HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendas/Packets - 2005.03.09 - 40117Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. Chairman Richard Skarritt Vice Chairman J. David VanderVeen Secretary Hugh D. Crawford Vincent Gregory Martin J. Knollenberg John P. McCulloch Charles Palmer '-tin Richards !tte Vogt Ralph Richard Executive Officer 2800 Watkins Lake Road - Waterford, Michigan 48328-1917 248-858-0906 • Fax 248-858-1683 • TTY 248-858-1684 ° 1-888-OCPARKS www.co.oaldand.mi.us =AKLAND March 4, 2005 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Oakland County, Michigan Commissioners: A meeting has been called of the Parks and Recreation Commission as follows: PLACE .......................Parks and Recreation Office 2800 Watkins Lake Rd Waterford, MI 48328 TIME .........................Wednesday, March 9, 2005 9:00 a.m. PURPOSE .....................Regular Meeting This meeting has been called in accordance with the authorization of Chairman Pecicy D. Lewis, Jr. of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation. Sincerely, Ralph Richard Executive Officer Parks and Recreation Next Meetings: Friday, March 18, Employee Recognition Lunch — Waterford Wednesday, April 6, 2005, Regular Meeting HAMy docu ernts\COMMISSN\ ndaltr.doc 0 ur mission is to provide recreational, and learning experiences that enhance quality of life. 4a. 4. 5 CO _ Recteation You$ A Lake Rd 1zland Count Watk► , 4g32$ Oa �ater�OrGE SD A" " x 5 x �axch 9? 200 e aired Action R cp a.m• AppxOval eeting to Oxdex 9 � Cal1M Boll Call waxy 2, Zpp 2 ZOOS meets Febx public C° MinutesO des fox ebari pnbliceteetinMin e istex: 3l(p4 noisn1axy entR dingy 12( Con'sx xOva1 surn ds Pa`ixxx th en q payn1en� %exnaTV lS�6i tern3FY 2pp5 foxy 2pp5 as of l2(3l(p payn,ene t ntof0pexatioua etRep°'pp' B Conlvlvv dnPzOvementproc"'I axe , 2p05 6. 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R d Ro�1a��o�s Re•visiOu £ovoatiou eTa 19 • �euti e O��cez� s �epoxt WI-11 2Qo1d��sujess ?A sew gusiuess 22- Adpouzn 23. OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING PUBLIC HEARING February 2, 2005 Chairman Pecky Lewis called the public hearing for grant applications to order at 10:23 a.m. in the commission room of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission's administration office. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr., Vice Chairman Richard Skarritt, Secretary J. David VanderVeen, Hugh D. Crawford, Vincent Gregory, Martin Knollenberg, John McCulloch, John Richards, Suzette Vogt COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Charles Palmer ALSO PRESENT: Parks and Recreation Ralph Richard, Executive Officer Frank Trionfi, Administrator - Administration Daniel J. Stencil, Administrator — Park Operations Joseph Figa, Chief of Design and Development Jon Noyes, Architectural Engineer I Chief of Design and Development Joe Figa noted that the Department of Natural Resources notified staff that the deadline to submit applications to request matching Michigan Natural Resources Trust and Land and Water Conservation funds for 2005 is April 1. A public hearing is also a requirement of the DNR to qualify for funds. Notice of the hearing was advertised in area newspapers. The project staff selected is as follows: Highland Township Property Acquisition This acquisition consists of two parcels; one of 208 acres of the Buckhorn Complex in Highland Township, and a second adjacent parcel of 52 acres. The 208-acre site is owned by 16 investors, but has one representative. The site includes wetlands, complex topography, lakes, and rolling hills. It is also part of the Shiawassee River North Watershed and has been identified by the Michigan Natural Features Inventory as a priority site. The adjacent 52-acre site includes a small home and approximately 3 acres of wetlands. The proposed acquisition is conveniently located so that it could serve as a hub' for a trail system linking to various areas in all four directions, including Highland Recreation Area, Rose Oaks, Springfield Oaks, Pontiac Lake Recreation, and Highland Township Park. The owners of the parcels have agreed to wait to see if the Oakland County Parks are awarded a grant. Staff has discussed both sites with Highland Township and received the township's tentative support to proceed with discussions about this area as a county park. The preliminary project total is $3,100,000, with a 60/40 match in the amount of $1,860,000 from the MNRTF and $1,240,000 from Oakland County Parks and Recreation. The grant projects are consistent with the goals adopted in the 2002-2006 Recreation Master Plan. 4a-1 (Public Hearing, February 2, 2005) Commission inquired about the current value of the property, which is estimated at $3.6 million. After discussion, staff was directed to submit the grant application based on the current estimated value of $3.6 million for the property. No questions were asked; therefore, the public hearing was declared closed at 10:36 a.m. J. David VanderVeen Karen Kohn CPS/CAP Secretary Recording Secretary 4a-2 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING February 2, 2005 Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. called the meeting to order at 9:04 a.m. in the commission room of the Parks and Recreation Commission's administration office. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr., Vice Chairman Richard Skarritt, Secretary J. David VanderVeen, Hugh Crawford, Vincent Gregory, Martin Knollenberg, John P. McCulloch, John Richards, Suzette Vogt COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Charles Palmer ALSO PRESENT: Parks and Recreation Oakland County Purchasing Division Oakland County 4-H Fair Association Oakland County Corporation Counsel RBI 33, Inc. WELCOME: Ralph Richard, Executive Officer Frank Trionfi, Administrator — Administration Daniel Stencil, Administrator — Parks Operations Joseph Figa, Chief of Design and Development Mike Thibodeau, Chief of Golf Sue Wells, Chief of Recreation Janet Pung, Public Communications Officer Clyde Herb, Chief of Parks Sheila Cox, Accountant IV Jon Noyes, Architectural Engineer I Joan Daniels, Buyer Amy Earl Dave Coleman, President LC Scramlin, General Manager John Ross, Assistant Corporation Counsel Tim Birtsas, Co-owner Chairman Lewis welcomed Martin Knollenberg to the Parks Commission, who replaces Fred Korzon as a citizen board member. PUBLIC COMMENTS: There were no public comments or questions. RECOGNITION: Executive Officer Richard commented that Administrator — Parks Administration Frank Trionfi is completing his tenure as treasurer of the Michigan Recreation and Park Association (MRPA) after having served three years in that capacity. Also, Administrator — Parks Operations Dan Stencil will be sworn in as president of MRPA next week during the annual conference. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Moved by Mr. Crawford, supported by Mr. Gregory to approve the minutes of the meeting of January 5, 2005, with the following correction: 4-1 (Commission Meeting, February 2, 2005) Add the following on page 4 — 4 just before the Executive Session: RECOGNITION: Chairman Lewis acknowledged the contributions made by Secretary Fred Korzon during his tenure, congratulating him and presenting him with a plaque and pass in recognition of his years of service to the Parks Commission. AYES: Crawford, Gregory, Knollenberg, Lewis, McCulloch, Richards, Skarritt, Vogt (8) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. APPROVAL OF PAYMENTS: Moved by Mr. Crawford, supported by Mr. Richards to approve the Payment Approval Summary, including: - Internal Service Funds Payment Register for December, 2004 (FM 3, FY 2005) - Internal Service Funds Journal Voucher Register for October, November & December (FM 1, 2, & 3, FY 2005) - Operating Transfers for October, November, & December (FM 1, 2, & 3, FY 2005) - Payment Register for December (FM 3, FY 2005) AYES: Crawford, Gregory, Knollenberg, Lewis, McCulloch, Richards, Skarritt, Vogt (8) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. ACTIVITIES REPORTS: In response to Commission inquiry at the January meeting, staff reported the average group size at the waterparks is 65 people. The Activities Reports for the months of November and December, 2004 were accepted as filed. CONTROLLED DEER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM — INDEPENDENCE OAKS: Moved by Mr. Skarritt, supported by Mr. Crawford to approve a three-year controlled deer management program, with four shotgun dates and two muzzleloader dates, beginning in 2005 at Independence Oaks. AYES: Crawford, Gregory, Knollenberg, Lewis, McCulloch, Richards, Skarritt, VanderVeen, Vogt (9) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. BIDS: 4-2 (Commission Meeting, February 2, 2005) Moved by Mr. McCulloch, supported by Mrs. Vogt to approve the following bid items as filed in the agenda and reviewed and recommended by staff and Purchasing: Three Aqua Cycle rental paddle boats for Independence Oaks to American Pleasure Products in the amount of $6,082.00. One 56 hp diesel John Deere tractor for the Springfield Oaks Activity Center to the low bidder, AIS Construction Equipment, in the amount of $25,001.94. Two 72" riding mowers for Orion Oaks to the low bidder, Weingartz Supply, in the amount of $15,781.80. One four-wheel drive John Deere 4320 tractor with a front-end loader and backhoe for Addison Oaks to the low bidder, Weingartz Supply, in the amount of $28,089.73. Three Toro riding greensmowers, one for Lyon Oaks and two for Glen Oaks, to the low bidder, Spartan Distributors, in the amount of $57,972.00. One 39 hp John Deere tractor with a front-end loader and 60" front broom for Lyon Oaks to the low bidder, AIS Construction Equipment, in the amount of $29,128.04. One 27 hp outfront rotary mower for Lyon Oaks to the low bidder, Weingartz Supply, in the amount of $8,080.00. One four-wheel drive Toro truckster for Glen Oaks to the low bidder, Spartan Distributor, in the amount of $16,801.00. One three-point hitch, tractor -drawn aerator for Red Oaks to Weingartz Supply in the amount of $14,500.00. One Toro 353 hp reel fairway mower for Springfield Oaks Golf Course to the low bidder, Spartan Distributor, in the amount of $32,549.00. Two 60 hp, nine -feet wide rotary mowers, one each for White Lake Oaks and Springfield Oaks Golf Course, to the low bidder, Spartan Distributors, in the amount of $88,848.00. AYES: Crawford, Gregory, Knollenberg, Lewis, McCulloch, Richards, Skarritt, VanderVeen, Vogt (9) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. ELLIS BARN RELOCATION AND REHABILITATION PROJECT: An update was received on the progress of the Ellis Barn Relocation Project, including: • Contractor is scheduled to begin disassembly/re-assembly within the next few weeks • Oakland County 4-H is planning a grand opening in conjunction with the opening day of the annual Oakland County 4-H Fair on July 25, 2005 • Giffels-Webster is donating a substantial portion of their professional services in the staking of the barn's foundation • Ekocite Architectural is donating the re -design of the historic cupolas 4-3 (Commission Meeting, February 2, 2005) • Fee reduction from Lopez Engineering • Efforts to obtain the donation of in -kind services by Springfield Township Supervisor Collin Walls Commission concurred with a request by barn owner Tim Birtsas to work with Parks staff to provide assistance on the "Friends of the Ellis Barn" brochure and on news releases. Administrator — Parks Operations Dan Stencil will be meeting with members of the Springfield Township Historical Society on March 15 regarding the proposed relocation of the Davis House near the Ellis Barn. RETREAT: Staff requested Commission consideration to schedule a retreat to discuss issues that will provide staff with direction for the future of the parks. Commission concurred to hold a retreat on Wednesday, May 4, 2005 at the Glen Oaks Clubhouse. The retreat will be held immediately following a regular Commission meeting that morning. Staff will provide a draft agenda for the retreat at the April Commission meeting for review and possible revision. The strategic plan will be included, along with current goals and objectives. EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S REPORT: Along with the Executive Officer's Report filed in the agenda, the following was noted: ---Staff was contacted by a county commissioner for consideration of a dog park in Pleasant Ridge. Staff reviewed the proposed site, noting logistical problems that would deter the parcel from becoming a county park, including: no parking, with no room for a parking lot; an alley adjacent to the site with 20 residents backing up to it; the site is only 1.23 acres; plus, currently only Pleasant Ridge residents are allowed at the site. After the site visit, staff recommended the parcel remain a community dog park. ---Staff is continuing to work with Madison Heights officials on a proposed dog park, once the drain operation is in place. Madison Heights officials are also looking at a trail along that area. ---Tentative plans for a CLEMIS tower being placed on the west side of Orion Oaks have taken a new turn. A developer in Orion Township is proposing a 15-acre donation of land off Squirrel Road south of Silver Bell that might be appropriate for the land trade necessary to place the tower at the original site. Staff will keep the Commission apprised as details develop. ---Staff has once again been contacted about the possible use of the water tower at Springfield Oaks for a cell tower. Commission will also be apprised of any plans arising from the current interest. ---Commissioners were invited to join staff and Oak Management as they meet to negotiate the next option on the concessionaire contract. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Moved by Mr. McCulloch, supported by Mr. Richards to adjourn the meeting to an executive session for the purpose of discussing a proposed land acquisition. AYES: Crawford, Gregory, Knollenberg, Lewis, McCulloch, Richards, Skarritt, VanderVeen, Vogt (9) NAYS: (0) 4-4 (Commission Meeting, February 2, 2005) Motion carried on a voice vote. Meeting adjourned to an Executive Session at 9:52 a.m. The meeting was re -convened at 10:36 a.m. GRANT APPLICATION RESOLUTION: Moved by Mr. Crawford, supported by Mr. VanderVeen to adopt the following resolution in support of a grant application: WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission has been notified by the Department of Natural Resources that application for cost -sharing grants from the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund and Land and Water Conservation Fund may be submitted by April 1, 2005; and WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission has identified and established priorities for acquisitions and established priorities for improvements within the adopted Recreation Master Plan; and WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission recommends the filing of the following application to the Department of Natural Resources for a matching grant: Highland Township Property Acquisition NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission recommends submission of the above -said grant application with the appropriate matching funds to be designated from the one -quarter mill. Commission directed staff to submit the grant application based on the current estimated value of $3.6 million for the property. AYES: Crawford, Gregory, Knollenberg, Lewis, McCulloch, Richards, Skarritt, VanderVeen, Vogt (9) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 10:27 p.m. The next Commission meeting will be 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, March 9, 2005. J. David VanderVeen, Secretary Karen S. Kohn CPS/CAP, Recording Secretary 4-5 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION PAYMENT APPROVAL SUMMARY FOR MEETING OF: March 9, 2005 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS PAYMENT REGISTER: January, (FM 4, FY 2005) PAYMENT REGISTER: January, (FM 4, FY 2005)* TOTAL *BACKUP INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW. $739,286.85 219, 710.45 $958,997.30 5-1 Oakland County Parks a..- Recreation Commission Internal Service Funds Payment Register For the month of January, 2005 (FM 04) Source Department/Fund Purpose Amount 12/IN203486 O.C. Building & Liability Insurance Fund Property Insurance for 2005-All Parks $78,190.00 12/IN203488 O.C. Motor Pool Fund Gasoline charges for Jan.-Admin. 0.53 12/IN203494 O.C. Motor Pool Fund Car/Truck lease, maintenance & gasoline charges for Jan.-Admin., Rec. Admin., Tech. Supp., Add., Grove., Orion, Indep., Glen Oaks, Red Oaks, Spring., R.O.W. Park, SAC, Water., Mob. 23,580.16 Rec., W.O.W. Park, Tob. Complex, Nat. Cntr., Lyon & Lyon G.C. 18/IN203495 O.C. Information Technology Fund Radio lease & maintenance charges for Jan.-Admin., Add., Grove., Indep., Nat. Cntr. & Lyon G.C. 3,001.96 18/C1300298 O.C. Tele one Communications Telephone char es for Jan.-Admin., Rec. Admin, Tech. Su pp., Add., Grove., Indep., Wh. Lk., Glen Oaks, Spring., Red Oaks, R.O.W. Park, Water., W.O.W. Park, Nat. Cntr., Lyon &Lon G.C. 11,493.96 43/IN203499 O.C. General Fund Security expense charges for 12/11/04 thru 12/24/04, 12/25/04 thru 117/05 & 1/8/05 thru 1/21/05-Add., Grove., Orion, Indep., Wh. Lk., Spring., R.O.W. Park, Water., W.O.W. Park, Lon &Lon G.C. 30,081.44 61/IN203475 O.C. Drain Commission Water & sewer charges for Dec. -Add & Jan. -Lyon G.C. 2,592.03 61/IN203484 PR600782-783 O.C. Drain Commission O.C. Payroll Fund Water & sewer char es for Jan. -Add & Feb. -Lyon G.C. Payrollcharges for a period ending1/07/05-All Parks for pay period ending 1/21/05-All Parks Fringe Benefit char es for pay period ending 1/07/05-All Parks 2,592.03 196,727.84 PR600887-888 O.C. Payroll Fund 200,614.74 FB602379-383 O.C. Fringe Benefits Fund 94,792.78 FB602686-690 O.C. Fringe Benefits Fund Fringe Benefit charges for pay period ending 1/21/05 -All Parks 95,619.38 TOTAL FOR INTERNAL SERVICE FUND PAYMENT REGISTER $739,286.85 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION COMBINED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS FM 3, FY 2005 (FOR MONTH ENDING 12131104) YEAR TO 2005 (OVER), % OF REVENUE DATE BUDGET UNDER BUDGET BUDGET ADMINISTRATION: Millage Tax $1,448,422.50 $13,135,000.00 $11,686,577.50 11.0% Other 97,432.68 48,200.00 (49,232.68) 202.1% GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE 79,401.87 1,288,385.00 1,208,983.13 6.2% LYON OAKS GOLF COURSE 104,933.91 1,514,300.00 1,409,366.09 6.9% RED OAKS GOLF COURSE 31,993.62 375,400.00 343,406.38 8.5% SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE 48,894.45 894,200.00 845,305.55 5.5% WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE 59,237.04 1,003,693.00 944,455.96 5.9% NATURE CENTER 8,844.34 35,200.00 26,355.66 25.1% ADDISON OAKS 53,127.97 442,900.00 389,772.03 12.0% ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 0.00 125,000.00 125,000.00 0.0% GROVELAND OAKS 714.20 663,500.00 662,785.80 0.1% INDEPENDENCE OAKS 14,795.67 291,700.00 276,904.33 5.1% LYON OAKS 8,187.00 37,200.00 29,013.00 22.0% ORION OAKS 6,930.00 50,500.00 43,570.00 13.7% ROSE OAKS 0.