HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendas/Packets - 2004.03.10 - 401022800 Watkins Lake Road • Waterford, Michigan 48328-1917 248-858-0906 • Fax 248-858-1683 • TTY 248-858-1684 • 1-888-OCPARKS www.co.oal<land.mi.uS -AKLAND _ 1 1 March 5, 2004 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Oakland County, Michigan Commissioners: A meeting has been called of the Parks and Recreation Commission as follows: PLACE ....................... Parks and Recreation Office 2800 Watkins Lake Rd Waterford, MI 48328 TIME ......................... Wednesday, March 10, 2004 9:00 a.m. PURPOSE ...................... Regular Meeting This meeting has been called in accordance with the authorization of Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation.. Sincerely, /?4j, 21-4;1� Ralph Richard Executive Officer Parks and Recreation Pecky D. Lewis. Jr. Choirman Richard Skarricr Vice Chairman Next Meetings: Friday, March 26, 2004; Employee Recognition Luncheon Fred Korzon Wednesday, April 7, 2004 Secretary Hugh D, Crawford Vincent Gregory John P. McCulloch Charles Palmer John Richards ,I-L�avid VanderVeen f tte Vogt Ralph Richard Execu[ive Officer D:\$Data\My documents\COMMISSN\agendaltr.doc ,Y ur mission is to provide recreational, leisure and learning experiences that enhance quality of life. Oakland County Parks. Recreation Commission 2800 Watkins Lake Rd Waterford, MI 48328 **AGENDA** March 10, 2004 Action Required Presenter/Phone # PUBLIC HEARING 1. Call Meeting to Order 9:00 a.m. 2. Roll Call 3. Public Comments 4. Commission Meeting Minutes for February 4, 2004 Approval K. Kohn / 858.4606 5. Payment Approval Summary Approval Payment Register 6. Combined Statement of Operations FM3, FY 2004 for Month Ending 12/31/03 7. Capital Improvement Program (C.I.P.) for FM 3, FY 2004 as of 12/31/03 8. Activity Report for January, 2004 Approval 9. Grant Application Submission Approval J. Figa / 858.4620 10. Emerald Ash Borer Tree Replacement Protocol Approval J. Noyes / 858.4624 11. Bid Items: Approval a. Artificial Teeing Area - Lyon Oaks R Richard / 858.0909 b. Park Signage — Addison, Groveland and Independence Oaks C. Fireworks — Addison and Groveland Oaks d. Cabin Furniture — Addison Oaks e. John Deere Tractor — Independence Oaks f. Lake Aerator — Addison Oaks g. Red Oaks Clubhouse Furniture h. Rock Climbing Wall — Mobile Recreation S. Wells / 858.4634 J. Dunleavy / 858.4647 i. Chaise Lounge Chairs — Red Oaks and Waterford Oaks Waterparks j, Frame Tents — Red Oaks Waterpark k. Fairway Aerator — White Lake Oaks R. Richard / 858.0909 1. Greens Mowers — White Lake, Springfield & Lyon Oaks Con't -3, r. Rotary Mowers — Glen Oaks and Red Oaks 11 n. Adaptive Golf Cars it o. Greens Aerator — White Lake Oaks R. Richard / 858.0909 P. Pavilions — Addison and Lyon Oaks J. Figa / 858.4620 12. Stormwater Drain Repair — Waterford Oaks Approval " 13. Additional Nine Hole Golf Design — Lyon Oaks Approval " 14. Sprint Cell Tower — Addison Oaks Approval R. Richard / 858.0909 15. 2004 Special Park Districts Forum Informational It 16. 2004 Community Assistance Program Proposal Approval S. Wells / 248.4634 J. Dunleavy / 858.4647 17. Oak Management Concession Contract Extension Approval R. Richard / 858.0909 18. Annual Practice Facility Pass — Lyon Oaks Approval " 19. Park General Information and Regulations Revisions Approval " 20. Pole Barn Donation — Springfield Oaks Activity Center Approval " 21. Executive Officer's Report Informational " 22. Old Business 23. New Business 24. Adjourn OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING February 4, 2004 Chairman Pecky Lewis called the meeting to order at 9:06 a.m. in the commission room of the parks and Recreation Commission's administration office. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr., Vice Chairman Richard Skarritt, Secretary Fred Korzon, Hugh D. Crawford, Vincent Gregory, John P. McCulloch, John Richards, J. David VanderVeen, Suzette Vogt COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Charles Palmer ALSO PRESENT: Parks and Recreation Oakland County Purchasing Division Oakland County Corporation Counsel Oakland County 4-H Fair Association PUBLIC COMMENTS: Ralph Richard, Executive Officer Dan Stencil, Administrator — Parks Operations Frank Trionfi, Administrator - Administration Joseph Figa, Chief of Design and Development Jan Pung, Public Communications Officer Sue Wells, Chief of Recreation Mike Thibodeau, Chief of Golf Clyde Herb, Chief of Parks Sheila Cox, Accountant IV Mike Donnellon, Architectural Engineer I Jon Noyes, Architectural Engineer I Derenda Howard, Recreation Specialist Chris Sobeck, Intern Glenn Schlottman, Intern Joan Daniels, Buyer John Ross, Assistant Corporation Counsel LC Scramlin, General Manager Dave Coleman, President There were neither questions nor comments made by the public. Chief of Recreation Sue Wells introduced two new interns in the Recreation Section: Chris Sobeck from Central Michigan University and Glenn Schlottman from Michigan State University. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Moved by Mr. Crawford, supported by Mr. Gregory to approve the minutes of the meeting of January 7, 2004, as written. AYES: Crawford, Gregory, Korzon, Lewis, Richards, Skarritt, Vogt (7) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. APPROVAL OF PAYMENTS: 4-1 (Commission Meeting, February 4, 2004) Moved by Mr. Korzon, supported by Mr. Skarritt to approve the Payment Approval Summary, including: - Internal ServiceFFudnd s Journal Voucherayment Register Register December, r, r Reg sterfor October, November, and - Internal Service December (FM 1, 2 & 3, FY 2004) - Oak Management, Inc. Credit for Services Rendered Register for October, November, and December (FM 1, 2 & 3, FY 2004) - Operating Transfers for October, November, and December (FM 1, 2 & 3, FY 2004) - Payment Register, including Voucher & CIP Report for December (FM 3, FY 2004) AYES: Crawford, Gregory, Korzon, Lewis, Richards, Skarritt, Vogt (7) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS: month ending November 30, 2003 was accepted as filed. The Statement of Operations for the ACTIVITY REPORT: The Activity Report for December, 2003 was accepted as filed. OAKLAND COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE CONTRACT: Moved by Mr. Skarritt, supported by Mr. Vogt to adopt the following resolution, in preparation for l o f the 0 Oakland Coy the lic untyervices Committee Sher Sheriffs office lawfthe enforrcoard of Commissioners, ement services for the for the renewal of Parks Commission: WHEREAS, it is the policy of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners to permit the Sheriffs Office to enter into contractual agreements for the purpose of Law Enforcement Services; and WHEREAS, the Sheriffs Office and Parks and Recreation Commission currently have a contract for Law Enforcement Services; and WHEREAS, the contract expired on December 31, 2003; and WHEREAS, the Parks and Recreation Commission has requested that the contract be continued for the next five years; and WHEREAS, these rates are consistent with the rates as established by this board for the local units of government; and WHEREAS, Corporation Counsel and Management & Budget have reviewed the attached contract and are in agreement. 4-2 Otrce Ounty Sherihe parks February 4 213pAi that the O ekSeN'c PrOv\ded rn the Meeting G w enforc $me at the rate GOmrrirssiOn RE BE \� REct for \-a pp7 NOW 12p0 CN e Eo entet - onto n Ta�l2 p4(2pp5f2ppVeen Vogt �sl b authon� Ornmrssion bards Skarr\tt,,ander \s eat\on hereecrG dR contract' or�on, \-eW�s, Ric K S CraW ford, Gregory PEE p� e fio\\O.Nin9 reSOntSt 9e, S. d On a v0\c vote ands to ad oP�tPmPhrtheater e carr\e b r Ftrch o s Goh Motion PNT Pppb\GPI\ON been, supp e depe dence ak Gommrss\on has County M\N\,GR M,, \ ander Iron for th creation h the Oak\and MO\l - by t aPp\rca rks and Re thrOug . d mrnr gran d County p Stage' progra�'' Parrs' an d tp ograrn' the pak\anfior the„On �S and Gu\tura sp°nse tome need VVNEREP NCrrirgrant COupO for P eye\oPed rn ia,eon \nPut fr Oakland aPp\red 1Orpu�2 pand Michigan Stage progrwlo p ograme rrer, and nc\\ Gu\tura\ G e"On S d educa tion depa embers, an NSREPS, th , ,f\ent an d recrea staff rn parks and a rdab\e eZat\ons, Pan CommrssrOn and is the Oak\ sn or \xed recreatron f�Ommv�M ksgand Recreatro e„ programer Qf \nn,\,atrve P arks and „ Stag d ectr� arty P county RCS, the on stage an a d e Oak\and G o9ran's, rr es are CNN co%\rssr \ exPenences; s w\\\ assis ed recreatron p se re5o �u\tore. Recreates and cu\tura a1s and °b\e future sPeGa��Zatrons at o� for ads and pro9ra RCS' the gr°r detern`rnU g\es and °rg d aPPrec parks and t °f \pm mmrssr°nr,.�s to cornmase eXP°Sure an Oakland C tro�t\n the a PAand Recreatronthese PrObfe and to \ncre p thatthe t app\rca undr\for Provid\ng agar\a R 6� \.1 RESO s Stage Mira-Gra M\chrgan Co otherw\se un SFO the„On GO\-"' an No\N-tNERsion acceGQunty Gu\tura\ Gomrn k\and vanderveen,vogt<$1 RecreatronOugh the Oa ds Skarrrtt, $2, ppa` 4a.kr s Koh°n bew\s,'�rchar S GraWford, Gregory to pat PYE p� r\cu\tura\ lease w\\1 be voice rote. KS. rope an a9 of the \e a ON OP s to aPp Oaks. gate ab\e oPt\on carr\ed °n \S n Motion RPI. t.SPSE - POG b Mr, Richard r re at Pddrso ea ne U\-�U Supported on $g acres With a frve'y Vogt t$i GR\G orLon, hay f\�e years, derveen, P MO\jed by Mr' K a od herea5e wi\\ be 1\ to cu\tNate ds, Skarr\tt, fan 6e \ength K°won bew\s, Rrchar 3 Z�lacre, S'. Grata{Ord Greg°ry , PYE (Commission Meeting, February 4, 2004) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. ASPHALT PATHS — ADDISON OAKS AND INDEPENDENCE OAKS: Architectural Engineer Mike Donnellon presented information on two proposed asphalt trails: a 2.4-mile route connecting the main trailhead to the existing gravel trails at Addison Oaks; and a 2.1-mile loop from the beach area, crossing the Clinton River, and connecting to the newly constructed Organizational Youth Camping area at Independence Oaks. These trails are expected to provide an increase in park users for biking, hiking, rollerblading, and other recreational opportunities, including an improved surface for wheelchair users. Staff is proceeding with a grant application for the trail at Independence Oaks, which will be brought to the Commission for approval at the March meeting. BIDS: Moved by Mr. McCulloch, supported by Mrs. Vogt to approve the following bids as recommended by Parks and Purchasing staff: Purchase of a generator for the Lewis E. Wint Nature Center to the low bidder, DAC Tech, in the amount of $13,840.00. Purchase of a generator for the Addison Oaks Contact Station to the low bidder, Cummings Bridgeway, in the amount of $10,960.00. Contract for the irrigation at Lyon Oaks to the low bidder, Michigan Automatic Sprinkler, including the Base Bid to install approximately 3,000 linear feet of irrigation water main, control wires and irrigation heads for the two recreational fields and approximately 1,600 linear feet of water main for the future nine holes of the golf in the amount of $81,125.00; Alternate A to install approximately 2,200 linear feet of irrigation water main with all the necessary valves, control wires, and water main stubs to complete a looped system through the day use portion of the park in the amount of $18,560.00; and Alternate B to connect the existing irrigation system at the main park entrance with the golf course control system in the amount of $6,875.00. Total contract amount will be $106,560.00, plus a five percent contingency of $5,328.00, for a total budgeted amount of $111,888.00. The amount of $71,888 will be transferred from the Trail Development CIP Project to the Irrigation Recreation Field CIP Project for this expenditure. Purchase of three replacement boilers for the Waterford Oaks Waterpark to the low bidder, Hodges Supply, in the amount of $36,847.00. Contract for the enlargement of four tees and the construction of one practice sand trap at Lyon Oaks to the low bidder, LaFontaine, in the amount of $46,571.00, plus a ten percent contingency of $4,657.00, for a total budgeted amount of $51,228.00. Purchase of seven gas golf cars for Springfield Oaks Golf Course and 25 electric golf cars for the Red Oaks Golf Course to Club Car in the amount of $103,400.00. Justification for the Club Cars was noted as follows: • Club Car has a 48-volt which has enabled us to get four years on the batteries of our present fleet. 4-4 os eratronai cI nd \ess Zp54) es for \ess °wear on turf a February 4 which n`ai� for \ess N\eet�ng of six, makes <Comn�rss�On has four battte�,t�an EZ Go, wh`ch the new C\ua most Epp %. Ugh w features. V ogt C\ub torna\ cost. recedenth C\ubacat go\fi cars s, SKarritt,vandeNeen, Theaedeeg\y ha e Over 3p4 McCu\loch, R'chard �je Pres KorzOn, -ewrs, Crao{ord, �,reg°ry the bid for uee IP 2004 AYES ,k0fecOnskddakkbe3an on a vOtce vOte oded by Me\a d Oa s, as apPro erveen, Vogt <9i carried wford, suPP for Grov d Motion r Cra Steer Skarritt, van Mothe J°hn peere Skrd McCu\\och, R`chards, Of vets, Ineetrmg- Komon, Le Waterford, CrateOrd, Gregory d them cornPau� tease. AYES. has rnOve der for this P any , w bid ase n a vo\ce vote G Equr)nlen'tn9 h second \o rd the b\d f b �aepuD & G rrred ° der, p & aA, ac chO ksto the \o� Motion caorted that the \ow bid origin Mr McCu1\o Iron fOr a ff rep th jUst6ca Otte eb fior GrOve\and e een v Ogt <g Sta no%'Nin9 Veen, suPP Ste 545 48 nderV thereby Mr vande�eere S\crdountof 20, R s Skarr\tt,va Movedo 2513 Jphn \ntheam ch, rchard Eau`pment COMP any oryon, Levers, McCu\\o Cra�fOrd' Gregory , K stet S. ma ed �jseAYE �� SPringtre\d �a O� the Pr°aothat NAYS. l ed on a voice vOte BAN n the Status olyheviseeq e ted a an ter.ke S th the rn lS?R p o ed Motion ca S t been form \Nnsh'P r to site P os rn. \Ebp OAKS MA el 3oe F�gago'. rtha nSPrin9fre\d a\\o� fOr a ac oUs Units P`�s the E\Us ga SpR\Nc'p and pevet a few y o the \rs 8cumentthat�hOrse barne �\ can�prn9�, P rt for PUb\rc Chief of pt alky ugh uPdt\Ae re\ocat� to PrOvide a s.On of the N Fakr (no 9en then finaUZe noting than OenW and s in Ord`\rrn& e eXPe trians and 4 fission for input' rovided e4uestria next ten y e eQ Comm' ects the e master P\a area for parks anon P,Opck aL�C' refl eats on th ing sent it to the Barn re\oc from center carnP e\ern revision, Pre E\\rs ins equestrian ad000n� of the \ o\e ba a ,�i\\ Prod gee twe efore fina\ `o O the Soatus e additrona P b n re hearings and vie ed the Comossb\Q dOnatron f th a a\so uPd a ion On the P Mr' Fig aN `nform ORS. PTn S REp F\GER 4-5 e\trr�r EXECU�\vE of as noted- n bruary 4' 200�� nda, the er program at the trio n\rission oee`03' Fe Repo fled \n the age rnemorat\ve brick pav ateXy #o\\owin e `Co EXeGutNe OlV\cer s n on a proposed com day May dte se ao{ those peon in{orn'atlo wednes and add the \n addition to ided p gark parks se has been set for names reUrn Sted to provide PTO s our Corm\ss\on be __Staff p d by°n Oak Oaks Go\f C were reque with the bra\n an R d rs se rent attra and Oaks o{ the new e m none ct Go rn`s {:ion C\st. agree _.-Oedo\\ss\on m `Uae on the inv\ta tad to ensure thert�\ea expects this activity t° tt ey wou\d Uke C ch &Xecte e re -opens ing f\naC\2ed Staff oupsl\ndNida Go n y ° u\\o s Comni\ssko are the g°\# coot \n the parks are be ed the {o\\ow �g go th {or hksause °ErmieOae flnaC\xed eo cacri ng arks t\y recO9n` er cOntribubet\��s Rahn, Rel0ax __Rego\af\ons {ore pie to the p ssoc�at\on nand` 3 vo\unweb site, C5 assoc�atesland GaKs duce more p and park P lotthe. outs a bark pa F e\K o and S 5 a\ at Grove request' intro an Recreat\oG Pwards for estab\\shy a d ©en\se Ba\\oor' Fe e to Com`�`sme t\ng The M�chg munM Set ura Rescc\ean and vale, ount`1 Not P \n resp°ns t the Mar°h MRp P C°taste * °u be k w th the yak\and C a n was e up Win'\ng season a parks this p ter se so detea` Estate for their w° for the 213p3 as s ar`d p\ans #or th a eyecut\v Re reefing to n he marketing ,e#otmat\on °n the g ourn the 'St {{ wi\\ present rese N Mr MGCu��ch to ad\ ,nderveen, Jogt E fN SESS\O 5upp° ed\en \ acquis\tio R\ch s Skarntt V EX Cu Gregory' osed and ' Moved by Mtdiscuss a prop ew\s, McCu\\oGn, Session to e ov" KoRon, \- Crawford, Gr g NPYS �Oi avo\ce vote cut\ve Session atg:53 a' d on to an Xe bake Gaks Motion came as ad\ourned E 13 a m- e�h`te the b}d reefing w versed at �� n c\ar\f`lin9 who received -Me ed informat`o# the firms t\ng was re con Stall provid a C\st the tee \MESS' the C°rnrn\ 4 meet ng, a\Ong with f\\e the rep°`�s on the G`D BUS response to a regen dSt ra�he January Vogt to fece`ve and \Ubh �se b`ds Ares supported by Mrs vanderveen,vo9t C ackage . r. MCCu\\oc Obids use ds, skarnit p Mod\ e ba e Gregobh Oaks Ciu\s, McCui\°ch, R\char V'�hh kew S• Crawford, ry P�� 6 4� NP(S poi \ed on a vo\re vote Motion cart 4, VCA) On m. e cj� S - SIC Themnext co5v��SE�Xon meeVnc� y ge Own C?The Karen FredSeGretaN OfLon, Np RECREATION COMMISSION PARKS OAPRO,MARY K,-ANO COUN MENT AP VA► -SUM PAY FOR MEETING OF March 10, 2p04 CV FUNpB PAYMENT REGISTER: INTERNAL SERVI 4 F.r 2oo4) JanuaN, (FM ' P` ENT REGISTER (FM4, 2004)* er & C.I.P. -- Oh Period, JanuaN Vouch TOTAL ON IS AV Att-p`BLE *BACKUPFOR REVIEW . INFORMATI 51 $618,222.92 7a i $$06,897.65 ND RECREATION COMMISSION PARKS A 00X14D COUN OVAL SUMMARY PAYMENT APPR FOe MEETING or - Match jo, 2004 YMENT REGISTER: DS NAL pA INTERSERVICE FUN A FY 2p0A) January, �FM ' PAYMENT REGISTER: FY C.1.P. Fe Period, January, tFM ' Vouoher & f1ON IS AVAII-ASL.E FOR REVIEW IOTA ..BACKUP INFORMA 5-1 s618,22v12 188167_4 73 SSI)r 97.65 0,8 Oakland County Parks anu Recreation Commission Internal Service Funds Payment Register For the month of January, 2004 (FM 04) Source Department/Fund Purpose Amount 12/IN202891 O.C. Printing, Mailing & Copier Fund Copier paper charges for Jan.