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Agendas/Packets - 2009.09.02 - 40175
2800 Watkins Lake Road . Bldg 97W • Waterford, MI 48328-1917 248.858.0906 • 1.888.00PARKS • www.Destination0akiand.com Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. Chairman Richard Skarritt Vice Chairman J. David VanderVeen Secretary Tim Burns Gerald A. Fisher Robert Kostin Christine Long John P. McCulloch Charles Palmer r---I Scott t,aniel J. Stencil Executive Officer COUNTY PARKS August 27, 2009 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Oakland County, Michigan Commissioners: A meeting has been called of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission as follows: PLACE ............................. Springfield Oaks County Park 4-H Fair Administrative Office 12450 Andersonville Rd Davisburg, MI 48350 TIME .............................. Wednesday, September 2, 2009 9:00 a.m. PURPOSE .......................... Regular Meeting This meeting has been called in accordance with the authorization of Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation. Sincerely, CJ Daniel J. Stencil Executive Officer Next Meeting: Wednesday, Oct. 7, 2009 at OCPRC Administration Office D:\$Data\My documents\COMMISSION\agendaltr.doc Our mission is to provide recreational, leisure and learning experiences that enhance quality of life. Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Springfield Oaks County Park Oakland County Fair Association — Administration Office 12450 Andersonville Road, Davisburg, MI 48350 September 2, 2009 A_ eg nda 1. Call Meeting to Order 9:00 a.m. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Roll Call 3. Public Comments 4. Commission Meeting Minutes from August 5, 2009 5. Internal Service & Department Funds Payment Register June and July (FM 09 and FM 10, FY 09), Oak Management, Inc., Credit for Services Rendered Register for April, May and June (FM 07, 08, 09, FY 09) and Voucher Payment Register June and July (FM 09 and FM 10, FY 09) 6. Combined Statement of Operations for months ending 6/30/09 and 7/31/09 (FM 09 and FM 10, FY 09) 6a. Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Budget Report as of 7/31/09 7. FY 2009 Budget Amendment 8. FY 2009 Third Quarter Forecast Report 9. Activity Report for August (FM 11, FY 09) to be distributed at meeting 10. Presentation — NACPRO Award 11. Catalpa Oaks Design Engineering Qualifications 12. Contract Change Orders: A. Waterford Oaks Parking Lot Improvements B. Addison Oaks Roof Replacement Action Required Presenter/Phone # P. Lewis/248.646.5917 Approval S. Kici/248.858.4603 Approval S. Cox/248.858.4612 Approval S. Cox Approval S. Cox Approval S. Cox Approval S. Cox Informational L. Gee/248.343.3165/ J. Dunleavy/248.858.4647 Approval S Wells/248.858.4634 Approval M. Donnellon/248.858.4623 Approval " 13. Promotional Items Policy Approval D. Stanfield/248.858.4627 14. Residential Property Lease Policy Revision Approval P. Castonia/248.858.0909 15. Resolution — Residential Property Lease Management Authorization Approval P. Castonia/248.858.0909 D. Stencil/248.858.4944 16. Staff Update on Red Oaks Golf Course Drain Project Informational L. Gee/248.343.3165 17. Executive Officer's Report Informational D. Stencil 18. Closed Session to Discuss Potential Land Acquisition D. Stencil/J. Noyes/M. Hughson 19. Old Business 20. New Business Next Meeting: Wednesday, October 7, 2009 at Administration Office. N COMM1sS10N MEETING GREATI4 p ARKS AN� RS 5 2p0g the parks G°mmissiori s NO GOVNv ^ room of OAK�A 07 -a.m. in the cOmmiss►on to order at 9Tim the meeting Oavid vanderveen, `ewls called 3. Ghauman t►on of is .gERS pRESEN . palmer�� hn Scott adrr;►nistra 'rman Richar h CharlesSe COMMISSION ME vris, Jr v►ce Ch3ohn McGulloc an pecm O'er eGhrist►ne 1-°n9t Gha►rm Fis EMgERs EXGUSEp. gurus, Gerald GOMM1SS10N M ecut►ve O�x of Ma►nt• & Oev Robert K°st►n OaO Don ISken . O planning ment Rep e LSO ?RESENT Mon Noyes, Su bus►ness eNks Oepe�elopmensRj 00 A i1 Gasto► xa, urines t & 0p g s s South Recreatkon prONNe parks Main parks and Melissa vy Chief- Ma►nt & Op gervo�s t►ve unlea rks r Administra or Services pa COrnMun a La rY G Cohn gu de SupeN►s°on p ogra�'s a ICare stanf►el ►ef O veat' for Desiree G\j O Tech \ t GO°rdina eff Ceaa e GISICA rOvemen Capita\ Imp 7acShe►la GO h Manager Manager ta\ Eng►neer eMces t C Sc amo ode t Env►Genera onn1en and Go01 untY p'urchasingiat►on Je#f �an►e pr on thesucCasse pk1 shared d an ecopd atkendance w aklandd County FairEn9►veers, \nc 0akdan d Materials rx. the fa►r�, an soils an d GountY fax �' ake COMMENTS of the 0aK\a I , k►ds p pUgL1G Gen aal o nny F air. More than es of the regular rneefing rarnlin, G 1e. rovethe m►nut th•s Teat 5 �n g0 p00 peop at m OF MINUTES'. orted by Mrs Ong to app Vander en 09i Ve AppROVA\- palmer� Supp Skarr►tt, Moved Y 2p09, as ch, pa er, Scott, b Mr wr►tten. 1m \ 1 MCCu110 of Ju Y `ewis, bong AYES. gurus, F►sher, 01 1 seN\ce & 09 and t\ie NAYS. °n a voice vote. rove the 1np9 tFM $' Y200 1 MOt►on Carrie ©� PAYMENTS. C Scottto ap�aY 31' p09 (FM $' ApPROVA� \-Ong, suppoOr k\i y rC,onth ending Me' 31' 2 Vanderveen t9; e Moved paylrnent RRe9 ster for the mont palmef, Scott' SKarritt, Vo tl heC paYn'e bong' McCulloch, _ 1 AYES: gurus, Fisher >, Commission Meeting, August 5, 2009) NAYS (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. OPERAT►ONS' Combined Statement of TEME►`►T OF r Palmer to approve the COMBINED STA supported by M 2009 (FM 8, FY2009). Mrs. Long ending May 31, Moved by for the month e Scott, Skarritt, VanderVeen (9 Operations McCulloch Palmer, AYES. Burns, Fisher, Lewis, Long' NAYS: (0) carried on a voice vote. Motion were accepted as filed. REPORT pg and IF 10, FY2009) A,CT1\19 and July, 2009 (FM re orts for June L U,S•T. JECT for the The activity p EpIpTION PRO contract OAKS L•U.S T REM to award the F►ELp Mr. VanderVeen d stockpiling of G rvices professionals anon an a for the alsof SPRIN supp�tted by Technical Se oval, exc dispos Mr. Skarritt, Springfield Oaks to tree rem Spi1 removal and cavation Moved by ect at Sp oval of asphalt drive, mated 1 for ex ency Remediation Proj disposal of contaminate(. alternate # 5% contln9 includes site clearing, rem site restoration, 121 150, with a bid, which mental excavation and ount of $ clean soil, Seg water, excavation backf►II an the am contaminated ground manhole and sewer p 208. well m 127 , and disp°Sal of Iota apProVed amount Of � VanderVeen (8) of $6,058, fora Palmer, Skarritt, AYES. Burns, Fisher, Lewis, Long McCulloch, NAYS: (0) a voice vote. Red Oaks Youth ,tied on pLEX PLAYGROUND: Motion ca YOUTH SOCCER COM contract for the Mrs Long to award the 1 which includes playground ncy of RED OAKS supported by . of Holland for Option with a 5%coming Mr. McCulloch, GameT►me mount of$200,000, Moved by P►ay9round to and restoration in the a Soccer surfacing 210,000. equipment, installation, amount of fora total approved am karritt, VanderVeen (8) $10,000, palmer, S • gums, Fisher, Lewis, Long, McCulloch, p�YES. NAYS (0) voice vote. YGROUNpS. rounds at Motion carried on a ENCE OAKS PLA contract for the nag tructures, Mr. Palmer to award the with a g contingency of GRO /ELANOf►NpEPEND otted byf play of Highland to' installation of pla 5 supp oust of $35,527, Moved by Mr an i nd pe dence Oaks to Sa restoration in the am Grovelans and independence and 303. grading, surfacing, roved amount of $37, $1,776, for a total approved 2 August5,2QQ91 rr\tt,vanderveen k8) �ieet\ngcGu\\och, pa\rnec, SKa GomC�\ss\or °n9 REp NAP- �utufe p\an e uCns, Fisher, Lewis, B GG-K\ RUN O\ng determine ices at th p p t° seN AYES B RIGERP�B©� staff is ur o�°c en9\reef\r9 voteR GE, REF rocess mendat Np a vo\c�NB F \D the eva\uat\oe P a Cecorn UDG��. B .� 2010 FY ERFO?S pPKB ed an update o Staff w`\\ Ares D ppRRP�iNG F °\ion nt o the s d fringe PS ce\v paKs eet\r9 E endcne t sa\ar\e a 2Q10' C'OmC�\ssior a OT \ ate'domm\ss\or rr 2p12 PDpp Cove the a o F.� 2Q1Ce je f\\A f� 2012 {or the the Fr\dpp9 Ce9u\arc 2011 p,ND F Sorg to 5p Ceduct\o ehere�\ts;2011 and F f0ctoher ?' 2 �p FY 201Q F� supportede s oc\nc\ des \ V\ee Xpe g e for AMBNDMENS d ay Mr. MQ12\\OCOpen%redusk d °e �VS 2 Oead Inter veer �81 N\OVE and F� 2 \t\ora\2 SpaKs Pnt isca\Gutat Vander 2Q11 add field thatwas m SKarr\tt, be 21312 JOT s Se0ces pa\mer, Scot, FA .6\stratNe Gu\toch, d her `eva\s, Ppy\GX terns and Donation ALBS F\s to NAB\pN R�QUEgS parKs prOrnot\°na\ \ Dp carried On a voice vG\vEP� AY MAD pa\mer to approve the 0\on pMp \\pNPL orted by Mr s' h omotiona\ \terr\s' P ARKS PR u\\oc fo`toPp g charges' tit\e to "\te e paragraaph n on pr Cova\. cC e e p°\icy end °f e para9 foCmat\o for app Movee5k pOC Gc with th d "g\veawayGOMni\s \oner Csaat tthe e got put persona\ \n Kto the GOmm\ss\on Reau Rep\ e� a d '{ ooa\a\1 nks . .\s \Oners ca d\cated and pr\n9 bac update on the \` ern 1 aTsTph \nd\catin9 Cev\se p°\\cy as \n esented a auav", and Add a p v aithdrawr, staff �i\\ Deve\o Pment' pr °uCce anagement s ce and The rnot\or was � \ties, �\a\ntenan date On Natura\ Res s-\AFF RR? of Fac\\ seated a aua�etly uM Gh\ef hedu\e' ne\\on, nce sc CP IMID a\°r Mj v\tena \soC J p\ann\n9' pre f0\\o�\n9 was n°tedeC �8 yeaC roJ se esent d to Noyes, SupeN R� e agenda, the s \s Cet\ring a an w\\\ - p P` nn\rg pFF\GBRS Rapp er s rep°� ti\ed in th n,G,,nkon Ae a d the prop°sed p ed EXEGU�N o the BXecut\ve p ice pJJ\cer fo kV\ be\"( COOTd\nat \n addition t Ghief �Xecut\v sd\a'm\ artment r X Sao months J'\m B e \\ of the we hir the no Phas \ss\Ov\ the cOmm 3 US\NESS p`p B (Commission Meeting, August 5, 2009) None. NEW BUSINESS: None. The meeting adjourned at 10:52 a.m. The next Commission meeting will be held at 9 a.m. on Wednesday, September 2, 2009 at Springfield Oaks County Park in the administration office of the Oakland County Fair Association. J. David VanderVeen, Secretary Suzanne L. Kici, Recording Secretary 4-4 REpT1ON COMMISSION RKS pNp REC TY P A AP RY OpKLp,ND COON PROV AL SUMIV►A PAYMENT FOR MEETING OF $eptember 2, 2p09 pLVOUCHER REGISTER: p5 �O�RN TERNAL SERVICE FUN 1N REN June �FMpO, SERVICEg Juiy 1FM10� _ r..�r._. CREp►T FOR *OAK Mp Ap��.. - .