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.0% SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER 0.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 0.0% WATERFORD OAKS 9,348.00 32,988.00 23,640.00 28.3% RECREATION ADMINISTRATION 14,910.00 51,000.00 36,090.00 29.2% MOBILE RECREATION 35,938.50 422,000.00 386,061.50 8.5% RED OAKS WATER PARK 0.00 840,526.00 840,526.00 0.0% WATERFORD OAKS BMX COMPLEX 0.00 24,900.00 24,900.00 0.0% WATERFORD OAKS TENNIS COMPLEX 6,243.00 20,000.00 13,757.00 31.2% WATERFORD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 2,578.00 122,000.00 119,422.00 2.1% WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK 76.50 799,000.00 798,923.50 0.0% TOTAL REVENUE $2,032,009.25 $22,221,592.00 $20,189,582.75 9.1% OPERATING EXPENSES ADMINISTRATION $873,059.81 $3,898,077.00 $3,025,017.19 22.4% GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE 205,607.75 1,523,162.00 1,317,554.25 13.5% LYON OAKS GOLF COURSE 389,776.88 1,931,119.00 1,541,342.12 20.2% RED OAKS GOLF COURSE 131,309.52 689,833.00 558,523.48 19.0% SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE 156,664.47 1,032,534.00 875,869.53 15.2% WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE 136,968.62 1,112,960.00 975,991.38 12.3% NATURE CENTER 114,793.79 589,118.00 474,324.21 19.5% ADDISON OAKS 259,010.91 1,568,008.00 1,308,997.09 16.5% ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 80,367.17 123,546.00 43,178.83 65.1% GROVELAND OAKS 184,722.28 1,244,815.00 1,060,092.72 14.8% INDEPENDENCE OAKS 240,641.98 1,208,979.00 968,337.02 19.9% LYON OAKS 89,857.30 407,079.00 317,221.70 22.1% ORION OAKS 39,251.77 133,226.00 93,974.23 29.5% ROSE OAKS 3,263.16 35,501.00 32,237.84 9.2% SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER 44,396.94 241,564.75 197,167.81 18.4% WATERFORD OAKS 106,378.35 535,854.00 429,475.65 19.9% RECREATION ADMINISTRATION 123,620.11 601,446.00 477,825.89 20.6% MOBILE RECREATION 100,085.00 699,579.00 599,494.00 14.3% RED OAKS WATERPARK 197,175.33 1,483,179.00 1,286,003.67 13.3% WATERFORD OAKS BMX COMPLEX 1,936.08 52,230.00 50,293.92 3.7% WATERFORD OAKS TENNIS COMPLEX 3,863.75 39,377.00 35,513.25 9.8% WATERFORD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 51,757.26 275,199.00 223,441.74 18.8% WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK 119,095.46 1,033,102.00 914,006.54 11.5% TECHNICAL SUPPORT 213,857.30 998,365.00 784,507.70 21.4% CONTINGENCY/INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES* 0.00 403,994.25 403,994.25 N/A TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $3,867,460.99 $21,861,847.00 17,994,386.01 17.7% REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENSES ($1,835,451.74) $359,745.00 $2,195,196.74 2005 2004 ACTUAL REVENUE TO DATE: 9.1% 11.5% BUDGET BALANCE: 90.9% 88.5% ACTUAL EXPENSE TO DATE: 17.7% 17.9% BUDGET BALANCE: 82.3% 82.1% *CONTINGENCY YTD FIGURE: INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS PAYMENTS IN TRANSIT 6-1 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION COMBINED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS FM 3, FY 2005 (FOR MONTH ENDING 12131/04) CONTINGENCY YTD FIGURE: INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS PAYMENTS IN TRANSIT. CONTINGENCY BUDGET FIGURE: $11,487 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER (OCT.) $11,650 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO GROVELAND OAKS (OCT.) $1,800 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO WHITE LAKE OAKS (OCT.) $119,500 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO GLEN OAKS (OCT.) $2,400 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO RED OAKS GOLF COURSE (OCT.) $1,000 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE (OCT.) $1,000 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO LYON OAKS GOLF COURSE (OCT.) $4,000 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO ADDISON OAKS (OCT.) $2,000 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO ORION OAKS (OCT.) $2,500 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO INDEPENDENCE OAKS (OCT.) $3,200 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO LYON OAKS (OCT.) $1,000 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER (OCT.) $2,824 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO WATERFORD OAKS (OCT.) $2,000 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO RED OAKS WATER PARK (OCT.) $1,600 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO WATERFORD OAKS WATER PARK (OCT.) $19,388.75 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO SPRINGFEILD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER (DEC.) $8,656 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE (DEC.) 6-2 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION COMBINED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS REVENUE AND EXPENSE COMPARISON FM 3, FY 2005 (FOR MONTH ENDING 12/31/04) PARK ADMINISTRATION GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE LYON OAKS GOLF COURSE RED OAKS GOLF COURSE SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE NATURE CENTER ADDISON OAKS ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER GROVELAND OAKS INDEPENDENCE OAKS LYON OAKS ORION OAKS ROSE OAKS SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER WATERFORD OAKS RECREATION ADMINISTRATION MOBILE RECREATION RED OAKS WATERPARK WATERFORD OAKS BMX COMPLEX WATERFORD OAKS TENNIS COMPLEX WATERFORD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK TECHNICAL SUPPORT CONTINGENCY/INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES* TOTAL YEAR TO DATE REVENUE 5 5,855. 8 79,401.87 104,933.91 31,993.62 48,894.45 59,237.04 8,844.34 53,127.97 0.00 714.20 14,795.67 8,187.00 6,930.00 0.00 0.00 9,348.00 14,910.00 35,938.50 0.00 0.00 6,243.00 2,578.00 76.50 0.00 0.00 YEAR TO DATE EXPENSE 73,05 =8 205,607.75 389,776.88 131,309.52 156,664.47 136,968.62 114,793.79 259,010.91 80,367.17 184,722.28 240,641.98 89,857.30 39,251.77 3,263.16 44,396.94 106,378.35 123,620.11 100,085.00 197,175.33 1,936.08 3,863.75 51, 757.26 119,095.46 213,857.30 0.00 *CONTINGENCY YTD FIGURE: INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS PAYMENTS IN TRANSIT. REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXP. 6 2, 95. 7 (126,205.88) (284,842.97) (99,315.90) (107,770.02) (77,731.58) (105,949.45) (205,882.94) (80,367.17) (184,008.08) (225,846,31) (81,670.30) (32,321.77) (3,263.16) (44,396.94) (97,030.35) (108,710.11) (64,146.50) (197,175.33) (1,936.08) 2,379.25 (49,179.26) (119,018.96) (213,857.30) 0.00 ($1 6,-3 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION COMBINED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS FM 4, FY 2005 (FOR MONTH ENDING 1/31/05) YEAR TO 2005 (OVER), % OF REVENUE DATE BUDGET UNDER BUDGET BUDGET ADMINISTRATION: Millage Tax $6,584,115.91 $13,135,000.00 $6,550,884.09 50.1% Other 129,597.50 48,200.00 (81,397.50) 268.9% GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE 141,509.19 1,288,385.00 1,146,875.81 11.0% LYON OAKS GOLF COURSE 135,676.78 1,514,300.00 1,378,623.22 9.0% RED OAKS GOLF COURSE 32,345.75 375,400.00 343,054.25 8.6% SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE 50,260.41 894,200.00 843,939.59 5.6% WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE 62,579.33 1,003,693.00 941,113.67 6.2% NATURE CENTER 10,008.44 35,200.00 25,191.56 28.4% ADDISON OAKS 54,713.32 442,900.00 388,186.68 12.4% ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 26,294.31 125,000.00 98,705.69 21.0% GROVELAND OAKS 2,465.20 663,500.00 661,034.80 0.4% INDEPENDENCE OAKS 33,953.52 291,700.00 257,746A8 11.6% LYON OAKS 12,318.00 37,200.00 24,882.00 33.1% ORION OAKS 10,417.00 50,500.00 40,083.00 20.6% ROSE OAKS 0.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.0% SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER 679.65 2,500.00 1,820.35 27.2% WATERFORD OAKS 11,891.67 32,988.00 21,096.33 36.0% RECREATION ADMINISTRATION 17,807.00 51,000.00 33,193.00 34.9% MOBILE RECREATION 46,439.33 422,000.00 375,560.67 11.0% RED OAKS WATER PARK (26.78) 840,526.00 840,552.78 0.0% WATERFORD OAKS BMX COMPLEX 0.00 24,900.00 24,900.00 0.0% WATERFORD OAKS TENNIS COMPLEX 6,520.50 20,000,00 13,479.50 32.6% WATERFORD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 48,763.52 122,000.00 73,236.48 40.0% WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK 864.19 799,000.00 798,135.81 0.1% TOTAL REVENUE $7,419,193.74 $22,221,592.00 $14,802,398.26 33.4% OPERATING EXPENSES ADMINISTRATION $1,127,602.17 $3,898,077.00 $2,770,474.83 28.9% GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE 289,185.63 1,523,162.00 1,233,976.37 19.0% LYON OAKS GOLF COURSE 509,688.64 1,931,119.00 1,421,430.36 26.4% RED OAKS GOLF COURSE 165,408.52 689,833.00 524,424.48 24.0% SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE 203,406.91 1,032,534.00 829,127.09 19.7% WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE 187,236.30 1,112,960.00 925,723.70 16.8% NATURE CENTER 154,352.61 589,118.00 434,765.39 26.2% ADDISON OAKS 328,794.03 1,568,008.00 1,239,213.97 21.0% ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 95,644.46 123,546.00 27,901.54 77.4% GROVELAND OAKS 232,556.23 1,244,815.00 1,012,258.77 18.7% INDEPENDENCE OAKS 316,762.59 1,208,979.00 892,216.41 26.2% LYON OAKS 118,143.91 407,079.00 288,935.09 29.0% ORION OAKS 45,563.02 133,226.00 87,662.98 34.2% ROSE OAKS 4,903.24 35,501.00 30,597.76 13.8% SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER 62,366.42 241,564.75 179,198.33 25.8% WATERFORD OAKS 143,081.94 535,854.00 392,772.06 26.7% RECREATION ADMINISTRATION 160,463.01 601,446.00 440,982.99 26.7% MOBILE RECREATION 132,544.06 699,579.00 567,034.94 18.9% RED OAKS WATERPARK 261,804.72 1,483,179.00 1,221,374.28 17.7% WATERFORD OAKS BMX COMPLEX 2,894.18 52,230.00 49,335.82 5.5% WATERFORD OAKS TENNIS COMPLEX 5,853.56 39,377.00 33,523.44 14.9% WATERFORD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 96,810.51 275,199.00 178,388.49 35.2% WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK 158,618.45 1,033,102.00 874,483.55 15.4% TECHNICAL SUPPORT 285,679.23 998,365.00 712,685.77 28.6% CONTINGENCY/INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES' 0.00 403,994.25 403,994.25 N/A TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $5,089,364.34 $21,861,847.00 $16,772,482.66 23.3% REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENSES $2,329,829.40 $359,745.00 ($1,970,084.40) 2005 2004 ACTUAL REVENUE TO DATE: 33.4% 33.1% BUDGET BALANCE: 66.6% 66.9% ACTUAL EXPENSE TO DATE: 23.3% 22.9% BUDGET BALANCE: 76.7% 77.1% 'CONTINGENCY YTD FIGURE: INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS PAYMENTS IN TRANSIT 6-4 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION COMBINED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS FM 4, FY 2005 (FOR MONTH ENDING 1/31/05) CONTINGENCY YTD FIGURE: INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS PAYMENTS IN TRANSIT. CONTINGENCY BUDGET FIGURE: $11,487 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER (OCT.) $11,650 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO GROVELAND OAKS (OCT.) $1,800 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO WHITE LAKE OAKS (OCT.) $119,500 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO GLEN OAKS (OCT.) $2,400 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO RED OAKS GOLF COURSE (OCT.) $1,000 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE (OCT.) $1,000 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO LYON OAKS GOLF COURSE (OCT.) $4,000 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO ADDISON OAKS (OCT.) $2,000 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO ORION OAKS (OCT.) $2,500 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO INDEPENDENCE OAKS (OCT.) $3,200 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO LYON OAKS (OCT.) $1,000 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER (OCT.) $2,824 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO WATERFORD OAKS (OCT.) $2,000 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO RED OAKS WATER PARK (OCT.) $1,600 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO WATERFORD OAKS WATER PARK (OCT.) $19,388.75 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO SPRINGFEILD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER (DEC.) $8,656 HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE (DEC.) 6-5 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION COMBINED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS REVENUE AND EXPENSE COMPARISON FM 4, FY 2005 (FOR MONTH ENDING 1/31/05) PARK D R GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE LYON OAKS GOLF COURSE RED OAKS GOLF COURSE SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE NATURE CENTER ADDISON OAKS ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER GROVELAND OAKS INDEPENDENCE OAKS LYON OAKS ORION OAKS ROSE OAKS SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER WATERFORD OAKS RECREATION ADMINISTRATION MOBILE RECREATION RED OAKS WATERPARK WATERFORD OAKS BMX COMPLEX WATERFORD OAKS TENNIS COMPLEX WATERFORD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK TECHNICAL SUPPORT CONTINGENCY/INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES" TOTAL YEAR TO DATE REVENUE $6,713,71.41 141,509.19 135,676.78 32,345.75 50,260.41 62,579.33 10,008.44 54,713.32 26,294.31 2,465.20 33,953.52 12,318.00 10,417.00 0.00 679.65 11,891.67 17,807.00 46,439.33 (26.78) 0.00 6,520.50 48,763.52 864.19 0.00 0.00 YEAR TO DATE EXPENSE 1, 27,602.17 289,185.63 509,688.64 165,408.52 203,406.91 187,236.30 154,352.61 328,794.03 95,644.46 232,556.23 316,762.59 118,143.91 45,563,02 4,903.24 62,366.42 143,081.94 160,463.01 132,544.06 261,804.72 2,894.18 5,853.56 96, 810.51 158,618.45 285,679.23 0.00 "CONTINGENCY YTD FIGURE: INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS PAYMENTS IN TRANSIT. REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXP. 5,58 1 .24 (147,676.44) (374,011.86) (133,062.77) (153,146.50) (124,656.97) (144,344.17) (274,080,71) (69,350.15) (230,091.03) (282,809.07) (105,825.91) (35,146.02) (4,903.24) (61,686.77) (131,190.27) (142,656.01) (86,104.73) (261,831.50) (2,894.18) 666.94 (48,046.99) (157,754.26) (285,679.23) 0.00 • • Park/Facility Future Acquisition & Imp. Addison Oaks (A) Glen Oaks Groveland Oaks Independence Oaks B) Lyon Oaks Orion Oaks Red Oaks Rose Oaks Springfield Oaks (C) Waterford Oaks White Lake Oaks Contingency Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Capital Improvement Program (C.I.P.) Budget Report FM 03, FY 2005 As of12/31/04 Summary Total for All Parks/Facilities Contract(s) Estimated 2004 2005 Net New Estimated Amount Contract(s) Awd., Pre & Enc. Project Proiect Cost Adiustment Adjustment Adjustment Proiect Cost Paid Retainer Balance • Balance 5,775,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,775,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,775,000.00 4,435,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,435,000.00 (12,500.00) 0.00 0.00 4,422,500.00 120,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 120,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 120,000.00 267,150.00 0.00 1,495.11 1,495.11 268,645.11 (61,709.09) 0.00 (77,956.02) 128,980.00 390,000.00 0.00 7,203.20 7,203.20 397,203.20 (39,956.25) 0.00 (1,870.00) 355,376.95 232,079.72 20,190.00 152,301.94 172,491.94 404,571.66 (182,650.26) 0.00 (78,065.40) 143,856.00 95,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 95,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 95,000.00 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00 (375.00) 0.00 0.00 19,625.00 40,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40,000.00 2,397,000.00 0.00 135,000.00 135,000.00 2,532,000.00 (186,552.21) 0.00 (94,300.00) 2,251,147.79 284,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 284,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 284,000.00 3,220,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,220,000.00 (109,811.90) 0.00 (49,228.60) 3,060,959.50 3,088,495.53 (20,190.00) (296,000.25) (316,190.25) 2,772,305.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,772,305.28 Capital Improvement Projects Grand Total $20,363,725.25 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $20,363,725.25 ($593,554.71) $0.00 ($301 420.02) $19 468 750.52 " Sum of Contracts Awarded (Pre -encumbrance & Encumbrance accounts) (A) D.N.R. Grant $1,712,000 (B) State Grant $182,500 (C) State ISTEA Grant $600,000/RBI Donation $75,000/Springfield Township Donation $20,000/4-H Fair Board Donation $5,000/Ellis Family $10,000 = $710,000 total Subject to Grants $750,000 Maple Grange LLC. Pole Barns Donation $122,000/4-H Fair Board, Relocation Cost Donation $40,000 Grand Total of (possible) grants and donations included in Estimated Project Cost = $3,516,500 ITEM #8 ACTIVITY REPORT 0,_;AjKLAND JANUARY, 2005 (FM04, FY2005) •: DAY USE PARKS Not included in program totals - only in combined totals. PARTICIPANTS (MONTH) PARTICIPANTS (YTD) In-house events are counted in facility totals. FY2004 FY2005 FY2004 FY2005 ADDISON OAKS PARK Campers 0 0 4715 6327 Day Use 0 0 1799 1824 Day Campers 0 0 0 0 *ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 1856 1324 12053 12525 GROVELAND OAKS PARK Campers 0 0 0 0 Day Use 0 0 0 0 Day Campers 01 0 0 0 9 INDEPENDENCE OAKS PARK Day Use 17354 14611 50858 55444 Day Campers 73 0 326 725 Overnight Youth Group Campers+A39 8 0 124 255 LYON OAKS PARK Day Use 0 0 1366 1200 Bark Park 1244 11021 10439 10823 ORION OAKS Day Use 1104 1352 9448 6140 Bark Park 1032 1296 16592 11496 ROSE OAKS PARK Day Use 400 400 1600 1600 SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER Day Use 320 168 2023 1770 4-H Fair 0 0 0 0 *Banquet Facilities 2696 2805 11420 17014 WATERFORD OAKS Activity Center - non banquet 2014 319 3102 1413 *Banquet Facilities - Activity Center 2 0 2 780 Day Use 1505 0 1505 1910 TOTAL CAMPERS 0 0 4715 6327 TOTAL DAY USE 20683 16531 68599 69888 TOTAL DAY CAMPERS 73 0 326 725 TOTAL OVERNIGHT YOUTH GROUP CAMPERS 8 0 124 255 TOTAL BARK PARK 2276 2398 27031 22319 TOTAL 4-H FAIR 0 0 0 0 TOTAL ACTIVITY CENTER -NON BANQUET 2014 319 3102 1413 04-05 ACTIVITY REPORT.XLS, JAN05 1 of 4 GOLF COURSES Not included in program totals - only in combined totals. PARTICIPANTS (MONTH) PARTICIPANTS (YTD) In-house events are counted in facility totals. FY2004 FY2005 FY2004 FY2005 GLEN OAKS Rounds Played - 9 Holes 0 0 2533 2691 Rounds Played - 18 Holes 0 0 1290 1242 *Banquet Facilities 4006 3002 18525 19024 **Grill Room (**Not included in totals) 0 0 925 2361 LYON OAKS Rounds Played - 9 Holes 0 0 705 446 Rounds Played - 18 Holes 0 0 2281 2239 Driving range 0 0 1800 820 *Banquet Facilities 150 236 4157 5511 **Grill Room (**Not included in totals) 0 0 2142 1960 RED OAKS - (Under construction - Opening Spring 2004) Rounds Played - 9 Holes 0 Q 0 2993 SPRINGFIELD OAKS Rounds Played - 9 Holes 0 0 839 1015 Rounds Played - 18 Holes 0 0 1750 2157 **Grill Room (**Not includeEintotalsE)�:j 0 0 680 910 WHITE LAKE OAKS Rounds Played - 9 Holes 0 0 1938 1297 Rounds Played - 18 Holes 0 0 1393 1470 *Banquet Facilities 439 0 2267 963 **Grill Room (**Not included in totals) 0 0 949 967 TOTAL ROUNDS PLAYED - 9 HOLES 01 0 6015 8442 TOTAL ROUNDS PLAYED -18 HOLES 0 0 6714 7108 TOTAL DRIVING RANGE 0 0 1800 820 04-05 ACTMTY REPORT.XLS, JAN05 2 of 4 RECREATION, FACILITIES AND SPECIAL EVENTS Not included in program totals - only in combined Totals. PARTICIPANTS (MONTH) PARTICIPANTS (YTD) In-house events are counted in facility totals. FY2004 FY2005 FY2004 FY2005 MOBILE RECREATION Bleachers 0 0 23 10 Bouncers 0 0 2050 1435 Bus 1710 990 6840 4995 Climbing Wall 0 0 300 300 Dunk Tank 0 0 0 0 Inline Skate Mobile/Hockey Mobile 0 0 167 0 Orbotron 0 0 450 150 Puppet 0 0 170 170 Show Mobile 1 0 9 29 Space Maze 0 0 820 205 Sport Mobile 0 0 458 0 Tents 0 0 20 0 Camps 0 0 0 0 Miscellaneous 0 0 0 0 WATERFORD OAKS BMX 0 0 0 0 WATERFORD OAKS COURT GAMES COMPLEX 26 32 32 122 WATERFORD OAKS FRIDGE 8252 6663 10972 11284 WATERFORD OAKS LOOKOUT LODGE 91 90 951 803 WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK 0 0 0 0 RED OAKS WATERPARK 0 0 0 0 THERAPEUTIC EVENTS 387 243 2671 1778 SENIOR EVENTS 1641 3601 856 1439 TOTAL MOBILE RECREATION VISITS 17111 9901 113071 7294 TOTAL FACILITIES AND SPECIAL EVENTS 8920 7388 15482 15426 04-05 ACTIVITY REPORT.XLS, JAN05 3 of 4 RATURE INTERPRETIVE SERVICES PARTICIPANTS PARTICIPANTS (YTD) In-house events are counted in facility totals. FY2004 FY2005 FY2004 FY2005 ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM - INDEPENDENCE OAKS Nature Center 2011 1976 90031 8583 Outreach Visits 958 348 1552 1350 **Trail Usage ("Not included in totals) 9713 10073 28117 35927 ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM - LYON OAKS Nature Center 94 294 294 995 Outreach Visits 216 13 216 423 **Trail Usage ("*Not included in totals) 10 123 819 1980 TOTAL NATURE CENTERS 2105 2270 9297 9578 TOTAL OUTREACH VISITS COMBINED• 1174 361 PARTICIPANTS (MONTH) 1768 1773 PARTICIPANTS (YTD) 2003 2004 2003 2004 DAY USE PARKS 25054 19248 103897 100927 GOLF COURSES 0 0 14529 16370 RECREATION, FACILITIES AND SPECIAL EVENTS 10631 8378 26789 22720 NATURE INTERPRETIVE SERVICES 3279 2631 11065 11351 BANQUET FACILITIES 9149 7367 48424 55817 GRAND TOTALS 48113 37624 204704 207185 Therapeutic/Senior Event Breakdown TR: TGIF-52; Novi-10: CP Sports-42; Sports Ability-34; B'ball-49; SR: Volleyball-340; Tennis-20 REVISED 10/6/04 Note: Deleted Grill Room numbers from Combined Totals. 