HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendas/Packets - 2004.12.01 - 400952800 Watkins Lake Road •Waterford, Michigan 48328- 1917 248-858-0906 • Fax 248-858-1683 • TTY 248-858-1684 • 1-888-OCPARKS V KLAND www.co.oaldand.mi.us A - November 23, 2004 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Oakland County, Michigan Commissioners: A meeting has been called of the Parks and Recreation Commission as follows: PLACE .................... ..Parks and Recreation Office 2800 Watkins Lake Rd Waterford, MI 48328 TIME .........................Wednesday, December 1, 2004 9:00 a.m. PURPOSE .....................Regular Meeting This meeting has been called in accordance with the authorization of Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation. Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. Chairman Richard Skarritt Vice Chairman Fred Koizon Secretary Next Meetings Hugh D. Crawford Vincent Gregory John P. McCulloch Ck-Arles Palmer Richards j. _.,aid VanderVeen Suzette Vogt Ralph Richard Executive Officer Sincerely, Ralph Richard Executive Officer Parks and Recreation Wednesday, January 5, 2005 Wednesday, February 2, 2005 HA\My documents\COMMISSN\agendaltr.doc 0 ur mission is to provide recreational, leisure and learning experiences that enhance quality of life. Oakland County Parks a ` creation Commission 2800 Wathim sake Rd Waterford, M1 48328 **AGENDA** December 1, 2004 Action Required Presenter/Phone # 1. Call Meeting to Order 9:00 a.m. 2. Roll Call 3. Public Comments 4. Commission Meeting Minutes for November 10, 2004 Approval K. Kohn / 858.4606 5. Payment Approval Summary: Approval Internal Service Funds Payment Register Payment Register: 6. Activity Report for October, 2004 Informational 7. Proposed Whitetail Deer Firearms Management Hunt Approval D. Stencil / 858.4944 8. Ellis Barn Accessory Building Donation Agreement — Revision Approval " 9. Oakland County 4-H Fair Association Professional Services Contract — Approval " Amendment 91 — Revision 10. Maple Grange Properties, LLC Donation Agreement — Two Pole Barns Approval " 11. Oakland County 4-H Fair Association Professional Services Contract — Approval " Amendment #2 12. Bid Items: A. Ellis Barn Relocation Approval J. Figa / 858.4620 B. Ellis Barn Foundation C. Ellis Barn Architectural Services 13. Ellis Barn Cost Summary Informational " 14. Roofing Project — Springfield Oaks Budget Adjustment Approval M. Thibodeau / 858.4630 15. Volunteers Report Informational S. Dorey / 858.7596 16. Proposed Master Calendar Informational R. Richard / 858.0909 17. Executive Officer's Report Informational " 18. Old Business 19. New Business 20. Adjourn ND RECREATION C COUNOMMISSION MEETING T PARKS A 2004 OAKLAND Novem�.- �=--`� t 11:23 a.m• in the commission room of the Parks Chairman PeckY D- Lewis' Jr. called the meeting to order a fission's administration office. and Recreation Comm Hugh Crawford, irman Richard Skarritt, Secretary Fred Korz°n° COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT-1a p. Lewis, Jr., Vice Ch Chairman pecky Chartes Palmer Vincent Gregory, COMMISSION MEMBERS ARSE John . McCulloch, John Richards, J. David VanderVeen, Suzette Vogt P Ralph Richard, Executive officer dministration A_ L-f PR--�— Administrator - ment Frank Trionfi, n and Develop Joseph Figa, Chief of pesig Parks and Recreation Public Communications Officer Jan Pung' Chief of Golf Mike Thibodeau, Sue Wells, chief of Recreation Sheila Cox, Accountant IV Clyde Herb, Chief of Park Marge Gatliff, Trails Network Coordinator Joan Daniels, Buyer Division LC gcramlin, General Manager Purchasing president Oakland County 4 H Fair Association Dave Coleman, Oakland County Sgt. Ken Hurst oration Counsel Sheriffs Office John Ross, Assistant Corp Oakland Cou nty Corporation Counsel Oakland p IC MENTS: COM were no public comments or questions. There w for the Parks INTRODUCTION: t. Clyde Herb introOffce. Ken Hurst, who recently replaced Sgt. Mike Searing d Chief of Parks Y Division of the Oakland County Sheriff s ACTIVI�EP�= accepted as filed. e Activity Report for September, 2004 was The itgpR1NGFIELD OAKS: OVEMENTS - improve at Springfield Oaks, GOLF COURSE IMPR golf course imp and budget. Golf Course Design, including phases, timeline, Thibodeau presented information on the Chief of Golf Mike Raymond Hearn G as proposed by Ray MINUTES: Gregory to approve the minutes of the meeting APPROVAL OF orted by Mr. Moved by Mr' Crawford, s*' f correction: of October ' 2004, with the following 4-1 (Commission Meeting, November 10, 2004) At the bottom of page 4 — 4, add the following item after the Lyon Oaks North Recreation field Phase II Development: OAK MANAGEMENT CONTRACT ADJUSTMENT: Moved by Mr. Skarritt, supported by Mr. Palmer to approve the adjustment to the contract with Oak Management, Inc. by reducing the rental rate of ten percent (10%) to five percent (5%) and the current utility rate of twenty-five percent (25%) to zero percent (0%) at White Lake Oaks from October 1, 2004 through December 31, 2004. AYES: Gregory, Lewis, Palmer, Skarritt, VanderVeen, Vogt (6) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote, AYES: Crawford, Gregory, Korzon, Lewis, Palmer, Skarritt (6) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. APPROVAL OF PAYMENTS: Moved by Mr. Korzon, supported by Mr. Gregory to approve the Payment Approval Summary, including: Internal Service Funds Payment Register for September, 2004 (FM 12, FY 2004) Internal Service Funds Journal Voucher Register for September, 2004 (FM 12, FY 2004) Oak Management Credit for Services Rendered Register for July, August &September (FM 10, 11 & 12, FY 2004) Operating Transfers for July, August & September (FM10, 11 & 12, FY 2004) Payment Register, including Voucher & CIP Report for September (FM 12, FY 2004) AYES: Crawford, Gregory, Korzon, Lewis, Palmer, Skarritt (6) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. COMBINED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS BUDGET REPORTThe Combined Statement of Operations for the month ending September 30, 2004 was accepted : as filed. p The Capital Improvement Projects Budget Report for the month of September 30, 2004, was accepted as i `R ivtHiv/_kUEMENT 4-2 r extens�On the vember gyp"2p04i to aPPrOvebsocln. VN o manage o d Cou m 4 k\ Fa,r P mn�ission MeetinS N orked by Mr, <G° C SKaR\tt, W� hPthe GaK\a� MoveCaby# G 20 P $pity Center a\mer Skarritt SPr 9t`e\d GaK,s, p wford, GregoN p� es e yenta\ °f a e vote e °ontractjot ant °f $2401h NP carried on a voic egory to Ner oPters ceed $�0 000. Mr Gr 0agnum \,c ex Motiondoq t to tD' Palmer, suPPotte . Ne`1 k0 , b icOpter no M°ved bier tMorper\ote and $5g01hr for 4 er SKarritt &G seatheVIGO\ _evs,lot pa\m fiord, Gregory DYES Cra N-t REQUEST ` reso\ution to subnat top, tpi ned on a vo,ce vote. Gv\NG MRP P GRP r to adopt e MRP P Grant. as aPPC,ed \G�\GPN- po (NM Mr pa\m'(°uth Mot,on car by n M°v ornrnissonU , Program GEC M ,tt, sup9ortS Get M\ch\Sa Recreat`On Go on the R ZppS Dyed by \J\r" St on to the 2p0 untY Parks ana t for th d G e to the \� t aPP\,ca ran e GaK\and Moving rains odrat�On; an ed in resP°�rs,Put from a S REp,S, th an Youth d par\c P deve\oP sed on County Get N\`°h�Secreat,°n an o9rah' was ram ba OaK\and for a �'S't e Mich`gan R the Run psica\ fitness (s ectos, and through RE S the, muttf\s oil as ae to ton dembe s', and County ?arneato� NE P a utrit,on d c \N\Aot educatitons, ParK5 s on and Ske n' eets the OaKspec;l jZed re nee rnun,ty °rgcr `aeon Commts Rung ProSras o innovative and pa s and Re S, the „G,r\soa Shand oblective rd Count`l * pro\jid+nS \NHAe'R iss on s S ces and s st the GaK\n ProSram are othe�\s d Comm exPer`en eaves wit\ a\,Zed recreate resources nutritiona\ an Recreat`O\ nd hea\thy ProSrams a S, the 9oa\ eccc`d nS wk\ Pen where the educat,ona\ or9 ato rec Lion f°r d WNGommisson antes aosure and aPP is d County Phe am° nt Recreaton ms to co e exP n in ese ProSraand to inr, ease VEp that the �an\aPP\�cat`O tunava,\ab\e ro�Jran` pa�ks Pis ton. \ fitness P Reso\, Ru °d a Physica EREFGRE BS rie «C,ir\s ona d GW ^(N n acce9 ecreatOn ecreatOn GO b the M`ch�San R pa\mer SKarritt �61 of $5 p00 thro KorZon, \-ewxs, S rd Grego'4' 4-3 Crawfo PYE (Commission Meeting, November 10, 2004) Motion carried on a voice vote. GLEN OAKS GRILL ROOM UPDATE: Moved by Mr. Palmer, supported by Mr. Crawford to award the contract for the installation of the mechanical equipment for the Glen Oaks Grill Room renovation to DanBoise Mechanical Inc. in the amount of $130,116, plus a contingency in the amount of $2,884, for a total budgeted amount of $133,000. AYES: Crawford, Gregory, Korzon, Lewis, Palmer, Skarritt (6) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. Chief of Design and Development Joe Figa also noted that parks staff will perform the following work as part of the project: • All demolition, including installation of ceiling area planking, for the installation of all ductwork • The installation of new HVAC to be connected to existing gas and electrical lines • The installation of two exhaust fans • Ductwork to be stubbed for existing 5-ton HVAC to 25-ton HVAC OAKLAND COUNTY GOLF COURSE INFORMATION UPDATE: Parks staff made a presentation at the November 8 General Government Committee Meeting updating the county commissioners on the Oakland County golf courses. The same packet of information was also provided to the Parks Commissioners. EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S REPORT: The Executive Officer's Report was as filed in the agenda. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 11:54 a.m. The next Commission meeting will be 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, December 1, 2004. Fred Korzon, Secretary Karen S. Kohn CPS/CAP, Recording Secretary 4-4 110N COMM,SSrON D RE'OR�p cOVN� ppRKg P ROV p� sUMMpRt ONYAP'p 0N1 ppp Pp�M FORM�E�`NG OF: �g33 �g5 g2 Ds Pp�MEN 2�1 Z62. or REGNs��f 1p�M�Nl x t, `FM1, FY 20�5; R Oobet PL ON XS pV Px%'P'6�-� FO 'CO�pGKUp \NFORMp�` .�g 5.1 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Internal Service Funds Payment Register For the month of October, 2004 (FM 01, FY 2005) Source Department/Fund Purpose Amount 12/IN203352 O.C. Printing, Mailing & Copier Fund Printing & stationary charges for Oct.-Admin., Rec. Admin., Add., Inde ., Wh. Lk., Mob. Rec., $2,714.48 Tob. Com lex &Lon 12/IN203361 O.C. Motor Pool Fund Car/Truck lease, maintenance & gasoline charges for Oct.-Admin., Rec. Admin., Tech. Supp., 35,153.24 Add., Grove., Orion., Inde ., Glen Oaks, Red Oaks, Spring., R.O.W. Park, SAC, Water., Mob. Rec., W.O.W. Park, Tob. Complex, Nat. Cntr., Lyon &Lon G.C. 121IN203362 O.C. Motor Pool Fund Gas charges for Oct.-Admin. 11.97 12/IN203367 O.C. Printing, Mailing & Copier Fund Mailing charges for Oct.-Admin. 689.31 18/IN203365 O.C. Information Technology Fund Radio lease & maintenance charges for Oct.-Admin., Add., Grove., Inde . & Nat. Cntr. 3,246.10 18/CI300253 O.C. Telephone Communications Fund Telephone charges for Oct.-Admin., Rec. Admin., Tech. Supp., Add., Grove., Inde ., Wh. Lk., 12,724.38 Glen Oak, Red Oaks, Spring., R.O.W. Park, Water., W.O.W. Park, BMX, Tob. Complex, Nat. Cntr., Lyon &Lon G.C. 43/IN203369 O.C. General Fund Security charges for 9/18 thru 10/1 & 10/2 thru 10/15-Add., Grove., Orion, Inde ., Wh. Lk., 49,408.02 Red Oaks, Spring., R.O.W. Park, Water., W.O.W. Park, Lyon &Lon G.C. 611IN203363 O.C. Drain Commission Water & sewer charges for Au .-Add.& Sept. -Lyon 2,087.09 61/IN203368 O.C. Drain Commission Water & sewer charges for Oct. -Glen Oaks 3,716.84 PR020569-570 O.C. Payroll Fund Payroll charges for pay period 10/01 thru 10/01-AII Parks 24,193.95 PR600190-191 O.C. Payroll Fund Payroll charges for pay period ending 10/15-All Parks 256,785.95 PR600283-284 O.C. Payroll Fund Payroll charges for pay period ending 10129-AII Parks 239,480.60 FB482646-649 O.C. Frin e Benefits Fund Fringe Benefit charges for pay perlod 10101 thru 10101-All Parks 9,161.90 FB600563-567 O.C. Fringe Benefits Fund Fringe Benefit charges for pay pedod ending 10/15-AII Parks 98,095.00 FB600876-880 O.C. Frin e Benefits Fund Fringe Benefit charges for pay period ending 10/29-All Parks 95,616.99 TOTAL FOR INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENT REGISTER $833,085.82 ACTIVITY REPORT OCTOBER, 2004 * Not included in program totals - only in combined totals. In-house events are counted in facility totals. ADDISON OAKS PARK Campers Day Use Day Campers *ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER GROVELAND OAKS Campers Day Use Day Campers INDEPENDENCE OAKS PARK Day Use Day Campers Overnight Youth Group Campers+A39 LYON OAKS PARK Day Use Bark Park ORION OAKS PARK Day Use Bark Park ROSE OAKS PARK Day Use SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER Day Use 4-H Fair *Banquet Facilities/Meetings/Special Events WATERFORD OAKS Activity Center - non banquet *Banquet Facilities - Activity Center Day Use TOTAL CAMPERS TOTAL DAY USE TOTAL DAY CAMPERS TOTAL OVERNIGHT YOUTH GROUP CAMPERS TOTAL BARK PARK TOTAL 4-H FAIR TOTAL ACTIVITY CENTER -NON BANQUET r.:J�AKLAND %W40111 ► ::►1 PARTICIPANTS (MONTH) PARTICIPANTS (YTD) 2003 2004 2003 2004 4715 6327 4715 6327 1799 1824 1799 1824 0 0 0 0 3551 41331 3551 4133 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17469 19691 17469 19691 253 725 253 725 31 207 31 207 584 517 584 517 3000 3000 3000 3000 4592 1596 4592 1596 6472 3400 6472 3400 400 400 400 400 1020 815 1020 815 0 0 0 0 3073 7851 3073 7851 493 295 493 295 1035 375 1035 375 0 955 0 955 4715 6327 4715 6327 25864 25798 25864 25798 253 725 253 725 31 207 31 207 9472 6400 9472 6400 0 0 0 0 493 295 493 295 04-05 ACTIVITY REPORT.XLS,OCT04 6-1 of 4 GOLF COURSES * Not included in program totals - only in combined totals. PARTICIPANTS (MONTH) PARTICIPANTS (YTD) In-house events are counted in facility totals. 2003 2004 2003 2004 GLEN OAKS Rounds Played - 9 Holes 1860 1831 1860 1831 Rounds Played - 18 Holes 882 817 882 817 *Banquet Facilities 4497 6233 4497 6233 **Grill Room (--Not included in totals) 925 2361 925 2361 LYON OAKS Rounds Played - 9 Holes 553 337 553 337 Rounds Played - 18 Holes 1756 1761 1756 1761 Driving range 644 754 644 754 *Banquet Facilities 1078 1812 1078 1812 **Grill Room (**Not included in totals) 2142119601 21421 1960 RED OAKS - (Under construction - Opening Spring 2004) Rounds Played - 9 Holes 0 2238 0 2238 SPRINGFIELD OAKS Rounds Played - 9 Holes 590 682 590 682 Rounds Played - 18 Holes 1360 1562 1360 1562 **Grill Room (--Not included in totals) 680 910 680 910 WHITE LAKE OAKS Rounds Played - 9 Holes 1467 729 1467 729 Rounds Played - 18 Holes 899 1137 899 1137 *Banquet Facilities 705 407 705 407 **Grill Room (**Not included in totals) 949 967 949 967 TOTAL ROUNDS PLAYED - 9 HOLES 4470 5817 4470 5817 TOTAL ROUNDS PLAYED - 18 HOLES 4897 5277 4897 5277 TOTAL DRIVING RANGE 644 754 644 754 04-05 ACTIVITY REPORT.XLS,OCT04 6Z of 4 RECREATION, FACILITIES AND SPECIAL EVENTS Not included in program totals - only in combined totals. PARTICIPANTS (MONTH) PARTICIPANTS (YTD) In-house events are counted in facility totals. 2003 2004 2003 2004 MOBILE RECREATION Bleachers 16 6 16 6 Bouncer 820 1025 820 1025 Bus 2520 2115 2520 2115 Climbing Wall 300 300 300 300 Dunk Tank 0 0 0 0 Inline Skate Mobile/Hockey Mobile 167 0 167 0 Obstacle Course 1230 410 1230 410 Orbotron 450 150 450 150 Puppet 170 170 170 170 Show Mobile 7 20 7 20 Space Maze 820 205 820 205 Sport Mobile 458 0 458 0 Tents 19 0 19 0 Camps 0 0 0 0 Miscellaneous 0 0 0 0 WATERFORD OAKS BMX 0 0 0 0 WATERFORD OAKS COURT GAMES COMPLEX 0 28 0 28 WATERFORD OAKS FRIDGE 0 0 0 0 WATERFORD OAKS LOOKOUT LODGE 504 365 504 365 WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK 0 0 0 0 RED OAKS WATERPARK 0 0 0 0 THERAPEUTIC EVENTS 310 589 310 589 SENIOR EVENTS 366 335 366 335 TOTAL MOBILE RECREATION VISITS 69771 4401 6977 4401 TOTAL FACILITIES AND SPECIAL EVENTS 1180 1317 1180 1317 04-05 ACTIVITY REPORT.XLS,OCT04 6-3 of 4 NATURE INTERPRETIVE SERVICES PARTICIPANTS (MONTH) PARTICIPANTS (YTD) In-house events are counted in facility totals. 20031 2004 2003 2004 ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM - INDEPENDENCE OAKS Nature Center 4494 3936 4494 3936 Outreach Visits 38 115 38 115 **Trail Usage (**Not included in totals) 6813 12312 6813 12312 ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM - LYON OAKS Nature Center 37 360 37 360 Outreach Visits 0 232 0 232 **Trail Usage (**Not included in totals) 100 724 100 724 TOTAL NATURE CENTERS 45311 42961 45311 4296 TOTAL OUTREACH VISITS 'COMBINED TOTALS 381 3471 PARTICIPANTS (MONTH) 381 347 PARTICIPANTS (YTD) 2003 2004 2003 2004 DAY USE PARKS 40828 39752 40828 39752 GOLF COURSES 10011 11848 10011 11848 RECREATION, FACILITIES AND SPECIAL EVENTS 8157 5718 8157 5718 NATURE INTERPRETIVE SERVICES 4569 4643 4569 4643 BANQUET FACILITIES 13939 20811 13939 20811 GRAND TOTALS 77504 82772 77504 82772 Therapeutic/Senior Event Breakdown TR: Adult Bball-30; Jr Bball-26: Mighty Oaiks-24; Sled Hockey-34; TR Royal Oak-40; Novi-186; Halloween-16 Beaumont-15; Sports Ablility-37; TR fall-29; SR: Fall Color Tour-247; Volleyball-88; REVISED 10/6/04 Note: Deleted Grill Room numbers from Combined Totals. 