HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendas/Packets - 2001.04.18 - 400532800 Watl<ins Lal<e Road • Waterford, Michigan 48328-1917 248-858-0906 • Fax248-858-1683 • TTY248-858-1684 • 1-888-OCPARKS www.co.oal<land.mi.us 1 ► ' k LR April 12, 2001 Oakland County Parks And Recreation Commission Oakland County, Michigan Commissioners: A meeting has been called of the Parks and Recreation Commission as follows: PLACE .......................... Parks and Recreation Office 2800 Watkins Lake Rd. Waterford, MI 48328 TIME ............................Wednesday, April 18, 2001 9:00 a.m. PURPOSE ........................ Regular Meeting This meeting has been called in accordance with the authorization of Chainnan Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation. Sincerely, ZZ-a Pecky D. Lewis,] r. Chairman Richard Skarritt Ralph Richard Vice Chairman Executive Officer Richard D. Kuhn, Jr. Parks and Recreation Secretary Fred Korzon Thomas A. Law John P. McCulloch Ruel E. McPherson Next Meetings: Wednesday, May 2, 2001 Shelley G. Taub Wednesday, May 16, 2001 1 ^-kvid VanderVeen -d V. Vogt Ralph Richard Executive Officer D:\$Data\My documents\COMMISSN\a;endaltr.doc ur mission is to provide recreational, leisure and learning experiences that enhance quality of life. 1. 2- 3 O KS1VA Q -10-S MEET�G RECREAT�"ONacl ns ke R CONY pARZ�Wa kx d ,I A831" OA ,ANC W atex aril 187,001 meeting to Order Call at 9 �riarch 2$ 20p1- io 11 fissn Meeting, Noll Ca ' for Comm 4b44 mutes p. Stencil i 858- Approval of M Comments. public 4. d presentation AN`ar e Foundataon 5. Tl,,e Kalewscop 6. BidItems'. Oaks xct. Centers s afield Tables and Cart s I Sprin Oaks waterford Oak Grove land Utility V eliicles0n Oaks Chemicals' Golf Courses ses arks. Chemicals — Courand p d Fertilizer Golf waterfor Oaks Machrne Ebroide Xecutive session. 8 Officer' sReport- F,�ecutive 9• Old Business• 10. dew Business. 11. Adjourn. l2• D stencill85g-4644 � Thibodeau I $5$_4630 85g-4634 S wells I R Richard ! 058-0909 44 N COMMISSION MEE►tNG RECREp,'C1O D COUNTY'DARKS AMa ch 28, 2p01 room of the parks and OAK�,AN mission 0 order at g:08 a•m• in the c°m the rneetin9 to d pecM 1-ewts calleofftce. n Jr., Fre Chairman dmtnistratton Richard D• Vu Vogt Recreation s a RESENT: SecretaN Richard BERS P Richard Skarritt, VanderVeen, COMNi1SSi0N MEM Jr Vice Chatrma eltey Taub, J 'David D. t_ewls' NlcphersOn, Sh chairman pesky Ruel E. haw, K°Ron, Th°mas S AgSR NT MEMBER-�� COMt+lUSslo ulloch Executive Offic operat►Ons John McC ard, NT Ralph Fetch c Administrator Adrnlnistrat+On ESE Sten it dmtnrostra f°�istrator t ALSO PR gante1 FrankTnonf+, . d Developrnen Recreation Jon Ktpke p ssista j, D of Golf parks and h Figa Chief, Jose Thtb°deau, Chief tion Mike ief of Recrea ttons O{ficer Wells, Cpublic Comr'nur ica Sue ung, Janet P Accountant 1V ral Engineer 1 Sheila Cox etlon, jcnitecku n sneer I M Ar rnrnunicattons A ►start eke Donn chitectural E g ss zayn Gr St nfl6d, public Co er Il oration Counsel 'Desiree uty Corp Counsel Mike Kreza, Buy pep t Corporation Keith t ermtniaux, Asststan asing h Colatann project Manager Oak d Count' Gurc oration Counsel J°sep :,Vs prole lan orp Michael R°� ker, Director ounty ountY Jennifer Tu rnissioner Oakland C for Oakland C potLalone, Com Road C°rnmiswnshiP parks and Recreation Springfteld To e minutes of the public hearing OF MiNUTEs� ed by Mr. Kuhn to approve th OVAL" ° en (8) ApPR arritt, supp . Ve Moved aryr2$ 200'1, as writer person, Skarritt, Taub Vander of F Korz°n,1-aw � bewis, McP AYES: Kuhn, 0 ove the minutes of the rneetng Np. (S. P vote. VanderVeen to appr Mr ed orted by Motion cam on a voice supp Moved W Mr. 8 5,,� as written• -Taub, VanderVeen t$) of February 2 ' N1cPhersOn, Skarritt, Kuhn, KoRon, yaw, beNts AYES. NAYS'. 