HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendas/Packets - 2001.10.10 - 40065Pecky D. Chairman Richard S. Vice Chci, Richard C r. Secretary Fred Korzon Thomas A. La ,v John P. McCu!'och Ruel E. McPhe:=rt Shelley G. T,eu J,JQ'-yid vand,-a,Vicen dV.vo_t Ralph Richard Executive Orjicer 2800 Watkins Lake Road • WaterFord, Michigan 48328-1917 248-858-0906 • Fax248-858-1683 • TTY248-858-1684 • 1-888-OCPARKS Q�KLAND www.co.oal<land.mi.us October 4, 2001 Oakland County Parks And Recreation Commission Oakland County, Michigan Commissioners: A meeting has been called of the Parks and Recreation Commission as follows: PLACE .......................... Parks and Recreation Office 2800 Watkins Lake Rd Waterford, MI 48328 TIME ............................Wednesday, October 10, 2001 9:00 a.m. PURPOSE ........................ Regular Meeting This meeting has been called in accordance with the authorization of Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation. Next Meetings: Wednesday, November 7, 2001 Wednesday, December 5, 2001 Sincerely, 2 Ralph Richard Executive Officer Parks and Recreation D:\$Data\My documents\COMMISSN\agendaltr.doe 0ur mission is to provide recreational, leisure and learning experiences that enhance quality of life. REVISET ' 0-09-2001 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission 2800 Watkins Lake Rd Waterford, MI 48328 **AGENDA** October 10, 2001 Action Re uq ired Presenter/Phone # 1. Call Meeting to Order 9:00 a.m. 2. Roll Call 3. Public Comments 4. Commission Meeting Minutes for September 19, 2001 5. Activity Report for August, 2001 6. Clairview Rd. Right -of -Way — Glen Oaks 7. Aquatic Development Contract -- Red Oal<s 8. Campground Expansion Project — Addison Oaks 9. Oakland County GIS Parkland Acquisition Computer Model 10. Huron Valley Trail Update — Lyon Oaks 11. Bid Items: Park Grade Trees - Lyon Oaks, Copier - Administration Exterior Painting — Waterford Oaks Adm. Bldg. 12. Parks Policy — Golf Course Walkers 13. Executive Officer's Report 14. Old Business 15. New Business 16. Adjourn Next Meetings: Wednesday, November 7, Administration Office Wednesday, December 5, Administration Office Approval Approval Resolution to Board of Comm. Approval Approval Information Information Approval Approval Approval Discussion K. Kohn/858-4606 R. Richard / 858-0909 it J. Figa / 858-4620 11 D. Stencil / 858-4944 It F. Trionfi / 858-4607 J. Kipke / 858-4605 M. Thibodeau / 858-4630 R. Richard / 858-0909 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING September 19, 2001 Chairman Pecky Lewis called the meeting to order at 9:10 a.m, in the board room of the Orion Township offices. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr., Vice Chairman Richard Skarritt, Secretary Richard D. Kuhn, Jr., Fred Korzon, Ruel E. McPherson, Shelley Taub, J. David VanderVeen, Richard V. Vogt COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Thomas Law, John McCulloch ALSO PRESENT: Parks and Recreation Oakland County Corporation Counsel Orion Township Ralph Richard, Executive Officer Frank Trionfi, Administrator — Administration Daniel Stencil, Administrator— Park Operations Jon J. Kipke, Assistant Administrator Mike Thibodeau, Chief of Golf Sue Wells, Chief of Recreation Joseph Figa, Chief of Design and Development Janet Pung, Public Communications Officer Sheila Cox, Accountant IV Judy Cunningham, Corporation Counsel Jerry Dywasuk, Supervisor Jill Banstian, Clerk Jennifer Rowe, Parks Programming Supervisor A moment of silence was observed for the victims, family, friends, and rescuers of September 11's tragic events in New York City, the Pentagon, and in Pennsylvania. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Moved by Mr. Kuhn, supported by Mr. McPherson to approve the minutes of the Public Hearing of September 5, 2001, as written. AYES: Korzon, Kuhn, Lewis, McPherson, Skarritt, Taub (6) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. Moved by Mr. McPherson, supported by Mrs. Taub to approve the minutes of the meeting of September 5, 2001, as written. AYES: Korzon, Kuhn, Lewis, McPherson, Skarritt, Taub (6) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. 