HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendas/Packets - 2010.08.04 - 401782800 Watkins Lake Road • Bldg 97W • Waterford, MI 48328-1917 248.858.0906 • 1.888.00PARKS • www.Destination0akland.com COUNTY PARKS July 29, 2010 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Oakland County, Michigan Commissioners: A meeting has been called of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission as follows: PLACE........................... TIME............................ PURPOSE ........................ Groveland Township Fire Station #1 14645 Dixie Hwy Corner of Grange Hall / Dixie Hwy Wednesday, August 4, 2010 9:00 a.m. Regular Meeting / Closed Session This meeting has been called in accordance with the authorization of Chainnan Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation. Sincerely, C1� f�4�� Daniel J. Stencil Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. Executive Officer Chairman Richard Skarritt Vice Chairman J. David VanderVeen Secretary Next Meeting: Wednesday, September 1, 2010 at Oakland County Parks and Tim Burns Recreation Administrative Office. Gerald A. Fisher Robert Kostin P.S. Casual attire is suggested for park tour Christine Long John P. McCulloch Charles Palmer Scott Ddniel J. Stencil Executive Officer D:\$Data\Ivly documents\COMMISSION\agendaltr.doc 6 i L9 (�:'iltl :j'; , .. iil•�rili��lia.; �1{fiiii i! � ift?;..J{C, ,iili �Id __ •�l� J:� �r_;� i vt " lid �. il.> �• �. i'� 9. CLOU—Q SESSION— To discuss potential interest in real estate 10. OLD BUSINESS 11. NEW BUSINESS 12. ADJOURN TO PARK TOUR - Casual attire is suggested. The next meeting will be September 1, 2010, 9 a.m. at the Parks and Recreation's administration office. Item #4A June 2 2010 Regular Meeting Addendum Staff is requesting a motion to amend the minutes from June 2, 2010 immediately following the "July as National Recreation and Parks Month" resolution to include the following: RED OAKS WATERPARK SLIDE REPAIR — CHANGE ORDERS• Moved by Mr. Palmer, supported by Mr. VanderVeen to approve the change orders for the Red Oaks Waterpark slide tower structural repairs in the amount of $16,211.40 as follows: Change order #1 repair and sealing of 57 existing step tread surface and faces; change order #2 (7) additional flume saddles; change order #3 additional steel support beam and welds under the concrete deck at the top platform of waterslide; change order 34 credit —estimate for additional spot steel repairs not necessary (part of job contingency not used). AYES: Burns, Fisher, Kostin, Lewis, Long, McCulloch, Palmer, Scott, Skarritt, VanderVeen (10) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. 4A-1 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE 2011 OPERATING BUDGET June 2, 2010 Chairman Lewis called the public hearing to order at 9:07 a.m. in the commission room of the Parks and Recreation's administration office. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr., Vice Chairman Richard Skarritt, Gerald Fisher, Robert Kostin, John McCulloch, Charles Palmer, John Scott ALSO PRESENT: Parks and Recreation Oakland County Corporation Counsel Barton-Malow Construction Management Studio 5 Private Citizen Daniel Stencil, Executive Officer Sue Wells, Manager -Parks Operations Mike Donnellon, Chief -Parks Fac., Maint. & Dev. Melissa Prowse, Business Development Rep. Jim Dunleavy, Chief -Parks Maint. & Ops. North Larry Gee, Chief -Parks Maint. & Ops. South Sheila Cox, Capital Improvement Coordinator Karen Kohn, Supervisor -Administrative Services Desiree Stanfield, Supervisor -Communications Terry Field, Chief -Recreation Programs/Services Matt Felton, Marketing Supervisor Jon Noyes, Planning Supervisor Olivia Lonctot, Parks Helper Jody Hall, Assistant Corporation Counsel Brian Threet Brian Gorzynski Holly Kaiser Jennifer Howard The purpose of the public hearing was to discuss the proposed Fiscal Year 2011 operating budget. The proposed operating revenue budget is $25,003,813; down (12.56%) from the amended budget for FY 2010. Of this amount, $8,493,713 (33.97%) comes from charges for services. The remaining balance of $16,510,100 will come from the'/4 millage, $12,566,000 (50.26%); income from investments and other revenue, $272,300 (1.09%); delinquent tax prior years, $20,000 (.08%) and Planned Use of Balance, $3,651,800 (14.6%). The proposed operating expense budget is $25,003,813; down (12.56%) from the amended budget for FY 2010. The 12.56% net decrease includes many contributing factors: 1.5% salary reduction as recommended by the County Executive; fringe benefits increase due to fringe benefit rate adjustments; contractual services decreased due to the postponement of various projects, commodities decreased due to the postponement of scheduled equipment replacement, depreciation decreased due to the reduction in capital projects, interest on debt decreased because the final payment was made in FY 2010 to the Oakland County Building Authority for the Lyon Oaks bond, internal services increased mainly due to the continuation of the Information Technology Master Plan. The IT Master Plan has been revised to reflect a five-year implementation period. Other points of interest: • Salaries and fringe benefits total $11,015,040 which equals 44.05% of the total operating expense budget. 4a-1 (Public Hearing — 2011 Operating Budget, June 2, 2010) • Special Events revenue and expenses have increased in numerous budget units because of the increased priority in recreation programming to meet the demand of residents as identified in the citizen survey. • The number of recreation programs has increased significantly in all nine core service areas: adaptive recreation, aquatics, special events, outdoor recreation, mobile recreation, golf, health and wellness, volunteers, and nature interpretive. These recreation opportunities have been programmed county -wide through outreach, collaborations, partnerships, sponsorships and parades. These include recreation programs for the greenhouses and the Upper Bushman property. • The Revenue Pricing Policy has allowed staff to fill facilities during non -peak times. • Red Oaks Dog Park, our newest facility, opened in FY 2010. • Additional budget centers have been forecast: FY 2011 revenue for the OC Market is projected to offset the expense of the market; funds are available in FY 2011 contingency for the possible management of an additional nature center. • Capital equipment expenditures have been reduced from $508,405 in FY 2010 to $5,600 in FY 2011 and will be spent on new equipment. • Capital Improvement Program projects are being projected out on a 10-year cycle by staff. • Future Capital Improvement Program projects will reflect a strategy of creating "Inventory of Design Opportunities" that will be grant -ready. • The Stabilization Fund is $6,500,000 and equates to approximately 25% of the FY 2011 operating budget. • Staff's FY 2010 Budget Task goal is to increase actual revenue and/or decrease actual expense by a combined net total of 10% in order to eliminate the $1,539,717 fund equity reduction budgeted in the Planned Use of Balance revenue account. • The FY 2009 Actual Operating Budget had a total net income of $3,315,490. This amount was incorporated into the FY 2010 and FY 2011 Capital Improvement Program. Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Conformance The FY 2011 "Planned Use of Balance" revenue shown in the Operating Budget Revenue summaries is $3,651,800. This is the amount of non -cash depreciation included in the current fiscal year's expense which leaves cash available for the next fiscal year's Capital Improvement Program. A separate budget book details projects planned for the FY 2011 Capital Improvement Program. No questions were asked, nor comments received by the public. The public hearing was adjourned at 9:08 a.m. J. David VanderVeen, Secretary Suzanne L. Kici, Recording Secretary 4a-2 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING July 7, 2010 Vice Chairman Skarritt called the meeting to order at 9:09 a.m. in the commission room of the Administration Office. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice Chairman Richard Skarritt, Secretary J. David VanderVeen, Tim Burns, Gerald Fisher, Christine Long, John McCulloch, Charles Palmer, John Scott COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT WITH NOTICE: Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr., Robert Kostin ALSO PRESENT: Parks and Recreation Oakland County Fiscal Services Oakland County Facilities Maintenance & Ops. Oakland County Purchasing Oakland County Fair Board Nutro Pet Foods Company APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Daniel Stencil, Executive Officer Sue Wells, Manager -Parks Operations Mike Donnellon, Chief -Parks Fac., Maint. & Dev. Jim Dunleavy, Chief -Parks Maint. & Ops. North Larry Gee, Chief -Parks Maint. & Ops. South Karen Kohn, Supervisor -Administrative Services Desiree Stanfield, Supervisor -Communications Terry Fields, Chief -Recreation Programs/Services Matt Felton, Marketing Supervisor Jon Noyes, Planning Supervisor Phil Castonia, Business Development Rep. Stephanie Mackey, Business Development Rep. Melissa Prowse, Business Development Rep. Chris Moshier, User Support Specialist Mary Zednik, Public Communications Assistant Olivia Lanctot, Parks Helper Brian Menghini, Supervisor Mike Hughson, Property Management Specialist Jack Smith, Manager LC Scramlin, Manager Anthony Quinn Tom Howell Moved by Mr. Palmer, supported by Mr. Scott to approve the minutes of the regular and public hearing meetings of June 2, 2010. AYES: Burns, Fisher, Long, Palmer, Scott, Skarritt, VanderVeen (7) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Moved by Mr. Fisher, supported by Mrs. Long to approve the agenda as revised by adding an update on the acquisition of Upper Bushman Lake property after item #7A. AYES: Burns, Fisher, Long, Palmer, Scott, Skarritt, VanderVeen (7) 4b-1 (Commission Meeting, July 7, 2010) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. PUBLIC COMMENTS: LC Scramlin invited the Commission and staff to attend the Oakland County Fair at Springfield Oaks County Park July 13-18, 2010. The Fair Board is committed to showcasing the parks millage renewal through ample signage throughout the fairgrounds. Mr. Scramlin commented that the grounds look great and staff has been very helpful preparing for the fair. OAKLAND COUNTY PURCHASING QUARTERLY REPORT: The quarterly report from Purchasing was received and filed. PROPERTY ACQUISITION UPDATE: Property Management Specialist Mike Hughson reported that the Highland Equestrian Conservancy acquisition at Highland Oaks closed on June 29, 2010. The closing on the Upper Bushman Lake property, scheduled for June 30, 2010, has been postponed due to Mr. Arnold's negotiations with his lenders. The grant extension deadline from the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and Environment is June 30; their staff is aware of the current situation and know we are moving toward closing on the property. Notice has been sent to the Arnolds' attorney to close within 30 days. PAYMENT APPROVAL: Moved by Mrs. Long, supported by Mr. Scott to approve the Internal Service Funds Journal Voucher Register for the month ending 5/31/10 (FM 8, FYI 0); and the Payment Register ending 5/31/10 (FM 8, FYI 0). AYES: Burns, Fisher, Long, McCulloch, Palmer, Scott, Skarritt, VanderVeen (8) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. COMBINED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS: Moved by Mr. Palmer, supported by Mrs. Long to approve the Combined Statement of Operations for the month ending 5/31/10 (FM 8, FY 10). AYES: Burns, Fisher, Long, McCulloch, Palmer, Scott, Skarritt, VanderVeen (8) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. STAFF INTRODUCTION: Olivia Lanctot, a senior at Central Michigan University, will be interning under the supervision of Matt Felton in the Marketing unit through December, 2010. RECOGNITION — NUTRO PET FOODS COMPANY: 4b-2 (Commission Meeting, July 7, 2010) Anthony Quinn and Tom Howell from Nutro Pet Food Company were recognized for their efforts coordinating the volunteer day held at Red Oaks Dog Park on June 17. Nutro Pet Food Company provided $2,000 in donations in the form of two recycled plastic benches and three dog -waste stations for the nation- wide volunteer day. The dedication for Red Oaks Dog Park will be held on July 24 from 8-11 a.m. TRI-COUNTY SUMMIT SPONSORSHIP REQUEST: Moved by Mr. Palmer, supported by Mr. Fisher to sponsor the Tri-County Summit on September 20, 2010 at the Detroit Zoo by providing 250 single day -use passes expiring December 31, 2011. Discussion followed. Moved by Mr. Palmer, supported by Mr. Fisher to withdraw the motion to sponsor the Tri-county Summit. AYES: Burns, Fisher, Long, McCulloch, Palmer, Scott, Skarritt, VanderVeen (8) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENT — LANDOWNER INCENTIVE PROGRAM GRANT ACCEPTANCE RESOLUTION: Moved by Mrs. Long, supported by Mr. Scott to accept a grant from the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and Environment in the amount of $12,000 for the Landowner Incentive Program and adopt the following resolution in support of the grant acceptance: RESOLUTION PR10-009 IN SUPPORT OF THE ACCEPTANCE OF A MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENT LANDOWNER INCENTIVE PROGRAM GRANT FOR THE OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION PRESCRIBED BURNS AT ROSE OAKS AND INDEPENDENCE OAKS COUNTY PARKS TO CONTROL INVASIVE SPECIES AND IMPROVE WILDLIFE HABITAT WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission has identified and established priorities for the stewardship and maintenance of park natural resources within the adopted Recreation Master Plan; and; WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission recommends the acceptance of the following grant award from the Department of Natural Resources and Environment for a $12,000 grant (60% of total project costs) with a local match of $8,000 (40%): PRESCRIBED BURNS AT ROSE OAKS AND INDEPENDENCE OAKS COUNTY PARKS TO CONTROL INVASIVE SPECIES AND IMPROVE WILDLIFE HABITAT NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission hereby requests the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorize and accept the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and Environment Landowner Incentive Program grant award. 4b-3 (Commission Meeting, July 7, 2010) BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission hereby requests the Board of Commissioners direct its Chairperson or designee to execute said grant agreement on behalf of the County of Oakland. AYES: Burns, Fisher, Long, McCulloch, Palmer, Scott, Skarritt, VanderVeen (8) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. ACTIVITY REPORT: The May Activity Report was received and filed. REC TRAC DEMONSTRATION: Business Development Representative Phil Castonia and User Support Specialist Chris Moshier presented a demonstration on the new RecTrac point -of -sale system. The new software will provide increased information to staff and allow staff to provide additional customer service to park patrons including online reservations and tee times. When fully implemented, credit cards will be accepted at every cash register, and gift cards will also be available. Staff was challenged to determine who will manage the data and data -sharing, and provide analysis on how this software has benefited the department. Staff will also review the option of a loyalty program. MILLAGE AWARENESS UPDATE: Business Development Representative Stephanie Mackey provided an update on millage awareness initiatives. RECREATION PROGRAMS AND SERVICES UPDATE: Chief of Recreation Terry Fields provided a brief update on programming efforts with the Recreation Assistance Partnership (RAP), Oakland County Parks Express, parades and festivals, and special events. To date the RAP has made 224 visits with 28,000 people participating in the visits. The Volunteer Program has been rolled out with approximately 400 volunteers providing assistance within the parks system. A detailed report will be provided with the value of what the volunteers bring to the parks. EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S REPORT: In addition to the Executive Officer's Report, the following was also noted: --North Oakland Headwaters Land Conservancy will provide their designated funds for the acquisition of the Upper Bushman Lake property upon closing. --Oak Park Parks and Recreation requested financial support for their playground at Victoria Park. Staff informed them we did not have financial resources to offer them, however we could provide assistance with grant sources. Meeting adjourned at 10:47 a.m. to the Waterford Oaks Paradise Peninsula Playscape dedication. J. David VanderVeen, Secretary Suzanne L. Kici, Recording Secretary 4b-4 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION PAYMENT APPROVAL SUMMARY FOR MEETING OF: August 4, 2010 *INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS JOURNAL VOUCHER REGISTER: June (FM9 2010) *OAK MANAGEMENT INC. CREDIT FOR SERVICES RENDERED REGISTER, April, May & June (FM7, 8 & 9 2010) *PAYMENT REGISTER: Voucher Report Period, June (FM9, 2010) TOTAL *BACKUP INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW. 1,606,474.02 1,200.00 1,026,556.13 $2,634,230.15 7A -1 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Oak Management, Inc. Credit for Services Rendered Register Apr., May & Jun., 2010 N OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION COMBINED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS FM 9, FY 2010 (FOR MONTH ENDING 6/30110) 2010 YEAR TO (OVER), % OF REVENUE BUDGET DATE UNDER BUDGET BUDGET ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES: Millage Tax $14,129,000.00 $14,542,008.21 ($413,008.21) 102.9% Other 297,300.00 333,005.37 (35,705.37) 112.0% GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE 1,152,170.00 525,680.01 626,489.99 45.6% LYON OAKS GOLF COURSE 1,269,500.00 636,935.88 632,564.12 50.2% RED OAKS GOLF COURSE 370,400.00 171,780.14 198,619.86 46.4% SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE 840,800.00 362,210.18 478,589.82 43.1% WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE 924,250.00 449,093.39 475,156.61 48.6% INDEPENDENCE OAKS NATURE CENTER 37,420.00 20,785.68 16,634.32 55.5% ADDISON OAKS 439,665.00 224,746.12 214,918.88 51.1% ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 126,000.00 37,020.50 88,979.50 29.4% GROVELAND OAKS 701,400.00 276,518.87 424,881.13 39.4% HIGHLAND OAKS 13,000.00 (96.00) 13,096.00 -0.7% INDEPENDENCE OAKS 332,160.00 176,835.47 155,324.53 53.2% LYON OAKS 90,000.00 43,803.50 46,196.50 48.7% ORION OAKS 111,200.00 75,158.00 36,042.00 67.6% RED OAKS DOG PARK 0.00 30.00 (30.00) N/A ROSE OAKS 2,300.00 164.00 2,136.00 7.1% SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER/PARK 60,425.00 51,268.00 9,157.00 84.8% WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER/PARK 45,900.00 30,359.00 15,541.00 66.1% RECREATION PROGRAMS & SERVICES 21,000.00 8,215.50 12,784.50 39.1% CATALPA OAKS 10,000.00 0.00 10,000.00 0.0% MOBILE RECREATION & SPECIAL EVENTS 387,800.00 150,159.64 237,640.36 38.7% RED OAKS WATERPARK 1,000,600.00 244,109.52 756,490.48 24.4% WATERFORD OAKS BMX COMPLEX 17,250.00 3,354.00 13,896.00 19.4% WATERFORD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 144,300.00 1,595.29 142,704.71 1.1% WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK 821,425.00 97,725.57 723,699.43 11.9% NON -OPERATING PLANNED USE OF BALANCE 5,249,817.00 0.00 5,249,817.00 N/A TOTAL REVENUE $28,595,082.00 $18,462,465.84 $10,132,616.16 64.6% EXPENSES ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES $5,874,758.00 $3,485,990.61 $2,388,767.39 59.3% FISCAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION 126,497.00 81,023.85 45,473.15 64.1% FISCAL SERVICES PARKS & REC 267,836.00 191,474.88 76,361.12 71.5% GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE 1,404,809.00 1,041,286.79 363,522.21 74.1% LYON OAKS GOLF COURSE 2,041,893.00 1,165,034.89 876,858.11 57.1% RED OAKS GOLF COURSE 855,496.00 496,074.80 359,421.20 58.0% SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE 1,108,426.00 664,639.42 443,786.58 60.0% WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE 1,159,553.00 642,839.04 516,713.96 55.4% INDEPENDENCE OAKS NATURE CENTER 517,533.00 300,657.33 216,875.67 58.1% ADDISON OAKS 1,469,831.00 818,580.77 651,250.23 55.7% ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 289,187.00 104,141.33 185,045.67 36.0% GROVELAND OAKS 1,533,180.00 687,082.95 846,097.05 44.8% HIGHLAND OAKS 71,902.00 39,028.46 32,873.54 54.3% INDEPENDENCE OAKS 1,056,316.00 639,437.12 416,878.88 60.5% LYON OAKS 366,629.00 221,551.28 145,077.72 60.4% ORION OAKS 195,505.00 121,410.05 74,094.95 62.1% RED OAKS DOG PARK 0.00 18,548.77 (18,548.77) NA ROSE OAKS 96,352.00 31,040.72 65,311.28 32.2% SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER/PARK 492,891.00 240,260.02 252,630.98 48.7% WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER/PARK 619,096.00 359,760.00 259,336.00 58.1% RECREATION PROGRAMS & SERVICES 700,956.00 446,440.39 254,515.61 63.7% CATALPA OAKS 114,924.00 18,093.09 96,830.91 15.7% MOBILE RECREATION & SPECIAL EVENTS 695,187.00 330,014.88 365,172.12 47.5% RED OAKS WATERPARK 1,354,195.00 671,422.36 682,772.64 49.6% WATERFORD OAKS BMX COMPLEX 53,404.00 19,950.85 33,453.15 37.4% WATERFORD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 952,988.00 97,416.47 855,571.53 10.2% WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK 1,287,903.00 447,102.67 840,800.33 34.7% FACILITIES & MAINTENANCE 1,487,835.00 847,628.06 640,206.94 57.0% CONTINGENCY/INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES* 2,400,000.00 294,099.91 2,105,900.09 N/A $28,595,082.00 $14,522,031.76 $14,073,050.24 50.8% REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENSES $0.00 $3,940,434.08 ($3,940,434.08) 2010 2009 2008 2007 ACTUAL REVENUE TO DATE: 64.6% 79.3% 81.8% 81.5% BUDGET BALANCE: 35.4% 20.7% 18.2% 18.5% ACTUAL EXPENSE TO DATE: 50.8% 54.7% 59.4% 59.5% BUDGET BALANCE: 49.2% 45.3% 40.6% 40.5% Note: FY2007-2009 percents did not include the non -operating Planned Use of Balance Revenue amounts. FY 2007-2010 Expenses are comparable again as of 5/31/10. *CONTINGENCY YTD FIGURE: INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS PAYMENTS IN TRANSIT. (Page 1 of 3) 7B-1 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION COMBINED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS FM 9, FY 2010 (FOR MONTH ENDING 6/30110) CONTINGENCY: BUDGET AMENDMENTS $1,800,000 from Information Technology Master Plan (Year 2 of 3) Capital Improvement Program expense line item (OCPRC-May/Posted May) CONTINGENCY: PENDING $116,538 to Waterford Oaks Park -Grounds Maintenance (OCPRC March) $152,900 + $16,212 = $169,112 to Red Oaks Waterpark-Building Maintenance (OCPRC April & June) OTHER: BUDGET AMENDMENTS OTHER: PENDING (Page 2 of 3) 7B-2 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION COMBINED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS REVENUE AND EXPENSE COMPARISON FM 9, FY 2010 (FOR MONTH ENDING 6130110) YEAR TO DATE YEAR TO DATE REVENUE OVER PARK REVENUE EXPENSE (UNDER)EXP. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES (Inc. Tax Revenue) FISCAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION FISCAL SERVICES PARKS & REC ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES SUB -TOTAL GOLF: GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE LYON OAKS GOLF COURSE RED OAKS GOLF COURSE SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE GOLF SUB -TOTAL NATURE: INDEPENDENCE OAKS NATURE CENTER NATURE SUB -TOTAL PARKS: ADDISON OAKS ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER GROVELAND OAKS HIGHLAND OAKS INDEPENDENCE OAKS LYON OAKS ORION OAKS RED OAKS DOG PARK ROSE OAKS SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER/PARK WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER/PARK PARKS SUB -TOTAL RECREATION: RECREATION PROGRAMS & SERVICES CATALPA OAKS MOBILE RECREATION & SPECIAL EVENTS RED OAKS WATERPARK WATERFORD OAKS BMX COMPLEX WATERFORD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK RECREATION SUB -TOTAL FACILITIES & MAINTENANCE: FACILITIES & MAINTENANCE FACILITIES & MAINTENANCE SUB -TOTAL CONTINGENCY/INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES* TOTAL $14,875,013.58 0.00 0.00 14,875,013.58 525,680.01 636,935.88 171,780.14 362,210.18 449, 093.39 2,145,699.60 $3,485,990.61 81,023.85 191,474.88 3,758,489.34 1,041,286.79 1,165,034.89 496,074.80 664,639.42 642,839.04 4,009,874.94 $11,389,022.97 (81,023,85) (191,474.88) 11,116,524.24 (515,606.78) (528,099.01) (324,294.66) (302,429.24) (193,745.65) (1,864,175.34) 20,785.68 300,657.33 (279,871.65) 20,785.68 300,657.33 (279,871.65) 224, 746.12 37,020.50 276, 518.87 (96.00) 176,835.47 43,803.50 75,158.00 30.00 164.00 51,268.00 30,359.00 915,807.46 8,215.50 0.00 150,159.64 244,109.52 3,354.00 1,595.29 97,725,57 505,159.52 818,580.77 104,141.33 687,082.95 39,028.46 639,437.12 221,551.28 121,410.05 18,548.77 31,040.72 240,260.02 359,760.00 3,280,841.47 446,440.39 18,093.09 330,014.88 671,422.36 19,950.85 97,416.47 447,102.67 2,030,440.71 (593,834.65) (67,120.83) (410,564.08) (39,124.46) (462,601.65) (177,747.78) (46,252.05) (18,518.77) (30,876.72) (188,992.02) (329,401.00) (2,365,034.01) (438,224.89) (18,093.09) (179,855.24) (427,312.84) (16,596.85) (95,821.18) (349,377.10) (1,525,281.19) 0.00 847,628.06 (847,628.06) 0.00 847,628.06 (847,628.06) 0.00 $18,462,465.84 294,099.91 $14,522,031.76 *CONTINGENCY YTD FIGURE: INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS PAYMENTS IN TRANSIT. (294,099.91) $3,940,434.08 (Page 3 of 3) 7B-3 Park Future Acquisition & Improvements Addison Oaks (A) Catalpa Oaks Glen Oaks Groveland Oaks Highland Oaks (B) Independence Oaks(C) Lyon Oaks (D) Orion Oaks Red Oaks (E) Rose Oaks (F) Springfield Oaks Waterford Oaks (G) White Lake Oaks Contingency Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Budget Report FM 9 FY2010 As of 6/30/10 Summary Total for All Parks Contract(s) Estimated 2009 2010 Net New Estimated Amount Contract(s) Awd., Pre & Enc. Project Proiect Cost Adjustment Adjustment Adjustment Proiect Cost Paid Retainer Balance * Balance 1,906,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,906,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,906,000.00 2,210,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,210,000.00 (1,692.80) 0.00 0.00 2,208,307.20 1,415,000.