0) 3 - � M oiton ried on a vov ice ote car • Mach 28, 20011 Meet�n9 the Pub\�c. �Gomn"ss�on mR`ents receNed t of the G GDM% ed by nor co the PayMen 2001 Pu$�e 'no uest`ons ask on to aPPrOa for F eb�u ,,\ere we a eel by Mr MU heecRep eb�uary �S• suPPo, s thevO period en dal P P,�MEN d by Mr K°ry w��ch0g�ivtev �UGhet E2eP° v andevv e payment a gel the Gip l cprerson, Skar F�20011 uhn, Law, Lees, M \eel PYES K° °n, K was accePted as f\\ed MGoGwhMnegGiornbinnen aoM\CEeNvCnte aRtiwP�iONrS {n°nd�n9 �ebru Gonsfoaruee cShe NE51 nt°fOPerDiEtene d ary28,2001, as accePted as filed Budget by REpO� 2001, w UPeratin� , en o e'00ar 2p01 Gontm9 00 to 1313 PG C1 ReP°d' for L� GN OAKS e et 0 to amend th ding B e ,I a`r , 2 Wtth the fhe P°t�v�t�es PD Jvs CME� u e F`t2��1 ppo Ea°� ae �n aCCO�dan n ce ca\ by Mr K ra reform L° DVDG,E� ub suPP°d9 p00 froCn ance, �'2 ,' n feT \s ma o tes the V 2001 by Mrs. "f \s , °f $10 ds Ma\ntense jyl s tra . b tncof? 0 0Peo tn9 ky\e 00 0k o gecur\t`! Eopha ions p ct w erveen Vogt by°n 0me, and $ 7'Q1 Genera\ PPP �aub,vand 4vec\' fors 2 Skarr�tt, n' ess gpI Mcpbers ud9etin� ct• Lewis, on, Koaon, Law' ers to uhn, ton P�ES. rd °f G°mms rOved'th s PAS. Q0; e vote- END% nd G�nunty Bthe c°unv, i s to be rued a N ton carried on a vp1c N� GG\y�RPG� PM ended to the G",s conn�w ado a edup�ent\y 9ay`n9 e Mnt S DEP PR,�CME nt is be`n9 kyleSher\V s DJoxel he amen what tre parks and of Gornrri�ss`on rs SNER\�o d that an ?� eel p v s\OCent ens e\�rat s the saMe as Gak\and G°unt`! B° tn9 Star orate the M�s seParat`0 ees at a rat n re pest�n9 ahe ices o\ut�on enc°me 9 for `Mo pted Dno 64b\e er�P doPt a res°Mounted D`v\s�on N tthe fo\\ow\og adtua\ amend Pam trine steel Gom�.�is e�ament fOr tre Ko�on tO to Epter into a c am eel by Mr ners erlff'- Sta re k a contract suPP°rt Go1.nmvssw6 G°unty Sr enter eel by Mr . KoU� Y Boar d 0 the Gak\an Mov akiand G seNtces 3 - 2 kbe ted dePA (Commission Meeting, March 28, 2001) WHEREAS, it is the policy of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners to permit the Oakland County Sheriffs Department to enter into contractual agreements for the purpose of law enforcement services, and WHEREAS, the Oakland County Sheriffs Department and the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission currently have a contract for law enforcement services (MR #99073); and WHEREAS, the Sheriff and the Parks Administration would like to amend this contract to include the Sheriff Mounted Unit as part of this contract; and WHEREAS, it will be necessary to create 25 Part-time Non -eligible Mounted Deputy positions; and WHEREAS, the cost for these positions will be offset by the increase in revenues. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission requests the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorize the Sheriff and the Chairperson of the Board to enter into a contract amendment for law enforcement services with the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission for 2001/2002/2003 at the rates provided in the attached contract amendment. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a new classification be created called Mounted Deputy. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that 25 PTNE Mounted Deputy positions be created in the Patrol Services Division, Parks Unit of the Oakland County Sheriffs Department. Discussion followed on proper order and procedures to follow in the course of this amendment, plus future cost increases for the mounted deputy services. Commission but would purr they remain d their volunteers. port of this program and that we want their services to continue, Motion withdrawn. Moved by Mrs. Taub, supported by Mr. Law to table this item until the April 18 meeting. Staff was also directed to send correspondence indicating the Parks like having the s an nce to Mounted results Deputies their presence, but win the parks, their resence e would'p prefer theyaremain as volunteers. e Parks and we get good results P AYES: Kuhn, Korzon, Law, Lewis, McPherson, Skarritt, Taub, VanderVeen, Vogt (9) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. WEST OAKLAND CORRIDOR STUDY: Michael Rogers, Project Manager from the Road Commission for Oakland County and for the West Oakland Corridor Study, gave a background synopsis of the project. This 18-month study, being conducted through the Michigan Department of Transportation, is being done to determine possible transportation alternatives through the southwest portion of Oakland County from 196 to M59, plus reduce traffic congestion and improve safety. 3-3 routes Wi11 be rch 28, Zp01i e best routes. Because of poiential ln a their ideas for to modelin9• d Meeting,M ut on Pion ublic inp ducting simuta ark will be allecte Commission e stage ofi re t three, hey' wbeb, pt apprised the p .the study Is aroWed to the commission V4% the meetings. wedacaY aks, the d to monitor tha e'n . roads ne �, on Ot staff b vote ling to an EXeCu�ve ue sted the mee Commission rer1 ed p opertY acquisitions. SSSS1oN-. b Mr McPherson t (9) �CUTIVE t supported using prop°s eNeen,Vog b Mr. VOg of disco b, Vand Moped Y urpose Skarritt, Tau e Session lot th LaW bewis, McPherson, mes Korzon, Kuhn, tAms. P) vote. at 10. a. p5 a vO`Ce ed to an Execut��e Session Motion came d on roceed as Veen to authori2e staff to p s adj ours eetxng \Naas re cOnVened at 11:33 a. m• The n' ed by Mr Vander The meeting, t n support Moved by M e EXecutove Session -Taub, Vandet\/ Vogt t71 directed in th dire Skarritt, Ta Y,orzon, Kuhn, Mcpherson, in9 leagues P1P'�s �Oi vote. Friday room a ch°ice of a vo,ce staff to discontinue uled to carried °n a ues will be Cesch o hours. 'This Change Motion EAGI}E CNA� change by ed a Pr°p°sed n1orn' ie gapproXimatelY r� 2g01 Go1�F b eau review curfent Friday be closed for out Ap Lion - of C,o1f Mike Teoufses- The hen bo h nines Ni h n°tfication going ouith stays recommenda at the 1 t8h-eo\Ne kda ted fort 9e 2002 9°If seas Commission concurred w thr old be implemen for any concerns, resolutwn to nc Would change f0110\Nin9 tinsel's onitor the �GU�p,T10Ns. adopt the oration -andCO to Staff Witt m orted by Mr Skarrittto Gore o R s, inciuduof legal guar �tia app, gal. pARK R\x_e AN cpherson, supp rules and regub;'to include issioneCs for th r M e ark ?i min s Moped e the revisioe `ephra e 5 and Count`! Board °f Go anon COmmission 261- and apprO endat�on t the oak d Recre under P.A parks an ors . 1g66 and fecOmm forwa d the revisions t° County of eNis missions to HERBAS the o � la d Coufty Board Sup a w county Parks a a areas With the W d by the oakl des a provision tOo{ia11 its fad�lities an blishe A 261 inclu control d esta WN�REAS p ulat\on and sinners; an rciis theprotecCe re Board of Coin e rules for kland unw approval of the oa 3 - 4 Meeting, March 28, 2001) rks and Recreation Commission has (Commission control; and pa ,land County pa regulation and WHEREAS the protection, re9 which have been regulation for this p re nested, d rules and reg Purposes are q sel. establishe oration Coun for clarifd County Corp WHEREAS revisions Oakland County parks and ed and approved by that the Oakland ation and review E IT RESOLVEp' General