3-1 September 19, 2001 Meetng the 'Pubilc. Gomni�ssiOn oe\ved from, ent MMEN�S or comments re meat of thepeCyod foM P ,'BOG GO rove the pay Rep us Zpp1 tF ked bY' re no auestons as er aub to app ,ng the V ou d for Pug here we YMEN�S by Mrs ister, inGiva eP°xk Perio PPROV Pt- OF P P Skarrkt, sSp he�Pa`1 d th Ge P V °ocher R P Moved by which inc\u 2pp1), an Summt N,p1 GPM 11' ritt,�aub � ro P , F 2001i e,Nis, McPherson, Skar �S. YoCyon, Kuhn, ecCeat,on s an R rr` e P P,�S. Bpi ice vote �. end the Paof $49,2$ks Oro rd aff\d N ot�on Gamed on a vO DG�. f p,�11�NaM--�� Mr Skaro�,ng h�3 pOp to`� °�e4s \ament ,Snip M gv ed Y aqp s. ui d s 20p1 OPERp,TtNG K°r�°n, serang StneetbwingiPc fife s Ben�'er F Pct'wh enincorporate folio tvit,e efts ,ch Moved by VAT, s 2pp1 ©p encY to field OGenter Fringe ri etGoo4 o Spnng Genera\ PPprOpr,atons Ope at,ng gee �23' . Oaks AGt'Sit2p01 Niantena to Sprin9f� Gomrciss� g,12,3 dance with thgudgeV\9 Plot. itt, Taub �6i ahe ��,forn` t"OGa is, McPhersOn, Skarr uhn, t-ew P.�E.S Koryon, � accepted as fled. t 2pp1 was 31, vote us voice OF OP�RP�ipNS' a the month end,ng Pug Gamed °n S�P��RPPRK. endance and revenues Motion NiEN for 1N�4 S fP�E f Operations Rip OPK ected af'ant Sion p,O ect. G4MB fined Statement ° PROJEG Ci4NS J ch, staff pro`aed pea ore ey e Go\ ex V McGuiio of the om iss,on fh �NOPNG� PND R m C05\ +s fte the Gompiet�On reauestmg G Oaks P� se to a rea�aicsrWaterpark a •has OOntaco g seg�,ent abutting in rU es for the Red D�V�`OpM�N ent Gounc�\ r the"ie i fig VPtrb�� ARP\l. ,�raiwaY Ma uapnVaiieY �ra�ifo t H NVRON Oak\and G om�ieton of the Goun�,i a�,a�tsuPpa on9 Pontiac �ra�\. saver meetn9 with the f,noun Park nai detar\ G e addt,° Stajivdiil p0likd PPNSiON. �� 3 2 two \eased tembec 19, 200A1 c°ve the t a( x age, one for the Meeting' sep Taub to a99 iss\On by Mrs. f\eetthrough cenoct' �Comn' sUpoocted s existing \ca\ Sapp ton foc fechn Mr. Kuh d Recre and one n, parks dm+ncstratkon cd by t � McY4e stotSecbon P cson, Skacritt, �aub'vo Recrea beds, Nicphe CZon, KuY1n, S K° n theagenda, PYE S. toi ote. is item be posed .a can attend. NPY a voice v ues" th ommcss� inners rried °n eT Raw req. when C Comcniss T �SGPbSvppORC Motcon ca cause Gommovember ,� meeting p,{ter discosPeccfica\ y DEP PRE MEN is ann°unce discus ion until the N m brief re oar whether °c P chairman �e ostponed fior made some O c en oP`n�on n as been P d Cunningh ePare a wr��� y• RK• d G°unty it h Counse\ Sun counsel P outside atto S W P fERP P een Oak\ be . f�natiZed oration c Drat o to hcre a Ep OPK out betvJ tract to b c°rpested a Packs abi\ity NTRPc� R een worKed eGtsthe c°n rprec\odes the �xpPNs\ON CO ct hay D of ye went Staff exp of the comp\et�on °f P fX j ty\e contra pq pgoat c eve\oP �P fER FE t the detacthe attO ney e neeting e\ay wiU a ectthe tcrcm�n9 noted tha unsex and at the Oct no that this d corporation c foc appcovax a ted repacat�on \opment 3oe v\g covided \Ooffnat�on on in P { of Dcs\gn and eve pa\mer, stash ut the count • ch�e Char\es is the°u9 the project mcri�ssioneaX abatemen PB \A'E E �S st from forme `?aT t of he different r Of\ce Ra\ph a ceque xoss as a Xecutive d RecoveN in resP°nsments revenue authorize Resource a�Onstructron, the dePart b: Mr Skarv\ttk\and C°untpos'a foc thcsite; h°wcver, OPOSP orted by stern Oa it a Prop ter N�\\s e packs are SOCRRP pR d by Mr' K ah� , to thehc°'���� at�o f� .. it`1 a subfthext pa ks o�erat�on, th Move d to send them for of the go f the co\ nfm k f 'M tha d`macntenan stocnanl part ° v een Vogt �0 ) ecat* an X not a cu 000n. karritt, �a b, Vander o e\�eving �.o`s erase any u declining e bewis, Mcphecson, S KorZon, Kuhn of the f\nanc\ae NPY S . <�� Dice v ote' isscon on tdtheabacn tA"ss rnacntenan carried on a v d-ated the Commn grant an N\ot�Qn UpID an Steno\ u\plBacn Re\ocat�o E��\S BPRN OPeratxon f Ods floc the m�nistcator