-Admin $217.80 12/IN202900 O.C. Motor Pool Fund Car/Truck lease, maintenance & gasoline charges for Jan.-Admin., Rec. Admin., Tech. Supp., 21,886.67 Add., Grove., Indep., Wh. Lk., Glen Oaks, Spring., R.O.W. Park,, SAC, Water., W.O.W. Park, Mob. Rec., Tob. Complex, Nat. Cntr. &Lon G.C. 12/IN202909 O.C. Printing, Mailing & Copier Fund Mailing charges for Jan.-Admin. 1,601.39 12/IN202909 O.C. Printing, Mailing & Copier Fund Printing charges for Jan.-Admin., Rec. Admin, Orion, Indep., Wh. Lk., Glen Oaks, Spring., 782.69 Red Oaks, Water., Lyon &Lon G.C. 18/IN202904 O.C. Information Technology Fund Radio lease & maintenance charges for Jan.-Admin., Add., Grove., Indep. & Nat. Cntr. 3,412.70 18/C1300211 O.C. Telephone Communications Fund Telephone charges for Jan.-Admin., Rec. Admin., Tech. Supp., Add., Grove., Indep., Wh. Lk., 12,156.13 Glen Oaks, Spring., Red Oaks, R.O.W. Park, Water., W.O.W. Park, Nat. Cntr., Lyon & Lyon G.C. 43/IN202912 O.C. General Fund Security expense charges for 12/13 thru 12/26 & 12/27 thru 1/9-Add., Grove., Indep., Wh. Lk., 23,579.88 Red Oaks, R.O.W. Park, Water., Tob. Complex, Lyon & Lyon G.C. 61/I1\1202889 O.C. Drain Commission Water & sewer charges for Dec. for Lyon G.C. & Nov. for Add. 2,696.71 61/IN202911 O.C. Drain Commission Water & sewer char es for Jan. for Lyon G. C. & Dec. for Add. 2,087.09 PRO18365-368 O.C. Payroll Fund Payroll charges for pay period ending 1/9/04-All Parks 187,411.29 PRO18479-480 O.C. Payroll Fund Payroll charges for pay period ending 1/23/04-All Parks 188,972.09 FB458679-685 O.C. Fringe Benefits Fund Fringe Benefit charges for pay period ending 1/9/04-All Parks 86,577.19 FB460145-148 O.C. Fringe Benefits Fund Fringe Benefit charges for pay period ending 1/23/04-All Parks 86,841.29 TOTAL FOR INTERNAL SERVICE FUND PAYMENT REGISTER $618,222.92 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION COMBINED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS FM 3, FY 2004 (FOR MONTH ENDING 12/31/03) YEAR TO 2004 (OVER), % OF REVENUE DATE BUDGET UNDER BUDGET BUDGET ADMINISTRATION: Millage Tax $1,949,975.06 $12,735,000.00 $10,785,024.94 15.3% Other (24,975.39) 149,500.00 174,475.39 -16.7% GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE 138,407.43 1,283,100.00 1,144,692.57 10.8% LYON OAKS GOLF COURSE 147,864.04 1,519,600.00 1,371,735.96 9.7% RED OAKS GOLF COURSE 3,251.76 317,900.00 314,648.24 0.0% SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE 47,725.12 893,950.00 846,224.88 5.3% WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE 60,148.44 1,040,693.00 980,544.56 5.8% NATURE CENTER 9,448.84 38,700.00 29,251.16 24.4% ADDISON OAKS 25,180.74 414,635.00 389,454.26 6.1% ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 30,071.87 120,000.00 89,928.13 25.1% GROVELAND OAKS 1,120.60 655,000.00 653,879.40 0.2% INDEPENDENCE OAKS 16,129.37 278,600.00 262,470.63 5.8% LYON OAKS 5,240.00 21,225.00 15,985.00 24.7% ORION OAKS 12,739.00 20,100.00 7,361.00 63.4% ROSE OAKS 0.00 100.00 100.00 0.0% SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER 1,811.31 2,500.00 688.69 72.5% WATERFORD OAKS 7,719.78 33,988.00 26,268.22 22.76/. RECREATION ADMINISTRATION 12,798.00 58,620.00 45,822.00 21.8% MOBILE RECREATION 36,832.67 419,750.00 382,917.33 8.8% RED OAKS WATER PARK 3,521.16 836,826.00 833,304.84 0.4% WATERFORD OAKS BMX COMPLEX 0.00 24,900.00 24,900.00 0.0% WATERFORD OAKS TENNIS COMPLEX 6,525.00 17,500.00 10,975.00 37.3% WATERFORD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 4,322.64 118,300.00 113,977.36 3.7% WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK 3,655.25 794,500.00 790,844.75 0.5% TOTAL REVENUE $2,499,512.69 $21,794,987.00 $19,295,474.31 11.5% OPERATING EXPENSES ADMINISTRATION $828,849.99 $3,452,719.00 $2,623,869.01 24.0% GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE 211,404.60 1,201,876.00 990,471.40 17.6% LYON OAKS GOLF COURSE 374,217.05 1,801,639.00 1,427,421.95 20.8% RED OAKS GOLF COURSE 133,439.64 724,119.00 590,679.36 18.4% SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE 148,612.18 887,848.00 739,235.82 16.7% WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE 142,997.07 778,250.00 635,252.93 18.4% NATURE CENTER 114,322.41 563,573.00 449,250.59 20.3% ADDISON OAKS 265,759.92 1,370,377.00 1,104,617.08 19.4% ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 19,548.06 393,696.00 374,147.94 5.0% GROVELAND OAKS 169,265.41 1,234,291.00 1,065,025.59 13.7% INDEPENDENCE OAKS 216,303.89 1,127,229.00 910,925.11 19.2% LYON OAKS 81,011.67 412,075.00 331,063.33 19.7% ORION OAKS 18,354.41 98,007.00 79,652.59 18.7% ROSE OAKS 2,859.06 27,604.00 24,744.94 10.4% SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER 21,196.68 179,557.00 158,360.32 11.8% WATERFORD OAKS 112,271.83 537,538.00 425,266.17 20.9% RECREATION ADMINISTRATION 122,647.78 589,183.00 466,535.22 20.8% MOBILE RECREATION 91,775.91 706,998.00 615,222.09 13.0% RED OAKS WATERPARK 183,085.43 1,308,467.00 1,125,381.57 14.0% WATERFORD OAKS BMX COMPLEX 2,935.92 57,913.00 54,977.08 5.1 % WATERFORD OAKS TENNIS COMPLEX 3,950.17 31,166.00 27,215.83 12.7% WATERFORD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 63,646.46 279,834.00 216,187.54 22.7% WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK 113,988.55 1,057,575.00 943,586.45 10.8% TECHNICAL SUPPORT 235,488.63 1,037,180.00 801,691.37 22.7% CONTINGENCY/INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES" 0.00 697,000.00 697,000.00 N/A TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $3,677,932.72 $20,555,714.00 $16,877,781.28 REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENSES ($1,178,420.03) $1,239,273.00 $2,417,693.03 2004 2003 ACTUAL REVENUE TO DATE: 11.5% 7.3% BUDGET BALANCE: 88.5% 92.7% ACTUAL EXPENSE TO DATE: 17.9% 14.8% BUDGET BALANCE: 82.1% 85.2% "CONTINGENCY YTD FIGURE: INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS PAYMENTS IN TRANSIT. CONTINGENCY BUDGET FIGURE: $3,000 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO GLEN OAKS (NOV.) 6-1 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION COMBINED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS REVENUE AND EXPENSE COMPARISON FM 3, FY 2004 (FOR MONTH ENDING 12/31/03) PARK ADMINI TRATI N GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE LYON OAKS GOLF COURSE RED OAKS GOLF COURSE SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE NATURE CENTER ADDISON OAKS ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER GROVELAND OAKS INDEPENDENCE OAKS LYON OAKS ORION OAKS ROSE OAKS SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER WATERFORD OAKS RECREATION ADMINISTRATION MOBILE RECREATION RED OAKS WATERPARK WATERFORD OAKS BMX COMPLEX WATERFORD OAKS TENNIS COMPLEX WATERFORD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK TECHNICAL SUPPORT CONTINGENCY/INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES` TOTAL YEAR TO DATE REVENUE 1,924,999.67 138,407.43 147,864.04 3,251.76 47,725.12 60,148.44 9,448.84 25,180.74 30,071.87 1,120.60 16,129.37 5,240.00 12,739.00 0.00 1,811.31 7,719.78 12,798.00 36,832.67 3,521.16 0.00 6,525.00 4,322.64 3,655.25 0.00 0.00 2,499,512.69 YEAR TO DATE EXPENSE 8 88,849.99 211,404.60 374,217.05 133,439.64 148,612.18 142, 997.07 114,322.41 265,759.92 19,548.06 169,265.41 216,303.89 81,011.67 18,354.41 2,859.06 21,196.68 112,271.83 122,647.78 91,775.91 183,085.43 2,935.92 3,950.17 63,646,46 113,988.55 235,488.63 0.00 $3,677,932. 22 "CONTINGENCY YTD FIGURE: INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS PAYMENTS IN TRANSIT. REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXP. 1,095,149.68 (72,997.17) (226,353.01) (130,187.88) (100,887.06) (82,848.63) (104,873.57) (240,579.18) 10,523.81 (168,144.81) (200,174.52) (75,771.67) (5,615.41) (2,859.06) (19,385.37) (104,552.05) (109,849.78) (54,943.24) (179,564.27) (2,935.92) 2,574.83 (59,323.82) (110,333.30) (235,488.63) 0.00 ($1,178,420.03) 6-2 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION COMBINED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS FM 4, FY 2004 (FOR MONTH ENDING 1/31/04) YEAR TO 2004 (OVER), % OF REVENUE DATE BUDGET UNDER BUDGET BUDGET ADMINISTRATION: Millage Tax $6,548,181.40 $12,735,000.00 $6,186,818.60 51.4% Other (9,285.94) 149,500.00 158,785.94 -6.2% GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE 139,260.89 1,283,100.00 1,143,839.11 10.9% LYON OAKS GOLF COURSE 148,821.54 1,519,600.00 1,370,778.46 9.8% RED OAKS GOLF COURSE 3,329.76 317,900.00 314,570.24 0.0% SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE 48,652.95 893,950.00 845,297.05 5.4% WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE 61,379.44 1,040,693.00 979,313.56 5.9% NATURE CENTER 11,803.25 38,700.00 26,896.75 30.5% ADDISON OAKS 29,280.74 414,635.00 385,354.26 7.1% ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 30,071.87 120,000.00 89,928.13 25.1 % GROVELAND OAKS 2,997.60 655,000.00 652,002.40 0.5% INDEPENDENCE OAKS 30,640.37 278,600.00 247,959.63 11.0% LYON OAKS 7,852.00 21,225.00 13,373.00 37.0% ORION OAKS 13,624.00 20,100.00 6,476.00 67.8% ROSE OAKS 0.00 100.00 100.00 0.0% SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER 1,811.31 2,500.00 688.69 72.5% WATERFORD OAKS 10,440.78 33,988.00 23,547.22 30.7% RECREATION ADMINISTRATION 14,212.00 58,620.00 44,408.00 24.2% MOBILE RECREATION 57,052.67 419,750.00 362,697.33 13.6% RED OAKS WATER PARK 3,521.16 836,826.00 833,304.84 0.4% WATERFORD OAKS BMX COMPLEX 0.00 24,900.00 24,900.00 0.0% WATERFORD OAKS TENNIS COMPLEX 7,275.00 17,500.00 10,225.00 41.6% WATERFORD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 48,025.05 118,300.00 70,274.95 40.6% WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK 3,655.25 794,500.00 790,844.75 0.5% TOTAL REVENUE $7,212,603.09 $21,794,987.00 $14,582,383.91 33.1% OPERATING EXPENSES ADMINISTRATION $1,096,455.08 $3,452,719.00 $2,356,263.92 31.8% GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE 266,019.84 1,201,876.00 935,856.16 22.1% LYON OAKS GOLF COURSE 486,084.42 1,801,639.00 1,315,554.58 27.0% RED OAKS GOLF COURSE 166,021.12 724,119.00 558,097.88 22.9% SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE 184,600.21 887,848.00 703,247.79 20.8% WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE 174,707.98 778,250.00 603,542.02 22.4% NATURE CENTER 143,476.17 563,573.00 420,096.83 25.5% ADDISON OAKS 324,915.45 1,370,377.00 1,045,461.55 23.7% ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 27,165.71 393,696.00 366,530.29 6.9% GROVELAND OAKS 207,456.26 1,234,291.00 1,026,834.74 16.8% INDEPENDENCE OAKS 265,711.91 1,129,101,50 863,389.59 23.5% LYON OAKS 102,956.47 413,947.50 310,991.03 24.9% ORION OAKS 24,226.16 98,007.00 73,780.84 24.7% ROSE OAKS 3,803.75 27,604.00 23,800.25 13.8% SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER 31,155.13 179,557.00 148,401.87 17.4% WATERFORD OAKS 136,200.20 537,538.00 401,337.80 25.3% RECREATION ADMINISTRATION 150,574.51 589,183.00 438,608.49 25.6% MOBILE RECREATION 116,307.20 706,998.00 590,690.80 16.5% RED OAKS WATERPARK 237,130.65 1,308,467.00 1,071,336.35 18.1% WATERFORD OAKS BMX COMPLEX 3,181.83 57,913.00 54,731.17 5.5% WATERFORD OAKS TENNIS COMPLEX 4,833.55 31,166.00 26,332.45 15.5% WATERFORD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 97,388.75 279,834.00 182,445.25 34.8% WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK 142,698.69 1,057,575.00 914,876.31 13.5% TECHNICAL SUPPORT 289,624.99 1,037,180.00 747,555.01 27.9% CONTINGENCY/INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES* 28,363.68 693,255.00 664,891.32 N/A TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $4,711,059.71 $20,555,714,00 $15,844,654.29 22.9% REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENSES $2,501,543.38 $1,239,273.00 ($1,262,270.38) 2004 2003 ACTUAL REVENUE TO DATE: 33.1 % 33.0% BUDGET BALANCE: 66.9% 67.0% ACTUAL EXPENSE TO DATE: 22.9% 18.6% BUDGET BALANCE: 77.1 % 81.4% *CONTINGENCY YTD FIGURE: INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS PAYMENTS IN TRANSIT. 6-3 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION COMBINED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS FM 3, FY 2004 (FOR MONTH ENDING 12131103) *CONTINGENCY YTD FIGURE: INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS PAYMENTS IN TRANSIT. CONTINGENCY BUDGET FIGURE: $3,000 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO GLEN OAKS (NOV.) CONTINGENCY BUDGET FIGURE: $1,872.50 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO INDEPENDENCE CONTINGENCY BUDGET FIGURE: $1,872.50 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO YON OAKS (AN. OAKS (JAN.) 6-4 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION COMBINED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS REVENUE AND EXPENSE COMPARISON FM 3, FY 2004 (FOR MONTH ENDING 12/31/03) PARK ADMINISTRATION GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE LYON OAKS GOLF COURSE RED OAKS GOLF COURSE SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE NATURE CENTER ADDISON OAKS ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER GROVELAND OAKS INDEPENDENCE OAKS LYON OAKS ORION OAKS ROSE OAKS SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER WATERFORD OAKS RECREATION ADMINISTRATION MOBILE RECREATION RED OAKS WATERPARK WATERFORD OAKS BMX COMPLEX WATERFORD OAKS TENNIS COMPLEX WATERFORD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK TECHNICAL SUPPORT CONTINGENCY/INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES" TOTAL YEAR TO DATE REVENUE $6,538,895.46 139,260.89 148,821.54 3,329.76 48,652.95 61,379.44 11,803.25 29,280.74 30,071.87 2,997.60 30,640.37 7,852.00 13,624.00 0.00 1,811.31 10,440.78 14,212.00 57,052.67 3,521.16 0.00 7,275.00 48,025.05 3,655.25 0.00 0.00 $7,212,603.09 YEAR TO DATE EXPENSE 1796,455.08 266,019.84 486,084.42 166,021.12 184,600.21 174,707.98 143,476.17 324,915.45 27,165.71 207,456.26 265,711.91 102, 956.47 24,226.16 3,803.75 31,155.13 136,200.20 150,574.51 116,307.20 237,130.65 3,181.83 4,833.55 97,388.75 142,698.69 289,624.99 28,363.68 $4,711,059.71 *CONTINGENCY YTD FIGURE: INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS PAYMENTS IN TRANSIT. REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXP. $5,442,440.38 (126,758.95) (337,262.88) (162,691.36) (135,947.26) (113,328.54) (131,672.92) (295,634.71) 2,906.16 (204,458.66) (235,071.54) (95,104.47) (10,602.16) (3,803.75) (29,343.82) (125,759.42) (136,362.51) (59,254.53) (233,609.49) (3,181.83) 2,441.45 (49,363.70) (139,043.44) (289,624.99) (28,363.68) $2,501,543.38 6-5 'Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Capital Improvement Program (C.I.P.) Budget Report FM 3, FY 2004 As of 12/31/03 Summary Total for All Parks/Facilities Contract(s) Estimated 2003 2004 Net New Estimated Amount Contract(s) Awd., Pre & Enc. Project Park/Facility Proiect Cost Adjustment Adjustment Adjustment Project Cost Paid Retainer Balance ` Balance Future Acquisition & Imp. $2,775,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,775,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,775,000.00 Addison Oaks 5,301,043.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,301,043.00 (527,685.69) 0.00 (14,261.00) 4,759,096.31 Glen Oaks 172,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 172,000.00 (44,388.48) 0.00 0.00 127,611.52 Groveland Oaks 80,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 80,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 80,000.00 Independence Oaks 761,211.70 1,863.14 636.00 2,499.14 763,710.84 (460,693.83) 0.00 0.00 303,017.01 Lyon Oaks 737,263.12 6,164.56 4,418.75 10,583.31 747,846.43 (382,878.89) 0.00 (41,600.00) 323,367.54 Orion Oaks 226,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 226,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 226,000.00 Red Oaks 1,098,461.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,098,461.10 (539.072.84) 0.00 (35,712.94) 523,675.32 Rose Oaks 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Springfield Oaks 2,117,136.00 0.00 731.25 731.25 2,117,867.25 (34,825.58) 0.00 0.00 2,083,041,67 Waterford Oaks 40,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40,000.00 White Lake Oaks 1,100,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,100,000.00 (4,892.90) 0.00 0.00 1,095,107.10 Contingency 2,253,290.82 (8,027.70) (5,786.00) (13,813.70) 2,239,477.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,239,477.12 Capital Improvement Projects Grand Total $16,661,405.74 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $16,661,405.74 ($1,994,438.21) $0.00 ($91,573.94) $14,675,393.59 v I " Sum of Contracts Awarded (Pre -encumbrance & Encumbrance accounts) r+ ACTIVITY REPORT r=:)�AKLAND JANUARY, 2004�jiTl•:r ►' DAY USE PARKS *Not included in program totals -only in combined totals. PARTICIPANTS (MONTH) PARTICIPANTS (YTD) In-house events are counted in facility totals. 