HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendas/Packets - 2005.02.02 - 40111Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. Chairman Richard Skarritt Vice Chairman Fred Korzon Secretary Hugh D. Crawford Vincent Gregory John P. McCulloch Charles Palmer John Richards J. David VanderVeen Si-ette Vogt Richard Executive Officer ' 2800 Watkins Lake Road • Waterford, Michigan 48328-1917 248-858-0906 • Fax 248-858-1683 • TTY 248-858-1684 • 1-888-OCPARKS ffw--A-KLAND wv,/`N.co.oal<land.mi.us January 26, 2005 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Oakland County, Michigan Commissioners: A meeting has been called of the Parks and Recreation Commission as follows: PLACE .......................Parks and Recreation Office 2800 Watkins Lake Rd Waterford, MI 48328 TIME .........................Wednesday, February 2, 2005 9:00 a.m. PURPOSE .....................Regular Meeting This meeting has been called in accordance with the authorization of Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation. Sincerely, IZ�L 11R-;,� Ralph Richard Executive Officer Parks and Recreation Next Meetings: Wednesday: March 9, 2005 Friday, March 18, Employee Recognition Lunch - Waterford HAMy documents\COMMISSN\agendaltr.doc 0 ur mission is to provide recreational, leisure and learning experiences that enhance quality of life. Oakland County Parks a Aecreation Commission 2800 Watkins Lake Rd Waterford, MI 48328 **AGENDA** February 2, 2005 Action Required Presenter/Phone # 1. Call Meeting to Order 9:00 a.m. 2. Roll Call 3. Public Comments 4. Commission Meeting Minutes for January 5, 2005 Approval K. Kohn / 858.4606 5. Payment Approval Summary: Approval Internal Service Funds Payment Register: Internal Service Funds Journal Voucher Register: Oak Management Inc., Credit for Services Rendered Register: Operating Transfers: Payment Register: 6. Activity Reports for November and December, 2004 7. Controlled Deer Management Program — Independence Oaks Approval C. Herb / 634.9811 8. Bid Items: Approval A. Aqua Cycle Paddle Boats — Independence Oaks " B. Front-end Loader Tractor — Springfield Oaks Activity Center M. Thibodeau / 858.4630 C. Riding Mowers — Orion Oaks C. Herb / 634.9811 D. John Deere 4320 Tractor — Addison Oaks " E. Riding Greensmowers — Lyon Oaks and Glen Oaks M. Thibodeau / 858.4630 F. Tractor — Lyon Oaks " G. Rotary Mower — Lyon Oaks " H. Utility Vehicle — Glen Oaks " 1. Aerator — Red Oaks " J. Fairway Mower — Springfield Oaks Golf Course " K. Rotary Mowers — White Lake Oaks and Springfield Oaks Golf Courses " 9. Ellis Barn — Relocation and Rehabilitation Project Informational D. Stencil / 858.4944 10. Executive Session R. Richard / 858.0909 11. Adjourn to Public Hearing 12. PUBLIC HEARING 13. Regular Meeting Re -convened OVER 14. Grant Application Resolution 15. Executive Officer's Report 16. Old Business 17. New Business 18. Adjourn Approval Informational J. Figa / 858.4620 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING January 5, 2005 Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. called the meeting to order at 9:14 a.m. in the commission room of the Parks and Recreation Commission's administration office. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr., Vice Chairman Richard Skarritt, Secretary Fred Korzon, Hugh Crawford, John P. McCulloch, Charles Palmer, John Richards, J. David VanderVeen, Suzette Vogt COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Vincent Gregory ALSO PRESENT: Parks and Recreation Oakland County Purchasing Division Oakland County 4-H Fair Association Oakland County Corporation Counsel Oakland Co. Planning & Econ. Develop. Oakland Co. Board of Commissioners Highland Township Oakland Land Conservancy Highland Conservancy Highland Equestrian Conservancy PUBLIC COMMENTS: There were no public comments or questions. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Ralph Richard, Executive Officer Frank Trionfi, Administrator —Administration Daniel Stencil, Administrator — Parks Operations Joseph Figa, Chief of Design and Development Mike Thibodeau, Chief of Golf Sue Wells, Chief of Recreation Janet Pung, Public Communications Officer Sheila Cox, Accountant IV Clyde Herb, Chief of Park Joan Daniels, Buyer Dave Coleman, President John Ross, Assistant Corporation Counsel Larry Falardeau, Principal Planner Martin Knollenberg, Commissioner Triscia Pilchowski, Supervisor Lisa Frazier, Executive Director Ron Flannery Sharon Greene Moved by Mr. Crawford, supported by Mr. VanderVeen to approve the minutes of the meeting of December 1, 2004, as written. AYES: Crawford, Korzon, Lewis, McCulloch, Richards, Skarritt, VanderVeen (7) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. APPROVAL OF PAYMENTS: Moved by Mr. Korzon, supported by Mr. Skarritt to approve the Payment Approval Summary, including: 4-1 (Commission Meeting, January 5, 2005) Internal Service Funds Payment Register for November, 2004 (FM 2, FY 2005) - Payment Register for November (FM 2, FY 2005) AYES: Crawford, Korzon, Lewis, McCulloch, Richards, Skarritt, VanderVeen (7) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. COMBINED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS: The Combined Statement of Operations for the month of October, 2004 was accepted as filed. ELECTION OF OFFICERS: Chairman Lewis requested Commissioner McCulloch assume the position of Temporary Chairman for the purpose of electing new officers for 2005. Commissioner McCulloch assumed the Chair and opened the floor to nominations. Moved by Mr. Richards, supported by Mr. Korzon to re-elect Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. as Chairman and Richard Skarritt as Vice Chairman, plus elect J. David VanderVeen as Secretary of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission for 2005. AYES: Crawford, Korzon, Lewis, McCulloch, Richards, Skarritt, VanderVeen (7) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote. Chairman Lewis re -assumed the Chair. 