- 3 & g 20p9i Ppril, May &June l *PAYMENT REGIST� g' 200g' 09} r Rep°� perk od, July tF� 10, 2p V ouChe Report pen v °,Cher L V AILpBLE FOR REVIEW . TOTA TION►S A *BACKUP 1NFORMA 5-1 1,501,263.50 1,926,22� .7g 1,165,092.99 2,06g IA 44 $4,5g215g3.98 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION COMBINED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS FM 9 FY 2009 (FOR MONTH ENDING 6/30/09) 2009 YEAR TO (OVER), % OF REVENUE BUDGET DATE UNDER BUDGET BUDGET ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES: Millage Tax $15,031,000.00 $15,136,391.38 ($105,391.38) 100.7% Other 309,300.00 353,017,24 (43,717,24) 114.1 % GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE 1,083,600.00 562,454.59 521,145.41 51.9% LYON OAKS GOLF COURSE 1,234,500.00 529,276.20 705,223.80 42.9% RED OAKS GOLF COURSE 55,960.00 24,073.35 31,886.65 43.0% SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE 854,467.00 387,404.28 467,062.72 45.3% WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE 923,250.00 465,254.76 457,995.24 50.4% INDEPENDENCE OAKS NATURE CENTER 42,400.00 21,607.35 20,792.65 51.0% ADDISON OAKS 418,890.00 186,674.17 232,215.83 44.6% ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 135,000.00 46,942.14 88,057.86 34.8% GROVELAND OAKS 697,400.00 186,467.65 510,932.35 26.7% HIGHLAND OAKS 1,700.00 1,037.00 663.00 0.0% INDEPENDENCE OAKS 328,100.00 154,882.11 173,217.89 47.2% LYON OAKS 70,000.00 59,099.50 10,900.50 84.4% ORION OAKS 106,000.00 73,672.38 32,327.62 69.5% ROSE OAKS 1,700.00 981.00 719.00 57.7% SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER/PARK 17,100.00 6,782.57 10,317.43 39.7% WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER/PARK 42,744.00 26,692.32 16,051.68 62.4% RECREATION PROGRAMS & SERVICES 27,400.00 6,435.00 20,965.00 23.5% CATALPA OAKS 6,000.00 0.00 6,000.00 0.0% MOBILE RECREATION & SPECIAL EVENTS 349,150.00 161,211.08 187,938.92 46.2% RED OAKS WATERPARK 839,500.00 77,646.00 761,854.00 9.2% WATERFORD OAKS BMX COMPLEX 17,500.00 4,424.75 13,075.25 25.3% WATERFORD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 121,400.00 114,437.25 6,962.75 94.3% WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK 815,600.00 65,973.75 749,626.25 8.1 % TOTAL REVENUE $23,529,661.00 $18,652,837.82 4,876,823.18 79.3% OPERATING EXPENSES ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES $4,427,572.00 $2,644,488.72 $1,783,083.28 59.7% FISCAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION 0.00 70,563.52 (70,563.52) NA FISCAL SERVICES PARKS & REC 377,445.00 166,580.14 210,864.86 NA GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE 1,214,130.00 757,604.88 456,525.12 62.4% LYON OAKS GOLF COURSE 2,143,137.00 1,285,525.34 857,611.66 60.0% RED OAKS GOLF COURSE 551,394.00 262,268.84 289,125.16 47.6% SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE 929,468.00 530,882.88 398,585.12 57.1% WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE 1,030,715.00 647,111.42 383,603.58 62.8% INDEPENDENCE OAKS NATURE CENTER 431,896.00 291,345.47 140,550.53 67.5% ADDISON OAKS 1,524,892.00 818,890.86 706,001.14 53.7% ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 326,593.00 131,118.41 195,474.59 40.1% GROVELAND OAKS 1,753,361.00 677,552.98 1,075,808.02 38.6% HIGHLAND OAKS 71,312.00 26,455.97 44,856.03 37.1% INDEPENDENCE OAKS 1,280,845.00 794,412.75 486,432.25 62.0% LYON OAKS 428,379.00 219,142.43 209,236.57 51.2% ORION OAKS 165,835.00 102,647.57 63,187.43 61.9% ROSE OAKS 55,111.00 25,238.08 29,872.92 45.8% SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER/PARK 397,735.00 232,650.66 165,084.34 58.5% WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER/PARK 615,484.00 327,077.28 288,406.72 53.1 % RECREATION PROGRAMS & SERVICES 608,957.00 406,637.64 202,319.36 66.8% CATALPA OAKS 68,328.00 13,141.06 55,186.94 19.2% MOBILE RECREATION & SPECIAL EVENTS 629,401.00 397,131.82 232,269.18 63.1% RED OAKS WATERPARK 1,609,381.00 486,337.85 1,123,043.15 30.2% WATERFORD OAKS BMX COMPLEX 45,085.00 25,795.42 19,289.58 57.2% WATERFORD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 343,003.00 302,890.62 40,112.38 88.3% WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK 1,160,579.00 571,604.74 588,974.26 49.3% FACILITIES & MAINTENANCE 1,610,606.00 914,397.69 696,208.31 56.8% CONTINGENCY/INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES` 801,490.00 335,673.65 465,816.35 N/A $24,602,134.00 $13,465,168.69 11,136,965.31 54.7% REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENSES ($1,072,473.00) $5,187,669.13 ($6,260,142.13) 2009 2008 ACTUAL REVENUE TO DATE: 79.3% 81.8% BUDGET BALANCE: 20.7% 18.2% ACTUAL EXPENSE TO DATE: BUDGET BALANCE: 54.7% 59.4% 45.3% 40.6% *CONTINGENCY YTD FIGURE: INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS PAYMENTS IN TRANSIT. (Page 1 of 3) 6-1 N GOMM,sstON Np RgGREAERA�\Or1S Kt ANO GOvgiNE"O sl Al g FY 20,39 0I091 6I3 OA GOM tFORMON'fNgNOtN IppStedMaC.) Bj DGEl AMENpMgN�S gO. Ref r+ed Petro\eum Find Retmburseme�t `OGpRG gec. GON CtNGgNGY NoU ) ks G,oif Goucse .M oste pRG,Oct.IP Ks Go\f Goucse _ rm9f�e\d Ga a�Rrent re0r9a�rZaf�on COG to SP Reid Oa �g8 510 ENp\NO for S0 GON'(\NOENGY p gNfs d et u�rts because , of depnce gXpe� se \crease tef ER; 6�pGg� AMEND d\ustments between bu g Gfol of\ds e ROst ed OTK genef\ts P e ande�� `or Oec s & Fr\r`9e OPeracm9 Revbursem SaW Reim �43 EQ gefi ed P t o\eurn Farad MD pENp\NG 0, N 6-2 Ta9e 2 °f 3) OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION COMBINED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS REVENUE AND EXPENSE COMPARISON FM 9, FY 2009 (FOR MONTH ENDING 6130/09) PARK ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES FISCAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION FISCAL SERVICES PARKS & REC ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES SUB -TOTAL GOLF: GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE LYON OAKS GOLF COURSE RED OAKS GOLF COURSE SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE GOLF SUB -TOTAL NATURE: INDEPENDENCE OAKS NATURE CENTER NATURE SUB -TOTAL PARKS: ADDISON OAKS ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER GROVELAND OAKS HIGHLAND OAKS INDEPENDENCE OAKS LYON OAKS ORION OAKS ROSE OAKS, SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER/PARK WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER/PARK PARKS SUB -TOTAL RECREATION: RECREATION PROGRAMS & SERVICES CATALPA OAKS MOBILE RECREATION & SPECIAL EVENTS RED OAKS WATERPARK WATERFORD OAKS BMX COMPLEX WATERFORD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK RECREATION SUB -TOTAL FACILITIES & MAINTENANCE: FACILITIES & MAINTENANCE FACILITIES & MAINTENANCE SUB -TOTAL CONTINGENCY/INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES* TOTAL YEAR TO DATE REVENUE $15,489,408.62 0.00 0.00 15,489,408.62 562,454.59 529,276.20 24,073.35 387,404,28 465,254.76 1,968,463.18 YEAR TO DATE EXPENSE $2,644,488.72 70,563.52 166,580.14 2,881,632.38 757,604.88 1,285,525.34 262,268.84 530,882.88 647,111.42 3,483,393.36 REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXP. $12,844,919.90 (70,563.52) (166,580.14) 12,607,776.24 (195,150.29) (756,249.14) (238,195,49) (143,478.60) (181,856.66) (1,514,930.18) 21,607.35 291,345.47 (269,738.12) 21,607.35 291,345.47 (269,738.12) 186,674.17 46,942,14 186,467.65 1,037.00 154,882.11 59,099.50 73,672.38 981.00 6,782.57 26,692,32 743,230.84 6,435.00 0.00 161,211.08 77,646.00 4,424.75 114,437.25 65,973.75 430,127.83 818,890.86 131,118.41 677,552.98 26,455.97 794,412.75 219,142.43 102, 647.57 25,238.08 232,650.66 327,077.28 3,355,186,99 406,637.64 13,141.06 397,131,82 486,337.85 25,795.42 302,890.62 571,604.74 2,203,539.15 (632,216.69) (84,176.27) (491,085.33) (25,418.97) (639,530.64) (160,042.93) (28,975.19) (24,257.08) (225,868.09) (300,384.96) (2,611,956.15) (400,202.64) (13,141,06) (235,920.74) (408,691.85) (21,370.67) (188,453.37) (505,630.99) (1,773,411.32) 0.00 914,397.69 (914,397.69) 0.00 914,397.69 (914,397.69) ll $18,652,837.82 335,673.65 $13,465,168.69 *CONTINGENCY YTD FIGURE: INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS PAYMENTS IN TRANSIT. (Page 3 of 3) 6-3 (335,673.65) $5,187,669.13 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION COMBINED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS FM 10 FY 2009 (FOR MONTH ENDING 7/31/09) 2009 YEAR TO (OVER), % OF REVENUE BUDGET DATE UNDER BUDGET BUDGET ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES: Millage Tax $15,031,000.00 $15,136,735.94 ($105,735.94) 100.7% Other 309,300.00 390,085.49 (80,785.49) 126.1 % GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE 1,083,600.00 759,634.46 323,965.54 70.1% LYON OAKS GOLF COURSE 1,234,500.00 789,243.09 445,256.91 63.9% RED OAKS GOLF COURSE 55,960.00 24,194.90 31,765.10 43.2% SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE 854,467.00 522,196.94 332,270.06 61.1% WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE 923,250.00 622,609.49 300,640.51 67.4% INDEPENDENCE OAKS NATURE CENTER 42,400.00 23,771.85 18,628.15 56.1% ADDISON OAKS 418,890.00 310,584.28 108,305.72 74.1% ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 135,000.00 79,661.95 55,338.05 59.0% GROVELAND OAKS 697,400.00 418,923.49 278,476.51 60.1% HIGHLAND OAKS 1,700.00 1,037.00 663.00 0.0% INDEPENDENCE OAKS 328,100.00 201,764.93 126,335.07 61.5% LYON OAKS 70,000.00 63,775.50 6,224.50 91.1% ORION OAKS 106,000.00 86,300.38 19,699.62 81.4% ROSE OAKS 1,700.00 981.00 719.00 57.7% SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER/PARK 17,100.00 8,756.57 8,343.43 51.2% WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER/PARK 42,744.00 28,483.38 14,260.62 66.6% RECREATION PROGRAMS & SERVICES 27,400.00 6,495.00 20,905.00 23.7% CATALPA OAKS 6,000.00 2,304.00 3,696.00 0.0% MOBILE RECREATION & SPECIAL EVENTS 349,150.00 199,404.83 149,745.17 57.1% RED OAKS WATERPARK 839,500.00 428,044.55 411,455.45 51.0% WATERFORD OAKS BMX COMPLEX 17,500.00 12,712.50 4,787.50 72.6% WATERFORD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 121,400.00 114,187.25 7,212.75 94.1% WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK 815,600.00 319,349.76 496,250.24 39.2% TOTAL REVENUE $23,529,661.00 $20,551,238.53 2,978,422.47 87.3% OPERATING EXPENSES ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES $4,427,572.00 $3,104,976.18 $1,322,595.82 70.1% FISCAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION 0.00 80,200.91 (80,200.91) NA FISCAL SERVICES PARKS & REC 377,445.00 190,989.32 186,455.68 NA GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE 1,214,130.00 869,715.83 344,414.17 71.6% LYON OAKS GOLF COURSE 2,143,137.00 1,467,584.81 675,552.19 68.5% RED OAKS GOLF COURSE 551,394.00 298,341.66 253,052.34 54.1% SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE 929,468.00 604,622.48 324,845.52 65.1% WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE 1,030,715.00 738,659.30 292,055.70 71.7% INDEPENDENCE OAKS NATURE CENTER 431,896.00 325,953.32 105,942.68 75.5% ADDISON OAKS 1,524,892.00 1,029,036.49 495,855.51 67.5% ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 326,593.00 155,084.04 171,508.96 47.5% GROVELAND OAKS 1,753,361.00 851,408.71 901,952.29 48.6% HIGHLAND OAKS 71,312.00 28,299.56 43,012.44 39.7% INDEPENDENCE OAKS 1,280,845.00 934,014.78 346,830.22 72.9% LYON OAKS 428,379.00 246,848.67 181,530.33 57.6% ORION OAKS 165,835.00 117,687.73 48,147.27 71.0% ROSE OAKS 55,111.00 27,681.69 27,429.31 50.2% SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER/PARK 397,735.00 264,014.68 133,720.32 66.4% WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER/PARK 615,484.00 379,403.89 236,080.11 61.6% RECREATION PROGRAMS & SERVICES 608,957.00 468,069.76 140,887.24 76.9% CATALPA OAKS 68,328.00 16,559.98 51,768.02 24.2% MOBILE RECREATION & SPECIAL EVENTS 629,401.00 502,109.83 127,291.17 79.8% RED OAKS WATERPARK 1,609,381.00 734,917.92 874,463.08 45.7% WATERFORD OAKS BMX COMPLEX 45,085.00 37,888.78 7,196.22 84.0% WATERFORD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 343,003.00 312,995.49 30,007.51 91.3% WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK 1,160,579.00 744,790.37 415,788.63 64.2% FACILITIES & MAINTENANCE 1,610,606.00 1,027,513.29 583,092.71 63.8% CONTINGENCY/INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES* 801,490.00 151,802.55 649,687.45 N/A $24,602,134.00 $15,711,172.02 8,890,961.98 63.9% REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENSES ($1,072,473.00) $4,840,066.51 ($5,912,539.51) 2009 2008 ACTUAL REVENUE TO DATE: 87.3% 90.0% BUDGET BALANCE: 12.7% 10.0% ACTUAL EXPENSE TO DATE: 63.9% 68.5% BUDGET BALANCE: 36.1 %. 