HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendas/Packets - 2015.01.13 - 40292MEETING NOTICE OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a regular meeting of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission will be held at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 13, 2015, at Oakland County Parks and Recreation Administration Office, located at 2800 Watkins Lake Road, Waterford, Michigan 48328. GERALD A. FISHER CHAIRMAN Telephone: (248) 858-4603 ..... .. .. . 2800 Watkins Lake Road • Bldg 97W • Waterford, MI 48328-1917 248.858.0906 • 1.888.00PARKS • DestinationOakland.com OZAKLANDCOUNTYPARKS Gerald A. Fisher Chairman J. David VanderVeen Vice Chairman John A. Scott Secretary Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. Chairperson Emeritus A. David Baumhart III GregoryC. Jamian Robert E. Kostin Christine Long Gary R. McGillivray Jim Nash Daniel J. Stencil Executive Officer January 6, 2015 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Oakland County, Michigan Commissioners: A meeting has been called of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission as follows: PLACE ................................... Oakland County Parks Administration Office 2800 Watldns Lake Road Waterford, MI 48328 TIME ................................... Tuesday, January 13, 2015 2:00 p.m. PURPOSE ................................ REGULAR MEETING This meeting has been called in accordance with the authorization of Chairman Gerald Fisher of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission, Sincerely, Daniel J. Stencil, CPRE Executive Officer Next Meeting: Tuesdav, February 10, 2015 (a) 2:00 v.m. * Oakland County Parks and Recreation Administration Office 2800 Watkins Lance Road Waterford, Michigan 48328 * Date subject to OCPR Commission approval 0 ur mission is to provide quality recreational experiences that encourage healthy lifestyles, 2 support economic prosperity and promote the protection of natural resources, Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting Parks & Recreation Administration Offices 2800 Watkins Lake Road, Waterford, MI 48328 Tuesday, January 13, 2015 2:00 PM AGENDA Page #'s Action Required Presenter/Phone # 1. Call Meeting to Order ------ G. Fisher 248.514.9814 2. Roll Call ------ « 3. Pledge of Allegiance ------ « 3-4 4. Approval of Agenda Approval G. Fisher/D. Stencil 248.858.4944 5-12 5. Approval of Minutes: Regular Meeting of 12/10/14 Approval V. Valko 248.858.4603 6. Public Comments: G. Fisher 13 7. ELECTION OF OFFICERS: OCPR Commission G. Fisher (Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary) 14 8. CONSENT AGENDA: 15 A. OCPR Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Budget to Actual Report for Month Ending 11/30/14 (FM 02, FY15) Receive &File J. Phelps 248.858.5319/D. Stencil 16 B. Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Comparison Report for Month Ending 11/30/14 (FM 02, FY15) Receive &File J. Phelps/D. Stencil 17 C. Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Average Comparison Report for Month Ending 11/30/14 (FM 02, FY15) Receive &File J. Phelps/D. Stencil 18-20 D. Capital Improvement Projects Budget to Actual Report & Statement of Net Position For Month Ending 11/30/14 (FM 02, FY15) Receive &File J. Phelps/D. Stencil 21 E. FY 2015 Non-CIP Projects Update Receive & File M. Donnellon 858.4623/D. Stencil 9. REGULAR AGENDA: 22-24 A. Proposed 2015 OCPR Commission Meeting Dates: Meeting Schedule and Study Sessions Information/Approval G. Fisher/D. Stencil 25-30 B. Annual Review of OCPR Commission Bylaws Information/Approval G. Fisher/D. Stencil 31 C. Proposed 2015 Appreciation Days Information/Approval S. Wells 858.4634/D. Stencil 32 D. State Grant Strategy & Mitigation Update Information M. Prowse 249.2801/1). Stencil 33-34 E. Barrick Oil Donation/Adaptive Services Initiative hifonnation/Approval/BOC S. Dorey 424.7077/T. Fields 858.0914 35-44 F. Springfield Oaks/Mill Pond Interlocal Government Agreement hifonnation/Approval/BOC J. Hall 858.0555/D. Stencil/M. Donnellon 858.4623 45-55 G. License Agreement between Ford Motor Company Wixom Plant and Oakland County Parks for Well Monitoring and Soil Boring Information/Approval J. Hall/D. Stencil 56-89 H. CISMA Memorandum of Understanding for Invasive Species Management Oakland County Invasive Species Management Area (OC CISMA) Memorandum of Understanding Information/Approval B. Bird 