ts fo the matching 3 ..3 comr6xtme�tfund. , end _ ._ eet�ng, September 19, 2p01i COornmiss�on M fWas noted; T the ollov�in9 anon. iVE F1GER'S REPOR the agenda, for inform pF ego rtfiled in County Park Was distributed EXCVT pfficeC s R ecutive Oaks Park• to the EX tan for Orion s County In addition ster p of the conceptual ma 6 a m to a tour of Orion Oak copy at 10.1 10. adjourned October The rneet�ng Was �►ednesday, // , �..5 Witl be 9'00 a m on :7U1 meeting fj h CPS Recording SecretaN The neXt Commission v Karen Ko ichard D. Kuhn, Jr"Secretary R 3-4 AUGUST, 2001 QlAKLAND OrRiff► ': 7:� DAY USE PARKS *Not included in totals PARTICIPANTS (MONTH) PARTICIPANTS (YTD) 2000 2001 2000 2001 ADDISON OAKS PARK Campers Day Use Day Campers 12243 14079 43645 44519 11251 12939 39597 41731 0 0 0 0 *ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 4014 3871 37064 34375 GROVELAND OAKS PARK Campers Day Use Day Campers 40644 44844 118144 131463 11210 13456 35342 51051 0 150 289 2040 INDEPENDENCE OAKS PARK Day Use Overnight Group Campers 48790 45613 260877 248890 0 0 342 872 LYON OAKS PARK 0 0 0 24 ORION OAKS PARK 2860 3289 24815 28588 ROSE OAKS PARK 0 0 0 0 WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK 23504 21044 69523 90482 RED OAKS WATERPARK 10080 19157 43445 71868 RED OAKS GOLF DOME & SV 11400 0 84235 30551 TOTALS 171982 174571 720254 742079 GOLF COURSES PARTICIPANTS (MONTH) PARTICIPANTS (YTD) 2000 2001 2000 2001 GLEN OAKS Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played - 18 Holes *Banquet Facilities 8703 8687 43626 43851 2088 2376 13526 13635 3209 2672 39226 38122 LYON OAKS Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played - 18 Holes *Banquet Facilities 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RED OAKS Rounds Played 6690 0 34812 3101 SPRINGFIELD OAKS Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played - 18 Holes *Activities Center 5046 6079 20613 24913 3444 3045 21565 17171 61525 62568 104128 104912 10/4/2001 5 1 of 2 WHITE LAKE OAKS Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played - 18 Holes *Banquet Facilities 8886 8997 42201 37690 2604 2421 15192 12454 625 447 4520 5481 TOTALS 37461 31605 191535 152815 RECREATIONAL PARTICIPANTS (MONTH) PARTICIPANTS (YTD) 2000 2001 2000 2001 MOBILE RECREATION Bouncer Bus Climbing Wall Dunk Tank Inline Skate Mobile Orbotron Puppet Show Mobile Skate Mobile Sport Mobile Teen Mobile Traveling Music Show Miscellaneous 8610 6765 33620 29930 2925 2700 29025 27540 1600 1300 4500 4600 7456 6990 23999 24698 3955 1148 9143 7925 2250 1500 8100 7650 4050 4250 17820 14790 0 57 50 164 2338 2004 10521 7514 8473 7099 26564 25877 75 30 600 360 2520 2640 7920 7320 1092 1989 5842 10003 WATERFORD OAKS Activity Center Tennis Complex BMX Fridge/Lookout Lodge 1202 975 17967 13551 450 142 1862 6393 10805 8958 22587 19597 5815 40951 291451 26943 ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM Nature Center Outreach *Nature Trail Usage 2940 3154 34188 34722 384 396 13153 8540 10179 8165 71602 70286 THERAPEUTIC/SENIOR EVENTS 1815 3805 11020 11928 TOTALS 68755 59997 307626 290045 COMBINED• PARTICIPANTS (MONTH) PARTICIPANTS (YTD) 2000 2001 2000 2001 GOLF COURSES 37461 31605 191535 152815 RECREATIONAL AND SPECIAL EVENTS 130280 122565 411754 394957 DAY USE PARKS 171982 174571 720254 742079 BANQUET FACILITIES 7848 6990 80810 77978 GRAND TOTALS 347571 335731 1404353 1367829 Therapeutic/Senior Event Breakdown 10/4/2001 Pedeatric Picnic - 75; Wheelchair Daze - 1275; Sports Night - 80; Senior Softball Tournament - 2300, 5— 2 of 2 Waterford Senior Track and Field - 75 I,O #6 OF W PY R�GN OAS OAYS don O�P`R�1�wG �N e to aban s regarding \rater st -the 611 of Farmington Ni\\ Oaks boundary. city orth of G\en nonce from the n 0 has rece\ved his \°cated direct\y raised iof �50,00 t on the s\te °f the Staff right of way Wh�c of strip, has been app er -a\ developmen this proposed G\aiNiew Road {oot by �2� 5 �O osed comet 0' p°��on o1 e arce\ is a gp eveioper °1 a prop e northernrn°st 3 ern p°rtx°n of th acre p and Sakwa, the d wou\d receNe th . terest in the south t ,s interest Xn said Gr s SI Nision° expressed rn for the coup y rmer C3\en Pcre rand gakwa has on a �50,000 gift would a\s° grant the abandon\.nen the G°met of said property .'meter ete ° t issr road ment and \s offering s,bse4uent owners aced °n the park per 00 to move oar Perim r n c abando and SakWa an ate currently \° \mate\y property - Gr ess to a service g e\ it w\\\ Cost appfoX er iandscapin9 th paving at G\en Oo,mmrssion acc t accepts this parc d for ad0\ona\ buff r add.'