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Agendas/Packets - 2014.11.05 - 40256
MEETING NOTICE OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a regular meeting of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission will be held at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesdays November 5, 2014, at Oakland County Parks and Recreation Administration Office, located at 2800 Watkins Lake Road, Waterford, Michigan 48328. GERALD A. FISHER CHAIRMAN Telephone: (248) 858-4603 1 2800 Watkins Lake Road • Bldg 97W • Waterford, MI 48328-1917 248.858.0906 • 1.888.00PARKS • DestinationOakland.com QIZAKLAND COUNTY PARKS Gerald A. Fisher Chairman J. David VanderVeen Vice Chairman John A. Scott Secretary Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. Chairperson Emeritus A. David Baumhan III Gregory C. Jamian Robert E. Kostin Christine Long GaryR. McGillivray Jim Nash Daniel J. Stencil Executive Officer October 30, 2014 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Oakland County, Michigan Commissioners: A meeting has been called of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission as follows: PLACE ................................... Oakland County Parks Administration Office 2800 Watkins Lake Road Waterford, MI 48328 TIME ................................... Wednesday, November 5, 2014 9:00 a.m. PURPOSE ................................ REGULAR MEETING This meeting has been called in accordance with the authorization of Chairman Gerald Fisher of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. Sincerely, Daniel J. Stencil, CPRE Executive Officer Next Meeting: December 10, 2014 (at, 9:00 a.m. Oakland County Parks and Recreation Administration Office 2800 Watkins Lake Road Waterford, Michigan 48328 0 ur mission is to provide quality recreational experiences that encourage healthy lifestyles, 2 support economic prosperity and promote the protection of natural resources. Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting Parks & Recreation Administration Offices 2800 Watkins Lake Road, Waterford, MI 48328 Wednesday, November 5, 2014 9:00 AM Agenda Page Ws Action Reauired Presenter/Phone # 1. Call Meeting to Order ------ G. Fisher 248.514.9814 2. Roll Call ------ " 3. Pledge of Allegiance ------ " 3-4 4. Approval of Agenda Approval G. Fisher/D. Stencil 248.858.4944 5-12 5. Approval of Minutes: Regular Meeting of 10/01/14 Approval V. Valko 248.858.4603 6. Public Comments: G. Fisher 7. PRESENTATIONS: 13 Wright & Filippis Sponsorship Recognition S. Dorey/T. Fields/S. Wells/D. Stencil 14 8. CONSENT AGENDA: A. OCPR Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Budget to Actual Report for Month Ending 09/30/14 (FM 12, FY14) Receive & File J. Phelps 248.858.5319/1). Stencil 15 B. Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Comparison Report for Month Ending 09/30/14 (FM 12, FY14) Receive & File J. Phelps/D. Stencil 16 C. Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Average Comparison Report for Month Ending 09/30/14 (FM 12, FY14) Receive & File J. Phelps/D. Stencil 17-19 D. Capital Improvement Projects Budget to Actual Report & Statement of Net Position For Month Ending 09/30/14 (FM 12, FY14) Receive & File J. Phelps/D. Stencil 20 E. FY 2014 Non-CIP Projects Update Receive & File M. Donnellon 858.4623/1). Stencil 21 F. Preliminary CIP Schedule Receive & File M. Donnellon/D. Stencil 22-23 G. FY 2014 4th Quarter Facilities Maintenance Transfer Approval J. Phelps/D. Stencil 24 H. FY 2014 "Green Initiatives Internal Fund" Budget Transfer Approval J. Phelps/D. Stencil 9. REGULAR AGENDA: 25-35 A. Proposed 2015 Fees and Charges Informational/Approval S. Wells/T. Hughes/J. Dunleavy 3 BREAK AT THE DISCRETION OF THE CHAIR 36-43 B. Glow -in -the -Dark Putt -Putt Golf Equipment Purchase (Refer to OCPR Commission Bylaws Enclosed) 10. STAFF REPORTS: A. Participation and Program Review FY 2014, Month 12 44-64 B. Communications & Marketing Update C. CIP/Maintenance Projects Quarterly Update 65 D. Food/Beverage/Golf Update 66-76 E. Executive Officer's Report F. Executive Committee Update 11. OLD BUSINESS 12. NEW BUSINESS 77-81 A. Proposed 2015 OCPR Commission Meeting Schedule 13. ADJOURN Informational/Approval M. Nawrocki/T. Fields/S. Wells Receive and File T. Fields/J. Dunleavy/T. Hughes 343.10114 Receive and File D. Stanfield Receive and File M. Donnellon Receive and File P. Castonia/S. Wells/D. Stencil Receive and File D. Stencil Receive and File G. Fisher G. Fisher/D. Stencil Next Meeting: 9:00 a.m. on December 10, 2014 Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting Room, 2800 Watkins Lake Road, Waterford, MI 48328 * NOTE: ALL PHONE NUMBERS ARE AREA CODE (248) UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. As a reminder, if you have not already done so, please turn your cellular phones off or to a silent or vibrate mode for the duration of the meeting. This will allow the meeting to proceed without distractions or interruptions. Thank you for your cooperation. OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING October 1, 2014 Chairman Fisher called the meeting to order at 9:07 a.m. in the meeting room at the Lewis E. Wint Nature Center at Independence Oaks County Park. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Gerald Fisher, Vice Chairman J. David VanderVeen, Secretary John A. Scott, A. David Baumhart III, Gregory Jamian, Robert E. Kostin, Chairperson Emeritus Pecky D. Lewis, Jr., Christine Long, Gary McGillivray, Jim Nash COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT WITH NOTICE: None ALSO PRESENT: Oakland County Parks and Recreation Oakland County Fiscal Services Oakland County Corporation Counsel Oakland County Facilities Maintenance & Operations APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Daniel Stencil, Executive Officer Sue Wells, Manager of P & R Operations Brittany Bird, Natural Resources Planner Phil Gastonia, Business Development Rep. Lynn Conover, Recreation Program Supervisor Zach Crane, Landscape Architect II Mike Donnellon, Chief -Park Facilities Maint. & Dev. Jim Dunleavy, Chief -Park Ops, & Maint. - N. District Terry Fields, Chief -Recreation Programs and Services Tom Hughes, Chief -Park Ops, & Maint.- S. District Karen Kohn, Supervisor -Administrative Services Melissa Prowse, Business Development Representative Jeff Phelps, Fiscal Services Supervisor 11 Jody Hall, Asst. Corporation Counsel Paul Zachos, Property Management Specialist Moved by Mr. Scott, supported by Mr. Kostin to amend the agenda as follows: Remove Item 7 F — Preliminary CIP Schedule from Consent Agenda and place it under Regular Agenda AYES: Baumhart, Fisher, Jamian, Kostin, Lewis, McGillivray, Nash, Scott, VanderVeen (9) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. Moved by Mr. VanderVeen, supported by Mr. Baumhart to approve the agenda as amended, AYES: Baumhart, Fisher, Jamian, Kostin, Lewis, McGillivray, Nash, Scott, VanderVeen (9) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. 5 (Commission Meeting, October 1, 2014) APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Reaular OCRC Meetinq September 3, 2014 Moved by Mr. VanderVeen, supported by Mr. Nash to approve the minutes of the September 3, 2014, OCPR Commission with the following amendments: Request for Second ORV Adventure Recreation Event in Groveland Township Staff provided a brief report on the ORV event that was held on August 9, 2014, in Groveland Township and played a video that was recorded from an unmanned aerial vehicle during the event. Staff has proposed and is requesting Commission's approval to hold another event the first weekend in November 2014. Staff clarified for the Commission the names and types of vehicles which were used at the first event and those proposed for the second event, and also updated the Commission on the results of the surveys taken at the event. The first event was by invitation only and the second event is proposed to be open to the public. The Commission requested further information on the insurance costs for the events and also requested input from Oakland County Risk Management on this matter. In addition, the Commission would like to see the statistics for the statewide registrations on ORV-type vehicles with the State of Michigan going back to 2000. They also requested staff provide the actual costs and revenues for this proposed project, and whether it will be self-sustaining. The Commission would also like staff to pursue discussions and/or negotiations with the Department of Natural Resources regarding the DNR underwriting any OCPR losses regarding this proposed project. Some of the Commissioners that attended the first event felt staff did a fabulous job; however there are still concerns among the Commissioners for more permanent ORV activities regarding the recovery of costs and expenses, the types of vehicles that will be permitted, insurance and liability issues and the policing of underage drivers. Moved by Mr. Scott, supported by Mrs. Long to approve the completion of a second demonstration event on the Dixie Gully Run site the weekend of November 1, 2014, and that this event will be open to the public in order to gain knowledge in public use of a proposed ORV park in Groveland Township, This approval does not represent an approval for any further ORV activities by OCPR, includinq Phase I and Phase Il, with the budget for the second event as follows: Proposed Budget - November 1 ORV Event Revenue" Sponsorships $ 9,000 Vendor Fees $ 400 Vehicle Registrations $ 5,000 TOTAL $ 14,400 Expense Event Expense $ 15,000 Insurance $ 9,000 TOTAL $ 20,000 NET INCOME $ (9,600) 6 (Commission Meeting, October 1, 2014) Executive Committee Update Chairman Fisher advised the Commission the Executive Committee focused on two items at the last meeting. The first item was budget issues concerning the use and amount of the fund balance, which was a result of the FY 2015 Budget discussions at the Commission meetings. The second item was the ORV event - the written request to staff for detailed cost and expense information, AYES: Baumhart, Fisher, Jamian, Kostin, Lewis, McGillivray, Nash, Scott, VanderVeen (9) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no comments from the public. CONSENT AGENDA; All items listed are considered to be routine by the OCPR Commission and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Commission member so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda. 7A. Motion - Receive and file the Fiscal Services OCPR Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Budget to Actual Report for Month Endinq Auqust 2014 (FM 11, FY14) 7B. Motion - Receive and file the Fiscal Services Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Comparison Report for Month Endinq Auqust 2014 (FM 11, FY14) 7C. Motion - Receive and file the Fiscal Services Monthlv Revenue and Expenditure Averaqe Comparison Report for Month Endinq Auqust 2014 (FM 11, FY14) 7D. Motion - Receive and file the Capital Improvement Proiects Budget to Actual Report & Statement of Net Position for Month Endinq Auqust 2014 (FM 11, FY14) 7E. Motion - Receive and file the FY 2014 Non-CIP Proiects Update 7G. Motion - Receive and file the Proposed Service Portfolio Implementation Plan 7H. Motion - Approve the following resolution accepting the 2014 Chrvsler Foundation Grant: 2014 Chrysler Foundation Grant Acceptance WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission has been notified of the award of a $500 grant from the Chrysler Foundation; and WHEREAS, the grant was made in recognition of volunteer services performed by Chrysler employees at Independence Oaks in August 2014; and WHEREAS, the grant was not made for a specific project or program but will be used as general support. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission hereby recommends the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorize and accept the Chrysler Foundation $500 grant, VA (Commission Meeting, October 1, 2014) BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission hereby requests the Board of Commissioners direct its Chairperson or designee to execute said grant agreement on behalf of the County of Oakland. 7I. Motion - Approve the following resolution acceptinq the 2013 Michiqan Natural Resources Trust Fund Grant in the amount of $37,700 for a Universallv Accessible Small Boat Launch at Independence Oaks County Park: 2013 Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund Grant Acceptance WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission has been notified of the award of the TF13-033 Universally Accessible Boat Launch Grant from the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund; and WHEREAS, the thirty-seven thousand seven hundred dollar ($37,700) grant will help offset the cost of a universally accessible small boat launch at Independence Oaks County Park; and WHEREAS, the matching funds of twelve thousand six hundred dollars ($12,600) for the universally accessible boat launch are allocated from the Parks and Recreation fund. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission hereby recommends the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorize and accept the TF13-033 Universally Accessible Boat Launch Grant, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission hereby requests the Board of Commissioners direct its Chairperson or designee to execute said grant agreement on behalf of the County of Oakland, 7J. Motion - Award an increase to the construction contract to Inland Lakes Landscaping, Inc. in the amount not to exceed $19,272.76 as Chanqe Order #1 for the Rose Oaks Trail Construction Proiect Phase I. This change order brinqs the total approved contract amount to $236,736.05. Moved by Mr. Scott, supported by Mr. Baumhart to approve Items 7 A-E and 7 G-J under the Consent Agenda. AYES: Baumhart, Fisher, Jamian, Kostin, Lewis, Long, McGillivray, Nash, Scott, VanderVeen (10) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. REGULAR AGENDA: Request for Nature Center Programming Brainstorming Session This brainstorming session was requested in order to have the opportunity to open the nature center facilities for more broad use and potential budgetary advantage, as well as enrichment of programs and outreach enhancement. In addition, the Commission expressed a desire to work with the staff to identify alternative uses for the nature center buildings and surrounding parkland, outside of the current use, for nature and other types of opportunities, Staff provided a brief history of past, current and future programs and activities at the Lewis E. Wint Nature Center and the Red Oaks Nature Center. 8 (Commission Meeting, October 1, 2014) The Commission requested staff provide the number of people that attend the facilities for programming versus the number of people just passing through —just using the trail system. Staff indicated they would provide a three-year history on these numbers as well as the numbers for the outreach programs and mobile units. The Commission suggested that staff host an annual public forum and include local cities, villages and townships as well as school district representatives to discuss possible collaboration and coordination of services. The Commission indicated there could be a possibility of expanding the support of the RAPP program and requested staff to provide information on possible areas of expansion. The following topics were identified as areas for future consideration and/or evaluation: Programming: • " No Child Left Inside" - State of Michigan Initiative Program • Outreach - Nature to Schools Lecture Series: Health, Nature, Gardening, Etc. • Partners: MSUE; Master Gardeners; Audubon Society; City, Village, and Township (CVT's) • Health Programs: Walking Clubs • Seniors vs. Youth ---Funds/Revenues Cost Recovery • Programming between Recreation Providers • Expansion of RAPP to Provide Transportation • Work With: Oakland Schools - Marketing/Communications • Parent Groups: PTA/PTO, Latchkey Programs, Home Schools Nature Center Facility Programming: Facility: • Birthday Programs • School Programs (During/After School): Transportation, RAPP/O.C. Buses, Teacher Commitment • Facility Updates: Displays - Permanent Portable Interactive/Interchangeable Technology Based • Lecture Series: Health, Music, Nature, Science • Music Programs • Cohn Amphitheater Use • Health Programs: Walker's Clubs • Gardening Groups • Host Annual Forum with CVT's/State - Joint Authorities • CVT Hosted Festivals/Events • Heritage Conference Oakland Co.Planning and Economic Development Services (OCPEDS) • Senior Programs • Quality of Life/New Events • Alternate Rentals of Nature Center • Winter Ice Focal Point: Boyne City Example - Ice sculpture telephone pole Preliminary CIP Schedule The Commission requested further information on the Waterford Oaks Greenhouse Request for Qualifications (RFQ). Staff advised there could be a potential for an opportunity for additional revenue if this facility was ]eased, and are currently in the process of releasing an RFQ to possibly identify any additional or alternate opportunities. 9 (Commission Meeting, October 1, 2014) Staff also provided an update on the Independence Oaks Connector Trail including the status of the project agreement, budget, cost sharing, long- term maintenance and possible liabilities. Moved by Mrs. Long, supported by Mr. Scott to receive and file the Preliminary GIP Schedule. AYES: Baumhart, Fisher, Jamian, Kostin, Lewis, Long, McGillivray, Nash, Scott, VanderVeen (10) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. STAFF REPORTS: Participation and Program Review FY 2014, Month 11 Staff provided the Participation and Program Review report for FY 2014, Month 11 which included a photo presentation of recent programs and events. Food and Beverage Committee/Consultant Update — Golf/Food and Beverage RFP Staff advised that the Food and Beverage Committee is still working on the following: • Exclusive soft drink contract • Finalizing the paperwork with Rosefoote Catering • Kosch Catering has opted to leave the contract earlier than what they previously advised (as of first of October versus the end of October). Committee is looking at alternate options to address the needs for the remainder of the month. • Continuing on the process for self -operations for concessions • Creating the list for approved catering vendors • White Lake Oaks and Lyon Oaks RFP contract • Possible timeline for next steps in approval processes • Bookings for events in 2015 and 2016 • Evaluating the possible privatization of golf course operations Executive Officer's Report: In addition to the items included in the Executive Officer's Report filed in the agenda, the following information was noted: - New format for Staff Reports on OCPR Commission Agenda - Update on 2015 Special Park Districts Forum collaboration with HCMA and MDNR (' Commission requested staff to provide ideas of what events would be beneficial for OCPRC Commission members to attend) - Process for possible improvements to concession areas at Groveland Oaks, Red Oaks and Waterford Oaks - Master Planning Open House at Addison Oaks County Park on October 23, 2014 - Update on Rover Pipeline proposed in northern Oakland County - Tour of Independence Oaks County Park immediately following Commission Meeting - November 5, 2015 OCPRC meeting will be at Waterford Oaks - December OCPRC meeting will be on the second Wednesday - December 10. 2014 at Waterford Oaks Executive Committee Update Chairman Fisher advised the Commission the Executive Committee focused on two primary items at the last meeting. The first item was the Red Oaks storm water irrigation project. There has been no commitment from the city of Madison Heights on assistance on the water pricing for the project. Staff will continue to research alternates for the project and will report back with more details for cost comparisons in order to allow for appropriate comparisons, and to also identify all possible financial implications of the project. 