3781 23,2811 299863 �j 28292601 323,7091 Leagues Participants Lea ues YTD Partici ants TD 1998 1999 1998 1999 19981 1999 1998 1 1999 28 43 7,466 4,903 35 43 11,654 13,066 0 0 1,480 1,346 0 0 3,010 4,300 17 21 2,150 2,984 84 126 14,873 22,745 1 1 ••1 :44 1 18,7281 10,1091 16 2 1,744 1,582 18 2 3,046 3,438 0 0 1,731 1,671 5 0 4,116 6,812 35 28 2,596 3,453 232 233 23,318 21,369 25 22 4,740 3,833 25 22 9,267 9,750 0 1 1,674 1,493 1 1 3,318 4,699 6 8 356 520 38 37 3,061 2,724 69 68 23,525 189672 84 68 43,139 52,174 05/26/99 Mobile Recreation Airsport Climbing Wall Orbotron Skate Mobile In - Line Mobile Broadway Review Puppet Mobile Sports Mobile Show Mobile Dunk Tank Buses Miscellaneous Waterford Oaks Activity Center Tennis Complex BMX The Fridge Environmental Program Nature Center Outreach * Nature Trail Usage Special Events* Totals Recreational and k ecial Events April, 1999 Groups Participants Grou s TD Par tici ants TD 1998 1 1999 1998 1 1999 1998 1 1999 1998 1 1999 0 1 0 205 4 6 820 1,230 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 300 0 0 0 0 1 3 150 450 0 0 0 0 1 0 167 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 5 680 850 0 0 0 0 2 0 458 0 4 4 466 0 18 19 466 0 2 0 0 0 7 1 1,066 233 35 50 1,198 2,250 204 282 7,490 12,690 01 131 01 01 01 33 1 01 0 0 0 2,022 1,336 0 0 9,801 11,823 0 0 76 150 0 0 549 672 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 1 51 655 1 3501 1001 721 13,6651 13,153 70 48 3,122 2,785 256 210 9,829 13,994 32 18 3,043 1,412 171 195 17,365 12,319 0 01 3,7221 3,9031 01 11 1 22,9051 34,501 0 01 01 2901 01 5 I 0 I 3,296 1 1561 1391 10,5821 8,4881 7681 8291 62,5061 6797141 N * Not included in totals 05/26/99 C P Sports 80 Wheelchair Basketball 60 Bowlathon 150 Addison Oaks Park Campers Day Use Day Campers Groveland Oaks Park Campers Day Use Day Campers Independence Oaks Park Day Use Day Campers Overnight Group Campers Orion Oaks Addison Oaks Conference Ctr Waterford Oaks Watermark ' • 1 Totals * Not included in totals v I W Day Use Parks. :d Facilities April, 1999 Groups Grou s TD Partici ants YTD1999 LParticipants 1999 1998 1999 1998 1999 1 1 1 1 �C ••! 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 01 0 3,782 4,987 13,237 17,455 18,573 23,657 65,004 82,802 0 0 0 0 6 0 931 6 0 0 0 0 4 2 454 26 5141 1,8241 1,8241 1,8791 2,7111 4,1051 9,5161 9,876 ,1 13 11 1,938 2,065 124 133 19,138 19,256 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 :1 . 1 1�� : •� 4,296 6,811 23,134 27,649 22,183 28,670 139,543 159,096 05/26/99 ITS is E�MEriT j,,,hich 9 ppgATIN ration Act, 199 General NPPTop fiscal officer steal the Cornmissioxi s 1999 Officer ox his ox P,Xecutive ter as approve with eting pct, the budget Cen In accordance Local Budg nation fox anY incoxp°rates the jniform exCeed the appxop enditaes to not permit eXp Commission• We axe amended by the et o f its replacement er and °xt Bud theft t tamp Te--c-ical Su tamper and the subsequent of the x 'Placemen I a theft of the old t a cost of $1,692• The cost was era EX ease in t° purchase tal $3 3g4 $1,682 each). Creased PTO osedNe`�v g° g er will to Re uested In 13,gg4 new tamp final Ex ense $ Oxi $3 ,; 94 ency in Bud et Line Item Budget Coming $10,500 the 1999 ppexatmg , e item Small Tools transfer Of Rinds fromSmall Toolsff-quipn'ent tev recommends thTeCbnical Support Staff g4 to the vilion the amount of $3,3 ennis Comi lex cs, coin side Pa with roup picm 11 also assist s T utilized f ox g e wi requested but II. Waterford Oak S ecialists will be fox 16 Yeaxt�o