HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 2000.08.08 - 4009OF Bloomfield Township Oakland f.......... 1NAME OF COUNTY, Ci79, TOnwriSr'! I OP if ,I.LROEI COUNTY, MORGAN Lj 004 10/00/00 MON 2218 FAX 2484337714 BLOOMFIELD TWP lo CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE PRIMARY ELECTION HELD ON Augu st xpoo MATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS MANUFACTURED BY BOULEIE tL ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS 1919 East Kilgore Road • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by Form No. M-3913-PC CANVASSER BOOK—PRIMARY BLOOMFIELD VP li ao 5 TOTALS ?ARTY P OFFICE CANDIDATE NAMES Skiwnship Supervisor e Payae ownship Clark Wilma S. Cotton Township Treasurer Dan Devine Township Trustee Janet M. Ronceili Township Trustee Sherry Stefanes Township Trustee Jerry J. Tobias Township Trustee William R. Yaw, Jr. 27 22 24 26 tog, E20 1 1_47itql fta./0 4 126(170 C', 15 4 C) : 14. N.; I _31 1 33__ 0 4 f&14 o2i16fY 1404 PT 1 49 41f7 100 •"14e, • 27 2ILL_ 29 e4, D5 30 William Y__aw. Jr. 10 '11 TA-"a(1.1-51-1 041 Township Trustee q 6iia(e_03 It 10/09/00 MON 22:18 FAX 2484337714 i I 1 i i / i PRECINCT OR WARD lIUMviV / ii - - I Iry V vi v / / , , 1 v 1 2 3 4 51 6 7 8 9 10 11 MIMI 11•1•11.11=11111111•11•11111111111i111111111MMI1111111111 gal v i Is., FM Be 70 ocIEBNINIMIRV.117-111in , 011111111M111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111101111111 , ! 4 02-14 , frilE91112121 vip SIM go mmunno in 1111111111111111 Mil . - 111111111111 I , ilM9 ' 0 I 1 0 tin 1 ieo , b MIN 111111.11.111 , 1111111111111111. 'IM 7c t 0 1 — -Flinn riki i 8, 74 i I IMMENIMMENEMMEMMENIMMUIS 10 Awner-mmt-nor :./ 0 ( ilUirifilialni INIUIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIINIIIIIIINMIMIIIIIIIIall 11 0 19 /c- ronmratatomPlirigellErifff I , 1111M111.11111MINIMIIIMINIIMMINIk , 0 ILMOffgl 0 1 3 ; - 4' I; '1 30 tin -1 t451 -1 Township Supervisor Dave Payne Township Clerk Wilma Cotton Township Treasurer Dan Devine Township Trustee -Whet M. Runcelli 1111Phship Trustee Sherry Stefanes Township Trustee Jerry J. Tobias 4TW Wiiliain R. Yaw, Jr. Township Supervisor Dave Payne Township Clerk Wilma Cotton Township Treasurer r, Dan Devine 70 I ' "I Township Trustee Janet M. Roncelli Township Trustee Sherry Stefanes 14 "5-177-7-7-0 16 17 18 9 20 e Ts1-1(a-61747 —1-77— 3 30 I 11 11i cto tt FT, 0312.)6 Township Trustee 11- jrry .J. Tobias 5-Ø_11 1 ijL3I l—(3_12 1412 j1.1..gtria.2.4.A1I6...z„.-.L itel&g.f5....1, 2_ 3. 4. 4, The whole number of votes by the Republican Party hr candidates far the office,of Trustee 2006 3 10/09/00 MON 22:19 FAX 2484337714 BLOOMFIELD TWF vultS A , t I PIT hatIllEt The whole number of votes given by the Republican Party For condidcoes for the office of Supervisor 1 is Thim moo v1io5c ,,sck_4•1141.V.42.-IN .i.A.1/41.3 ,0_,..Zi_v_s) 'ME nd they were given For the following named persons; PERsoNS REcEIVINgs THE VOWS Hume* of VOTES WRITTEN IN YrOstps nim 1. DAVE PAYNE U111111 -1- H. 1• 1.,_2 .______ 1 ! 4 TOTAL 2..‘ .1 ,__1„.„...,,„=_,„:„,..........., -,.. ...-_ _,„.. The whole number of votes given by thaRepUblican Party for candidates for ihe office of Clerk and they were given hr the following named persons: - PrIPSONs RECEIvING THE Yates 11. 1 7 WILMA S. COTTON l[ 2. L wo7s4u3-riftvmssisv,w.k,s.. ..u_AsItH. cl they wee given for the fallowing named perso A ns; -_-_, PERSONS REGEIViNG THE %/Ore. -"-. , r 1. DAN DEVINE 4, 1-11 TOTAL ;1 4 ictrck- 6-1 The whole number of votes given by the Republican Party for candidates for the office of Trasurer i ' - • I 1-1±-, 3. Nu14,00 Of yaws yaunEN 24 Wows E : NUM/ATI C* VOTES WRITTEN IN WOK'S ! L I ! TOTAL rtCe.