858.17265. Hall 3 BREAK AT THE DISCRETION OF THE CHAIR 90-91 I. Waterford Oaks Design Master Plan Competition Proposal Information/Approval D. Folland 736.9087/M. Donnellon J. Construction Project (Conceptual Approval): 92-129 1. Red/Waterford/Groveland Concession Remodeling Initiative Information/Approval M. Donnellon 130-131 K. Proposed 2015 Recreation Assistance Partnership Program Request (R.A.P.P.) Information/Approval T. Fields/J. Haney 858.1486/S. Wells 132-136 L. OCPRC Sheriff Contract Amendment #2 - Law Enforcement Services Information/ApprovalBOC P. Castonia 858.0909/D. Stencil 137 M. Preliminary CIP Schedule Receive & File M. Donnellon/D. Stencil 138 N. Introduction of College Intern: Taylor Kimball S. Mackey 431.1268/D. Stencil 10. STAFF REPORTS: A. Participation and Program Review FY 2015, Month 03 Receive and File T. Fields/J. Dunleavy 858.4647/T. Hughes 343.1011 139 B. Food -Beverage -Golf Committee/Consultant Update Receive and File P. Castonia/D. Stencil 140-141 C. Master Planning/Public Engagement Program Update Receive and File D. Folland 142-151 D. Executive Officer Report Receive and File D. Stencil E. Executive Committee Update Receive and File G. Fisher 11. OLD BUSINESS G. Fisher 12. NEW BUSINESS G. Fisher 13. ADJOURN Next Meeting: 2:00 p.m. on February 10, 2015 *Pending OCPRC Approval of 2015 Mtg. Dates Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting Room, 2800 Watkins Lake Road, Waterford, MI 48328 * NOTE: All phone numbers are area code (248) unless otherwise noted. As a reminder, if you have not already done so, please turn your cellular phones offor to a silent or vibrate mode for the duration of the meeting. This will allow the meeting to proceed without distractions or interruptions. Thank you for your cooperation. 4 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING December 10, 2014 Chairman Fisher called the meeting to order at 9:04 a.m. in the Commission meeting room at the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Administration Office. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Gerald Fisher, Vice Chairman J. David VanderVeen, Secretary John A. Scott, A. David Baumhart III, Gregory Jamian, Robert E. Kostin, Chairperson Emeritus Pecky D. Lewis, Jr., Christine Long, Gary McGillivray COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT WITH NOTICE: Jim Nash ALSO PRESENT: Oakland County Parks and Recreation Oakland County Fiscal Services Oakland County Corporation Counsel Oakland County Facilities Management Recovery Park Oakland County Citizen Oakland County Citizen APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Daniel Stencil, Executive Officer Sue Wells, Manager of P & R Operations Boyd Brokenshaw, Groveland Oaks Park Supv. Phil Castonia, Business Development Rep. Mike Donnellon, Chief -Park Fac. Maint. & Dev. Jim Dunleavy, Chief -Park Ops. & Maint. - N. District Terry Fields, Chief-Rec. Programs and Services Tom Hughes, Chief -Park Ops. & Maint.- S. District Karen Kohn, Supervisor -Administrative Services Melissa Prowse, Supv. Parks & Rec. Planning Darlene Rowley, White Lake Oaks Park Supv. Paul Simpson, Lyon Oaks Golf Course Supv. Jeff Phelps, Fiscal Services Coordinator Jody Hall, Asst. Corporation Counsel Paul Zachos, Property Management Specialist Gary Wozniak Vivian Lewis Sal Delia Moved by Mr. VanderVeen, supported by Mr. Jamian to approve the agenda as submitted. AYES: Baumhart, Fisher, Lewis, Long, McGillivray, Scott, VanderVeen (7) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Reqular OCPRC Meetinq November 5, 2014 Moved by Mr. McGillivray, supported by Mr. Scott to approve the minutes of the November 5, 2014, OCPR Commission meeting with the following change: 5 Change the first paragraph under Executive Committee Update to: Chairman Fisher advised the Executive Committee discussed creating a Nature Center Committee and was seeking volunteers from the Commission to serve on the committee. It was determined that Commissioner McGillivray, Commissioner Baumhart and Chairman Fisher will serve on the committee. AYES: Baumhart, Fisher, Lewis, Long, McGillivray, Scott, VanderVeen (7) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Salvatore Delia requested the Commission consider naming the proposed new ORV facility at Groveland Oaks West after Stan and Iris Ovshinsky. Mr. Delia expressed he felt that due to their contributions to local business and new technology the