HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendas/Packets - 2008.12.10 - 401502800 Watkins Lake Road -Bldg 97W • Waterford, MI 48328-1917 248.858.0906 • 1.888.00PARKS • www.oal(gov.com/parl<srec 1�5 AM I I um P K December 5, 2008 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Oakland County, Michigan Commissioners: A meeting has been called of the Parks and Recreation Commission as follows: PLACE ............................. Administration Office 2800 Watkins Lake Rd Waterford, MI 48328 TIME .............................. Wednesday, December 10, 2008 9:00 a.m. PURPOSE .......................... Regular Meeting This meeting has been called in accordance with the authorization of Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation. Sincerely, C� Daniel J. Stencil Executive Officer Pecky D. Lewis. Jr. Parks and Recreation Chairman Richard Skarritt Vice Chairman J. David VanderVeen Next Meeting: Wednesday, January 14, 2009 Secretary Hugh D. Crawford Vincent Gregory Gregory C. Jamian Eileen T. Kowall John P. McCulloch r-harles Palmer ley G. Taub Daniel J. Stencil Executive Officer D:\$Data\My documents\COMMISSION\agendaltr.doc 0 ur mission is to provide recreational, leisure and learning experiences that enhance quality of life. Oakland County Parks I Recreation Commission Adminisu ation Office 2800 Watkins Lake Road Waterford, MI 48328 December 10, 2008 Agenda PUBLIC HEARING: CATALPA OAKS MASTER PLAN Action Required 1. Call Meeting to Order in Special Function Room 9:00 a.m. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Roll Call 3. Public Comments 4. Commission Meeting Minutes for November 12, 2008 Approval 5. Payment Approval Summary Approval 6. Statement of Operations FM 01, FY09, month ending 10/30/08 Approval 7. Capital Improvement Program FM 01, FY09 as of 10/30/08 Approval 8. Activity Report October and November, FY 2009 Approval 9. Award Presentations: North Oakland Headwaters Land Conservancy Information Michigan Recreation and Park Association — Best Teen Program Michigan Recreation and Park Association — Best Family Program 10. Sheriff s Department Contract Approval 11. FY 2008 Year End Quarter Financial Report Approval 12. Springfield Oaks Golf Course L.U.S.T Site Remediation Project Approval 13. 2009 Community Assistance Program Approval 14. Adoption of Catalpa Oaks Master Plan - Resolution Approval 15. CLOSED SESSION 16. Executive Officer's Report Informational 17. Old Business 17. New Business 18. Adjourn Presenter/Phone # P. Lewis /248.646.5917 S. Kici/248.858.4603 S. Cox/248.858.4612 S. Cox S. Cox S. Wells/248.858.4634 K. Anderson, NOHLC D. Howard/248.1486 cc cc P. Castonia/248.858.0909 S. Cox/248.858.4612 M. Donnellon/ 248.858.4623 D. Howard J. Noyes/248.858.4624 M. Hughson / 248 858.5380 D. Stencil Next Meeting: January 14, 2009, 9 a.m. at Administration Office OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING November 12, 2008 Chairman Lewis called the meeting to order at 9:20 a.m. in the special function room of the White Lake Oaks Golf Course banquet facility. Chairman Lewis noted that three commissioners elected to the Michigan State House of Representatives are in orientation today and therefore absent from today's meeting. Elected to the House of Representatives are Commissioners Hugh Crawford, Vincent Gregory and Eileen Kowall. Mr. Joe Colaiamne is attending the meeting as Mr. McCulloch's representative. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr., Vice Chairman Richard Skarritt, Secretary J. David VanderVeen, Joe Colaianne, Gregory Jamian, Charles Palmer, Shelley Taub COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Hugh Crawford, Vincent Gregory, Eileen Kowall ALSO PRESENT: Parks and Recreation Daniel Stencil, Executive Officer Sue Wells, Manager-P & R Operations Mike Donnellon, Chief, Parks Fac. Maint. Oper. Zach Crane, GIS/CAD Tech I James Dunleavy, Chief, Parks Oper.-N. District Larry Gee, Chief, Parks Oper.-S. District Sheila Cox, Capital Improvement Coordinator Desiree Stanfield, P & R Public Information Supv. Karen Kohn, Supv. — P & R Admin. Services Jon Noyes, Supv. — P & R Planning Phil Castonia, P & R Business Dev. Rep. Oakland County 4-H Fair Association Oakland County Facilities Management Oakland County Information Technology Oakland County Planning & EDS White Lake Township Parks & Recreation Waterford Township White Lake Township Sandy Dorey, Recreation Program Supervisor Kim Wagner, Intern LC Scramlin, General Manager Mike Hughson, Property Management Specialist Tammi Shepherd, Project Manager Teresa McLenaghan, Project Manager Dawn Siegel, Supervisor II Larry Falardeau, Principal Planner Kelly Knight, Recreation Supervisor Larry Lockwood, Planner Jason Iacoangeli, Staff Planner 4-1 (Commission Meeting, November 12, 2008) PUBLIC COMMENTS: No public comments were made. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Moved by Mr. Palmer, supported by Mrs. Taub to approve the minutes of the meeting of October 22, 2008 as written. AYES: Colaianne, Jamian, Lewis, Palmer, Skarritt, Taub, VanderVeen (7) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. PAYMENT APPROVAL: Moved by Mr. VanderVeen, supported by Mr. Colaianne to approve the following payments: • Internal Service and Department Funds Payment Register for the month of September (FM 12, FY 2008) • Oak Management, Inc., credit for services rendered register for the months of July, August and September (FM10, 11 & 12, FY 2008) • Payment Register for Voucher Report Period of September (FM 12, FY 2008). AYES: Colaianne, Jamian, Lewis, Palmer, Skarritt, Taub, VanderVeen (7) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. COMBINED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS: Moved by Mr. Skarritt, supported by Mrs. Taub to accept the Combined Statement of Operations for the month ending September 30, 2008 (FM 12, FY 2008). AYES: Colaianne, Jamian, Lewis, Palmer, Skarritt, Taub, VanderVeen (7) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM BUDGET REPORT: Moved by Mrs. Taub, supported by Mr. Skarritt to accept the Capital Improvement Program budget report for the month ending September 30, 2008 (FM 12, FY 2008). 4-2 (Commission Meeting, November 12, 2008) AYES: Colaian ne, Jamian, Lewis, Palmer, Skarritt, Taub, VanderVeen (7) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. STAFF INTRODUCTION: Sandy Dorey, Recreation Program Supervisor, introduced Kim Wagner, a student at Central Michigan University, who will be interning in the Therapeutic Recreation unit. Mike Donnellon, Chief of Parks Facilities, Maintenance and Development, introduced Zach Crane, GIS/CAD Tech I. Zach was recently hired as a full-time employee and will be working in the Facilities, Maintenance and Development unit. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MASTER PLAN QUARTERLY UPDATE: Phil Castonia, Business Development Representative, and Dawn Siegel, Supervisor II from IT, provided a quarterly update to the commission on the three-year IT plan. WHITE LAKE TOWNSHIP/WATERFORD TOWNSHIP M-59 GATEWAY CONCEPTUAL PROPOSAL: Larry Falardeau, Principal Planner with Oakland County Planning and EDS, presented the conceptual proposal for a gateway linking the trail system between White Lake Township and Waterford Township via the M-59 corridor. The conceptual plan utilizes a non -motorized cross walk to cross over Highland Road (M-59) and ties into the Greenway Trail Path, which travels from Pontiac Lake Recreation Area to the Oakland County complex. Due to extensive deterioration of the Highland Road shoulder at Pontiac Lake, a reconstruction project is planned for that portion of the roadway, and tying the two projects together could be considered. Funds are available from the Michigan Department of Transportation, as well as multiple grant opportunities. Executive Officer Stencil stated we will be reviewing the master plan for White Lake Oaks within the next two years and should be aware of these opportunities. CATALPA OAKS COUNTY PARK MASTER PLAN 2" d REVIEW: Planning Supervisor Jon Noyes reviewed the revised master plan for Catalpa Oaks. Public comments received primarily consisted of interest in soccer and baseball. The soccer field layout was reconfigured to provide greater flexibility in scheduling a variety of age groups and also allowed the addition of a practice cricket pitch field. The public hearing and approval of the master plan is scheduled for December 10, 2008. 4-3 (Commission Meeting, November 12, 2008) ADDISON OAKS PROPERTY ACQUISITION GRANT: Moved by Mr. VanderVeen, supported by Mr. Jamian to adopt the following resolution in support of the acceptance of the Addison Oaks Property Acquisition Grant Agreement: WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission has been notified of the award of the TF07-031 Addison Oaks Property Acquisition Grant, administered by the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund Board and the Michigan Department of Natural Resources; and WHEREAS, the Six Hundred and Sixteen Thousand ($616,000.00) dollar grant will help offset the cost of acquiring this parcel, which will substantially increase the size of and recreational opportunities offered at Addison Oaks County Park; and WHEREAS, the matching funds for the Addison Oaks Property Acquisition Grant will come from the I/4 mil for parks. WHEREAS, Oakland County Parks and Recreation's master plan strategy 1.2.1 states "Acquire, improve and maintain quality parks land that support the community's values for the preservation of natural areas and open spaces, equity of access, and the natural heritage of Oakland County." NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission supports the acceptance of the TF07-031 Addison Oaks Property Acquisition Grant Agreement. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission recommends that upon the approval of the Grant Agreement by Oakland County Corporation Council, said agreement will be forwarded to the Oakland County Board of Commissioners for consideration and approval. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission has included the Grant Revenue and Project Expenses for said project in the budget for fiscal year 2009; thereby eliminating the need for a budget amendment. AYES: Colaianne, Jamian, Lewis, Palmer, Skarritt, Taub, VanderVeen (7) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. 4-4 (Commission Meeting, November 12, 2008) ADDISON OAKS TRAIL CONNECTOR DEVELOPMENT GRANT: Moved by Mr. Jamian, supported by Mrs. Taub to adopt the following resolution in support of the acceptance of the Addison Oaks Trail Connector Development Grant Agreement: WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission has been notified of the award of the TF07- 030 Addison Oaks Trail Connector Development Grant, administered by the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund Board and the Michigan Department of Natural Resources; and WHEREAS, the Two Hundred Twenty -Eight Thousand Eight Hundred dollar ($228,800.00) grant will help offset the cost of developing this project, which will substantially increase the recreational opportunities offered at Addison Oaks County Park; and WHEREAS, Oakland County Parks and Recreation's master plan strategy 1.2.2 states "Develop and maintain year round recreation facilities that support passive and active recreation pursuits for people of all ages;" and WHEREAS, the matching fiinds for the Addison Oaks Trail Connector Development Grant will come from the 1/4 mil for parks. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission supports the acceptance of the - 030 Addison Oaks Trail Connector Development Grant. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission recommends that upon the approval of the Grant Agreement by Oakland County Corporation Counsel, said agreement will be forwarded to the Oakland County Board of Commissioners for consideration and approval. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission has included the grant revenue and project expenses for said project in the budget for fiscal year 2009; thereby eliminating the need for a budget amendment. AYES: Colaianne, Jamian, Lewis, Palmer, Skarritt, Taub, VanderVeen (7) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. 4-5 (Commission Meeting, November 12, 2008) WATERFORD OAKS 2008 PARKING LOT IMPROVEMENTS-DTE EASEMENT: Moved by Mrs. Taub, supported by Mr. Palmer to adopt the following resolution in support of the acceptance of the Waterford Oaks 2008 Parking Lot Improvements-DTE Easement: WHEREAS, the County of Oakland is the owner of Waterford Oaks County Park located in Waterford Township; and WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation staff is beginning parking lot improvements for the administration complex, located at Waterford Oaks County Park, improving parking and water quality of existing storm water; and WHEREAS, Oakland County Parks and Recreation's master plan strategy 4.1.3 encourages the development of new and alternative funding opportunities for park improvement and maintenance projects, including grants; and WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission has received a Clean Michigan Initiative Grant for the proposed water quality improvements; and WHEREAS, protection of the natural resources of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation land is part of the natural resource management guidelines established in the strategic master plan; and WHEREAS, the water quality improvements require the removal and relocation of the existing primary overhead utility lines and poles; and WHEREAS, Oakland County Parks and Recreation park standards require all utility lines within the county parks be buried; and WHEREAS, the Detroit Edison Company requires a 10' wide easement for the primary electrical utility service. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission hereby requests the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorize and approve the granting of an easement for underground primary electric service and related appurtenances to the Detroit Edison Company for the sum of one dollar, contingent upon the approval of said easement by Oakland County Corporation Counsel. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission hereby requests the Oakland County Board of Commissioners direct its Chairperson or designee to execute said easement for underground electric service and related appurtenances. 4-6 (Commission Meeting, November 12, 2008) AYES: Colaianne, Jamian, Lewis, Palmer, Skarritt, Taub, VanderVeen (7) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. ELLIS BARN ELECTRICAL IMPROVEMENTS: At its August meeting, the Commission approved a contract to Oak Electric, Inc. in the amount of $46,835, plus a 5% contingency of $2,342. Upon installation of the electrical, staff approved change orders of $2,865 for additional fixtures and alarm wiring. These change orders, required to meet code requirements, resulted in the contingency exceeding the approved amount by $523.00. Moved by Mrs. Taub, supported by Mr. Jamian to approve the amendment to the contract with Oak Electric, Inc. for the installation of additional electrical fixtures at the Ellis Barn at Springfield Oaks in the amount of $523.00. AYES: Colaianne, Jamian, Lewis, Palmer, Skarritt, Taub, VanderVeen (7) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. 2009 APPRECIATION DAYS: Moved by Mr. Colaianne, supported by Mrs. Taub to approve the proposed 2009 Appreciation Days including the fee reductions/waivers as recommended by staff. AYES: Colaianne, Jamian, Lewis, Palmer, Skarritt, Taub, VanderVeen (7) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. SPRINGFIELD OAKS PROPERTY MANAGEMENT TRANSITION REPORT: Oakland County Parks and Recreation staff resumed management of the Springfield Oaks County Park on November 5, 2008. Staff has been meeting regularly with the Oakland County 4-H Fair Association staff to create a smooth transition. A proposed rental agreement has been drafted by staff for facility rentals and is currently being reviewed by Corporation Counsel. 4-7 (Commission Meeting, November 12, 2008) SPRINGFIELD OAKS 4-H FAIR ASSOCIATION RESOLUTION ON INTENT: Moved by Mr. Jamian, supported by Mrs. Taub to adopt the following resolution acknowledging intent to provide use of Springfield Oaks County Park to the Oakland County 4-H Fair Association: WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission acknowledges a ten-year intent to provide the Oakland County 4-H Fair Association with exclusive use of Springfield Oaks County Park for a mutually agreed upon timeframe to host the Oakland County Fair; and WHEREAS, the Oakland County Fair meets the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission's Strategic Plan objectives in the areas of Partnerships, Special Events, and Youth Programming and supports the Michigan State University Extension (MSUE) and the Oakland County 4-H Fair Association's mission of help(ing) people improve their lives through an educational process that applies knowledge to critical issues, needs and opportunities; and WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission, upon entering into this partnership will fulfill the strategic plan objectives identified above by coordinating this annual county -wide special event with the Oakland County 4-H Fair Association, a recognized leader in the field of youth development. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission acknowledges a ten-year intent to provide the Oakland County 4-H Fair Association use of Springfield Oaks County Park for a mutually agreed upon timeframe to host the Oakland County Fair. AYES: Colaianne, Jamian, Lewis, Palmer, Skarritt, Taub, VanderVeen (7) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. TOLLIVER ACQUISITION ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT PHASE II STATUS: Staff is still waiting for assessment results; therefore, this item was carried over until the December 10 commission meeting. EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S REPORT: The Executive Officer's report was accepted as filed. UK (Commission Meeting, November 12, 2008) CLOSED SESSION: Moved by Mr. VanderVeen, supported by Mr. Jamian to adjourn to Closed Session for the purpose of discussing proposed land acquisitions. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Colaianne, Jamian, Lewis, Palmer, Skarritt, Taub, VanderVeen (7) NAYS: (0) A sufficient majority having voted, the motion carried. The Chair declared the meeting closed at 10:57 a.m. The meeting resumed in open session at 11:42 a.m. PROPERTY ACQUISITION: Moved by Mr. VanderVeen, supported by Mr. Palmer to authorize staff to proceed according to the discussion in the Closed Session. AYES: Colaianne, Jamian, Lewis, Palmer, Skarritt, Taub, VanderVeen (7) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. OLD BUSINESS: There was no old business. NEW BUSINESS: There was no new business. Meeting adjourned at 11:43 a.m. The next meeting is scheduled for 9 a.m. on Wednesday, December 10, 2008. J. David VanderVeen, Secretary Suzanne L. Kici, Recording Secretary 4-9 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION PAYMENT APPROVAL SUMMARY FOR MEETING OF: December 10, 2008 *INTERNAL SERVICE & DEPARTMENT FUNDS PAYMENT REGISTER: October (FM1, 2009) *PAYMENT REGISTER: Voucher Report Period, October (FM 1, 2009) TOTAL *BACKUP INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW. $718,759.57 760,431.25 $1,479,190.82 5-1 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION COMBINED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS FM 1 FY 2009 (FOR MONTH ENDING 10131/08) 2009 YEAR TO (OVER), % OF REVENUE BUDGET DATE UNDER BUDGET BUDGET ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES: Millage Tax $15,031,000.00 $6,792.34 $15,024,207. 66 0.0% Other 309,300.00 82,833.21 226,466.79 26.8% GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE 1,083,600.00 36,114.45 1,047,485.55 3.3% LYON OAKS GOLF COURSE 1,234,500.00 67,922.28 1,166,577.72 5.5% RED OAKS GOLF COURSE 55,960.00 18,141.87 37,818.13 32A% SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE 811,260.00 32,232.39 779,027.61 4.0% WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE 923,250.00 30,917.40 892,332.60 3.3% INDEPENDENCE OAKS NATURE CENTER 42,400.00 2,339.98 40,060.02 5.5% ADDISON OAKS 418,890.00 52,729.42 366,160.58 12.6% ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 135,000.00 0.00 135,000.00 0.0% GROVELAND OAKS 697,400.00 745.71 696,654.29 0.1% HIGHLAND OAKS 1,700,00 0.00 1,700.00 0.0% INDEPENDENCE OAKS 328,100.00 14,239.77 313,860.23 4.3% LYON OAKS 70,000.00 6,536.00 63,464.00 9.3% ORION OAKS 106,000.00 4,971.38 101,028.62 4.7% ROSE OAKS 1,700.00 0.00 1,700.00 0.0% SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER/PARK 17,100.00 371.00 16,729.00 2.2% WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER/PARK 42,744.00 8,419.52 34,324.48 19.7% RECREATION PROGRAMS & SERVICES 27,400.00 1,320.00 26,080.00 4.8% CATALPA OAKS 6,000.00 0.00 6,000.00 0.0% MOBILE RECREATION & SPECIAL EVENTS 349,150.00 20,800.00 328,350.00 6.0% RED OAKS WATERPARK 839,500.00 0.00 839,500.00 0.0% WATERFORD OAKS BMX COMPLEX 17,500.00 0.00 17,500.00 0.0% WATERFORD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 121,400.00 575.00 120,825.00 0.5% WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK 815,600.00 0.00 815,600.00 0.0% TOTAL REVENUE $23,486,454.00 $388,001.72 23,098,452.28 1.7% OPERATING EXPENSES ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES $4,090,623.00 $204,564.57 $3,886,058.43 5.0% GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE 1,279,553.00 81,773.82 1,197,779.18 6.4% LYON OAKS GOLF COURSE 2,150,608.00 178,280.73 1,972,327.27 8.3% RED OAKS GOLF COURSE 666,297.00 56,595.22 609,701.78 8.5% SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE 926,676.00 70,816.98 855,859.02 7.6% WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE 1,102,983.00 76,311.12 1,026,671.88 6.9% INDEPENDENCE OAKS NATURE CENTER 498,761.00 30,941.50 467,819.50 6.2% ADDISON OAKS 1,559,540.00 88,272.62 1,471,267.38 5.7% ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 328,193.00 7,090.32 321,102.68 2.2% GROVELAND OAKS 1,774,782.00 49,732.94 1,725,049.06 2.8% HIGHLAND OAKS 71,912.00 773.94 71,138.06 1.1% INDEPENDENCE OAKS 1,335,756.00 66,084.13 1,269,671.87 4.9% LYON OAKS 428,835.00 22,635.42 406,199.58 5.3% ORION OAKS 168,409.00 9,636.44 158,772.56 5.7% ROSE OAKS 55,711.00 839.86 54,871.14 1.5% SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER/PARK 382,140.00 14,546.73 367,593.27 3.8% WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER/PARK 615,393.00 32,675.01 582,717.99 5.3% RECREATION PROGRAMS & SERVICES 658,379.00 50,772.97 607,606.03 7.7% CATALPA OAKS 68,960.00 741.89 68,218.11 1.1 % MOBILE RECREATION & SPECIAL EVENTS 701,181.00 37,979.76 663,201.24 5A% RED OAKS WATERPARK 1,661,609.00 71,770.37 1,589,838.63 4.3% WATERFORD OAKS BMX COMPLEX 46,697.00 1,991.32 44,705.68 4.3% WATERFORD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 348,241.00 13,660.27 334,580.73 3.9% WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK 1,219,734.00 32,254.80 1,187,479.20 2.6% FACILITIES & MAINTENANCE 1,517,954.00 93,412.09 1,424,541.91 6.2% CONTINGENCYIINTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES* 900,000.00 102,064.22 797,935.78 N/A $24,558,927.00 $1,396,219.04 23,162,707.96 5.7% REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENSES ($1,072,473.00) ($1,008,217.32) ($64,255.68) 2009 2008 ACTUAL REVENUE TO DATE: 1.7% 1.7% BUDGET BALANCE: 98.3% gg 3% ACTUAL EXPENSE TO DATE: 5.7% 5.9% BUDGET BALANCE: 94.3% 94.1% *CONTINGENCY YTD FIGURE: INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS PAYMENTS IN TRANSIT. (Page 1 of 3) 6-1 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION COMBINED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS FM 1, FY 2009 (FOR MONTH ENDING 10/31/08) CONTINGENCY: BUDGET AMENDMENTS CONTINGENCY: PENDING OTHER: BUDGET AMENDMENTS OTHER: PENDING (Page 2 of 3) 6-2 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION COMBINED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS REVENUE AND EXPENSE COMPARISON FM 1, FY 2009 (FOR MONTH ENDING 10/31/08) YEAR TO DATE PARK REVENUE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES SUB -TOTAL GOLF: GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE LYON OAKS GOLF COURSE RED OAKS GOLF COURSE SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE GOLF SUB -TOTAL NATURE: INDEPENDENCE OAKS NATURE CENTER NATURE SUB -TOTAL PARKS: ADDISON OAKS ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER GROVELAND OAKS HIGHLAND OAKS INDEPENDENCE OAKS LYON OAKS ORION OAKS ROSE OAKS SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER/PARK WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER/PARK PARKS SUB -TOTAL YEAR TO DATE EXPENSE REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXP. $89,625.55 $204,564.57 ($114,939.02) $89,625.55 $204,564.57 ($114,939.02) 36,114.45 81,773.82 (45,659.37) 67,922.28 178,280.73 (110,358.45) 18,141.87 56,595.22 (38,453.35) 32,232.39 70,816.98 (38,584,59) 30,917.40 76,311.12 (45,393.72) 185,328.39 463,777.87 (278,449.48) 2,339.98 30,941.50 (28,601.52) 2,339.98 30,941.50 (28,601.52) 52,729.42 0.00 745.71 0.00 14,239.77 6,536.00 4,971.38 0.00 371.00 8,419.52 88,012.80 88,272.62 7,090.32 49,732.94 773.94 66,084.13 22,635.42 9,636.44 839.86 14,546.73 32,675.01 292,287.41 (35,543.20) (7,090.32) (48,987.23) (773.94) (51,844.36) (16,099.42) (4,665.06) (839.86) (14,175.73) (24,255.49) (204,274.61) RECREATION: RECREATION PROGRAMS & SERVICES 1,320.00 50,772.97 (49,452.97) CATALPA OAKS 0.00 741.89 (741.89) _..._ MOBILE RECREATION & SPECIAL EVENTS 20,800.00 37,979.76 (17,179.76) RED OAKS WATERPARK 0.00 71,770.37 (71,770.37) WATERFORD OAKS BMX COMPLEX 0.00 1,991.32 (1,991.32) WATERFORD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 575.00 13,660.27 (13,085.27) WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK 0.00 32,254.80 (32,254.80) RECREATION SUB -TOTAL 22,695.00 209,171.38 (186,476.38) FACILITIES & MAINTENANCE: FACILITIES & MAINTENANCE 0.00 93,412.09 (93,412.09) FACILITIES & MAINTENANCE SUB -TOTAL 0.00 93,412.09 (93,412.09) CONTINGENCY/INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES` 0.00 102,064.22 (102,064.22) TOTAL $388,001.72 $1,396,219.04 ($1,008,217.32) 'CONTINGENCY YTD FIGURE: INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS PAYMENTS IN TRANSIT. (Page 3 of 3) 6-3 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Capital Improvement Program (C.I.P.) Budget Report FM 13, FY2008 As of 9/30/08 Summary Total for All Parks/Facilities Contract(s) Estimated 2007 2008 Net New Estimated Amount Contract(s) Awd., Pre & Enc. Project Park/Facility Project Cost Adiustment Adjustment Adjustment Proiect Cost Paid Retainer Balance ** Balance Future Acquisition & Imp. 8,056,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8,056,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8,056,000.00 Addison Oaks (A) 2,440,000.00 0.00 (456,582.70) (456,582.70) 1,983,417.30 (43,436.10) 0.00 0.00 1,939,981.20 Catalpa Oaks 195,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 195,000.00 (9,992.50) 0.00 0.00 185,007.50 Glen Oaks 235,000.00 0.00 (113,310.37) (113,310.37) 121,689.63 (121,689.63) 0.00 0.00 0.00 Groveland Oaks 185,000.00 0.00 (125,000.00) (125,000.00) 60,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 60,000.00 Highland Oaks 138,150.00 0.00 16,901.93 16,901.93 155,051.93 (155,051.93) 0.00 0.00 (0.00) Independence Oaks (B) 4,929,480.00 0.00 (120,408.17) (120,408.17) 4,809,071.83 (325,922.83) 0.00 0.00 4,483,149.00 Lyon Oaks (C) 316,000.00 0.00 1,009.00 1,009.00 317,009.00 (70,629.97) 0.00 0.00 246,379.03 Orion Oaks 80,000.00 0.00 (25,000.00) (25,000.00) 55,000.00 (6,714.71) 0.00 0.00 48,285.29 Red Oaks 650,000.00 0.00 (144,000.00) (144,000.00) 506,000.00 (255,777.50) 0.00 0.00 250,222.50 Rose Oaks 50,000.00 0.00 183,256.00 183,256.00 233,256.00 (193,756.00) 0.00 0.00 39,500.00 Springfield Oaks (D) 1,373,000.00 0.00 (111,814.49) (111,814.49) 1,261,185.51 (167,587.78) 0.00 0.00 1,093,597.73 Waterford Oaks (E) 1,614,000.00 0.00 1,361,226.00 1,361,226.00 2,975,226.00 (268,537.92) 0.00 0.00 2,706,688.08 White Lake Oaks 150,000.00 0.00 (1,553.75) (1,553.75) 148,446.25 (148,446.25) 0.00 0.00 0.00 Contingency 1,925,981.09 0.00 (464,723.45) (464,723.45) 1,461,257.