10 (Commission Meeting, October 1, 2014) The second item was the proposed revisions to the Fund Balance Policy which will address the use of fund balance, caps and minimum amounts. A revised policy will be submitted to the Executive Committee and then to the full Commission for final approval. Chairman Fisher advised that he met with Manager of Parks and Recreation Operations Sue Wells to get a better handle on the ORV project. Mr. Fisher requested staff to provide more detailed information on the project. If all of the data requested is obtained staff will submit it to the Executive Committee at the November meeting. Staff informed the Commission about the Ellis Barn Open House scheduled on October 12, 2014. This event will include caterers, florists, photographers and wedding planners to help promote weddings at the Ellis Barn. OLD BUSINESS: 10A. Oakland School District Technical SchoOVOCPRC Agreement Moved by Mr. Nash, supported by Mr. Scott to adopt the following resolution to approve the Oakland Schools Construction Training Agreement (CTA) and authorize the Executive Officer to sign the CTA on a project by project basis, as long as the CTA is not changed: OAKLAND SCHOOLS CONSTRUCTION TRAINING AGREEMENT WHEREAS, Oakland Schools offers a construction training program through its four technical campuses for high school students to gain knowledge in, and develop the skills necessary for, the construction industry; and WHEREAS, Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission desires to provide to Oakland Schools and its students the opportunity to acquire such knowledge and skills by allowing the students to provide construction labor and support to Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission for certain construction projects; and WHEREAS, the 2008 Strategic Master Plan specifically recommended strengthening connections and developing collaborative relationships; and WHEREAS, the Recreation Plan 2013-2017 further highlights the importance of transparent and consistent partnership agreements; and WHEREAS, Oakland Schools requires that entities participating in its construction training program execute a Construction Training Agreement ("CTA"); and WHEREAS, Oakland County Parks and Recreation staff and Corporation Counsel have negotiated and reviewed the attached CTA; and WHEREAS, Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission staff recommends approval of the attached CTA between Oakland Schools and Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission and recommends that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Executive Officer be authorized to sign the CTA on a project by project basis, as long as the CTA is not changed. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission approves the attached Construction Training Agreement and authorizes the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Executive Officer to sign the Construction Training Agreement on a project by project basis, as long as the CTA is not changed. 11 (Commission Meeting, October 1, 2014) AYES: Baumhart, Fisher, Jamian, Kostin, Lewis, Long, McGillivray, Nash, Scott, VanderVeen (10) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. NEW BUSINESS: Commissioner Long advised that she was made aware of a situation with a park pass at Groveland Oaks Park. It appeared as if the frontline staff was not informed about park pass use and procedures. It was suggested that possibly coaching needs to occur to avoid future situations. In addition, it was recommended that clarification and further training should be scheduled for staff to assist with the submission of OCPR evaluation forms. Staff has been informed that Oakland County Board of Commission appointments to the Parks and Recreation Commission will occur in January 2015, after the new OC Board of Commissioners is sworn in to office. ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 11:14 a.m. John A. Scott, Secretary Vicky Valko, Recording Secretary 12 1 _01AN_1Nl�hl�1�1�1■1Jail►�°� OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA NOVEMBER 5, 2014 To: Chairman Fisher and Commission Members AGENDA ITEM NO, 7 RECREATION PROGRAMS & SERVICES From: Daniel J. Stencil, Executive Officer Terry Fields, Chief —Recreation Programs & Services Sandy Dorey, Recreation Program Supervisor Submitted: October 29, 2014 Subject: Sponsorship Recognition —Wright and Filippis/Filippis Foundation INTRODUCTION AND HISTORY Wright and Filippis and the Filippis Foundation have awarded Oakland County Parks a $10,000 sponsorship to receive in 2014. Through the donation, Oakland County Parks will enhance and continue to offer affordable programs for individuals with developmental disabilities. The Adaptive Recreation division collaborates with various communities (Novi, Royal Oak, Southfield and Waterford) to provide opportunities in various areas of Oakland County. Special events and programs are promoted through many agencies, including the Macomb Oakland Regional Center, Community Living Services, Judson Center and Oakland Schools. Staff plans to increase programming with a social event in November at White Lake Oaks Golf Course, and in Spring 2015 at Glen Oaks Golf Course. Oakland County Parks has been a leader in providing social activities for individuals with developmental disabilities for more than 30 years. Cooperatively, the Parks system has hosted the Wright and Filippis Wheelchair Daze for 32 years at Independence Oaks County Park, where participation numbers reach more than 2,000 guests annually. 13 L�S1j1JR,INIR1kg1%JLJI&J : i 1►J',�� OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA NOVEMBER 5, 2014 AGENDA ITEM NO. 8 FISCAL SERVICES -- P&R ACCOUNTING To: Chairman Fisher and Commission Members From: Daniel J. Stencil, Executive Officer Brian Menghini, Fiscal Services Supervisor 11 Jeffrey Phelps, Parks and Recreation Fiscal Coordinator Submitted: October 29, 2014 Subject: Consent Agenda — OCPR Monthly Financial Reports 8. A.* REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE BUDGET TO ACTUAL REPORT September, 2014 (FM 12, FY 2014) 8. B. REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE COMPARISON REPORT September, 2014 (FM 12, FY 2014) 8. C. REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE AVERAGE COMPARISON REPORT September, 2014 (FM 12, FY 2014) 8. D. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS BUDGET TO ACTUAL REPORT AND STATEMENT OF NET POSITION September, 2014 (FM 12, FY 2014) Note: Due to the FY 2014 year-end Financial Accounting System close-out, the information for item 8A is not yet available. if we receive the data before the Commission meeting on November 5, 2014, we will email the information to the Commissioners, if not it will be distributed at the meeting Wednesday morning. 14 Item 8 A OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE BUDGET TO ACTUAL REPORT FM 12 FY 2014 (FOR MONTH ENDING 9130/14) 2014 YEAR TO (OVER), % OF REVENUE BUDGET DATE UNDER BUDGET BUDGET ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES: Millage Tax $11,470,000.00 $11,567,251.30 ($97,251.30) 100.8% Other 275,525.00 587,679.53 (312,154,53) 213.3% GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE 774,000.00 771,365.45 2,634.55 99.7% LYON OAKS GOLF COURSE 1,126,000.00 1,187,807.38 (61,807.38) 105.5% RED OAKS GOLF COURSE 325,200.00 320,333.33 4,866.67 98.5% SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE 693,254.00 676,228.22 17,025.78 97.5% WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE 729,128.00 726,246.36 2,882.64 99.60% ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 140,000.00 120,600.31 19,399.69 86.1% GLEN OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 200,000.00 172,427.40 27,572.60 86.2% LYON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 105,000.00 111,788.59 (6,788.59) 106.5% SPRINGFIELD OAKS CONCESSION 12,000.00 9.870.00 2,130.00 82.3% WHITE LAKE OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 51,000.00 56,001.30 (5,001.30) 109.8% OAKLAND COUNTY MARKET 181,450.00 189,012.99 (7,562.99) 104.2% ADDISON OAKS PARK 486,180.00 623,492.18 (137,312.18) 128.2% GROVELAND OAKS PARK 753,300.00 846,282.64 (92,982.64) 112.3% HIGHLAND OAKS PARK 9,640.00 11,975.84 (2,335.84) 124.2% INDEPENDENCE OAKS PARK 319,198.00 290.659.99 28.538.01 91.1% LYON OAKS PARK 100,000.00 152,799.41 (52,799.41) 152.8% ORION OAKS PARK 109,500.00 122,003.00 (12,503.00) 111.4% RED OAKS DOG PARK 42,000.00 45,825.00 (3,825.00) 109.1% RED OAKS PARK 9,500.00 24,685.00 (15,185.00) 259.8% ROSE OAKS PARK 2,500.00 17,903.00 (15,403.00) 716.1% SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER/PARK 81,463.00 117,798.30 (36,335.30) 144.6% WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER/PARK 35,173.00 68,511.96 (33,338.96) 194.8% RECREATION PROGRAMS & SERVICES 264,000.00 274,236.31 (10,236.31) 103.9% CATALPA OAKS PARK 8,000.00 12,757.00 (4,757.00) 159.5% RED OAKS WATERPARK 1,036,800.00 1,104,187.38 (67,387,38) 106.5% WATERFORD OAKS BMX 17,700.00 32,829.00 (15,129.00) 185.5% WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK 672,850.00 489,017.60 183,832.40 72.71/o CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 5,999,237.00 0.00 5,999,237.00 0.0% TOTAL REVENUE $26,029,598.00 $20.731,574.77 $5.298,023.23 79.6% EXPENDITURE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES $6,614,941.00 $5,897,259.99 $717,681.01 89.2% FISCAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION 125,502.00 129,703.10 (4,201.10) 103.3% FISCAL SERVICES PARKS & REC 243,739.00 208,113.21 35.625.79 85.4% GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE 854,579.00 907,580.52 (53,001.52) 106.2% LYON OAKS GOLF COURSE 1.724,099.00 1,372,785.27 351,313.73 79.6% RED OAKS GOLF COURSE 651,341.00 740,575.96 (89,234.96) 113.7% SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE 909,960.00 646,184.92 263,775.08 71.0% WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE 911,043.00 759,186.58 151.856.42 83.3% ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 405,536.00 264,929,66 140,606.34 65.3% GLEN OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 224,139.00 191,041.58 33,097.42 85.2% LYON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 237,814.00 226,471.20 11,342.80 95.2% SPRINGFIELD OAKS CONCESSION 82,663.00 38,328.52 44.334.48 46.4% WHITE LAKE OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 212,847.00 190,380.74 22,466.26 89.4% OAKLAND COUNTY MARKET 203,067.00 202.168.64 898.36 99.6% ADDISON OAKS PARK 1,482,332.00 1,485,713.11 (3,381.11) 100.2% GROVELAND OAKS PARK 1,306,424.00 1,303,659.99 2,764.01 99.8% HIGHLAND OAKS PARK 77,703.00 79,609.84 (1,906.84) 102.5% INDEPENDENCE OAKS PARK 1,428,181.00 1,184,531.35 243,649.65 82.9% LYON OAKS PARK 353,534.00 342,278.35 11,255.65 96.8% ORION OAKS PARK 186.064.00 237,402.26 (51,338.26) 0 127./06 RED OAKS DOG PARK 63,443.00 74,092.03 (10,649.03) 116.8% RED OAKS PARK 149,559.00 123,207.72 26,351.28 82.4% ROSE OAKS PARK 71,056.00 72,519.23 (1,463.23) 102.1% SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER/PARK 429,007.00 420,146.85 8,860.15 97.9% WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER/PARK 1,171,635.00 753,445.58 418,189.42 64.3% RECREATION PROGRAMS & SERVICES 1,186,067.00 1,219,620.25 (33,553.25) 102.8% CATALPA OAKS PARK 128,417.00 106,597.78 21,819.22 83.0% RED OAKS WATERPARK 1,549,154.00 1,436,514.78 112,639.22 92.7% WATERFORD OAKS BMX 68.116.00 91,312.26 (23,196.26) 134.1% WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK 1,119.841.00 996,008.17 123,832.83 88.9% FACILITIES & MAINTENANCE 1,857.795.00 1,159,321.30 698,473.70 62.4% INTERNAL FUND CHARGES' 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A TOTAL EXPENDITURE $26,029.598.00 $22,860,690.74 $3,168,907.26 87.8% REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENDITURE $0.00 (2,129,115.97) (17,562.667.51) 2014 2013 2012 2011 ACTUAL REVENUE TO DATE: 79.6% 88.31/6 103.2% 90.4% BUDGET BALANCE: 20.4% 11.7% -3.2% 9.6% ACTUAL EXPENDITURE TO DATE: 87.8% 92.2% 87.1% 75.7% BUDGET BALANCE: 12.2% 7.8% 12.9% 24.3 % `INTERNAL FUND YTD FIGURE: INTERNAL SERVICE AND OTHER FUNDS PAYMENTS IN TRANSIT. Item 8 B OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE COMPARISON REPORT FM12FY2014 (FOR MONTH ENDING 9/30/14) YEAR TO DATE YEAR TO DATE REVENUE OVER PARK REVENUE EXPENDITURE (UNDER) EXP. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES (Inc. Tax Revenue) $12,154,930.83 $5,897,2%99 $6,257,670.84 FISCAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION 0.00 129,703.10 (129,703.10) FISCAL SERVICES PARKS & REC 0.00 208,113.21 (208,113.21) ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES SUB -TOTAL 12,154,930,83 6,235,076.30 5,919,854.53 GOLF: GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE 771,365.45 907,580.52 (136,215.07) LYON OAKS GOLF COURSE 1,187,807,38 1,372,785.27 (184,977.89) RED OAKS GOLF COURSE 320,333.33 740,575.96 (420,242,63) SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE 676,228.22 646,184.92 30,043.30 WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE 726,245.36 759,186.58 (32,941.22) GOLF SUB -TOTAL 3,681,979.74 4,426,313.25 (744,333.51) FOOD SERVICES: ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTE R 120,600.31 264,929.66 (144,329.35) GLEN OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 172,427.40 191,041.58 (18,614.18) LYON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 111,788.59 226,471.20 (114,682.61) SPRINGFIELD OAKS CONCESSION 9,870.00 38,328.52 (28,458.52) WHITE LAKE OAKS CON FERENCE CENTER 56,001,30 190,380.74 (134,379.44) FOOD SERVICE SUB -TOTAL 470,687.60 911,151.70 (440,464,10) COUNTY MARKET: OAKLAND COUNTY MARKET 189,012.99 202,168.64 (13,155.65) COUNTY MARKET SUB -TOTAL 189,012.99 202,168.64 (13,155.65) PARKS: ADDISON OAKS PARK 623,492,18 1,485,713.11 (862,220,93) GROVELAND OAKS PARK 846,282.64 1,303,659.99 (457,377.35) HIGHLAND OAKS PARK 11,075.84 79,609.84 (67,634.00) INDEPENDENCE OAKS PARK 290,659,99 1,184,531.35 (893,871.36) LYON OAKS PARK 152,799A1 342,278,35 (189,478.94) ORION OAKS PARK 122,003.00 237,402.26 (115,399.26) RED OAKS DOG PARK 45,825.00 74,092.03 (28,267.03) RED OAKS PARK 24,685.00 123,207,72 (98,522,72) ROSE OAKS PARK 17,903.00 72,519.23 (54,616.23) SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER/PARK 117,798.30 420,146.85 (302,348.55) WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER/PARK 68,511.96 753,445.58 (684,933.62) PARKS SUBTOTAL 2,321,936.32 6,076,606.31 (3,754,669.99) RECREATION: RECREATION PROGRAMS & SERVICES 274,236.31 1,219,620.25 (945,383.94) CATALPA OAKS PARK 12,757.00 106,597.78 (93,840,78) RED OAKS WATERPARK 1,104,187,38 1,436,514.78 (332,327.40) WATERFORD OAKS BMX 32,829.00 91,312.26 (58,483.26) WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK 489,017.60 996,008.17 (506,990,57) RECREATION SUB -TOTAL 1,913,027.29 3,850,053.24 (3,361,035,64) FACILITIES & MAINTENANCE: FACILITIES & MAINTENANCE 0,00 1,159,321.30 (1,159,321.30) FACILITIES & MAINTENANCE SUB -TOTAL 0,00 1,159,321,30 (1,159,321.30) CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 0.00 0,00 INTERNAL FUND CHARGES` 0,00 0.00 0,00 TOTAL $20,731,574.77 $22,860,690.74 ($2,129,115.97) *INTERNAL FUND YTD FIGURE: INTERNAL SERVICE AND OTHER FUNDS PAYMENTS IN TRANSIT. See the Oakland County website's "Transparency in Government -Monthly Financials" to view the latest monthly Financial Statement detail by each departments' budget units: 1. Log on to www.oakoov.com/motbud/fiscal/Paaesfiinfo oub/Darks.asox 2. Click on each of the Parks and Recreation monthly financial reports you are interested in viewing 15 Item 8 C _REVENUES: 5-YEAR AVERAGE REVENUE Percentage of total FY2014 Amended Budget/Alottment FY2014 Planned Use of Fund Balance FY 2014 Amended Budget FY 2014 Actuals _ AK Monthl , . , R2014Amen I 1 $ 20,074 $ 5.954 $ 26,021 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Monthly Average Comparison Report (Comparison of FY 2014 Actuals with 5-Year Average Actuals) As of September 30, 2014 5-YEARAYEENSE I_ $1,302,037I $1,20861 $US7,397 $1,226,289 $1,189,250 $1,655,166 $1405,179 $1,944,157 $2µ3,616 $2,269,= $Z,136,133 $2331,5— Pertente¢e oiTo 1UR S.9�756%) 5.95% 5.7M &03%1 6.82% &9S% 11$tAfi 1Li1%T 10.37% 11.32%I FY2014 Amended Budget/Alottment $ 26,029,596 i $1645177_$3,942,333� $1,967AM $1,549p64�$1,502665 $2091369 $1775,500 $2,330,167 $3p87,607 _$2,g92�2,699,090 $2,946,066 FY 2014 Actuals $ipd3.460I $SX72,ZU $1,576,2931 $1,397,918 $L499,4071 $1,609,3841 $U79,S321 $2.54965791 $3A63S281 $22,860,691 Avs• Monthly Expenses (Over)/Under $211716 - $269,922 -- $393,641 $ 151,546 $ 193,337 $ 593,963 $ 266,116 $ S1,635 $ SW28 $ 307,83D $ 404,735 $ - - (11SgB7J�$3,168,907� 1-- �- 1-- 1-- (Total Avg Monthly Favorabllity/(Unfavorability) $340,947 $264,212 $229,745�j $443,9241 ($63,393) $327,525 $538,226 $832,621 $234071 $750,297I _ ($484,1S6)I $3,825,121I [Actual Revenue Over/(Under) Expenses ($1,09,574) ($1,16S,474) ($287,484)l "6,5391 $1,W5,M71 $164,048 ($296,960) I ($111177,26M 1 ($1,030,941)1 ($932,Mg)i ($687,790) ($2,036,896)1 IS2,129.1161 Net Position -Unrestricted (0130/13) FY2014 Actual Revenues FY2014 Actual Expenses Projected Decrease in Unrestricted Net Assets M Projected Net Position - Unrestricted (9130114) (") Additional changes to the balance sheet during the closing process, especially changes in the Capital Improvement Plan will impact this projection. $20,731,675 ($22,860,6911 $ 30,507,472 ($2,129,116) $28.378.356 16 Project ID Description 100000001959 ACC Energy Management Upgrade 100000001826 ACC Interior Renovations 100000001881 ACC Roof Replacement 100000002007 ADD Asphalt Trail 100000001963 ADD Boat Launch Accessible 100000001845 ADD Campground Pull Thru Sites 100000002009 ADD Concrete Sidewalks 100000001982 ADD Fishing Docks 100000001997 ADD Lakeview Pavillion Roof 100000002023 ADD Maintenance Yard Paving 100000000604 ADD Pavilion-Cmpgrd Recreation 100000001968 ADM Energy Mgt Upgrade 100000002018 CAT Energy Management Upgrade 100000001970 GLC Energy Mgt Upgrade 100000001825 GLC Interior Renovations 100000001962 GLC Parking Lot Imp Design 100000001750 GLG Bridge Replacement #13 100000001964 GLG Drainage Improv Design 100000001807 GLG HVAC Replacement 100000001847 GLG Irrigation Pond Dredging 100000001914 GLG Irrigation System Repl Des 100000001971 GLG Parking Lot Imp Design 100000002024 GRV Asphalt Safety Path 100000001927 GRV Campground Utility Imp Des 100000002012 GRV Play Lot Concession 100000001751 GRV Restroom/Shower Section C 100000001967 GRV Roadway Putt Putt Light 100000001332 HGH Boardwalks -Docks -Overlooks 100000001752 HGH Parking Lot - Central 100000001331 HGH Trail Development -Phase 1 100000001969 IND Energy Mgt Upgrade 100000001960 IND Fishing Dock Replacement 100000002011 IND Play Lot Twin Chimneys Parks and Recreation Commission ACTIVE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS BUDGET TO ACTUAL EXPENSE REPORT (as of October 21, 2014) Last Transaction Start Date Budget Expenses to Date Date 5/28/2014 9/30/2014 $17,500.00 7/24/2013 10/16/2014 $672,228.00 10/28/2013 10/16/2014 $799,295.00 8/22/2014 9/4/2014 $43,000.00 5/28/2014 5/28/2014 $55,000.00 9/12/2013 10/2/2014 $50,000.00 8/22/2014 8/27/2014 $18,500.00 7/11/2014 8/31/2014 $60,000.00 8/5/2014 8/5/2014 $15,000.00 9/23/2014 9/23/2014 $15,000.00 9/1/2004 9/5/2014 $417,524.00 6/2/2014 6/2/2014 $13,750.00 9/23/2014 9/23/2014 $13,900.00 6/2/2014 6/2/2014 $19,500.00 7/23/2013 8/6/2014 $577,404.00 5/28/2014 5/28/2014 $27,500.00 12/3/2012 10/2/2014 $232,907.00 5/28/2014 5/28/2014 $18,000.00 5/15/2013 10/16/2014 $290,939.00 9/17/2013 5/31/2014 $296,000.001 2/11/2014 10/2/2014 $108,125.001 6/2/2014 6/2/2014 $27,500.001 9/23/2014 9/23/2014 $45,000.001 3/7/2014 10/17/2014 $42,500.00 8/28/2014 8/28/2014 $250,000,00 12/3/2012 7/24/2014 $613,975.00 5/29/2014 9/30/2014 $22,500.00 12/8/2009 5/31/2014 $64,000.00 12/3/2012 10/16/2014 $178,842.00 12/8/2009 8/28/2014 $284,200.001 6/2/2014 6/2/2014 $14,250.001 5/28/2014 5/28/2014 $35,000.001 8/28/2014 8/28/2014 $39,000.001 $8,105.66 $564,681.55 $657,232.13 $38,216.00 $0.00 $12,214.25 $18,210.00 $1,267.07 $0.00 $0.00 $19,423.97 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $462,330.20 $0.00 $19,873.38 $0.00 $230,020.17 $218,713.79 $8,200.00 $0.00 $0.00 $43,261.93 $0.00 $456,849.27 $18, 685.49 $49,926.17 $182,165.16 $128, 617.55 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Remaining Budget $9,394.34 $107,546.45 $142,062.87 $4,784.00 $55,000.00 $37,785.75 $290.00 $58,732.93 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $398,100.03 $13,750,00 $13,900.00 $19,500.001 $115, 073.80I $27,500.001 $213,033.621 $18,000.001 $60,918.831 $77,286.21 $99,925.00 $27,500.001 $45,000.00 ($761.93) $250,000.00 $157,125.73 $3,814.51 $14,073.83 ($3,323.16) $155,582.45 $14,250.00 $35,000.001 $39,000.001 Item 8 D Percentage Completion 46.32 % 84.00% 82.23 % 88.87% 0.00% 24.43% 98.43% 2.11% 0.00% 0.00% 4.65% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 80.07% 0.00% 8.53% 0.00% 79.06% 73.89 % 7.58 % 0.00% 0.00% 101.79 % 0.00% 74.41% 83.05% 78.01 % 101.86 % 45.26% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 17 Project ID Description 100000001891 IND Upper Bush BdwlkTrlPhsll 100000001966 IND Wood Burning Unit 100000002005 LYC Sidewalk Replacement 100000002021 LYG Boardwalk Replacement 100000001998 LYG Pumphouse Roofing 100000001335 LYP Boardwalks -Docks -Overlooks 100000001753 LYP Pavilion Small Dog Park 100000000983 LYP West Norton Drain Bridge 100000002008 ORN Dog Park Concrete Sidewalk 100000000867 ORN Pavilion -Dog Park 100000001499 RDD Stormwater Reclaimation 100000001498 RDG Stormwater Reclaimation 100000002019 RDP Energy Management Upgrade 100000001961 RDP Parking Lot Exp Design 100000002025 RDP Removable Raised Flooring 100000002022 RSE Boardwalk North Connector 100000001115 RSE Boardwalks -Docks -Overlooks 100000001114 RSE Trail Development 100000001336 RWP Connector Trail 100000001957 RWP Entrance Shade Structure 100000001958 RWP Shade Struct Kiddie Area 100000001819 SAC Ellis Barn Improvements 100000001965 SAC Horse Barn Bldg K Design 100000001999 SPC Concession Roofing 100000001916 SPG Irrigation Sys Repl Des 100000001938 WCM LED Entrance Sign 100000002020 WLC Energy Management Upgrade 100000001915 WLG Irrigation Sys Repl Des 100000001757 WTR Dog Park Fence 100000001756 WTR Dog Park Site Work 100000002017 WTR Energy Management Upgrade 100000002013 WTR Expanded Maintenance Yard Parks and Recreation Commission ACTIVE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS BUDGET TO ACTUAL EXPENSE REPORT (as of October 21, 2014) Last Transaction Start Date Budget Expenses to Date Date 11/15/2013 9/19/2014 $150,000.00 5/29/2014 10/14/2014 $48,500.00 8/21/2014 8/21/2014 $30,000.00 9/23/2014 9/23/2014 $25,000.00 8/5/2014 8/5/2014 $10,000.00 12/8/2009 9/30/2014 $80,000.00 12/3/2012 9/5/2014 $40,000.00 1/2/2007 10/17/2014 $40,000.00 8/22/2014 8/27/2014 $5,238.00 2/13/2006 9/5/2014 $251,261.00 4/28/2011 1/24/2014 $70,000.00 4/28/2011 1/24/2014 $70,000.00 9/23/2014 9/23/2014 $14,450.00 5/28/2014 5/28/2014 $50,000.00 9/23/2014 9/23/2014 $45,3S5.00 9/23/2014 9/23/2014 $160,000.00 11/28/2007 7/3/2014 $342,000.00 11/28/2007 8/31/2014 $389,500.00 12/8/2009 10/16/2014 $397,122.00 5/28/2014 5/28/2014 $48,859.42 5/28/2014 5/28/2014 $80,209.80 6/5/2013 9/19/2014 $643,056.00 5/28/2014 10/17/2014 $20,000.00 8/5/2014 8/5/2014 $65,000.00 2/11/2014 10/2/2014 $116,869.00 3/24/2014 9/12/2014 $40,000.00 9/23/2014 9/23/2014 $18,200.00 2/11/2014 10/2/2014 $179,720.00 12/3/2012 12/3/2012 $20,000.00 12/3/2012 3/15/2013 $30,000.00 9/23/2014 9/23/2014 $13,850.00 8/28/2014 8/28/2014 $15,000.00 $8,887,029.22 $ 4 $31,714.45 $1,150.