HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendas/Packets - 2010.01.06 - 401832800 Watkins Lake Road • Bldg 97W • Waterford, MI 48328-1917 248.858.0906 • 1.888.00PARKS • www.Destination0akland.com WN COUNTY PARK December 29, 2009 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Oakland County, Michigan Commissioners: A meeting has been called of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission as follows: PLACE .............................Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Administration Building 2800 Watkins Lake Rd Waterford, MI 48328 TIME .............................. Wednesday, January 6, 2010 9:00 a.m. PURPOSE .......................... Regular Meeting This meeting has been called in accordance with the authorization of Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation. Sincerely, Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. Chairman Richard Skarritt Daniel J. Stencil Vice Chairman 1. David Vanderveen Executive Officer Secretary Tim Burns Gerald A. Fisher Robert Kostin Next Meeting: Christine Long John P. McCulloch Charles Palmer Scott Daniel J. Stencil Executive Officer Wednesday, Feb. 3, 2010 at Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Administration Building 0 ur mission is to pr��B§aRMft8Wl,CAM9?18af6a"Y46cexperiences that enhance quality of life. Oakland County Parks and l _ .eation Commission Meeting 2800 Watkins Lake Road, Waterford, MI 48328 January 6, 2010 Agenda 1. Call Meeting to Order 9:00 a.m. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Roll Call 3. Public Comments 4. Approval of Agenda 5. Commission Meeting Minutes from December 2, 2009 6. Internal Service Funds Journal Voucher Register ending 10/31/09 (FM 1, FY 10); Payment Register ending 10/09 (FM 12, FY 09) 7. Combined Statement of Operations for month ending 10/31/09 (FM 1, FY 10) 8. Activity Report for December (FM 3, FY 10) 9. Election of Officers 10. 2010 Recreation Assistance Program/Community Assistance Program 11. White Lake Oaks Water and Sewer Easement -Resolution 12. Springfield Oaks L.U.S.T. Project Update 13. Presentation: Deer Management Update 14. Presentation: Staff Update -Green Initiative Team 15. Closed Session for Proposed Land Acquisition 16. Executive Officer's Report 17.Old Business 18. New Business 19. Adjourn The next meeting will be February 3, 2010 at the Administration Office. Action Required Approval Approval Approval Approval Informational Election Approval Approval Informational Informational Informational Informational Presenter/Phone # P. Lewis/248.646.5917 cc KI KI P. Lewis/D. Stencil/248.858.4944 S. Kici/248.858.4603 S. Cox/248.858.4612 S. Cox L. Gee/248.343.3165 J. Dunleavy/248.858.4647 P.Lewis T.Fields/248.858.0914 M. Donnellon/248.858.4623 ct B. Bird/248.858.1726 P. Castonia/248.858.0909 D. Stencil D. Stencil OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING December 2, 2009 Chairman Lewis called the meeting to order at 9:05 a.m. in the commission room of the Parks Commission's administration office. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Pecky D. Lewis, Jr., Vice Chairman Richard Skarritt, Secretary J. David VanderVeen, Tim Burns, Gerald Fisher, Robert Kostin, Christine Long, John McCulloch, Charles Palmer, John Scott ALSO PRESENT: Parks and Recreation Oakland County Fiscal Services Oakland County Facilities Management Oakland County Corporation Counsel Oakland County Executive Office North Oakland Headwaters Land Conservancy Headwaters Trails, Inc. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Daniel Stencil, Executive Officer Sue Wells, Manager — Parks & Rec. Operations Jim Dunleavy, Chief -Parks Maint. & Ops. North Larry Gee, Chief -Parks Maint. & Ops. South Mike Donnellon, Chief -Parks Fac., Maint. & Dev. Terry Fields, Chief -Recreation Programs & Services Karen Kohn, Supervisor -Administrative Services Phil Castonia, Business Development Representative Melissa Prowse, Business Development Representative Stephanie Mackey, Business Development Representative Desiree Stanfield, Supervisor -Communications Cindy Weil, Technical Aide Stephanie Marchbanks, Recreation and Trails Planner Sheila Cox, Capital Improvement Coordinator Mike Hughson, Property Management Specialist Jody Hall, Assistant Corporation Counsel Phillip Bertolini, Deputy County Executive Katie Anderson, Executive Director Sue Julian, President Executive Officer Stencil noted the exhibit on display in the Commission Room is from the Michigan Barn Preservation Network which showcases Michigan's heritage barns. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Moved by Mr. Palmer, supported by Mr. Scott to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of November 4, 2009, as written. AYES: Fisher, Kostin, Lewis, Long, McCulloch, Palmer, Scott, Skarritt, VanderVeen (9) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. APPROVAL OF PAYMENTS: Moved by Mr. Kostin, supported by Mr. Palmerto approve the Internal Service and Departmentfunds Payment Register for the month ending 9/30/09 (FM 12, FY 09); Oak Management Inc. Credit for Services Rendered Register for July, August, September (FM 10, 11 & 12, FY 09); Payment Register for the month ending 9/30/09 (FM 12, FY 09). AYES: Fisher, Kostin, Lewis, Long, McCulloch, Palmer, Scott, Skarritt, VanderVeen (9) NAYS: (0) 5-1 (Commission Meeting, December 2, 2009) Motion carried on a voice vote. COMBINED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS: Moved by Mr. VanderVeen, supported by Mrs. Long to approve the Combined Statement of Operations for the month ending 9/30/09 (FM 12, FY 09). AYES: Fisher, Kostin, Lewis, Long, McCulloch, Palmer, Scott, Skarritt, VanderVeen (9) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM BUDGET REPORT: Moved by Mrs. Long, supported by Mr. Palmer to approve the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Budget Report as of 9/30/09. AYES: Burns, Fisher, Kostin, Lewis, Long, McCulloch, Palmer, Scott, Skarritt, VanderVeen (10) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Staff was directed to add "Approval of Agenda" item to all future meeting agendas; to follow Public Comments. PROTOCOL FOR CLOSED SESSION: After discussion, consensus was to establish a protocol for closed sessions to include the following: • People not directly involved in an item on the agenda for closed session will be excluded from the closed session. • Only relevant staff, commissioners, executive officer and recording secretary will remain in closed session. • Any input from the public regarding an item for closed session will be submitted to the Commission in writing. • Corporation Counsel advised against instituting a formal policy for closed session; instead it was recommended that the Commission follow the Open Meetings Act. Staff was directed to provide a handbook for items of this nature, including meeting procedures. Staff was also directed to attach letters from Commissioner McCulloch (Exhibit 1) and Jody Hall, Corporation Counsel, (Exhibit II) to the minutes. PURCHASE AGREEMENTS: Staff was directed to work with Corporation Counsel to determine who has the authority to rescind a purchase agreement if necessary. Staff will provide its findings at the January meeting. CLOSED SESSION: Moved by Mr. McCulloch, supported by Mr. VanderVeen to adjourn to Closed Session forthe purpose of discussing proposed land acquisitions. 