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,461,257.64 Capital Improvement Projects Grand Total $22,337,611.09 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $22,337,611.09 ($1,767,543.12) $0.00 $0.00 $20,570,067.97 (A) State Grant $844,800 (B) State Grant $2,119,000 (C) State Grant $53,500 (D) O.C. Fair Board Donations $15,000 and $26,250 = $41,250 total State Grant $99,500 (E) State Grants $440,000 Grand Total of (possible) grants and donations included in Estimated Project Cost = $3,598,050 Dollar Column Explanation: Estimated Proiect Cost is the sum of the current year's Budget columns "Project Cost Estimate" figure, the "Adjusted to Project Cost" figure, and the "Proposed New Projects" figure for the projects still open (any "Project Balance" funds for projects closed to fixed assets at the end of the prior fiscal year have been added to the contingency). 2007Adiustment is the net of any adjustments made from/to contingency and individual projects in June - September of the prior fiscal year (the current fiscal year's perpetual budget started with figures as of 5131). 2008 Adiustment is the net of any adjustments made from/to contingency and individual projects during the current fiscal year. Net Adiustment is the sum of "2007 Adjustment" and "2008 Adjustment" figures. New Estimated Project Cost is the sum of "Estimated Project Cost", "2007 Adjustment" and "2008 Adjustment" (or "Net Adjustment") figures. Amount Paid is the cost of the project expensed as of the report date. This amount includes the "Contract(s) Retainer" dollars. Contract(s) Retainer is the amount of retainage withheld from a contract payment and may be in an interest bearing account set-up via the O.C. Treasurer's office. The amount is not part of the "Project Balance" calculation because it is already included in the "Amount Paid" figure. Contract(s) Awd.. Pre & Enc. Balance is the sum of the Pre -encumbered and Encumbered dollars for the contracts that have been awarded and for outstanding Requisitions and Purchase Orders. Project Balance is the amount of available dollars remaining on a project that have not been paid or encumbered. ** Pre -Encumbered & Encumbered charges are N/A at this time, figures are based on large contracts. ACTIVITY REPORT � AKLAND OCTOBER, 2008 (FM 01, FY2009) DAY PARKS * Not included in program totals - only in combined totals. PARTICIPANTS (MONTH) PARTICIPANTS (YTD) In-house events are counted in facility totals. I FM01,FY08 FMO1,FY091 FY2008 FY2009 ADDISON OAKS PARK Campers 6,968 6,292 6,968 6,292 Day Use 2,801 2,262 2,801 2,262 Day Campers 0 0 0 0 *ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 3,832 3,667 3,8321 3,667 CATALPA OAKS PARK Day Use 8,654 0 8,654 GROVELAND OAKS Campers 0 0 1 01 0 Day Use 0 0 0 0 Day Campers 0 0 0 0 HIGHLAND OAKS PARK Day Use 360 1 426 360 1 426 INDEPENDENCE OAKS PARK Day Use 15,625 22,684 15,625 22,684 Day Campers 200 0 200 0 Overnight Youth Group Campers 410 0 410 0 LYON OAKS PARK Day Use 1,323 1,314 1,323 1,314 Dog Park 5,293 5,257 5,293 5,257 ORION OAKS PARK Day Use 1,323 3,906 1,323 3,906 Dog Park 5,293 2,370 5,293 2,370 ROSE OAKS PARK Day Use 296 471 296 471 SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER Day Use 681 7001 6811 700 4-H Fair 0 0 0 0 *Banquet Facilities/Meetings/Special Events 5,518 5,991 5,5181 5991 WATERFORD OAKS Activity Center - non banquet 850 6401 8501 640 *Banquet Facilities - Activity Center 100 410 1001 410 Day Use 966 1,1081 9661 1,108 TOTAL CAMPERS 6,968 6,292 6,968 6,292 TOTAL DAY USE 23,375 41,525 23,375 41,525 TOTAL DAY CAMPERS 200 0 200 0 TOTAL OVERNIGHT YOUTH GROUP CAMPERS 410 0 410 0 TOTAL DOG PARK 10,586 7,627 10,586 7,627 TOTAL 4-H FAIR 0 0 0 0 TOTAL ACTIVITY CENTER -NON BANQUET 850 640 850 640 08-09 ACTIVITY REPORT.xls,OCT08 ACTIVITY REPORT r.:-!-11AKLAND OCTOBER, 2008 (FM 01, FY2009) * Not included in program totals - only in combined totals. PARTICIPANTS (MONTH) PARTICIPANTS (YTD) In-house events are counted in facility totals. FM01,FY08 FM01,FY09 FY2008 FY2009 GLEN OAKS Rounds Played - 9 Holes 1,514 1,199 1,514 1,199 Rounds Played - 18 Holes 746 629 746 629 *Banquet Facilities 3,392 2,876 3,392 2,876 **Grill Room (**Not included in totals) 633 569 633 569 LYON OAKS Rounds Played - 9 Holes 235 157 235 157 Rounds Played - 18 Holes 1,712 1,511 1,712 1,511 Driving range 821 744 821 744 *Banquet Facilities 1,779 2,011 1,779 2,011 **Grill Room (**Not included in totals) 1,516 2,466 1,516 2,466 RED OAKS Rounds Played - 9 Holes 1,601 1,112 1,601 1,112 SPRINGFIELD OAKS Rounds Played - 9 Holes 1,061 536 1,061 536 Rounds Played - 18 Holes 1,673 1,321 1,673 1,321 **Grill Room (**Not included in totals) 1,104 884 1,104 884 WHITE LAKE OAKS Rounds Played - 9 Holes 996 1,079 996 1,079 Rounds Played - 18 Holes 693 534 693 534 *Banquet Facilities 902 1,515 902 1,515 **Grill Room (**Not included in totals) 952 780 952 780 TOTAL ROUNDS PLAYED - 9 HOLES 5,407 4,083 5,407 4,083 TOTAL ROUNDS PLAYED - 18 HOLES 4,824 3,995 4,824 3,995 TOTAL DRIVING RANGE 821 744 821 744 08-09 ACTIVITY REPORT.xIs,OCT08 2 of 4 ACTIVITY REPORT � AKLAND OCTOBER, 2008 (FM 01, FY2009) W®® �RECREATION FACILITIES AND SPECIAL Not included in program totals - only in combined totals. PARTICIPANTS (MONTH) PARTICIPANTS (YTD) In-house events are counted in facility totals. FM01,FY08 FM09,FY09 FY2008 FY2009 MOBILE RECREATION Bleachers 1 3 1 3 Air Bouncer* 4,215 2,905 4,215 2,905 Bus 1,530 1,350 1,530 1,350 Climbing Tower 700 1,100 700 1,100 Dunk Tank (Being Removed 1/1/09) 0 0 0 0 Special Events Trailer 0 0 0 0 Puppet 0 340 0 340 Show Mobile 14 10 14 10 Adventure Sport Mobile 40 160 40 160 Tents (Being removed 1/1/09) 18 11 18 11 Camps 0 0 0 0 Special Event Trailer 410 0 410 0 WATERFORD OAKS BMX 0 0 0 0 WATERFORD OAKS COURT GAMES COMPLEX 0 204 0 204 WATERFORD OAKS FRIDGE 0 0 0 0 WATERFORD OAKS LOOKOUT LODGE 225 465 225 465 WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK 0 0 0 0 RED OAKS WATERPARK 0 0 0 0 THERAPEUTIC EVENTS 76 709 76 709 SENIOR EVENTS 144 0 144 0 TOTAL MOBILE RECREATION VISITS 1 6,928 5,879 1 6,928 5,879 TOTAL FACILITIES AND SPECIAL EVENTS 1445 1,378 1 445 1 1,378 08-09 ACTIVITY REPORT.xls,OCT08 3 of 4 ACTIVITY REPORT OCTOBER, 2008 (FM 01, FY2009) In-house events are counted in facility totals. ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM - INDEPENDENCE OAKS Nature Center Outreach Visits **Trail Usage (**Not included in totals) ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM - LYON OAKS Nature Center Outreach Visits **Trail Usage (**Not included in totals) TOTAL NATURE CENTERS TOTAL OUTREACH VISITS DAY USE PARKS GOLF COURSES RECREATION, FACILITIES AND SPECIAL EVENTS NATURE INTERPRETIVE SERVICES BANQUET FACILITIES GRAND TOTALS !11W PARTICIPANTS (MONTH) FM09,FY08 FM01,FY09 2,374 1,771 695 1,350 7,495 9,027 356 363 37 172 1,230 1,224 2,730 2,134 732 1,522 PARTICIPANTS (MONTH) FM01,FY08 FM09,FY09 42,389 56,084 11,052 8,822 7,373 7,257 3,462 3,656 15,523 16,470 79,799 92,289 PARTICIPANTS (YTD) FY20081 FY2009 2,374 1,771 695 1,350 7,495 9,027 356 363 37 172 1,230 1,224 2,730 2,134 732 1,522 PARTICIPANTS (YTD) FY2008 FY2009 42,389 56,084 11,052 8,822 7,373 7,257 3,462 3,656 15,523 16,470 79,799 92,289 Therapeutic/Senior Event Breakdown TR: Adult Bball-44; Jr Bball-164; Boys & Girls-62; Halloween-150; Halloween South-102; Ferndale-46 PPK-16; Royal Oak-47; Color Tours 78 *Air Bounce includes: Inflatable Obstacle Course, Festival Packages 1 & 2, Mini Package REVISED 10/6/04 Note: Deleted Grill Room numbers from Combined Totals. 08-09 ACTIVITY REPORT.xls,OCT08 4 of 4 08-09 ACTIVITY REPORT NOVEMBER, 2008 (FM02, FY2009) * Not included in program totals - only in combined totals. In-house events are counted in facility totals. ADDISON OAKS PARK Campers Day Use Day Campers *ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER CATALPA OAKS PARK Day Use GROVELAND OAKS PARK Campers Day Use Day Campers HIGHLAND OAKS PARK Day Use INDEPENDENCE OAKS Day Use Day Campers Overnight Youth Group Campers LYON OAKS Day Use Dog Park ORION OAKS PARK Day Use Dog Park ROSE OAKS Day Use SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER Day Use/Grounds 4-H Fair *Banquet Facilities WATERFORD OAKS Activity Center - non banquet *Banquet Facilities - Activity Center Day Use TOTAL CAMPERS TOTAL DAY USE TOTAL DAY CAMPERS TOTAL OVERNIGHT YOUTH GROUP CAMPERS TOTAL DOG PARK TOTAL 4-H FAIR TOTAL ACTIVITY CENTER -NON BANQUET 6,CTIVITY REPORT.As. NOV08 PARTICIPANTS (MONTH) FMO2, FY08 FM02, FYO 0 1,068 0 3,893 3,75 300 2,11 0 0 0 300 27 11,732 5,38 63 346 989 93 5,606 5,31 2,125 1,35 4,552 5,57 629 471 474 150 0 0 2,187 1,351 554 481 250 210 616 838 0 0 18,233 11,52 63 0 346 9 10,158 10,888 0 0 554 481 IKLAND ® ► ':: PARTICIPANTS (YTD) 9 FY200 FFY2009 0 6,968 6,292 0 3,869 2,262 0 0 0 6 7,725 7,423 0 300 10,764 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 660 704 7 27,357 28,071 0 263 0 9 756 9 8 2,312 2,252 7 10,899 10,574 0 3,448 5,256 1 9,845 7,941 925 942 1,155 850 0 0 7,705 7,342 1,404 1,121 350 620 1,582 1,946 6,968 6,292 2 41,608 53,047 263 0 756 9 20,744 18,515 0 0 1,404 