proposed facility should be named in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Ovshinsky. The Commission informed Mr. Delia the proposed park is very preliminary at this point and thanked him for his suggestion. RECOGNITIONS: OCPR Commissioner Gregory Jamian, the current representative from the Road Commission for Oakland County, will be leaving the board after two years of service. The Commission and staff recognized Mr. Jamian for his service to the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission and presented him with an engraved walking stick and plaque. Mr. Jamian thanked the Commission and advised this was the greatest group to work for as a board member. Chairman Fisher also reported that Chairperson Emeritus Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. will be retiring from the OCPR Commission after serving on the OCPR Commission for 33 years. The Commission will have a lunch in honor of Mr. Lewis for his dedication and many years of service to Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. Chairman Fisher also introduced Mr. Lewis' wife Vivian Lewis, who was present for the meeting. CONSENT AGENDA: All items are considered to be routine by the OCPR Commission and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Commission member so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda. 7A. Motion - Receive and file the Fiscal Services OCPR Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Budget to Actual Report for Month Ending October 31, 2014 (FM 01, FY15) 7B. Motion - Receive and file the Fiscal Services Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Comparison Report for Month Ending October 31, 2014 (FM 01, FY15) 7C. Motion - Receive and file the Fiscal Services Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Averaae Comparison Report for Month Endina October 31, 2014 (FM 01, FY15) 7D. Motion - Receive and file the Capital Improvement Proiects Budaet to Actual Report & Statement of Net Position for Month Endina October 31, 2014 (FM 01, FY15) 7E. Motion - Receive and file the FY 2014 4th Quarter Contributions Report 6 7F. Motion - Receive and file the FY 2014 4th Quarter Temporary Use Permit Report 7G. Motion - Receive and file the FY 2014 4th Quarter Sponsorship Revenue Report 7H. Motion - Receive and file the FY 2014 Year -End Contributions Report 71. Motion - Receive and file the FY 2014 Year -End Temporary Use Permit Report 7J. Motion - Receive and file the FY 2014 Year -End Sponsorship Revenue Report 7K. Motion - Receive and file the FY 2015 Non-CIP Proiects Update 7L. Motion - Receive and file the Preliminary CIP Schedule 7M. Motion - Receive and file the FY 2014 Fiscal Services Year -End Report 7N. Motion - Receive and file the FY 2014 4th Quarter Purchasinq Report Moved by Mrs. Long, supported by Mr. Jamian to approve Items 7 A-N under the Consent Agenda. AYES: Baumhart, Fisher, Jamian, Lewis, Long, McGillivray, Scott, VanderVeen (8) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. REGULAR AGENDA: Proposed FY 2015 Rules and Requlations Moved by Mr. Lewis, supported by Mr. Baumhart to approve the following resolution on the revisions to the Oakland County Parks and Recreation General Information and Regulations (Rules & Regulations) and forward it to the Oakland County Board of Commissioners for final approval: WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission was established by the Oakland County Board of Supervisors in 1966 under P.A. 261; and WHEREAS, P. A. 261 includes a provision to allow county parks commissions to make rules for the protection, regulation and control of all its facilities and areas with the approval of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners; and WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission has established rules and regulations for this protection, regulation and control; and WHEREAS, revisions for clarification purposes are requested, which have been reviewed and approved by the Oakland County Corporation Counsel. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission approves the revisions to the Rules and Regulations as reviewed by Oakland County Corporation Counsel. NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that these revised Rules and Regulations be forwarded to the Oakland County Board of Commissioners for approval. 