po h o s was oval Pxogxam p end supery these Two seas tals and week The ceding °f out Lodge rev s ark. w Ex ense andL°ok CeofwaterfoxdOb diet. ed pro osedNe the Mainten as part of the 1999 Re uested Increas not included ,ense $30,000 Ori Bud et Line Item $ 3 ,3 60 $1g'p00 1,2p0 the time Salaries $ tingencY in hart- $ 2,160 Budget cod,,,,-'Cl and the 1999 Operating Pact -time S Hinge Benefits s Teru'is Complex txamsfer from ends the �Waterfoxd Oak Staff recO �I2,000 tO the amo�t of $I3�2Q0, e items. � 00 to the Fringe Benefit lin g-1 ZTVI #9 s$i0 YsN� Ql`1 OAS ns of tallation the i regarding is a few xn°nths ag° k T�s path s�'stexn ass.°n pakspax e GOMI L On h rant. toth of y ag made exixnetex ed thx°ug wa of and along the p , A presentation COunGil, enab ntly are GonGerned fron �• They appare th,wlvch eXGeeds w bike path in Uxo Nv alley Tra11`Na a ne installedby the 11 ing a l�,ft• W1de p cexns °vex the �ldin the past there kern being co end some Gon Gted. sit Tans axe xe � e expressed aeshave GOnstxu dthsthexef oxen thi The proposed p fety issue ha and other agen eGi�ly path wx exhaps the eng�eex s vwe axes nth the dths that °'n syste he path syste"1S' em the GOuncil and p of fx the 8 to 1�~f o. ussiOn W'd debate O A representative ° G been same dls fox disGnssion. to the path systen' a ted tlonale. xesen t similax is being nd to present their ra v�li atte n0 wider the l� fee Go nending a path Staff is xe �.ensin�°n �etxopark' 9-1 VO #io CV 'EPv,'Sl) QAJ�.S INDON EA ��tl�TS new electrical in 199g' A area s with endence Oaks beach electrical service A e near the Indep e shelter with Becaus was added xovided th ice could be initiated' ranted at the new shelte ex had to be installed tO p the sexv were �, anted so that o easements e ranted e at n b g line �ma txarisf o asement needed to b e it was discovered t e airing that easernene time of e ting °" x q tieS� an .Edison xs other utili es irlt° other exls ecaUse °f this ements established at t this new line ti e installed $ s tha ve nothad eas wex tha time the old lines ical lln the existing e1ectrel the dpOL' seats and fox all of on• Council have xevxew ins late exnent and CorpoxatIOT l�anag oval process. Staff' Pxopext9 with the appx xecOend proceeding l be made at the meeting Abrje f preSentatiQn w�l ZTvA i11 CIP) BVI)GET AT�3USTMENT MPROVEMENT PR®ACTS ( CAPITAL I "ON 081{5 t be adjusted in the eted amour ire the Lyon Oaks Park development budg determine ff the IJY had to be completed to The Staff is requestin ds flagging , to be performed the wetlan g and engineerint, 4 078. specifically ins, amount of $2 ' S&Associates to wetland areas for appTOPxiate survey williamSon of the Inc• withBrooks cost of $14,835- boundaxies aeder, a at a Beckett and R Engineerinb 6 643. coordinated by 600 and with washtenaw at a cost of work was Q at a cost of $2, and Consultants the surveYu'b Testing Engineers perform feted by Also soil borings had to be comp Raeder Inc commission and the Beckett and to the they were resented however, when thus project was first p Were discussed, Therefore, staff bursable costs not in the minutes. roved, these reim uently appropriate protect line contract was approved the motion and subsea ency to the omitted front om the CIP canting inadvertently 4 078 be transferred fx recommends the �2 , item- acent to the playing areas must be wetland areas adt feted the commences the company that comp Once construction comet be installed. The will be Provided barriers can Further information o that