04-05 ACTIVITY REPORT.XLS,OCT04 6 4 of 4 ITEM #7 Proposed White-tailed Deer Firearms Management Hunt Independence Oaks The Whitetail Deer population at Independence Oaks is 76 per square mile as noted in our February, 2004 aerial census. The Michigan Department of Natural Resources/Wildlife Division recommended population density is 15-20 deer per square mile. The Michigan Natural Features Inventory, a program sponsored by Michigan State University, has recently completed a preliminary report of the natural resources inventory and management plan for the park. The MNFI report indicates that White- tailed Deer are seriously affecting the natural balance of the ecosystems of the park. If left unchecked it will permanently alter the ecosystem. In 2003, the Commission authorized operations staff to conduct managed hunts using volunteer archery hunters. Last year eleven deer were harvested. To date this year, only four deer have been taken. The upcoming muzzleloader firearm season is December 10 through 19. As stated in "Section 23: Firearms" in the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission General Information and Regulations allows for firearms to be discharged in the park system with Commission approval. Staff requests Commission approval to close Independence Oaks on Monday, December 13 and Wednesday, December 15 for the purpose of a conducting muzzleloader deer management hunt. Staff further requests approval to implement additional management hunts should be MDNR extend any firearms or archery seasons for the balance of 2004 or at any time in 2005. The park will be closed to the general public. Seven to ten volunteers who registered through the existing Addison Oaks deer management hunt will be selected to participate. Block permits for private land holders will be issued by the DNR for anterless deer. All deer that are harvested will be donated to the Salvation Army through the Michigan Sportsman Against Hunger Program. The harvest target number for deer at Independence Oaks is 30. 7-1 tec'" #$ PGR��M�N'C D DotojoN GS REv�s�Certe� � oi ORS Dv`,a o ks Pot�vitY d appr°va de RN �GGES SPr�r9�ce staff ceGomm h°Use and one BPcneet�n9 gs, one smok orocl te,bec $ Gom a°��ne�`1 bUda .��rn pi�Sas' �d a��or Ptthe Se emert�oc° m \ 33 Go,ownescope of the d°n donation a9ce ock�n9 with R$ S�camC�r, the a tag w c tG vfidmgs and `nce thattimeStag Manage ° maCh�re'N S Gaks Gers beer cede°edma"eC °� the tw and Spc�ng{ cole�t ha in des the s anon ted . and ce\Ocatcor nation now G1U ss`on {oc thcs emeri as pcesen the d° ost to the G°mme dorat�On agce the one pcc C v,�i\� be n° ° s appco\ja\ °f th -the � ce°ommerd Sta DONATION AGREEMENT BE A MICHIGAN LEWITED LIABILITY COMpANyI AND OAKLAND COUNTY, MICMGAN This Agreement made and entered into this day of RBI 33, LLC, a Michigan Limited Liability Company, whose address is 151352004,Charlevoix, b Pointe Park, Michigan 48230 (hereinafter Donor) and the Coon y and between and Constitutional Corporation, 1200 North and Road Pontiac,axligan Grosse County of Oakland, a Michigan Municipal County) for the donation and transfer of all rights, title and interest in property described small machinery building, Michigan 48341 (hereinafter g, and a Privy, (hereinafter Buildings) currently rri lace on oe one (1) by Donor in the Township of Springfield, County of Oakland, State tlMichigan.inPlace p p �' owned Whereas, the Donor desires to donate the Buildings to the County of Oakland for use Parks and Recreation Commission for the e by its benefit of future generations or using the materials from the building eserving the them as a historical structures for the of the Ellis Barn at Springfield Parks County park, and, on and preservation Whereas, the County of Oakland desires to accept the Buildings for use by its Parks Recreation Commission at Springfield Oaks County park S and Springfield Township, Therefore, inconsideration of the mutual benefits and other good and valuable consi exchanged between Donor and County, Donor agrees to donate and County agrees to acceptderation Buildings upon the following terms and conditions. the DONATED PROPERTY 1.1 Donor agrees to donate to County one structure commonly referred to as "the machinery building" and one structure commonlyreferred to as a Privy, small selected foundation materials for the vY� and their Donoes property and either relocated d Purpose t Springfieldving said cgs Coed from for the purpose of having the materials from the Building used at S County park, or County Park in the relocation and preservation of the Ellis Barn at that park. Oaks 1.2 The donated property consists of the Buildings and selected foundation materi attached to the building, and fieldstone associated with the Building, if any. als 2. TITLE TO PROPERTY 2.1 Title to the Building, and selected foundation materials and fieldstone attached to Building shall pass to County upon execution of this document by Donor and Counte . 2.2 Upon transfer of title to the Buildings, County shall be responsible for all insurances and liability associated with the Buildings and their relocation, and shall Donor with the insurance requirements as stated in Paragraph 6. provide 2.3 If County is unable to successfully procure accomplish the relocation of the Ellis Barn tgrants' and/or if other funding necessary to forthcoming or appropriated, then title to the Building shall revert back to Donield Os County Park is or a this Agreement shall be null and void. Donor and County agree to execute an and documents deemed necessary to accomplish this reversion. If reversion does not d all occur within six months of the signing of thus Agreement, then reversion can only 3. a eem ent of the for 64 days ethe by to �e s t �o xem�orn1B°nor od is extended County VA tbirty of come on ave oath pe�� actor will xa ests. wall h fix e six m d lts Conn longer Cowh4 wchevex s occur if �e County an versionn° ex exists5 2p0 P artres' until the P°ssibi tYr o f re�,exsio sno lDe mbex 1 ' eld One is n°t oss Bw1d when the o the Ellis Banh begin extY • atexials and uilding VA rOp lotion na to the B from aay once rel ahemfxomD a se ectedao ph2 3, then tle ins s dP'mlding oxn occurs to rem- of the Building is set inPax � claim to ox 4 If the xemv the time f waives any 2. coin b k o Don°x, a(, COun t foxes d' STY easexn over thatpou' RTY B� CC atemp°rises of ent TD DAO C�pRs pROpE and Ccty hereYda A I fox ase e�'Val can en tsaid ACCESS to COuxatY�hachment e COntY ag til such tam °vat exebY goTbed O exry titn 01 staff the rem D°nor r ropextY de5cri °n Don°x s px p contractor' C to effecte eY 3.1 Don°x s P the Building COuntY , s ropelty prop ass to nhaintarxaing uses of allo`�ax1gaccess to D° o° e PpOpextS' to Ct the Bolding Pas d for the puxp ofMichlg Don to title selected an Of the State the Building fr°e ect from e to Buildi,19 and removed from agents tioxl Of l be in or e finally res tba and trax sp°' easement steal to the Ellis B a fieldstone eentihe Pad on e da wading ' a betv`' tten Llais temp will esvetta to the B It is deed as a w ex 3'2 County materials a chedoccurs latex in tame'. l„ shall serve shed to anoth A & A cord ox attache foundation wbichevex ed al Don rOpextY along with Alm be canoe re leion of the fin teed to of s P u on comp aterials at�ac tbis �greemen aenc. g said e ecessavy • then p lotion m 11 r°mptly scent evi corded, as n easeme d'selected f oun County vn p dcent to be re ds the temtpbe Bu lding a a s latex in taxrae, the sh A he temp°x o al Of the County x ilv B occur extra the rem If the Ellis an' ox wbicbever dentto wmg d fields e 3'3 removal of d fieldstone ent sum ent folio ton , ath eeds a dOcum such a d0cum atexials, an t the Build .Register of D not proxnptl se le f °dattl e g t to file e danaee�essitY file with If COLantY does