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Agendas/Packets - 2011.08.03 - 40194
Oakland County Parks and - nation Commission Meeting Independence OakN-i�orth Manor House 10275 Sashabaw Road, Clarkston, MI 48348 August 3, 2011 9:00 A.M. Agenda 1. Call Meeting to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Pledge of Allegiance 4. Approval of Minutes: July 6, 2011 Regular Meeting 5. Approval of Agenda 6. Public Comments 7. CONSENT AGENDA A. Internal Service Funds Journal Voucher Register for month ending 6/30/11 (FM 9, FY 11); and Payment Register for the Voucher Report Period of June (FM 9, FY 11) 8. REGULAR AGENDA A. Award Presentation B. Upper Bushman Lake Survey Results and Special Designation Recommendations; Independence Oaks -North C. Ottman Residential Lease — Independence Oaks -North Action Required Presenter/Phone # G. Fisher/248.514.9814 G< Mi Approval K. Kohn/248.858.4606 Approval G. Fisher/D. Stencil/248.858.4944 G. Fisher Approval J. Phelps/248.858.5319/D. Stencil Informational G. Fisher/D. Stencil Informational Jim Francis, MDNR Fisheries Biologist B. Bird/248.858.1726 Approval P. Castonia/248.858.0909/D. Stencil D. MNRTF Grant Agreements — A. 2007 Addison Oalcs Trail Connector Development Grant B. 2007 Addison Oaks Property Acquisition Grant C. 2010 Natural Area Accessibility Improvements at Highland, Lyon, Red and Rose Oaks County Parks 9. STAFF REPORTS A. Purchasing 3rd Quarter Report B. Executive Officer's Report 10. OLD BUSINESS 11. NEW BUSINESS 12. ADJOURN 10:30 Adjourn for Park and Lewis E. Wint Nature Center Tour Approval D. Folland/248.736.1649 J. Noyes/D. Stencil Informational P. Castonia Receive and File D. Stencil Next Meeting: 9 a.m. on Wednesday, August 17, 2011 at the Parks Commission's administration office. G. Fisher G. Fisher MEETING NOTICE OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a regular meeting of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission will be held at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, August 3, 2011 in the manor house of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission's Independence Oaks -North County Park, 10275 Sashabaw Road, Clarkston, Michigan 48348. GERALD A. FISHER [emilTAF101 Telephone: (248) 858-4603 D:\$Data\My documents\Agenda\MEETING NOTICE 201 tdoc RECREp,T lON COMMISSION MEETING LAND COUNTY PARKS AND I��� m of the Parks Com'�'ission's OAK at9i10 the Commission roo Iced the meeting to order —7 Chairman Fisher ca David nand erVeen, Chairperson °i EMgERS PRESENT : ilson administration n Scott, Eric W M McCulloch, Secretary J. COMMISSION Cl cGillivray, Joh Vice Cha�rma Long Gary M Gerald Fisher Jr Christine Chairman Lewis, IV NOTICE'. Emeritus Pecky D EMBERS AgSEN-r W COMWSSION M Robert Kostin nc Executive Officer erations ESEN Daniel `Sit ells! Manager-P & F` Op Malnt. && Ses vices ALSO PR T Susan lion, Chief -Park . programs District Mike Donne Recreattions & Matnt• N nd Recreation Chief - parks Op District s a Terry Fields, Ch1ef & maint. S' park Jim puNea`*. parks Ops• Services Gee, Chief, isoC Adrr'mistC Su ervtsor Larry Kohn, Supery munications S p Karen field, Com ervisor Desiree Stan ning Sup planner Jon Noyes, plan esources gird, Natural R Counsel gritta helps Supervisor II oration Jeff pi {all, Assistant Corp Director uty Managing Jody Kolar, Dep alter rvices Dennis lin, General M �1lanager OC Fiscal Setion Counsel County tC Scram Division OC Corpora Oakland G arth W p°tten, ssociation Thick, plrect l Divect°r Road Commissio4 N Fair A Jeanne da, Funeral Oakland Countyterans, Services DNts1On Don n, Direc Oakland C°' Vee t. of Veterans Services aid LAnderso tor Genesee Co D p Richard Funeral Hom 1 Cemetery of the regular Broeat takes Nationa rove the minutes MINUTES: ed b mr. Scott to app 2p11 as written• APPROVAL OF r McGillivray, d p eopub tc hearing °f June on (7i moved byoMune 1 2011 an deCVeen,Wds meeting Scott, Van AYES. Fisher, Levq's, Long, McGillivray, NAYS. CO, on a vote the agendaresented• voice as p motion carried to approve L OF AGENDA: d by Mr. Wilson AppROVA supp°fie Wilson (71 mr VandeCVeen, VanderVeen, Moved by Scott, AYES. FisheC, Lewis, Long° McGillivray, NAYS: CO) 4 - Motion carried on a voice vote. 1 • 6, sion Meeting, July 2Q11i �COrr,m�s OMMENTS". s received by the Public. b the Ne tional PUBLIC c e no comments or question Outstanding public sejevl y �viduals an d There wer sher announced' been named as a 20 11 e assistance of several ind ce Chairman F� Lewis has Officials. d thanks to th eritus d ,Recreations been revive it erson Em an tion Chap ark ha • Association d parlks F ounda o McculloGh paklan JOh der the consent The vice chairman un ding • lady items month en particu to approve allRegisterAIAA F $ FY 11), and SENT AGENDA supported bye foodssJouronth endirng 5ding 5131I11 CON r Lewis, SeNIc m °nth en Moved by M lnternel meat Register for m en follows= mery for Ag da as B, FY 11t' Pent Executive Sun erV een, Wilson l7i 13o IlthIyCFM ncial Statem F�na McGillivray, Scott, a AYES•" Long' Fisher, Lewis, RvlcEs: jjjcef vote. COUNTY VETERANS SE ented Execuefe �erans a voice ESEE Services, pre s sup Oft es National carried on Y GEN for the1r at Lak Motion T10N B ent of V eterans tion t the Gre ECIATION PRESENTA ee County W� r a Certlficate °ay Ge emon1es a APPR of Genes Wells Onal D es at the ctor R Operat�onsbuses for the Mem nne Thick, dire d county bus d Manager-P &metefV rovidin9 of the paklan Stencil and c T Wnsh P P resented a photo of one and then . H Cemetery wn Funeral Home also P JULY 12 - 17 Commissioners to Mr. Lada of gro LANp COUNTY AIR mlin invited the Panrned throughout the cemetery• OAK C Scra vents p sOciatIOn. 11 n As PARKIN PECIAL INVITATION — 2� sOc.ation Generale panded ugh bies� caigan Soybea pvRNAMENT S As s On a grant thro GOLF T only 4`K elf ring plan N Oakland C° t Fair, she resulting from US NIOR OPE d Court y f{orts SE land w ,g e c reen ND COUNTRY CLOB12�12 of Section B en t eluding ne rove the use openGolf TOurnemen IANW OOD LION AKS. Mr VanderVe 2tine,ato a9p12 US , Se e,.t o apProval of the final 1REQUEST OR Wilson, suPP°roe pa king du d Country Club, sub} Moved by Mr' s ( ' Park f wood Golf an of the Orion Oak Indlanw° VanderVeen, Wilson �8) being hosted by the agreement cculloch, McGillivray, Scott' YES Fisher Lewis, Long M A NAYS: (o) vote. carried On a V°ice 4-2 Motion _. (Commission Meeting, July 6, 2011) RCOC JOSLYN ROAD SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS REQUEST — ORION OAKS: Staff has received a proposal from the Road Commission for Oakland County for safety improvements on Joslyn Road at the Orion Oaks Lake Sixteen boat launch and fishing site. The RCOC has identified the need for an acceleration and deceleration lane as well as a northbound passing lane at this site. The RCOC proposes to provide preliminary and construction engineering, project bidding and management at a cost of approximately $85,000. Parks portion of the project is estimated to be $350,000; no funds are currently budgeted for this project. Moved by Mr. McCulloch, supported by Mrs. Long to investigate other options to the proposed Joslyn Road safety improvements at Orion Oaks including inquiring about financial options with the township, getting an estimate or count through September of how many people use the boat launch, determining whether or not there are any implications to us if we close the boat launch, and determining if there are other options to the boat launch. Staff is to report back to the Commission in October. AYES: Fisher, Lewis, Long, McCulloch, McGillivray, Scott, VanderVeen, Wilson (8) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. ITC/INDEPENDENCE OAKS -NORTH USE AGREEMENT: Moved by Mr. Wilson, supported by Mr. Scott to approve an evergreen agreement (renewed in perpetuity unless cancelled for cause by either party) with International Transmission Company (ITC) to use its utility corridor for trail connectivity and passive recreation in three locations at Independence Oaks -North in the amount of $341.00 annually. AYES: Fisher, Lewis, Long, McCulloch, McGillivray, Scott, VanderVeen, Wilson (8) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. MICHIGAN NATURAL RESOURCES TRUST FUND GRANT AGREEMENT UPDATE: Staff provided an update on three pending grant agreements through the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund (MNRTF); the 2007 Addison Oaks Trail Connector Development Grant, the 2007 Addison Oaks Property Acquisition Grant, and the 2010 Natural Area Accessibility Improvements at Highland, Lyon, Red and Rose Oaks County Parks. A significant transition in the staffing at the DNR and Attorney General's office was a factor in the lengthy negotiations of these agreements. The grants directly address the need for access, open space, and trail connectivity — high priority needs as determined by the countywide recreation needs assessments. Too, there has been a shift in focus at the state to more urban grants, so future grants for similar projects will be more difficult to attain. The grant agreements will be brought to the Commission to be considered for approval at the August 3 meeting. COMMISSION MEETING LOCATION CHANGE — SEPTEMBER 7: Moved by Mr. McCulloch, supported by Mr. VanderVeen to approve the meeting location 4-3 ndbreak\ng cerem°ny 6, t0 c0ry . 6vdew\th a grOu miss -\on twe \ng' 36y d Nu°�\°gtoll °ods a ndeeen, � i\s°r �$ lG°rr\ 0 So& R° Park Scott, v a Ge to a p Gaks GountcGu\loch, McG\\\\gray' Cat at her l.e�Nis, L°og' M ort °ot\n9 staff wi\\ F��S F+s ementRe �Onths: te. Manag next few taff ar'd ND�S `off tried on a voice vO 6S\©� R�PGR� an Operas\ co u �5\a\ocl iX'the agreed upon M s MOt\on ca S SvpGEC SU he\ps provide esent to the k)cvat can be �RD1\GN visor Jeff P 1 rep°rts to pbsidies s,dy rangesid es NP�,EN\EN C OP ices Supesed\nancaffects our dent\§y s aUce the sub SOORGE MP �isca\ve\ pin9 pe poc+n9 p°\G ng po\ic Gc menta\y ding grants CURD\" R� ct+ve and be de N°w t ding the ptargets to �C \,6k\es, \nc\u ��NpNGE�ND orrr,at\an °Ma\ntef\ Doren iss\On as t\ng °pp° OR �D\N n prov\deep and Malor G0\�enoe"genera oGRDMI p,� ©on\ eN r°vem t °sed Rev ��� PR ens N\ke Cap, \mp the prop \Mt'RGv oD�E dpeve\op f\e' tN the cts, inc\ud\n3 GDp� p�PNN\NG v?�a\ntena daitons�ad)ustm ning pro\eastec P\an \ri\t�at+ves, PN� ad�C\t\es der\y a to on p\el) Gaks m agement s wd\ be of parks ts, p\us C0 a b6o up the'�N atec� `resource aed \n the burn Ghief ec Noyes provid d draft O iodon ne�u°f acres inciu ed peed-wN pcO� \nc3an Puns isor Jon ret�ve ?