2005 MASTER CALENDAR: The proposed master calendar for 2005 was distributed for review and possible changes. ssioners at the Lyon Commission concurred to leave sionthe lalso'ochannged the n for the adate ofy 13 theMarch meeiting from the outing 2nd to the 9th. Oaks Golf Course. The Comm 2005 COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM: Chief of Recreation Sue Wells presented the proposed program for 2005, which will include mobile recreation visits and waterpark group discounts to municipalities demonstrating a need. Moved by Mr. Palmer, supported by Mr. Crawford to approve the 2005 Community Assistance Program for Mobile Recreation in the amount of $25,000. AYES: Crawford, Korzon, Lewis, McCulloch, Palmer, Richards, Skarritt, VanderVeen, Vogt (9) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. 4 2 (Commission Meeting, January 5, 2005) RECOMMENDED WATERPARK FEES: Moved by Mr. Palmer, supported by Mr. Crawford to reduC s t $5095 resident discount roue rate at the Waterford Oaks and Red Oaks Waterpa,oner Vogt suggested discount coupons g arks. Commissioner for the waterp off newsletter. Discussion followedlferos; staff will pn the rovide those in the g Provide the average size to be provided to g Groups range in size from 20 to 700 people; staff will determine and p Commissioner MCCulloch. et review session Staff will provide additional information on the waterparks' individual rates at the next bu g for review and discussion. Palmer, Richards, Skarritt, VanderVeen, Vogt (g) AYES: Crawford, Korzon, Lewis, McCulloch, NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. SUMMER 2004 MARKETING REPORT: and the golf courses, ting report for the summer 2004 season, which reviewed the Mary, group sales, camping efforts for the waterp public Communications Officer an ung included promotional and marketing ons. plus through the website and discount coup d electrical easement to Detroit Edison to provide ADDISON OAKS ELECTRICAL EASEMENT' roue nt has been reviewed and Staff requested Commission approve an underg The document power to the new Sprint communication tower at Addison Oaks. a Corporation Counsel. round electrical approved by rove the underground Supported by Mr. Korzon to approve communication tower at Moved by Mr VanderVeen, rovide power to the new Sp and approval by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners. easement to Detroit Edison to p Addison Oaks for review Skarritt, VanderVeen, Vogt (9) AYES Crawford, Korzon, Lewis, McCulloch, Palmer, Richards, NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. B_ Mr. Korzon to approve the following bid items as Moved by Mr. McCulloch, supported by staff an reviewed and recommended by d Purchasing: sand airs of cross-country skis, 31 pairs of binding Purchase of 31 p airs of ski boots, 31 pairs equipment at Independence Oaks to New Moon 15 pairs of ski poles for use 580.00. Ski Shop in the amount of $6, 4-3 (Commission Meeting, January 5, 2005) Purchase of 14 gas golf cars at Springfield Oaks, 36 electric golf cars at Glen Oaks, and 35 electric golf cars at White Lake Oaks, including the trade in of 80 cars, to Club Car in the amount of $222,100.00. Contract for architectural services to renovate the Recreation Section staff office building at Waterford Oaks, including cursory structural review, needs assessment, preliminary and final design, plans and specifications, and project administration, to Gerald J. Yurk Associates in the amount of $17,200.00. AYES: Crawford, Korzon, Lewis, McCulloch, Palmer, Richards, Skarritt, VanderVeen, Vogt (9) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. Moved by Mr. McCulloch, supported by Mr. Korzon to award the contract for the construction of the redesigned Ellis Barn foundation to the low bidder, ABC Paving, in the amount of $125,984, plus a ten percent contingency of $12,598, for a total budgeted amount of $138,582.00. AYES: Crawford, Korzon, Lewis, McCulloch, Palmer, Richards, Skarritt, VanderVeen, Vogt (9) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Moved by Mr. McCulloch, supported by Mr. VanderVeen to adjourn the meeting to an executive session for the purpose of discussing a proposed land acquisition. AYES: Crawford, Korzon, Lewis, McCulloch, Palmer, Richards, Skarritt, VanderVeen, Vogt (9) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. Meeting adjourned to an Executive Session at 10:35 a.m. The meeting was re -convened at 11:54 a.m. PROPOSED LAND ACQUISITION: Moved by Mr. Crawford, supported by Mr. VanderVeen to authorize staff to proceed as directed in the Executive Session. AYES: Crawford, Lewis, McCulloch, Palmer, Richards, Skarritt, VanderVeen, Vogt (8) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. 4-4 (Commission Meeting, January 5, 2005) EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S RED: ve Officer's Reportwas as filed in the agenda. The Execute p,DJOURNMENT: was adjourned at 12:00 p•m• The meeting February 2, 2005. 00 a.m. on Wednesday, e next Commission m eeting will be 9: ,� Th � ecordiSecretary ng Karen S. Kahn CPSICAP, R J. David VanderVeen, Secretary 4-5 'CroN GOMMrSsiON ND REGRBA GOUNIY p ARKS P Ov PL SUM0ARY ND ppR OPK� pA"oAEN� P ,�ETrNGDF: FOR � Febr�a�l 2, ZppS g3� ,d4414 `l�rlt RBGrR: 111460?1 . NDS p P PL SBRvrCE FU ER ReGx DER: rNtERN 3 F� 2p055,OURNP�vOUcN 4,29�'26 DeGembec, <FM FUND & 3 FN 2Oo51 RED REGrsIEEt: 2 �ERNP� SBR�rcE & De°embet lFM1 SERvrGBs R�NDE p 00 rN N°vembe'f rNC. REDr� F DotOber, C OR 2 & 3, F� 2po51 OAK MPNAG� EN c &peoembec ootobec' Novemb SFE ks ` OpBRASrNG oecembev bec ootobec' Nov em � RF'GrS.