Inform NOW THEREFORE roves the revisions to the Counsel. Recreation Commission app Oakland County Corporation General as rev►ewed by R RESpLVED thuntY Board oft these ed RegulationsBE IT FURTHE pakVand Co THERE -OP E be forwarded to the NOW Regulation Information and R g approval. Vogt (8) Skarritt, Taub VanderVeen, Commissioners for AYES. Korzon, Kuhn, Lewis, McPherson, NAYS (0; a voice vote Motion carried on write oft the outstanding SE'. rVeen to apptoVe the to park develop AGRICULTURAL nt LEA Mr Vande Elkow 2000 Agricultural Lease Kuhn supported by Moved by Mr. from the Paul amount of $7at pays. VandeNeen, VOgt (8) construction at Lyon Taub, AYES.. Korz.on, Kuhn, Lewis, McPherson, S 'arritt, NAYS: (0) carried on a voice vote as per the Motion following bids b Mr. Kuhn 'Oa ward ff and Purchasupported y meby bidder, Korzon, and as recommended to the low Moved by Mr' agenda Glen Oaks ation filed in the ag rayer for inform Toro self-contained sP F. Miller 300-gallon f $;,388.00. pales to W. purchase of a ►n the am°unto kite Lake pistributors, Ceens mower for Spartan sen riding 9 18 hp Jacob bidder meeting purchase of an 15,283.00. Oaks to the low In the amount of $ feel mower foQf $27 955-00. 31 hp articulating amount one Spiker unit of an 84" Feed Store, in the Purchase Billings Fe dozen blades and $23,427.00_ Specifications, sand trap rakes with one mount o Distributors, in the am s o riding 18 hp Spartan White Lake Oak purchase °f twto the low bidder, p ower for yaks MO- to drive m Spartan Distributors, for for Lyon mowers, one to the IOW bidder, p purchase of two -Toro fairw airway for Lyon Oaks, and one four-wheel drive m $51561.00. 3.5 d �aterfocd ed Oaks an �3p 00 Pe arch 28, 2001} e bounges fsc in e a 14 950 DD ° ornn`\ssrOn Meetcng acc° Fv\\ base y;oc & �C tease amour °f 'an Add sp° Oaks t lC 1 \ 5 each e lOw\dde {Ora tota\ P Oaks punch Rla erPacksto Ua\i\g shcpp\ng, s hardwa 0� o On°n from the low bidder, Oha se \ounge, \n tramp plasmPa Y for g,3,� and Orion Oaks owing ase Of ten be products C dd\son °aks e traveV\9 m nt of Purchnce Gon°re docks 1 g, * be usedby�\er, \n the am°v Pdva ier ski t of ks t° F • M base of s cd phe arnoun \Natec Ord Oa)6rader, W' d one, vU`canmaster, r Nog rrOwe oaks, t0 the \ow e\Ow bidder{o� he g°\f oj a Nust\e nd Rose Oaks to th �5,410 00 Pve� foe Orion Oaks a e forma\ gac� PaaeGb oUbt of �12,qws 585 DO bidder for the cr 240 �0 the cOnstcu�� 175f00 fOc stet° al contract am n ks to the \Ow Oa G°ntraack ctferarmunt o i , wa\\' fo a\ garden a t of 6 5pp 00 and Conti the \nc. sae "a% and re cti\on °f the fir the am°vn ct\on d°cum Raeder \nc• rn tern nstcu ch, W\ nstry ecke c0 F ClS Co tp B C°ntract fobase �\d, G • A- schemat\c � ePaa\son ©aks meta\ cap e oo andery een v ogt �8} ddenducn k\Aeon t�itaN \ag n sa Contras at\on foc o 0 sk critt, amount of $3`\ 54Mcphecs°n, a S K°�°n Kuhn' be d PEE to 0} fo\\owing was n° as dcrec�ed NA•{S a vocce vote da, the Cownsh�P r Pr\Oritces, Motcon carried °n CERS REo�fi\ed in the ages ake `ou`se bBrfuaa ng� t s s"te CUB\vE OFF\ tNe O rcer s Rep and adlaGen o Trent aossib\e interest e\ `n No% is b�cng E)CE u cel of \a e\c P EXec ©ue to \a°k th 55p acre P rc the �75 acre Par ran don for Admrlstrat\o . In addition to eked the eet\ng ,de that the s N lg ' _Staff inv estm\ss\on at � to act B ent has becneeN by the v etera h the c\�1 °f Nlad\son e hts the Corn d\rected s nnouncem tecan , ce shared w\t Gocnrn\ss\on 'd that an a a future ve wilt be ed Oaks. 1 \chard rep oss\b\e s\te for °ak\and C° es ored at R ri118, 20p ons\d red asap ava\1ab\e to go\f course is n°t r rn onNlednesda`! AP c Nices \ if th g:Op a- - be