2003 2004 2003 2004 ADDISON OAKS PARK Campers 0 0 4716 4715 Day Use 0 0 1484 1799 Day Campers 0 0 0 0 *ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 1277 1856 9535 12053 GROVELAND OAKS PARK Campers 0 0 0 0 Day Use 0 0 0 0 Day Campers 0 0 0 0 INDEPENDENCE OAKS PARK Day Use 13484 17354 52298 50858 Day Campers 0 73 165 326 Overnight Youth Group Campers+A39 0 8 94 124 LYON OAKS PARK Day Use 0 0 0 782 Bark Park 0 1244 1162 11023 ORION OAKS Day Use 956 1104 4761 13448 Bark Park 2301 1032 9066 20592 ROSE OAKS PARK Day Use 400 0 1600 SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER Day Use 0 320 0 2023 4-H Fair 0 0 0 0 *Banquet Facilities 1770 2696 8050 11420 WATERFORD OAKS Activity Center - non banquet 236 2014 2031 3102 *Banquet Facilities -Activity Center 535 2 535 2041 Day Use 0 1505 0 1505 TOTAL CAMPERS 0 0 4716 4715 TOTAL DAY USE 14440 20683 58543 72015 TOTAL DAY CAMPERS 0 73 165 326 TOTAL OVERNIGHT YOUTH GROUP CAMPERS 0 8 94 124 TOTAL BARK PARK 2301 2276 10228 31615 TOTAL 4-H FAIR 0 0 0 0 TOTAL ACTIVITY CENTER -NON BANQUET 236 2014 2031 3102 03-04 COMM ACTIVITY REPORT.As, JAN04 1 of 4 GOLF COURSES * Not included in program totals - only in combined totals. PARTICIPANTS (MONTH) PARTICIPANTS (YTD) In-house events are counted in facility totals. 2003 2004 2003 2004 GLEN OAKS Rounds Played - 9 Holes 0 0 2734 2533 Rounds Played - 18 Holes 0 0 1021 1230 *Banquet Facilities 1718 4006 14393 18525 *Grill Room 0 0 0 925 LYON OAKS Rounds Played - 9 Holes 0 0 504 705 Rounds Played - 18 Holes 0 0 1952 2281 Driving range 0 0 1800 668 *Banquet Facilities 1250 150 3669 4157 *Grill Room 0 0 0 2142 RED OAKS - (Under construction - Opening Spring 2004) Rounds Played - 9 Holes 0 0 0 0 SPRINGFIELD OAKS Rounds Played - 9 Holes 0 0 748 839 Rounds Played - 18 Holes 0 0 1484 1750 *Grill Room 0 0 0 680 WHITE LAKE OAKS Rounds Played - 9 Holes 0 0 1669 1938 Rounds Played - 18 Holes 0 0 1072 1393 *Banquet Facilities 369 439 2386 2267 *Grill Room 0 0 0 949 TOTAL ROUNDS PLAYED - 9 HOLES 0 0 5655 6015 TOTAL ROUNDS PLAYED -18 HOLES 0 0 5529 6654 TOTAL DRIVING RANGE 0 0 1800 668 03-04 COMM ACTIVITY REPORT AS, JAN04 2 of 4 RECREATION, FACILITIES AND SPECIAL EVENTS PARTICIPANTS (MONTH) PARTICIPANTS (YTD) Not included in program totals - only in combined totals. In-house events are counted in facility totals. 2003 2004 2003 2004 MOBILE RECREATION Bleachers 0 0 11 23 Bouncer 0 0 820 820 Bus 1485 1710 6255 6840 Climbing Wall 0 0 400 300 Dunk Tank 0 0 233 0 Inline Skate Mobile/Hockey Mobile 0 0 0 167 Obstacle Course 0 0 0 1230 Orbotron 0 0 300 450 Puppet 0 0 170 170 Show Mobile 0 1 8 19 Space Maze 0 0 0 820 Sport Mobile 0 0 1603 458 Tents 0 0 1 20 Camps 0 0 0 0 Miscellaneous 0 0 0 0 WATERFORD OAKS BMX 0 0 0 0 WATERFORD OAKS COURT GAMES COMPLEX 32 26 123 32 WATERFORD OAKS FRIDGE 12974 8252 12974 10972 WATERFORD OAKS LOOKOUT LODGE 40 91 622 951 WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK 0 0 0 0 RED OAKS WATERPARK 0 0 0 0 THERAPEUTIC EVENTS 197 387 1200 2671 SENIOR EVENTS 246 164 839 856 TOTAL MOBILE RECREATION VISITS 1485 17111 9801 11317 TOTAL FACILITIES AND SPECIAL EVENTS 13489 8920 15758 15482 03-04 COMM ACTIVITY REPORT.xIs, JAN04 3 of 4 NATURE INTERPRETIVE SERVICES " Not included in program totals. PARTICIPANTS (MONTH) PARTICIPANTS (YTD) In-house events are counted in facility totals. 2003 2004 2003 2004 ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM - INDEPENDENCE OAKS Nature Center 2417 2011 10025 9003 Outreach Visits 710 958 710 1552 *Trail Usage 7376 9713 23054 28117 ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM - LYON OAKS Nature Center 0 94 0 294 Outreach Visits 297 216 297 216 "Trail Usage 0 10 0 819 TOTAL NATURE CENTERS 24171 21051 10025 9297 TOTAL OUTREACH VISITS COMBINED• 10071 11741 PARTICIPANTS (MONTH) 1007 1768 PARTICIPANTS (YTD) 2003 2004 2003 2004 DAY USE PARKS 16977 25054 75777 111897 GOLF COURSES 0 0 12984 13337 RECREATION, FACILITIES AND SPECIAL EVENTS 14974 10631 25559 26799 NATURE INTERPRETIVE SERVICES 3424 3279 11032 11065 BANQUET FACILITIES 6919 9149 38568 50463 GRILL ROOMS 0 Oj 0 4696 GRAND TOTALS 42294 48113 163920 218257 I I Therapeutic/Senior Event Breakdown TR: tigf-61, Novi-12, Teen Beach-122,CP sports-48, Jr. Ball-24, Sports ability-84, b-ball-36 SR: Volleyball-150, Tennis-14 03-04 COMM ACTIVITY REPORT.As, JAN04 4 of 4 ITEM #9 GRANT APPLICATION SUBMISSION The Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission has been notified that applications for the Michigan Natural Resources Trust (MNTRF), and the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) may be submitted for 2004 funding. The applications are due on April 1, 2004. Staff recommends the following grants be submitted for the new funding cycle: Addison Oaks Acquisition Addison Oaks Acquisition consists of 346.2 acres of former farmland, woods, and wetlands. The property lies to the east of Addison Oaks across Walker Road. The Krohn Drain runs from Lake Buhl at Addison Oaks through the property. The property has road frontage on Walker and Romeo Roads, and has an easement allowing access from Rochester Road. The project total is $4,280,000, with $1,712,000 from the MNRTF and $2,568,000 from Oakland County Parks and Recreation. Independence Oaks Organizational Youth Camp — Connector Trail (OYC) The Connector Trail (OYC) consists of approximately 6,000 linear feet, which includes 4,890 ft. of 8' wide asphalt trail, 1,060 linear ft. of 8' wide boardwalk, and a 50 ft. bridge. This trail will cross the Clinton River and associated wetland areas, offering accessible opportunities for all park visitors, expanded opportunities for nature center programming, and provide a valuable connection from the Organizational Youth Camp to the rest of the park. The project total is $365,000 with $219,000 from MNRTF and $146,000 from OCPR, or $182,500 from LWCF and $182,500 from OCPR. The LWCF requires a 50% match. The grant projects are consistent with the goals adopted in the 2002-2006 Recreation Master Plan. A presentation and further information will be presented by staff at the required public hearing scheduled immediately prior to the March 10, 2004 commission meeting. 9-1 -LTE'K # 10 B ASH BORERolocol. Eov) MEND p f Emerald IEVATRH RBp`AC6 the ident�flcas�have pars n9 a rnm\ssio offa{{ected Par to the fo11oW parks Go 'neelMs°rs \ according 003, for cod y parks. S d tree remova 2 Staff x fi d \nfecte tkie fall �estat\on ton o at an 1psh Boof fduca ion, ldent�fica ark trees policy rogra surveys of the trees usly identjf\e d as protoCQ1. an education P a\ tre re and inform ark�ng wh-ch a1 trees p vio ended W \nst�tut ct formaledure for m m Gondu roc PT' in E 2- 1nst�tute a sanitation piped es that have been on (MSU , 3 Conduct a e cut and ch with sped Unvers�ty 4- in{ecte eanfected tfe ch. .State 5 R �CeSentatNes of e fo\1oW\ng- d arks Efforts: achieved th guests the affecte P C,Urre—r is year, par a; materials fie ed 'as treey ,andscapallo� ted funareas ds for March of th educat\on ver 400 In trees ink ission PPS of Posted removed ° ent shade 000 . Gomm meat lacement rep\acem of the �'�p0tree rep and tree removal es' \ Bover MM.scion Gut and lnstaelnd d 5g,440 92 ant for Emerald Psh EXP\acement tr 20 0p0 grant f this grant' e %ed retroactively rPpp1\ed fora and due dates *0 need to b the P°stxng grant application and to *Due to the res°iut�on °n infected trees stok cost of most roue to rem ew trees Wt\ are as of the four ont 0 n ds Fuf�on, ffi Parks.stall te PppCOX� s takkedo the tan cap oGPR Wil\ or the 2004 when appC w,11 neefla d tO be in Extension' \fished em 0 erslty are estab lace th $52,00 i Stato Unly es TO ted Parks dies of w s u 0 eplacement tre spread of the Ep,B beetle, a{�ecte the most reec�e to key ash trees d to limit the Based on lcal treatm ark guests, icatXon. limit Chem e safety °f Pa upon '\den e th cu \n order toees wi11 be 'Prom infected 10-1 ITEM #11 Bid Items: a. Artificial Teeing Area - Lyon Oaks b. Park Signage — Addison, Groveland and Independence Oaks C. Fireworks — Addison and Groveland Oaks d. Cabin Furniture — Addison Oaks e. John Deere Tractor — Independence Oaks f. Lake Aerator — Addison Oaks g. Red Oaks Clubhouse Furniture h. Rock Climbing Wall — Mobile Recreation i. Chaise Lounge Chairs — Red Oaks and Waterford Oaks Waterparks j . Frame Tents — Red Oaks Waterpark k. Fairway Aerator — White Lake Oaks 1. Greens Mowers — White Lake, Springfield & Lyon Oaks in. Rotary Mowers — Glen Oaks and Red Oaks n. Adaptive Golf Cars o. Greens Aerator — White Lake Oaks p. Pavilions — Addison and Lyon Oaks " S and {or the pu�chas s the {O\io`Nmg b� e: iro'm PuCchas�n9 e Lyon Oaks Can9 e have tece�ved e stations Jot th Z2��Z3'�0 N 20 Synthetic to v $ insta\iatton °{ eras Sp°tSu oa0 00 er30, d G Rochester � ouc goii Lange an � ach, F on §ot Ponke v edCa 6e \� eXtend the seas s are to°wet s can is stations hen condition find, and go\ier ,these Synthet t�n9 bentgrass w ca\ tub `ie could tub on their new wear on the eX�s e c\osest to Hato nstailed this same reduce type o, tub is th he duty °� troy \ \ Sp°�S -�h�s tee .1 desired bidder Genera use a wooden d success with `t e bid to the low udget nge and has ha ends awaCd�ng th ment ?,o�ects to Staff rec°mm 13 00, e Capita\ \I-V\' e amount °.� g,22,0 0 budgeted �n th in the ere is �20,000 fl Ih fog these 20 tees. F�RE�O,R been ON OPKS pND Ck sh°ws have be and at AOp\,S � °� JU\y F,Ce,�,�o ,U\y 2 2004 osa\s lot °ur 4 e he\d on FC\da�1 ge \oest lot pC°p d\son Oaks wi\\ b oaks \ay lisp he show at Pd �O\y 3, 2004 joC a $8,000 ��rew Cece�ved s on Saturday to °uC CeQuest GCove\and Oak Cixes Cesponded OUC GOOPa � as �O\\ows•• k5 G°rnPary at each \oGa�\Qn, n"aX cow Ox vII Gray PyC°teGh��Gs, \nG. Me\Cole, orl \C�n9sb `CewoCks pisp\ay, o\�eC\ne M\ any ith �N �awkaw\m, teCnakiona\e mp W s \n �`a\ -�Cew°Cks Co \Ce`N°Ck ast\e, ? P sed Go\o °� t!ne sire and New we have u °mpaCison a9a�n awaCd G e Past two years, eCience and the Gommendat\on tO 000 {OC Forth n based on eXP \s, it is staffs re for Pdd\s°n, $8, teat Satisfack\o the pCop°sa 9 e C �16,000 <$5,00 d9et uaC`tity ol the sh ia\ F\Ce\N ems {o k s OpeCatm9 p u q G°ntcact to O°\On eted in each Pat the \andl . enditure are bu 9 C'r°�e ands lot this eXP F item eca\ E.vents line Sp FURNiTvuBHDUSE Red RED OAKS CL furniture for the new interior and eAenor or the h Steel E4u'p te n1ent owas reGe1ved f s blanket order w•it P CO using the county s fou pailo C s Clubhouse irs, ten round table pak d base Stack cha cote is $Afl'S33 g4. Company � odudes 4d s1e -the 4 the aute in umbrellas and bases -fools tine item• to be four th 16 chairs, n the park's Small W� � a11ow the #urnkshin9s tables , s is a budgeted item al of this au°te, to Thy rnrnends appr°v fiaG�\ity in the spring Staff reco of this • tkrne for the opening delivere d to RESOLUTION APPROVAL FOR GRANT APPLICATION WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission has been notified by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources that applications for cost sharing grants of up to $20,000 are available and were to be submitted by March 5th, 2004; and WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission has identified and established priorities "to ensure optimum park land and quality recreational facilities for the people of Oakland County", as adopted in the 2002 Recreation Master Plan; and WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission recommends the filing of the following application to the Michigan Department of Natural Resources for matching grant: Emerald Ash Borer Tree Planting NOW THEREFC(kE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Is Commission recommends submission of the above -said grant application with the appropriate bTht matching funds to be designated from the one -quarter mill. ,/cr( .the �S retrz Moved by oe *7,-e C rn4s '�tin�e Supported by w Date Subscribed and sworn before me, a Notary Public in and for the County of Oakland and State of Michigan, this day of March, 2004. SEEING O Rs� s p4tStFpp�s GOLF C es atl-`!°n paK 1.� ON e a�trf\dra\ tee rn Mach 5 {Oc th etrn9 {°C Ce due °n Fr\da`! G°rssrOn rye grds a sum�a� at the C\\ C,°\fi Co be Cesentrn9 the \\aror °rdec t° by rnrd"PP Staff �i\\ be P p\ement \nsta aPpv°v a\ rn rrn a'1 PGE SIGN ' yaks, d pPRK C°veiard an ddrs°r oakS, G s�gnage at P Bch 5� Cec°mme�da�rOn, s {Or aCk °n FridayMa' a\0,09 a the P grd e 4aks are due d pCesert them indepe�de�° Ce�iew the brds an Staff �r�\ mrssrOn meetrng at the c°r� b-1 EW 4R�S and GCov e�aod FAR yaks works at Pdd�s°° F ou�th °� Judy five with a ads for the em along pcopos �r�d y March 5. aCe due o° a e ooposa�s oaks VA\ ee��ew th tss`of\ meetir9- Sta at the Gory vecommenc\at\on, CABIN FURNITURE OPKS ueSc furniture for the two new Bids were req Cted for the purchase °f ounty Park. abin fuBeds, n Oaks 103 Standard Bunk cabins at Addiso4 sets of L- six-person s follows: O s14 Chairs, (4) The furniture order �s a L_603 72" Tables w Beds, (2) each V Tete- Qu(2) each M1400- (2) each of L-102een Size 6 each L-202 Night Stands, each L-602 dining Chairs, and 42„ Cocktail Table ea each Setteeany submitted a bid, as A- fete s Varnish and (2) ies, only one comp ht compan Bids were sent to eig #oolows: � 95410.00 Moon va11eY E.n lish Gardens Clarkston, Ml bid" responses included submitting n° ester Hills locations), The companies Roch dine} s (both Clarkston and Redwood gloornf1eld, B°r Fur of Waterford, of West Trends In F Clawson, ore, Kentucky. National Millworks °# Inc of Liverm six - Twin Rivers, in 2002 for the s of pxford, and Moon Valley Playground Purchased from the same as the e furniture wasp time is This same urchase price at that cabins at Gr°veland �aks�, p person in the amount of ent bids- the bid to Moan Valley, curt awarding Staff is recommending he park's operating budget $g,410.00 will come from t Funds of this expenditure small tools line ite+'n, d-1 GTpR 1O TO ,�ONN Deep, OA S f With a front eefe 4510 TfactOd 19 ?5 Ford o p ear-O\ f Whee, drive Soh 9 y ou feplaciog a 2 expected to last 2 re received for a faks This tractOr This oew tractor �s B*\ds W e eodence O 12,500 ^00 . °Doty auct�oo . ed loader f°f lndep O figinai cost °f S osed Of in the c od°rs Wh° s0101,tr eo 00 tractOf With a tractor Wi11 be d� P here were five ve 30 30 `leafs. -The of S,xteen vendors T to e bids were Sent to Th �,21 5?3 00 bids Z Supply Derr �m9 on Ni1\s, Mi2� ,100 �0 Fa VVF 0*1\\ef Go. 54A .00 1 NOvj, M Muon Tractor M, $22,05A .00 Auburn VO\s, A,S COOS,fuct\on ox, W $22,�53'00 end°rs With no Len er �au,pment spouse and eighty xl T� uth Lyon, Mi ors with a °n0 bid" re o three vend for the amou t °f There Were Weingaf Z Supply e bid to s response ds awarding th n e to keep 0vir parr Staff fecOmmen Wing �ustxficat o WOu1d Uk Cadet. With the fo110 eefe-�ractofs and p diesel for aCS and the $21,5?3 00 have tNo en °D compared t e 6a Sfn�ss�on ge and the N1e cu frentt the me vg Np 61esei A2 revers s• 1ift�ng • iy With s has 3 fOmafd and eve fse gear pfessufe for supp Soho Deere has 12 and 8 f 500 m The ears rWard as 2 The ,Oho 0 has °oiy $ f3°hn peers h d Cue \,df,,a-vas 2; 13 psi' Th Cub Cadet e"1 and the PTO on the Cub Cadet has 24 industrial tires compared PTO on the John Deere has 33 H 5x • The Deere-. 17 29.5 HP. er on the John D 500 lbs. and the The rear tires are large Cadet the John Deere is 2, to 13.6x24 on for the 3-pt hitch on ared capacity 12.5_gallon tank comp The lifting 050 lbs. ity, with a The John Deere has a Cub Cadet is 2, larger fuel cap ac g ' tank on the Cub Cadet et There are 000 budgeted in the 2004 operating equipment budget. t to cover the additional amount of re is $20, The Equipment Budge sufficient funds in the Operating q $1,573.00. e-2 LAKE AERATORS ADDISON OAKS Bids were received for two lake aerators at Addison Oaks. These aerators will replace two aerators purchased in 1990 and used in Adams Lake. The old aerators were purchased at a cost of just under $3,000 each. The bids were sent to ten vendors. There was only one vendor who submitted a bid. There were three "no bid" responses and seven no responses. MCI Aquatic Co. $10,142.60 Freeland, MI Gifts of Remembrance No Bid Troy, M I Green Thumb Garden Ctr. No Bid Madison Heights Oakland Living Corp. No Bid Rochester, MI No responses were received from MTS Construction in Birmingham, Rain Forest Inc. in Warren, United Lawnscape in Shelby Township, American Vault & Concrete in Detroit, Summer Sprinklers in Waterford, Preferred Building Maintenance in Grand Rapids, and A G Housey in Detroit. Staff recommends awarding the bid to MCI Aquatic for the amount of $10,142.60. There is $11,000 budgeted in the 2004 Operating Equipment Budget for this purchase. f-1 le v sE vim OAKS CLugNO tuCe loC the new 'Rep \ E.aU,pment Go. .l0efkol and°Crier Stee h eXterior Cn� e for the w\tPai ° ed a 4u°t s b\anKet and tab\es, 5 Staff rece`v e usir`g the Gounty tack oha�rs 10 ro 1, thous bases oust °i � 1g21$ Red Oaks G\u �no\uded �� s\ed \uses in the am \s \\r`e item. the 4u°te umbre\\as and Oaks Small°° Cnishir`gs `N�1\ be $,Kith 20 �ha�rs, item within Red te, so thatt\.