7 AYES: Baumhart, Fisher, Jamian, Lewis, Long, McGillivray, Scott, VanderVeen (8) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. Proiect Construction Approval: Groveland Oaks Campground Utilities Staff provided an update on the status of Groveland Oaks campground and the current amenities. As the utilities were installed in the 1980's, staff is proposing to make improvements to keep up with the marketplace, stay competitive with other campgrounds in the area, improve customer service and reduce staff costs. The proposed improvements include water, sanitary sewer hook-ups, electrical and Wi-Fi. Moved by Mr. Scott, supported by Mr. Baumhart to award a construction contract to Frank Rewold and Son for all bids for the Groveland Oaks Campground Utilities — electrical/H2O pedestal system, sanitary system and Wi-Fi - in the amount of $1,468,469.00. The total project costs are $1,549,641.00 as follows (with construction to start immediately to finish for the 2015 camping season): Item Cost Construction $1,468,469.00 Design $72,392.00 Permitting $1,070.00 Sub -total $1,542,031.00 .05% Contingency $7,710.00 Total $1,549,641.00 AYES: Baumhart, Fisher, Jamian, Kostin, Lewis, Long, McGillivray, Scott, VanderVeen (9) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. OCPR Commission Proposed 2015 Meetina Dates In accordance with the OCPR Commission Bylaws, the meeting dates will be considered and approved at the January 2015 OCPR meeting. In addition, it is being proposed that the meeting day will change from the first Wednesday of each month at 9:00 a.m. to the second Tuesday of each month at 2:00 p.m., and the Executive Committee meetings will also change from Wednesdays to Tuesdays. STAFF REPORTS: Participation and Program Review FY 2014, Month 12 Staff provided the Participation and Program Review report for FY 2014, Month 12, which included a photo presentation of recent programs and events. Food and Beverage Committee/Consultant Update Staff advised that the Food and Beverage Committee is still working on the following: E. • Bids for White Lake Oaks and Lyon Oaks for food and beverage operations and golf services — five bids were received- staff is evaluating and will report back after that has been finalized. • Top three bids will be brought back for interviews with the Committee and staff. Commissioner VanderVeen reminded the Commission this process has been going on for over two years, with the previous recommendation being rejected by the majority of the Commission. It is his hope that this process can finally be brought to a resolution very soon. Golf 2013-2014 Report Staff provided an overview of the five Oakland County Parks Golf Courses including course history, staffing levels, volunteer participation, opening dates, programs and events, budget expenditures, revenues and depreciation. Staff will provide a report to the Commission which will show the 18-hole equivalent rounds for each golf course. Proposed Adventure Recreation Park — Groveland Oaks West Report/Update/Projected Process Timeline Staff provided an update on the status of the proposed Adventure Recreation Park facility at Groveland Oaks West. In addition, staff informed the Commission that the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund approved the Michigan Department of Natural Resources' (MDNR) $2.9 million grant application for the proposed ORV facility at Groveland Oaks and our $36,000 fishing pier development project. Moving forward staff will: • Continue master planning of Groveland Oaks West to create concepts for the proposed facility • Form a joint work team with the MDNR and OCPR • Meet with the joint MDNR/OCPR work team on January 22, 2015 • Work in collaboration with the MDNR to create a business plan within the next couple of months which will prepare a timeline for the proposed facility. Chairman Fisher requested and Melissa Prowse agreed to factor into the timeline a presentation to the OCPR Commission and review/approval by the Commission on the business plan — by April 1, 2015. Chairman Fisher reported that he and Mr. Kostin will be part of the Adventure Recreation committee/work team. Ron Olson, MDNR Parks and Recreation Director, advised that the MDNR would like to align opportunities with where the population resides, as identified in the state trail plans, and creating an ORV facility in the Groveland Oaks West area would be a great opportunity. In creating the proposed business plan, the objective is to operate on a concept of