the pT°PeT protection barxi work. staked s ff us with a cost fax this wetlands survey is providin5 at the commission meeting ITO #LZ pwNS pRpjECT 12 � RED pns nd planning sess10 a with eetm9sdiscuss�Ons, �n unctiion coal hrOQg,Out all the ' n V fOvement Pr°,ect ,Ode lot to us ed 12 owns prat fitment has been rn aterpark once on the pr°pOs unty Park, no Gomm ark. g iots at the w the Red yaks co off course or the p pram e g ,an county develop'ment of th feted the pak d comp re rO,ect has been fetter be sent to fad�lit�es disrupted the dram P recommending a r �s rance that any °f ou ed to its Current Staff e uest their assu recta- medlrepa�r c0mrnission to r a ,s construct\on be during the course ° th condition. v-i e8vTa '11 cosh an to eotw► �LI e P 1 i►on, NOO Th d $� 44 rnrt h officials are ►m to d tab, thug est a nets an the repair l help' riority a pYd ealmg for federa top p om �2 ,I,OWT s job ap yederal aid is t ollenbeander and ssWttl p►CkuP MOO dyne of.V.S: Reps' K1ls, and -Philip bus'IneSS Niso ,may cau$e s se FarmingtOon Oak, Says i„eer pf ttletab• l� bZs iO tin Grey Levin, D`assistant chie eT George thpst water ater Sanzica, Commission ed for poor and 1d1 MpR'f1N for Dramts e bee" blare' Drain SJ ERJ'SLEE FF -1 A11 R guhn out 20g,040 o t e Twelve quality m th RReeT State offl bay PRFSS Ab • . Beverly ton of, feca county golf ty their waste into son, the Cli acing the flow beach clos- aks oun s system am, clawon say red key to ending • e in a m Town Birmingh Huntingt teria is t Clair. ld coat e will disappear and wa Rills, Fark is Oak s along Min fission flQw ter C for a few years'e southeast Ferndale, Madison Relgh Oak, ing e drain comas' e overs _ of dirt wet couldjump'ai e5 le woods' M ant Ridge' Sout field have eliminasepara mg tout pities bills Oakland C0 about�ll m°St People e 1)axk, 'pleas ak Tov'nsh'p' entirety by water pipes, u5e Of gut that a ass'vewns Royal 0 and storm tion bee when the and Troy xoject is central to d out that °p once elve Towns air p hed last fall rule illion pace tag • lan, the will n a compromise xe axtment of En- the $740-m to the draft p / the Pair a eretentionb2Q0 et e for ding ct`ill: Com with to D ,ty. reduc- Towns prole long xeten~ wa the falll oain mission- the tai Q to return elve mile- cap city d County xonmexa - the System atoahe Red 0 RXpand a 2S em wide a struction plan for expand age overflows ranted a lion basin• ex's Office says paw + A draft con fir- is on file at ing sew statWQ service' e TO .i5 s member Run Drain, the s 44 the $1e Ve Town exmit to continue se please se ubhc hearing p Twelve TOwn�anuaTy 1994 — offices inTwelve in Royal Oak. communities. June 2 esses o f them since ,Q dined for and busm sche �r - e owners Pic up most ° OmJ y (Lr q are expected top ... /j• 7 n r� _ Seer he rain 12 �`' e hold all t in l��jle� the system ce from a st �ls in a d sewag of rain fa all Frog' pae 1B illion gal- s nge hour cb from 94 m held at increase allons. will ak Senior will 121.g million g reten- The June 2 the al 0 Ions dd most of the eox county s 7:30 p m at o Marais in Roya&h • A sm s,ac Red Oak Center, � ation, call 1- a m tion ba d under the He,ghts) ore inform . m 8.30 owned lan in Madison one or two For Og58, weekdays fro golf h w.,1 close in 2a01' the t P.m• seas°Oa sgSpor 11 Sosgbeg1n- TIN can be a 2606• closee e three year- is for reached aE-28-586~ :.pn1r g eet state req eintn'meani ade ate tieatm -a-7- - NI1L Commissioner Shelley Taub, Chairman °f the a resolution from the t Oakland CounY is