04-05 ACTIVITY REPORT.XLS, JAN05 4 of 4 R�GoC'N�IiNIO 9_,. ITEM #10 DETROIT EDISON EASEMENT SPRINGFIELD OAKS COMMUNITY GARDEN Oakland County Parks and Recreation (OCPR) staff has been working with the 52-2 District Court to provide community service opportunities for its Weekday and Weekend Alternatives for Misdemeanants (WWAM) program. This effort has produced significant cost savings to the County's correctional system, has promoted OCPR's Natural Areas Stewardship Program through the removal of invasive vegetation, and has produced over a thousand pounds of vegetables for local food banks. The addition of a donated 35' x 150' greenhouse to the Community Service Garden at Springfield Oaks will provide additional opportunities for WWAM activities during the winter months and inclement weather. In order to provide electrical service for the operation of the greenhouse, staff recommends the granting of a 15' x 50' easement for underground electrical service to the Detroit Edison Company for the sum of one dollar. 10-1 RESOLUTION APPROVAL FOR GRANTING OF ELECTRICAL EASEMENT WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission, in conjunction with the 52-2 District Court, is in the process of establishing a court community service garden inclusive of a donated greenhouse at Springfield Oaks County Park; and WHEREAS, electrical service is required for the operation of the proposed greenhouse; therefore, the Detroit Edison Company has requested that the County grant a 15-ft wide by 50-ft long easement for underground electric service from the existing power pole line located along Andersonville Road to the greenhouse site; and WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission and the Detroit Edison Company have agreed upon a route for the said underground electric service which will provide power to the greenhouse site; and WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission has identified and established priorities in the 2002 Parks and Recreation Master Plan Update for the provision of parks and facilities that could be enhanced by the community service greenhouse. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission recommends the granting of the attached easement for underground electrical service and related appurtenances to the Detroit Edison Company for the sum of one dollar. Moved by: Supported by: Date: Subscribed and sworn before me, a Notary Public in and for the County of Oakland and the State of Michigan, the day of March, 2005. 10-2 Oakland County Department of Facilities Management March 15, 2005 Request to Grant Easement to Detroit Edison Company Springfield Oaks County Park Parcel Nos. 07-20-201-016 Background The Oakland County Parks Commission injunction with the 52-2 Clarkston District Court is in the process of establishing a court community garden inclusive of a donated greenhouse at Springfield Oaks County Park. Electric service is required to operation the proposed greenhouse. Therefore, the Detroit Edison Company has requested that the County grant a 15-ft. wide by 50- ft. long easement for underground electric service from the existing power pole line located along Andersonville Road to the greenhouse site. The Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission approved the granting of the easement on March 9, 2005. The Departments of Facilities Management and Corporation Counsel have reviewed and/or prepared all necessary documents related to the granting of the subject easement. Recommendation It is the recommendation of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission and Department of Facilities Management that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approve the granting of the attached easement for underground electric service to the Detroit Edison Company for the sum of one dollar. Mh3/l/05 10-3 MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION # March 15, 2005 BY: Planning and Building Committee, Charles E. Palmer, Chairperson IN RE: THE OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION AND THE DEPARTMENT OF FACILITIES MANAGEMENT - REQUEST TO GRANT EASEMENT FOR UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC SERVICE TO THE DETROIT EDISON COMPANY - SPRINGFIELD OAKS COUNTY PARK (TAX PARCEL NO. 07-20-201-016) To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS, the County of Oakland is the owner of Springfield Oaks County Park located in Springfield Township; and WHEREAS, The Oakland County Parks Commission in junction with the 52-2 Clarkston District Court is in the process of establishing a court community garden inclusive of a donated greenhouse at Springfield Oaks County Park.; and WHEREAS, electric power is required to operate the proposed greenhouse, therefore the Detroit Edison Company has requested that the County grant a 15-ft. wide by 50-ft. long easement for underground electric service from the existing power pole line located along Andersonville Road to the greenhouse site; and WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks Commission and the Detroit Edison Company have agreed upon a route for the said underground electric service which will provide power to the greenhouse site. WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission recommended approval of the attached easement on March 9, 2005. WHEREAS, the Departments of Facilities Management and Corporation Counsel have reviewed and/or prepared all necessary documents related to the granting of the easement. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes and approves the granting of the attached easement for underground electric service and related appurtenances to the Detroit Edison Company for the sum of one dollar. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby directs its Chairperson or designee to execute the attached easement for underground electric service and related appurtenances. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Charles E. Palmer, Chairperson 10-4 GRANT OF NON-EXCLUSIVE UNDERGROUND EASEMENT IN GROSS Detroit Edison Company (Right of Way No. 513390-39) THIS EASEMENT IN GROSS is granted this day of 2005 by the County of Oakland, a Michigan Constitutional Corporation, whose address is 1200 N. Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan 48341, (hereinafter referred to as "Grantor") to the Detroit Edison Company, a Michigan Corporation, whose address is 2000 Second Avenue Detroit, Michigan 48226 (hereinafter referred to as "Grantee"). FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and pursuant to the conditions set forth herein, Grantor does hereby grant to the Grantee, and the Grantee does hereby accept, the right to construct, operate, maintain, repair and/or replace underground electric utility line facilities and related appurtenances, and to provide the Grantee with access to the property described herein for the limited purpose of maintaining said underground electric utility line facilities and related appurtenances: 1. Parcel Number: 07-20-201-016. 2. Grantor's Land is in the Township of Springfield, Oakland County, Michigan described as: The West 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 20, T4N, RBE, also that part of the West 30-acres of the North 50-acres of the E 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 lying Southwesterly of Andersonville Road. Containing 107-acres more or less. Also known as part of Springfield Oaks County Park. 3. Purpose: The purpose of this grant is to provide the Grantee with a non -perpetual, non-exclusive easement in gross to permit construction, installation, operation, maintenance, replacement and removal of underground electric utility line facilities and related appurtenances, consisting of poles, guys, anchors, wires, manholes, conduits, pipes, cables, transformers and accessories. Under no circumstances can the easement be used for any other purpose than underground electric utility line facilities. 4. ACCESS: Grantor will provide Grantee with a reasonable route across Grantor's property to access the easement area for the limited purpose of constructing, installing, operating, maintaining, replacing or removal of the said underground electric utility line facilities and related appurtenances. However, Grantee shall not perform any maintenance and/or construction activities, including but not limited to work on poles, guys, anchors, wires, manhole, conduits, pipes, cables, transformers and accessories without prior approval from Grantor, except for emergency repairs. 5. Grant of Easement in Gross: Grantor hereby grants and conveys to Grantee a 15-ft. wide non - perpetual, non-exclusive easement in gross for the construction, operation, maintenance, 10-5 replacement and removal of said underground electric utility line facilities and related appurtenances, as shown on the attached drawing no. RFW 513390-39. 6. Trees, bushes, branches, roots, structures and fences Grantee may trim, cut down, remove or otherwise control any trees, bushes, branches and roots in the easement area that Grantee reasonably believes could interfere with the safe and reliable construction, operation and maintenance of Grantee's facilities. No trees, structures or fences can be planted, grown or installed within eight (8) feet of the front door and within (2) feet of the sides of transformers and switching cabinet enclosures. No buildings will be installed in the Right of Way Area without Grantee's prior written approval. 7. Interest in Realty: This Grant and Conveyance of an easement in gross shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Grantor and Grantee, their, representatives, successors and assigns, and the covenants and grants contained herein shall not run with any parcel of land, and shall only extend to the use of said easement in gross for underground electric utility line facilities. In the event that Grantee, its heirs, representatives, successors and assigns (hereinafter Grantee) shall no longer require the use of said easement in gross for the purposes described herein, said easement shall be considered abandoned, and the easement in gross shall terminate and be extinguished and, the land shall revert back to Grantor, its heirs, representatives, successors or assigns (hereinafter Grantor), with no interest remaining in Grantee. If this should occur, then upon the request of Grantor, the Grantee shall provide a Release of Easement in Gross to Grantor. If no Release of Easement in Gross is provided to the Grantor within a reasonable period of time, the Grantor may file with the Oakland County Register of Deeds an Abandonment of Easement in Gross which shall act in place of the Release of Easement in Gross, required of the Grantee. If the easement in gross is abandoned, terminated or extinguished, then upon the request of Grantor, the Grantee shall remove any structures in the easement in gross as requested by Grantor, and restore the easement in gross to the condition it was in prior to the removal. 8. DAMAGES: If Grantee's employees, contractors, vehicles or equipment damage Grantor's Land while entering Grantor's Land for the purposes stated in the Right of Way, then Grantee will restore Grantor's Land as nearly as can be to its original condition, except those items agreed to by Grantor pursuant to paragraph six (6) of this Easement. 9. Indemnification: Grantee shall also indemnify the Grantor, its elected officials, officers, employees and/or agents against, and shall forever hold them harmless from any and all losses, liability, actions, claims, demands, costs, expenses, injuries or damages of any kind whatsoever which may be brought or made, and which shall be caused by or arise out of anyalleged or proven error, mistake, negligence, or intentional actions or omissions by the Grantee its,officers, employees, agents, guests, visitors, invitees, or licensees, arising out of the use of the easement or while coming upon the premises. In the event that Grantor and Grantee are found responsible for the same losses, liabilities, actions, claims, demands, costs, expenses, injuries or damages of any kind whatsoever which may be brought or made, and which shall be caused by or arise out of any alleged or proven error, mistake, negligence or intentional actions or omissions of both of them, then the Grantee will indemnify Grantor only to the extent of Grantee's proportional responsibility for the loss (es) and/or costs associated with the loss(es). 10. Insurance: Grantee and its contractors, at their own expense, shall maintain the following self insurance coverages: $3,000,000 Combined Single Limit Commercial General Liability Broad Form Endorsement/or the following as minimum requirements: Broad form property damage including XCU rider 10-6 Premises/Operations Independent Contractors Blanket) Broad form Contractual Personal Injury - delete contractual exclusion "A" Additional Insureds - the County of Oakland, County Agents and employees and elected and appointed officials of Oakland County; Workers' Compensation as required by law $500,000 Employer's Liability; $1,000,000 Combined Single Limit Automobile Liability, including hired and leased vehicles, and owned and non -owned autos No Fault coverage as required by law; and General Certificates of Insurance. 11. Grantee shall also obtain the required permits, if applicable, from any other municipal or governmental agency. Grantor: County of Oakland, a Michigan Constitutional Corporation BY: Bill Bullard, Jr., Chairperson Oakland County Board of Commissioners STATE OF MICHIGAN ) )SS COUNTY OF OAKLAND ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me in Oakland County this day of 2005, by Bill Bullard, Jr., Chairperson, Oakland County Board of Commissioners, Oakland County Michigan, a Michigan Constitutional Corporation, 1200 N. Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan 48341. Michael D. Hughson, Notary Public Oakland County, Michigan Acting in Oakland County. My Commission expires: 5/5/2008 Grantee: Detroit Edison Company By: Its: STATE OF MICHIGAN ) )SS COUNTY OF OAKLAND ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2005, by _for and on behalf of the Detroit Edison Company, 2000 Second Avenue, Detroit, Michigan, 48226. Notary Public Drafted by: Michael Hughson, Oakland County Department of Facilities Management, One Public Works Dr., Waterford, Michigan, 48328. Return to: Annie Grimmett, Detroit Edison Company, 1970 Orchard Lake Rd., Sylvan Lake, Mi. 48320. Mdh2/15/05 NATEMPFILE\1number\2003\2003-0100 thru 2003-0199\2003-0116 Detroit Edison Easement & 52-3 Dist Ct, City of Rochester\11-07-03 Edison Esmt.doc 10-7 �7,50ft 881.0l ft TO v R8E --VZS90°0'0" N89°56129"E cIaKK W� W d, SI DW ELL # N 07 20 226 003 0 N X0 303.92ft �tS89°35'4011W N Centerline of 15-ft. Easement � N cn 0 SO SIDWELL # �F - 07 20 201016 o N G OQq O ,\-I- O Ln O Q - � 8/4.48ft S90°0'0"W ai - THE DEfROIT EDISON fA1�FNf-SE0.VtEE N-NWING YVIA1✓ENt LECEN Q E ul...E.- POLE Ep---- —vrPPza—EoonEPoosSvEnnIouParcNEov S cKLAND Cs E scExrw OA 1. 