tlra� Prop°Sa \ong with a mni\sstOn mea SecretaN a t regv\ar C° at \p:58 a m Cps' Rec°r .the nex as ad}ourned Karen ten Zhe t"eet\ng w SecretaN 3 - 6 R\chard ©� Kuhn, fir., W a ouNpAT►oN KALE►DOSC ►E� op v� S TEE SpR►NC,F rovides recreational e-tdosc°pe fOundation p 8, the Kai impaired individuals in Established m �9$ sand mentally O rams for senior citi2en and social pr g bland, Rose Holly, GOunt`I • M'g northwest Oakland ale-td°scOpe coversnd �-Ownsh1ps. he se�ice area for K nce and GrOvela s the us T ite Lake Independe f the FOundat-ton to disc tified a field, wh dershlp ° sides Spring staff met With lea e their clientele • Staff ha -tile Road Recently a fac-tl-tty to seMc Anderson r'P3te\d Oaks abutting s interest in bu-tiding group, 1 hayfield) at Sp on to h°use this facility. fieldformer y the organtzat� 6.5 acre ld be leased tO Par" staff is a p°ssibil�ty t they Nally cou d County Pa the townships tha that p°ten lan With Oak or► from collab°ration leers °f supp Program ather-tn9 scope is g al item KaleldO an information this pr°p°sal this is se�ice to endorse Commission' ctwn is needed from the No a the Foundation . d infOrn'at�on regarding only sed 's a locatj°n map an Enclo 6-1 NORTHWEST OAKLAND COMMUNITY SERVICES Michigan Non -Profit, Inc. 1988 BOARD OF DIRECTORS KALEIDOSCOPE FOUNDATION Staff-1 00% Volunteers Coordinator BOARD BOARD OF DIRECTORS E, t I 'J�'Wlq 10 Year Plan 111'1��M 19)l s0192 991901 1994 19195 191961 W197 J(J@9 20 F 20WI 2002 2003 2004 2005 2000 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 "3sAJ_lE I V'dE'K'_-lKJLV' I YOUTH GR'01JI-1 11,10f\IDAY EUCHRE, FUNDING NEW FACILITY 9MIIIIIII I`;OUND/NFIQNS COl= PORATE SPONSORS RIBBON MEMORIALS CDBG 'D 'G NIDR4 ,, i CONSTRUCTION OF NEW FACILITY NEW PIROGRAMS DAILY DISABLED I I SENIORS ARTS F-DAY EXPANDED PROGRAMS FOR DIFFERENT LEVELS OF DISABLITIES I CARE 1"ATI'ZONS FUND RAISERS YOUTH STORY TELLING READING RECREATION MEALS -OW WHEELS CENTER TABLES AND CARTS WATERFORD OAKS AND SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTERS Bids were requested for the purchase of 35 Mity-Lite banquet tables, ten for the Waterford Oaks Activity Center and 25 for the Springfield Oaks Activity Center. These tables are replacements for tables that are worn out and damaged. Life expectancy of the new tables is ten years. This is a specific request for Mity-Lite tables in order to match our existing tables. Purchase price in 2000 was $165 each. We are also purchasing two table carts for Waterford Oaks and two carts for Springfield Oaks. Staff recommends awarding the single -source bid received from Mity-Lite in the amount of $7,217.00 for the 35 tables and four carts. Funds for Waterford Oaks' ten tables and two carts ($2,236) are included in their Operating Budget. Funds for the remaining 25 tables and two carts for Springfield Oaks ($4,981) will come from their Operating Budget. 7-1 Ica . 011 Q, ctv(- 1 1on- d11C -&,11cy V-) Tables e Chairs o Carts o Lecterns e RedLICe labor costs e Slash replacement costs CLIt maintenance & repair costs 12—year warranty 7-2 N�cx0 `! VE GCS GI�L�� Np pP 9,v -P { \W° Mu\e ut�i�ty f0v the PUVohase ° ear °\d Mu\e �e beer w Tece ved \\\ veP\aoe \Wo 5 y gads ha pales Zhey PUCchase pc\ce \n {Or GO\j and he G°Unty auot�on veh\c\es be so\d at t h\c\es \s 5r8 yeaCs` veh,o\es that Wei\ cy °{ ire VON �e \�\je eXPeotao g Was 510,gg2. ed as jo\\oWs �86g 16 1g9 `ds Weve �eoeN Ei � $12,g34,' Wasak\ Raa��oeaM\ s �13,15000 clay°s M tr\a\ v eh,c\e Sa\e . to the \oW b`dde Aus V olwoo, M\ t aWara�ng he bid re°°�'meods nt budget {0f thks Sta , C �ZS,$69'A6 era\\ng Eaukp 25 me Ka�asak` fio 000 \n the OP -�hefe �s