\e fu tab\e \s is a budgeted rova\ of the au° C\ng Th s Ceo°mmends aRP s opev \'A �o the P Sta� e fioC de\Nered �n 6m CLIMBING WALL ROCK RECREATION MpBILE ved from Purchasing the following bids for the Purchase of a 24' We have rece� mobile climbing wall. $22,648,00 Extreme Engineering Clearwater, FL $24,800.00 Vertical Reality Miami, FL $30,817.00 outdoor Fun he Mobile Recreation Program an Wayne' Ml climbing wall will be an addition to t The neW and as a rental unit. summer camps, ate generating ecial events, ours. We anticip Will be used at our sped 250 Op for three h Tannto rent this unit for $ We p Wall., r the 2004 season. n requests for a mobile climbing $g,000 for had ma Y For the past three years we have ram with e unit in operation and speak Will be a great addition to our pro staff feels this to actually see th opportunity Conference in St. Louis. Staff has had the opp 4 NRPA 0 of the above units at the 2p0 e unit, We feel the unit anufacturer of tW the specifications of th them with other them and reviewing also made contact After meeting with Staff has will best fit our needs d them to be very satisfied with from Extreme Engineering Ve fours e these units in operation and have groups who have climbing he purchase of the rn°brie rock the unit. mends awarding t -therefore, staff recommends for $22�64$�00. IOW bidder, Extreme Engineering Wall to the 30,000 budgeted in the 2004 operating Equipment for this unit. There is $ h-1 'sG image 562x856 pixels http://www.extremeenginecring.com/images/wall/Wall Dragon_Boat.jpg :)f 1 h-2 3/2/04 3:42 PM FULL BASE CHAISE LOUNGE CHAIRS RED OAKS WATERPARK AND WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK The existing chaise lounge chairs have been in use for up to 15 years and are showing extreme wear. The waterparks have been replacing 40-80 chairs each year, spreading the cost out over several years. Red Oaks Waterpark is increasing its inventory due to the increased attractions and deck space, but will still need to replace many of its chaise lounges. Out of several bids received, only one met the specifications for size and dimensions requested in the bid. It is important to match the old with new chairs in order to be able to stack them together. Staff have purchased samples of other vendors products (Leslie's Pool Mart and Amer - A -Can); they neither hold up as well nor stack with the current product of Taylor & Associates. Bids received are as follows: Taylor & Associates Ocala, FL Edward Don & Co N. Riverside Consumer Office Furniture Saginaw, MI Hurbson Workplace Syracuse, NY Leslie's Pool Mart Phoenix, AZ Admirals Casual Furniture Ocala, FL Amer -A -Can Orlando, FL Workplace Integrators Bingham Farms, MI Engan Tooley Doyle Okemos, MI $15,150.30 Did not meet specifications Did not meet specifications Did not meet specifications Did not meet specifications Did not meet specifications Did not meet specifications Did not meet specifications Did not meet specifications Staff recommends accepting the bid of $15,150.30 for 110 chaise lounges from Taylor & Associates. This expenditure is budgeted in the Red Oaks and Waterford Oaks Waterparks Small Tools line item. i-1 SENTS of FR K WAT�RpARK s far the purchase ,Rkp pA n the following b►d d fro► parchas► 9 ave receiveTotal Vie x 40 .t, fra►ne tents' �aGh 1 o64.00 tw° 24 ft. r Manufacturing G° 53p.00 Si ste 5, prmbr field, lt" Spr►ng e Tent vltraF ram $A p,453.40 Manufacturing, lnc. $5,226 50 8 & B vp' ster, for the f011ow►ng WCO " ing the b►d to prmbru esQ mends award Sta{f re eable This reas°ns' 11 last 7.10 years tents are interchan9 will help also The tents usua y aster's Vltraf ra►�e at the .ob site. Ththe same tents.ln The 'Parts lot PPrmbr and speed of set care palts among atenis for Red Oaks s with the prof►ciency using sp braster help rdering °f pates and archase °f WJO P e is the sane style help with the scion ,,,raved the keeping all the t enera to ill g 2p02 Gofnv6 d would recom►�'e to rent a day - Vie w ent pads were added WateTark an t 50.00 for Pa tro season. The cemts will be used by COS et s ten The tent wi115pp 04 in revenge the season the approX►mately �4, rOlect, In s by the drain \ ve the purchase °f ed Oak ra to R anon. the Commission apP obile Recre sling Go for11 �060.00. M therefore, is reque Manufacturing on►es out of the Staff' Armbruster e tents from s{err►ng m 40,000 trap was � e from There t be UltraFr,,M e will c a Oaks Sma11 T°°\ - which we will no ands far this parchas c to R irk GIP for a 0\1 budget contmger' Watell operas►fie under Red Oaks budge constructed' 5-1 ERp-top, �pKs e Purchase ofi a VAN\'f Owing b+dS fior th urGhasir+9 the received ITOO P r \Nhite Lake Oak Staff has f,:,MM aevato {o $AG,g40 ,D" arge 3,POir+t h+tGh r� 1� ,551 00 ns \O t meet specifiicat+O N SPa'kal\ Ni\\s Did sand SpCir+9 +e\d V� F Mi\\er white `ake Oak Nov+ e shared between s, {°r wh+Gh we h+S aevator wi\\ b � s Mice each 4ear. ke th+s at Lyon pa Ia+may year °\d U�+t \+ aks fov aerat+ng ave \ �o O \ h a rat+n9 in a two wee �e PreseotY GO+�P\ete th+s ae es. �1g,580 � as a t+r�+etab\e to 1$ ho\e g°\{ G°urs a�Z io the Pa+d ach go\f c°arse h re between three \off b+ddec, We1ng E a so it is dif�icU\t to s rd\n9 the b+d to the ent budget r t PeriOd his GOrr+mends 'a u+ m fio Staff re 0 00 e OPerat+ng Ea p mOunt of $16,$A 00 budgeted in th ahere is aerator o SHED PRODUCTIVITY FROM THESE TRACTOR MOUNTED CH MpV� ERLY S oN C'pM �ENS Pthe Purchase of S for WM�TE LPK� th e {o\\ow�ng bids purGhas�ng h ave reGexved from 4 N1e ens mowers. $48,- ee riding gre thr Miller oaGobsen> 50,511 � Novi ere) V odd sir�'r\ar gteen s einga�ZJohn De eats {°r four,year owers. V�1 Nov, are reP\aGem ear odd tee rn e greens mowers to six and seven y r. and lhes��1 be traded down r this type o, mowe �n our g°\f °°urses �t mowers t'natw 6,214 . 2003 fo Teens mowers ° erator faf,6War y V4e Paid 51 ve 28 Jacobsen g obsen brand for P Presently `Ne ha o stay With the Jac e Jacobsen s recommend t bid jOr these thre g4 \Ne away anGe ds awarding the amoUrt ofi $48,0 and �amten erelove rec°mrnen F Mid\er,'Xn the Staff th he `ow bidder, W ese mowers. t Bens mowers to budgeted {or th gr .there `s $540 00 1-1 77,77 ki ill JAC B SEN" TM GREENS' KING V11 T r i p I e x I r e e n s M o w e r JACOBSEN • 1-2 TURF CARE AND SPECIALTY PRODUCTS S 90TARY Mp RED 0A►CS GLEN OAKS AN for the purchase of sing the following bids d from puroha We have rece.Ne °wens'. rotary T� .al 60 hp diesel rn 109 Ea 86,262 00 tW° _ 00 Spawn Joro) Auburn 1.{ills g03'00 °r a sirn,ilar unit that is F ,Miller �3acObsen) ent f ent W • replacem m Oaks will be a of equip r for Glen 1 be an addif:►onal piece The move wer for Red Oaks w�1 ten years old• The rn° d rough cobsen m°wer. andle the new irrigate simtlar Ja to h 00 in 2p03 fora w bidder, Spawn' for We paid ��0,67Z. to the to Staff reOOmmert ds awarding this bid 0 d for these �° mowers. $Bo,262'0 g3,udgete There �s b m-1 Count on it. r� '�2 ti a i 1 .....................i�i�v�x,� �'a x ..•:.,,x.,. �t er•<, I>y{�yr" k.w:ei n#?. N may, �zx 9,'i £lu�...a �uj �b MS.Sd St".. ax �.ltd{ 1.S %.b'', VE GOLF Gj urGhase of AQP��, wins bid {°r the urchasing the fO\\o rece`ved Irom P ears' gpp Vve have adaPt`ve g°\� rpp each are in Poor ur G6i ExPress are t-G g,3,4 six `Jeans °\d an O��vd {o ens t. \ nd�sh, M �rn�\ar ears that Sta ors are reP\acing s in �9g$. .,hese G nger ava�\ab\e. ese adS0\Ie cars the Pa �d,Pants with Pais no \0 2 $pp each JOr th e \ast {a\\, mast ° shape, k a\\y Paid White La he`r needs. esPonse Vie origin five g°\� aut�ng at st SU`ted t with n° r Pt °ur adaP \{ �XPress Gars be invita n to a te, our cars in the uo tea ed that these Go ies were sent an O\ivers �Dr the f se ogre Six other G°mPan warding the bid to Oa\cs, G\en � recommends a Oaks SPringjje\d e s Sma\\ Sta �3,6pp' d to �h\te Lake ectNe g°\j e°urs amount °{ cats wi\\ be ass�'3 red to each resP These ca s and wi\\ be Gha g a\cs, and Red Oak O budget Cane item. V -1 Features of the Golf Xpress® Model GX-20 Wraparound handrail for easy transfers �d 8. Easy -to -use hand controls - seat ositioninQ p '� 8 0 9:Adjustable restraint system t3all, tee and scorecard holder Og 10.360° swivel seat with infinite stops 3 Cane and crutch holders 10 - 11. Cooler/oxygen tank shelf Cu holder p 4 -11 12: Height -adjustable seat post Sweater/jacket storage 6 5 t 12 13. Smooth turf -saver tires Fold -up bag holder 14. Dual drive motors with automatic brakes Additional manual front brakes ®Y 14 1 15.Two 130 amp -hour 12-volt batteries standard 7 13 Versatile Enough to Meet Many Different Needs Play seated two-handed or one -handed or standing -but supported Stores vertically in a 36" x 42" space, saving room in your cart shed. Simply remove the batteries and stand the Golf Xpress° on its sturdy rear bumper. Note the rugged com- mercial frame of welded steel. or just use it to get close to the ball Staggered tracking minimizes turf wear as the rear tires do not run over the same ground as the front tires. Note four tracks in the sand, not two. Golf Xpress® - Division of eMotorsports, Inc. Solving access, mobility, anci pace-of=play problems forgo f col11se3 since 199D. 4275 County Line Rd, #214 - Chalfont, PA 18914 Toll Free: 1-877-GX-- d - Fax: (215) 997-9560 - www.Igolfxpress.com pEwO , GRETE `pKE OpK e pUrChase ofi a 1\n9 bid of th the {o . d fcom PUrChasing White Lake oaks: have reCe`ve ens aerator hoc ��,$�2'0� �e o\f course gre $ wi\\ be passed rydirg �$ \\P g e�ator that � Novi _ year o\d sirm�lar a wi\\ rep\ac-e'a six e aerator ears ago f,6aed 1h d on tees i\ar aerator siX y her Company sub ss dowO to be Use 445 0() {or a s m ce item or e of rsepower' alnd \e Vie pa`d $12, toc \s a s�n9\e soU ha \ess ho as oot a r\din9 type, d this r\akng aera Uri,t that w in the amoUot of a b\d on a \esser r b`d to F Mi\\er nds awarding the meat gUdget JOT rodUC��on per ho p Stail reComme s operat%ng EaU\p p0 • eted icy the pack g72� s $�5 , bUdg "Chere , th\s p vrchase owl Handlebar or wheel -type steering are available options. The GA-30 combines the versatility of variable core spacing, the speed of a riding machine and the precision coring of Ryan's unique reversing gear box ground drive return mechanism. Aerate greens, fairways and sports fields up to a depth of 3-3/4 inches with a single piece of equipment. Spacing adjustments can be done quickly and easily from the operator's seat while the unit is in motion. The GA-30 with its 30-inch aerating width, is a proven, time -efficient machine with a 6-mph transport speed. Convert your GA-30 to a supplemental solid tine aerator with the solid tine aeration kit. Install 1/4-inch coring tines in the Quint tine holders and you have the ideal machine for summer greens aeration or for overseeding. 6 o-2 PAVILIONS ADDISON OAKS AND LYON OAKS Requests for quotation were received on March 2, 2004, for the purchase and delivery of two pre -manufactured wood, curved beam pavilions for the following parks.. Addison Oaks — 30'x60' Pavilion for the Existing Tent Area #1 (Timber Ridge Shelter) Lyon Oaks — 20'x28' Pavilion for the Recreational Field II The pavilion for Addison Oaks will be replacing a 4-year old tent (300 person capacity) in an area that has been rented for corporate picnics, high school reunions, and weddings for several years. The Lyon Oaks pavilion will be installed at the newly constructed recreational field II (Cricket Field) as a rental area for the sports group using the field Bids were received from five of the seven qualified manufacturers as follows: MANUFACTURER ADDISON LYON OAKS TOTAL OAKS Jennings of Michigan $17,000.00 $7,150.00 $24,150.00 Metamora, Michigan RCP Manufacturing $15,020.00 $4,830.00 $19,850.00 Stuart, Florida Cedar Forest Products $16,849.50 $7,742.00 $24,591.50 Polo, Illinois Timber Systems $13,779.00 $5,751.00 $19,530.00 Lapeer,' Michigan Engan-Tooley-Doyle & Associates $15,032.00 $5,710.00 $20,742.00 Okemos, Michigan Staff recommends splitting the bid and purchasing the Addison Oaks pavilion from the low bidder, Timber Systems, for the amount of $13,779.00; and purchasing the Lyon Oaks Pavilion from the low bidder, RCP Manufacturing, for the amount of $4,830.00 for a total expenditure of $18,609.00. Two Timber System pavilions were installed at the newly constructed Organizational Youth Campground at Independence Oaks. Funds are approved in the 2004 Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) budget for both pavilions. The installation of these pavilions is currently out to bid and expected to be on the April Commission Meeting agenda. p-1 Ilo #12 KS V11 p.Ter OR OARp\N RAP p,�R slit R�VW at the OatefJor hd m e stormwater dra to tlast fail ved for the repair the tennis c°mpied that the NO recer drive t0 discover waY Bids w 1eX. the we ed a art Games C°rnpn to develop iGof video taping' Soil is being eroded in the co bega eans e instal th yaks P large hole t�gatiOn by m to a point were this drain `eras ing repaired. s e On further iGve has disintegrateds halt su�ace to the asphalt brrugated metal Upetai storm dram collapse of the s\ eplaced prior of 40 feet °f co nd sand for the rn e must bon and removal a e and causing t drain 6P stoked material. e 21 PA e, id-sevent\es es the eXcavat roviding on `! oG aft, p excava m 1 m work rnclud tfing the a0l and removing theith a response fr Work for the 1 \Pe �Csaw ce drive croSsim, era\ compaGres G aisO peTi°rrns e ip th p ipe bedding at ect was bid to se -phis compa rk description `Ch p -the pro, �� of w�Xorn above wo :iGch Go? with F ones r�rSsroG - s the tmg 24 d rn chide paci�tr an yarn G° ich � Qg {eet of deteriora t D wh in nd Oakand Coun ye bid is �12,Ogg a the water dra 1h base e additional 2 storm` also provide e lin an d band' to e Gate'Oid is t0 recluding grout an with the repair 12����" Sta" wrlsion meeting alter eding t for ate at the comrnrs it is e rn 18.iGch poly pip mends prose nd Forres therefore, Staff recom Paofr a the alterna n repair*, budget the contract to discussion °n unforesee e operating awardiG9 for'�'ation for budgeted for this sferred frO�' th al in t b amount be Iran addition ere no F ands d that the recornmende cont\ngency 12-1 IZO #13 DESIGN No�E GovRsE `.T{�Np o KS GO Lf C C PDD �"Yf �N fan and pe ates {°C a PCice on 0aKs masteC � est and Assoc\ ec n °{ nth the Ly tee F°�C o�hWest s tw coon W ed Ashur NiUs�s n g°{{ {or the n \n cown contact regu\atio an irr\00n P\an, s ha e h s o sign, grading p\ Sta o\e twn, in direr the addit\ona\ n been prop°sed s\gn \d in,Wde the de as to de -the Work Wou ice o{ 5,gag h ered during the the park and sundaes ith the {irm a Pr or SeN\ces rend t its lifog is d \andscap�ng neg°t�at�ons W o ,s poposed { to\y 15 a`{\eren .through dd�t�ona\25,O� With aPProX�ma pt this WorK Pn a Cev`eW the site, s Was3�3 �g5. {or truction Period to e origina\ 1$ ho\e s outGned'th�s ns n th s a ct irne {ra`(`e. N\\\s to des`g ona\ r;kne h°\e W that t he {ee {or PAW ite {or the O'OM documents. omo`se\on � e pre��m\naN s n With the {ina\ ornmends the G er o{ 2Op4. that tine th ont\nue that P\a b\e {ee and rec i\\ be \ate Summ rated to design Wou\d c this �s a reasons n o{ the design W ich Wi\\ be Plese staff {ee\s , ect pomp\etio tCuctxon cost' Wh eed With the Pro\ rolected cons ev\eW Qro\ect budget pros mc\ude a P 23()5 budget a\ \rnPc°cement -{he p\an ss�on duang the e {ro. the Gap t � scion the Gomm` {or this `Ni\\ c°m ns at the G°mmj Funds SW er any auest�o Gont�ngency e a�a�\ab\e to an Sta{{ Wit\ b meeting 13..1 ,SOWER L SpR�N� �S N ppKs e` a°d S,�cint pp ovn Gouns e s o� GOV9 at�o at Pdd�son (Jaks. ith Cepceseriat�� t foC the °e\1 towe Staff has met `ease agCeemer os�derat�On' oPt�ors t the ,meet�n9 Cdin9 the pCoPos o a ce9a ptta�hed aCe tv� ecom�e,�dat�on Sta'� Commission Meeting 1p parks & gecreation Commission Meeting dx@co oakland.xnl.us> eats for March & geereatj°u ,ocum arch 14 Yard i is „ �xicha currents for 14:25:22 - ��@cO.oaklandW chad7 Ralph ' co.oal and oxn� Do 0� „ �scha - u oss„ -Toss)@ la ixm Subj ate: r/Ion,1 Ma SGhaffex co.oakland•xn use, "John loss Whaley@haley „3ody stuxt „ �stenclld@ oakland.xni d mi us>, From. „Stencil, Dan „ � Obr&-@co OWan s T K aenike„ �hughsonm@°O' s tower at Addis°n GaK rnunication County race fee CO. ughson, f a telecom ft were the venue, and ecelves con ° arrangeMU _location re County r Good ernoon Can- eem is relating P the sets forth theee,300JO of all ementwere thround space to Go Aft two agr e 1 nam G too for a license forth the arrang control the g ed please find Document p0 per m°ntpptwn 2) sets to er`I year and DaKs park, t21 Attach the exhibits. g00. for AddisOn park and ie costs up fro5 ye is p e feenncreases of 3 the address tces sent. 5 000.00 toe a llicen over. s of the docu where Sprintwafts it no to oT go into closed Sess►On inc 700 p0 Pe 5n'the G4°iOoator on the � $1, to for three p a to t3� addresses atwn mission CAN N VI ' seilease d inform ,Hefts sent many otethat 1 need the pay & Recreat+on COm using and cOmParin9 ?lease ParKs & Rec thatthe pal" rfeet�ng� disc wh opinion e March me by Ralph note that �s Its th Spent at th ail the informa��O� t Karen s attention• please the license ot discuss over 15 cohe area - sending 1 will sentth 1 will also be rements m �. . leas cell tower edoc.. ...Lion 1 Lx e slicatio�m5`Noxd� � • Jody .� __ W.,-..�a�e: Op oxdFxle Sapp ...._ icense•dOc p Lion 2 LicenseO- 1T A,.dp° E�KI$1•� w e win In With -'ncod ng : -sot clownlo dad .. _ ........_.._.._......_. - } oadaS — �-- — 'lase doc oxd) OptnwoxdFlle � pphcatio�m Name; wi e Type 4 ed With mesa$ Encoding: sot o� nload _.... _..... d Status .�..�-.