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Agendas/Packets - 2004.01.07 - 40098
2800 Watkins Lake Road • Waterford, Michigan 48328- 1917 248-858-0906 • Fax 248-858-1683 • TTY 248-858-1684 • I-888-OCPARKS Q KLAND www.co.oal<land.mi.us A,6 December 30, 2003 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Oakland County, Michigan Commissioners: A meeting has been called of the Parks and Recreation Commission as follows: PLACE ....................... Parks and Recreation Office 2800 Watkins Lake Rd Waterford, MI 48328 TIME ......................... Wednesday, January 7, 2004 9:00 a.m. PURPOSE ...................... Regular Meeting This meeting has been called in accordance with the authorization of Chairinan Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation. Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. Chairman Richard Skarritt Vice Chairman Fred Korzon Next Meetings Secretary Hugh D. Crawford Vincent Gregory John P. McCulloch Charles Palmer John Richards ,vid VanderVeen Otte Vogt Ralph Richard Executive Officer Sincerely, Ralph Richard Executive Officer Parks and Recreation Wednesday, February 4, 2004 Wednesday, March 10, 2004 D:\$Data\My documents\COMMISSN\agendaltr.doc ur mission is to provide recreational, leisure and learning experiences that enhance quality of life. Oakland County Parks Recreation Commission 2800 Watkins Lake Rd Waterford, MI 48328 **AGENDA** January 7, 2004 Action Required l . Call Meeting to Order 9:00 a.m. 2. Roll Call 3. Public Comments 4. Commission Meeting Minutes for November 5, 2003 Approval 5. Payment Approval Summary: Approval Internal Service Funds Payment Register Payment Register 6. Combined Statement of Operations FM 13, FY, 2003 for Month Ending 9/30/03 7. Capital Improvement Budget FM 13, FY 2003 as of 9/30/03 Presenter/Phone # K. Kohn / 858.4606 8. Activity Reports for October and November, 2003-04 Fiscal Year Approval 9. Election of Officers 10. Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission 2004 Master Calendar Approval R. Richard / 858.0909 11. Clubhouse Renovation Design Services — White Lake Oaks Approval J. Figa / 858.4620 12. Addison Oaks — Electrical Easement Approval " 13. Independence Oaks — Electrical Easement Approval " 14. Park Natural Features Inventory — Independence Oaks and Lyon Oaks Informational " 15. Natural Resources Management Informational " 16. Grant Extension Recreation Bond Program Approval " 17. Parks Carrying Concealed Weapons Policy Approval D. Stencil / 858.4944 18. Park Protest Policy Approval it 19. Proposed 2004 Fees — Lyon Oaks Approval M. Thibodeau / 858.4630 20. Bid Items: Approval a. Irrigation — Lyon Oaks J. Figa / 858.4620 b. John Deere Skid Loader — Groveland Oaks C. Herb / 634.9811 C. Hi -Lift Bac-Vac — Independence Oaks " d. Portable ADA Toilets — Orion Oaks " 21. Proposed License Agreement — Addison Oaks Informational R. Richard / 858.0909 22. Ellis Barn Update Informational " 23. EXECUTIVE SESSION R. Richard/Mike Hughson 24. Executive Officer's Report R. Richard / 858.0909 25. Old Business 26. New Business 27. Adjourn OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING November 5, 2003 Chairman Pecky Lewis called the meeting to order at 9:05 a.m. in the commission room of the parks and Recreation Commission's administration office. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr., Vice Chairman Richard Skarritt, Secretary Fred Korzon, Hugh D. Crawford, Vincent Gregory, Charles Palmer, John Richards, J. David VanderVeen COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: John P. McCulloch, Suzette Vogt ALSO PRESENT: Parks and Recreation Oakland County Purchasing Division Oakland County Corporation Counsel Oakland County Executive's Office Oakland County Management and Budget Oakland County Fiscal Services Oakland County 4-H Fair Association Oakland University PUBLIC COMMENTS: Ralph Richard, Executive Officer Dan Stencil, Administrator — Parks Operations Frank Trionfi, Administrator - Administration Joseph Figa, Chief of Design and Development Jan Pung, Public Communications Officer Sue Wells, Chief of Recreation Mike Thibodeau, Chief of Golf Clyde Herb, Chief of Parks Sheila Cox, Accountant IV Mike Donnellon, Architectural Engineer I Jon Noyes, Architectural Engineer I Mike Boyd, Recreation Specialist Joan Daniels, Buyer John Ross, Assistant Corporation Counsel Doug Williams, Deputy County Executive Robert Daddow, Assistant Deputy Co. Executive Laurie VanPelt, Director Tim Soave, Manager, Administration Dave Coleman, President LC Scramlin, General Manager Michael Rossi Terri Eudy There were neither questions nor comments made by the public. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Moved by Mr. Gregory, supported by Mr. Richards to approve the minutes of the meeting of October 1, 2003, as written. AYES: Crawford, Gregory, Korzon, Lewis, Palmer, Richards, Skarritt, VanderVeen, (8) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. 4-1 (Commission Meeting, 5, 2003) OF PAYME.,..�-: ,ove the payment APPrOval APPROVAL Mr. VanderVeen to approve �, 2p03) supported by 2003 (FM 12 & 13, Moved by Mr. Palmer' September, September (FM including payment Register for Sep August &Sep Summary,Register for July, Aug August & internal Se►vice Funds journal Voucher . r for July, Aug internal s2& 13 FY 2003) Services Rendered Reg Management, Inc., Credit for 2003) FM 12 & 13, FY 2003) Oak Report for September FM1011,12&13, September ( Voucher Re FM 12 & 13, F�' 2003) Payment Register, including tember { and Cep Voucher Report for Sep VanderVeen ($) AYES: Crawford, Gregory, Korzon Lewis, Palmer, Richards, Skarritt, NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. from Oakland University and PRESENTATION' Terri USdthe free use of their swim facility AWARp PRESEN ells introduced Michael Rossi and Sue W established in their providing Chief of Recreation partnership reported on the collaborative p reciat�on of the Oakland University card training- plaque in app ram. for our lifeguard Ms Wells presented aparks lifeguard training prOg Commission, County CENTER: On behalf of the ontinued supp art of the Oakland C SPRINGFIELD OAK ��/ITY campus staff CONTRACT ' ices PROFESSIONAL SERVICES onal services 4_1 e FAIR ASSOC ichards to approve the profess! ring supported by Mr. R o eration of the 2004, with Mr. Palmer, 4-H Fair Ass r 5' 2003 for November 4, Moved by Oakland County ovember 5, contract with the Center for the period of N Oaks Activity lions. ear renewal op Richards, Skarritt, VanderVeen (&) two one-year Palmer, AYES: Crawford, Gregory, KOrzOn, Lewis, NAYS: (4) ce vote Motion carried on a voi. Purchasing and Parks staff, the following were approved' B Oakland County following bids and As per the recommendation from supported by Mr. VanderVeen to award the Moved by Mr• K°won' supp Station and at Addison Oaks Dump rail contracts: stations Pumps, discharge bases, Of two septic lift submersible p Emergency repairs replacing existing installing stainless steelDraen including P hardware; Oakland County Conference Center, brackets and necessary to the brackets, discharge Pipe' and replacing check replacing gate valves, 462.00. Commission in the amOunt of $21 4-2 (Commission Meeting, November 5, 2003) Installation of a 5" PVC casing well for campground D at Addison Oaks to Mike Lalone in the amount of $8,420.00. AYES: Crawford, Gregory, Korzon, Lewis, Palmer, Richards, Skarritt, VanderVeen (8) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. Contract for analyzing, identifying, recommending and prioritizing the necessary repairs to the Addison Oaks Conference Center exterior, including but not limited to the exterior wall, chimneys, roof, trim, fagade, and deck to Design Resources for Architecture, LLC, in an amount not to exceed $25,000.00. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Gregory, Korzon, Lewis, Richards, Skarritt (5) NAYS: Crawford, Palmer, VanderVeen (3) Motion carried on a voice vote. Chief of Design and Development Joe Figa noted that, if more detailed or involved structural problems on the conference center are discovered, staff will come back to the Commission with further recommendations. INDIRECT COST ANALYSIS: Staff will continue to meet with the consultants from Maximus along with staff from Management and Budget to investigate ways to reduce the costs of both direct and indirect costs for the Parks. Staff will report the results of the meetings for Commission review and questions. Management and Budget staff will be invited back to the Commission once the report has been received and reviewed. ADDISON OAKS CAMPGROUND CONSTRUCTION: Moved by Mr. Crawford, supported by Mr. Korzon to approve the contingency increase for the Addison Oaks Campground Construction Project to WCI Contractors in the amount of $1,842.95. AYES: Crawford, Gregory, Korzon, Lewis, Palmer, Richards, Skarritt, VanderVeen (8) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. ELLIS BARN UPDATE AND PROJECTED COSTS: 4-3 atus o� the E\\�s darn er 5 ZpO31 mm�ss�on on the st u\de for the Meeting N°vernb a updated the G° t to ae use end dg is t s eed `GOmrt`ss\on eve\oP`�'ent Joe �,g , 'aseaon constcuGo�°S \cants C��° pCo�ectGann° p p pp. ©es`gn and �ud\,n cost estimate this PrO�eGt0(3 and Gons"\-\ n. s aka GO e 6 eTO ved. Gh`efca iOn PrOSect a Ge&` XeO uNQueness barn m°v p Op. tenor rampe, buthad bs 1 $pp Op. Re\O is �ePu���n ause o� the ec�a\xiwn9 Ito be1pv�i\\ inG\ude e Via\ stNGtuce dta"in9s darn -the ,tateesults. gec cOmPany sant`G�Pated \ngs which a Of the oria cost for th p for the �d%a,Nings, b�dd�ng r ed from a te. cost �s Gttion draw `Gh were p ant�c�Pate e ofg 5p stNGt`on be ° out th\s est\ dat. VN cons e cupo\as, e e GuPo\as eXPenditu< elation GOn E.Oeered foa� w\n9s Ores to Ce_creat to apprOt eng`neered fours Gonstruckko,5 d sa n ded\d Mr • P a\m ehe Prd\ect' V een i B) \� the G°mOCd, PEeelEbSy. Mr {or asupwd\nGgo s b e Gap et PGcon stiemwatse ,R,eocakxoQstuoP� a\mec, R�chasCdss,on�wkaitChcittth, ve andec cOst and cu9O\adGe9°ry' K°ZLGeTr\\ \ed G<awOr,' Cesu\ts°estimate Np`ts Bpi eel on a voice vote. b2Gk to the GOmm� 0� waterp fo n Carr` i\\ repo the 2p �ssion �ot�o no that, he PrO\ect to aPpr(:)Ne tion. Pdrn Mr P iga r o ooeecSmg R) R — v a,dery e y\efO\\Ow\n9 ex be�Ore p ©Zpp4 �PP t suPPodeed by 05 't \t ema�n free vande�veen t�l PROPOSE ved by Mrtes asr� cent ch dren under 3 Richards' SKarr�tt, adhi\ss.\ a a non'resxd `ewis, res\den Gregory KOaon, to Gateg°r\es• PEES.• Graw�Ord rd "re9u\ar" in the ca Np.�IS'. oice v On a vote. ider the use O� thew° etm9 to an EXeGutNe MOton Garrjed eauested staff recOns Cds to add rn ou the me G ion r R�cha miss Mr. va erU sp °m O�'• u Po�edby acquxs\tion� arritt, nd Ex�Gv�\vE d by Mr c'r s9 a PC posed \and a\mer, Richards, SK Session tO d�scu KoC�on, be,Nis, P Crawford, GregoN PEES. �Oi vote ss`on at 1p'2� a'rn NP�(S d On a voice EXecutNe Se 00\ Carrie s ad ourneA to an a. meeting wa Onvened at 1p:52 � _ 4 The The meeting was re G November 5, Zp�3i iNeet�ng d•. sion s n ote e r \lowing wa S as a basirsn }r .a etl S REP pRT , in t„e genda, L, ` nt�es that we commitment a tend GER o Ma- � a orin9 °ou tows rds invited to XEGUTivE pFF1 o Off;cer's pep°' ` work\ng ne�ghb wi11 be ctlitlkes m be °m uestrian fa wi11 also G antmg + n tJ the V tour °f ea field Oaks Oro tYi�s fa�iC+ty • ate 9 1^ ad �a a ring wt esttg c edtii\ng at Sp Stipp ator to inv ___Ste wi11 be ed ess pion d finan°`a1 ff btis�n se an s grants co°rdin JOT the prspoo atkons On tdhelr horse as s are fi \, i4 Greg Givens, the GOuntY use of the tan of the once p meeting w,d faciGtY to provide &arit�catlon Nw also for this propose Sta it�e wing ass policy atthe un s is fo110 opp°rt avaed p BUSINESS est�oned the process sta tan and fo rm p1'Q Grawford au u Bested p I -Gommis s to the cardholders. rovide a s g Gold Gard etl, with staff directed to p were discuss 2ap3. Option eetmg DeGemger 3, neXtm ,11•.1� a.m. dnesday' ,� at on tl�ourn ed og a m J / The meeting was a meeting will be 9 � � Secretary eXt Gomm�ssion � Al GPS�Gp,P , Recording n G% ICo The Karen S. Fred K°won, Se°retaN q_5 REGFtE P�toN co OISSOA co, pWes PN Ov P� SVMMPR`t ND ppR oPKt'A' p PYMENT MEE-VtNG of.. poR 7 20pA �anuaN ' pPYMEN'i R�GtS�ER. Pt-S�RvtGE '�utyDS \N�ERN FM1 20 4) odLO, ' oefl(FOl- � 2004)* 4 N°vem C REC'tS�E4t e��od, oc�",eFM2, 200 i pPYM�N�e(& G t R P Pecxod, N°�e mD P vo che� &G•t. op, 101 PA- ORMPTtoN tS Pv Ptt.PB� *gp.GKVp \NF r5..1 $gg3, 427 ABego, ao 3a9 4�161 $�,g93'6$4 30 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Internal Service Funds Payment Register For the month of October, 2003 (FM 01, FY 2003) Source Department/Fund Purpose Amount 12/IN202761 O.C. Motor Pool Fund Car/Truck lease maintenance, insurance & gasoline charges for Oct.-Admin., Rec. Admin., $32,114.19 Tech. Sup., Add., Grove., Inde ., Wh. Lk., Glen Oaks, Spring., R.O.W. Park, SAC, Water., W.O.W. Park, Mob. Rec., Tob. Complex, Nat. Cntr., Lyon &Lon G.C. 18/IN202755 O.C. Information Technology Fund Radio lease, maintenance & charges for Oct. -Add., Grove., Inde . & Nat. Cntr. 2,902.30 18/CI300199 O.C. Telephone Communications Fund Telephone charges for Oct.-Admin., Rec. Admin., Tech. Sup., Add., Grove., Inde ., Wh. Lk., 13,292.59 Glen Oaks, Spring., R.O.W. Park, Water., W.O.W. Park, Mob. Rec., Tob. Complex, Nat. Cntr., Lyon &Lon G.C. 43/1N202766 O.C. General Fund Security expense charges for 9/20/03 thru 10/3/03 & 10/4/03 thru 10/17/03-Add., Grove., Inde ., 32,395.30 Wh. Lk., Red Oaks, Spring., R.O.W. Park, Water., W.O.W. Park, Lyon &Lon G.C. PR017516-517 O.C. Payroll Fund Payroll char es for pay period 10/1/03 thru10/3/03 -All Parks 67,011.87 PR017714-715 O.C. Payroll Fund Payroll charges for pay period ending 10/17/03-All Parks 247,130.80 PR017808-809 O.C. Payroll Fund Payroll charges for pay period ending 10/31/03-AII Parks 224,022.14 FB447871-874 O.C. Frin e Benefits Fund Fringe Benefit charges for pay period 10/1/03 thru 1013/03 -All Parks 27,232.90 FB452434-437 O.C. Fringe Benefits Fund Fringe Benefit charges for pay period ending 10/17/03-AII Parks 95,065.69 FB453486-489 O.C. Fringe Benefits Fund Fringe Benefit charges for pay period ending 10/31/03-AII Parks 91,998.63 TOTAL_ FOR INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENT REGISTER $833,166.41 ' Oakland County Parks a.: Recreation Commission Internal Service Funds Payment Register For the month of November, 2003 (FM 02, FY 2004) Source Department/Fund Purpose Amount 12/IN202768 O.C. Printing, Mailing & Copier Fund Copier paper charges for Oct.-Admin. $87.12 12/IN202769 O.C. Printing, Mailing & Copier Fund Stationery charges for Oct.-Admin. &Lon G.C. 204.60 12/IN202773 O.C. Printing, Mailing & Copier Fund Printing and mailing charges for Oct.-Admin., Add., Inde ., Red Oaks, Mob. Rec., Nat. Cntr., 5,728.76 L on &Lon G.C. 12/IN202783 O.C. Motor Pool Fund Car/Truck lease, maintenance, insurance & gasoline charges for Nov.-Admin., Rec. Admin., 28,545.61 Tech. Sup., Add., Grove., Inde ., Wh. Lk., Glen Oaks, Spring., R.O.W. Park, SAC, Water., W.O.W. Park, Mob. Rec., Tob. Complex, Nat. Cntr., Lyon &Lon G.C. 12/I1\1202786 O.C. Printing, M iling & Copier Fund Copier paper charges for Nov.-Admin. 345.14 12/IN202789 O.C. Printing, Mailing & Copier Fund Stationery charges for Nov. -Tech. Sup. 48.62 12/IN202795 O.C. Printing, Mailing & Copier Fund Printing and mailing charges for Nov.-Admin., Rec. Admin., Orion, Inde ., Wh. Lk., Glen Oaks, 3,028.06 Mob. Rec., Tob. Complex. & Nat. Cntr. 18/IN202790 O.C. Information Technology Fund Radio lease & maintenance charges for Nov.-Admin., Add., Grove., Inde . & Nat. Cntr. 2,926.30 18/C1300203 O.C. Telephone Communications Fund Telephone charges for Nov.