\ann dthe G°m wkai umb P\ann� arasve eeg\ona\ \nterer Brittany gee eddZte th\s spring �h Go\\abces P\ann s GOmp at Orion tuna\ Res°urres cibed boon d atrons wh tpe n w SC\ to Na d\ng the p Gomm ted as �i\e th°se p � ntact the roa \prov+ded to the R�'. FY �g11� was accepe safety c dog park a9�r`gwa\k\n9 aGrOss R�PG for may l A g$ °g Park Road to g° toshoo\ d\sc°o Report e G�Oss 30s\yn S\gns atth ct\vity peon �a t\ng oted�' Che Uss,O\ fo\\ a Shoo a he °ss bwm °f p°s ing oof mat\on was n DssOd+at\Or\ s OlaKs E\<enae tto d\scus enda the f°\\ow creat\on and Park gethe park. F\GE,RS REPGR�,s reportfi\ed \r'the aged \ntO M\cociall °p°\-\tan Duthor�ty a\n9 - OF e ExeGut\ve o\cer �t\chard wi\\ be \ndu NurOn G\\ntOn Metr sh\p of\\ford regar to th er Ra\ph the er -C own` e \n add\t\on pff\c r of ec EXe00*'Je Obev 6 een e\ected Creaser �\otocs andthogress Of th+s issu ---Form e on as b era\ the p of am ch h Na\\ 000u1\o vOly\ng �'e appcised O e Gha\rmar\ n \it\gat\on � \.N keep us v\c 6GO V, \SS\ Egoa\i2at\on .Update k\and GOu taxes • Ga 4 (Commission Meeting, July 6, 2011) OLD BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: None The next Commission meeting will be held at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, August 3, 2011. Meeting was adjourned at 10:45 a.m. J. David VanderVeen, Secretary Karen S. Kohn CPS/CAP, Recording Secretary 4-5 ITEM #7A Internal Service Funds Journal Voucher Register for Month Ending 6/30/11 There was a computer programming issue which delayed staff's development of the Month End Report for 6/30/11. We will provide the information to the Commission at the meeting. 7A-1 CREATION COMMISSION � ARKS pNp RE OpKLpNO COON T pPPROVPI- PgUINNypRY pYMEN FOR MEETING OF pu9ust 3' 2p11 VOUCHER REGISTER: UNDSdOURNpL RVICE F REGSSTEF *INTERNpI. SE 1 SERVICES RENDERED 3une lFM9 201 ENT INC• CREDIT FOR *0pK MANpGEM & 3une lFM7'$ Apr11, May TER: *�pYMENT REGIS 201 period, dune voucher Report 11 ABLE FOR REVIEW . TOT At+ Up INFORMpT1ON IS pVA *3p,CK 7A-1 � ,606,E 82.20 836.00 527 ,2p6 A A S2,134,224.3� OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MONTHLY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FM 9, FY 2011 (FOR MONTH ENDING 6/30111) FY 2011 (OVER), UNDER % OF OPERATING BUDGET - Section A BUDGET YEAR TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET Operating Revenue $25,003,813.00 $16,652,038.37 $8,351,774.63 66.6% Operating Expense $25,003,813.00 $13,587,813.00 $11,416,000.00 54.3% REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENSES $0.00 $3,064,225.37 ($3,064,225.37) FY 2011 Operating Stabilization Fund earmark $6,250,000 (25% of $25,003,813) FY 2011 to PROJECT TO FY 2013 DATE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ESTIMATED EXPENSE PROJECT % OF BUDGET PLAN - Section B PROJECT COST PAYMENTS* BALANCE BUDGET TOTAL $17,196,524.51 $5,983,562.11 $11,212,962.40 34.8% *Includes prior fiscal years carry over expenses of $5,390,336.92 FY 2011 Capital Stabilization Fund earmark $0 (recommend establishing in FY 2012 ) CAPITAL EQUIPMENT BUDGET PLAN - Section C TOTAL YEAR TO DATE FY 2011 EXPENSE (OVER), UNDER % OF BUDGET PAYMENTS BUDGET BUDGET $18,956.12 $13,356.12 $5,600.00 70.5% SUMMARY of Sections A, B, and C 7B-1 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION COMBINED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS FM 9, FY 2011 (FOR MONTH ENDING 6/30/11) 2011 YEAR TO (OVER), % OF REVENUE BUDGET DATE UNDER BUDGET BUDGET ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES: Millage Tax $12,586,000.00 $12,752,055.19 ($166,055.19) 101.3% Other 272,300.00 200,799.23 71,500.77 73.7% GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE 1,058,016.00 558,470.59 499,545.41 52.8% LYON OAKS GOLF COURSE 1,188.290.00 632,268.07 556,021.93 53.2% RED OAKS GOLF COURSE 413,900.00 171,793.55 242,106.45 41.5% SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE 759,600.00 379,649.06 379,950.94 50.0% WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE 884,432.00 431,584.35 452,847.65 48.8% INDEPENDENCE OAKS NATURE CENTER 31,800.00 23,490.60 8,309.40 73.9% ADDISON OAKS 444,780.00 229,173.71 215,606.29 51.5% ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 126,000.00 66,720.48 59,279.52 53.0% GROVELAND OAKS 678,700.00 269,690.87 409,009.13 39.7% HIGHLAND OAKS 3,000.00 790.00 2,210.00 26.3% INDEPENDENCE OAKS 301,622.00 200,338.33 101,283.67 66.4% LYON OAKS 85,000.00 47,148.00 37,852.00 55.5% ORION OAKS 121,000.00 73,018,22 47,981.78 60.3% RED OAKS DOG PARK 42,100.00 27,999.00 14,101.00 66.5% ROSE OAKS 2,000.00 9,700.00 (7,700.00) 485.0% SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER/PARK 60,874.00 52,782.38 8,091.62 86.7% WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER/PARK 45,649.00 37,656.65 7,992.35 82.5% RECREATION PROGRAMS & SERVICES 435,390.00 126,941.50 308,448.50 29.2% CATALPA OAKS 10,000.00 1,775.00 8,225.00 17.8% RED OAKS WATERPARK 948,680.00 260,208.82 688,471.18 27.4% WATERFORD OAKS BMX COMPLEX 21,780.00 3,753.00 18,027.00 17.2% WATERFORD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 11,000.00 6,676.00 4,324.00 60.7% WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK 820,100.00 87,555.77 732,544.23 10.7% NON -OPERATING PLANNED USE OF BALANCE 3,651,800.00 0.00 3,651,800.00 N/A TOTAL REVENUE $25,003,813.00 $16,652,038.37 $8,351,774.63 66.6% EXPENSES ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES $6,012,790.00 $3,870,832.75 $2,141,957.25 64.4% FISCAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION 154,010.00 82,063.08 71,946.92 53.3% FISCAL SERVICES PARKS & REC 274,659.00 157,564.51 117,094.49 57.4% GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE 1,147,642.00 777,130.89 370,511.11 67.7% LYON OAKS GOLF COURSE 2,038,833.00 1,052,499.92 986,333.08 51.6% RED OAKS GOLF COURSE 696,381.00 380,258.76 316,122.24 54.6% SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE 894,827.00 469,686.93 425,140.07 52.5% WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE 1,125,181.00 565,540.95 559,640.05 50.3% INDEPENDENCE OAKS NATURE CENTER 510,764.00 303,006.35 207,757.65 59.3% ADDISON OAKS 1,522,764.00 779,807.41 742,956.59 51.2% ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 244,552.00 110,928.86 133,623.14 45.4% GROVELAND OAKS 1,341,486.00 648,800.32 692,685.68 48.4% HIGHLAND OAKS 86,481.00 26,551.12 59,929.88 30.7% INDEPENDENCE OAKS 922,255.00 612,778.95 309,476.05 66.4% LYON OAKS 377,822.00 213,483.16 164,338.84 56.5% ORION OAKS 191,747.00 104,467.82 87,279.18 54.5% RED OAKS DOG PARK 64,526.00 28,011.01 36,514.99 43.4% ROSE OAKS 78,581.00 39,965.94 38,615.06 50.9% SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER/PARK 467,810.00 241,241.70 226,568.30 51.6% WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER/PARK 684,077.00 297,084.72 386,992.28 43.4% RECREATION PROGRAMS & SERVICES 1,256,735.00 698,141.16 558,593.84 55.6% CATALPA OAKS 142,503.00 21,967.33 120,535.67 15.4% RED OAKS WATERPARK 1,272,270.00 633,653.14 638,616.86 49.8% WATERFORD OAKS BMX COMPLEX 62,511.00 17,112.33 45,398.67 27.4% WATERFORD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX 235,279.00 102,636.80 132,642.20 43.6% WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK 1,101,382.00 480,633.51 620,748.49 43.6% FACILITIES & MAINTENANCE 1,395,945.00 730,810.27 665,134.73 52.4% CONTINGENCY/INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES* 700,000.00 141,153.31 558,846.69 N/A $25,003,813.00 $13,587,813.00 $11,416,000.00 54.3% REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENSES $0.00 $3,064,225.37 ($3,064,225.37) 2011 2010 2009 2008 ACTUAL REVENUE TO DATE: 66.6% 64.6% 79.3% 81.8% BUDGET BALANCE: 33.4% 35.4% 20.7% 18.2% ACTUAL EXPENSE TO DATE: 54.3% 50.8% 54.7% 59.4% BUDGET BALANCE: 45.7% 49.2% 45.3% 40.6% Note: FY 2008-2009 percents did not include the non -operating Planned Use of Balance Revenue amounts. FY 2008-2010 Expenses are comparable again as of 5/31/10. *CONTINGENCY YTD FIGURE: INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS PAYMENTS IN TRANSIT. (Page 1 of 3) 713-2 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION COMBINED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS FM 9, FY 2011 (FOR MONTH ENDING 6130111) CONTINGENCY: BUDGET AMENDMENTS CONTINGENCY: PENDING OTHER: BUDGET AMENDMENTS OTHER: PENDING (Page 2 of 3) 7B-3 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION COMBINED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS REVENUE AND EXPENSE COMPARISON FM 9, FY 2011 (FOR MONTH ENDING 6130111) PARK ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES (Inc. Tax Revenue) FISCAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION FISCAL SERVICES PARKS & REC ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES SUB -TOTAL GOLF: GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE LYON OAKS GOLF COURSE RED OAKS GOLF COURSE SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE GOLF SUB -TOTAL NATURE: INDEPENDENCE OAKS NATURE CENTER NATURE SUB -TOTAL PARKS: ADDISON OAKS ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER GROVELAND OAKS HIGHLAND OAKS INDEPENDENCE OAKS LYON OAKS ORION OAKS RED OAKS DOG PARK ROSE OAKS SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER/PARK WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER/PARK PARKS SUB -TOTAL RECREATION: RECREATION PROGRAMS & SERVICES CATALPA OAKS RED OAKS WATERPARK WATERFORD OAKS BMX COMPLEX WATERFORD OAKS TOBOGGAN COMPLEX WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK RECREATION SUB -TOTAL FACILITIES & MAINTENANCE: FACILITIES & MAINTENANCE FACILITIES & MAINTENANCE SUB -TOTAL CONTINGENCY/INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES* TOTAL YEAR TO DATE YEAR TO DATE REVENUE EXPENSE $12,952,854.42 0.00 0.00 12,952,854.42 558,470.59 632,268.07 171,793.55 379,649.06 431,584.35 2,173,765.62 $3,870,832.75 82,063.08 157,564.51 4,110,460.34 777,130.89 1,052,499.92 380,258.76 469,686.93 565,540.95 3,245,117.45 REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXP. $9,082,021.67 (82,063.08) (157,564.51) 8,842,394.08 (218,660.30) (420,231.85) (208,465.21) (90,037.87) (133,956.60) (1,071,351.83) 23,490.60 303,006.35 (279,515.75) 23,490.60 303,006.35 (279,515.75) 229,173.71 66,720.48 269,690.87 790.00 200,338.33 47,148.00 73,018.22 27,999.00 9,700.00 52,782.38 37,656.65 1,015,017.64 126,941.50 1,775.00 260,208.82 3,753.00 6,676.00 87,555.77 486,910.09 779,807.41 110,928.86 648,800.32 26,551.12 612,778.95 213,483.16 104,467.82 28,011.01 39,965.94 241,241.70 297,084.72 3,103,121.01 698,141.16 21,967.33 633,653.14 17,112.33 102,636.80 480,633.51 1,954,144.27 (550,633.70) (44,208.38) (379,109.45) (25,761.12) (412,440.62) (166,335.16) (31,449.60) (12.01) (30,265.94) (188,459.32) (259,428.07) (2,088,103.37) (571,199.66) (20,192.33) (373,444.32) (13,359.33) (95,960.80) (393,077.74) (1,467,234.18) 0.00 730,810.27 (730,810.27) 0.00 730,810.27 (730,810.27) 0.00 $16,652,038.37 141,153.31 $13,587,813.00 *CONTINGENCY YTD FIGURE: INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS PAYMENTS IN TRANSIT. (141,153.31) $3,064,225.37 See the Oakland County website's "Transparency in Government -Monthly Financials" to view the latest monthly Financial Statement detail by each departments' budget units: 1. Log on the www.oakqov.com/fiscal/info pub/monthlVreports.html 2. Click on "View the Monthly Financials and Quarterly Forecast" hyperlink on the bottom of the page 3. Click on "Parks and Recreation" hyperlink within the list 4. Click on each of the Parks and Recreation monthly financial reports you are interested in viewing 5. Or do a search for "Monthly Financials" (Page 3 of 3) 713-4 Park Future Acquisition & Improvements Addison Oaks (A) Catalpa Oaks Glen Oaks Groveland Oaks Highland Oaks (B) Independence Oaks(C) Lyon Oaks (D) Orion Oaks Red Oaks (E) Rose Oaks (F) Springfield Oaks Waterford Oaks (G) White Lake Oaks Contingency Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Budget Plan Report FM 9, FY 2011 As of 6/30/11 Summary Total for All Parks 2/28/2010 Contract(s) Estimated FY 2010 FY 2011 Net New Estimated Amount Contract(s) Awd., Pre & Enc. Project Proiect Cost Adjustment Adjustment Adjustment Proiect Cost Paid Retainer Balance * Balance 3,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,000,000.00 2,210,000.00 0.00 (200,000.00) (200,000.00) 2,010,000.00 (1,692.80) 0.00 0.00 2,008,307.20 1,395,000.00 0.00 (65,000.00) (65,000.00) 1,330,000.00 (55,688.50) 0.00 0.00 1,274,311.