requesting Government Committee, General our millage renewal Commission arding led by the parks parks Commission Ceg adop they will like this resolution eetmg She would ee in tjme lot the 3UW m ugust 1, Z000 arded to her comrnItt to be placed on the P and for�N fior our question review and approve idential primary ballot. for the June 23 meeting pre$ a resolution prepared Staif wi11 have 13-1 ITEM #14 COMPUTERS Staff and commissioners have received copies of a letter from Management and Budget Director Bob Daddow regarding the computer costs discussed at our last meeting. Mr. Daddow does not dispute the costs, nor fault us for looking at ways of reducing them; we appreciate and understand his defense of the cost allocations associated with the lease rates charged for each "computer configuration" and will continue to work with his staff to improve our costs of doing business with Information Technology, which will include exploring other options (ie, purchasing some of our own computers). Staff has meetings with Info Tech staff and are moving forward with cost-cutting changes; these changes will be discussed at the meeting 14-1 ITEM #15 NEXTEL The attached is a letter from John Ross, Oakland County Corporation Counsel, seeking Commission's interest in pursuing a request from Nextel for additional negotiations dealing with their request to continue pursuit of a revocable license. This license is for the use of the Springfield Oaks water tower for a cellular antenna. Staff recommends Commission authorization to proceed. 15-1 COAKL COUNTY MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF CORPORATION COUNSEL Mr. Ralph Richard Manager Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission 2800 Watkins Lake Road Waterford, Michigan 48328 Re: Nextel Negotiations Dear Mr. Richard: BROOKS PATTERSON, OAKLAND COUNTY EXECUTIVE Gerald D. Poisson, Director 858-0553 John Ross 858-0558 o8, IR CREATf0N COMM- May May 26, 1999 MAY 2 7 199E RECEIVED Attached please find a letter which I received today from a new player in the Nextel saga. If the Parks and Recreation Commission is interested in, or would like this office to pursue negotiations with Nextel in the hopes of entering into a "revocable license" on terms beneficial to Oakland County, please have the minutes of some future Board meeting so reflect. I will not begin negotiations until I receive authorization from the Commission. So as not to raise your hopes, or the hopes of the Commission, that a "revocable license" can be achieved, I need to caution you, and the Commission, that I pursued this same avenue with Nextel approximately one year ago and the idea of a "revocable license" was flatly and absolutely rejected by Nextel Corporate. That said, perhaps this new player can accomplish what the past participants could not, especially since this is the only alternative open to Nextel. I am looking forward to a communication from the Commission. J R/eg m Attachment cc: Mr. Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. Mr. Richard Skarritt Mr. J. David VanderVeen Mr. Jon Kipke n:\tempfi le\joh n\parks\nextel\parkltr4. nex Very truly yours, OAKLAND COUNTY -CORPORATION COUNSEL John Ross, Sr. Assistant Corporation Counsel 15-2 Court Tower - West Wing • 1200 North Telegraph Road • Pontiac, Michigan 48341-0419 • (248) 858-0550 • Fax (248) 858-1003 I May'25-99 11:16am From-NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS May 25, 1999 Mr. John Ross, F-'q Oaklancl County Department of Corporate Counscl