pUCohase. '-3 ILL PLAY. WITHOUT COMPROMISES. xke going to work on Monday as much fun as coming home on Friday. Work zsaki MULE"" 3000 series utility vehicle. Now with even more comfort, conven- extra rugged MULE utility vehicles make short work of the biggest farm, ranch i updated 617cc liquid -cooled V-Twin engine, a massive 803-pound cargo bed essive 1,200-pound towing capability. design includes a flip -up hood with a weatherproof storage area, and a new ,e controls within easy reach. Re -tuned suspension takes the bumps out of a ved seating for 2 persons means not having to work alone. Besides durable, -ires there's a new torque converter assembly for the fully automatic transmission. �r's over, the MULE utility vehicle loves to help you play. Take a camping trip. into the mountains. Or just explore. Besides working, enjoying the Good Times' z — and to Kawasaki MULE utility vehicles. 7-4 cHEMxCpLS KS LY�N OP► or the purchase of the following bids f d from Purchasing Son. have receive required for this Sea We est�cides a�ority Supply ©f our p them ived are as follows*• $34 gg7 50 The b0s rece Turfgrasson �36 ? g6.50 South " 1-, S oo Sville, OH �37 2�6 48 Strong im3kotParts 11s ef bidder TurEgrass{Or ' Farrnington H in the bid to the low ecomrmends award g unds Maintenance Staff r , S C,ro .11 come from the park �,3A� gg7 50 r this expenditure wI Funds fa line item. 3-5 CHEMICALS GOLF COURSES We have received from Purchasing the following bids for the purchase of our seasonal supply of pesticides for White Lake, Glen Oaks, and Springfield Oaks: Turfgrass Simplot Partners Lesco South Lyon Farmington Hills Strongsville, OH Banner GL, 11 cs. $5,720 No Bid No Bid Banner Max, 3 cs. $1,605 $1,718.76 $1,608 Heritage, 3 cs. $6,282 $6,210 $6,282 Chipco GT, 6 cs. $2,940 $2,961 $2,952 Clearyn 3336, 9 cs. $2,079 $1,998 No Bid Subdue, 3 cs. $6,576 $5,940 $5,988 Banol, 4 cs. $2,220 $2,332 $2,288 Daconil, 12 cs. $2,136 $2,136 Did not meet specs. Turfside, 7 cs. $1,043 $875 $1,015 Defiant, 12 cs. $1,596 $1,449.60 No Bid Merit, 5 cs. $1,940 $1,954.90 $1,896.25 Seaquential, 13 cs. $1,339 $1,560 Did not meet specs. NuFilm, 4 gal. $96 $64 $48.60 Curalan, 1 cs. $280 $250 $232 Primo, 10 gal. $3,300 $3,300 $3,300 Dissolve, 2 cs. $194 $195.98 No Bid Staff recommends splitting the bid and awarding the Banner GL, Banner Max, Chipco GT, Banol, Daconil, Seaquential, Primo, and the Dissolve to the low bidder, Turfgrass, for $19,454; the Heritage, Subdue, Turfside, and Defiant to the low bidder, Simplot Partners, for $16,472.60; and the Merit, NuFilm, and Curalan to the low bidder, Lesco, for $2,176.85. Total purchase price for these items is $38,103.45. Funds for these expenditures will come from the Grounds Maintenance line items for each golf course. 7-6 FERTILIZER GOLF COURSES AND PARKS We have received from Purchasing the following bids for the purchase of our seasonal supply of fertilizer: Turfgrass Simplot Partners Lesco South Lyon Farmington Hills Strongsville, OH Fairway Fertilizer 51 tons $29,376 $32,436 $45,900 Greens Fertilizer 10.5 tons $9,009 Did not meet specs. $9,471 Nature Safe 2 tons Did not meet specs. $2,380 No Bid Poly Fertilizer Alternate 10 tons $8,861.31 $12,520 $10,440 Staff recommends splitting the bid and awarding the purchase of the 51 tons of fairway fertilizer, the 10.5 tons of greens fertilizer, and the poly fertilizer to the low bidder, Turfgrass, in the amount of $47,246.31; plus the two tons of Nature Safe to the low bidder Simplot Partners, in the amount of $2,380, for a total purchase price of $49,626.31. Funds for these expenditures will come from each park's Grounds Maintenance