31.5% *CONTINGENCY YTD FIGURE: INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS PAYMENTS IN TRANSIT. (Page 1 of 3) 6-4 N ro%tAXSSXON P PRKS AN NR OFROPE�t\ONS OP�`LpND�OMB NED S F � N VNp NO 713ti 1091 IFOR M OCpRC,Dec.IPosted Marl NHS o\euR` Fund Reimburse�"ent l ENCY EDDGk ' gl— se MOEQ Rei'ined petr Ooti.IPosted Nov ) CONI NG ks Go\f RG ks Go\{ Coarse to Sprin9fietd Ga artn`ent reor9an\�"atiwn IGGP 593,5A0 CY PENDtNr' e 04 deP ease for SPrinSfie\d Ga cc:ONZ�NGEN ENDMENTS een budget urdts peoaas alnte"Vice Expense �n $UDGEl AMefits Adlusirnents befiN $141 JAI Gr oe dJJ IF ted N`ar.1 ben d ga\cries &Fringe Brat 9 Re lef\%Je ment IGCPR 543 2Q Refl pet ooan� F d Re MDE PEND,NG O.�NER &5 Tag 2 °{ 3) OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION COMBINED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS REVENUE AND EXPENSE COMPARISON FM 10, FY 2009 (FOR MONTH ENDING 7/31109) PARK ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES FISCAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION FISCAL SERVICES PARKS & REC ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES SUB -TOTAL GOLF: GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE LYON OAKS GOLF COURSE RED OAKS GOLF COURSE SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE GOLF SUB -TOTAL NATURE: INDEPENDENCE OAKS NATURE CENTER NATURE SUB -TOTAL PARKS: ADDISON OAKS ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER GROVELAND OAKS HIGHLAND OAKS INDEPENDENCE OAKS LYON OAKS ORION OAKS ROSE OAKS SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER/PARK WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER/PARK PARKS SUB -TOTAL RECREATION: RECREATION PROGRAMS & SERVICES CATALPA OAKS MOBILE RECREATION & SPECIAL EVENTS RED OAKS WATERPARK WATERFORD OAKS BMX COMPLEX WATERFORD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK RECREATION SUB -TOTAL FACILITIES & MAINTENANCE: FACILITIES & MAINTENANCE FACILITIES & MAINTENANCE SUB -TOTAL CONTINGENCY/INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES* TOTAL YEAR TO DATE REVENUE $15,526,821.43 0.00 0.00 15,526,821.43 759,634.46 789,243.09 24,194.90 522,196.94 622,609.49 2,717,878.88 YEAR TO DATE EXPENSE REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXP. $3,104,976.18 $12,421,845.25 80,200.91 (80,200.91) 190,989.32 (190,989.32) 3,376,166.41 12,150,655.02 869,715.83 1,467,584.81 298,341.66 604,622.48 738,659.30 3,978,924.08 (110,081.37) (678,341.72) (274,146.76) (82,425.54) (116,049.81) (1,261, 045.20) 23,771.85 325,953.32 (302,181.47) 23,771.85 325,953.32 (302,181.47) 310,584.28 79,661.95 418,923.49 1,037.00 201,764.93 63,775.50 86,300.38 981.00 8,756.57 28,483.38 1,200,268.48 6,495.00 2,304.00 199,404.83 428,044.55 12,712.50 114,187.25 319,349.76 1,082,497.89 1,029,036.49 155,084.04 851,408.71 28,299.56 934,014.78 246,848.67 117,687.73 27,681.69 264,014.68 379,403.89 4,033,480,24 468,069.76 16,559.98 502,109.83 734,917.92 37,888.78 312,995.49 744,790.37 2,817,332.13 (718,452.21) (75,422,09) (432,485.22) (27,262.56) (732,249.85) (183,073.17) (31,387.35) (26,700.69) (255,258.11) (350,920.51) (2,833,211.76) (461,574.76) (14,255.98) (302,705.00) (306,873.37) (25,176.28) (198,808.24) (425,440.61) (1,734,834.24) 0.00 1,027,513.29 (1,027,513.29) 0.00 1,027,513.29 (1,027,513.29) 0.00 $20,551,238.53 151,802.55 $15,711,172.02 *CONTINGENCY YTD FIGURE: INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS PAYMENTS IN TRANSIT. (Page 3 of 3) 6-6 (151,802.55) $4,840,066.51 Park/Facility Future Acquisition & Imp. Stabilization Fund** Addison Oaks (A) Catalpa Oaks Glen Oaks Groveland Oaks Highland Oaks Independence Oaks (B) Lyon Oaks Orion Oaks Red Oaks Rose Oaks Springfield Oaks (C) Waterford Oaks (D) White Lake Oaks Contingency 9 �. Capital Improvement Projects Grand Total Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Capital Improvement Program (C.I.P.) Budget Report FM 10 FY2009 As of 7/31109 Summary Total for All Parks/Facilities Contract(s) Estimated 2008 2009 Net New Estimated Amount Contract(s) Awd., Pre & Enc. Project Project Cost Adjustment Adiustment Adjustment Proiect Cost Paid Retainer Balance * Balance 8,356,000.00 0.00 (6,750,000.00) (6,750,000.00) 1,606,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,606,000.00 0.00 0.00 6,750,000.00 6,750,000.00 6,750,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,750,000.00 2,145,000.00 0.00 (25,000.00) (25,000.00) 2,120,000.00 (18.80) 0.00 0.00 2,119,981.20 805,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 805,000.00 (12,054.72) 0.00 0.00 792,945.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 180,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 180,000.00 (59,781.52) 0.00 0.00 120,218.48 0.00 0.00 437,000.00 437,000.00 437,000.00 (413,679.08) 0.00 0.00 23,320.92 4,670,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,670,000.00 (33,288.97) 0.00 0.00 4,636,711.03 466,000.00 0.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 476,000.00 (168,124.38) 0.00 0.00 307,875.62 85,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 85,000.00 (34,734.27) 0.00 0.00 50,265.73 887,000.00 0.00 134,000.00 134,000.00 1,021,000.00 (315,684.01) 0.00 0.00 705,315.99 613,256.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 613,256.00 (216,579.60) 0.00 0.00 396,676.40 1,401,000.00 0.00 (891,000.00) (891,000.00) 510,000.00 (108,864.80) 0.00 0.00 401,135.20 3,785,000.00 170,226.00 373,937.72 544,163.72 4,329,163.72 (3,278,918.72) 0.00 0.00 1,050,245.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,213,764.02 (170,226.00) (38,937.72) (209,163.72) 1,004,600.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,004,600.30 $24,607,020.02 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $24,607,020.02 ($4,641,728.87) $0.00 $0.00 $19,965,291.15 (A) State Grant $844,800 (B) State Grant $1,900,000 (C) O.C. Fair Board Donations $126,000 (D) State Grants $440,000 Grand Total of (possible) grants and donations included in Estimated Project Cost = $3,310,800 Dollar Column Explanation: Estimated Proiect Cost is the sum of the current year's Budget columns "Project Cost Estimate" figure, the "Adjusted to Project Cost" figure, and the "Proposed New Projects" figure for the projects still open (any "Project Balance" funds for projects closed to fixed assets at the end of the prior fiscal year have been added to the contingency). 2008 Adiustment is the net of any adjustments made from/to contingency and individual projects in June - September of the prior fiscal year (the current fiscal year's perpetual budget started with figures as of 5/31). 2009 Adjustment is the net of any adjustments made from/to contingency and individual projects during the current fiscal year. Net Adjustment is the sum of "2008 Adjustment" and "2009 Adjustment" figures. New Estimated Project Cost is the sum of "Estimated Project Cost", "2008 Adjustment" and "2009 Adjustment" (or "Net Adjustment") figures. Amount Paid is the cost of the project expensed as of the report date. This amount includes the "Contract(s) Retainer" dollars. Contract(s) Retainer is the amount of retainage withheld from a contract payment and may be in an interest bearing account set-up via the O.C. Treasurer's office. The amount is not part of the "Project Balance" calculation because it is already included in the "Amount Paid" figure. Contract(s) Awd., Pre & Enc. Balance is the sum of the Pre -encumbered and Encumbered dollars for the contracts that have been awarded and for outstanding Requisitions and Purchase Orders. Project Balance is the amount of available dollars remaining on a project that have not been paid or encumbered. * Pre -Encumbered & Encumbered charges are N/A at this time, figures are based on large contracts. ** The Stabilization Fund designates/earmarks approximately 25% of the current fiscal year's Operating Budget to ensure a stable cash flow for the future fiscal year's obligations/payments for the months of October, November and December. Collections on the future fiscal year's property tax revenue do not begin until after the property tax is levied in the future month of December. ITEM # 7 AMENDMENT TO THE 2009 OPERATING BUDGET In accordance with the Commission's 2009 General Appropriations Act, which incorporates the Uniform Local Budgeting Act, the Executive Officer or his fiscal officer shall not permit expenditures to exceed the appropriation for any budget center as approved or amended by the Commission. After reviewing current costs and anticipated costs, staff requests the following amendments to the 2009 Operating Budget: Expense by Budget Unit and Account Line Administrative Services 5060101-160000-702010 Salaries -Full Time 5060101-160000-702160 Salaries -Part Time 5060101-160000-722740 Fringe Benefits 5060101-160000-730198 Building Maint. 