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Agendas/Packets - 2002.07.10 - 40075
Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. Chairman Richard Skarritt Vice Chairman Richard D. Kuhn. Jr. Secretary Fred Korzon John P. McCulloch Ruel E. McPherson Lawrence A. Obrecht Shelley G. Taub J. r -A VanderVeen R, V. Vogt Ralph Richard Executive Officer 2800 Watl<ins Lal<e Road • Waterford, Michigan 48328-1917 248-858-0906 • Fax 248-858-1683 • TTY 248-858-1684 • 1-888-OCPARKS 0Z,,wr,AKLAND www.co.oal<land.mi.us _„ July 3, 2002 Oakland County Parks And Recreation Commission Oakland County, Michigan Commissioners: A meeting has been called of the Parks and Recreation Commission as follows: PLACE ..........................Parks and Recreation Office 2800 Watkins Lake Road Waterford, MI 48328 TIME ............................Wednesday, July 10, 2002 9:00 a.m. PURPOSE ........................Regular Meeting and Budget Work Session This meeting has been called in accordance with the authorization of Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation. Next Meetings: Wednesday, August 7, 2002 Wednesday, September 4, 2002 Sincerely, Ralph Richard Executive Officer Parks and Recreation D:\$Data\My documents\COMMISSN\agendaltr.doc 0 ur mission is to provide recreational, leisure and learning experiences that enhance quality of life. Oakland County Parks: lecreation Commission 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 11 Call Meeting to Order 9:00 a.m. Roll Call Public Comments Commission Meeting Minutes for June 12, 2002 Payment Approval Summary - Internal Service Funds Payment Register Payment Register: Combined Statement of Operations for Month Ending 5/31/02 Trails Update Study Bid Item: Red Oaks Golf Course Ellis Barn Acceptance Resolution Park Improvement Grant — Springfield Oaks Easements: a. Orion Oaks b. Addison Oaks Electric 12. Old Business 13. New Business 14. Adjourn to Budget Work Session 2800 Watk._...'Lake Rd Waterford, Mi 48328 **AGENDA** July 10, 2002 Action Required Approval Approval Approval Informational Approval Approval Approval Approval LUNCH WILL BE PROVIDED Presenter/Phone # J. Figa / 8584620 R. Richard / 858-0909 D. Stencil / 858-4944 T10N COMMISSION MEETING KS AND RECREA TY PAR June CpUN of the Madison OAKLP•ND e Room is called the meeting to order at 9:03 a.m. in the greckenridg peckY Lew Kuhn, Jr., Fred Chairman lic Library Heights Pub S PRESENT Secretarl Richard D. COMMISSION MEMBERS Richard Skarritt, VanderVeen Vice Chairman Taub, J. David Lewis Jr., e Obrecht, Shelley ri peckY D. renc Ko2°na John McCulloch, Law MISSION MEMB� B$� EOM Vogt McPherson, Richard V. E Officer Ruel Executive inistration AI Sp PRESENT: Ralph Richard, inistrator — Apark Operations FrankTrionfi, Adaministrator — d Development Daniel Stencil, A f Design an Officer parks and RecreationChief o Joseph Figa rnunications Janet Pung, Public C0 of Golf Mike Thib°deau' Chef inistrator Jon Kipke Assistant ed Recreation Sue Wells, Chief of R Cox Accountant IV ineer 1 Sheila ellon, Architectural Eng Counsel Mike Donn t Corporation John Ross, r, ea'. p ncipal Planner Counsel Larry FalardCity Manager Corporation is Devel. Jon Austin, City ounty & econom berg paKland C Planning gill Eisen paKland CO. Heights Chet Hill City of MadisonDevelopment d Sakwa Inc. Chip Smith Gran HiIltLand Ethics, Johnson and thanked the 0 ks hts Madison He1g ovate the Revat�on LIC COMMENTS to M ren e the ren everyone Waterpark anto mak PUB nusto expand the Red Oaks for his efforts Manager Jon Richard Heights City in work~ g Officer Ralph Madison their eff°ended Executive forth Commission He also com Golf Course. a reality• of May of the golf course of the meeting OVAL OF MINUTES: Mrs Taub to apprOVe the minutes P'ppR supp°,ted by Moved by Nlr. Kuhn, 15, 2002, as written. Skarritt, Taub (7i Kuhn Lewis McCulloch, Obrecht, AYES: Korzon, NAYS: (A) voice vote • Internal Motion carried on a ent of the VA1- OF PAYMENTS Mr. Skarritt to apPfOve the paym APr-� Mr Korzon, supported tiY 4.1 Moved by (Commission Meeting, June 12, 2002) Service Funds Payment Register for March (FM6, FY 2002); and the Payment Register, including the Voucher Report for April, 2002 (FM7, FY 2002), and the CIP (408) Voucher Report for April (FM7, FY 2002). AYES: Korzon, Kuhn, Lewis, McCulloch, Obrecht, Skarritt, Taub (7) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. COMBINED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS: The Combined Statement of Operations for the month ending April 30, 2002 was accepted as filed. ACTIVITIES REPORT: The Activities Report for the month of May, 2002 was accepted as filed. RESOLUTION: PROPOSAL 2 — FUNDS FOR THE FUTURE: Moved by Mr. Obrecht, supported by Mr. Kuhn to remove from the table the agenda item regarding Proposal 2 — Funds for the Future. AYES: Korzon, Kuhn, Lewis, McCulloch, Obrecht, Skarritt, Taub (7) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. Moved by Mr. Obrecht, supported by Mrs. Taub to adopt the following resolution in support of Proposal 2 — Funds for the Future: WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission supports allowing the State Treasurer to invest Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund (MNRTF) revenues in the same manner as is currently provided for in the Public Employees Retirement System Investment Act; and WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission supports raising the MNRTF cap from $400 million to $500 million; and WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission supports removing the provision that states that when the principal of the MNRTF reaches $200 million, the State may no longer expend 1/3 of the annual mineral revenues; and WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission supports allowing the State Treasurer to invest Michigan State Parks Endowment Fund revenues in the same manner as is currently provided for in the Public Employees Retirement System Investment Act; and WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission supports allowing the appropriation of interest and earnings and up to 50 percent of the annual revenues to the State Parks Endowment Fund; and 4-2 (Commission Meeting, June 12, 2002) WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission supports allowing the State Parks Endowment Fund to be used to purchase land or rights in land; and WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission supports transferring investment authority for the Veterans Trust Fund to the State Treasurer and requiring the State Treasurer to annually report to the Legislature identifying the interest and earnings of the Fund, increases (if any) from investments and how funds have been spent; and WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission supports allowing the State Treasurer to invest Veterans Trust Fund, Game and Fish Protection Trust Fund, Nongame Fish and Wildlife Trust Fund, and Michigan Civilian Conservation Corps Endowment Fund revenues in the same manner as is currently provided for in the Public Employees Retirement System Investment Act; and WHEREAS, the passage of "Proposal 2 — Funds for the Future" is critical for maintaining and enhancing important funding sources to improve recreation opportunities and enhance the quality of life for Michigan citizens both today and in the future. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission officially goes on record in support of "Proposal 2 — Funds for the Future," which will be placed before voters on the August 6, 2002 Michigan primary ballot. AYES: Korzon, Kuhn, Lewis, McCulloch, Obrecht, Skarritt, Taub (7) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. STORM SEWER EASEMENT REQUEST — GLEN OAKS: Moved by Mr. Kuhn, supported by Mr. Korzon to approve the storm sewer easement agreement with North Orchard Plaza, LLC for a 20-foot wide by 60-foot long stormwater easement at Glen Oaks Golf Course in exchange for $10,000 and a 400-square foot asphalt service drive, contingent upon approval by Oakland County Corporation Counsel and the Oakland County Board of Commissioners. AYES: Korzon, Kuhn, Lewis, McCulloch, Obrecht, Skarritt, Taub, VanderVeen (8) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. QUIT CLAIM DEEDS AND GRADING PERMITS —WHITE LAKE OAKS: Commissioner Skarritt requested an abstention, in order to avoid a conflict of interest in his dual role as Parks Commissioner and Road Commissioner. Moved by Mr. Kuhn, supported by Mr. Obrecht to approve the two Quit Claim Deeds and two Grading Permits with the Road Commission for Oakland County which will allow the 4-3 bake goad d 11\\�amsdapprOva\bs. June �2, 2032) c bake Fro d pa0n revieo{ cOtnrr\1ss`one soon Meeting 0{ the P°nt, \ is conv\c3cn e unty 6Oard va nrs \mprOvemeks" �h�s aggt the Oak\and o{ twr`te bake Oa COunse\ a {adwo,\On COtpOrat�on t daub <6) inters d County Cu\\och, Ob{eGh Oak\aon, Kuhn, \-ewes, Mc sta\\ed on curbing be `n {9� ss wa\k wit ouse NP�S Skartitt a vOca��n9\o and the c\ubh PBS�P\N" on avp4ce vote" rigs ass`st the n00 9arK�n9 t m n in tried Scat tween is at�o MOt\on ca fwvilss\oner ROad be wing 9 ajj reQues, e CpO \ ac bake QUP�\C WEAK uhn to adopt the {O\\o {eatiive use St °{ the north sad\ON `Np�\ONpI P supported by Mt• K ecreat�on and�hath\ettic as o{ ROCbPMP McGu\\och tic Week" {orn's °{ t and educate ass a tY`u\t;;u uoty P oved by Mrattona\ P4ua oc9an\led d�t��ens• encomp and {am y support °{ N inarvidua\s a \ de5 °{ aGoout unty M�hse { sags{ae and vat W\�EREP a� to the hhop Oak\aG omp��s\Afn ..ty \eve\ or ag e vita\ t01e nth and {tee time aogtarns throu9petsona\ ackgt0und, a recOgniZe d Cnenta\ hea 0{ eir b t shoo\d n recteatton pr can resu\t °{ th that', n Tatd\ess Gouny go phystca\ a 3&\jWtes Oak\and \ate to 9 COnttr�ss`On provides JOT a\\ ctti2e S 66 ens a d act�v\ties re d Recteat�o and to a\\ peop\e, an tecrea�\on; -and a uat`of `` ea{or s an uatitic on \s S,N\rntr"n9 he aua\� nd County beaches {Or a4 on C°rrnn,�scommunriya �d enhance t EREPS, th so d three pub\\c arks and Re°trogratns 0 a \ ace ko e W t t P uatitc p recce cth wh 0 guar ed Ovate park e Oak\and ta&C\t es anrieiawm p\asense o{ self wo WNEPEPS the svt\mrt`� to a\\ ages {•idence and aK\and C°una e\y proud s{to pr0vidtn esteetr, camu�ttY" an o{ the eY,tretrt nttibutiion se\{- out c haW e Ju\y the`r crow to swt e'auaGty o beos, d, are the aG d tnloutes to th NER�FORm ; P o ydo hereby P�\C WEEK PTO this aa W Ireatxon Go NP`C\OVA p QU ty to support and pr parks hOse to Oak\and Count oun do urge a\\ t Skarr, tau setva ce. Mcco\\och, Obtecht ob Kuhn, bevjts, KOtyon, NPYS. col voice vote" 4 „F Bona M°tton came (Commission Meeting, June 12, 2002) COUNTYWIDE TRAILS NETWORK SYSTEM Chet Hill and Chip Smith, representatives of Johnson Hill/Land Ethics, consultants on the countywide trails network assessment project, presented a summary report from two recent workshops at which representatives from all county municipalities and key trail user groups were invited to participate. The following two "themes" emerged from the workshops: • The county should serve as an umbrella organization for trails • The county needs to establish a trail hierarchy Other key points noted in the summary: • Rely on a variety of funding sources and mechanisms • Safety and liability are local issues • County should assist in setting standards • Utilize road right-of-ways, resource corridors and utility corridors as connections • Develop a variety of trailheads and destinations • Include all user groups and activities in trail planning • Different types of constraints in different parts of the county • Need for additional, localized workshops to identify specific local opportunities and constraints • There is a need for more localized planning workshops Commissioner Obrecht suggested a commitment be received from the Oakland County Drain Commission, the Road Commission for Oakland County, the Oakland County Board of Commissioners, the Oakland County Executive's Office, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission, and the Huron -Clinton Metropolitan Authority to work together on some of these issues. Parks Commission requested they see the draft being prepared by the consultants before it is presented at the "open house." RED OAKS GOLF COURSE: Bids for the reconstruction of the Red Oaks Golf Course are due on July 1; staff will have them reviewed and prepared with a recommendation for acceptance at the July 10 Commission meeting. BID ITEMS: Moved by Mr. McCulloch, supported by Mrs. Taub to approve the purchase of the following bid items as reviewed and recommended by staff and Purchasing: Water heaters for the new water features at the Red Oaks Waterpark to the low bidder, Performing Engineers, in the amount of $5,939.67 each, for a total purchase of $17,819.01. Turbine Power Blower for Waterford Oaks from the bidder meeting specifications, Industrial Vehicle Sales, in the amount of $3,239.00. AYES: Korzon, Kuhn, Lewis, McCulloch, Obrecht, Skarritt, Taub, VanderVeen (8) NAYS: (0) 4-5 (Commission Meeting, June 12, 2002) Motion carried on a voice vote. EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S REPORT: In addition to the Executive Officer's Report filed in the agenda, the following was noted: ---The TEA-21 Grant for the relocation of the Ellis Barn has been approved. Staff will be submitting a project schedule to the state by early July. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Moved by Mr. McCulloch, supported by Mr. VanderVeen to adjourn the meeting to an Executive Session to discuss a legal issue and a proposed land acquisition. AYES: Korzon, Kuhn, Lewis, McCulloch, Obrecht, Skarritt, Taub, VanderVeen (8) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. The meeting was adjourned to an Executive Session at 10:24 a.m. The next Commission meeting will be 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, July 10, 2002, followed by the budget work session. G 9S16A J° Richard Kuhn, Jr., Secretary Karen S. Kohn CPS/CAP, Recording Secretary 4-6 REp�\ON ND GOVOSS\ON REG SA KIND GOON p p,Ft Appp AL SVMMPRY OA pp,MEN�O,RMEE1\NG OF: F 3klxv %0 2002 DS ppYMENT REG\STER: TERNp� SERV\GE FUN \N FY 2p021 T REG\S-\p,Ft' FM 8 FY 20 �� $ FY 2002)* YAYM�N period, May'�tiod, May V ouP 40gi V o Chef ge90 ` G •i V A\t,.A84p` �ORRSV\EW. -TOW- Mp\\ON \S A xBpGK�p \NFOR URPOSES ONLY . OND, FUND 40i UNDp'FL i2 \NFORMA�\ON p G AV�"Ovd, ?B 41000.F� 2002i" �'241'Sg1' KS ,eX31V � M 8,0) AS OMA� k0A $, BYO\•\ ON ENo o kv. ps?XOD, DE V OVGNER REP ovkt 5,1 $604 i A4 61 491,431. 7 1 582 ,663. �2'684g45.66 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Internal Service Funds Payment Register For the month of April, 2002 Source Department/Fund Purpose Amount 12/IN201828 O.C. Printing, Mailing & Copier Fund Printing charges for April 2002-Admin., Rec. Admin., Add., Grove., Orion, Inde ., Wh. Lk., R.O.W.Park, W.O.W. Park, Mob. Rec., BMX, Nat. Cntr., Lyon & Lyon G.C. $4,678.34 12/IN201828 O.C. Printing, Mailing & Copier Fund Postage charges for April 2002-Admin. 2,668.35 12/IN201822 O.C. Printing, Mailing & Copier Fund Stationary charges for April 2002-Admin. 114.08 12/IN201814 O.C. Motor Pool Fund Voyager fueling fee for April -Mob. Rec. 1170 18/I1\1201741 O.C. Radio Communications Fund Pager charges for April 2002-Tech. Sup., Add., Grove. & Spring. 51.17 18/CI021704 O.C. Telephone Communications Fund Telephone charges for April 2002-Admin., Rec. Admin., Tech. Sup., Add., Grove., Inde ., Wh. Lk., Glen Oaks, Red Oaks, Spring., R.O.W. Park, Water., Mob. Rec., Nat. Cntr. & Lyon G.0 8,749.74 18/IN201812 O.C. Radio Communications Fund Radio lease, maintenance & communication charges for April 2002-Admin., Add., Grove., Inde ., Glen Oaks, Nat. Cntr. & Lyon G.C. 3,012.02 431IN201833 O.C. General Fund Security expense charges for 3/9/02 thru 4/19/02 - Add., Grove., Orion, Inde ., Wh. Lk., Glen Oaks, Spring., R.O.W. Park, SAC, Water., W.O.W. Park, Lyon &Lon G.C. 35,886.96 61/IN201806 O.C. Drain Commission Fund Water & Sewer expense for 4/1/02 thru 4/30/02 - Add. & Add. Conf. Cntr. 1,037.14 81/PR012892, 893, 894 & 895 O.C. Payroll Fund Payroll charges for pay period ending 4/5/02 - All Parks 188,712.38 81/PR013052 & 053 O.C. Payroll Fund Payroll charges for pay period ending 4/19/02 - All Parks 213,095.19 81/FB430009-430016 O.C. Fringe Benefits Fund Fringe Benefit charges for pay period ending 4/5/02 - All Parks 72,090.30 81/FB430467, 469, 471 & 473 10.C. Fringe Benefits Fund IFringeBenefit charges for pay period ending 4/19/02 -All Parks 74,635.30 TOTAL FOR INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENT REGISTER $604,744.67 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION COMBINED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS FM 8, FY 2002 (FOR MONTH ENDING 5/31/02) YEAR TO 2002 (OVER), % OF REVENUE DATE BUDGET UNDER BUDGET BUDGET ADMINISTRATION: Millage Tax $10,922,968.05 $11,052,270.00 $129,301.95 98.8% Other 128,675.85 201,600.00 72,924.15 