line item. 7-7 EMBROIDERY MACHINE ADMINISTRATION Bids were requested for an EP-1 embroidery machine for the Administration. This machine is used to embroider names on all full-time and part-time staff shirts (approximately 2,000 annually). A single bid was received as follows: Melco Embroidery $3,925.00 Denver, Colorado This unit will network with our existing embroidery software program. We have had our existing embroidery machine for ten years. There is a 90-day guarantee on all parts and labor with the Sterling Heights office. Staff recommends Commission approval of the purchase to Melco Embroidery in the amount of $3,925.00. There is $8,000 budgeted for this machine in the Administration's Operating Budget. �:3 Melco's EP1 B with EDS-EZ software is full of potential. The system offers a chance to start a new business or add to an existing business for a low investment. It offers proven prof- itability, and it allows you to grow in an industry that continues to grow in demand. A powerful, portable system with expansion capability built in. What can you do with your EP1 B / EDS- EZ system? The creative possibilities are limitless! In addition to lettering and monograms, you can embroider custom designs or choose from a wide selection of preprogrammed alphabets and stock designs available within the industry. Naturally, you can embroider on any fabric —from cottons to satins —and in some instances, even on supple leathers. A multitude of items can be created for wholesale or retail markets. EP1 B is designed for ease of use, making it quick and simple for beginners to master. And because of its compact design and portability, you can choose to work from your home, in an office or on the road. The EP1 B / EDS-EZ system has your future in mind too. With the system's expansion capabilities you can add machines as profits grow, or upgrade easily to a larger Melco system. You'll find embroidery to be a fun and profitable industry in which to build your business. It's a creative industry with a diverse cross-section of business owners —from small, niche retailers to high production contractors. With so many different markets to tap into, the possibilities for success are numerous! 7-9 sf-s sx()tA to &SOUSS v-, Ye Skar� is e auest�ng an , 9�oposecl hand ,g Rgov'! E F\GER 4 at EXECv�N 0r m oV' I-odaar p\ann`ng to puling ks 8, to Karen �� you e91s\ative ase RS�p ale Gken paKs. m�i�ssionero \ready, p\e ri\ 1o, wnsop nua\ G° t d°ne s Tuesday AP he prior ° ©ER jhe� y°u haven° was he\dda`I PlIv 2A, o attend. R \N pa \ hearing Of\Zues , urage ur WhEe ake ks r Pian pub\riof7 :00 p;m* 'd and enc° \f o°me {Or yo attend pr,On pales MSS �hedu;ss� Hers are env the Red paKs po \heerxtspub\\c s R°ad' Gomm u e re9ard�ng e n Z52 �° y pay\y b n �h 5 °f\ices, Gent adic\e t e edisare _��pttach n \niorma0 9-1 displ golf Neii rounty dr= lel A By Tom Willard Daily Ribune Staff writer MADISON 11h;IG1TI:S -- Though Spring's arrival clay lessen the blow temporarily, area golfers lost a slice of hisloty when demolition began'I'hursday at (he Red Oaks Golf Done and Sports Village. The3lkacre entertainment and recreation complex at 29W] John R,northOf 12NlilcRoad,wasShut down so that construction of a $144 million intra-county drain can continue through the proper- ty, on the west side of John R. 