•-�•..�.� nloa- woxd� ... doc lica ms �;g1T A• do �e (app . pe. d F did h message . N°e64 owrAoa Encoding: t d d Status __... M- oa t3.aO a plicationlms�'�'OTdi woxdFile � p Type: wi e64 essage bas aged with m Encod'tu S t dodo 14-2 3121p4 g:48 AM gEEMENT County Of LICENSE AG 200� by the tiac� Telegraph Road, Pon day of at 1Z00 North d Sprint Spectrum, this located er au lcense) entered n'onal COxporatlon salon (Own ) This LICENSE and Constitu P mks and R�reation COmnv Oakld� a mac by r°ugh its (Licensee). � 483�1 � actm� LP, located at p,� GR� , who se legal arcel of land located le of a p wnex for the construct1On and ex in fee situp „the sill O A Owner is the ° Ehlbit A ( Site from tion is set forth desiring to l,censh Mon°p°le Tower.oil e Tower from desc p -hundredcl e ' (190) )foot high ace al xivate Owner may license spctuxal capacity B. Licensee isC of oneeen-1 and stru mairiterian axate license agr if there is space of a sep o charge, and on the Site C. Upon .the execution ental pposeS at n on the Towel °verm" license space various types Of -Licensee for g ex Licensee may d operating available xOval of Own m°untmg� ari Upon prior writtenth pose of install, c0- ro n cations activities. the Parties agree to the unl ent, �. d dies for ent and related the Agxeem to thin P. is contained v1 m comn11aations equip utu� covexaan E, Inconsideration Of the m focoils terms and conditions AGENT _ xopxietary� n°n-exclusive light caner licenses to Licensee a nOi1 P d License O es (pursuant to an StxLlctux tlOn is Set §� vd'ht of Ent ort facilities and legal descrip allyrelated SuPP whose g to: d located at - 1 1 C011stru 6 as a parcel of land bed in Exhibit B to et Section) d described structures at times s Exhibit A site and d e xess Of, forth iii xess an 9 Ort facilities an edestrian ing er and related SuPP Or Otherwise culax p repair the TOv' sable }1 Or arld l V ehi the Site or ail assig the same full rnainbti�this License title to . ensee fort t it has legal a confer upon Owner warrants that uch nature as to PxO er Title. interest of s legal title. t (60) days after Possessory if Owxlex had g transferable p wex Or slx Y ate) and rights °f °ccupan Y of the To ent D u On cornstruction first (Con�encem nitial Term Occur 59 p.xn (1 three Hence p s ate at 11: §3• shall coral it whichever encement D ed for 3 1. This License building Perm o f the COnam be renew icens icense may e is issuance °f the 5th) annivexsarY elm this L Mess this I' the fifth- ( o f the Initial Term, Term) end on explra l 11 ears each Term)• Upon (3) additional terms Of five (5 Y Paae I of I C..X'M w\OPUOn 11,lcense,doc terminated earlier as provided in this License, or Licensee provides written notice to the Owner of its intent not to renew the License. §4. Fee. 4.1. Upon execution of this License, Licensee shall pay Owner five (5) thousand dollars for legal and administrative fees. The five (5) thousand dollars is not refundable. 4.2. Licensee shall pay the Owner, the sum of $21,600.00 (Licensee Fee) annually during the Initial Term of this License, for use of the Site. 4.3. If third parties co -locate on the Tower, according to Section 7, then Licensee shall pay Owner thirty (30) percent of the revenue generated from such co-location(s) ("Co - Location Fee) according to the requirements set forth in this Action. 4.4. Licensee shall pay the License Fee and the Co -Location Fee, if any, for the first year on the Commencement Date. For subsequent years, Licensee shall pay Owner the License Fee and Co -Location Fee annually on each anniversary of the Commencement Date. 4.5. Payments due under this License shall be paid at the following address: or at such other place Owner may designate in writing. 4.6. Licensee shall pay Owner a late payment charge equal to five percent (5%) of any payment not paid when due. Any amounts not paid when due shall also bear interest until paid at the lesser of the rate of two percent (2%) per month or the highest rate permitted by law. 4.7. License Fee and Co -Location Fee shall be increased annually effective as of each fifth (5t') anniversary of the Commencement Date in the amount of fifteen (15) percent of the previous years' License Fee. 4.8. If this License is terminated at a time other than on the anniversary of the Commencement Date, the prepaid License Fee and Co -Location Fee shall be refunded to the Licensee (on a prorated basis), unless termination was for Licensee's breach of the License. 4.9. Licensee's obligation to pay License Fee and Co -Location Fee under this License shall cease with the termination of this License. §5. Use of Site. 5.1. Licensee shall use the Site for the construction and maintenance of a Tower and support facilities or as otherwise agreed to by the Parties in writing. 5.2. Licensee's use of the Site will comply with all applicable laws, regulations, rules, and ordinances including, but not limited to, all rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), the Federal Aviation Association (FAA), and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). §6. Licensee Improvements and Plans. 6.1. Licensee may improve the Site by constructing the Tower and any related support facilities and structures on the Site. Prior to commencing construction, Licensee shall submit all plans and specifications for improvements to Owner for Owner's written approval; such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. No improvement, C:\TEMP\Option 1 License.doc Page 2 of 11 such wpzkhave need mill p Qsezzunesedby Abe coxes ts, 010 thez g and zecel altexatzpn shess th xkvo apopnate entzty d show �z7 n7 installatl°nex az'd all necdby to scale a encing cpns ctio vedby the zopezly issue that aze dr�eway ae axed been appz° shave been p ned slte plan ent sheltel'the px°pose ozjti°n densxp asp equips cape? xeq�este pf Licensee. hall includ - e'YO"Vexh t es inthe� downex a� Oyez vntbthe n �✓ Such po °Sea 1Ocaiioe pz°"° y othez deta�s tl�a oceall Aso p vid ade wl�°nt tl1e axonnd the enc and (zv) ciion, Llce he win" vezne� o ex shall be m of f 6 clpb�nstctn1g the Situ oz �' zop of heigl't ezty coozjencn�" 1 cp the 1� 3 prio Gp � act°x thatpalficatiOns t0°wez shall zemazn tal peXn1�tS and too impx°vette tconsent ezz�ents made to the fpz all govoe is coop 6 !1 �wnez s ` all in1px°v and payxnb ptbex 'v shallbe c and g any and. e°ee z onsibleoz o taixvn ez an ox e m a e'latzons wed, is 65, Lzcexv all be zest cons�ct in a V,011 nl ances, an pxk �e�o any hen lcensee sh ecessa�, to onscted files, pzdin frpm any `''' lcensee• l loyees, 6 6 appz°vas n eats sbaabe licable laws azis�ng nest olL ease s exx11� 11 ilnpz�ve with all apF free from an �dby pz at of L me a see ex teas ri �otiice that e P' haz' iteINS c ion axn 6 VA cpxnp e shallkee d oz o ligatlo o a is pz hasge thell�e see zeccl" `�n lcens she azes all dzs 9tex L 6 $ L atea e Site as lcensee sh days a all pz a °f n' ed ag st tzact°zs' t1�in sI�m �6� any p a� nts, °toy' to Ownez in per' pz snblxcense on the Site to saee been sled sm se inwl'°le oz e �o�ez andpes J she 1 t and Snbhcen sight s,-, consent cede space er tizngv �G n e shall en men not as Witten ay h and op es. L �� Assi lcensee shall t �wnez s t l icensee mnp n tinge �z° activxtil s Licc vse. e oh s 1 • e Site `p'� den consen f inalling� ozGa lytb filly liabl s o� tins ez's wn°se ° zelated c wez coxnl� 11 zexnazn condzt1°n �,tith O` foz the p • ent and the �° ee sha s, and zdpaAies ns eglnp 0 COlocate on ense>kicens of thetezx1l tbi Aocati- zes who t oz subl�c g any co tlilzd 10� ass. ONI Sed fspn' peg°z ' fined to T'-e tha dnlg anotbe xelea ex sha11 not be T {e an9 �' Ioath shall n icex�ssd es inti�ngtkvsLicense, pz LiC�wnex a�zeedby tb e � onnectzOn� pz se fe §$ Fees ��ess oe de o the Siany 81 vnpz°� ements to ?ago of �x Mp\Opt'on 11-''��Sc.doc ;\TE 9.1. Upon receiving Owner's prior written consent, Licensee may place signs at the Site subject to applicable governmental regulations. §10. Maintenance of Tower and Site. 10.1. Licensee shall, at its own expense, maintain the Site and all of its improvements, equipment, and other personal property on the Site, in good working order, condition, and repair. Licensee shall keep the Site free of debris, and repair any damage to the Site (at Licensee's sole expense). §11. Access to Site. 11.1. Licensee shall have the right to access the Site twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week. Owner shall have the right to enter the Site to examine and inspect the Site. §12. Utilities. 12.1. Licensee shall be responsible for obtaining any utility service to the Site that it desires. Licensee shall pay all charges, when due, for utilities to the Site during the term of the License. §13. Termination. 13.1. Termination by Owner: Upon thirty (30) days written notice, Owner may terminate this License i£ (1) Licensee fails to use the site according to use set forth in Section 5, or (2) Licensee is in breach of the License and has failed to cure the breach within thirty (30) days of receiving notice from Owner that Licensee is in breach. 13.2. Termination by Licensee: 13.2.1. Upon sixty (60) days written notice, Licensee may terminate this License if Owner is in breach of this License and has failed to cure or has failed to attempt to cure the breach within the 60 days of receiving written notice. 13.2.2. Upon ninety (90) days written notice, Licensee may terminate this License if Licensee determines that this License is no longer necessary for Licensee purposes or for technological reasons. If Licensee terminates this License pursuant to this subsection, Licensee shall not be entitled to a refund of prepaid rent (as provided in Section 4.8) and shall pay Owner a termination fee equal to one half of the current License Fee at the time of termination. 13.3. Within sixty (60) business days of termination, unless otherwise agreed to by the Parties, Licensee shall remove the Tower and all related structures, including Tower footing, on the site and restore the site to a level grade, including reasonable landscaping, so no further evidence of the Tower and/or structures is visible. Notwithstanding any other provision, if Licensee does not remove the Tower and all related structures within the sixty (60) day period, then Licensee's obligation to pay the Licensee Fee and Co -Location Fee shall continue until the Tower and related structures are removed according to this Section. After sixty (60) business days, Owner at its option may remove the Tower and related structures pursuant to this Section and charge Licensee for such work or take ownership of the Tower. If Owner elects to take ownership of the Tower, Licensee's obligation to pay the Licensee Fee and Co -Location Fee shall cease upon delivery of a Bill of Sale for the Tower to the County. CATEWOption I License.doc Page 4 of 11 this License shall terminate as of am, In the event a portion of the §14. Condemnation. taken by eminent dom e entire Site is tali authority e event th ests in the condemning hinder effective Ss�£ S eaid aate of title 14.1. In � e Srte v to materially s License a the date title to th ent domain so asirate In the event of any en by emir ht to term e other Pam • onion of Site is tar{ shall have the gtten notice to the ward. Licensee either Party (30) days ` Licensee shall notce ount of such a 1' iving thirty but not arn, authority, transfer, by g wer of eminent dom er shall receive fur am taking under the p° e taking and the Own the condemning d aid for and recover from ded ox recoverabe e incurred the rewar p I have the right to claim be Separately away costs or exp Licensee Shall compensation as may e to Licensee and any and leasehold from owner, such and all damag ersonal property'' Licensee account of any its eQmpment, V t to this paragraph' by Licensee on ON. frem°vrng License P ee Fe Co Location Fee Prepaid by Licensee in U on terminnation of this ents• p reimbursement of any Licensee Fee or improvem shall be entitled to the materially Licensee. d so as to m ction of To`'`- ex ed or damages License upon thu�y a e or DeStru of the Tower is destroy ate *d Proceed as set §15. Dann ortion a elect to termnn er shall p irate If the Tower °r any P e Tower, Licensee may Licensee and O`"an shall term 15.1 ective use of e In such event, a rent) hinder eff weer. � anon to P y - Sentence- Upon tten notice to O d Licensee s obligation the preceding (30) days win This License (arn ations set forth bursement of any forth in Section 15 • of the oblig e reim obligation to on Licensee s fulfillment1 be entitled to Owner shall have no up o f this License, Licensee sha d by Licensee. Own termination CO -Location Fee prep e Tower ee F ee or Co 1" °rtion of the Site. air ox rebuild � Licens to any P it may rep repair any damageterminnate this License, er is being repaired or rebu ofher eriod that the Tow temporary Tower to an chooses not to the P locate a 15 ? . If Licenseerovements During d if possible, may the Parties. andlor imp ex erase an eed by Licensee, at its ow11 o Property, as mutually a gr ex s p p ch a court has location on O`er ud meat whi Dint of a court -ordered j g ex the Licensee shall §16. Indemrufrcation. hence of the Own exit from and for a specific dollar a am gross neg g Oex's Ag incLnred 16.1. Except only was due to ex and/°r any are imposed up°n' decided less the Own which error and which axe Specifically and hold harm defined in this License, by array p indemnify, 1 Claim( , as of s Agent, alleged action(s), or save, s) Owner andlor any Own against any and a against the O` n e in ally way related to any Serted g e from, or are , S agents, independent contractors, ox by or as of Licensee based upon, result from, arcs ,id/or any regard to any s of the Licensee an s License with reb omission() rovision of transactions that occurred employees. and insurance P events or cancellation vision their basis in any ent shall Survive the The indemnification pro or having o f this Agreem 16.2 eitheT occurring or termination Claims) cellatton andl S, complaints, fines, before the can s License• alleged losses, claim udgments, andlox terminnation of thi Its, causes of action, PToceedings, j 16.3. ,Claim(S) shall) defined t0 include any demands for relief or damages, Page 5 of 11 C KMW\option 1 License.doc Otimnted chiding � bat �v estilgatxOn eases, in o costs Ounts oz weep s f eesox any OIL d a alnst costs ezt oaa�nes d( ass any pznelexnentedOSV by ovm and°end pxetasOnaboOnts paid se p ex, ox def bilities' Osed °n' in vjhic d to pay cies�lia fox decien basement s01 es' any aiwch aze edbel0�' °1y obligateicials� tO' any lest tix°n eXp d� ts° Oeex� as d o conaG� appoi��tedds� gztiies o� any kn' �$ent °� e lenally �' equeniial elected oei°ties'b°xesentatzvor in liabili d1 ox any becpzn oz c0 vJnez s °x1exs' au unteexs, �11 under pane o O`'mex dnect, n'dnect� de any of O c°sslvisions'v°1 by �t°nD is� Agee ethez to bets' ts' di ding ' Aden exson a�a1nt'v``h be defined cOuiiCI memdep ann1 pets°n(sOfLlcens so nclude pz any t' ;bob dxne,0 e, 00yee>' an�°z an&OT an n„ shall � c sebut' p,�en lb 4• anec0s e °' c°nn�s on svccessa gLicensee „p,$e t tliis�i e tt chpexs s 1'� ox exnpl°yeesthe tee at capacity Coa, any su O theo ionals e 69X x ' ed inth n� any ands oz any act px0ess CT at any tlm d ox elect tines d, i c°nee exldent cone t of OvM 0yed� appo se ' s Site, an bz pOxchase t o' ind o an Aongex ezap eats attlaexpense's ounts indica ze on' is n° nt of y -w t se e cost ed '� ex x5 t p ce. zxln1encexnel�icevisee'exa�e�s� exance �inedsin�o manual teal an pz to the c �icense'th• nsuz�ce � �ificates ° 000 �p� c° � 0p0 �00e� COIN os1& ox 1� 1. 