63.8% GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE 511,423.16 1,361,700.00 850,276,84 37.6% LYON OAKS GOLF COURSE 131,656.42 1,076,500.00 944,843.58 12.2% RED OAKS GOLF COURSE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE 331,442.37 1,010,600.00 679,157.63 32.8% WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE 426,579.40 1,131,896.00 705,316.60 37.7% NATURE CENTER 14,287.29 20,250.00 5,962.71 70.6% ADDISON OAKS 54,443.54 422,360.00 367,916.46 12.9% ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 41,578.39 120,000.00 78,421.61 34.6% GROVELAND OAKS 39,918.95 613,500.00 573,581.05 6.5% INDEPENDENCE OAKS 77,013.02 277,000.00 199,986.98 27.8% LYON OAKS 361.99 6,000.00 5,638.01 6.0% ORION OAKS 14,684.39 11,000.00 (3,684.39) 133.5% ROSE OAKS 46.00 200.00 154.00 23.0% SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER 665.31 21,500.00 20,834.69 3.1% WATERFORD OAKS 28,528.97 47,244.00 18,715.03 60.4% RECREATION ADMINISTRATION 24,688.68 62,800.00 38,111.32 39.3% MOBILE RECREATION 136,851.36 336,000.00 199,148.64 40.7% RED OAKS WATER PARK 1,096.42 727,500.00 726,403.58 0.2% WATERFORD OAKS BMX COMPLEX 2,790.50 31,000.00 28,209.50 9.0% WATERFORD OAKS TENNIS COMPLEX 12,062.00 20,100.00 8,038.00 60.0% WATERFORD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 113,331.42 86,900.00 (26,431.42) 130.4% WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK 4,764.25 1,000,200.00 995,435.75 0.5% TOTAL REVENUE $13,019,857.73 $19,638,120.00 $6,618,262.27 66.3% OPERATING EXPENSES ADMINISTRATION* $1,581,916.75 $3,344,946.00 $1,763,029.25 47.3% GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE 416,242.27 783,708.00 367,465.73 53.1 % LYON OAKS GOLF COURSE 568,405,92 948,744.00 380,338.08 59.9% RED OAKS GOLF COURSE 8,131.37 18,397.00 10,265.63 44.2% SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE 438,563.06 834,945.00 396,381.94 52.5% WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE 334,631.45 661,234.00 326,602.55 50.6% NATURE CENTER 302,014.16 506,359.00 204,344.84 59.6% ADDISON OAKS 470,189.29 1,041,419.00 571,229.71 45.1% ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 44,788.09 115,686.00 70,897.91 38.7% GROVELAND OAKS 329,702.02 963,837.00 634,134.98 34.2% INDEPENDENCE OAKS 544,488.20 955,321.00 410,832.80 57.0% LYON OAKS 112,617.59 169,958.00 57,340.41 66.3% ORION OAKS 14,177.05 30,762.00 16,584.95 46.1% ROSE OAKS 3,543.01 18,915.00 15,371.99 18.7% SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER 103,447.41 273,198.00 169,750.59 37.9% WATERFORD OAKS 341,590.20 609,720.00 268,129.80 56.0% RECREATION ADMINISTRATION 294,306.49 546,566.00 252,259.51 53.8% MOBILE RECREATION 271,261.44 632,528.00 361,266.56 42.9% RED OAKS WATERPARK 291,005.50 725,957.00 434,951.50 40.1% WATERFORD OAKS BMX COMPLEX 16,538.09 64,277.00 47,738.91 25.7% WATERFORD OAKS TENNIS COMPLEX 10,980.51 50,097.00 39,116.49 21.9% WATERFORD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 135,179.89 138,310.00 3,130.11 97.7% WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK 165,383.11 1,217,414.00 1,052,030.89 13.6% TECHNICAL SUPPORT 529,507.46 901,637.00 372,129.54 58.7% CONTINGENCY** 196,800.61 287,286.00 90,485.39 N/A TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $7,525,410.94 $15,841,221.00 $8,315,810.06 47.5% REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENSES $5,494,446.79 $3,796,899.00 ($1,697,547.79) 2002 2001 ACTUAL REVENUE TO DATE: 66.3% 72.5% BUDGET BALANCE: 33.7% 27.5% ACTUAL EXPENSE TO DATE: 47.5% 45.6% BUDGET BALANCE: 52.5% 54.4% *COUNTY BOARD RESOLUTION #02020 INCREASED INDIRECT COST EXPENSE BUDGET BY $69,678. **CONTINGENCY YTD FIGURE: INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENTS IN TRANSIT. CONTINGENCY BUDGET FIGURE: $25,000 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO ADMINISTRATION (JAN.) $73,500 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO RED OAKS WATERPARK (FEB.) $14,214 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO ADDISON OAKS (MAR.) 6-1 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION COMBINED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS REVENUE AND EXPENSE COMPARISON FM 8 FY 2002 (FOR MONTH ENDING 5/31102) YEAR TO DATE PARK REVENUE ADMINISTRATION $11,051,643.90 GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE 511,423.16 LYON OAKS GOLF COURSE 131,656.42 RED OAKS GOLF COURSE 0.00 SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE 331,442.37 WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE 426,579.40 NATURE CENTER 14,287.29 ADDISON OAKS 54,443.54 ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 41,578.39 GROVELAND OAKS 39,918.95 INDEPENDENCE OAKS 77,013.02 LYON OAKS 361.99 ORION OAKS 14,684.39 ROSE OAKS 46.00 SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER 665.31 WATERFORD OAKS 28,528.97 RECREATION ADMINISTRATION 24,688.68 MOBILE RECREATION 136,851.36 RED OAKS WATERPARK 1,096.42 WATERFORD OAKS BMX COMPLEX 2,790.50 WATERFORD OAKS TENNIS COMPLEX 12,062.00 WATERFORD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 113,331.42 WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK 4,764.25 TECHNICAL SUPPORT 0.00 CONTINGENCY* 0.00 TOTAL $13,019,857.73 YEAR TO DATE EXPENSE *CONTINGENCY YTD FIGURE: INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENTS IN TRANSIT. 6-2 $1,581,916.75 416,242.27 568,405.92 8,131.37 438,563.06 334,631.45 302,014.16 470,189.29 44,788.09 329,702.02 544,488.20 112,617.59 14,177.05 3,543.01 103,447.41 341,590.20 294,306.49 271,261.44 291,005.50 16,538.09 10,980.51 135,179.89 165,383.11 529,507.46 196,800.61 $7,525,410.94 REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXP. $9,469,727.15 95,180.89 (436,749.50) (8,131.37) (107,120.69) 91,947.95 (287,726.87) (415,745.75) (3,209.70) (289,783.07) (467,475.18) (112,255.60) 507.34 (3,497.01) (102,782.10) (313,061.23) (269,617.81) (134,410.08) (289,909.08) (13,747.59) 1,081.49 (21,848.47) (160,618.86) (529,507.46) (196,800.61) $5,494,446.79 item #? .1 1 s Study Update endat'on. �raNetwork rec°mm ut. GountyTrailslPath our review and ay have. of the �ak1and ed this dfa, yuestxons you rn sed is a draft • cs firm prepaand answer any a ui 23 he�r input. �ncj° d Ethl entatloll nson Ni11 •Lan ora, Ares view this draft on J the Jwi11 be makln9 ms wi11 ais° vai. Staff eNOfVSNop t loor final appro Members u tht back to you wiU be bro 9 7.1 ITEM 18 RED OAKS GOLF COURSE Bids were received on July 1,2002 for the reconstruction for of the Red Oaks Golf Course, designed by Natural Course Design, Lansing, Michigan. This reconstruction includes the finish grading, seeding, reconstruction of all tees and greens, asphalt capping of existing cart path, new asphalt cart paths, landscaping for the entire nine holes and replacement of the existing irrigation pump station. Base Bid #1 includes all the above mention items with a Toro irrigation system. Base Bid #2 includes all the above mention items with Rainbird sprinklers with a Toro controlled irrigation system. Bids are as follows: Company Base Bid #1 Base Bid #2 Ryan Incorporated $1,528,843.00 $1,534,150.00 Janesville, WI MJC Golf Inc. $1,122,905.00 $1,127,520.00 Northville, MI Turf Drain"Ilnternat- iona1, $1 096,1`88.05 $1,100,964.58 Novi;'M[ Staff and consultants recommend approval of the contract to Turf Drain International in the amount of $1,096,188.05 with an 8% contingency ($87,696.00) for a total amount of $1,183,883.05. Staff also recommends approval for an additional $130,000.00 for the reconstruction of the tunnel, additional landscaping and for the purchase and installation of a restroom facility, for a total amount of $1,313,883.05. The budget for this is estimated at $2,000,000. The initial cost for this project is being funding through the drain commission with reimbursement over the next 10 years. 