1,121 ACTIVITY REPORT NOVEMBER, 2008 (FM02, FY2009) * Not included in program totals - only in combined totals. In-house events are counted in facility totals. GLEN OAKS Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played - 18 Holes *Banquet Facilities **Grill Room (**Not included in totals) LYON OAKS Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played - 18 Holes Driving range *Banquet Facilities **Grill Room (**Not included in totals) RED OAKS Rounds Played - 9 Holes SPRINGFIELD OAKS Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played - 18 Holes **Grill Room (**Not included in totals) WHITE LAKE OAKS Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played - 18 Holes *Banquet Facilities **Grill Room (**Not included in totals) TOTAL ROUNDS PLAYED - 9 HOLES TOTAL ROUNDS PLAYED -18 HOLES TOTAL DRIVING RANGE PARTICIPANTS (MONTH) FM02, FY08 FM02, FYO 373 47 174 23 5,135 5,78 0 10 44 12 365 28 98 8 2,488 1,96 0 11 278 411 376 241 551 33 31 14 199 31 162 24 2,190 1,45 0 22 1,270 1,566 1,252 1,08 98 8 IKLAND 4 1 6 6 2 8 2 7 7 0 5 8 0 4 5 6 9 2 • , .,. PARTICIPANTS (YTD) 9 FY2008 FY2009 1,887 1,673 920 860 8,527 8,662 633 675 279 279 2,077 1,799 919 826 4,267 3,978 1,516 2,583 1,879 1,523 1,437 777 2,224 1,651 1,135 1,029 1,195 1,397 855 774 3,092 2,969 952 1,005 6,677 5,649 6,076 5,084 919 826 08-09 ACTIVITY REPORT.As, NOV08 2 of 4 ACTIVITY REPORT C,:7,A -KLANNOVEMBER, 2008 (FM02, FY2009) ! RECREATION-, Not included in program totals - only in combined totals. PARTICIPANTS (MONTH) PARTICIPANTS (YTD) In-house events are counted in facility totals. FM02,FY08 FM02,FY09 FY2008 FY2009 MOBILE RECREATION Bleachers 0 0 1 3 Bouncers 0 300 4,215 3,205 Bus 855 720 2,385 2,070 Climbing Wall/Tower 0 0 700 1,100 Dunk Tank 0 0 0 0 Inline Skate Mobile/Hockey Mobile 0 0 0 0 Puppet 0 0 0 340 Show Mobile 6 4 20 14 Adventure Sport Mobile 0 200 40 360 Tents 0 0 18 11 Camps 0 0 0 0 Special Event Trailer 0 0 410 0 WATERFORD OAKS BMX 0 0 0 •0 WATERFORD OAKS COURT GAMES COMPLEX 33 204 33 408 WATERFORD OAKS FRIDGE 0 0 0 0 WATERFORD OAKS LOOKOUT LODGE 135 210 360 675 WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK 0 0 0 0 RED OAKS WATERPARK 0 0 0 0 THERAPEUTIC EVENTS 357 391 433 1,100 SENIOR EVENTS 0 0 144 0 TOTAL MOBILE RECREATION VISITS 861 1 1,224 1 7,789 1 7,103 TOTAL FACILITIES AND SPECIAL EVENTS 525 1 805 9701 2,183 08-09 ACTIVITY REPORT.As, NOV08 3 of 4 (ACTIVITY REPORT -�gKLAND NOVEMBER, 2008 (FM02, FY2009) � � 0 1 M119.1110W PARTICIPANTS (MONTH) PARTICIPANTS (YTD) In-house events are counted in facility totals. �FMO2,FY081 FM02,FY09 FY20087 FY2009 ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM - INDEPENDENCE OAKS Nature Center 1,560 11104 3,934 2,875 Outreach Visits 203 273 898 1,623 **Trail Usage (**Not included in totals) 5,417 7,379 12,912 16,406 ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM - LYON OAKS Nature Center 127 246 483 609 Outreach Visits 0 0 37 172 **Trail Usage (**Not included in totals) 1,186 1,147 2,416 2,371 TOTAL NATURE CENTERS 1 1,687 1 1,350 4,417 3,484 TOTAL OUTREACH VISITS 1 203 1 , 273 935 1,795 PARTICIPANTS (MONTH) PARTICIPANTS (YTD) FM02,FY08 FM02,FY09 FY2008 FY2009 DAY USE PARKS 29,354 22,900 71,743 78,984 GOLF COURSES 2,620 2,737 13,672 11,559 RECREATION, FACILITIES AND SPECIAL EVENTS 1,386 2,029 8,759 9,286 NATURE INTERPRETIVE SERVICES 1,890 1,623 5,352 5,279 BANQUET FACILITIES 16,143 14,524 31,666 30,994 GRAND TOTALS 51,393 43,813 1 131,192 136,102 Therapeutic/Senior Event Breakdown TR: Royal Oak-56; Bball--33; Jr Bball-138; Boys&Girls-6647; TGIF-47; Ferndale-251; Goal Bal125 *Air Bounce includes: Inflatable Obstacle Course, Festival Packages 1 & 2, Mini Package REVISED 10/6/04 Note: Deleted Grill Room numbers from Combined Totals. +_ 08-09 ACTIVITY REPORT.As, NOV08 4 of 4 ITEM #9 PRESENTATIONS In recognition of the commission's stewardship involvement within north Oakland County, Katie Anderson, Executive Director of the North Oakland Headwaters Land Conservancy, will make a presentation. In addition, the Outdoor Recreation Program of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission — Recreational Programs and Services section won two awards at the Michigan Recreation and Park Association Programming Our World Conference. Receiving awards were the T.O.G.A. (Teens Outside Great Adventure) program as "Best Teen Program" and Great Oakland County Campouts won "Best Family Program." Derenda Howard, Recreation Program Supervisor, will present these awards. 9-1 ITEM #10 OAKLAND COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES CONTRACT The contract for law enforcement services with the Oakland County Sheriff's Office is up for renewal. This is a one-year contract for services provided for Park Patrol. Business Manager Dale Cunningham, from the Oakland County Sheriffs Office, will be available for any questions. The amount expended in 2008 was $606,165. Staff is requesting approval to renew the contract for 2009. 10-1 SHE"RIFF' IFF' CONTRACT Par 4Dep2009.dcw_ OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION CONTRACT FOR SHERIFF LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES 2009 This OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION CONTRACT FOR SHERIFF LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES (hereafter the "CONTRACT") is made and entered into between the Oakland County Sheriff's Office (hereafter the "SHERIFF") and the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission (hereafter the "COMMISSION"). 1. The Sheriff agrees to provide professional Law Enforcement Services in those County - owned parks under the control and supervision of COMMISSION. Law Enforcement Services, for all purposes under this CONTRACT, shall mean the enforcement of state statutes, County ordinances, and valid COMMISSION rules for the protection of persons and property, including the writing of tickets. To perform all of the Law Enforcement Services contemplated under this CONTRACT, the SHERIFF agrees to assign SHERIFF's Deputies in the Numbers and Ranks described below and supply all necessary equipment, communication devices, and other tools and supplies required by any SHERIFF's Deputy in order to perform such Law Enforcement Services. 2. The COMMISSION agrees to reimburse and pay the SHERIFF (via journal entry or check payable to: "County of Oakland") for the Law Enforcement Services of the One (1) Sergeant and Two (2) Deputy I's at the applicable Monthly Rate, shown in the Table below, for each month or pro- rated portion of any month provided under this CONTRACT. For the each of the ten (10) Park Deputies and each of the twenty-five (25) Mounted Deputies Law Enforcement Services, the COMMISSION agrees to reimburse and pay the SHERIFF, as above, for each Hour of each Park Deputies and Mounted Deputies Law Enforcement Services provided under this CONTRACT at the Hourly Rates shown below. For any Sheriffs Deputy Law Enforcement Services beyond the normal work day or work week, where any such Services were provided or paid for by the SHERIFF on an overtime basis, the COMMISSION agrees to pay the SHERIFF, as above, at the applicable hourly Overtime Rate(s) for each Rank(s) shown below. Rates for Services in Calendar Year 2009 Monthly Rate for each Sergeant and Deputy I's $26,483.00 Hourly Rate for each PTNE Deputy II $18.95 Hourly Rate for each PTNE Deputy 1 $16.57 Hourly Rate for each PTNE Mounted Deputy $16.57 Hourly Overtime Rate(s) Sergeant $71.48 Deputy 1 $47.44 PTNE Deputy II $28.42 C}A£4t.AND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION CCU€>:'INAISSION CONTRACT FOP SHERIFF F" LAW ENIFORC;EME E1 SIET"WIC,# S 2009 .0-2 age - 1 of, 3 PTNE Deputy 1 $24.85 Mounted Deputy $24.85 3. The assignment of any and all Deputies, the hours of work, the control and supervision of all the Deputies, the standards of performance, the discipline of any and all Deputies, and all other matters incident to the performance of any Law Enforcement Services by any SHERIFF's Deputy in any County park under this CONTRACT shall, at all times, remain with the SHERIFF. The standards of performance of Deputies assigned to County parks, however, shall not be lower than that furnished other jurisdictions in Oakland County. 4. Any Law Enforcement Services beyond the scope of this CONTRACT may be made available upon request to the SHERIFF. Any additional Law Enforcement Services are to be paid at the Overtime Rates shown above or, if performed by a Park Deputy on a non -overtime basis, then at the Regular Hourly Rate shown above. 5. If, for any reason, the COMMISSION determines that the above Number of SHERIFF's Deputy Law Enforcement Services are not required for any particular scheduled shift or day, it shall communicate its request for a reduction in services to the SHERIFF who shall adjust Deputy schedules accordingly. The COMMISSION shall, nevertheless, be liable to reimburse the County for any costs incurred by County in paying any Deputy any minimum call -in time or overtime hour(s) guaranteed under any applicable union or employment contract as a result of any such schedule change. 6. Either Party can cancel this CONTRACT by delivering written notice to the other party fifteen (15) days prior to the proposed cancellation date contained in this notice. 