5-2 (Commission Meeting, December 2, 2009) ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Burns, Fisher, Kostin, Lewis, Long, McCulloch, Palmer, Scott, Skarritt, VanderVeen (10) NAYS: (0) A sufficient majority having voted, the motion carried. The Chair declared the meeting closed at 9:33 a.m. The meeting resumed in open session at 9:50 a.m. UPPER BUSHMAN LAKE LAND ACQUISITION RESOLUTION Moved by Mr. Palmer, supported by Mr. Burns to adopt the following resolution, with recommended changes, in support of the Purchase Agreement with Craig Arnold and Maria Barrett Arnold for the purchase of approximately 186 acres of land located in Independence Township, in the amount of $2,836,000, to be forwarded to the Oakland County Board of Commissioners for authorization and approval. WHEREAS, upon recommendation of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission, the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accepted the first grant from the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) for the acquisition of property in Independence Township for the expansion of Independence Oaks County Park through the adoption of Miscellaneous Resolution #08009; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the authorization of the Oakland County Planning and Building Committee, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission and the Department of Facilities Management, with the assistance of Oakland County Corporation Counsel, have negotiated the terms and conditions of the attached Purchase Agreement with Craig Arnold and Maria Barrett Arnold for the purchase of approximately 186 acres of land located in Independence Township; and WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission has budgeted sufficient funds from its land acquisition fund to complete the purchase of said property; and WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks master plan strategy 1.1 states "Implement a strategic land acquisition and land management transfer strategy that recognizes the value of parkland in urban areas, while also acquiring land in others areas of the county to complement other local government efforts;" and WHEREAS, pursuant to the terms and conditions of said Purchase Agreement and in accordance with Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund Agreement No. TF06- 199, the County of Oakland shall pay Craig Arnold and Maria Barrett Arnold the sum of $2,836,000.00 via a cash sale for the purchase of said property, subject to the County performing its required due diligence investigation of the subject property; and WHEREAS, the Departments of Facilities Management and Corporation Counsel have reviewed and/or prepared all necessary documents related to the attached Purchase Agreement and recommend its approval. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission hereby recommends that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approve and accept the terms and conditions of the attached Purchase Agreement between the County of Oakland as purchaser and Craig Arnold and Maria Barrett Arnold, seller for a cash sale purchase. 5-3 (Commission Meeting, December 2, 2009) BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission hereby recommends that the County of Oakland Board of Commissioners direct its Chairperson or his designee to execute the attached Purchase Agreement and all other related documents between the County of Oakland and Craig Arnold and Maria Barrett Arnold, which may be required to complete the purchase of said property. AYES: Burns, Fisher, Kostin, Lewis, Long, McCulloch, Palmer, Scott, Skarritt, VanderVeen (10) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. ACTIVITY REPORT: The Activity Report for the month of November, 2009 was accepted as filed. STAFF INTRODUCTION: Executive Officer Stencil introduced Stephanie Marchbanks, who joins the staff as the Recreation and Trails Planner in the Planning department. 2009 STAFF RECOGNITION PROJECTS AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS: The Commission viewed a presentation on staff recognition, projects and accomplishments for 2009. FISCAL YEAR 2009 YEAR END REPORTS: Moved by Mr. Palmer, supported by Mr. VanderVeen to approve the Fiscal Year 2009 Year End Financial Report. AYES: Burns, Fisher, Kostin, Lewis, Long, McCulloch, Palmer, Scott, VanderVeen (9) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. REVISION OF BALLOT LANGUAGE RESOLUTION Staff presented a resolution with amended language; including a second date for the ballot should the ballot not pass on the original date. After discussion, no action was taken. OAK MANAGEMENT LEASE CLARIFICATION: Moved by Mr. Fisher, supported by Mr. Palmer to approve the Lease Clarification as a clarification to the current lease between Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission and Oak Management Corporation. AYES: Burns, Fisher, Kostin, Lewis, Long, McCulloch, Palmer, Scott, VanderVeen (9) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. 5-4 (Commission Meeting, December 2, 2009) OAKLAND COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE CONTRACT RESOLUTION: Moved by Mrs. Long, supported by Mr. Fisher to approve renewal of a one-year contract with the Oakland County Sheriff's Office for 2010 at the rates provided in the proposed contract. AYES: Burns, Fisher, Kostin, Lewis, Long, McCulloch, Palmer, Scott, VanderVeen (9) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. LIFEGUARD APPLICATION FEE RESOLUTION: Staff presented a resolution requesting the implementation of a lifeguard application fee to cover the cost of the training manuals which are purchased for all applicants. After discussion, no action was taken. AWARD PRESENTATION: Executive Officer Stencil presented an award to Phil Bertolini and the Oakland County Information Technology eGovernment Team for the creation of the Recreation and Conservation Portal, which showcases the parks system's programs, services and conservation efforts as the primary tenant on the website. 