1�zi ots o110v o z1ate1,ppp' ollaxs broad p`,�nez' eetainO ex,, itl� appx j100 �ollaxsa�nd 001100 D �nchiam� de tbattl�e Siti�onal z0vide and milli°nl iability -11 px0"'i wed as ad p I��i°n Ojw .ve Genex tectiion�s� the n license. �iabili n' 1 11. O co OenceCepxebe Iles oz pzl° s �icense� ed � t�s loyexs ate ol1 din de�in B .Ln1p ollaxs a$gxe e. `�eSe p as deOe Clai`�s� Covexa$e 0011p0 D co,xv-9 , z P'.' ct to any u edby law' sand and licensee iz ou e`�eds `,,'ith exisation �.eq �undxed`lh otliex agent 1�and 1� n �actozs ozkexs C°vmp�°ant °� sand °x set o v� 1� ' oiO its c° e Site, f pz ntzactpz ' exage se suxance ox at th th 000 Opp of its co ce cov tes olin e�0wex' asse that aave the ins eeng cex�iviensee ontla teal covexae ° e s`ll se,srallh le fQz ob ices toz contxac ence' O Licdexs Lice be xesp°web 0ln sei� broad l0 p per °cGnxz in see shall agent p �ncludlnn 000 000 • egate , liability licen OIL bil�ty s (S1' ual age ers pz anY p er. G exalLia 100 �ollax 0 00 ann -a . �xnplO°� �s S;,�le xevie`v by xenensiv e on and Op �,LOpp'00 CON'- e Op 100 D Combined and oxnp n milli D011axs lava' d and 0 00� e,�cles' 21 C st O e p011p0 e unedby Thous 1 Op0'p0 leased 1� atlea on and ti0n as i > 6sed o11s �S ' zed d by lava . milli Con1paeoet OlpiveK p0j100 D ri � ed pz exs d vext coexage as xequlx 2 2 um Oneilli°n c�uding Faui llty � `,aitb�'0� <5�00�0 tom0bilel�.edautos' p�andn°n ova ovaned Val 601 �k .l�p\Opp° Cl caned and hired car coverage w111 e owned or leased by the agent' non o vehicles Clauses' eet co l contain the f°llo�ng the be required in lieu of auto f l Licensee, Shal ent' and ce, provided by and] or any County Ag of insuran the County, ance issued 17 3 All certificates e afforded rimer and not excess to of the additional „Any insurance coverage ap ent, °r any eds shall apply as any COunty Ag additional insur o f the County, recourse in the name the policy or policies shall have ds for insureds." issuing ditional ins company(1es) Agent, or the ad o f policy „The insurance and/or any County ents under any form 17 3 2 ed against the County' sessm e above-desc at th ums ox for as and at the sole payment of any preml and/or self -insured retention in th t of, and all deductibles be assumed by, and be for the accoun 17.3.3 Any e shall insureds based lnsnranCe coverag a to the additional risk o f, the Licensee."11 additional e�cltuhse namexlla inured cellation Of ,There will be nO material change °r can 17 �' actions or activities of merits are Upon any Owner thirty (30) days 11' o o er required docum provide ce, bonds' and County R1sk of insuran rovided t° the Oakl 1 .4. Licensee shall which certificates ust be p working days after the nest. any policy There certificates m an ten (10) on reasonable req caner less time thereafter, up royal of the provided to O Safety Division n0 and at any ect to the app Ivlanagegjcei e e s eand policy limits are also sub requirements Of tins Conunencement Date of this with � Insurance camer(s)&°Safety Division as to COnformitY Risk Management Ha,�ardous Substances, Hazardous License. er any ox other fuels uirements. dlox Tow etroleum §1$. Environmental Re onto the Site an henyls (PCBs), P e or acid and bring olychlorinated bip battery sp111ag or ilnproper Licensee shall not, asbestos, p vative thereofl, shandling 18.1 pollutant, fraction or deri nes from Wastes, ulsion ment, Or utilize any including crude Oil or any vapor eXp f ° p° equap ds"}. For ptuposes Of this ( byproducts and the yap d backup. ental Hazar battery ce of batteries anthe C°n�prehensive care and mamtenan collectively "Env i s 9601, et Seq ), and tanks ( shall be Act (4 in S'C shall be as underground storagedoes Substances Wastes the term Nazar ensation and Liability Hazardous The et seq�)' and Agreement' onse, Comp S.C. §6901, defined ental Resp ulations thereto • � Act (42 U • „ Shall be as Environm ended reg ecovery „pollutants ended any subsequent or am The term or am the lZesource Convee6at olereto. and any subsequent defined n uent Or amended r a 1251, et seq ), Subseq ZJ.S.C. § any W atex Act (33 In the Clean ereto • this License steal regulations uired by ail, unications required ailed, certified m Notices. demands, and other co delivered °T m §19. �— — requests, deemed iven if personally 19.1. O notices, reand shall be deem g addresses be in writing to the following fission return receipt requested, d Recreation C01nm Oa�and County Parks an To owner. Pagel of 11 C'xYtm?`OpU 1 License.doc Executive Cff1CBuilding #97 West 2800 Wa Attention: Executive Lake Road tkin 48328 Waterford, Ng Management Specialist With management to: property Management of Facilities M g With a copy Cand County Dep 1 Public WoMr 48328 Waterford, Page 8 of I c:\TENIP\OPtto" 1 License.doc To Licensee: With a COPY to: or constr<led to create a relationship ° of Parties. een th §2p, gelat �conla. tame in this License shall be e lure betw e Parties 20.1.°' al and gent or of partnership or j pnnciP e rovided for reader convenience Headin s• ou hout this License ar of License. s used t1v g n the interpretation 21 1. The section heading ersedes all only and shall not be controlling the Parties and sup ding between ntixe A eement• derstan een the Parties xehativedt rig e subjeC constitutes the entire un ents betty derstan Owner to This License and/or agreem ere are no made by 22.1 • otiations, resents that thtten, that have been m writing in this prior offers, neg Licensee reP oral or wri set forth in wn romises °f any kild� xessly matter addressed herein• excerpt those exp representaet Xecution of this License induce th License. o f this License shall not or the remainder of Yvalid provision. O f any sections ox subsections ects as if any §23. enforcability o f the remainder of thisstruediin 11 resp 23.1. The invalidity or o enforceability constxu affect the validity License shall bwere omitted any sections or subsections. This anenfoxceable sections or subsections laws Of the State of Invalid or and subject to, the la udicial and V enue. �, e sty, or other 1 §24. Governin Law ed in accordance � ion at law, suit in q constru law, any thereof shall Only e This Ll an To theleyent provided by e or any PxOvision 2�4.1. ent of thus Licens ct Court located in Oakl depending 1vliclug °rcem aDistriDistrict of Michigan proceeding for the enf Cowtt� Caxcuit Court,e Eastern the Oaklandfor institute oe United States District Court Of the action, suit, or other pr°Ceedirig- County, agreement on the nature eXCept by an ndment• d, modified, mended, or altered, §25- Amy • a not be change This License me by both P arties. 25.1' in Ming, sign upon their successive hens' d shall be binding nd assigns. Succession. binding upon the parties an §26" —�•—� successors, subcontractors, 26.1. This License is adnunistrators, d during the time an representatives,and suchParry s e. obligations under this License causes bey §27. p'Orcan exformu'g duet such event. 27.1. EachPar�' shall be ex us s p ovented fromo file affected Party of any ent that a Party iven to the ext control• Reasonable notice shall e g Page 9 of it C.\f�Mp\option t License.doc §28. Discrimination. shall not discriminate against an employee, an applicant for employment, or 28.1. Either Parry privileges of another person or entity with respect to hire, tenure, terms, conditions, p g ectly or indirectly related to employment in violation of any employment, or any matter dir federal, state, or local law. §29. Reservation Of Rights. 29.1. This License does not, and is not intended to, impair, divest, delegate, or contravene any constitutional, statutory, and/or other legal right, privilege, power, obligation, duty, or immunity of Owner. §30. No Implied Waiver. 30.1. Absent a written waiver, no act, failure, or delay by a Party to pursue or enforce any right or remedy under this License shall constitute awaiver No waiver of any of those germ, hts with ndigon, oor any existing or subsequent breach of this Licen sh provision of this License, whether by conduct or otherwise, in condition, eormor ore instances, , thel be deemed or construed as a continuing waiver of anyterm, License. No waiver by either Party shall subsequently effect its right to require strict performance of this License. §31. Remedies Not Exclusive. 31.1. The rights, remedies, and benefits provided by this or oense lf any other rights,be cumulative, shall not be exclusive of any other rights, remedies and benefits, remedies, and benefits allowed by law. §32. Counterparts. d in 32.1. This License maybe executeseveral counterpartsentf which shall be an original and all of which shall constitute one and the same hereby acknowledges that he has been IN WITNESS WHEREOF, ense on its behalf of O and hereby accepts and binds said authorized by Owner to execute this Lie Corporation to the terms and conditions hereof on this day of OWNER: By: Its: Date: WITNESS: By: Date: C:\TEMP\Option 1 License.doc page 10 of 11 Subscribed and sworn to before me on the _: day of Notary Public, County, ._------ n Expires: My Commissio sett Name acknowledges that s/he has been authorized by Licensee IN WITNESS WMpEOF, in accepts and binds the Licensee to the terms and to execute this License on its behalf, and dhereby of p 200______ conditions of this License on this __ _ _ LICENSEE: By: Date:_______ WITNESS: BY: Date: Subscribed and sworn to before me 200 on the _____ day of Notary Public, County, Michigan - My Commission Expires: OTEMp\000n t Lice"'doc pace 11 of t t AG.�EMENT the County Of LICENSE ZOQ� by P oad, Pontiac, day of North Telegraph t Spectrum, entered ynto this o xo n n located a � . (Cwnel) and Spy s LICENSE (License) tional C xP on Co titu an eati a.municipal dthrd gh its P�� dR icensee)- W 49341, azfmgby 0 Lp?located at gACi{GR UN� whose leggy' 1 of land located at the Cons�,ction and fee simple °f a e Site pvaner for er is the owner m EXbabit A (tl' e Site from oleTower Tower from is set forth m desi�ng to license MonOp the dC option •vate corporation mety (19Q) foot bioa license space °n available. dyed N owner may capacity ee is a pn e Plzctual B Licens un eement, and to fiord texaance °f a �' ate license agr e i f there is space the Tower m of a sepal ° charg ' e only space Ott unications C. Upon the exec ov°mental Vrp°ses at n l Operating v�ous tYP of c°mm for g caner, L1Censee may Licensee v .tten apprON of C mo rating' and es agree to the Upon or ose of instal . activiues- D • Mies for the p unicatrOns ed in the Agreement, the P arts pvipn't and related comet Covenants contain tiorl ofthe mutual E• Considerd Conditions• followinterms an g AGgEEl� non exclusive right es to Licensee a non proprietary' owner licens es (pnxsuant to set and Lice' ctur Lion t of Ented u ort facilities wh s gal descrip §l. t0 t a Tower and and located at to Construc arcel of 1 bed in E)lvbit B set ,.I. a d d descri ctures at times Sectio n °nbit A (�'site")' �' on the lan forth ingress and eared support fac1litles and stru edestrl e Tower and re able or °ther�'iSe 12 V ehicularaa epair th Site Or an assign e full .maintain e Licensee the sam forth in this License. as legal title to th ants that it h e as to confer -upon er wary such later pro eT Ti,!,. 0` inter had leg s after �2• ans possessoa �f al title. day tr occupancy er or sixty (60)ate) and rights °f ction of the Tow encement Date) on constru s first (Co, 59 p.m• %3. T-�� eermi ,I b chever occur CemeTYL e at 11 ed for three License shall comet Conen be renew 3 1 Thisthe building p of theLicense may s License is issuance °f anniversary Term, thrs erm)� r' des written notice to al T end on the o Xp ation O et}years each (Re or Licensee p Term)• Up s of fiv ( sLicense, (3) additional term vided in the the License. terminated earlier rpit not to renew the owner of its in Page f of 11 c:\•r \OPbOn2License.dOO §4. Fee. 4.1. Licensee shall pay the Owner, the sum of $20,400.00 (Licensee Fee) annually during the Initial Term of this License, for use of the Site. 4.2. Licensee shall pay the License Fee for the first year on the Commencement Date. For subsequent years, Licensee shall pay Owner the License Fee annually on each anniversary of the Commencement Date. 4.3. Payments due under this License shall be paid at the following address: or at such other place Owner may designate in writing. 4.4. Licensee shall pay Owner a late payment charge equal to five percent (5%) of any payment not paid when due. Any amounts not paid when due shall also bear interest until paid at the lesser of the rate of two percent (2%) per month or the highest rate permitted by law. 4.5. License Fee shall be increased annually effective as of each anniversary of the Commencement Date in the amount of three (3) percent of the previous years' License Fee. 4.6. If this License is terminated at a time other than on the anniversary of the Commencement Date, the prepaid License Fee shall be refunded to the Licensee (on a prorated basis), unless termination was for Licensee's breach of the License. 4.7. Licensee's obligation to pay License Fee under this License shall cease with the termination of this License. §5. Use of Site. 5.1. Licensee shall use the Site for the construction and maintenance of a Tower and support facilities or as otherwise agreed to by the Parties in writing. 5.2. Licensee's use of the Site will comply with all applicable laws, regulations, rules, and ordinances including, but not limited to, all rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), the Federal Aviation Association (FAA), and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). §6. Licensee Improvements and Plans. 6.1. Licensee may improve the Site by constructing the Tower and any related support facilities and structures on the Site. Prior to commencing construction, Licensee shall submit all plans and specifications for improvements to Owner for Owner's written approval; such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. No improvement, construction, installation, or alteration shall be commenced until plans for such work have been approved by the Owner and all necessary pennits, or other governmental authorizations have been properly issued by the appropriate entity and received by Licensee. 6.2. Such plans shall include: Fully dimensioned site plans that are drawn to scale and show (i) the proposed location of the Tower antennas, equipment shelter, driveway and fencing CATENMOption 2 Ucrose.doc Page 2 of 11 iii) the proposed Me and landscape, changes " that the owaer may AAtb the nee Of the oth details so provide Own and the Site, (n)any l �° cing, and Div)Ijeenee steal fight of fen ctlo cting the improvements 'Tower shau be made without the king cons prior to coxnnz mat will be constru 6 3 �n�actor Modifications to the'site andJor To the hall rain the property of pxoverr' G or eut- fr1e Tower s -Soconsent' d 6.4. owners written impToverents made to enta permits an Ovements- ernn' 6•� TheTower and obtaining and pag foth impxOvbe �mpleted Licensee• onsible for d/ox Y and shall ct the Tourer �' ee shall be resp latlons Z,icens to constru orklnanhke mand rem 6.6 rovals necessary nstructed in a `� ces, app be co les, ordinan �voxk peg°T1Tjed' lien is eats shah sing°m any ee if any rovem licable laws, ru liens em ees, 6.1. All imp fiance with all app from arty ari request of Licensees ploy in comp by Or at theicensee or Licensonably e Site free coed that anon ssion of �' annex real the 6 8 Licensee sh���hed, or obiegSt o f acts ox O ithe lien in a n1 material site as a all discharge' censee xeceives written notice filed ag o �ntractors, Lice. *lmsixty (60) days after Li agents, to owner � of satisfac� n filed• e all ox any p lienha Or in part, or sublicens d Sublicensin s License in whole to tivxd ent an � the Tower §.�. Assi nsee shall not ass gn swrmu Colasent Se only space on es of ure .1 • l e Site with°ut awn Lic See mnay an 01 )erating oS'zs � nsee shall cns erlt, cons With Owrjer s wn o e of instalhng� n1O ��uiucatlons with this license es for the p'� ment -a cdateloxlet e TOwer comply es COTM Ivacatioils eq who to the third paid s frje Site to any fiavY liable on artl on aixi d conditions of th1.s that all �d p e ox lease space Licensee shall rem i not licens ent Or sublio ginning any of the t�s' 3 Licensee steal ass'-VPT released .from p finding any •4. L°fled shall notbe ed to make qW license. Owner shall norbm V aaY es in wnting, 1cexlse, ° pwn the paxtl with b this L §$• F ees fox wise agreed fee in com'ection Unless oth r pa y g'1 any expends e ot5 to the Site. signs at the Site subJe°t 1mprOVe'x'en may place � s prior written consent' Licensee §9 • S_ - ental regulations 91 Upon xeceiving pwn to appUcable g°vet PaV3of 11 �°n2laeense.doc � d Of its imp xOditior" tam �e Site and Order' e Site (at er an_ d__ site. a pOd woraallaage to 10• Maintenance °f - at its ovVn e �aepro erty on a l eaad repair any § 141 Licensee s and other p� the Site free of equlpmt' see shall key how seven (e 51te. air Licen enSe). a days tep s sole exp four (24) d inspect th Lsee access the Sstejene site to eXle ccess to Site. have�ghhaoe the right to enter §11 • A ee shall that it deSires. 11.1. Lice ce to the Site term of the days a week• O`V g any utility serV Ibe obtaixun for ulitaes to the Site dur'r'g Utilities • see shall be responsible fox dues §12• �_ ay all charges, when 12.1. Licen shall p ate this Licensee er xnay tenpin or (2) dCe, pwn Lion License �,ritten no e set forth in Sec ion• on tivrty (3p) dayaccording to un e breach w'*"T'tl'srty (3p) §13. Tom. anonb �V" I f� s to use the site failed to care th 1 Termin se andhas ee sS mbreach- b ieca h o the l icen that Licens 13 - ' ,License if . (1) Owner is wing notice from Owner s License if LiceT5 cut days of tece �. see may tZaT ed o attempt to e b Lice xlotice, L s ed to cure or has fall 13.2 Tnlna� on sixty (60) days of i �e and has �ving when nonce ate this License if 13.2.1 s bea h the 6p days °noticeLrcens� aneceS foreice'za'po wed thebr o long ety (9p) days �.