<�°na\ Cart pa venue \f the coUn y nds wi\\ be reaurre e\ woU\d be used fo s increasing °Ur re ence P\s° Parks �u erved fro'�n this parc \when its Net, thu c { nds rec er friend y irect the °unty s The fu e course more US ecommendxng tO d d SakWa for the Oaks making th tit sideratron, staff rs r he developer , Gran oUnty Board °f eneratrn9 capac y {ter review and Con s of this parse\ tot \ by the Oak\and G g Therefore, a andOnment proses ent upon apprOva be\ng tin the road ab �50,000 ° c°ntmg ntic�pates an °pinr0n .'nteres he appraised vale' this matter -Staff a gift oft ire revrew\n9 Gornmissloners. unse C� rat\y n \ is `on m t�ng- Gorporal\o Go the Gornrniss ee dered priOf to or at ren 6-1 °arty p arks and sed the oak\and G oad \ocated 'a the toll Nxi\s has r nt °{ G\aTNje'� R the city °f Farmm9 oPOsed aoandonrne rce\ 3Q feet�ide s`on regara�ng a Pr park and ude a 6��"acre Pa omrnrs n G°Unty en .m ReGreat`Or G of o\e oaks dorm t,�°u\d no�herr bOUrdary the prop°sed abar 5Q QQQ' and °� th former e �\��REPS, d raised va\Ue o{ $ ro\ect °n the S\te 5 f eet \Ong, an ce\ has an aPP d comoerc\a\ P of the proposed by Z27 . N�REp,S, this par e\Oiler °{ a prop°se e nOrtherr p°�\On est and ds for REp,S, the dev the interest m th e county'S inter of Unbudgeted fvn \, vkel boOng r th . re the eXpend\ture s SUba,�\sion QQQ it eXcharge f0 d n Pcre $5p o�\d reau\ der \andsca'On " aroa o\e nment is of{erin�S w ndo cept�ng this Parce\ da�r9 addit�ora\ bu th paving at G\en riMeter fence and a or addit�orax cart Pa R rks d ecreat`Or \ the P s pe �i\\ a\\ow f all ark a re\ocav\C3 S the $5Q,QQQ e course is \Vet. oak\and Go%j p Ocess of this Parce VNv\EREP e P°tent�a\ NNben th SOLV E'D that the d abard°nmert Pr QQO , Gort�ngert •ncreas�ng re�enu EFORE BE' \� R� interest rr the roa ed amount °f $50, ` Now TNER s that the coumty ,�a, fOr the aPpra s ells, mnirssiOn reauest e\oPer' Grand SaK and of Gomm`ss\on Go dev be a`rected to the oak\and GOIJ Bo Mo\jed Oy up O'n aPPrOva\ by the uPpo,ded by S Date. 62 P � " ND Den`eRED viP N1P October 4 2001 t EXecut�v PRO NIAD ard, p Ra\ph PW G�VCp!POadMISS,DN te OPCREPZ�ONbaK28 V\i\\s to vac, rd� FZ$44 Nlatk� M\cy \gar 4 O{ F ar\'\\r9tOowrecs aC �, ted ouf Nlate,IOrd, the OtY prOpem Ou SuPP etWxOred O a)0,609th\s Year' y s the pear Ra\ph e�\es has lt\e Or\y tw EaTCxev discus �sakWa Prv°ww prive k\ard C°urt`l. \�\er to s interest Graf\ °� C\are T�xes ard Ca et over. th pak nd C° \ram 9ra Dear, sakvva po p acat�or Orga\�\Zat� srwOu d a. x was dire by rty pet\t\or oI Our t wapropey �ePr a,pva\ irteres u CO sertat�ves rardls . t of rty°s Property ay the pakehy \t is N1e a\b�\sty th t street e to P e prop s\Or. Repre a rgr th C°u ed th is it pos vacated 50,044 or are PrePar rights tO the cot because the va eaf� rasa\ ard 000 �Or \ts tior to da\\or �set\\rg a \u ed the aPPT \ssjOr $ s0, a trarsou, rec°mmer review r Con end With Y NNe have d Retreat\ wi\\ rec°rrm r corGurs parks ar rdirg y°U e COr\\'r\s `\o dersta that th s \Mo ua e "°pfi�ca\ tO a\\ Pa��e ave any aces{Ors. is bete rtact Oe if Y°u h Pease co r care\y SiD�SPK� P pR4 GRPN � ' vteen `\e es �acOr 28�� ° Su;te ZZo \�\\ a8334 ,m �Z4S $aKv a cos" vrN"v.9<a, . Glen Oaks Stormwater Enhancements A Areas in White represent potential areas for stormwater treatment. 