-Admin., Rec. Admin., Tech. Supp., Add., Grove., Inde ., Wh. Lk., 13,025.42 Glen Oaks, Spring., Red Oaks, R.O.W. Park, Water., W.O.W. Park, Nat. Cntr., Mob. Rec., Tob. Complex, BMX, Lyon &Lon G.C. 43/IN202792 O.C. General Fund Security expense charges for 10/18/03 thru 10/31/03 & 11/1/03 thru 11/14/03-Add., Grove., 29,603.48 Inde ., Wh. Lk., Spring., R.O.W. Park, Water., W.O.W. Park, Lyon &Lon G.C. 61/I1\1202770 O.C. Drain Commission Fund Water & sewer charges for Oct. -Glen Oaks &Lon G.C. 4,321.32 61/I1\1202778 O.C. Drain Commission Fund Water & sewer charges for Oct. & Nov. -Add. &Lon G.C. 1,782.28 PR017915-916 O.C. Payroll Fund Payroll charges for pay period ending 11/14/03-All Parks 203,578.02 PR018019-020 O.C. Payroll Fund Payroll charges for pay period ending 11/28/03-AII Parks 192,310.02 FB454574-577 O.C. Fringe Benefits Fund Fringe Benefit charges for pay period ending 11/14/03-AII Parks 89,691.20 FB455634-637 O.C. Fringe Benefits Fund Fringe Benefit charges for pay period ending 11/28/03-AII Parks 89,201.53 TOTAL FOR INTERDEPARTMENTAL PAYMENT REGISTER $664,427.48 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION COMBINED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS FM 13, FY 2003 (FOR MONTH ENDING 9130/03) YEAR TO 2003 1 (OVER), % OF REVENUE DATE BUDGET UNDER BUDGET BUDGET ADMINISTRATION: Millage Tax $12,196,370.88 $12,455,426.00 $259,055.12 97.9% Other 396,180.47 150,500.00 (245,680.47) 263.2% GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE 1,231,953.98 1,355,764.00 123,810.02 90.9% LYON OAKS GOLF COURSE 1,320,013.53 1,284,000.00 (36,013.53) 102.8% RED OAKS GOLF COURSE 100.00 0.00 (100.00) 0.0% SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE 834,573.16 955,400.00 120,826.84 87.4% WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE 982,497.91 1,092,193.00 109,695.09 90.0% NATURE CENTER 36,080.44 63,250.00 27,169.56 57.0% ADDISON OAKS 340,544.81 420,500.00 79,955.19 81.0% ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 120,420.69 120,000.00 (420.69) 100.4% GROVELAND OAKS 618,718.44 633,500.00 14,781.56 97.7% INDEPENDENCE OAKS 261,226.98 276,000.00 14,773.02 94.6% LYON OAKS 13,927.54 12,500.00 (1,427.54) 111.4% ORION OAKS 43,838.52 15,000.00 (28,838.52) 292.3% ROSE OAKS 1,469.16 100.00 (1,369.16) 1469.2% SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER 2,852.74 2,500.00 (352.74) 114.1 % WATERFORD OAKS 36,563.21 30,388.00 (6,175.21) 120.3% RECREATION ADMINISTRATION 41,863.14 58,805.00 16,941.86 71.2% MOBILE RECREATION 365,143.46 355,500.00 (9,643.46) 102.7% RED OAKS WATER PARK 740,195.96 831,500.00 91,304.04 89.0% WATERFORD OAKS BMX COMPLEX 19,634.63 30,500.00 10,865.37 64.4% WATERFORD OAKS TENNIS COMPLEX 15,442.50 18,700.00 3,257.50 82.6% WATERFORD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 143,683.76 104,000.00 (39,683.76) 138.2% WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK 762,951.79 763,000.00 48.21 100.0% TOTAL REVENUE $20,526,247.70 $21,029,026.00 $502,778.30 97.6% OPERATING EXPENSES ADMINISTRATION $3,180,955.72 $3,378,180.00 $197,224.28 94.2% GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE 957,371.30 1,020,220.00 62,848.70 93.8% LYON OAKS GOLF COURSE 1,812,091.25 1,768,557.00 (43,534.25) 102.5% RED OAKS GOLF COURSE 319,227.93 361,433.00 42,205.07 88.3% SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE 800,024.70 883,707.00 83,682.30 90.5% WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE 703,120.04 799,623.00 96,502.96 87.9% NATURE CENTER 459,027.44 552,603.00 93,575.56 83.1 % ADDISON OAKS 1,202,944.32 1,325,319.00 122,374.68 90.8% ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 102,722.97 442,056.00 339,333.03 23.2% GROVELAND OAKS 1,083,827.63 1,224,304.00 140,476.37 88.5% INDEPENDENCE OAKS 1,036,867.82 1,127,236.00 90,368.18 92.0% LYON OAKS 257,319.96 266,162.00 8,842.04 96.7% ORION OAKS 90,743.36 97,376.00 6,632.64 93.2% ROSE OAKS 13,974.45 30,763.00 16,788.55 45.4% SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER 143,545.81 204,492.00 60,946.19 70.2% WATERFORD OAKS 517,378.73 548,463.00 31,084.27 94.3% RECREATION ADMINISTRATION 425,386.78 538,389.00 113,002.22 79.0% MOBILE RECREATION 570,286.62 691,707.00 121,420.38 82.4% RED OAKS WATERPARK 1,054,892.46 1,227,904.00 173,011.54 85.9% WATERFORD OAKS BMX COMPLEX 43,219.40 67,386.00 24,166.60 64.1 % WATERFORD OAKS TENNIS COMPLEX 34,805.17 42,221.00 7,415.83 82.4% WATERFORD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 262,528.36 264,364.00 1,835.64 99.3% WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK 864,141.97 984,864.00 120,722.03 87.7% TECHNICAL SUPPORT 938,828.38 997,701.00 58,872.62 94.1% CONTINGENCY/INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES* 0.00 32,673.00 32,673.00 N/A TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $16,875,232.57 $18,877,703.00 $2,002,470.43 89.4% REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENSES $3,651,015.13 $2,151,323.00 ($1,499,692.13) 2003 2002 ACTUAL REVENUE TO DATE: 97.6% 97.9% BUDGET BALANCE: 2.4% 2.1% ACTUAL EXPENSE TO DATE: 89.4% 95.3% BUDGET BALANCE: 10.6% 4.7% *CONTINGENCY YTD FIGURE: INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS PAYMENTS IN TRANSIT. 6-1 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION COMBINED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS FM 13, FY 2003 (FOR MONTH ENDING 09/30/03) *CONTINGENCY YTD FIGURE: INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS PAYMENTS IN TRANSIT. CONTINGENCY BUDGET FIGURE: $19,470 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO ADDISON OAKS (NOV.) $26,208 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO WATERFORD OAKS W.P. (NOV.) $35,785 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO ADMINISTRATION (FEB.) ($6,836) HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED FROM ADMINISTRATION (JUN.) $15,000 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO ADDISON OAKS (JUL.) $277,700 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO LYON OAKS GOLF COURSE (SEPT.) NOTE: OPERATING BUDGET EXPENSE INCREASED $147,100 BECAUSE OF BUDGET TRANSER TO ADMINISTRATION'S INTEREST EXPENSE AND PAYING AGENT FEES LINE ITEMS REGARDING LYON OAKS BOND PAYMENT DUE TO ENTERPRISE FUND STATUS CHANGE (AUG.) 6-2 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION COMBINED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS REVENUE AND EXPENSE COMPARISON FM 13, FY 2003 (FOR MONTH ENDING 09/30/03) PARK ADMINISTRATION GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE LYON OAKS GOLF COURSE RED OAKS GOLF COURSE SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE NATURE CENTER ADDISON OAKS ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER GROVELAND OAKS INDEPENDENCE OAKS LYON OAKS ORION OAKS ROSE OAKS SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER WATERFORD OAKS RECREATION ADMINISTRATION MOBILE RECREATION RED OAKS WATERPARK WATERFORD OAKS BMX COMPLEX WATERFORD OAKS TENNIS COMPLEX WATERFORD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK TECHNICAL SUPPORT CONTINGENCY/INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES* TOTAL YEAR TO DATE REVENUE 12,592,551.35 1,231,953.98 1,320,013.53 100.00 834,573.16 982,497.91 36,080.44 340,544.81 120,420.69 618,718.44 261,226.98 13, 927.54 43,838.52 1,469.16 2,852.74 36,563.21 41,863.14 365,143.46 740,195.96 19,634.63 15,442.50 143,683.76 762,951.79 0.00 0.00 20,526,247.70 YEAR TO DATE EXPENSE 3,180, 955.72 957,371.30 1,812,091.25 319,227.93 800,024.70 703,120.04 459,027.44 1,202,944.32 102,722.97 1,083,827.63 1,036,867.82 257,319.96 90,743.36 13,974.45 143,545.81 517,378.73 425,386.78 570,286.62 1,054,892.46 43,219.40 34,805.17 262,528.36 864,141.97 938, 828.38 0.00 16,875,232.57 *CONTINGENCY YTD FIGURE: INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS PAYMENTS IN TRANSIT. REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXP. 9,411,595.63 274,582.68 (492,077.72) (319,127.93) 34,548.46 279,377.87 (422,947.00) (862,399.51) 17,697.72 (465,109.19) (775,640.84) (243,392.42) (46,904.84) (12,505.29) (140,693.07) (480,815.52) (383,523.64) (205,143.16) (314,696.50) (23,584.77) (19,362.67) (118,844.60) (101,190.18) (938,828.38) 0.00 3,651,015.13 6-3 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION 2003 REVENUE AND EXPENSE VARIANCES OVER BUDGET Summary Favorable 2003 (Unfavorable) 2003 (Unfavorable) Revenue Revenue Expense Expense Park/Budget Center Budget Variance Budget Variance Lyon Oaks Golf Course $ 1,320,014 $ 36,014 $ 1,812,091 $ (43,534) Largest Line Item Expense Variances Lyon Oaks Golf Course Building and Equipment Maintenance, and Utilities Audit Rpt, Rev & Exp Variances.As FY2003 6_4 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION COMBINED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS FM 1, FY 2004 (FOR MONTH ENDING 10131103) YEAR TO 2004 (OVER), % OF REVENUE DATE BUDGET UNDER BUDGET BUDGET ADMINISTRATION: Millage Tax $3,415.52 $12,735,000.00 $12,731,584.48 0.0% Other (54,553.96) 149,500.00 204,053.96 -36.5% GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE 45,968.99 1,283,100.00 1,237,131.01 3.6% LYON OAKS GOLF COURSE 75,992.46 1,519,600.00 1,443,607.54 5.0% RED OAKS GOLF COURSE 0.00 317,900.00 317,900.00 0.0% SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE 29,222.45 893,950.00 864,727.55 3.3% WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE 32,359.52 1,040,693.00 1,008,333.48 3.1% NATURE CENTER 4,731.12 38,700.00 33,968.88 12.2% ADDISON OAKS 23,590.58 414,635.00 391,044.42 5.7% ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 0.00 120,000.00 120,000.00 0.0% GROVELAND OAKS 815.00 655,000.00 654,185.00 0.1% INDEPENDENCE OAKS 9,894.50 278,600.00 268,705.50 3.6% LYON OAKS 1,944.00 21,225.00 19,281.00 9.2% ORION OAKS 6,154.00 20,100.00 13,946.00 30.6% ROSE OAKS 0.00 100.00 100.00 0.0% SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER 0.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 0.0% WATERFORD OAKS 3,583.50 33,988.00 30,404.50 10.5% RECREATION ADMINISTRATION 800.00 58,620.00 57,820.00 1.4% MOBILE RECREATION 16,757.45 419,750.00 402,992.55 4.0% RED OAKS WATER PARK 184.89 836,826.00 836,641.11 0.0% WATERFORD OAKS BMX COMPLEX 0.00 24,900.00 24,900.00 0.0% WATERFORD OAKS TENNIS COMPLEX 5,230.00 17,500.00 12,270.00 29.9% WATERFORD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 825.00 118,300.00 117,475.00 0.7% WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK 0.00 794,500.00 794,500.00 0.0% TOTAL REVENUE $206,915.02 $21,794,987.00 $21,588,071.98 0.9% OPERATING EXPENSES ADMINISTRATION $213,036.67 $3,452,719.00 $3,239,682.33 6.2% GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE 52,704.04 1,198,876.00 1,146,171.96 4.4% LYON OAKS GOLF COURSE 86,986.47 1,801,639.00 1,714,652.53 4.8% RED OAKS GOLF COURSE 22,644.79 724,119.00 701,474.21 3.1% SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE 52,286.13 887,848.00 835,561.87 5.9% WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE 49,629.29 778,250.00 728,620.71 6.4% NATURE CENTER 36,763.56 563,573.00 526,809.44 6.5% ADDISON OAKS 69,040.33 1,370,377.00 1,301,336.67 5.0% ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 1,226.56 393,696.00 392,469.44 0.3% GROVELAND OAKS 43,795.31 1,234,291.00 1,190,495.69 3.5% INDEPENDENCE OAKS 65,664.34 1,127,229.00 1,061,564.66 5.8% LYON OAKS 15,629.95 412,075.00 396,445.05 3.8% ORION OAKS 2,433.61 98,007.00 95,573.39 2.5% ROSE OAKS 0.00 27,604.00 27,604.00 0.0% SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER 3,882.96 179,557.00 175,674.04 2.2% WATERFORD OAKS 28,806.82 537,538.00 508,731.18 5.4% RECREATION ADMINISTRATION 41,743.11 589,183.00 547,439.89 7.1% MOBILE RECREATION 30,349.52 706,998.00 676,648.48 4.3% RED OAKS WATERPARK 14,799.16 1,308,467.00 1,293,667.84 1.1% WATERFORD OAKS BMX COMPLEX 1,172.85 57,913.00 56,740.15 2.0% WATERFORD OAKS TENNIS COMPLEX 2,193.08 31,166.00 28,972.92 7.0% WATERFORD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 2,237.12 279,834.00 277,596,88 0.8% WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK 13,931.75 1,057,575.00 1,043,643.25 1.3% TECHNICAL SUPPORT 73,560.57 1,037,180.00 963,619.43 7.1% CONTINGENCY/INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES' 0.00 700,000.00 700,000.00 N/A TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $924,517.99 $20,555,714.00 $19,631,196.01 4.5% REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENSES ($717,602.97) $1,239,273.00 $1,956,875.97 2004 2003 ACTUAL REVENUE TO DATE: 0.9% 1.3% BUDGET BALANCE: 99.1 % 98.7% ACTUAL EXPENSE TO DATE: 4.5% 3.2% BUDGET BALANCE: 95.5% 96.8% "CONTINGENCY YTD FIGURE: INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS PAYMENTS IN TRANSIT. 6-5 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION COMBINED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS REVENUE AND EXPENSE COMPARISON FM 1, FY 2004 (FOR MONTH ENDING 10131/03) PARK ADMINISTRATION GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE LYON OAKS GOLF COURSE RED OAKS GOLF COURSE SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE NATURE CENTER ADDISON OAKS ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER GROVELAND OAKS INDEPENDENCE OAKS LYON OAKS ORION OAKS ROSE OAKS SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER WATERFORD OAKS RECREATION ADMINISTRATION MOBILE RECREATION RED OAKS WATERPARK WATERFORD OAKS BMX COMPLEX WATERFORD OAKS TENNIS COMPLEX WATERFORD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK TECHNICAL SUPPORT CONTINGENCY/INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES* TOTAL YEAR TO DATE REVENUE 51,138.44} 45,968.99 75,992.46 0.00 29,222.45 32,359.52 4,731.12 23,590.58 0.00 815.00 9,894.50 1,944.00 6,154.00 0.00 0.00 3,583.50 800.00 16,757.45 184.89 0.00 5,230.00 825.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 206,915.02 YEAR TO DATE EXPENSE 213,036.67 52,704.04 86,986.47 22,644.79 52,286.13 49,629.29 36,763.56 69,040.33 1,226.56 43,795.31 65,664.34 15,629.95 2,433.61 0.00 3,882.96 28,806.82 41,743.11 30,349.52 14,799.16 1,172.85 2,193.08 2,237.12 13,931.75 73,560.57 0.00 924,517.99 *CONTINGENCY YTD FIGURE: INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS PAYMENTS IN TRANSIT. REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXP. ($264, 75.11) (6,735.05) (10,994.01) (22,644.79) (23,063.68) (17,269.77) (32,032.44) (45,449.75) (1,226.56) (42,980.31) (55,769.84) (13,685.95) 3,720.39 0.00 (3,882.96) (25,223.32) (40,943.11) (13,592.07) (14,614.27) (1,172.85) 3,036.92 (1,412.12) (13,931.75) (73,560.57) 0.00 ( 717,602.97) Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Capital Improvement Budget FM 13, FY 2003 As of 9/30/03 Summary Total for All Parks/Facilities Contract(s) Estimated 2002 2003 Net New Estimated Amount Contract(s) Awd., Pre & Enc. Project Park/Facility Project Cost Adjustment (A) Adjustment Adjustment Proiect Cost Paid Retainer Balance * Balance Lyon Oaks B.A. Bond (Fund 407/Dept. 14) $6 165 166.28 ($6,252,966.01) $197,630.63 ($6,055,335.38) $109,830.90 ($109,830.90) $34,000.00 $0.00 ($0.00) Fund 407 Subtotal (Dept. 14) $6,166,166.28 ($6,252,966.01) $197,630.63 ($6,055,335.38) $109,830.90 ($109,830.90) $34,000.00 $0.00 ($0.00) Future Acquisition & Imp. Addison Oaks Glen Oaks Groveland Oaks Independence Oaks Lyon Oaks Orion Oaks Red Oaks Rose Oaks Springfield Oaks Waterford Oaks White Lake Oaks Contingency Fund 408 Subtotal (Dept. 53) $6,398,987.25 $0.00 $1,765,000.00 $1,765,000.00 $8,163,987.25 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $8,163,987.25 7,942,559.36 83,737.96 (1,698,357.18) (1,614,619.22) 6,327,940.14 (3,553,982.26) 51,681.60 (100,794.00) 2,673,163.88 180,000.00 0.00 (56,198.30) (56,198.30) 123,801.70 (108,190,18) 0.00 (0.00) 15,611.52 425,329.62 18,525.94 (40,272.07) (21,746.13) 403,583.49 (403,583.49) 0.00 0.00 0.00 380,000.00 0.00 101,074.84 101,074.84 481,074.84 (404,132.53) 35,010.70 (54,350.30) 22,592.01 4,561,564.03 1,000.00 (311,532.81) (310,532.81) 4,251,031.22 (4,133,266.99) 0.00 (0.00) 117,764.23 166,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 166,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 166,000.00 6,703,082.73 7,277.81 (484,499.56) (477,221.75) 6,225,860.98 (5,722,886.28) 51,907.15 0.00 502,974.70 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 985,000.00 25,419.55 62,974.64 88,394.19 1,073,394.19 (223,519.69) 0.00 0.00 849,874.50 789,000.00 0.00 377,685.11 377,685.11 1,166,685.11 (1,166,685.11) 55,282.48 0.00 0.00 160,000.00 0.00 451.47 451.47 160,451.47 (65,344.37) 0.00 0.00 95,107.10 1,805 800.62 (135,961.26) 86,043.23 (49,918.03) 1,755,882.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,755,882.59 $30,502,323.61 $0.00 ($197,630.63) ($197,630.63) $30,304,692.98 ($15,781,590.90) $193,881.93 ($155,144.30) $14,367,957.78 Capital Improvement Projects Grand Total $36,667,489.89 ($6,252,966.01) ($0.00) ($6,252,966.01) $30,414,523.88 ($15,891,421.80) $227,881.93 ($155,144.30) $14,367,967.78 * Sum of Contracts Awarded (Pre -encumbrance & Encumbrance accounts) Note A: Fund 407's 2002 Adjustment: Projects closed and transferred to Fixed Assets (FA), per auditors. Additional costs to become future adjustment to FA. 7-1 OCTOBER, 2003 11MMAND DAY USE PARKS * Not included in totals - only in combined totals PARTICIPANTS (MONTH) PARTICIPANTS (YTD) In-house events are counted in facility totals. 2002 2003 2002 2003 ADDISON OAKS PARK Campers 4716 4715 4716 4715 Day Use 1484 1799 1484 1799 Day Campers 0 0 0 0 *ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 3150 3551 3150 3551 GROVELAND OAKS Campers 0 0 0 0 Day Use 0 0 0 0 Day Campers 0 0 0 0 INDEPENDENCE OAKS PARK Day Use 21890 17469 21890 17469 Day Campers 165 253 165 253 Overnight Youth Group Campers 0 31 0 31 LYON OAKS PARK Day Use 0 0 0 0 Bark Park 1162 3584 1162 3584 ORION OAKS PARK Day Use 2345 4592 2345 4592 Bark Park 3765 6472 3765 6472 ROSE OAKS PARK Day Use 0 400 0 400 SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER Day Use 0 1020 0 1020 4-H Fair 0 0 0 0 Ellis Barn 0 0 0 0 *Banquet Facilities/Meetings/Special Events 4654 3073 4654 3073 WATERFORD OAKS Activity Center - non -banquet 993 493 993 493 *Banquet Facilities - Activity Center 275 1035 275 1035 Day Use 0 0 0 0 Lookout Lodge 380 504 380 504 Court Games Complex 29 0 29 0 BMX 0 0 0 0 WATERFORD OAKS FRIDGE 0 0 0 0 WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK 0 01 01 0 RED OAKS WATERPARK 01 01 01 0 TOTALS 36929 41332 36929 41332 12/5/2003 8 — 1 of 3 GOLF COURSES PARTICIPANTS (MONTH) PARTICIPANTS (YTD) 2002 2003 2002 2003 GLEN OAKS Rounds Played - 9 Holes 1900 1860 1900 1860 Rounds Played - 18 Holes 831 822 831 822 *Banquet Facilities 3647 4497 3647 4497 *Grill Room 0 925 0 925 LYON OAKS Rounds Played - 9 Holes 351 553 351 553 Rounds Played - 18 Holes 1613 1756 1613 1756 Driving range 0 644 0 644 *Banquet Facilities 839 1078 839 1078 *Grill Room 0 2142 0 2142 RED OAKS - (Under construction - Opening Spring 2004) Rounds Played - 9 Holes 0 0 0 0 SPRINGFIELD OAKS Rounds Played - 9 Holes 624 590 624 590 Rounds Played - 18 Holes 1195 1360 1195 1360 * 0 0 0 0 *Grill Room 0 680 0 680 WHITE LAKE OAKS Rounds Played - 9 Holes 1293 1467 1293 1467 Rounds Played - 18 Holes 777 899 777 899 *Banquet Facilities 1011 705 1011 705 *Grill Room 0 949 0 949 TOTALS 8584 9951 8584 9951 12/5/2003 8-2 of 3 • 1 AND RECREATIONAL SPECIAL PARTICIPANTS (MONTH) PARTICIPANTS (YTD) 2002 2003 2002 2003 MOBILE RECREATION Bleachers 0 16 0 16 Bouncer 820 820 820 820 Bus 1935 2520 1935 2520 Climbing Wall 400 300 400 300 Dunk Tank 233 0 233 0 Inline Skate Mobile/Hockey Mobile 0 167 0 167 Obstacle Course 0 1230 0 1230 Orbotron 300 450 300 450 Puppet 170 170 170 170 Show Mobile 9 7 9 7 Space Maze 0 820 0 820 Sport Mobile 1603 458 1603 458 Tents 0 19 0 19 Camps 0 0 0 0 Miscellaneous 0 0 0 0 ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM - INDEPENDENCE OAKS Nature Center 4422 4494 4422 4494 Outreach 0 38 0 38 Trail Usage 4319 6813 4319 6813 ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM - LYON OAKS Nature Center 0 37 0 37 Outreach 0 0 0 0 Trail Usage 0 100 0 100 THERAPEUTIC EVENTS 447 310 447 310 SENIOR EVENTS 246 366 246 366 TOTALS COMBINED• 10585 12222 PARTICIPANTS (MONTH) 10585 12222 PARTICIPANTS (YTD) 2002 2003 2002 2003 GOLF COURSES 8584 9951 8584 9951 RECREATIONAL AND SPECIAL EVENTS 10585 12222 10585 12222 DAY USE PARKS 36929 41332 36929 41332 BANQUET FACILITIES 13576 18635 13576 18635 GRILL ROOMS 0j 4696 0 4696 GRAND TOTALS 69674 86836 69674 86836 Therapeutic/Senior Event Breakdown Basketball(adult)-30, (junior) 26; M ighty Oaks - 24; Novi - 12; Halloween - 200; Triathalon-18; Senior Fall Color Tours - 366 12/5/2003 8-3 of 3 NOVEMBER, 2003 r-1771-AKLAND DAY USE PARKS * Not included in totals - only in combined totals PARTICIPANTS (MONTH) PARTICIPANTS (YTD) In-house events are counted in facility totals. 