2010 RECREATION STIMULUS PROGRAM: The Commission suggested staff consider changing the name of the program; therefore, staff will meet and bring back a recommendation to the Commission in January, 2010 for approval. Moved by Mr. Fisher, supported by Mr. VanderVeen to approve the 2010 Recreation Stimulus Program which provides recreational opportunities and experiences to cities, villages and townships; community parks and recreation departments; schools; downtown development authorities; non-profit organizations; and areas void of recreation opportunities, in the amount of $100,000. AYES: Burns, Fisher, Kostin, Lewis, Long, McCulloch, Palmer, Scott, VanderVeen (9) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. 2010 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MASTER CALENDAR: Moved by Mrs. Long, supported by Mr. Scott to approve the proposed 2010 Master Commission Meeting Calendar for the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. AYES: Burns, Fisher, Kostin, Lewis, Long, McCulloch, Palmer, Scott, VanderVeen (9) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. QUARTERLY STAFF UPDATES: Mike Donnellon, Chief -Facilities, Maintenance and Development, provided a quarterly update for the Capital Improvement Program and Major Maintenance. Commissioners were invited to attend the Users Workshop on December 9 at the Barton Malow offices to provide input for the Catalpa Oaks Master Plan. 5-5 (Commission Meeting, December 2, 2009) EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S REPORT: In addition to the Executive Officer's report filed in the agenda, the following information was noted: --Decals were designed and placed on the entry doors of the administration office that have the appearance of etched glass, but are more economical. Staff is considering use of these decals at all faculties and welcomed commission input. --A Deer Management meeting will be held on Thursday, December 3 at Independence Oaks Wint Nature Center. Tim Payne from the Michigan Department of Natural Resources -Wildlife Division will be on hand to answer questions from the public. OLD BUSINESS: None. NEW BUSINESS: None. The meeting adjourned at 11:03 a.m. The next Commission meeting will be at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, January 6, 2009, at Waterford Oaks — Administration Office. J. David VanderVeen, Secretary Suzanne L. Kici, Recording Secretary 5-6 _V4 WRC EXHIBIT I WATER RESOURCES COMMISSIONER John P. McCulloch November 9, 2009 Mr. Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. Chairman Oakland County Parks & Recreation Commission 2800 Watkins Lake Road Mr. Daniel J. Stencil Executive Officer Oakland County Parks & Recreation Commission 2800 Watkins Lake Road Bldg 97-West Bldg 97-West Waterford, MI 48328 Waterford, MI 48328 Re: Oakland County Parks & RecreationCommission Closed Session Protocol and Land Purchase Agreements Dear Messrs. Lewis and Stencil: I am writing to convey my concerns and to suggest recommendations with respect to the following: (1) protocols for closed session meetings; (2) commission matters previously discussed and brought back for further consideration, and (3) due diligence contingencies contained in Oakland County's standard land purchase agreement. Pursuant to the Michigan Open Meetings Act, the Parks and Recreation Commission may only meet in closed session for the reasons set forth in the act. One of the exceptions to the prohibition on closed meetings is the commission's consideration of the purchase or lease of real property. To be sure, nothing in the act restricts who may be permitted to participate in a closed session, but I find it highly irregular to have persons other than legal counsel or pertinent county staff involved. At our most recent commission meeting, there were non -county persons permitted to remain in a private discussion on the purchase of real property who had no business being in the closed session. It is my position, that commission members must have the ability to safely deliberate and decide matters without the concern that the issues discussed in closed session will discussed outside of a closed session. Moreover, commission members should not be put in a position of objecting in public to closed session participants. Accordingly, I suggest that we establish a protocol which clearly indicates who may be present when the commission convenes to discuss a matter in a closed session. My recommendation would be restrict attendance only to county personnel and legal counsel. Next, I also propose, as a matter of protocol, that whenever a matter comes before the commission which is either tabled or postponed and/or requires further investigation or analysis, that the minutes of all previous discussions on the subject be provided to the i-7 commission. Over the years, I have found that matters discussed in open (or closed) session often are brought back before the commission for consideration. I believe that it would be of great assistance to commission members to have a complete history of an issue in order to properly decide the course of action. This is especially true when we have new commission members who may not have been privy to previous discussions. Finally, it is my understanding that there are several "due diligence contingencies" (i.e. investigations) that are part of our standard purchase agreement developed by corporation counsel. By way of example, after executing a purchase agreement, a Phase I environmental assessment of the property must be obtained. If the Phase I environmental assessment gives cause to believe that there may be a serious environmental problem, the property owner is notified and a Phase II environmental assessment is then obtained. If the Phase II environmental assessment indicates that the property is a "facility" only then may the county exercise the option to terminate the purchase agreement or seek to obtain an exemption from liability from the state. It is clear to me that under the current Board of Commissioners' land acquisition policy, that only the board may terminate a purchase agreement during the due diligence period. I believe that this procedure is inefficient and frustrates our ability to decide whether to proceed with a transaction. Accordingly, I am suggesting that the county's land acquisition