8-1 ITEM #9 ELLIS BARN GRANT ACCEPTANCE RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission has identified the acquisition of a working/historical farm as an objective in its current strategic plan; and WHEREAS, RBI 33, LLC, owners of the historic Ellis barn in Springfield Township have committed themselves to preserving the barn by donating it to another agency; and WHEREAS, RBI 33, LLC has pledged $75,000 towards the cost of dismantling and relocating the Ellis barn to another site; and WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission, at its February 28, 2001, regular meeting, accepted RBI 33, LLC's request to approve Springfield Oaks County Park as the site for the relocation of the barn; and WHEREAS, the Ellis barn meets program and storage needs of the master plan for the site; and WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission, at its February 28, 2001, regular meeting, also committed a total of $50,000 for site preparation and landscaping; and WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission has included the Ellis Barn Relocation Project and Ellis Barn Site Development Project in its 2002 Capital Improvement Projects Budget; and WHEREAS, the Oakland County 4-H Fair Association has agreed to establish an endowment fund to offset maintenance and operation costs for the barn; and WHEREAS, the Township of Springfield has committed to leading or assisting with fund-raising efforts for financial contributions towards matching funds; and WHEREAS, the Parks and Recreation Commission has been notified that it is the recipient of a $600,000 TEA21 grant through the Road Commission for Oakland County for the purpose of relocating the Ellis Barn to Springfield Oaks County Park. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission approves acceptance of the $600,000 TEA21 grant for funding the Ellis Barn Relocation to Springfield Oaks County Park. FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission forwards this resolution to the Oakland County Board of Commissioners for their approval per the county's grant procedures. Moved by Supported by Date: 9-1 e lm'Pvoveme�t get GCart pCogvam SP'C�ng'�rerd Oa master Matching ed revis�On ° the Coved the mach Cnatching grant 0 d CommissCOr' aPpy center eioPed a �20,0 aster Pian an in 2001, the field Oaks PCtbUdgetM1 staff d t\on of the Park Unds rI 9 iP to ro plan {Or the ed . the ? 0 to the imPiemeaho ut�ir -e the 9 Fund iu her GooraC a\ interest 9C°uP ending th`s ye Poiebarn Pro9ra`r to ohs o� 9PecCa r6�ects for e Shelter e e three P h �Se arena th d �0, cn r am dCrect Staff aPPr°ve PC a0' X r ° oieb t t the ioWe ouitry Barn P f po�ebarn Oakland c°un y 110 P viCron {the ss in 1� 60 X CiCv'M Pa dubs °aCea usCne es st 40, X 150 P sPedCa\ intereons from b C co funded Oy veCai donat \and county �^N Each bur�dCn9 ais° reCerved Se Oak is t�On. N C°mP\et A, the TOveOefx d N Pssoc�ahese PColects ects are or these Pa'\" eP t to the pak�an su )Pox °1 en the three Pr°� over �70,000 20 000 Payrn be Vlh n will have Paid r°va` to issue a 4 N Pssocrat\On Pssod�atrt°a� Ceauests aPP county S of the Oakland PSSocCation cornn;Xssion. ident, county 4,\A CaMVX Ares fr° e G. Sanswer auestrons m th a\jariab\e to 1d'1 � S ITvtA #11 Requests: 'Easemn s Addrs A Orion onkUaks g. easements to facilitat n9 rovai of See follow miss1Or' app s. citit►es requests Com aks and Addison yak d County � a Staff Oakdan on protects at Orion ator for rovide ordin m to p construct► on, Real Estate C° he Com fission meet►n9 u hs Mike H 9 attendance at ent v�iill be in Managem ation- additionai inform pah A• Orion ss Safety fading a temporary g Vownship is requesting safety path on the priors foot Wide along the Orion Caks' cement to install a 10 si n Roads At t ea Joy p00 to this anen Baldwin and d a perm comm$136, ent an etWeen easem Road b mission shed side Of Clarkston the Com ents atta 1, docum South eter fence 200 et) Supporting park's north ed n the 2002 Clp budg protect (funded 11-2 SAFTEY PATH EASEMENT IN GROSS GRANT OF NON-EXCLUSIVE — 2002 by the Of Road, ranted this day Telegraph S EASEMENT IN GROSS is g oration, whose address is 1200 N. of Orion, a THt TOW Michigan a Michigan Constitutional Corp Grantor") to the Charter Michigan 4$360 County of Oakland,n Road, Lake Orion, an 4g341, (hereinafter referred address as 2525 Josly Pontiac, Michig whose Corporation, Michigan Municipal"Grantee")• and valuable (hereinafter referred to as 1.00) and other good TION of One Dollar (� CONSIDERATION d pursuant to the conditions set foes hereby h herein FOR AND IN ed, an p Grantee do acknowledg Grantee, and the t of which is hereby rant to the consideration receipt raptor does hereby 9 replace a safety Path the and related operate, maintain, repair and/°C inclusive of Attachment B, G p he property described herein for the limited accept, the right to construct, to provide the Grantee with access a ed appurtenances' appurtenances, and ath/sidewalk and r purpose of maintaining said safety p County Park. 003 Part of Orion Oaks er etual, non- 1 Parcel Number: 09-17-200- operation, s rant is to provide the Grantee with a non p appurtenances, and 2 purpose'. The purpose of to 9 toss to permit construction, instaliation, removal of a safety path/sidewalk and related , non-exclusive easement m 9 d roperty described herova°of �helsafetitedy assignablereplacement a or rem maintenance, pmaintaining, replacing tailing, operating, Oakland s no circumstances can tall eaovide the e usedor rovide the Grantee with access to the burdened r h pthe f top Unde property purpose of constructing, urtenances. The Grantee s athlsidewaik and rSeaotherpthan a' afety p ath/sidewalk•It p n reasonable notice of ►theduledt ecreatti°� l activities for any other purp° raptors sc County Parks and Recreation Cc not to la situation' etual s stated above so as noenoy interfere g on -peril the purpose except in an emerg on the property rants and conveys to Grantee a operation, maintenance, Gross' Grantor hereby 9 the urtenances, as described Grant of Easement in lusive easement in gross for and related `app 3• Gr nable, non exc ath/s►d non -as replacement and r t A and subject to Attachment B. on attached Exhibr 11-3 4. Interest in Realty: This Grant and Conveyance of an easement in gross shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Grantor and Grantee, their, representatives, successors and assigns, and the covenants and grants contained herein shall not run with any parcel of land, and shall only extend to the use of said easement in gross for a safety path/sidewalk. In the event that Grantee, its heirs, representatives, successors and assigns (hereinafter Grantee) shall no longer require the use of said easement in gross for the purposes described herein, said easement shall be considered abandoned, and the easement in gross shall terminate and be extinguished and, the land shall revert back to Grantor, its heirs, representatives, successors or assigns (hereinafter Grantor), with no interest remaining in Grantee. Upon the request of Grantor, the Grantee shall provide a Release of Easement in Gross to Grantor. If no Release of Easement in Gross is provided to the Grantor within a reasonable period of time, the Grantor may file with the Oakland County Register of Deeds an Abandonment of Easement in Gross which shall act in place of the Release of Easement in Gross, required of the Grantee. If the easement in gross is abandoned, terminated or extinguished, then upon the request of Grantor, the remove any structures in the easement in gross as requested by Grantor, and restore the easement in gross to the condition it was in prior to the removal and in accordance with Attachment "B". Any damage or claim of damage (including but not limited to environmental damage), to persons or property, including property of the Grantor, resulting from the use of the easement in gross or the construction, installation, operation, maintenance, replacement or removal of the safety path/sidewalk, shall be the sole responsibility of the Grantee. 5. Restoration of Property: Any portion of Grantor's property, which is damaged by Grantee's exercise of the easement in gross granted herein shall be restored in accordance with Attachment B by Grantee. 6. Indemnification: To the extent permitted by law, Grantee hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the County of Oakland, its elected officials, officers, employees and/or agents from and against any and all claims which are imposed upon, incurred by, or asserted against the County and/or any County elected official, officer, employee, and/or agent, which are based upon, results from, or arises from, or are in any way related to an alleged error, mistake, negligence, or intentional actions or omissions by the Grantee or any of the Grantees elected officials, officers, employees or agents, relating to the construction, installation, operation, maintenance, replacement or removal of the safety path/sidewalk and related appurtenances as described herein. Grantor: County of Oakland, a Michigan Constitutional Corporation AW Thomas A. Law, Chairperson 11-4 STATE OF MICHIGAN }SS COUNTY OF OAKLAND ) this day of s acknowledged Michigan _ ----- ed before man Constitutional Corporation, The foregoing instrument waof Oak, a Michig Thomas A. Law, Chairperson, of County Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan 48341. Michael D. Hughson, Notary Public Oakland County, Michigan My Commission expires: 5/5/2004 _ 2002, by 1200 N. Grantee: Charter Township of Orion, a Michigan Constitutional Corporation BY' Gerald Dy wasuk, Supervisor STATE OF MICHIGAN )SS COUNTY OF OAKLAND ) of 2002, The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ..__ day oration, 2525 'sor Charter Township of Orion, a Michigan Constitutional Corporation, Gerald Dywasuk, Supervisor, 48360. Joslyn Road, Lake Orion, Michigan, Notary Public by Oakland County, Michigan My Commission expires: county Department of Facilities Management, One Drafted by; Public Works Michael Hughson, Oakland Co Y Dr., Waterford, Michigan, 48328. Return to: Grantee. 11-5 «A„ ewaik Easerrient in �XNrBi� ive Safety PathlSid Non-EXc1 nshiP °f Gaon sable, -ftefVow etuai Non PS to the Ghat CouvL Paxk T4N, R10E, Grant of Non -Pere Gros Orion2�0-003 (Part) NE �/A of Se&On as fo110 3 42"� eg in the . c N 87 4 S. art�culariy de thence �ro nnin t PathlSidtyie ewa%being Bing more roceed'ing ��O 0 7$ , to or Safe y GO ' Michia d Sectwn 42"E $g'A4-it to ence NBA-Ag basement pakland corner °f s N g7°43 't , th „E 00- pn ship, orth /4 {t and o 10 prior Ter�c ng at the N6 ,ig, E 60 . hence S 0A 27( acre 1 land so Gom82 ft and S 42"E 50.00 ft ' in9 250-sf °r . 426- Ng7o43' Gontam Thenc lint of beginning �ownshiP of the P° p,TTACHM�N1 «g Gross t° the- E.asen'ent m afety PathlSidewai&Jon park sire S Conuq safety Grant °� Non EXc1u Orion �7-200-003 d or disturbe d ed and fnOCY"aacdtor. ct property eves owed with jbeGrantee or its c ay be sub�e be by ich m e ved areas of �hoperationoaatoi insure gr°wth roperty, whed by th 11 un.V foe . tailatiO u{ficient Per ed on Grant er properly restor P wa d for a s ce iocat haX1 b pathlside tere chain link fen Lions s Properly wa Lion OP eXistin9 struc of the ring con po�1Qn aged du 2. PEmo\jeu °r ds contractor. Grantee or Mdh616102 jj,-6 WNSRlp OF ORION Ci'IARpOTERR RY GRADING PERMIT TEMA 2002 Date'. of Oa�,and oration Og_17.200-003 Owner. County parcel No A Michigan Constitute Road ° Oaks County Park North Telegraph Orion 1200 N Michigan 4834I ect, Charter Pontiac, Michi„ Safety Path Pro3 ce with the plans and e im rovement of the Clarak�co danoad S project no. 0121-01- In consideration of the p Michigan In Climent, Inc• prof Michigan. Of Orion, Labe OT1 pTchard, Hiltz and Me n Road, Lake Orion, Township as prepared by ° f Orion, 2525 sosly o f Orion for specifications p er Township er TownshipOf located 6 ed hereby giants permission to the Charts property art of 0401 on file at the Chart cel, The undersx n 5 feet of the said par Michigan hmO`�'n as p 48360' over the Northerly Oakland County, necessary grading wnship, Plans d 17, Orion To in sections 16 an Park as indicated on said project Orion Oaks Co'm�S' -,e. This grading grading pelt is to allow the construction of the harkston Roa The purpose of this gx lans an pecifications as reference tothep ds Safety Path according in property lines. permit does not cause'a changeof Orion Oaks County Park. Tax Parcel No: 09-17-200-003. Part ND CONDITIONS OF AGREEMENT: TERMS A coordinated with the Oakand Counts' Parks Al, construction activities shall be g-4620) described land f°r the Purpose of 1' and Recreation depaxtmen ( on the lands and remove right to enter up derlyin Permit grants the rig grade and/or alter the un 2 zn This p the right to grading, including aht construction purposes. lty shall be Properly excess earth fox safety P s located on the above Prop, s property Existing service driveway() roach to the own fence, including 3 . provide a smooth approach high chain link d ate(s) shall graded back to p If it e necessary to remove the existing odate the safety path construction said fence b 4. shi of Orion. If said fenceu�til In h Oved a gates) to accoinm the Charter Town pProperry be properly restored by shall be erected so as to secure the owners be Propel ternporaly fence feted. result of the safety path construction steal p time as final restoration rs comp responsibility of the 5 All areas disturbed construction and restoration costs shall be the restored. ath con workmarlhke 6 .All safety p ° f Orion. standards. Charter Township able State and County described above shall be constructed in a first-c as , 7 The work descry manner and in accordance with the applicable 11-7 Township's of the date the that the ence as mate on the date ermit shall shall team oxaxy axadina p ect andv hick ccurs first. this temp " the above prof ever o woxl� on xo�ect ox b1�0120035 The term .r ences of DaklandaMichigan Contractor co P etes the above p County tional Corporation contractor Constitu Tho taw, Chairman Charter TO�,nslup of Orion' a Michigan lnicipa, Corporation Dated. N1 h6I6102 1.1-8 2002 GG�`MENT.ING. -AGO GRGNpR�' o �untry cwb oAa33,� 3SSo 9tOVOIS, 5�p0 rR►�nn q, fa p. (2q8� 3245�g0 f�90 �n9.6°m 1 NEE"5 ENE UETEN6 GINS PPr�\ 18 20p2 ecre n F � Date. ntY Parks an`. d coy a Road O?Lk\an �n Lak on -to. 2pp0 \Na a MZ 483�$ ocuments �oC Ors W ate°� � Easement n ° Grading Mike NUghs - femPoraN Agri' PermanenntY Park 1 .°Pjes 01: Re: pales c°U ,ere�i't �5�rbU�`4n are trams Q ailon VJ P►Pproval Q Sriforo For vot r . ® use C\000aents for t M\lee . the easeSated men pa oovoevvts: d is a c° ty e C\aCkst°n �°ad e h ve G Enc\ose °f th o `N a t c°nstr+�ct�on d a COPY °f ads t the _�ete as se a\so enC\O nsh\P \n re \S not c°n °rn,ed e w o\e e� 1 liven to pry°ne Project schs bconski Qf C\arks-- r 9 u\e. �h c.bn\ca\ ths\de goi\ is veN a �sChed eote e sov the of Yet_ Our gists a\Ong e g4or-M constr,-& ;,boring mined d\tferen re be\ng Cj so\1 d deter ed tV40 Oment a do not :~ d an suggest verq m Ps boa �heY at this a\s POOr. .nth\ch' �OWnsh\P rnetbOdstsented tO pylon Pre 11" 9 Job No,: 0121-01-0401 Very truly yours, Susan Cho know how long this decision will take, I decided to give you the memo which estimates the project schedule for both construction methods. In response to your question about funding, Oakland County Parks and Recreation is donating money for the construction of this safety path. So, the path is funded, in part, by the Township and by the County. I hope this is enough information to answer all of your questions. Feel free to call me with any questions or comments. My direct dial number is 248.994.2512. 11-10 11p' Zp02 d�eyel°pOc�A��p1`Z A-pT' f.}esigu �' S 1oe� gD CO oad 0 La s ke 's R �$3 Y ase emits p�p1 atich�gauety ath �N ateif°rd' C1aT,5tong-Oad S d teT�-P°Ta�`3 efts R egaTding anent eas ',: � bothpeTm ecTeat1On• the south ar e seeking -ks and R ath °Ti ostly ' Riga: wetYpaT tsafetyp will i7eaTT' wasp' d Coun aspbaa s path :'two of 01 o0a oTnthe ©dal? of a 1p� amide Read• Z howeyeT, iTl._... .. behalf tsh coon dSoslYu paxk� add O tiding ease�eT, the c°ns� it R pales Cow atempd° e o ° e is pT°pos b tw ee �'a°Tth °f OTI d in f °' '1 ecessaVy e toPo g 'a ,fownst�i Road, the n uiTed aTi is are e to th Zhe aTkston f Way to be Teq �claease, ssar`3 du side Cd the Tight easeTna t peT e ents e uece located ebeenu � as aped lbe Tequ'Te gzadi�-g �afe�' path entshaa easen'e o She teTop°Tar Y ed C1aTksto "at*IaTeque easex� tact coudItl T the pTopo The areas to co area• laws fo Oxon• se feel jTee lease fnd 1 , p°` hp of this pT°sect' plea 4 of theted on the plan T concerns TegaTd1ng hlglil aestions ° Kaye aT�`I q If you rap- truly yours, Nlc ent� �'c V eTy aTC,iltz & O Cyatl�andRec �Scm�i.doc u5aT1� Ch°apt\01��p1�4�0\0�01\O t;\K� Dy`Nas eatioT� Gerald p, tian� Clerk uTeT 5 andgecT cc: D•$asTeas ofpaTk dill N4zxleau' .Dhector 1 axnes.BlanchaTd' B. Addison Oaks Electrical requesting three separate 12-foot For Addison Oaks, Detroit Edison is req g wide permanen t easements. One request is to relocate 400 feet of existing the head service and the other two are for underground se►v�ched ce sup over por documents atta new campground improvements. Supporting 11-12 ties CManagement � ountS' De�a�ent of Facili. Oak�an July 9 2002 eats to Detroit Edison Company Fasem rovements NO of Granting Gxound Imp park For Came County -200-001 and 05-33-100-00� Addison Oaks parcel Nos• 05-33 Background ground facilities at xoving camp" campsites, the process of imp of 82 new modern tart parks Commission is traction tact station, sari cons sho dr facility. eats in anew e The Oa apd Cows Park