2002 2003 2002 2003 ADDISON OAKS PARK Campers 0 0 4716 4715 Day Use 0 0 1484 1799 Day Campers 0 0 0 0 *ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 2755 3318 5905 6869 GROVELAND OAKS PARK Campers 0 0 0 0 Day Use 0 0 0 0 Day Campers 0 0 0 0 INDEPENDENCE OAKS PARK Day Use 8608 9293 30498 26762 Day Campers 0 0 165 253 Overnight Youth Group Campers 94 49 94 80 LYON OAKS PARK Day Use 0 709 0 709 Bark Park 0 2837 1162 6421 ORION OAKS PARK Day Use 547 1880 2892 6472 Bark Park 2000 4592 5765 11064 ROSE OAKS PARK Day Use 0 400 0 800 SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER Day Use/Grounds 0 233 0 1253 4-H Fair 0 0 0 0 Ellis Barn 0 0 0 0 *Banquet Facilities 0 2380 4654 5453 WATERFORD OAKS Activity Center - non -banquet 575 595 1568 1088 *Banquet Facilities - Activity Center 390 2 665 1037 Day Use 0 0 0 0 Lookout Lodge 120 286 500 790 Court Games Complex 30 0 59 0 BMX 0 0 0 WATERFORD OAKS FRIDGE 0 0 0 WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK 0 0 0 RED OAKS WATERPARK 01 01 0 TOTALS 11974 20874 48903 62206 8-4 GOLF COURSES PARTICIPANTS (MONTH) PARTICIPANTS (YTD) 2002 2003 2002 2003 GLEN OAKS Rounds Played - 9 Holes 834 673 2734 2533 Rounds Played - 18 Holes 190 408 1021 1230 *Banquet Facilities 3843 4900 7490 9397 *Grill Room 0 0 0 925 LYON OAKS Rounds Played - 9 Holes 153 152 504 705 Rounds Played - 18 Holes 339 525 1952 2281 Driving range 35 24 35 668 *Banquet Facilities 322 1129 1161 2207 *Grill Room 0 0 0 2142 RED OAKS - (Under construction - Opening Spring 2004) Rounds Played - 9 Holes 0 0 0 0 SPRINGFIELD OAKS Rounds Played - 9 Holes 124 249 748 839 Rounds Played - 18 Holes 289 390 1484 1750 *Banquet Facilities 0 0 0 0 *Grill Room 0 0 0 680 WHITE LAKE OAKS Rounds Played - 9 Holes 376 471 1669 1938 Rounds Played - 18 Holes 295 494 1072 1393 *Banquet Facilities 70 455 1081 1160 *Grill Room 0 0 0 949 TOTALS 2635 3386 j 11219 13337 8-5 RECREATIONAL PARTICIPANTS (MONTH) PARTICIPANTS (YTD) 2002 2003 2002 2003 MOBILE RECREATION Bleachers 9 6 9 22 Bouncer 0 0 820 820 Bus 1395 1080 3330 3600 Climbing Wall 0 0 400 300 Dunk Tank 0 0 233 0 Inline Skate Mobile/Hockey Mobile 0 0 0 167 Obstacle Course 0 0 0 1230 Orbotron 0 0 300 450 Puppet 0 0 170 170 Show Mobile 0 3 9 10 Space Maze 0 0 0 820 Sport Mobile 0 0 1603 458 Tents 1 1 1 20 Camps 0 0 0 0 Miscellaneous 0 0 0 0 ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM - INDEPENDENCE OAKS Nature Center 2122 1641 6544 6135 Outreach 0 279 0 317 Trail Usage 5710 6330 10029 13143 ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM - LYON OAKS Nature Center 0 100 0 137 Outreach 0 0 0 0 Trail Usage 0 709 0 809 THERAPEUTIC EVENTS 20 161 467 471 SENIOR EVENTS 180 160 426 526 TOTALS COMBINED• 3727 3431 PARTICIPANTS (MONTH) 14312 15653 PARTICIPANTS (YTD) 2002 2003 2002 2003 GOLF COURSES 2635 3386 11219 13337 RECREATIONAL AND SPECIAL EVENTS 3727 3431 14312 15653 DAY USE PARKS 11974 20874 48903 62206 BANQUET FACILITIES 7380 12184 20956 30819 GRILL ROOMS 01 0 01 4696 GRAND TOTALS 25716 39875 95390 126711 Therapeutic/Senior Event Breakdown TR:TGIF-65; Novi-12; Adaptive Sports-17; Adult Basketball-42; Jr. Basketball-25 SR: Volleyball-150; Tennis-10 ,TO #9 N of oFF,CER,S �,,�cl the e eck"i PS p er the G°mm`ss�on meetm9 °f the Yeac. held the f�cst of o,�f`cers be 9-1 ITEM 110 DRAFT OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION 2004 MASTER CALENDAR DAY WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY FRI DAY WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY TUES. THRU SAT WED. OR THUR. WEDNESDAY FRI. THRU SUN. WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY TUES. THRU SUN WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY DATE JANUARY 7 FEBRUARY 4 MARCH 10 MARCH 26 APRIL 7 MAY 5 MAY 14 JUNE 2 JUNE 8 - 12 JUNE 23 OR 24 JULY 7 JULY 16 - 18 JULY 21 AUGUST 4 SEPTEMBER 8 SEPTEMBER 17 SEPTEMBER 15 OCTOBER 6 OCT. 12 - 17 NOVEMBER3 NOVEMBER 17 DECEMBER1 FUNCTION REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING REGULAR COMMISSION MTG REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION LUNCH; WHITE LAKE OAKS REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING — RED OAKS GOLF COURSE GRAND OPENING LEGISLATORS/COMMISSIONERS BREAKFAST OUTING — LYON OAKS REGULAR COMMISSION SPECIAL PARKS — DUPAGE COUNTY, IL COUNTY & PARKS COMMISSIONERS PARK TOUR Locations in 2004: 1. White Lake Oaks 2. Independence Oaks 3. Lyon Oaks REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING NACO CONFERENCE— PHOENIX, AZ COMMISSION MEETING & BUDGET WORK SESSION REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING - ADOPT BUDGET WINT/SCAMP GOLF OUTING - SPRINGFIELD OAKS COMMISSION MEETING —TENTATIVE REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING NRPA CONGRESS — RENO, NV REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING - TENTATIVE REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING December22, 2003 D:\$Data\My Documents\Commission\MASTER CALENDAR 2004.doc 10-1 .,-to #11 RE N4v USE AGE Gl-U DE51�'N S KE OAKS and PrOb Cs Yt1�E \'� \neev ll mem r the des�gbh use. a\f\ca °ns�rms were OGpR sta�ake Oaks c\ nessI aosa\s, �OuT w\n9 \rrms. Ned by \Nh�te aVoPrt u o\ , d the �O\\o osa\s weCee�o aeon °the \eten F s' Ppebe�s p teNxewe ota� \� G% omP rom prop the r \s for RF? • xnem agement{(the ProPo ncew\thtseFour staff man wed a\\ ° d G°cnp\\a ,nteN�ew Pha% revxer\ence, aartid�pate �n phase 1\ 24 $2 eXP cted to P se \--�32,2 �131,120 Se\e Phj' �g5,3g4 11,120 Gonsu\tart � n GooPer Deng �g0,000 �16,500 pnn Arbor n �,36,000 �16,000 � g3,061 p ark McPa�G ° �g0 ,000 -0- Grand B �r�0,00030,000 nd�ng and sta d Assoc 4,000 e\r under bh°use ans any ted th o{ c\u N 1wP • 3 000te. resen the area She\by urk Assoc 6,tyNe coosu\t a e 90tse in t o, the Gera\d Y r rocess, st cture an .\ootpr\n may be este w P e stru the that terns Roch e \nteN\e \and fe area and seN\ces ater sy Ounn �.j t e Pop e \rn�`ed\ate \n an w tens eer�ng t- d c of th o the e \st�n9 sep mod a c\ar\�\cat�on ad&r \o site survey design. to Provide o Provide a{ications t ent, and ernes ut�\�ty GGpR es \Ne w\\haSges °r hea\th de d p remm\tDlg ag \\\\on budget C� e' face\�a c an based on a;2 m \sung a resu\t o� nd�or by t ee rev\ew \\\ eX d,Ced as code a or oth and w rea ed by nshxp costs buy\ts)iormatron as reau�r by the tow ce\\ane°us eX�st�ng as- and in read�red \nc\ude a\\av\ews, and \ng a\\ PrOa�u ry meet�ng• s -iota\ s\te IP an n{y e a\uatron, he process 0 datlon atth ev t d recom sty\\ �n a Presentation an make ITEM #12 ADDISON OAKS ELECTRICAL EASEMENT Detroit Edison is requesting a permanent easement for underground electrical service and related appurtenances for the purpose of upgrading electrical service to 42 existing campsites at Addison Oaks. Supporting documents are attached. Staff recommends approval of the attached electrical easement. 12-1 MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION # January 13, 2004 BY: Planning and Building Committee, Charles E. Palmer, Chairperson IN RE: DEPARTMENT OF FACILITIES MANAGEMENT— RECOMMENDATION TO GRANT EASEMENT FOR UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC SERVICE TO THE DETROIT EDISON COMPANY - ADDISON OAKS COUNTY PARK (TAX PARCEL NO. 05-33-200-001) To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the County of Oakland is the owner of Addison Oaks County Park located in Addison Township; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Parks Commission is proceeding with its planned campground improvements at Addison Oaks County Park; and WHEREAS as a condition of providing underground electric service to the campground area, the Detroit Edison Company has requested that the County of Oakland grant a permanent easement for underground electric service and related appurtenances over a portion of the park property; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Parks Commission and the Detroit Edison Company have agreed upon a route for the said underground electric service which will provide power to the campground area. WHEREAS the Departments of Facilities Management and Corporation Counsel have reviewed and/or prepared all necessary documents related to the granting of the easement. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes and approves the granting of the attached easement for underground electric service and related appurtenances to the Detroit Edison Company for the sum of one dollar. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby directs its Chairperson or designee to execute the attached easement for underground electric service and related appurtenances. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Charles E. Palmer, Chairperson 12-2 ent of Facilities Mana-.enlent Departm County January 13, 2004 Oakland ent to Detroit E dison Company Grant EaSeM ro Vements Bequest to For Camp Ground Imp park yaks County Addison 05_33_200-001 parcel Nos• Backgrou'ad sites at upgrading 42 ex�sti d th Detroit the process of upg staff an Provide ission is in parks and Recreation Will p Parks Comm ice, which ice the Oakland County Oakland County electric sew' The Oaks County pk The aroute for the said providing on site eeeent easement Addison have agreed und area. As a Condition of p rant p roperty. Companyof Oakland g of the pk p Edison the camps County POT"oil electric power to has requested that the urtenances over a Company ice and related app of the easement Detroit Edison electric sere roved the granting for underground Commission app County parks and Recreation li land 004 . ion Counsel have reviewed and/or The Oak on Janus' 7, 2 d Corporat ect easement. Management an of the subj documents related to the granting The Departments of Facilities prepared all necessary Vwcommendation cornmission and rove parks and Recreation of Commissioners app and County land County Boaz the Detroit Edison endation of the Oakl ice to It is ement that the Oak underground electric sere the recomm easement for Department of Fae1attache anal m the granting of the of one dollar. Company for the sum Mhl2116103 12-3 T IN GROSS RGRpuNp N.EM53 9D1 004 by the pN.EXCLUsovmp nyD Right of Way of e egraph R°ad, NT pF N it Edison C day 12p0 N • T a GRP` petro ted this _---" address is Company, ran ose ,son NT IN GROSS is oral Corporation, W{ �) to the Detroit ad 4g226hereinafter SERE Constitut Gran MiGbIg TE11S EA tChlgan as petroit, Oakland, a M re#erred to valuable of 41, hereinafter Second Avenue other goo and Countyt is 20p0 483 oth forth herein, �chigan Whose address d set pontlac, M �1 00nt to the conditlonsri ht tO construct Corp oration, e pollar � Michigan On t, the g ,°Grantee �' Rp,T10N °# and pursua accept d related asDE owiedged' lie a R ANp IN CoN facilities an re#erred to ackn does h line the limited Fp #Which is hereby d the Grantee utility receipt ° o the Grantee, an d electric erty described herein for Lion undergroun Urtenances. consider does hereby grant t lace to the prop d app repair andlor rep With access relate Gran mainta.n i de the Grantee line #addities and operate, electric utility cr►bed as. d to pro"' round urtenances, an said underg County Mich"D oas County park app ks ,,Pose of rnaintaining p5-33-200'p41' Oakland of Addison of Addisono known as pad exclusive p parcel Nurr►ber he Townsh►p erpetuai, non' eot and 11E, also non-p lacem Grantee W ith .ten consisting °# 1 Grantor Land 4 0# Section 33, T5N, R ovide the Main enan re GCessories. Gra 11 r erabOn,ces, 2• The N°heart t is top d app a u sformers an derground ur ose of this gran ctlon, installation' , related tran pose than un it constru facilities ip r an' urp purpose- The ors to perm ctric utility line duns, pip fo' other p 3 ease vaent in i of ugdergrou wie�s manholes, en e usedto sement b tor's property rem° s ch Stances Can the ea acre Gran uy an ss operating' d related poles, g stance• with a reasonable route In ctrcum Ct�ng, #ac�l�ties an Under no . • line faciht�es. of constru line struction ut�l�ty Granteeose d electric utce andlor con duits, electric will Area do the limited pure dermr any manhole, cOnt for ran CCESS. Grantor ent a of the said un rra►rt ors, w►res, tor, excep 4. aGGess the easepaGing or r G Oval e shalork o pe' doles, gur or approval from Gran However, ante w out p #t. wide non" rnalntaining not limited to with a 12- ances- . accessories tee . app . I including but and coneys t0 Gran maintenance' actiEsi Gables, transformers is and eration' related p p en. repairs • ranter hereby g he Construction, laGilitkes emerg Gross G rass for utility lin ent in sement in g d electric W 37 5*3 Grant oaEno99 exclusova'1 of said unde`ged d wing nO' RF 5. per pacement andas shown on the attach dra rep antes, appurten femove oWn, e cut dhat Grano may trim, a fences Gf he ease oet\, operation av�n of and tcactUves aes and f°ots,e COnstfu n\be p\and aag for `gut h tact us es, brae S le and re\Saof fence o{ the gad w y PCeith rest' ara any trees, beCe With th es, sttuctute\n �2i feet e R\ght of ees, aus contf °\ inter . No tte and \N din th b b\na\ng up°n �. dot Ott, ebeC\eve ar'ocee s faco{ the iron\ g Wi1\ be \nsta\\e Coss Sha\\ccess°rs { \a d, aand nd teas to ante o{ e ght l�� fe es. No bu\\d Basemen sefgat\ves, a y parce\ \ine fac\Cit,es, n\a\n d wit\i\f` enc\osu ova\. of an Cepre n with utiCrty r insta\\e xn et . , PT ante their, not v e\ectric afte switcrrngs p I Wr�ttef\ d Convey Grantee" ern sha\1 round ns lherein descCibed ate ntee Grant antotand tamed her {of undetgand ass\g urp°ses i\ ter m\n GCa ea\t`1. lhis o{ the Gr nts con t \n gross essots lot the p Coss sha s in " ne% and gta sen\en es, succ in gross ent in g enter\ve , shoo\d \,,te,est to the be jenants si\d ea renter\v sevnent k\ie easen\ tepres \f this and \nuteand the c o the use °fheirs tep e of said e oned, and tor, its h -ng -xn Gtanteeasetneat \n assigns, extend t tantee \tsU\fe the us ed aband to Gran Cerna\n\ng e\ease °f ,Nith\n a an sha\\ °n\gent that C' er tea cons\der vert back interest v\de a R Grantor Dee ds ev o \ong aii be a1\ fe ith f\Q a\\ IP to the istet °{ ent in \n the sha\\ n ent sh \and sh toil W tee sh eider t Reg asem tee) rem the Gran n ro n y E Gran n , k fe\naftGtantoC, the Gra GCoss is -a and Gou e\ease of ated °r in the sa\d ea ed and, herein, ext\ngu\s signs st of asement \nwith the ce °f the done terms struGtUreG n&d Xon it and be ors °r as the feaue ase o{ Cray t\\e a� \n p . abando ove any to the succesthen up°n \{ no Re\the Grantov f`ch sha\ a 9r°ss,tee s`na\1 reent in gr°ss occur, to Grantor .d of time t \n GCoss easemen the Gran the easem , s hand GfOsonab\e p o �aserGrantee• \f est o{ Grant aid restOre age Granto Wi\\ restore teas donmen d o{ the the teau Grantor , n\ent dames Gante to by Grantor Pb oss, feau\tet`�\en uas on by veh\c\es or eg \po{ �Nse , th s agteed eats -shed" TO ova\. ctors, in the R ht t th° item ees se ent in o e Cem ee contra stated .. n excep emp\oy wm th s ufp ses \ c d\tie p{ficers, as in pt\of antee s ex-0 d lot the p its of\9\na on d oid\a\s, sses, \\abiC\�\ch may \f Gt s Lan be to ent cte \\ \o of w QA,ANGSS toy d e e a is ev \e enter\n19 Gra near\y as c o{ th\s �asem e Grantor' if0 any! ak\ndwha Coven err°r,ees, 8. whi Land as t\ s\x �6� eO\'N th harm\es es o{ any ed of p emp\oy Gfanto�s to Pat a\\ aiso ind ho\d thems or dan`a9 O\jt o{ any t e its,0�\ceev\t of Wh\\ the pursuant Grantee sh a\\ f°fevetses, ir<lur\e oC afire the Gfantehe easemons\b\e fotany k\nd on. and sh e f iticat\ a\nSt costs, expen G s o omis�g oUao the ues a e {ound to s mages ° \nde�'n eats ag ands, sha\I be to sot da out o{ any then 9 dlof ag s, dem d wh\ch act\o ens\ d Gfan irilur\e at\se o{ the�`1 e an c\a\m made, ant \ntef Mona\ C\censees, tantof an expenses used by °r s o{both , \\\ty for th actwns, ht o f Ce , ° at ds costs, a\\ be Ga oC��ss\o ai fespons\b es °r et\ th G be tn\s eke pegs ge�\s\tofs`ses. \nth G\a\tn5 dew and Whr, ona< act ee s prop°rt\°n agents, g pan the p` t\es, Te aCtionought of n� end of rote t o{ Grant in the Gom\ngosses i\ab may be bf ke, neg\\g to the exten Sha\1 fna\Gommetc\\nts: saMe evef'N vethi errof, r6\sGCantoC I e \oss�esi eXpense, ,e �\Cn\t feGuifefn Whe ,ed of pe°N.\\ indemass oc\sted W\th ts, atthetf o om . ed as um m the G fante dlof Costscontfa°tO Qpp,Ogg e tok\0W\ng \oss<es� an e and its (ages' �3' en�of th ce- Gfanteaf ce cove Endotsem p \nsuW\r\g se\i xv\ty gtoad �offn a\ng XGU rider 1 fGenefa\ \'\ab dy damage inC\u lot m prop tons 1z-5 Btoad e.100a tractofs PCes dent Gon \ndepen Blanket) Broad form Contractual Personal Injury - delete contractual exclusion "A" Additional Insureds - the County of Oakland, County Agents and employees and elected and appointed officials of Oakland County; Workers' Compensation as required by law $500,000 Employer's Liability; $1,000,000 Combined Single Limit Automobile Liability, including hired and leased vehicles, and owned and non -owned autos No Fault coverage as required by law; and General Certificates of Insurance. 