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 1,415,000.00 (19,930.08) 0.00 0.00 1,395,069.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 130,000.00 0.00 6,874.00 6,874.00 136,874.00 (53,116.50) 0,00 0.00 83,757.50 345,000.00 437,000.00 4,000.00 441,000.00 786,000.00 (425,845,83) 0.00 0.00 360,154,17 4,910,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,910,000.00 (158,374.96) 0.00 0.00 4,751,625.04 511,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 516,000.00 (75,470.01) 0.00 0.00 440,529.99 50,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50,000.00 (10,302.51) 0.00 0.00 39,697.49 1,131,000.00 160,000.00 259,921.11 419,921.11 1,550,921.11 (476,477.06) 0.00 0.00 1,074,444.05 710,000.00 0.00 22,000.00 22,000.00 732,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 732,000.00 360,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 360,000.00 (11,237.97) 0.00 0.00 348,762.03 4,081,512.10 0.00 155,717,77 155,717.77 4,237,229.87 (3,746,342.55) 0.00 0.00 490,887.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,531,595.20 (597,000.00) (453,512.88) (1,050,512.88) 1,481,082.32 0,00 0.00 0.00 1,481,082.32 -.l Capital Improvement Program Grand Total $20,291,107.30 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $20,291,107.30 ($4,978,790.27) $0.00 $0.00 $15,312,317.03 n 1 I- (A) State Grant $844,800 (B) State Grant $28,160 (C) State Grant $945,000 (D) State Grant $35,200 (E) State Grant $94,160 (F) State Grant $150,480 (G) Federal Grant $190,000/Private Grant $250,000 Grand Total of (possible) grants and donations included in Estimated Project Cost = $2,537,800 Dollar Column Explanation: Estimated Proiect Cost is the sum of the current year's Budget columns "Project Cost Estimate" figure, the "Adjusted to Project Cost" figure, and the "Proposed New Projects" figure for the projects still open (any "Project Balance" funds for projects closed to fixed assets at the end of the prior fiscal year have been added to the contingency). 2009 Adiustment is the net of any adjustments made from/to contingency and individual projects in March - September of the prior fiscal year (the current fiscal year's perpetual budget started with figures as of 2/28). 2010 Adjustment is the net of any adjustments made from/to contingency and individual projects during the current fiscal year. Net Adjustment is the sum of "2009 Adjustment" and "2010 Adjustment" figures. New Estimated Project Cost is the sum of "Estimated Project Cost", "2009 Adjustment" and "2010 Adjustment" (or "Net Adjustment") figures. Amount Paid is the cost of the project expensed as of the report date. This amount includes the "Contract(s) Retainer" dollars. Contract(s) Retainer is the amount of retainage withheld from a contract payment and may be in an interest bearing account set-up via the O.C. Treasurer's office. The amount is not part of the "Project Balance" calculation because it is already included in the "Amount Paid" figure. Contract(s) Awd.. Pre & Enc. Balance is the sum of the Pre -encumbered and Encumbered dollars for the contracts that have been awarded and for outstanding Requisitions and Purchase Orders. Project Balance is the amount of available dollars remaining on a project that have not been paid or encumbered. * Pre -Encumbered & Encumbered charges are N/A at this time, figures are based on large contracts. Note: Fund Equity's Stabilizaton Fund in FY2010 is $6,750,000. In FY2011 it will be $1,500,000. Item #7D Oakland County Market Business Plan Staff will provide an update on the Oakland County Market Business Plan. The plan was presented in May 2010 and was tabled until after the millage vote on August 3. No major changes have been made to the business plan. Due to the shift in timeline, several activities planned for the summer of 2010 were not completed, and therefore the "phased implementation" of the business plan has been adjusted to reflect this. An updated version of the plan will be e-mailed to Commissioners prior to the August 4 meeting. 7D-1 Item VE Residential Lease Agreement The Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission currently leases its residential properties within the parks system. The attached lease agreement has been prepared by Oakland County Corporation Counsel and offers the option of renewal. Staff recommends adopting the attached resolution in support of the lease agreement, which will be forwarded to the Oakland County Board of Commissioners for approval. This effort ties into the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission's strategic plan to standardize business practices and enable staff to operate more efficiently. 7E-1 PR10-010 RESOLUTION RESIDENTIAL LEASE-SPRINGFIELD OAKS WHEREAS, the County of Oakland is the owner of Springfield Oaks County Park; and WHEREAS, a one-story three -bedroom house, identified as 12080 Clark Road, is located on the grounds of Springfield Oaks County Park; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission to lease said house located at 12080 Clark Road to County employee Martha Foshia for a period of five years commencing September 1, 2010; and WHEREAS, under the terms and conditions of the attached Lease Agreement Martha Foshia will pay rent as follows: September 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010 $705.00 January 1, 2011 - December 31, 2011 $719.00 January 1, 2012 - December 31, 2012 $733.00 January 1, 2013 - December 31, 2013 $748.00 January 1, 2014 - December 31, 2014 $763.00 January 1, 2015 - December 31, 2015 $778.00 and pay all utility costs and provide after hours security, coordinate all emergency activities with local police and fire agencies and provide after hours emergency maintenance as necessary; and WHEREAS, the Departments of Facilities Management and Corporation Counsel have reviewed and/or prepared all necessary documents related to the attached lease agreement; and WHEREAS, it is the recommendation of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission and the Department of Facilities Management that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accept and approve the terms and conditions of the attached Lease Agreement. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby approves and authorizes the attached Lease Agreement between the County of Oakland and Martha Foshia. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the rent amount received be deposited in the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Rental House Revenue fund line item. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Commissioners hereby directs its Chairperson or his designee Lease Agreement and all other related documents between the Martha Foshia, which may be required. Moved by: Supported by: Date: 7E-2 of Oakland Board of to execute the attached County of Oakland and RESIDENTIAL LEASE AGREEMENT NOTICE: MICHIGAN LAW ESTABLISHES RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS FOR PARTIES TO RENTAL AGREEMENTS. THIS AGREEMENT IS REQUIRED TO COMPLY WITH THE TRUTH IN RENTING ACT. IF YOU HAVE A QUESTION ABOUT THE INTERPRETATION OR LEGALITY OF A PROVISION OF THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MAY WANT TO SEEK ASSISTANCE FROM A LAWYER OR OTHER QUALIFIED PERSON. This Lease Agreement ("Lease") is entered into on September 1, 2010, between the County of Oakland, 1200 North Telegraph, Pontiac, MI 48341 ("Landlord") and Terry and Martha Foshia, 394 Adams Court, Ferndale, MI ("Tenant") according to the terms and conditions set forth below. I. Premises. The Tenant leases from landlord the real property located at 12080 Clark Road, Davisburg, MI ("Premises"), together with any furnishings, fixtures, personal property, and appurtenances furnished by Landlord for Tenant's use. 2. Term. The term of this Lease shall begin on September 1, 2010 and shall end on December 31, 2015. References in this Lease to the term of the Lease shall include any renewal term(s). Tenant shall receive possession of the Premises upon execution of the Lease. 3. Tenant Monetary Obligations, 3.1. Tenant shall pay Landlord the following rent on or before the first day of each month during the term of this Lease: 3.1.1. 9/l/10-12/31/10 $705.00 per month 3.1.2. I/1/11-12/3 Ul 1 $719.00 per month 3.1.3. I/l/12-12/31/12 $733.00 per month 3.1.4. I/l/13-12/31/13 $748.00 per month 3.1.5. 1/l/14-12/31/14 $763.00 per month 3.1.6. I/l/15-12/31/15 $778.00 per month 3.2. The rent shall be paid by check or money order made payable to the Landlord and sent to the following address: Oakland County Parks and Recreation, 2800 Watkins Lake Road, Waterford, Michigan 48328 or another address designated by Landlord in writing. 3.3. Tenant shall pay the first monthly installment when Tenant executes this Lease. The first monthly installment shall be pro -rated for such month, if the Lease is executed on another day than the first day of the month. 