1,260ft _ TLm—T. CUSE S90°0,0„W rao.xxx�nr -xNxrvo caxEox o �cN A"ry u �nuE. w, » xag SE@9STIAN SARKLSSr9N—_ 10-8 ITEM #11 UTILITY AGREEMENTS AND EASEMENT WHITE LAKE OAKS In order for Oakland County Parks and Recreation (OCPR) to connect the White Lake Oaks new Clubhouse into Waterford Township's Water and Sanitary Service, cross -jurisdictional agreements must be approved by Oakland County and all parties involved in each agreement. Furthermore, a maintenance easement is required for the water main within the park property. The proposed sanitary line is completely located within the road right-of-way; therefore, a maintenance easement is not required. Staff recommends approval of the attached DRAFT documents compiled by Corporation Counsel and Property Management, subject to final approval by Corporation Counsel and the Board of Commissioners. The documents involving White Lake Township, Waterford Township, and Oakland County are as follows; 1) Sanitary Agreement 2) Water Agreement 3) Water Main Maintenance Easement Staff will make a presentation for discussion and approval. Oakland County Department of Facilities Management March 15, 2005 Request to Grant Water Main Easement to the Charter Township of Waterford White Lake Oaks County Park Parcel No. 12-24-200-007 Background The Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission is in the process of building a new clubhouse facility at White Lake Oaks County Park. The Parks Commission has elected to utilize the local township water supply system for potable water and fire suppression purposes rather than rely on the existing well, which serves the property. Presently the White Lake Township water supply system does not serve the immediate area of the park. However, the Waterford Township water supply system is presently available along Williams Lake. Therefore, the Charter Township of Waterford has requested that the County of Oakland grant a permanent easement for the construction, operation, maintenance, repair and replacement of a water main and related appurtenances over a portion of the frontage of the park property adjacent to Williams Lake Road at the intersection of Pontiac Lake Road. The easement will name both Waterford and White Lake Townships as grantees in anticipation of White Lake Township taking jurisdiction of the water main in the future. The Township and the Parks and Recreation staff has agreed upon a route for the said water main, which is acceptable to both parties. The Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission recommended approval of the easement on March 9, 2005. The Departments of Facilities Management and Corporation Counsel have reviewed and/or prepared all necessary documents related to the granting of the subject easement. Recommendation It is the recommendation of the Parks and Recreation Commission and the Departments of Facilities Management and Corporation Counsel that the Planning and Building Committee, the Finance Committee and the Board of Commissioners approve the granting of the attached easement for water main to the Charter Townships of Waterford and White Lake for the sum of one dollar. Mdh2/28/05 11-2 MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION # March 15, 2005 BY: Planning and Building Committee, Charles E. Palmer, Chairperson IN RE: OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION AND DEPARTMENT OF FACILITIES MANAGEMENT — RECOMMENDATION TO GRANT EASEMENT FOR WATERMAIN - WHITE LAKE OAKS COUNTY PARK (TAX PARCEL NO. 12-24-200-007) To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS, the County of Oakland is the owner of White Lake Oaks County Park located in White Lake Township; and WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission is engaged in the process of building a new clubhouse at White Lake Oaks County Park; and WHEREAS, the Parks Commission has elected to utilize the local township water supply system for potable water and fire suppression purposes rather than the existing park well; and WHEREAS, the White Lake Township water supply system does not presently serve the immediate area of the park. However, the Waterford Township water supply system is presently available along the Williams Lake Road frontage of the Park; and WHEREAS, the Charter Townships of Waterford and White Lake have requested that the County of Oakland grant a permanent easement for the construction, operation, maintenance, repair and replacement of a water main and related appurtenances over a portion of the park property adjacent to Williams Lake Road at the intersection of Pontiac Lake Road. WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks Commission and the Townships have agreed upon a route for the said watermain which is agreeable to all parties. WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission recommended approval of the subject easement on March 9, 2005. WHEREAS, the Departments of Facilities Management and Corporation Counsel have reviewed and/or prepared all necessary documents related to the granting of the easement. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes and approves the granting of the attached easement for water main and related appurtenances to the Charter Townships of Waterford and White Lake for the sum of one dollar. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby directs its Chairperson or designee to execute the attached water main easement. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Charles E. Palmer, Chairperson 11-3 GRANT OF WATER MAIN EASEMENT IN GROSS THIS EASEMENT IN GROSS is granted this day of 2005 by the County of Oakland, a Michigan Constitutional Corporation, whose address is 1200 N. Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan 48341, (hereinafter referred to as "Grantor") to the Charter Township of Waterford, a Michigan Municipal Corporation, whose address is 5200 Civic Center Drive, Waterford, Michigan 48329 and to the Charter Township of White Lake, a Michigan Municipal Corporation, whose address is 7525 Highland Road, White Lake, Michigan 48383 (hereinafter referred to as "Grantees"). FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of One Dollar ($1.00) receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Grantor does hereby grant to the Grantee, and the Grantee does hereby accept, the easement in gross and the right to enter onto Grantor's land to construct, operate, maintain, repair and/or replace a water main and related appurtenances. 1. Grantor's land is in the Township of White Lake, Oakland County, Michigan, described as: See attached Exhibit A. Parcel Number: 12-24-200-007. The easement in gross shall be located as described in attached Exhibit A, showing the location of the easement strip. 2. Purpose: The purpose of this non -perpetual, non -assignable, non-exclusive easement in gross is to permit operation, maintenance, and/or replacement of a water main and related appurtenances, and to provide the Grantee with access to the burdened property described herein for the limited purpose of operating, maintaining, and/or replacing the water main and related appurtenances. Under no circumstances can the easement be used for any other purpose other than a water main, or for the, operation, maintenance, and/or replacement of same. The Grantee shall provide the Grantor reasonable notice of its intent to enter the property for the purposes stated above so as not to interfere with Grantor's scheduled activities on the property except in an emergency situation. 3. Grant of Easement in Gross: The easement granted (as described on attached Exhibit A) is a non -perpetual, non -assignable, non-exclusive easement in gross for the operation, maintenance, and/or replacement of said water main and related appurtenances. 11-4 4. Interest in Realty: This Grant and Conveyance of an easement in gross shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Grantor and Grantee, their, representatives, successors and assigns, and the covenants and grants contained herein shall not run with any parcel of land, and shall only extend to the use of said easement in gross for a water main. In the event that Grantee, its heirs, representatives, successors and assigns (hereinafter Grantee) shall no longer require the use of said easement in gross for the purposes described herein, said easement shall be considered abandoned, and the easement in gross shall terminate and be extinguished and, the land shall revert back to Grantor, its heirs, representatives, successors or assigns (hereinafter Grantor), with no interest remaining in Grantee. In the event the easement is extinguished as provided above, and upon the request of Grantor, the Grantee shall provide a Release of Easement in Gross to Grantor. If no Release of Easement in Gross is provided to the Grantor within a reasonable period of time, the Grantor may file with the Oakland County Register of Deeds an Abandonment of Easement in Gross which shall act in place of the Release of Easement in Gross, required of the Grantee. If the easement in gross is abandoned, terminated or extinguished, then Grantor has the right to disconnect its water supply system from the water main maintained by Grantee. Any damage or claim of damage (including but not limited to environmental damage), to persons or property, including property of the Grantor, resulting from the use of the easement in gross or the operation, maintenance, and/or replacement of the water main by Grantee, shall be the sole responsibility of the Grantee. 5. Restoration of Property: Any portion of Grantor's property, which is damaged by Grantee's exercise of the easement in gross granted herein, shall be restored by Grantee to its immediately prior condition. GRANTOR: County of Oakland, a Michigan Constitutional Corporation AM STATE OF MICHIGAN ) )SS COUNTY OF OAKLAND ) Bill Bullard, Jr. Chairperson The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me in Oakland County, Michigan this day of 2005, by, Bill Bullard, Jr., Chairperson, of County of Oakland, a Michigan Constitutional Corporation, 1200 N. Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan 48341. Michael D. Hughson, Notary Public Oakland County, Michigan Acting in Oakland County My Commission expires: 5/5/2008 11-5 GRANTEE: Charter Township of Waterford, A Michigan Municipal Corporation 41 STATE OF MICHIGAN ) )SS COUNTY OF OAKLAND ) Carl W. Solden, Supervisor The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me in Oakland County, Michigan this day of 2005, by Carl W. Solden, Supervisor, Charter Township of Waterford, a Michigan Municipal Corporation, 5200 Civic Center Drive, Waterford, Michigan, 48329. , Notary Public Oakland County, Michigan Acting in Oakland County My Commission expires: GRANTEE: Charter Township of White Lake, A Michigan Municipal Corporation M STATE OF MICHIGAN ) )SS COUNTY OF OAKLAND ) , Supervisor The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me in Oakland County, Michigan this day of 2005, by, Supervisor, Charter Township of White Lake, a Michigan Municipal Corporation, 7525 Highland Road, White Lake, Michigan, 48383. , Notary Public Oakland County, Michigan Acting in Oakland County My Commission expires: Drafted by: Michael Hughson, Oakland County Department of Facilities Management, One Public Works Dr., Waterford, Michigan, 48328. Return to: Grantee. Mdh3/2/05 11-6 EXHIBIT A AN EASEMENT FOR WATERMAIN PURPOSES ACROSS THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PARCEL: THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 24, T-3-N, R-8-E, WHITE LAKE TOWNSHIP, OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN: EXCEPT BEGINNING AT THE NORTH 1/4 CORNER, THENCE N.88051'59'E., 110.00 FEET; THENCE S.00137'29"W., 305.00 FEET; THENCE S.88°51'59"W., 110.00 FEET; TO THE NORTH SOUTH 1/4 LINE; THENCE N0013729"E., 305.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, WATER MAIN EASEMENT DESCRIPTION A PART OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 24, T-3-N, R-8-E, WHITE LAKE TOWNSHIP, OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 24, THENCE S.02°47'42"E., 171.80 FEET ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID SECTION 24 TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, THE FOLLOWING COURSES BEING ALONG THE PERIMETER OF AN EASEMENT FOR WATERMAIN, THENCE CONTINUING S.02°47'42"E., 93.67 FEET; THENCE N.78025'00"W., 38.00 FEET; THENCE N.11 °40'00": E., 20.00 FEET; THENCE S.78120'00"E., 10.00 FEET; THENCEN.11 030'00"E., 32.00 FEET; THENCE N.12°30'00"W., 126.00 FEET; THENCE N.54030'00"W., 47.00 FEET; THENCE N.36000'00"E., 9.00 FEET; THENCE S.70145'00"E., 38.50 FEET; THENCE 3.38010'00"E., 28.00 FEET; THENCE S.12°30'00"E., 87.96 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. Part of parcel no. 12-24-200-007. 11-7 POINT OF COMMENCEMENT NORTHEAST CORNER SECTION 24, T.-3.-N., R.-B.-E., WHITE LAKE TWP. OAKLAND CO., MICH. sN (F 4 D .,.. tA £ - ----- _T WD•) R04D SCALE 1 "-40' \ `., 0 20 40 80 NO TE., SEE SHEET 2 OF 2 FOR DESCRIPTIONS LEGEND PoINT OF BEGINNING WATERMAIN EASEMENT EASEMENT AREA S ' 7e�2p 97,E ' m /oay La 4i ,f; 3 `V 4 ! Lu' W W Z Q WA TERMA/N EASEMENT W �gW A PART OF SECTION 24, T.-J.-N., R. -8. -E., 3 WHITE LAKE TOWNSHIP, OAKLAND CO., MICHIGAN DATE: CHECKED BY DATE .— SCALE 1"-40' } DRAWN: L.C. R.D.K. 12/0 Gifrels-Webster En ineers, Inc. > �$ ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS PLANNERS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS DESIGN: - SHEET fs 2871 BOND STREET, ROCHESTER HILLS, MI. 48309 v= Y (248) 852-3100 SECTION: 24 JOB No: 16900 Z MINT OF BEGINNING WATERMAIN EASEMENT POINT OF COMMENCEMENT NORTHEAST CORNER SECTION 24, T.-3.-N., R.-8.-E., WHITE LAKE TWP. PO OAKLAND CO., MICH. Nr/AC > AD gS I N SCALE: 1"-40' 0 20 40 80 NO TE: SEE SHEET 2 OF 2 FOR DESCRIPTIONS LEGEND EASEMENT AREA v� �m WA TERMAIN EASEMENT A PART OF SECTION 24, T. -3. -N., R.-B.-E., WHITE LAKE TOWNSHIP, OAKLAND CO., MICHIGAN DATE: 12-9-04 CHECKED BY DATE SCALE 1"-40' Giffels-Webster Engineers, Inc. DRAWNE R.D.K. 12/0 SHEET: 1 OF 2 ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS PLANNERS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS DESIGN2871 BOND STREET, ROCHESTER HILLS, MI. 48309 (248) 852-3100 SECTION: 24 JOB No: 16900 Draft 4 — Intergovernmental Agreement 1 /21 /05 STATE OF MICHIGAN COUNTY OF OAKLAND CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF WATERFORD/ CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF WHITE LAKE SANITARY SEWAGE SERVICE CONTRACT AGREEMENT FOR WHITE LAKE OAKS COUNTY PARK AND GOLF COURSE THIS CONTRACT AGREEMENT, made this _ day of , 2005, by and between the Charter Township of Waterford, 5200 Civic Center Drive, Waterford, Michigan 48329-3773 ("Waterford"), the Charter Township of White Lake, 7525 Highland Road, White Lake, Michigan, 48363-2900 ("White Lake") and the County of Oakland, 1200 N. Telegraph, Pontiac, Michigan 48341 ("County"). RECITATIONS: Waterford and the County are parties to an Intergovernmental Agreement dated January 11, 1967, relative to the establishment and administration of the Clinton -Oakland Sewage Disposal System (" System"), a sanitary sewage disposal system that collects sanitary sewage from several Oakland County communities for transportation and treatment at the Detroit Wastewater Treatment Plant. White Lake is not a part of the Clinton -Oakland SDS. The Intergovernmental Agreement provides that the System is to serve the municipalities and not individual property owners and users thereof, unless by special agreement between the Drain Commissioner (formerly known as the Oakland County Board of Public Works) and the municipality in which the property is located. Waterford is desirous of serving the White Lake Oaks County Park and Golf Course situated in White Lake with sanitary sewer service until such time as White Lake can provide sanitary sewer service to the Park and Golf Course. Presently, such service cannot be feasibly accomplished by way of sewer service facilities located in White Lake, and Waterford is desirous of providing sewer service to the Park by making connection to sewer facilities at the Park, which facilities are located in White Lake. Such connection and service would involve exclusively facilities which are part of the System and would be at no cost to White Lake. Waterford has purchased sewage disposal capacity in the System, and while White Lake Oaks County Park and Golf Course shall be connected to sewer facilities located in White Lake, the capacity used for such service shall, for all purposes, be deemed to be the capacity purchased by and allocated to Waterford. NOW, THEREFORE, Waterford, White Lake and the County agree as follows: 11-10 Draft 4 — Intergovernmental Agreement 1 /21 /05 (1) Subject to compliance with the terms of this Agreement, and the ordinances, standards and regulations of White Lake and Waterford, the County shall have the right, at the sole cost and expense of the County, to connect the White Lake Oaks County Park located in White Lake Township to the System situated in Waterford at the location depicted on Exhibit A attached and incorporated as part of this Agreement by reference, with such connection to be in the manner provided in this Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "Sewer Connection Improvements"). (2) The Sewer Connection Improvements shall be constructed by the County to existing System facilities located in Waterford and shall be operated and maintained by Waterford. Prior to the commencement of construction, the County on behalf of its County Parks and Recreation Commission shall submit and obtain approval from White Lake and Waterford of the engineering and construction plans for the sanitary sewer connection to the System. In addition, approvals of all other applicable governmental entities, shall be obtained prior to the commencement of construction by the County. (3) White Lake shall have no obligation to obtain any easements in connection with the project. (4) Upon completion of construction and approval by all applicable governmental entities of the Sewer Connection Improvements, all facilities situated in Waterford shall be and become part of the Waterford portion of the System The connection authorized under this Agreement shall be for the purpose of serving the White Lake Oaks County Park and Golf Course and for no other purpose. No additional connections to or extensions from the System may be made without the written consent of Waterford and the County, and the authorization granted in this Agreement shall not expressly or implied obligate Waterford to allow further connections or extensions. (5) The County shall, in connection with the construction of the facilities in question, provide insurance coverage or cause the private parties undertaking the construction to provide insurance coverage with regard to all actions, omissions and activities occurring in White Lake or in Waterford during construction. (6) The parties enter into this Agreement to further the public health, safety and welfare, and do not intend to confer any benefit or privilege upon any party other than themselves. (7) All required connection fees and usage charges relating to the facilities to be constructed will be collected by Waterford, and payment for the usage charges attributable to Oakland County shall be made by Waterford in accordance with the Clinton -Oakland "Schedule of Rates and Charges." (8) The capacity utilized to provide service to the White Lake Oaks County Park and Golf Course, which is the subject matter of this Agreement shall, for all purposes, be deemed to be part of the capacity purchased by and allocated to Waterford. (9) This Agreement shall be construed under Michigan Law, and if any part, term or provision of this Agreement shall be determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unlawful or 11-1A Draft 4 — Intergovernmental Agreement 1 /21 /05 unenforceable, such determination shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining parts, terms and provisions of this Agreement. (10) This Agreement shall become effective upon its execution, and shall remain in effect until the occurrence of any of the following events; termination by concurrence of County, White Lake and Waterford; invalidation by a court of competent jurisdiction; sanitary sewer service becomes available from White Lake, at which time County will take reasonable and timely steps to disconnect from Waterford's service and connect to White Lake's service. This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and bind the parties and their respective successors and assigns. 