�s License is n ates toss L1Ge d rent (as px°mod 2 Vponnin es that ee termin f� rep ehalf the 13.2 • L- vcersee determ?ncal rean°nn if Licet s titled to a d of ual to on of ologl all be aterrninationfee of for techr' Licensee sh ex eed to bye Pax�eS, subsection, and shah pay' tennati°n. VI Section e F ee at the t ation� uraess oth viclud 9 Tower f o o�o, oil er ent L dscap curt 60 bus ess days d�a�l related asonable lap mg r rovis-or" if teas any oth p day .within sixty ( ) ove the To ade, incl ownthstandAng sixty (gyp) 13.3 . nsee shall rein e site to a level 9 visible s lures wxth�n ire til the Tower LxGe e To`uer andlor Swa eS as ratan d restore �' d all related F � shalAfter sixty (60) buses the site an the Tower arl evidence °f th of remove a the Ls� ection• ursuant to this does n to pay to this S ctures p if owner Licensee see' e xe nOo acordin o and related S e Tower ee shall eriod, Lsc ove the T wer ownersltip °f the Licensee F des may xe work or tie on to pay and related stt at its op�on for such I obligati day barge L � o the Tow fog Tower to the COunty sec e ownerof a Bill of Sale elects to upo delivery c §14• Conde�lat►on pale ,401 11 �o�zlicense.doa ate as of this License shall termirtion nate the enby eminent domain the event a P° the condemning auth�a e ective use of Site by t ,the Mire Site is tak of said date of title 14,1 • In the even e Site vests to matally of any e to '� � so as ate this License as the event the date title went dom t to texmrn er Party• 1ai onion of Site is took shall have the nigh to the of titled to any p eiththirt, (30) days written notice l not be en award. Licensee, Licensee steal amour of such transfer, by gtYie power oVIng f emment� shall recel ding authority but not taking ceder andOwner from verable by e talnng and recover fr awarded or xeco ed and oid for the t to claim separately uses ulcer the -reward p Ve the righ be sep costs or exp Licensee shall ha �sation as 'nay and leasehold Owner, such coanp �d all damage to Licensee p per'' h, Licensee from uait of any owing its eq Pment' p t to this para�p aid by Licensee on acco License pursues' location Fee prep rem by Licensee in n1O o termination of thisLicensee Fee °r Co improven1e�ts Up e reimbursement of any shall be entitled to th � to mater1a11y Licensee of Tower ed or damaged so tY or Destxuctl0 of T e Tower is destroy to te�nate this License upon as set a e t wrier shall proceed §is' lJam er or any Potion of th d Own Tow Tower,1-1censee may elm rent) shall terminate 15.1 If thee event, Licensee an Winder effective use of In such �s obligation to pay Owner' sentence Up°n notice to Own (3p) days This License (and Licensee forth in the preceding ent of any forth in Sew°n 15 t of the obligations e reimh e n° ation to lfillmen 1 be entitled to � oblig ee s fu licensee shall Owner upon Liceais ° f this License, aid by Licensee. termination Location F ee prep the 'Tower see Fee or C°` on of the Site. air or rebuild Liven damage to ally portion it may rp aired or rebuilt, repair any ate this Licensee Tower is beingorap Tow to another chooses lot D Mhe plod that' 15.2. If Licensee possible, may 1p°ate a temp and/or improvam ense Mdd mutual y agreed by the P art1eS at its own exp l Licensee, wnef S property, court has location on O udgment wh'ce Licensee shall ount of a court"ordered 3 er, §��,. lydeinncation. li enCe of the Own ent from and t only fox a specific dollar sole gross neg g ex's Ag incurred 16.1 Ex due andlor any are imposed upon, decided was armless the Owner which ersan and which are specifically and hold h defined in this License, ent, by any p save, ode d all Claim(s)�Owner,s Ag to any alleged action(s), or rjer and/or any related tractors, or abg�ass�ed against eaOri frown, or are in anyI agents, mdependerit con Y result from, and/or any of Licensee oase Upon,s of the Licensee an with regard to any scion() o f this License ns at occurred employs" insurance provision 1 sa ve the cancellation rovision and uisuran events ox trans and f" on g or having ti'� basis ems Agreement steal 16.2. Theeither dtor termination Claims) cellation an �mplaints, fines, before the can s License• alleged losses, claims, co judgments, lion of this and/or te�a ed to include any roceedings, judgm but not limited shall be defin suits causes of acted e poses, including, 16.3. "Claiix'(s) ages, costs demands for relief or dam , litigation, deficiencies, liabilities, penalties page 5 of it C:\1'����tion 2 Licensedoc to, any reimbursement for reasonable attorney fees, witness fees, court costs, investigation and/or litigation expenses, any amounts paid in settlement and/or any other amounts or liabilities of any kind whatsoever which are imposed on, incurred by or asserted against Owner, and/or any Agent of Owner, as defined below, or for which Owner, and/or any Agent of Owner may become legally and/or contractually obligated to pay or defend against, whether direct, indirect, or consequential. 16.4. "Agent" shall be defined to include any of Owner's elected officials, appointed officials, directors, board members, council members, commissioners, authorities, boards, committees, commissions, employees, departments, divisions, volunteers, representatives, and/or any such person's successor(s), and/or any person(s) acting by, through, under, or in concert with any of them, excluding Licensee and/or any of Licensee's Agents, independent contract professionals or employees. "Agent" shall also include any person who was an Agent of Owner at any time during the term of this License but, for any reason, is no longer employed, appointed, or elected in that capacity. §17. Insurance. 17.1. Prior to the commencement of any improvements at this Site, and at all times during any Term of this License, the Licensee, at its sole cost and expense, shall purchase and maintain the following insurance coverage(s) in the minimum amounts indicated and provide Owner with appropriate certificates of insurance. 17.1.1. One Million and 00/100 Dollars ($1,000,000.00) combined single limit per occurrence, and Three Million and 00/100 Dollars ($3,000,000.00) annual aggregate Comprehensive General Liability, including broad form contractual coverage. These policies and/or protection(s) will provide that the Owner, and/or any Owner Agent, as defined in this License, must be named as additional insureds with respect to any Claim(s) as defined in this License. 17.1.2. Workers' Compensation as required by law: Coverage B - Employers' Liability in the minimum amount of Five Hundred Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($500,000.00). 17.2. Licensee shall assure that all of its contractors, and/or any other agent serving Licensee under this License, shall have the insurance coverage set forth in 17.2.1, and 17.2.2. Licensee shall be responsible for obtaining certificates of insurance from its contractors and/or any other agent performing services for Licensee on the Tower, or at the Site, for review by Owner. 17.2.1. Comprehensive General Liability, including broad form contractual coverage, of at least One Million and 00/100 Dollars ($1,000,000.00) per occurrence, One Million and 00/100 Dollars ($1,000,000.00) annual aggregate. 17.2.2. Workers' Compensation as required by law: Coverage B - Employers' Liability in the minimum amount of Five Hundred Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($500,000.00). One Million and 00/100 Dollars ($1,000,000.00) Combined Single Limit Automobile Liability, including coverage for hired and leased vehicles, and owned and non -owned autos, with No -Fault coverage as required by law. If no vehicles are owned or leased by the agent, non -owned and hired car coverage will be required in lieu of auto fleet coverage. CATEM Option 2 License.doc Page 6 of 11 g clan5es. the foilO`� t, andthe . nsee, shad c°n T*55aled ce pro�de'd`by kl�e Coasltyd od(eXcess t�°i add'b°n ficates of is� �vexage a ly as po, 6 � y Agent or ha no X� e 1� cep durance ed5 sh�l ap tox �y o'�n OT �.. es sr�l CA5 f°T 3 „add1n°na of �'e C°ty� 1e po�c�e addit�°n o po��c�„ �nthe ies� vs5u'Y'gty Agent' or der any f° °ve des b Sole ins'o�. ce cAo`panaajor any c ess '�'t5vn lon e aft of� 01160, �C° e's pz fOT self' ea Te+,Crl dbe f°T the ac'GQ shed l� a gan'Sent of any p uctibles andlS edby, an additlOnal lnsn)fed f i?, Any and VcT ge sr�lbe �gted. e pz czcellaa°e o 1� 3 3' ins o"e CO e LiGenS� d� one e cl e n ea at a1 cba C6 doc, entsw. s k risk be no ad vibes of o vice J ev )faun d Count`I 3 acttons pz ac (30i �e bo")" IA&eo the a v th unable req t. 1� upon de0-.'- )f of13N tbepxo to*r) rig urn)fe Ioval of )four �cates te5 ,So (lp� ea. d, �e app tb�s all p Licensee shfor Wblchese ceznno less tb at anye Asa subject t ��en�ent5 °f �� • olicy er • sion and is are the reA �r vid�tO 0 &Z11afety�tbiSL;G�(ip°l�-Cy 1 nfor�ty w1 us anag entpat covetag D on as t° s nces' � e s C°n ce cg6a) & afe 1 doh Sub vo °r other d lnsur ag0nen any pev°ie e or acid � Rusk , ands or � °�benyls (pC�a � y splozSling °r'mpr° Licen ernen e Site bip b xnishan e any s vents R un otbring onto 4 1yc�° t�nve Cher des fr° ent, °)f uti l vsposes 0 tiv sb�l n asbes'to ' Cb°n °r oa of tOX> wer e�uipn'ds"� ° p reliens)f and oll. 1 1,icenseepollutants' or any � expu151 of po Mayas e Comp et Seq , cede oil d the vap°es andback � o ,en de�vned vn c, C• �96d tes" s,Ab 35 (n cluan'g roducts an ofbatte�i ectavely yes„ shAbc Act (4?- douse t Seq>> an CA bath b A�ntenan ,yanks (cod us Substan d Liabili' aZar C6c��1, ebe as defin care and d storage azasd° ensati°n etoe t ct (AZ V 5r1t5" shad ceded -�,nder�°' *,e texo CTILIonse, Comp aeons th recovery Aen� „pollu cent or am Agre oentai Ror fiend onv�ahoneto •end any 5ubseq End ubsegeResov)f e regulC §1251, et seq)' 1�e5ball de5n bwent Na (33 S re�u Eby red rna�l, asiy s Clean�la cations ed or rnai intheadonstheret° d o cov aN "Aly deyver reg� demands, givov en if a Messes n Commission �obces reques abbe deem fo�oReaeaty° n°" ces, and sl' to the ks and est P+1 ed, as W 19.1 • be inwsi ptrequestOald�'d Co,,nty vve OiGez�d.�ng'1 ret r're nori• �xiakeR0, To phrner 2$Q0 'ratk`' wL�10 Wat ord'W 4$32S ,-Wage,et ertY �WgDel'a�t of � aciyib Prop d CouritY e a � y to: owoa , orksy'V With 1.abbc W 48328 Water°r�' Page S og 11 oPnonZt''r,�se aoc To Licensee. With a COPY to'- eate a relationship of construed, to � of Partin e shall be deemed °T between the Patties §20, g elations ttbing contained an this Lim p or joint venture betty 20.1. principal and agent or of P e axe provided for reader convenience used throughout this Licens etation of thi s Li cense. The section headings §21, xeadin s• in the :�t�pr 211 only and shall not be controlling d superSedes all between es an fire A ee ent fire understanding betty e e elative to the subject §22. En nstitutes the en ents between the P anti dexstandu'gs? s License CO and/or agreem e no un made by Owner to 22.1 offers, negotiations, resents that mere are have been prior off herein, Licensee rep oral or written, tin- � th�-s matter addressed romises of any lcirad, ressly set forth in wn g representations, or p s License excePtth°Se exp induce the execution of thi License ons of this Lie ns shall of sioaa. ° f any sections or subset §23, Izivalid Pxovi orcabiVAY ainder of this License or i f any -fhe invalidity °x un of the rem ed in all respects as 23.1 • e validity or anforceability . affect the ubsections• This License shall1 er Omitted' any sons ox s or subsections invalid or ;enforceable sections e State of and subject to, the laws of � judicial Law and Venue. accordance with, city, or other §2Q. Govemin ed in acco at law, suit in se shall be b law, any action thereof shall only be 24.1. This License rovided y xovision Oakland an• To the extant P t o f this License or any Oct Court located ending prowzg enfoxceman a Distric District of-iichagan, dep roceedarag for thed County Circuit Court., P e Oaklan for the Eas instituted an ted States District Court eding• County, or the Uni or other proce on the nature of the action, suit, endmerat. modified, amend' or altered, excePtby an ag1eent §25• e may not be change 25.1 • This Livens signed by both P arties • in -writing, their successive hears, � and shall be binding upon §26. SuC� and assigns. e is bindmg up°n the Patties subcAntractors, 261. This Livens strators, successors, d representatives, admix the time an der this Licensed during the part �s §z7. Force Ma eure. ed from any obligations un oxming due to causes besucyond event Each P artY shall be ex revented from P of any 27.1. given to the affected Party to the extent that a Party is p control Reasonable notice shall be g' page9 of at C..\TEW\Option 2 i` mse.dor- ent, oT emvloy1 applieri ° e a°a of aXiY emplOYee� 5� �n�t�otiXi `nol ate aga 'st an ten e� tams, e01010`I0 isina�°n shl n°t disx spect�° i dizectly Xelat anY EitheT4�son oT n tt d�ectly ate, oX contXaveoX 28 • °hex p � oX aX' cal law' dives, del -- obligat�on' duty eXz�pl late, oX 10 ed to, i'pilege' 4°weX? not itend .6'ot' po t Of and is eT leggy ce ally Xit ��eXva °n e does not, �al oX otl' oX ec& to any ��,9 • ,this l icex� 5tatutOTI I to pursue with regard oX 2g .1 • cAtit`o f TeX. by ap a5' ose X� gl'ts Onditaon' ems, sh�l lay OT eXm' sue' e alver. o act' fa1luTen's the aw�`Nai� of one oX TOT ovi5ion of th lied waiver' n e shall co cerise. N° erv,,ise, it�on' or p e strict �3p_ No 1Xo b5 t avnitten this Licecach of this LT nduct oX oth tee'' COO, tight to reaulX 30.1 • ?' edy Az bs ueutbl� ether by cO aiveX of an9 effect its Of en existu'g ozof ice a 6s ea�ntin g15ubseq y d shall pTovisio ed w by either 1' ate' shlbe cwn'�lative' OX � ts, be dcas �° of �isl is e' sZ,icense oX of any ° ' Xi Ij eXforTr'ance bdbefiis' al p es�°tExcluslve1es' andbenefits'LigtPTO-,Asremedies an ori' §31' aa Re1x�e� e rights' -fc e o1 o 0 ea law of `3`'lvCh sh�lbe 31.1 • otbe exclusabenerats tezpaT ' each res, an covx' v Xed Ilaseveral the sanje ins e nasbeen d t arts• a be eXec� ate one and owledges tha "ts ai'db�s'ds 5aa §3�. C°TsLicenwc�sball conseby a reby accep 321 and all of vier he OF' e onit5beh�f of �Y of 1 SZiCens ontbis / Il`l by oWi er to s and coedit' autla°T� to �e tao CorpoTaI&on BY lt5• pate:.. Vale 1,3 of 11 \0 1 4 0 11 21'ic�'ape C\T to before me and sworn = Subscribed day of on, the �— Notary public, �un', IAby Licensee Expires: that slhe has beelA authoxiz ee to the terms and .My Co.Tssion lcens act°wledge�dbinds �e L W1� 'Same hereby acceP 200 --' *110 use oO�'behalf, day of to execute of 6 License on s ---`` LICENSEE: conditions Date: to before me and sworn to Subs�ibed day Of on the Now up bl c, Colzty,Niiclv�. My Co�ssionEXpn�. pis 2 °ptionL�e.doc C.�TeAP Page 11 of 11 EXIT A SITE LEGAL J)ESCR�TIGN e 11 East, Addison Township, Northwest 1/4 of Section 33, Town 5 North, Rang the North encing at the Northwest corner ofsaid Section 33; All that part of described as; Comm Oakland County, �ch�gan' the West line of said Section 33, � TION; thence G OF THIS DESCpa °43'07" thence South Ol °53'45" East 3T�IE PLACE OF BEGINNIN 75 00 feet; thence South 00 89°16'53" East 224.87 fee g9°16 53 Ea of this description. �� West 75.00 feet; thence North lace of beginning North 00°43'07West 75.00 feet to the p East 7 5.00 feet; thence South 9901615311 B Bg'IT Cry VIi ange 11 DE5 xtl'�g 55 LEGS 33' �°� 5 -SO cubed as' feet �GgE f section ��ch is des ast253� .09 11`jC'55 oxwestll e°entexln1e °ql°53'45 lovienee�oxtl1 that pad of the �clvg fence s°ast 224 8� f e t 4 56 feet' license n' � Co '� aid section °16` 53 E 2 5 CE q �9„des c ve to ode , p ez of s oxth g9 G pF 32° 1 txadius 4 rl3 20 qq foot n to ship * ence� $�G� en 1�oxth a 16 �-� f°o'g es+, P' Addis° the T.Zox ecdon33 CE pF 6 feet, cet along g9 153 Centex e en�n1g at e of sald5 T YhA, *es lgg•1 26•�� fee ence South of this Coe*estlin� 00 feet�p 8�°21'16 enceestexlY23 88 feet,laGe of ending along „ es-, ' ceNoxt feet,th 6„ west d foz the qq°g3q'I �lp��tl�en Eastg53 qq°513 oxge�°a D�SCRI o � qq°25 Swl�chbe s jLa pe thence e chpzd of right of vaaY the lee,testexly feetto th descxiption. ITEM # 15 1RrG?S �i pEGrA` P pRK prS June $ A A and is ZOOS S °m is scheduled lor hich is 20 r f puP 9e C°only w ial Park Districts F° a and are The 2004 Spec st Preserve District o are being taken now h°sled by the � ore Terence re9istratlons review . be�n9 est °i Chica9°•Con for y°ur miles w adic►pants' our agenda packet e let the first '150 P in y cep press irn matron is enclosed .on G°nfer�en �ted to nd 1 Conference mfor nding thrs ha s e interested in atte eetin9 rf y°" are W Within the Week e resented at the m Karen Kno. n the F °rum will b P P video ° 1.5`1 ITEM #16 2004 proposal pssistanCe program Commnnity provide recreational services to was develop ed top . The program has based °n socioeconomic needs. The Oakland e Community Assistance Program -The �n Oakland County of Oakland County. ° ulat►on for recreation to all area esponded to the needs of Oakland the p p funds. In 2004 we would like to an opportunity Commiss'b n has provided ecreation County Parks and R Past 22 years, Y residents foss on approve $25,000. County Coma, request the Pro osal Community Assistance 2044 pro ram of the rant to the mends continuation Commission grant and staff recom request that the unicip The Mobile Recreation would like to req distributed tom °r total P in 2004. We 000. This would be to pay a reduction Program tC.A.) department $25' a need or inability Mobile Recreation age de es demonstrating governmentalW'jll be rice of the units. 4 Community Assistaac j 35r Program for p visits trips to the el 110 mobile recreatRied Oaks Waterpark and y for over The request of funds for the 20 d ortunity 1. 000. Approxima Y provide the opp of wave $251 Waterford Oaks an will p With the addition ortation to the This program transp Center. 