and the onor 11 have O long ent filed easement' ortheB lding tlhell ondtberShed guc ountylgranteeand vas is n um the Ellis Bain in time, completed m veTOccurs latex e ro]ect is ent is ext � the C `N Vc oang the fact that asem P e �e effect as if filed by end ent and to e temp°raxY tox shallhave the ent. by the D°n°x'hte temp°x�' easem assembled °n Y .will extmg� T� BY CpUNT 'have the Building rat Contractor ellt Dp ORs PiZoPER will con'aactT°pe�Y b1 � �e emp°xaly e fey axe OF Cowan 4. SSE Owledges that owed from Dono t County c�h uthe Building vJ le eavy A .1 Donor ac ropexty and r en r and C°un dts ore P°rn°ns of to used move ee B' id'ng Donor s p een l� tle an contract°r d removing 's eed bed to disxn�h COuntYtbe dismantling an low County It is Don the for the site; to any Other 4.2 over or 15 Cx am site; to ece° nary ldstone from and for c Donors s renhOved fr easement n d fie h 5 heroin; fr egwPment over tixaation materials an t to P ara ap of the Dill g and selected f � an up the site p ns'a g and removal cont-raS °corrected, VA to h the d 2 Purpo e ox outside of ezt4'�whetl'e� di mule �'d s Top ent ontzactpz to D t db icon Gtpz eby the c Ot contemp ibi11 ' °f e Darnag ement' n e xesp°o ez area pre T emval�ol: 1in� ` 11 be ent zSea (°z begizali1'g The e ,eB easexn tzact°v up th zed°v zestozation of o Cow `s covactox to - avd C��-L1P °nslble f°x inprpze tl'e COIN dlsznotlinge1dxex 5 S1ZE wih n°tbe z the COncli essC°un' `v�Xe5ti>l�� ez�as and fletone °z f° ot�g 51 C°ed y colog to xnOval pzOoving all de dati1on n'at Oving fields ox z us anthng ' entby rem selected f o nslble fov xe Qn C°' px e ntthe act nth disn' OTary ease Biail�9 Abe ze5p0ebldoty park edby the c011take temp Ofthe �actoT voc, g oaks C zeq' actor ent ToNpval pz �e con fpz xecons fin eld ement, and con easem COnnty n Ot nee aznto oxavyeOXz Cag oe tez�ppzazY ecate the B temp Taate as n gthe 11is eanUp e that Ob danl to eff to the and xestO 'does not c1 fi Mill ecessaz9 ecessaxY vaetex COIN �e coon o pxevent' r vNd e wat arch a sere Iate A a ezbe the Colff on le pxe0ann fpz the elec oc Co`��' xz' Y p�°ses ti1�2e the `� with Teas sible ees fov bi11$ may v sociated ea. e xesp°n onoz a� zopezty d• COux�t9 costs as av willbllding D Onor s p lete oz any �p comp on Coazity of theB able on Ocess is 1 pay p 2 vernsezvice thelOcatio p open' ands ele when Onor 's xemoved Table OnD supply • COVY9 ly av atwatev cn�g sUpp n Ofth azance e`naen onDOT se of u 1 tvO cat of se 'B Ten' g one o ox, e ding fx s cez�ifi theB a33 p ZCE °v with a has wAle cour'ty has • 1d� �r°m rNS zovTdeD° bility Conn pz tbeliabilitY On oftheB and 6 • County will p fov the Zia tale, and f and Te1Oca the TemOval 1 slblez nansfez °the xezn°val Ctov fox 5 Tesp exty WAVY, endent c°n b1 fov �s ° va W° � ers prop 's xOpezty lndep espoosv uxaace an( lov '0onoeztY vnv use atox V411be r �iabThtY I"s e C°unty of pr°p ds that CO d e C°nt� ding 3enevGtpz Ay pzOvl CeztificatesCounty a,�d dexstan chn� vo oa w°zk t"onto 6 2 °n°at o Of tk'eB e is �clu d pendI�hcox to COO leang °z c cella vlenlSA0ance ze aAlNoanc o Banc ce of �atezial cli Coxnpensatt cextlficates 0 days note Donpz 11 zequne 3 be zeal lance We VT shalal as the DO"Oz• Doff on We VT oT p xlo rds � used'n t� qz neutezed� zn� one �pR� vewo us OF andvela� c 'e,fe the pzono e bly in N e'zzas � •1 �tezchang t z glnTes- Agree'nen e 3 of c°znpetent f°dby a coot exa ol state ends nt�avelNtb�s ai d dys Aeem olate °� c° seveedfro f°xGe t°vision o� abler or to be deen'ed Terrain in condo°n' °1d� l'z�e°�cr°vision at°v�siOns s� $ ,atedTonto b ConditloilC °T ainons, ws of con $ j�s be t 1 othex toss,�th�1e 1 �,tl�s v1 al ce d iA e menu edi�0,Ccolt�epeo��the Co eedby anon cts Comity Cnc,'ic G°as any I A ov dto d Dish hvi°l CC�G� ov ent shlbea are applibe the tJ�'ted states s paragzap 9 s weein clv�a� t11 shall thee ess thl ode state ° any dispondDivisioneDivisiO� ed States C 9 the venue Sec South ax the statd�isttict CG o l�cly g co all pn°� 5� to Disov e chi ' supersede an$edoz th d ptovislons ° ent of pQbe°diiieds reto• entne Aeen1 It may n o� the pad Cs the thei'ed each p�� A ocent c° ottenbg �d sib by t the 1s d ts� ° edtO ` aicatiinge Aeeen ess xednc ITS Mans in do so altered',ale C � , DOG �opziate zes°5 t autb'°sty to �� �C E �ovide the talppve the �$vi CheretO A�� C iesbetdo p A ee eAttacbn'ents ted Liabi1lty 11. e P i de6 as 11.1 lvid 5 sD ion11gbe 0° ln G�Gg. acg� zes°lotj33LbC R ooration INN --- -�"�,� By Y ,S•�,�othy p $mesas Zpp4,by day o i COT? /edhiab� ty iclvg,, C �-Stotic d andswo atLa�ickvga"inbiity o� 5i le R$� 3 ' ° tlje Co 10 clip Act C°�ssion IJ�y 4 AND COUNTY PAyyS AND gECIPIEAN ION O�MMiSSION gECRE WI�SSED BY 1x.Cbai-rP n Commission perky D. Leers' ecreafiol By • County Parks and R Oakland DATE: �004, by Perky D• Lewis, Jr day of __ — --� fo before m B d oCooC �issioners. Signed and sworn County Chairperson, Oaand chi an, County of -- —_ Notary public, State off g p cfing In the County of My Commission expneS' --"i sBam outbuildings Dunauon Aeemt 12010�•dnc .\$pawyDocuments\C°nb �evisedFulal Eili � 9 `Ges Cantva°t item # - ', gery Profess c► Nssooxat%°r _ Rev%s'4 ter 4 N F aiv doe ak 1 P°tivlm Cer o-xces County P 1d O ess`Ovja\ se 000"'d SPr�rgt e eeting the pCo nageoenk 01 e Zp0 Gon`m\s�`°r a ion {or the ma Ce\Ocgox ° th ptember $ 4-N � arc p ss° d to fa°�C�tate they Pt the Se ak\aid County tee was ve��se en �e�\sed, sta ame�t ct o O P v\ty Cen s be en co tva Wo d Daks b\s\\dxn9s a\ton PTMedX havv\oe o°"tca°t a with n° °°St Spt\ng`e\ 6acn aC°essory e o� the Ce\oc �o{ess`ODa\ Se C\n9{\e\d Caks four E\1�s °� that the sc \ °{ the Ce�\sed e CeioCatea at SP N aPpCovab s �\\\ b CeC°mme,�ds these u�\d�n9 Cesented. as he to g..1 AMENDMENT I TO 4H FAIR ASSOCIATION CONTRACT This "Amendment I" to the Professional Services Contract (PSC) entered into on November 5, 2003, between Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission (Commission) and the Oakland County 4H Fair Association (Contractor), a non-profit organization, amends Section 4. SCOPE OF CONTRACTOR'S SERVICES to require the Contractor to perform the additional services and requirements as listed below in conformance with the PSC and the requirements of this "Amendment I". Nothing in this "Amendment I" shall modify any other provisions or change any of the requirements of the PSC dated as above unless specifically mentioned herein. SECTION 4. SCOPE OF CONTRACTOR SERVICES 4.13. REMOVAL AND RELOCATION OF ELLIS BARN OUTBUILDINGS 4.13.1 At the sole expense of Contractor, and with no expense to the County or Commission, Contractor agrees to dismantle, remove, transport, relocate, and reassemble the Privy located at 9331 Dixie Hwy, Clarkston, Michigan 48348, including the fieldstone and foundation materials attached to it, if any, to Springfield Oaks County Park at a site to be determined by the Commission. 4.13.2 Contractor agrees to work within the temporary easement granted to Commission by the Donor as described in a certain Donation Agreement between Donor and County/Commission covering the buildings listed above, a copy, of which will be provided to Contractor as soon as it is executed, but in any event before Contractor begins working on Donor's property. 4.13.3 Contractor agrees to abide by the conditions imposed upon Contractor in said Donation Agreement, including responsibility for damage to Donor's property by Contractor, whether inside or outside the temporary easement, as well as all other conditions contained in said Donation Agreement. 4.13.4 Contractor will obtain and pay for all permits required to accomplish its responsibilities under this Amendment Y. This includes complying with any historic code requirements that might apply to the buildings. 4.13.5 Materials necessary to reassemble the building will, to the best of Contractor's ability, resemble original materials that would have been used in the construction of the buildings. 4.13.6 Contractor will be responsible for clean-up of the site from which the buildings are to be removed. This means all debris generated by the dismantling and removal process will be cleaned -up and taken from Donor's property. Contractor will not be responsible for returning the work area or temporary easement area to the condition that it was prior to beginning dismantling and removal, except for the above mentioned debris. 