4I4The Parties to this Agreement reserve all rights and privileges attributable to governmental units not specifically designated in this Agreement. .. t i M-M. I .. .. .. This Agreement has been executed by representatives of the parties based upon authority by their respective governmental entities authorizing such execution. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereby have caused this instrument to be executed by their duly authorized officers the day and year first above written. WITNESSES: CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF WATERFORD BY: Terry Biederman Carl Solden, Supervisor Betty Fortino, Clerk WITNESSES: CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF WHITE LAKE BY: Mike Kowall, Supervisor BY: Carol J. Burkard, Clerk COUNTY OF OAKLAND BY: Bill Bullard, Jr., Chairperson 11-122 Draft 4 — Intergovernmental Agreement 1/21/05 --------- BY: Oakland County Board of Commissioners Ruth Johnson, County Clerk The Oakland County Drain Commissioner, as "County Agent" for the Clinton -Oakland Sewage Disposal System, hereby acknowledges the "Sanitary Sewage Service Contract Agreement for White Lake Oaks County Park and Golf Course" ("Agreement") between the Charter Township of Waterford the Charter Township of White Lake, and the County of Oakland; and has determined at the present time that said Agreement does not disrupt or conflict with the operations and administration of the Clinton -Oakland. CLINTON-OAKLAND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM County Agent John P. McCulloch Oakland County Drain Commissioner 4 11-13 DRAFT: January 21, 2005 INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT FOR WATER SERVICE THIS AGREEMENT is made and is effective as of this day of 2004 between the CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF Waterford ("Waterford"), 5200 Civic Center Drive Waterford, Michigan, and the CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF WHITE LAKE ("White Lake"), 7525 Highland Road, White Lake, Michigan, and Oakland County, 1200 N. Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan 0=r1TAI C A. The County, through its Parks and Recreation Commission, operates a Golfing and Banquet Facility at White Lake Oaks Golf Course (the site) located at Williams Lake Road and Pontiac Lake Road in White Lake. B. Both White Lake and the County wish to have Waterford provide water services to the site on a temporary basis, for its proposed expanded facility and for fire protection. C. Waterford's Ordinances and facilities do allow for an extension of a water main to service the site on a temporary basis until such time as White Lake has the capacity to service the site with its own municipal water. D. The County, through its Parks and Recreation Commission, is willing to assume and pay all expenses and obligations from the construction of the main to serve the site, per the specification of Waterford, and for payment of connection, consumption and usage fees. 11-14 E. Maintenance and repair shall be the responsibility of the Ggwpty, Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission and Waterford as set forth herein. THERFORE, Waterford, White Lake and the County agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions: 1. All parties hereto shall obtain written authorization or resolution by their respective governing commissions or boards as authority to enter into this Agreement. 2. Upon execution hereof, the County, through its Parks and Recreation Commission, and White Lake shall obtain all necessary state and local permits and approvals, which shall be furnished to Waterford, along with all drawings and plans, prior to commencement of any work. All plans shall be subject to approval by Waterford. 3. The Connection to be made to Waterford's Water System shall be by a new 8 inch water main (unless White Lake Township agrees to pay for all of the cost associated with increasing the size of the water main from 8 inches to 12 inches) 12 innh ,AXatQr main at a point to be approved by its Director of the Department of Public Works, and constructed to the standards of Waterford, as determined by the Director of Department of Public Works. 4. The water facilities shall provide water only for the operation of the clubhouse/banquet facility, and for fire protection. 5. The capital charges and water consumption charges for the structure shall be based upon a domestic two (2) inch meter, at one and one-half times the rate charged to Waterford residents, per Waterford's Code Section 17-328. The charges for water service for fire protection shall be a flat rate based upon the size of the water line. The meters shall remain the property of Waterford Township at all times, and the County, through its Parks and Recreation Commission, agrees to abide by Waterford's Ordinance Provisions as to inspection and the like. Waterford is granted a license to enter upon the site for inspections. 6. Ownership, repair and maintenance responsibility of the system facilities installed hereunder within the Williams Lake Road Right -of -Way is that of Waterford. However, any and all repair and maintenance expense of the portion of the water main located within the road right-of-way shall be reimbursed to Waterford by the, Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commissiony. Repair and maintenance responsibility of the system facility outside of the road right-of-way is solely that of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Comm issiony. In the event Waterford determines that a repair or maintenance of the facilities on county property is necessary, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Gg6ipty shall forthwith conduct the maintenance or repair upon notice by Waterford. 7. In the same manner as residents of Waterford who are connected to the Waterford system, Waterford shall regard the County as its customer under Waterford ordinances, resolutions and standards and with respect to providing water service. 8. The water service to be provided under this Agreement is intended to service only the site. There shall be no additional connections to the main serving the site without the express written agreement of Waterford 9. In the event White Lake, in its discretion, determines that it has sufficient facilities and capacity to provide water service to the site, this Agreement shall be terminated upon reasonable notice to the County and Waterford. County, through its Parks and Recreation Commission and at its sole expense, shall connect the site to White Lake's water system within one hundred twenty (120) sixty (6Q) days after receipt of notice from White Lake that connection to the White Lake water system is available. 3 11-16 10. The County, White Lake and Waterford enter into this Agreement to further the public health, safety and welfare of their communities and intend to confer no benefit or privilege upon any party other than themselves. No other party shall be deemed to be a third party beneficiary of this Agreement. 11. No waiver of any breach of this Agreement shall be construed to be a waiver of any other or subsequent breach. 12. This Agreement shall be construed under the laws of the State of Michigan, and if any part, term or provision of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, contrary to or in violation of any law of the State of Michigan or the United States, the remaining portion or provisions shall not be affected, and the obligations of the parties shall be construed and enforced as if the Agreement does not contain such particular part, term or provision. 13. This Agreement remains subject to cancellation in the event of a court of competent jurisdiction restricts or limits the right of either party to act in the manner and on the terms provided in this agreement. 14. County agrees that all costs incurred pursuant to this Agreement, including, without limitation, permit fees, design fees, connection charges, usage charges, inspection fees, and charges for maintenance and repair, are the responsibility of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Ggwpty and not White Lake. , 11-17 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the County, White Lake and Waterford have caused this Agreement to be signed by their duly authorized representatives as of the date first above written, and by execution, the respective officers signing this Agreement certify that they have been duly authorized to enter into this Agreement by their respective Boards. Signed & sealed by the signatures below: Charter Township of Waterford Terry Biederman, Director Department of Public Works 11-18 Charter Township of White Lake , Supervisor Oakland County Board of Commissioners By: Bill Bullard, Jr., Chairperson m:lwhite lake townshiplwater systemldocsVntergovernmental agreement for water services 12 10 2004 white lake revisions. rtf 11-19 ITEM #12 NEW CLUBHOUSE WHITE LAKE OAKS Staff received four bids for the construction of the White Lake Oaks new Clubhouse on February 25, 2005 @ 2:00 p.m. Base Bid includes the demolition of the existing 10,000-square foot facility and the construction of a new 14,114-square foot facility, including all site modifications, such as the south parking lot extension, cart staging area, #1 tee relocation and landscaping. Alternate #1 upsized the 8" water main to 12" per the White Lake Township's engineering comments. This alternate is subject to funding from White Lake and Waterford Townships. Alternate #2 included additional decorative concrete sidewalks located at the north entrance of the new facility. Alternate #3 gives OCPR the option for the landscape contractor to provide a one-year maintenance program to assist park staff in establishing the new plant material and planting beds. Alternate #4 changes the specified American Cherry interior millwork to Red Oak. Alternate #5 changes the specified epoxy painted floor for the kitchen and bar to quarry tile flooring. Alternate #6 changes the specified epoxy painted pro shop storage room flooring to vinyl composite tile (VCT). Staff and consultants are currently reviewing the following bids: F.J. Jones & Company Brighton Phoenix Contractors Ann Arbor Degenhardt & Sons, Inc. Troy NITS Construction Birmingham Base Bid _......__......_..............._._...._._... _...._ $4,160,000.00 — --...........__...........__....._:_.__....._....._._......_............_-........__. $3,994,000.00 . $3,875,000.00 $3,899,577.00 Alt#1 $10,000.00 $9,800.00 ' $11,900.00 1 $5,500.00 .........................._.........__...�. Alt#2 ____.....—................_............._......_...^.............._...... $10,000.00 ( _.........—........_._......;_................._..___..........................................._._....._`............---................................._..........._.......... $81045.00 ` $6,500..00._...........__.........$1..1..,700.00..... .................. _....... _._—. Alt #3 _......... ................._................_....—. ^_.._.. $5,000.00 __._._............_............._......__t�............._.... $9,800.00 -...._...._—....._..- -. .. No Charge j —............_$4 800.00 _.........._............ Alt #4 ($25,000.00) 1 ($22,000.00) 1 ($28,000.00) ($32,000.00) ......_-.........._-...................._._.........._......_.__ Alt #5 _._._._..__-_............._............___.....__i_..........._..__-...........�-........._._...._� $24,000.00 ................_-_.__.._........................................_......_.-k $22,000.00 .............._._.-_._................._......_........... $23,540.00 ' __......... $16,000.00 Alt#6 $1,500.001 $1,500.001 $2,000.001 $1,100.00 ........ ............... __....._..........................__......__..._...._...—__.............__.............._........__,—.............- Total $4,185,500.00 ` --...........__.....I...........: $4,023,145.00 $3,890,940.00 i $3,906,677.00 The remaining 2005 Capital Improvement Budget (CIP) approved for this project is $3,048,656.17. Staff and Aftbltants are currently reviewing the bids and will make a presentation at the meeting for discussion. ITEM #13 CORPORATION COUNSEL REVIEW AND OPINION OAK MANAGEMENT CONCESSION AGREEMENT Staff has received a memorandum from Oakland County Corporation Counsel regarding the 11t" Amendment for the Oak Management Concession Agreement. After their review, Corporation Counsel's opinion is that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission is not authorized to sign a revenue - producing lease; therefore, any action must first go through the full Board of Commissioners for approval and signature. Attached is the portion of Public Act 261 indicating that the Board of Commissioners can authorize the Parks Commission to establish bylaws and enter into contracts. Also attached is the resolution form the Board of Commissioners authorizing the Parks and Recreation Commission to write their own bylaws and enter into contracts. It is Corporation Counsel's opinion that this does not cover contracts of a leasing nature. Staff will await your direction regarding this matter. 13-1 OAKLAND COUNTY CORPORATION COUNSEL MEMO PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL ATTORNEY CLIENT COMMUNICATION To: Ralph Richard From: John Ross Date: February 25, 2005 Re: Oak Management Contract Proposed Amendment 11 File: # 2005-0138 Pursuant to your request, I have reviewed your proposed Eleventh Amendment to the Concession Agreement dated April 25, 1974 between the County of Oakland, and E.A. Fuller Oak Management Corporation. My review of the Agreement leads me to the conclusion that the Agreement constitutes a Lease of County property, as does the Amendment. I have also reviewed the Parks and Recreation statute (MCL 46.351 et seq), as it would apply to the approval and signing of such an Amendment by the Parks and Recreation Commission. Based upon the information provided, it is my opinion that neither you nor the Commission Chairman can sign this Amendment on behalf of the County. Accordingly, it is my opinion that this proposed Amendment needs to go to the Board of Commissioners for their approval. I have received Miscellaneous Resolution # 4594, dated August 17, 1966, from Frank Trionfi, but in my opinion that resolution does not apply to the Amendment under consideration. If you have any information otherwise suggesting that the Board of Commissioners has authorized either you or the Parks Commission to enter into such an Amendment please provide it to me at your earliest convenience. cc: Frank Trionfi 13-2 09/02/93 11:36 FAX 313 838 1003 OC CORP. COUNSEL --4 OC PARIiS & REC Q 004/012 vViJ1Y1 Z L11YlJ r-t%turs-01 `1'0•0C3CF 46.353. County and regional commissions; election and terms of officers; transaction of business; bylaws Sec. 3. Each January a county commission and a regional commission shall elect from its membership a president, a secretary, and other officers as it considers necessary. The officers shall hold office for the calendar year in which they are elected and until their successors are elected and qualified. The county treasurer shall be treasurer of a county commission and the county treasurer of the county furnishing the larger portion of the approved budget shall be treasurer of a regional commission. A majority of the members of the commission shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business and the business which a county or regional commission may perform shall be conducted at a public meeting of the county or regional commission held in compliance with Act No. 267 of the Public Acts of 1976, being sections 15.261 to 15.275 of the Michigan Compiled Laws. Public notice of the time, date, and place of the meeting shall be given in the manner required by Act No, 267 of the Public Acts of 1976. The county board of commissioners may authorize a county commission to adopt bylaws and enter into contracts. A regional commission may adopt bylaws and enter into contracts. Historical and Statutory motes Source: C.L.1970, § 46.353. P.A.1965, No. 261, § 3, Imd. Eff. July 21, P.A.1977. No. 167, § 1. Imd, Eff. Nov, 17, 1965. 1977. C.L.1948, § 46,353. P.A.1966, No. 242, § 1, Imd. Eff. July 11, 1966. 46.354. County commission; appropriation for expenses Sec. 4. The board of supervisors in its annual budget may provide for the expenses of a county commission, which shall be limited in its expenditures to amounts so appropriated unless a further appropriation is made by the board of supervisors. Historical and Statutory Notes Source: C.L.1948, § 46.354. P.A.1965, No. 261, § 4, Imd. Eff. July 21, C.L.1970, § 46.354. 1965, Cross References Management of county property and business, see § 46.11. References to county supervisors or county boards of supervisors deemed to ' mean county commissioners or county boards of commissioners, see § 46.416. 46.355. Regional commission; funds, appropriation or tax levy; annual budget Sec. 5. The boards of supervisors of each county included in a region shall provide funds for a regional commission's operations by an appropriation from the general fund of the county, or by a tax levy for this purpose 599 13-3 ,1 :RESOLUTION ##4594 August 17, 1966 BY: WAYS AND MEANS CO2•iidITTBE - Mr. Levinson RE: PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION AUTHORITY FOR BY-LAWS & CONTRACTS. TO THE OAKLATM COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: MR. CHAIRMAN, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: WHEREAS, Act 261 of the Public Acts of .196� provides for the creation of a County Parks and Recreation Commission; and WHEREAS, this Board of Supervisors by.Miscellaneous Resolution No. 4531, dated February B, 1966, created an Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission; and WHEREAS, Section 3 of said Act 261 provides that the Board of ' Supervisors may authorize the County Parks and Recreation Commissior to adopt By -Laws and enter into Contracts; and WHEREAS, your Ways and Means Committee believes the County Parks and Recreation Commission should be authorized to adopt By -Laws and enter into Contracts within its budget appropriation; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that pursuant to Act 261 of the Public Acts of 1965, the County Parks and Recreation Commission be and is hereby authorized to adopt By -Laws and enter into Contracts within its bu.dget appropriation. 7 r MR, CHAIRMAN,--on-behal-f---of—the-Way.:—and--Means—Committee,—I /move_the_ad.optiot_of-. the _-for_eg-oing,_rozol.u.ti-on . WAYS AND MEANS COASMITTEE a!Vid Le inson, Chairman ug uAllerton, Jr. KJotin L. Carey Hugh C., o any / :harry 1�'. Hortg-n 71 'Tho �H. O�Donoghue F'ran�J. ^Vo.