3.4. Tenant shall pay Landlord a late fee of $25 for each monthly installment not received by Landlord within five days of its due date. This increase shall be considered additional rent and shall compensate Landlord for costs incurred because of late payments. Landlord's right to collect this additional rent shall be in addition to Landlord's right to take action under other provisions of this Lease Residential Lease--Foshia.doc 7E-3 for Tenant's default in paying rent. The Tenant shall pay all additional rent to Landlord promptly after the due date of the delinquent installment. All rent paid after the due date and payments to cover checks that have been returned for insufficient funds must be paid at the place designated for payment, by cashier's check, certified check, or money order. 3.5. During the term of this Lease, the Tenant shall procure and maintain comprehensive personal liability or tenant's form insurance coverage in the minimum amount of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00). The Tenant shall also provide the Landlord with a certificate of insurance coverage listing the County of Oakland and its employees, officers, and elected and appointed officials as additional insureds. 4. Use of Premises. 4.1. The Tenant shall use the Premises for private residential purposes only. No persons other than the following listed person(s) shall occupy the Premises for more than fourteen (14) days during the term of this Lease without the prior written approval of the Landlord: Sandra Foshia and Heather Coddington. 4.2. Tenant shall not do any of the following or allow another person to do any of the following: 4.2.1 Create any excessive noise or public nuisance; 4.2.2 Do anything to the Premises or its surroundings that may be hazardous or that will cause Landlord's insurance to be cancelled or premiums to increase; 4.2.3 Deface or damage any part of the Premises; 4.2.4 Change the locks or install any additional locks or bolts without Landlord's prior written consent; 4.2.5 Place a waterbed or other heavy article on the Premises without Landlord's prior written consent; 4.2.6 Install any equipment or appliances that, in Landlord's opinion, would cause an unsafe conditions on or around the Premises; 4.2.7 Accumulate refuse on or around the Premises that might pose a health hazard to Tenant or to Tenant's neighbors; 4.2.8 Permit any flammable liquids or explosives to be kept on or around the Premises; and 4.2.9 Bring any animals on the Premises without Landlord's prior written consent. 4.3 Tenant Duties. 4.3.1 To the extent permitted by law, the Tenant shall secure and protect the Park Property and facilities therein, especially during "Park Closed" hours. This shall include contacting and coordinating with police, fire or other 2 Residential Lease--Foshia.doc 7E-4 agencies as may be required and the preparation of an Unusual Incident Report as required by the Landlord. 4.3.2 The Tenant shall arrange for emergency repair and maintenance services for Park Property and facilities as needed. 4.3.3 The Tenant shall make reports to the Park Supervisor or other entity as may be required by the Landlord. Use of Illegal Substances. Tenant shall not violate or knowingly allow another person to violate federal, state, or local laws regarding the use of controlled substances or the use of alcohol by minors in or around the Premises. When aware of a violation of this section, Landlord will file a formal police report. 6. Condition of Premises. 6.1. Tenant acknowledges that no representations about the condition of the Premises or promises to alter or to improve the Premises before or during the term of the Lease have been made except as stated in the Lease. 6.2. Tenants shall return the Premises to the Landlord in the same condition as they were upon commencement of this Lease, including cleanliness, normal wear and tear excepted. 7. Maintenance, Repairs and Damage to Premises. 7.1. Throughout the term of the Lease, Tenant shall maintain the Premises in good condition and shall allow no waste of the Premises or any utilities. Tenant shall be liable for any damage to the Premises or to Landlord's other property that is caused by the acts or omissions of Tenant or Tenant's guests. Tenant shall pay, on Landlord's demand, to replace any broken window glass on the Premises or any lost or broken keys. 7.2. Landlord shall be responsible for snow removal and lawn services for the Premises. 7.3. Landlord shall provide repair and maintenance for the Premises. Tenant shall notify Landlord when there is a need for repairs to the Premises. 7.4. Landlord shall install smoke -detection devices for the Premises along with batteries to operate the devices. Tenant must regularly test the devices to ensure that they are operational and if not notify Landlord immediately. Tenant must never remove batteries from smoke -detection device, except when necessary to replace the batteries. 8. Decorations and Alterations to Premises. Other than hanging decorations on the walls with nails or other materials approved by landlord, Tenant shall not alter or decorate the Premises without prior written consent from Landlord. Landlord's consent to a particular decoration or alteration shall not be deemed consent to future decorations or alterations. Tenant shall not remove any furnishings Landlord furnishes to Tenant, drive nails into the woodwork, or use any adhesive material on the walls without prior written consent from Landlord. Residential Lease--Foshia.doc 7E-5 9. Assignment and Sublease of Premises. Tenant shall not assign or sublease the Premises or any portion thereof. 10. Access to the Premises. Tenant shall allow Landlord and Landlord's agents reasonable access to the Premises to inspect, repair, alter, or improve the Premises. Tenant shall also allow insurance carriers and representatives, fire department inspectors, police, or local health authorities to inspect the Premises to the extent permitted by law. Tenant shall allow Landlord or Landlord's agents to show the Premises to prospective Tenants at reasonable times during the sixty (60) days before the term of the Lease expires and to prospective purchasers on reasonable notice to Tenant. 11. Vacation or Abandonment of the Premises. If Tenant removes substantially all Tenant's property fiom the Premises, Landlord may immediately enter and redecorate the Premises without abatement of rent; and these acts shall not affect Tenant's obligations under this Lease. If Tenant abandons the Premises before the Lease expires, all rent for the remainder of the term of the Lease shall immediately become due. 12. Property Loss or Damage. To the extent permitted by law, Landlord and Landlord's agents shall not be liable for any damage to property or loss of property that is caused by theft or casualty on the Premises. Landlord recommends that Tenant obtain insurance to protect Tenant's personal property against such loss or damage. 13. Damage or Destruction of the Premises. If a casualty partially destroys the Premises but they can be restored to a tenantable condition within thirty (30) days, Landlord shall repair the Premises with reasonable dispatch; however, Landlord's obligation to repair the Premises shall be limited to the amount of insurance proceeds actually received by Landlord. Tenant's obligation to pay rent shall be suspended while the Premises are untenantable. If a casualty damages the Premises to the extent that they cannot be restored to a habitable condition within thirty (30) days, either Party may terminate this Lease by giving the other party written notice within fifteen (15) days after the casualty. Landlord shall not be liable for any reasonable delay or for providing housing for Tenant during repairs. 14. Utilities and Services for Premises. Tenant is responsible for the costs of utilities and services for the Premises and for establishing accounts, if they are not already established for the term of this Lease including but not limited to the following: (a) garbage removal; (b) water and sewer; (c) gas; (d) electricity; (e) ice removal, including salting the driveway and any walks surrounding the Premises or on the Premises; (0 telephones; (g) cable television; and (h) Internet. All accounts for utilities and services shall be in the name of the Tenant. 15. Termination of Lease. 15.1. Tenant may terminate this Lease for any reason upon thirty (30) days written notice to Landlord. 15.2. Landlord may terminate this Lease for any reason upon ninety (90) days written notice to Tenant. 15.3. Upon termination of this Lease, Tenant shall surrender possession of the Premises to the Landlord in the condition they were in when they were delivered to Tenant, except for normal wear and tear. Upon termination of this Lease, Tenant shall 4 Residential Lease--Foshia.doc 7E-6 also notify the Landlord of the move -out date, return all keys to the Premises to Landlord, and transfer all utility and service accounts into the name of the County of Oakland. 