self-supporting basis — to align it so it can be successful. As the business plan is developed there are three key items: Operate ourselves (collaborative with MDNR/OCPR); consider contracting out with an RFP process; include snowmobiling opportunities and club participation, which could include a private operator or MDNR operation. This model in creating this facility as a collaborative process could be looked upon as something unique to create an affordable access to adventure recreation. Commissioner VanderVeen requested Mr. Olson provide a response on the following items: • What are the trends in ORV's in southeast Michigan, in terms of ownership and use, particularly ownership? • You want an operation that pays for itself — in the case of Silver Lake — do you lease that out? Mr. Olson's response: No — the current corporate partners (four operators) offer rides, own the 9 equipment and pay the MDNR a percentage of the gross revenues. They also have access to the dunes area. If they do not break even, who pays /makes up the difference? Mr. Olson indicated that we want to go into this so we don't have to make up the difference. At Silver Lake we actually make more revenue than we collect over many, many years. Revenues go into a larger pot and are shared among the parks. MDNR is committed to make sure that this works. We have to work that into the business plan. We have to reduce the risk and, to the best of our ability, make this work. • The MDNR now has a $2.9 million grant to buy this property — are you going to lease this operation to Oakland County, as the lessee, to operate the facility, is that the basic concept? Mr. Olson responded yes, or a combination of something, but that would be the idea. The general concept would be to enter into some sort of a lease that would have the stipulations in there and part of that would be driven by how we operate the place. Until we map out the business plan, it is premature. Mr. VanderVeen informed Mr. Olson one of the things the Commission will be looking for is what happens if we enter into it very optimistically and it doesn't work — is there some kind of escape? Mr. Olson advised those things could all be included into the business plan. Executive Officer Stencil informed the Commission that this proposed agreement could be similar to the lease we have with the City of Madison Heights for the Red Oaks Nature Center, where responsibilities are outlined and costs could be shared, and agree to a concept for a conceptual master plan. Chairman Fisher thanked Mr. Olson for attending and providing the information. Mr. Olson indicated that he and staff will all be working on the business plan and timeline in order to meet the April 1, 2015 deadline. Dixie Gullv Run II Event Outcomes Report Staff presented a report which is a compilation of the outcomes for the two Dixie Gully Run ORV events held on August 9 and November 1-2, 2014, at Groveland Oaks West, which include the preliminary market analysis, and the two Dixie Gully Run surveys. Staff advised we will be hosting an open house on this project after April 1 similar to what was done at Addison Oaks. A 2014 study indicated most people would use all - terrain vehicles. The Commission expressed, for safety reasons, their concern of the type of vehicles which would be used at this proposed facility. The Commission asked if we move forward on this project what type of park passes would be utilized by the public for this facility. Staff indicated they are evaluating all options available. Oakland County Community Development is currently evaluating a corollary project of applying the "Main Street Program" along the Dixie corridor with multiple communities that would help to develop and determine the impact on local businesses. Mr. Kostin noted that it is an important fact that the weather at the second event was much worse than at the first event and the attendance numbers were much higher. Commissioner McGillivray requested to see an analysis of park entry fees for other similar facilities in the area so we could establish our rates within the current market rates. Oakland Countv Parks and Recreation Greenhouse Update Moved by Mr. Scott, supported by Mr. VanderVeen to authorize staff to negotiate a proposed lease with 10 Recovery Park for the operation of the greenhouses at Waterford Oaks and Springfield Oaks to be presented at the January 2015 OCPR Commission meeting for