1 520 citizens. ewis E. Wint Nature o quality recreation activities. L tizens to en} Y provide this excitement to 30,000 ci will p pool and nature center trips, we ram has been established by the p is not affiliated with a notified that this pr Commission and Communities will be and Recreation 2. County Parks ram Oakland There is no federal or state funded prop evaluated on an annual bent years. provided and subsequent 3. This program ►s p funds will be available in guarantee that theseould • s Available Under This Pro ram et Mobile, punk Tank, and buClimbing Unit Obstacle C°arse'art of this (Mobile, Pupp Mob -tie Hockey sport Mobile, Inflatable will not be p The In -line Skate M ram. The Sp Bleachers through Thursday, available for this program. -T Inflatable Bouncer, and Monday be a , Orb available for this program Stages ust 20, 2p04. Wall, Mobile -Thursday, Aug rogram. The units �ulne 7 and ending p Monday, beginning Distribution: the following= Communi Assistance based on ion of the C.A.P • visits will be b Priority for the distribution 16_1 d 01, ur se�rGes+ e ave shown the oe his i6k atrons �\G GtOreamoo PgenG�es s`dered for t 1. Or SOG%sec°r s and R at�ons thatwou\d be °°o reaton b. L Q�iP0%4rgan�Z o1 orgafa-atloo o to enhance reG s been granted G N Wing rs the type the G°n1m ssro the past and ha roo\okY ao 2 the �o\\o ressed a f\e C,0mmuortG000� ssiOn rn that gi`4es the G° progra a Nas exp 6\t\es io th Deed t° th program. a manner ro9ram oppo� ressed a ssistanGe e G.P p io tmg io thrs p de a\i b. Nas epmrounrh! abiCrhl to u erieoce. s pa�rGrpa o and ioGiu the G own the anon exP omn,�unitre aPp��cat�o C. Nac ea e io refire Obi\e units, atanGe ?Togra`�' rn ire the 'm urrty Pssws io Order to riete the G° 3 must G°mpts attaGhmen 16'2 ITEM #1� X�ENSipN N GONTRPCT � has N� cpNC,�Sgf,O ak Management PK MaNP�'�E fission meet�n9 e Parks O �anuar`I 7 G°mm wee° them and th Ps reported ac the d the contract bet h Zfl�g. e with the their right to excen eriod °f 2g()`� throu9 ending we c°ntmu -phis exercised cernber 3� 2035 m n for the five year p staff is rec°m Commissxo event ne0la�xons, e ° ears, through D aks and the After subs es for another y rations at Lyon O ake Oaks. enneg°traced rat tor► of the new ope acrC�t�es ,White _mend rr f m cu low for m°re evalua uet and grill rO°n' regarding th+s reco will ai onstruct�on of band answer auest10ns pending c 'Oke to Scab will be ava -Tice F ACII-AV PASS A14140Af" PRLYA-CpN DAK` ° yaks and —_ � our golf range at Lyon ncrease the utilization staff recommends atkem'Pt to olfers as requested, lean t°our g de an additional service to PrOv� e i we make ced use °f range) are: a yarly Pass. mailable this pass �unl�m ecommended rates for The r $400 sbandlwlfeihildren) 2 c Sing\` $ 0 0 u °r Under) rate as to saturate the $ Jun1Or at such a discount Pass is not intended to be olfers. This Pa to our serious 9 n e, but offer a seTv Ice ra g Yz�M #19 S REV`g{ON' REGV�P�`oN ccnaiNon Mp���N PND ,� s C'eneCa` `r{O e �,�P�•, {NF�R e Gocn+�`�ssc° °{ th r th P P K ed cG°cp°cats e�`s,O s to on Gounse{ s deg hed ace prop°s w{th mertto ersuce pktao `o°°k\et' along sh�ng, �s a state a°d Re9\patxo+\s s e seok\O °r �` `aws• raklon °{ 0 osed chac'ge h addresses th \°h`garerase is a cute pc p ed p{sto\s Lac the �aouaN Z , the wh�c M ith the State o{ eat at atcons °ornpw ess�ng the c°°C cKs 0000csscOn acK p addc d the P a 8 p the second, appc°ve by s`or to Sector Z• -\s�or pce�cous{y °'4a` o{ the CeV . the oa d Khan the rev tang ��c6\ss\On appc both cevis\oc`s to wee s cegoest\rag G° ova\ to {o�`Nacd ` o°K{et is Staff , osed, plus appc {oc thecc appcova d �egu\at\O°s b F�shcrg as prop Gocn'�kss`Orecs a{ {n ° an {ocmato ounty Board °{ G°cce°t Gec�ec G `1 °{ the P 00, a r• d {°< y our `°{ocm too ere\ose chanties: "I date �'' ofMiChiOan ge CO tile xnp19 W nth the state gales and on IV $. Fysliinb. es must co Yabe 16� sectx anne to: All shanti Ch Fishing ect the xi�bts of not eff f their all to ° iss on vn sh e sta ' i n 23 gixeax s at this SecwJlcense by thb� the Com a$e 1$'sectio d furthers th d Piso° exty Conte oil, property'. aide C ceale Y Addo�sPsess a `awed p stow ont�°osses ion `vh'1 indl�"duals Who p 6 a conce ce, to bola ncealed pisto, in the xend l ox hale a cO an Info anon Golf Coarse d rn' ged pales ae c°�' ex � MOOS,ph one number pac k pab Add: Page 1 Of 1 Dan Stencil John Ross [rossj@co.oakland.mi.usl Prom: Monday, March 01, 2004 3:07 P Sent. To: Dan Stencil (revised) Subject: P&R Rule Chang es for 3-10-04 Meeting Please disc ard provious e-mail as it contained a numerical mistake Parks Rules and I find the one on fishing shanties acceptable. Dan, I have reviewed the two Proposed changes to the „� "was omitted. I have inserted it in bold in the necessary s to the concealed weapons Rule the word issued A possess a valid Concealed Pistol place; ro erty controlled by the a concealed pistol onto p P his Section shall not effectthe b ng hts of individuals Who prope�y "Provided further, that t License issued ly the State of their res tolCn,their possession while on s Commission andlor have a concealed Pis abbreviated you could say: of individuals who possess a valid Concealed Pistol Or, if you wanted to be a little more abbrevi ,,provided further, that this Section shall residence."notect the rights the State of their License issued -by that mandates: Either would comply with the State Law laws of this state" MCL 46.364(2) Eiy onsistent with the "Rules shall not be contrary to or inc your choice. John Ross 19-3 3J2(44 ITEM #20 DDNAI`DNG -t4 POLE gA KS AC�N� to d°Hate GF�ELD OA offered SpRrN lirn girtsas' has ion9, for use C, represented by e other 72, wide X he current park apse orange' iOng and th res prap°sed rn t M °ne 42' wide as structu °`e barns e Oakland County bNo p ks pctNity Center th �. id Oa d at the Spring ith the d°nators an onatxon the ter pan. sei is w°rkrng w to �adrfitate this d mas Coun ie eases is �Or a\i exp C°rparat�on en to develop a9reern be resp°nsrb re`ocated to F air Pss°c�a��On r Assa��atran w,ii e p°le barns are Oakland 4 N d County q-N �a` locaxan. Once th oj the County o� d to Cak`an with p°le barn re °me fixed assets t the d°natwn an ass°6xated ks they w\ii bec a prO�al to accep w at Sprm9 fiieid Oa p omrri�ssian revue nests Comrn�ss�On as described or G Staff rea al agreements to be available f oceed With the \e9 s are anttc"pated pr -the agreement the NO\ ? rneet\ng ITEM #21 Ep�R% d iVE o�iGER°S vo\,�nteer hours an EX�GV� repo\ m9 on the .Nteta\\ s a copy Ofafk faot\tkes. -th\s h\stoN Cep\eG s 0i X-f\at\o u9h°ut the p at\on o for y°uf ear kh<O \Aefor your mTorm fled and \s a\s f\gs for the 2��3 y is a\so at eying \n 1g95 °\t has been c°rnP tent\\ a\one sav\ ey Nistor pegan su ing Rep s Oaf\ S nded th DeerSON s\nce staff PM6\n91Gh\gp operat\on t\on' a'e ants Q�ef sou as Tree for - parksafks P,*00\ G. pad\cd recreat\On, 3 0101 rn formawX Pdm\n G�Teat\on an mash'\ngtOd to parks an -� -the teo for y°uf \n e G°nferen�\gan Re Terence \n ics re\ate fund\ng- presen d f `eg\s\at\� s °T the M is\atNe G°n e f\nenttoonsePJat\on dd\son �akns for p P rn\d-yea resentat\v d year to embers for a d water s Tor the P spec\ficat\oand NR other rep NRp p, m Senate m k and \and s the fepair \ans and sp \uatmg with\n with six 25 , 28 na\ and semen asses ared p sting . i\\ be ebruary Tess\O eny\an fined tO d prep Tter to eck w b\ed Gong spod'at\on ices, reka ess nenk anb\ddmg • Pthat the prof \ob d\ng tran n Res°u ed the ass as\n9 f °r st\mated \ask inclu nts , Des\g comp\et d to porch a\r , ik \s e 5 P13" . to ,�\akch\ng e consu\ta nter, haven fonNard ter\or TOr reP ek of $2I C\ose {erence G e have been eXce 200� budg \Ne Gia o n revenue e and he\d Gon . Ches of the tenan end' g84 5 then b.\ 60(3. ang gu\1d\n9 Mam Gorc\e to a and $A p6, ed up from the F ridge 1d 20 \ a\n eason has p03 r\ders d, buk oc \ ngmg w\kh Bing kO° co the rem 2ag3-200 hers with A9, a break peas very che�\�osk days b ,� 1he best ever nun' with a s\o`N hh 'Neat the G\psing th ko khe seasons oor\y k period degrees top shape on skartedon, breaever at 53 sea khe ice in f t\ngs, -the se th fough °warmest daY fee for the e crew w he� i11. ta\ fad\\\ty fo \nee strong open its i\\ or \essi , from\ the \c efs do as a Ten N staying wind ch \s yeaf, ds oT rid e onto oon degrees was exce\\a ng khe thousan for the sufnn\er season ay � March 76 et\rees ff n P\\ khegan \OadeTs se now c°nve� over chedu\ed fof\ on one s°, please tobog odge `N\\\ t\ons • eon \s s ees, c° °t yet d end'rr9 -the kook aid sma\\ fecep ch \oy n att is o n\t\on l-u onors emp °u have u will be s ed\a\\y °f note showers, the p nnuaa�e3 95 es Gam\ \ss NN�°e heC or Holy° ToT 2gp3, e p REM\Np���\te Iry �o o to e� %je K�°W °upon fedempt\on to 2 P., ears °T n. s 5$`09�6 e parks c f otact a°a� at $ ort deta\tme \Vebs\te c ed \s a rep n T fors\ th Aarne fedempk\o 2111 khe s\gn\fican ve approached a r icha ,land hl unty ,, F den progfafn Inber y lf and M Oa d Go coons gard Tam- er, 3udges papa General Man . cornmUnIMn fegarding the pro rk ur C gcrarnlin, fishing -1 or atio 2 stall a of estab eral nds adjacent to the pa an s;bility vides gen the 52 — tons staff W etla ardin(3 attached letter pro dlocked W parks °per Psso�,ation, re9 Site, fan and draft an agreement ks- IS Springfield Oa seven -acre at tified a legal 0p61on a Staff a s aersOmAlle goad. Sel provide a daT J an oraton CouneetAng boon requested C°a the Apri17 n' this program. Staff has S regarding W e Comm;ssion to re\J o an question for th vailable t Staff Will be a 2i-2 memOva"dum RhalP, Dan' and Sue p Sandyorey FRAM' Hours Volunteer ou letter and a SUg,E� • ecember 3( r �p03 Will receive a thank y 4 season - or the 2Q0 pATE: p ore than eight hoe rs Waterpark in the forms that are donating rn end the F,idg dardizing We are . Any volunteer eople to a� Stan hin9 together on for four p a brochure and everyt volunteers �s coup velopin9 we have veto assist at de As soon as have tl lookm9 s. the system we have not set the We are cur the different d�v�sion Currently, our Web site. 2�p4. We h terparlc. utilized o but it on b Red oaks W a going friendly • t is Tuesday ` Februa hosted y t verl useC h it will be no ,s Fridge N�9 this year The date for th►s y er picnic however, # of Hours date for the summ # of Votun�eers 300 4,165 1 1, ,�ocat1an 26 533 Oaks 13 1,940 Addison 14 1,612 20 400 VAX e Oaks Oaf 78 2,165 Independence 31370 Mobile Recreat►On 20 3,300 Nature Centerpo9 park 42 i5 18�g33 Orion Oaks J ministration 20 Recreat'on Ad Golf Springfield Oaks 249 White 1_ak $1gg,330 TOTAL OO1hour) at Parks Helper`s rate t�lo. savings is calculated arks Total volunteers• terford Oaks Waterp utilize s that do not Red Oaks and Wa Location d Oaksr Red Oaks, Grovelan 21-3 Oakland County Parks Deer Survey History Park 1 1995 119961 1 1997 1199811999 1 2000 1 2001 120022 2003 12004a Addison Oaks 1 175 1 120 1 1 96 j 59 j 46 j j 26 j 70 1.24 sgmi, 794 acres I 141/sgmi 96.7/sgmi I j77.4/sqrnij47.5/sqmij37/sgmi I I 21/sgmi 56.5/sgmi Independence Oaks 1 116 104 52 1 58 94 39 129 1.7 sgmi, 1088 acres 68.2/sgmi 61/sgmi 30.5/sgmi I 34/sgmi 55.3/sgmi I I 23/sgmi 76/sgmi Orion Oaks 1 16 1 1 24 13 1 18 1 24 1 1 1 38 1.45 sgmi, 927 acres 1 11/sgmi I 116.5/sqmil+-9/7sqmi I 12.4/sgmi I 16.5/sgmi I I .7/sgmi 26.2/sgmi Groveland Oaks 10 6 16 .57 sgmi, 365 acres 17.5/sgmi 10.5/sgmi 28/sgmi Rose Oaks 65 30 70 33 59 53 .97 sgmi, 623 acres 67/sgmi 31/sgmi 72/sgmi I 34/sgmi 63.4/sgmi 54.7/sgmi Waterford Oaks 1 15 9 11 0 5 27 sgmi, 145 acres 55.5/sgmi 33/sgmi 40.7/sgmi 18.5/sgmi Lyon Oaks 157 211 57 1 32 45 29 1 47 1.6 sgmi, 1027 acres 98.1/sgmi 13.9/sgmi 35.6/sgmi 20/sgmi 28.1/sgmi 18.1/sgmi 29.4/sgmi helicopter helicopter infra -red infra -red helicopter Wildlife Biologists recommend 15-20 animals per square mile. i Prior to 1999, surveys were conducted in alternate years. 2 2002 survey done late in season with minimal snow cover. Data collected was unreliable. 3 Groveland Oaks will be surveyed next year to maintain periodic updates. helicopter heliocopter excellent snow cover E 3 CHRISTM NG REpORT ECYC�INGICH1PpuRs 21.75 R R �PpRKI S� giAFOHOVRs 21.75 OF OCP EPuN) gg.5 4 N uM ER OF oR Dv Ho # OOTHE S RH Pp RD 6$ 5 N TAT iOTA� GRIPPE G►�►PPEO AT EP►C�' AREA: OT AL TREES T 55 Op,Ks 542 hunting club ON b App�S S 75 trees removed y GLEN oP`K p ON(S 5 ay tree service N S GV -"ej PENCE OAK 540 690 trees removed INott, O KS 1 A 5 , LYot4 OAAKs 48 oR1oN KS go REo OA Fje o OAKS 269 SpR�NG�ORD OAKS 345 W ATERt-AKE OAKS �N�TE 21.-5 STATE OF MICHIGAN Dt'strict Coon — 5aub Jubiria1 Biotrtict COUNTY OF OAKLAND HON. MICHAEL BATCHIK HON. DANA FORTINBERRY DISTRICT JUDGES SHARON M, RUPE COURT ADMINISTRATOR Oakland County 4-H Fair L.C. Scramlin P.O. Box 365 12451 Andersonville Rd. Davisburg, MI 48350 Dear Mr. Scramlin: 2ND DIVISION 5850 LORAC CLARKSTON, MICHIGAN 48346 VIOLATIONS BUREAU: (248) 625-4880 CRIMINAL DIVISION: (248) 625-4888 PROBATION L DIVISIONn(2 8) 62584994 5957 February 27, 2004 FAX: (248) 625-5602 Web Address: www.co.oakland.mi.us/dc52div2! Our Court, Thank you for meeting with me and the County CommunityCorrection Corrections, wish cont nue our 52-2 District Court of Clarkston in conjunction with C 1 alternate service program by establishing a g o er 12000 pounds (6 tons) f vegetables for the Food garden in Independence Township produced Bank charity program:` We hope to continue the program on the 4-H grounds. You indicated that the northeast corner of the property, approximately seven acres, could be made available. We respectively request permission to utilize this acreage for the garden program. I know you have worked with Community Corrections ure in the you that we will utilize non-violentast using non-violent emeanor defendants sentenced to the WAM Program. Y misdemeanants to cultivate the garden. Not only will this program nproduce It truly d anwin win situation. will be a form of punishment for the misdemeanants in lie y jail. The 52-2 District Court respectfully requests permission of the 4-H Fair Board and the Oakland County Parks Commission to proceed with the program this Spring. If you require further information, please advise. Si e ly, he Hon. Judg atc i cc: Hon. Dana Fortinberry Michael Thibodeau Barbara Hankey 21-6 2003 Coupon Count (as of NOV. 241, 2003) Water arks and Beaches Coupon Code Coupon Title Count 190-SWB web $1 off Park ntry or Water ark Admission 10054 Wheelchair Bball Fund-raiser Buy one WP Admission Get one free ($9 Value) 163 213-COMP Complimentary entry to WOWP 9/6/03 & ROWP 8/22/03 33 215-FH Buy 1, get 1 twilight entry WP Farm Hills Coupon Booklet 219-RFC Race for Cure. $1 off WP thru 2003 220-NCB $2 off Water ark admission WO & RO Valid M-F 7 223-COMP Complimentary twilight entry to WOWP or ROWP 79 226-AUG $2 off Water ark admission 360 -.Farmington Hills Buy 1 twill ht entry, et 1 free 2 Coke Bottles- one free admission. Thru 2003 279 Coke- buy twilight- one free. Thru 2003 114 594-UAW $2 off 8-17-03 only 191 Total 11,281 Park Entry —Coupon Code Coupon Title Count 630-DOC 1 off LOCP PE. Do obed class people 631-WEB 1 off PE/AVP AO GRO IO & LO in 2003 - 150 632-FWB $1 off PE/AVP (AO, GRO, IO & LO) in 2003 Total 19 293 Summer Fun Passbook —Coupon Code Coupon Title Count 901-SFP One WP Admission 184 902-SFP One Round of Golf 15 904-SFP One all day Waterslide band at GRO 3 905-SFP One night of camping at AO or GRO 25 906-SFP One boat rental at AO GRO or IO 19 907-SFP One Vehicle entry at AO, GRO, or IO 25 907-SFP One free Fridge Admission same code as Vehicle Ent 34 Total 305 21-7 Miscellaneous —Coupon Code Coupon Title Count 116-NFH Northfield Hilton Coupon, free WP or Fridge_ Admission 119-NCB $2 off Park entry/vehicle permit, WP camp or fridge thru 2003 29 175-NHOM 2 PE/AVP W ark Fridge. Thru 2003 6 180-CS $10 off May weekends only at AO 11 181-OE Free ski lesson rental & entry fee. O/E ski school 182-AA Free park entry. Arctic Adventure 183-AVP AO vacation pckg. 1 free mtn bike- 1 hr rental 184-AVP AO vacation pckg. 1 free 1/2 hr pedalboat ride 18 176/186-CM County Mailer $1 off WP PE AVID. Thru 2003 503 188-PED $1 off WP PE AVID for Planning & Econ Dev Booklet GRO Cabin VC Package- waterslide 52 GRO Cabin VC Package- 1/2 hr pedalboat ride 22 GRO Cabin VC Package - 1/2 hr bike ride 4 Coke- 10 off two nights camping — AO or GRO campgrounds 36 Camping Postcard- $10 off 8 Total 689 Free Admissions —Coupon Code Coupon Title Count Courtesyasses 1 admin. Park, greens fee camp,WP). 2004 5 550-VAV Volunteer Appreciation Voucher-4 free WP or Fridge Admissions 11 551-OE One Free Ski Lesson, rental and PE 552-CF One Free Ski Lesson rental and PE for Cabin Fever Individual Pass 170 555-WOBOG Be Our Guest one free Entry 42 557-MB Free Pre -Ride and Vehicle Entry for Mountain Bike 46 560-VAV Valid for 4 free admission to wo Water ark or The Fridge 24 561-WOBOG 1 free wtr ark adm — wowp issued 532 562-ROBOG 1 free wtr ark adm — rowp issued 587 563-MB Spring Mtn bike. 1 free PE for re -ride. May 18 29 565-MB Fall Mtn bike. 1 free PE for re -ride. Sept. 14 99 566-BMX 1 FREE admission WOWP -BMX Nationals —.Only 7/5/03 423. 567-VAV Addison Oaks Volunteer Appr. Voucher (1 hr. bike rental or 30 min. pedal boat rental) 25 21-8 N 19 568-VAV Groveland Oaks Volunteer Appr. Voucher (1 hr bike or 30 min edalboat rental 34 Admin Free Pass. Thru 2003 525 Kroger — Buy one twilight get one free 50 Total 2603 The Fridge Coupon Code Coupon Title Count 415-CG Fridge Guest Check 153 416-WW Fridge —Internet 1 off 1307 417-CS 1 off Fridge Admission 29 418-OP 1 off Fridge Admission- Oakland Press ad. 31 419-0&E $1 off Fridge Admission- 0 & E ad. 5 420-CC $1 off. courthouse cafe). 3 Buy one Fridge Admission Get One Free $9 Value 48 Total 1576 Lyon Oaks Golf LO Mailer Free bucket of balls 52 187-LO 2 for 1 M-TH. Thur May,2003 30 . 189-WBLO 2 for 1 Special, M-Th. Thru May, 2003 45 Total 127 Grand Total Coupons --- 16,644 21-9