5060101-160000-730373 Contracted Services 5060101-160000-773630 IT Development 5060101-160000-774636 Info Tech Operations Fiscal Services Administration 1020601-182040-702010 Salaries -Full Time 1020601-182040-722740 Fringe Benefits Fiscal Services -Parks & Recreation 1020658-182050-702010 Salaries -Full Time 1020658-182080-702010 Salaries -Full Time 1020658-182050-722740 Fringe Benefits 1020658-182080-722740 Fringe Benefits Glen Oaks Golf Course 5060327-160010-702010 Salaries -Full Time 5060327-160010-722740 Fringe Benefits Lyon Oaks Golf Course 5060356-160010-702010 Salaries -Full Time 5060356-160010-722740 Fringe Benefits Red Oaks Golf Course 5060328-160010-702010 Salaries -Full Time 5060328-160010-722740 Fringe Benefits Springfield Oaks Golf Course 5060330-160010-702010 Salaries -Full Time 5060330-160010-722740 Fringe Benefits 5060330-160010-730814 Grounds Maint. White Lake Oaks Golf Course 5060326-160010-702010 Salaries -Full Time 5060326-160010-722740 Fringe Benefits FY2009 Amended Budget Proposed Budget, Amendment Amended 7/31/09 Request Budget Comments 1,622,210 51,533 1,673,743 See Note 195,090 271,871 466,961 See Note 1,087,957 (180,993) 906,964 See Note 71,200 25,000 96,200 Roof Repair 223,400 25,000 248,400 Master Plans 5,000 440,300 445,300 Yr. 1 M. Plan 120,500 201,300 321,800 Yr. 1 M. Plan 0 79,030 79,030 See Note 0 30,821 30,821 See Note 0 123,921 123,921 See Note 260,419 (191,847) 68,572 See Note 0- 50,412 50,412 See Note 117,026 (90,283) 26,743 See Note 185,815 11,690 197,505 See Note 106,381 11,569 117,950 See Note 293,586 (68,491) 225,095 See Note 176,696 (28,617) 148,079 See Note 59,637 (37,847) 21,790 See Note 39,200 (18,869) 20,331 See Note 151,331 (4,448) 146,883 See Note 87,716 2,862 90,578 See Note MDEQ 202,017 64,000 266,017 project 154,559 (1,415) 153,144 See Note 94,297 3,217 97,514 See Note FY2009 Amended Budget Proposed Budget, Amendment Amended Expense by Budget Unit and Account Line 7/31/09 Request Budget Comments Independence Oaks Nature Center 5060650-160050-702010 Salaries -Full Time 101,033 8,821 109,854 See Note 5060650-160050-722740 Fringe Benefits 59,686 5,402 65,088 See Note Addison Oaks 5060715-160070-702010 Salaries -Full Time 128,360 24,811 153,171 See Note 5060715-160070-722740 Fringe Benefits 80,867 15,897 96,764 See Note 5060715-160070-730198 Building Maint. 48,700 36,000 84,700 Roofs/Gutters Addison Oaks Conference Center 5060717-160070-702010 Salaries -Full Time 38,975 (25,203) 13,772 See Note 5060717-160070-722740 Fringe Benefits 20,068 (11,803) 8,265 See Note Groveland Oaks 5060720-160070-702010 Salaries -Full Time 145,603 (6,597) 139,006 See Note 5060720-160070-722740 Fringe Benefits 81,458 277 81,735 See Note Independence Oaks 5060725-160070-722740 Fringe Benefits 117,249 1,621 118,870 See Note Lyon Oaks Park 5060755-160070-702010 Salaries -Full Time 26,465 (13,571) 12,894 See Note 5060755-160070-722740 Fringe Benefits 17,124 (7,623) 9,501 See Note Orion Oaks 5060724-160070-722740 Fringe Benefits 1,456 264 1,720 See Note Rose Oaks 5060760-160070-722740 Fringe Benefits 336 53 389 See Note Springfield Oaks Activity Center/Park 5060732-160070-722740. Fringe Benefits 2,267 1,187 3,454 See Note Waterford Oaks Activity Center/ Park 5060735-160070-702010 Salaries -Full Time 97,017 (28,779) 68,238 See Note 5060735-160070-722740 Fringe Benefits 55,237 (13,977) 41,260 See Note Recreation Programs & Services 5060805-160210-702010 Salaries -Full Time 271,112 26,183 297,295 See Note 5060805-160210-702160 Salaries -Part Time 63,750 35,540 99,290 See Note 5060805-160210-722740 Fringe Benefits 135,640 14,962 150,602 See Note Mobile Recreation & Special Events 5060839-160210-702010 Salaries -Full Time 59,634 4,284 63,918 See Note 5060839-160210-722740 Fringe Benefits 41,807 5,901 47,708 See Note Red Oaks Waterpark 5060831-160210-702010 Salaries -Full Time 83,806 (9,085) 74,721 See Note 5060831-160210-722740 Fringe Benefits 59,603 (3,708) 55,895 See Note Waterford Oaks BMX Complex 5060845-160210-702160 Salaries -Part Time 20,400 7,400 27,800 Sp.Evt.Races 5060845-160210-712020 Salaries - Overtime 200 470 670 Sp.Evt.Races 5060845-160210-722740 Fringe Benefits 860 583 1,443 Sp.Evt.Races Waterford Oaks Toboggan Complex 5060846-160210-702010 Salaries -Full Time 33,839 16,537 50,376 See Note 5060846-160210-722740 Fringe Benefits 18,234 9,441 27,675 See Note Waterford Oaks Waterpark 5060837-160210-702010 Salaries -Full Time 26,539 26,469 53,008 See Note 5060837-160210-722740 Fringe Benefits 28,143 15,047 43,190 See Note 2 7-2 FY2009 Amended Budget Proposed Budget, Amendment Amended Expense by Budget Unit and Account Line 7/31/09 Request Budget Comments Facilities & Maintenance 5060910-160430-702010 Salaries -Full Time 702,423 (9,506) 692,917 See Note 5060910-160430-702160 Salaries -Part Time 246,972 (83,441) 162,531 See Note 5060910-160430-722740 Fringe Benefits 378,511 (13,573) 364,938 See Note Capital Improvement 5060201-160000-730359 Contingency 801,490 (800,00 1,490 Total Expense 247 1 Q 247 1 Note: Department Re -Organization, Amendment # 2 for Salaries and Fringe Benefits = $849,676 Staff recommends the transfer of funds between the listed budget units' salaries accounts in the amount of $849,676 and also a transfer from the 2009 Operating Budget Contingency in the amount of $800,000 to Administrative Services, Springfield Oaks Golf Course, Addison Oaks and Waterford Oaks BMX Complex for the listed expense line items. D:\$Data\My documents\SMC\MS Word\C_AGENDA\Budget\Budget Amendments\Bdgt Amend 2009 Sept.doc 3 7-3 R�ER F0REGP--/` ��Sca� Yeas puP n G°mmrssron s PR 2 eats LYE d Recc a\ -the F,SGP aunty packs a v`ew and appc�v an�ra� G°nditro c Forecast as s the �ak�and e oct for y°ur re ° is in sound frpg - fhrrd Quayle r Attache ader F ovecast OCpR Gommisse F �s -,A � ear 20 of{set by the e ZO�g -fhrrd Qu art shows the Net Assets for th t vac;aoce and rsseasooa\ with tin to -the r m`ssror� s o �g2 gg5 • favorable bUdg atrng ce J a rs rs G,Vicef\kW do e n pGpR Gom Zpp9, is'$�' revenue has a variance' Ope Pttendanc have bee dune 3g, on ecat\ng budget h gkoters `nGentNes s of op voraoe d foUct 6T\c3 &\J*Wre -the even�es "f\ rn the thrcd ao specxa� mac icrpate �n pack allowe\lec, operatrng r cr�ng ore, a t at thrs frme cU theref t of actrv�ty °c omrG der\rne Crc to p rder to deGrease the P`�b d e mason y of the econ pO�Wvgres fOr aN from the bu io �trZed rn o because ed to inGrease oo expected tots ace beNN ce-pr sGa\Year 2ggg,� ear de�e\o �Xpenses are ntenarce pr°leG e �nG\odes the Fr and the FrsGa� eted mayor mapp9 • rogca0 expens for 0oO ante, budg F� 2 ent P of 3i gaf of expenses {oCap�ta� �rnpcOvea ter plan ��earGts for �34 �53 e ip\armed use non -Gash the n -(eGhn°,ogy M m pro, pp �s aGtua�ly t d `s eaua� to the o ent?cogca 0 n iona� funds for the \nf°cmatr tax frnpr°vem Loss of3'S1I ended gUdget -and addrt 2�10 G..Me Net`nGomthe ,doptedlPm expense `t o ects' nue Crne item rn d in the °peratrnent pcogran' pr Reve G`U GaP�taf \reprove deprecratron in F isca�Year 2Q10 o�5�ark5RecF�t20�g 3rd Quaker EorecaStReport doc G�NDP�udget�Quad'er FteP mentS�SMGswDrd\C A dQcu OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION (50800) OPERATING REVENUE OPERATING EXPENSE Co I NET OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) NON -OPERATING REVENUE (EXPENSE) COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2009 THIRD QUARTER FORECAST REPORT ENTERPRISE FUND PARKS & RECREATION ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2009 VARIANCE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST FAV/(UNFAV) PERCENT $ 8,151,454.00 $ 8,151,454.00 $ 8,001,446.00 $ (150,008.00) $ 25,435,601.00 $ 25,478,808.00 $ 25,478,808.00 $ EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES -1.84% Revenue is seasonal with the majority of activity occurring in the third and fourth quarters. Attendance is currently down because of the economic decline; therefore, special marketing incentives have been developed to increase opportunities for the public to participate in park activities. 0.00% Expenses are not expected to vary from the budget at this time. However, budgeted major maintenance projects are being re -prioritized in order to decrease expenses for FY 2009. $ (17,284,147.00) $ (17,327,354.00) $ (17,477,362.00) $ (150,008.00) 0.87% $ 15,301,300.00 $ 15,344,507.00 $ 15,494,515.00 $ 150,008.00 0.98% Fiscal Year 2009 property tax revenue for Parks and Recreation is based on 2008 Taxable Value (December, 2008 levy). Property taxes and Income from investments have a favorable budget variance. TOTAL INCOME BEFORE TRANSFERS $ (1,982,847.00) $ (1,982,847.00) $ (1,982,847.00) $ 0.00% TRANSFERS IN $ - $ - $ - $ 0.00% CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM $ (1,534,153.00) $ (1,534,153.00) $ (1,534,153.00) $ 0.00% Funds available for FY2009 (IT Master Plan) and FY2010 Capital Program. TOTAL NET INCOME (LOSS)` $ (3,517,000.00) $ (3,517,000.00) $ (3,517,000.00) $ TOTAL NET ASSETS - BEGINNING $ 90,919,865.26 TOTAL NET ASSETS - ENDING $ 87,402,865.26 `Please note: In the Adopted Budget this is the "Planned Use of Balance" Revenue line item and is equal to the non -cash depreciation included in the operating expense. It will provide cash funds for the FY2010 Capital Program. 8/26/2009 Item #9 ACTIVITY REPORT Due to the end of the month ending on Monday, the August Activity Report will be distributed at the meeting. Thank you for your patience and understanding. 9-1 08-09 ACTIVITY REPORT AUGUST, 2009 (FM111 FY2009 * Not included in program totals - only in combined totals. In-house events are counted in facility totals. ADDISON OAKS PARK Campers Day Use Day Campers *ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER CATALPA OAKS PARK Day Use GROVELAND OAKS PARK Campers Day Use Day Campers HIGHLAND OAKS PARK Day Use INDEPENDENCE OAKS PARK Day Use Day Campers Overnight Youth Group Campers LYON OAKS PARK Day Use DogPark ORION OAKS Day Use Dog Park ROSE OAKS PARKS Day Use SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER Day Use 4-H Fair *Banquet Facilities WATERFORD OAKS Activity Center - non banquet *Banquet Facilities - Activity Center Day Use TOTAL CAMPERS TOTAL DAY USE TOTAL DAY CAMPERS TOTAL OVERNIGHT YOUTH GROUP CAMPERS TOTAL DOG PARK TOTAL 4-H FAIR TOTAL ACTIVITY CENTER -NON BANQUET 4CTIVITY REPORT.As. AUG09 r=:JAKLAND PARTICIPANTS (MONTH) rP�RTICIPANTS(YTD) FM11,FY08 FM11,FY09 FY2008 FY2009 12,640 8,624 49,060 45,947 9,683 4,655 38,211 20,875 62 0 147 0 4,548 3,102 35,811 32,899 2,300 3,355 20,907 34,119 25,764 16,888 87,422 69,608 7,945 5,102 37,157 21,958 594 355 3,186 2,257 426 540 2,835 5,538 31,704 33,760 233,085 220,828 0 0 263 4,700 0 158 756 1,086 1,984 1,684 9,779 8,917 5,683 5,051 49,286 46,770 3,345 3,500 25,340 25,843 6,581 7,433 61,625 65,915 645 736 6,687 6,596 1,515 1,785 11,518 10,586 0 0 78,000 91,631 858 811 29,426 24,382 906 636 6,535 6,093 300 200 2,810 1,207 6,064 1,791 21,071 11,609 38,404 25,512 136,482 115,555 65,611 56,908 406,590 366,868 656 355 3,596 6,957 0 158 756 1,086 12,264 12,484 110,911 112,685 0 0 78,000 91,631 906 636 6,535 6,093 ACTIVITY REPORT r.:J�AKLAND AUGUST, 2009 (FM11, FY2009) %w4dfol 11 Z I I I 1lT:7:o GOLF COURSES * Not included in program totals - only in combined totals. PARTICIPANTS (MONTH) PARTICIPANTS (YTD) In-house events are counted in facility totals. FM11,FY08 FM11,FY09 FY2008 FY2009 GLEN OAKS Rounds Played - 9 Holes 5,993 6,393 27,490 28,002 Rounds Played - 18 Holes 1,809 1,590 7,935 8,488 *Banquet Facilities 3,667 2,710 37,561 34,682 **Grill Room (**Not included in totals) 4,492 2,697 18,337 16,604 LYON OAKS Rounds Played - 9 Holes 1,411 1,332 6,429 5,719 Rounds Played - 18 Holes 2,946 3,189 13,710 16,137 Driving range 2,131 1,992 10,752 10,979 *Banquet Facilities 1,786 1,708 15,853 19,929 **Grill Room (**Not included in totals) 4,840 4,216 16,805 19,616 RED OAKS Rounds Played - 9 Holes (Closed for 09 Season) 4,552 0 20,628 1,523 SPRINGFIELD OAKS Rounds Played - 9 Holes 4,487 3,176 21,605 13,683 Rounds Played - 18 Holes 2,947 3,019 13,452 13,529 **Grill Room (**Not included in totals) 4,706 3,281 19,985 14,603 WHITE LAKE OAKS Rounds Played - 9 Holes 5,735 5,136 23,560 23,342 Rounds Played -18 Holes 1,668 1,756 7,086 8,317 *Banquet Facilities 967 756 15,590 17,455 **Grill Room (**Not included in totals) 4,536 2,556 19,137 11,074 TOTAL ROUNDS PLAYED - 9 HOLES 22,178 16,037 99,712 72,269 TOTAL ROUNDS PLAYED -18 HOLES 9,370 9,554 42,183 46,471 TOTAL DRIVING RANGE 2,131 1,992 10,752 10,979 08-09 ACTIVITY REPORT.As, AUG09 2 of 4 ACTIVITY REPORT r.J�AKLAND AUGUST, 2009 (FM11, FY2009) RECREATION,. PARTICIPANTS (MONTH) PARTICIPANTS (YTD) " Not included in program totals - only in combined totals. 