VIA FACSiMILF. (248) 85S-1003 Dear Mr, Ross, +2483522165 T-740 P.02/02 F-762 Nextel Communications 300 Galleria Otfieeritre, Suite 301, Soumfiela, MI 48034 248 213-3100 FAX 248 357-9474 It was :a pleasure with you this morning As 1 explained to ynu, ttrc Engine+ rrng Deparuntnt at Nrxrel Comrnunicatiuns is still interested in pursuin,, the site on Ouklana County Parks' watcr tank 10CIZGCd at 124:5 1 Aildeiaonvilly in Spprinfb¢ld 'rownshlp. I realize thaT ihL-E- nts;ut3aLOus h:3ve been lengthy and stalled. My goal is to taka the OaXt and County Parks License Agrremcnt Eo Nextel's corporate counsel and explain that ai Nextel really wants this site, Nextel will have to agree to a rcvocablu license agreement. To do this, tiowever, I need a copy of a draft liccnsc agrcernzaxr front you as a starting place. If you would furnish me such agrccmenr, I would 114 w pursue this within Ncxtcl. 1 ihink this will tali up a Minimum of your tame wtiile allowing rnG to movc forward Nv ith the leg -al department and Find out ifNextel's legal can be convinced that a license is necessary in order to procure this sates Thank you for your time, please call nlr ifyuu have any questions at (910) 217-3722. s 'crel A ile k C2'o �.,��,••,,m.. 15-3 RECEIVED DATE : 05125f99 11:11 FROM :+2483522165 ITEM #16 EXECUTIVE SESSION For the past 14 years, the administration of the Parks and Recreation Commission has remained virtually the same. With the future in mind, I am requesting certain staff changes for the most efficient use of the personnel the Commission has employed. These changes will be detailed at the meeting. The current organization chart is attached for your information. 16-1 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Organizational Chart RECREATION MASTER PLAN 1997 — 2001 Design and Development �v � C�lei` of bes�i±u & lDeveldp�m Administrative Operations Ltuefo twnsirane aervi esx' Technical Support Golf x v Public Communication a Chief of Public Communications' _ '� Park Operations Parks Recreation ( Nature Center Administration Accounting Information Technology Purchasing Budgeting Personnel ,S REppRT �XECV-CtVE ��F tCER schedule'. rnin9 c°mnission neet►n9 office org session EMIN©ER• UPc° June 23, admnnstraf►on office; budget Wnce Oaks is a t dU yie"3 are enter. t►ng -R esday adm g a.m• ° Wednesday 3uly 14 ature Center a, in mee \9 thec Y after Commisw 1 g a.m• ° eNxs WintN the Cornet►,sA13p a m. d tra► on of the 1ctoWith tely a of Clarkston concerning The reded� Au►gust 4' will take Play at aPProxima Mr Sohn Clay Wednesday act►vWtes edfrom old Rededicat►on t letter receiv This three leaf- 15 pp0 a box lunch P to stay fOr s to a recent succe of Oxford, saW Ss. lan s re Ponse Oaks, ain a huge S TrucKxn9 County d is staff ence a se end rogram Was OrloG a hrOughout Oakian County Park. Over 500 m1antenance at lade e seedling dis l y Re yclino 0 % ages ks The 19gg fr�soced by �agitownSw9s' and n ay May 16 at Add►sOn Oa a ►c►pate in program' spo to schools, Race Was held on Sund team to P uteri s largest, ral Palsy trees distr►b gigs d County f the Mighty Oaks Get ountain paglar' ton Woods, IN The Sant, made th►s event thlete members °and 23 Oak park, Hunated in the part►c►p 3p a May 22 ter Heights P ►c►P Roches art es took an, °n Sprin9fiela Madis n the area. ___Staff and voluf% l ans►ng, Mich 9 field, d ° ter the state games ding Ferndale, awson, Rol'a Senior centers ►n Southfield Civic Gen clu in9ham' p eopletou at the event. munitxes, n 5.15 Parks aced in the __Ninenae