Improve 60 P.,ast�g campsites, wer and lawn Y Oaks CO renovation ° 400-sf restroom, 30 new group campsites, and a new' �� Edison road way lighting ranted to Detroit disposal area, ents to beg tanned pescriPtjiOn of easem to facilitateal overhead by -Detroit Edison e requested 275399A is cable. This ents ar Easement no electrical wide easem P ark.A111912-ft ddison County feeO etc n the tersection of Three separate ents at A ately 4001ineal d improvem of approximProp Camp he the relocation the northeast comer Of the park easement for ovex Provide service to sement is locat baker Road. c service to P Droner Road an aro�d electric Comer Of the park. is for new under O heast corn ber 375399'B This easement is ement parcel nwn ea, which is also located in the n service- sting Eas ew campgrOund d electric s service to the exi the n under ly and will provide new C is ber 375399 also ax Easement Parcel n er of the park property the southeast corn located ne na lot area, anting easements south parki :, for % all for one dollar Compensation d that the subject easements be gr bas requeste eats. The Detroit Edison Company ice imprOvem osed electric sere gecommendation Y o f the subject of the Prop ting of the grantmn ission in lieu man and Recreation Comm approved e � of the Parks Board of COamissioris ission aPp eadation anting of the d Recreation Comms the recomm and County rove the gr The Parks an 2002. at the Cam ers aPp dison 3une 1 `�' ement � d of Comm-�-ssion e Detroit E easelents 071 Facilities Manag the B° the office of Oaand lau of F c C°.Snmittee and electric facilities to anbing and Buildm r underground and been red ewed and approved by pl ents for ents have attached easem wed docum Company- All req County CO.rp°ration Counsel. M11b/10/02 MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION July 9, 2002 BY: PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE - CHARLES E. PALMER, CHAIRPERSON In RE: APPROVAL .OF GRANTING EASEMENTS TO THE DETROIT EDISON COMPANY, ADDISON OAKS COUNTY PARK, ADDISON TOWNSHIP, PART OF PARCEL NOS. 05-33-200-001 AND 05- 33-100-004 TO: OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Chairperson, Ladies, and Gentlemen: WHEREAS, the County of Oakland is the owner of Addison Oaks County Park located in Addison Township; and WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks Commission is proceeding with its planned campground improvements at Addison Oaks County Park; and WHEREAS, the Detroit Edison Company has requested that the County of Oakland grant three (3) easements to accommodate planned improvements for new and existing campground facilities at Addison Oaks County Park; and WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission accepted and approved the requested easements on June 12, 2002; and WHEREAS, the Department of Facilities Management and Corporation Counsel have reviewed and approved the attached easement documents for overhead and underground electric service. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby accepts and approves the granting of three (3) easements for no compensation via the attached easement documents over part of Addison Oaks County Park, otherwise known as part of Parcel Nos. b5-33-200-001 and 05-33-100-004, to the Detroit Edison Company. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County of Oakland Board of Commissioners hereby directs its Chairperson or its designee to execute the necessary documents Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, ['move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE 11-14 GROSS NT �N PO EpSEM3753ggAl 2ga2 by the VE O'q'RN�°j may N°• h Road, USA r ht f T cap a NON^EXG Gornpany R 9 day ° s 12�p N- e\e9 any GRpN� OFoit Ed�s°n this / addres �s d1son compam, petC BOSS is grante orporat�on, Wh°se to the petrolt an 4g226 �here\n ASeMewf tN a Gonst�tut�ona�a to as "Grant nU 0etroit, Mrch g tH, 0 ktand, a M�ch`hereinaer re{e2p�0 Second Pve va\uable and county of ` an 483t41, address \s goo a h erein, M\ch 9 Whose other 9 t f orti h pont1ac, Gorporation� and co to se construct, M\ch\gan as ,G fanteer)' N of One Do\\nd pursuant to th accept, the righ� ices and to referred to NStOERP'110 \N\edged, a does hereby d appuh'e t3:j&ng AND tN cO \s hereby ack d the Grantee d re\ated purpose of ma\n d�Gt�es an FOR t of which Grantee, an \\ne fa the ism ce\p the d Ut�t�ty herein for consideration re to erhea grant \ace ov scribed es hereby d1or rep erty de Grantor do alr anCcess to the prop ,!b as ated appurtenances' ,!be park tarn, rep , n desc operate ma,n ntee ith a rei VAIr- 9 Oaks coLIntl W d rov\de the Gra i\ity Gne W:I %ties an 1 Oakland art °Olin1Add,son n°n- p overhead ut eC: 05 33-ZO0,00r of pOls\ o'known asp non_perpetu operation, said p ce` Numb the °Wn T5N, R11E., a ra e with insta\\atw `aced ores e G me '1 • ar. °�, s Land o Sep ion 33,to rov\de th it constru fiac\' �txe SfQCmers and{or the X�ln d 2. G Ent o' east this grant t in 9rOss to pead utI\\ty \�.bkes, trap ed herein e Saki Th urpose of Basemen va\ of overh s, W\res, ca erty descr, emovat °� lean the \\ e. -Thep c\usive d remo s, allch°r erred prop tad�ng °r stances ntee sha purp°5 b\e, non-e ceMent an o\es, guy to the burdta\ping, rep er no G�� C,t�es the e o� \ts rote \ d 3 ass�gna ante, \a sistmg °� p access ma`n Und fa tjc edu marten aces, con antee w-jth op eratxng'urten,nces ut,\ity Gne sonab\e n0 tor's sch omen e the Gr \nstat\\ng \ated app overhead n rea w\th gran app rovid eta , an pUrp tee eats° cas n°`ttO s� uabon Wide n and to p constru ��\�t�es a ose n \n on. urPose of o\Barr emergency e a 12 p ead ut�\ity ec for any °tParics and R ab s s to Grano operation, ove ecnent be a ktand count urposes state cept ey ct\Ol d eaov\de the O eM'Or thb he property b grants anross for the a� l ties and relate r ere y p ter the prOact�vit�es ° GCOss' Grantor e eased e0t \n d ut�\itl hn eeS ecreat�ona\ Easement nab\e, n° eennovat °a Exhibit P Grant °{ non -ass 9 ment and attache 4. perpetuaance, rep\a Shown on the rr,a�nten aces, as purten ap „ fences' Grantee may trim, cut down, riches, roots, structures and bra bushsement es, branches and th to es aria fences in Trees, bushes' trees, and removele 4a. ise control any remove or otherwise row into the easement area) til area (or that could gbelieves could interfere with ese safe and rel�a the easement area that Grantee tin ross shall be binding upon eration and maintenance of Grantee's face � en 9 rs construction, op conveyance of an & representatives, successors Grantee, their, rep parcel of ;anthe and Interest in Realty: This Grant and Convey tine facilities. grants contained herein Shle head utility any p r Grantee) shall 5' d inure to the benefit of the Grantor and an covenants and gd gross for ns hereinafte said assigns, and the successors and assig in representatives for the purposes desc b e m,nate, and be only extend to the use of said easement m 9 s shalt Y its heirs, p gross shall Of said easement in Bros representative successors or event that eGrantee he use and the easement m g nest of no longer require its heirs, p Upon the request back to Grantor, in Grantee p ,f no Release of one , easement shall d the land hal, it, no `nterest remaining Gross to Grantor' e Grantor may e��nguished an with noment in period oft"' t assigns (hereinafter Grantor), ntee shall provide a Rerantor within a ndonmase nt p r the Gra d to the G a reasona, of EasementenGross If he easefinent ch Granto , Pro" Grantee Register of Deeds an re uired of the Gran Easement in Gross is p on the request of Grantor, the q file with the Oakland County Reg uished, then up Grantor and restore the lace of the Released oraext ngnt in Gross's requested by or claim of damage shall act in p terminate gross a oval. Any damage Pro of in gross is abandoned, rior to the rem ty, including p remove any structures in the easement Sri g to persons or proper installation, shall gross to the condition it was in p easement ►n g ross or the consi ne facility, shall be the in but not limited to environmental of theleasem ntin the overhead utility (Including resulting from theoval of the Grantor, replacement or rem Operation, maintenance, p ed by Grantee's sole responsibility of the Grantee• ro erty, which is damaged hall be restored to its original condition by erty: Any portion of Grantor's property, of the easement in gross granted herein, s 6 Restoration o{Prop and hold exerciseagrees to indemnify Grantee. law, Grantee he andlor agents from and per, by officers, employeesainst the County To the extent por asserted against results �' Indemnification: °f Oakland, its elected officials, incurred by, which are based upon harmless the County io ee andlor agent, intake, negligence, or and all claims which are imposed y error, m officers, against anyCountyelected official, officer, and/or any or are in any way related to an allegedmaintenance, Grantee or any of the Graelected officials, from, or arises from, the Gra installation, operation, as agents, relating to the construction, intentional actions or omissions y ead utility tine facilities and related appurtenances employees or g replacement or removal of the over described herein. Grantor: County of Oakland, Michigan Constitutional Corporation BY: Law, Chairperson Thomas A. STATE OF MICHIGAN ) COUNTY OF OAKLAND )SS The foregoing instrument was acknowledged be Thomas A. Law Chairperson, of Count Telegraph Road, Pontiac y of Oakland fore ga this Michigan 48341. a Michigan day l p gan Constitutional Cor orafion 120Q N 2, by Michael D.