HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1996.11.05 - 402111/19/96 TUE 11:32 FAX 810 433 7714 BLOOMFIELD TWP Z002 CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE -KUM ELECTION HELD ON TUESDAY NOVEMBER 5, 1996 (OATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN MANUFACTURED BY LAMM Dina U. ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS INANE or COUNTY, CITY, TOWNSHIP OR VILL46gi 1919 East Kilgore Rood • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Orriar by Form No. M-3913-PC CANVASSER BOOK—PRIMARY 11/19/96 TUE 1132 FAX. 810 433 7714 BLOOMFIELD TWF 003 wh-nie number of votes aiven bv the Republican Parer. for candidates for the offke of supervisoi Arra' .. svas - - rid they were given for the following named persons: , PERSONI RECEIVRIG 14E VOWS WWII OF VOTEIS WRITTEN DI WORM , , 1. FRED KORZON Ige.)4.) `,03‘,44.14,4§/e/iiikti,74101-J i ,g 1 i 2. , 1.. , 4. , TOTAL 1 ir * / The whole number of votes given by aueREPUBLICAN Party for candidates for the office of CLERK . was and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIviNG THE VOTES MUMMA OF VOTES WIFITIN IN WORDS j .. 1.WILMA S. COTTON .,..4 he-egoiti-L_ii , I rg ir I ,i Jr , 1 , 2. d4. ......././ ., ./.... -di ' 3. 4. TOTAL i i'l gni r .7 , The whole number of votes given by Ae Republican Party for candidates For the office of Treasure 1 ! wos HL L and they were given For the Following named persons: PtONS tiG THE VOTES MAIM Cr VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS 1. DAVID PAYNE / _, . AeL.,,,, ,....„.„:...../ ,....A. ' 2. -4-ei:/41/144 4W-4--':W4;Xi/t42°' i 3. 4.. TOTAL i 915' , The whole number of votes given by the Republican Pliny for candidates for the office aTrustee war , , and they were given for the Following named persons: 1 '- PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NILIMBER OF VOTES WRIllEN IN WORDS 1 1.Janet Roncelli I 7313 11 2 .Sherry Stefanes 1 6 0 I' _ 1 , 1 Will1am R, Yaw, Jr, I / 4,71 .1 1 . - TOTAL 1 I I ' The whole number of votes given by the Party for condiciates For the office of , was 1111 • and they were given For the following named persons: , 3. PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOWS WRITTEN IN WORDS 1 2. . i 11/10/06 TUE 11:33 FAX 810 433 7714 BLOOMFIELD TwP ! MEMBERS OF L I BRA RY BOARD TV Min whole number of votes tven by lim ' Fir candidates for the cIlicip of III In STOUR -WO ' Ale s give" FOY the following named persons; J PIRSOPII RECEIVINO Pe V01121 PRAM Of VOID Wilmot im wows -110 GER- S AZLIEY— ' 1.1 ell i 0 _S M 1 Ci4ikEi COM CHAFI i i T g I- ISARELLE_CEARMY 1 Ot1 I/ / c _LcAPPI ri/Afitrig MIT J TOTAL _1 ( O. whole number of votes given by the Party for candidates for the office of 1 ___I Was — - . I they were given for the following named persons: PEPROPIS RECEIVING TME VOWS IMUNNEIR Of VOTES WRIEFEN IN vions 1 VIRG I TB A_ LEF SM 1 TH t RIMERS W SPFNCER t i 9 ' 10 ( TOTAL VA.*q i whole number of votes given by the Party for candidates for the office of wot -A I tI ere given for the fallowing named persons: - PERSONS ITECEIVING THE VOTES WINER Of V0113 WPTIEN IN WORDS :— TOTAL whole number of votes given by the Party for candidates for the office of II I 1 I was j_ I I they were given for the following named persons; nesoto RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER Of VOTES WRITTEN IN WORM 1 , i I I 11 J - I TOTAL II whole number of votes given by the Party for candidates far the office of ! 1 WCIS 410 I were givev, for the following named persons: II PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMMI Of VOTES WITTIEN IN WORDS i I I I 1 till 004 11/19/96 TUE 11:33 FAX 810 433 7714 BLOOMFIELD TWP 310Araivsz11 I Jf vLorc MT FIGIINEI S The whole Itunker Woo giver/ kw <mai against the Public Safety M1-1 1 age Renewal INMC01-11M11 , , • I — .i. A . - .11..). • ' • ill?: , 'A • jr-• - A L.....1 a ...e.t.....d...." 2 – irtiir- - Id ...--.0A--2111-11-- H , / 0 / 111 . i ifie...... .d..... n ..r. . , es were marked YES Oil 1 1 es were marked NO / / if ....i . J. . • ,,,, . - - if .r...., I .6A':., I • Iii TOTAL VOTES, nerinio , The w,,,,,...n,b.c.,votes given For and against the Road Mill age Renewal II i i ,,, .,„ , ..„...,,,,,....- .,.....,„ , r., „.... / _ .vhich number I , 1 " were InCl&ed YES --.11;41/''d._.dfel. 44.S.2 dL.. / . .1. di oe i 1 I .. ( g • I Is were reartred P40 . 4. .45.4. . ,../..., ' .40 ', - ...• . . . . i . ....- / if ' . . .. e . . . • . ' 111 r TOTAL VOTES, 1 ' 1 The whale number of voles given for and against the Ii 1 II I i i I 1 1 I 1 umber I I ' I i I ' its were marLed YES 1— I :I were marked NO i 1 Loo That candidate by the Party for the office of hoving received sufficient number of votes is nominated having received sufficient number of votes is nominated Party for the office of That. candidate by the hoving received sufficient number of votes is nominated Party for the office gl having received sufficient number of votes is clecte 11/19/96 TUE 11:34 FAX 810 433. 7714 BLOOMFIELD NP • CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION STATE OF MICHIGAN, se. cotrNTY or DMAND .. The Board of Canvassers of the...- TOWNSHIP _ _ IlLoomEatz._ _ [Coiner*, TOWNSHIP, CtTT ON having Ascertained and Canvassed the Votes at the Primar y Election, held on____i_UESM thip _ 5th da y oF...Ng.VtiltkC „, one thousand nine hundred and. _ - - De Hereby Certify and Determine 121 C06 That. - _EU KO Ugsl candidate by the That. by ih Thct DA' candidate by the That_ _ _JANET: 20 candidate by the_ That_____.