�ER: P�MBN bet �FM3' F� 2oQ51 VrE�. oen V ArUABLE FOR RB for P�- rNFORMA�rON rS P *BACKUP 5,1 511,�9 0 g9 1 y363 486 p0 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Internal Service Funds Payment Register For the month of December, 2004 (FM 03, FY 2005) Source Department/Fund Purpose Amount 121IN203420 O.C. Building & Liability Insurance Fund Liability Insurance charges for Oct., Nov. & Dec. -All Parks $15,527.00 12/IN203427 O.C. Motor Pool Fund Car washes for Oct., Nov. & Dec.-Admin., Tech. Supp., Add., Grove. & Inde . 80.00 12/IN203448 O.C. Motor Pool Fund Car/Truck lease, maintenance & gasoline charges for Dec.-Admin., Rec. Admin., Tech. Supp., 22,061.84 Add., Grove., Orion, Inde ., Glen Oaks, Red Oaks, Spring., R.O.W. Park, SAC, Water., Mob. Rec., W.O.W. Park, Tob. Complex, Nat. Cntr., Lyon & Lyon G.C. 12/IN203452 O.C. Motor Pool Fund Gasoline charges for Dec.-Admin. 3.26 12/IN203459 O.C. Indirect Cost Indirect cost charges for Oct., Nov. & Dec.-Admin. 127,731.25 12/IN203466 O.C. Printing, Mailing & Copier Fund Printing charges for Dec.-Admin., Rec. Admin., Add., Orion, Inde ., Water., W.O.W. Park, Mob. 2,510.22 Rec., Tob. Complex, & Nat. Cntr. 12/IN203471 O.C. Printing, Mailing & Copier Fund Mailing charges for Dec.-Admin 2,035.67 12/IN203474 O.C. Printing, Mailing & Copier Fund Conv. Copier charges for Oct., Nov. & Dec.-Admin. & Rec. Admin. 1,314.61 14/IN203393 O.C. Facilities & Operations Fund Security alarm charges for Oct., Nov. & Dec.-Admin., Rec. Admin., Tech. Supp., Wh. Lk., 2,538.00 Glen Oaks, Spring., R.O.W. Park, SAC, Water., W.O.W. Park, Tob. Complex, Nat. Cntr., Lyon &Lon G.C. 14/IN203426 O.C. Facilities & Operations Fund Maintenance, repairs & snow removal charges for Oct., Nov. & Dec.-Wh. Lk., Glen Oaks, Red 2,055.95 Oaks, Spring. & Water. 18/IN203440 O.C. Information Technology Fund Development charges for Oct., Nov. & Dec.-Admin. 108.00 18/IN203443 O.C. Information Technology Fund Operation charges for Oct., Nov. & Dec.-Admin., Rec. Admin., Tech. Supp., Add., Grove., Inde ., 36,996.00 R.O.W. Park, Water., W.O.W. Park, Tob. Complex & Nat. Cntr. 18/IN203453 O.C. Information Technology Fund Radio lease & maintenance charges for Dec.-Admin., Add., Grove., Inde ., Nat. Cntr. &Lon G.C. 3,020.85 18/C1300293 O.C. Telephone Communications Telephone char es for Dec.-Admin., Rec. Admin, Tech. Supp., Add., Grove., Inde ., Wh. Lk., 11,795.34 Glen Oaks, Spring., Red Oaks, R.O.W. Park, Water., W.O.W. Park, Nat. Cntr., Lyon & Lyon G.C. 43/IN203467 O.C. General Fund Security expense charges for 11/13/04 thru 11/26/04 & 11/26/04 thru 12/10/04-Add., Grove., Orion, 29,707.56 Inde ., Wh. Lk., Spring., R.O.W. Park, Water., W.O.W. Park, Lyon &Lon G.C. 61/IN203395 O.C. Drain Commission Water & sewer charges for Nov. -Add & Dec. -Lyon G.C. 2,592.03 PR600579-580 O.C. Payroll Fund Payroll charges for pay period ending 12/10/04-AII Parks 190,363.45 PR600680-681 O.C. Payroll Fund Payroll charges for pay period ending 12/24/04-AII Parks 196,644.19 FB601789-793 O.C. Fringe Benefits Fund Fringe Benefit charges for pay period ending 12/10/04 -All Parks 90,826.57 FB602088-092 JO.C. Fringe Benefits Fund Fringe Benefit charges for pay period ending 12/24/04 -All Parks 92,132.35 TOTAL FOR INTERNAL SERVICE FUND PAYMENT REGISTER $830,044.14 7 w Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Internal Service Funds Journal Voucher Register Oct., Nov. & Dec., 2004 Source Department/Fund Purpose Amount 12-JV242129/001 Management & Budget Food service course (Bennie Ellout) (Waterford Oaks Park) $ 90.00 12-JV242159/001 Management & Budget Tourism conference (J. Pung / K. Soncrainte) (Administration) 198.00 12-JV243457/008 Management & Budget Short-term disability: 10/04 (Recreation Administration) 480.00 12-JV243457/009 Management & Budget Short-term disability: 10/04 (Technical Support) 1,488.00 1 2-JV243457/01 0 Management & Budget Short-term disability: 10/04 (Independence Oaks) 1,673.00 61-JV243307/002-003 Drain Commission Lagoon system repairs (Addison Oaks Park & Conference Center) 654.35 61-JV243506/001-002 Drain Commission Lagoon system repairs (Addison Oaks Park & Conference Center) 1,333.00 61-JV243506/003 Drain Commission Lagoon system repairs (Lyon Oaks Golf Course) 135.18 12-JV243948/007 Management & Budget Short-term disability: 11/04 (Technical Support) 1,488.00 12-JV234959/002 Management & Budget Short-term disability: 11/04 (Independence Oaks) 717.00 12-JV244147/008 Management & Budget 1st quarter per diem charges (Administration) 350.00 12-JV244494/017 Management & Budget Hep. B/DOT testing (1st Quarter) (Addison Oaks, Independence 115.00 Oaks & Lyon Oaks Golf Course) 22-JV243818/002 Treasurer's Office Parks & Recreation's portion of short-term bond. (Local municipal 2,739.18 Treasurers are bonded to collect County's portion of taxes.) (Admin.) $ 11,460.71 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Oak Management, Inc. Credit for Services Rendered Register Oct., Nov. & Dec., 2004 Source Park/Budget Center Purpose Amount JV243459/001 Lyon Oaks Golf Course 11/10/04 Window washing $ 182.50 JV243460/001 Lyon Oaks Golf Course 10/13/04 Window washing 182.50 JV243462/001 Addison Oaks Park Deer harvest lunches 465.00 JV243524/001 Lyon Oaks Golf Course Credit for grease trap bill erroneously charged in August 2004 1,277.76 JV244030/001 Lyon Oaks Golf Course 12/7/04 Window washing 182.50 JV244072/001 Addison Oaks Conference Center Awning (50% reimbursement) 600.00 JV244073/001 Lyon Oaks Golf Course