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $76,465.95 $28,254.00 $23,735.31 $4,968.00 $251,462.76 $20,982.52 $19,818.59 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $231,920.99 $99,378.58 $354,286.06 $0.00 $0.00 $574,990.80 $8,808.00 $0.00 $6,300.00 $30,546.06 $0.00 $5,100.00 $0.00 $4,597.00 $0.00 $0.00 ,912,472.81 Remaining Budget $118,285.55 $47,350.00 $30,000.00 $25,000.00 $10,000.00 $3,534.05 $11,746.00 $16,264.69 $270.00 ($201.76) $49,017.48 $50,181.41 $14,450.00 $50,000.00 $45,355.00 $160,000.00 $110,079.01 $290,121.42 $42,835.94 $48,859.42 $80,209.80 $68,065.20 $11,192.00 $65,000.00 $110,569.00 $9,453.94 $18,200.00 $174, 620.00 $20,000.00 $25,403.00 $13,850.00 $15,000.00 $3,974,556.41 Item 8 D Percentage Completion 21.14% 2.37% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 95.58% 70.64% 59.34% 94.85 % 100.08% 29.98% 28.31% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 67.81% 25.51 % 89.21% 0.00% 0.00% 89.42% 44.04% 0.00% 5.39 % 76.37% 0.00% 2.84 ' 0.00% 15.32% 0.00% 0.00% 18 Parks and Recreation Commission ACTIVE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS BUDGET TO ACTUAL EXPENSE REPORT (as of October 21, 2014) Project ID (Description I Start Date Last Transaction I Date I Budget I Expenses to Date Illustrative Net Position - Unrestricted Operating Reserve $5,750,000.00 Capital Reserve $7,000,000.00 FY2015 Capital Equipment $588,000.00 FY2015 Planned Use of Fund Balance: Depreciation $3,406,900.00 Operating Subsidy 5959,791.00 $4,366,691.00 Capital Improvement Plan: Total Active CIP Projects $8,887,029.22 Proiects Closed in FY2014: 100000001736 ADD Addison Oaks Yurt 1 $ 52,693.85 100000001737 ADD Addison Oaks Yurt 2 $ 52,509.96 100000001738 GRV Groveland Oaks Yurt 1 $ 33,430.43 100000001739 GRV Groveland Oaks Yurt 2 $ 33,918.22 100000001790 SPG Starter ShackSPG Starter Shack $ 61,937.25 100000001816 ADD Electronic Entr Gate Sys $ 21,311.88 100000001817 GRV Electronic Entr Gate Sys $ 26,580.65 100000001840 WCM FansWCM FansWCM FansWCM Fans $ 16,408.77 100000001843 ADD Concession Ext Renovations $ 39,869.19 100000001103 CAT Rstrm-Co ncessn-Sto rage Bldg $ 716,100.46 100000001330 CAT Play Structure 1-5 yrs old $ 63,664.44 100000001481 CAT Site Development -Phase 1 $ 387,823.28 100000001482 CAT Pavilion -Play Area $ 97,747.92 100000001483 CAT Play Structure 6-12yrs old $ 106,243.75 100000001917 GRV Beach Improv and Dredge $ 12,691.00 100000001834 IND Play Lot Beach Main $ 153,942.00 100000001835 IND Play Lot Beach Satellite $ 42,389.00 100000001754 RDD Pavilion Shade Structures $ 21,358.55 100000001102 CATAsphalt Curb Parking Lot $ 26,552.26 100000001755 SAC Bleacher Replacement $ 558,352.18 100000002000 WTR Greenhouse Roofing $ 18,598.27 Total Projects Closed $ 2,544,123.31 Amount Available for Conceptual CIP and Capital Equipment 51,371,628.47 Total Capital Improvement Plan $12,802,781.00 Total Net Position - Unrestricted as of September 30, 2013 $30.507.472.00 * To be updated once FY2014 is closed. Remaining Budget Item 8 D Percentage Completion 19 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Item 8 E Maintenance Projects under $100,000 BUDGET TO ACTUAL EXPENSE REPORT (as of October 15, 2014) Cost Expended Variance Center Title Budget Amount Amount (Budget -Expended) (as of 4th Qtr) ACC Stucco Repair $ 80,000 $ 58,825 $ 21,175 ACC Structural Repair/Replacement $ 25,000 $ 1,265 $ 23,735 ADD Lagoon System - Maintenance $ 6,000 $ - $ 6,000 ADM Pavement Maintenance Program* $ 150,000 $ 137,716 $ 12,284 ADM Carpet/Flooring Management Program* $ 150,000 $ 15,599 $ 134,401 ADM Interior/Exterior Painting Program* $ 120,000 $ 75,784 $ 44,216 ADM Window/Door Replacement Program* $ 124,000 $ 43,003 $ 80,997 ADM Tree Planting Program* $ 25,000 $ 13,102 $ 11,898 ADM Natural Resource Program* $ 160,500 $ 254,473 $ (93,973) ADM Herpetological Study $ 110,000 $ 7,831 $ 102,169 ADM HVAC Repair $ 49,500 $ 47,428 $ 2,072 ADM Arborist Services (Hazardous Tree Inventory) $ 116,000 $ 115,990 $ 10 GLC Exterior Stone Repair $ 10,000 $ 9,139 $ 861 IND Upper Bushman Lake Sampling/Analysis $ 12,000 $ - $ 12,000 RWP Kiddie Water Structure - Painting $ 25,000 $ 34,181 $ (9,181) SAC Water Tower Repairs $ 50,000 $ - $ 50,000 SAC Ellis Barn - Repainting $ 20,000 $ 15,680 $ 4,320 WLC Parapet Wall Replacement $ 50,000 $ 39,442 $ 10,558 Totals $ 1,283,000 $ 869,458 $ 413,542 68% * Note: Program amount is listed over $100,000, however this covers multiple project locations. 10/28R014 ITEM S F Commission Approval Schedule for Capital and Maintenance Projects (REVISED October 15, 2014 - Preliminary and Subject to change) • November, 2014 o Addison Oaks — Kitchen Storage Unit (Executive Officers Report) o CIP/Maintenance Projects Quarterly Update • December, 2014 o Red Oaks — Trail Easement Agreement o Springfield Oaks Activity Center — Mill Pond Dam Repairs Agreement (General Approval) o Groveland Oaks— Campground Utilities ($680,000) (Construction Approval) o Addison Oaks — Kitchen Storage Unit (Conceptual Approval) o Springfield Oaks Activity Center —4-H Covered Arena Construction (Bldg. K) ($200,000) (Conceptual Approval) o Glen Oaks Golf Course & Conference Center — Parking Lot Design ($620,000) (Conceptual Approval) o Red/Waterford/Groveland Oaks — Concession Remodel — Phase 1 ($90000) (Conceptual Approval) o Independence Oaks — Connector Trail — Interlocal Agreement (General Approval) o Waterford/Springfield Oaks — Greenhouse Operational Lease (General Approval) o Red/Waterford/Groveland Oaks —Concession Remodel — Phase I ($90,000) (Construction Approval) • January, 2015 o Addison Oaks — Kitchen Storage Unit (Construction Approval) • February, 2015 o Red Oaks Nature Center— Parking Lot ($525,000) (Conceptual Approval) o Catalpa Oaks — Recreation Fields/Irrigation Design ($100,000) (Engineering RFP Approval) o CIP/Maintenance Projects Quarterly Update • March, 2015 o Red/Waterford/Groveland Oaks —Concession Remodel — Phase 11 ($90,000) (Conceptual Approval) o Springfield Oaks Activity Center —4-H Covered Arena Design (Bldg. K) ($200,000) (Construction Approval) • April, 2015 o Red Oaks Water Park— Wave Equipment ($325,000) (Conceptual Approval) o Glen Oaks Golf Course & Conference Center — Parking Lot Design ($620,000) (Construction Approval) • May, 2015 o CIP/Maintenance Projects Quarterly Update • June, 2015 • July, 2015 o Red Oaks Water Park — Wave Equipment ($325,000) (Construction Approval) • August, 2015 o Red Oaks Nature Center— Parking Lot ($525,000) (Construction Approval) o CIP/Maintenance Projects Quarterly Update 1 1�Q10aIORI!1S.01 JORIh4 � r I , J i�� OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA NOVEMBER 5, 2014 To: Chairman Fisher and Commission Members From: Daniel J. Stencil, Executive Officer Jeffrey Phelps, Parks and Recreation Fiscal Coordinator Submitted: October 30, 2014 Subject: FY2014 4th Quarter Facilities Maintenance Transfer INTRODUCTION AND HISTORY AGENDA ITEM NO. 8 G ADMINISTRATION Beginning in FY2014, operating budgets for park -wide Building and Grounds Maintenance projects are budgeted in the Facilities and Maintenance cost center. Once operating maintenance project expenses are incurred for a specific park, a budget amendment is to be made on a quarterly basis. Based on FY activity through September 30, 2014, the following FY2014 budget amendment is recommended: WHEREAS a Parks and Recreation budget amendment is recommended to transfer Building Maintenance funds in the amount of $509,764 from the Facilities Maintenance cost center to various cost centers incurring expenses during the third quarter of FY2014. MOTION Move to approve the Facilities Maintenance transfer to the cost centers specified on the following page. 22 Page 2 s� Cost Center Dept Program Accoun Amount ACC: 5060417 160044.730198 $ 29,731.00 ACC; 5060417 160044 730198 $ 1,094.00 ACC 5060417 160044 730198 $ 234.00 ACC. 5060417 160044 730198 $ 1,031.00 ACC; 5060417° 1600",730198 $ 25,050.00 ACC.' 5060417: 1600" 730198 $ 574.00 ACC. 5060417 160044 730814 $ 61,297.00 ADD. 5060715 160070 730198 $ 3,820.00 ADD 5060715 160070 730814 $ 40,810.00 ADD 5060715 160070 730814 $ 960.00 ADD, 5060715 160070 730814 $ 1,004.00 CAT 5060870: 160210 730814 $ 1,004.00 GLC 5060427; 160044 730198 $ 6,400.00 GLG 5060327 160010 730814 $ 464.00 GLG. 5060327. 160010 730814 $ 1,004.00 GRV 5060720 160070 730814 $ 464.00 GRV. 5060720 160070 730814 $ 1,004.00 GRV- 5060720 160070 730814 $ 2,130.00 HGH 5060765 160070 730814 $ 1,919.00 HGH 5060765 160070730814$ 557.00 HGH: 5060765, 160070 730814 $ 1,004.00 HGH 5060765' 160070 730814 $ 23,882.00 IND 5060725 160070 730814 $ 2,520.00 IND 5060725, 160070330198 $ 3,450.00. IND 5060725; 160070.730814 $ 660.00. IND" 5060725: 160070 730814 $ 6,000.00 IND 5060725; 160070330814 $ 35,770.00 IND, 5060725, 160070 730814 $ 560.00 IND: 5060725 160070 730814 $ 1,004.00 LYP 5060755_ 160070 730814 $ 836.00 LYP; 5060755. 160070.730814 $ 1,004.00 ORN, 5060724i 160070.730814 $ 36,885.00 ORW 5060724' 160070 730814 $ 898.00 ORN 5060724: 160070 730814 $ 1,004.00 Cost Center Dept Program, Account, Amount RDD 5060729 160070 730814 $ 984.00 RDG 5060328 160010,730198 $ 2,972.00 RDG S060328 16DO10 730814 $ 2,165.00 RDP 5060751, 160070 730814 $ 11,357.00 RDP 5060751. 160070,730814 $ 5,013,00 RDP S060751: 1600705!730814 $ 464.00 RDP 5060751, 160070w730814 $ 1,004.00 RDP 5060751 160W0;730814 $ 18,888.00 RSE 5060760 160070�730814 I $ 2,115.00 RSE- 5060760 160070 730814 $ 836.00 RSE 5060760 160070:730814 $ 1,004.00 RSE 5060760 160070:730814 $ 19,861.00 RWP 5060831 160210'730198 $ 2,480.00 RWP 5060831 160210730814 $ 9,470.00 SAC- 5060430 160044;730198 : $ 15,680.00 SAC 5060430 160044730814 $ 4,348.00 SAC 5060430, 160044 730198 $ 3,500.00 SAC 5060430 160044'!730814 $ 14,622.00 SPG 5060330 160010 730814 ; $ 477.00 SPG 5060330 160010,730814 $ 1,212.00 SPG: 5060330 160010 730814 $ 472.00 SPG: 5060330 160010'730814 $ 765.00 SPG- 5060330 160010730814 $ 464.00 SPG: 5060330, 160010730814 $ 1,004.00 SPG; 5060330; 160010 730198 $ 21,391,00 WBX: 5060845 160210730814 $ 10,404.00 WLG 5060326; 1600101730198 $ 4,080.00 WLG 5060326: 160010!730814 $ 464.00 WLG� 5060326 160010;730814 $ 1,004.00 WTR 5060735 160070730198 $ 25,615.00 ` WTR; 5060735 160070;730814 $ 14,697.00 WTR+ 5060735 160070730814 $ 5,656.00 WTR 5060735 160070 730814 $ 464.00 WTR 5060735 160070 730814 $ 1,OD4.00 . WTR: 5060735, 16W70€730198 $ 7,8D0.00 FM 5060910 16043OZ730198 $ (509,764.00)' TOTAL $ - 23 Lt_ g.1W_iNIRjuyeJ►iaA1.{►i1 j= OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA NOVEMBER 5, 2014 AGENDA ITEM NO.8 II ADMINISTRATION To: Chairman Fisher and Commission Members From: Daniel J. Stencil, Executive Officer Jeffrey Phelps, Parks and Recreation Fiscal Coordinator Submitted: October 30, 2014 Subject: FY2014 "Green Initiatives Internal Fund" Budget Transfer INTRODUCTION AND HISTORY For FY2014 the "Green Initiatives Internal Fund" operating budget was budgeted in the Administration cost center in the amount of $200,000, Based on actual park -wide expenses this amount is to be transferred from Administration park -wide to cost centers incurring "Green Initiatives Internal Fund" expenses. The amendment will be part of the Fiscal Services Year -End report to be approved by the Finance Committee on December 4, 2014. MOTION Move to approve the transfer of funds from the account 50800-5060101-160000-730789 General Program Administration in the amount of $30,935 to cost centers incurring "Green Initiatives Internal Fund" related expenses in FY2014, as specified below. Cost Center Dept Program Account Amount ADM 5060101 ' 160000 730789 General Program Administration $ (30,935.00) ADM 5060101 160000 730198 Building Maintenance Charges $ 20,974.00 ADM 5060101 160000 750399 Office Supplies $ 1,403.00 ADM 5060101 160000 750504 ;Small Tools $ 399.00 SPG '5060330 ' 160010 " 730814 !Grounds Maintenance $ 568.00 SPG 5060330 160010 730198 Building Maintenance Charges $ 1,989.00 WLG '5060326 ' 160010 130814 •Grounds Maintenance $ 1,481.00 GRV '5060720 ' 160070 730198 Building Maintenance_ Charges $ 1,106.00 IND '5060725 ' 160070 750504 SmallTools $ 1,507.00 SAC 75060732 ' 160070 730198 Building Maintenance Charges $ 960.00 WTR 5060735 160070 750504 SmallTools $ 548.00 Total $ - And, move to transfer from the Amount Available for Capital Improvement and Capital Equipment in the amount of $70,369.84 to the items specified below. G4RTAL IMPROVEMENT/EQUPMEW: Gqdan4 Oaks Paris C V r = CIP I967 $ 15,519.84' ICa4eland Oaks Park tom! Capital Ecjupmt GL 105200 $ 27,425.Q(} IAddison Oaks Park ADD _ ... Caotal Equipment a 165200 $ 27,425.00 ]7CTrAL $ 70,369.84 24 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA NOVEMBER 5, 2014 AGENDA ITEM NO. 9 A ADMINISTRATION To: Chairman Fisher and Commission Members From: Daniel J. Stencil, Executive Officer Sue Wells, Manager of Parks & Recreation Operations Submitted: October 29, 2014 Subject: Proposed 2015 Fees and Charges INTRODUCTION AND HISTORY Attached are the Oakland County Parks and Recreation proposed Fees and Charges for 2015. Staff has utilized RecTrac and the fiscal reports as well as a competitive analysis to compile this data. Included in the data submitted are: - 2015 Proposed Changes: This is a listing of the fees and charges that are proposed to either increase or decrease (+/-) for FY 2014. - 2014 and Recommended 2015 Fees and Charges Comparables: This is a listing of all FY 2014 fees and charges and the recommended 2015 fees and charges for the Parks system This year we have also included the Cost Recovery Goals percentages. Cost Recovery is only one part of the Service Portfolio. Other evaluation tools as part of Cost Recovery include: 1. Promotions and Marketing 2. Volunteers 3. Partners and Sponsors 4. Reducing Expenses STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff is recommending the Commission approve the attached proposed 2015 Fees and Charges for implementation on January 1, 2015. MOTION Move to approve the proposed 2015 Fees and Charges, as recommended, effective January 1, 2015. 25 Recommended Changes from FY 2014 to FY 2015 Lyon Oaks Lyon Oaks - Weekday after 2 pm -18 Holes Lyon Oaks - Weekday after 2 pm - 9 Holes Lyon Oaks - Weekday after 2 pm - Extra 9 Holes Lyon Oaks - Junior Weekday -18 Holes Lyon Oaks - Junior Weekday - 9 Holes Lyon Oaks - Weekend after 12 pm - 18 Holes Lyon Oaks - Weekend after 12 pm - X9 Holes Lyon Oaks - Reg Weekday - 9 Holes Lyon Oaks - Reg Weekday - Extra 9 Holes Lyon Oaks - Reg Weekend - 18 Holes Lyon Oaks - Reg Weekend - 9 Holes Lyon Oaks - Reg Weekend - Extra 9 Holes Lyon Oaks - Reg Replay - 9 Holes 1 2015 Recommendation 2014 Rates 2015 Rates Lyon Oaks - Twilight Weekend & Holiday $ Lyon Oaks - Twilight Weekday $ Lyon Oaks - Senior Weekday - 9 Holes $ Lyon Oaks - Senior Weekday - Extra 9 Holes $ Red Oaks Red Oaks - Junior Weekday - Extra 9 Holes - FootGolf Red Oaks - Reg Weekday - 9 Holes - FootGolf Red Oaks - Reg Weekday - Extra 9 Holes - FootGolf Red Oaks - Reg Weekend - 9 Holes - FootGolf Red Oaks - Reg Weekend - Extra 9 Holes - FootGolf Deluxe CampsWentai Addison Oaks lGroveland Oaks Addison: lwaterslide Rates JAII Day lGroveland: lWaterslide Rates JAII Day Mobile Units Bleachers (Climbing Tower IRetro Games Waterparks: RED OAKS Weekday Rates (Red Oaks Affiliated Group Rate (Red Oaks Inclement Weather/Slow Day Rate Waterpark Bulk Ticket Discount (RWP & WWP) 30-99 Tickets (purchased though group sales person) 100+ Tickets Waterpark SplashPass (Season Pass - Good only at park purchased for) RWP Regular Rate RWP O.C. Resident Rate Family discount on additional SplashPass (up to 4 additional, purchased to same household on same receipt) SplashPass discount for daily admission ticket at opposite park (discount only applies to ticket purchased for SplashPass holder, does not apply to any additional tickets purchased) Waterparks: WATEFORD OAKS Weekend/Holiday Rates _ Waterford Oaks Children Under 2 years old jWe= Rat. A (Waterford Oaks Affiliated NON PROFIT Group Rate Waterford Oaks Children Under 2 years old Waterford Oaks Pic Tix n/a 42.00 30.00 12.00 28.00 18.00 49.00 17.00 30.00 20.00 63.00 40.00 23.00 23.00 32.00 30.00 23.00 12.00 $ 14.00 n/a $ 14.00 n/a n/a n/a n/a $ 8.00 $ 225.00 $ 275.00 $ 200.00 7.00 7.