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 120,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 120,000.00 (13,562.50) 0.00 0.00 106,437.50 369,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 369,000.00 (12,954.80) 0.00 0.00 356,045.20 3,996,000.00 2,000.00 (447,962.04) (445,962.04) 3,550,037.96 (3,158,751.50) 0.00 0.00 391,286.46 143,476.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 143,476.97 (26,437.97) 0.00 0.00 117,039,00 140,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 140,000.00 (10,302.51) 0.00 0.00 129,697.49 1,513,628.00 22,680.48 19,085.04 41,765.52 1,555,393.52 (1,044,257.18) 0.00 0.00 511,136.34 732,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 732,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 732,000.00 230,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 230,000.00 (26,092.64) 0.00 0.00 203,907.36 1,609,999.57 110,638.45 3,183.69 113,822.14 1,723,821.71 (1,633,821.71) 0.00 0.00 90,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,737,419.97 (135,318.93) 690,693.31 555,374.38 2,292,794.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,292,794.35 Capital Improvement Program Grand Total $17,196,524.51 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $17,196,524.51 ($5,983,562.11) $0.00 $0.00 $11,212,962.40 (A) State Grant$844,800 (B) State Grant $28,160 (C) State Grant$945,000 (D) State Grant $35,200 (E) State Grant $94,160 (F) State Grant $150,480 (G) Federal Grant $190,000/Private Grant $250,000 Grand Total of (possible) grants and donations included in Estimated Project Cost = $2,537,800 Dollar Column Explanation: 2/28/10 Estimated Project Cost is the sum of the current year's Budget columns "Project Cost Estimate" figure, the "Adjusted to Project Cost" figure, and the "Proposed New Projects" figure for the projects still open (any "Project Balance" funds for projects closed to fixed assets at the end of the prior fiscal year have been added to the contingency). FY 2010 Adiustment is the net of any adjustments made from/to contingency and individual projects in March - September of the prior fiscal year (the current fiscal year's perpetual budget started with figures as of 2/28). FY 2011 Adiustment is the net of any adjustments made from/to contingency and individual projects during the current fiscal year. Net Adiustment is the sum of "FY 2010 Adjustment" and "FY 2011 Adjustment" figures. New Estimated Project Cost is the sum of "2/28/10 Estimated Project Cost", "FY 2010 Adjustment" and "FY 2011 Adjustment" (or "Net Adjustment") figures. Amount Paid is the cost of the project expensed as of the report date. This amount includes the "Contract(s) Retainer" dollars. Contract(s) Retainer is the amount of retainage withheld from a contract payment and may be in an interest bearing account set-up via the O.C. Treasurer's office. The amount is not part of the "Project Balance" calculation because it is already included in the "Amount Paid" figure. Contract(s) Awd., Pre & Enc. Balance is the sum of the Pre -encumbered and Encumbered dollars for the contracts that have been awarded and for outstanding Requisitions and Purchase Orders. Project Balance is the amount of available dollars remaining on a project that have not been paid or encumbered. * Pre -Encumbered & Encumbered charges are N/A at this time, figures are based on large contracts. 713-5 CIP Summary Page 1 of 2 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Budget Plan Report FM 9, FY 2011 As of 6130111 Summary Total for All Parks Note: The Capital Improvement Program Budget Plan (CIP) is a comprehensive, multi -year plan of capital projects that support the Parks and Recreation department, and the Parks and Recreation Commission, in its efforts to effectively and efficiently provide services to the citizens of Oakland County. Every spring, the CIP Budget Plan is updated as new projects are identified and old projects are completed or reprioritized, and is included in the proposed/recommended budget. The CIP Budget Plan is not a budgetary commitment, but rather a planning document that lists the priorities from the department's and Commission's perspective. It forecasts facility needs and includes what at this point in time are cost estimates. The project descriptions and costs included are based on initial project scope definitions and are subject to revision as more detailed plans are developed. Some of these projects may not be done at all if alternative solutions are found or funding is unavailable. Others may be pushed back or moved up as dictated by facility needs and budget realities. Inclusion in the CIP Budget Plan does not indicate approval for a project to move forward without first identifying a funding source and receiving the approval of the Parks and Recreation Commission, and the Oakland County Board of Commissioners. The CIP is a perpetual budget plan. The project, budget dollars, budget adjustments, and expenses are carried forward from one fiscal year to the next fiscal year until the project is fully completed (after all expenses have been paid and recorded) or until the project is cancelled or postponed. At the end of the fiscal year the project is completed, the project is closed and the cost is transferred from a General Ledger Construction in Progress account to the appropriate Fixed Assets General Ledger account and depreciation on the project begins_ When the project is closed, if there is any remaining budget funds (budget dollars that were not spent), the remaining budget dollar balances are transferred to the CIP Contingency. At the beginning of each new fiscal year (10/1/XX), a new fiscal year monthly CIP Budget Plan Report is created from the new fiscal years adopted budget plan and the prior fiscal year ending CIP Plan Report. The process used to create the new fiscal years monthly CIP Plan Report incorporates the following steps: 1. Concentrate only on prior and current fiscal year projects that have a funding source identified (do not include any unfunded future year projects). 2. Delete prior fiscal year projects that were closed to Fixed Assets, cancelled or postponed. 3. Sum the budget's "(prior fiscal year) Project Cost Estimate" figure, the "Adjustment to Project Cost" figure and the "(fiscal year) New Projects" figure to calculate the beginning fiscal year monthly plan report's "2/28/XX Estimated Project Cost" figure for each of the open projects. 4. Reconcile the Contingency page information for the months of March through September of the prior fiscal year. Carry forward any adjustments made to or from the contingency account for these months for projects carried over from the prior fiscal year to each project's "(prior fiscal year) Adjustment" column on each park's page (net new fiscal year funds). 5. Enter the Contingency page's figures onto the Summary page's contingency line. 6. Carry forward each projects prior year report figures for the "Amount Paid", "Contracts Retainer", and "Contracts Awarded, Encumbered Balance" to the current fiscal years monthly report. 7. The "Project Balance" figure is then computed for each project. 8. Verify that each park's page column totals have transferred to the Summary page correctly. 9. Edit/update the Grant and Donation/Contribution information at the bottom of each park's page and also the Summary page. 10. Reconcile and verify the Adopted Budget Plan information and figures to the beginning fiscal year monthly report. CIP project guidelines definition for Oakland County Parks and Recreation: 1. Project that will add to the net worth of the Parks and Recreation system (a maintenance project would be included in the Operating Budget). 2. The minimum threshold for a CIP project will be $10,000 (using per unit guidelines), unless otherwise determined. 3. Project will be closed to Fixed Assets at the end of each fiscal year, unless otherwise determined. 4. Project must be able to be physically inventoried. 5. Project must be able to be depreciated (5 to 50 years depending on the classification type). Exception: land is not depreciated. A project priority listing by Fiscal Year is shown in a separate CIP "Project Management Plan" document Note: Fund Equity's Operating and Capital Stabilization/Reserve Fund earmarks: • Fund Equity's Operating "Stabilization/Reserve Fund" earmark for FY 2011 is $6,250,000 (25% of $25,003,813). The Operating "Stabilization/Reserve Fund" earmark ensures a stable cash flow for the future fiscal year's obligations and payments for the months of October, November and December. Collections on the future fiscal year's property tax revenue do not begin until after the property tax is levied in the future month of December. • Fund Equity's Capital "Stabilization/Reserve Fund" earmark for FY 2011 is $0.00. The Capital "Stabilization/Reserve Fund" earmark would provide funds for an unexpected/unbudgeted CIP project opportunity (as an alternative to bond funding). If it becomes necessary to utilize any $ of this fund earmark, this fund would be replenished with the next fiscal year's net income, until it becomes fully funded once again. 