approval. If negotiations fail, staff will move on to negotiations with the next company, Natural Conservation Services. AYES: Baumhart, Fisher, Jamian, Kostin, Lewis, Long, McGillivray, Scott, VanderVeen (9) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. Executive Officer's Report: In addition to the items included in the Executive Officer's Report filed in the agenda, the following information was noted: - Special Park Districts Forum conference scheduled for June 8-12, 2015 - 2014 OCPR Annual Business meeting December 11, 2014 at the Waterford Oaks Activity Center - MRPA New Professional Award will be presented to Matt Pardy at the Annual Conference & Trade Show - OCPR Golf Courses are now closed for the season - Waterford Oaks Design Master Plan RFQ— 6 bids were received and staff will provide updates on the process - Grant opportunities for Michigan Invasive Species - $3.6 million in state funds are available to apply for abatement of invasive species through competitive grant process - Report and update on OCPR items sold in the annual 2014 Oakland County Auction - Catalpa Oaks Field Sports Complex parking lot and storm water improvements - New publications on the Buhl Estate at Addison Oaks - paid for with donations - Communications and Marketing Committee initiatives - Final draft of 2014 OCPR Annual Report - Possible archery hunting opportunities within Oakland County Parks - Annual Holiday Lunch - Report on Fiscal 2016 Budget/3-year budget cycle; proposed target figures for revenues, expenditures, and staff costs to start the budget process in February 2015. Staff to provide Commission with breakdown of costs for Operations and Capital projects. - Update on status of Royal Oak's Normandy Oaks parkland — public meeting scheduled at Royal Oak on December 11, 2014 at 7 p.m. Executive Committee Update Chairman Fisher informed the Commission the Executive Committee had further discussion on the Planned Use of Fund Balance Policy and staff will bring back the Committee's recommended changes for further review. Chairman Fisher also advised we have been informed the Oakland County Board of Commissioners will most likely appoint a replacement for retiring OCPR Commissioner and Chairperson Emeritus Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. at their meeting in January 2015. OLD BUSINESS: There was no old business to report. NEW BUSINESS: There was no new business to report. 11 CLOSED SESSION: Moved by Mr. Scott, supported by Mr. Kostin to adjourn to a Closed Session for the purpose of discussing possible land acquisition and a personnel matter. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Baumhart, Fisher, Kostin, Lewis, Long, McGillivray, Scott (7) NAYS: (0) A sufficient majority having voted, the motion carried. The meeting was adjourned to a closed session at 11:36 a.m. Moved by Mr. Kostin, supported by Mr. McGillivray, to reconvene the Commission Meeting to Open Session. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Baumhart, Fisher, Kostin, Lewis, Long, McGillivray, Scott (7) NAYS: (0) A sufficient majority having voted, the motion carried. The meeting re -convened to open session at 11:58 a.m. Possible Land Acquisition Moved by Mr. Kostin, supported by Mr. McGillivray to direct Property Management Specialist Paul Zachos to proceed with the next steps for the proposed property acquisition as discussed in Closed Session. AYES: Baumhart, Fisher, Kostin, Lewis, Long, McGillivray, Scott (7) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 12:00 p.m. John A. Scott, Secretary Vicky Valko, Recording Secretary 12 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA i i�xiiiiin.i6�..�ii ��i i i..� ii��i�u���i,ii�uni �ii.ii���i��i iiii iiil011fi(���i��e��1.B..e��ur��.nuii i��.� i���.�➢niu��uw u������ia�iiiuue: v�i, i�i� i.��iii 11011111»�u,a,n ii lllA�n iii,i�� ���u ii�uu.ui�nm ii�iiiiii�ii���i�i ii�i iiiiiuiii�iiu��uaWiu uilii�tllA. �,iw.�ii.,iii�WviW1N� JANUARY 13,2015 To: Chairman Fisher and Commission Members From: Daniel J. Stencil, Executive Officer Submitted: January 5, 2015 Subject: OCPR Commission — Election of Officers INTRODUCTION AND HISTORY In accordance with the OCPR Commission Bylaws, Article Vll Officers: AGENDA ITEM NO.7 ADMINISTRATION Section 1. Election of Officers. The Commissioners shall elect, at their first meeting of the year, a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, and Secretary. All officers are eligible for re-election. Election to office shall be by majority vote and candidates need not be present. Section 2. Term of Office. Officers shall take office immediately following their election and shall hold office for a term of one (1) year. As the January 13, 2015, meeting will be the first meeting of the year, it would be appropriate to conduct the Election of Officers for the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission at this meeting. 