77 In-house events are counted in facility totals. FM11,FY08 FMII,FY091 FY2008 FY2009 MOBILE RECREATION Bleachers 13 750 35 2,855 Bouncers 12,000 11,800 49,475 33,375 Bus 2,790 1,710 16,320 14,715 Climbing Wall/Tower 3,400 3,100 12,720 11,275 Dunk Tank 4,893 0 13,048 0 Inline Skate Mobile/Hockey Mobile 0 0 0 0 Puppet 3,060 4,250 11,900 11,730 Show Mobile 44 44 183 197 Adventure Sport Mobile 600 1,680 2,240 4,800 Tents 80 0 240 0 Camps 215 177 459 177 Miscellaneous / Obstacle Cousrse 0 280 2,870 8,080 WATERFORD OAKS BMX 1,134 1,639 11,533 4,042 WATERFORD OAKS COURT GAMES COMPLEX 120 0 1,603 1,618 WATERFORD OAKS FRIDGE 0 0 22,531 20,634 WATERFORD OAKS LOOKOUT LODGE 902 300 4,215 3,882 WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK 29,842 30,571 83,668 69,759 RED OAKS WATERPARK 33,283 34,967 95,820 81,817 THERAPEUTIC EVENTS 2,114 2,636 8,489 6,486 SENIOR EVENTS 1,220 0 8,670 0 TOTAL MOBILE RECREATION VISITS 1 27,0951 23,791 109,490 1 87,204 TOTAL FACILITIES AND SPECIAL EVENTS 168,615 1 70,113 236,529 1 188,238 08-09 ACTIVITY REPORT.As, AUG09 3 of 4 ACTIVITY REPORT r.:JrAKLAND AUGUST, 2009 (FM11, FY2009),�� k NATURE PARTICIPANTS (MONTH) PARTICIPANTS (YTD) In-house events are counted in facility totals. FM11,FY08 FM11,FY09 FY2008 FY2009 ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM - INDEPENDENCE OAKS Nature Center 2,150 1,735 19,853 18,125 Outreach Visits 137 295 5,399 7,284 **Trail Usage (**Not included in totals) 9,2791 9,622 83,754 83,484 ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM - LYON OAKS Nature Center 173 107 1,981 2,192 Outreach Visits 29 0 934 882 **Trail Usage (**Not included in totals) 674 594 6,638 6,473 TOTAL NATURE CENTERS 2,3231 1,8421 21,8341 20,317 TOTAL OUTREACH VISITS COMBINED• 166 2951 PARTICIPANTS (MONTH) 6,3331 8,166 PARTICIPANTS (YTD) FM11,FY08 FM11,FY09 FY2008 FY2009 DAY USE PARKS 117,841 96,053 742,870 700,875 GOLF COURSES 33,679 27,583 152,647 129,719 RECREATION, FACILITIES AND SPECIAL EVENTS 95,710 93,904 1 346,019 275,442 NATURE INTERPRETIVE SERVICES 2,489 2,137 28,167 28,483 BANQUET FACILITIES 12,126 9,287 137,051 130,554 GRAND TOTALS 261,845 228,964 1,406,754 1,265,073 Therapeutic/Senior Event Breakdown: golf league 40, w/c dazes 2190, bball clinci 27, red oaks 310 Park trip 25, Easter Seals 44. REVISED 10/6/04 Note: Deleted Grill Room numbers from Combined Totals. 08-09 ACTIVITY REPORT.As, AUG09 4 of 4 Item #10 award to P exationsI will Present an of arks and Recreation OP Recreation Officials Sue Wells, Manage'countyParks and ion from National Association of. the Cowlssat the NaCO Conference �ACPRO) received in July 10-1 Item #11 Catalpa Oaks Design Engineering Request for Qualifications (RFQ) Upon adopting the 2008 Catalpa Oaks Master Plan in November 2008, staff evaluated the first phases of the proposed improvements for a regional recreational sports field facility. The phase development included paving of the existing parking lot, recreational sports field improvements such as irrigation, a concession/restroom facility and a maintenance facility. With the assistance of Oakland County Purchasing, staff issued an RFQ for the design and engineering of the above improvements and established a review committee consisting of staff from Oakland County Parks, Health Department, Facilities Maintenance & Operations, and Purchasing. The qualifications were reviewed based on the following criteria: • Statement of Problem • Approach • Work Plan • Prior Experience • Qualifications & Capabilities • Basis of Fee • Additional Information On May 27, 2009 staff received 22 qualification statements from interested design professionals which were narrowed down to four qualified professionals: • Barton Malow Design, Southfield • Beckett & Raeder, Inc., Ann Arbor • Rowe Professional Services, Inc., Flint • Straub Pettit & Yaste, Clawson The review committee interviewed the design professionals and has tentatively selected Barton Malow Design of Southfield as the top candidate for the Design Engineering of this project. Staff continues to work with Purchasing to establish a final scope of work and associated fees and will make a recommendation at the commission meeting. Parks and Recreation Residential Leases Tenant Property Address 9 ¢o`�c°A +Qecye County Park `oc+Q eaa� Comments �kke A o ek`kAz `o,� `°t°,t' .yry�a GJp ate e J myre �`°fie t°eon t°le° y�e 0 Ken Philabaum 1480 West Romeo Road, Leonard Addison No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes N/A A/C window unit upstairs / Blinds Kathy Renaud 30500 Thirteen Mile Road, Farmington Hills Glen Oaks No Yes No No No No No No Yes N/A Vacant 600 Grange Hall Road, Holly Groveland No No No Yes No Rent No No Yes N/A Needs De -Humidifier Vacant 6555 North Milford Road, Highland Highland No No No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes 10 years? Wood Stove in Basement / Window Blinds Patrick T. Ogg 9489 Sashabaw Road, Clarkston Independence No No No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes N/A Window Blinds UR, D/R, B/R Vacant 12080 Clark Road, Davisburg Springfield Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes 5 years? Washer / Dryer in basement Ila Rowland 2866 Watkins Lake Road, Waterford Waterford No No No No Yes No Yes No Yes 10 years? Has smoke & Carbon -monoxide detectors Vacant (Church) 2930 Watkins Lake Road Waterford No No Yes Yes No No No No Yes N/A Vacant (E. Ernst) 1580 Scott Lake Road Waterford No No No Yes No No No No Yes 5 years? Brian Ratledge 1540 Orchard, White Lake White Lake Yes Yes No No No Yes No No Yes N/A •'Potential Residential Leases Subject to Pending Acquisition Efforts" Vacant (S. Ernst) 1600 Scott Lake Road Waterford Private Lease (Farmhouse) 9965 Sashabaw Road Independence Private Lease (Rental) 5511 Oakhill Road Independence Vacant (Guest House) (No #) Sashabaw Road Independence Arnold (Main House) 10275 Sashabaw Road Independence Last Updated: 9/1/2009 Parks and Recreation Residential Leases Tenant Property Address County Park Year Built Square Footage Bedrooms Baths Garage Basement Market Rate Rental (Mo.) Discount Perc. Current Rent Next Lease Rent Lease Start Date Lease End Date Unique Issues w/Lease Date of Execution Corportion Counsel File t1 Ken Philabaum 1480 West Romeo Road, Leonard ( Addison 1967 1600 3 1 No Yes $850.00 30% $595.00 $595.00 5/1/2009 4/30/2012 Pets Approved (1 cat, 1 dog) 5/231009 2009-0189 Kathy Renaud 30500 Thirteen Mile RoaFarmington Hills Glen Oaks 1978 835 2 1 No No $575.00 D% $248.OD $357.00 1/1/2009 12/31/2009 Phase in price increases at $109d, increase per year over 3 years. 10/4Y2007 2008-0597 Vacant 600 Grange Hall Road, Holly Groveland 1974 1100 3 1.5 No Yes $950.00 0% $0.00 $950.00 Vacant 6555 North Milford Road, Highland Highland 1976 900 2 1.5 Yes Yes $1,000.00 0% $0.00 $1,000.00 - - Patrick T. Ogg 9489 Sashabaw Road, Clarkston Independence 1974 1200 3 1.5 Yes Yes $1,100.00 20 % $936.00 $880.00 1/1/2009 12/31/2009 Reduce rent to new discounted amount at next lease 6/1/2006 2008-0598 Vacant 12080 Clark Road, Davisburg Springfield 1972 1344 3 2 Yes Yes $940.00 0% $0.00 $940.00 - - Ila Rowland 2866 Watkins Lake Road, Waterford Waterford 1956 759 2 1 Yes Yes $725.00 0% $689.00 $701.00 1/1/2009 12/31/2009 Phase in price increases at $12 increase per year over 3 years. 10/4/2007 2008-0503 Vacant (E. Ernst) 1580 Scott Lake Road Waterford 1901 1392 4 1 Yes Yes $1,050.00 0% $0.00 $1,050.00 - - Vacant (Church) 2930 Watkins Lake Road Waterford 1974 1432 5 2 No Yes $1,075.00 0% $0.00 $1,075.00 - - Brian Ratledge 1540 Orchard, White Lake White Lake 1966 600 2 1 No Yes $540.00 25% $456.00 $405.00 1/1/2009 12/31/2009 Reduce rent to new discounted amount at next lease 10/4/2007 2008-0595 TOTALS i, - - - $8,805.00 $2,924.00 $7,953.00 "Potential Residential Leases Subject to Pending Acquisition Efforts - Vacant (S. Ernst) 1600 Scott Lake Road Waterford 1964 1209 3 1 Yes Yes Private Lease (Farmhouse) i 9965 Sashabaw Road Independence 1886 2464 2 Yes Yes Private Lease (Rental) 5511 Oakhill Road Independence 1910 760 1 Yes Yes Vacant (Guest House) (No #) Sashabaw Road Independence 819 2 Yes Yes Arnold (Main House) 10275 Sashabaw Road Independence 1941 4406 4 Yes Yes Last Updated: 9/1/, Item #'I aks F� Catalpa 0 or I l ications.