16. Default of Lease and Landlord's Remedies. 16.1 If Tenant defaults on any obligations under this Lease or misrepresents any information in the application for this lease, landlord may, on written notice to Tenant, terminate the Lease and enter the Premises as permitted by law; Tenant and any other occupants shall surrender the Premises to Landlord by the date stated in the notice. If Landlord terminates the Lease, Landlord may recover Landlord's expenses for enforcing Landlord's rights under the Lease and applicable law, including court costs and attorney fees, from Tenant, as permitted by statute; and rent for the rest of the term of the Lease shall immediately become due. Tenant may not be liable for the total accelerated amount because of Landlord's obligation to minimize damages, and either party may ask a court to determine the actual amount owed, if any. If Tenant fails to pay rent or any other sums when due to Landlord, Landlord serves a notice of default on Tenant as required by law, and Tenant fails to remit the amounts due before the notice period expires, the amount of court costs and attorney fees incurred by Landlord in enforcing Landlord's remedies and allowed by statute shall be added to the amount of the arrearage. 16.2 It is a violation of this Lease if Tenant, a member of Tenant's household, or any other person under Tenant's control unlawfully manufactures, delivers, possesses with intent to deliver, or possesses a controlled substance as defined by Michigan law anywhere on the Premises or surrounding the Premises. Pursuant to Michigan law, if Tenant violates this provision Landlord may serve a written demand for possession for termination of this Lease giving Tenant 24 hours' notice of the Lease termination and demand for possession. Tenant acknowledges that an order of eviction/writ of restitution may be issued by the court immediately after the entry of a judgment for possession. Tenant's initials: 17. Hold Over. Tenant may, with Landlord's permission, continue to occupy the Premises after the term of this Lease expires without renewing this Lease or signing another Lease for the Premises. Such tenancy shall be on a month -to -month basis and subject to the provisions of this Lease except that the monthly rent shall increase by ten (10) percent from the rent for the last month of the term of the Lease, and Landlord may increase rent on thirty (30) days' notice to Tenant. 18. Notices. Any notices under this Lease shall be in writing and delivered to the recipient personally or by first class mail fully prepaid at the following locations: Tenant: Terry and Martha Foshia 12080 Clark Road Davisburg, MI 48350 Landlord: Oakland County Department of Facilities Management Property Management 5 Residential Lease--Foshia.doc 7E-7 One Public Works Drive, Bldg. 95W Waterford, MI 48328 and Oakland County Parks and Recreation Executive Officer 2800 Watkins Lake Road, Bldg. 97W Waterford, MI 48328 Unless otherwise required by law, the date of service shall be the date of hand delivery or the mailing date. 19. Modifications. No modifications of this Lease shall be binding unless they are in writing and signed by Landlord and Tenant. 20. Whole Agreement. This Lease sets forth the entire agreement between Landlord and Tenant. There are no verbal or written agreements that are not contained in this Lease between the parties. 21. BindingEffect. ffect. This Lease shall bind and benefit the parties to the Lease and their heirs, personal representatives, successors, and permitted assigns. 22. Severability. If any provision of this Lease is invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable to any extent, the rest of the Lease and the application of the provision to the persons or circumstances other than those for which it is invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable are not affected. 23. Time of the Essence. Time shall be deemed to be of the essence in the performance of this Lease. 24. Effective Date. This Lease is effective on the date stated in Section 2. TENANT LANDLORD Date Date 6 Residential Lease--Foshia.doc 7E-8 Item #7F Academic Partnership — Business Plan Development Michigan State University and Ferris State University The 2008 Strategic Plan called for the implementation of "business practices" including the development of business plans that can guide the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of individual park facilities. OCPR currently has more than 24 budget centers that could benefit from the development of business plans to direct continued investment. Staff has pursued university consultation as a cost effective alternative to hiring private consultants in the development of facility business plans. These collaborative efforts have the potential of providing access to the latest research in the "business" and technology of recreation and inexpensive labor to conduct the data gathering that is so critical to the development of accurate viability/marketing studies. The university contracts also offer the additional value of building relationships with universities, promoting the profession of recreation and elevating the status of Oakland County Parks and Recreation as a leader in the recreational field (as studies resulting from these projects are published). Staff worked with OC Purchasing to solicit bids from Michigan universities for the creation of Recreational Business Plans and the surveys, inventories and analyses necessary to create viability reports. Staff evaluated the resulting bids and recommend entering into the following contracts: Contract #1: Michigan State University Title: Non -Traditional Recreation Venue — Business Modeling Base Bid: ($44,439)* Scope of Work: ❑ Farmers Market — Waterford Oaks ❑ Greenhouse Complex — Waterford Oaks ❑ Regional Dog Park — Urban Concept ❑ Lewis Wint Nature Center — Independence Oaks • Staff recommends a contract amount not to exceed $44,439. Bid Alternate — Business Model Second Phase ($43,654)** Scope of Work: 7F-1 ❑ Upper Bushman Heritage Outdoor Adventure Sports Learning Center — Independence Oaks ❑ BMX/Mountain Bike Complex —Waterford Oaks ❑ Expo Center Concept — Springfield Oaks ❑ Heritage Farm Concept — Springfield Oaks ** Based on the results of the completion of Base Bid Scope of Work, staff may recommend a contract modification to incorporate a second phase. Contract #2: Ferris State University Title: Survey Methodology in support of Business Modeling Base Bid: ($15,591) Scope of Work: ❑ Work with OCPR staff to develop and implement a targeted survey program to support the development of business plan models at park facilities. Item NA Activity Report Attached for your review is the June, 2010 activity report. Jim Dunleavy and Larry Gee will be on hand to answer any questions. IM ACTIVITY REPORT June 2010 (FM9, FY2010) ® , . , . ADDISON OAKS PARK Campers Day Use (*) Day Campers *ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER CATALPA OAKS PARK Day Use GROVELAND OAKS PARK Campers Day Use Day Campers HIGHLAND OAKS PARK Day Use INDEPENDENCE OAKS PARK Day Use Day Campers Overnight Youth Group Campers LYON OAKS Day Use Dog Park ORION OAKS PARK Day Use Dog Park RED OAKS PARK Dog Park ROSE OAKS PARK Day Use SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER Day Use 4-H Fair *Banquet Facilities WATERFORD OAKS Activity Center - non banquet *Banquet Facilities - Activity Center Day Use TOTAL CAMPERS TOTAL DAY USE TOTAL DAY CAMPERS TOTAL OVERNIGHT YOUTH GROUP CAMPERS TOTAL DOG PARK TOTAL 4-H FAIR TOTAL ACTIVITY CENTER -NON BANQUET *Not included in program totals -only in combined totals. In-house events are counted in facility totals. MKLAND 7,797 7,628 -2.2% 20,403 17,476 -14.3% 2,658 3,056 15.0% 9,171 8,171 -10.9% 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 4,115 4,492 9.2% 25,682 23,598 -8.1% 6,822 12,618 85.0% 25,769 55,758 116.4% 19,256 14,334 -25.6% 30,528 20,562 -32.6% 7,938 5,834 -26.5% 9,951 8,589 -13.7% 1,418 1,693 19.4% 1,418 1,693 19.4% 441 440 -0.2% 4,557 4,620 1.4% 36,162 38,093 5.3% 147,202 164,717 11.9% 4,700 4,050 -13.8% 4,700 4,050 -13.8% 267 100 -62.5% 660 871 32.0% 1,286 1,278 -0.6% 5,947 5,477 -7.9% 3,859 3,833 -0.7% 37,860 35,784 -5.5% 2,307 1,559 -32.4% 19,171 13,166 -31.3% 7,828 6,317 -19.3% 49,343 51,404 4.2% 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 437 245 -43.9% 3,553 4,572 28.7% 600 857 42.8% 6,494 8,374 28.9% 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 95 7,017 7286.3% 23,476 21,795 -7.2% 492 200 -59.3% 4,965 4,718 -5.0% 0 1,060 N/A 1,007 3,573 254.8% 2,046 186 -90.9% 7,772 3,158 -59.4% 27,053 21,962 -18.8% 50,931 38,038 -25.3% 60,697 64,166 5.7% 239,586 276,601 15.4% 6,118 5,743 -6.1% 6,118 5,743 -6.1% 267 100 -62.5% 660 871 32.0% 11,687 10,150 -13.2% 87,203 87,188 0.0% 