Septic tank pumping 1,400.00 $ 4,290.26 ACTIVITY REPORT NOVEMBER, 2004 * Not included in program totals - only in combined totals. In-house events are counted in facility totals. ADDISON OAKS PARK Campers Day Use Day Campers *ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER GROVELAND OAKS PARK Campers Day Use Day Campers INDEPENDENCE OAKS PARK Day Use Day Campers Overnight Youth Group Campers+A39 LYON OAKS PARK Day Use Bark Park ORION OAKS PARK Day Use Bark Park ROSE OAKS PARK Day Use SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER Day Use/Grounds 4-H Fair *Banquet Facilities WATERFORD OAKS Activity Center - non banquet *Banquet Facilities - Activity Center Day Use TOTAL CAMPERS TOTAL DAY USE TOTAL DAY CAMPERS TOTAL OVERNIGHT YOUTH GROUP CAMPERS TOTAL BARK PARK TOTAL 4-H FAIR TOTAL ACTIVITY CENTER -NON BANQUET PARTICIPANTS (MONTH) 2003 2004 0 0 0 0 0 0 3318 3376 0 0 0 0 0 0 9293 11852 0 0 49 48 7091 683 28371 2869 18801 1596 4592 3400 40OF 400 233 325 0 0 2380 3124 595 546 2 0 0 955 0 0 12515 15811 0 0 49 48 7429 6269 0 0 595 546 BLAND ► 91h,mik PARTICIPANTS (YTD) 2003 2004 4715 6327 1799 1824 0 0 6869 7509 0 0 0 0 0 0 26762 31543 253 725 80 255 1293 1200 5837 5869 6472 3192 11064 6800 806 800 1253 1140 0 0 5453 10975 1088 841 1037 375 0 1910 4715 6327 38379 41609 253 725 80 255 16901 12669 0 0 1088 841 04-05 ACTIVITY REPORT.XLS, NOVO4 6 1 of 4 GOLF COURSES * Not included in program totals - only in combined totals. PARTICIPANTS (MONTH) 717 PARTICIPANTS (YTD) In-house events are counted in facility totals. 2003 2004 2003 2004 GLEN OAKS Rounds Played - 9 Holes 673 860 2533 2691 Rounds Played - 18 Holes 408 425 1290 1242 *Banquet Facilities 4900 5036 9397 11269 **Grill Room (**Not included in totals) 0 925 2361 LYON OAKS Rounds Played - 9 Holes 152 109 705 446 Rounds Played - 18 Holes 525 478 2281 2239 Driving range 24 66 668 820 *Banquet Facilities 1129 2052 2207 3864 **Grill Room (**Not included in totals) 0 0 2142 1960 RED OAKS - (Under construction - Opening Spring 2004) Rounds Played - 9 Holes 0 755 0 2993 SPRINGFIELD OAKS Rounds Played - 9 Holes 249 333 839 1015 Rounds Played - 18 Holes 390 595 1750 2157 **Grill Room (**Not included in totals) 0 0 680 910 WHITE LAKE OAKS Rounds Played - 9 Holes 471 568 1938 1297 Rounds Played - 18 Holes 494 333 1393 1470 *Banquet Facilities 455 0 1160 407 **Grill Room (**Not included in totals) 0 0 949 967 TOTAL ROUNDS PLAYED - 9 HOLES 15451 2625 6015 8442 TOTAL ROUNDS PLAYED - 18 HOLES 1817 1831 6714 7108 TOTAL DRIVING RANGE 241 66 668 820 04-05 ACTIVITY REPORT.XLS, NOVO4 6— 2 of 4 RECREATION, FACILITIES AND SPECIAL EVENTS Not included in program totals - only in combined totals. PARTICIPANTS (MONTH) PARTICIPANTS (YTD) In-house events are counted in facility totals. 2003 2004 2003 2004 MOBILE RECREATION Bleachers 6 3 22 9 Bouncer 0 0 820 1025 Bus 1080 1305 3600 3420 Climbing Wall 0 0 300 300 Dunk Tank 0 0 0 0 Inline Skate Mobile/Hockey Mobile 0 0 167 0 Obstacle Course 0 0 1230 410 Orbotron 0 0 450 150 Puppet 0 0 170 170 Show Mobile 3 4 10 24 Space Maze 0 0 820 205 Sport Mobile 0 0 458 0 Tents 1 0 20 0 Camps 0 0 0 0 Miscellaneous 0 0 0 0 WATERFORD OAKS BMX 0 0 0 0 WATERFORD OAKS COURT GAMES COMPLEX 0 30 0 58 WATERFORD OAKS FRIDGE 0 0 0 0 WATERFORD OAKS LOOKOUT LODGE 286 248 790 613 WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK 0 0 0 0 RED OAKS WATERPARK 0 0 0 0 THERAPEUTIC EVENTS 161 286 471 875 SENIOR EVENTS 160 372 526 707 TOTAL MOBILE RECREATION VISITS 10901 13121 80671 5713 TOTAL FACILITIES AND SPECIAL EVENTS 607 9361 17871 2253 04-05 ACTIVITY REPORT.XLS, NOVO4 6-3 of 4 NATURE INTERPRETIVE SERVICES PARTICIPANTS (MONTH) PARTICIPANTS (YTD) In-house events are counted in facility totals. 2003 2004 2003 2004 ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM - INDEPENDENCE OAKS Nature Center 1641 1714 6135 5650 Outreach Visits 279 0 317 115 **Trail Usage (**Not included in totals) 6330 7936 13143 20248 ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM - LYON OAKS Nature Center 100 226 137 586 Outreach Visits 0 93 0 325 **Trail Usage (**Not included in totals) 709 683 809 1407 TOTAL NATURE CENTERS 17411 19401 62721 6236 TOTAL OUTREACH VISITS COMBINED TOTALS 2791 93 PARTICIPANTS (MONTH) 317 440 PARTICIPANTS (YTD) 2003 2004 2003 2004 DAY USE PARKS 20588 22674 61416 62426 GOLF COURSES 3386 4522 13397 16370 RECREATION, FACILITIES AND SPECIAL EVENTS 1697 2248 9854 7966 NATURE INTERPRETIVE SERVICES 2020 2033 6589 6676 BANQUET FACILITIES 12184 13588 26123 34399 GRAND TOTALS 39875 45065 117379 127837 Therapeutic/Senior Event Breakdown TR:TGIF-65; Novi-12; Adaptive Sports-17; Adult Basketball-42; Jr. Basketball-25 SR: Volleyball-150; Tennis-10 REVISED 10/6/04 Note: Deleted Grill Room numbers from Combined Totals. 04-05 ACTIVITY REPORT.XLS, NOVO4 6-4 of 4 ACTIVITY REPORT r=�JAKLAND DECEMBER, 2004 %W DAY USE PARKS * Not included in program totals - only in combined totals. PARTICIPANTS (MONTH) PARTICIPANTS (YTD) In-house events are counted in facility totals. 