�-� star nest f ber 2008, ineerin Re plan in N°vem Des' n En aks Master tonal recreational the 2p0$ Catalpa C rovements for a reg arking Upon adopting osed p of the eX►st►ng P im of the prOP d aving the first phases ment include P a concessianlrestra°m evaluated base develop as irrigation, Thep ents such sports field facility. rovem Q for field imp RF staff issued an lot, recreational sp0 Dance facility. purchasing, fished a review a mainte ounty estab facility and Oakland C rovements and ent, assistance of artm With the of the above imp parks, Health Dep were engineering County ° -The qualifications the design and from Oakland C s►ng e ittee consisting of stafF and purcha co► rn operat►ons, e& Facilities maintenance criteria'. based on the following reviewed Statement of Problem Approach W ark Plan prior EXpen & Capabilities Qualifications interested • gasis of Fee ation statements from • Inform ualificat►on rofessionals: • Additional ualified P 7 2009 staff received 2 ed down to four q on May 2 ' were narrow rofessionals wh►ch Southfield design P Malow Design, Ann Arbor Barton &Raeder, Inc , lnC Flint Beckett ►ces, tentat►vely • als and has ROwe profess& Yasee Clawson n prolessian he Design • Straub pett�t ed the des►g for t • interview e top candidate mittee as the The review comes Design of $°uthfield ork, it was n Malo Scope of W o submitted selected Bart ect. Design, I,, that impact Engineering °f th►s Pr°{he gavton Malow and green init►atives ssion and view of Lions, Conce Alter re design °p t-ot, Restraam research various ed that due e Field, rking nece chid to th Recreational paould include the ssae g►neering con the e of work w design construction costs for scop ropriate Hance Facility, the initial budget and apP Mainte entify the construction and analysis to id YI-1 use of a teal adaptive re- ce the PO of n,aintenan alysis Would include e artment p{fice for the nthet►c an Health D p include use of sy d d County a -this research an Daklae e° �hermall w►nd fee fisting and green inmat►ves m Y portion of the ex e Design options for irrigatjo", 9 storm water collect1on tion of return on facility and stora9 determination reY water recycling, stall of which will require ,1 turf, g ergy , etc • , h the FY2010 and FY2 0� solar en 5% eriod. c , used g.7 energy covery p ed pproa Rant s p final s a � rop cost re uld be a PBased on the Con- ,analysis, investmen this construction w° 000. research sinceately $2,0p0 fee including royal of a roxim ineerieg recommends app GIp Budget ►s apor the total design eng staff inistratioount of �17 5,000. of construction meets and contract adm tandard construct►on t►on documents w Design, Inc. ►n the am that u on s based o tions construe o Baton Mato 11 budgets were, ed or other design p staff and coetract The FY20A0 and FY20 initiatives Of vaN depending °n for green Ckuage do not reflect costs n fees e lan- rchas►ng ►nclud ethods and cost- -yherefore, desig with pu to rn front c ork►n9 a large up Staff is w have mendat►On' com nee. consultant c ntract for this varia Within the OZAKIAND [kill] � I CA Red Oaks County Park Golf Course 29600 John R Road Madison Heights, MI 48071 Oakland County Parks & Recreation 2800 Watkins Lake Road Daniel Stencil 1Ala1ot-6-1 RAI AR19.4 .-..— Map created on 07/7-0,W The mfotmabas ptarided hetemth has been compiled flans recorded deeds, plats, tax naps. Heys and olhet pub4C Ie-ds his .1alegsly s—ded map of money and is Hal intended lobe sed aso s. UsetsshoaldmnsAthe inform—sourcesmsndoned above avfien ques6onsadsa.• QPark Boundary Entrance Parcels I� 0 75 160 300 Fee Item #12-A Waterford Oaks Parking Lot Improvement - Change Orders Staff provided an update on the status of this project and the anticipated change orders at the last meeting. Upon removal of the existing asphalt surface at the administration complex, staff learned that little or no aggregate base existed under the existing parking lot, which required additional gravel to complete the necessary cross-section of the parking lot. After meeting with the engineers, contractor and construction testing company, staff concluded that we could decrease the gravel cross-section under all parking areas to 6 inches including the parking areas located at the new playground. Additionally, staff substituted the specified a 6-inch gravel base for the service road with the small amount of gravel present in the parking lot. These actions resulted in saving approximately 400 tons of the 1725 tons of additional gravel required for the administrative complex parking lot, a $9,000 savings. Compounding the gravel issue, poor subsoils and high water tables resulted in several undercuts which required gravel and geo-grid reinforcement to stabilize the sub -base of both parking lots. Several hundred ton of existing park owned gravel was stock piled at Waterford Oaks and utilized in both the undercuts and gravel base to alleviate additional gravel costs. Between the unforeseen gravel base and required undercuts for both parking lots, staff expended $51,775.06 in change orders. Since the project is not complete, staff recommends increasing the original approved contingency of $39,095 to $90,871. 12-A rn #A'Z g ent Add\son R001 Re iaoem +on c°mm\ssron ntenance BU�ldrrr Parks & Recreatthe arnoUnt of Mar ale\and c°Un�y r\+n9 Ne+ghts +n +penance bvi\ding g the O o, Ste the n,a of On May 6 200 Bright S+de inc� a\t sh+n9\es °n a 9ency contract to ent ofi asph pales W+th approved a for the rep\acero+son ma+ntenance Pdd. 63 00 +d ce ,pu\\ding at t of �l ,80A ' n Oaks s the Wd°r 40, en oUn d+s° \\ow a nd the park res tote\ contract ems update, the Ad Uh\ estate, and rmers <#9� on the $2 033 00 for a ssed \n a prey+o a stab\e {°r the B With severe\ a�ng that has e ps d+scUri final\y Used as on�erence center rough sawn s+d sh+ng Under th o g c W+th ay the fiia s house � ed bu+\ding e of the main rmers are finish to properly d reaU+red r e trie repa+r an strUcty roof . lhes d e contractor dotted beyond mer 5\d+n9 eX+st+norated. When �� er Split of Were r ace the eX+s d thatwas tmg deter the boards e+ rep\a sh+nJ s\ding t a change order toer\y insta\\the find\t+ona\ change t of en rep\aces fif prOGeeded w\th ank s+d\n9 to pry °fi 4 �550 �0 P or a Iota\ a�'OUva\ to St e fir:+shed hardy ace at a co oUnt to �1,345 ornm\ssion appr° \tided in with a pr e r001 rep ency, am Uests G been +n reaUired {Or thed by the cox Iherejore staff r . -v \s an�OUnt has orders, cover change Orders. ract�0. +n t 00the approved cs in \teM #� increase et amendment the bU g 12B 3 e Item #1Dona , on R nd t policy to promotional Iten►5 a d p°nation Reaues parks otwnal n a promotional Items a parks Prom as developed on of Oakland County h t► to ea°h member of Stan distr►bu nnually County the flair and equitable bet of items a and the Dakland en designates t Horn Com PTO the sure a se mission a The Policy Recreat►on to P items• ram°t►onal items is d County parks and ose of P the Oaklan The pure d of Commissioners• the oar County parks staff for The B system. e used by Oakland Items will be honored s parks items w►11 b al ►te park ally oton e the Cak and County Addit►on uests 'of prom r ose No outside tea u p ore fior instances whet Same P s the proced � also outline nested e as an operational Pol► y passbook is tea us e&veW it Fun royal of this policy for ►revenue d°stars eff F am y is requesting app to end taxP er ay Sta S staff exP ►.nana9 ernent to that a\\OWS I. PURPOSE: This Administrative Policy ensures the fair and equitable distribution of Oakland County Parks promotional items. Additionally, Oakland County Commissioners and Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commissioners serve in a role as parks ambassadors to increase attendance to the Oakland County Parks. The primary purpose of promotional items is to promote the Oakland County Parks at its facilities, programs and special events. Only Supervisory staff can request these items through the annual budget process. Each budget center will pay for the items ordered. The 25-member Oakland County Board of Commissioners will each receive 500 promotional items per person per budget year. The purpose is for Commissioners to promote the Oakland County Parks. The Communications Unit budget will cover the cost of the Commission -designated items, not to exceed $5,000 annually for all commissioners. Additionally, the 10-member Parks and Recreation Commission will receive 500 promotional items per person per budget year. The purpose is for Commissioners to promote the Oakland County Parks. The Communications Unit budget will cover the cost of the Commission -designated items, not to exceed $2,500 annually for all commissioners. The Communications Unit will coordinate the selection and ordering of promotional items annually. Commissioners will not have input on the selection of items, as orders will be coordinated to achieve the lowest price per piece possible. No outside requests for promotional items will be honored. The purpose of this is to ensure that promotional items are used only at special events, facilities and programs that represent and/or promote the parks system. Additionally, this policy supports the Strategic Master Plan to achieve fiduciary responsibility. II. PROCEDURE FOR GIVEAWAYS: Definitions: Promotional Item: any item with the Oakland County Parks logo and web address designed as a "memory maker" or small gift 13-2 • This does not include brochures, flyers, posters and other printed materials used to promote the Oakland County Parks. • Commissioners are not permitted to put their personal information on any promotional item. A. Supervisory staff process 1. Oakland County Parks Supervisory staff will participate in the promotional items ordering process initiated by Communications on an annual basis. 2. Communications will select a limited number of promotional items from which supervisors can order, based on the dollar amount they have budgeted for this expense. 3. Communications will coordinate the ordering of items and distribution to staff to store at their facility 4. Supervisors will decide the methods and special event, program or facility at which to distribute the items B. Commissioner request process 1. The 25 members of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners and the 10 members of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission will each be allotted a selection of 500 promotional items per budget year 2. Each commissioner can decide whether to take all their items at one time or have the items stored by the Communications Unit 3. Commissioners must give five days notice to Communications by telephone or email to pull a quantity of items when needed 4. The items must be picked up at the Oakland County Parks Administration Office and will not be mailed or delivered by parks staff 13-3 n. 7. to each Commissioner II of his/her promotion for that before d dual. If a commiss'aner Uses all items will be reordered budget Year is over,wish to keep a ases, commissioners u ed, by event, type of For future planning pure he items w personal record of how promotional items and numbers used. III. PROCEDURE FOR FAMILY FUN PASSBOOKS: contains vouchers the passbook camping, Defin►tions: Valued at150 enities, including Family Fun Passbook: arks and am for the free use of various p etc. golfing, waterparks, park entry, process organizations or organizations Bequest p County g requests from Oakl affiliation w►II be fulfilled* - Only Oakland County passbooks with an an annual list of p keep Oakland County Parks staffwil Passbook per 2 Only one Fam 01 permitted per year Provided coup/school, etc. ►s organization/g such as ions to assist private individuals 3 Requests for donation not able to be fulfilled medical fundraisers) designating: name or Prior submitted in writing o weeks p 4 Requests must be of event, and contact ation tw form organization, type to the passbook is neededparks to the "in -hand" Oakland County " that will be given is the oIf, waterparklFridge 5. The only "donation for free g Family Fun Passbook. Requests passes, etc. will not be honored. asked to provide an g - All req uestors receiving a donation will be 13-4 7 exchange, �Vtion in than" y„- >e to the reque ular Website, men Will be nice Front gesk during reg e F amilY Fun Aarninistration off -The at the y,ed UP busess hours_ tr 13-5 Item #14 ppLICY RE 'TIAL.