13 JANUARY 13, 2015 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA AGENDA ITEM NO. 8 FISCAL SERVICES - P&R ACCOUNTING To: Chairman Fisher and Commission Members From: Daniel J. Stencil, Executive Officer Brian Menghini, Fiscal Services Supervisor 11 Jeffrey Phelps, Parks and Recreation Fiscal Coordinator Submitted: December 23, 2014 Subject: Consent Agenda -- OCPR Monthly Financial Reports 8. A. REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE BUDGET TO ACTUAL REPORT November, 2014 (FM 2, FY 2015) 8. B. REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE COMPARISON REPORT November, 2014 (FM 2, FY 2015) 8. C. REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE AVERAGE COMPARISON REPORT November, 2014 (FM 2, FY 2015) 8. D. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS BUDGET TO ACTUAL REPORT AND STATEMENT OF NET POSITION November, 2014 (FM 2, FY 2015) 14 Item #8A OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE BUDGET TO ACTUAL REPORT FM 2 FY 2015 {FOR MONTH ENDING 11130114) 2015 YEAR TO (OVER), % OF REVENUE BUDGET DATE UNDER BUDGET BUDGET ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES: MillegeTax $11,702.000,00 $1,899.44 $11,700,100.56 0.0% Other 255,525.00 (3,621.50) 259,146.50 -1.4% GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE 812,000.00 32,446.46 779,553,54 4.0 % LYON OAKS GOLF COURSE 1,219,50Q00 73,613.12 1,145,886.88 6,0% RED OAKS GOLF COURSE 336,700.00 16,81270 319,887.30 5.0°! SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE 681,654.00 31,061.61 650,592.39 4,6% WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE 764,128.00 35,44342 728.684.58 4.6% ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 130,000,00 0.00 130,000.00 0.0% GLEN OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 200,000.00 0.00 200,000.00 0,0 % GROVELAND OAKS CONCESSIONS 91,500.00 0.00 91,500.00 0.0°/ LYON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 110,000.00 0,00 110,000.00 0,0% RED OAKS WATERPARK CONCESSIONS 225,500.00 0.00 225,5D0.00 0.0 % SPRINGFIELD OAKS CONCESSION 12,000.00 0.00 12,000.00 0.0% WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK CONCESSIONS 140,500.00 U.00 140,500.00 0.0% WHITE LAKE OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 55,000,00 U.OU 55,000.00 0,01A OAKLAND COUNTY MARKET 195,200,00 26,629.19 168,570,81 13.6% ADDISON OAKS PARK 542,516.00 80,193,24 462,322.76 14.8% GROVELAND OAKS PARK 770,150,00 1,774.70 775,375.30 0.2% HIGHLAND OAKS PARK 9.930.00 1,238.00 8,592,O0 12.5% INDEPENDENCE OAKS PARK 349,028.00 24,608,87 324,41913 7.1% LYON OAKS PARK 165,000m 9,476.00 155,524,00 5.7 % ORION OAKS PARK 167,000.00 36,516.00 130,494.00 21,9% RED OAKS DOG PARK 47,000.00 4,349,00 42,651.00 9.3 % RED OAKS PARK 12.000.00 577.00 11.423.00 4.81A ROSE OAKS PARK 3,000.00 0,00 3,000.00 0,0 % SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTERIPARK 112,375.00 75,99Q40 35.384,60 68.5% WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER/PARK 77,405.00 17,431.83 59,973.17 22.5% RECREATION PROGRAMS & SERVICES 277.000,00 37,25216 239.747.84 13.4% CATALPA OAKS PARK 8,000,00 35R00 7,650.00 4.4% RED OAKS WATERPARK 1,052,65Q00 0.01 1,052,649,99 0.0% WATERFORD OAKS BMX 17,50000 1,033,00 16,467.00 5.9% WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK 647,900.00 0.00 647,9D0.00 0.0% CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 4,428,991.00 12,622.5U 4,416,368.50 0.3% TOTAL REVENUE $25,626,652.00 $518,597A5 $25,ID7,95485 2.D% EXPENDITURE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES $14,959,938.00 $675,229,06 $14,284,70894 4.5% FISCAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION 0.00 21,212.71 (21,212.71) FISCAL SERVICES PARKS & REC 0.00 33.75216 (33,752.16) GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE 394,810.00 96,59OB3 296,219.17 24.5% LYON OAKS GOLF COURSE 900,617,00 162,226A3 738,390.57 18.0 % RED OAKS GOLF COURSE 353,420.00 93,450.65 259,969,35 