policy be modified to allow the Parks and Recreation Commission to make the decision to proceed or terminate a purchase agreement in the event that an investigation of the property reveals a serious problem during the due diligence period. Moreover, our Parks and Recreation policy should provide a report from staff as to the status of any investigations during the 90-day due diligence period. As you can see, I have several concerns with the current process. I have voiced these concerns in the past but I feel they have not been properly addressed. Accordingly, I would suggest that the foregoing issues be placed on the next commission agenda for discussion. Sincerely, y , Jo P. McCullochf c: Richard Skarritt, vice chairman J. David VanderVeen, secretary Tim Burns Gerald Fisher Robert E. Kostin Christine A. Long Charles E. Palmer John A. Scott 5-8 COAKLaivD= C. O U N T Y M I C H I G A N DEPARTMENT OF CORPORATION COUNSEL November 23, 2009 Mr. Dan Stencil Oakland County Parks and Recreation, Executive Director 2800 Watkins Lake Road Waterford, Michigan 48328 Re: Written Policy for losed Sessions Dear . St il• EXHIBIT II L. BROOKS PATTERSON, OAKLAND COUNTY EXECUTIVE Judith K. Cunningham, Director248-858-0553 Jody S. Hall248-858-0555 You have requested assistance with drafting a written policy or procedure regarding closed sessions under the Open Meetings Act ("OMA"), Public Act 267 of 1976, MCL 15.261, et seq. It is my recommendation that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission not adopt a formal written policy or procedure concerning closed sessions under the OMA given that the Board of Commissioners has no such policy or procedure and that the OMA itself sets forth the specific procedures for closing a meeting to the public, i.e., closed session. It is my understanding that this issue will be discussed at the December 2, 2009 Parks and Recreation Commission meeting and further direction will be given by the Commission at that time. Please contact me if you need further assistance with this issue. Yours, ; 3 OUN Y CORPORATION COUNSEL Aaorafidn Counsel JSH/j sh 5-9 West Wing Extension Bldg. 14 East • 1200 North Telegraph Road Pontiac, Michigan 48341-0419 (248) 858-0550 1 Fax (248) 858-1003 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION PAYMENT APPROVAL SUMMARY FOR MEETING OF: January 6, 2010 *INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS JOURNAL VOUCHER REGISTER: October (FM1, 2010) *PAYMENT REGISTER: Voucher Report Period, October (FM1, 2010) TOTAL 732,715.28 530, 614.60 $1,263,329.88 *BACKUP INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW. 6-1 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION COMBINED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS FM 1 FY 2010 (FOR MONTH ENDING 10/31/09) 2010 YEAR TO (OVER), % OF REVENUE BUDGET DATE UNDER BUDGET BUDGET ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES: Millage Tax $14,129,000.00 $4,421.60 $14,124,578.40 0.0% Other 297,300.00 34,162.42 263,137.58 11.5% GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE 1,152,170.00 21,601.88 1,130,568.12 1.9% LYON OAKS GOLF COURSE 1,269,500.00 39,509.53 1,229,990.47 3.1% RED OAKS GOLF COURSE 370,400.00 0.00 370,400.00 0.0% SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE 840,800.00 19,139.06 821,660.94 2.3% WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE 924,250.00 18,558.23 905,691.77 2.0% INDEPENDENCE OAKS NATURE CENTER 37,420.00 1,462.77 35,957.23 3.9% ADDISON OAKS 439,665.00 52,321.57 387,343.43 11.9% ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 126,000.00 0.00 126,000.00 0.0% GROVELAND OAKS 701,400.00 0.00 701,400.00 0.0% HIGHLAND OAKS 13,000.00 57.00 12,943.00 0.4% INDEPENDENCE OAKS 332,160.00 8,519.00 323,641.00 2.6% LYON OAKS 90,000.00 4,306.00 85,694.00 4.8% ORION OAKS 111,200.00 7,369.00 103,831.00 6.6% ROSE OAKS 2,300.00 0.00 2,300.00 0.0% SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER/PARK 60,425.00 27,793.00 32,632.00 46.0% WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER/PARK 45,900.00 4,742.00 41,158.00 10.3% RECREATION PROGRAMS & SERVICES 21,000.00 625.00 20,375.00 3.0% CATALPA OAKS 10,000.00 0.00 10,000.00 0.0% MOBILE RECREATION & SPECIAL EVENTS 387,800.00 21,885.00 365,915.00 5.6% RED OAKS WATERPARK 1,000,600.00 198.00 1,000,402.00 0.0% WATERFORD OAKS BMX COMPLEX 17,250.00 0.00 17,250.00 0.0% WATERFORD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 144,300.00 100.66 144,199.34 0.1 % WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK 821,425.00 50.00 821,375.00 0.0% TOTAL REVENUE $23,345,265.00 $266,821.72 23,078,443.28 1.1% OPERATING EXPENSES ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES $5,874,758.00 $227,960.60 $5,646,797.40 3.9% FISCAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION 126,497.00 9,049.45 117,447.55 7.2% FISCAL SERVICES PARKS & REC 267,836.00 20,723.14 247,112.86 7.7% GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE 1,404,809.00 73,550.67 1,331,258.33 5.2% LYON OAKS GOLF COURSE 2,041,893.00 109,588.53 1,932,304.47 5.4% RED OAKS GOLF COURSE 855,496.00 30,908.09 824,587.91 3.6% SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE 1,108,426.00 52,698.88 1,055,727.12 4.8% WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE 1,159,553.00 58,929.94 1,100,623.06 5.1% INDEPENDENCE OAKS NATURE CENTER 517,533.00 29,325.12 488,207.88 5.7% ADDISON OAKS 1,469,831.00 88,066.25 1,381,764.75 6.0% ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 289,187.00 8,362.49 280,824.51 2.9% GROVELAND OAKS 1,533,180.00 50,150.11 1,483,029.89 3.3% HIGHLAND OAKS 71,902.00 1,155.43 70,746.57 1.6% INDEPENDENCE OAKS 1,056,316.00 56,959.51 999,356.49 5.4% LYON OAKS 366,629.00 21,487.21 345,141.79 5.9% ORION OAKS 195,505.00 11,547.07 183,957.93 5.9% ROSE OAKS 96,352.00 1,810.83 94,541.17 1.9% SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER/PARK 492,891.00 24,496.07 468,394.93 5.0% WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER/PARK 619,096.00 28,163.67 590,932.33 4.5% RECREATION PROGRAMS & SERVICES 700,956.00 45,109.04 655,846.96 6.4% CATALPA OAKS 114,924.00 1,112.21 113,811.79 1.0% MOBILE RECREATION & SPECIAL EVENTS 695,187.00 24,432.64 670,754.36 3.5% RED OAKS WATERPARK 1,354,195.00 32,485.62 1,321,709.38 2.4% WATERFORD OAKS BMX COMPLEX 53,404.00 1,415.92 51,988.08 2.7% WATERFORD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 952,988.00 9,789.22 943,198.78 1.0% WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK 1,287,903.00 29,581.48 1,258,321.52 2.3% FACILITIES & MAINTENANCE 1,487,835.00 83,952.71 1,403,882.29 