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Free w/ Pd. Admission $ 5.00 Free w/ Pd. Admission $ 6.00 $ 50.00 $ 32.00 $ 18.00 $ 30.00 $ 20.00 $ 50.00 $ 18.00 $ 32.00 $ 18.00 $ 65.00 $ 42.00 $ 25.00 $ 20.00 $ 35.00 $ 32.00 $ 24.00 $ 11.00 i $ 9.00 $ 14.00 $ 11.00 $ 14.00 $ 11.00 S Difference $8.00 $2.00 $ 6.00 $2.00 $2.00 $1.00 $1.00 $2.00 ($2.00) $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 ($3.00) $3.00 $2.00 $1.00 ($1.00) NEW $0.00 NEW $0.00 -' NEWS � 1 $5 over standard rate NEW $5 over standard rate NEW $ 275.00 $ 350.00 $ 250.00 NI $1.00 off Wknd/Wkdy Reg./O.C. Resident Rate $1.00 off Wknd/Wkdy Reg./O.C. Resident Rate 99.00 75.00 $5.00 Off $5.00 Off Free w/ Pd. Admission _ $ 6.00 Free w/ Pd. Admission $ 6.00 $50.00 $75.00 $ 50.00 $1.00 $1.00 NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW 71L NEW $1.00 NEW $0.00 26 Recommended Changes from 2015 FY 2014 to FY 2015 Recommendation 2015 Rates 2014 Rates Difference SPLASH PASS Waterford Oaks SplashPass Regular Rate N/A $ 59.00 NEW Waterford Oaks SplashPass Regular Rate before March 1 N/A $ 53.00 NEW Waterford Oaks SplashPass Resident N/A $ 49.00 NEW Waterford Oaks SplashPass Resident before March 1 N/A $ 44.00 NEW Family discount on additional SplashPass (up to 4 additional, purchased to same household on same receipt) N/A $5.00 off NEW SplashPass discount for daily admission ticket at opposite park (discount only applies to ticket purchased for SplashPass holder, does not aooly to anv additional tickets purchased) N/A S5.00 off NEW Waterpark Bulk Ticket Discount (RWP & WWP) $1.00 off Wknd/Wkdy 30-99 Tickets (purchased though group sales person) N/A Reg./O.C. Res Rate NEW $2.00 off Wknd/Wkdy 100+ Tickets N/A Reg./O.C. Res Rate NEW Nature Center Nature Outreach - Badge Days/Field Trips $75/Program $100.00 _ $25/Program $5/Kids $7/Kids $2/Kids Nature Center Programs $2/Adults $3/Adults $1/Adults (Pavilions/Banquet Facilities/Field Rentals j Independence Oaks -Twin Chimneys $ 425.00 $450.00 $25.00 _ (Orion Oaks Pavilion n/a $75/three hours NEW _ _ _ _ $2,000/8 hrs $2,500/3 days 8 hrs. vs 3 days Springfield Oaks - Ellis Barn (Whole Day Rental) $100/add hrs $100/add hrs $500 Springfield Oaks - Ellis Barn ( Half Day Rental) n/a $ 500.00 NEW Oakland County Market Annual Stall Rentals Canopy West $ 1,600.00 $ 1,700.00 $100.00 Canopy East $ 1,500.00 $ 1,700.00 $200.001 Inside Corner I $ 1,650.00 n/a all the same rate n/a Inside $ 1,650.00 $ 1,850.00 $200.00 Non -Farmer's Market Events: Holiday Shopping Night $ 20.00 $ 25.00 $5.00 27 Comparable Fees Chart for FY 2013, 2014 and Proposed 2015 MASTER LIST Recommendations 2013 2013 # of Uses 2013 Rates Revenue 2014 Rates Golf ' Glen Oaks Wr N 1 Glen Oaks - 9 Hole cart League 5,804 $ 7.00 $ 41,835.00 $ 8.00 Glen Oaks - 18 Hole cart 3,597 $ 14.00 $ 58,811.00 $ 14.00 Glen Oaks-9 Hole cart 5,951 $ 9.00 $ 58,209.00 $ 9.00 Glen Oaks -Senior 18 Hole cart 1,170 $ 11.00 $ 13,636.00 $ 11.00 Glen Oaks - Senior 9 Hole cart 3,721 $ 7.00 $ 27,812.00 $ 7.00 Glen Oaks -Junior Weekday -18 Holes 84 $ 17.00 $ 1,399.00 $ 17.00 Glen Oaks -Junior Weekday - 9 Holes 674 $ 11.00 $ 9,807.00 $ 11.00 Glen Oaks -Junior Weekday - Extra 9 Holes 50 $ 6.00 $ 333.00 $ 6.00 Glen Oaks - Reg Weekday -18 Holes 737 $ 23.00 $ 20,114.00 $ 22.00 Glen Oaks - Reg Weekday - 9 Holes 1,763 $ 14.00 $ 31,428.20 $ 14.00 Glen Oaks - Reg Weekday - X9 Holes 322 $ 9.00 $ 3,569.00 $ 8.00 Glen Oaks - Reg. Weekend -18 Holes 3,474 $ 26.00 $ 98,640.00 $ 26.00 Glen Oaks - Reg Weekend - 9 Holes 3,415 $ 16.00 $ 56,926.00 $ 16.00 Glen Oaks - Reg Weekend - X9 Holes 404 $ 10.00 $ 4,805.00 $ 12.00 Glen Oaks - Reg Twilight 2,707 $ 12.00 $ 35,514.00 $ 12.00 Glen Oaks - Senior Weekday- 18 Holes 1,424 $ 17.00 $ 25,363.00 $ 17.00 Glen Oaks -Senior Weekday-9 Holes 4,091 $ 11.00 $ 50,649.00 $ 11.00 Glen Oaks -Senior Weekday-X9 Holes 1,035 $ 6.00 $ 6,393.00 $ 6.00 Glen Oaks - Young Adult - Weekday -18 Holes 120 $ 19.00 $ 4,101.00 $ 19.00 Glen Oaks - Young Adult - Weekday - 9 Holes 531 $ 12.00 $ 6,959.00 $ 12.00 Glen Oaks - Young Adult - Weekday - X9 Holes 42 $ 7.00 $ 325.00 $ 7.00 Lyon U - - -1 I Lyon Oaks - Bulk 10 Tokens 983 $ 32.00 $ 27,687.60 $ 32.00 Lyon Oaks - Large Bucket Balls 1,958 $ 11.00 $ 21,593.90 $ 11.00 Lyon Oaks - Medium Bucket Balls 1,740 $ 8.00 $ 13,889.00 $ 8.00 Lyon Oaks - Small Bucket Balls 1,925 $ 4.00 $ 9,287.60 $ 4.00 Lyon Oaks - Weekday after 2 pm -18 Holes 1,480 $ 40.00 $ 89,770.60 $ 42.00 Lyon Oaks - Weekday after 2 pm - 9 Holes 725 $ 30.00 $ 20,596.60 $ 30.00 Lyon Oaks - Weekday after 2 pm - Extra 9 Holes 61 $ 10.00 $ 868.00 $ 12.00 Lyon Oaks -Junior Weekday-18 Holes 183 $ 27.00 $ 1,726.00 $ 28.00 Lyon Oaks -Junior Weekday- 9 Holes 47 $ 16.00 $ 719.00 $ 18.00 Lyon Oaks -Junior Weekday - Extra 9 Holes 0 $ 11.00 $ 11.00 $ 10.00 Lyon Oaks - Weekend after 12 pm - 18 Holes 1,861 $ 47.00 $ 59,656.50 $ 49.00 Lyon Oaks - Weekend after 12 pm - 9 Holes 388 $ 30.00 $ 7,545.00 $ 32.00 Lyon Oaks - Weekend after 12 pm - X9 Holes 39 $ 17.00 $ 292.00 $ 17.00 Lyon Oaks - Reg Weekday -18 Holes 2,112 $ 50.00 $ 128,715.35 $ 50.00 Lyon Oaks - Reg Weekday - 9 Holes 266 $ 30.00 $ 9,273.40 $ 30.00 Lyon Oaks - Reg Weekday - Extra 9 Holes 28 $ 20.00 $ 967.00 $ 20.00 Lyon Oaks - Reg Weekend - 18 Holes 4,447 $ 60.00 $ 267,538.00 $ 63.00 Lyon Oaks - Reg Weekend - 9 Holes 166 $ 36.00 $ 10,204.00 $ 40.00 Lyon Oaks - Reg Weekend - Extra 9 Holes 39 $ 24.00 $ 796.00 $ 23.00 Lyon Oaks - Reg Replay - 18 Holes 16 $ 35.00 $ 630.00 $ 35.00 Lyon Oaks - Reg Replay - 9 Holes 18 $ 20.00 $ 1,310.00 $ 23.00 Lyon Oaks -Twilight Weekend & Holiday 821 $ 30.00 $ 31,439.00 $ 32.00 Lyon Oaks -Twilight Weekday 987 $ 28.00 $ 17,917.20 $ 30.00 Lyon Oaks - Senior Weekday - 18 Holes 2,698 $ 35.00 $ 94,629.50 $ 35.00 Lyon Oaks - Senior Weekday - 9 Holes 444 $ 23.00 $ 7,460.80 $ 23.00 Lyon Oaks - Senior Weekday - Extra 9 Holes 52 $ 12.00 $ 170.00 $ 12.00 2014 # of Uses 5,523 3,492 5,351 1,242 2,974 67 553 17 640 1,415 164 3,314 3,287 406 2,239 1,452 3,549 582 122 334 24 987 2,080 1,803 2,196 1,000 785 65 63 66 1 1,872 400 46 2,369 228 36 3,985 217 27 11 19 716 771 2,982 463 45 2015 Recommendation 2015 Location on the Cost Recovery Goal Cost Recovery (Percentage % ) 2015 Rates Revenue $ 8.00 $ 44,184.00 Tier 5 150% $ 14.00 $ 48,888.00 Tier 5 150% $ 9.00 $ 48,159.00 Tier 150% $ 11.00 $ 13,662.00 Tier 5 150% $ 7.00 $ 20,818.00 Tier 5 150% $ 17.00 $ 1,139.00 Tier 5 150% $ 11.00 $ 6,083.00 Tier 5 150% $ 6.00 $ 102.00 Tier 5 150% $ 22.00 $ 14,080.00 Tier 5 150% $ 14.00 $ 19,810.00 Tier 5 150% $ 8.00 $ 1,312.00 Tier 5 150% $ 26.00 $ 86,164.00 Tier 5 150% $ 16.00 $ 52,592.00 Tier 5 150% $ 12.00 $ 4,872.00 Tier 5 150% $ 12.00 $ 26,868.00 Tier 5 150% $ 17.00 $ 24,684.00 Tier 5 150% $ 11.00 $ 39,039.00 Tier 5 150% $ 6.00 $ 3,492.00 Tier 5 150% $ 19.00 $ 2,318.00 Tier 5 150% $ 12.00 $ 4,008.00 Tier 5 150% $ 7.00 $ 168.00 Tier 5 150% $ 32.00 $ 31,584.00 Tier 5 125% $ 11.00 $ 22,880.00 Tier 5 125% $ 8.00 $ 14,424.00 Tier 5 125% $ 4.00 $ 8,784.00 Tier 5 125% $ 50.00 $ 50,000.00 Tier 5 150% $ 32.00 $ 25,120.00 Tier 5 150% $ 18.00 $ 1,170.00 Tier 5 150% $ 30.00 $ 1,890.00 Tier 5 150% $ 20.00 $ 1,320.00 Tier 5 150% $ 10.00 $ 10.00 Tier 5 150% $ 50.00 $ 93,600.00 Tier 5 150% $ 32.00 $ 12,800.00 Tier 5 150% $ 18.00 $ 828.00 Tier 5 150% $ 50.00 $ 118,450.00 Tier 5 150% $ 32.00 $ 7,296.00 Tier 5 150% $ 18.00 $ 648.00 Tier 5 150% $ 65.00 $ 259,025.00 Tier 5 150% $ 42.00 $ 9,114.00 Tier 5 150% $ 25.00 $ 675.00 Tier 5 150% $ 35.00 $ 385.00 Tier 5 150% $ 20.00 $ 380.00 Tier 5 150% $ 35.00 $ 25,060.00 Tier 5 150% $ 32.00 $ 24,672.00 Tier 5 150% $ 35.00 $ 104,370.00 Tier 5 150% $ 24.00 $ 11,112.00 Tier 5 150% $ 11.00 $ 495.00 Tier 5 150% 28 Comparable Fees Chart for FY 2013, 2014 and Proposed 2015 MASTER LIST 2013 # of Uses 2013 Rates Red Oaks IN APW Red Oaks - P.M. Cart League - 9 Holes 1400 $ 7.00 $ Red Oaks -A.M. Cart League-9 Holes 1360 $ 7.00 $ Red Oaks - Cart Reg - 9 Holes 5951 $ 9.00 $ Red Oaks - Cart Senior- 9 Holes 2040 $ 7.00 $ Red Oaks - Junior Weekday-9 Holes 389 $ 11.00 $ Red Oaks -Junior Weekday - Extra 9 Holes 7 $ 9.00 $ Red Oaks - Reg Weekday - 9 Holes 5073 $ 14.00 $ Red Oaks - Reg Weekday - Extra 9 Holes 165 $ 11.00 $ Red Oaks - Reg Weekend - 9 Holes 4055 $ 16.00 $ Red Oaks - Reg Weekend - Extra 9 Holes n/a n/a Red Oaks - Reg Twilight - 9 Holes 2059 $ 12.00 $ Red Oaks -Senior Weekday-9 Holes 4833 $ 11.00 $ Red Oaks - Senior Weekday - Extra 9 Holes 329 $ 9.00 $ Red Oaks - Young Adult Weekday - 9 Holes 1000 $ 12.00 $ Red Oaks - Young Adult Weekday -X9 Holes 26 $ 9.00 $ Red Oaks -Junior Weekday - 9 Holes - FootGolf n/a n/a Red Oaks -Junior Weekday - Extra 9 Holes - FootGolf n/a n/a Red Oaks - Reg Weekday - 9 Holes - FootGolf n/a n/a Red Oaks - Reg Weekday - Extra 9 Holes - FootGolf n/a n/a Red Oaks - Reg Weekend - 9 Holes - FootGolf n/a n/a Red Oaks - Reg Weekend - Extra 9 Holes - FootGolf n/a n/a Springfield Oaks Springfield Oaks - P.M. Cart League - 9 Holes 7000 $ 7.00 $ Springfield Oaks - A.M. Cart League - 9 Holes 621 $ 7.00 $ Springfield Oaks - Cart Reg -18 Holes 5807 $ 14.00 $ Springfield Oaks - Cart Reg - 9 Holes 2975 $ 9.00 $ Springfield Oaks - Cart Senior-18 Holes 3122 $ 11.00 $ Springfield Oaks - Cart Senior - 9 Holes 2802 $ 7.00 $ Springfield Oaks -Junior Weekday- 18 Holes 30 $ 17.00 $ SpringfieldOaks- Junior Weekday -9Holes 125 $ 11.00 $ Springfield Oaks -Junior Weekday- Extra 9 Hole 11 $ 6.00 $ Springfield Oaks - Reg Weekday -18 Holes 1194 $ 22.00 $ Springfield Oaks - Reg Weekday - 9 Holes 8422 $ 14.00 $ Springfield Oaks - Reg Weekday - Extra 9 Holes 516 $ 8.00 $ Springfield Oaks - Reg Weekend - 18 Holes 5322 $ 26.00 $ Springfield Oaks - Reg Weekend - 9 Holes 1516 $ 16.00 $ Springfield Oaks - Weekend - X9 Holes 501 $ 10.00 $ Springfield Oaks - Reg Twilight - 9 Holes 848 $ 12.00 $ Springfield Oaks - Senior Weekday -18 Holes 7086 $ 17.00 $ Springfield Oaks - Senior Weekday - 9 Holes 2338 $ 11.00 $ Springfield Oaks - Senior Weekday - Extra 9 Holes 2722 $ 6.00 $ Springfield Young Adult Weekday - 18 Holes 50 $ 19.00 $ Springfield Young Adult Weekday - 9 Holes 68 $ 12.00 $ Springfield Young Adult Weekday - Extra 9 Holes 14 $ 7.00 $ White Lake Oaks IL White Lake Oaks - P.M. Cart League - 9 Holes 5593 $ 7.00 $ White Lake Oaks - A.M. Cart League - 9 Holes 1600 $ 7.00 $ White Lake Oaks - Cart Reg -18 Holes 3969 $ 14.00 $ White Lake Oaks - Cart Reg - 9 Holes 6589 $ 9.00 $ White Lake Oaks - Cart Senior -18 Holes 1101 $ 11.00 $ White Lake Oaks - Cart Senior - 9 Holes 5460 $ 7.00 $ 2015 Recommendations Recommendation 2013 2014 2015 Revenue 2014 Rates # of Uses 2015 Rates Revenue 9,800.00 $ 8.00 1,282 $ 8.00 $ 10,256.00 9,520.00 $ 7.00 1,105 $ 7.00 $ 7,735.00 53,562.00 $ 9.00 6,633 $ 9.00 $ 59,697.00 14,284.00 $ 7.00 2,178 $ 7.00 $ 15,246.00 4,282.00 $ 11.00 362 $ 11.00 $ 3,982.00 55.00 $ 9.00 6 $ 9.00 $ 54.00 71,022.00 $ 14.00 4,458 $ 14.00 $ 62,412.00 1,813.00 $ 11.00 60 $ 11.00 $ 660.00 64,882.00 $ 16.00 4,579 $ 16.00 $ 73,264.00 n/a $ 12.00 100 $ 12.00 $ 1,200.00 24,711.00 $ 12.00 1,519 $ 12.00 $ 18,228.00 53,163.00 $ 11.00 5,895 $ 11.00 $ 64,845.00 2,965.00 $ 9.00 49 $ 9.00 $ 441.00 11,994.00 $ 12.00 448 $ 12.00 $ 5,376.00 234.00 $ 9.00 10 $ 9.00 $ 90.00 n/a $ 11.00 5 $ 11.00 $ 55.00 n/a n/a n/a $ 9.00 $ 3,200.00 n/a $ 14.00 47 $ 14.00 $ 658.00 n/a n/a n/a $ 11.00 $ 3,200.00 n/a $ 14.00 n/a $ 14.00 $ 3,800.00 n/a n/a n/a $ 11.00 $ 3,800.00 MW 49,000.00 $ 8.00 6,666 $ 8.00 $ 53,328.00 4,347.00 $ 7.00 598 $ 7.00 $ 4,186.00 81,302.00 $ 14.00 5,906 $ 14.00 $ 82,684.00 26,774.00 $ 9.00 3,546 $ 9.00 $ 31,914.00 34,342.00 $ 11.00 3,415 $ 11.00 $ 37,565.00 19,613.00 $ 7.00 3,111 $ 7.00 $ 21,777.00 515.00 $ 17.00 89 $ 17.00 $ 1,513.00 1,373.00 $ 11.00 115 $ 11.00 $ 1,265.00 66.00 $ 6.00 8 $ 6.00 $ 48.00 26,279.00 $ 22.00 961 $ 22.00 $ 21,142.00 117,909.00 $ 14.00 8,292 $ 14.00 $ 116,088.00 4,127.00 $ 8.00 377 $ 8.00 $ 3,016.00 138,378.00 $ 26.00 5,535 $ 26.00 $ 143,910.00 24,262.00 $ 16.00 1,799 $ 16.00 $ 28,784.00 5,005.00 $ 10.00 713 $ 10.00 $ 7,130.00 10,173.00 $ 12.00 842 $ 12.00 $ 10,104.00 120,465.00 $ 17.00 6,955 $ 17.00 $ 118,235.00 25,720.00 $ 11.00 2,818 $ 11.00 $ 30,998.00 16,330.00 $ 6.00 1,661 $ 6.00 $ 9,966.00 950.00 $ 19.00 29 $ 19.00 $ 551.00 820.00 $ 12.00 46 $ 12.00 $ 552.00 96.00 $ 7.00 6 $ 7.00 $ 42.00 ` 39,151.00 $ 8.00 4,297 $ 8.00 $ 34,376.00 11,200.00 $ 7.00 1,572 $ 7.00 $ 11,004.00 55,566.00 $ 14.00 4,573 $ 14.00 $ 64,022.00 59,304.00 $ 9.00 7,110 $ 9.00 $ 63,990.00 12,111.00 $ 11.00 1,380 $ 11.00 $ 15,180.00 38,221.00 $ 7.00 5,266 $ 7.00 $ 36,862.00 Location on the Cost Recovery Goal Cost Recovery (Percentage % ) MOP Tier 5 150% Tier 5 150% Tier 5 150% Tier 5 150% Tier 5 150% Tier 5 150% Tier 5 150% Tier 5 150% Tier 5 150% Tier 5 150% Tier 5 150% Tier 5 150% Tier 5 150% Tier 5 150% Tier 5 150% Tier 5 150% Tier 5 150% Tier 5 150% Tier 5 150% Tier 5 150% Tier 5 150% Tier 5 150% Tier 5 150% Tier 5 150% Tier 5 150% Tier 5 150% Tier 5 150% Tier 5 150% Tier 5 150% Tier 5 150% Tier 5 150% Tier 5 150% Tier 5 150% Tier 5 150% Tier 5 150% Tier 5 150% Tier 5 150% Tier 5 150% Tier 5 150% Tier 5 150% Tier 5 150% Tier 5 150% Tier 5 150% Tier 5 150% Tier 5 150% Tier 5 150% Tier 5 150% Tier 5 150% Tier 5 150% Comparable Fees Chart for FY 2013, 2014 and Proposed 2015 MASTER LIST Recommendations 2015 Recommendation Location o Cost Reco P: 2013 2013 2014 2015 # of Uses 2013 Rates Revenue 2014 Rates # of Uses 2015 Rates Revenue ONSIPW White Lake Oaks -Junior Weekday -18 Holes 92 $ 17.00 $ 1,572.00 $ 17.00 82 $ 17.00 $ 1,394.00 Tier 5 150% White Lake Oaks -Junior Weekday -9Holes 460 $ 11.00 $ 5,065.00 $ 11.00 418 $ 11.00 $ 4,598.00 Tiers 150% White Lake Oaks -Junior Weekday- Extra 9 Holes 31 $ 6.00 $ 183.00 $ 6.00 22 $ 6.00 $ 132.00 Tier 5 150% White Lake Oaks - Reg Weekday - 18 Holes 1064 $ 22.00 $ 23,410.00 $ 22.00 1,234 $ 22.00 $ 27,148.00 Tier 5 150% White Lake Oaks - Reg Weekday - 9 Holes 10797 $ 14.00 $ 151,166.00 $ 14.00 8,707 $ 14.00 $ 121,898.00 Tier 5 150% White Lake Oaks - Reg Weekday - Extra 9 Holes 434 $ 8.00 $ 3,475.00 $ 8.00 389 $ 8.00 $ 3,112.00 Tier 5 150% White Lake Oaks - Reg Weekend -18 Holes 3983 $ 26.00 $ 103,568.00 $ 26.00 4,107 $ 26.00 $ 106,782.00 Tier 5 150% White Lake Oaks - Reg Weekend - 9 Holes 3859 $ 16.00 $ 61,754.00 $ 16.00 4,217 $ 16.00 $ 67,472.00 Tier 5 150% White Lake Oaks - Reg Weekend - Extra 9 Holes 546 $ 10.00 $ 5,445.00 $ 10.00 698 $ 10.00 $ 6,980.00 Tier 5 150% White Lake Oaks -Reg Twilight - 9 Holes 2421 $ 12.00 $ 29,049.00 $ 12.00 2,114 $ 12.00 $ 25,368.00 Tier 5 150% l W hite Lake Oaks - Senior Weekday -18 Holes 3999 $ 17.00 $ 67,977.00 $ 17.00 4,321 $ 17.00 $ 73,457.00 Tier 5 150% l W hite Lake Oaks - Senior Weekday - 9 Holes 8678 $ 11.00 $ 95,461.00 $ 11.00 8,797 $ 11.00 $ 96,767.00 Tier 5 150% l White Lake Oaks - Senior Weekday - Extra 9 Holes 2657 $ 6.00 $ 15,939.00 $ 6.00 1,543 $ 6.00 $ 9,258.00 Tier 5 150% White Lake Oaks -Young Adult Weekday -18 Holes 115 $ 19.00 $ 2,187.00 $ 19.00 69 $ 19.00 $ 1,311.00 Tier 5 150% l White Lake Oaks - Young Adult Weekday - 9 Holes 313 $ 12.00 $ 3,754.00 $ 12.00 263 $ 12.00 $ 3,156.00 Tier 5 150% l White Lake Oaks - Young Adult Weekday - Extra 9 Holes 31 $ 7.00 $ 218.00 $ 7.00 23 $ 7.00 $ 161.00 Tier 5 150% (Shoulder/Weekday Camping for Residents SOL -a Addison Oaks I 2472 $ 27.00 $ 66,744.00 $ 27.00 3,295 $ 27.00 $ 88,965.00 Tier 5 150% lGroveland Oaks 1 4257 $ 27.00 $ _ 114,939.00 $ 27.00 5,855 $ 27.00 $ 158,085.00 Tier 5 150% - Shoulder/Weekday camping for Non-Resid Addison Oaks 3027 $ 32.00 $ 96,864.00 $ 32.00 4,594 $ 32.00 $ 147,008.00 Tier 5 150% lGroveland Oaks 3082 $ 32.00 $ 98,624.00 $ 32.00 4,122 $ 32.00 $ 131,904.00 Tier 5 150% (Weekend Camping for Residents W ��1�089 ��� Addison Oaks _ $ 29.00 $ 31,581.00 $ 29.00 _ _ 1,238 $ 29.00 $ 35,902.00 Tier 5 150% lGroveland Oaks 2445 $ 29.00 $ 70,905.00 $ 29.00 2,376 $ 29.00 $ 68,904.00 Tier 5 150% Weekend Camping for Non -Residents Addison Oaks 1330 $ 34.00 $ 45,220.00 $ 34.00 1,692 $ 34.00 $ 57,528.00 _ Tier 5 150% lGroveland Oaks I 1771 $ 34.00 $ 60,214.00 $ 34.00 2,276 $ 34.00 $ 77,384.00 Tier 5 150% �M j hly Camping for Residents/Non-Residents I Addison Oaks 16 $ 650.00 $ 10,400.00 $ 650.00 21 1 $ 650.00 $ 13,650.00 Tier 5 150% lGroveland Oaks 24 $ 650.00 $ _ 15,600.00 $ 650.00 26 $ 650.00 $ 16,900.00 Tier 5 150% Monthly Camping for Senior Residents/Non-Residents Addison Oaks 20 $ _ 590.00 $ 11,800.00 $ 590.00 22 $ 590.00 $ 12,980.00 Tier 5 150% lGroveland Oaks I 31 $ 590.00 $ 18,200.00 $ 590.00 35 $ 590.00 $ 20,650.00 Tie_r5 150% Special Event/Holiday Camping for Residents .9W& . Addison Oaks 945 $ 33.00 $ 31,185.00 $ 33.00 934 $ 33.00 $ 30,822.00 _ Tier 5 150% Groveland Oaks 1743 $ 33.00 $ 57,519.00 $ 33.00 1,784 $ 33.00 $ 58,872.00 Tier 5 150% SpeciaaLvent/Holiday Camping for Non -Residents I ® M 0 Addison Oaks 1155 $ 38.00 $ 43,800.00 $ 38.00 1,095 $ 38.00 $ 41,610.00 Tier 5 150% Groveland Oaks 1262 $38 $ 47,956.00 $38 1,171 $ 38.00 $ 44,498.00 Tier 5 150% Premium Campsit Addison Oaks n/a n/a n/a $3 over Standard Rate 632 $3 over Standard rate $ 1,896.00 Tier 5 150% Groveland Oaks n/a n/a n/a $3 over Standard Rate 704 $3 over Standard rate $ 2,112.00 Tier 5 150% Deluxe Campsite Rental _ $5 over Addison Oaks _ n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a standard rate $ 2,500.00 Tiers 150% $5 over Groveland Oaks n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a standard rate $ 2,500.00 Tier 5 150% 30 Comparable Fees Chart for FY 2013, 2014 and Proposed 2015 MASTER LIST IFour Person Cabin Nightly 15 Day Package 17 Day Package (Six Person Cabin Nightly 15 Day Package 7 Day Package Six Person Yurt Nightly 15 Day Package 17 Day Package Camp Wilderness -Independence Oaks (Resident Site Fee (Non Resident Site Fee (Resident per Camper fee (Non Resident per Camper Fee Boat Rental Rates Addison: I Rowboat (Pedal Boats (Kayak (1 Person) Kayak (2 Person) Bike Rental Rates Mountain Bikes Specialty Bikes Waterslide Rates Per Ride All Day Groveland: Rowboat Pedal Boats Kayak (1 Person) Kayak (2 Person) Bike Rental Rates Specialty Bikes Waterslide Rates Per Ride 10 Rides All Day Mini Golf Per Round Glow Golf Incce Oaks: Rowboat Pedal Boats (2 Person) Pedal Boats (4 Person) Kayak Canoe 2013 2013 # of Uses 2013 Rates Revenue 391 $ 70.00 $ 27,370.00 14 $ 250.00 $ 3,50-0.00 9 $ 300.00 $ 2,700.00 Recommendations 2014 Rates $ 70.00 $ 250.00 $ 300.00 2014 # of Uses 356 16 17 2015 Recommendation 2015 Re 2015 Rates . ". �- Revenue $ 70.00 $ 250.00 $ 300.00 $ 24,920.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 5,100.00 RIM A Location on the Cost Recovery Cost Recovery Goal (Percentage % ) __j" Tier 5 150% Tier 5 150% Tier 5 150% 305 $ 100.00 $ 30,500.00 $ 100.00 306 $ 100.00 $ 30,600.00 Tier 5 150% 9 $ 400.00 $ 3,600.00 $ 400.00 12 $ 400.00 $ 4,800.00 Tier 5 150% 8 $ 500.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 500.00 17 $ 500.00 $ 9,500.00 Tier 5 150% I V 34 $ 100.00 $ 3,400.00 $ 100.00 209 $ 100.00 $ 20,900.00 Tier 5 150% n/a $ 400.00 n/a $ 400.00 4 $ 400.00 $ 1,600.00 Tier 5 150% n/a $ 500.00 n/a $ 500.00 3 $ 500.00 $ _ 1,500.00 Tier 5 150% 110 $ 25.00 $ 2,700.00 $ 25.00 68 $ 25.00 $ 2,500.00 Tier 5 150% 14 $ 30.00 $ 420.00 $ 30.00 2 $30.00 $ 200.00 Tier 5 150% 1304 $ 5.00 $ 5,880.00 $ 5.00 1,276 $5.00 $ 6,500.00 Tier 5 150% 15 $ 6.00 $ 90.00 $ 6.00 0 $6.00 $ 120.00 Tier 5 150% MWl' I� I J���� I I Is 775 $10/day $3/half hour $ 3,102.00 $10/day $3/half hour 752 $10./day $3/half hour $ 2,256.00 Tier 4 125% 958 $5/half hour $ 4,791.00 $5/half hour 1,022 $5/half hour $ 5,113.00 Tier 125% 275 I $3/half hour $ 825.00 $3/half hour 342 $3/half hour $ 1,028.00 Tier 4 125% 180 $5/half hour $ 900.00 $5/half hour 220 $5/half hour $ 1,100.00 Tier 4 125% -7 n/a n/a n/a $5/ hour 360 $5/ hour $ 1,800.00 Tier 4 125% n/a n/a n/a $5/ half hour 266 $5/ half hour. $ 1,330.00 Tier 4 125°% n/a n/a n/a $ 1.00 n/a $ 1.00 $ 5,000.00 Tier 4 125% n/a n/a n/a $ 8.00 n/a $ 10.00 $ 25,000.00 Tier 125% 329 $10/day $3/half hour $ 987.00 $10/clay $3/half hourl 256 $10/day $3/half hour $ 769.00 Tier 4 125% 1798 $5/half hour $ 8,990.00 $5/half hour 1,636 $5/half hour $ 8,181.00 Tier 125% 598 $3/half hour $ 1,794.00 $3/half hour 602 $3/half hour $ 1,807.00 Tier 4 125% 400 $5/ half hour $ 2,000.00 $5/ half hour 432 $5/ half hour $ 2,160.00 Tier 4 125% n/a n/a n/a $5/ half hour 640 $5/ half hour $ 3,200.00 Tier 4 125% n/a $ 1.00 n/a $ 1.00 1,971 $ 1.00 $ 1,971.00 Tier 4 125% n/a $ 6.00 n/a $ 6.00 334 $ 6.00 $ 2,004.00 Tier 4 125% n/a $ 8.00 n/a $ 8.00 1,200 $ 10.00 $ 12,000.00 Tier4 125% n/a $3 n/a $ 3.00 1,712 $ 3.00 $ �0 Tier 125% n/a n/a n/a $ 4.00 0 $ 4.00 $ 1,000.00 Tier4 125% 157 $3/half hour $ 2,457.00 $5/half hour 441 $5/half hour $ 5,000.00 Tier 4 125% 125 $5/half hour $ 4,100.00 $5/half hour 475 $5/half hour $ 7,000.00 Tier 4 125% 257 $5/half hour $ 2,112.00 $7/half hour 200 $7/half hour $ 2,400.00 Tier 4 125% 259 $3/half hour $ 2,700.00 $5/half hour 210 $5/half hour $ 5,000.00 Tier 4 125% 175 $5/half hour $ 1,203.00 $5/half hour 150 $5/half hour $ 2,800.00 Tier 4 125% 31 Comparable Fees Chart for FY 2013, 2014 and Proposed 2015 MASTER LIST 2013 # of Uses Cross country Ski Set 360 Ski 3 boot 2 poles 2 Snowshoe Set 26 Mobile Units Bleachers -MOPr 37,759 Buses - General Public 15,483 Buses -School rate 2,002 Bouncer 4,172 Climbing Tower 49,393 Festival Package 1 20,773 Festival Package II 28,666 Go Cache! 