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 492 200 -59.3% 4,965 4,718 -5.0% 1 of 4 7/29/2010 8A-2 ACTIVITY REPORT June 2010 (FM9, FY2010) EM GLEN OAKS Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played - 18 Holes Rounds Played -18 Hole Equivalent *Banquet Facilities **Grill Room (**Not included in totals) LYON OAKS Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played -18 Holes Rounds Played -18 Hole Equivalent Driving range *Banquet Facilities **Grill Room (**Not included in totals) RED OAKS Rounds Played -18 hole equivalent SPRINGFIELD OAKS Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played - 18 Holes Rounds Played -18 Hole Equivalent **Grill Room (**Not included in totals) WHITE LAKE OAKS Rounds Played - 9 Holes Rounds Played - 18 Holes Rounds Played -18 Hole Equivalent *Banquet Facilities **Grill Room (**Not included in totals) TOTAL ROUNDS PLAYED - 9 HOLES TOTAL ROUNDS PLAYED - 18 HOLES TOTAL ROUNDS PLAYED - 18 HOLE EQUIV. TOTAL DRIVING RANGE 5,866 1,608 4,541 3,997 3,893 1,260 3,264 3,894 2,089 3,345 4,270 1#1 3,190 2,702 4,297 3,061 5,114 1,672 4,229 2,447 2,289 15,430 9,246 16,961 2,089 0 -100.0% 0 -100.0% 4,974 9.5% 3,843 -3.9% 4,256 9.3% 0 -100.0% 0 -100.0% 4,294 10.3% 3,759 79.9% 3,910 16.9% 4,320 1.2% 1,825 N/A 0 -100.0% 0 -100.0% 4,343 1.1% 5,268 72.1% 0 -100.0% 0 -100.0% 3,221 -23.8% 2,316 -5.4% 2,565 12.1% 1,825 -88.2% 0 -100.0% 18,657 10.0% 3,759 79.9% OAKLAND COUNTY PAU K 15,743 2,479 -84.3% 5,290 3,353 -36.6% 13,162 13,169 0.1% 27,975 25,080 -10.3% 10,014 10,104 0.9% 3,127 283 9,684 4,707 11,248 12,437 6,551 11,695 14,876 13,340 11,130 12,490 1,523 5,111 7,317 1,044 7,808 3,614 11,467 11,142 8,261 9,790 13,092 2,171 4,889 3,872 11,435 11,274 14,252 12,086 6,454 5,408 40,802 11,088 27,671 15,545 48,072 53,132 6,551 11,695 -90.9% -51.4% 10.6% 78.5% -10.3% 12.2% 235.6% -85.7% -53.7% -2.8% 18.5 % -83.4% -20.8% -1.4% -15.2% -16.2% -72.8% -43.8% 10.5% 78.5% *Not included in program totals -only in combined totals. In-house events are counted in facility totals. 2 of 4 7/29/2010 8A-3 REPORTACTIVITY June 010 010 REC=FACILITIES &SPECIAL EVENTS COUNTY PARKS MOBILE RECREATION Bleachers 750 600 -20.0% 1,355 763 -43.7% Inflatables 6,000 16,655 177.6% 17,980 30,390 69.0% Bus 1,350 1,800 33.3% 11,655 9,360 -19.7% Climbing Wall/Tower 2,400 3,300 37.5% 4,600 6,300 37.0% Dunk Tank 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A Inline Skate Mobile/Hockey Mobile 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A Puppet 2,890 6,290 117.6% 4,590 8,500 85.2% Show Mobile 48 45 -6.3% 101 97 -4.0% Adventure Sport Mobile 840 1,440 71.4% 2,284 2,360 3.3% Tents 0 0 N/A 11 0 -100.0% Camps 0 0 N/A 7 0 -100.0% Miscellaneous 3,895 552 -85.8% 3,905 651 -83.3% WATERFORD OAKS BMX 784 370 -52.8% 1,619 815 -49.7% WATERFORD OAKS COURT GAMES COMPLEX 0 186 N/A 1,618 1,252 -22.6% WATERFORD OAKS FRIDGE 0 0 N/A 20,634 0 -100.0% WATERFORD OAKS LOOKOUT LODGE 948 436 -54.0% 2,634 1,609 -38.9% WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK 18,844 12,500 -33.7% 20;344 12,500 -38.6% RED OAKS WATERPARK 22,475 21,475 -4.4% 24,375 30,935 26.9% THERAPEUTIC EVENTS 206 228 10.7% 3,644 2,631 -27.8% SENIOR EVENTS 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A TOTAL MOBILE RECREATION VISITS 18,173 30,682 68.8% 46,488 58,421 25.7% TOTAL FACILITIES AND SPECIAL EVENTS 43,257 35,195 -18.6% 74,868 49,742 -33.6% *Not included in program totals -only in combined totals. In-house events are counted in facility totals. 3 of 4 7/29/2010 8A-4 ACTIVITY REPORT June 2010 (FM9, FY2010) ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM - INDEPENDENCE OAKS Nature Center Outreach Visits **Trail Usage (**Not included in totals) ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM - LYON OAKS Nature Center Outreach Visits **Trail Usage (**Not included in totals) TOTAL NATURE CENTERS TOTAL OUTREACH VISITS DAY USE PARKS GOLF COURSES RECREATION, FACILITIES AND SPECIAL EVENTS NATURE INTERPRETIVE SERVICES BANQUET FACILITIES GRAND TOTALS OZ 2,857 2,822 -1.2% 13,533 13,855 2.4% 102 263 157.8% 6,887 5,926 -14.0% 8,535 9,143 7.1% 65,327 86,124 31.8% 133 41 -69.2% 1,952 1,420 -27.3% 0 0 N/A 882 618 -29.9% 586 572 -2.4% 5,293 4,899 -7.4% 2,990 2,863 -4.2% 15,485 15,275 -1.4% 102 263 157.8% 7,769 6,544 -15.8% 106,314 102,321 19,050 22,416 61,430 65,877 3,092 3,126 13,999 22,638 203,885 216,378 -3.8% 389,463 413,159 17.7% 54,623 64,827 7.2% 121,356 108,163 1.1% 23,254 21,819 61.7% 107,268 99,472 6.1% 695,964 707,440 6.1% 18.7% -10.9% -6.2% -7.3% 1.6% *Not included in program totals -only in combined totals. In-house events are counted in facility totals. 4 of 4 7/29/2010 8A-5 Item #8B Capital Improvement/Major Maintenance Quarterly Report The Capital Improvement and Major Maintenance 4th Quarter report is included for your review. Chief of Facilities Maintenance and Development Mike Donnellon is available to answer any questions prior to the meeting at 248.858.4623. QAKLAND COUNTY PARKS QUARTERLY PROJECT UPDATE 4T" QUARTER FY 2010 08/04/ 10 PROJECT UPDATE ❖ Catalpa Oaks (2 Fiscal Year Project) • FY201 1 Adopted CIP Budget - $1,393,642.70 • FY201 1 Projected CIP Budget - $495,000.00 • Total CIP Budget $1,888,642.70 Commission Presentation - September 1, 2010 •Staff/Consultant Preliminary Recommendation • Preliminary recommended budget - $2,056,000.00 Business Plan for the following Priorities CATALPA OAKS •Restroom/Concession/Meeting Facility •Parking Lot/Storm Water Improvements s • Pavilion i< -_ k- iJ -A list of recommended Green Initiatives, budget impact and return on investment will be provided. GAKLAND COUNTYPARKS Facility Comparison to Red Oaks Youth Soccer Complex Red Oaks - 9.3 acre Youth Soccer Facility Approximate $1,700,000 construction cost including; • Engineering Design (12%of 1.4 million construction costs) • Restroom/Concession/Meeting/Pavilion facility Soccer Fields (L16,1_18,1_110) • Parking Lot, without storm water facilities Catalpa Oaks - 23.9 acre Regional Field Sports Facility Estimate $4,605,000 Construction & Engineering cost, including • Engineering and Construction Management costs • Natural Turf Recreational Fields with Irrigation- & site furnishings i. U6 - U 12 Soccer Fields (8 total Fields) Ii. Multi -use for other sports such as cricket,lacrosse,etc. III. Baseball Field • Maintenance Yard • Restroom/Concession/Meeting Facility • Parking Lot/Storm water Improvements • Potential OCHD Building Improvement • Perimeter Fencing • (1) Playground • (3) Pavilions • (.8) Mile improved trail loop PROJECT UPDATE ®Independence Oaks ®Upper Bushman Projects _ • FY2011 CIP Budget - $356,000 • Gravel Parking Lot - $40,000` • Phase #1 Trail & Boardwalk Access - $216,000 -Boundary Fence - $100,000�� -.-Projects are based on MNRTF Requirements 4 Staff is reviewing the potential collaboration with Independence Township for trail connectivity -.-Progress of this project will be reported through the Quarterly updates. PROJECT UPDATE L 4-Independence Oaks o•Upper Bushman Projects _ 1-- -Gravel Parking Lot - $40,000 ��• "•� <y •Engineering completed by existing b4 blanket contract•,, • Construction completed by existing _ blanket earthwork contract , — • Phase #1 Trail & Boardwalk Access - •' t• !; $216,000 r=+- • Construction complete by Facilities Maintenance ' -Materials purchased through a established blanket contract and procurement requisitions. -Boundary Fence - $100,000 • Drawings & Specification completed by staff. -Contract Procurement through Purchasing. -Commission Presentation: October6, _ 2010. - wAKLAND COUNTYPARKS PROJECT UPDATE ❖ Orion Oaks Dog Park Pavilion • FY2010 CIP Budget - $130,000 • Construction Contract & Business Plan Approval • September 1, 2010 • Staff are reviewing 6 bids, ranging from $99,900 to $158,750 • Reviews are based on the following criteria • Experience • Quality • References • Fee/Price QAKLAND COUNTYPARKS 3 PROJECT UPDATE .•. ❖ Waterford Oaks Fridge Research & Analysis Review • Approved Contract with Partners in Architecture-($19,500) • Research and Analysis Report & Business Plan Approval: • September 15t 2010 • Preliminary analysis suggests that.a synthetic material can be adapted to the existing flumes, eliminating refrigeration and offering the potential for year round use. • Staff visited facilities utilizing synthetic material in July Red Oaks - Dog Park Construction FY2010 Adjusted Budget - $ 378,711.33 Contract Award - $ 298,700 at 5/09 Commission Meeting • Ferlito Contracting Construction - 99% Complete • Punch List to be created and completed by contractor Grand Opening held on July 24, 2010. ^,Pied oaks Dog Park AKLAND aci a wvRoco�.ww, Cda ,� mM / .