0 N 400 Feet Total acreage: 4.2 ac 6-4 r"�� 1.00 #1 R P pRK S W p1E NS�pN RED �pK RE EXpA 1ve the issues NEW FEPTU pse, to reso ent has n°w GOT of G° Weem " vNdatlon. MaLct. -�h�s been \NOTK�n9 With ° melt TIC ror e�ie\N and recOm b \je\P Staff has the Aauat�c De e corn'm�ss�On fo � WiU be �,a d,Nrth ,�a��a �e to th a� costs• Sta at also to d a 'o adelon Zed an require v�sed cost ana\ys�s been Sinai eW hens that mad presenfin9 a re here are sty\� a � re9aCd\n9 this an entation mak019 a pres on meetm9- the G°mmrs J-1 ITEM #8 ADDISON OAKS CAMPGROUND EXPANSION Bids were received for the expansion of the campgrounds at Addison Oaks. This project consists of the addition of two new areas of modern campsites (92), the renovation and expansion of the existing group sites, a modification and rerouting of the present access roads, a new entrance to the campgrounds, the expansion of the sanitary lagoon system, and improvements to the existing day use parking area. This expansion will also include a new shower/restroom facility, which will be bid under a different contract. The basic design for this project did not incorporate the new entrance drive, the day use parking improvements and portions of the modified access road. These were to be phased later. It was, however, decided that it would be beneficial to incorporate the total project in this bid. The bids are as follows: Contractor Bid Zito Construction $3,530,000 Grand Blanc Roger Ingles Construction Inc. $3,666,140 Lake Orion WCI Contractors, Inc. $2,842,000 Detroit C & H Services, Co. LTD $3,391,000 Waterford ABC Paving Co. $3,394,000 Trenton The budgeted amount for this project is $1,325,000. Because the project exceeds the budgeted amount, staff has been working with the low bidder, WCI Contractors, Inc., to effectuate a reasonable reduction in the overall project cost. Staff has also been reviewing the other projects that could be put on hold until next year's budget cycle. Due to work loads and timing, these projects would potentially not be able to be constructed during this budget cycle. Staff will be presenting additional information and a recommendation at the commission {meeting. 8-1 ;,to " P P �Q L co�N� pv�ER M E O PKLPND OR GOM PCQV�S Inky Packs and ttees, oak\and G° meet of t`ne Vavk and focus comn\\ e the fukure deve\op eC �g9� \e\4e\S the �aGkgrourd: r\es °� �orksh°PS Statement to gu\d by 2 400 ages °v 1an to "estab\ish co gh a se a\ r \SsiOn ease axon P „ -�h u ed a fo fm \ss on is "to \ncr deve\OPed an aG ated or Cnanaged ecreat\on deve\oP °bye&\ e o� t��s m s end, Pav\0 staff o be ac ulred, d°n R tem F Strateg\c d by Zga� �° th\ . icank• • •potentia\ t sys land acres one nd that has S\gn\f Gak\and park es for eva\uat\ng \a s. rkwith staff from Mks and Po\\c\county Park Packs sta,�it1�° a k\and oak\and Go p to find those by Oa crn°\or3y e °f the t ide o1ect: county G\S ke de\ to th needs nd Parce\s GOUn `1'� ch Parce\ r P Ug\ng Oak\an t a computer m° arch t\.\rOugh a\\ \a one by rankkn( ea he Parce\s that P\an, \ng to adaP ire rnOde\ wi\\ se s needs arcs �s d akura\ features- d as a maP county t\on Commission . t the G°n�,m\ssion and Presence Of n d and Presence Recrea t most c\ose\y fc e si2e' \Oration, ckwi\\ be h�Pr\\,rke Oak Parce\S tr to ce�an cCiteria \c enk as a county pa accocd\ng \tab\e {°r deve\oPvn ays Most Su ion use � ff \n a number of w. ing are an C°mmcss is and Sta S cecna\n for ska� d to the Gomm s\°n of what OPt\On ace cougrt before khem srou\d be usef u\ re GOmP\eke viscon kOP Results' va\ue of Parce\s b \nc\u6\TQ kre ire resu\ts tad `Ni\\rave a fn r ab\e to judge the &n9 \ando`NxAers more comPef\tiNe GocnmiSs\Oc\ ands \ssjOn �i\\ be Bette \e Parce% by coma county parks even ounde• Co'mcn act\ve\y on va\uab \d make Cak\and c taff cOU\d mOve PTO e masker p\an wOu S c\ty Parce\s \ntO th pc\o t vn granaPPC\cat\ons• �--1 i� Rio LEA ,�Rp�L up e oGto)oef 5 �VRpN v PL d�°g th an Ste°c`i �s avLerent C°un rk Operaf\°ns pa ra��way Managem dni�n�stcat°C � k�and G°unty � P tern pa °{ the des °u atthe meet�n9 meetxn9 to fOc y ve a Ve�ba, Upda ha ITEM #11 PARK GRADE TREES In order to establish a substantial buffer planting along the northeast