4.13.7 Contractor will be responsible for management of the work -site, which includes responsibility for safety on the site, and control and coordination of persons involved in the dismantling and removal of the buildings. Contractor agrees to ed in the notze�luiz latedby dd1tzonal in5azl�owle5 contexop si°n with oye the type of d in the ibe Conn�ls eSSaz9 to eat as desof th'vs the C°nn aeens nec azy easem dxt1°ns pz°vide at County 1„ . the teo -t 5 and °on issiOn tjWendn'ent to x aln i eztde ingthe teznl ance with C to oelz ton em ox� tln5 ctoz a%Tces eat wile p din accpzdd xe zootinA'pz to th Contza l�gxeem Coo ling an ca�ns 4 13.$ 'Donal°n eXtLv �,,rillbe G ntin�� sea the speci z ze iew "endn� bledbu1ld linclnde p e ipUt into ve on site to Abe k• e .easseo wbichw z willha xeSentatl the woz °r Zh ents� txacto Sion. e azep ducting on oz q .l ze4 . e anon Coll e C is ion' av actpz c°n5ite s pex`'1 onld 1 in$ 3.9 ulx s. Dann ll h is u th Speclfi dby vss Conk Sible 1pz owe is rio comp y to COT . ch een being ad°p to � ethe a ez In `Nnotbe zesp Q t(ZC Gtoz zea entbe he tine dthe m ve will edby C e Contza anon Ag tati�'ehas can 1310 floe pzogzeSs O'apzesen o be pex�° amine that & pz the D° on ze'p ConAla ctpz Con''�''Iss;v the wpzk entatx�e . Contzact a e CoTao T Ines that e Donation e�Sing ,s zepzes ofth15 oz" detez'� „ andtb s�o �Ssi and conditio on and the D Covoassi endn'ent l zeexnent, the the terms ,Cow zs wpzk AjSv t Nw this on A� or onatz �axn the C°`mt to stop all accpzdance terms of the S on the lseinbly and thozlt5' `,1ozk in to the 1 beg e disa5 au vn1e the �SUant sassenlb y fete to xe5 eat s that p date dz to comp ocated Agzeexn nndex5tand s tom the f1zSt occnx5 exty ding is zel cant t° Contxactpz has 3p day wcbe�,ex ongz� s pz°p date tl1e b'�ll pzdez puzs and �113.11 Coma°t°z 15 2pp' ° 'D omthe 'NOT ing ox St0��q ti�x�e D embeQ� bdlldin oaths zopez onslble f sv?, ' mound xece the lhaye Six �6 b e and put X1be zesbnildin w off of the tzact0x shal t° xeaSSem C°ntxacto a1 Jj°m the nclude being 12 Co ,�nty pxopevt�eciicatl°n a the matezts that will dex t1'15 e 13 Co . SSlon p lding a �equ"Temen dements ionh'9z°�1 ve Coffin'• the oUiSSion on of the x edby 1 fete is zotecting C ern n Co cozrip e p sNoL tO Gon�pletz ze�uest necessary t of the zecv p d covered• p> dayS t' ct°r "&AL zf expenses atlsfacklon hated an n rilnety �9 the Contztiing ° allith the ssh�l be tern' 1313 When nl th acc°n entl ` entl dm an „ endm ` �nendYn Cozssl t °this entl'° , tlils to;xvem S " �nen n undez tbi 2. FOR THE CONTIXCTOR: DATE: By before me this day and executed this Contract on appeared in person from to me urldex oath that he has taken actions f d acknowledged d has the requisited conditions o behalf of Contractor ana royals and authorizations anto the and also acknowledged any and all necessary el obligate and bind Contractor eference�s anall Contract securedand completely orate Y Contractor to fully documents incorp Tead and reviewed and all other docum ies and having this Contract and any been provided with cop reference. to me under oath of h all vv documents incorporated by 2004 documents including of on this �` day Subscribed and sworn to before me My Commission Expires: Acting in the County of _,._ FOR THE COMMISSION County Notary Public, State of Michigan, ------ DATE BY: Jx., Chairperson ssion Pecky D• Lewis, Parks and Recreation Commi Oakland County FOR THE COUNT DATE' By h f-Iylla, Manager Department Josep Purchasing p Oakland County ta\l�lY Documents\Contracts\Revised Copy of 41-1 Amend I I20104.doc p:\$Da 0 �vJ° P°fie BaCrs NteM #� emert — °r P9Ce ntec s� tl �-r'C' 00Ks Pc�N; ce ��r� ���sa ' �� e nge pToP Sp,�,n9t end O d by G°-o�reC �S a c°py °� th Maple Gra LG Cepresente �\on P&acbe elocsked barns R, a e pope yes' to the G000\ s One ° the and in p°S�tion Maple Gran tWo p°le barn $ N&4XI ! Genuri�t and the Sec land Hate \d Oak a l0' X 90 ted b`! the OaK to d° oerin� lan {or Spcing�e ition 40 ' �acd�ta master be located at p°s le barns `�lil m,sslon. ceement as W°uld �2, uri�t. n of the fiN° p°° c°st tO the Geed d°nation aq cl4' X jhe `elOcat� 5soc`a�On at nval o the a�ac unty 4 � Farr Pn�`ends appKo co Staff ceco ptesented Ap.1 n 0 'D -, `710 -il ✓ 4 " 40, A. t11• � .,i. ��� t�r _ ,'4 �=�' :•...--�"•-•... f41�� EAIs �.. ACIY o 1p7c8p' ;• ,,� ., " t; .+,,,.•;. .»i C. f+r:uc n R4n l 8on` gld9- "' A•>� .�: i••" :': ,.i......�,...»,. „�-i �� $Qncial �v�htx _ t �1 4 1v. «».,w • CvkUtC Ce g4d4• 6A'Al1� AU ion oamoroloFUMO �fi5g. �� : • ri prgGiiCG � _ ip4�x15� rovoy mco tlp4sµ p�Ca f?�� n 1 �Zl, t . ,J ~.{ �• i' — .......'""":J wN t Stoma"Bran "s N it M��t�r P av;fC e�� Qaks G°�� tpin nao c O 203 O0 % OTCNA l0-2 1 ezv'vg9et'7"' �IIb� P'1'Nf� �,�-•t��tO tie 3gdd OpERT1ES, LLC, LE GRANGE PR NT BjwEEN ' � II,ITy COMPANY' TION AG CIIIGAN D�TECOIINTy, � CWGAN DONA A AND OAKLD dbetween _, 2004, by BOY, address is P • O. B to this !day °Compan whose addx a Michigan made and entered Limited Liability the County of Oaklat an 49341 This A eementLC amichig on) chig exties, � exemafter D goad, Pontiac, exty described 0096� 1200 Norte Telegraph terest in PTOP owned by Maple tort Nlichigaa, 4$3Lrpoxation, of all righ � title and ace on properly of Michigan. 9g , Clark tional ansfex gently p State unicipal and Constitu donation and ereinafter Barns) County of Oakl�'d� M after County) for thebed belo's, (h field, (hexe�ri ole Barns as described d m the To�vnslup of Spx�ng o f Oal�land for use by its Parks as two P Ormond g°a arms to ttie County Donor at 7170 to donate the B the Donor desires its parks and Whereas, ssion, ands t e Bps fox use by park it, Sprmofield T°waship; and Recreation Coxnml Of Oakland desires 1 0 accep the County field Oaks county cable consideration s Whereas, at Spring Ood and vat t the Barn commission d other g ees to accep Recreation Comxm e mutual Its an d County agx consideratiCaof Donor agrees to donate and Donor and edbetw s and conditions. exchang ++ ole barns„ Upon. the following mmonly referred to as p D PROPERTY duxes CO Barns removed from DONATE County two stru l . donate to purpose of having parks at a site to be agrees on Ormond 'Roadfor e f le d Oaks County 1.1 Donornecessary to on its prop d relocated to SpTn`9 ion. material Donor s propel an arks and Recreation CO' r foundatio m ark determined by the P consists of the Barns*d Oaks Count' 1' ,flora Pledges to ext�' or e donated prop Barns at Spm'� e Barn odate the debris 1.2 Th d rebuild the B d relocation Ofs ers to accomm the disp°sal of any relocate an assist intl1e removal an hers of dump cludax�g ousand axdex to as of suffice tangy o'v of the Barns n' and up to Four ect. 13 bute the use semblY, ' ces for the Pr°� contra the disassemb Y du mg the disas generate oved eta provide lift�g semi aterials rem lied to the g Of a cyan foundation type m Dollars to be aPP s PERTY erials necessary to relocate the Barn 2 TITLE TO PRO structures and other oacounty upoxi execution Of s ir e Banns, the County Park shati pis urance 21 Title to the s C de Donor witii the nns to Springfield Oak's d County shall pro'h document by Donor an , County d site cleanup shall 1J on transfer of title t0 nnparag[aph 6- selected foundation materials an 2.2 P ents as stated in d sele xequirem ° fe buildings an her 31,20 04• 'the removal or before DeGem 2.3 leted on be comp ement of Y 13Y CONY a temporary ee enure ONORS PgOPE�T County hereby accep g jO feet ar°undopexty u tal 5S TO D and d addition s onDonor S p ,s contractor, p,CCE ants to C°'m� struc�es �• g the P'am wing County °r s ,-- �"v 3 Donor he occup b the a of TOOrI ap oseS of alto access to Don ied Y oses urp 1chigari e B fiom fox 1 e 3' the asthe Barns f� a Can OCCA3 ent of the Smote po tion o na e ecessa ' a5ea ofuch time as r C°untY agents, and s orage� and �Y addino acluded :� his staff, tetheremoval, sCountYP b Don°r.atrun$om Co130 to effectua gfieja0a `S lbe approved ands° isacks to Do os prope�'J°o� uon p e° e e of the veway htle to the B e B� d s an enment vnll b the date � removal of eenment e durmg stor easels ect fiom temp°xaxY oad to e Bans. be in eff completes fmthe . S that tl'rs e Tecoxded or O� to P r� ease ire onthe ineixt dat5 a°gxeedbetweeeasement' �d cab al 3 Tlvs and y1i11 eXpmaterials• �t 1 evidencing Sal eGessary' of the fm Count' dation s�ment ded, as n on completion eeds a `11' Witten m be recor then u.