`u ; Public son C Notary Oakland Coununty, Michigan My Commission expires: 5/5/2004 Drafted by; Michael Nu Dr., Waterford ghson, Oakland County Department of Michigan, 48328. Facilities Management, One Public Works Return to: Betty J. Dean, Detroit Edison Company, 1100 Cl ark Road, Lapeer Mi. 48446. REPORT OF R/W FACILITATOR. E X H I B R/W SECURED AS INDICATED PERMITS TO- 13 . 2, K V ON THIS SKETCH. RECORD CENTER AREA BY R/W FILES DATE TELEPHONE DATE WANTED FACILITATOR ORIGINATOR I� 0 0 NE 1/4 COR ER SEC 33 T5N o R 1 �E ADDISON TWP 0 m O ► 0 LAC) IN 2 COND S �\ i►— •► N IN POLE/ANCHOR► ► ra-170' NEV ACILITIES RM 2 CONDUCTORS--'. i ADDISON OAKS COUNTY PARK► RM POLE i ALL DIMENSIONS ► ► N ARE APPROXIMATE ► ► 110, IN POLE/ANCHOR i� �► N GATE GROSS ND EASE,M 539 g the 02 by GROv W. 3 2° d . XC_VSi\JE IAD Rl9"t °f way a Of o N• �e\egraph goad, 1 OF N�NEdison GomP a `! �s 120 ompany GRAN Petro►t �s granted this w w ose address it Ed1s°n G einafter N CFO a\ Corporat" ntor to the Detroh\gan 4g226 (her MENT 1 nst�tutrOr' ed to Gra u Detroit, M TN1S co a Michigan Wafter re{err Se °nd Aven e aWab\e C°un� o{ O h\gan 48341 (he addresef s �s 2000 °they good andorkh herein, M1c os f Pontiac, n Corpora"On, `Nh o\\ar ($1 40) and conditions set to Gonstruct, wchi ea to as Grantee) T10N of One a and pursuant eby accept' the r 3 rtenances, and referr CONSIDER aGknow\edge ' does her are\ated app { mavnta'n\ng 'FOR AND iNof wh`ch is hereband the Grantee. t , y \ne lad�tit�e the 1\rr�\ted pure°se ° receipt the Grantee' nd u herein JOT Gonsiderat,On t to der9rOu does hereby gran nd1or rep\aGe en vopeM descr\b a Ges• ea as. Grantor air ss to th p descr�b park• erate, maxnta�n, rep ce sand re\aced appude Oaks coon e with aG Mich"9an ty op G rants fads AA s P � oW I ddlson to provide theand ut�\ity \ins Oakland etua\ non - to _ 20�� said ur`dergro Number• o5-33, nsh. of ;P•ddralso1l<no`Nn a a non�perp n Operatxon, ParGe1 they°w T5Ns R11E, tee with insta\\atlo relate Dries 1 tons Land 4 0� Section 33' roviae the G �onstruct� f�d�\it�es and and aGGes \invited Gran eart rant \s to Pro to per d utility iin transformers ern for the 2. -the 1400e of this g ent in gro ndergroun s cables' described he � of the said the urpos easern l of u wire ropedy or rerr`°va nGes can e shall ose: the p eXG\usive t and rerr`ovuys ancbOrs' Wed p rep\adIng o d�rGumst the Grants t to POP b\e, non' cerne g the burden der n ten 3' s.gna rep\a sist- of 'Pole" access to rmknta ances Un line fade\,6es t�Ge o{ its I�`duled asa ntenanGe �s, con Grantee with operat�n9 appurten ound &x.\ty asonabie no ntor s sche ap du o P ovrdetheU l,ng, instal\',S aid re\ate an undergomrnission r rfere.Nit\ gra an Go e faciiit�e u,00se eatlon C not to ins` uatxon• wide non' purpoC sound ut�iitd\for any otParks and ed above s amergency Grantee a 12" ton, unde g t be use County es state tin an s to Gra ct�on, opera ted easemen e Oak\and the pure°s eM eXcep d convey constru and re\a provide th eM �Os on the prop eby grants and oss for the\ine faGi\it�es enter the prop aGtNit�e Gross Grantor her t �n g nil utxUty reGre;60na\ e easein dergrou Glusiv un t o{ EasevIl gn b\e, a°naeemovahed �dibit P A. p petenance epos s� wp on the attaG majnt ances, appu�en 1ti,19 down, trim, Gut t s. Grantee't e easemen in S and fence and roots %n s and fences and o\jed structure $tructUre branches Structure reliable s bran o1 anys, meet area) and ere w. h the s Qfe ans plant life, feet °f the she � chntf trees, . terf cilities. N trees, within 2" Sponsibie to "Trees' bu othenMse CO into the ea ves could S fa door wi11 t be re front of qa• ove ar ro�N eiie Grantee front no rem t could g Grantee b ance °f G. g feet °f theGrantee s placed In area (or tha area that d mainten d within closures- and fence easement eration an or installe cabinet en Structures upon the ct�on, op ted, gf o Nn Switching last life, binding d construe to be plan formers vat trees, p Sha11 be an of gross essors and fences es of trans to or renmo easenent to at�ves, sucG el of lands, the other sid damages ce of an repres with any- Palo cilit�es 11 Grantor for doors• and �onveYan ntee, theiC, all not run nd uglily I�ne faGrantee) sha sformer This Grant a and Gra hos for undef9f0 �hereIed herein, sad Iran ntor ed ReaM of the Gra is contain r d as crib an be eSt 1n benefit and gran ent in g sofs an des to Inter to the nts a asem ces roses aft termina Ssors or 5 and inure d the covenause of sa%d eentat�ves, su ce Ossfor the Purpose p gross Ste tatives, succe f assigns, an tend to the eirs, repres ement in grthe easeme eirs, repfesethe reau sRelease °aY shall only � Grantee, itsuse of said ea coned and Grantor, its Grantee• upon ntor. 11 no Grantor m event tha reouire the Sidered aba Vert back to ernaining in Gross to Graof time, the SS which nt no longest shall be COnlan sha11 re no interest of basemen so able Plano ement in G he easeme tee d ,.,semen ed and, the rantof), with a Release within a tea ent of antee. If the Gran ext�ng�s �hereinaftef G al1 provide e Grantor Abandon . d of the Gr of Grantor, tore the ass-I9 e Grantee shrov* d to th of peeds an toss reauir the reciuest for, and 1 of damage Grantorin Gross isGounty Regof Easement in Gross' then up°Vested by G mage or Gla�rn ertl °f easement aKland ,lease tmgu�Sh as req ny da including prop e G of the R ta1\a file with the lace terminated easement in grto the re or prdpeY �fion, ins sha11 be sha11 .,band m e s m pnor to person the onstru line cillty, act in p Dried, th c fa SS is Structures xt on it `Na darr,agei . ��s or d Li �w y in gross any s to the G°ndvironmentaleasement m e dergroun e's all r sh ent in grOs limited to en use of the °vat of th by Grante by easem- but not from the ent or rem aged ditlon �1ncludmg or resu\tln9 e replacem Bch is dam kraal con the Gra ma ntenah of the Grantee raptor, s propertl , t red to its orig d hold operatlo , ons�bd Y ion of G herein, steal demn\fy be fes an OM and the sole ro�erty'. Anyross granted agrees to i or agents f GountY tQration °f Pasernent n g e hereby ees an a inst the Su1ts Res e e Grante employ ed ga on, re e of the law officers, or assert based up 6' eXercis fitted by°`gals, which are or Grantee e extent perm incurred by negligence' officers, Toth d its electoSed upon, andlor alent, MIStaKe, d o{{jclals, at�On' of �awlh,c l are imp employee, ed error, S elec e ce den-�nific County s �cer� an aileg Grantee aintenan 'ces as 7 to rmless the d all claim offic�ai, off led to of the ton m enan ha ainst any an elected, - any `Na �r,rantee or aria allabon, aria related appurt ag dIor an Ices from, °r .,fissions by th struct�on, e factiUt\ es arcs to the G°n d utility tin tonal actions is°relating ndergroun from, or or e u a inters ees or agen oval °f the untlof Oakland oration eplac ma here n of m Grantor ConstltutXonal Gorp describe N\tchXga �,aw, Gha�rperson .114-0 (na x STATE OF MICHIGAN ) )SS COUNTY OF OAKLAND ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2002, by Thomas A. Law, Chairperson, of County of Oakland, a Michigan Constitutional Corporation, 1200 N. Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan 48341. Michael D. Hughson, Notary Public Oakland County, Michigan My Commission expires: 5/5/2004 Drafted by: Michael Hughson, Oakland County Department of Facilities Management, One Public Works Dr., Waterford, Michigan, 48328. Return to: Betty J. Dean, Detroit Edison Company, 1100 Clark Road, Lapeer, Mi. 48446. Mdh6/13/02 11-21 GROSS SEMENT iN by e UNDERGR of Way N°' 3.