border of Lyon Oaks, staff requested bids for 100 park grade trees. The following bids were received: Christensen's Plant Center Incomplete Bid Plymouth, MI Discount Tree Sales $14,380.00 Mason, MI Marine City Nursery Incomplete Bid Marine City, MI Huggett Sod Farm Incomplete Bid Marlette, MI Discount Tree Sales was the only vendor returning a complete bid. All deciduous trees are 2'/" caliper; all conifers are 6 — 8' tall. The trees were inspected at the nursery in Mason, and all are of very good quality. Therefore, staff is requesting Commission approval of the bid for the purchase of 100 park grade trees from Discount Tree Sales in the amount of $14,380.00. There was $15,000 budgeted for this purchase. COPIER ADMINISTRATION Bids were requested for the purchase of a digital copier with network interface card and sorter/finisher for the administration office. This is a replacement for the copier that has been the "work horse" in the office for 13 years. The following bids were received: Albin Industries, Inc. Konica 7065 $21,842 Farmington, MI (Includes $1,000 trade in for current copier.) Maintenance Agreement: $.0083 per copy Lanier Worldwide, Inc. Southfield, MI Panasonic Copier Co Farmington Hills, MI Ricoh Business Systems Inc. Rochester Hills, MI Panasonic Copier Co Farmington Hills, MI Lanier 5470 $20,404 Maintenance Agreement: $.008 per copy Panasonic FP-D620S Did not meet specs. Ricoh Aficio 700 $15,245 Maintenance Agreement: $.069 per copy Panasonic FP-D605S2 Did not meet specs. Xerox The Document Co. Xerox Documentcentre 470ST $26,965 Southfield, MI Maintenance Agreement: $302.50 monthly, plus $.0079 over 25,000 copies In reviewing the bids for machine comparability, Parks and Purchasing staff narrowed the bids down to the Konica and Lanier. Purchasing is recommending the Lanier, as low bid between the two comparable machines. However, Parks staff demo'd both machines, and believe the Konica has several advantages, including: a design that is heavier and more durable; a fan that allows the machine to run cooler during the duplexing process, thereby reducing paper curl and jams; a different document feeder design that reduces friction and heat; easier access into the machine for clearing paper jams; plus additional stapling positions. Therefore, staff is requesting Commission approval of the purchase of the Konica 7065 from Albin Industries, Inc. in the amount of $21,842. There was $17,000 in the 2001 Operating Equipment Budget for this purchase. However, because of the timing between the two fiscal years, the funds will come from 2002 Operating Equipment Contingency. 11-2 I..TO4 #12 PARKS POLICY WALKERS GOLF COURSE a matches on Wing parents, relat►�es, made to allow walkers (me the golf p, request has been oW along during the high school student and friends) to toll of the low these walkers because do not al to the general courses ds that we fairness Staff recommends d or would create; plus in experience them to walk. Prop problems we have does not allow inion on this p OUT current p°IIcy and °p public, as commission consideration Staff is requesting ch ange in our current policy 12-1 ITS #13 rc� vs REPpRT EXECUTrVE pFF IrefresheC ding acount- driver's training Management regar With Risk and waterpark staff is `N°rkin9 staff olf course date -_-Operations art -time and full -times the lease for the 9 future for p on and approval at a program Oakland County O o nni6ss►on review tact is working vd� the lease available lot barn• _ S er and Eccentric on the Ellis N)"ill have nd the state °# arr1enitles• Obsery arou from the elected writers from is a recent article that day • Enclosed 16 Staf bassOaks facility a , October tour the Lyon formation on Oaks is Y ses t b vited to with additional in e in at Ly°n cour 2p01 along _--press day view golf Michigan, whO re e Summary for the fiscal Year now available for their is an ndn he auction. in _--Attached la tual master plan eQu�pment p s cOncep the Orion Oak range been notrf1ed that the of