5.6% CONTINGENCY/INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES* 860,283.00 125,608.51 734,674.49 N/A $27,055,365.00 $1,258,420.41 25,796,944.59 4.7% REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENSES ($3,710,100.00) ($991,598.69) ($2,718,501.31) 2010 2009 2008 2007 ACTUAL REVENUE TO DATE: 1.1% 1.7% 1.7% 1.8% BUDGET BALANCE: 98.9% 98.3% 98.3% 98.2% ACTUAL EXPENSE TO DATE: 4.7% 5.7% 5.9% 5.9% BUDGET BALANCE: 95.3% 94.3% 94.1% 94.1% *CONTINGENCY YTD FIGURE: INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS PAYMENTS IN TRANSIT. (Page 1 of 3) 7-1 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION COMBINED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS FM 1, FY 2010 (FOR MONTH ENDING 10/31/09) CONTINGENCY: BUDGET AMENDMENTS CONTINGENCY: PENDING OTHER: BUDGET AMENDMENTS OTHER: PENDING (Page 2 of 3) 7-2 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION COMBINED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS REVENUE AND EXPENSE COMPARISON FM 1, FY 2010 (FOR MONTH ENDING 10/31/09) PARK ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES (Inc. Tax Revenue) FISCAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION FISCAL SERVICES PARKS & REC ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES SUB -TOTAL GOLF: GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE LYON OAKS GOLF COURSE RED OAKS GOLF COURSE SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE GOLF SUB -TOTAL NATURE: INDEPENDENCE OAKS NATURE CENTER NATURE SUB -TOTAL PARKS: ADDISON OAKS ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER GROVELAND OAKS HIGHLAND OAKS INDEPENDENCE OAKS LYON OAKS ORION OAKS ROSE OAKS SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER/PARK WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER/PARK PARKS SUB -TOTAL RECREATION: RECREATION PROGRAMS & SERVICES CATALPA OAKS MOBILE RECREATION & SPECIAL EVENTS RED OAKS WATERPARK WATERFORD OAKS BMX COMPLEX WATERFORD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK RECREATION SUB -TOTAL FACILITIES & MAINTENANCE: FACILITIES & MAINTENANCE FACILITIES & MAINTENANCE SUB -TOTAL CONTINGENCY/INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES* TOTAL YEAR TO DATE YEAR TO DATE REVENUE OVER REVENUE EXPENSE (UNDER)EXP. $38,584.02 0.00 0.00 38,584.02 21,601.88 39,509.53 0.00 19,139.06 18,558.23 98,808.70 $227,960.60 9,049.45 20,723,14 257,733.19 73,550.67 109,588.53 30,908.09 52,698.88 58,929.94 325,676.11 1,462.77 29,325.12 1,462.77 29,325.12 52,321.57 0.00 0.00 57.00 8,519.00 4,306.00 7,369.00 0.00 27,793.00 4,742.00 105,107.57 625.00 0.00 21,885.00 198.00 0.00 100.66 50.00 22,858.66 88,066.25 8,362.49 50,150.11 1,155.43 56,959.51 21,487.21 11,547.07 1,810.83 24,496,07 28,163.67 292,198.64 45,109.04 1,112.21 24,432.64 32,485.62 1,415.92 9,789.22 29,581,48 143,926.13 0.00 83,952.71 0.00 83,952.71 0.00 $266,821.72 125,608.51 $1,258,420.41 *CONTINGENCY YTD FIGURE: INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS PAYMENTS IN TRANSIT. ($189,376.58) (9,049.45) (20,723.14) (219,149.17) (51, 948.79) (70,079.00) (30,908.09) (33,559.82) (40,371.71) (226,867.41) (27,862.35) (27,862.35) (35,744.68) (8,362.49) (50,150.11) (1,098.43) (48,440.51) (17,181.21) (4,178.07) (1,810.83) 3,296.93 (23,421.67) (187,091.07) (44,484.04) (1,112.21) (2,547.64) (32,287.62) (1,415.92) (9,688.56) (29, 531.48) (121,067.47) (83,952.71) (83, 952.71) (125,608.51) ($991,598.69) (Page 3 of 3) 7-3 Item #8 December Activity Report Due to the end of the month being Thursday, December 31, copies of the activity report will be distributed at the meeting. 8-1 Item #9 ELECTION OF OFFICERS As per the Commission's bylaws, the election of officers shall be held the first meeting of the year. The elected officer positions of the Commission are: Chairperson, Vice -Chairperson and Secretary. AM] Item #10 2010 Recreation Assistance Program As directed by the Commission at the December 2, 2009 commission meeting, staff proposes a new name for the current Recreation Stimulus Program. Staff is suggesting the program be renamed as the "Recreation Assistance Program" and is asking for the Commission's approval on the name change. The previous name of this initiative was the "Community Assistance Program." 10-1 Item #11 White Lake Oaks — Water Main Easement In July 2006, Oakland County Parks and Recreation (OCPR) completed the Banquet Facility Renovation for White Lake Oaks. As part of this renovation project, OCPR connected the facility into the sanitary and water system of Waterford Township, even though the facility is located in White Lake Township. This necessitated tri-party agreements between Waterford Township, White Lake Township and OCPR for sanitary sewage service and water service. The tri-party agreements require that when White Lake Township determines that it has sufficient facilities and capacity to provide water service and sanitary sewage service to White Lake Oaks County Park, then the Commission, at its sole expense, shall connect the site within one (1) year after receipt of written notice from White Lake that the connections are available. A few months after opening the new facility, OCPR was approached by White Lake Township to create a Special Assessment District (SAD) for this water and sanitary extension. The Parks Commission rejected the proposal, as it would have meant abandoning a recent expense of approximately $120,000 to connect into Waterford Township's system while incurring additional expenses for the extension. During the process of White Lake Township's Site Plan Review, extension of the water and sewer was projected to be at a minimum five years away; therefore, staff proceeded with connecting into Waterford Township's system which was closer to the facility. Recently, OCPR received a request for a water main easement from White Lake Township with a granting value of $1.00 to extend the township's water system to create a cross -connection with Waterford Township. White Lake Township is not requiring any additional expense from OCPR to install the water main and is not requiring OCPR to connect into the new water main. Original estimates for the water and sanitary extension by the township's engineer was approximately $864,000, with OCPR being more than 50% stakeholder in the SAD. Corporation Counsel has reviewed the water main easement and has found no legal issues with the document. Staff is requesting approval of the easement agreement and resolution. PR09-019 RESOLUTION REQUEST TO GRANT WATER MAIN EASEMENT TO WHITE LAKE TOWNSHIP - WHITE LAKE OAKS COUNTY PARK WHEREAS, the County of Oakland is the