7B-6 CIP Summary Page 2 of 2 ITEM #8A AWARD PRESENTATION Pecky D. Lewis, Jr., Chairperson Emeritus, will of bein be honored in recognition g named a 2011 Outstanding Public Official by the Park and Recreation Officials. National Association of Item #8B Proposed Catch -and -Release Regulation for Upper Bushman Lake In May 2011 the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) Fisheries Division conducted a fisheries survey on Upper Bushman Lake at Independence Oaks -North County Park. The survey found high catch rates and above average sized game fish, including bluegill, pumpkinseed, largemouth bass, and northern pike. These findings are indicative of a lake that has had little fishing pressure. In order to maintain a high abundance of large fish, it is critical to restrict harvest. It is recommended to continue to allow fishing on Upper Bushman Lake, but eliminate harvest, in order to maintain this high -quality fishery. The goal for managing Upper Bushman Lake through special regulations (catch -and -release) is to provide diverse fishing opportunities. Diverse public fishing opportunities are created by managing select inland waters for quality fishing which includes maximizing the size of fish and the subsequent catch of large fish. Although restrictive regulations are required to create this diverse opportunity, there is an abundance of public fishing opportunities both in the immediate area and even within the existing park. Therefore, anglers who want to harvest fish have plenty of opportunities locally. Upper Bushman Lake is a prime candidate for special regulations. MDNR survey results document that this lake has the biological potential to support a high quality fishery (high catch rates and large -sized fish). Extensive wetlands comprise the shoreline of the lake making it relatively inaccessible to shore anglers. This creates two advantages, 1) limited access facilitates enforcement of special fishing regulations; and 2) provides an "up -north" aesthetic to the lake, which can be best enhanced by preserving the presence of large fish and diverse fishing opportunities through catch and release regulation. Managing fishing on Upper Bushman Lake with special regulation provides a unique opportunity. There are only 37 lakes in the state that allow a variance from the "standard" fishing regulations. Only one of these is in southeast Michigan, and that lake does not have public access. So Upper Bushman Lake would be the only public access lake in southeast Michigan managed with special fishing regulations. Anglers looking for unique fishing opportunities seek out these types of lakes which serve as a regional recreation draw for anglers. Special Designation Catch and Release Regulations for Upper Bushman Lake would allow Oakland County Parks to diversify the fishing opportunities afforded to the public, and provide a framework for unique education and outreach programs in the area of fisheries conservation. Staff recommends adopting a Special Designation Catch and Release Rule for Upper Bushman Lake at Independence Oaks North to be enacted in April 2012 under the Michigan Department of Natural Resources Fishing Regulations. ve0 L SEAS �GR its zeside'�tial A E__ j� leases 041� 5 j2(309 - Ax iO�� °zzentl dated z1se1 aid o zldReezeat1O� Ctb. COO �issiOn� Cpzp°nation CoU s a ce wl and C°�tizlty � azk i� aecpzdazL Oakland Count se a�zeeznents ire �akl ks systez1' azedb� e lea �,itbintke p e�tl'asbeex�pzep as is stilpp° vt of foz appx°vai to lc pz°peztles lease aeezn zesoltlO ioners s stza Zl�e attached °f zel�ewals. �tbe attached $°and °f C° anon C°zs5z�ently. do ego e ds adopt COAXIM Reed ezate znpze of Ic tl�e °p to tl�e Oakland d ez p s a� off taff azk z S be f° azded the 0aklavaenable staf f to p �hicb wzilvs eff°jt ties iz�t�si�ess pzactlees an �standazdi�e °tilzb 00, to SC-1 RESOLUTION RESIDENTIAL LEASE-INDEPEDENCE OAKS -NORTH WHEREAS, the County of Oakland is the owner of Independence Oaks County Park; and WHEREAS, a 760-square foot house, identified as 5511 Oakhill Road, Clarkston, Michigan 48348, is located on the grounds of Independence Oaks County Park; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission to lease said house located at 5511 Oakhill Road, Clarkston, Michigan 48348 to Kristy Ottman Leahy for a period commencing September 15, 2011 through September 14, 2016; and WHEREAS, under the terms and conditions of the attached Lease Agreement Kristy Ottman Leahy will pay rent as follows: September 15, 2011 to December 31, 2011 $700.00 per month January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2012 $714.00 per month January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013 $728.00 per month January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014 $743.00 per month January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015 $758.00 per month January 1, 2016 to September 14, 2016 $773.00 per month each month and pay all utility costs; and WHEREAS, the Departments of Facilities Management and Corporation Counsel have reviewed and/or prepared all necessary documents related to the attached lease agreement; and WHEREAS, it is the recommendation of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission and the Department of Facilities Management that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accept and approve the terms and conditions of the attached Lease Agreement. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby approves and authorizes the attached Lease Agreement between the County of Oakland and Kristy Ottman Leahy. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the rent amount received be deposited in the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Rental House Revenue fund line item. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County of Oakland Board of Commissioners hereby directs its Chairperson or his designee to execute the attached Lease Agreement and all other related documents between the County of Oakland and Kristy Ottman Leahy, which may be required. Moved by _ Supported by Date: 8C-2 RESIDENTIAL LEASE AGREEMENT NOTICE: MICHIGAN LAW ESTABLISHES RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS FOR PARTIES TO RENTAL AGREEMENTS. THIS AGREEMENT IS REQUIRED TO COMPLY WITH THE TRUTH IN RENTING ACT. IF YOU HAVE A QUESTION ABOUT THE INTERPRETATION OR LEGALITY OF A PROVISION OF THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MAY WANT TO SEEK ASSISTANCE FROM A LAWYER OR OTHER QUALIFIED PERSON. This Lease Agreement ("Lease") is entered into on , between the County of Oakland, 1200 North Telegraph, Pontiac, MI 48341 ("Landlord") and Kristy Ottman Leahy ("Tenant") according to the terms and conditions set forth below. 1. Premises. The Tenant leases from landlord the real property located at 5511 Oakhill Road, Clarkston, Michigan 48348 ("Premises"), together with any furnishings, fixtures, personal property, and appurtenances furnished by Landlord for Tenant's use. 2. Term. The term of this Lease shall be for five years, beginning on September 15, 2011 and ending on September 14, 2016. References in this Lease to the terns of the Lease shall include any renewal term(s). Tenant shall receive possession of the Premises upon execution of the Lease. 3. Tenant Monetary Obligations. 3.1.Tenant shall pay Landlord the following amount per month, as rent, on or before the first day of each month during the term of this Lease: September 15, 2011 to December 31, 2011 $700.00 per month January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2012 $714.00 per month January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013 $728.00 per month January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014 $743.00 per month January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015 $758.00 per month January 1, 2016 to September 14, 2016 $773.00 per month 3.2.The rent shall be paid by check or money order made payable to the Landlord and sent to the following address: Oakland County Parks and Recreation, 2800 Watkins Lake Road, Waterford, Michigan 48328 or another address designated by Landlord in writing. 3.3.Tenant shall pay the first monthly installment when Tenant executes this Lease. The first monthly installment shall be pro -rated for such month, if the Lease is executed on another day than the first day of the month. 3.4.Tenant shall pay Landlord a late fee of $25 for each monthly installment not received by Landlord within five days of its due date. This increase shall be considered additional rent and shall compensate Landlord for costs incurred because of late IndOaksOttmanLease (07-20-11).doc 8C-3 in addition to rent shallbe e fox Tenant s IL additional this Leas andlpzd pxO'nptly d lect visions °f rent to L due date an d ht to cOldez other Px all additional apex the ustbe pal s zig aid t fu ds n1 on ayrxlents; L ht d akeahe 1 e nant�slt 1 menue 1 fox inp e� fle check pz x" eY Lanais°xdTvA. s ayx ate of the dexi havebeenxe s check> c e 1t,n p Fez xeh sw def the due d checks tha ent, by cas taro comp t of One aftez fox pay'" d main e des �ated e an amour eats to the minimum , e the pain lac shall px°cur in xOvid d and at the p the Z errant ce cove,,v nt shall ou py Of 4aksn eds. Oxdez 0f this ,ease, msuzan fhe era e C tional in e tezm ant' s 00 p00.00� • v eza�e listin als as addi 3.5 Duzin� t liablhty ollazs ance Co tea OV CT �d fh°usan �� f1cate of'n��d3d apppzn xundx with a ° sand ele ses only- �° fOx L�nemp °gees' offxceX ' identxal pux�°the Pxemisa�oz xivate xes all occupy, out the p se of Pzemises use the-?Tcolse . ted P tens �° this ldzenLease wxth to dO any °f the 4. t shaUan the follow duxinS the inpz Ch erson ,fhe T en o �iex th 14� days d f errant s a l0,v another p 4.1- Persons an fOux�•eea the Landloz ollowzng °x haLazdOus pz more than d0 any °f the f ay e s to nuisance b written ub5 SunOundin�s that Ox premium t shall n°t nOise pz p celled 42 f011owinCTeate anyrig �a the PSsIve xo a seh�uzance to be can ithout 4 2 2 at 1 Cause yandl art 0f the pre. ax �0cks ox bolts � 0ut ease e any p additi es with incx Ov damag install any xemis peface the locks °ztesl cO ea y� le OntheP s Opzn would is ion, 4 4 Cha dlozd' sip woxto hex h in L dlozd e a health l an Ce a watezbed written cons . ces that liall e Premises, os 4.2 5 Plandl°ra s pna� meet °x appon or axOu remises that might P xOund the install any e Vasafe cOnditxonoil ound the hJACIOboxs ekept on oz a 4 2 b cacCU la e Tease �t ens as o. e plOsxves to b s p ox written 4.2 �aL toy Aal:o gVa able hg ,ses without Landlord ct the 4 2 $ prexmjses azmals On the Pxem all secure ande houzs• BTinS any e f errant sh „Park closes Or Other 42 9 t. all ad hpolic , fize -Rciclent GOnsen byt especi e a1 TenaY'tButthe eXtentpea �Oe thezei ��0pzdinat�no of anUntisu 4.3 4.3 pa kOxOpezt cluae �O�xtactinea a a the pxepaxatzozs This shallail may be zeg1,e Landlozd• age o� as zeAuixed by Rp Le anase lndpaks�ttm gc-4 ce services r emergency repair and maintenan ange for or other entity as The Tenant shall ari needed. eTvisor 4.3.2. and facilitiesas to the Park Sup for Park PropertY ake rep The