the driving sidents have � 2 against th�he inqI"' fection before makIn9 any --Re d are to review. Greening R° d are is to respond the residents fo a few other ber 27 , a�t�ng ing at Independence of September Staff is w ai camp ark. along the ro at►on ect at thep fence for the organ 'I of that p rol decisions• awarded a grant developm has been ap to assist M the e taxing count- on The parks COm�dl pry ide $163, to 3 P.M., m pared to S Glen Oaks, and L- Thls grant im 10'.36 as fadlity tour of R ran Oaks' rox ately on age nda. S, from included with the Natural October 2 Par" p ommissioners ---On Thursday and interestedfor the W"eraN Trees A rovided. 1-Ook ,From Seedlings to commissio � will be p ward for the Oaks; lun ent A for your perusal. NACO Pc h1evem d Oaks and t the meeting n for the Re _ taif has formally re Tr edwaed wilt be a Compariso --S ea rogram' e and Revenue paltnersbIP p of the Incom copy ears. olved information is a fast ten Y staf# is currently Inv for your s over the the projects Wat rfQ d Oakswaterpark ° listing f Octobef s On the Desk of... e tember 16 with 400 ___Also attac With. hed is a copy ° on Oaks County park °n September p s held at Adds 1 Fall Mountain Bike Race wa The annua atimg riders part�cip EX� 'SpRT.doc ke Oaks on September 15 with 50 ive Golf Outing was held at White La -- The annual Warren Orlick inclus Participants. de'. co -sponsored with Orion Township. Upcoming events inclu Oaks. The event 's in the Park at Orion Bark their owners. umPkin October 6 - for dogs and ks ent, P entertainmentindependence Oa resent. Entertainm t Indep re 1920 to P Fall Color Car Classic a categories, P various Mobile Recreation units. hies in communities will be October 7 " and trop and M Seven coin fudging tricycle races ins. decorating d County seniors beg Tours for Oaklan County Fall Color n tour of Oakland a is rides and a October 9 - in an autum cider, doughnuts, hay Participating Center's fall festival A cr forts 9 er 14 - Lewis E� WritNature of family fun With games, October time for an aft Take hitheater show Special amp of 2001= for the remainder office meeting dates a.m., administration office mission ovember 7, g:00 administration ---Final Gom esday, 5, 9:00 a.m., VVedn December Wednesday, EXOREpR,T.doc oVe El T-9 to m ®'ney be b.as ° for all the Sapp iZs1� $15p 000• , ateful �s a O'w ►7 ge Saidhes ,s donation), unx' U° so townshW, this comma received this ;the orb from uT thin w of saPP local Y GIgARD 24 pp0 endows sho toward the B`� S wry ecoT'm net fitted $ tre2u ct: 040 gecreation 52 @pe k►om comet $irtsas Sal,' $75 arks and l has s aid TowvashiP has E1hsBan ty, s con. eounty The Ellis farm on- SPring geld, , of t11 historl is, workinb ° - Birts while the 000•; State Ban c elocatlon of RBr Inc" ttucturo : kl match tmeicat in $`�0= kston towaveloper Tim B ove the assiv eroxal PrO�e h Depa . tecl $ '0p4 and Clan coat uxng to De to Ica and, COm . u t Wort com ere.1-m a grant to Pay es. aentialDi e l�gh°ray trio 500, a to top there'. 3 5pp from sited $ , d of goinb .. Clerk is building a r Fauns on ly.farni. P'irt5 io "Were n, �� $irtsas sal~addiional $1sYhip omar dsy.. Ing called ex Ellis fame do bis best raise fun needed atch t°`vn abet of 7-� 5. - ould ' lans ter file he onli is the_ form the, m ;rhe site officials he demolition as' o meet likely av tha d ��vould orE: �� - o for- township $irtsas e had moreed . had told tow wh to bars from of his 1?r°sect .g the rstrole said the �a�t if i sas a� � save the gl ° Nancy ce, of getting hand. Bid :cations from for the commercial p son eld Oal char , ma more contrrb barn to SPrm d catlonal th&:%) percent e more �velcom ort for wad is to move the e used for already he would- letters of suPP The Plan where .t will b $irtsas have vex; said manity. bons or administrator County Paxlz e county and n the barn. K°w a It the com id contribu an Stencil, rks 2$00 ould g° to D County Pa They urposes• Thding to main stx�cture remaied and Ile roject sh paklana d, 48828' P . tedef °fong the bex the P S for W aterfox Pt' dedica feces rum of operati�a goad T ce no later tci office robl bled, the P d that ke cil s offi call Sten the P e new site. he could fin h Watkins five at Sten . y C. , 248-858-1683 miist be disasat. h thxoug ersons also-,,Sabermay cted only grant ect Was e should:land.mi.us- reconstru id the to the Proj . or 28. lntereS 4 Tlxe:fax rco hier1 and he bee" at 858 address teneild oak $irtsas sa ly t of TxansP has 248- is s ossibly apP migbt c DePa due Oct. t mateh. a �o find ie e-mail the Ghl is ton is ant aPP fox the 20 ch ereans he ha money li m isfor $?50'p00 w AS LK 6, C-6 '134- OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION Auction Revenue Summary FY 2001 Park Fall 2000 Spring 2001 Net Revenue Revenue Expense Revenue Expense Administration $90.00 ($4.92) $85.08 Recreation Administration 0.00 Technical Support* 1,875.00 (102.58) 1,772.42 Addison Oaks 45.00 (3.29) 3,050.00 (166.86) 2,924.85 Groveland Oaks 2,085.00 (114.06) 1,970.94 Independence Oaks 1,080.00 (59.08) 1,020.92 Orion Oaks 0.00 White Lake Oaks 4,025.00 (220.20) 3,804.80 Glen Oaks 0.00 Red Oaks Golf Course 0.00 Red Oaks Water Park 40.00 (2.92) 37.08 Springfield Oaks G.C. 5,552.50 (303.80) 5,248.70 Springfield Oaks A.C. 0.00 Waterford Oaks 2,250.00 (123.10) 2,126.90 Waterford Oaks Water Park 40.00 (2.92) 37.08 BMX 0.00 Waterford Toboggan Complex 0.00 mobile Recreation 1,800.00 1 (131.48)1 1 1,668.52 Nature Program 1 1 22.50 1 (1.22) 21.28 TOTAL $1,925.00 1 ($140.61)1 $20,030.00 1 ($1,095.82)1 $20,718.57 * Net with Administration revenue. 13-3 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION Auction Items / Revenue Examples FY 2001 FALL 2000 AUCTION Equipment Amount 1988 GMC School Bus (Mobile Recreation) $1,800.00 SPRING 2001 AUCTION Equipment Amount 1993 GMC Sonoma Pick -Up (Addison Oaks) $800.00 1989 Diahatsu Utility Vehicle (Addison Oaks) $175.00 Demo Excel Hustler 440 Tractor (Addison Oaks) $1,900.00 5-Gang Reelmaster 223-D Fairway Mower (WLO) $1,000.00 Cushman Gas 3 Wheel Turf-Truckster (WLO) $300.00 Toro Groundsmaster 72 Rotary Mower (WLO) $2,200.00 Howard 727 Tractor (Springfield Oaks G.C.) $1,900.00 Excel 320 Mower Tractor (Waterford Oaks) $1,400.00 13-4 INCOME AND ATTENDANCE COMPARISON WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK RED OAKS WATERPARK YEAR ATTENDANCE REVENUES YEAR ATTENDANCE REVENUES 1992 38,223 $210,048.00 1992 66,311 $365,734.80 1993 46,981 $283,409.47 1993 84,906 $530,193.28 1994 48,125 $294,404.00 1994 69,385 $469,624.11 1995 56,693 $375,586.00 1995 88,200 $592,229.69 1996 66,865 $467,315.00 1996 72,556 $488,020.69 1997 73,250 $576,341.00 1997 59,759 $407,711.32 1998 85,254 $756,459.00 1998 73,721 $515,361.05 1999 90,993 $801,077.00 1999 61,975 $458,000.22 2000 73,717 $587,384.00 2000 43,445 $341,266.47 2001 103,241 *$889,164.10 2001 70,861 *$555,634.75 *The revenues reflected are through August 31, 2001 only. On the Desk of Ralph Richard October 1, 2001 RALPH RICHARD Red Oaks Golf Lease Lyon Oaks Oaks Start up — Lyon Oaks Nextel County Trails DAN STENCIL Staff Review Special Project Team Lyon Oaks Operations Plan, 2002 Ellis Barn Springfield Oaks AC Operations JON KIPKE Fridge Lift TS Fall Projects Lyon Oaks Restrooms ADA Plan Deer Management Fall Special Project Crew Fall Wham Trustys WHIMAZIEW Mobile Recreation Review Interpretive Services — L/O & Nature Ctr. Seniors/Therapeutic Recreation Beaumont Grant Fridge Start Up Waterparks Review & Projects FRANK TRIONFI HRFIS Updates Park e-mail Copy Machines Banking 2001 Budget Review Cash Management Review JOE FIGA A -Oaks Campground Bldg/Campground/Rds Lyon Oaks Bldg. Development Red Oaks Waterpark Plan Orion Oaks Master Plan Dept. Master Plan Rebuild Acorn List Supervise Staff Projects: Website Revisions Group Sales Lyon Oaks Marketing Fridge Marketing Park Histories — Gr/O & S/O MIKE THIBODEAU Environmental Stewardship Lyon Oaks Pro Shop Start up Golf Landscape Standards Golf Fall Meeting Agenda D:\$Data\My Documents\RaADESKOF01.doc 13-6