owner of White Lake Oaks County Park located in White Lake Township; and WHEREAS, Oakland County Parks and Recreation staff was contacted by White Lake Township regarding a water main easement over a portion of White Lake Oaks County Park; and WHEREAS, this water main easement is part of a larger project White Lake Township has undertaken to extend the water main along M-59 and Pontiac Lake Road; and WHEREAS, according to White Lake Township the extension of the water main will improve the water supply, enhance fire protection, and improve water quality throughout the Township; and WHEREAS, this water main extension is being funded by federal grants and the easements must be obtained by February 2010 pursuant to federal and state grant requirements; and WHEREAS, there shall be no costs to the County or the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission associated with water main easement or the extension of the water main by White Lake Township; and WHEREAS, this water main easement will not require the County or the Commission to connect to the White Lake Township water main; and WHEREAS, White Lake Township requires a water main easement over a portion of White Lake Oaks County Park in order to extend the water main; and WHEREAS, the Department of Corporation Counsel has reviewed and approved the attached easement. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission hereby requests the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorize and approve the attached water main easement to White Lake Township for the sum of one dollar. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission hereby requests the Oakland County Board of Commissioners direct its Chairperson or designee to execute the attached water main easement. Moved by: _ Supported by: Date: 1 11-2 GRANT OF WATER MAIN EASEMENT IN GROSS THIS EASEMENT IN GROSS, described herein, is granted this day of 2010 by the County of Oakland, a Michigan Constitutional Corporation, whose address is 1200 N. Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan 48341, (hereinafter "Grantor") to the Charter Township of White Lake, 7525 Highland Road, White Lake Township, Michigan 48383 (hereinafter "Grantee") FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of One Dollar ($1.00) receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Grantor grants to the Grantee and the Grantee accepts the easement and the right to enter onto Grantor's land to construct, operate, maintain, repair and/or replace a water main and related appurtenances as described herein. 1. Description of Easement and Burdened Property: Grantor's land is located in the Charter Township of White Lake, Oakland County, Michigan with a parcel number of 12-13- 478-008 and is specifically described in Exhibit A. The description and location of the easement is set forth in Exhibit A. 2. Purpose: The purpose of this easement is to permit construction, operation, maintenance, and/or replacement of a water main and related appurtenances and to provide the Grantee with access to the burdened property described herein for such purpose. Under no circumstances can the easement be used for any other purpose other than a water main or for the construction, operation, maintenance, and/or replacement of same. The Grantee shall provide the Grantor reasonable notice of its intent to enter the property for the purposes stated above so as not to interfere with Grantor's scheduled activities on the property, except in an emergency situation. 3. Grant of Easement: The easement granted is a non -perpetual, assignable (only to a successor governmental entity or water supply entity Grantee uses to supply water to 0 11-3 Grantee), non-exclusive easement for the construction, operation, maintenance, and/or replacement of a water main and related appurtenances. 4. Interest in Realty: This grant and conveyance of an easement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Grantor and Grantee, their representatives, successors and assigns and the covenants and grants contained herein and shall only extend to the use of the easement for a water main. In the event that Grantee, its heirs, representatives, successors and assigns shall no longer require the use of easement for the purposes described herein, the easement shall be considered abandoned and the easement shall terminate and be extinguished. The land shall then revert back to Grantor, its heirs, representatives, successors or assigns with no interest remaining in Grantee. In the event the easement is terminated and extinguished as provided above and upon written request to the Grantee by the Grantor, the Grantor and Grantee shall enter into a mutually agreeable Release of Easement. If no Release of Easement is provided to Grantor within thirty (30) days of the written notice, the Grantor may file with the Oakland County Register of Deeds an Abandonment of Easement which shall act in place of the Release of Easement, required of the Grantee. 5. Damage to and Restoration of Property: Any portion of Grantor's property, which is damaged by Grantee's exercise of the easement, shall be restored by Grantee, at its sole cost, to its immediately prior condition. Any damage or claim of damage (including but not limited to environmental damage), to persons or property, including property of the Grantor, resulting from the use of the easement or the construction, operation, maintenance, and/or replacement of the water main by Grantee shall be the sole responsibility of the Grantee. Grantor specifically acknowledges and authorizes Grantee, at its sole cost, to open cut and replace in kind the Grantor's driveway for the purpose described in Paragraph 2. 6. Easement runs with the Land: This easement shall be for the benefit of Grantee and shall run with the land described herein. 7. Duty to Inspect and Maintain. Grantee agrees to inspect and maintain the easement in a safe condition and to repair, within a reasonable time, any defects that could give rise to liability for injury or damage. 4 Y1-4 GRANTOR: County of Oakland, a Michigan Constitutional Corporation Bill Bullard, Jr. Chairperson STATE OF MICHIGAN ) )SS COUNTY OF OAKLAND ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me in Oakland County, Michigan this day of 2010, by, Bill Bullard, Jr., Chairperson, of County of Oakland, a Michigan Constitutional Corporation, 1200 N. Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan 48341. Michael D. Hughson, Notary Public Oakland County, Michigan Acting in Oakland County My Commission expires: 5/5/2014 GRANTEE: White Lake Township, a Michigan Municipal Corporation BY: STATE OF MICHIGAN ) )SS COUNTY OF OAKLAND ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me in Oakland County; Michigan this day of 2010 by City of Pontiac, a Michigan Municipal Corporation. Notary Public Oakland County, Michigan Acting in Oakland County My Commission expires: Drafted by: Jody Hall, Oakland County Corporation Counsel, 1200 North Telegraph, Dept. 419, Pontiac, Michigan 48341. After recording return to: Grantee. 3 11--5 EXHIBIT A SOUTH LINE M-59HWY 374,38FT .—.—.—:—•— �I0 0• N M , 12-13-478-008 VACANT COUNTY OF OAKLAND oo/ i 15 FT WIDE �• PERMANENT PUBLIC UTILITIES �) EASEMENT 1" R.O.W. LINE- 421.99 FT— - - - `I- PONTIAC LAKE ROAD R.O.W. LINE SECTION UNEJ 1 " = 1001 S.E. CORNER SEC. 13 NOTE: THE PARCEL DESCRIPTION ABOVE WAS OBTAINED FROM THE CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF WHITE LAKE TAX ASSESSMENT ROLL. THE EASEMENT DESCRIPTION IS WRITTEN BASED UPON THE FURNISHED DESCRIPTION OF THE OVERALL PARCEL. J & A HAS NOT PERFORMED A BOUNDARY SURVEY OF THIS PARCEL AND THE PARCEL DESCRIPTION DOES NOT NECESSARILY REFLECT FIELD -MEASURED VALUES, SITUATED IN THE TOWNSHIP OF WHITE LAKE, OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN, DESCRIBED AS: T3N, RBE, SEC 13 PART OF SE 1 /4 BEG AT SE SEC COR, TH N 598.18 FT, TH WILY ALG S LINE M-59 HWY 374.38 FT, THS 329.80 FT, TH S 21-00-00 W TO SHORE OF LAKE, TH S 00-38-00 E 166.70 FT, TH E 421.99 FT TO BEG 4.60 A 6/17/88 FIR 004 & 005 PARCEL IDENTIFICATION NO. 12-13-478-008 PERMANENT EASEMENT THE EASEMENT SHALL BE A PERMANENT EASEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION, INSTALLATION, REPAIR, MAINTENANCE AND REPLACEMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES DESCRIBED AS: A 15.00 FEET WIDE STRIP OF LAND WITHIN THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PARCEL LYING NORTH OF AND ADJACENT TO THE NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF PONTIAC LAKE ROAD AS SHOWN ON LIBER 26554 PAGES 135-137, OAKLAND COUTY RECORDS. CONTAINING 6475 SF (0.149 ACRES) MORE OR LESS SECTION 13 TOWN 3 NORTH RANGE 8 EAST WHITE LAKE TOWNSHIP OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN Johnson & Anderson Inc. White Lake Township JOB NO. 16142 7525 Highland Road (M-59) Consulting Engineers White Lake, Michigan 48383 DATE ISSUED: 4494 Elizabeth Lake Road 248 698-3300 Waterford, Mlchlgon 48328 DESIGN: CHECKED: DRAWN: 11-13-09 (248) 681-7800 Fax: (248) 681-2660 OA 1 TW 1 ST SHEET NO. Item #' 12 Springfield Oaks L.U.S.T. (Leaking Underground Storage Tank) At the January 9, 2008 Commission Meeting, Commissioners approved a resolution for acceptance of a Michigan Department of Environmental Quality Grant in the amount of $50,000 for the remediation of a Leaking Underground Storage Tank (L.U.S.T.) at the Springfield Oaks Golf Course maintenance facility. The grant requirement specified completion of this project by June 9, 2009. Upon grant acceptance, staff retained Soils, Materials Engineers, Inc. (SME) to complete the necessary monitoring and testing of the site to determine the remediation project scope. Additionally, due to a lack of grant applications submitted, MDEQ increased the grant amount to $64,000 and extended the grant construction due date to September 30, 2009, with the request for reimbursement due December 29, 2009. On August 5, 2009, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission approved a contract to Technical Service Professionals in the amount of $121,150 with a 5% contingency, for a total approved amount of $127,208. This approved contract included three allowances totaling $46,000 that staff did not need to utilize. However, there were some minor additions ($868.71) that resulted in a total contract expenditure of $76,018.71. As presented in August, asphalt repairs were estimated to be $5,000, however, were not included in the contract with TSP due to the unknown extent of repairs. Staff will be completing the repairs utilizing blanket contractors in the spring, and estimates the total asphalt repair to be approximately $25,000. With the completion of the remediation activities, engineering and project restoration including asphalt, the total project expenditure is $212,128.71. The MDEQ TRP Reimbursement for the project is $64,000, resulting in a maximum total OCPRC expenditure of $148,128.71, which is $25,131.29 less than reported in August. Attached is an engineering summary of the remediation activities to date. Mr. Jeff Lanier, SME Project Engineer, will provide a brief update at the January 6, 2010 commission meeting. 12-1 PROJECT MEMORANDUM TO: MR. MICHAEL DONNELON — OAKLAND CO PARKS & REC (OCPR) FROM: MR. JEFFREY R. LANIER, PE - SME SUBJECT: SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE — LUST SITE DAVISBURG, MICHIGAN SME PROJECT NO. SE56178A DATE: DECEMBER 22, 2009 SME prepared this memorandum to provide an update of the completed remedial activities, status, and recommendations for the Springfield Oaks Golf Course Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) project. SME was retained by OCPR to provide environmental consulting, monitoring, and other remedial services related to the former UST release. The following environmental services were provided by SME as part of the remediation project: • Assisted with preparation of bid documents and excavation design, • Value -engineered earth retention options, • Monitored and documented remedial excavation activities, • Collected 30 verification of soil remediation (VSR) and backfill soil samples to evaluate remaining soil conditions in the excavation area, and • Managed and coordinated activities reimbursable for the MDEQ's Temporary Reimbursement Program (TRP) Grant. Remedial Excavation In October 2009, Technical Service Professionals (TSP) was retained by OCPR to conduct contaminant source removal activities along the north and west sides of the existing maintenance building. Attached is a Excavation Figure. Approximately 870 tons of contaminated soils were excavated and disposed at a Type II landfill. Even though numerous challenges were encountered with site access, building foundations, and subsurface contamination, the remedial project was successfully completed under budget. Page 1 of 3 12-2 PRELIMINARY SUMMARY DECEMBER 22, 2009 SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE SAIE PROJECT NO. SE56178A DAVISBURG, MICHIGAN The objective of the project was to remediate "worst -case" contamination (such as soil at SP4) as part of pursuing closure for the site. The analytical results of excavation sidewall and floor