�l�, �rSr.! red YgCk ( tivil�is NI. Brewer ' 13-4 ITEM 114 OAK MANAGEMENT CONTRACT AMENDMENT Pursuant to Amendment 8 (attached) of the Oak Management Concession Agreement, staff and Chairman Pecky Lewis met with Oak Management staff to renegotiate the rental and utility rates for calendar years January 1, 2004 through December 31, 2008. Oak Management, as part of the negotiation process, made the following requests: • you Oaks Clubhouse — A temporary reduction in the rental rate on total gross revenues up to $1,000,000 (i.e. ten percent (10%) of the total annual gross sales up to $1,000,000 and thirteen and one-half percent (13 Y2%) of the total annual gross sales over $1,000,000 up to $1,800,000 and thirteen and one-half percent (13 Y2%) on all revenues once $1,800,000 is surpassed.) This request is predicated on the fact that current gross revenues are falling below anticipated projections. • White Lake Oaks — A graduated rental rate over a number of years (similar in nature to the original Lyon Oaks agreement) be implemented. • Contract Extension — Exercise its option to extend the terms and conditions of the Tenth Amendment to the Concession Agreement for an additional seven (7) year period, to commence on January 1, 2009 and to expire December 31, 2015 and that the newly negotiated rates extend through December 31, 2015. • Include an option to extend the terms of the Eleventh Amendment to the Concession Agreement for an additional five (5) years to commence on January 1, 2016 and to expire on December 31, 2020 in consideration for their monetary investment in the White Lake Oaks Clubhouse Project. • Independence Oaks Concession Stand —Rental of 100% of the annual gross sales up to $1,600 and twelve percent (12%) of the annual gross sales over $1,600. • Addison Oaks Concession Stand -Rental of 100% of the annual gross sales up to $1,600 and twelve percent (12%) of the annual gross sales over $1,600. Staff and Chairman Lewis reviewed and discussed these requests and are not in opposition to them. Staff recommends that all other rates remain at their current level. This proposed amendment is being reviewed for format by Corporation Counsel. Oak Management staff will be available to answer any questions the Commission may have. 14-1 PRELIMINARY ELEVENTH AMENDMENT TO CONCESSION AGREEMENT THIS ELEVENTH AMENDMENT is attached to and made a part of a certain Concession Agreement dated April 25, 1974, and revised, by and between the COUNTY OF OAKLAND (hereafter "County"), a Michigan Constitutional Corporation, and E. A. FULLER OAK MANAGEMENT CORPORATION (hereafter "Operator"), a Michigan Corporation. The parties agree that the original CONCESSION AGREEMENT entered into between the parties on April 25, 1974, and all ten (10) subsequent amendments thereto, shall continue and remain in full force and effect except as modified herein and shall constitute the entire agreement between the parties. E. A. FULLER OAK MANAGEMENT CORPORATION agrees that it shall assume all of the responsibilities and burdens of the "OPERATOR" and/or "Laffrey, Werthman and Fuller Restaurants Inc.", its predecessor corporation, contained in the original CONCESSION AGREEMENT and all prior amendments. WITNESSETH: A. Paragraph 1.3 of the Concession Agreement is amended to include the following paragraph: "Providing Operator shall not be in default under the terms and conditions of this Agreement, it shall have the right at its option to extend the term of this Agreement for an additional five (5) year period, to commence on January 1, 2016 and to expire December 31, 2020: The percentages of the contract years under said extension are to be renegotiated for the five-year period of 2016-2020. The negotiations shall be completed within the first ninety (90) days of the new five-year period or the Agreement becomes null and void." 14-2 PRELIMINARY B. Paragraph 4.2 of the Concession Agreement is hereby modified to substitute the following therefore in its entirety: 4.2 Payments by Operator Operator, in consideration of this Agreement, hereby covenants and agrees to pay to the County, through December 31, 2015, the following sums, to -wit: White Lake Oaks After completion of the clubhouse banquet facility, Operator shall pay as rental three percent (3%) of the total annual gross sales up to $400,000, ten percent (10%) of total annual gross sales over $400,000 and up to $1,000,000 on the banquet facility and grill room, and thirteen and one half percent (13.5%) of total gross sales over $1,000,000 through December 31, 2005; six percent (6%) of the total annual gross sales up to $400,000, ten percent (10%) of total annual gross sales over $400,000 and up to $1,000,000 on the banquet facility and grill room, and thirteen and one half percent (13.5%) of total gross sales over $1,000,000 through December 31, 2006; eight percent (8%) of the total annual gross sales up to $400,000, ten percent (10%) of total annual gross sales over $400,000 and up to $1,000,000 on the banquet facility and grill room, and thirteen and one half percent (13.5%) of total gross sales over $1,000,000 through December 31, 2007; and ten percent (10%) of total annual gross sales up to $1,000,000 on the banquet facility and grill room and thirteen and one half percent (13.5%) of total gross sales over $1,000,000 after December 31, 2007. Operator shall also pay twenty-five percent (25%) of the utility costs. Addison Oaks Conference Center Operator shall pay rental of eight percent (8%) of total annual gross sales and twenty-five percent (25%) of utility costs. Addison Oaks Concession Stand 14-3 PRELIMINARY Operator shall pay as rental one hundred percent (100%) of the annual gross sales up to $1,600 and twelve percent (12%) of the total annual gross sales over $1,600. Springfield Oaks Golf Clubhouse Operator shall pay as rental ten percent (10%) of the total annual gross sales or one hundred percent (100%) of utility costs, whichever is greater. Springfield Oaks Activities Center Operator shall pay as rental ten percent (10%) of the total annual gross sales. Waterford Oaks Activity Center Operator shall pay as rental ten percent (10%) of the total annual gross sales. Red Oaks Wave Pool Concession Stand Operator shall pay as rental eleven percent (11%) of the total annual gross sales and one hundred percent (100%) of utility costs. Waterford Oaks Wave Pool Concession Stand Operator shall pay as rental eleven percent (11%) of the total annual gross sales and one hundred percent (100%) of the utility costs. Groveland Oaks Concession Stand Operator shall pay as rental twelve percent (12%) of the total annual gross sales. Independence Oaks Concession Stand Operator shall pay as rental one hundred percent (100%) of the annual gross sales up to $1,600 and twelve percent (12%) of the total annual gross sales over $1,600. Glen Oaks Golf Clubhouse Operator shall pay as rental thirteen and one-half percent (13.5%) of the total annual gross sales on the banquet facility, twelve percent (12%) of the total annual gross sales on the grill room facility and 14-4 PRELIMINARY fifty percent (50%) of the utility costs. Lyon Oaks Golf Clubhouse Operator shall pay as rental ten percent (10%) of the total annual gross sales up to $1,000,000 and thirteen and one-half percent (13.5%) of the total annual gross sales over $1,000,000 up to $1,800,000. Once all gross sales surpass $1,800,000, the rent will be recalculated at thirteen and one-half percent (13.5%) on the total annual gross sales on the banquet facility and grill room. Operator shall also pay twenty-five percent (25%) of the utility costs. The term gross sales shall include the gross amount of all sales of every kind and description made in, upon or resulting from the conduct of the business of Operator upon the various recreational facilities covered by this Agreement, but after deduction therefrom refunds made in the normal course of business and amounts paid for sales tax. All percentage payments provided hereunder shall be payable quarterly, not later than the thirtieth (30th) day following the end of the first three (3) months of operation and the end of each three (3) month period thereafter, and shall be based upon reports furnished by Operator to the County with such payments. Operator shall furnish to the County within sixty (60) days after the closing of each calendar year a report certified to by an officer of Operator, showing Operator's gross receipts during the preceding calendar year, the amount of any accumulated prior deficiency in percentage payments, and the net percentage payment, if any, owing hereunder for such period, provided that, if at the end of any quarter it be determined that Operator has paid for said year to date a greater sum than would have been payable under the provisions hereof for such excess payment. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, EDWARD A. FULLER, President and Secretary of E. A. FULLER OAK MANAGEMENT, CORPORATION, hereby acknowledges that he has authority to execute this CONTRACT on behalf of E. A. FULLER OAK MANAGEMENT, CORPORATION, a Michigan Corporation, and hereby accepts and binds E. A. FULLER OAK MANAGEMENT, CORPORATION, to 0 14-5 PRELIMINARY terms and conditions of this ELEVENTH AMENDMENT TO CONCESSION AGREEMENT. 5 14-6 WITNESSES: PRELIMINARY E. A. FULLER OAK MANAGEMENT, CORP. a Michigan Corporation EDWARD A. FULLER President and Secretary DANIEL J. SHAW Vice President COUNTY OF OAKLAND, a Michigan Constitutional Corporation, by its Statutory Agent, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission PECKY D. LEWIS, JR. Chairman RALPH RICHARD Executive Officer 14-7 TENTH AMENDMENT TO CONCESSION AGREEMENT THIS TENTH AMENDMENT is attached to and made a part of a certain Concession Agreement dated April 25, 1974, and revised on the fourth day of April, 1999, by and between the COUNTY OF OAKLAND (hereafter "County"), a Michigan Constitutional Corporation, and E. A. FULLER OAK MANAGEMENT CORPORATION (hereafter "Operator"), a Michigan Corporation. The parties agree that the original CONCESSION AGREEMENT entered into between the parties on April 25, 1974, and all nine (9) subsequent amendments thereto, shall continue and remain in full force and effect except as modified herein and shall constitute the entire agreement between the parties. E. A. FULLER OAK MANAGEMENT CORPORATION agrees that it shall assume all of the responsibilities and burdens of the "OPERATOR" and/or "Laffrey, Werthman and Fuller Restaurants Inc.", its predecessor corporation, contained in the original CONCESSION AGREEMENT and all prior amendments. 'WITNESSETH: A. Paragraph 1.3 of the Concession Agreement is amended to include the following paragraph: "Providing Operator shall not be in default under the terms and conditions of this Agreement, it shall have the right at its option to extend the term of this Agreement for an additional seven (7) year period, to commence on January 1, 2009 and to expire December 31, 2015: The percentages of the contract years under said extension are to be renegotiated for the seven-year period of 2009-2015. The negotiations shall be completed within the first ninety (90) days of the new seven-year period or the Agreement becomes null and void." 14-8 B. Paragraph 4.2 of the Concession Agreement is hereby modified to substitute the following therefore in its entirety: 4.2 Payments by Operator Operator, in consideration of this Agreement, hereby covenants and agrees to pay to the County the following sums, to -wit: White Lake Oaks Operator shall pay rental of ten percent (10%) of total annual gross sales and twenty-five percent (25%) of utility costs. Addison Oaks Conference Center Operator shall pay rental of eight percent (8%) of total annual gross sales and twenty-five percent (25%) of utility costs. Springfield Oaks Golf Clubhouse Operator shall pay as rental ten percent (10%) of the total annual gross sales or one hundred percent (100%) of utility costs, whichever is greater. Springfield Oaks Activities Center Operator shall pay as rental ten percent (10%) of the total annual gross sales. Addison Oaks Concession Stand Operator shall pay as rental twelve percent (12%) of the total annual gross sales. Waterford Oaks Activi , Center Operator shall pay as rental ten percent (10%) of the total annual gross sales. Red Oaks Wave Pool Concession Stand Operator shall pay as rental eleven percent (11%) of the total annual gross sales and one hundred percent (100%) of utility costs. 2 14-9 Waterford Oaks Wave Pool Concession Stand Operator shall pay as rental eleven percent (11%) of the total annual gross sales and one hundred percent (100%) of the utility costs. Groveland Oaks Concession Stand Operator shall pay as rental twelve percent (12%) of the total annual gross sales. Independence Oaks Concession Stand Operator shall pay as rental twelve percent (12%) of the total annual gross sales. Glen Oaks Golf Clubhouse Operator shall pay as rental thirteen and one-half percent (13.5%) of the total annual gross sales on the banquet facility, twelve percent (12%) of the total annual gross sales on the grill room facility and fifty percent (50%) of the utility costs. Lyon Oaks Golf Clubhouse After completion of the clubhouse banquet facility, Operator shall pay as rental three percent (3%) of the total annual gross sales up to $500,000 and thirteen and one-half percent (13.5%) of total annual gross sales over $500,000 on the banquet facility and grill room and twenty-five percent (25%) of the utility costs through December 31, 2000; three percent (3%) of the total annual gross sales up to $500,000 and thirteen and one-half percent (13.5%) of total annual gross sales over $500,000 on the banquet facility and grill room and twenty-five percent (25%) of the utility costs through December 31, 2001; nine percent (9%) of the total annual gross sales up to $500,000 and thirteen and one-half percent (13.5%) of total annual gross sales over $500,000 on tine banquet facility and grill room and twenty-five percent (25%) of the utility costs through December 31, 2002; twelve percent (12%) of the total annual gross sales up to $500,000 and thirteen and one-half percent (13.5%) of total annual gross sales over $500,000 on the banquet facility and grill room and twenty-five percent (25%) of the utility costs through December 31, 2003. 14-10 The term gross sales shall include the gross amount of all sales of every kind and description made in, upon or resulting from the conduct of the business of Operator upon the various recreational facilities covered by this Agreement, but after deduction therefrom refunds made in the normal course of business and amounts paid for sales tax. Net proceeds from vending machines shall be included in gross sales. All percentage payments provided hereunder shall be payable quarterly, not later than the thirtieth (30th) day following the end of the first three (3) months of operation and the end of each three (3) month period thereafter, and shall be based upon reports furnished by Operator to the County with such payments. Operator shall furnish to the County within sixty (60) days after the closing of each calendar year a report certified to by an officer of Operator, showing Operator's gross receipts during the preceding calendar year, the amount of any accumulated prior deficiency in percentage payments, and the net percentage payment, if any, owing hereunder for such period, provided that, if at the end of any quarter it be determined that Operator has paid for said year to date a greater sum than would Have been payable under the provisions hereof for such excess payment. IN WITNESS )ATHEREOF, EDWARD A. FULLER, President and Secretary of E. A. FULLER OAK MANAGEMENT, CORPORATION, hereby acknowledges that he has authority to execute this CONTRACT on behalf of E. A. FULLER OAK MANAGEMENT, CORPORATION, a Michigan Corporation, and hereby accepts and binds E. A. FULLER OAK MANAGEMENT, CORPORATION, to terns and conditions of this NINTH AMENDMENT TO CONCESSION AGREEMENT on this fourth day of April, 1999. WITNESSES: E. A. FIJ R OAK MANAGEMENT, CORP. (g a Mic qCorporation EDWAR17A. FULLER Presi nt and Secretary ANIEL J. SI�W---� Vice President COUNTY OF OAKLAND, a Michigan Constitutional Corporation, by its Statutory Agent, the Oakland County Parks anal Recreation Commission PECKY D°LEWIS, JR. Chairman 2L z " � - L' z RALPH RICHARD Executive Officer 14-12 5 THIS EIGHTH AMENDMENT is attached to and made a part of a certain Concession Agreement dated April 25, 1974, and revised on the 6th day of July 1994, by and between the COUNTY OF OAKLAND, a Michigan Constitutional Corporation, and E. A. FULLER OAK MANAGEMENT CORPORATION, (hereafter "Operator") a Michigan Corporation. The parties agree that the original CONCESSION AGREEMENT entered into between the parties on April 25, 1974, all seven (7) subsequent amendments thereto, shall continue and remain in full force and effect except as modified herein and shall constitute the entire agreement between the parties. E. A. FULLER OAK MANAGEMENT CORPORATION agrees that it shall assume all of the responsibilities and burdens of the "OPERATOR" and/or "Laffrey, Werthman and Fuller Restaurants Inc.", its predecessor corporation, contained in the original-_(�bNCESSION' AGREEMENT and all prior amendments. WITNES SETH: A. Paragraph 1.3 of the concession Agreement is amended to include the following paragraph: "Providing Operator shall not be in default under the terms and conditions of this Agreement, it shall have the right at its option to extend the term of this Agreement for an additional five (5) year period, to commence on January 1, 2004 and to expire December 31, 2008. The percentages of the contract years under said extension are to be renegotiated for the five-year period of 2004-2008. The negotiations shall be completed within the first ninety (90) days of the new five-year period or the �greement becomes null and void." B. Paragraph 4.2 of the Concession -Agreement is hereby modified to substitute the following therefor in its entirety: 14-13 ' �• 11/"1 ��" a Operator, in consideration of this Agreement, hereby covenants and agrees to pay to the County the following sums, to -wit: Operator shall pay rental of ten percent (10%) of total annual gross sales and twenty-five percent (25%) of utility costs. Addison Oaks Conference Center Operator shall pay rental of eight percent (8%) of total annual gross sales and twenty-five percent (25%) of utility costs. Springfield Oaks Golf Clubhouse Operator shall pay as rental ten percent (10%) of the total annual. gross sales or one hundred percent (100%) of utility costs, whichever is greater. Springfield Oaks Activities Center Operator shall pay as rental ten percent (10%) of the total annual gross sales. Addison Oaks Concession Stand Operator shall pay as rental twelve percent (12%) of the total annual gross sales. Waterford Oaks Activity Center Operator shall pay as rental ten percent (10%) of the total annual gross sales. Red Oaks Wave Pool Concession Stand Operator shall pay as rental eleven percent (11%) of the total annual gross sales and one hundred percent (100%) of utility costs. Waterford Oaks Wave Pool Concession Stand Operator shall pay as rental eleven percent (11%) of the total annual gross sales and fifty percent (50%) of the utility costs at the Red Oaks Waterpark. 