�--� R LEASE the PR was approved by gES pF-N which Residential Property Lease Policy royal of the revised fission approval Attached is the Staff is requesting Comm ril 15, 2009. Commission on Ap our cansidexation. changes are underlined for y policy. proposed 14-1 d 1d axe 1• p�Ry e�xesidenxYdecxeat1"" the Px°` `µ Caag p ai' s P xOPextY ntY °f ti o1iG sections tialp intexpxetatt0 th f°ll°`Ning widen d divided In e fox 'Des, � y pxocede fox selects pxocedux Guidelines' ,these Genex� �$s aVy as C. Cs�l�p'� Pxo e k PxoP fox use e Ugs Alp esidential cexn 'pa 0 fficex shall b GE D atin R eXist on XecU�ive xoPe ies vent 11. pR� me fox Desi gently by the e xesidential facility i Pining 1� px°ced tial Px°Pexte sdesiatee ignated' t extY xnaPs au ecxeation 1 ,es, es shall b es once d on the PxoP p dks `end ewhexe in Pxopext fiat Px°Pei 1 PxoPexties and County able staff els residential reside as xesldent� by the ibex, ox coxnP ose a ne`�the PT01) Y listed keP set n C1�ief xoP cxibe bex of descxiPtiOnd even a Dis ct eats°nn'aYa�xnust des n s1 nub section sectiion staafxks and R er The Px°bex of bedxoo w xesidentih planng County p ve al O�1 e, n�' x a ne with t e 2• Oakland theEXecntiaxe fOOtag O p5als fo es�blished d CO xO'P to bdxlt, squ and gaxal-, all Px P only be paklai' P e year basement' shall xe eXtY may valby thethe tiluo°xns' e pfficex exitial Px°p a d alppxo Coxnissionv extY ba e ExeQ`it�v a neva xesid exidation ecxeatlon Oxl the Px°P and 3 zOpextY a f�icex' s xecols ssi°n' p arksdR al Px°PeY ng se°ton ' Xecutive xeatlon C° d County a xesiden by pla"of a E ks 'Nu -cc the 0akl be listed as bons kept anon paT ppx°vedbi PextY 5haento ' descxiP w�thdxa`N the design 1 v �' xesident�dp acilri ibex • as the auth°xis to s t ven xecutiive ®f fxcat any tixrie• e in tl�e 5. the ntxal Property ies shall b made reside lectiin f enants residential px°pert pxoceA e fox Te fox tents fox the 1 pxefexen°e Oxdex'. foA0vring Date Adopted: Dated Revised: C: 09-003 04/15/09 09/02/09 Page 2 of 4 COUNTY PARKS Policy Residential Property Lease Policy a. Full-time Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission employees at the Park where the residential property is located; b. Full-time Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission employees from the rest of the Park system; c. Part-time Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission employees at the Park where the residential property is located; d. Part-time Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission employees from the rest of the Park system; e. Full-time employees of other County of Oakland Departments; f. Part-time employees of other County of Oakland Departments; g. Full-time employees of other government agencies; and h. The general public. 2. Requests to be a tenant shall be made by completing the "Residential Request Form," attached as Appendix A, and submitting the Form to the Organizational and Business Development Section. 3. An individual completing a Residential Request Form shall also include a description of the nature and value of the residential duties to be performed by the individual, the individual's qualifications to perform such duties, and the individual's ability to perform such duties. 4. The Organizational and Business Development Section shall review the request and forward it to the Executive Officer for review. 5. The Executive Officer, in his or her discretion, shall approve or disapprove the request to become a tenant. 6. If the Executive Officer approves the request, the Organizational and Business Development Section shall work with Corporation Counsel to develop a Lease Agreement. 7. The Lease Agreement will be provided to the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission ,,.-.,a she n.,r.'and Geui y B,,afd of r,.,,.,.,. issi , for approval. - .......... A yearly status report will be provided to the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission and the Oakland County Board of Commissioners on an annual basis for infonnation purposes. C. General Guidelines 1. Monthly Lease Fee a. The monthly lease fee for the residential property shall be calculated as follows: "Value of the residential property" minus the "Percentage Discount." The value of the residential property shall be established by the Organizational and Business Development Section on a case -by -case basis using comparable 14-3 Date Adopted: Dated Revised: C: 09-003 III awAKLAND� � 04/15/09 09/02/09 Page 3 of 4 COUNTYPARKS � Residential Property Lease Policy rental properties in the same area as the residential property, taking year built, square footage, number of bedrooms and bathrooms into consideration. b. The percentage discount shall be calculated according to the following requirements: i. County of Oakland full-time employees may receive a 10% reduction in monthly lease fees; ii. Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission part- time employees may receive a 15% reduction in monthly lease fees; iii. Oakland County Sheriff's Office full and part-time employees may receive a 20% reduction in monthly lease fees; iv. Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission full- time employees who do not work at the Park where they will be residing in may receive a 25% reduction in monthly lease fees; v. Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission full- time employees who work at the Park where they will be residing in may receive a 30% reduction in monthly lease fees. 2. Residential Property Inspections a. Each residential property shall be inspected and evaluated annually by the Facilities Maintenance Section, including the Facilities Maintenance Supervisor, Park Supervisor, and District Chief. The date and time should be scheduled and coordinated with Facilities Maintenance staff, the District Chief, and the tenant. b. The inspection should document the condition of the residential property and record any structural maintenance necessary to conform to applicable laws, rules, regulations, ordinances, or building codes. It is recommended that photographs be taken and become a part of the record. c. The Organizational and Business Development Section shall maintain a file for all residential properties including the lease agreement and all documents required by the lease agreement. The Organizational and Business Development Section shall also advise the District Chief and the Executive Officer of any problems associated with the residential properties and implementation of this policy. 14-4 APPENDIX A - RESIDENTIAL REQUEST FORM 1. Location of Property: 2. Asset/Property #/Address: 3. Description of Residence 4. Name of Interested Person: 5. Employee Classification: 6. Employment Location: 7. Annual Salary: 8. Residential Duties: Information below to be completed by Organizational and Business Development Section 9. Comparable Lease Charge: 10. Employee % Discount: 11. Net Monthly Rental Fee: 12. County Utility Estimates A: Electric: B: Water/Sewer: C: Fuel/Gas: D: Telephone (Basic): E: Waste Disposal: 13. Lease Period Dates: Executive Officer's Approval Date: Executive Officer's Signature: Date: Resident's Signature: 14-5 Item #15 RESOLUTION UTn'j"" ATI� MANAGEMENT A �~ TIAL PROPERTY LEASE PE RESIDEN iness practices and enable staff to °p Commission approval to adopt the following In an effort to standardize b Comm sinners grant the staff is requesting more efficiently, that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners resolution requesting ommission and its staff the ability to Oakland County Parks and Recreation ro ram. O lease p g manage the residential property 15-1 PRog. REs�\"v11 0 N Cox-(' sion d Recreation t parks un y County parks a the Cak\and C to residentxa\ S, the Cak\and ekes with�o Hers due n9 Board ru\es' rap missio Wr\ERE S its resldent1a\ he Board of U\aced in the eX�s current\y \ease e aPpr°va\ from \estate as step which c°ntributeo� t in o� enue, sio ' oa\ system with th an \nteres rea urce rev minis n s 9 \eases havinJ ases pr°vide a Recreation C° t`on of and NEREPIS I the \county parks an and r tefms With an °p NJ nd s stern, ea ands the Cak\ usta�nab\e parks menu are one gars and nd Recreation to eabn9 a Jiscam S, the \ease a9r ta\ period ofi dive na County parks and enab\e staff c VVNER our times, for a to ports the Cak\ siness practices renewa\ up to p,S, thIs effort s o standard�Ze bu residentia\ \eases NE.R� \ant to the �N is p eXecu ton s strate9 and t used to e\ parks Commis e more e id�ent\y', s a9reemen rporation C°unoak\and C°unty ty e oun to operat EREp,S the \e ak\and County C �vED that the st the Cak\and � eat\on b C SO ue e RE and R ve\oped �CR� gE \� reby re4 park$ ope�y \ease e has been d� �NERE ion and its staff k\and County ,dent�a\ pr NC m�sss grant the Camara 9e the res m ° a ton C uny p arks an and Recr CornmissiOne the ability to Board ° nd its sta the Cak\and C of Commissioners commission a ESC`vED that e Boar R rovid e th ram -tNE F� .� wi\\ p pro9 BE ssion and its saease activity. m port ofi residentia Recreation C° with an annua\ r Moved b y .-- Suppo,ked by pate 15'?- Item #16 RED OAKS GOLF COURSE DRAIN PROJECT UPDATE Larry Gee, Chief — Parks Operations and Maintenance, South District, will present an update on the status of the Red Oaks Golf Course Drain project. 