1,534 Go Fish! 1,981 Go Golf 1,073 Go Bike! 2047 Mini Festival 20,197 Obstacle Course 8,238 Oakie the Mascot 9,700 Retro Games 6,858 Show Mobile 683,300 Waterparks: RED OAKS Weekend/Holiday Rates Red Oaks Regular Rate 10,015 Red Oaks Regular Military/Senior 62+/Adaptive Rate 153 Red Oaks Oakland County Discounted Rate 17,304 Red Oaks Oakland County Discounted Military/Senior 62+/Adaptive Rate 232 Red Oaks Children Under 2 years old 1,284 Weekday Rates Red Oaks Regular Rate 12,385 Red Oaks Oakland County Discounted Rate 19,798 Red Oaks Regular Military/Senior 62+/Adaptive Rate 237 Red Oaks Oakland County Discounted Military/Senior 62+/Adaptive Rate 335 Red Oaks Twilight (after 4 pm on weekdays) 3,215 Red Oaks Oakland County Discounted Twilight Rate (after 4pm on weekdays) 6,313 Red Oaks Affiliated Group Rate 12,395 Red Oaks Children Under 2 years old 1,526 Red Oaks Inclement Weather/Slow Day Rate $1.00 Waterpark Bulk Ticket Discount .gym (RWP & WWP) _ I I 30-99 Tickets (purchased though group sales person) N/A 100+ Tickets N/A 2013 Rates $10/four hours $ $4/four hours $ $4/four hours $ $4/four hours $ $10/four hours $ $ 225.00 $ $ 500.00 $ $ 200.00 $ $ 275.00 $ $ 275.00 $ $ 450.00 $ $ 450.00 $ $ 200.00 $ $ 200.00 $ $ 200.00 $ 200.00 $ $ 350.00 $ $ 350.00 $ $50/hour $ 200.00 $ $ 450.00 $ $ 18.00 $ $ 16.00 $ $ 13.00 $ Recommendations 2013 Revenue 2014 Rates 3,600.00 $ 12.00 30.00 $ 5.00 52.00 $ 5.00 8.00 $ 5.00 260.00 $ 12.00 4,500.00 $ 225.00 46,200.00 $ 500.00 24,671.00 $ 200.00 1,950.00 $ 275.00 13,975.00 $ 275.00 7,325.00 $ 450.00 7,900.00 $ 450.00 1,725.00 $ 200.00 600.00 $ 200.00 $0.00 $ 200.00 500.00 $ 200.00 2,175.00 $ 350.00 3,475.00 $ 350.00 $0.00 $50/hour 4,800.00 $ 200.00 53,075.00 $ 450.00 180,270.00 $ 18.00 2,448.00 $ 16.00 224,952.00 $ 13.00 2014 # of Uses 1,008 11 38 14 61 107,505 73,453 2,183 5,713 32,175 17,699 16,566 4,935 1,196 1,272 1,471 8,337 8,336 1,683 6,241 947,274 15,392 191 25,798 2015 Location on the Cost Recovery Recommendation - 2015 2015 Rates Revenue $12/four hours $ 12,000.00 Tier 4 $5/four hours $ 75.00 Tier 4 $5/four hours $ 200.00 Tier 4 $5/four hours $ 75.00 Tier 4 $12/four hours $ 900.00 Tier 4 $ 275.00 $ 7,975.00 Tier 4 $ 500.00 $ 49,246.00 Tier 4 $ 200.00 $ 25,754.00 Tier 4 $ 275.00 $ 1,250.00 Tier 4 $ 350.00 $ 18,000.00 Tier 4 $ 450.00 $ 7,050.00 Tier 4 $ 450.00 $ 5,200.00 Tier 4 $ 200.00 $ 1,275.00 Tier 4 $ 200.00 $ 450.00 I Tier 4 $ 200.00 $ 1,000.00 Tier 4 $ 200.00 $ 950.00 Tier 4 $ 350.00 $ 3,500.00 Tier 4 $ 350.00 $ 4,750.00 Tier 4 $50/hour $0.00 Tier 4 $ 250.00 $ 3,250.00 Tier 4 $ 450.00 $ 55,000.00 Tier 4 $ 18.00 $ 277,056.00 $ 16.00 $ 3,056.00 $ 13.00 $ 335,374.00 Tier 2 Tier 2 Tier 2 Cost Recovery Goal I (Percentage % ) 125% 125% 125% 125% 125% 150% 150% 150% 150% 150% 150% 150% 150% 150% 150% 150% 150% 150% 150% 150% 150% 75% 75% 75% $ 11.00 $ 2,552.00 $ 11.00 411 $ 11.00 $ 4,521.00 Tier 2 75% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 1,986 $0.00 $0.00 Tier 2 75% $ 15.00 ff $ 180,535.00 $ 15.00 11,040 $ 15.00 $ 165,600.00 Tier 2 75% $ 10.00 $ 187,686.00 $ 10.00 19,967 $ 10.00 $ 199,670.00 Tier 2 75% $ 13.00 $ 2,973.00 $ 13.00 213 $ 13.00 $ 2,769.00 Tier 2 75% $ 8.00 $ 2,528.00 $ 8.00 353 $ 8.00 $ 2,824.00 Tier 2 75% $ 12.00 $ 38,580.00 $ 12.00 1,747 $ 12.00 $ 20,964.00 Tier 2 75% $ 7.00 $ 44,191.00 . $ 7.00 3,159 $ 7.00 $ 22,113.00 Tier 2 75% $ 7.00 $ 82,405.00 $ 7.00 12,169 $ 8.00 $ 97,352.00 Tier 2 75% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 1,236 $0.00 $0.00 Tier 2 75% $ 7.00 $ 7.00 $ 7.00 23 $ 8.00 $ 184.00 Tier 2 75% $1.00 off Wknd/Wkdy N/A N/A N/A N/A Reg./O.C. Resident Rate Unknown Tier 2 75% $1.00 off Wknd/Wkdy N/A N/A N/A N/A Reg./O.C. Resident Rate Unknown Tier 2 75% 32 Comparable Fees Chart for FY 2013, 2014 and Proposed 2015 MASTER LIST Waterpark SplashPass (Season Pass - Good only at park purchased for) RWP Regular Rate RWP O.C. Resident Rate Family discount on additional SplashPass (up to 4 additional, purchased to same household on same receipt) SplashPass discount for daily admission ticket at opposite park (discount only applies to ticket purchased for SplashPass holder, does not apply to any additional tickets purchased) Waterpark Pavilions -" Red Oaks - Riverview Weekday Rate 1Red Oaks - Picnic Grove Weekday Rate 1Red Oaks -Riverview Weekend Rate 1Red Oaks - Picnic Grove Weekend Rate lwaterparks: WATEFORD OAKS Weekend/Holiday Rates Waterford Oaks Regular Rate 1 Waterford Oaks Oakland County Discounted Rate Waterford Oaks Regular Military/Senior 62+/Adaptive Rate Waterford Oaks Oakland County Discounted Military/Senior 62+/Adaptive Rate 1 Waterford Oaks Children Under 2 years old 1 Waterford Oaks Pic Tix (Weekday Rates Waterford Oaks Regular Rate 1Waterford Oaks Twilight (just count of free tic) 1Waterford oaks Military/Seniors/Adaptive Rate 1 Waterford Oaks Affiliated NON PROFIT Group Rate 1 Waterford Oaks Children Under 2 years old 1Waterford Oaks Pic Tix Waterford Oaks Waterpark Inclement Weather/Slow Day Rate (Includes rate for last week of summer) SPLASH PASS Waterford Oaks SplashPass Regular Rate Waterford Oaks SplashPass Regular Rate before March 1 Waterford Oaks SplashPass Resident Waterford Oaks SplashPass Resident before March 1 Family discount on additional SplashPass (up to 4 additional, purchased to same household on same receipt) SplashPass discount for daily admission ticket at opposite park (discount only applies to ticket purchased for SplashPass holder, does not apply to any additional tickets purchased) 2013 2013 # of Uses 2013 Rates Revenue 006�� N/A N/A M N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A I N/A ! Location on the ' 2015 Cost Recovery Goal Cost Recovery r Recommendations Recommendation I I (Percentage %) 2014 2015 2014 Rates # of Uses 2015 Rates Revenue N/A N/A $ 99.00 Unknown Tier 2 75% N/A N/A $ 75.00 Unknown Tier 2 75% N/A N/A $5.00 Off Unknown Tier 2 75% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $5.00 Off Unknown Tier 2 75% 37 $ 50.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 50.00 _ 26 $ 50.00 $ 1,300.00 Tier 5 150% 24 $ 50.00 $ 1,200.00 $ 50.00 28 $ 50.00 $ 1,400.00 Tier 5 150% 9 $ 200.00 $ 1,800.00 $ 200.00 14 $ 200.00 $ 2,800.00 Tier 5 150% 9 $ 200.00 $ 1,800.00 $ 200.00 15 $ 200.00 $ 3,000.00 Tier 5 150% + ! 4,904 $ 12.00 $ 58,848.00 $ 12.00 5,066 $ 12.00 $ 60,792.00 Tier 2 75% 15,090 $ 10.00 $ 150,900.00 $ 10.00 15,617 $ 10.00 $ 156,170.00 Tier 2 75% 84 $ 11.00 $ 924.00 $ 11.00 75 $ 11.00 $ 825.00 Tier 2 75% 342 $ 9.00 $ 3,078.00 $ 9.00 250 $ 9.00 $ 2,250.00 Tier 2 75% 1,018 Free w/ Pd. Admission $0.00 Free w/ Pd. Admission 915 Free w/ Pd. Admission $0.00 Tier 2 75% 266 $ 8.00 $ 2,12-8.00 $ 8.00 33 $ 8.00 $ 264.00 Tier 2 75% AI 1 , AL 1 24,012 $ 8.00 $ 192,096.00 $ 8.00 28,902 $ 8.00 $ 231,216.00 Tier 2 75% 3,135 BOGO Free $0.00 BOGO Free 2,546 BOGO Free $0.00 Tier 2 75% 527 $ 7.00 $ • 3,689.00 $ 7.00 583 1 $ 7.00 $ 4,081.00 Tier 2 75% 10,951 $ 5.00 $ 50,193.00 $ 5.00 7,245 1 $ 6.00 $ 43,470.00 Tier 2 75% 1,203 Free w/ Pd. Admission $0.00 Free w/ Pd. Admission 1,046 Free w/ Pd. Admission $0.00 Tier 2 75% 0 $ 6.00 $ - $ 6.00 0 $ 6.00 $ - Tier 2 75% 3,479 $ 6.50 $ 22,613.50 I $ 6.50 225 $ 6.50 $ 1,462.50 Tier 2 75% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 $ 59.00 unknown Tier 2 75% N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 N/A $ 53.00 unknown Tier 2 75% N/A N/A N/A N/A I N/A 1 $ 49.00 unknown Tier 2 75% N/A N/A N/A N/A li N/A $ 44.00 unknown Tier 2 75% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $5.00 off , unknown Tier 2 75% N/A N/A N/A N/A i N/A $5.00 off unknown Tier 2 75% 33 Comparable Fees Chart for FY 2013, 2014 and Proposed 2015 MASTER LIST Recommendations 2013 2013 # of Uses 2013 Rates Revenue 2014 Rates Waterpark Bulk Ticket Discount (RWP & WWP) ON 30-99 Tickets (purchased though group sales person) N/A N/A N/A N/A 100+ Tickets N/A N/A N/A N/A Waterpark Pavilions 11111 411111' 111 - . Waterford Oaks - Poolside Weekday Rate 18 $ 50.00 $ 900.00 $ 50.00 Waterford Oaks - Pine Cove Weekday Rate 13 $ 50.00 $ 650.00 $ 50.00 Waterford Oaks - Poolside Weekend Rate 8 $ 150.00 $ 1,200.00 $ 150.00 Waterford Oaks - Pine Cove Weekend Rate 5 $ 150.00 $ 750.00 $ 150.00 Nature Center r -i. Nature Outreach - Badge Days/Field Trips 1489/42 Prgms. $75.00 $3,020.00 $75/Program Nature Center Programs 993 $5/Kids $4,534.00 $5/Kids $2/Adults $2/AduIts Pavilions/Banquet Facilities/Field Rental_ 1 if �r Addison Oaks - Beachfront 19 $ 250.00 $ 4,750.00 $ 250.00 Addison Oaks - Lakeview 14 $ 250.00 $ 3,500.00 $ 250.00 Addison Oaks -Timber Ridge 10 $ 250.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 250.00 $150 M-F $150 M-F Catalpa Oaks -Greenfield Pavilion 9/540 $200 Sat -Sun & Hol. $ 1,550.00 $200 Sat -Sun & Hol. $18/hr/field or I $18/hr/field Catalpa Oaks -Soccer Field 149/4,470 $27 per game $ 4,702.00 or $27 per game Catalpa Oaks - Baseball 9/270 $35/2 hr block of time $ 35.00 $35/2 hr block of time Catalpa Oaks -Softball 6/180 $35/2 hr block of time $ 210.00 $35/2 hr block of time Catalpa Oaks - Cross Country 0 $0.00 $0.00 $150 per day Groveland Oaks - Virgin Island 12 $ 150.00 $ 1,800.00 $ 150.00 Groveland Oaks - Devils Island 2 $ 125.00 $ 250.00 $ 125.00 Groveland Oaks - Paradise Island 16 $ 200.00 $ 3,200.00 $ 200.00 Independence Oaks -Twin Chimneys 47 $ 400.00 $ 13,750.00 $ 425.00 Independence Oaks - Pine Grove 12 $ 350.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 325.00 Independence Oaks - Moraine Knoll 24 $ 350.00 $ 6,025.00 $ 350.00 Independence Oaks - Beach Cove 16 $ 250.00 I $ 3,250.00 $ 275.00 Independence Oaks - Lake View 17 $ 300.00 $ 2,700.00 $ 275.00 Independence Oaks - Lake Point 12 $ 250.00 $ 2,475.00 $ 275.00 Independence Oaks -Trail Side 8 $ 250.00 $ 1,200.00 $ 250.00 Lyon Oaks - Wood's Edge 10 $ 200.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 200.00 Lyon Oaks - Rec Field 1 $500 per day $500 per day $52.50 per 175/5,250 $52.50 per game $35/hr $ 26,807.00 game $35/hr 1 � Location on the� J 2015 Cost Recovery Goal Recommendation Cost Recovery Percentage % ) 2014 2015 # of Uses 2015 Rates Revenue $1.00 off Wknd/Wkdy N/A Reg./O.C. Res Rate Unknown Tier 2 $2.00 off Wknd/Wkdy N/A Reg./O.C. Res Rate Unknown Tier 2 _ - 15 $ 50.00 $ 750.00 Tier 5 14 $ 50.00 $ 700.00 Tier 5 7 $ 150.00 $ 1,050.00 Tier 5 6 $ 150.00 $ 900.00 Tier 5 1040/26 Prgms. $100.00 $4,200.00 Tier $7/Kids 1,024 $6,500.00 Tier 4 $3/Adults 34 $ 250.00 $ 8,500.00 Tier 5 9 $ 250.00 $ 2,250.00 Tier 5 11 $ 250.00 $ 2,750.00 Tier 5 $150 M-F 31/1860 $ 6,500.00 Tier 4 $200 Sat -Sun & Hol. 128/3,840 $18/hr/field $ or $27 per game 46/690 $35/2 hr block of time $ 5/150 $35/2 hr block of time $ 1/200 $150 per day $ 17 $150.00 $ 7 $125.00 $ 20 $200.00 $ 45 $450.00 $ 10 $325.00 $ 22 $350.00 $ 20 $275.00 $ 14 $275.00 $ 13 $275.00 $ 7 $250.00 $ 10 $200 $ 85/6,550 $500 per day $52.50 per $ game $35/hr Adult $50/hr. Adult $50/hr. Adult $50/hr Youth $35/hr. Youth $35/hr. Youth $35/hr Lyon Oaks - Cricket Field (over 50% of the group (over 50% of the group 58/4,140 (over 50% of group $ must be under 18) must be under 18) must be under 18) 118/3,540 $250/weekend day $ 16,162.00 $250/weekend day $250/weekend day Adult $20/hr, Adult $20/hr Adult $20/hr Lyon Oaks -Cricket Cages Youth $10/hr Youth $10/hr 72/432 Youth $10/hr$ (over 50% of the group (over 50% of the group (over 50% of group 44/264 must be under 18) $ 735.00 must be under 18) must be under 18) Lyon Oaks -Whippet 4/800 $ 50.00 $ 200.00 $100 per day 4/800 $100 per day $ Orion Oaks Pavilion n/a n/a n/a n/a New $75/three hours $ 4,500.00 1,925.00 280.00 150.00 2,550.00 875.00 4,000.00 13,325.00 3,225.00 6,700.00 4,425.00 3,525.00 3,475.00 1,750.00 2,000.00 Tier 4 Tier 4 Tier 4 Tier 4 Tier 5 Tier 5 Tier 5 Tier 5 Tier 5 Tier 5 Tier 5 Tier 5 Tier 5 Tier 5 Tier 5 27,000.00 Tier 4 20,600.00 Tier 4 2,000.00 Tier 4 400.00 Tier 5 750.00 Tier 5 75% 75% 150% 150% 150% 150% 125% 100%-125% 150% 150% 150% 150% 150% 150% 150% 150% 150% 150% 150% 150% 150% 150% 150% 150% 150% 150% $150.00 150% 150% 150% 150% 150% 34 Comparable Fees Chart for FY 2013, 2014 and Proposed 2015 2015 Location on the I Cost Recovery Goal Cost Recovery MASTER LIST Recommendations Recommendation NON-- o (Percentage � ) ---- 2013 2013 2014 2015 # of Uses 2013 Rates Revenue 2014 Rates # of Uses 2015 Rates Revenue Springfield Oaks -Activity Center 8 $ 1,000.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 700.00 11 $ 700.00 $ 7,700.00 Tier 5 150% Springfield Oaks -Carousel Room 10 $ 350.00 $ 3,300.00 $ 350.00 17 $ 350.00 $ 5,950.00 Tier 5 150% $350 $350 Springfield Oaks -Grand Hall 77 $ 800.00 $ 5,600.00 or $20/hr wk day 82 or $20/hr wk day $ 7,640.00 Tier 5 150% Springfield Oaks - Barn Rental & Pavilion 15 $ 300.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 300.00 10 $ 300.00 $ 3,000.00 Tier 5 150% $350 or Springfield Oaks - Horse Arena 41 $ 350.00 $ 10,000.00 $350 or $10/stall 52 $10/stall $ 7,065.00 Tier 4 150% $2,000/8 hrs $2,500/3 days n/a n/a Springfield Oaks - Ellis Barn (Whole Day Rental) n/a $100/add hrs 5 $100/add hrs $ 37,500.00 Tier 5 150% Springfield Oaks - Ellis Barn ( Half Day Rental) n/a n/a n/a n/a 2 $ 500.00 $ 2,500.00 Tier 5 150% l Waterford Oaks - Activity Center 244 $ 350.00 $ 11,638.00 $ 350.00 197 $ 350.00 $ 15,000.00 Tier 5 150% I Waterford Oaks - Lookout Lodge 110 $ 250.00 $ 15,175.00 $ 250.00 102 $ 250.00 $ 17,000.00 Tier 5 150% IWaterford oaks- Paradise Peninsula 46 $ 200.00 $ 4,013.00 $ 200.00 50 $ 200.00 $ 5,000.00 Tier 5 150% Waterford Oaks - Parkview 16 $ 200.00 $ 1,950.00 $ 200.00 16 $ 200.00 $ 2,000.00 Tier 5 150% 10a.kland County Market Annual Stall Rentals � � Canopy West 4 $ 1,600.00 $ 6,400.00 $ 1,600.00 4 $ 1,700.00 $ 6,800.00 Tier 5 150% Canopy East 6 $ 1,500.00 $ 9,000.00 $ 1,500.00 6 $ 1,700.00 $ 10,200.00 Tier 5 150% I Inside Corner n/a $ 1,650.00 $0.00 $ 1,650.00 n/a all the same rate n/a all the same rate n/a all the same rate Tier 5 150% Inside 20 $ 1,650.00 $ 33,000.00 $ 1,650.00 18 $ 1,850.00 $ 33,300.00 Tier 5 150% IDallyStall Rates W ', (Tuesday (May ! thm Sept ,.,. beF 30 688 $ 15.00 $ 10,320.00 $ 15.00 515 $ 15.00 $ 11,000.00 Tier 5 150% (Thursday 1222 $ 20.00 $ 24,440.00 $ 20.00 851 $ - 20.00 $ 26,000.00 Tier 5 150% (Saturday 1753 $ 45.00 $ 78,885.00 $ 45.00 1,316 $ 45.00 $ 80,000.00 Tier 5 150% Stall Share Tue $10, Thu $15, Sat $30 368 see left $9,130 see left 194 see left, no change $ 7,000.00 Tier 5 150% $800 $800 8 Hour Building Rental (to include setup and clean up time) n/a n/a n/a $50 each add'(. hr. 2 $50 each add'(. hr. $ 4,000.00 Tier 5 IChair Rental - Activity Center (200) n/a n/a n/a $ 300.00 0 $ 300.00 unknown Tier 5 (Chair Rental - Lookout Lodge (100) n/a n/a n/a $ 200.00 0 $ 200.00 unknown Tier 5 Chair Rental - Mobile Rec (80) n/a n/a n/a $ 150.00 1 $ 150.00 unknown Tier 5 Fencing (750 ft.) n/a n/a n/a $ 400.00 1 $ 400.00 unknown Tier 5 Hand Washing Station Rental n/a n/a n/a $75.00 ea. 0 $75.00 ea. unknown Tier 5 Port -A -John Rental n/a n/a n/a $100.00 ea. 0 $100.00 ea. unknown Tier 5 Non -Farmer's Market Events: Flower Day n/a n/a n/a $ 25.00 37 $ 25.00 $ 1,500.00 Tier 5 Holiday Shopping Night n/a n/a n/a $ 20.00 50 $ 25.00 $ 2,500.00 Tier 5 Community Garage Sale n/a n/a n/a $ 10.00 75 $ 10.00 $ 3,000.00 Tier 5 $35.00 Whole Stall $35.00 Whole Stall Mom 2 Mom n/a n/a n/a $15.00 Table 0 $15.00 Table $760 Tier 5 * Flea Market Discontinued Vehicle Park Passes - Approved by OCPRC 09103114 150% 150% 150% 150% 150% 150% 150% 150% 150% 150% 150% 35 NOVEMBER 5, 2014 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA AGENDA ITEM NO. 9 B RECREATION PROGRAMS & SERVICES To: Chairman Fisher and Commission Members From: Daniel J. Stencil, Executive Officer Terry Fields, Chief — Recreation Programs & Services Melissa Nawrocki, Recreation Specialist Submitted: October 29, 2014 Subject: Request for the purchase of Cosmic Putt -Putt Golf Lighting INTRODUCTION AND HISTORY The Oakland County Parks Mobile Recreation Program has been providing Mobile Units to Oakland County communities for forty-two years. If purchased, the Cosmic Putt -Putt Golf Lighting unit would be used primarily at after dark putt -putt events in the community but could also be used for: • Sporting Events • Sponsorships and Partnerships at large events around the county • Adaptive Dances • Events at county camp grounds, waterparks and golf courses We rented a similar product for the Glow Disc Golf event at Red Oaks Golf Course for $2,300. The product we are bringing you today is the 9-hole Cosmic Putt -Putt Golf Lighting equipment. Staff is requesting authorization to purchase the Glow -in -the -Dark Putt -Putt Golf equipment. The purchase of this equipment will allow staff to extend programming past traditional hours within the communities and our park system. Staff received the following bid: Cosmic Putt -Putt Golf Lighting Off Course Productions La Grange, Kentucky $6,663.81 Funds for the Cosmic Putt -Putt Golf Lighting have not been allocated for the 2015 budget. Staff is requesting the amount of $6,663.81 to be transferred from the Capital Equipment budget for purchase. ATTACHMENTS - Picture of Proposed Cosmic Putt -Putt equipment - Bid Proposal - Cost Recovery of Proposed Visits 36 Page 2 STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the purchase of the Cosmic Putt -Putt Golf Lighting equipment. If we were to rent this equipment instead of buying, it would cost approximately $1,500.00 per event. We would exceed the purchase cost within 5 rentals. Staff also recommends the transfer of $6,663.81 from the Amount Available for Capital Improvement and Operating Equipment to the FY 2015 Operating Equipment Budget, MOTION Move to award the bid for the purchase of Cosmic Putt -Putt Golf Lighting from Off Course Productions of La Grange, Kentucky, at a cost of $6,663.81, and to transfer $6,663.81 from the Amount Available for Capital Improvement and Operating Equipment to the FY 2015 Operating Equipment Budget. 37 I . -W, 1 0 w Oakland County Purchasing Unit Solicitation: Company Off Course Productions 003076 Total Price: $6663.81 Cosmic Putt -Putt Golf Lighting Response # ( 1 Line Item #1 Unit Price $54,95 Cosmic Putting 1 Hole Commerical Kit - Each putting Ext Price $494.55 Brand Requirements Brand Requirements Quoting Brand Below:<br>Glow Gear<br>Cosmic Putting 1 Hole All Brands are Acceptable Comercia Line Item #2 Unit Price $169.00 Target Lights Ext Price $1,521.00 Brand Requirements Brand Requirements Quoting Brand Below:<br>Glow Gear<br>Target Light All Brands are Acceptable Line Item #3 j Unit Price $34.99 10" Marker Lights Ext Price $1,259.64 Brand Requirements All Brands are Acceptable Brand Requirements Quoting Brand Below:<br>Glow Gear<br>10" Marker Lights Line Item #4 Unit Price $55.00 UV Blasters Ext Price $1,320.00 Brand Requirements Brand Requirements Quoting Brand Below:<br>Glow Gear<br>UV Blasters All Brands are Acceptable Line Item #5 Unit Price $189.00 40" UV Charger Ext Price $1,701.00 Brand Requirements Brand Requirements Quoting Brand Below:<br>Giow Gear<br>40" UV Charger All Brands are Acceptable Line Item #6 ( Unit Price $9.99 Battery Chargers Ext Price $359.64 Brand Requirements Brand Requirements Quoting Brand Below:<br>Glow Gear<br>Baltery Chargers All Brands are Acceptable Line Item #7 ( Unit Price $3.99 Remote Controls Ext Price $7.98 Brand Requirements Brand Requirements Quoting Brand Below:<br>Glow Gear<br>Remole Control All Brands are Acceptable Pricing Guarantee �t Payment Terms / Discount Warranty Info Delivery I Start Date Minimum Order j Exceptions Taken Comments/Exceptions price good through November 30, 2014 none 1 year warranty - see attached 1111512014 Yes Minimum Order Amount: $6,663.81 No 41 Glow Putt Putt Equipment Equipment Quantity Unit Price Cosmic putting Track (per hole) 9 $54.95 Target Lights 9 $169.00 10" Marker Light 36 $34.99 UV Blasters 24 $55.00 40" UV Charger Light 9 $189.00 Battery Chargers 36 $9.99 Remote Control 2 $3.99 Equipment Total Total $494.55 $1,521.00 $1,259.64 $1,320.00 $1,701.00 $359.64 $7.98 $6,663.81 42 Revenue Expenses Staff Maintenance Supplies Travel Total Net Revenue Per Year Net Revenue Per Visit Cost Recovery Years to pay off 7.5 years Cost Recovery: Glow Putt Putt 2 hr. Block Annual Costs Rental Rate 20 Visits/Year $250.00 $5,000.00 Revenue Rate Per Visit $155.40 $2.70 $15.00 $33.00 $206.10 $43.90 $3,108.00 >r $54.00 $300.00 $660.00 $4,122.00 $878.00 $43.90 s } 121.30% 1 Expenses Total Net Revenue Net Revenue Per Visit Cost Recovery % Years to pay off 2 hr. Block Annual Costs Rental Rate 30 Visits/Year $250.00 $7,500.00 Rate per Visit Staff $155.40 $4,662.00 Maintenance $1.80 $54.00 Supplies $10.00 $300.00 Travel $33.00 $990.00 $200.20 $6,006.00 $1,494.00 $49.80 $49.80 124.88% 4.5 years 43 I LOU I Rpr 0 0 s Home About Us Sponsorship/Partners Contact Us Volunteer Get Errwll Mews and Updates Parfcs and Traits Things to Do Rec Prograrns For Everyone Conservation Fxplore the Area Media Back Roads Half " `•• Marathon & 10Ke, Nov. 9, 2014 at Independence . Oaks Sponsored by Clarkston Sfate,Y Bank IL Oakland County Parks and Recreation • i hosts sports day for children with r disabilities f s sponsoring a Youth Ahi itl Fall Sports Day throughout the months f Octob- and November. The for children vnth disabilities r i it years old, is held at the B Sunbutter Sep 20, 2014, Eh30:00 AM EST Terrarium Sep 20, 2014, 9:30i00 AM EST L Clean up the Clinton River- �_ Stewardship far Biosvales Sep 20, 2014, 9:20:00 AM EST Oakland County Parks 19 Sep mill � DestinaGonOak jIj'. Have you played sFaotGolf yet? Red Oaks Golf Course inOakalndlountyis -�' theplacetotfyifl t— ,III�L'-i r7L fi' i RAKLAND Good Morning Commissioners, When we met with you in March 2014 we provided an overview of how the Communications and Marketing unit functions as an in-house agency for the 13 parks, programs and special events. That presentation provided details on the department's daily activities and included the responsibilities of each staff member, while providing context for today's meeting - bringing up-to-date information on the initiatives from March 2014 to October 2014 and a forecast into 2015. The goal remains consistent - to raise the awareness of Oakland County Parks and its prominence in the parks and recreation industry to the residents of Oakland County and the surrounding region. Key areas of focus continue to be: 1. Create general awareness and measurable results 2. Drive attendance 3. Engage residents to grow pride and "ownership" of Oakland County Parks o Previous millage passed with 76.46% approval Today's presentation will inform you of the variety and level of resources used to provide a strategic integrated communications and marketing approach for the system's 13 parks, programs and special events. Additional resources such as budget modifications and the support of consultants, made the opportunity for increased outreach and awareness opportunities possible. OC Parks' integrated marketing and communications initiatives align with National Recreation and Park Association's Standards for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies. Respectfully, Desiree Stanfield Supervisor, Communications & Marketing stanfieldd@oakgov.com 248-858-4627 Un Meagan Shafto Communications & Marketing Assistant shaftom@oakgov.com 248-858-1086 45 Public Relations Media Relations Social Media Marketing AIL dvertising Public Relations: Maintenance of a favorable public reputation through working with media. The purpose is to inform the public of OC Parks' mission, policies, practices, facilities, programs and events in a positive, consistent and credible manner while building a strong relationship with the general public Media Relations: Coordinating directly with media to maximize earned positive coverage while building a relationship with media individuals Social Media: The collective of online communication channels dedicated to community -based input, interaction, content -sharing and collaboration Marketing: Promoting and selling products or services through market research and pricing strategies Advertising: Producing advertisements for commercial products or services for mostly paid recognition Branding: Creating a unique name and image for a product with a consistent theme, aims to establish a significant and differentiated presence in the market that attracts and retains loyal customers Definitions developed using Public Relations Society of America's terminology for industry segments. 