11. Grantee shall also obtain the required permits, if applicable, from any other municipal or governmental agency. Grantor: County of Oakland, a Michigan Constitutional Corporation BY: Thomas A. Law, Chairperson Oakland County Board of Commissioners STATE OF MICHIGAN ) )SS COUNTY OF OAKLAND ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2004, by Thomas A. Law, Chairperson, Oakland County Board of Commissioners, Oakland County Michigan, a Michigan Constitutional Corporation, 1200 N. Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan 48341. Michael D. Hughson, Notary Public Oakland County, Michigan My Commission expires: 5/5/2004 Grantee: Detroit Edison Company Its: STATE OF MICHIGAN ) )SS COUNTY OF OAKLAND ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2004, by for and on behalf of the Detroit Edison Company, 2000 Second Avenue, Detroit, Michigan, 48226. Notary Public Drafted by: Michael Hughson, Oakland County Department of Facilities Management, One Public Works Dr., Waterford, Michigan, 48328. Return to: Betty J. Dean, Detroit Edison Company, 1100 Clark Road, Lapeer, Mi. 48446. M d 11 /7/03 NATEMPFILE\1 number\2003\2003-0100 thru 2003-0199\2003-0116 Detroit Edison Easement & 52-3 Dist Ct, City of Rochester\11-07-03 Edison Esmt.doc 12-6 T IN GROSS RGROUI.ID NoEM53 9Dl 004 by the ON-EXCLUSovmP nyp�Rtght of way of elegraph Road, GRAM peNoit Edison C day 129Q N' T a ranted this address is n ComPany, NT 1N S •►s tonal Corp wato theetroit adr 48226 fter GROSS oration, D heCeina TVA% EASE►NE Constitu as "Grantor")►ch►g Michigan , after referred to Pvenue Detroit, 1N able OaKland, a d valu • i an 48341 � (here►n ►s 2��� second and other good an County °f ose address ein, Pontiac, M►ch g set forth her lion, wh $1 ��� a ditions Corpora ON of one Dollar the con construct, Michigan to -It to tee i � ,� an ursuant the rig Gran N CONS►DE T1 d p accept, related as owledged� ereby d referred to OOR AND 1 ackn dpes h line facilitle n for the limited Is hereby the Grantee utility which d here receipt of the Grantee, and d electrcoperty describe rant to undergroun ces'. consideaoe hereby g lace the p d appurtenan andf or rep ss to relate air with acce Grantor e Grantee line facilities an rep all maintain' d to provide th ctric utility ed as d ele �chi9an describ ark ces, an dergroun M s countyp urtenan $aid un app ,pose of maintaining Oakland Gaut O 'pddison OaK p5_33,Qg1 n exclusive purp parcel Number - Township of Ad Esalso known asp non ent and with non-perpetual,lacem 1 d is m the 33 -15N, R tee rntenance, rep sisting of is Lan section GranDries rovid the eration, Mal urt n sand access 2• Gee hlortheast 11`1 of e t is top related app ose than under urpose °f th► construct►on, installation, ° cables, trap fay►lines and sf ormepurpose t n g oss to p d e ectric ut►lity line ndults, I d for any other purp 3• men dergroun manholes, use erty to ease as oval un rem uys anchor noes can the easement e Grantor's prop pales, g route across operatIng' d related c.' msta asonable installing, fac►1it1es an Under no C • line facilities. with a re of constructing, line struction utility Grantee ose d electric util'►e a conduits, electric rovido the limited purp roue c ndmanhole, CC S. Grantor Ikj a area ova the saodp rterg anysman hnanwom Grantor, except for ESent 1 of orm ors, 4. access the easeor rem shall n roval fr lacing Grantee work on poles, gur►or app maintaining, rep However, iced to ithout p ft wide non enances• . but not lim d accessories w Grantee a 12r app .ti es includ►ngsformeCs an conveys to a►ntenance' acables, Iran is and operationand related pipes, c repairs. hereby 9ranconstruct►on, facilities en y toe for line emerge cement in Gross* easement in gross und ehe tno uRFW 31 5399 - Grant °f Ea on -exclusive said underground ncle g drawing 5 perpeceme t and re S� ��°on the attached reply Vices, as 12 appurten ove cut down' rem that Grantee Grantee �,ay ten area d at,on an ive!and {en° ors in the ease on, °per d grown or efs and oats, StrUobranches and CeC,ab\e °c s C n b de\s °{ traeslot 4, bout branohes, es, bushes, the safe actufes or fe et o{ the { \Nay p t bushes tt°\ any tre terfere w`th trees, stru w\thin l21 lee Right ° .0 Cees ° ise con S could in s N° do and Sta d ,n ding upon 6. Or °the bly be\ieVe anee s {a�rUt e e {rant or \\\ be 1n \\e be bin d teas°n Dance o{ Gr ht <$� {eets {No bui\dings w ent in 9rOss ShsUccessors f 1and, an d rna me within e g (11) Uve \, an easem resentatve 'any parse\ Ol fiaG,lit es \nsta\\ed ca6,net en n approva ante °{ e,t, rep t run with ut,\ity Switching r\or wr\tte convey antee, th shall n0 and e\ectr� heCeinaftercCibed Grantee s p th e Grant xl Grrantor ands aired her s`fot undef(3 at\ ass,gn urpOses d a\\ teC�`,nate est in 'ealtybene{it °{ th and grant se°�ent \n gesssuccess°r C°Ss {or ten pn gr°s tat es, \d Inter to the versants sa,d ea tatty ent in g asem esen ,s shou ' and mureand the CO the use °{ eirs, repres I sa\d easem and the e heirs, x ntee. t{ th ent \n assigns extend to ntee, its h the use of abandOned,GCantOr' ,t a,r`�ng \n Gra o{ ease . a a\\ onry at Gra requre sidered back to est rem �e\ease r W,th"n s an sh the event t; n0 \onger a\\ be con a\\ revert no inter CO\j a e GCa Ist o{ 0eed 1n ntee� sha Sement sh the \and SC,Cantor)� Grantee shs�ppOv\de Coup y Re9of �aser�ent m �rerem, sa dr?gu,shed and\jevelna errantor, the tin Gross paK\and e Re\ease inated or es in the d be ex or ass`gns < nest o{ G �aSemen with the ce o{ th ed, term structur d t on it successors upon the r o F ease °enOr '�'c`ay {sha\\ act in ssas aband°Cemove an ss to the con occur, theCantor tf { tire, the GC°ss whic ement \n grGCantee $basement \n gro Gross to perio basement t e \{ the e Grantor, th astore the ea s Land asOn on t o{ of GO e r st o ran and r nt dam e �anteo� ,\\ e5k0f o re d rnen the eaue tor, ag e NN r Pb oss, Ceau,re hen upon A eged by G s or eau`p � flay ,then greed to by Gr ed, tinguis t in gross a m va\' stars, veh clethe Rd" o ose items ee seine riot to the re ° ees, contr ses stated \ tion, e crept th eMP Oyees was in p tees etnployr the pure° . final cord \s °{t�cers, WM , GE ' \1 Grant° Lasa an �asem its e\e 0 a \ S e� a � ay S r s be to ent cted \oss rch m DpM enter,ng G nearly a 6} o{ this the Grantor, t r, 8• ,1e d as from any kndwha oven err° ees, whantof`s Lanaragfaph six inde`nn,fy em harm, ages °f an a\\eged Of peCs employ G uant top steal\ a\s° eC ho\d th es Or day out O{ any e -Its,0 nt or wh`1e e puts Grantee steal\ fotev Ses, in\un OC arise the Grant the easeme Sib\e {or th �,nd anon'• and en usoe obssionU bo the use °{found Cespon es O{ any tndemnrfic costs, be ca of darna9 a amst, 9 • andl or ag `a Cis dery ass w{i ch a\ actions ar\sing ° Grantee a `6\Af\ls arise out °{ ahem then d ton sees, and ses, or th o{ th ' the actibrought °r rr'edn�e °r ,ntv,tees, or I ca that Granto osts, exP be caused bss,ons °{ b onsibi M for be key neg\xg visitors, in \nthe eve demands, ,ch sha s or orn a\ resp m\sta nests, ises c\jams' and wh t ona\ action s prop°` ion agents, g ponthe -x ties, act onouC3 Of m e� �e or inter o{ Grantee �n the COMMgosses, C,a h Cnay be stake, rog I tot eXt a\� mamta - eCc a\ sa atsoevet w ven error, m Grantor on t e \OSS(esi ease, Ste `emit °m uirementS a� eged °t pew de`�`assOcated w,th tots, at their Go bX�ed Sa ginih`ur tea i\\ in tbs es� andiorraVN costs and its c°nkfac, ppptpoph {O\\O\N , e \ e. Grantee ce c°vefac dOCsemen 1p \nsuw ng Setf 1 utaf\BCOad Form y u Cider {Genera\ \-\ab t y damage m,\ud,n9 eM Broad for Op°p t °ns ernsesi ecraontractors Pndependent 12-5 Blanket) Broad form Contractual Personal Injury - delete contractual exclusion "A" Additional Insureds - the County of Oakland, County Agents and employees and elected and appointed officials of Oakland County; Workers' Compensation as required by law $500,000 Employer's Liability; $1,000,000 Combined Single Limit Automobile Liability, including hired and leased vehicles, and owned and non -owned autos No Fault coverage as required by law; and General Certificates of Insurance. 11. Grantee shall also obtain the required permits, if applicable, from any other municipal or governmental agency. Grantor: County of Oakland, a Michigan Constitutional Corporation BY: Thomas A. Law, Chairperson Oakland County Board of Commissioners STATE OF MICHIGAN ) )SS COUNTY OF OAKLAND ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2004, by Thomas A. Law, Chairperson, Oakland County Board of Commissioners, Oakland County Michigan, a Michigan Constitutional Corporation, 1200 N. Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan 48341. Michael D. Hughson, Notary Public Oakland County, Michigan My Commission expires: 5/5/2004 Grantee: Detroit Edison Company By: Its: STATE OF MICHIGAN ) )SS COUNTY OF OAKLAND ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2004, by for and on behalf of the Detroit Edison Company, 2000 Second Avenue, Detroit, Michigan, 48226 Notary Public Drafted by: Michael Hughson, Oakland County Department of Facilities Management, One Public Works Dr., Waterford, Michigan, 48328. Return to: Betty J. Dean, Detroit Edison Company, 1100 Clark Road, Lapeer, Mi. 48446. Md11/7/03 NATEMPFILE\1 number\2003\2003-0100 thru 2003-0199\2003-0116 Detroit Edison Easement & 52-3 Dist Ct, City of Rochester\11-07-03 Edison Esmt.doc 12-9 KS oA ptipE�� L �P EMENT se\v\ce �G-�FLIGP` ert�oC e\ectrica\ eToanent easex CaopTo�nd at \s reaUest\n9 a p ,�\Zat\ona\ Y °uth petco\t C to the new �c9a is are attached serpent• vide e\ectoc p°we 0\�\ng CXOGVI � shed e\ectrica\ ea Co sopp atta top endence Oaks. appC°va\ of the \ndep recommends Stad l3'1 MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION # January 13, 2004 BY: Planning and Building Committee, Charles E. Palmer, Chairperson IN RE: DEPARTMENT OF FACILITIES MANAGEMENT— RECOMMENDATION TO GRANT EASEMENT FOR UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC SERVICE TO THE DETROIT EDISON COMPANY - INDEPENDENCE OAKS COUNTY PARK (TAX PARCEL NO. 08-09-200-004) To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the County of Oakland is the owner of Independence Oaks County Park located in Independence Township; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Parks Commission is proceeding with its planned Youth Organizational campground improvements at Independence Oaks County Park; and WHEREAS as a condition of providing underground electric service to the campground area, the Detroit Edison Company has requested that the County of Oakland grant a permanent easement for underground electric service and related appurtenances over a portion of the park property; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Parks Commission and the Detroit Edison Company have agreed upon a route for the said underground electric service which will provide power to the campground area. WHEREAS the Departments of Facilities Management and Corporation Counsel have reviewed and/or prepared all necessary documents related to the granting of the easement. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes and approves the granting of the attached easement for underground electric service and related appurtenances to the Detroit Edison Company for the sum of one dollar. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby directs its Chairperson or designee to execute the attached easement for underground electric service and related appurtenances. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Charles E. Palmer, Chairperson 13-2 anabement ent of FacilitieSM gakland COuatY Deena � 13,'200' dsson To° Ule is ent to Detroit ' d Imp Grant -Easem Camp Gr°un ark Bequest to Organ�ational Gales Cou0-0 4 p or y outh Xndep u el Nos• 0S 09 2p0 00 pa d �Zatiord gackgr°un Youth Oxg constxuct�� Parks �d Recreate°n process of CO service' IS in park The Oakland the said electric site ks Corn ission ty .. The a route f°r roviding on d C°`mY par ence Oaks CoixiS are As a condition of palcland gxan�o of The Od at IndePend ComPan� have agaTapreed area. d that the C131te maces over a p°xt C� an the Detroite r°� poker to has xege aorapasynare lated app staff e dison which will prOvid Detroit E and electric sew' ervice thedeTgxo anting of the easement electxic s ent for ed the went easem ission appro perm ark l extY tion Comm- ,dlox ks ecrea ave reviewed the p Pax d R Count'Oratiola Counsel h ent. The O�aaI' d � 2004 a ement and Corp. of the sub3ect easem on tan man g to the gran Alnents of F a°ilitieS ents related The Dep ecessarY a0cum Recommendation C ission ane s pp ve prepared dRecreation °Co�issioxi approve laaad Count' Pled Counts' B v d ic t Ie petxoit Edisoxa coenaationMayla meat thauna Og °'md electxic se It is the ment of F acilitieched easement JOT De grating ° th sum °f °ne dollar. fo 1Mh12J16103 13-3 D EASEMENT 7N GROSS pERGROVN No_ 38931) 2gg4 by the OF NON_E)CCLn CiomPa Y tRrght of may of rap h Road, GRANT drso day 12ti" N. Teleg Detroit E this _ -� a GROSS is granted ddress is Company whose a Edison corporation, petroit "Grantor") to the 4822 hereina{te EASEMENT 1N an constitutional 6 t THIS a Michi9 as petroit, M�ch�gan un Y °f Oakland, (bereinAer referred to Avenue d ,,,,able Co t q.$341, . "ts 2pp� second and valua Pontiac, Michigan n, Whose address nd other good ns set forth herein, an Corporatio one pollar t$1.00) to he con010 construct, Michig "Grantee") -f lON of and pursuant the right to as NS1pERA accepts related referred to a or AN© 1N CO acknowledged does hereby is hereby the Grantee line facilities and limited F t of which and utility receip Grantee, round electric herein f consideration the underg described rant to lace the property urtenances-. does he ; by grant andlor rep access to Grantor With ace d related app maintain, Grantee utility line facilities an operate, and to provide the d electric described as, es, underground appurtenanc said Michigan d County urpose of nmaintalning pp3. d Countart of the Oak►an p eel Number: 13-17-40p- ship o� VVater� 9E,j OsO Kn wn as p _ elusive 1. Par the TOWn 18, T3N, R ex Grantor Land is in of Section erpetual, non and G the Northeast 11 See attached Exhibit A ith anon-p replacement w ce, listing °f 2. part of rovide the Grantee maintenan al Airport' eration, urtenance ana accessories' inter rant is top op of this g installationa,d related pp ers underg d Purpose structlon, facilities cables, transform than roue 3 purpose urpo e.- n gross to permit con utility line nduits, Pipes, or any other Pulp os e m round electManholes, be used easeof underg to rem s al 01 anchors' c scan the easement Grantor's property pole , bie route across operating d related o circ Vineta a reasona installing, factl�ties an finder n facilities' ith line electric ut►I�ty Grantee `, Purpose of constructing utility struction will provide iced Purp round electricance andlor con duns, Grantor for the lim underg except for CCESS: easement area oval of the said erform any man hors, wiresGrantor, co 4. access the eas or rem shall not p Po' Prior guys' roval from lacing Grantee )Nor(' on p. riot app rnaintaining rep However, ited to Without p wide appurtenances. but not li a d accessories 1 p�ft. app including s to Grantee a ance, activ�t►es, transformers is and convey mainten pipes cables, airs. eration, emergency rep Grantor hereby grae construction, °p Easement in e easement in gross for th Grant of non-exclusw 5. perpetual, 1.3-4 replacement and removal of.said underground electric utility line facilities and related appurtenances, as shown on the attached drawing no. RFW 389317. 6. Trees, bushes, branches, roots, structures and fences Grantee may trim, cut down, remove or otherwise control any trees, bushes, branches and roots in the easement area that Grantee reasonably believes could interfere with the safe and reliable construction, operation and maintenance of Grantee's facilities. No trees, structures or fences can be planted, grown or installed within eight (8) feet of the front door and within (2) feet of the sides of transformers and switching cabinet enclosures. No buildings will be installed in the Right of Way Area without Grantee's prior written approval. 7. Interest in Realty: This Grant and Conveyance of an easement in gross shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Grantor and Grantee, their, representatives, successors and assigns, and the covenants and grants contained herein shall not run with any parcel of land, and shall only extend to the use of said easement in gross for underground electric utility line facilities. In the event that Grantee, its heirs, representatives, successors and assigns (hereinafter Grantee) shall no longer require the use of said easement in gross for the purposes described herein, said easement shall be considered abandoned, and the easement in gross shall terminate and be extinguished and, the land shall revert back to Grantor, its heirs, representatives, successors or assigns (hereinafter Grantor), with no interest remaining in Grantee. If this should occur, then upon the request of Grantor, the Grantee shall provide a Release of Easement in Gross to Grantor. If no Release of Easement in Gross is provided to the Grantor within a reasonable period of time, the Grantor may file with the Oakland County Register of Deeds an Abandonment of Easement in Gross which shall act in place of the Release of Easement in Gross, required of the Grantee. If the easement in gross is abandoned, terminated or extinguished, then upon the request of Grantor, the Grantee shall remove any structures in the easement in gross as requested by Grantor, and restore the easement in gross to the condition it was in prior to the removal. 8. DAMAGES: If Grantee's employees, contractors, vehicles or equipment damage Grantor's Land while entering Grantor's Land for the purposes stated in the Right of Way, then Grantee will restore Grantor's Land as nearly as can be to its original condition, except those items agreed to by Grantor pursuant to paragraph six (6) of this Easement. 