2003 2004 2003 2004 ADDISON OAKS PARK Campers 0 0 4715 6327 Day Use 0 0 1799 1824 Day Campers 0 0 0 0 *ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 33281 36921 101971 11201 GROVELAND OAKS PARK Campers 0 0 0 0 Day Use 0 0 0 0 Day Campers 0 0 0 0 INDEPENDENCE OAKS PARK Day Use 6742 9290 33504 40833 Day Campers 0 0 253 725 Overnight Youth Group Campers+A39 36 0 116 255 LYON OAKS PARK Day Use 01366 1200 Bark Park J73 3 3852 9195 9721 ORION OAKS PARK Day Use 1872 1596 8344 4788 Bark Park 4496 3400 15560 10200 ROSE OAKS PARK Day Use 400 400 1200 1200 SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER Day Use 450 462 1703 1602 4-H Fair 0 0 0 0 *Banquet Facilities 3271 3234 8724 14209 WATERFORD OAKS Activity Center - non banquet 0 253 1088 1094 *Banquet Facilities - Activity Center 1002 405 780 Day Use 01 01 0 1910 TOTAL CAMPERS 0 0 4715 6327 TOTAL DAY USE 9537 11748 47916 53357 TOTAL DAY CAMPERS 0 0 253 725 TOTAL OVERNIGHT YOUTH GROUP CAMPERS 36 0 116 255 TOTAL BARK PARK 7854 7252 24755 19921 TOTAL 4-H FAIR 0 0 0 0 TOTAL ACTIVITY CENTER -NON BANQUET 0 253 1088 1094 04-05 ACTIVITY REPORT.XLS, DEC04 6-1 of 4 ACTIVITY REPORT DECEMBER, 2004 * Not included in program totals - only in combined totals. In-house events are counted in facility totals. GLEN OAKS Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played - 18 Holes *Banquet Facilities **Grill Room (**Not included in totals) LYON OAKS Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played -18 Holes Driving range *Banquet Facilities **Grill Room (*Not included in totals) RED OAKS - (Under construction - Opening Spring 2004) Rounds Played - 9 Holes SPRINGFIELD OAKS Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played -18 Holes **Grill Room (**Not included in totals) WHITE LAKE OAKS Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played - 18 Holes *Banquet Facilities **Grill Room r*Not included in totals) TOTAL ROUNDS PLAYED -9HOLES TOTAL ROUNDS PLAYED -18HOLES TOTAL DRIVING RANGE �AKLAND ►�: • ': PARTICIPANTS (MONTH) PARTICIPANTS (YTD) 2003 20041 20031 2004 0 0 2533 2691 0 0 1290 1242 5122 4753 14519 16022 0 0 925 2361 0 0 705 446 0 0 2281 2239 0 0 1800 820 1800 1411 4007 5275 0 0 2142 1960 0 0 0 2993 0 0 839 1015 0 0 1750 2157 0 0 680 910 0 0 1938 1297 0 0 1393 1470 668 556 1828 963 0 0 949 967 0 0 6015 8442 0 0 6714 7108 0 0 1800 820 04-05 ACTIVITY REPORTALS, DEC04 6 2 of 4 ACTIVITY REPORT 0:7)AKLAND DECEMBER, 2004� RECREATION,. * Not included in program totals - only in combined totals. PARTICIPANTS (MONTH) PARTICIPANTS (YTD) In-house events are counted in facility totals. 1 2003 2004 2003 2004 MOBILE RECREATION Bleachers 1 1 23 10 Bouncer 0 0 820 1025 Bus 1530 585 5130 4005 Climbing Wall 0 0 300 300 Dunk Tank 0 0 0 0 Inline Skate Mobile/Hockey Mobile 0 0 167 0 Obstacle Course 0 0 1230 410 Orbotron 0 0 450 150 Puppet 0 0 170 170 Show Mobile 8 5 8 29 Space Maze 0 0 820 205 Sport Mobile 0 0 458 0 Tents 0 0 20 0 Camps 0 0 0 0 Miscellaneous 0 0 0 0 WATERFORD OAKS BMX 0 0 0 0 WATERFORD OAKS COURT GAMES COMPLEX 6 32 6 90 WATERFORD OAKS FRIDGE 2720 4621 2720 4621 WATERFORD OAKS LOOKOUT LODGE 70 100 860 713 WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK 0 0 0 0 RED OAKS WATERPARK 0 0 0 0 THERAPEUTIC EVENTS 1813 660 2284 1535 SENIOR EVENTS 166 372 692 1079 TOTAL MOBILE RECREATION VISITS 1539 6376 9596 6304 TOTAL FACILITIES AND SPECIAL EVENTS 1 4775 5785 6562 8038 04-05 ACTIVITY REPORT.XLS, DEC04 6-3 of 4 ACTIVITY REPORT DECEMBER, 2004 In-house events are counted in facility totals. ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM -INDEPENDENCE OAKS Nature Center Outreach Visits **Trail Usage (**Not included in totals) ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM - LYON OAKS Nature Center Outreach Visits **Trail Usage ("*Not included in totals) TOTAL NATURE CENTERS TOTAL OUTREACH VISITS DAY USE PARKS GOLF COURSES RECREATION, FACILITIES AND SPECIAL EVENTS NATURE INTERPRETIVE SERVICES BANQUET FACILITIES GRILL ROOMS GRAND TOTALS for Event Breakdown CM�AKLAND MI ' : : mil PARTICIPANTS (MONTH) PARTICIPANTS (YTD) 2003 2004 2003 2004 857 957 6992 6607 277 887 594 1002 5261 5606 18404 25854 63 115 200 701 0 85 0 410 0 450 809 1857 920 1072 7192 7308 277 972 PARTICIPANTS (MONTH) 594 1412 PARTICIPANTS (YTD) 2003 2004 2003 2004 17427 19253 78843 81679 0 0 14529 16370 6314 12161 16158 14342 1197 2044 7786 8720 15191 14051 39275 48450 0 0 4696 6198 401291 475091 1565911 169561 REVISED 10/6/04 Note: Deleted Grill Room numbers from Combined Totals. 04-05 ACTIVITY REPORTALS, DEC04 4 of 4 ITEM #7 CONTROLLED DEER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM INDEPENDENCE OAKS Staff is requesting Commission approval for a long-range deer management program at Independence Oaks using firearms. Staff is recommending approval of an initial three-year program, with four shotgun dates and two muzzleloader dates beginning in 2005. Archery hunting will be discontinued, as firearm use is more productive and will be less disruptive to the park operation and nature center programs. Staff believes we can achieve our yearly management goals more effectively with the use of firearms and volunteer hunters. A yearly review of management goals based on aerial surveys, park naturalists, and staff observations will be conducted. Staff will provide the Parks Commission with a yearly deer management review, including number of animals harvested and aerial survey information of all parks surveyed. 2005 Shotgun Dates: November 21, 23, 28, and 30 2005 Muzzleloader Dates: December 12 and 14 7-1 I-L IWO 8 e endenee 0alcs CtiJvwy Centex 'Saxe oats . Sp na leldG�s A Via, jtelv5: va Cy°le adex �xaetox aA Oaks aks d A ont'6n cx ONexs'� a o'odOaksandG,enO $. �dxnpeexe 4329 o*exs �LY C 3°kn GxeenovOaks Oaks vises D ceding Ly on E �xaotox I�owex ,LG`en Daks off Couxses d Oaks Golf Co G . A3�-Nlvy ell ed GaksSIP'vvg le, Oa ks and Sprin lel Aeratipz Mo*ex , *VVte Lake pa I• axxwa��AOV4 xs ` 3. Rotax9 BOPIS DD�'g S 4410�0��` �pK a\ b°a�oC aua Gycie Tent U`crase o� 3 P nested fof tre P aks boat Certa` gads were re4 eperden 1ga,( . ce -ire oaks ed at the ird e pUccrased vrdePenderce Gy°\es �i�\ be us �o\d boats trat wee �,Ce eC ire Paua ia�m91-,-yeac �,15 years °f se PC°ducts N° °th •��ty • trey are rep ted tO Pr°v;de 1 ncan Pieasuce seiis to oakiard face G Gies are e-A, ceved jT00 Pme arolaGturec and y e PQua sir9ie bid was