ceToWnSh►PpprOX►mately 15 p pakland C u park pad►cip course at lndn nr �xchan9e Day • ld in can�unct►°ov Berkley � and O olf course architect for our Se aV_ `Nas he outhf1eld, N e 9 e Sheriff __preschool PizZ s from S about A,�hur Hills, toe t to th sch°oler ou a reques Will finally Over 18p pre ur informat►on is an a►cte e artment ha er obyetae5' hE parksh►s dled far yo D P b t ___N Oak • agland Count' estn9 th►licoelat►on and Patrol °f es of the old por nation Lyon of th \Ne have been our Pub o►c better co ivision i11 help W►th e of the vide for The par s . bike patrbike Patrol \Ne moving \11 °Thls will pro °un tan will b lot haPp ' The m°un . the Mounted our Parks Shted DD►„onn corrmn9 th►s su mmer.to b , t►ed into d the Moun adninistrat►on bulldin9eriffs Division an behNeen the parks Sh movolk ANV KL Y PARKS" N Y A832$ C � � Michi°an $. � Sao ® A. Watecdtoo 3.48•S5 Eric CKan ormton petkY p �ew;s. V Fred w. Kuhn Georrm P" `awe11 'Th Ccirmcn Skarr,tt t %-- I Nancy ; Palmer ch� R,c,nard Ghoirm dice K uR, Charles derVeen ). pai d van FaiPh dp.ocer char eatve c K`pkManaZer Secretary ion PISsistant a Zap° W3ckinsp6 ��� 4S•S5 * ;a d-mi us APri129, �g�9 2Q8a8 oCP��KS 1 n C 0aya 4 M31 Oneida g342 - ra��ons stab's tray\ P ontjac, M arope arding out Pk park- ow at times, peaC MC. cw, °ur recent led e� ce Oaks County tent�oned, h ever, for Y at,naePen been wed' in -hanky°u es a`ntenance practxc that our ego the ,mark. 21AA crushe spark rn e agree w�th� ou have Cnissed ded to a s C°u ty upgra Oak 9 and eXecu Cane traits wi1C appGcgj°n at orlon future trail OUT vv ate for Cidge a sim�la nsitive xn The aggr has worked `}'je11 in m°Ce t�me�yeCiea Ce fiOC tram users lease cted to be °or eXP at�ons, P to This aggregate has been dire uality outd ark open ° be happy our staff twill result �n a a erns regardingagerP. f would a1s maintenance tha e any future o° 248.333 �443 (P 1f you Shou, g5$ 4g44 �oxee .\OAVur concern• rk ontact me a u2 1$hat w°u1d bett est in the O akland C°unW Pa s Cneetwith y° inter -- k y°U again for y°ur Sincere, "Chan ) / U pang k 3' Sa k operations Chief of P �cer ©�S'.kk �Xecutrve o Mana9er Commissioners '�,Raiph Richard, ssistant Recr er Clo sand ery cc on unty Park isor Oakland sko, Park SUP Ray peia 131 Oneida, 483424 ND C Caw MA„ CZ1 - March 26, 1999`f Ralph Richard, Executive Officer Oakland County Parks 2800 WatkinMl sL 83 $ �917 ad Waterford, dition of Trails at Independence Oaks Re' Con endence Oaks, Richard- o f the trails at Indteails, but otherwige, Dear Mr. Rl the condition ,go hoping first letter concerning you over a year ab Will not be MY have been dedicated for Iswrote to y u O CeS on the ridge line This wi those trails that h Practices packing specifically summer and fall, axe used for hiking aintere cares P other the spring, our new, but ill advised= r acre cares for the train ena ce, in oint was that Mother N need little m such as that to get You to abandon y and that they washouts occur, Ted Gray, etc. MY basic p LEFT TO owing grass on them, trails, down with rain, and due to heavy and unusual gg p s a result, h I do not ski, them three spots where, ino rains in February, 98 and It AND SEERS last year'sElN USENAsuTUREIs _E than for �'O of during they all spot are excellent walking MINIMAL MAINTENANCE' purpose BECA would nicely for that Pub they should GENTLY MISGUIDED ed to THEM DO ears, you have tri PACK TIONED, BUT GRAVEL (YOU WELL iNTEN in the last two Y NOW, FORYOORTS'• I cannot u THE WRONG MIX of S'D IN THE MIX _THE