9. Indemnification: Grantee shall also indemnify the Grantor, its elected officials, officers, employees and/or agents against, and shall forever hold them harmless from any and all losses, liability, actions, claims, demands, costs, expenses, injuries or damages of any kind whatsoever which may be brought or made, and which shall be caused by or arise out of anyalleged or proven error, mistake, negligence, or intentional actions or omissions by the Grantee its,officers, employees, agents, guests, visitors, invitees, or licensees, arising out of the use of the easement or while coming upon the premises. In the event that Grantor and Grantee are found responsible for the same losses, liabilities, actions, claims, demands, costs, expenses, injuries or damages of any kind whatsoever which may be brought or made, and which shall be caused by or arise out of any alleged or proven error, mistake, negligence or intentional actions or omissions of both of them, then the Grantee will indemnify Grantor only to the extent of Grantee's proportional responsibility for the loss(es) and/or costs associated with the loss(es). 10. Insurance: Grantee and its contractors, at their own expense, shall maintain the following self insurance coverages: $3,000,000 Combined Single Limit Commercial General Liability Broad Form Endorsement/or the following as minimum requirements: Broad form property damage including XCU rider 13-5 ard e\ected and ed d ert�P\ogees OOp cor`bw�ed hors „ �, erts ar 0, r o s�ppera Otors a\ g\or P t Pg \C\ty',� 00 ard op' \se ortra tcactu \ eXc1u Goup y s Lab owned PCeCt' erdept G dorm Gop °rtraOtUa pak\ard, �Crp\oyef ,O\es and su�arce \pde ket) jyoad de\ete e Goupty °arty �500,000\eased ve{cafes °l \r giar ra\ 1ri\u�`1 eds - th \and G° d by \aw d 2"\ \ Ged a\ °� Perso a\ \rsur of Oak \a\re hire erera uri�c�P Pddit�o ted o{tic\aensatop as bay , irO by \aw' and G om any other appo\p , GoOP JtooObi\e i-�a feau�ce as fic \e, \Nc \:xoi aU\t O° evage as ed PeCm�ts, if app\\c �d a S tos No F the recN 01 0ak1a oCa \op au a\so obta�p toc_ Gour�tu,��opa\ G°Cp tee sha\1 erOy . GOar Gors r 11 go antee ag �\cr ga Ghin�.,(Sov\ Oiss\opens Y s P \'aw' Board °\ e • �homa Gourty pak\ard 200� by ga of ty Mich\r, a Go N SS me tr\s e sC , O k\ as �� OF N\\GH\G� p j ow dged be, Go�`p©rt�aO, Mxch�g SAP` N was ackr my Board h'R ad, �.{ OF ooept rd Gou-�e\egCaP GO ip Oa 00 1A. uN e {Dreg°\r a\Cpecsor ova or, �2 w GorP Vh G lho 'Nag P`aonst\tu'�wra\ d�5on Got�nPany M\ch\gan r Notary PubC\c rtee petroitE \Nughso \rY\Q . 004 GCa .: , �ichae\ ourty' fires• 0�512 pak\ard \ss\or exp By' \ts' My GomO o\ a\f ol the Detroit day beh GN\GPN >SS be\ore Cie this /or ard °r OF M\ PKbPNB as aOkrow\edged i ar, 4g226. O GpvN OF om9 \rstru�\ept w ue, �etro\t, M'ch works the fioreg 0 Second peer errert pre Pubitic Zao Marag Ed\sor G°Crpapy ert °\ Fay\C�t\es 0 prOhard Nice center'�g7 ubGc rd Gourty Depad,Cr Notary P , pak\a OtWor- Se Michae\ Nuarsr4832$. isor COOP , P Of \ a eord MrOh g ar peVOx A j J03 sk\, 13�-6 Dr " �arc\a R°Mi t4a320• Return tO \van Lake, Road, Sy escY�ptio ��a,�ronat Pirp°�. nd c u p 3 lPa'l pad o{ the 0a A3.11.404 ws described as �o\\o Gounky O\cse atCtne arty Michigan, ship Oak\ache fast �s henc orded \r k\and Go ordS°`�`�� re a\Ong' 3'1Q 4A " as reG °iris ateOord, Ga gE,\Nate tion Ala- Oe $go4g'OQ SUb6W\sion ftto the p owns\ o� \on A$'134 c° ref °1 Q ft then st o park $°g146NpQ"aueEa t205 e p \nt °\ `and in the east '\ 1 4 0{ at t e Eae A 4'f QQ � e o \,ot $ o rds, thence 2 �• ;then 256 53 ft to e North merging ence QQ st corn rty rec° „W 393 20 � 6' QQ � , 03 part o{ th Gore ft •• fito the southea d Go NQQO A 4 p0 S g 1,$Q$ a5� nd 1� , Gak\an 3 ocheSteC descr\bed „ , QQ nt o{ begirni 3 17 6 .� the ice 2 3 Dist ct, city of R 0464 sA6a N QQo 1447Q° P\ats, e om said pS QQ° 4' QQ E, easement & 5 \.ibe egirning of 6 24„ E 61 O9 �`Z7 gQ 9�gp3 0116 Oet<oit ed�son thel�ce rg 5 Gorttaining p3 0100 thrU 2003`019 begir'npF datLe\1umbeC�003�20 ea 5 N esmt c 13" l N.�pRY s �NVE op�cs p.�uRe LY�N Michigan �uRA'L FE GCS pN� ns\on s M and "0 K NP NGE OP Exte deuce Des\9r P PR PENDE Ur\ve fs\ty \c\deper tvatiOr, take a\ su,vey �°ack p d' ge1,',�sert of W\ staJI 0 osa\ #cO d ai\ed ers�°9 sons with to mama \ors o{ M ec wed a yr� 1 {of the Pon to d the appr°°Ve Aua\N#i �Neys varcy as GPFz staff ventoN �� \tied it fesp Cegafd\N 0{ the un aO\og\ca\ s e Gonser afy O eatures In \ was sub Eve .;- a ks• Beca of pack\and e d by 'Che skates. �h spo vNh°m Natureis prop° and \nterpa \aVVCounty e pcOducEon was cleat e{ the #iffy vOups Imo bid\a9�Ga\ Qaks�eve\opmces �r �akthe bcd {Oc th ntoN �MN�arc�s it e thef hecitag {oC��a\c°es,��11NF\ N°� hen arduf vesouf a e t\n9 atu s \nveitage grog \\ke ° athev f ferc esaed r\a a\ fnends ec p tufa\ F e ostef he es \nv erg u cesi , rs t e\emer`t °cs or and is r vecOm M\c\i\gaf\ N e e#fort to { ra\ � eatuf Luca\ res° o\o ica\ it EXter 0ak\ard e rat�onw\d an Nato is °{ na ase °{ ec to vr\vers y ve fa\ denc aft o{ a the M\ch\gdepaftcnen ide datab ran Sta u fees ks and se \rdeper t\or, p .lion °{ d state state\ O{ M\ch 9 Reso etco Par aced {of \nkefpretas\tof\ m\efe GO- ff,a\rta\n \es as pae t o{ Natufa\ r G\rntOr o those pC a Cia\ photOGa\ comp Sorg w it an e act\v e alto e NucO r s\mi\ar \rc\ude e eco\og Ceats to atkor d\ver es Out th�es °# the p \ose\y\thi a\ suNey GPR uu°u\d at detac\ t Udrtces'i is -{his ir'#� m he\p ca state o## worked ec°\og ct w\th G fepocts th ra1 c°'m Cesource \n tact, the MNF\bass condud\ Q9 d conics o pfodu ecnpwl eons {of pa a k\ands and, rty towrs\�\s .heir \ a\ sine ernes °r ec vnvne . Ce o{ our p eserce °{ rrgh Goa `you pak and eco\ag g „Care a ef,,ent remp\ete prctu use of the srto produ o the an S erode\rrg ds C\T\ and Man a fnOve co ftart beG NF\ sine by addcn9be ab\ eto o1 oure� 04\ca\GAR tad to hap e{{octs. u\aC\y \rnp° o%\ e es; and' we wre an O afdsY\ is paft\c ocWf�M to Ne Se\v\c d County al dlver5ity tefma\\ow #oc oir9 stew IM° park�ri\aue oppck\rterpred it Gak\a{he biologic of dev w\\\ e oaf Ong o{ these ave the our Pa uC�ente Play in decs \r t\ gU\d j\je suNeytefs �e on{of useaybeen d{cparklandS { aua\\#\edbo{dec\\A\' n y nature ce \r{Or'�'at\ ha a\fea our coon y e ° nce pGPR O\o9\ca n that s that w\de fav\(3e pCese \e tO {\nd t\ons that ua\\ty ec \n{ormat\O ky\e vital rol ounty fojeGts to CeGes upo been unab d ofgan\Za O\og\ca\ ec \ca\ on ate Oakland G adveC{\se p Cact\ce GPRha assoc\ate ase °{ eG f O\og stf R to e s G\ca\\y \de datab betted a�a, health °f pGPe best pv\c .'(`nab \e b\d Cade \ 'a0a °r ou s <theve ecol g e po\\cy °{ at th of romlp r' pCO{\t, .a Lair a stated o9\Ca \ca\ su ey \O f\e \t \s aa\\ty fes d submiss\o ghat ave .n°\ {\e\d, 'rra deta\\ed e� eate ec°\o{�so\e 0 O\AT pafK to °bta\n bidders a r than MN�the ec°\o9\b\e tO condan\yat\ons to \te the\f \ev , the fo\e °{ aua\\#\ed e d d \\af de uen rs oth iZe \ \ an a ofg \ t sp Oc O# iZat\o vecagn d .wi\\\n9 rOn..s\fn \ of \� b \\\ty to d su fvey ofgar a\\y ar {of WC;Y\ 9 e ab \ca\ s afe �rat\on cuccences e p°ss\b\ tractors \r NiNF\ °v th the ec°\o 20,000 wa s. Sta{# e\emert °c \t w°u\d o ica\ G°r tierce °{ MNF\ {Ov Iota\ °{ e two 9 . ef\0 afk\ands t O{ eco\ h o{ eXpe er-feg\on tCact w\th 23 ,� 45 • A s O{ then et cort\rg v �\tted a fe a vafie the bfe -as 9' O{ a \ar9er enter a co mount a{ 4\ca\ suNeyt\of\s budg d orts sub cou\d o{{ef aft at e IOT an a e CO\o9 Opefa \ete vep w b\Od\vevs\ty {{ ve Ofn�afaa Lyon �4 e dgeta°ns{e fed #<°m o04 and the C°mp e e deuce De appcoora345 be \r the spvirg °{ 2 th \des\gn mesas the add\ock wOu\d beg\n vecOcr ,Ney w -\he su 2013 \r the spf\ng °# 110, #15 MPNPG���N� ith Pss�Ca�cesl PL R,,SOVRGES ' on P vee�ent w S NP-�VR ,date Gorsev a4 operatwn with the a GCPP Gand \Resources it c° Agreement with the MasSasaU artment of Natura (date ConseNation e natural areas for Dep and -the Michigan is dra%rg a C dhO\dens to manag \esnake• as ice, ubC�c lan sa ga ra sa ga N u U ash ardWi\d���e Se Massa Massa ep GGP`P`) to encourag s of the Eastern t the ��st�rg °f the ssasauga habitat Assurances l viable population rompted to preven subm�ssxon °f Ma s \Nould preseNatior °� am �h\ch wasp tit the voluntaN da`tronai restriction -Vh\s progr ec�es, would resin ss p l(\ce that n° a dargered• ciudirg a r an endangered sp strict�ors with the wires is `rsted as e r to pa��c`pants •le aCtrr9 it to management re if the candidate VP vide legal pvotect�o assasa gad `Nhr U those areas, ou also prO death °f M affect os agreement w \d ke <u6Vxtentioral ce of Massasauga fhe • mited „ind\dertai to corfirtred presen GPR staff OGPR> for It ith the agreement age lands with the of this program • O st of the resrdents conloarce w age \fixes that man the deve\Opment Ne the best irtere Pub\rc .ted to part\c�pate \r Dress it order to se nse` for reVievd, eer �rv\this pr r Gou have b have assisted it kiard 00\0M ilab\e tO G°rp°ratio of l Gomm�ssion members `resources of Oa documents ava sentat1on to the P nt and ratura mak�r9 dra along a pre agreerne VNe wi\\ be wit\ be m ands it the GGPP up m t�rg OPGR park Gom�rg ee and at an e pa,srpat�on °f regOsmg th 15`1 Project: Natural Resources Management Design and Development staff report for inclusion in Commission Update Re: Massasauga CCAA (Candidate Conservation Agreement with Assurances) Attn: Joe Figa ,.. Synopsis: 'r 34 The Michigan Department of Natural Resources, in cooperation with the U.S. Fish and „IeSt17 i:, ` v4, Wildlife Service, is workingto draft a Candidate Conservation Agreement with 9 s Assurances (CCAA) to encourage public land holders to manage natural areas for the preservation of viable populations of the Eastern Massasauga rattlesnake. This,;„�, program, which was prompted to prevent the listing of the Massasauga as an`° endangered species, would result in the voluntary submission of Massasauga habitat to; management restrictions with the assurance that no additional restrictions would affect,' those areas if the candidate species is listed as endangered. The agreement would also provide legal protection to participants (including OCPR) for limited "incidental take" (unintentional death of massasauga) while acting in compliance with the agreement. .i W 11 1C , For Ralph and Dan Only: Public agencies that manage lands with the confirmed presence of massasauga have been invited to participate in the development of this program. OCPR staff members`'. have assisted in this process in order to serve the best interest of the residents and natural resources of Oakland County. We will be making draft documents available to Corporation Council for review and at an upcoming meeting will be making a ' presentation to the Parks Commission regarding the participation of OCPR Parklands in'° k the CCAA agreement. We were very encouraged by the meeting with Lori Sargent of the DNR yesterday. It looks like the agreement will be pretty flexible and can be adapted to our needs, for example we will be able to choose "a la carte" those restrictions we will adhere to and we can move a limited number of lands in and out of participation. We can also set the length of time under which we will participate, up to 20 years. I think that this will fit in nicely with our natural resources management goals and will be palatable to the commission.'' It was suggested that Lori Sargent of the MDNR, Yu Man Lee of MNFI and a representative of the USFWS also be included in our presentation to the Commission. With your permission I would like to pursue this option, and I would also like to schedule a`meeting in January with Sue Wells, Clyde Herb, Mike Thibodeau, Dan Stencil, Ralph AA.. . Richard, Mike Donnellon and yourself in order to go over proposed management restrictions and participating lands. Thanks- Jon Noyes ,% , TTO #16 g�pN N1 EXtEN PRpGRp,M R� pN BpNi7 to an agreement for G RE entered %n arks Gornmission h the Michigan tuber 2.001' the P Bond grant throug aterford yaks wave 1n Septe Recreation ant was for the 1N 1nit�a`��ve� a Clean N1ich�gan ,Res°urCes, "Chis gr o{ N a Currently °Om'P,etmg atur DePartment proleCt" ring, and staA 'Is to extend of Renovation lace th's'Past sP been given Permission Po The PTO �ect took P d and have be reaueste vot our requests {Or unch list Vve have ch 31 200� to sub anuary the P ent through Mar be subrnjtted by 3 this agreem d signatures reimbursement requires ,,,tova\ an and to -the e�ension t extension a PrOvai of this gran a Provat. 12, 2004" tang C°mmssion P omrnissioners for P St, is reques Gounty Board °{ C the pakn iad forward it to 16-1 RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the County of Oakland, Department of Parks and Recreation, entered into the Project Agreement, Wave Pool Renovation CM 00-002, with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources through the Clean Michigan Initiative Recreation Bond Program; and WHEREAS, the AGREEMENT includes an effective project completion deadline of December 31, 2003 pursuant to Paragraphs 2 and 9 (c); and WHEREAS, a 90-day extension period is available for when a project completion date is extended due to delays; and WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission is actively pursuing the completion of the acquisition, thereby meeting the criteria for extension. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission recommends amending the grant with the appropriate extension. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission forwards this resolution to the Oakland County Board of Commissioners for their approval per the county's grant procedures. MOVED BY SUPPORTED BY DATE 16-2 STATE OF MICHIGAN K. L. COOL DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCE DIRECTOR .,=NNIFER M. GRANHOLM LANSING GOVERNOR December 12, 2003 Mr. Joseph P. Figa, Chief Design and Development Oakland County 2800 Watkins M8oad Waterford,l 4832 Dear Mr. Figa: CM 00-002, Nave Pool Renovation an initiative (CMI)- SUBJECT: 1 to your Clean Michig lease find two copies of Amendment No. Enclosed p Recreation Bond Project Agreement. on final signatures on both and copies and return one fully -executed fete both copies of the Amendment, willns gndt e cop — re that a resolution may Please comp �anuar 12 2003. e 2 of the amendment return to this office b by local regulation document to you for your files. Please note on a9 to execute this amendment unless requirede us at the following address: not. be requiredyou can writ If you have any questions, please call me or GRANTS, CO NTRACTS AND CUSTOMER S RESOURCES STEMS MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL PO BOX 30425 LANSING MI 48909-7925 Sincerely, LJHIts Enclosures Linda J. Hegstrom, Grant Coordinator Grants Section stems Grants, Contracts and Customer Sy 517-241-4128 . LANSING, MICHIGAN 48909-7528 BUILDING - P.O. BOX �0b27) 373.2329 STEVENS T. MASON www.Michigan.gov 16-3 we VR State of Michigan Department of Na DN Natural Resources, Grants, Contracts, and Customer Systems CLEAN MICHIGAN INITIATIVE RECREATION BOND PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT PROJECTAGREEMENT NT AMENDMENT Project Title: Wave Pool Renovation Project Number: CIVI 00-002 Amendment Number: 1 This is an amendment to the Agreement te of Natural Resourcesred into between the Michigan De of DEPARTMENT") and the COUNTY OF OAK for the Clean Michigan Initiative_ LAND Department CM—M 00=002. The purpose of the amendment is Recreation Bond grant number Au ust 31 2003 to December 3? 2003 to extend the project period from the GRANTEE to the DEPARTMENT dated Oct m e further explained in correspondence from A. The DEPARTMENT October 3 2003. follows: and the GRANTEE mutually agree to amend the Agreement as Paragraphs 2 and 9(c) will be amended to read 2. The time as follows. period allowed for project completion is Se December 31 2003 hereinafter referred to as P-tember 7 inn t_ the GRANTEE to extend the the "project vv � "' expiration T the project period shall be made inPwritidn Requests by amendment to this Agreement. Furth e before the The project period may be extended only by an discretion of the DEPARTMENT, Further extensions to the project period are at the To be eligible for reimbursement, the GRANTEE requirements of the DEPARTMENT. shall compI At a minimum, the GRANTEE sha(lwith the �orting C. Submit a complete final reimbursement re completion and no later than March 3� quest within 90 days complete final re 2004. If the GRANTEE of protect DEPARTMENT quest for reimbursemenfi b RANTEE fails to submit a may audit the project costs annd e pe Se31 "Ua4 e Payment based on documentation on file as of that date Agreement and require full repayment make final P yment of grant funds by °r may terminate this Y the GRANTEE. 16-4 CMI-Recreation Bond Project Agreement Amendment Page 2 of 2 B. All other provisions of this Agreement shall be continued in full force and effect. C. The amendment may be executed separately by the parties and is not effective until both the GRANTEE AND THE DEPARTMENT have signed it. D. This amendment modifies an Agreement that was approved by resolution of the GRANTEE'S governing body as evidenced by the resolution attached to the Agreement. It is the sole responsibility of the GRANTEE to determine if its laws, policies or procedures require approval by its governing body before execution of this amendment by the GRANTEE. By signature of this amendment the GRANTEE certifies that: 1. Approval of the amendment by its governing body is not required, or 2. The amendment has been a GRANTEE by resolution (true copy attached) of the MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES SIGNED: in James B. Wood Title: Chief, Grants, Contracts and Customer Systems Effective Date: WITNESSED BY: 16-5 Z,00 #*,7 pPp .