'Pile complex will not reopen at the site, and owners John and Vince Peglino have filed a lawsuit claiming they are being displaced in violation of their lease. A feuler- al judge on Monday cleared the way for the drain work, scheduled to begin on the property next week. Oakland County, the Parks and Recreation Commission and the George W. Kuhn Drainage District are plaintiff's in the suit, which is pending in U.S. District Court in Detroit. Contractors spent nwst of Thursday dismantling the most prominent feature (if' Sports Vil- lage — an indoor driving range considered a landmark, not only in geographic lermis but also as it mcreational innovation that al- lowed duffers across metro De - (foil the unique opportunity to practice (heir strokes yeara-ound. Built in 1ND and designed by an Englishman, the Madison Heights dome was believed to be the first in the Unitell States. A white, canvas bubble— inflated by high-powered fans to a size of about 10 feet high by n5fi•ct wideand2JI(11•eetlong—cov- erect the driving range, which fea- tured 13 tee boxes oil a two-tier stand. There was a need foran indoor . driving range in the winter, In those clays, you couldn't hit balls outside because of the weather." said Vince Peglino. The restof the prober(}; wlnieln in= eludes ant 1l3-hole miniature golf course, go-karts, balling ctlges.and-�!i an outdoor driving range, will also' i be cleared to malie wayfo• the drain" ;1 project, t i Jim Pershing, park supeririten=T` dent of Metro Beach in Har' Ii'i`'. Township, watched Thursday as., salvage material and equipment'.<: f roi n the dome were packed up and hauled front the premises. The - ffuron-Clinton Metropolitan Al - lhority Meh•oparks will use some of the remnants, including out door lights, golf balls and puffers, at its parks. "I'lu kind of disappointed tosee it go," Pershing said of the cony Alex- "We know this place because See DOME, Page 2A Continued front Page IA the people who operate the facility op- erated the miniature golf facility at Metro Beach for a while. l'hey're good people to work with. 'Anytintea recreation facilityfalls to ilp wrecking ball, it's not a good thing," Nei If the l'eglinos mot- (I icir altor- N ney, David Snydel; would commrett inn. nrediately on the lawsuit or the future of [lie complex. '111e owners contend that county offs• cials have reneged on a prumise to reslo e diegix)trnrlsatlercnnsbileHonof thoKuhn Ujrfin, sGlet luled forwmpledon ina;,. The contractor tlas been at work since October, installing two large Daily.TtiE ine staff photo by Dick Hunt Owner John Pab'lino stands amid what's left of his Indoor driving range, .which was dismantled Thursday at the Red Oaks Golf Done and Sports Village. Construction work on the 12 Towns Drain project has forced the complex on John R north of 12 Mile Road to close for good. slornn do ailis that will traverse a portion of the Sports Village property The work will start at Joint R and move west, and is expected to last severalntonths. A lease and subsequent license agreement signed more than 10 years ago provide the right to surrender the property for the purpose of drain im- provelnelik, according to Joseph Cola- ianne, Oakland County assistant cor- poration counsel, U.S. District Judge Gerald Rosen de - it led arequest for injunctive relief last week. The suit does not specify any damages. None of tho-county agencies have indicated Sports Village would be re- stored at the site, but sone discussions have centered on a possible relocation, according to county officials. "We've explored different ideas about where to put them, but, we haven't core to any conclusions," said Recreation Comunission Chairmen Pecky Lewis Jn. Commissioners hope they can find another location for the complex,,',,, which Lewis describes as a "fine recre-1' .i,, ation facility" that caters to residents'+ . ' in south Oakand County, Including ` die corununities of Madison Heights, I lazel Parlc, Oalc Parlc and Royal 0alc,