MA�ITENCE EFFORTS' TONS OF LEAVE �IEL AND MUCH LE Mother AND LARGER GRA CTORS Tx N ON THEM ONCE better M NDI� and OUTSIDE T wgEN TAKE UNT�EY G BASE IS SA THE TRAILS DAMAGE (RUTS ON IL INCREDIBLE S BEGUN- MITY OF EACH TRA IL, CYCLE HA EXTRE TRA THE FROST OUTSIDE OFF DOWN TH RUTS AT THE ORE RUNBOTTOM OF THE TRACTORS MAKE RUT FOSTERS 6YOS AT THE YOUR The T THAT THE o heriom THE RF'S�-' AND SANDY ARR enon- W IT14 G GREATER RUTS le of��G TO ER t CREATE O510N IL The Ted Gray is an excellent cramp IL LICE PRACTICES ARE CONTRIB MAINTEN A 17-3 Ralph Richard Page Two March 26, 1999 MAINTENANCE NEEDS TO TAKE PLACE IN THE DRY SEASON, EARLY TO MID - AUGUST WHEN THE TRAIL IS DRY AND ABLE TO TAKE THE WEIGHT OF TRACTORS, IF YOU MUST BRING THEM IN AT ALL. YOU CANNOT WAIT UNTIL NOVEMER, AS YOU DID THIS YEAR, AND BRING IN HEAVY MACHINERY ONCE THE FROST CYCLE HAS BEGUN. THE WORST EXAMPLE — THE GROOMING MACHINE! You brought this machine in during the height of the January snow. This machine created PERPENDICULAR RUTS SO THAT IN THE FIRST THAW ICE FORMED IN THE RUTS MAKING THEM UNUSABLE FOR EITHER SKIING OR HIKING. YOU PUT YOURSELF OUT OF BUSINESS WITH THIS MACHINE, AS I SAW NO SKIERS AFTER THE TRAIL FROZE TO THICK ICE! THE FINAL EXAMPLE (OR STRAW!) As if matters were not bad enough with the ski grooming machine, IN CAME MORE FEBRUARY (OR EARLY MARCH) TRACTORS! The new DAMAGE caused by February tinkering with the trails during the FROST CYCLE is EXTENSIVE, WITH TIRE RUTS EVERYWHERE! As you can tell, I am furious about the MESS CREATED BY THE TRACTORS DURING THE HEIGHT OF THE FREEZE AND THAW CYCLE. Have you stopped to ask yourself why the Road Commission stops its heavy grading and filling when the frost cycle begins? Please GET OFF YOUR TRACTORS and WALK THE TRAILS AND ACTUALLY SEE WHAT YOU MUST CONSERVE, BUT ARE INSIDIOUSLY DESTROYING WITH WELL-INTENTIONED, BUT ILL-ADVISED MAINTENANCE. I would appreciate an immediate response and thank you for listening. ry truly yours, John C. ,Cla a /fp cc: Pecky Lewis, Jr. Ruth Johnson Richard D. Kuhn, Jr. Fred Korzon George Kuhn Nancy McConnell Frank M. Millard, Jr. Charles E. Palmer Richard Skarritt, J. David VanderVeen. 17-4 Wiorks o Art by Danny Freels `tut Hills' popularity isn't just based on the e, :ourscs be creates. His love of, and feel for, the traditional values of golf course architecture have served to make, him an oqually popular choice for renovating major championship venues and less -well-known classic layouts. In 1993, he was called on to assist in the preparation of the Inverness Club for Lhe PGA Championship. he 1994, 1996 and 1997, lie played a similar role in preparing Oakmont, Hills #18 Oakland Hills and 13ornc Highlands Congressional for the t U.S. Open. That's an honor you won't sec um ally newconecr's _ resume, aril it's the Y result of experience, itlention to detail, and respect. A few years ego, wilt'" lilt! Jnicersit\. of llicleigau decided it was time to Llly restore the :Disler MacKenzie gene _ orated on campus, guess who was called oil s-` u make it sparkle? The fact that Art was a ;raduale. of arch -rival Michigan State 1ui,a rsitc probably caused sonic indigestion 0I Nl*s selection committee, but it liehe*t cloud ticir thinking. They wanted the wst guy: ihcy chose Ilills. i Ironically, Arts rareful handling of golf's lassie courses nuiv have bee" the main reason he a.