46 Communications Requests Brochures Facebook posts Twitter tweets Press releases Email blasts Email subscribers Email lists Videos Photographs Photography assignments Promotional items BY THE NUMBERS 624 8 brochures; 71,000 printed 252; 10,238 likes 705; 4,020 followers 70 .\'a! = 4ta L- 4p R>r®pf7 4.ty Irp'�l •.wS Up oral: tkw • A a :•:! aev .. 237 103,300 ` 69 February Programs at Red Oaks Nature Center... 6 Create with Clay 6,000 Ge: yal rands dl ti C c e Falbry Of Earth Wdrtt Hrop la4eday, Feb- s+aT1-2.y0 p.m&W arnetiecrc ea.:rrmxa _mt0d a' ay kee'dece to t"e rc.Te_ A! apes wcCome- Ccs: 24 t 110,000 Types of promotional items 42 Sign orders 140 Blog posts 38 AIML"0'ry1610 . Meet and Greet an Aufhorllllustrator Cr,Idloh eyes sIx aid etduam VrAtad to sped are EV*MV Wdh flaidre ArAlydr and ArllatLad Taylor Wadrioulay. Feb- 12ftm CN-d pm t , Taylor MCI Ieed achaptuftn tw book The AdMituras drHWy WDd. FWYty a Meer. -coed pLategdr$t expfaes WCJga7s o pleas VMie Lrr :rg xt>R "Vstaees. %a E ' Ere 91 II W-we tps e-d Seem cr-es c� 1,-s"-Krg a-d re: IG�-a�l g NI mCe1G3 po•Aded 2cats W.II Y L'le� 'Lti`a iG'p-tdh.sa a -a s,gr!rC hl t`e •� e:. 4x-G!idmen rn3txaccGTp`uledvj en ed_ t. Cost fs 51CLrr:!d a-d J SIQ'ed_[VY.;ti,_:LGI'd+,4d'A$W-O aCccarca,y aC7dQO fCC •1a7arA Give a Hoot.. 91 9 ce'a70-1 W :^e' OXV Areayc Lan You WAd WedMaday.Fea. lgftr- 640-7M pm Lein ow•L acts :ern a re^ mist 1. dLWrg row "Gree.. MG—d ♦ AI isw rest in N'crlCe ; ow. C'hi ede;te:e7G-s end d'et. See and' m taxlde-n sQmech a-d srcWJ O%Vz �Vd h}.S5 erd wecn a rtarle abo-1 ow.s. Czar Is 5r'pmcy%' Tempt your Tastebuds lisrc rrcar.'emea to tr Xsple MagaG -DrY Eafimiay, rob- n - Se't11 -2:]0 pm Leem x Ida-.tly rteye Ltes C'd hav Co rntca r ?'e YR-P at rc•Tr. "eke a rlae to r27 a tot 1579 t!s:e eG se7. Test_ sclre sweat merle teats a-d teas rc na rrleote-�3ad WLieec,Des.,V� apes we'cct -. CCst Is 5a'2esc,` re-rsglctratan xHh paymo-rdlr required f rag eytnb_ feglswby Wa-e. C&i Na,5x-O616 meadels C,.'tS-SSS,010D a, apt 'meys Afisa [?scci*,e d Waste'C:Sb a! LCCWed. T-ee a'e 17.0 te:4ds Yr ad'i t Le pe m-L s LT: ass M ZT Is '..CN led d'_e to LTiCa-t CCuTt'� N-e tO pmg ZTIIT: `L7 G^3 Wrlk'.'CLE Is Raj ra:be ecTT-Lde'm. I E OW I%eje 6stcls fcce:ed a.WX- OHdes E:eetln MW[sen Fkagras. rrfr:(erL:�Ted seh �l,CiG-.3'r(SI:LSa:1•3`�_]-''1`t.!Y'rnn:571iaN Li lr lV.lttG � :5 47 r COMMUNICATIONS AND MARKETING UNIT ORGANIZATIONAL CHART Desiree Stanfield Supervisor 7.30 a.m.-4 pm. 248,858.4627 Advertising Annual Report Branding Gold Medal Committee Marketing Master Planning Committee Media Relations Oakland County Fair Signage SPDF Comrittee 50th Anniversary Committee Pat Brockway Technical Assistant Monday —Friday 8 a.m.-2 p.m. 248,858.4611 Adaptive Recreation BMX Camping Dog Parks Glow Golf Golf Courses Historic Preservation Newsbreak Meagan Bridget Shafto Communications/Mkt. Asst. 7:45 a.m.-4:15 p.m. 248858.1086 Dedications/Open Houses Fire and Ice Festival Gold Medal Committee Marshmallow Drop Marketing Mobile Recreation Oakland County Market Pumpkin Launch Social Media/Media relations Trade Shows: ramp, golf, wedding Waterparks Patricia Lindsay Technical Assistant Days/hours vary 248.858.4624 Photography: event, park, program Media Management Vldeography PROJECT COORDINATION Melissa Wagner Graphic Designer 830 a.m.-5 p.m. 248.858A629 Design and layout of print and digital material Digital Images Creates logos, maps and drawings Designs displays Jonathan Schechter Nature Education Writer Tuesday & Wednesday 730 a.m.-3:30 p.m. 248.701.7451 Wilder Side of Oakland blog Nature Interpretive Signage National/State magazine stories Environmental issues parkspr@oakgov.com MaryZednik Communications/Mkt. Asst. 7/7.30 a.m.-330/4 p.m. 248,858.4628 Admin PowerPoints CCI Newsletter Coordinates print jobs Four color brochures Photography with Pat Lindsay Plaques Promotional items Webslte oversight/home page banner requests Jennifer Smith Technical Assistant Tuesday &Thursday 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. 248.858.4928 Air Fair Award nominations Emarketing Greenhouse Nature Center Natural Resources Park Info Signs Restroom posters Volunteers Kathy Crawford Office Assistant 8:30 a.m —5 p.m. 248.858.4626 Brochure requests Brochure distribution Information Packets Website changes Media release distribution Intern Display requests Social media content creation Prep and organize material for off/on site events Newsbreak assistance News releases Note: will be filling vacant part-timeTechnical Assistant position 10/14 48 PUBLIC RELATIONS DestinationOakland.com ■ Enhanced facility pages i.e. waterparks, county market, Ellis Barn ■ OC Parks Express Light Tours have been added to the website calendar ■ SharePoint has been updated by PRTech Save the date... li Market Vendorsl ]er an.uai vendor maewlg •il be held on Thursday. November22 at 3 p.m. at the Oatland :oNMj Market -Ne rvtl be discussing both the Markel successes and areas of improvement for the future. N4 value ya,r opmmn and inputl Merry of our best improvements at the Market are ► do 3 inuh w .nld& mpul. If you are unable to make the meeting but have dame you would like us to bring !p please see a Market staff pereon. live a wonderful day! Nature interpretive signs $30 buys your ticket to - f�* row •nae Cle ' '� NEW -- avr en •ddrda l p.mat .! • d.�auntl okk r- d• Email Messaging ■ New template ■ Now including more links o Emails o Maps o Videos o Sponsors' websites IN More than 100,000 subscribers ■ Sent 237 emails ■ 69 email lists ■ Cold -Blooded Killers - cold-blooded predators, fish, dragonflies, frogs and turtles ■ In The Kingdom of Beavers and Glaciers - early history of beavers and glaciers and formation of kettle lakes Special Event Planning ■ Involved in the initial planning stages Is Boost attendance via marketing o Butterfly Parade from 30 people registered to 300+ o Fire & Ice Festival o Marshmallow Drop o BMX Nationals o Oakland County Fair o Red Oaks Waterpark Dog Swim o ORV Test Events o FootGolf Ilk 49 MEDIA RELATIONS Building a Relationship Red Oaks Dog Swim: Alex Atwell; Channel 4 and Steve Grunwald, WYCD 99.5 Pitching Stories to the Media Red Oaks Connector Trail (C & G Newspapers, The Oakland Press) Oakland County Fair (WJR News Radio 950) Dixie Gully Run Public Event (Bill Laitner, Detroit Free Press) URSVa WA-rS6ty XMNOW DETROIT \�� �� W�EICDAYS4PM t. TWEETS FOLLOWING FOLLOWERS 7,684 481 3,535 OM Meghan Brennan @MeghanBrennan Digital Reporter @TheNowDetrolt. Launches Sept. 8 weekdays at 4 p.m. on @WXYZDetroitl Detroit, Ml • visualcv.comlmeghanbrennan Press Kits 2.0 ■ Individual unique media invites to events ■ One -stop shop for any journalist looking to write about OC Parks ■ Use either physical or digital press kits EXAMPLE: Press kits for the fair were hand -delivered to news stations. Kits included fair- and animal- themed suckers, marshmallows, information CD and an invite. EXAMPLE: Created electronic press kits for the BMX state and national races that included a link to the BMX video on OCP's YouTube page. 50 Media Monitoring Suite ��VEyES CisionPoint and TVEyes Transcript t� ❑ Include In Report ■ Media coverage monitoring WXYZ-DET (ABC) - Detroit, MI 7 Action News This Homing (Sunday) . LocaiMarket viewerehip: e1,s7s allLacal Build media lists for targeted Publicity value: $2.942.01 F, ■ ■ ■ ■ media outreach Media coverage "Word-of-mouth from the mouths that matter'' Captures media hits and the value Channel Red Oaks Dog Swim WXYZ O1/26/201406:36:37: ...he's in rcchester right now with news about a pet adcpticn. — good morning. i thought you here talk about me being that person's new hest friend. i II tell you whet, aa i6Ict of fun this rooming et thelce festival. bufy has nothmg to do with being on N. ioining me to talk count is belly an here in county i< Shelly grey. she's one of the individuals there at the pet about number adcpticn center. you you have there. you have a number of animals that need good homes. — yes, SY¢ do. we get animals Into 0 shelter every day. we're located in aubum hills. weor we're always tohave many dog, ®gatsYpfW- Coverage: $17,520.25 F— -nnd—f. ,l hnm. Fn. th— n.ee s ■ Started using Cision August 2014 ■ Broadcast media coverage valued at $35,000 ■ Coverage value will be tracked throughout the year MMTnt I Add n My Ofos I sr„a Vidae;Traruul0[ 0 eF ► + J � i Save Clio✓Clie Editor Friday, October 3, 2014 CISIONpoint ►P- Total Number of Items included: 2 outlet: Parks & Rec Business Title/Program: Over The Drainage District Media Group: Intemet Media Type: Publication Date: 10/3/2014 Extract: Up The Site Since assuming management of the park, the county has invested nearly $12 million in improvements. Red Oaks Go Link to Source Parks and Relic Business Magazine ■ Reach 0 15,500 print 0 54,079 digital ■ 7 published articles in 2014 ■ NRPA publication ■ Repurposing unusable land — ROCP ■ Volunteers 101 ■ Oakland County Market ■ Food and Beverage Operations ■ Dog Parks Programming all Nature interpretive signage ■ Staff Training ■ Budgeting & Facility Management o Planning for Employee Career Development ■ ORV Test Event ■ Emphasis on SMART Bus ■ Adventure Park partnership with MDNR 51 SOCIAL MEDIA 2014 Focus Create park patron interaction to spark word of -mouth referrals, increase awareness and attendance/revenue for OC parks, programs and services, ultimately confirming residents' reason to approve future millages. 1. Add more pictures with Oakland County Parks logo 2. Increase interaction with bloggers 3. Facebook Like campaign to build awareness 4. Research current audience and determine which other audiences to target 5. Build each platform's voice and be consistent, one at a time 6. Cross -promote when appropriate 7. Provide real-time customer service 8. Monitor content, responses and mentions daily using HootSuite and organic searches F7 -7 Oakland County Parks and Recreation W94lydten by Meagan anaget shatta r I £eptember 10, 2014 at 10:25= C, N Peanut butter is banned in many schools - loam how to make homemade sunbutter (from sunflower seeds) as a tasty alternative, at the Oakland County Market Sept- 20, 8:30 a.m.-noon. t•� sunf low¢r 6g;o al.t9A Lai G `ter — for f seniors and groups 52 Facebook Initial Launch: 6,633 Likes as of Feb. 28, 2014 Goal: 10,000 Likes by Jan. 1, 2015 (achieved Oct. 13, 2014) Current: 10,238 Likes as of Oct. 28, 2014 Organizations that Like and Share our Facebook Posts ■ United States Fish and Wildlife ■ Michigan Department of Natural ■ Resources Fisheries ■ Michigan Recreation ellis barn I rt : %: t' and Park Association ■ Oakland County v ■ Oakland County Health Department ■ West Bloomfield Parks and Recreation ■ Independence Twp. Parks Facebook Campaign ■ 1,550 Likes —Targeted and suggested posts ■ 2,500 Likes - Boosted Posts Oakland County Parks and Recreation 11111111111 1,--11 b°eacan Drdget Shafio I 6 mms N Looks like these pups are ready for a weekend of camping at Groveland Oaks or Addison Oaks Campgrounds. Thanks for sharing, Camp Bow Wow Clarkston! Aren't they adorable, MichCampgrounds and Gr8LakesCamper? Camping details: http://goo.gVlR6YW1 Architecture & Design aided ,• new pnctos -.-A Refine Ojerio 130 others- 0 01, I.W., , ww� Public Fa A- Hosted b, Oaki&nd County Parks and Recreation I ..& +' I I P Ed# I ... C Sunday, October 12 at 11:00am - 3:00pm Yesterday v Ellis Barn at Springfield Oaks County Park, 12451 Andersonville Road, Davisburg We've fallen in love with the Ellis Barn as the perfect wedding venue, and we think you will, too! Whether your style is elegant, vintage, rustic or pure country, this beautiful, historic barn makes the perfect backdrop for your special day. Please join us Sunday, Oct_ 12 from 11 a-m_ — 3 p-m_ for a Wedding Open House at the barn. This FREE event will highlight the barn set up for a variety of different wedding styles, and will include light refreshments and fantastic wedding planning info from our awesome vendors. Not engaged yet? It's never too early to start planning! All are welcome to join us at the barn for this open house. RSVP by sending an e-mail to: EllisBarn@oakgov.com. Please join us for what will be a lovely fall day at the beautiful Ellis Baml GUESTS 141 9 64 ward maybe marled INSIGHTS 4.1K reached r % t R new Ihis N� ,.....-.t 1.9K viewed M0 new• to is w=_N 222 engaged f Up_.LEJ 2sa—a, _a. ( e See Results SUGGESTED EVErITS Bassnectar Day Of The Dead... Sat Nov 1 at The Detrot MasonL.. Nightlife 1 375 guest= 53 Twitter @DestinationOak Initial Launch: 3,426 Followers as of Feb. 28, 2014 Goal: 5,000 Followers by Jan. 1, 2015 Current: 4,020 Followers as of Oct. 28, 2014 TWITTER @OCParksNews Goal: 100 Followers by Jan. 1, 2015 Current: 91 Followers as of Oct. 15, 2014 NRPA news HRP-_news Pa_ city skate park wins accolades ow.lylCluEl3 via .nextcityorg Noted Followers © view summary 4% Repl., et = re ■ U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (87,000 followers) ■ Parks and Recreation Magazine (NRPA; 176 followers) ■ Karen Carter (CBS 62 WWJ Weather; 452 followers) ■ MI DNR Fisheries (872 followers) ■ Flint River Watershed Coalition (559 followers) ■ Larry Ruehlen, Hometown Life Observer & Eccentric (1,700 followers) ■ Michael Dwyer (Travel Columnist, Blogger and Freelance Writer; 1,453 followers) ■ Corp! Magazine (Business Feature Publication; 5,372 followers) ■ Rochester Avon Recreation Authority (59 followers) ■ Earth Institute Center for Environmental Sustainability (32,200 followers) ■ Beaumont Health System (4,236 followers) ■ North America Association for Environmental Education (845 followers) ■ Clinton River Watershed Council (136 followers) Trending (leads to wider exposure to new audiences) ■ #ThrowbackThursday ■ #ParkPride in #OaklandCounty ■ #Sochi2014 Twitter Conversation ■ The Now Detroit News ■ Need a summer treat? Try Broiled Grapefruit! Recipe from @HealthierMl Grapefruits are full of vitamins & antioxidants http://goo.gl/rYoAMu ■ Weather with each stations local meteorologist Oakland County Parks r;�iii4ti�r Many children's love far', inter sports & outdoor activities began at local parks & playgrounds #GoodLuck #TeamUSA .LL'ParkPride #Sochi'2014 ExP3n,n 54 Interacting and Engaging Bloggers ■ Oakland County Moms (Mom and kids) ■ Mrs. Weber's Neighborhood (Kids) ■ West Bloomfield Moms Club (Kids) ■ A Michigan Mom Blog (Food) ■ Mitten Moms (Kids) ■ Detroit Mommies (Kids) ■ Bloggy Moms (Influential Social Media Moms) ■ Mommy Digger (Mom and kids) Wilder Side of Oakland County Blog mrs. vveners neignoom000 unK June 30 A 1 am giving away 5 passes for FREE parking/entry to the Oakland County Fair This giveaway runs through Thursday, so hurry and drop by to enter! What are your favorite things to do at the fair? ij Oakland County Fair 2014 Information +Quick Giveaway (5 PASSES.ry ENDS 713 - Mrs. Webers.. mrswebe(sneighborhood cam Learn all about *hats happening atthe Oakland Count) Fair2014 here and enter to win one of 5 passes for FREE entry! Topics cover places and experiences that Unlike Comment Share [P 2 Share residents in Oakland County may see in nature. 15 Oakland County Parks and Recreation, Victor Shafto, Leslie Ruff, Top Comments Aly fdashrah and 8 others like this. 38 blogs; 3,821 reach ice. I Write a comment... Topics 0W Christopher Lewis I have not been to the Oakland County fair in along time, but I grew up in Clarkston and definitely used to go! Like Reply .81 June 30 at ti:10am ■ Poison ivy .:� Mrs. Webers Neighborhood Yes, its not far from Clarkston! Such a fun ■ Venomous snakes e'° time( ■ Sassafras Like r51 June 30 at 12:59pm ■ Wild ediblesA. - ■ Forest fungi ■ Red squire behavior . Y R ■ Blanding's turtles ■ Invasive species i . ■ Ospreys in Oakland County KLAND COUNTY ■ Wild turkeys • HOME ■ Spring wild flowers • �°u' ■ Prescribed fire 0 Fantastic Forest Fall Fungi MORE OAIa.AND COUNl'1 • woxrcrOAMOrocomY= WILDER SIDE OF OAKLAND COUNTY , rLMsroAKIntrncourrff Shared by , . 0AMA"roUNWTr,MrM ■ Huron —Clinton Metro Parks 41 FFATUREDPOSTS .� ■ International Wildlife Refuge Alliance ■ Keepers of the Shiawassee ■ Michigan Audubon ■ Michigan Department of Natural Resources ■ Michigan Outdoor Writers Association ■ Nature Lovers (Facebook group with @ 3,000 members) ■ North Oakland Headwaters Land Conservancy ■ Oakland Press Bloggers ■ Six Rivers Regional Land Conservancy 55 MARKETING Videos 15, 30 and 60 second videos for YouTube, DestinationOakland, Facebook, etc. All promotional videos have been sent to news stations and local cable stations ■ BMX ■ Butterfly Parade - GoPro ■ Campgrounds ■ Dog swims - GoPro ■ Mobile Recreation ■ ORV test event - GoPro ■ Red Oaks Waterpark ■ Waterford Oaks Waterpark Radio Station Promotions ■ Gave waterpark passes to stations ■ Used for contest prizes ■ Announced on air o Mix 92.3: 50 million monthly listeners o Channel 95.5: 50 million monthly listeners o WYCD 99.5: 30 million monthly listeners 0 100.3 WNIC: 69 million monthly listeners 0 106.7 The D: 50 million monthly listeners cam v"--- "trRO1T'S HIT vAu" �� M7Tc3WNT(-)UR,/ O IN THEMORNING'S ` 56 EXAMPLE: Marketing Two Campgrounds An increased marketing initiative for the campgrounds has resulted in increased attendance and revenue. 