Tenant shl the Landlord another person to 4.3.3. nixed Y 1 allow or flee use of may be req or lcno`ving Y substances Tenant shall not violate use o f controlled o f this section, ces. Qarding the u of a violation al Substan ws rem when aware 5 • V se of Ile state, or local la ederal, or around the Premises. violate federal, in will file a formal pollee report alcohol by Landlord o f the premises or Premises. e condition of the Lease of Prem about th during the term 6 Condition o fore or es that n emises as they were t acknowledg rove the pr same condition 6.1-Tenan or to imp the Lease. and tear omiSeS tO alter stated An Landlord An the normal gear PT been made except p ises to the I an cleanliness, haveTewthe Pxem ease, including 6'� upon comrnlencement of this I up excepted- Premises. d'D e to Prem ises III good Re airs an Main the preent shall be shall. or any utilities- Tenan 7 1�aAntenance ease Tenant ises erty that is caused term Of the L f the Prem , s other prop out thewaste o or to Landlord t shall pay, °n lost 7 1.Throu i d shall alloo the premises nests• Tenant or any condition ari damage to o f T errant or Tenant's g Glass on the premises liable for ally broken ,vindow the Premises - the the acts or ormssions and, to replace any wn services for otify lord s Clem oval and la ises. Tenant shall n band v rem for the preen or broken keYS be responsible fo d maintenance batteries shall air an to the premise ises along with 7 dloxd shall provide repair for repairs or the Prem that they axe Landlord devices f vices to ensure remove 7.3 Landlord when there As a nee( test the de Must regularly Tenant must never lace the batteries. lord shall install s tenant m ediately- to rep 7 4.L', the devices. Landlord imin t when necessary to operate ifnotnotify eXcep walls device, on the operational and moke_detection wing decorations batteries from than ban( t alter ox decorate the emises. ether ant shall no to a particular to Pr b landlord, Ten Landlord's consent Alterations roved Y Landlord. ecorations or alterations $ Decorations and aterials app Consent to future d drive nails into the with nails or other iT. Written consent fx od cos errant, without prior e deem Ashes to T consent from ises shall not b s Landlord furn t Prior written Prem or alteration furnishing the walls with p decorationall not remove any. • material on Tenant or use any adhesive m Premises woodwork, of assign or sublease the Landlord. Tenant shall n 9. Assi xnzent an d Sublease of Premises or any portion thereof. 3 IndoaksottmanLease SC-5 10. Access to the Premises. Tenant shall allow Landlord and Landlord's agents reasonable access to the Premises to inspect, repair, alter, or improve the Premises. Tenant shall also allow insurance carriers and representatives, fire department inspectors, police, or local health authorities to inspect the Premises to the extent permitted by law. Tenant shall allow Landlord. or Landlord's agents to show the Premises to prospective Tenants at reasonable times during the sixty (60) days before the term of the Lease expires and to prospective purchasers on reasonable notice to Tenant. 11. Vacation or Abandonment of the Premises. If Tenant removes substantially all Tenant's property from the Premises, Landlord may immediately enter and redecorate the Premises without abatement of rent; and these acts shall not affect Tenant's obligations under this Lease. If Tenant abandons the Premises before the Lease expires, all rent for the remainder of the term of the Lease shall immediately become due. 12. Property Loss or Damage. To the extent permitted by law, Landlord and Landlord's agents shall not be liable for any damage to property or loss of property that is caused by theft or casualty on the Premises. Landlord recommends that Tenant obtain insurance to protect Tenant's personal property against such loss or damage. 13. Damage or Destruction of the Premises. If a casualty partially destroys the Premises but they can be restored to a tenantable condition within thirty (30) days, Landlord shall repair the Premises with reasonable dispatch; however, Landlord's obligation to repair the Premises shall be limited to the amount of insurance proceeds actually received by Landlord. Tenant's obligation to pay rent shall be suspended while the Premises are untenantable. If a casualty damages the Premises to the extent that they cannot be restored to a habitable condition within thirty (30) days, either Party may terminate this Lease by giving the other party written notice within fifteen (15) days after the casualty. Landlord shall not be liable for any reasonable delay or for providing housing for Tenant during repairs. 14. Utilities and Services for Premises. Tenant is responsible for the costs of utilities and services for the Premises and for establishing accounts, if they are not already established for the term of this Lease including but not limited to the following: (a) garbage removal; (b) water and sewer; (c) gas; (d) electricity; (e) ice removal, including salting the driveway and anywalkssurrounding the Premises or on the Premises; (0 telephones; (g) cable television; and (h) hlternet. All accounts for utilities and services shall be in the name of the Tenant. 15. Termination of Lease. 15.1. Tenant may terminate this Lease for any reason upon thirty (30) days written notice to Landlord. 15.2. Landlord may terminate this Lease for any reason upon ninety (90) days written notice to Tenant. 15.3. Upon termination of this Lease, Tenant shall surrender possession of the Premises to the Landlord in the condition they were in when they were delivered to Tenant, 4 IndOaksOttmanLease (07-20-11).doc E-IM: except for normal wear and tear. Upon tennination of this Lease, Tenant shall also notify the Landlord of the move -out date, return all keys to the Premises to Landlord, and transfer all utility and service accounts into the name of the County of Oakland. 16. Default of Lease and Landlord's Remedies. 16.1 If Tenant defaults on any obligations under this Lease or misrepresents any information in the application for this lease, landlord may, on written notice to Tenant, terminate the Lease and enter the Premises as permitted by law; Tenant and any other occupants shall surrender the Premises to Landlord by the date stated in the notice. If Landlord tenninates the Lease, Landlord may recover Landlord's expenses for enforcing Landlord's rights under the Lease and applicable law, including court costs and attorney fees, from Tenant, as penmitted by statute; and rent for the rest of the teen of the Lease shall immediately become due. Tenant may not be liable for the total accelerated amount because of Landlord's obligation to minimize damages, and either party may ask a court to determine the actual amount owed, if any. If Tenant fails to pay rent or any other sums when due to Landlord, Landlord serves a notice of default on Tenant as required by law, and Tenant fails to remit the amounts due before the notice period expires, the amount of court costs and attorney fees incurred by Landlord in enforcing Landlord's remedies and allowed by statute shall be added to the arnount of the arrearage. 16.2 It is a violation of this Lease if Tenant, a member of Tenant's household, or any other person under Tenant's control unlawfully manufactures, delivers, possesses with intent to deliver, or possesses a controlled substance as defined by Michigan law anywhere on the Premises or surrounding the Premises. Pursuant to Michigan law, if Tenant violates this provision Landlord may serve a written demand for possession for tennination of this Lease giving Tenant 24 hours' notice of the Lease termination and demand for possession. Tenant acknowledges that an order of eviction/writ of restitution may be issued by the court immediately after the entry of a judgment for possession. Tenant's initials: 17. Hold Over. Tenant may, with Landlord's pennission, continue to occupy the Premises after the term of this Lease expires without renewing this Lease or signing another Lease for the Premises. Such tenancy shall be on a month -to -month basis and subject to the provisions of this Lease except that the monthly rent shall increase by ten (10) percent from the rent for the last month of the term of the Lease, and Landlord may increase rent on thirty (30) days' notice to Tenant. 18. Notices. Any notices under this Lease shall be in writing and delivered to the recipient personally or by first class mail fully prepaid at the following locations: Tenant: Kristy Ottman Leahy 5511 Oakhill Road Clarkston, MI 48348 IndOaksOttmanLease (07-20-11).doc 8C-7 anent ofanagei-jlent land p°u»ty DentPzop�d8 95 pak Mana,. xi�e,D ' LandlOxd. �� ezpublic �� A$� 8 W atexfoxd, and Recxeation s and pakland p O'ce axk oad gldg g�W ox DX o0 t atkins 3 e date ° f hand deliveiy aatexfoxd, fsex��ceshallbetb writing law,the date ° unless they' aze,n tl�ex`''jlse xeguizedby lease sballbebindin� andloxd and e Unlcss ° date ons of this bcV4 eel' o tamed zn th"s Lea theailin8 cati °°difl tenant. e a8zee�z'enot zfzcations' andloxd and h the entiz that axe n th eixs, 19 • asets °a si,ed by 1 phis Leaset en aeexnents the ease and eix h eexnent. o verbal ox e a��es to n thole P' ere axe n dbe��efit th p ble to a ZQ a�ies sib's' nnenfoxcea Tenant the p s Lease shall bind a d pennitted a d Unlaw ful pz ons oz bet`' ee1� an e ers axe sot oc xs,sloll the 4 ble indinffecese tatives° su esso thisl ease oj�of the 4 °n�� faloz unenf °xcea 21 pexsO'�al zepz TOVlsl°x1 d the apphcat is invalid, a exfpzn�ance °f bilit • if any e se an fox which in the p Lea 22' S s sz, the x�es ° than those d to be °f tlje essence caffeed , f in�e shall be deen�e din section 2. the Essen'' ectiv e on the date state 23 Tease � This of t11�s lease zs 1,A Date. Date �� Effectx`re ell Dingell,lz �icha /eahy �i.. s y pttn1a" 1 nLease 2�11)dp° Indpakspttina8�. 