14-14 LN • . PRISKOMMILMORM90 •1 el! Operator shall pay as rental twelve percent (12%) of the total annual gross sales. I!-•'1O 1 . •.. •� Operator shall pay as rental twelve percent (12%) of the total annual gross sales. Operator shall pay as rental twelve percent (12%) of the total annual gross sales and fifty percent (50%) of the utility costs. If the banquet facility is expanded, the operator shall pay, upon completion of expansion, thirteen and one-half percent (13.5%) of the total annual gross sales on the banquet facility, twelve percent (12%) of the total annual gross sales on the grill room facility and fifty percent (50%) of the utility costs. If the expansion of the banquet facility does not occur, the percentage rate will remain at 12 percent. The term gross sales shall include the gross amount of all sales of - e'Very kind and description made in, upon or resulting from the conduct of the business of Operator upon the various recreational facilities covered by this Agreement, but after deduction therefrom refunds made in the normal course of business and amounts paid for sales tax. Net proceeds from vending machines shall be included in gross sales. All percentage payments provided hereunder shall be payable quarterly, not later than the thirtieth (30th) day following the end of the first three (3) months of operation and the end of each three (3) month period thereafter, and shall be based upon reports furnished by Operator to the County with such payments. Operator shall furnish to the County within sixty (60) days after the closing of each calendar year a report certified to by an officer of Operator, showing Operator's gross receipts during the preceding calendar year, the amount of any accumulated prior deficiency in percentage payments, and the i net percentage payment, if any, owing hereunder for such period, provided that, if at the end of any quarter it be determined that Operator has paid for said year to date a greater sum than would have been payable under the provisions hereof for such excess payment. 14-15 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, EDWARD A. FULLER, President and Secretary of E. A. FULLER OAK MANAGEMENT, INC., hereby acknowledges that he has authority to execute this CONTRACT on behalf of E. A. FULLER OAK MANAGEMENT, INC.; a Michigan Corporation, and hereby accepts and binds E. A. FULLER OAK MANAGEMENT, INC., to terms and conditions of this EIGHTH AMENDMENT TO CONCESSION AGREEMENT on this 6th day of July, 1994. 14-16 E. A. FULLER OAK MANAGEMENT, INC. a Michigan Corporation EDWARD A. FULLER President and Secretary ice President and Treasurer COUNTY OF OAKLAND, a Michigan Constitutional Corporation, by its Statutory Agent, the Oakland . County Parks and Recreation Commission PECKY D. LEWIS JR. Chairman 1 RALPH RICHARD Manager ITEM #15 Bid Items: A. Facility Painting — Independence & Addison Oaks B. 2005 Asphalt Paving —Addison and Groveland Oaks C. Protective Netting — Red Oaks Golf Course D. Irrigation Control System — Glen Oaks 15-1 FACILITY PAINTING INDEPENDENCE AND ADDISON OAKS Bids were received for the painting of several structures at Independence and Addison Oaks parks. These buildings have not been painted for several years. The structures to be painted are of several different composites (i.e. block, composite board, wood half log, wood lap siding, and structural and concrete fiberboard). Painting includes all trim, fascias, soffets, louvers, doors, windows and frames. The bids are as follows: Facility Bidders Simon Watt Horizon Bros. Industrial Painting Detroit Howell Taylor 1/0 Nature Center $8,500 $11,000 $6,900 1/0 Twin Chimneys Shelter $6,200 $5,000 $6,800 A/O Concession Bldg. $8,500 $5,000 $9,000 A/O Maintenance Bldg. $16,800 $12,000 $16,500 A/O Residence $4,300 $2,800 $3,200 A/O Deputy Office $1,650 $1,000 $2,500 Staff has reviewed the bids and recommends splitting and awarding the contracts to the low bidders as follows: to Industrial Painting for the 1/0 Nature Center in the amount of $6,900, plus a contingency of $300, for a total budgeted amount of $7,200; and to Horizon Brothers for the 1/0 Twin Chimneys Shelter, and the Concession Building, Maintenance Building, Residence and Deputy Office at Addison Oaks in the amount of $25,800, plus a contingency of $1,200, for a total budgeted amount of $27,000. Funds for this expenditure have been budgeted in each park's Operating Budget Grounds Maintenance line item. A-1 2005 ASPHALT PAVING ADDISON OAKS AND GROVELAND OAKS Bids were received Wednesday, February 23, 2004 for the following paving projects at Addison Oaks and Groveland Oaks: Addison Oaks — Conference Center Parking Lot Resurfacing_ Base Bid #1 — Repair and resurface existing parking lot located west of the existing conference center and banquet hall, including all restorations of edges and disturbed areas, plus all necessary pavement markings. Alternate #1A — Repair and resurface existing parking lot located northwest of the existing conference center and banquet hall, including all restorations of edges and disturbed areas. Alternate #1 B — Mill existing entrance asphalt, install a rolled concrete curb, and resurface entrance paving as indicated on drawing, including all restoration as indicated. Addison Oaks — Contact Station Exit Road Widening Base Bid #2 — Provide a 12' wide parking lane adjacent to the exit road northwest of existing contact station, including the re -grading and restoration of the existing swale and all necessary pavement markings. Alternate #2A — Substitute the 4-1/2" Asphalt Paving, with 4-1/2" of 21AA Gravel Surfacing. Groveland Oaks — Asphalt Trail Paving_ Base Bid #3 — Includes the 8' wide asphalt paving of new and existing trails around Stewart Lake Island, including all restoration, with the exception of paving 488 linear feet of existing gravel trails located on Paradise Island. Alternate #3A — Includes the 8' wide asphalt paving of miscellaneous connector trails around Stewart Lake Island, including all restoration, with the exception of the miscellaneous connector trails located on Paradise Island. Alternate #3B — Includes 488 linear feet of 8' wide asphalt paving of existing gravel trails located on Paradise Island, including the necessary grading and restoration. Alternate #3C — Includes 488 linear feet of 8' wide concrete paving of existing gravel trails located on Paradise Island, including the necessary grading and restoration. B-1 Staff received bids from four contractors as follows: ABC PAVING COMPANY ASPHALT SPECIALISTS BUSH BROTHERS THOMPSON MCCULLY TRENTON PONTIAC FARMINGTON HILLS CLARKSTON A/O - Base Bid #1 $40,810.00 $32,729.00 ` $45,963.00 $49,495.85 Alt. #1A $25,990.00 $24,015.00 I $33,495.00 $33,936.85 Alt. #1B $21,975.00 $24,930.00 $20,057.00 $25,884.90 A/O - Base Bid #2 $15,020.00 $23,744.00 $18,867.00 $30,535.00 Alt. #2A $8,920.00 $11,244.00 $13,967.00 -$2,500.00 Gr/O - Base Bid #3 $72,840:00 $107,050.00 $84,988.00 N/A Alt. #3A $6,90000 $11,600.00 $8,693.00 Alt. #313 N/A $47,060.00 $48,912.00 Alt.#3C $50,290.00 $59,317.00 $38,912.00 RECOMMENDED TOTALS $94,76000 $56,744.00 Staff recommends the following: 1) Asphalt Specialists, Inc. be awarded a single contract for A/O - Base Bid #1 and Alt. 1A in the amount of $56,744.00, plus a 5% contingency ($2,838.00), for a total approved budgeted amount of $59,582.00. The 2005 Operating Budget for Grounds Maintenance is $137,000 for this project. The remaining balance of $77,418.00 shall be used for replacing the existing parking lot lights. 2) ABC Paving, Inc. be awarded a single contract for A/O - Base Bid #2, Gr/O - Base Bid #3 and Alt. 3A in the amount of $94,760.00, plus a 5% contingency ($4,738.00), for a total approved amount of $99,498.00. The 2005 Capital Improvement Budget for Base Bid #2 and Base Bid #3 is $10,000 and $70,000 respectively. Staff recommends a transfer of funds from 2005 CIP Contingency in the amount of $5,771.00 and $13,727.00 respectively for each project. B-2 PROTECTIVE NETTING RED OAKS GOLF COURSE We have received from Purchasing the following bids for the installation of a protective net 350 feet long by 50 feet high at the Red Oaks Golf Course: Future Fence Company $56,790.00 Warren Michigan Fence Company $32,968.00 Harrison Township Nationwide Fence & Supply $37,340.00 Chesterfield Net Connection Inc. $26,304.00 Birmingham, AL When the golf course was rebuilt, every attempt was made to cut down on golf balls going over the fence, such as berms, trees, and realignment. However, we still have golf balls hitting businesses and homes along the #1 fairway. This barrier should greatly reduce our liability that is now occurring. Staff has gone through the procedure for a height variance from Madison Heights. Staff recommends awarding the bid to the low bidder, Net Connection, in the amount of $26,304, plus a five percent contingency of $1,315, for a total budgeted amount of $27,619. Funds for this expenditure will come from the Capital Improvement Projects budget. C-1 IRRIGATION CONTROL SYSTEM GLEN OAKS At Glen Oaks and Springfield Oaks Golf Courses, bids are presently out for upgrading the electronic controls of the irrigation systems. Through our irrigation design consultants, Colein & Kuhn, we were made aware of a compatible used Rainbird system that was available from Barton Hills Country Club. Barton Hills had installed this Rainbird system three years ago; but after one year of use, replaced it with an upgraded Toro system. Presently, we have similar Rainbird control systems at White Lake Oaks and Lyon Oaks. Staff recommends purchasing this used equipment from Barton Hills for Comparable costs for this equipment new could exceed $60,000. The irrigation contractor awarded the bid will be responsible for installing this equipment. Funds for this expenditure will come from the park's Operating Budget Grounds Maintenance line item. D-1 Date: February 1, 2005 To: Skip Rouche Glen Oaks Golf Course Oakland County Parks & Recreation Dept. From: Carol Colein Skip, The upgrade of the irrigation central control system at Glen Oaks Golf Course will take place in two phases as described in the following. Phase 1: Purchase of equipment from Barton Hills Country Club The following items are included in the equipment that Oakland County is to purchase from Barton Hills Country Club: a. computer with Rainbird Nimbus software, Windows 95. b. Rainbird M1M with (3) interface units. c. (6) Rainbird Par+ 4"tatiion stainless steel field satellites. d. Rainbird Freedom system with (2) hand-held radios_ The purchase price for this equipment is $8,000 as is. For reference, the list prices for these items are as follows: a. Nimbus 11 computer and software $31,OW b. Freedom hand-held radio system 9,397 o. (6) Par+ 48-station stainless steel field satellites 26,580 $66,977 Phase 22. Contract work to be bid this year After Oakland County purchases the above equipment, the following work is to be bid out under separate contract: a, update package for computer and software. b, installation of computer and field satellites. c. installation of Freedom radio system, including new antenna_ d. installation of new communication wire. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or require additional information. Sincerely, Colein & Kuhn Associates, Inc Carol Colein D-2 ITEM #16 MICHIGAN NATURAL FEATURES INVENTORY CONTRACT MODIFICATION ROSE OAKS ECOLOGICAL SURVEY The Michigan Natural Features Inventory (MNFI), a division of Michigan State University Extension, is in the process of conducting ecological surveys of Independence and Lyon Oaks County Parks. Oakland County Parks and Recreation (OCPR) staff is recommending the modification of this current contract to include the survey of Rose Oaks. The information generated by these surveys could greatly increase the appropriateness and effectiveness of the Rose Oaks Master Plan scheduled for development this year. MNFI has submitted a bid modification proposal of $15,000 to survey Rose Oaks. Staff recommends the modification of the existing ecological survey contract with MNFI to include this expanded scope of work. Staff also recommends that the amount of $38,745 be transferred from the Operating Budget Contingency to the following budget centers for the allocation of funds for the ecological survey of Rose Oaks and the re -allocation of funds for the survey of Lyon and Independence Oaks that did not carry over from the 2004 Budget. 1. Independence Oaks - Contracted Services Line Item: $11,872.50 2. Lyon Oaks - Contracted Services Line Item: $11,872.50 3. Rose Oaks - Contracted Services Line Item: $15,000.00 16-1 ITEM #17 ENTERTAINMENT AGENCY CONTRACT Over the last 15 years, Oakland County Parks has hired independent contractors for musical entertainers, magicians, bands and presenters. They are used for our extensive summer campground recreation program at Addison Oaks and Groveland Oaks, the amphitheater at Lewis E. Wint Nature Center at Independence Oaks, adaptive recreation programs, and many special events. In 2004, approximately 70 independent contractors were used, with an average check of $175. The county has initiated new insurance requirements for these contractors. Each contractor must provide the following: $3,000,000 general liability $100,000 workmen's compensation $3,000,000 professional liability $1,000,000 auto Oakland County sent out bids for an entertainment agency to fulfill the insurance requirements, as well as provide high quality recreation programs. Bids were received as follows: Company City Cost Eldar Entertainment Howell $48,550* Richard Paul & Associates Macomb $28,000* Gail & Rice Southfield 25% commission Postman Productions & Promotions Birmingham $50,000* *Money does not include entertainment After interviewing each company, staff recommends Gail and Rice. Gail and Rice's park responsibilities will include contacting, contracting, and payment of individual contractors. This has been done by park staff. Total amount budgeted under professional services for 2005 is $40,000. Monies for this are budgeted under professional services at each park. Staff recommends awarding the bid to Gail and Rice in an amount not to exceed $50,000. (Twenty-five percent commission and $40,000 for independent contractor.) 17-1 ITEM #18 NEXTEL RADIO SYSTEM Oakland County Information Technology and Radio Services is in the process of going to a new radio system. This radio system is funded by 911 monies from the State. Because it is funded by the state's 911 system, Parks will no longer be able to use this system. The Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission will need to be off the existing radio system by May 1, 2005. Staff is requesting Commission approval to purchase 80 radio units and accessories at a cost of $21,271.90 from Nextel through Oakland County Information Technology. Staff is also requesting approval to enter onto the existing contract with Nextel through Oakland County Information Technology for monthly service plans and charges for these radio units. The $21,271.90 will come from the operating budget contingency and the monthly charges will come from the operation budget line items. Funds will be transferred from the 2005 Operating Budget Contingency to each park's Telephone Communications line item as follows: Addison Oaks $5,603.73 Groveland Oaks $5618.70 Independence Oaks $5,711.28 Wint Nature Center $666.04 Administration $3,672.21 Total transfer will be $21, 271.90. These radios will be used at Addison Oaks, Independence Oaks, Groveland Oaks, Orion Oaks, Rose Oaks and the Sheriff Office. We currently have 50 radio units and accessories with a monthly charge of $2,772.15. We will have 80 new units at a cost of $2,991.76 a month. The increase in units is as follows: We must provide the sheriff units park patrol, mounted division and mountain bike patrol with 21 radios, as we will no longer be on the same radio system as the Sheriff Office. We will maintain 2 spare backup units, 2 units will be used at Addison Oaks for campground hosts, 2 units for Orion Oaks, 1 unit for Groveland Oaks miniature golf operation, and 2 units at Independence Oaks. The monthly service charges are currently in the radio repair line item of the operating budget. These units will also be used for winter ski patrol volunteers and the controlled deer management programs and special events. These radios will have countywide as well as nationwide coverage, unlimited group talk capabilities, and will function the same as the current radio system. They will also have the direct connect feature we currently have on our Nextel cell phones. There will be approximately $6,000.00 in savings with this new system, as we can have a portion of these units put in a stand-by mode during the off season when the usage is less. These units will also have telephone capabilities. Park staff using these radios that currently have telephones will turn in their cell phones and have the phone service added to the radios. 18-1 All of these units will have the capability of calling 911 regardless of whether they have phone service or not. If 911 is used by these radios, the 911 operator will have GIPS locating capabilities. Staff has been working with and will use Information Technology for the purchasing, maintenance and handling process of this radio system. I8-2 Item #19 GENERAL INFORMATION AND REGULATIONS REVISION An existing hard court area at Groveland Oaks will now be used as a skateboarding area for park patrons. Current Parks General Information and Regulations allow for skateboarding, but staff is proposing the following revision to incorporate more detailed information. This addition has been reviewed by Corporation Counsel. SKATEBOARD RULES: The skateboarding area is open to children and persons of all ages. Use at your own risk. Skateboarding and skating are hazardous recreational activities. Parents should be in attendance and supervise their children at all times. All participants should use protective equipment as listed below while using this facility. Failure to wear protective equipment while using the facility may result in serious injury or death. Oakland County Parks & Recreation Commission does not assume any responsibility for injuries. WARNING: The use of appropriate safety equipment of helmets, kneepads, elbow pads, wrist pads, gloves and proper shoes are strongly recommended at all times. For ensured safety it is strongly recommended that all helmets meet the standards for protective headgear used in bicycling. 2. WARNING: Know your abilities and limitations. Use this facility at your own risk. 3. WARNING: Weather and lighting conditions may cause unsafe surface conditions. 4. WARNING: Do not proceed down a ramp until it is clear of other skaters. 