�53ggG 2p02 Road, F NON-0( on Gov parry k`11 h1 day of 1200 N• TelegraPhany a is granted this / address Is . GomP GRANT ODe�C6 Edrs on GROSS Corporation, wh°se to the Detroit adr 48226 (hereinafter rS EASEMENT 1Ngan Constrtutxonal d t° Grant nu petroit, Mich`g TN as kfand, a Mac fifer veferre econd Pve le County °f U hlgan 4g34A, (her address is 2p00 S good and valuabin, M'xc whose other g here Pontiac, ton, d �h higan Gorp°ra ee') • ollar ($A .00i an the conditions s htfto construct, Meferred to as "Grant RATION of Gne ed, and pursuant C by accept, the r,g penances, and CONStDE nowledg dpeS he fed app in�ng OR AN,p 1N hlch is hereby ae and the Granteeine fa6jkkbes and veted purpose °f manta F w tee d utility i the Um siderat�on vece�pt °grant to the Gran roan he in fOv con does hereby andlor replace unaoperty describedcese Grantor alr access to the p urteran erate, marnta n, C tee with ac related app des G u t, par'-- op and vela INi�higanak the Gran lin laciltties a ounty on O to pvOvida rgrour,d utility 05 33 100'p04 Addison, O 0NNnnas pant °f Addis r etual' non, on, un said Faroe, Number in the -Town T5 oR� 1E also kn with a n�stalat�on,relatea for of Pro it constru facilities an d aces • sd i ,s Land rs section 33, the Granteectyon, d sorie 2 Gr e Southeast /4 rant is top to per uglify line sformers an the 1xrrmite Th of this 9 in gross round 1es trap herein for ald e. The purp,,sive easemen oval °f undevg wires' cab descnbedoval of the s the can Purpos . non.ex cement and rem uys, an burdened Prop °v rern stances tee shall 3. signa vepla of poles, g s to the b fining, rep der n° c�rcum The Grantee t to asantenanGel consisting with ces aMnta Un c�lities rnten m nce , e ac eratmgs m rtenances. utility tine fa b1e notice ° scheduled s appurtena vide the Grant - stalling, °p ted . u round s°na tOr s ro &ng and vela underg fission rea with gran and to e of constru line f.,6ditxes urpose thanatlon Gomm t to intetf ,on 12 fit. wide n°n� pureos round ut�i�ty any other ps and Recce above s° as n eno situ una ernent be use kia d Count u°s s stagy ept in an emerg veys to Grant coon, opevat1d P ppevty for the p ecty is and con constru d vela rovide thethe prop van gross for thee facilities a enter the al e -ties °n hereby g' t in utility tin vecCeat�on ..Grantor seen and Gross clusive ea undevgrQ Grant o� Ease ass gnabie' ndeem°val ed E ,aibit P. 4. perpetual n en replace ownt on the attach rnaintetnenances, as sh r, ,r p ap ,:,, cut down, ay trim, ent antee �' e easem sin �enGes. Gr roots \n th and .fence s and Ce9 and ches and tructures d re\,ab\e structure uCt j bran ove s e an nt \\je of the Coots, S busheseai and re with the s o trees p\within 2 feeonsi,\e to ara rohes.i any trees, tar intettere c,\it es N oor and t be resp nt 0f bushes \se con- the ease es cou\d tee s fa front d wi\\ n° d in fir° gees 0r other row \ntO tee be\,ev ce Ot Gra g-feet 0f the Grantee ces p\ace Aa. TernO je that c°u\d 9 hat C,ran a ntenan d w\th\n enc\osurej� es and den upon area �°r ent area and m \nsta\\e ab\net • structu dmg easem operation town or w\tch n9 c p\ant 1,fie, ss sha\\ be bsOrs and d and the tNGt,on, \anted g ands § trees , TO cce tan , co $ can e �answ aeon remova\ ° an easeTnecese gat�With any per�aG\%es � sh \\ fe es es o� rep n ha other s,d darna9 ance then, not ru ut,\ity \m Grans Grantor JOT doors. and GOnved Grantee'erem sha`der9round befenafteere�n, said e transformer -�h\s Grant Grantor anOnta�ned h ss for un ass\gns � scr\bed h and b tty' °j the rants c t \n gr0 rs and ses de term\Hate sots or �n Rea enef\t and g semen cess° urp° s steal\ s succes 1nteCest e to the b ovenants 0, sad ea es, s10 for the p in To ntatNe , lest Oi se 01 5. and \nut and the c the use representatent in 9r° e easemeneirs, reec ulp pon t to r a n0 Geaea°r ma`1 ass�g on\y eXtendee, its hey oi, sa`d ease y and the its Grant s to Gran . r e the which sha\\ Gran e use aban acict0 ing Gros d 0f tm Gross ment ent that uire th s\dered evert b Test rerna�n ent,n e er\o ent in ease e ev longer rega\1 be con nd steal\ r no �ntere of Easem eas°r'ab\ o� easemntee' \� the the C'rante n0 ent sh d the \a for), w\th Re\ease w\thin a r donment { the Gra Grantor' tore the e easemu\sined anafter Grant\ rovide ce Grantor an Pban used ° lest °� and res darna9 eX\in9 s therein ntee sha p ed to th Oj Deeds Gross, tea Or\ the tea G rantOr' c\aim °t eM of assx9n the Gra s \s provid Re9�ster cement in ed then up uested by damage °;udin9 pr tion, Grantors t \n GrOs d Go ase O� E a ,ngu,sh ° ss as tea va\. pny erty , in sta\\a be ernen aklan Re\e d or e tin 9r0 e ren'o or prop &On' \n steal\ asW\th the Gace Of the term,nate e Basemen r\Or to th ersons constru e f',\ea\1 act \n p andoned= res \nth it was m p age),. °gross or CQend ut,\,ty tin sh Toss ,s ab any struct e Gondton menta\ da easernes under9 u Grantee s \5 al\ rem t,n gross to ed to eT`v�Use of the Ova10{ the aged by ndvt1On by easem b not vim rn the ce ent 0r which \s das Original co en (Inc\udin9 , Tesu\t ng re rep\a ntee r, s property Cestored to d h0\d the Grantor�na\nteba Y of the Gra 0{ Grant° al\ be rimy an and o'peCat,O r5espone onion d herein, sh es to agents trO unty the SO eCty Pnyross grante hereby agrees and(°ra, ic\tthe GO\JT)tlTeskls of prop t \n 9 Grantee emp\oy erted ag based upon, RestOCat o{ the easemen d by \aw' O{i,cers 0r ass are ba ce, °r \Gets, 6 exercise t perm\tte ted 0tf\60\s,`ncurred byent which neg\\gen \s off. antee the eaten d, its e\ec d upon, and(0r ag or �,istael cted O ids re, Gr Oax'an e imp°sEmp\ogee, ° heerGrantees e` rn a`nten ennces as tion 70 0j wh\ch ar \cer `aced to an a\\eg t�0n, mnifica Gounty s era d appud tna \ess theand a\1 c\ax s ked oj�i6a\, ° ay re tee °r any \\anon, °p d relate h st any my e\e e \n any the Gran G - n, \nsta div,t�es an again r any co\PtO n, Or ar inO s by GOnstru t,\ity vi \e a and(O Or ar\s Gt ona Or Om dating t0 th eTTOund u d a in entionav aOr agents va10� the and county of O akGo P°rat\on C emp\Oy went or reh'o Grantor. GOnstitutxOn replace ed here\n woh,gan scrib de yaw, G,a:W?eTsOn - 6�-• �.hornas P' li..Z4 2op2,by 00 r1. day °fG ro p beforeora�on,12 �F M�GN�GPN ASS d meavhGon-!utwna\ Qp,KI ANC s acknow� a and, a GOVN� OF e oin9 instrsone of Go A.8 4� Oa -the for 9 Ghalrper g-oh gan Th°maap �ac, goad pon pUb6c �N°rks -fie\e9 Mana9en'en�' one pubic on, N°tar`I f Fac�lit�es �lchaeta Goy gySMic Ces 51512004 GoUn�y �epartiment ° a eer ��- �,gh46. 0awold r'iss. n eXp yak\and My `Nughson, g - 1 A00 Glary- Road, L raked by - o d M�cY Jgan, 4832 Edson company Dr WatevF tt J- oean, petro�t Return tO- Be y VW6113102 11-25 ATTACHMENT "A" AGREEMENT # A 12' EASEMENT FOR UNDERGROUND 1 3e 2 K V ELECTRIC DISTRIBITION FACILITIES AREA NE 1/4 CORN R SEC 33 T5N, R11E ADDISON TWP 191 IN PF H9434-4 16T KVA 7.6KV_240/120V MODERN CAMPING LOOP B i jl 640'I j MODERN CAMPING I� IGF LOOP A H1995 IN PF H9434-5 161 KVA i� I� IN PF H9434-3 167 KVA Z-UK IN PF H9434-1 161 KVA 7.6KV_240/120V 4 j , 7.6KV-240/120V 7,6KV_240/120V I -� 200' 1160' EXISTING UNDERGROUND LINES \ � I _ — _ _ ______ 7 IN SCC 1 / SCC KVA GROUP CAMP I N 6-3/14,40 LOOP B GROUP CAM I `01 ' X 2 LOOP i ��5`� _PVC BY C S OMER IN 30' 4IN-PVC X 1 BY CUSTOMER IN PF H9435-1 1 — 300' IN 30' 4IN_PVC X 1 7,6KV-240/120V �' �•� BY CUSTOMER GROUP C IN LOOP j IN PF H9435-6 167 KVA 7.6KV_240/120V �'� IN PF H9435-4 167 KVA 7415' 7.6KV-240/120U • IN 30' 4IN-PVC X 1 _ _ IN 30 4IN_PVC AlI G OUP C MP Ii BY CUSTOMER ® 23S'_ ..BY CUSTOMER LOOP A I IN H9435-2 17 KVA 7.6K 2401120V ROUP CAMP G F W IN 4IN-PV H BY CU ER z w-� o GRO CAMP NG cw _ m o z LOOP PULL HOLE O lt_ , U 3 J F- U7 W \ W O cr d a / O W 1484 W ROMEO RD H o E ADDISON OAKS COUNTY PARKLL ¢ j RFW 375399 B 3 \ � 4/25/2002 I ¢ ❑ w W m � o m TWP - ADDISON SRW 9 7 u� ¢ K 1 tch i ng, Jack K cr o U' w w w i a¢¢ I z r ¢ m o m ❑ ❑ W ' LI T [E::X �IB .T" A " IN PF Q H9435-3 50 KVA �. STA I ON 7.6KV_240/120V 630' m l� IN #2AL OTHER-COND IT 1 30' 4IN_P C 1 155' b no U U C% I REPORT OF R/W FACILITATOR. R/W SECURED AS INDICATED ON THIS SKETCH. PERMITS-TOi BY RECORD CENTER ARE A DATE R/W FILES DATE WANTED TELEPHONE FACILITATOR ORIGINATOR o 0 NE 1/4 COR ER SEC 33 T T 5NV RI A ADDID D SON TWP 0 0 IN 2 COND S IN POLE/ANCHOR oie—1 7 0 ADDISON OAKS COUNTY PARK RM 2 CONDUCTORS RM POL['l .ALL DIMENSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE IN POLE/ANCHOR T AIN ENTRAN E 0 F ROMEO RD- RFVV .375399 -A 1484 W ROMEO RD - ADDISON OAKS COUNTY PARK AD.DISON DC 8840 BREWR Kitching,JacK K 110 GATE 3/ 8/2002