(111 F I / I - FERsoNs REctIVIN TI-4E VOTES NutAssR Or VOTES wRI1TEN 1M woRM L.:I . JANET M. RONCELLI Out t311 I V I • 12. SHERRY STEFANES )L412- 3 . JERRY J. TOBIAS 4- WILLIAM R. YAW, Was and they were given for the following named persons: The w6o1e number vi votes given by the La _4v_ and they were given for the following mowed persons; reksONs utEcEivp4G THE VOTES • Party for candidates Far the office of NUMBER Ou VOTts wRirtEN N WoRPS 4' tt-1-1 ! ' " 4 - 10/09/00 MON 22:19 FAX 2484337714 BLOOMFIELD TWF Z1007 7 or BLOOMFIELD WNVit f., CITY OR VILLARki at the Primary Election, h eld OS TUESDAY one thousand nine hundred and -2.100 That having received eufficient number of votes is nominated That ------ having received sufficient number of votes is nominated received 5uf'icient number of votes ;5 Mon j rit] t ed Th having 11 Ii 7 CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION ill r STATE OF MICMGAN. CouNvir or _.Q LA ril..K-a-----_- -- i The Board of Canvassers of the TOWNSHIP (ceuine, having Ascertained and Canvassed the Votes th 8th __day of.AUGUST Da Hereby Certify and Determine That DAVID PAYNE having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the-REPUBLICAN —Party for the office of SUPERVISOR Thai WILMA S. COTTON ,.., received sufficient cancliZie -6;ilite -R—E-P-UP- LI °AN-- Party for the office of_ 41-RUTFI number of votes is nominated - That SHERRY STEFANES having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the REPUBLICAN party For the orrice or TRUSTEE That JERRY J. TOMM. , having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the REpu BLI CAN Party For the office of-TADS-TEE WILLIAM R. YAW, JR. ince . having received sufficient number of votes is nem;noted REPUBLICAN ” TRUSTEE candidate by the Party For the office o f - having received sufficient number of votes is nominated ir—aff—EP LICAN -- candidate by the Party For the office of CLERK That DAN DEVINE having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the REPUBLICAN Patty for the office *L. TREASURER - Thcrt JANET M. RONCELLI havin condidcne by the Party for the office of candidate by the._ Party for the office of cc:edit:late by the _ Party for the office of having received sufficient nute6er of votes is nominated • for the office of . having received sufficient number of votes is nominoted Fedi for the office of having received sufficient number of votes i s ncminated candidate by the_ _ _ - _____ _____ —Party kr the office of. by the having • Party for the office of_ _ having received sufficient number of votes is norninoted Party For the office of .having received sufficient number of votes is elected Party for the office of having received sufficient number of votes is elected Party for the office of_ . . ______ _ . _______ _____ having received sufficient number of votes is elected Party for the office of having received sufficient n umber of eutes is elected Party for the office or having received sufficient rumber of votes is elected Party for the office of .having received sufficient number of voles :s elected Party for the erf:Fice o f That condidote by the That a•11.1L candidate by the That That candidate That. candidate by she That candidate by the Th by the That by the- - That by the That by the_ _ That by the That having received euff'cient number of votes is nominated Party for the office of received sufficient number of votes is nem noted Received Having Not Ree,iyed Svfficient votes wog - Rinsed Defeated Received Passed Having Sufficient votes WcJS Not Received Defeated BOARD OF CANVASSERS Z008 10/00/00 MON 22:20 FAX 2484337714 BLOOMFIELD TWF I! That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the Party for the office of That M _ _ having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the.