8 MNR�FI GRpN FUNp l vRC ARE NNc� urchase o{ �p0 E.SD pGG the p Np�VRA G EE�11EN� he �NR`�F �oC rks. the t a ��G�1`GpN d app\icatror` t° oaks County Pace i,o the ton G approve to Pdd\s°� \ass\sta r recrea 0� ,the oCPR arm ad\'a a \on for Svc\ c ss between �O Recreat\or \n , .O d vo\s F to ap\) \c rove ac tarn Statereserie e op\ar Separa ou\d i 19 Moue ke ? rt acres °l th ° sub�`rtted a nectOr that w ks East° ga\ hip GCanberrl bd Soard, and gra Comme°t o� a tray\ G° ainl Pddrsoo o pak\ard owoby the rust ur deve\op �drs°r oa\cs ke Road> ard th mere approved N areas. P take Georg Both projects { ZOOg. rart�rol"\ the Oaks and Area �v\a�°�\eO Road) ived \r the �a\\ o nova\ °� a third or oaks, Red �acr°ss ents were retie °� rece\ved appr h\ard oaks' �y o� tie aTeem the Gomm\ss\ rovemerts to g oc3 the revrsronn \n ZO�Occecsib\Ym imp en on h°\d perdurty Gorporat\o ard ratura\ area ents has be oak\ard Go ag ed upon, em h\ b n re Rose oaks °{ the grant agr d corfirmat\or f arguage has acceptance. atron ce\ve atron GoZJ . ss\°n for Ratrfrc he Odemr\fic e 244� grants, as {� has re Sta e cart \anguage - odif\cat\°r oft ese grants to th on on both of th non at the for con era Course\ that again brin9rng t n with in{Orrnatid sid we are once d the GOn\rr\ssakwas a\so \urde .ons to Staff prOvidNiNR�F grartth ed reso\utr e\\ a \\e 20 0 a\ oij the attach ounty Board °f w s t rn\ss\on apprOb the oak\ard d the meeting o0 three grants y s -Crust and an \s reaues\:rng � th Staff d acceptance ° Natura\ Res°urce miner an r\g rec m�\ssioners ion about the Mrcour ir\Orr�atror Go r,mat d for y Pda\t\Ona\ as been PrOv\de rust Fund B o a rh $p � 1 REso`v p� FNG� GP pM�N� GRPNT G� SHE PGG eG � OF,of `� O s been no �fied of �, �N SUPPG KS.CRp,1t- GGNN n Gomm�ssiar' `OpMEN1 GRAN an p ,SON O P ecreat o DevE e Mich g Fn7-03Q P parks and R Co op, Board and th the oak�and Go t ON OAKS TRAcesrust Fund 0.00i ,NNEREP 1'F0�" 030 N Natural Res°uT Hundred l$228,80 Tease the award of shay the �`�e s', and t-�ho�sar'd �,gh w�\� s+�hstaat�a��y ster d ofi Natural Res° dyed j*ev%W * g�h\s pro'ect' Pa and C R e rk', TO Depa m Ps the'f wo Nu cost of deve\0 on Oaks Gouty ,L GONNA �N�RE , offset the red at Pddrs goN OAKS ?RA do\�ar grant wl�� e,portoo,t es °fie ds for the AOD rkS. and Recreat`On the recTeatrona� he Tnatch�ng fi ram the 1�° rn�\ for p nd Go\ffM Par Aid- CooecloR N1NERlaPGGRp,N� w�\� come v�p that the GaO,gpN OAKS TR DevE`oPMENT R �3E \� R�SG e �F07. 030 Ao ecTe anon d R t NpW �NEREse e acceptance ° s an un y t park nd Go . ion supp°� � , e Oakland Gou reernent by Oa�nty E3oard °� Go�``�'r`oPMENT GRAN SGLv� D that ov ` of the Grano P e Oakvand Go GEVE NER RE upon the apprhe forwarded t Recreat�an s w d ss nN recornrnend d agree`rent nova\ ooky Parks an sa,d project �n io r��ss unsex sa G� e.XPOA fo Gom ons`deTatron and ap Gakiand CorpoTat�on G° the nd P? that G oTn`�rss�oners for c RESGf"v�p v�NVE a e need for a gupG FVRTHed the GRPNt e &0 eCkxn\f\ rn9 th Tri\ss�on has ,nc\ud th Moped by'• Gae udgetf°r F\SGP ed by kyle h gupp°d pate: =I RESOLUTION CGEpTPNCE OF PIyT AGREEMENT pp�RV OF THE P pCQUISlT10N GR IN SU ERTY has been nofafied of DDISON OAKS PROP ecreation GommissCnOU1SITION GRANTn THE TF07'031 P d Gounty parks and KS POP -an B and and the M►chiga S, the Oaklan pp►SON oA ces Trust Fund W HEREA 07 -fl31 A TF Re will and of the an Natural t the aw the MicN .and S616'Q()p Odi dollar -zeof and tered by l Resources, the s adminis Thousand artment ofi Natura red and Sixteen tally increase Dep Nund hich will sub stars HEREp.S, the Six arcel, wales Gounty park.' and W f acquiring this p AGp,U1SIT10N ffset the cost ° offered at Addison O N OAKS pRO?CFV help o ortunities AppISO tonal Opp ds for the ton recrea Recrea REPS the matching fun arks d Gounty parks andpROpE,RTY WHE i1 for p kland Cou N OA S the /4 m K e from RESOLVED that the Oa GRANT will come E BE IT the TFp7'p31 EREFOR ce of d Recreation NOW TH the acceptan s parks an Supports AGREEMENT. Gounty ent by Oakland county Gomr.nission ED that the Oakland QUISITION GRA IN the Grant Pgreem land Gounty Board of AG IT FURTHER RES pon the apprO�a forwarded to the Oak BE ends that w-jll be recom t Recreation Commission said agreemen royal, and Counsel' and app Gounty parks ect in Corporat►on for consideration the Oakland X?ENSEs for said prOl Commissioners SOLVED that and pRO3EGT E UDC,ET AMENDMENT E IT FURTHER RE GRANT REVENUGatng the need far a B B th elm included 2�12; thereby Commission has Moved by", the b udget for FISCAL,�Ep,R Supp°fed by pate'. SD-3 THE PGc�p"C PVEMEN�S P� N O \N so??ORT OS \g\tr\�Y iMP NAY PPRKS s beef\ no�kf\ed °� Pt- p,REP PCG oSE oo"s GOU Go\, cNoss�on hRpvEMEN�S an RED PND R s aid Recreat�o�s,� \Mered by the M�� a�d \arid Gour`ty Pa` PREP p,GGp NO adm��,atura\Resources, PIS, the Oak Ogg top, P y cpvN1Y ePa meot of N doi\ar grall w\\\ \ WNE of the ��10 PND Rpse pa he NC�ch�ga� D d `$30g,000 ease the recreat\ona the awarN ` oX4, REQ Fund goad a E\ght "ChoUs s�a�\�a\\y increase' aid D, N\�,t\La Resources �r ee Nund�ed andwhich \\\ s Oaks county Pa ccEss\B\\�\Ti Natu HEREp,S, the �� a,\ deve\oP�'� fed and R°se P PREP P cost °f nd, Ly° P-vuR \. \ offset the red at N\gh\a rrd r the a an ecreat�on he P s fo s d R fu the ��� mk\ f or P rk arks ccESs\g\\.\T, oPP°,�u��ti�es °fie ,matching County P \ERE PS theN� c°�'e f COON that the oak\a lURP1. PRE? p PRKg gra�'t vEMEN1S C'RP \1 RESOLVED If AO.09g NP PAS cpuNT creation \MpRp EREFORE gE e Lance Of the D PND RASE pParks and and Gouoty NoV� � uPPorts the ac AND, kpN, RE oak\and Gou ree�ent by Oaknty Board of c°m�ci�ssion ENDS PI N\GNP `vED that th \ of the C'raf\t P e oak\and cou \MpRpvEM TNER RESO o� the aPPr°va foarded to cre r atXo Fom ends that ceement w\\\ b\ Parks a'\d d Pro\ect\r� Go'�dss`o� rGouf\se\ said ragor~ and aPProva oak\and Go �XpENkv SES forPMENDMEN� . Gorporat�or obVED that t and PRo3Ec� goners fOr co�s�de U ed f °r a gvDC'ET co FVR��\ER R GRPN�' REVE e\ecn��at�r\g the �e gE \� has \nc\Uded the 2�A2 thereby oved y b- Gol�lrri�ss�et for F\SGP\"YE M the budg Sup fed b y Date SID-4 The Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund Board of Trustees The Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund Board of Trustees, created by Section 1905 of the enabling legislation for the MNRTF, Part 19 of the Natural Resources Protection Act, P.A. 451 of 1994, as amended. By law, the board is established within and administered under the supervision of the Department of Natural Resources (DNR). The board consists of five members, including the director of the DNR or a member of the Natural Resources Commission (NRC), and four residents of the state of Michigan appointed by the Governor to four-year terms. Currently, the MNRTF Board meets six times each year to conduct its business. The primary function of the MNRTF Board is the submission to the Legislature of a priority list of lands recommended for acquisition and/or development. In addition, the MNRTF Board provides guidance to the DNR staff who is responsible for evaluating grant applications, making project recommendations, and administering the projects funded by the MNRTF Program. The MNRTF Board is made up of the following members: Rodney A. Stokes, Director Department of Natural Resources P.O. Box 30028 Lansing, MI 48909 Keith Charters 126 Spring Hill Road Traverse City, MI Samuel Cummings CWD Real Estate Investment 15 Ionia, SW, Suite 630 Grand Rapids, MI Bob Garner, Chair 7020 East 48 Road Cadillac, MI 49601-0984 Frank Torre, Vice Chair Torre & Bruglio, Inc. 850 Featherstone Road Pontiac, MI 48342 Term expires 10/01/2011 Term expires 10/01/2014 Term expires 10/01/2013 Term expires 10/01/2012 Details of the Workings of the MNRTF The Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund exists within the state treasury. It consists of all bonuses, rentals, delayed rentals, and royalties collected or reserved by the state under provisions of leases for the extraction of nonrenewable resources from state owned lands, with the exception of state owned lands acquired with money appropriated from the game and fish protection fund and from federal funds. For short time, money received by the state from net proceeds allocable to the nonconventional fuel credit contained in the internal revenue code of 1986 (26 USC 29) was subtracted from the amount going into the fund corpus (I can get more details on this, if you want, but it is no longer in effect). Until the MNRTF reaches an accumulated principal of $500,000,000.00 (which is expected to occur this year), $10,000,000.00 or 50% (whichever is less) of the revenues are deposited annually into the Michigan State Parks Endowment Fund. After the endowment fund amount is subtracted, 33-1/3% of the revenue and all interest and earnings of the trust fund are used each year for: (a) The acquisition of land or rights in land for recreational uses or protection of the land because of its environmental importance or its scenic beauty. (b) The development of public recreation facilities. (c) The administration of the fund, including payments in lieu of taxes on state owned land purchased through the trust fund. The trust fund may be used to grant funding to a local unit of government, provided the grant is used for the purposes described above and is matched by the local unit of government with at least 25% of the total cost of the project At least 25% of the available funds each year must be used for acquisition of land and rights in land and not more than 25% of the available funds can be used for development of public recreation facilities. When the trust fund corpus reaches $500,000,000.00, exclusive of interest and earnings and administrative costs, any amount of money that would go to the trust fund must be deposited in the Michigan State Parks Endowment Fund until it reaches an accumulated principal of $800,000,000.00. Up to 500/o of the revenue and all interest, earnings, and any private donations available from the Michigan State Parks Endowment Fund may be used each year for operations, maintenance, and capital improvements at Michigan state parks and for the acquisition of land or rights in land for Michigan state parks. Once the accumulated principal in the endowment fund reaches $800,000,000.00, only the interest and earnings will be available for state park purposes. Any other money that would have gone into it will be distributed as will be provided by law. ITEM 9A PURCHASING QUARTERLY REPORT Phil Castonia, Business Development Representative for Internal Services, will be present to answer questions on the Fiscal Year 2011 Third Quarter Purchasing Report prepared by Oakland County Purchasing staff. 