ce G°�Pat�y �S tr � P eGei�ed I as tr�s , 0,082.0 sin s wece C e Pr4a'UGt bid at de aie� costs a pCoduo�5 e°Gar P,easvc c°unty ecioar �� iasur • r9 the bid to Pm odget Rose G�ty, M erd�r9 award ks opefatm9 Staff is reG°m dependence oa Unt 6 o� �a2'� �dgeted in toe in o b tre am ere is �6,50� vrcrase. �r cme item for tr�s P Smaii l oois A-1 A-2 A-3 aDER?vv�. GE ER GF1ELn for a 56 hp diesel Sp ,,N bids hasin9 the 1o1lowXn9 received fr°�' purr aO P,&vM center: Vde have r the 30 Sprin9'�`eld O �25,�p1.94 hn Deere tractor {0 ent p,1S E4u`Pm 25,83� .17 i,enoX, N11 William Se\1 25 ag34 �� -�ayior, N1X � t meet spedficat�ons W ein9a Did no Novi handed unn Ford Tractor ar tractor that `Ni11 be Auburn i*Xs ear old sim�1 r vji11 replace actO o ects at the activity -This if center use Only us ,r,a ntenance pr l dOwn for act�v�ty i1X be used for var�o i ct°r v J rE.4uip�r'ent, n This tra the 1oW b�dde , ter and goXI course ardin9 this bid to cen c°,,mends a`N meat budget fiOr Staff retin9 equip nt oI �25,Q.9� din the 2005 Opera the amou�, bodgete .here this tractor. B-1 "WWI, RIDING MOWERS ORION OAKS Bids were requested for the purchase of two 72" riding mowers for Orion Oaks County Park. The mowers will be used to mow the trails and dog park areas at Orion Oaks and are expected to last ten years. These mowers will be replacing a Hustler 4400 mower that is ten years old with an original cost of $18,557.00 Nine companies were sent bid packets. Three companies submitted bids that meet the required specifications; the bids are as follows: Weingartz Novi Valley Turf Clarkston $16,781.80 $16,938.44 WF Miller Company $17,160.00 Novi Staff is recommending awarding the bid to the low bidder, Weingartz Golf & Turf Division, in the amount of $16,781.80. There is $24,00-0.00 budgeted in the Operating Equipment Budget for this purchase. c-1 JOHN DEERE 4320 TRACTOR ADDISON OAKS Bids were received for a four-wheel drive John Deere 4320 Tractor with a Front-end Loader and Backhoe for Addison Oaks. This tractor is replacing a 20- year-old 1984 John Deere tractor with an original cost of $11,858.00. This new tractor is expected to last 20 years. The old tractor will be disposed of in the county auction. The bids were sent to seven vendors. There were five vendors who submitted bids. There were two vendors with a no bid response. Bids received are as follows: Weingartz Supply $28,089.73 Novi, MI D&G Equipment $28,089.73 Waterford, MI Rochester Lawn & Equipment $28,388.64 Rochester, MI Munn Tractor $29,883.00 Auburn Hills, MI Greenia's Outdoor Power $30,370.00 Almont, MI Staff recommends awarding the bid to Weingartz Supply for the amount of $28,089.73 with the following justification: Weingartz is offering a 2-year warranty, whereas D&G is offering a 1-year warranty. There is $28,500 budgeted in the 2005 operating equipment budget. D-1 "DOAXS not �t,l,ty a radars '9hg1 """`PIL L` 24 69� y Qsin +�=�� echo n engines that meet Tt.e= 11 � �L E�aGSrtEs Sohn Deeie po'NcrT � � DEEx,E p[ES xuTb°ch�ged 4_cylindcr to 3oojQT�ue rise• erform°�` e . A1l tractors feature dard� Tcved P stan r°vide uP trtrt�ng. for irnP erforn�ance. emission ,NeatheT S of dclivary ection, Onpro`'cc� P tees Pro output dlesei engines tiform fu avid ra ;es Di ect injectil eTl system Prp� �� oi1 foT mote efflcient heat ca BC d� cOraLces�`e+,t ray vtdes c al electrical P r exec pdditian and PrOvt . Engtne °tl Cooler pxo tar provides levels &bility oust reduce sound and added our achy 75 amp alter al exh uire$ na ad us' . NeW h )S -r,a} ufflex �'d ha�Zont tic zerts:aner re �rdcr�haod m rue belt with autr�rn�. vtsibt`/ of en lnc dr .,toe . Sig' „ direction ch�?r; ecds: tSSioN Table to matcrc seT°a� o.Ns for clutGh.leS' `tRSN[ axe avat dra�ie rev aired —'"^� o dons � srniss}°n P t, 'KY or shif'tin Te . Two Iran �vrRevexser �' ' clutchizt > 0 1Z?I12Rpo roductiv'tty election,na for greater p s iM .1nf►ntte eed s o el-1 dr° wKgEL purer • .---� 1 action and lsullirt aductiv5t . + ln�rease, rr O far reateT Srr1IS5ta�' Shft art -the' the tractor try i indePendant °f on the g° T p ro TC) is t ata ci and disengage e o erata .. ita��pENx' ppexaUon of P eng g Tt) usa --_-- t p70 Aically d Tear P r- . indelnden PTO to be by 0 °r mid an Ts allowws oche 1LOT to Select rem �� A110 era ticall, • p R ��� rear-rmount tgCa Stp cs fTO o of b5' atttnnza -�'"� 'San RpM RE of a Wide variety .� s oPcratiOt� p-PQ,dtiyen kmptcmen . Alla bra�c p�vents cd 6� 1 j :Ca pT0 When dtsen a �-i;4O2Oc`atl �'tm QPt10 ale�c°tnmlc2OI41'�4 �72pC not} MID P-VO oc`depre.ca���'mktinglags U" 2 2�,U6a39691 del 43V pee-reNl-a Tractor Compact Utiuq ons: Diesel Eogin'e Tractor Speciflca� 4 Cylinder Turbo Charged �ogine; 49 5misslo❑ trol • gog �jheel Drive ` dCo HydYostati Ql Valve �"� Joyst Y Flow Dual Selective Contr y Total of 17.1 G. Dval'Kydrl", pomp Your eT gey Fratit Tlr� ,Ares 27 t0 is ear 16 Turf 44,x18'Qp_24 R • F oldie g �a P oint jjltcb � ran Warranty gtandsrd3 d powex T 3 V ear Livnite ,ader 400X Front Lo et model „ Materlat��ck �obn Deere acd,73 BpOd CCu ModeI 448 BaCkhoe epthAdaytee Frame John D ;geD , D4,�gtng r9ck gocksh�►ft �sts 2"ndar d D--3 ENSVAOW f Rfjp4G GRE N'D GLEN ppkCS 1-YGN GAKS r s for the Purchase of sing the following bids tNo for Glen pales. e received from purchasing on yaks We ha owers, one far 1Ly $57 972•00 ree Toro riding greensm $19,324.00 each th Spartan Distributors 82,341.00 Auburn Hills E.Auipment 7$657.00 Century pH Toledo' Tud professionals . not meet specifications Itasca, IL p►d filar Weingariz ►ve and six -Year old Sim Novi mowers will replace es. These new greens ow tees and fang auction Passed on tom ill be sold in the county w►Il be Pa w mowers that _ear old