� *'e gegistex 0, D t s hall e as a allohex doc ent to easemently file If COAO'Ly dpe5 no will D or cached to ecoxds the tempoxarS' 11 pxomp eas ent vision, men on d untY wr orgy ern or xe feted an County the Coe temp lefion ect is comp the arils, Sh e comp e xoj ent is 3 3 �r m°veof thent sufficientto e following. the fac 19 a mp tpanel ay e Same effect doc tly file such 1 da d dent o lie t mpor oxl gxantox shoo easement. pxomp ary ht have the g to fianY necessity the DgA31sh,tbe temp hj ere is no longer ent filaaa, • ex shed 5Alch ado tees andwill in th OA30 an on b e C BY v� Y e B s disass Cle actor led �' T as if fi PROPEgTY CO ont�a°t to have the an la epee o tC emer't E OF DONOgS Isb at County wrh on°r�s propercaaty Yee the temp , e feye 4. �s x acknov'ledge d em°ved fr� o ty that Coun on fi'e B eland m°ve hes tom 4.1 Don° , ropextY an °nor and C d store p° to aril Donor S eed bet`�'een D to dismar'e w CountY� s Gongd rem°vino p graph of the q .2 It is agr ox's property site; to allo anti Alan oval °vex Don d from the le engaged d's up the site p antTmg and rem emp°tarp being rem°v vex the Site whx nactox to clelx�tb thesn1 °utside of the o Co S impose connecteDonoe s grope equipment allow C°ants' factor • o*l ex p amage to the con the Site; to fox any D °nSibilitY of herem� fiomDonor�s prop be the xesp aril lxado" e to be Beasement by con vuv the B oval process wrll from rem but of the site antl'n�g and °r, including e $AN cleanup thed pad for by Don 11 be responsibl SITE CP ble for tedbY wi moved, in 5. 11 be xesp debris genera vide County em County S means all dpstexs pro Crete footingse Barns were r ible fox 5.1 removed• and placed m atexials and cone �'` 11 �11 not be re5p° 'S"coI- on it be cleaned up foundation m ea and the area ork County CoantY) to the to, ax e w b n°tl ough gxadmg holes xeSulting from 0 ex axeaused Y f o der to! Qe easement yea restoxan°n Z �p-3 11 except as en,Ova1 -PTO ces a pzevent d z ozas onszble the dismego able pzeca,ill nOtbe zes e znatezis be016n% will�-e ea C°un O0dadoz�tS'p e z t f to xi°x to C° a COn'a3l, xa easeme Bps d � to e&c e w in p ountY e th no ed above• image to lea a othez tl'ane watez nea s pe Tactcic t ext-llbe w�'ecess oval of'y Tas ec�°i'd maY attach Oses lbe Ta e watez fox the zemwith the Balls- f°z the el es th t Count`'' billing pus uhl�e . d with associate��be zesponsDonpz aonpz pxop znplted• C° oanya� stss°date th 52° valOeBvailabocatoDpzo�1dwi1lpayDon elect ed Whevl he x Donoz s pzOpe zemOv able on su ply Count' s supply avail thatwatez p evidencing &spz°pet utili2atlon of 'nseXn n DO-100laox s a ceztificate 1 sheazn on CB pOx vn has whi has axising h°Dmon r� s pzOpext�l d INst vide DO Co xntY COti,n ' s fxom oval an will pxo the habili' e Habib' Of tl'e 13axn the Tel so, C°sifoz azd fox d zelocatian On.�actoz fox hex °' ers 6• zespon sfez Oftjtle, emovalan dependen ible fpzhis ce d*oxk t c ox av� aftez d`Tang e z unty `rill use aT�w 11 be xespo a ilia' In 10 C untY �'o °x pzop taz1ds that C d the cOna� dn1g Cenezalox11 pz°vz Ceztificates °untYd oz ,dexs e Balls l s an d'�g pzo t con�ac C Z Don tiozi of th tits inclu dependen o con'n'en� ego �ancellat1on to OC ch zel aaoce xequ�e ,0ance• Dance pnoz tatezial ang 1Compens , ztificates Of s notice °f m Donoz vn wi11 xequne 30 e zead ce allb 1nsan cement sh alp the D°npz onation A az oz pluz 5 ds used ink oD eutexed, sv1g`a1 C� SSE OF d relativewOxu e� fezn� n • nOs an e masc t � 1 'Ihe p rangeably �e Cow-t °f cOTaOT ptate AgzeeMeal zequ>r ent is f°u',dOL b averse f ede�t s eem Oz CON fzom and Y of *as Agz joxzte sevexed , ,al fpzce �p,B1L1T zovision pz to E d� �ex�pzc ble� abbe deen'e a� zeTaa'n'n condition) ox p e ,nsiO-a pzOvisio sh $' tezma vah x° 'SA I �sdict�onte b� ()':'PTO tions lawI then tl' all Othez term the laws Of Agxeeznent' cfi3Oxdance va ed in this effect' coust�ued v1 aand to be peon, the 52 isct LAw exnedby anaonOacts TaaduntY Chcte Eastezn0 f the CKCICB OF t shallbe Bove appliedto oa�and Co at coo foz visions 9 fps Agzee anthtu es shallbe edtatesDis nviolatesy pz° 9 l estate of lcagny lisp ox theU this pazagzap to venue 3zdDivisiOz' unjess de st is ct Coll. sOud�em Dl`,ise united staxes C° D fl�icl"ang Co�Rules pz � 3 Micblg 1�'4 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT ercedes all prior 10.1 This document contains the entire Agreement of parties mod fled, changed, or Agreements, oral or written between them- d y e ch of the parties hereto. altered, unless reduced to writing and signed by 0 10-5 TO EXECUTE DOCUNv E_._..� dicating that the AU 4ORI xovide the appropriate resolutions r to do so The ies hereto will p uisite authors' 11.1 The Part this Agreement ha-Ve the req hereto. irldividuals Shy e included as Attachments A & B resolutiox� DONOR' erties,LLC,aMicbigan Maple Grange Prop WITNESSED BY Limited Liability Corporation By thy Birtsas, Manager DATE: -- `_ , 2004, by Timothy D. Birtsas, day of --__-- t d Liability Corp°ration. to before me this a Michigan Lino signed anSworn e Grange properties, LLC, M fate of Micblgan, County of Notary public, S -----" Acting in the County of My Conunission explxes: RECIPIENT, COUNTY OF OAYLAND WITNESSED BY'. La Chairperson s — -By: Thomas Board of Commissioner Oakland County DATE: _ 2004, by Thomas A. Law, _ day of to before m B d of oC mnussioners. Signed ands Oland County Chairperson, public, State of Michi CO unty of - Notary Acting in the County of My Commission exp1x D.ASData\'�AYD ocuments\COntMc15NaPle Grande �On�ion A�eem�t 120104.doc 10-6 Item #11 4-H Fair Association Professional Service Contract — Amendment #2 The Oakland County 4-H Fair Association has agreed to facilitate the LC location of the two pole barns being donated by Maple Grange Properties, , to Springfield Oaks Activity Center. Staff recommends approval of the attached Professional Service Contract Amendment as presented. o on�ovexneex 5, 4'g � A pSC> ent�ossion � o d 5 ctl°na . E am dditxn t C es C°n�ac issi°n � �ation7 .fie a is of is oxenJ�it axu en xofesSTonal Ile d gecxeatloa n T1 Px on�a g°x to pia x'Cox n t 2„ to the P ty 4 axles Co aactox) nix the C e pSC „ Wendzne wand C°'vsociatio C�,S to xe f ice w1th th o f the tva O F A S SB in `ems be eel 4Y1 a�x .,�, R ow con ange any 24aklan& Co � en Oas Vote x -PTO vision on dbexe�' is SCOpB Oan& "eA i e odify any a �cally melt se ep,Tnen ent 2 en " shal 0 mess sp t2 e this Ame SC dated as ab gv1CBS S sione otivn lnen#s of the PgP,CTOg SE G1GB B e Co n,is ble th xeA'xn E O� COpLE else toaTid xeassexa Tinfield ojot1 4. gCOI' �OCp,TIO OF T and with Spolt, xeloc ay'°a LC (bexe'nle SE A RE Con�acto over 71`1 O ext"es' L assen�b on MOv else °f antler xenl located aCxange px ep essay' to x Coissi s 414- RE ole ex'Q to & SO arns)l ale s n e&by ox fu p t the s x g ees einaftex B tedby F the B be detevoll <except f Con,�actox 4141 Con p��eBaxns �heaxi and do als attached t sites to d.� 61d gs �xo�eCt. stors ° 1xclug e matex� ty P axle all labox fete th to d>nl' ovalsh nclud�ng d Oaks al l�-'0" Te nixed to com osit s0soe x sion D°noxat s'prm%� Cont'ractox Oo ect) xeA • als ax,d deF to tQ Co s ZINd tbem tatxves• fox tbis p e materi and Donox TepTesen late& tio� easement between vide&to cGaly dany foti'x'da oxax`1 en xo s spllex ev late, Donox. ,Nwlosx thetDonation ofw cb e1Coo ctoxbe n xovidedby ees to wox a. a cexta s a c°pyeventbef °x said p tox a cxibe the B any tox v, by Con ac ox as des cov e teal but m Con ac , To gextl ex 414.2 by �y�Cooson as It lseyCn ons ixop°sed Wage to D°a °wep as all oth Colo, am ac 0o "Donox's px°pdeby e cononsibility f° � e sement woxkin T agTees to a clnding S ae the t ent. accomplish its to en o 414 3 C a� ti� n A hex sal ��its xeA'�n to ngfield O of D onvactox l ntainea In ay f°x all X� t 2„ ctox at Sq� e �°ses �Onditions cA obtain and pendxnen by Conaactox f°x' p T will x tivs ana%ed Conte ctox's ContTacto s "ndeVa 414 4 o ibilitie mbled on the site n' sibility ° f Co' ,v Ction s e xesp°n ebest °is� the constxu xe p B x k ',illbeco vain, to ' Ilse& 414.5 Count e and upkeep ssen'ble , °�ldl'avebeen ch the'BaTIN" e to ainten�c to Tea teTials th om whi d xemo n' necessaxY alma the site antlI an 4 6 INkatexiaa semble ox��u' up of e &ism can th 4.1 ability s iblef°x cl enezate&bY of tbeP' willbe xesp° all debris g COT, & his mean 1 ve 4. 