9A-1 5060101 Awarded Vendor Parks Estimated Start Bid Even; Bid Award PO / Purchase Contract (NTE) Contract Finalized Date # Due Description Name City State Date Contract Order Amount Not to Exceed Usage Amount Buyer (Yes or Date Number Amounts of Multi No) Department Contracts 03/09/11 1758 3/18 Tankless Water Heater Hodges Supply Pontiac MI 03/24/11 P-Card $ 3,535.00 $3,535.00 WKP Yes 03/10/11 1750 3/21 Work Truck Caps Lake Orion Truck Lake Orion Mi 04/05/11 167424 $ 3,010.00 $3,010.00 SNG Yes 03/11/11 1764 3/23 Helical Pier Foundation System Anchor Tech Clarkston Mi 04/05/11 167423 $ 21,838.00 $21,838.00 SNG Yes 03/21/11 1773 4/4 Golf Cart Replacement Midwest Golf Cincinnati Oh 04/13/11 003167 $ 50,000.00 $50,000.00 SNG Yes Batteries A uisition 04/14/11 1796 4/18 Fence and Posts - Materials Tom's Fence St. Clair MI 04/20/11 168475 $ 4,854.00 $4,854.00 JED Yes Only Shores 04/19/11 1802 4/25 Lochinvar Heat Exchanger Downriver Ref Novi MI 04/29/11 168957 $ 9,060.34 $9,060.34 JED Yes 04/21/11 1803 5/2 Swing Set Playworld Midstates Holland MI 05/13/11 169851 $ 2,725.55 $2,725.55 JED Yes 06/09/11 1870 6/20 Electrical Materials City Electric Ann Arbor MI 06/22/11 Pcard $ 5,282.71 $5,282.71 JED Yes 06/14/11 GSA 6/10 Barriers - Crowd Control Lavi Industries Valencia CA 06/14/11 171624 $ 5,924.09 $5,924.09 AJK Yes 05/26/11 1849 6/9 Geotechnical Services CTI and Associates Wixom MI 07/05/11 003236 $100,000.00 $50,000.00 AJK YES 05/26/11 1849 6/9 Geotechnical Services Soil and Materials Plymouth MI 07/05/11 003237 $100,000.00 $50,000.00 AJK YES Engineers 05/26/11 1849 6/9 Geotechnical Services Testing Engineers Troy MI 07/05/11 003238 $100,000.00 $50,000.00 AJK YES and Consultants 06/03/11 1826 6/20 Helical Pier Foundation AnchorTech Clarkston MI 07/06/11 003239 $250,000.00 $250,000.00 AJK YES Systems Materials Grand Total $333,671.27 9A-2 ITEM #9B EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S REPORT 1. Catalpa Oaks Development Project Update: Parks Commissioners received an e-mail on July 12, 2011 notifying them that staff recommended postponement of a contract approval to the (3) Pre -Qualified Vendors until August 17, 2011. If you have any questions, please contact Mike Donnellon (248) 858-4623 prior to the meeting. 2. Upcoming Events and Programs: Attached for your information is a list of upcoming events and programs scheduled by the Recreation Programs and Services staff. 3. Communications and Marketing Initiatives: -Added 1,325 new email addresses to golf list for e-messages. Part of the agreement with Carl's Golfland for purchase of the ad in its annual magazine. Will continue to collect emails from Carl's through the fall/end of 2011 golf season. -Prosper Magazine. 2-page spread in 2012 issue. Submitting images for consideration for cover. -Reviewing 300+ website links to make sure most up-to-date info is listed -Placing brochure racks at locations of the Oakland County Credit Union -Combined campground and waterpark campaigns: From June 30 - July 13, Facebook has spent $1,739 with impressions at 15,103,614 and 1,675 clicks. Google has spent $1,531 with 897,759 impressions and 183 clicks. 4. Schedule for the August 3 meeting includes: 9 — 10:30 a.m. Commission Meeting 10:45 a.m. Park Tour Noon Dedication Ceremony, Independence Oaks -North 12:30 Lunch 1 p.m. Depart Please dress in your blue Commission polo shirts and wear comfortable walking shoes. Photos will be taken. 5. Madison Heights Nature Center Update: We are continuing to evaluate our nature interpretive services and are beginning to determine resources and staff that will be split between the Wint Nature Center and Friendship Woods Nature Center. Conversations are beginning in the area of marketing plans with Communications and Marketing Desiree Stanfield in order to promote services for 2012. 6. Agenda Updates: In an effort to streamline the agenda preparation we are requesting Commission's support and input on some recommended new procedures. We will be trying a new process where we will be modifying the format of the narratives that are submitted for each agenda item requiring action by the Commission. Each cover page will have an Introduction and History which will explain in detail what the topic is and any necessary information to familiarize the Commission with the agenda item.. We will include a Staff Recommendation which will spell out what the staff is recommending and if action is required. If any Attachments are necessary they will be listed on the front cover sheet. And finally there will be a Recommended Motion which will include all of the necessary information needed for the minutes. MR Management Report esoufces in the Spring the Natural R Included the number °f acres As a follow up on ark at Orion d Burns 11, meeting, 7 2011 prescribe 6, 2Q over 9 parks Whop Jim led at the July acres far those pair o the dog park, presen Burns totaled 3qo tern d to go • contacted the pCescnbed to the safety cOn}oslyn Roa pistr►ct, has discourag►ng Due cross North school have not Oaks pog park and walk a ns at the Po" We $ Orion sr-bo 0perat►ons & Ma►ntenanos ing sig At this p of any additional lementary the park• Oaks Elementary Chief—Pafks the possibility t o date you Nnlea\ District to discus the road to Jet W e Will up Orion School alking acros further direction• one anyone from call tor e Commission meeting -Staff Ce . project. d a return project: and Insulation receive receive at t Insulation W indo`Ns Staff is anon we & Oaks Grant Program _ .anon inform 2a Wifo °he Addison Block With the antic►p dison OakCommit Update on don July 26, Energy EfficienCy a e ° AuJust 17, 2p11' 1 9 lete b incomp oject is pad °f the an eoxpa co �N ednesday' Augus detailing the FY 20 This p this project w a report rebidding COMMssion pp information is a of receiving for your copy of the Auction, Attached lease find a Oaks- 10.2p11 COunve Ae Summaryram: Attachedd at lodepend Ceremony. Auction Re Prog raarym for the pedicat►on pedicatio he expanded p ce Oaks_North fog ociation has of the prop ,N► l be used in the p e endenarks Ass 11. Ind p holograph t►on MagaZ►ne , aerial p the informat►o e National Recreation & P ecrea parks & & R County ty North, and S otlight ti ublicat►on, Oakland National p ember national, highlighting the 12 OCpF2C in the Sep Spotlight due to staff that for ,P,, Agency enda close notified staff ort on the ag Will include meeting is so that ►t Comfission. p11 Activity Rep e the Reports at the Recreation June 2 e oft becaus ctivity There will be n° 2p11 Activity R p June and July A Repo Wi11 be no July rovide the 13. Activity d there °nth W e will p vacations, an the last day °f the m tAugust 17t►' Meeting Upcoming Events — August 2011 Adaptive Recreation August 1 Adaptive Golf Lessons — Southfield August 2 Golf at Red Oaks for Individuals with Disabilities August 6 Wheelchair Daze — Independence Oaks sponsored by Wright and Filippis August 8 Picnic for individuals with developmental Disabilities at Red Oaks Soccer Complex August 9 Golf at Red Oaks for Individuals with Disabilities August 16 Golf at Red Oaks for Individuals with Disabilities August 19 Warren Orlick Memorial Golf Out for individuals with disabilities at White Lake Oaks August 23 All -Inclusion Experience — Program for individuals with disabilities Waterford Oaks South District Catalpa Oaks - Leagues Sundays/Wednesday SPSC — Stay and Play Social Club Soccer Lyon Oaks — Leagues May - September Michigan Cricket Academy (MCA) - Saturday and Sunday evenings Great Lake Cricket Association GLCA) - Saturdays Concert Series August 12 Earth Angels at Waterford Oaks County Park August 18 Rhythm Kings at Red Oaks Soccer Complex August 25 Wildfire Country Band at Catalpa Oaks OCParks Express August 1 Hazel Park to Red Oaks August 2 Huntington Woods, Berkley and Oak Park Seniors to Ellis Barn August 2 Judson Center Autism Day Camp to Independence Oaks August 3 Royal Oak Township to Independence Oaks August 3 West Bloomfield to Groveland Oaks August 4 Troy to Addison Oaks August 5 West Bloomfield to Red Oaks August 9 Ferndale to Red Oaks August 10 Southfield to Independence August 11 Clawson, Royal Oak Seniors to Ellis Barn August 11 Hazel Park to Red Oaks August 12 Troy to Red Oaks Concert/Water Park 9 B-3 August 17 Berkley to Addison Oaks August 17 Oakland Park Towers Seniors (Troy) to Independence August 23 Hazel Park to Waterford Oaks August 19 Royal Oak to Red Oaks Nature/Interpretive Programs August 2 — 4 Uck, Muck, & Yuck Day Camp August 3 Independence Oaks -North Dedication August 5 Garden Day at MSU August 6 Garden Work Bee August 10 Senior Appreciation Day August 11 Garden Work Bee August 13 Camping with the Perseids August 18 Garden Field Trip August 20 Flights of Fancy August 25 Garden Work Bee Throughout Month: Field Trip — 3 (Includes OC Express Youth Camp/Tour) Nature Discovery — 13 (Includes In -Kind OC Express/Ellis Barn; OCPR Wave Pools; OCPR Campgrounds) StarLab/Nature Center — 6 (Includes In -Kind Wild Adventure Camp) StarLab/Outreach - 4 Outdoor Adventure and Mobile Recreation August 1 — 5 Wild Adventures Day Camp at Independence Oaks August 2 Climbing Tower atAubum Hills August 2 Festival 1 at Royal Oak Twp August 2 Mini Fest at Auburn Hills August 2 Oakie at Harper Woods August 2 Obstacle at Harper Woods August 2 Puppet Show at Hazel Park August 4 Bouncer at Hazel Park August 4 Festival 2 at Pleasant Ridge August 4 Mini Fest at Hazel Park August 6 Climbing Tower at Clarkston August 6 Festival 1 at Lake Orion August 7 Festival 2 at Pontiac August 7 Obstacle at Waterford August 8 — 12 Wild Adventures Day Camp at Independence Oaks August 8 Festival 2 at Commerce Twp August 8 GO! Cache at Rochester August 8 Puppet Show at Commerce Twp August 9 GO! Fish at Livonia August 11 GO! Bike at Oak Park August 11 Mini Fest at Wixom August 12 Climbing Tower at Berkley August 12 Climbing Tower at Milford August 13 Bouncer at Holly 9 B-4 August 13 Climbing Tower at Ferndale August 13 Festival 2 at Highland August 13 GO! Bike at Ferndale August 13 GO! Cache at Milford August 14 MOB Festival II at Lakeview/Independence Oaks August 14 MOB Tower at Milford August 15 — 19 Wild Adventures Day Camp at Independence Oaks August 16 MOB Bouncerat Wolverine Lake August 16 MOB Festival I at West Bloomfield August 16 MOB Festival I at Clarkston August 16 MOB Festival II at Royal Oak Twp. August 16 MOB Tower at Troy August 17 GO! Paddle at Oakland Twp August 17 MOB Tower at Royal Oak August 18 GO! Cache at Hazel Park August 18 MOB Festival I at Lake Orion August 18 MOB Festival II at Rochester August 18 MOB Festival II at Madison Heights- Red Oaks Soccer August 18 MOB Obstacle at Waterford August 18 MOB Obstacle at Lake Orion August 18 MOB Tower at Waterford August 19 MOB Festival I at Berkley August 19 MOB Festival II at Livonia August 19 MOB Festival II at Wixom August 19 MOB Mini Festival at OLHSA August 19 OAR Puppet at Health Division August 20 MOB Bouncer at Sylvan Lake August 20 MOB Festival I at Royal Oak August 20 MOB Festival II at Independence Oaks August 20 MOB Mini Festival at White Lake August 20 MOB Obstacle at Royal Oak August 21 MOB Tower at Rochester August 24 MOB Bouncer at Beverly Hills August 25 MOB Festival II at Clawson August 26 MOB Festival II at West Bloomfield August 26 MOB Mini Festival at Oak Park August 26 OAR Puppet at Clarkston August 27 GO! Cache at Lake Orion August 27 GO! Fish at Southfield August 27 MOB Bouncer -at Ferndale August 27 MOB Festival II at Lake Orion August 27 MOB Mini Festival at Ferndale August 27 MOB Tower at Lake Orion August 28 GO! Cache at Lake Orion August 28 MOB Bouncer at Waterford August 28 MOB Festival I at Waterford August 28 MOB Festival II at Waterford August 28 MOB Mini Festival at Waterford August 28 MOB Obstacle at Waterford 9 B-5 August 28 MOB Tower at Waterford CamplZround Recreation — Addison Oaks August 4 Corn Roast at Addison Oaks August 11 Retro Revival at Addison Oaks August 11 Frontier Fun at Groveland Oaks August 18 Retro Revival at Groveland Oaks August 25 Art & Music at Groveland August 25 Bark Blast at Addison Oaks Special Events August 6 Air Fair at Groveland Oaks August 20 Adventure Jam at Addison Oaks Special Events, Does, Golf, and Health & Wellness August 1 Adult Golf Lessons, Ladies Only at Lyon Oaks August 2 Adult Golf Lessons at Lyon Oaks August 2 Women's Just for Fun No Score Golf League at Red Oaks August 3 Dog Walk at Orion Oaks August 6 Canines, Coffee and Conversation at Orion Oaks August 6 Family Walk at Addison Oaks August 7 Dog Walk at Waterford Oaks August 8 Adult Golf Lessons, Ladies Only at Lyon Oaks August 9 Adult Golf Lessons at Lyon Oaks August 13 Red Oaks BBQ Sizzler August 16 Canines, Coffee and Conversation at Red Oaks August 20 Bass Pro Shop Expo August 27 Family Market Day at OC Farmer's market August 27 Southfield Dog Days of Sum -More Expo mom �Oa�ndMunty licti'an` -Sp nir g2011 Description # Sale Price Sales Tax Grand Total Amount Due Seq # Lot # Notes 178 271 Deer Stand 101 $35.00 $2.10 $37.10 82 231 36" Fisher Stereo TV 77Bidder 135 $10.00 $0.60 $10.60 7$37.10$0.00 $0.00167 230 15.5 CF GE Refri erator/Freezer 143 $80.00 $4.80 $84.80 $0.0084 236 Fi urine Lam Bo with Fish 149 $17.50 $1.05 $18.55 $0.0093 246 Milwaukee Heav Dut Sander 149 $65.00 $3.90 $68.90 .