- ppl-Ic" State of Gp�GEALE'D WE se\ to revie fey and MKS cpRRY1NG d corporation a es to the curre p A s staff has as o IS X_avv aestand regulations at is enc\osed parks °peratconcea� on cl co,mrnlssion rui eyed an op ddoes5 any Michigan G ks a d 'Re103 Greati coUnse\ hastyee meet�n9 to a s; Coll Pa corporation i11 attend 3 ,Firearm s of Ross w Sect'Ol 2 tang John Ross view Mr evision 01 of the eX�s n re ton for commioner s aues s. roposed r rema\nde March 3 commissl app ves the Wi11 reviewche es lot the ro an9 mission \ de Nerb, dd-6Ox a tf the Go. h e� of Par d propose any a \ed W Mons an rues ansta d ogMeeting comm6ss � EXEG�}7�VE l.P GduN $ 05 3 S PP,V,�eRSpN, oPKha DO�re�p55�2g81 g5a p5 8 L. OK Judith & Gannm9 Jobn R 1- N G P OVNS�`Osys M G Rp C\ON G ^ �1(Ga909 o�o Dvpbez�'2p03 ors"SID izdstxatox aklazd County pazks pdzn exations 'Dan Stan°'1' ecxeation Op zks and R l.,ake 1Zd dex the �0ntx01 of the Z$pp �f ra 14115to1S °n pz0pe y un ate ing conceaCQ 5i°n d t P axks an RE.. CaaReGzeatiOn 1p52 Oakland Cou 4n in anuz file: 2p03 S, Of the eats decjsl 4p1(200 ) O 23 �I�R Cola of Ppl' Mlch AFp eYdle, 6 Nlx Stencil: Section e zecen dtlof he holding xn 0f a Deax is ofxce to x a s, inli$ht Hers v Cl city Z h gh 1Owr validh°zopexty contxolled asked tho note Gun 5une 6, 20 vied to while On p 01), Coznnusslo espansible a dated to ze is eczeatiOn Qalition for Q3 � opn'ion p will haves oncealed p tO15 theiz Michigan C Apxi129' 20 that SectlOn ax d1 ox p°SS Davin° fixed' axx cided on opinion e t° catr' ,gals fzpz" type 0f the d gip, a, it is p. tots LIGens cement -v-,Tisdlction, Fer} dale, supra' t of enfox ion J In cealxnen Concealed fission• law miss ectiles Ox can e by the C°' 5 pxol'ibits npz� undez C° axges pzol..session ection 23 o f the A any pxopexty on that disc ohiblted the p ed bike �on F1RE onto 'Neap ezj PTo x contzoll the 0p Sectses ion pz bz s b5tance' os mhet az °xdzn Baal exnent pexsoel fx°m �,ex'ent O5 fpx 0 p ifle, exploSI gale enacted a the City °f law en c that local texts of o can City of exnbuilding5 t exnpted po11Ge ox nin x gulating Nl ce eX ed Gk °ns zn 1nanceS 421 et seq' fist°l wedale pzdinan supra, detexx a oxcl concealed p „ ance• eats, in Ferndale' and enf°xcin �1. �Ch 2$ caxxY a this State pzdln Of App from enacting ols canoe cazrie licensed tO „ae in ichigan Coinstate statuteeze such p'-5, dual ,h0 �'� a exceptionchuzches, c a 25pp Oz mdex� and w11 that an infix d Otliex leg to schools' capacity The zeexnpted by the seating ly to the -01010 ty nn wez p ed pistol concluded tutOTY an aired d of caxx�' cone the Coin with cez`vain s ti0ns n°ted pe b w d 0, antiy -Boaz cihtxes °ul o 123.1102� the pistol, The ey, irsfOn fa e eXceptiOns Oakland C could c28 4'2 5cell liquox, entex None 0 8 4 50) Since the �N1 is that S ed by law • . • jACL 2 . CL tabhsWen e pzov1d x.sion. ( g581D03 oas othez.vis 0fthe Conn' FaX�Zae� uz1sdlct10n �2481 g58A55D the 7�2 4g3A1-D419 �• �,°n�,a°.M,ch9an 12DDN°t�h�e�e9taPhROad � Nnr,g Ex�enS,o� g�d9 1 A East West dReulations, issip1's gale ed. , C°inn Of xe °v eyues pan Ste er 4 Zp03 1ent� appr a m st be xevz5ed e Supra, ou ria section. U�pe 'b it Of g°ve fate of the 1 in erndct the end o t ale 2 ioneTs (a to ene5 the currents eats o f the you $ Sentence tO Who co that cOntrav t the pz°noun t adde folio dividuals ce, to any agains wouldbe the richts °f of tl1eix xesidoxnhave ection 23 s ruling not effecte State fission andl 1n testl wsth t�uxt this Section S . 5e issued by the Coxnn' tots Ll dolled ° ezty file at the comp y her, that dpis con ch px 'P v�, v`'h th provia aaid Con istol onto pre eon Wh le On su ante vAth the lcOntzollea b5 e p°Sse concealed p their p°ss o COT&TO to grope Qan rants 2� int zns on use �Xlclii�, of that ba g �e�ed pzstOl in Section fixed „ bec tol by the state w°ulabrin, om zib gins , dency ed pea e�sstate of their xesi sealed pi OpiniOn this revision ed to a con livens ox the In n'y . me prohibit ni°u5e the la oa licens cazx5 Sion approval, bee,ritten 5aine ti o n11s t' ansindividu�CL 43?,40 nzighthave ton against fission' ith Con' C°inn°city residence ( does n°tithe that secot force Section tip individuals to Section 2e Section 23, ion cann osea revision hex ht now the Como. se �f to d5 zig edp-is tots A icen the p °p o a wishew Stan oi�ceal °oinm ex as t ho have a valid C uizySEL ansvjers your inq R�'O��ION COIN CO individuals e foreoin �texy truly y°uxs� TY CO 1 trust the O A�p,�•ID R C °ss ozpOratiOn Counsel Sr Assistant 1yjdsbchards Ralph F ax 1248) 858-10p3 �2481858 �550 • �'�M,3 Fon�,ec,NncYii9an 45SAAZ419 12�� �orihZele9�aPh Road wes\wing �'dens�on 8\d9 h4 east all oz EST yo"tAc4i steel COvTfPoOjatloNC ations Sufffeqveovici fox saki policy "fOT fox axing O�TotestgONage ed the PTe9�ttac eel IS*zppToval. ,03dlveoeasaTefox cooISSIONvevlebeen eel as PO Cogt phis policy bas paxk system A I �O�NTY 0 TION SEE�OU �I14", �•so parks and Recreation Counsel Dan Stench, oration To: am � Mann, Assistant Corp From: VVdI� 2003 o Re: Demons" licy pate: October 3� protest P rnonstrattOn and 2003-0966 parks. File #- akland County ft a "Protest policy„ for � uested to dra ffice has been reck d:1cle 1, section 5 provides : and publish his This ° constitution a express, a such right; The 1963 Michigan Cons write, e of s . on may freely s�eS�onsible foroh abbage the Ube►�y of Every person subjects, being to restra►n enacted States view °o law shall be the United and h'a of the press. o the Constitut�dom of speech.,, Speec endment t the free the First Am abridging eech under the shall make no law ... to free sP . Citizens In pe'�'nent par,, ress t us rlgwOodland v Michigan «Gong interpreted provides e Court has coterm►n° Suprem �gg5). The w1hi9an const378 Nw2d 337 ( ble restrictions on Michigan and Feder $ 202, may impose reasonable st Racism, 491 423 Mich 18 state Ward v Rock Againof this kind are Lobby, ublic fi of prole ted speech. Restrictions f the regulated tradtt►oand manner d 2d 661 (1989) • content ° Even in a L to the nt governmental interest, the time, place' t 2746; 105 without reference 109 S C st�fied serve a signif�ca munlcat►on:' id' uS 781, 791; are ju that they tailored to channels for corn valid pCOvtded they are narrowl' alternative Speech, that amp and that they leave open P R,: V p, EG E 'a z?"P 0 Y .n`5...7 The following policy would appear to fit within the above legal parameters. DEMONSTRATIONS AND PROTESTS Demonstrations and protests, including picketing and the distribution of literature in connection therewith, shall not impede or interfere with public access to and/or use of any property or facilities under the Commission's jurisdiction. In order to assure unobstructed access to and use of said property or facilities, the Commission may designate specific areas of any property under its jurisdiction for demonstrations and ution of literature. This provision shall protests, including picketing and the distrib apply equally to all such activities. If 1 can be of any additional assistance, please feel free to contact me at 80556. c: Ralph Richard 18-3 2 ITEM #19 PROPOSED 2004 FEES LYON OAKS Presently our 9-hole rates at Lyon Oaks are 50% of our 18-hole rates. Because many times a 9-hole tee time could be occupied by an 18-hole rate, staff feels we should charge a premium for 9-holes only. Also staff recommends a twilight rate be created to increase play at slow times and eliminate the 2-for-1 rate. The proposed rates, therefore, are as follows: Monday - Thursday 2003 2004 Oakland County Residents $25.00 $30.00 Non -Residents 30.00 35.00 Seniors/Juniors (riding) 17.50 20.00 Juniors (walking) 10.00 10.00 Friday — Sunday & Holidays Oakland County Residents 30.00 35.00 Non -Residents 35.00 40.00 Twilight NEW Friday — Sunday & Holidays after 4 p.m. $40.00 Any Day after 6 p.m. 25.00 19-1 I�E.NI #20 gi1)1TE�s� d yaks Oaks xo�'e1a�` a�'►Q�' , Icy° �oadex '' a�,��e Oaks brag .Deere skid I�depeb yaks a• 30 V a� . Oxi°v. b• �� t$ailets �• Yoab1e d• IRRIGATION LYON OAKS Now that the Recreational Fields have been completed, staff concluded that an irrigation system would be beneficial to the general recreation use and maintenance of this area. Although other irrigation options were budgeted and explored, it was determined that an irrigation system that operates with the current irrigation system would better meet this need. The request for quotation includes the following: Base Bid — Installation of approximately 3,000 linear feet of irrigation water main, control wires and irrigation heads for the two recreational fields, including the Cricket Field; and approximately 1,600 linear feet of water main for the future nine holes of the golf course. Alternate A — Installation of approximately 2,200 linear feet of irrigation water main with all the necessary valves, control wires, and water main stubs to complete a looped system through the day use portion of the park. This would provide approximately 60 — 80 acres of future irrigation for the day use area. Alternate B — Connection of the existing irrigation system at the main park entrance with the golf course control system. Bids were received from five of the eight qualified irrigation contractors as follows: CONTRACTOR BASE BID ALT. A ALT. B TOTAL Wissco Irrigation, Inc. $95,125 $26,500 $3,500 $125,125 South Bend, Indiana Sprinkler Services Company $99,600 $24,900 $4,350 $128,850 Livonia, Michigan Marc Dutton Irrigation, Inc. $85,985 $21,250 $3,300 $110,535 Waterford, Michigan Michigan Automatic Sprinkler $81,125 $18,560 $6,8751 $106,560 Commerce Twp., Michigan Thielen Turf Irrigation, Inc. $91,971 $25,346 $2,875 $120,192 Mt. Pleasant, Michigan Based on the attached consultant letter from Colein & Kuhn Associates, Inc. and staff experience, staff recommends Commission approval of the contract for the Base Bid, Alternate A and Alternate B to the low bidder, Michigan Automatic Sprinkler, Inc., for the amount of $106,560.00 with a 5% contingency of $5,328.00, for a total budgeted amount of $111,888.00. Similar scoped project contacts highly recommend Michigan Automatic Sprinkler, Inc. They include projects for: Port Huron Golf Club, Clover Hill Cemetary, U.A.W. Human Resources Building — General Motors, Calderone Farms Golf Course, as well as consultants like Mr. Michael J. Dul, Bloomfield Hills, and Geoff Graber, Eastpointe. The original 2004 Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) budget of $40,000 did not anticipate the expanded scope of this irrigation system that includes the recreational fields. Staff recommends approval of a transfer of $71, 888.00 from the budgeted $167,265.00 - Lyon Oaks Trail Project. a-1 DATE: December 17, 2003 TO: Mike Donnellon Oakland County FROM: Carol Colein PROJECT: Lyon Oaks Recreation Fields 1. 1 would be surprised if Michigan Automatic meets the stated Bidder qualifications. I would definitely ask them for evidence (specific names of projects, phone numbers, etc.) 2. My last several projects with Michigan Automatic were wholly unsatisfactory and frustrating..... one even requiring the Owner to remove them from the project and to bring another Contractor in to complete the project. The second contractor found instances where the incorrect pipe had been installed (size and material). Needless to say, they are not on my current recommended bidders list. For my money, I would recommend Dutton Irrigation. 3. The Base Bid cost for the project is higher than the originally budgeted $40,000 because: a. Mainline from the pumpstation was sized to meet the needs for both the future nine hole golf course expansion and for future build -out of irrigation for the nature center, entry roadways, day use area and corporate picnic areas. The higher initial cost will be saved several times over as these future projects are implemented. b. Appropriate sized mainline tees and gate valves were also placed on the mainline to facilitate making the future expansions. Again, this up -front cost will result in future savings. c. The proposed new system uses the same materials that are used on the golf course. Utilizing the higher quality golf products costs more initially, but will simplify and reduce long-term maintenance. Maintenance crew time is also made more efficient by having fewer types of parts to stock and service. a-2 om the existing central use °f a erated if required the from a to be °glf course. This the system � The fields are the 90 Op aid w ter use e�icten Y d The recreation uteri f°r field satellite. d operating program lallYlrr'o e ex emswill maxim - a itern I years in reduce 1nS substant uter cyst 11 be offse i,clud ressure- central comp ay we as necessa at 100 ?9 p t initial cost m anagerr1en also higher d better water m ualifications vv ai,lines ease an for bidder q of 611 and s mhe project, but blems with exhi" \xetstandardhe installation dens for .future p A e ppOl °f qualified bidof minirriizinb e eXperience with006 aced th d the likelib This red tl increase basebid• significan Y along with the poor installaf%OrA rate A be awarded uld also be Mend that Alte roject wo recon'm er qualifications {Or this p and W e t bidd rrlOre consistent pressure A, a The more stringers A. Alternate es of the day use area nature appropriate for stem Pfov' r er p°Ol of qualified mainline sy looped to the fields expan$1On A lag of the future b' ervice{orlthe eco,omical futuvecovpor to plcnic avidual areas Ora hasi,g in c' A11oJot roadways rnn�°u1d bid them disauptIon in the p centerors, in to d Minim COW f 11 flexibility an d Allow Ould be deSirable in that ea sY stem by areas the package w ;sting entry ar field g with ent of the ex and recreation ding Alternate anagem course courage l,c1u water n' the golf would en Ould facilitate into Sy el tied into e system ntrY ste a• It w integrating th control oteh �C 11 m re on, avoiding anY fully ed rtant for irrigation• computeriz a wa vi$-00,1V Y be imp° tral ent and igh maY Having cen anagen` this ne�h irrigation ater n' As ect also b optU 1 M a her cOa dng water °r un essa s used foc thi C pr g and its ng of tion ac earance w ualifica rogran' ape peCcepti hard for bidder g terized central p C. p he hlg s experience .Mith comp ;,dude a�3 R R� SCUD 1-0 .� pARK JDHgpD,ND OPKS GpU his is a new GRDvp'� eere S\(xd Steer' � d. r a JD 250 Sohn D \ocat%ons as neede s Were received fO sed at a\\ the park d b as {o\\ows. -tWo subn61tte ids, meat that wi\1 be u ece of eauip t to eight vend°rs,20545,48 pjThe bids Were sen Compan`I 00 D & G Equin n20,g50. Mill. mst'o . fnent No Response twN HudsOn �\ uipment GOrp bid coon E tJnab\e to \S Constru M\ P udson, Ne`ni N se �Supp\y Go. N° Res\)On e2 a rmin9 °n F na\ Renta\ Returned Nat`�°e\ park Mt Na once eere Go. No Resp 30\-nD Ra 619E NG Power & Spott onse ias Outdoor No Resp Green M\ rnent P\rr`Ont e11 &Son \nc .dder, D & G E4ulp N1i1\iam F S e bid to the \ONN bl T,al\Or M\ mends awarding th ""get {Or this Staff recom nt of $201545 4$ rating e4uxpmentb mPany In the amou budgeted in the °pe cohere is $25 000 expenditure INDEPEN�BAG VACKS HI -LIFT Bids have been received for the purchase of a Hi -Lift Bac-Vac attachment piece fora 4600 Hustler molder at Independence Oaks. This attachment is a new of equipment. was sent to 26 vendors; only one vendor submitted a bid, as This bid follows: e0 • W.F, Miller Novi, MI submit a bid: AM Leonard, North Coast vendors did not Sears The following Sears Industrial Sales, Inc., Toledo Turf Equipment,Golf &Turf Distributing Weingattz Supply Brothers Inc., Department, King Industrial Cleaning Commercial Dep Spartan Distributors Inc, p New Hudson Power Division, Kirks Automotive Inc, I Bader Brothers Inc., enws Supplies, Courtesy Sanitary Supply' Pifer Inc., T & ►V► Lawn Maintenance, Gr Tractor Inc., Industrial Vehicle Sales, D & G Equipment Inc., Bills Sports, Valley Turf Inc., an Power Outdoor Power & Sp Landscaping Trynex International, Michigan Sales Inc., Real Green Equipment Inc., and Arcoa Industries. Staff recommends awarding the bid to W.F- Miller for the amount ° for $3 gg4.00. There is $4,000.00 budgeted in the park's 2004 small toolsbudget this expenditure. c-1 N��GpPI loxvIs l�A POP, p ON Opts ts, wh�ch,N�1i be n P tot�c ab`e handicap °na` �.