� ', ' /rea«mY reKa xwu omian d.com ��•stlnadonOakla Oi i 4�] ® R 111Ra� Ri tKC �.. ewrtx x ✓� % PAR KING Grand Opening July 24d' 2010 0Q-AnANDC0UNTYPMKS PROJECT UPDATE Red Oaks - Waterpark New Guest Entrance • FY 2010 Adjusted Budget - $ 363,628.00 • Contract Award - $ 327,550.00 at 3/10 Commission Meeting • Bernco Construction • Construction to start September 10'h 2010 QL • 4492 - 1, NEW QUEST FNTRANCE �... WTT Z (aAKLAND COUNTYPARKS PROJECT UPDATE Red Oaks - Golf Course Entrance Relocation Drive • FY2010 Budget - $71,628.00 • Contract Award - $43,545 at 3/10 Commission • ABC Paving, Trenton, MI • Construction - On hold until finalization of easement agreements • Easement Agreement Progress i. To be discussed in Closed Session it QAKLANDCOUNTYPARKS 5 PROJECT UPDATE Red Oaks Waterpark - Slide Painting ($47,000) To be completed with existing blanket contract J �: .' Y '`F 0 Oakland County Parks and t,--reation Commission Meeting Groveland Fire Station #1/ Groveland Oaks County Park 14645 Dixie Highway, Holly, M148442 August 4, 2010 Agenda Action Required Presenter/Phone # 1. Call Meeting to Order ------ P. Lewis/248.646.5917 2. Roll Call ------ " 3. Pledge of Allegiance ------ " 4. Approval of Minutes: -- June 2, 2010 Regular Meeting Addendum -- June 2, 2010 Public Hearing - Revised -- July 7, 2010 Regular Meeting Approval S. Kici/248.858.4603 5. Approval of Agenda Approval P. Lewis/D. Stencil/248.858.4944 6. Public Comments P. Lewis 7. REGULAR AGENDA A. Internal Service Funds Journal Voucher Register ending 6/30/10 (FM 9, FY 10); Payment Register ending 6/30/10 (FM 9 FY10) Approval S. Cox/248.858.4612/1). Stencil B. Combined Statement of Operations for month ending 6/30/10 (FM9 FYI 0) Approval S. Cox/D. Stencil C. Capital Improvement Program Budget Report ending 6/30/10 (FM 9 FY10) Approval S. Cox/D. Stencil D. Oakland County Market Business Plan Informational M. Prowse/248.858.5630/1). Stencil E. Resolution - Residential Lease, Springfield Oaks Approval P. Castonia/248.858.0909 F. Academic Partnership - Business Plan Development, Phase I Informational D. Stencil 8. STAFF REPORTS/PRESENTATIONS A. June Activity Report Receive and File J. Dunleavy/248.858.4647/ L. Gee/248.343.3165 B. Capital Improvement/Major Maintenance Quarterly Update Informational M. Donnellon/248.858.4623 C. Adaptive Equipment Demonstration Informational S. Dorey/248.858.7596 D. Executive Officer's Report Receive and File D. Stencil Item #8C Adaptive Recreation Equipment Demonstration Recreation Program Supervisor Sandy Dorey will demonstrate several pieces of equipment used in adaptive recreation programs. 8C-1 ITEM #8E EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S REPORT 1. Attached for your review is the Auction Revenue Summary for the 2010 Spring Auction. 2. NACPRO Awards — Tuning Your Tot Program is the winner of the 2010 NACPRO Park and Recreation Program — Class II Awards; Historic Buhl Estate Project is the winner of the 2010 NACPRO Historical/Cultural Facility Awards; received an award of recognition for Best Management Practices. Received an award from NACo for the Recreation Assistance Partnership. 3. Due to limited staff availability, staff is implementing end -of -season hours for both waterparks beginning Monday, August 30 through Thursday, September 2. Both parks will be open 11 am to 4 pm daily. Reduced rates are as follows: Red Oaks Waterpark $7.50 regardless of residency or height; Waterford Oaks Waterpark $7.00 regardless of residency or height. 4. Staff has been informed by Corporation Counsel that two lawsuits have been filed in Federal and Circuit Courts — Nicholas Keith vs. County of Oakland. 5. The 2010 NRPA Congress & Exposition: Connecting Communities is October 25-29 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Please let Sue Kici know if you plan to attend. 6. Long sleeve blue oxford shirts and short sleeve polo shirts are now available with "Commissioner" embroidered on the left breast below the Parks logo. If you would like to place an order for shirts, please see Sue Kici. 7. Attached for your review are the Upcoming Events for August. 8. The next meeting is September 1, 2010, 9 a.m. at the Parks Administration Office. Alm OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION Auction Revenue Summary FY2010 Park Fall 2009 Spring 2010 Net Revenue Revenue'I Expense Revenue Expense Administrative Services The fall 2009 auction was canceled due to low volume of items. $ 115.00 $ (3.61) $ 111.39 Glen Oaks Golf Course - Lyon Oaks Golf Course 4,600.00 (144.12) 4,455.88 Red Oaks Golf Course - Springfield Oaks Golf Course 750.00 (23.50) 726.50 White Lake Oaks Golf Course 75.00 (2.35) 72.65 1/0 Nature Center Addison Oaks 11,200.00 (350.88) 10,849.12 Groveland Oaks 1,300.00 (40.73) 1,259.27 Independence Oaks 130.00 (4.07) 125.93 Lyon Oaks Park - Orion Oaks _ Rose Oaks Springfield Oaks A.C./Park _ Waterford Oaks A.C./Park _ Recreation Programs & Services - Mobile Recreation & Special Events 650.00 (20.36) 629.64 Red Oaks Waterpark _ Waterford Oaks BMX _ Waterford Toboggan Complex - Waterford Oaks Waterpark 55.00 (1.73) 53.27 Facilities & Maintenance * _ TOTAL $ - $ - $18,875.00 $ (591.35) $18,283.65 Net with Administrative Services revenue. Note: Figures do not include amounts received for smaller items sold via the ongoing County online auctions. 8E-2 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION Auction Items / Revenue Examples FY2010 FALL 2009 AUCTION Equipment Amount The fall 2009 auction was canceled due to low volume of items. SPRING 2010 AUCTION Equipment Amount Ransomes Turbo Tractor AR250 (Lyon Oaks Golf Course) $ 3,600.00 Jacobsen Greens King VI Mower (Lyon Oaks Golf Course) 1,000.00 Toro Groundsmaster 580-D Mower (Addison Oaks) 3,900.00 John Deere Tractor (Addison Oaks) 6,450.00 XL 4600 Hustler Mower (Groveland Oaks) 1,"0.00 8E-3 UPCOMING EVENTS -AUGUST 2010 LEWIS E. WINT NATURE CENTER Public Interpretive Programs August 7 - Summer Star Party August 14 - Camping with the Perseids August 21 - Reptile Review August Appointments: Field Trip - -4 (Plus -6 - in kind for OCPR Wild Adventures Camp; Plus -1 Stasiak) Wild Birthday Party - 2 Nature Discovery - 4 StarLab - 4 (Plus -6 - in kind for OCPR Wild Adventures Camp) - in kind for Laurie Health and Fitness Walk Michigan Program! Walk at all our parks until August 13, record your mileage. August 7 Walk Michigan! Walk Oakland! Supervised Family 10 am August 24 Blue Care Network Southfield Health Fair Display 11:30 - 1:00 pm August 28 Project Fit at Independence Oaks 2 - 6 pm Golf Programs August 3 Last Night at Red Oaks 5 pm - 7:30 pm Ladies Only Recreational Golf League August 7 Family Fun Night of Golf and a Movie, White Lake Oaks 6 pm August 2 & 9 Ladies Only Golf Lessons, Lyon Oaks, 7 pm August 3 & 10 Adult Beginners Golf Lessons, Lyon Oaks, 7 pm August 27 TGIF Golf Outing at Glen Oaks 5 pm Dog Programs August 1 Yappy Birthday Party, Orion Oaks 11 am - 3 pm August 7 Walk Michigan! Supervised Dog Walk, Lyon Oaks 10 am August 7 Dog Days of August, Downtown Lake Orion, OCP Display 10 am - 1:30 pm August 8 Walk Michigan! Supervised Dog Walk at Waterford Oaks 10:00 am August 29 Dog Days of SumMore in Southfield, OCP Display 2 - 6 pm Special Events August 28-29 Dragon on the Lake, Lake Orion, OCP Sponsorship and Display 11 am - 6 pm Adaptive Recreation August 3 Golf at Red Oaks for Individuals with Disabilities August 4 W/C tennis - Southfield August 7 Wheelchair Daze - Independence Oaks sponsored by Wright and Filippis August 8 I -ride: Junior Sports Team August 9 Red Oaks Water Park event for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities August 10 Golf at Red Oaks for Individuals with Disabilities August 11 OCParks Express - Cambridge Nursing Home, Clawson August 11 W/C tennis - Southfield August 12 Easter Seal Day Program for individuals with Emotional Impairments - North Dis August 13 American Picnic Independence Oaks 8E-4 August 16 Cooking and Crafts Ferndale August 17 Golf at Red Oaks for Individuals with Disabilities August 18 OC Parks Express - Arden Courts, Beverly Hills August 19 Easter Seals Day Program for individuals with Emotional Impairments - South August 24 All -Inclusion Experience - Program for individuals with disabilities Waterford August 28 Day Trip to Independence Oaks for seniors with Disabilities South District Concerts August 6 Youth Concert - Catalpa August 26 Family Concert -Catalpa OCParks Express August 2 Hazel Park to Waterford Oaks August 3 Pleasant Ridge to Addison Oaks August 10 Southfield to Waterford Oaks September 2 Berkley to Waterford Oaks Catalpa Oaks - Leagues Stay and Play Social Club -Wednesday evenings Lyon Oaks- Leagues Whippet Dog Event - August 14 & 15 Total Soccer Tournament - September 21 & 22 Practice and Cages: Michigan Cricket Association Great Lakes Cricket Association Michigan Cricket Academy August 4 Nature Exploration Day Red Oaks Waterpark and Waterford Oaks Waterpark August 18 Madison Heights Campfire Nights 7-9p Madison Heights Nature Center August 19 Volunteer Orientation Waterford Oaks Activity Center August 25 Madison Heights Campfire Nights 7-9 p Madison Heights Nature Center 8E-5