7. This CONTRACT will be effective January 1, 2009, and shall remain effective continuously until it terminates on December 31, 2009. This CONTRACT shall supersede any and all prior understandings or contracts between the Parties for any SHERIFF's Deputy Law Enforcement Services. This CONTRACT encompasses the entire and complete agreement between the Parties for any SHERIFF's Deputy Law Enforcement Services. 8. The SHERIFF reserves to himself all rights and obligations relating to the provision of any and all police and/or governmental Law Enforcement Services. This CONTRACT does not, and is not intended to, diminish, delegate, divest, impair, or contravene any constitutional, statutory, and/or other legal right, privilege, power, obligation, duty, capacity, immunity, or character of office of either the SHERIFF orthe COMMISSION. 9. For and in consideration of the mutual promises, acknowledgments, representations, and agreements set forth in this CONTRACT, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and adequacy of which is hereby acknowledged, the COMMISSION and the SHERIFF hereby agree and promise to be bound by the terms and provisions of this CONTRACT. OAYiLA#'¢D COUNTY Y PARKS S AND IRECRE i ION1 CU'VINIUS?.332009 ��/{��zy�p ���. �. N 31.AC (� FOR SS�1k-"RW LAY,) �, NF"�.ltit,.�..��6�.N � :lf � ' VICE' (_ 009 Pa -3of IN WITNESS WHEREOF, PECKY D. LEWIS, JR., Chairperson, OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION, hereby acknowledges that he has been authorized by a resolution of the COUNTY Commissioners to execute this Contract on behalf of the OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION and hereby accepts and binds OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION to the terms and conditions of this CONTRACT on this day of 12009. WITNESS: OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION No is PECKY D. LEWIS, JR., Chairperson, Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission IN WITNESS WHEREOF, MICHAEL J. BOUCHARD, in his official capacity as the Oakland County Sheriff, a Michigan Constitutional Officer, hereby accepts and binds the Oakland County Sheriff's Office to the terms and conditions of this CONTRACT on this day of 12009. WITNESS: in SHERIFF, COUNTY OF OAKLAND, a Michigan Constitutional Officer is MICHAEL J. BOUCHARD, Sheriff, County of Oakland OAKLAM COUNTY E'1aRKS AND REGR A`(IOI ( Ga',tIUNUSSION 4,;ONTRAC I' S=OR ;aS iERIFF i AVV [Hip FORC,1 IMEN"I .aE6Mt '._ t'3 2009 P 110=4i of MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION BY: Public Services Committee, Jeff Potter, Chairperson IN RE: Sheriff's Office -Law Enforcement Services for Parks & Recreation Commission for 2009 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS it is the policy of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners to permit the Sheriff's Office to enter into contractual agreements for the purpose of Law Enforcement Services; and WHEREAS the Sheriffs Office and Parks & Recreation Commission currently have a contract for Law Enforcement Services; and WHEREAS the contract expired on December 31, 2008; and WHEREAS the Parks & Recreation Commission has requested that the contract be continued for the next year; and WHEREAS these rates are consistent with the rates as established by this board for the local units of government; and WHEREAS Corporation Counsel and Management & Budget have reviewed the attached contract and rates. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Sheriff's Office is hereby authorized to enter into a contract for Law Enforcement Services with the Parks & Recreation Commission for 2009 at the rates provided in the attached contract. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE 10-5 ITEM # 11 FISCAL YEAR 2008 YEAR END QUARTER FINANCIAL REPORT Attached is the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission's Fiscal Year 2008 Year End Quarter Financial Report for your review and acceptance. The report shows the Commission is in sound financial condition. The net worth of the Commission as of September 30, 2008 is $90,919,865. The Operating Revenue budget to actual had an unfavorable variance of $186,198 (- 2.09%) and the Operating Expense budget to actual had a favorable variance of $4,606,983 (18.14%) resulting in a Net Operating Income budget to actual favorable variance of $4,420,786. The Non -Operating Revenue and Non -Operating Expense budget to actual netted to a favorable variance of $184,926 (1.12%). The Total Net Income was $4,605,712. The explanation of significant variances is shown on the report. The Total Net Assets of $90,919,865 includes Capital Assets, net of accumulated depreciation and related debt, of $66,111,320 and Unrestricted Net Assets of $24,808,545. Most of the Unrestricted Net Assets of $24,808,545 were already included in the Fiscal Year 2009 Capital Improvement Budget as a funding source. The difference will be incorporated into the Fiscal Year 2010 Capital Improvement Budget. Please contact Sheila Cox, 248-858-4612, if you have any questions. ADOPTED AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION (50800)� COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2008 YEAR END QUARTER REPORT ENTERPRISE FUND PARKS & RECREATION FY 2008 VARIANCE ACTUAL FAV/(UNFAV) PERCENT OPERATING REVENUE $ 8,897,863.00 $ 8,897,863.00 $ 8,711,665.41 $ (186,197.59) OPERATING EXPENSE $ 25,393,913.00 $ 25,393,913.00 $ 20,786,929.79 $ 4,606,983.21 NET OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) $ (16,496,050.00) $ (16,496,050.00) $ (12,075,264.38) $ 4,420,785.62 NON -OPERATING REVENUE $ 16,496,050.00 $ 16,496,050.00 $ 16,680,976.32 $ 184,926.32 (EXPENSE) TOTAL INCOME BEFORE TRANSFERS $ - $ - $ 4,605,711.94 $ 4,605,711.94 TRANSFERSIN $ - $ - $ - $ _ TRANSFERS OUT $ $ $ $ TOTAL NET INCOME (LOSS) $ - $ $ 4,605,711.94 $ 4,605,711.94 TOTAL NET ASSETS - BEGINNING $ 86,314,153.32 TOTAL NET ASSETS - ENDING $90,91%865.26 EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES -2.09% Unfavorable revenue from Greens Fees ($309,038), Food Service Commission ($70,001), Golf Cart Rentals ($53,890), Camping Fees ($45,139) and Special Contracts/Events ($43,854) are partially offset by favorable Waterpark Entrance Fees of $286,086. 18.14% Favorable Personnel $493,872; Transfer to Reserve $525,000; Building Maintenance $405,430; Contingency $372,808; Electrical Service $284,725; Indirect Costs $263,212; Grounds Maintenance $156,593; Contracted Services $108,780; Natural Gas $82,381; Public Information $77,406; Water and Sewage Charges $64,265; Security Expense $59,194; Travel $44,930; Equipment Purchases $636,878; Small Tools $84,318; Uniforms $20,578; Depreciation $533,155; and various Internal Services $250,796. -26.80% 1.12% Favorable revenue for Property Taxes $259,023 and Income from Investments $821,069 are due to conservative revenue budget practices, and Capital Contributions $240,733 are partially offset by the Funds Available For Capital Improvement Program budget. Funds available for FY2009 and FY2010 Capital Program. 0.00% 0.00% 12/2/2008 ITEM #12 Springfield Oaks Golf Course L.U.S.T. Site Remediation Proieet At the January 9, 2008 Commission Meeting, Commissioners approved a resolution for acceptance of the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality Grant in the amount of $50,000 for the remediation of the Leaking Underground Storage Tank (L.U.S.T.) at the Springfield Oaks Golf Course maintenance facility. For grant reimbursement, MDEQ requires completion of this project by June 9, 2009. Since acceptance of grant, staff has retained the services of Soils, Materials Engineers, Inc. to complete the necessary monitoring and testing of the site to determine the remediation project scope. Additionally, MDEQ increased the available grant amount to $64,000. Over the past 11 months SME has determined the preliminary area of excavation and necessary remediation scope for the project. They are continuing with necessary construction documents for bidding and remediation. Identification of the remediation project scope has established a total preliminary budget, including engineering and testing fees, of $167,300. Total OCPRC costs after MDEQ reimbursement of $64,000 will be $103,300.00. Staff will provide a history of the leaking gas storage tank. Because costs were not available at the time the FY 2009 OCPRC budget was adopted, staff recommends a transfer $167,300 from the general operating contingency to the Springfield Oaks Golf Course — Grounds Maintenance Budget for the completion of this project. Staff will be available at the meeting for any additional questions. This project meets the strategic planning objective that focuses on park maintenance and upgrades for the preservation of our natural resources. 