< srlrricd fur till design he niay be most known I£ you think about it, novelist Elmore Leonard and golf course architect Arthur Hills have a lot in common. Both of them toiled at their craft for more than thirty years to become "overnight successes", both quietly did it their own way, and both are still hard at work. One turn, out five pages every day, the other turns out par -fives every day. Or, ill hills' case, so it scenes. Over the past ten years, 77 golf courses credil.ed to the design firm of Artbur I lills &Associates have opened around the world. Seven more will open this year, including lied I lawk Gulf Club in Tawas, Michigan, Lowes Island Golf Club in Sterling, Virginia, and The Longaberger Club in Ilanover. Ohio. Among the many openings in recent years are The Ridges in eastern Tennessee, the Chaska Town Course near Minneapolis, the Ocean Course at Half Moon Bay south of Sari Francisco. The Legacy in southeastern Michigan (not far from Hills' main office in Toledo, Ohio) and a personal favorite, Hawk's Head, in South Haven, Michigan. On the way are three more courses in Michigan, one in Oklahoma, one in Idaho, one in Maryland, one ire Missouri and a second course at LI'CA Headquarters in Daytona Beach, Florida. But wait, let's not forget the one in Cincinnati, the one in Bowling Green, Ohio and tine one that Art is doing for Donald Trump in New York's Westchester County. Hakes you tired just reading them all, does it? Last summer, Golf World magazine._came' `th a list that ranked the 25 hottest architects in the game. Number One was controv ei Mike Strantz. Number Two on tile, list was Art Hills, ahead of such notable an , gners as Pete Dye, Jack Nicklaus and Toni Fazio. In a sense, that's like seeing.E ame on a best-sellers list ahead of John Grisham. Mary Higgins Clark and Si for (at least to date): Boyne USA's Bay Harbor Golf Club* in northern Michigan. Considering the proposed site, on a high bluff above Lake Michigan, everybody knew that Bay Harbor Golf Club* could not miss being a spectacular looking layout — no matter who designed it. What was wanted, Lhuugle, was a course that was just as playable as it was pretty. And that's what Hills, ill collaboration with Boyne General Manager Stephen Kircher, set out to accomplish. That they succeeded is evident in the fact that the 27-hole facility drew rave reviews from major golf publications even before it opened. When Bay Harbor Golf Club* did fully open last year, after thirty-six months of careful construction, the excited anticipation for the three very different nine's (tile Quarry, the Links and the Preserve) was both well- founded and well -deserving. Golf Alagazine almost irnniediatel• ranked the brand new facility #8 in its list of "Iop 100 Public Courses, and other major golf and travel publications were soon singing the sarne chorus. Then, last September (as if it "ceded it), even more accolades ranee after Bay Harbor Golf Club* hosted a "Shell's Wonderful World of Golf" match that was televised on ESPN. Included among the newest fans of Bay Harbor Golf Club* were the two participants, PGA Tour stars Tom Lehman and Phil Mickelson. What, you may ask, was Art Hills thinking about whit, " Harbor Go Club* was getting all attention? I Elmore Leo lie was pro] very carefu and very lov thinking al the next chapter in an on -going and enjoyable story. Danny Freels is the editor of Great Lakes Golf Magazine and the Developmental Editor for Sleeping Bear Press. He's a graduate of Grand Valley State University, and has been playing golf since his days as a caddie at Meadowbrook Country Club: 17-5 He lives in Birmingham, Michigan.