2011 Rental Bottom Line: YUR75(canvas-walled cabins) Addison Oaks: $418,593.00 now at Addison oaks(ountyPark Groveland Oaks: $516,014.50 nearOxford and Groveland Oaks County Park neat ibllyORbring your RV or tent, or rent a cabin. Reservations accepted January 2014 Rental Bottom Line: through October—di24B.858.14Bo Addison Oaks: $301,607.35 `(• `'' Groveland Oaks: $635,931.50 National Reach MARVAC RV & Campsite Magazine (100,000) ARVC RV & Campgrounds Magazine (350,000) Woodall's Camper Directory (500,000) a. State Reach Pure Michigan Magazine (1 million) Local Reach Metro Parent Magazine (30,000) The Oakland Press (Sunday Print: 58,284; Digital 20,477; Daily Print: 27,634; Digital 19,161) Camper Show Suburban Collection Showplace Billboards near The Palace: 5,216 Eyes on impressions; 1-751US 23: 4,562 eyes on impressions Tourist Oriented Directional Signage I- 75 exit 101 North & South Social media and Cross -promotional signage at parks DestinationOakland.com page views Groveland Oaks 17,182 visits; 28,975 page views Addison Oaks 10,607 visits; 16,582 page views N 57 ADVERTISING �Om� c t W OPT orm, 4*IAA . "1 111,1,W Focus on wise placement and frequency of Print, Digital and Broadcast Advertising Targeting TV and radio ads would help raise the level of awareness of OC Parks and secure brand recognition. In line with the industry trend, broadcast and online advertisements are increasingly visible. Highlights of Advertising ■ Digital Billboards ■ Carl's Golfland Magazine ■ Detroit Bride Magazine ■ Detroit Lions, Tigers and Red Wings Yearbooks ■ Girl Scout Connect Magazine ■ Good Sam Travel Guide ■ Michigan Association of Recreation Vehicles and Campgrounds ■ Michigan Festivals & Events Directory ■ Metro Parent Magazine ■ Michigan Gardener Magazine ■ Michigan Golf Live (radio & TV) ■ Michigan Trails Magazine ■ National Association of RV Parks and Campgrounds ■ Prosper Magazine ■ Pure Michigan Magazine ■ WOMC FM ■ WYCD FM F UP t rki 11 ,,,� 5wn,nvr'frrul 58 BRANDING Ellis Barn Weddings ■ Created a logo ■ EllisBarn.com el I is barn a,769,5� ■ Event: Open House with vendors ■ Created brand awareness o Promotional items o Marketing materials ■ Brochure ■ Display ■ Slideshow o Attended two bridal shows and attending one in January 2015 o Advertising campaign ■ Detroit Bride Magazine, Winter/Spring 2015 issue ■ WeddingWire.com ■ PerfectWeddingGuide.com o Social Media ■ Facebook event with pictures and details about the vendors • RSVPs went from 30 to 200 o Email blast ■ OC Parks' list, generated from participating at bridal shows ■ Detroit Bride Magazine's list (18,000) 1 Bridal Celebrations ► Oakland County Parks and Recreation 20 mins Shelby Township, Ml N _ _ �rlGt ��" ✓l� jv` , _a -%WEllis Barn Wedding Open House Sunday, October 12, 2014 �— 11 a.m.-3 p.m. � 4 _ Plaosa join us for a wedding open houx at lne historic Ella Barn In SpringBakt Oaks County Park ` Strol the grounds take In the view both inside and ouMe Ihls gorgaous barn. and letushelp you pan your spedal doyl RSVP for this tee event to Eli &nnQcakgov.ccm locaredar Sprhgr*U Oalo County Park 12451 Andersonvlle Road — = Davlsburg. Michigan I.SIFF STPFf Fi2":iCiY;IYJN_� LiAk 1.14P14GEA1r?ll Can't wait to meet your team at The Fall Palace Bridal Show 9/14/14 +Milde_ccin ,-QuilsEea W-11011 a SPECTACULAR HONEYMOON to a 1kalknalusive resort! _ Wo y F. • Bridal Show and Wedding Expo in �. • Michigan Detroit, Troy, Auburn Hills, Bloomfield, Macomb and... Bridal Shore in Alichigan Detroit, lYoy, Aubum HM, Bloomfield, Macomb and... CBR@E.0014 Unlike Comment Share b Oakland County Parks and Recreation likes this. {jam; i Write a comment. 59 Dixie Gully Run Public Event ■ Created a logo ■ Created brand awareness ■ Events: private and public ■ Posted video from private event ■ Rotating home page banner on DestinationOakland ■ Contacted local Facebook groups for off-roading, including the Mid - Michigan ATV/ORV Riders, Michigan ORV Riders and the Michigan ORV Forum ■ Collaborating with Szott Auto and Motor City Power Sports as sponsors to promote the Dixie Gully Run to their customers, family and friends ■ Collaborating with MDNR P ■ Email blast to 30,092 on OCP's list ■ Social media Advertising o 1/8-page Oakland Press ads ■ Oct. 12, 13, 18 & 19 o 50,000 digital/display ads ■ Two Sundays with a circulation of: print: 58,284; digital 20,477. Daily print circulation 27,634; Digital 19,161 It'= Oakland County Parks and Recreation ioPosted 5y hleagan Bridget Shalto 1?1- September 27 Oakland County Parks will host its first public off -road vehicle event where enthusiasts can test drive a 35-acre demonstration course In Groveland Township at the Dixie Gully Run Nov_ 1 and 2_ The course includes a rock crawl, hill climb, scramble area, trail ride, moguls, stair step and extreme gully - open to 4 x 4 and side -by -side vehicles with rollover protection. This event will test the potential operation of an ORV site that one day could feature adventure recreation opportunities like zip lining and mountain biking_ Interested? Grab the details here: http://goo.gVA91181 Like Comment Share o 562 Shares Adam James hrlarshall-Wheeler, Jamie Murphy, Jonathan Top Comments - Schechter and 282 others like this. �-1 INTERNSHIP PROGRAM Haylie Kitsch, Central Michigan University Integrated Public Relations Vt intern with Communications and Marketing Continuing the internship program in 2015 and sharing with RPS Responsibilities ' � 5 ■ Social media content _ (Facebook, Twitter, 41 Instagram) ■ Monthly social media reports i ■ Monthly Executive Officers Report regarding media content1 ■ Media open houses for ` I special events ■ Newsletters, press releases, and E- # marketing messages ■ Pitch stories to a variety of magazines, websites and media ■ Special events such as Glow Golf through flyers, giveaways, etc. ■ Event preparation 61 NEXT SIX MONTHS Lookinq Forward ■ Branding ■ Videos ■ Focus on Waterparks ■ Interpretive Signs to be created ■ Promote Oakland County Parks as a great place to work ■ Vehicle wraps for Mobile Recreation Units ■ Promotional Allocations Brandinq ■ Bid out by Dec. 1; start work with consultant mid -February ■ Initiative purposely held until Service Portfolio Project was completed, received and filed by the Parks Commission due to marketing implications in the Service Portfolio recommendations and provision strategies ■ Service Portfolio will be part of the Branding bid package ■ Brand reveal with 50th Anniversary Videos ■ Brand with videos produced by OC Info Technology ■ (Update more frequently; leverage video IT produced on OC Market and summer recreation ■ Dog Parks, Nature Centers and Trails Oakland County Farmers Market Released: Thursday, August 22, 2013 Time: 11:06 min Description Haven't been to the Oakland County Farmers Market lately? It's about time you see what's new! Focus on Waterparks ■ Facebook naming contest to brand waterparks ■ Brand facilities prior to Special Parks District Forum — bucket attractions, back walls of wave pools, signage, uniforms ■ Debut season passes — pre sale holidays thru March ■ Email blast, social media, press release ■ Price radio ads for Memorial Day weekend push ■ Revamp web pages ■ Promote new food and beverage service ■ Use special events to boost interest Interpretive Siqns to be Created ■ More Than Just A Weed - monarch butterfly and milkweed ■ Life After Death - natural history of decaying logs and dead trees ■ Rise of the Eastern Coyote - Facts and myths about the increasingly common eastern coyote and best ways to `keep them wild' to facilitate coexistence ■ Deep Underground: Water World Secrets - George W. Kuhn Retention Treatment Basin ■ Beavers: Best Dam Builders in the County - beavers impact on parks ■ Developing plan to "recycle" signs; some content is applicable to multiple parks. Promote OCP as a Great Place to Work ■ High marks for professional staff ■ Recruitment year round ■ Employee recruitment team will be formed 63 Mobile Unit Wraps Design and wrap 7-8 units including new trailers May 1 goal for completion Revise wraps on Mobile Recreation vehicles Driving billboards traversing major county roads Units drove 57,120 miles from January -October 2013 Roads most traveled: Dixie Highway, Woodward, Telegraph, M-59, 1-75 Approximately $3,000 - $3,500 per unit Seven units $15,000 - $17,500 Considering semi wraps or decals for nature center vehicles _ Number of Miles Driven by Units Dixie Highway: 1,532 miles 175: 3,069 miles M-59: 1,892 miles Telegraph Road: 3,844 miles Woodward Avenue: 1,346 miles Promotional Allocations 2014 2015 Increase/Decrease Budget Budget BMX $7,000 $5,000 - $2,000 Campgrounds $40,000 $30,000 - $10,000 County Market $25,000 $20,000 - $5,000 Ellis Barn $15,000 $15,000 No Change Weddings Golf Courses $45,000 $30,000 - $15,000 Mobile $0 $24,500 + $24,500 Recreation Wraps Nature $15,000 $8,000 - $7,000 Centers Recreation $50,000 $30,000 - $20,000 Program Services Trade Shows $6,000 $7,000 + $1,000 Waterparks $40,000 $120,000 + $80,000 64 ��1: JA_I►IDime1yJi"Iad loll.i k,� OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA NOVEMBER 5, 201-4 To: Chairman Fisher and Commission Members From: Daniel J. Stencil, Executive Officer Phil Castonia, Business Development Representative Submitted: October 29, 2014 Subject: Food and Beverage Committee/Consultant Update INTRODUCTION AND HISTORY AGENDA ITEM NO. 10 D ADMINISTRATION A verbal update on the current Food and Beverage projects will be given at the Commission meeting on November 5, 2014. 65 EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S REPORT ITEM # 10 E 1. Upcoming Events: Attached for your information is a list of upcoming events and programs scheduled by the Recreation Programs and Services and park staff. 2. Addison Oaks - Kitchen Storage Unit: As identified in the FY2015 Capital Improvement Management plans for the Addison Oaks Kitchen Storage Facility — Design ($13,000), staff is currently bidding the purchase of a 12x15 exterior walk-in cooler, rather than the originally proposed addition to the existing storage facility. In addition, staff and consultants will be creating the necessary design drawings for the exterior walk-in cooler and site modifications necessary for this installation by George W. Auch Company. Staff anticipates OCPR Commission conceptual approval in December 2014 with construction approval in January/February 2015. 3, Waterford Oaks Master Plan RFQ: The master plan RFQ for Waterford Oaks was released to the public on 9/18/14. Relevant vendors that are registered with MITN were notified of the RFQ and several vendors were also invited to submit via email. The due date for questions from the vendors was 10/3/2014. Several questions were received. Seventy-six vendors downloaded the proposal and responses are due on 10/30114. The announcement of the invited competitors will be in December. Donna Folland has joined the evaluation committee and will be leading the preliminary evaluations. 4. Article in PRB Magazine: Pat Brockway, Communications and Marketing Technical Assistant wrote an article on the Oakland County Market that appeared in the most recent edition of PRB Magazine. That article is included with this report. 5. Howl-o-Ween Bash at Lyon Oaks: Attached please find a letter from a patron that attended the Howl-o-Ween Bash at Lyon Oaks on October 11, 2014. 6. Brainstorming — Nature Center: The Recreation Programs Services Chief Terry Fields will be incorporating the input from the Nature Center Brainstorming Session into its development of the 2015 RPS calendar of events and programs. She will update the Commission accordingly throughout the year on this effort. 7. OCPRIHCMA Joint Permit Sales: Fiscal Services-P&R Accounting has issued a voucher to the Huron -Clinton Metropolitan Authority in the amount of $64,530.00, which represents the sale of 2,390 2014 joint permits. Per the agreement with HCMA, each permit was sold for $54, of which $27 is OCPR revenue and $27 is HCMA revenue. Listed below is a summary of the last five fiscal years' joint permit sales: FY 2014: OCPR sold 2,390 joint permits @ $54 each. The revenue split is $27 OCPR/$27 HCMA. This equates to $64,530 in revenue for OCPR and $64,530 for HCMA, HCMA sold 1,527 joint permits @ $54 each. The revenue split is $27 OCPR/$27 HCMA. This equates to $41,229 in revenue for OCPR and $41,229 for HCMA. FY 2013: OCPR sold 2,767 joint permits @ $48 each. The revenue split is $27 OCPR/$21 HCMA. This equates to $74,709 in revenue for OCPR and $58,107 for HCMA. HCMA sold 1,439 joint permits @ $48 each. The revenue split is $27 OCPR/$21 HCMA. This equates to $38,853 in revenue for OCPR and $30,219 for HCMA. FY 2012: OCPR sold 2,593 joint permits @ $48 each. The revenue split is $27 OCPR/$21 HCMA. This equates to $70,011 in revenue for OCPR and $54,453 for HCMA. HCMA sold 1,229 joint permits @ $48 each. The revenue split is $27 OCPR/$21 HCMA. This equates to $33,183 in revenue for OCPR and $25,809 for HCMA. FY 2011: OCPR sold 2,295 joint permits @ $48 each. The revenue split is $27 OCPR/$21 HCMA. This equates to $61,965 in revenue for OCPR and $48,195 for HCMA. HCMA sold 1,190 joint permits @ $48 each. The revenue split is $27 OCPR/$21 HCMA. This equates to $32,130 in revenue for OCPR and $24,990 for HCMA. FY 2010: OCPR sold 2,423 joint permits @ $48 each. The revenue split is $27 OCPR/$21 HCMA. This equates to $65,421 in revenue for OCPR and $50,883 for HCMA. HCMA sold 1,130 joint permits @ $48 each. The revenue split is $27 OCPR/$21 HCMA. This equates to $30,510 in revenue for OCPR and $23,730 for HCMA. 8. Communications and Marketing -October 2014: Listed below is an update from Desiree Stanfield, Supervisor --Communications and Marketing -Produced the Fall Community Connection Initiative e-newsletter that is send to 62 cities, villages and townships plus posted on Destination Oakland. com and sent 30,092 esubscribers -Promoted the Ellis Barn Open House and weddings via Detroit Bride Magazine (ad in Winter/Spring 2015 issue which will be distributed at 45f expos and sent an Open House ad to the magazine's 17,000 subscribers), Wedding Wire and Event Wire, Perfect Wedding Guide (free digital listing) and Michigan wedding blogger @gorgevents -Submitted an article and photographs on the system's dog park programming to Parks and Recreation Business Monthly Magazine for its January issue. The publication is sent to 30,000 parks and recreation professional in the United States. -Placed a digital ad with Oakland County Moms to promote fall Halloween camping weekends. -Collaborated with a video producer to create camping videos for YouTube and DestinationOakland.com -Revised the general and camping brochures and printing 30,000 and 15,000 respectively. This supply lasts about 1 % years. -Began coordinating the creation and placement of the revolving home page banners on DestinationOakland.com, taking over this responsibility from parks IT staff -Produced a jobs flyer to promote the need for a food and beverage coordinator, assistant waterpark supervisor and group sales/sponsorship coordinator for distribution at National Recreation and Park Association and World Waterpark Association conferences. -Photographed the Red Oaks Nature Center Butterfly Parade, Independence Oaks Dog Swim, Family golf outing at Glen Oaks Golf Course, staff hosting info booths at the Oakland County Health Fair and the OCParks Express senior tour of the Oakland County Market. 67 ,!Designed three pages bfconten#for the 2015 Pfosper Alagazipe -Placed -an ad irG the 2015 National Association of RV Parks aid Campgrounds (ARVq DireVtory which prir4t`r 350.000 copies fbr distribution throughout the year begiiiriing +rl January 2015 at RV shows, The directory +s .also distributed by RV #E�aIers, at A RVC member campgrnunda, Mi—chigan Delaartroentof Transpertati0n Welcome Cefiters, chambers of comirlerce and visitors buro.aus, libraries, brochure services and high traFfic -tourist attractions_ -Promoted the five golf courses to t# a 23,709 a4ibscrihers of Mlchrgarf Golf LIriks. 4PfaCed digital and print ads with Metro Part)ot Magazir?e for October and ran an ad far the 4-H Discovery Market evert in Thp Oa1klwO Press, -Promoted the November Dixie Qully Rurl II event. ohtacted 20+ media via news i•eiease ahid DRY Video. offered drgE{af photos for stories prior to the event and free attendance0de from volunteers during the event Reached oUt to Channels 2, 4, 7 and 2 0 for leleylsfon broadcast; Stations VVVVJ, VVJR: 97.1 The Ticket ano MET for ramo brow recast; and Th-e Petrott- News, The oa,kiand Pass, Thq FOut Journal and The QttFm Bill Laftner of The ❑etroi+ Free Press pans to W ritia pry and post event storles. The event was featu Fed in Pra:$per, the I'OkArr y's 0-RLib11iMtiDrr that has 30,000� subscribers, A well�site hoMe page bander was createu for the event. Staff contaoted local Fare boak groups far off - road ing, GncILid ing the MId-Michigan ATVICRV Riders. Michigan 0 RV Riders Rnrl the Michigan 0RV Forum; plus th a M❑NR PubIic infarmak!Qn Office Wlth the news release and video asking lhP.m to share it on their webs -it and sooial medi2 channels. An elriarhating message w8s sent to 30,092 OCP subscribers, Pdst5� were. made on T i##er_ And 1IS- page aids ran in 'The Oakkand Press oil Oct. 42. 42, 18 & 19 The rnedia buy also included 50.000 digitaUdisplay ads. And as of Opt 9, 41,104 people viewed tho FaeehaoK post: ri "�rF5lri �i LM P,}rli+},'+'-1 CIaI$42I)U +_;i!LJNEy P:e114 tiIII r,:,_L - -Y 1'r's1 FIL3J14_ }JIUgIJ Vt:tfIiL'Ic �-VrtIL "Itlb4L- r]1SlL�e 17 :L, 1'-� r1 4tltjf L I I IV': N :'` Nrrr_ r_+ r I. 1 r Lr; L. F7III 111 r` I7.131 IF �Y I r.-Ci r 57V m[;sr11a Ir )rl*Mh!11 at kr,+d 4 71.YI r_ JCz1,TIY ht I, I rJ+1� .jr'tl 1 I rim 4,.r VUre:r Ir14_Irjd.F KJ rnLFL +'.r 1y,q _ 111I1 r.111rIH_ Kr.F7VFIIITI r: }.41 r,-' Ir i11I r Irl- -r 111UI jl.; 'l;11; ;,IC r7 't[)11 `x1 rL-,rrr1Y !P 111Y opgrl rn A i t noF-' prnLrrlrrrn rriir. Iia-VE if .Vlli #ti1rr'Lh8 note lir II CPCrzit1017 QT -7111 rJFZ ' VLe rTlat{,nti cly cnuln Tor4turc1 t :'V.ntierrs rr. r{I=y tin {+ rip OT91 I n It, iv; d1,r fI 15r3lr11 p11d rile 1.u-5srrrn r,*rel rij 1 r}LC rr±r to C" C. r AJ-1 i1l0 dp E2 ,'la hR-hr;' 11`41- +;-, - , FI Atli'r ; 400 � 1.1 �, '1 yi1-.�..I ..�1� - I'�l='S`'' NLIrri rl�r .111-11 ra ri 'i t'rJ '� 1� �11 *11-'l ill' - fV'4i .,'I,-I:.I''-3 I'_ylzIIIC?srn_l 68 Media Relations: Oakland County Parks and Recreation hosts sports day for children with disabilities Prosper Sept. 24, 2014 LINK: http://www.oaklandcountyprosper.com/inthenews/ocparksandrecsportsdaychildrendisabilities.aspx?utm_source=Vertic alRes ponse&utm_medium=Email &utm_term=Oakland+County+Parks+and+Recreation+hosts+sports+day+for+childre n+with+disabilities&utm_content=%7bEmail—Add ress%7d&utm_campaign=Past+Meets+Present+in+Pontiac Waterford Oaks Platform Tennis Oakland County Moms Glen LaGrou Sept. 30, 2014 LINK: httD:Hoaklandcountvmoms.com/waterford-oaks-r)latform-tennis-26353/ Fall colors, by land or sea Oct. 1, 2014 C & G Newspapers Tiffany Esshaki LINK: http://www.candgnews.com/node/77746 Over The Drainage District Parks & Rec Business Desiree Stanfield Oct. 4, 2014 LINK: http://www.northstarpubs.com/articles/prb/over-the-drainage-district Oakland County veterans participate in statewide Tough Mudder event The Oakland Press Sharon Longman Oct. 6, 2014 LINK: httiD://www.theoaklandpress.com/lifestyle/20141006/oakland-countv-veterans-participate-in-statewide-touqh- mudder-event Oakland County residents wake early to see the `blood moon' The Oakland Press Monica Drake Oct. 8, 2014 LINK: http://www.theoaklandpress. com/general-news/20141008/beautiful-way-to-start-a-morninq-oakland-county- residents-wake-eariv-to-see-blood-moon Oakland County Parks hosts first public off -road vehicle event Prosper Oct. 10, 2014 LINK: http://www. oaklandcou ntyprosper.com/inthenews/ocparkshostsfirstpubiicaffroadevent.aspx?utm_source=VerticalResp onse&utm medium=Email&utm_term=Oa kland+County+Parks+hosts+first+public+off- road+vehicle+event&utm_content=%7bEmail_Address%7d&utm_campaign=Oakland+County+Communities+Get+On e+Stop+Ready 69 Upcoming Events — November, 2014 Adaptive Recreation November 1 Sports -abilities: Open gym/activities for kids with disabilities; Boys & Girls Club —Royal Oak November 5 November Dance for people with developmental disabilities; White Lake Oaks November 8 Sports -abilities: Open gym/activities for kids with disabilities; Boys & Girls Club — Royal Oak November 21 Novi Hoedown: Social for individuals with disabilities; Novi Parks & Recreation November 22 Sports -abilities: Open gym/activities for kids with disabilities; Boys & Girls Club — Royal Oak None scheduled None scheduled None scheduled Field Sports — Lvon Oaks Field Sports — Catalpa Oaks OC Parks Express Campground Recreation Campgrounds closed until May, 2015 Special Events, Dogs, and Health & Wellness November 1/2 Dixie Gully Run ORV Event November 11 Guest Appreciation Day; Veteran's Day November 27 Guest Appreciation Day; Thanksgiving Golf Programs None scheduled Market Programs None scheduled Natural Resource Education Programs None scheduled 70 Nature/Interpretive Programs November 1 Public Interpretive Program: Birdfeeder Frenzy — Wint Nature Center November 4 Deer Management Mtg — Wint Nature Center November 5 Mother's Group — Red Oaks Nature Center November 8 Brownie Troop #70945 — Wint Nature Center November 8 Public Interpretive Program: Tuning Your Tot Into Fall — Wint Nature Center November 8 Webelos-Geologist Badge Day — Red Oaks Nature Center November 9 Public Interpretive Program: Audubon Workshop — Wint Nature Center November 12 Mother's Group — Red Oaks Nature Center November 13 Four Corners Montessori Field Trip — Wint Nature Center November 15 Jr. Girls Scout -Habitat Badge Day — Wint Nature Center November 19 Mother's Group — Red Oaks Nature Center November 19 Public Interpretive Program: Audubon Workshop — Red Oaks Nature Center November 20 Public Interpretive Program: Fall Star Party -- Wint Nature Center November 20 Outreach: Starlab — Schalm Elementary School November 22 Daisies-Rosie Petal Badge Day — Red Oaks Nature Center November 26 Mother's Group — Red Oaks Nature Center Volunteer Opportunities November 1 /2 Dixie Gully Run — Groveland Oaks November 5 StarLite Dinner Dance — White Lake Oaks November 21 Novi Social; Novi Parks and Recreation Mobile Recreation November 2 Bus: American Legion Post 172 tour of American Legion Posts November 5 Bus (2): OCPRC Adaptive Recreation to White Lake Oaks November 6 Bus (2): Four Corners Montessori to the Troy Historical Museum November 7 Bus: Waterford Senior Center to Greektown Casino November 9 Stage: OCPRC Business Development High. Five Races at Independence Oaks November 10 Bus (2): Four Corners Montessori to Troy Historical Museum November 11 Bus (2): Great Lakes National Cemetery Veterans Day Ceremony November 11 Bus: Red Hat Cranberry to the Fisher Theater November 12 Bus (2): Bailey Lake Elementary to the Detroit Symphony Orchestra November 14 Bus (2): Four Corners Montessori to Independence Oaks November 15 Bus: Golden Opportunity Club to the Fisher Theater November 20 Bus: Independence Twp. Senior Center Detroit Tour November 21 Bus: Waterford Twp. P & R trip to the Detroit Symphony Orchestra November 24 Stage: Rochester DDA Lagniappe in Downtown Rochester November 26 Stage: City of Birmingham Tree Lighting 71 athletic + recreation programming Marketing The Markel Transforming a farmers market into a destination hat amazed Market Manager Jeremy Brown when Oakland County Parks and Recreation (OCPR) in Michigan assumed management of the county's Farmers Market 2 years ago was how many people in the area didn't know the market existed, even though it had been in the same spot since 19531 "I would talk to people who would say to me, 'Oakland County has a i' mers market?' I knew there was work Today, more than 300,000 people the market annually. The 140 ucer-dre-t vendors represent 17 sties across the state. When Oakland County —just north of Detroit turned over management of the market, a survey of the facility showed it was underutili7.ed. "The mentality of the market had been 'get the people in and out,"' OCPR Executive Officer Dan Stencil explains. "We wanted to make it a destination. We added benches, picnic tables, and food vendors. Donated plants and floral arrangements from our vendors were placed around the market to create a cheery ambiance." Brown worked with the vendors as the market underwent the transformation. Stalls were standardized, new signs were created, large color photos of fruit, vegetables, and flowers were hung, wagons were provided APP on -site for the EXTRAS convenience L.,......... ........ .,: „i. w „,,. Ld of customers, the facility was painted, new lighting was installed, and a better traffic flow was established. "Some of the vendors were hesitant about the changes, but I told them the longer the guests stay, the more they will spend," he says. Expanding Diversity The market had operated Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays with a flea Marketing The Market market on Sundays. The flea market was not doing well, so OCPR decided to discontinue it. Instead, Sunday became the day for special events such as Flower Day in the spring which drew 6,000 to 7,000 people, Mom -to -Mom sales, Fall Family Day, a Community Garage Sale, and an arts -and -crafts show. As a way to expand diversity at the market and to promote good health among the lower -income population, the market in 2013 began accepting Electronic Benefits Transfer/ Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (EBT/SNAP) benefits and also Project Fresh (low-income) and Market Fresh (seniors) coupons. These programs allow more than 1.9-million people on food -assistance benefits in Michigan access to healthy, locally grown produce. The addition of these programs brought in more than $6,000 in food sales. Vendors are encouraged to partner up to promote the Farmer's Market and `like' and 'share' each other's posts on social media. New this year, the market began the Double Up Food Bucks Program, which draws on a pool of funds raised from foundations to "match" purchases at participating locations. When recipients use their SNAP/EBT card to shop, they receive Double Up Food Bucks to match the amount they spend —but only on Michigan -grown fruits and vegetables. "Families have more purchasing power to buy fresh fruits and vegetables, and Michigan growers have more sales opportunities for their produce," Brown says. Adding Up The Costs To publicize these new programs, a marketing plan was implemented: "Follow the Sunflower." The county parks and recreation department partnered with Suburban Mobility Authority for Regional Transportation (SMART) to place signs with a sunflower icon at the 73 stops along the bus routes throughout the city of Pontiac, indicating transportation to the market. In addition, colorful ads were placed in the 85 buses traveling throughout the county. According to the 2010 census, 22.1 percent of Pontiac's population lives below the poverty line. The cost of the new bus signage and EBT/SNAP reader was offset by a $50,000 Michigan Economic Development Corporation grant. OCPR added another $75,000 to the grant funds, allowing additional programs through the market. One such program was the Small Business Development training. Scholarships were awarded to 20 market vendors to participate in a business -development and mentoring program with the Oakland County Business Center. "We felt this was important," Stencil says. "Oakland County has a vested interest 96 OCTOBER2014 PRS 73 is dia. s nic •s to it le ,st in the success of its farmers and vendors." The money also provided health and nutrition programs for the public with Michigan State University Extension educators and the Oakland County Health Department. Nurses from the department provide blood pressure and body mass -index screenings. Master gardeners hold a class with participants planting seedlings that attract garden pollinators. Instructors from Michigan State University Extension —Health & Nutrition teach participants how to cook with herbs in an effort to promote healthier eating with less salt. As a cost -saving measure, the market uses community -service workers. "For example, the windows need to be washed twice a year. That's $1,500 I save by having the community - service workers do it," Stencil says. Special Programming Now that the market has been renovated, it is also available for rental for special events. For example, the Waterford Chamber of Commerce will host its second -annual "Oakland Uncorked" wine tasting event. Last year, the market was the site for a Cinco de Mayo celebration, and it has also hosted the Leadership Oakland Octoberfest. Besides bringing in business to the market, the vendors are also helped by staff in providing special programming. For example, the market offers food - safety and food -licensing training. Topics include safe sampling, cottage - industry food laws, and requirements for labeling and licensing. Airing Grievances A new grievance procedure has also been instituted. "We take our 'producer only' policy very seriously," Brown says. At least two staff members visit each vendor at their farm to confirm they are growing what they sell. "But we were getting a lot of complaints from other vendors when they suspected that another vendor was selling something they did not produce," he says. "To check out the grievance, it meant two staff members with a county car had to make a special trip to a farm. It could get costly and time-consuming. So under the new system, the vendor will fill out a form challenging another vendor's produce, stating why they believe the other vendor is selling something they did not produce. Then they must give us a check for $100. If the complaint proves to be true, they are given the money back. It has cut down the number of complaints significantly." Partnering In Promotion The market has also trained vendors on the use of social media. "I tell them to create a Facebook page then go in and 'like' and 'share' each other's posts. It encourages partnering in promotion," he says. Brown believes the new changes at the market are making a difference. "We had one vendor who was thinking of building a greenhouse but wasn't sure about making the investment," he says. "Now he is building it. I think that is a compliment to the market." Brown's next project is to work with area restaurants in a "farm-to-forle program that encourages restaurants to use local vendors to provide fresh produce Brown says he wants to expand on the children's offerings at the market. "We have classes come in and talk to a farmer. Then when they eat an apple, they make the connection of where it came from and they'll say, 'Those are Chucks apples."' Current programs for children include a walking salad class where children discover how great tasting fresh veggies can be; the construction of an ecosystem in a cup; teaching children that soil, food (compost), air, and moisture are required for a plant to live; and a class in which kids use cardboard paper rolls, honey, and birdseed to make a birdfeeder which they can take home. "People have told me that they have been coming to the market for years. I would like the children today to someday say the same thing in the future," Brown says. PRB Pat Brockway is a technical assistant with Oakland County Parks and Recreation. She can be reached at brockwayp@oakgovcom. To comment on this article, log on to www.parksandrecbusiness.com PRB wwwpadman&ecbUdneW.cam Z4 r� we1R. "✓ 7-�' w%w-4 I I 75 to OCPR Commission Nature Center Programming Brainstorming Proaramminv No Child Left Inside - State of Michigan Initiative Program Outreach - Nature to Schools Lecture Series: Health, Nature, Gardening, Etc. Partners: MSUE, Master Gardner's, Audubon Society, CVT's Health Programs: Walking Clubs Seniors vs. Youth ---Funds/Revenues Cost Recovery Programming between Recreation Providers Expansion of RAPP to Provide Transportation Work With: Oakland Schools - Marketing/Communications Parent Groups: PTA/PTO, Latchkey Programs, Home Schools Nature Center Facility Programming Birthday Programs School Programs (During/After School): Transportation RAPP/O.C. Buses Teacher Commitment Facility Updates: Displays - Permanent Portable Interactive/Interchangeable Technology based Lecture Series: Health, Music, Nature, Science Music Programs Cohn Amphitheater Health Programs: Walkers Clubs Gardening Host Annual Forum with CVT's/State - Joint Authorities Facility CVT Hosted Festivals/Events Heritage Conference (OCPEDS) Senior Programs Quality of Life/NEW EVENTS Alternate Rentals of Nature Center Winter Ice Focal Point: Boyne City Example - Ice sculpture telephone pole Revised 10/20/14 76 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION By -Laws Article I Name The agency is called the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission, hereinafter referred to as the Commission. Article 11 Area The area served by the Commission shall include all lands and waters in accordance with Michigan law. Article Ill Statutory Authority The Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission shall exercise such powers and perform such duties as are authorized and provided by the statutes and the laws of the State of Michigan under Act No. 261 of the Public Acts of 1965, as amended, and the Oakland County Board of Supervisors Resolution #4531 dated February 8, 1966 establishing the Commission. Article IV Purpose The purposes of the Commission shall be; 1. To develop and operate parks and recreation facilities, related programs and support services. 2. To prepare and submit annually an operating budget for final approval by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners. 3. To prepare and recommend for approval by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners, all property acquisitions, granting opportunities and the adoption of a comprehensive recreation master plan. 4 To serve as an informational resource center for local parks and recreation commissions and/or boards. 5 To determine the extent of need for parks, preserves, trails, recreation and other conservation facilities within Oakland County. 77 6 To develop cooperative planning efforts with the various cities, villages, townships and school districts concerned with parks, recreation and conservation services. Article V Membership The Commission shall consist of ten (1 Q) members. Three (3) members are statutorily designated positions: the Oakland County Executive, or his/her designee; the Oakland County Water Resources Commissioner, or his/her designee, and the Chairperson, or his/her designee, of the Road Commission for Oakland County. The remaining seven (7) members shall be appointed by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners and shall include not less than one (1) and not more than three (3) members of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners. Article V1 Salaries and Compensation Commissioners' remuneration for services rendered shall be per diem and mileage as established by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners. Article Vll Officers Section 1. Election of Officers. The Commissioners shall elect, at their first meeting of the year, a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, and Secretary. All officers are eligible for re- election. Election to office shall be by majority vote and candidates need not be present. Section 2. Term of Office. Officers shall take office immediately following their election and shall hold office for a term of one (1) year. Section 3. Vacancy. Any office that becomes vacant shall be filled by special election by the Commission at any meeting. Each person so elected to fill a vacancy shall remain in office until the regular election of officers at the first meeting of the year. Section 4. Duties. a. The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings, except for the election of the office of Chairperson itself; appoint committees and perform such other duties as may be directed by the Commission. b. In the temporary absence of the Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson shall assume the responsibilities of the Chairperson. c. The Secretary shall keep, in good detail, minutes of all meetings or shall delegate authority to do so to a qualified recorder. 2 _ 78 d. The Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary and Chairperson Emeritus, if a commissioner is so designated, shall serve as the Executive Committee of the Commission. Section 5. Chairperson Emeritus. From time to time, the Commission may designate an individual currently on the Commission who previously served as Chairperson to serve as Chairperson Emeritus. Chairperson Emeritus shall function as an advisor to the Chairperson and shall be part of the Executive Committee when such committee meets. Article Vlll Committees. The Commission may establish standing committees and special committees which shall meet at the call of their respective chairs. Committees shall be appointed by the Chairperson and shall meet under the same conditions and rules as does the Commission. Any three (3) members, but no more than five (5), appointed by the Chairperson, may constitute a committee. Article IX Meetings Section 1. Reqular Meetinqs. The Commission shall set the regular meeting dates and times at its January meeting. All members shall be notified of meetings in writing 48 hours in advance of said meetings. Section 2. Special Meetings. Special meetings may be called as needed by the Chairperson or by three (3) members of the Commission. Section 3. Advertised Public Hearinqs. The Chairperson will declare such a public hearing open and state its purpose. The petitioner, or proponent of the action advertised, will be heard first. Section 4. Cancellation. A meeting may be cancelled by the Chairperson by notifying the members no later than 24 hours prior to the meeting. Section 5. Parliamentary Authoritv. All meetings of the Commission shall be conducted in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order, unless those Rules are inconsistent with these Bylaws, any special rules or orders of the Commission, or any procedural rules promulgated by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners. Section 6. Open Meetinqs Act. All meetings of the Commission, as well as any committee or special meeting where a quorum is present, shall be subject to the Open Meetings Act, Act 267 of the Public Acts of 1976, as amended. s 79 Section 7. Quorum. In accordance with Act No. 261 of the Public Acts of 1965, as amended, six (6) members of the Commission present and voting shall constitute a quorum. Section 8. Absences. A member shall notify the Commission prior to a meeting if he/she will be unable to attend. Section 9. Voting. a. All ten (10) Commission members, including the Chairperson, may discuss and vote upon any matter brought before the Commission for its consideration. b. A roll call vote shall be taken in all cases when requested by a member. c. All members present shall be recorded as an aye, nay, or abstention. d. Commissioners shall not vote on issues where a personal conflict of interest may be present. Section 10. Recess. The Commission may not stand in recess overnight. Section 11. Non -Member Addresses to the Commission. Only members of the commission or its staff shall be given the floor to speak during any Commission meeting except under one or more of the following conditions: 1. During Public Comments, with a reasonable time limit established at the discretion of the Chairperson. 2. Any person may be given permission by the Chairperson, or a majority of the Commission members present, to address the Commission. 3. Any Commission member shall request permission of the Chairperson to direct specific questions to any non-member. 4. As provided for in the approved Agenda of the Commission meeting. Section 12. Limitation of Debate. A one -hour limit may be called for on any item on the agenda or any item properly before the Commission. When the question of limiting time of debate to one (1) hour has been carried by a majority, the Chairperson shall divide the time equally between the members present and voting. Members may yield their allotted time to another member. Article X Executive Officer Section 1. Appointment. An Executive Officer shall be appointed by the Commission. Section 2. General Duties. The Executive Officer shall be responsible for the professional and administrative work, directing and coordinating the program of the Commission. The Executive Officer's work shall be carried out with the widest degree of professional responsibility, subject to the policy determination of the Commission and administrative policies of Oakland County. a 80 Section 3. Administrative Duties, The Executive Officer shall supervise and review the work of the staff, and prepare a proposed operating budget for submission to the Commission. Section 4. Public Relations. The Executive Officer and the Commission Chairman, or their designee(s), shall officially represent the Commission and its staff at conferences, interdepartmental meetings of the county government, meetings among local, state and federal agencies and serve generally as liaison between the Commission and the public. The Executive Officer shall present Commission recommendations to the Oakland County Board of Commissioners. Article XI Budget Section 1. Budget Preparation and Adoption. The Executive Officer shall bear responsibility for the preparation of the budget and shall submit such budget to the Commission for approval and adoption by the first regular meeting in September. Section 2. General Appropriations. The Commission shall abide by the General Appropriations Act. Section 3. Purchasinq. The Commission shall abide by the purchasing policies and procedures as approved by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners. Article Xll Audit An annual audit will be authorized by the Commission prior to the end of the fiscal year. Article XIII Amendments These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the Commission members present at any meeting called for this purpose. Thirty (30) days' written notice to all members of the Commission shall be required prior to voting on bylaw amendments. Amendments shall be consistent with the laws of the State of Michigan and Oakland County Board of Commissioners resolutions. Amendments shall become effective upon approval. Revised: July 18, 2007 Revised: October 22, 2008 Revised: January 12, 2011 D:1$Data\My documents\Commission\Bylaws\Revised 011211.doc 5 81