5. Be courteous to others. Users must be under control at all times. Uncontrolled skateboarding activities that endanger others will result in ejection from the skateboarding area. 6. NO bicycles allowed inside the skateboarding area. This area is for the use of skateboarding only. All other uses prohibited. 19-1 7. NO food allowed inside fenced area. 8. All general rules and regulations of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission will be enforced, and other related requirements or restrictions as the Parks and Recreation Commission may from time to time enact. Staff is requesting the Parks Commission's approval of the attached resolution for forwarding and approval by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners. Staff will be available to answer any questions you may have. 19-2 RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission was established by the Oakland County Board of Supervisors in 1966 under P.A. 261; and WHEREAS, P. A. 261 includes a provision to allow county parks commissions to make rules for the protection, regulation and control of all its facilities and areas with the approval of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners; and WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission has established rules and regulations for this protection, regulation and control; and WHEREAS, revisions for clarification purposes are requested, which have been reviewed and approved by the Oakland County Corporation Counsel. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission approves the revisions to the General Information and Regulations as reviewed by Oakland County Corporation Counsel. NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that these revised General Information and Regulations be forwarded to the Oakland County Board of Commissioners for approval. Moved by Supported by Date: March 9, 2005 M=3 ITEM #20 EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S REPORT ---Attached for your information is a copy of letters received from legislators in response to Chairman Lewis's letter regarding the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund Board's decision on the Addison Oaks Acquisition Grant. Also attached is a segment of the MNR Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes from December 8, which address the final approvals of the 2004 MNRTF acquisition and development applications. ---A copy of a report from the Oakland County Sheriff Parks Unit for 2004 is attached for your information. ---Christmas Tree Recycling Report: The Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission continues to provide Christmas tree recycling drop-off sites at ten park locations. There were a total of 2,067 trees dropped off during the 2004 Christmas season. The number of trees being dropped off each year has been declining; staff believes more people are using artificial trees. Addison Oaks 48 Glen Oaks 378 Groveland Oaks 48 Independence Oaks 254 Lyon Oaks 108 Orion Oaks 650 Red Oaks 104 Springfield Oaks 62 Waterford Oaks 184 White Lake Oaks 231 ---Deer Survey: A Deer Survey History has been compiled by staff and is attached for your review and information. 20-1 12TH DISTRICT LANSING OFFICE: (517) 373-2417 TOLL -FREE: (877) 9-BISHOP (24-7467) FAX: (517) 373-2694 &DIAIL_ senmbishop@senate.tnichigan.gov February 7, 2005 Mr. Pecky D. Lewis �Hic4i; ztn 5- ellate Michael D. Bishop t2t#P �PYtc'T�III ���islaxtt zxj�zit� �E�tler Chairman, Oakland County Parks 2800 Watkins Lake Road Waterford, MI 48328 Dear Mr. Lewis: COMMITTEES: Chair, Banking and Financial Institutions Chair, Joint Committee on Administrative Rules V-Chair, Judiciary V-Chair, Gaming and Casino Oversight Thank you for making me aware of your efforts to secure funding for Addison Oaks County Park. I appreciate your confidence in contacting me and applaud your efforts on behalf of our community's natural resources. Upon receiving.your correspondence, I took the liberty of contacting Mr. Sam Washington of the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund. According to Mr. Washington, it was the Board's belief that given Oakland County's history of high funding relative to other Michigan counties, the money should be allocated to other areas of the state this year. Unfortunately, sole discretion for determining what proposals receive grants rests with the Board. Please know that as the state senator for Addison Township, however, I understand your frustrations with the grant designation process. Mr. Washington indicated that this project has potential for future funding and I encourage you to resubmit a proposal next year. If there is anything that I may do to assist with the Addison Oaks County Park application, please do not hesitate to call upon me. Again, thank you for your correspondence. I hope that you will continue to keep me apprised of such important matters in our community. Si cerely, Michael D. Bishop Assistant Majority Leader State Senator, 121h District mblk 20-2 STATE CAPITOL • LANSING, MICHIGAN 48913 nee �RCUne AtGS 66TH DISTRICT MICHIGAN HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES S-153 STATE CAPITOL LANSING, MICHIGAN 48913 MAJORITY FLOOR LEADER PHONE: (517) 373-1784 1-800-295-0066 CHRIS WARD FAX: (517) 373-8957 E-MAIL: chrisward@house.mi.gov STATE REPRESENTATIVE ON-LINE OFFICE: www.gophouse.com/ward.htm February 1, 2005 Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. Oakland County Parks 2800 Watkins Lake Rd. Waterford, MI 48328 Dear Mr. Lewis: First let me begin by congratulating you on the acquisition of a grant for the Organizational Youth Campground — Connector Trail in the amount of $219,000. I am certain this will be an asset to the citizens of Oakland County and the state of Michigan. Upon reviewing your letter, my staff contacted Deborah Apostle in the Grants Department of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources. She explained that although the County scored well on the application there were other reasons why they did not receive funding. One reason stated was that it is very rare for a county to receive an acquisition grant and a development grant in the same year. Ms. Apostle did mention that it would be in your best interest to submit a letter asking for reconsideration by April 1, 2005. I hope that this information is helpful to you. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 517-373-1784. iwajorrLy moor Leaaer State Representative 66ih District ® Recycled 20-3 Paper ".o_��",.,O NANCY CASSIS 15TH DISTRICT P.O. BOX 30036 LANSING, MI 48909-7536 PHONE: (517) 373-1758 TOLL -FREE: (888) 38-NANCY FAX: 1517) 373-0938 E-MAIL: senncassis@senate.michigan.gov January 27, 2005 Mr. Pecky D. Lewis Oakland County Parks 2800 Watkins Lake Road Waterford, MI 48328 Dear Mr. e i . JI THE SENATE STATE OF MICHIGAN COMMITTEES: FINANCE, CHAIR EDUCATION, VICE -CHAIR GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS TECHNOLOGY AND ENERGY Thank you for contacting my office and keeping us informed of issues in and around Oakland County. Any input from the citizens is smiled upon. As an Oakland County Senator, I was sorry to hear that the Addison Oaks County Park land acquisition was not approved for funding this year. I read through the information provided with your correspondence. While it is a shame that such an investment could not be funded, it must be expressed that money is in short supply state wide. I am unable to explain why the land acquisition was not chosen, and I have no input into the decision made, I can only say that the Natural Resources Trust Fund board investigates and prioritizes projects state wide. As in many other interests throughout the state, there simply is not enough money to fund every potential project. Again, thank you for your informed letter. I urge you to continue applying for grants from the Natural Resources Trust Fund in the future. Please feel free to contact mY.:of ice whe_i suds applications have been submitted. Sincerely, Nancy C s State Sena or District 45 ® Recycled 20-4 Paper 6 MOVED BY MR. GARNER, SUPPORTED BY MR. ARWOOD, TO ELECT MR. WASHINGTON AS CHAIRPERSON OF THE MNRTF BOARD FOR 2005. PASSED. MOVED BY MR. GARNER, SUPPORTED BY MR. WASHINGTON, TO ELECT MR. THOMPSON AS VICE -CHAIRPERSON OF THE MNRTF BOARD FOR 2005. PASSED. TF89-114 Jean Klock Park City of Benton Harbor — PROJECT CONVERSION. Mr. Wood outlined follow-up information regarding the project conversion for TF89-114, Jean Klock Park, City of Benton Harbor. This request was originally brought to the Board at the June meeting. The Board approved the request, contingent upon the location of suitable mitigation property. It is staffs opinion that mitigation has been located and will be acquired. Staff is seeking Board approval for the conversion request. MOVED BY MR. ARWOOD, SUPPORTED BY MR. WASHINGTON, TO APPROVE THE CONVERSION REQUEST FOR TF89-114, JEAN KLOCK PARK, CITY OF BENTON HARBOR, AS RECOMMENDED BY STAFF. THIS APPROVAL IS FOR SIX PARCELS PROPOSED FOR MITIGATION OF THE GRAND BOULEVARD PARCEL WITHIN JEAN KLOCK PARK, CONTINGENT UPON RECEIPT AND APPROVAL BY THE DNR OF CURRENT SURVEYS OF THE MITIGATION PARCELS. PASSED. 2004 MNRTF Acquisition and Development Applications. No initial discussion of proposed acquisition projects by the Board. MOVED BY MR. GARNER, SUPPORTED BY MR. ARWOOD, TO APPROVE THE LIST OF STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ACQUISITION AND DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS. PASSED. MOVED BY MR. ARWOOD, SUPPORTED BY MR. DEMPSEY, TO AMEND THE STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS ACQUISITION LIST TO REDUCE GRANT AMOUNT REQUESTED OF 04-105, DENISON SOUTH, CITY OF SAUGATUCK, TO $3,000,000; DELETE 04-002, ADDISON OAKS ACQUISITION, OAKLAND COUNTY; AND REDUCE GRANT AMOUNT REQUESTED OF 04-141, VARIOUS PARK ACQUISITIONS, DNR, TO $2,000,000. MOVED BY MR. GARNER, SUPPORTED BY MR. DEMPSEY, TO ADD 04-047, SEARLES PROPERTY ACQUISITION, CLINTON COUNTY; ADD 04-181, LIGHTHOUSE WEST PROPERTY/LEELANAU STATE PARK, DNR, AT A REDUCED GRANT REQUEST AMOUNT OF $630,000; AND ADD 04-168, GREIG PARK EXPANSION, CITY OF ST. CLAIR. MOVED BY MR. WASHINGTON TO ADD 04-104, HUNTER'S POINT ACQUISITION, GRANT TOWNSHIP. 15 20-5 MOVED BY MR. DEMPSEY TO ADD 04-020, SOUTHERN LINKS TRAILWAY MANAGEMENT COUNCIL PROJECT, AT A REDUCED GRANT REQUEST AMOUNT OF $250,000. MR. ARWOOD MOVED AMOUNT BE INCREASED TO $500,000. MOVED BY MR. ARWOOD TO FUND 04-105, DENISON SOUTH, CITY OF SAUGATUCK IN ITS ENTIRETY ($3,566,700). PREVIOUS MOTION MADE BY MR. ARWOOD REDUCED GRANT REQUEST AMOUNT TO $3,000,000. Mr. Garner commented that he liked the job done by Antrim County for 04-166, Waterfront Additions to Grass River Natural Area, in trying to block in all of the parcels. He feels this project meets a lot of the Board's criteria, and the County has come up with a lot of money for the project. If there is money left, he would like to partially fund this project. Mr. Washington had questions about the three parcels. It was his understanding that this is an area that is eventually going to be a totally enclosed preserve. One of the three properties may not be contingent to what is already owned. This presents the possibility that the parcel may become landlocked. Mr. Garner said that is a possibility, and he takes this parcel off the table for consideration until we are clear on this issue. Mr. Garner suggested that the balance left from the recommended projects (approximately $623,000) be added to 04-125, CMS Arcadia/Green Point Dunes, DNR. Mr. Dempsey realizes that with the Antrim County property, we may be purchasing landlocked property, but he thinks there is enough merit in the proposal that some of the project should be funded, with the understanding that acquisition be for contiguous parcels only. Mr. Dempsey had concerns about 04-140, Grand Mere Acquisition, DNR. The market value is going to continue to skyrocket. Mr. Washington suggested that the balance be added to 04-181, Lighthouse West Property/Leelanau State Park. Mr. Garner stated that the $630,000 reduced amount previous moved would still enable the DNR to acquire the property. It is possible other funds could be used to make up the balance. Mr. Washington reiterated his problem with 04-166, Waterfront Additions to Grass River Natural Area, Antrim County, that there might be the possibility of a parcel being landlocked. He does not want to fund properties that may end up being inaccessible. Mr. Garner suggested that it be stipulated in the motion that the partial funding for the project be for contiguous parcels only. MOVED BY MR. DEMPSEY TO ADD 04-166, WATERFRONT ADDITIONS TO GRASS RIVER NATURAL AREA, ANTRIM COUNTY AT A REDUCED GRANT REQUEST AMOUNT OF $100,000 AND THAT ACQUISITION BE FOR CONTIGUOUS PROJECTS ONLY; AND TO ADD $500,000 TO 04-125, CMS ARCADIA/GREEN POINT DUNES, DNR. MOVED BY ARWOOD, SUPPORTED BY MR. GARNER, TO ACCEPT STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE ACQUISITION LIST WITH AMENDMENTS AS PREVIOUSLY NOTED. THE BOARD APPROVES THE FOLLOWING ACQUISITION PROJECTS FOR 2004: 16 20-6 04-124, KAMEHAMEHA SCHOOLS LAND PROJECT, DNR - $3,000,000 04-125, CMS ARCADIA/GREEN POINT DUNES, DNR - $4,500,000 04-129, BRULE/MENOMINEE RIVER CORRIDOR INITIATIVE, DNR - $1,000,000 04-131, WINTER DEERYARD CONSOLIDATION INITIATIVE, DNR - $2,000,000 04-108, NORTH OTTAWA DUNE ACQUISITION PROJECT, OTTAWA COUNTY — $3,900,000 04-133, LEE GRANDE RANCH CONSERVATION EASEMENT, DNR - $1,750,000 04-143, WILDLIFE AREA LUMP SUM, DNR - $1,000,000 04-105, DENISON SOUTH, CITY OF SAUGATUCK - $3,566,700 04-141, VARIOUS PARK ACQUISITIONS, DNR - $2,000,000 04-047, SEARLES PROPERTY ACQUISITION, CLINTON COUNTY - $419,643 04-181, LIGHTHOUSE WEST PROPERTY/LEELANAU STATE PARK, DNR — $630,000 04-168, GREIG PARK EXPANSION, CITY OF ST. CLAIR (SAGI GRANT PROJECT) - $100,000 04-104, HUNTER'S POINT ACQUISITION, GRANT TOWNSHIP - $562,892 04-020, SOUTHERN LINKS TRAILWAY MANAGEMENT COUNCIL PROJECT, SOUTHERN LINKS TRAILWAY MANAGEMENT COUNCIL - $500,000 04-166, WATERFRONT ADDITIONS TO GRASS RIVER NATURAL AREA, ANTRIM COUNTY - $100,000 PASSED. No initial discussion of staff recommendations for development projects. MOVED BY MR. ARWOOD, SUPPORTED BY MR. WASHINGTON, TO AMEND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS LIST FOR DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS TO DELETE 04-058, ELKVIEW PARK DEVELOPMENT, CITY OF GAYLORD; ADD 04-040, HARDWOOD LAKE CAMPGROUND IMPROVEMENTS, RICHLAND TOWNSHIP; AND 04-180, CEDAR CREEK OUTDOOR CENTER DEVELOPMENT, DNR. Mr. Dempsey would like to add 04-176, Dequindre Cut Greenway Improvements. He feels it is critical that the MNRTF be a partner with other State agencies and local and private funding sources. Mr. Washington stated his reservation regarding the project is that it involves property that they do not own and a potential environmentally polluted site, where they do not know the extent of the cleanup or the cost. Mr. Garner agreed with Mr. Washington. Mr. Dempsey responded that it was his understanding that Mr. Woiwode stated that the environmental issues have largely been resolved. Mr. Woiwode added that although he has not participated in the environmental review, the concern was focused on when the property was going to become part of the highway that would provide the access to the casino complex. The contamination concerns that had already been addressed at that time believed to be relatively minimal. In order to transfer the property, they had to do a formal review of the property. It is the belief of those who are familiar with the characteristics of the property that there is nothing there that would prevent them from moving ahead immediately with the project. MOVED BY MR. ARWOOD TO REDUCE THE GRANT REQUEST AMOUNT OF 04-134, STATE FOREST CAMPGROUND IMPROVEMENTS, DNR, TO $250,000; AND ADD 04-176, DEQUINDRE CUT GREENWAY IMPROVEMENTS, CITY OF DETROIT, IN THE REDUCED AMOUNT OF $393,000. 17 20-7 oa a�a Count y s1hevvvIf ���e paY�s statist��s fitted by $ill Storm Subn' 20'& Oakland County Sheriff Office Parks Unit 1995 1996 1997 1998 �vv"F VIQ LIJLt 1999 I.J 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 DEPUTY HOURS N/A 11784 11446 11652 14,899 14624 15454 1 5511 1 3321 17583 TRUSTY HOURS 3470 3566 3849 4002 5601 4014 5603 5471 6087 6701 PATROL HOURS N/A N/A 6434 6508 7711 7940 8019 9206 8409 9113 TRAINING N/A N/A 1081 508 827 1371 566 940 629 841 COURT NIA N/A 18 49 39 34 29 33 66 53 ADMINISTRATION - - - - - 572 640 810 869 875 BIKE * 693 597 1026 812 826 WARNINGS 382 319 58 97 87 0 9 737 210 78 WRITTEN REPORTS N/A 183 163 105 69 1 55 163 553 148 139 DISPATCH CALLS N/A 73 115 66 54 108 81 183 224 178 CITIZEN CONTACTS 625 375 761 843 897 3802 4237 6221 8712 7331 PARK REPORTS - - - - - 47 17 15 36 42 TICKETS ** 113 359 164 91 193 188 156 295 488 564 Bike* Included in Patrol 01 /28/2005 Oakland County Sheriff Office Parks Unit 2004 - % to Total Hours PTNE Deputy Assignment Hours Percent to Total Trusty 6701 38.1 Patrol 8287 47.1 Bike 826 4.8 Training 841 4.9 Court 53 Administration 875 5.0 Other Total 1 17583 99.9% 01 /28/2005 20-10 Oakland County Sheriff Office Trusty Patrol Hours by Park Park Trusty Percent Patrol Percent Hours To Total Hours To Total Total Hours 6701 9113 Addison Oaks 1540 22.3 3194 35.1 Groveland Oaks 682 10.2 2557 28.1 Independence Oaks 1516 22.6 1570 17.2 Red Oaks 475 6.0 847 9.3 Waterford oaks 907 13.5 858 9.4 Orion Oaks 237 3.5 87 Lyon Oaks 1240 18.5 White Lake Oaks 72 1.1 Springfield Oaks 32 01 /28/2005 20-11 N 0 N Oakland County Parks Deer Survey History Park 1995 119961 1997 1199-8—IT 1999 1 2000 2001 2002 21 2003 1 2004 3 1 2005 Addison Oaks 1 175 120 96 59 46 1 26 70 1 65 1.24 s mi, 794 acres I 141/s mi 96.7/s mi 77.4/s mi 47.5/s mi I 37/s mi 21ls mi 56.5/s mi 52.4/s mi Independence Oaks 1 116 1 1 104 1 1 52 1 58 1 94 1 1 39 1 129 1 99 1.7 s mi, 1088 acres I 68.2/s mi I I 61/s mi I I 30.5/sqmij 34/s mi I 55.3/s mi I I 23/s mi 76/s mi 158.2/s mi Orion Oaks 1 16 24 1 1 13 11 1 1 1 38 1 18 1.45 s mi, 927 acres 11/s mi 16.5/s mi 9/s mi 12.4/s mi 16.5/s mi 7/s mi 26.2/s mi 12.4/s rni Groveland Oaks 10 1 6 1 16 17 .57 s mi, 365 acres 17.5/s mi 10.5/s mi I 28/s mi I12.3/s mi Rose Oaks 65 J 1 30 1 70 1 33 1 1 59 1 53 1 37 .97 s mi, 623 acres 67/s mi 31/s mi I 72/s mi I 34/s mi 63.4/s mi 54.7/s mi 138.1/s mi Waterford Oaks 1 1 15 1 9 1 11 1 1 0 1 5 10 .27 s mi, 145 acres I 155.5/scLmU33/s mi 40.7/s mi 18.5/s mi Lyon Oaks 1 157 211 57 32 45 29 47 55 1.6 s mi, 1027 acres 198.11sqmi I 113.9/sqmil_35.6/s ml 20/s mi 28.1/s mi 18.1/s mi 29.4/s mi 34.4/s mi helicopter helicopter infra -red infra -red helicopter Wildlife Biologists recommend 15-20 animals per square mile. 1 Prior to 1999, surveys were conducted in alternate years. 2 2002 survey done late in season with minimal snow cover. Data collected was unreliable. 3 Groveland Oaks will be surveyed next year to maintain periodic updates. helicopter heliocoptei helicopter excellent excellent snow cove snow cover