12-1 of Anticipated Closure courses and Costs Summary wield oaks Golf Springy, ect No. SE51178 -proj SNlE page 1 of 3 ed for project planning and further ro ect. This summal'y was develop factors. and estimated costs for the h ou, contractor bids, actual site conditions, and other Project Estimated ro osed corrective activities Estimated Cost The table below lists The actual costs will be defined based on discussions wi Unit Rate quanti discussion with you 1 $10,000 Description of Service and Notes Task Activity I 1 TRP Bidding & Meetings 2 Source Removal (See Figure) r+ N N Company SME Contractor Bid Contractor Bid Contractor Bid Contractor Bid fr review o Preparation of contractor btwa � instf eligible aentsllati on,remedialvwact�ve i r and additional monitoring bids, contractor selection, and meetings. Dispose of Soil (from impacted zone at 7 Excavate, Haul, and dimported soil. e 11 lanfill. Back8li excavation Witt' to 12 feet deep) at Typ overlying clean soil and imp ersonnel and equipment Mobilization of Sheeting P Site preparation, fencing, and other Daily rate for sheeting personnel Contractor Bid Contractor Bid SME Contractor Bid Oakland County contractor Bid 550 cyd I $22,000 $401cyd $4,000/mob. $1,OOO/day along building foundation. Assume 80 Excavation sheeting a to approx 23 feet deep. linear feet of steel sheeting li uid (Cost for installing vation into vac truck, haul, an pimp groundwater from exca dispose as non -hazardous q dewatering well points would be additional). Sampling, Density edi Management. Assume 5 Field Obsery atba kfilland Ptoj Coordination, les* testing during of 10 verification camp full days of field work, lab testing large manhole Site restoration: repair and replace utilities and a avement (approx 600 s.f..) Site restoration: replace p grade, mulch and seed, replace trees. Site restoration: final e $90/huudred weight $0.301ga1 TBD TBD i $4,000 $5,000 $2,000 2 ^10 hundred $6,300 $27,000 90,000 gal $12,000 TBD $4,000 TBD $5,000 $5,000 Summary of Anticipated Closure Activities and Costs Springfield Oaks Golf Course SME Project No. SE56178 Page 2 of 3 Activity Company Description of Service and Notes Unit Rate Quantity EstimatedH$5,OOO Task # 3 Evaluate potential hydraulic connectivity of SME Obtain and review site well logs, measure the depth of the onsite pond, survey key site elevations, and generate cross -sectional diagrams. 1 impacted groundwater unit to onsite wells and pond Installation of up to 6 additional monitoring wells for future compliance quarterly sampling required for closure. 1 $10,000 4 Install Permanent Sentinel Monitoring SME and Subcontractor Wells Quarterly sampling and laboratory analysis of approx 8 existing groundwater monitoring wells at the Property. Fee includes preparation of quarterly reports for MDEQ submission. $5,000 4 $20,000 5 Quarterly Groundwater Sampling SME 6 Monthly Free Product Monitoring SME Monthly free product monitoring in the existing groundwater monitoring wells at the Property. Results to be included in quarterly reports. $1,500 12 $18,000 7 Deed Restriction Surveyor Survey the area to be designated for a new deed restriction (area to be restricted from using drinking water wells). The deed restriction will be filed with the appropriate agencies and will be used as an 1 $5,000 institutional control in the MDEQ Closure report. 8 Part 213 Closure SME Prepare a Tier 1 Restricted Commercial Closure Report for the site. 1 $7,000 Report Total $167,300 �t�vities aua posts d Closure P nurse 0. of pntiC1fie d pales G SE5 1'18 Snmmar3' S sNLE T,t N 3 Pagof 3 e the fixst TRp zepazed a total of sMv,zoned' eligible D SCNED�L� to tlils pzo}e � a aunt zs al'��ofa of the $� )aI sez�ices zelated xeimbuzsem oVAJ to page $ 009 and Pu st 5 Tom' ental nested land C en xe 3u 1.6� fpz envixo 0 % of le zeTzitze buxsem t a s2� ,59ssun'in The TRp zules ices fox TRH d Count a total $21 )16.90-- xo ect. tib i al of invo as invoiped able acti�i reasna azlablctx�itixes and s To date, s�E ze�uest fox re mbuxsem?�he completion °f buxs e deadlines ent fox zexm OZ in ev lbl The $42 T2' - ent c°sts zeimbuzsem O xespecti4eb' ITEM #13 2009 COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM PROPOSAL The Community Assistance Program (CAP) provides recreation opportunities and experiences to communities, organizations, school districts, non -profits, and underserved populations. It is an element of the Strategic Plan to serve all areas and citizens of the County of Oakland. The CAP Program offers mobile recreation visits, bus transportation, program scholarships, and waterpark discounts. Staff is requesting approval of the 2009 Community Assistance Program in the amount of $100,000. Program fund allocations are detailed in the attached proposal. 13-1 ITEM #13 2009 COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM PROPOSAL The concept of the Community Assistance Program is to provide more opportunities and experiences to communities, organizations, school districts, non -profits, and underserved populations. CAP is an element of the parks system's evolving Strategic Master Plan to serve all areas and citizens of the County of Oakland. CAP will again be marketed to all 61 cities, villages, and townships in Oakland County. We will offer mobile recreation visits, bus transportation, day camp scholarships, and waterpark discounts. The transportation aspect of the program will include the 28 school districts in Oakland County. They will be offered one bus for transportation to the nature centers or day use parks. Schools would be responsible for the nominal per person nature center charge. Staff requests the Commission continue its support and grant $100,000. The funds will be allocated as follows: a $30,000 — Mobile Recreation visits a $15,000 — Partnerships and Collaborations with cities, villages, and townships with struggling or eliminated parks and recreation departments a $15,000 — Discounts to non-profit and community groups in Oakland County a, $10,000 — Transportation to nature centers and day -use parks a $10,000 — Program Scholarships for youth assistance campers and individuals with disabilities a $20,000 — Discounted Trips to the waterparks, Camp Wilderness and The Fridge This program will provide more than 100,000 residents and visitors, who otherwise may not have this opportunity, an opportunity to enjoy quality recreation activities. Description of Services Available Under This Program Mobile Recreation ($30,000): All cities, villages, and townships in Oakland County would be eligible for mobile unit visits seven days a week at no cost. This is contingent upon receipt of a completed application and approval by the Mobile Recreation Supervisor. The following units will be available: Puppet Mobile, Obstacle Course and Mini Festival. The possibility will also exist to add a "bonus" second visit for groups in the same geographical location as an already scheduled paid visit. Limit: Three (3) mobile unit rentals per community per year. Partnerships and Collaborations ($15,000): Select cities, villages, and townships in Oakland County would be eligible for additional visits and programming assistance at no cost. This program would be available to agencies that have recently lost their parks and recreation department, have steadily had their budget cut, or have lost programs and services and are not able to provide the quality recreation services to their residents. This is 13-2 contingent upon an agreement between Oakland County Parlcs and the selected city, village, or township. Oakland County Parks would assist with programming and provide free mobile units to assist with programs that would not operate otherwise. Limit: To select communities until funds are completely dispersed. Discounts ($15,000): This program is available for all non-profit agencies in Oakland County and is only valid for events held within Oakland County. A request letter for consideration must be sent to the Mobile Recreation Supervisor on the agency's letterhead, either by mail or email. Information that must be included in the request is date, time, location, purpose of the program, how it will benefit the community, and unit requested. Any other pertinent information, such as the organization mission statement/brochure, or flyer for the event should also be included. The program operates on a first come, first -served basis. Any non-profit agency receiving a discount would be encouraged to offer in -kind services in trade. Limit: $1,000 in discounts per agency per year. When the $15,000 is used, no other discounts will be given. Transportation ($10,000): Buses may be used for transportation to and from Lewis E. Wint Nature Center, Lyon Oaks Nature Center, or any day -use park. Park entry fee will be waived. The buses will be available Monday — Friday, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. from September through June. This will be available for each of the 28 school districts in Oakland County, and all 61 cities, villages and townships. Groups will be responsible for nominal admission fee for nature centers. Limit: One (1) free bus trip per community or school district per year. Program Scholarships ($10,000): The Scholarship Program will provide three scholarships for each community that acts as a registration site for the parks system's summer Day Camp program. There will be 57 full scholarships ($390) for the 19 registering communities. The scholarships can be used for the Wild Adventures Camp during the sessions in which their community attends camp. These fiends will be routed through the community youth assistance offices in partnership with the local parks and recreation departments. These scholarships will be available for at -risk youth. The Scholarship funds will also be provided to assistants of individuals with disabilities. These could be used to send a sibling or friend of a child with a disability to camp to assist that child during the camp week. They could also be used for a similar purpose for any recreation program where an individual needs an assistant to participate. Limit: Three (3) full camp scholarships for each of the 19 registering communities per year plus discounted or free program registrations not to exceed $10,000, Discounted Trips ($20,000): Discounted trips are open to all cities, villages, townships, senior groups, and group homes for individuals with disabilities. Waterparks - $2 discount tickets for groups of 20 or more. Mondays and Tuesdays only. Limit: Two (2) trips per group with total discounts not to exceed $15,000. 