§LLE candidate by .h.. 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Defe-"—c-Tjd NAME OF PROPOSITION 3- Passed,/ e eatecl Sufficient votes w Having • Lxite,_Z CHAIRMAN. 11/19/96 TUE_ 11:35 FAX 810 433 7714 BLOOMFIELD TWP la 007 CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION having received sufficient number of votes is nominated mu* by the. Party For the office of-.. That. having received sufficient number of votes is nominated :ancliclate by the. .Parly For the office rf That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated -andiciate by the Party for the office of - - That _ having received sufficient number of votes is nominated :cmdiclate by the Party For the office..ci- That— _ - having received sufficient number of votes is nominoted vadat* by the Party for the office of _ _ _ That. having received sufficient number of votes is nominated :anclidate by the. Party far the-office of That. -. having received sufficient number of votes is nominated andiclate by the- Party for the office of having received sufficient number of votes is nominated andiclate by the- -Party For the office of having received sufficient number of votes is nominated Party For the office of having received sufficient number of votes is nominated Party for the office of - having received sufficient number of votes is nominated -Party for the office of having received sufficient number of votes is nominated Party for the office of angle by the Party for the office of having received sufficient number of votes is nominated That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated anclidaie by the Party for the office of That. having received sufficient number of votes is nomlnoted =dictate by the P, Further Hereby Determinist hot the Following Propositions or questions were passed or defeated as indicated below: That- anclidote by the That arididate by the.. That._ =dictate by the. That ondidate by the. Party For the office of HAM! OF PROF'ORTION 1.Public Safety Millage Renewal HAMS OF PROPORTION 2_Road Millage Renewal In Wiliness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands ond affixed the Seal of the—C.beil-tr Township 01 Bloomfield, Oakland ICgionty, City, Toisnihip en Village) (County, City Township or Villogej this ,4„y of November in tlre yeurone thousand nine hundred and 96_ BOARD OF c CANVASSERS . 12/10/96 TUE 11:40 FAA 810 433 7714 BLOOMFIELD TWP Z002 411 CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF BLOOMFIELD BOARD OF TRUSTEES NOVEMBER 25, 1996 PAGE -1- PRESENT: Korzon, Cotton, Payne, Tobias, Stefanes, Roncelli ABSENT: Yaw MOTION WAS MADE by Payne and supported by Cotton to ACCEPT the following canvass of votes for the November 5, 1996, General Election, as certified by the Township Board of Canvassers on November 6, 1996: SUPERVISOR Fred Korzon 18,414 (Republican) CLERK Wilma S. Cotton 18,889 (Republican) TREASURER David Payne 18,521 (Republican) TRUSTEES Janet Roncelli (Republican) Sherry Stefanes (Republican) Jerry J. Tobias (Republican) William R. Yaw, Jr. (Republican) 17,334 17,001 17,412 16,684 • LIBRARY BOARD ROGER ASHLEY 12,108 MICHAEL CARMICHAEL 11,981 12/10/96 TUE 11:40 FAX 810 433 7714 BLOOMFIELD TWP Z1003 CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF BLOOMFIELD BOARD OF TRUSTEES NOVEMBER 25, 1996 PAGE -2- ISABELLE CHARNOV ISABEL FRANCIS SMITH VIRGINIA LEE SMITH ROBERT W. SPENCER 12,147 12,150 12,203 11,902 PUBLIC SAFETY MILLAGE _RENEWAL Shall the Charter Township of Bloomfield be authorized to levy 2.2107 mills, for an additional period of ten years, to finance continued fire, police and public safety protection, commencing with the December, 1997 levy? Approval of this proposal would renew the authority to levy $2.2107 per $1,000 of taxable value above the tax limitation imposed by section 31 of article IX of the 411 state constitution of 1963. It is estimated that this levy would result in the authorization to collect approximately $5,183,617 in the first year of levy. Yes - 17,274 No - 6,316 ROAD MAINTENANCE MILLAGE RENEWAL Shall the charter Township of Bloomfield be authorized to levy .7895 mills, for an additional period of ten years, to finance continued road maintenance, commencing with the December, 1997 levy? Approval of this proposal would renew the authority to levy $.7895 cents per $1,000 of taxable value above the tax limitation imposed by section 31 of article IX of the state constitution of 1963. It is estimated that this levy would result in the authorization to collect approximately $1,851,208 in the first year of levy. Yes - 17,813 No - 5,789 410 YEAS: Korzon, Cotton, Payne, Tobias, Stefanes, Roncelli NAYS: None • nig 12/10/96 TUE 11:41 FAX 810 433 7714 • • BLOOMFIELD TWP Q004 410 CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF BLOOMFIELD BOARD OF TRUSTEES NOVEMBER 25, 1996 PAGE -3- RESOLUTION DECLARED ADOPTED. I, WILMA S. COTTON, TOWNSHIP CLERK of the Charter Township of Bloomfield, County of Oakland, Michigan do hereby certify the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution adopted by the Board at their regular meeting held on November 25, 1996. .c-LLlfL VT-L,1 WILMA S. COTTO TOWNSHIP CLERK •