$0.00 174 249 PM Generator 149 $105.00 $6.30 $111.30 $111.30 $0.00 95 252 TV/VCR with Telecorder Case 159 $9.00 $0.54 $9.54 $9.54 $0.00 101 258 Misc. Credit Card Machine Ribbon & Receipt Paper 159 $7.00 $0.42 $7.42 $7.42 $0.00 107 264 Lexmark Z645 Printer 159 $2.00 $0.12 $2.12 $2.12 $0.00 160 221 Generac Generator 161 $290.00 $17.40 $307.40 $307.40 $0.00 106 263 4 Epson TM-T88 Receipt Printers and 1 LP Receipt Printer 178 $102.50 $6.15 $108.65 $108.65 $0.00 102 259 Dell Dimension 3100 CPU 191 $70.00 $0.00 $70.00 $70.00 $0.00 109 266 1 Dell Monitor E551C 1 MAG Monitor Model 468 191 $32.00 $0.00 $32.00 $32.00 $0.00 161 224 1 Cushman Truckster w/ Cab Dump 195 $1 500.00 $90.00 $1 590.00 $1 590.00 $0.00 87 240 Pinnacle Ref. Recovery Unit 198 $2.50 $0.15 $2.65 $2.65 $0.00 177 270 Deer Stand 202 $20.00 $1.20 $21.20 $21.20 $0.00 181 274 Deer Stand 202 $30.00 $1.80 $31.80 $31.80 $0.00 182 275 Deer Stand 202 $40.00 $2.40 $42.40 $42.40 $0.00 88 241 Mag Monitor 214 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 89 242 Monitor Speakers 214 $2.00 $0.12 $2.12 $2.12 $0.00 94 251 1155 Channel Cable Computer 214 $1.00 $0.06 $1.06 $1.06 $0.00 98 255 MMC Cash Drawer 214 $10.00 $0.60 $10.60 $10.60 $0.00 99 256 Microtouch Monitor 214 $1.00 $0.06 $1.06 $1.06 $0.00 100 257 Dell PC 214 $1.00 $0.06 $1.06 $1.06 $0.00 164 227 Utility Vehicle 221 $2 000.00 $120.00 $2 120.00 $2 120.00 $0.00 81 223 13 HeavyDutyLocks - Keyed Alike 236 $65.00 $3.90 $68.96 $68.90 $0.00 176 269 Deer Stand 237 $7.50 $0.45 $7.95 $7.95 $0.00 184 277 1 Deer Stand 237 $7.50 $0.45 $7.95 $7.95 $0.00 186 279 Deer Stand 237 $2.50 $0.15 $2.65 $2.65 $0.00 188 281 Lot Contains Misc. Deer Stands 237 $22.50 $1.35 $23.85 $23.85 $0.00 83 232 Sewing/LapSewing/Lap Desk 250 $1.00 $0.06 $1.06 $1.06 $0.00 103 260 Dell O ti lex 170L CPU 250 $10.00 $0.60 $10.60 $10.60 $0.00 172 247 Ultra Air Compressor 259 $40.00 $2.40 $42.40 $42.40 $0.00 85 237 Various Old Books 268 $20.00 $1.20 $21.20 $21.20 $0.00 183 276 Deer Stand 287 $5.00 $0.30 $5.30 $5.30 $0.00 185 278 Deer Stand 287 $7.50 $0.45 $7.95 $7.95 $0.00 187 280 Deer Stand 287 $7.50 $0.45 $7.95 $7.95 $0.00 92 245 Laptop 293 $22.50 $1.35 $23.85 $23.85 $0.00 104 261 IDell O ti lex 170L CPU 293 $30.00 $1.80 $31.80 $31.80 $0.00 _ 111 268 lCornputer Builders Warehouse CPU 293 $50.00 $3.00 $53.00 $53.00 $0.00 96 253 JAcroprint 311 $17.00 $1.02 $18.02 $18.02 $0.00 97 254 lEpson Receipt Printer 311 $2.00 $0.12 $2.12 $2.12 $0.00 175 250 IRheern Furnace 316 $250.00 $15.00 $265.00 $265.00 $0.00 105 262 2 Verifone Receipt Printers 316 $105,00 $6.30 $111.30 $111.30 $0.00 80 222 21 Heavy Duty Locks - Keyed Alike 35 $80.00 $4.80 $84.80 $84.80 $0.00 169 234 IAntique Glass Door Book Case & Bookshelf 40 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 170 235 [Antique Kitchen Cupboard with Hardware 40 $5.00 $0.30 $5.30 $5.30 $0.00 168 233 30" Cane Seat Rocker 42 $5.00 $0.30 $5.30 $5.30 $0.00 86 239 Rolata e 42 $17.50 $1.05 $18.55 $18.55 $0.00 162 225 1 Place Ladder Deer Blind 61 $30.00 $1.80 $31.80 $31.80 1$0.00 163 226 2 Place Ladder Blind 254 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 No Sale 180 273 Deer Stand Irl $5.00 $0.30 $5.30 $5.30 $0.00 9B-7 Ml i� vw �- M � i Oakland County action -Spring 2 111 Seq # Lot # Description Bidder # Sale Price Sales Tax Grand Total Amount Collected Amount Due Notes 159 220 Mule Utilitv Vehicle 68 $600.00 $36.00 $636.00 $636.00 $0.00 166 229 TaPPan Electric Stove & Oven 81 $5.00 $0.30 $5.30 $5.30 $0.00 173 248 McQuay Commercial Rooftop Heater 81 $15.00 $0.90 $15.90 $15.90 $0.00 179 272 Deer Stand 81 $5.00 $0.30 $5.30 $5.30 $0.00 108 265 APC Sure Protector 86 $12.50 $0.75 $13.25 $13.25 $0.00 171 238 Green Lee Blower & Vaccuum 92 $30.00 $1.80 $31.80 $31.80 1$0.00 90 243 Hewlitt Ke board 316 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 91 244 Processor 6640C 316 $2.50 $0.15 $2.65 $2.65 1$0.00 $348.93 $6,266.43 $6,266.43 $0.00 Seq # Lot # Description Bidder # Sale Price Sales Tax Grand Total Amount Collected Amount Due 113 306 Pallet of Misc Video System Parts 191 $87.50 $0.00 $87.50 $87.50 $0.00 114 307 Pallet of Misc Video System Parts 191 $5.00 $0.00 $5.00 $5.00 $0.00 112 305 Canon Microfilm Reader PC Printer 80 198 $2.50 $0.15 $2.65 $2.65 $0.00 $0.15 $95.15 $95.15 $0.00 Seq # Lot # Description Bidder # Sale Price Sales Tax Grand Total Amount Collected Amount Due 1 413 18 Misc Complete Nextel Phones NO SIM CARDS 108 $26.00 $1.56 $27.56 $27.56 $0.00 5 417 30 Misc Nextel Phones Complete NO SIM CARDS 125 $27.00 $1.62 $28.62 $28.62 $0.00 3 415 35 Misc Nextel Phones Complete NO SIM CARDS 161 $30.00 $1.80 $31.80 $31.80 $0.00 6 418 31 Misc Nextel Phones Complete NO SIM CARDS 161 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 4 416 34 Misc Nextel Phones Complete NO SIM CARDS 161 $27.00 $1.62 $28.62 $28.62 $0.00 8 420 25 Misc Nextel Phones NO BATTERY NO SIM CARDS 161 $10.00 $0.60 $10.60 $10.60 $0.00 2 414 32 Misc Nextel Phones Complete NO SIM CARDS 166 $25.00 $1.50 $26.50 $26.50 $0.00 115 407 1 Pallet - Computer Towers 191 $500.00 $0.00 $500.00 $500.00 $0.00 116 408 1 Pallet - HP Color Printers 191 $170.00 $0.00 $170.00 $170.00 $0.00 117 409 1 Pallet - Computer Towers 191 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 118 410 1 Pallet - Computer Towers 191 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 119 411 1 Pallet - Computer Towers 191 $850.00 $0.00 $850.00 $850.00 $0.00 7 419 27 Misc Nextel Phones NO BATTERY NO SIM CARDS 85 $5.00 $0.30 $5.30 $5.30 $0.00 11 423 13 Misc AT&T Phones 98 $11.00 $0.66 $11.66 $11.66 $0.00 120 412 1 Pallet - HP Color Printer 191 $100.00 $6.00 $106.00 $106.00 $0.00 9 421 25 Misc Nextel Phones NO BATTERY NO SIM CARDS 68 $10.00 $0.60 $10.60 $10.60 $0.00 10 422 12 Misc Nextel Phones and Misc Batteries and Covers 166 $10.00 $0.60 $10.60 $10.60 $0.00 12 424 8 Misc Cin ular Phones and 1 Wireless Aircard 23 1$6.00 $0.36 $6.36 $6.36 $0.00 13 425 13 Misc Verizon Phones and 5 Mobile Broadband Cards 12 $17.00 $1.02 $18.02 $18.02 $0.00 14 426 32 Sprint Mobile Broadband Cards and 8 USB Wireless 39 $50.00 $3.00 $53.00 $53.00 $0.00 15 427 17 Blackberry 7520 Battery doors 26 $1.00 $0.06 $1.06 $1.06 $0.00 16 428 13 1265 Holsters 59 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 17 429 9 7200 Blackberry Holsters 59 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 18 430 23 7520 Blackberry Holsters 59 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 19 431 40 IC502 Holsters 59 $0.50 $0.03 $0.53 $0.53 $0.00 20 432 11 Standard Nextel Wall Chargers 166 $1.00 $0.06 $1.06 $1.06 $0.00 21 433 22 190 Nextel Wall Chargers 26 $3.00 $0.18 $3:18 $3.18 $0.00 22 434 Box of Misc Cell Phone Holsters 166 $1.00 $1.06 $1.06 $1.06 $0.00 23 435 Box of Misc Cell Phone Chargers 159 $15.00 $0.90 $15.90 $15.90 $0.00 24 437 1 Box of Misc Cell Phone Chargers 166 $9.00 $0.54 $9.54 $9.54 $24.07 $1,927.57 $1,927.57 $ 0.00 In 2010, Independence Oaks -North was purchased from Maria and Craig Arnold. Maria grew up on the property with parents Arnold and Harriette Barrett who bought the property in 1940 from the Baileys, early Clarkston settlers. Oakland County Parks and Recreation had identified this land as a target acquisition more than 35 years ago. The 188-acre parcel was acquired with a $945,000 grant from the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund, a $105,000 Carl's Foundation grant via a partnership with Ducks Unlimited and a $16,000 donation from North Oakland Headwaters Land Conservancy. A cooperative agreement with the International Transmission Corridor allows for public use of their utility corridor for hiking. The new parkland, a Michigan Natural Features Inventory Priority One Conservation Area, expanded Independence Oaks County Parks' total acreage to 1,285 acres, making it the largest in the 13-park system. Parks staff built a 312-foot boardwalk connecting to a 180-foot-long fishing dock and the 31-acre Upper Bushman Lake was open to the public for the first time ever Memorial Day weekend, 2011. Through the collaborative efforts of all our participating partners, Oakland County Parks and Recreation has been able to preserve this property for public use for future generations. OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION Auction Revenue Summary FY2011 Park Fall 2010 Spring 2011 Net Revenue Revenue Expense Revenue Expense Administrative Services $ 582.00 $ (13.29) $ 568.71 Glen Oaks Golf Course 82.80 (1.84) 80.96 Lyon Oaks Golf Course 82.80 (1.84) 80.96 Red Oaks Golf Course 82.80 (1.84) 80.96 Springfield Oaks Golf Course 82.80 (1.83) 80.97 White Lake Oaks Golf Course 82.80 (1.83) 80.97 Independence Oaks Nature Center - Addison Oaks 600.00 (13.32) 586.68 Groveland Oaks 290.00 (6.44) 283.56 Independence Oaks 3,933.50 (87.32) 3,846.18 Lyon Oaks Park - Orion Oaks 80.00 (1.78) 78.22 Red Oaks Dog Park - Rose Oaks - Springfield Oaks A.C./Park - Waterford Oaks A.C./Park - Recreation Programs & Services - Catalpa Oaks - Red Oaks Waterpark - Waterford Oaks BMX - Waterford Oaks Toboggan Complex - Waterford Oaks Waterpark - Facilities & Maintenance * I I I - TOTAL 1 $ - $ - $ 5,899.50 $ (131.33)1 $ 5,768.17 " Net with Administrative Services revenue. Note: Figures do not include amounts received for smaller items sold via the ongoing County Dnline auctions. CREATION COMMISSION ND COUNTY PARKS & RE OAKLA �,,�t9on items I Revenue Examples _-,A