4 be xenjO 11'"2 d concrete footings will be Pads an Donor. Contractor will be s including but not limited to rovided by which the Barn process, and placed . dumpsters p d the area from cleaned up the work area anthe work. Contractor will h grading holes resulting from condition that responsible for roug easement area to the were removed in order to fill in any except for the above responsible fax returning the tempor�'oval, not be resp dismantling and rem it was prior to beginnmg which includes emeof the work site, mentioned debris. b1e for management ordination of persons M 4.14.9 ouss d control and co ees to Contractor will be resp e site an s Contractor agr in the fox safety on ce not required responsibility thn and removal o add Barns- d by involved in the dism/Commission with any e of activities contemplate provide the Coon aeons necessary to cover the type psC, that County in the his „Amendment 2 • e the temporary easement as described insid d conditions of this agrees to remain Performing the terms an Contractor agr t while p 4.1410 4.14.11 Donation Agreern ission Amendment 2" • Ce wih C°� ecifications, feted in accordan to Commission sp bled Barns will be comp aiming, sealing input into the Reassembled which will include p requirement-,, les. Contractor Commission. with asphalt skiing adopted by the and re -roofing their being adop specifications prior to resentativn or, orkeThe ssion will have a rep the Comm which Contractor is conducts ervision or for From time to time, er in �'� ess and the maw onsible for site sup should the the pro not be Contractor. However, l ing with Commission representatbe esTformed by Contractor is not comp Y supeT"ising the work to p ine that the onation Agreement between representative determ and/or the D Tese.tative has the Commission's rep s Contract an ssion rep d conditions of this the Commi mines that Contractor can the terms and and the Donor' the County ission deter rmi „ and the - to Donation stop all work until the Comm Amendment authority work in accordance with this resumeDonation Agreement, the Agreement. s of the D bl and removal pursuant to the term fete the disassembly deTstands that p 20p4 to comp stances delay the 4 14 12 Contractor un fete Contractor has until December 31, should unforeseen c extension to comp s from Donors properly• of the Barn ission can request one 30-daythe Donor - project, County/Comm guaranteed by s are relocated to project, such extension is not the work, however, the date the Barns order elve (12) months from t them in prop s and p onsible for storing 414 13 Contractor shall ha r as emble the Barns will be resp pursuant to County property ecifications. onth period p of the pursuant to Commission sp elve (12) m stored o� and protecting the Barns during the t`h' s being ' sion requirements that will include the am Commis s ground and covered - ,ay, under provide 90 days of completion of the req ission, p if requested by Con o complete the 414.14 Amendment en 2„ he Contractor will, enses necessary Arnendm an accounting of all exp Commission with endment 2" IIrequirements of this 2 11-3 FOR THE CONTRACTOR: BY: DATE: appeared in person before me this day and executed this Contract on behalf of Contractor and acknowledged to me under oath that he has taken all actions and secured any and all necessary approvals and authorizations and has the requisite authority from Contractor to fully and completely obligate and bind Contractor to the terms and conditions of this Contract and any and all other documents incorporated by reference, and also acknowledged to me under oath of having been provided with copies and having read and reviewed all Contract documents including all documents incorporated by reference. Subscribed and sworn to before me on this day of , 2004. Notary Public, State of Michigan, County. My Commission Expires: Acting in the County of _ FOR THE COMMISSION: BY: DATE: Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. Chairperson Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission FOR THE COUNTY: DATE: Joseph Hylla, Manager Oakland County Purchasing Department D:\$Data\My Documents\Contracts\4H Fair Amendment 2 120104.doc 3 11-4 item #A?. Bld veo , .?ILI F e OA30'0,0,jolc�Allis B RELDCATIDN E��is e NG If�D oAKs the Celocat►on and SCR ntY retie►ved bids for d C°u b1Y Oakl tuber 23' 2°°4 es the pre-d►sassem goad Comm►ssion for h inc\ud nexus'tefns The R Nove gars on wh►c s of which tw°bids Ilis , d �►scella r SSemblY of the s bid as a lump sun' assembly, an bidder re a This prO�ect wa cation and re" ualified e O reW ere were seven pre"q b1Y tort , d►sa ect. Th inven d with th►s prO} PgE g1D asso6►at �rned as follows. were ret COAF $522 j 55.a° CAR, Inc P O goX 131N �'� 491 Vincennes' $856,a$°.30 Construction m and River dat►on fro Irish om ched are the other c 464o W, 48g55 d has requested a 1s atta well, Ho Mated the b►ds a ached resolut►on • � stab 0 pn The RCCC ha . the form of the a rant from MD T ao 0°° (STEP 9 a d Recreat►on ►n rolect eetin9 as m parks an with this p ed • ed led w►th a $6 7 , 2oo4 comet►ss►lready c°rnrnitt Y t assoc►a a e 3anuarY 50,°oo a costs s rolect is being en $ d for this pT6lect of th the Th► p ent►fied at ed clod field 1$2oo °°° was id ►s►ng eiWts' This i ave been ident►fi o° from Spring rin9field ad6mona Tundra t►ons h 2°,0 °°p. Sp n to assist in the t Pddit�onal dona rs Dorothy E11is, $ a total of f 18, and . loa ec 3, $2o �°0° from M rn, lot a OCpR to this prO1 nds of the Ellis ga site plan °° from Rg13 from Fne lannin9 Comm►sslon at the $75,o ships and $3,oa° 'ved fees for the P recornmendat►on T o nship has also vJa al ►nforrnat�on and a T addition reviews• rovidin9 Staff will be p comrn►ssion rneetin9 Al RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission on September 8, 2004 approved the Donation Agreement with RBI 33, LLC for the Ellis Barn; and WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission has supported the relocation of the historic barn to the 4-H Fairground at Springfield Oaks County Park; and WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission has, on behalf of the Road Commission for Oakland County, successfully secured funding through the Michigan Department of Transportation's Transportation Enhancement Program in the amount of $600,000; and WHEREAS, the bids for the relocation of the Ellis Barn were received in accordance with the grant regulations on November 23, 2004; and WHEREAS, the apparent low bidder was CLR, Inc. in the amount of $522,155.00. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission recommends the Road Commission for Oakland County award the contract for the relocation of the Ellis Barn to the apparent low bidder, CLR, Inc., in the amount of $522,155. Moved by Supported by Date A-2 vN�P�l°N gPRN FO 4PK5 ol th e Et-LSpR�NG'����� o�struct�on e 1� for the c \d Oaks ih\s bas ved °� November sated to Spr\ngf�e s to th\s Bids were rece� rn Olen �t,s re\O e\\ as the �° Tam\ ns for the Ols Ba e Barn, as w foundat�o oundat\Ons b for th \d \nc\odes the f ws • as fo\\o structure \d was received $� On\y °ne b2 Esd�\ ur 1th4�er�\pnf0o. rmatxo G�pP1Ycon,Howe\\, be Pr°1vdxn9 D�uw\ \rxsth\s b\dad \teewas hasrev\eed th\s Stamcost for n mm\ss\on me6n9 co At- SERVICES CHI�ECTVR LpCp jOtA ARLIS ;Ii6pRt4 ELD Cp,KS l the E FI anon • architectur al se�ices for the reloc e u. errjent Of MDGT o re received for rov►ded as a r q xf proposals we Ices must be p atwns costa►ned in the am Architectural sere nce With the spec►fic Ellis B done in accordance ensure all Work is protect Manual elude: These se,�Ices m ents eview of m►scellane°u s docum R drawings arnwrigh s Review of shop ork of the b of thew requests periodic review meet perio ay ch list, d approval of p orders Review an d review of change ° d gene rat►on of a pun p reparation an inspection an erforrnance of a final ows: . P as foil F� roposals received are Thep C.luRpL 'ZgQ F1� pRCt {'ITE Hobbes & Slack Assoc. Ann Arbor35,gpp Smith Group Ann Arbor ,29,6gg � Yurk, lnc. Gerald City of Rochester $27 ppp Architecture akin9 a Ek°cite Hills will be ►�► Rochester osals and s of reviewing the prop Qces Staff is in the PT t ecommendat'on at h e commission Meet►ng r c--1 ITEM #13 ELLIS BARN COST SUMMARY The following is a cost summary for the relocation of the Ellis Barn Project It includes all of the definite costs, estimated costs in -kind costs and available funds. PROJECT COSTS • Barn relocation $522,155.00 • Barn Foundation $243,000.00 • Architectural services $ 27,000.00 • Barn painting* $ 60,000.00 • Barn Masonry* $ 40,000.00 • Site restoration* $ 3,000.00 • Cupolas* $ 12,800.00 • Utility connections* $ 5,000.00 • Permits and fees* $ 3,000.00 • Plans and Specs. $ 35,000.00 • Plans/specs — foundation $ 5,600.00 Total $956,555.00 PROJECT FUNDS MDOT/ ISTEA grant $600,000.00** Donations • RBI-33 $75,000 • Mrs. Ellis $20,000 • Springfield Twp. $20,000 • Friends of EB $ 3,000 $118,000.00 Parks and recreation $200,000.00 Total $918,000.00 IN- KIND DONATIONS Springfield Twp. Review fees RBI-33 Restoration to existing site * Estimated costs ** Figure could vary as the bid was under the grant amount. 