greer'smo`Ners ten Y 3 • to the low The existing or a similar unit in 200 302.00 f the three greensmowers We Paid $19, this bid for warding untof$57,97200. s Staff the amo g recommend a n E4uipment budget istributor, in the 2p05 pperati bidder, Spartan D 52 750.04 budgeted in There is $ for these greensmowers• E1- TRACTOR LYON OAKS We have received from Purchasing the following bids for the purchase of a 39 hp John Deere tractor with a front-end loader and a 60" front broom for Lyon Oaks: AIS Construction Equipment $29,128.04 Lenox, MI William Sell 30,798.86 Taylor, MI Weingartz Novi 30,445.00 Munn Ford Tractor 32,295.00 Auburn Hills This tractor will be used at the park and golf course for various maintenance projects. The broom is needed for road and parking lot maintenance. The 25-year old tractor that this will replace will be used for building trails. Staff recommends awarding the bid to the low bidder, AIS Construction Equipment, in the amount of $29,128.04. There is $30,200 budgeted in the 2005 Operating Equipment Budget for this tractor and broom. F-1 MOWER. a Ro1�oN oPKs tre PUrcbase o{ \\ow\n9 bids {or from pUrohasin9 the to e rave rece\ved {or Lyon pales �8, p p0 og V�1 � rotary ,mo,Ner iron 27 hP °U \on9ar\Z g y319.20 Nov\ se\\ g 319.00 W\\Uao -� ayior s eG\t`Cat\ons an pistribUtor not meet SPa urn t-U\\s t aid e rand rotarl PUb La`Nn E QU�Pmen tight areas \Nber RQya, oak Used JOT mo�\n9 mo,Ner W�\\ be pp3; tr�s Unt �s a \s rotary o\Ner in 2 Sb ,\..,% req\ \red• sib`\ar d\ese\ 0 ,ONNers are U 2,677 00 JOT a er W e\nga' al in the �N e Paid $1 the \orN b`dd o\ed gas en9`ne' ard\n9 the bid to ent gUd9et .,Jater.co reoomoends as o erat\n9 Eau\Pry Staff gp 00 ed \n the 2005 P amount o� �g 0 2,000 po budget Tbere \s $1 forth\,.0\Ner G-1 Powered by proven and reliable 27-hp Kawasaki' Liquid -Cooled engine technology. Available with either 60" or 72" full -floating, UltraCut- 5.5" deep deck. Heavy-duty Tri-Force design is the strongest in the industry. Patented flov,v-control baffles deliver an exceptional quality of cut at high mowing speeds*. Exmark exclusive design engineering puts this liquid -cooled in a class by itself. Up -top radiator positioning ensures that I cooling sysuern is drawing cooler, cleaner air than other competitive liquid -cooled mower designs. Patented wavy radiator screen minimizes cleaning and maintenance. Use cff Shell Extended Life coolant/ anti -freeze provides a virtually maintenance -free system. Loaded with other standard performance, comfort and convenience features including: Heavy-duty canister air filtration system improves engine life, simplifies maintenance and boosts overall productivity . High -back, Elastomeric Vibration Control seat (EVC) with height adjustable armrests. - Quick -lift deck assist which lets the operator use leg power to easily raise and lower mowing deck. - Large diameter (13 x 6.50-6) pneumatic front caster tires for increased reliability. Refer to page 15 for more detailed information on our UltraCat" mowing deck and to page 21 or all 2004 L32er Z' Series enhancements. G-2 vENxcLv- uZ G E DAKS ,ds for the n the fo\\o`N�n9 b� d fro'm putohas� g oaks.. far Nle have reGe`ve truckster G\en e\ ve'WO ,ase of �16,$p1'p0 urC a 4 ,Nhe dr`D;str\butor P Spartan Nik\s 23,336'Op p'ubum rl meat EQuip 2 719,p0 s T°\ea , O\A 1 meet sPe°N��cat�on pro{essonais pad n°t t,Niit be turf \mi\ar veVxc\e tha W e\ngartZ ear °;d s Novi v�\\t rePtaoe a ten'`I veh\c\e drtru� the kster \n 2pp4. This ut:�\ttY \ Ne S a�an D\str;butor, G°unty audxon. sirn�\ar 2 v�heeder, p sold kn 3 p15 44 fOr a bid to the rec°rr`men \Ow b\d Vv e paid �1 ds av Jard;n9 the ,P ment budget Staff 0 5 operat�n9 tau ust of �16,801 '0 d eted \n the 200 to the amo, s �13,ppp �0 bu 9 'there for th;s truokster . g-1 E:0p`TpR RED OAKS he P�rohase ofi a fiollowing bid fior t firom PurGhasin9 the Nle have reoeived rator at Red Oaks' S00 p0 t�h traGtor_drawn ae 3-P°int h� _ _,.artZ 140vl and artan Distributor sis to aerate greens, Atees, uburn N;Us monthly ba for wi11 be used on a This aera 2004 • , in the similar aerator in b,dder Vv ein9a'dz 10NONays. d $16 840 00 fior a his bid to the s�ngle VNe pay mends awarding t uiPment Budget Stall reoom 20 ,5 Operating E.q oUnt ofi $A 4 y500 00 0 budgeted in the am here is g,13, for this aerator. t24812s5_010S Dec 10 04 10:2sa WeInzartz Gcl-l'&Turf-Novi South= Green - Tbce Soil Reliever Modiel 54 ATT p. 2 Page I of 3 The deep tine aerifier with a "soft touch" gives you a plusher, softer green and allows you to aerify the soil, cut the green and play golf without any loss of speed or roll. This lightweight deep tine unit can aerify to a depth of 10"'. This smaller unit was designed primarily for greens, leaving a smoother surface than any other deep tine unit. Due to newer technology used to build the Model 54, it is a lighter machine without sacrificing heavy- duty construction and has increased speed to perform your deep tine aerificationtasks at a faster pace. No matter if yo u are using solid tines or coring tines, it NMI Ii T! I leave a p'erf6ct hole every time on ultra dwarf bermudas or the new aggressive Bents without pulling or puckering- Weighing under 1000 lbs., the SR 54 can be powered by as little as a 17/25 HP tractor or a 34 HP Cushman Truckster. Now you can deep tine your greens without using a large tractor. This would N q.; be an ideal way to aerify greens at a deep level, fast and efficiently. Now you can own an affordable deep tine aerifier. Ask your distrijbutor for a demonstration today and Grp see the "soft touch" Model 54 Soil Reliever@ in action. You wont believe it until you see it. "O-Ring" Chains, Permantly Timed Soil Crank, Simple Heavy Duty Construction and 24 Month Warranty. Call for a demonstration today! 