°��ets HOC Orr sted for two pode are new ad0\ have been re tot OaKs �hes hied a bkd, as gad e parking iOts at e company gUb m Used in th vendoCs, Of\W on Oaks' as sentt0 e`ght � Zg30 �0 This bid w ea. S a��5•�0 . A,,onse. pt foiiows' byes Inc. resp ohn enterprises 1 P°. Gp reaUestsI'Nith °po�`1 pDoa ,onega, weCe sent bid Oab�e -t o0�e ng vendors VN\a \\ an P es p0ttxes mount of jhe fotiowv�y/� eth �ing� d the a poop \on ��i -,, 1 Senn deis Sep'tIc, an ortabies Inc a totar pUCchase Construct s Sepixc, gren the bid to Poiy of $365 �0 fOr COrp day mends award�na freight charge 00is fine Staff rec0 e two Units, plus budget SO'a fort Og arks operating price of s3,19 budgeted in the p e is 0 Sher end�ture WOO JOr this exp a-i i3O #21 REEMENT pG OpOSE'p IL,CSON OpK§ '� pOp, ernent fior a Ago {O�t A re ►s rop°sed Ucense g aKs County parK Th hed is a draft of the propose rn side of Addison O and Recreatloni Attar western h park$ be erected on the far of Oakland (throu9 tower to bet`Neen the County e you with an agreement ►s oral►on t this tjme to prop►d w for any and the Sprint C°rp resented to you a drawn up, to alto is being p The draft e the final document ►s nity to re\jiew ii befOr ou request. on this {Or opp°xtu or delet►ons y with Sprint additions, rk►ng changes, Counsel has been wo agreement Lion it . a good Corpora nths and feels t the meet►ng answer any questions a a proximately six mo p a�a►\able to Staff will be unOntiacty of CEASE AGRLE 2p0 , by Re C pd p Oad, LI a h vm as of Or�hTelegr O ex) 2p0 day at l N ssion to ilvsCorpn loc aed tion Coxnmi entered n' IZecxea LICFI•iSE (Lich an Constitutough its Perks (Licensee)' This d, a municip by and thr ting 483A�1, aclocated at UI�iD v,,bose legal EACKGgp of I�dl°cated at bedbelov�,°m fee le of aptlie Site"). lcense the site, p rt situp Ormation) er ms er is the Own in E�blt A desiring to I to operate a A' Own tion is set f °rth cow°ration T owex e over from deScap a insert deScription) footbigh �'` ace ontb lable. e sp cap avai is ( fiction of a a licens achy B Licensee cons orn�a °n) der m y aad st arties the Tower to third p Owner for the eement, O dfox(mseasep ateliceas Ogc ifthereiseppaceon icatiOnseq�pment livens of cornet C. Upon the for go e rameot gof Owner, aad, 0- erat g various types agree to the Licensee f va1 of and op axties or written apprO a10untixlg� entthe Y D. fo hepurpose of � at or, activities' is coataired m e A eem f coxnm covenan- andrelated of the mutual E• In consideration d conditions. terms NT eta' nonexclusive xight fob°w�'g A.GREEl� icensee a non proper d structures (pursuant to e OvJner licenses to L tion is set of andLicens u port facilities 'Whose legal descTip ht relatcd sair the 'Tower and To an d a Cated § d any at to: struct a Tower Gel of laa and rep e 1.1 . Con airltain th1S l.,icens exwise � d ection �) °nap "Site')' � to m S -Exhibit A ( aad egress es set fob m nable or nth forth m ess at iim an assig an�e full estrian ads ctures e S pe Licensee e s ed n tru th ite th Vehicular or p facilitie legal title to Coder u 1'2' ted supp°� that it has e as iO rela er warrants n'atur interest of such days after 2 • pro ex T b1e sse sary if Owner had legal title er or sixty (bp)ate) and § transf era of the Tow ent D rights of °ceap as coon encem Initial cOnstxu s firste(n Da e at 11:59 a for three ence up hichevex Occur Term• shall comet it w eric(. be Teti se is §3. This License e building perm of the COS s License maleSs this L1Gen°tice to 3 1. ce oft anniversary Term this Term) written issuan the fifth (Sth) of the Initlal Re ox L� ensee prOvides on iration s each end Upon exp five (5) year lcense Term)' s °f videdinthisL (3) addrtronal term xo ew the License terminated earns ins tit n°t iO Teti caner °f its the O aason o aoe rarY IatemetFile`'\OLK���2-sP peA of 11 �d1I`�N�Yrofiles\neharar\Tempo C:\ wally du�ng�e (LLcenseeFee) a 1 pay e sum of te. thenLice�Ieoca nFee) ex, � �e Sl one > s ("Co f e sh'al pay . OT use ° T accoxa g to c co lOCdA-0I � t e °n 4 se s L e s Y § . 4.1 • Z 1ct Texm °f to on'e �° e ezated°m cti�on may, f°x th ee License 1zu d pa les cov e zeve1us $ oz this A ocationF ee' 1 1 pay p`�n ent'0 te. 4.2• if w�ex pez re xequ. opats ee and 'e C eaxs�Licensef S CO encexn ox ' ccpv&*tO 1pay t Lie Fersubseeea aT�ivers oUO gaddzess' xcensee shacexoentDat ax>nually ° atthe� of any til 4 3 L en Fee be p d flag cent �5°Job tezest the cox O L°cation lcense sb l i,v; %ve pex O beaz edbY Fee and dex this ay designate e eq�tO due shONl alsestTate pexIO eats due un e O�,ex va meat cho`g aid xven Oz the ugh PaYrn ez Place alate paY uT,ts not p month q 4 at such oth ay O wnez e Any am° eat (2%) pez o� fie, cease ee shad p en du ' O pezc vexsazY s Li l is m eat not p ed *'e Tate of tv`' dive as J eao pzevious Yew eat pyard at the less Teased ann *o Vee (3) percent of �e Covo-I e (On a la�,,i • ee shallbe m the amour the aTivexsazyded toe L F 1cense F cementDate bez than °n sha1lbe xe tbeLi-e shall 4.6. commen aced at aid v, �ocati1o�e gee sbzeach ° der i s volose Fe sLicense a z e fee nvj �ox1�d Oo �OcadonFe 4.1. 1Date, the prep �� uzdess texxn'n TceOs 1 azi d supp°Vt Toxatedbas to pay i � License ce of a �Orex edt° by the p sees obligation atlon ° s t" �tenan O�eTvnse a� lcen th e texlnn' d m d 4 $ cease vn z the cOns�ulct�Osovlaatian� °x trans, ales, an Site• e the Szte fo exate a Anse 'SS, Tegula edezal the 17se ° sha11 us es to op licable la of tbeF �� and §5. oce d smxctuz all app e latiox�s t1on CF �' 5 • facilities Ming 11 comply .rules and via °xx Nssocia larties ,s use of the Sbu n tliztCCj� theFedeTal A LiPOTt censee s includ g� scion C �F A) • Telatea Sal shall anY en 5.Z' ozdn' catio,,S tec °n Agency e �O�aet and �ction,l ,svaj ers- Cols ental s th cons wnez Fnvisonm atidl'lan cOT0ucting ending ex t°x O exnent' have zOvemen the Siteby pxipz to cow is to Ova No impxov x SAKI, �,oxk 6 L icensee lm ee may ixnpxOves on the SO. f°x impTOven� �i�eld til ply �° ental § cens txucr"x cations easonably ez1cedun over 61 Li ands specifiall notbe unz allbe cp its, oT °thex g gacilities s Ova, xoval sh lantexas°n bicay a s su zonal' suchn��lationw�e�aTid all necessaTY app ctii°n, �e O cons xOvedbY been app spy`"` Aaa�1, �i2it2 ae2°f rofiles\rior���ez�PpzatY I�temetFites\O�K� F ,1�,3 tip' andxecelJedbyto i the apexop�ate en scale o ezly lssuedby that axe haw veway and an - utionhalundep.z Fpullyo antenn �teeYelethxe pnz°epx °setdbgy svebeToned�ptsnfee naannd'e ° dsGovala,l� 1�znay Llense G ucbplazas Sdo Lion °� xoposed G eetailsate�so pz°ode Owe houtthe -he�'.2e pz de Site' �vOINd �i`�) ava ny ° n�Z'xGexisee shalo ezne� slbe mallet het °� �encn1gncn1g Gons GOtGtln�the S e and(oz°wex zopez�' of 3 0z to Cacn" that wzllbodifiGatiOns to the ez shad xen�'e p ents �'d 6• ,the G°n is oz m eTo`�`r p zo�emen comment, made to th %oeen 6 4- pwne smitten valpzoleznents andpay'�ngf o ''px°vexn allbe G°znpleted d ds 5 Abe Toe ez an e %x obt eT avo any e zria nex ' bons. 6 • Licens llbe xesp°nsonsxoctt a Wpzwnanl es, and Teo ez�oT5 " lieXl zcensee sha essvc` to c tzueted n1 es� pzd�nan any wOzke see. l� anyloyees� 6.6. L zoyals neG allbe cons e laws, est o�L is see, s exnp app �exnents sh 1 appllcabl any hens an tthe zeQu ee oz 1,'en onably thattbe 1 apzo e With al ee fzozn edby pz 1 Jicens ex zeal nonce 6 Gon�phanc the Slte t- o V1c` pzzi- ssi°n open in a,, -,i es Witten in haUkeep obliga acts oz e then ee ze, I zGensee s sbed, oz as azesof 1 dlscbaxg ez Licex�s 6'$ mate�als � e Site Licensee s (60) days any pad ° �11ed age t�actoxs> t sib �ents� pz c° o Ownex pz snbbcense all oz ies an t pz azt? azt satins h°beenfiled Coe inp e �owez to pbons glen dsublicensin *asLicen sent• s ace oath es of Go so alltbzzd ent an assign en con license p ous IL uze tba ,� • Assl ensee sliall�°oex's L1Gensee xaa opexatin1g ce ee shall ez� e ones 1,1 Site wi 'O tten consent ° tangy, a ivities S License WINfly 1�ab1 0� th O.mez's o installn'g�Gatilpzis ly wid't e sha11 xen� and c0ndlt10 Z. pzz hepnzp afelted�a.teT0wex e p Ge esT�iean9 °� e s� znen locate t pzlip s pzming e p zes ` vo c°ing any assize ased fsozn pe ea to oak` d be the xeq l�0tw'th s11a11 n°t ex shall ,0 e any lJicense g� s icense, Li se aft 0 n v thi ect ce fez eedby tl�e � COTO l0 tAhe Slte subs �$• F ees fox Oless othe �se oz pay .any fee e may place s1�1s a $1 any eeents to the Sz Goent�LlG'05ense Vpzo Witten s OOT Adlons. Si s • eiv�ng � ental xeg §9.' Upon 1zGable g°vexn °n°d0c t0 app �ta$2 S Fan 3a0f emP°TatY'ten�et,Vi\es�°� 2��ik ts, en impz°alycx vemcondion' d all o f its g pzdez,e Sipe fat the Slte an ood ov damage to o�Towez andslte expense ezty �eamndxepazz NLatencesee sh�l aolth ° sonpzop fee of deb § Licen aid ez keep e S ohs a daq, seeG zee Sete. 10.1 • n1ent' e sha11 Zq) h d insp UW se A e � z per' Ll s 5 le expense)' Site ONC;a'CYS �e to exan��n Licensee btto access htto eaten the to that it desk e Access to S1te' shallhavesha havee zlg seice to dgthe tezm ° §11' 1 LiOensc�,,eek 0�,,,ncz� udhty tolokthe Sltc 11 • s a ,���g lzties e loz e SOT i s day o u shallbe zesp° bazges� �`rhen d'� ' fez may tet ov�5 pz �2) icensee pay odce� 0 m Sec (30) 12.1 • icensee s Henn-qse set fob ttbixt9 (30) daas� z`gtoebzeach`r� License e anon b pwnez'1s o used11as1 eeQs �bzeach' e it Ownez §13. Te� atlon censee lcease teen (1)I,1 of eL ez IL ate tlasLiCenstto cline keensmbzeazh 0 tom o� censee may to � led to attemp llc s of zeceiving eV • ennotkce'1 ledto c`e tice SLicense 1 oses ttentbl' . �e atiionb L se an o� ce wing` e may to Tia'ate, °z L1cez�s o his d upon s °f this 0 days ease ecess `s vzde 13.2.1 bzeach the �' °arle� zC longez n s License p t pzo is eac11 v`'�thm s written n se is no ates tYu zepald zen of the thebz ety (90) day mat dvsLl censee ten a efid 0, a1to oneh eee Bete akICr' n o be en tlede tO atlon ee A by tbn Lzc tecbz'Olflgyr- e shall vmez a tzon eedto a°fig' ez oz b°s c Leta shall e e o teO)O", o ,Cvasc a� �o�j Fez 1 0 n on tzo so 4) tth XwNess inclnd dscapmg' s zovisi°n' z ms en L1ces enseFee a s otezXelated struct easonablelan any °0'ez �64) day cmr ess day and all clnding thstandn�g the S'V e shall lxty (60) b o e the 0 bevel 9ade' � ible o�toes vn ocaklo, - e eJ on• �tithm shall zem e site to a cues is zelated sw and �° F to Ibis S ated 13 3 . Licensee zestpze th and or ez and all 1censee F ee ed accpzdm Q'Nei and zel the site and tbe'W"Vez the Tow ay tbeZ e zemov ove *le Z ence °� otzernove atlonto p does az may zem ch`Sozk. evl ensee d° censee s oblz d zelated s a lts opt�On see °z su as J ez1od, ee,le� des days' wed chaxgeLlcen cease shailteo on °the Gpz'tms xty �60)bntto tl'is sect,,tl�s� ie event alp fez es pis eat d°n' 0�1 In stsnen'z eaby e Ong auth tad- e onde anon tie entne SiVes s la coed the evcn the Slte 14 1 h' datetiztletO tAaa'Sp°ova°e the �g D,,A l SPTO 4 °fyzV 11 ecnp°'��temetFiieS�OI' 1�5 e Site b title aterially binder effective use s date of ent domain so as tom ate this License as n the event of anof en by em>n ht to terrnii1 the other Party Site is shall have the ngtten notice to award. , either Pam' p days wn nsee shall not be entiteo su h portion Licenseewing tli' (3) main, Lice 1 am° but not transfer, by g power of eminent don 1 receive fal authority, taking under the p e Owner shal the condemning by d aid for the taking and � and recover from awarded or recoveraberases recurred the rewar p 1 have th ght to claim a be sepaxateiy away costs or exp e xi d any ehold Licensee steal ensation as m Y to licensee an erty d leas ex, such COMP and damage ersonal p Licensee all dam g Prop from Oee account of any its equipment, p t to this -paragraph, repaid by licensee on movinghemoving s license Pins' LocationFee p anon of tbi licensee Fee °T Co by Licensee jj on termin ent of any improvements. P e reimbursem shall be entitled to aterially Licensee. so as to thirt' ction of ToweT ed or damagedate this License upon a e or Destru -- o f the Tower is des y e elect to termrn TOceed as set § -5. Dam Tower or any p°rtion ex, licensee may d Owner shall p ate if the the TOv`' event, Licensee o ay rent) shall terminate 15.1 hinder effective use of owner (and In such ee's e preCeclg sentence • Up°n (A days written5 notice to Owii and Licens ent of any This License ( obligations set f the biixsem to forth in Section ent of the oblig be entitled to no obligation icensee s fulfillm licensee shall Licensee. Owner shall have upon L of this License, re aid by termination ocationFee p P the Tower Fee Or COL onion of the Site. or rebuild licensee damage to any P it may repah ed oT rebuilt, repair any ate this License, other e eriod that the TOwa being Tower Tower to an if Licensee chooses not Der is �g p locate 15.2 and/or in3provernen d if possible, may the Parties• Licensee, at its °wii expense and mutually agreed by weer s propel' ud ent which a court has location on O punt of a couTt-ordered0fttee Owner, the Licensee shall demTilfi__ Ca_ t li enCe ent from and §� 6. __!AS t only for a specific dollar insole gross neg g Owner's Ag incurred 16.1. ExceP was due to er andlor any • Ch are, imp°Sed upon ch are specifically decided ess the Own and hold harml this License, which anY person and whi indenun defined m owner Agent' ed action(s)� or save, and all C]aim(s)� as c any Own way related to any eg against anY owner an an dependent Contractors, ox against the Own , or are in y ents, in by or asserted ag arise from of licensees ag based up°n� result from, and/or any and to any s o f the Licensee anof this License with regard °rev sionO ons at occurred provision that employees• and insurance.P events or transactcellatioxi xovision a their bass in any ive the can The indemnification p or havinr, of this Agreement shall suTv 16.2. either occurring or termination Claims) cancellation arid/ faints, fines' before the can of this License. bed losses, Claims' Co uagnients, andlox teimiiiaon alley, vted ed to include anY action, PTOCeedings� J but not lira „ shall be defin suits, causes of d expenses including, investigation 16.3. "Claim(s) a es, costs an costs, is or demands for relief or dam g litigation., ess fees, count penalties, e fees, W, d/or any other amour deficiencies, liabilities, reasonable attorney settlement an ent for xeas Dori aid in any reimbursem is p to, anon expenses, any am andlox littg Iritemet Files\OLKBT� 2-Sp�t Addison oaks•doc rofiles�e��\Temporary Page 5 of it 21-6 ed by or asserted against imposed on, incurred and/or any kind whatsoever which areor for which Owner' or defend liabilities of any A gent of owner, as defined below, 1 obligated top y Owner, and/or any g all and/or contractually Owner may become leg Y uential. officials, Agent of Own direct, indirect, or conseq piloted against, whether dir of Owner's elected officials, a boards, Lied to include any ssioners, authorities, ent" shall be deft' volunteers, representatives, 16.4. %Ag council members divisions, under, or in directors, board members, employees, departments,s acting by, through, committees, commissions, and/or any per ents, such person's successox(s), and/or any of Licensee's Ag person and/or any of them, excluding Licensee an „Agent" shall also include any or employees. of this License but, for any concert with any the term independent contract Professionals owner at any time ding that capacity. who was an Agent of Own appointed, or elected reason, is no longer employed, pp and at all times during any §17. Ins�e improvements at this Site' e, shall purchase and Prior to the commencement of any 17.1. the Licensee, at its sole cost and expense, um amounts indicated and Term of this License, Ce covexage(S) in the minim maintain, the following msuran owner with appropriate certificates of msuranCe• combined single limit per Provide Own 1000,000.00) 3 000,000.00) annual One Million and 00/100 Dollars ( , broad form contractual 17.1.1. Ce and Three Million and 40/ 100 Dollars (� , including Vx, and/or aggregate comprehensive General Liability, will provide that the Own aggregate Comp protect, be named as additional e These policies and/or p coverag • defined in this License, must s License• Owner Agent, as defined in this any respect to any Clalm(S) as Employers' Liability in insureds withwired by law: Coverage B - orkers' Compensation as req dyed Thousand and 00/100 Dollars 17.1.2. W um amount of Five Hun the minuu agent serving Licensee ($504,000.04). and/or any other t all of its contractors, set forth in 17.2.1, and 17.2.2- 17.2. Licensee shall assure 'Lira Ce coverageinsurance from its contractors shall have the insurance certificates of or at the Site, for under this License, Onsible fox obtaining Licensee shall be reserforming Services for Licensee on the Tower, and/or any other age,,,p contractual coverage, of review by Owner. including broad form One. 1000,000.00) per occurrence, 17.2.1. Comprehensive General LiabilityDollars, aggregate. at least One Million and 00/ 100 000 000.00) t learn and 00/100 Dollars ($1, Coverage B - Employers' Liability n1 wired by law: ensation as required Thousand and 00/ 100 DolCombined Single 17.22. Workerlars s Comp ount of Five Hun- 1000,000.00) um am hired and leased vehicles, and the minim One Million and 00/100 Di )re(f r, ($500,000.00). including coverag required by law. If no Fault coverage as req will Limit Automobile Liability, wi��O_ -owned and hired car coverage owned and non -owned autos,e agent' vehicles are owned or leased by non ovm shall contain the following clauses: be required in lieu of auto fleet coverage 1 certificates of insurance' provided by Licensee, 17.3. Al ern orary Internet Files\OLICBTr4 2-SPrint Addison Oaks•doc C:\WLNNTTro�les\richardr\T P Page 6 of 11 21-7 17.3.1. "Any insurance coverage afforded the County, and/or any County Agent, and the additional insureds shall apply as primary and not excess to any insurance issued in the name of the County, and/or any County Agent, or any of the additional insureds." 17.3.2. "The insurance company(ies) issuing the policy or policies shall have no recourse against the County, and/or any County Agent, or the additional insureds for payment of any premiums or for assessments under any form of policy." 17.3.3. "Any and all deductibles and/or self -insured retention in the above -described insurance coverage shall be assumed by, and be for the account of, and at the sole risk of, the Licensee." 17.3.4. "There will be no additional exclusions running to the additional insureds based upon any actions or activities of the named insured." 17.4. Licensee shall provide Owner thirty (30) days notice of material change or cancellation of any policy for which certificates of insurance, bonds, or other required documents are provided to Owner. These certificates must be provided to the Oakland County Risk Management & Safety Division no less than ten (10) working days after the Commencement Date of this License, and at any time thereafter, upon reasonable request. Insurance carrier(s), coverage(s) and policy limits are also subject to the approval of the Risk Management & Safety Division as to conformity with the requirements of this License. §18. Environmental Requirements. 18.1. Licensee shall not bring onto the Site and/or Tower any Hazardous Substances, Hazardous Wastes, Pollutants, asbestos, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), petroleum or other fuels (including crude oil or any fraction or derivative thereof), battery spillage or acid and battery byproducts and the vapor expulsion of toxic fumes from mishandling or improper care and maintenance of batteries and backup of power equipment, or utilize any underground storage tanks (collectively "Environmental Hazards"). For purposes of this Agreement, the term "Hazardous Substances" shall be defined in the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (42 U.S.C. §9601, et seq.), and any subsequent or amended regulations thereto. The term "Hazardous Wastes" shall be as defined in the Resource Conversation and Recovery Act (42 U.S.C. §6901, et seq.), and any subsequent or amended regulations thereto. The term "Pollutants" shall be as defined in the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. § 1251, et seq.), and any subsequent or amended regulations thereto. §19. Notices. 