16-1 Item #17 Executive Officer's Report A. Attached for your review is a letter from Robert Gatt, Chief of File Operations for Oakland County Community Corrections regarding the Community Service Garden at Springfield Oaks County Park. B. The 12th Annual MRPA Lifeguard Competition was held at the Troy Aquatic Center on Friday, August 7. Teams consisted of either two males or two females, with 38 lifeguards participating in various events including CPR, spinal rescues, a monster event (obstacle course of fitness and lifesaving skills), and tug-of-war. OCPRC lifeguards placed 2nd, 5th and 8th in the female division and 5th in men's division. C. Staff has been notified that OCPRC did not receive funding from the COPS Hiring Recovery Program (CHRP) Grant which was applied for in April, 2009. D. The Waterford Oaks Fridge - Design Engineering Request for Qualifications has been submitted to Oakland County Purchasing. Staff plans to present a recommendation for commission approval at the November or December commission meeting. E. As a follow up to the last meeting, staff has reviewed and made some adjustments to the existing floor surface in the men's locker room at Waterford Oaks. For 2010 staff is evaluating the women's shower/restroom area and men's restroom area. Also being considered is a rubber application that has been used in the restrooms at Red Oaks Waterpark. In addition, staff has initiated a protocol for continuous restroom monitoring by the attendants on duty based on park attendance. Intervals will be at a minimum of 30 minutes when the park is at its lowest attendance, and adjust accordingly, based on capacity. F. A report detailing the planned deferred spending for FY 2010 will be distributed at the meeting. G. The waterpark comparison for 2006-2009 is provided for informational purposes: Waterford Oaks Waterpark: 2006 — 78,675 attendance, $714,687 revenue 2007 — 71,404 attendance, $657,788 revenue 2008 — 72,159 attendance, $652,986 revenue 2009 — 64,951 attendance, $563,818 revenue Red Oaks Waterpark: 2006 — 94,633 attendance, $968,533 revenue 2007 — 89,284 attendance, $936,421 revenue 2008 — 88,407 attendance, $909,441 revenue 2009 — 73,462 attendance, $752,219 revenue H. Attached for your review are the upcoming events for the month of September, 2009. 17-1 Dan Stencil, Administrator Oakland County Parks and Recreation August 20, 2009 Dear Dan, On Tuesday, August 18, 2009, the Oakland County Community Corrections Division held an open house at the Community Service Garden that is located at Springfield Oaks in Springfield Township. The Community Service Garden is maintained by people who are assigned to the County's WWAM (Weekend/Weekday Alternative for Misdemeanants) program. The WWAM program is an integral part of the Oakland County Community Corrections Division. WWAM became operational in Oakland County in 1997. It was created in order to provide the Oakland County District Court judges an alternative method of punishment for certain offenders without having to send them to jail. The WWAM program incorporates the punitive aspect of jail by mandating that the participants work eight hours per day at a non profit agency. The judges determine how many days a participant must work. Offenders are normally referred for a minimum of 2 days. The Springfield Oaks Community Service Garden was started in 2005 as a joint effort between Community Corrections and the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Department. Beginning each winter, people assigned to the WWAM program are sent to the Garden on a regular basis in order to plant, care for, and eventually harvest the vegetables and flowers that are grown there. A commercial grade greenhouse has been erected on the Community Service Garden site and is used to start seedlings that are later planted in the ground. The August open house gave Barb Hankey, Manager of Community Corrections, the opportunity to recognize and thank several key figures who have made the Community Service Garden a reality. The honorees were: L. Brooks Patterson, Oakland County Executive, who was recognized for being such a great and innovative leader and for allowing Community Corrections to operate the WWAM program; Judge Michael Batchik, Oakland County District Court Judge, who is credited with starting the first Community Service Garden in the Novi District and then teaming with Community Corrections in 2003 to start a new garden in Clarkston. In 2005, that project was re- located to Springfield Oaks; Judge Fred Mester, Oakland County Circuit Court Judge, who chaired the Oakland County Community Corrections Advisory Board for many years before retiring from the bench in 2008; Bruce Bordine, owner of Bordines Nursery, who has generously donated plants and supplies over the years, including the commercial greenhouse that is located on the property; and Mary Sloan-Lichty, representing the Clarkston Rotary, who raised and then donated the funds necessary to both cover and equip the greenhouse once it was erected. Barb Hankey noted that without the cooperation, vision and generosity of these five people, the Community Service Garden could never be as successful as it is. 17-2 ested and given to the Gleaners variety is hary divided and distxibuteldi ° eTy ed 10,000 pounds of food SheTe it is ular basis. nearly Oakland COwty d needy on a reg axi people assign Every year anlc in the poor an fiil project and m Y even after Coxnmity �OodB that feed 1 help service Garden organizations ondexfu � unity of Michigan involved in such a w at the Comm at is being gratifying to M pTogram continue working work e fired. xoud of the good t than what w to the Ww have exp ect. o s is very P ore importa%rward to being their court sentences unity COS H°.Never, nothing isden. we look pakland County CO our programs unity service Gar lisped in all of s Comm More years. accomp Tl Oak are doing at the swho n� d OUT help for many able to assist those sincerely, le Operations D ivision Robert Gatt,fie fiCoumtY Corrections pakland Coun Y 17'3 . se tembe�r 2009 eaxnin Evex►ts of to "Yea to donate a mini�,'xm e�eask Golfers natianwall ? copses or Gi patrio, -VOlds ole'j'as 901f � Lvla � a - tinge LVTV 914 " 91� e &dine coup blea LY°n c. golf au ees scxaTa mks AssO gill seniozlRegeczeatxon ov LY°nOaks 9j15ichig Dine couple s g Oaks npaks 9124 cline & 9125 matches1 Glen matcheS, Gl 0aks Ongoing ool practice & ool practice &atcheS� Glen septezn ezcY �lg zrison Sc ool pxactl e� mall g 1 �Q ses s lo Far�,ingto an rgh ndzais�ng al �axxningt Golf after 4pn'' Oaks col l,Y, eSt Day owith paying adult ractice� LY°n 96), ,Yon Ohs �JIs clay Fxee high school p cozxses beverage fpz estexn , a & 3uruoxs e � befoze $� e, fp°d wal edLak holes valcaxttang se `nNine ers golf 9 off 96 (2 pl a� all co,�ses Golf Leagues amaze Centex de endence puke pzograzn lde xs-- atez `� onders In tezpz ,estxaYl oole public In �oxnesch 91123—14opzaj for ao�® The Green -Bee xelghts g126 — wozkB at NIad1 bob itie5' Gden de; Other 9110 and 124 — ox seniors; lu tkhd velopmental disa eati°n Da, Tip f dividuals Theza eutic RelndepCC s a cool fox in bilities; g111 uteld mental disa 9114 Craft e asketball; th develop Fexndaleelchaix B divid1zals wl TroY ental disab1ltzeS 9116 1�or social fox etball; TG1T — bask with developm 911� atedorcx w fo aviduals Adult xecze Co king sa e1d 921 Cxadaed x Basketball; basketball; Tents; s°uthzeld F erncelchaal wheelcha1z visual ixnpal 9123 3udult zeczeatlo divi with reld 9125 A- ball fox in ,r �a ketball; S°uth� 9126 Goal veelchai 9130 JWox 17'4 FY 2009/2010 Deferred Spending As of September 1, 2009 CIP BUDGET Park Proj. # Project FY 2009 Savings FY 2010 Postpone NOTES NO Asphalt Camping Trails $ 200,000.00 $ 200,000.00 Carry over to 2011 NO 975 Connector Trail Safety Path (B) $ 519,981.20 Carry over to 2010 NO 601 Boathouse, Buhl Lk. $ 10,000.00 Carry over to 2011 A/O 604 Pavilion, Campground Recreation $ 20,000.00 Carry over to 2011 C/O 1102 Asphalt, Curb Parking Lot $ 330,000.00 Carry over to 2010 C/O 1103 Restroom, Concession, Storage Bldg. $ 40,000.00 Carry over to 2010 C/O 1104 Entrance Sign $ 20,000.00 Carry over to 2010 C/O Recreation Fields $ 250,000.00 Carry over to 2010 C/O Well, Irrigation $ 60,000.00 Carry over to 2010 C/O Maintenance Yard $ 40,000.00 Carry over to 2010 C/O Asphalt Trail $ 55,000.00 Carry over to 2010 C/O Play Structure $ 250,000.00 Carry over to 2011 GR/O 828 Rental Equip Station, Storage $ 90,000.00 Carry over to 2010 H/O 65 Trail Development, Phase 1 $ 285,000.00 Carry over to 2011 H/O 1060 Parking Lot $ 46,198.62 Project Complete 1/0 25 Interpretive Pond $ 30,000.00 $ 30,000.00 Carry over to 2011 1/0 25 Pole Barn Addition $ 160,000.00 Carry over to 2011 1/0 Boundary Fence, Upper Bushman $ 100,000.00 0/0 Pavilion, Dog Park $ 50,000.00 Carry over to 2010 RD/O 839 Dog Park $ (160,000.00) ADD -ON RD/O 985 Relocate Complex Entrance-WP $ 130,000.00 Carry over to 2010 RD/O 987 Irrigation Well -GC $ 50,000.00 Carry over to 2010 RD/O 1149 Relocate Entrane Drive -GC $ 50,000.00 Carry over to 2010 RD/O 1169 Fence, Dog Park-WP $ 21,000.00 Carry over to 2010 RD/O 1170 Pavilion, Dog Park-WP $ 44,000.00 Carry over to 2010 RD/O River Pumphouse Restroom Add-WP $ 10,000.00 $ 120,000.00 Carry over to 2011 RD/O 1233 Golf Training Facility -GC $ 60,000.00 $ 70,000.00 Carry over to 2011 RS/0 1114 Trail Development, Phase 1 $ 300,000.00 $ 300,000.00 Carry over to 2011 SP/0 993 Land Acquisition --Samuel Property $ 821,500.00 SP/O I Event Campground, Phase 2-AC (F) $ 300,000.00 Carry over to 2010 SP/O 1 11181 Ellis Barn Upgrade -AC $ 58,000.00 1 $ 58,000.00 1 Carry over to 2011 SP/O Boundary Fence, Samuel $ 40,000.00 Carry over to 2010 WA/0 994 T. Tower Platform Shelter-TC $ 8,426.00 WA/0 Toboggan Conveyor System-TC $ 30,000.00 WA/0 Boundary Fence, Kidwell, Wesleyan $ 10,000.00 WA/0 Boundary Fence, Tolliver, Dalton $ 50,000.00 WA/0 Boundary Fence, Ernst $ 20,000.00 WA/0 Toboggan Flume Canopy-TC $ 90,000.00 WA/0 Toboggan Tower Lift-TC $ 15,000.00 $ 3,779,105.82 $ 1,503,000.00 BUILDING & GROUNDS BUDGET Park Proj. # Project FY 2009 Savings FY 2010 Postpone NOTES ADMIN Office Renovation (B) $ 20,000.00 Carry over to 2010 NO Pool Bldg (Renovation/Demolition) (B) $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 Carry over to 2011 NO Retaining Wall (B) $ 20,000.00 $ 20,000.00 Carry over to 2011 NO Conference Center Repairs (B) $ 27,000.00 $13,000 Spent 09 GLO Banquet Center Storm Water Pump (B) $ 27,000.00 Spent $3,000 GR/O Dump Station Septic Repairs $ 100,000.00 RD/O Red Oaks Waterpark Restoration (G) $ 86,000.00 Spent $164,000 RD/O Concession Renovation Design (B) $ 10,000.00 RD/O Bath House Renovation Design (B) $ 20,000.00 SPO HVAC, Water Tower & Roof $ 27,400.00 $20,000 Spent 09 L/O East Norton Drain Replacement $ 20,000.00 Splitting Expense with City of Wixom WA/0 Fridge Tower Grade Replacement $ 11,000.00 $ 367,400.00 $ 41,000.00 GRAND TOTAL $ 4,146,505.82 $ 1,544,000.00 *If we hold to the current rate of spending noted at the bottom of page 6-4 of the Statement of Operations for month ending 7/31/09, we are projecting $1,131,698 in savings from the Operating Budget. The $367,400 noted as FY 2009 Savings in the Building and Grounds Budget is included in that amount.