800.888.9883 12/1 G!2, 04 1-2 FAIRWAY MOWER SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE We have received from Purchasing the following bids for the purchase of a Toro 35 hp reel fairway mower for Springfield Oaks Golf Course: Spartan Distributor $32,549.00 Auburn Hills Century Equipment 48,255.90 Toledo, OH Turf Professionals 44,418.00 Itasca, IL W. F. Miller 35,000.00 Novi Weingartz Did not meet specifications This bid included the trade in of a ten-year old similar unit used for mowing fairways. We paid $26,800 in 2003 for a similar, but smaller, mower. Staff recommends awarding the bid to the low bidder, Spartan Distributor in the amount of $32,549.00. There is $34,700.00 budgeted in the 2005 Operating Equipment Budget for this piece of equipment. J-1 IMFREELMASTERSSOO-�F A lightweight fairway mo-,�ver than'S acne and easy on the turf, yet has tne pooier and cutting capacity to get even the tough ;ohs done. J-2 FL ROTARY MOWERS WHITE LAKE OAKS AND SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE We have received from Purchasing the following bids for the purchase of two 60 hp, 9-feet wide rotary mowers, one each for White Lake Oaks and Springfield Oaks Golf Course: Each Total Spartan Distributors $44,424.00 $88,848.00 Auburn Hills Turf Professionals 46,670.00 93,340.00 Itasca, IL Century Equipment 51,572.00 103,144.00 Toledo, OH Weingartz Did not meet specifications Novi These units are mostly used for high production, rough mowing. We paid $40,836.00 in 2003 for a 44 hp, similar mower. Staff recommends awarding the bid to the low bidder, Spartan Distributors, in the amount of $44,424.00 each, for a total purchase of $88,848.00. There is $87,000 budgeted in the 2005 Operating Equipment Budget for these mowers. K-1 _.Power and productivitT 4t� ' , f ' 60 hp Superior cutting perforance w mith Contour- Plus cutting ',-from Smart serviceability from the easy'-,t 1 drive � ' access design.EA , Ze �ve11- Distlnctxve aftercut strzpin& ccr ITEr1 #9 ELLIS BARN RELOCATION AND REHABILITATION PROJECT t has been established between the Road Commission for A contrac Oakland County and CLR, Inc. for the Relocation and Rehabilitation of the Ellis Barn. Pre-Disassembly/Inventory /Inventory is scheduled to begin by the second week in and reassembly phases to February. Current estimates project the disassembly each take approximately two months to Complete - of of the foundation will be performed by Giffels-Webster The s g Engineers, Inc. in the next two weeks, with construction to begin shortly thereafter. e the donation by Oakland County Parks staff is pleased to acknowledge Giffels Webster of a substantial portion of their professional services in the staking of the Ellis Barn Foundation. OCPR staff is also pleased to acknowledge olas the pledge by Ekocite Architecture to donate the re -design of the historic cup for the Ellis Barn.* ric cupolas are not included in the MDOT funded Relocation for their and *The histo Rehabilitation project; however, 'l�be' required. construction, architefunds are sougctural plans w 9-1 all SS%pN EPPC-T v roposed scion to d`souss a P S�a� is reauesfin9 an �XeGgQe se In acauTl. xs %O \1EV #11 z ,g REpOR °use C011\je OFF\GER `ake pakh 9\ me t�ng- E�CE �h\te Marc t for the \ at the ids are g°kgfo your approva d a de $ to \ObW se 8 e bac \\ ar` Ab A abou e du 0 an Stec` ebruary urban ke paKs Gary they\� March 3 end \ect on p C• F�ater FkM 'c\Osed in our W\�it G on on FebeGted to beg d�a ion pre �o was the Land a\ ent Fonda h each °f Gostru eXp oof\ \s wa\ trav n Enhancem0 share nstruc\\on \s d park Ass such as n an Recrea reata� pr i ss\d ng anVI'via de�r`ce and `nforrc`a staff made a M\ch�g and rec n\fica fuFund, d espon ion ,meet\n o °\e for the e\ght pas sregard\ngonRecove e of the corn 004 GOm�`sed 199' on Systemsa\dwin ,ongr end Recre ket is a sad senators May 5 20 the pro\) t \nfOrmat\ s\de of B \ Parks \ pac men an ks: Pt the end\ng thatanageMer\on the west your a an congress , OC\on Oan reco`•nm cement M d \ocated a M1Gh g ,former Ueda to Corn Ottnd `a e parse\ of park\an va\ before bring`ng CS m anon tety Gt EM\ a� the 3�' 00 $4.ac< obta\n \OGa\ apprO yak\and d {or \acat'°S �p entat\ves t0 hear\rig ir`vO\vng PTe coma XV\pr\on °fin d Gt.EM\S 5sion anuaN Age ub\\c ,anuary 28 Ro staJJ adv\ parks G°mm kith a sent s\t Friday, pat t\me the p begun the pre eet\ng , and At thaw request to rocess has os\t\on t° i\ vvi\\ be meocwds°n, four` \anr`\ng reea res dents in opp erat\ons p SG mf6ss\oner I e \0,,\ ate\y 50 at treat\on pp k\Jis\on Gou apprOX�m M parks ante nearby subd Z mee\:\ng ependencfispaks h�ng d �rivstras�ntatvves O'd-,,akor atthe February 3 2005 atoaach�ng, ice \Nith repr G\-EM\S c° °mmiss\on 22 and ?earned ge Goates e parks G on Manua 3ic\p ,nts ours of gas head d night+P°Untry skfing' r tenter break � �i\\ update th Mesa s o e Staff \r the \N%\( spent the dg, and 0 ary A4 1$ f t regard\ng th eep heaM -X\s, sn°�sho be opened 30 p.rt\- da\\y kManagee parks \g der va\ e w\\\ M .pith pa rt\N th in -\he Fridg be 12.00 p' orK\ng ntra edge \39 - ri hat We w`\\ Staff is prey Co\�cess\oncot\s\d ra�\on rid shoo\d be 1 operat\on during eat Contraa e per\o �°aenda fOr you rig °n schedu`E a asses to \ -`^Oak Ma a es fOr the \ be °n the Marc i1\ room `s c°nt\nu� ivng away cog �e'Ni11 propose Si°r\- - \jks vJ e gr i\1 be 9 th\s sp s GOMMks e renOva�\on of th Gounty pay JOT bra\\ Made a\ja\\ab\e s Sh rid e e a __�G\ev'' Od y May arks and pakfor use \Nr rn hey ar m con,�p\ete Metrop e coon y events \ Nuron_GC\r`aa`Z'a de a\, s of these Che trav\ org Of the a\\ of thou appr\sed keep y