13-3 The Fridge - $2 discount tickets for groups of 10 or more. Wednesdays and Thursdays only. Limit: One trip per group with total discount not to exceed $2,500. Camp Wilderness - $2 discount/person/night (maximum two nights) for groups of 45 or less. Available seven days a week. Limit: One discounted trip per group discount per year with total discounts not to exceed $2,500. 13-4 CATALPA OAKS COUNTY PARK MASTER PLAN - 2008 ADOPTION Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission staff conducted an extended public comment period for the Catalpa Oaks Master Plan and presented recommended revisions regarding field layout to the Commission at the regularly scheduled meeting on November 12, 2008. Staff has scheduled a public hearing on the Master Plan for 9 a.m. prior to the December 10, 2008 commission meeting. Legal advertisements announcing the public hearing have been placed in The Oakland Press and The Observer Eccentric — Southfield. A draft resolution for the adoption of the Master Plan has been provided. 14-1 RESOLUTION APPROVAL OF THE ADOPTION OF CATALPA OAKS COUNTY PARK MASTER PLAN — 2008 WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission has reviewed the Catalpa Oaks County Park Master Plan — 2008; and WHEREAS, the Catalpa Oaks County Park Master Plan — 2008 was developed in response to needs and deficiencies as identified by citizen surveys and input fiom county and local government officials, and Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission and staff, and WHEREAS, the Catalpa Oaks County Park Master Plan — 2008 meets the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission's long-range goals, objectives and financial funding as identified in the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Master Plan Update — 2007 and the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Strategic Master Plan — 2008; and WHEREAS, the goals and objectives will assist the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission in guiding the operation of Catalpa Oaks County Park by lending direction while remaining flexible to allow for adjustments in creative and responsible management. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission approves the adoption of the Catalpa Oaks County Park Master Plan — 2008. Moved by: Supported by: Date: 14-2 ITEM # 15 EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S REPORT A. 2008 Volunteer Report: Attached for your review is the 2008 Volunteer Hours report detailing volunteer hours, park location, and estimated labor savings. B. Resolutions: Staff is no longer required to provide original signatures on resolutions; therefore, we will no longer observe this method. Staff will supply the "moved" and "supported by" commission members' names on the final resolution. C. Oakland County Fair Dates Changed: The new dates are July 7-12, 2009 due to a scheduling conflict with the carnival company. D. Tolliver - Phase II Environmental Assessment: As reported on a preliminary basis at the September 3, 2008 meeting, Phase II has been completed in the amount of $5,225, and the purchase is projected to close on December 5, 2008. E. Staff List detailing New Titles and Telephone Numbers: Attached for your review is the Supervisory Staff list with new job titles, office location and telephone numbers. F. Commission Photograph: The staff photographer will be at the January 14, 2009 commission meeting to take group and individual photos. Business attire is appropriate. G. Upcoming Events: Attached for your information is a listing of the upcoming events in the parks. 15-1 2008 Volunteer Hours Report Any volunteer donating more than eight hours will receive a thank you letter and a Volunteer Appreciation Voucher good for four free admissions to The Fridge or wateiparks in 2009. The volunteer and staff Fridge Night is Tuesday, February 10, 2009. The summer picnic will be at Red Oaks Waterpark on Tuesday, June 30, 2009. According to the Bureau of Labor for Michigan, the value for 2008 is $19.51/hour. LOCATION # OF VOLUNTEERS # OF HOURS Addison Oaks 1 480 Catalpa 4 352 Glen Oaks 18 1,248 Groveland 25 50 Independence Oaks 13 309 Lewis Wint Nature Center 39 617 Lyon Oaks Golf Course 72 7,788 Lyons Oaks Nature Center 22 1,810 Natural Resources -Education 96 1,936 Orion Oaks Dog Park 15 442 Recreation Administration 21 1,796 Red Oaks Golf Course 6 443 Springfield Oaks 4-H 290 4,970 Springfield Oaks Golf Course 44 4,649 Waterford Oaks BMX 33 3,800 White Lake Oaks 20 3,510 TOTALS 719 34,200 2008: 34,200 volunteer hours @ $19.51= Park Savings of $ 667,242 Overview of Previous Years Year Number of Volunteers Hours Donated Park Savings 2008 719 34,200 $667,242 2007 446 26,494 $497,217 2006 519 31,285 $546,862 2005 368 21,714 $379,561 2004 337 26,489 $438,658 15-2 f Oakland County Parks and creation Commission Supervisors As of November 9, 2008 Name Title Location Phone Baker, Brad Parks Project Supervisor Administration - FOM Bldg. 248.858.4605/248.249.5669 Bird, Brittany Natural Resources Planner Administration 248.858.1726 Boyd, Mike Parks Supervisor Independence/Orion Oaks 248.625.0877 Brokenshaw, Boyd Parks Supervisor Addison/Groveland/Rose/Highland 248.634.9811/810.459.0732 Castonia, Phil Business Development Representative Administration 248.858.0909 Conover, Lynn Parks Naturalist LEW Nature Center/Independence 248.625.6473 Cox, Sheila Capital Improvement Coordinator Administration/Fiscal Services 248.858.4612 DeRousha, Joe Parks Supervisor Springfield Oaks 248.634.8518/248.343.3380 Donnellon, Mike Chief - Parks Facilities Maintenance & Development Administration - FOM Bldg. 248.858.4623 Dorey, Sandy Recreation Program Supervisor Recreation Programs & Services 248.858.7596 Dougherty, Kathleen Educational Resource Specialist Administration 248.858.0704 Dunleavy, Jim Chief - Parks Operations & Maintenance - N. District Administration - FOM Bldg. 248.858.4647 Gee, Larry Chief - Parks Operations & Maintenance - S. District Administration - FOM Bldg. 248.343.3165 Gibbs, Tom Maintenance Supervisor II Administration - FOM Bldg. 248.858.0911/248.343.6217 Howard, Derenda Recreation Program Supervisor Recreation Programs & Services 248.858.1486 Kohn, Karen Supervisor - Administrative Services Administration 248.858.4606 Menghini, Brian Supervisor II - Fiscal Services Administration/Fiscal Services 248.858.4617 Meyers, Rachel Recreation Program Supervisor Recreation Programs & Services 248.975.9717 Nowicki, Tim Recreation Program Supervisor LEW Nature Center/Independence 248.625.6473/248.343.1868 Noyes, Jon Supervisor - Planning Administration 248.858.4624 Prowse, Melissa Business Development Representative Administration 248.858.4611 Roche, Skip Parks Supervisor Glen Oaks Golf Course/Catalpa 248.851.1174/248.343.3379 Rowley, Darlene Supervisor - Golf Revenue & Operations Glen Oaks 248.851.1174/248.431.1472 Simpson, Paul Recreation Program Supervisor Recreation Programs & Services 248.721.0414 Stanfield, Desiree Supervisor - Communications Administration 248.858.4627 Stavale, Katie Parks Supervisor Recreation Programs & Services 248.858.4637 Stencil, Dan Executive Officer Administration 248.858.4944 Stokes, Bill Parks Supervisor Lyon Oaks Golf Course 248.486.3630/248.343.6219 Thoel, John Parks Project Supervisor Administration - FOM Bldg. 248.343.2313 Wells, Sue Manager - Operations Administration 248.858.4634 UPCOMING EVENTS — DECEMBER THERAPEUTIC EVENTS December 3 - 6:30-8:30 p.m.; Waterford CAI, Jingle Bell Ball December 5 - 7-9 p.m.; Southfield Civic Center, Holiday Party December 6 - noon-5 p.m.; Troy — Thunderbirds; Bowling December 8 - 6:30 p.m.;Ferndale, Christmas Craft December 8 - 5-9 p.m.; Maple Village/Arden; Senior Light Tours December 13 - 7 a.m.-6 p.m.; Southfield Junior Wheelchair Basketball Tournament December 15 - 6-8 p.m.; Ferndale; Holiday Baking December 29 - 7-9 p.m.; Royal Oak Seniors; Almost New Years Party December 30 - 6:30-8:30 p.m.; Waterford Oaks; Almost New Years Party SENIOR EVENTS December 9 - 5-9 p.m.; Oakland Towers; Senior Light Tours December 10 - 5-9 p.m.; Lockwood; Senior Light Tours December 11 - 5-9 p.m.; Cambridge; Senior Light Tours Christmas Tree Recycling Dec. 26-Jan. 12 Free Self -Serve Christmas Tree Recycling, seven days, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Please remove all decorations, metal, plastic and string. • Addison Oaks near Oxford - Catalpa Oaks in Southfield • Glen Oaks in Farmington Hills • Groveland Oaks near Holly • Independence Oaks near Clarkston • Lyon Oaks in Lyon Township • Orion Oaks in Orion Township • Red Oaks in Madison Heights • Springfield Oaks in Davisburg • Waterford Oaks in Waterford • White Lake Oaks in White Lake Township Dec. 26-Jan. 26 Free Self -Serve Christmas Tree Recycling, seven days, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Independence Oaks (Pine Grove parking lot) and Orion Oaks (Clarkston Road parking lot) only. 15-4