- M Party for the office el That .. . having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the Pally For the office of That having received sufficient number of votes is nominoted rondidcrie by the Party for the office of That having reteived Sttifioicnt purniper of Votes is nomiriate candidate by the.-- ........... _ _ _Pa rty for the office of That_ (loving received sufficient number of .voles is nominted candidate by the Party for the.ciFfice of That having rcOsived SUfficicnt 'It/m(7V of \Kitts is norningleci candidate by the Party for the offiGe of That having received suffic'sent number of votes iS nOrnirated candidate by the_ - Party for the office of That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the Party for the office of.. That hoving received sufficient numbee of votes is nominuted conclidate by the Party for the office of Thot having received sufficient number of votes 5 nominated candidate by the Party for the office of_ That having received sufficient ntsslibet Of votes is nominated Gant:hi:late by the Party for ihe office of - -- That having received sufficient number of votes is noT4ncted candidate by the Party for the office of That having received sufficient number af votes is norrunoted candidate by the Party For the office of having received sufficient number of votes is norninoted candidate by the... Party For the office of.. Da Further Hereby Deierrriirle: That the following Propositions or questions were passed or defeated as indicated below; NAME OF PROPOrsiTION 1 NAME OF PR0'PO5i11ON makii-ic OF ruceosrnoN Received Passed Haying Sufficient votes was Not Received Defeated *ATTEST: In Witness Whored, We have itereurItC) Set our hands and affixed the Sect of _ RS HIP of-BLOOMFIV-I),_ OAF(1,),‘,_Sit/ (County, City. Township or Villppvi 9T3-1" this day of. in the year ant thousand nine hundred and 2000 10/06100 ON 22:18 FAX 2484337714 BLOOMFIELD TWF 4,921 4,946 4,883 3,988 3,822 4,217 3,905 Z 002 CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF BLOOMFIELD BOARD OF TRUSTEES AUGUST 14, 2000 PAGE -1- PRESENT: Payne, Cotton, Devine, Tobias, Yaw, Stefanes, Roncelli ABSENT: None MOTION WAS MADE by Cotton and supported by Tobias to ACCEPT the following canvass of votes for the August 8, 2000 Primary Election, as certified by the Township Board of Canvassers on August 9, 2000: • REPUBLICAN PARTY SUPERVISOR Dave Payne CLERK Wilma S. Cotton TREASURER Dan Devine TRUSTEES Janet M. Ronce ili Sherry Stefanes Jerry J. Tobias William R. Yaw, Jr. Ej_tE jrcf_RATic_PAfKa No Candidates 1_0/09'00 HON 2218 FAX 2484337714 BLOOMFIELD TWP Q003 CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF BLOOMFIELD • BOARD OF TRUSTEES AUGUST 14, 2000 PAGE -2- YEAS: Payne, Cotton, Devine, Tobias, Yaw, Stefanes, RanceIli NAYS: None RESOLUTION DECLARED ADOPTED. 1, W1L/VIA S. COTTON, TOWNSHIP CLERK of the Charter Township of Bloomfield, County of Oakland, Michigan, do hereby certify the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution adopted by the Board at their regular meeting held on August 14, 2000. WILMA S. COTTON TOWNSHIP CLERK mig •