19.1. All notices, requests, demands, and other communications required by this License shall be in writing and shall be deemed given if personally delivered or mailed, certified mail, return receipt requested, to the following addresses: To Owner: Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Attention: Executive Officer 2800 Watkins Lake Road, Building #97 West Waterford, MI 48328 C:\WINNWrofiles\richardr\Temporary Internet Files\OLMDraft 2-Sprint Addison Oaks.doc Page 7 of I 1 21-8 eTaent ementispanatl°iF�ih�esN� anag ate' e -?loge,, C°' D we a copy �O Orb 1e�N°r4S328 Wate°xd'� 2Sp�1°t �d°f 1X ° aOc pie$ loten�etFiles\OLD 9 covtl tofiles\�c1����ecnp°� 21� To Licensee: elan°reship °f edto cTeate ar with a copy tO e deem oT cenv the pales °fpaTtles inks Licel�sSe °rbjo tven eb adex convexueTtce ��• gela� cOTVtamcd of pacx ed fox xc § t or Tovid �0.1 • p and a en outtivsL1ceti ti n ose Of sI lcexvse h e all ed tbToug the VoTpT edes eadin s' headlnbe Gonolling m es and rupee subject �21• section allnot be�,�eentheI' lativet° to 21. Oyy al'd tandin�, eI'a6Tes dexstan0?l pvXnex e,mdexs e teen ° lan adeby eemeTlt ter the eabj eemeTits b there axe n ave been rn in this Lntirxe A se constit l andjor agr resents mat thath in�tmg §ZZ• 1TPAsLi� s�neg°tiatioT�� LicenseeTep oxaloxw pxl' setf°T 2 pre°T Off essa hexem • seS o f anyd'ept th°se Tessly after addT OT pTO � 1ceTise ex 1 n°t Tepresentx0, ut°f s L s of'is Lice en�a-�deT of induce the ection the r License f any sections de ab iisLi- alTespects as if any °vision or unenfoTcabili�' ° Ila Che Temaan oxasted §23. ITNandp e invalid�tS' oT enfoTceabsLi erase onbvVere omied' estate of 231 ect then or s bse bl ecti°T °r sabre ect to, e la`N o0 o eT J'%Y& al any sect vile °Tcea �itb, and su � suit. equ'� all only be invalid or ` d� enue accordance on IV;,ision thereof shall 0aYAand Law be cons�ededby law' any e aT any pTO Co�tlocated inhi-an depending §24_ G°verTlin sLicense shale esentpT°ve t of rh�sLx�ot, mist Tads°t °f N� ?A�.1• chigan''fothheer orcem CiTcult ot for thews the Cal'Aand Co D s act C°' °ceeding proceeding f or ea s tes Bement then p excep agT co Ile olf them he action, salt' or o altered' tby e of ended' OT e natuT one modified' t changed' hers, cessive §endT°e51cense may by bopaxties upone�T sac 25.1 • v,yt gll sued res and sh,11 be °d nand assi s. d g upon dje part soxs' subcon the bane an §26' Succession isbm cces d suchpaxty s sliceTlse administTators� su s License duTlT' 'ThT es, under causes b h event 26.1 • TepTeseT1 tiv from any °blxnp d 'Tol + ply Of any s 2� • F°rce�rla euT axe' shallbe ex is xevebe glvento e a ec 'o the extent onable n°thattip s coT�tTOI. peas \praft2.Spa� 9dof llOs.doc dr\Tmp°ram �terr<etFiles\OL �0 O•\�+111`ZN 1�1 rofiies\t'd'� Z�' §28. Discrimination. 28.1. Either Parry shall not discriminate against an employee, an applicant for employment, or another person or entity with respect to hire, tenure, terms, conditions, privileges of employment, or any matter directly or indirectly related to employment in violation of any federal, state, or local law. §29. Reservation Of Rights. 29.1. This License does not, and is not intended to, impair, divest, delegate, or contravene any constitutional, statutory, and/or other legal right, privilege, power, obligation, duty, or immunity of Owner. §30. No Implied Waiver. 30.1. Absent a written waiver, no act, failure, or delay by a Parry to pursue or enforce any right or remedy under this License shall constitute a waiver of those rights with regard to any existing or subsequent breach of this License. No waiver of any term, condition, or provision of this License, whether by conduct or otherwise, in one or more instances, shall be deemed or construed as a continuing waiver of any term, condition, or provision of the License. No waiver by either Party shall subsequently effect its right to require strict performance of this License. §31. Remedies Not Exclusive. 31.1. The rights, remedies, and benefits provided by this License shall be cumulative, and shall not be exclusive of any other rights, remedies and benefits, or of any other rights, remedies, and benefits allowed by law. §32. Counterparts. 32.1. This License may be executed in several counterparts, each of which shall be an original and all of which shall constitute one and the same instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, hereby acknowledges that he has been authorized by Owner to execute this License on its behalf of Owner and hereby accepts and binds said Corporation to the terms and conditions hereof on this day of , OWNER: By: Its: Date: WITNESS: By: Date: C:\WINNI\Profiles\richardr\Temporary Internet FIles\OLKB\Draft 2-Sprint Addison Oaks.doc Page 10 of 11 21-11 to before me, bed aad sworn , Subscri day of Oil the ..---- �ota�, public, County, been au orizeCl by Lic l see My ConissionExpnes: es that slhe has icensee to the terms an e ackno�,ledg Insert Na hereby accepts and binds the L d , 200__--- TNESS W behalf, an IN icense °nits day of to execute os License onus --- conditions LICENSEE' Date: Subscribed and sw am to before me 7 200._ _,...� Oil the ---day No up blic, County,Mclu�,an MY TBIM Exp�es: f yB�TaA2_gprint Addison Oaks•doc files\neh �\'Vempovay lntemetPdes\aL Page 11 of 11 '_��}`j\PTO 21-12 C:\W ll�" ,TO #22 the E-\\\s Bain in w°rK�ng to Keep Late historica\ zes interested erS of the barn, s to rase e have metwith padisor, present own r to \o°K atways � ownship Supery my grants write i �Sprin9�ie\d � r an12ed with the Sentat�ve, and o°u . eGt. ommxttee repre tan of this prof ocess of being ° g ,,muted e c res for the comp e is Barn is in th pr has c man «Friends of the E\\ in Davisburg' -Me Ked for this fund tment and e ° f a Service club utxons are earr�ar rd with our c°mmr ass\Stanc other cash contnb e continue fOMa ebruary $A 0 ,13 and mending that w due the end °f V Staf{ is rec° `d gids w°u\d be her at the meeting pace this item °ut to b commission fug tad wi\\ update t\\e S 22.-1 ZTF #23 V��VE SE.SS,�N aCauis�tion. EXEC uss a proposed land Session to d�s� Staff Is reaUestrn9 ao EXecu&\je 23-1 PgO(Q$ tNE Oq Ice WOEXEGU OnNine Vogavy"S 1:1� ase �Capsact\Ontoloe jof \\,,O\e deny 0,14 -av" efxnN, to ea effAs ,dde,c\e,P tesve jee \9 dak .woncl\0 ve.c eNxre attachede p,nn 0 'OLIrm e and Ov%Vjv%e O-aw\E f d A am efnjV\e S * ed to ?,ecvea�'On,its b e(S\t 0cas og0aK jpafv, ___VeVv0 C\ of osks ) I.NNe chased okoo 0 have xn ?;\f n, , ass tetn 0\�gkon, be \ vots C;m o AAA r'sf \ _� ecbn &?-, F )UfM ma6on k \je��c\e gef 'ecte Ct9)Axk\s �6 \.Its 0 \, co\jef \OOT S lot annua Nt�bufn . on IC3 ,\an( kfNteTes V% 'kud:mg Oads ress Ikocatio p n, �\,\e s ef-9 Oij site x0cato ne,* (3tO\,0Noodq OUT\ . �xo\*\e ov\ce - pccess- 001nks \VWIn c v C, ese �A\Antkn U�ef 9 j3\ea,\jeT denas ded. ,\Ifed .,t\ng er,fe 0 1 . -Cfea vltev- qnk� 'an UqTs was k\je eY-x nsy\19 Center Go \3,,Pef N elaO3 , \t ?,afy- ption"Coat ty\e \ \Nood 9 j fe ossl -s ce9�\On' k\ef sever Of4va !0�01� To, v\13 b\e ,,jjexd OaV jyNe x _\S not 9 "Sp Oqe,�tng ?-e b\elar- the lea advise tba s to the .3 ears 0 , aT&ng 'adNIXs d keli e\ - GTan soces ave kedfe,3 teps�kes y\egfo\AVN tne \kac to t and .\n YON io\eacyNefs Go\ . naked S S-,,neff )pe oCks that kyNe \j endofs d es. . \,\ Ti�v\gs ate 9 " oVed \-a - ue to ago. Igs an nd-sect\0 WeTEA� lot cto r Staff fiW" ve ef5 9\x y e3v SO ,,,g e hers kkAe \N�ne on xtoC\NS, , JOTOSMOn as e tsITOO\Jxmx \N.Xky\ e Xn -\\ed "R ky\e b\eae,,jef, SkUden, ogfarn to COOP k)nToL,9 \AO\V 6\0\00 T\Ua\ 9 .�Se the skefn a�ess ore t%%s t other A " S� b\� an staff �K\Cfo . an an tk dske tO ?aTv, staff the 9avy ted Mavoong, f\dc3e -ss ,, area �k q\an d to n UndefgTa e 0aV \,Ooe be onde 'tes to rarKs IV\e \,nc\e,Pev\deV\r, e0en n�s f es9 ,es Ceka \,.atelP ),�jc\c\en e "lanag Uets, the .T resource . 0\.(\�ne Oe t bafA �na\jvv3j\\-\s Ido develop nO.Mes an knkwnbe fnen deV \,�ges efnpm -�)ne avvs, ses, including nd jse \,,�jte e- C\og these pasthe Tx,�\es mo 'IOO\\e bef, jaj�on, the \c3 . \ \e�nevyN 0 TecTe . ns of \19 ky\atNl'k C a\Jtovngxc opk\o card \Udemore c\ jjse 01M . e��S�\ng e an \, \MestIg to the Xnam Passes - sto be added On \,,date on the ed the ---Akersd\k�cedto 9. C\ \S an te'05 S�gTo xne6n StO \/ - d ,t ,,e tkar_,\e efd�lons ,Stefn Ks is ,,t a e be ..JoToa�\0n, aTVS 09 s for the VaT ouf fs the 20,33, IPI e use IP O\jv fines year fDs.. f.�\\gto ca\ �eal,,ttelnc\ance s of da� im k, - - OnSM de t OUTIng '\s L acxncj J\Cjuve seas eY,teVn'a\ Ov - f r 10 a\cu e nc\ance , ,teefs P,C,C%Vltv 009's1� of \jo _400 'and es, t\" ska us eal sdokoO the*V\teNbypa gfe\Jxo actrvity OekbO ,\,,ges , \ k J\a�\On. T\Sov\,dkt jes lmo_,Y\o ttjoTTn- one 0,1 kt\e VxT. f\S Cep (S�f ed COOP obseN �\�hea&\jM ..13es, bas \5 L\ Cb is the �Ossib\e- ep°Ck voce(\"aves%J\t01 ty\e\\\ Otoe st for a ten teg c plan. ue Qf the stra fission s Cea n ,,sue the e pr foC3 Cevisio County Packs 'and as not fi uCes, sta d n e through th e pakiand erty acauisitien f to these Zp0 Sys em a en Revfe�N Up13 do the SuiTNur M\ch anQposa e r e e4a Base ase \n the park isftion Grant apPlicat\ofl skTonl, e Su%\JSn p olp -ed our but u Can da tth Cac fund\ngl, incre property P da on oaks et\ng with t'\niearned tha StCQm cha nteed less d e Heg t uara d had �_�SU�livan oGpR; P Cie to in a �ie,Ner, `N ed, Ms. ve aimQs Fund B°ar p p00 Recrea� e aed fQC f <M�NR� grant re bein9ae�dre would ha the Trust under �14 ' from o ects, is ects rec°n'vn O'Llvres e protect °v ears such u\i� Year pr°ito fund ail prOie funding prOsp Qther Natu stand was a` (\n previorr\ents to f uaCd also ch a an -imp °n °u n Qf this pahe m mUrn p°! ng rep e ious afire ear. The B also ha\,e ha e acauls\t\o ach\e\je t .6019 of p QCt;\on this which May again fort e we fa\\ed to rr\Qney to as p ineauit\es, R to apoin ar tare S bm\ttais ent Is 31 address P cQuraged OG est\ons C fu k Managernecen'ber strum has e\s° Q ere e Su( ( estions {O attahed \ettlr ap4 through D s m in the nuaN , a frame Stipp ia� d MC c' She eaand ha ad . Ps in act starting �a d\cate pQssibie sc°r meat C°ntXtend their GQntc ent within t tinges or y°ur apP K %ana9e Q tion to e agem any ch -_.pa tbe\r p oak Ma \ss\on with exercising ut f t rates o, he Gomm' 2Q�$ Ce�iewing t be 9etting b be and i11 Sn the c°ntr c \e mo ths. the next coup 24-2 Off -Site Permit Locations 2003/2004 1. Auburn Hills Parks & Recreation (new) 2. Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World 3. Birmingham City Parks & Recreation* 4. Clawson Parks & Recreation 5. Farmington Hills Special Services*(new) 6. Ferndale Recreation* (new) 7. Gander Mountain 8. Huntington Woods Parks & Recreation* (new) 9. Lyon Township Treasurer's Office 10. Madison Heights Recreation Department* (new) 11. Oak Park Recreation *(new) 12. Orion Township Treasurer's Office* 13. Rose Township Treasurer's Office 14. Springfield Township Parks & Recreation 15. City of Wixom Community Services *Joint permits available at these locations 24-3 filth P�QS een wor\crng � atres staff have e PutOmatrc e and aq C' sing °� th rks adrnrnrstratr onne\ and urcha a v\ctirn d GoUnty pa ement' Pers pry. edtate care to of recogn\Z�n9 Dak\aun.�y RrskMa�a progCam�or 24 to vtde rm b�tlta{o� capable � e�hee Go EDi pro9rarn deft ter�rrne h Oakland ri\tator �P -and he PED V\t1 de an Def\b se of the *D orrtor a ests de�rve'N °� r�n EXterna\ he pure° ornb\nes a hea �ibri\\arO� aid Ceau pCo9�a' is to AED a device that COO of veotricu\ a\ica\\y chaCges e of the Af-D the Use o{ an throU9h or able d aU\.om e oblectry s arrNe the presence is necessa�l a v\dUat�s head ergency ser�rc anon facrCrtres Nuron�C\intOn ci\\apron indr tr\ em ter \Nest ,\000f \d, deflb to an e a v;ctim Un uatrc and Nt\\s an trr�pU\s s F arcnrngtOr' re to „ �tth as Canton, ED e\ectc\ca\ ca aid of care e A ovide \r(\medrat stand ersrty warren, \\ have NED st o years lhaod p s beco�cirn9 thy\ yak\aod von arm\n9tof �rt1s5 'WN, o'Ie� the Sate o� Mrchrgao Curren y d F cce conforms to a\1 tan p,UthorM , ae Used thefts sU EDs Metrop°\r erslh! hav Government d \n the Use 01 A oadand vnrvGak\and C°un m reau\,ements e currently tray \ec ram for socratro rds ar fan prop an Head As eatron Crfe9ua County EMS to for 2304. Amerrc parks and Re ned by Gak\an o\towing \OcatrOns sta wi\\ be trar is d at the f Wirtef tune LEDs �t\\ be P ce Pdrnrnrstraf parks A ,if _��nt10 _ some�°rd oat D*O," Me Vaxei NN Pddepe deuce oaks rough the c°Urty Reoak aks \nd rchase order th G d So� oar e oaks der the b\anket pU \ndepende e purchased Un .these Un\ts ar JOT 24'4 SEPTEMBER, 2003 Q,_,;jA_KLAND DAY USE PARKS Not included in totals - only in combined totals PARTICIPANTS (MONTH) PARTICIPANTS (YTD) In-house events are counted in facility totals. 2002 2003 2002 2003 ADDISON OAKS PARK Campers Day Use Day Campers 0 6363 74875 62424 0 3509 42431 0 0 13 *ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 0 3571 -37656 36826 GROVELAND OAKS PARK Campers Day Use Day Campers 0 8148 114780 45982 2012 106446 0 941 37040 0 0 2509 INDEPENDENCE OAKS PARK Day Use Day Campers Overnight Youth Group Campers 0 16538 298972 191310 0 0 0 441 12514 0 63 817 LYON OAKS PARK Day Use Bark Park 0 364 0 430 4952 0 3000 14000 ORION OAKS PARK Day Use Bark Park 0 1880 628 21586 0 4592 30000 40030 ROSE OAKS PARK Day Use 0 400 0 2200 SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER Day Use 4-H Fair Ellis Barn 'Banquet Facilities 0 0 0 _D 0 1861 0 0 80000 0 0 0 0 12798 54749 WATERFORD OAKS Activity Center - non -banquet 'Banquet Facilities - Activity Center Day Use Lookout Lodge Court Games Complex BMX 0 831 14491 1 149gc)22528 0 0 6902 0 320 6041 0 716 0 275 4297 0 154 855 0 583 15244 WATERFORD OAKS FRIDGE 0 0 22782 WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK 0 4900 91429192539 RED OAKS WATERPARK 0 0 82858' 71626 TOTALS 0 53257 856906 24-5 GOLF COURSES PARTICIPANTS (MONTH) PARTICIPANTS (YTO) 2002 2003 2002 2003 GLEN OAKS Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played - 18 Holes *Banquet Facilities *Grill Room 0 4331 41898 38711 0 177814469 13000 0 4493 48255 0 3512 0 23743 LYON OAKS Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played - 18 Holes Driving range *Banquet Facilities *Grill Room 0 1019 8019 0 2760 19922 0 1139 08975 0 1737 4781 13827 0 0 0 1050 RED OAKS - (Under construction - Opening Spring 2004) Rounds Played - 9 Holes 0 0 0 i 0 SPRINGFIELD OAKS Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played - 18 Holes *Grill Room 0 1848 _ 22711 0 2428 15645 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WHITE LAKE OAKS Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played - 18 Holes *Banquet Facilities *Grill Room 0 3454 39599 36810 0 1509 12158 0 876 7464 6380 0 1551 0 6461 TOTALS 0 2 226 175951 24-6 I-RECREATI• PARTICIPANTS (MONTH) PARTICIPANTS (YTD) 2002 2003 2002 2003 MOBILE RECREATION Bleachers Bouncer Bus Climbing Wall Dunk Tank Inline Skate Mobile/Hockey Mobile Obstacle Course Orbotron Puppet Show Mobile Space Maze Sport Mobile Tents Camps Miscellaneous 0 13 0 50 0 2665 34850 42845 0 1710 25515 24345 0 500 630Q 5000 0 1165 26096 22135 0 167 8911 9896 0 1025 21194 9635 0 450 7050 5850 0 850 17170 14110 0 24 228 202 0 410 3485 0 1374 34062 31602 0 30 200 0 0 6 0 0 5880 0 ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM - INDEPENDENCE OAKS Nature Center Outreach Trail Usage 0 2321 32807 33132 0 44 13221 6710 0 4161 94350 65281 ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM - LYON OAKS Nature Center Outreach Trail Usage 0 94 0 941 0 0 470 0 0 0 THERAPEUTIC EVENTS 0 289 0629 4838 SENIOR EVENTS 0 0 n 9818 TOTALS COMBINED TOTALS 0 13131 PARTICIPANTS (MONTH) 315279 225264 PARTICIPANTS (YTD) 2002 2003 2002 2003 GOLF COURSES 0 20266 181168 175951 RECREATIONAL AND SPECIAL EVENTS 0 13131 432281 7,94910 225264 DAY USE PARKS 0 53257 856906 BANQUET FACILITIES 0 23795 94191 166078 GRILL ROOMS 0 5063 0 31254 GRAND TOTALS 0 115512 149253 1455453 Therapeutic/Senior Event Breakdown 24-7 December 1, 2003 Mr. Ralph Richard Oakland County Parks and Recreation 2800 Watkins Lake Rd. Waterford, MI.48328 Re: Renegotiation of Concession Contract between Oak Management Corporation and Oakland County Parks and Recreation Dear Mr. Richard, The concession contract between Oakland County Parks and Recreation and Oak Management Corporation is due for another five-year evaluation. As stated in the contract it is necessary to have an agreement signed within ninety days of the end of the final year of the existing contract. As this day is fast approaching it is suggested we visit this issue in the very near future. Oak Management Corporation respectfully requests an extension of our current contract without change or modification at this time. With anticipated adjustments and commitments surrounding White Lake Oaks, it is our position that we keep the status quo at this time and make whatever required changes when this piece is set in stone. Your attention to this matter is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions please feel ience. Oak Management Corporation 1480 W. Romeo Rd. Leonard, MI 48367 248-693-8305 24-8 Addison Oaks Conference Center (248) 693-8305 Blossom Heath Inn (586) 771-2300 • Glen Oaks (248) 626-2600 • Links at Pinewood (248) 669-9800 Waterford Oaks • Springfield Oaks • Groveland Oaks • Independence Oaks • Waterford Oaks Wave Pool White Lake Oaks (248) 698-1233 • St. Clair Shores C.C. (586). 294-9000 • Lyon Oaks (248) 437-9200 Red Oaks Water Park • Springfield Oaks Youth Center • The Fridge • Oakland Room www.Oakmanagement.com