13-1 ITEM #14 ROOFING PROJECT SPRINGFIELD OAKS At the April 2004 Commission meeting, a contract was approved with C. Davis Roofing in the amount of $23,550 to re -shingle the roof of the horse barn at the activities center and the clubhouse roof at the golf course. In the course of completing this work, the contractor had to replace several areas of plywood on the horse barn and half of the facia. At the golf course clubhouse, the condition of the 1-inch insulation underlayment was in such poor condition the entire roof (approximately 1,700 square feet) had to be sheeted with Y2-inch plywood. On the original bid, the contractor quoted a square -foot price for this work, in case it would prove necessary. The original ten percent contingency of the awarded contract did not cover all the extra work, so staff is requesting Commission approve the final cost of this project, which completed came to $28,044.75. Funds for this project will come from the Operating Budget's Building Maintenance line item. 14-1 ROOF REPLLD OAKS SPRINGFIE bids for the tear off and following Purchasing the haft shingles (121300 We have received from 10, x 10') of asp t of approximately 123 squares { replacemen two buildings at Springfield Oaks: square feet) for ►acement* Deck Re lacee mnt* 3/4 peck Re $2.00 sq• ft- C. Davis RH fig offing $23,550.00 $1.75 sq. ft• 7 $2.5 Sterling hts 2.25 $35,495.00 $ GA Frisch with no response. Troy Hies were sent an invitation to bid, while the horse barn Nine other c°mpa square feet, wires replacement of 1,700 sq roofs are over 15 years The clubhouse requires Shingles on both requires the replacement of 10,600 squares. old. contract to the low bidder, C-Davis Roofing, for the Staff recommends awarding Possible decking tin $2,355.00 in case of 3 550.00, plus a ten percent contingency of g $2 ' budgeted amount of $25,905.00. replacement for a total ark's building maintenance line from the p Funds for these expenditures will come item of the operating budget. *If needed. 14-2 ITEM 115 Volunteer Program In 2004, we revitalized our Volunteer Program. We have updated our web page to include detailed descriptions of volunteer opportunities. Potential volunteers have the ability to obtain a volunteer application online. We have developed a Volunteer Committee which has members representing Adaptive Recreation/Seniors Special Events, Nature Center, Golf Course, and Parks. Coordination with the committee has enabled us to develop a consistent tracking system and incentives. Currently, the committee is developing a handbook for staff and volunteers along with a new brochure. Recruitment is done through word of mouth, high schools (National Honor Society and special interest groups), corporations, and agencies that recruit volunteers (Volunteer Impact). Location Addison Oaks BMX Glen Oaks Independence Oaks Mobile Recreation Nature Center Orion Oaks — Dog Recreation Administration Springfield Oaks- Golf White Lake Lyon Oaks — Nature Lyon Oaks — Golf Red Oaks — Golf Total # of Volunteers # of Hours 5 1,536 26 4,010 24 2,350 7 315 18 840 105 1,955 1 1,500 13 1,269 14 3,370 23 2,300 17 135 42 5,628 22 1,281 337Individuals 26,489 This year we utilized the Bureau of Labor Statistics — Value of Volunteer time for calculating the savings to our department. In Michigan, this rate is $17.48 per hour. 26,489 total hours @ $17.48 = Park Savings in the amount of $463,028. 15-1 ITEM #16 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION 2005 MASTER CALENDAR DAY WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY SUN THRU TUES WEDNESDAY FRIDAY WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY WEDNESDAY TUES. THRU SAT WEDNESDAY FRI. THRU TUES. WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY TUES. THRU SAT WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY DATE JAN UARY 5 FEBRUARY2 FEBRUARY 6-8 MARCH 2 MARCH 18 APRIL 6 MAY 4 MAY 13 JUNE 1 JUNE 7 - 11 JULY 6 JULY 22 - 26 JULY 20 AUGUST 3 SEPTEMBER7 SEPTEMBER 16 SEPTEMBER 21 OCTOBER5 OCT. 18 - 22 NOVEMBER2 NOVEMBER 16 DECEMBER7 FUNCTION REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING — Officer Election REGULAR COMMISSION MTG MRPA WINTER CONFERENCE — TRAVERSE CITY REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION LUNCH - WATERFORD REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING LEGISLATORS/COMMISSIONERS BREAKFAST OUTING — LYON OAKS???? REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING SPECIAL PARKS — OCPR & HCMA; ALSO COMMISSION TOUR REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING NACO CONFERENCE— HAWAII COMMISSION MEETING & BUDGET WORK SESSION REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING - ADOPT BUDGET WINT/SCAMP GOLF OUTING - SPRINGFIELD OAKS COMMISSION MEETING —TENTATIVE REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING NRPA CONGRESS — SAN ANTONIO, TX REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING - TENTATIVE REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING November 10, 2004 D:\$Data\My Documents\Commission\MASTER CALENDAR 2005.doc 16-1 ITEM #17 EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S REPORT ---NEWLY-ELECTED COUNTY COMMISSIONERS were sent a congratulatory letter inviting them to parks commission meetings, and a packet of information. (See attached sample letter.) ---SPRINGFIELD TOWNSHIP PROPERTY ACQUISITION — the Environmental Assessment Phase ! has come back clean for the acquisition of the 11-acre parcel in Springfield Township. Staff is proceeding to set up a closing date, which is expected to be in January. ---GLEN OAKS RENOVATION - The renovation construction for the pro shop, restrooms, and gill room at Glen Oaks has begun. ---FRIDGE OPENING — The Fridge at Waterford Oaks is scheduled to open for the season on Friday, December 17. ---GRANTS UPDATE — Staff has been notified by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources that they will have a list to all grantees published on December 8. We will notify you of their decision on the two grants we have submitted; the acquisition at Addison Oaks, and the construction of the connector trail at Independence Oaks. 17- 1 2800 Watkins Lake Road Waterford, Michigan 48328-1917 - 248-858-0906 Fax 248-858-1683 TTY 248-858-1684 a 1-888-0CPARKS www.co.oaldand.mi.us 4 D November 17, 2004 Mr. Jim Nash 27490 W. Ten Mile Road Farmington Hills, MI 48336 Dear Mr. Nash: Congratulations on your recent election to the Oakland County Board of Commissioners. We wish you the best of success in your new position. As an Oakland County Commissioner, you will occasionally deal with issues relating to the Parks and Recreation Commission. The enclosed packet is for your information to help you become more familiar with the facilities and program we offer. It includes information on all of our parks and golf courses. You are invited to attend any of our meetings, which are held at 9 a.m. on the first and, sometimes, third Wednesday of each month at our office, 2800 Watkins Lake Road, Waterford. The first Wednesday of the month is our regular meeting; and if we have a large agenda, the third Wednesday is scheduled on an "as needed" basis. If you have any questions or would like additional information, please call. Sincerely, Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. Chairman �77 Enc. Ralph Richard Executive Officer ur mission is to provide recreational, leisure and learning experiences that enhance quality of life. 17 — 2