verification soil samples generally document lower and in some cases non -detect results with the exception of soil samples VSR5-FL, VSR14-SW, and VSR18-FL. Soil samples VSR5-FL, VSR14-SW and VSR18-FL were at or above Part 201 residential volatilization to indoor air (VIA) inhalation criteria. These samples were collected from soil adjacent to the west building foundation that could not be removed. Based on the findings of previous borings within the building, the extent of the discovered impact beneath the foundation appears to be limited. The removal of contaminated soil was an integral part for pursuing MDEQ closure of the site. Although an area of residual soil impact could not be removed near the western building foundation, the remediation activities addressed a significant mass of contaminants that would have otherwise resulted in a long-term, continuing source. Recommendations for LUST Closure The results to date of groundwater sampling at the site indicate the extent of contamination is defined. The analytical results from soil and groundwater sampling indicate a limited commercial closure is feasible for the site. In order to close the LUST, the following will be required by the MDEQ: 1. Investigate VIA pathway within building - install shallow sub -slab wells and collect soil -gas samples, 2. Install additional permanent sentinel groundwater monitoring wells for future quarterly sampling and plume boundary delineation, 3. Conduct up to one year of quarterly groundwater sampling (up to 4 events), 4. Prepare Deed Restriction for impacted area at maintenance facility (see figure for preliminary area), 5. Preparation and submittal of a Closure Report. Project Timeline SME is in the processing of scheduling a meeting with the MDEQ to present our excavation findings. Based on preliminary discussions with Ms. Christie Clark (MDEQ project manager), she is pleased that source removal activities were performed and intends to work with OCPR to close out the site. SME anticipates performing the additional soil borings and monitoring well installation in the first quarter of 2010. Monitoring Page 2 of 3 12-3 PRELIMINARY SUI\8 ARY SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE DAVISBURG, MICHIGAN DECEMBER 22, 2009 SAIE PROJECT NO. SE56178A well sampling, data evaluation, and MDEQ reporting will be performed thoughout the year. By the end of 2010, we anticipate that investigative activities will be concluded, a deed restriction will be completed, and a closure report will be prepared. Page 3 of 3 12-4 1 POND Fi l i 'fie- Soil and Materials Engineers, Inc. ueigirn. ur,�xn re ssJtii rh i5x� 1slJlxx na tsx0>JWsxi nZ .xnh xn. u...ne.lry SEAL MAINTENANCE BUILDING SOIL REMEDIATION E(CAV SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLFCOURSE OAKLAND COUNTY DAVISBURG, MI E0050 SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION DIAGRAM Item #13 Presentation Deer Management Program Staff will provide an update on the Deer Management Program. 13-1 Item #14 Presentation Green Initiative Team Staff will provide an update on the progress of the Green Initiative Team. 14-1 ITEM #15 CLOSED SESSION Staff is requesting a Closed Session to discuss a proposed land acquisition. 15-1 Item #16 Executive Officer's Report 1. On December 2, 2009, staff learned that Oakland County Parks and Recreation's 2009 application to the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund (MNRTF) for the Natural Areas Accessibility Program did not receive grant funding. Staff would like to recommend re -applying for this program in the 2010 grant cycle, modifying the application to better align it with MNRTF scoring criteria, including working more closely with partner agencies, increasing letters of support, and adding emphasis and detail to those projects in the more urban portions of the county. The Natural Areas Accessibility Program will provide universal access to trails, boardwalks and fishing piers at four County Parks: Highland Oaks, Red Oaks, Lyon Oaks and Rose Oaks. At its February meeting, the Commission will be presented with a resolution for application following a public hearing regarding the project. On November 20, Parks staff met with members of Oakland County Planning and Economic Development Services (PEDS) and the Road Commission for Oakland County (RCOC) to discuss ways to work collaboratively on implementing non -motorized pathway road crossings in the county. The issue at hand is that non -motorized pathway and trail plans are being initiated by local governments and parks agencies, often with a lack of budgetary planning and coordination with RCOC. This prohibits the organizations involved from being proactive in providing safely designed road crossings. PEDS has offered RCOC their services of Geographic Information Systems mapping of key trail/road intersections of concern. This information will inform the Road Commission of the project and the need for their design and engineering services. PEDS will prepare a draft process of how this collaboration would operate. PEDS and OCPRC will also maintain a liaison status on the Oakland County Trails Advisory Council to facilitate communication of local trail groups' planned road crossings that will require early input and involvement by the RCOC. Oakland County Parks staff will continue to dialogue with Road Commission staff to further opportunities for collaboration on projects such as wetland mitigation, grant writing, coordination of trail access in and out of our parks, and general trade of service agreements. 3. Attached for your review are the upcoming events for January, 2010. 16-1 UPCOMING EVENTS JANUARY 2010 Independence Oaks County Park-Wint Nature Center 2010 - A Year of Celebration - 25 Years (1985 -2010) Growing the Green Minds of Tomorrow for 25 Years! Public Interpretive Programs January 16 - Stories Behind the Symbols January 30 - Avian Citizen Scientists Adaptive Recreation January 6 Junior Wheelchair Basketball, Southfield January 8 Adult Recreational Wheelchair Basketball, Troy January 9 Bowling For Individuals with Disabilities, Farmington Hills January 13 Junior Wheelchair Basketball, Southfield January 15 Adult Recreational Wheelchair Basketball, Troy January 16 Bowling for Individuals with Disabilities, Farmington Hills January 20 Junior Wheelchair Basketball, Southfield January 22 Adult Recreational Wheelchair Basketball, Troy January 23 Bowling for Individuals with Disabilities, Farmington Hills January 27 Junior Wheelchair Basketball, Southfield January 29 Adult Recreational Wheelchair Basketball, Troy 16-2