26.4% SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE 348,220,00 114,910.60 233,309AU 33.0 % WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE 410,550.OU 108,350.14 302,199.86 26.4 % ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 145,360,00 20,924,92 124,435.08 14.4% GLEN OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 139,ODO.00 33,016.76 105,1383.24 23.8% GROVELAND OAKS CONCESSIONS 105,425.00 97.84 105,327,16 0.1% LYON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 174,900.00 33,717.31 141,182.59 19,3% RED OAKS WATERPARK CONCESSIONS 210,700.00 0.00 210,700.00 0.0% SPRINGFIELD OAKS CONCESSION 20,70000 4,853.06 15,846.94 23.4% WATERFORD OAKS CONCESSIONS 159,175.00 0.00 159,175.00 0.0 % WHITE LAKE OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 136,600.00 20,650.77 115.949.23 15.1 % OAKLAND COUNTY MARKET 103.375.00 20,12109 83,25391 19.5% ADDISON OAKS PARK 838AU5,00 179,847.50 658,55T50 21.59A GROVELAND OAIG PARK 725,700.00 120,696,78 605,003.22 16.6% HIGHLAND OAKS PARK 38,030,00 10,543.82 27,466.18 27.7% INDEPENDENCE OAKS PARK 559,450.00 161,923.83 397,526.17 20.9 % LYON OAKS PARK 209,400.00 50,246,17 159,153,83 24.0% ORION OAKS PARK 92,195,0D 18,664.97 73,530.03 20.2% RED OAKS DOG PARK 34,OOQ00 10,02372 23,976.28 29.5% RED OAKS PARK 99,73000 12,20586 87,524A4 12,2% ROSE OAKS PARK 36,050.00 4,289.12 31,760,88 11.9% SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER/PARK 273,90000 50,31T70 223,582 30 18.4 % WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER/PARK 486,910.00 116,495,15 370,414,85 23.9% RECREATION PROGRAMS&SERVICES 491,33200 189,685.46 301,643,54 38.6% CATALPA OAKS PARK 81,50Q00 14,32T05 67,17295 17.6% RED OAKS WATERPARK 719,030.00 84,38276 634.647,24 11.7 % WATERFORD OAKS BMX 23,030.00 3,753.76 19,27824 16.3% WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK 553.100DO 56,660.12 496.439,88 10.2% FACILITIES & MAINTENANCE 1,702,10000 196,00927 1,506,091173 11.5a/ INTERNAL FUND CHARGES' 100,000.00 96,13R31 3,860.69 N/A TOTAL EXPENDITURE $25,626,652.00 $2,815,319.68 522,811,332.32 11.0% REVENUE OVERAUNDER) EXPENDITURE $0.00 (2,296,62253) 22,292,63517 2015 2014 2013 2 ACTUAL REVENUE TO DATE: 2.0% S.9% 1.7% 1.7% BUDGET BALANCE: 98.0 % 98.1 % 98,3 % 98.3% ACTUAL EXPENDITURE TO DATE: 11.0% 10.5 % 11.3% 10.5% BUDGETBALANCE: 89.0% 895% 88.7% 89.5% "INTERNAL FUND YTD FIGURE: INTERNAL SERVICE AND OTHER FUNDS PAYMENTS IN TRANSIT. 15 ITEM # 8 B OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE COMPARISON REPORT FM 2 FY 2015 (FOR MONTH ENDING 11130114) YEAR TO DATE YEAR TO DATE REVENUE OVER PARK REVENUE EXPENDITURE (UNDER) EXP. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES (Inc. Tax Revenue) ($1,722,06) $675,229,06 ($676,951.12) FISCAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION 0.00 21,212.71 (21,212,71) FISCAL SERVICES PARKS & REC 0,00 33,752.16 (33,752,16) ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES SUB -TOTAL (1,722.06) 730,193.03 (731,915,99) GOLF: GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE 32,446,46 96,590.83 (64,144.37) LYON OAKS GOLF COURSE 73,613.12 162,226.43 (88,613.31) RED OAKS GOLF COURSE 16,812.70 93A50.65 (76,637.95) SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE 31,061.61 114,910.60 (83,848.99) WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE 35,443.42 108,350.14 (72,906.72� GOLF SUB -TOTAL 189,377.31 575,528,65 (386,151,34} FOOD SERVICES: ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 0,00 20,924.92 (20,924.92) GLEN OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 0.00 33,016.76 (33,016.76) GROVELAND OAKS CONCESSIONS 0.00 97.84 (97.84) LYON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 0.00 33,717.31 (33,717.31) RED OAKS WATERPARK CONCESSIONS 0.00 0,00 0.00 SPRINGFIELD OAKS CONCESSION 0.00 4,853,06 (4,853.06) WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK CONCESSIONS 0.00 0.00 0.00 WHITE LAKE OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 0.00 20,650.77 f( 20,650.77 FOOD SERVICE SUB -TOTAL 0,00 113,260.66 (113,260,66) COUNTY MARKET: OAKLAND COUNTY MARKET 26,629.19 20,121,09 6,508.10 COUNTY MARKET SUB -TOTAL 26,629.19 20,121.09 6,508.10 PARKS: ADDISON OAKS PARK 80,193.24 179,847.50 (99,654.26) GROVELAND OAKS PARK 1,774.70 120,696.78 (118,022.08) HIGHLAND OAKS PARK 1,238.00 10,543.82 (9,305.82) INDEPENDENCE OAKS PARK 24,608.87 11611,923.83 (137,314,96) LYON OAKS PARK 9,476.00 50,246.17 (40,770.17) ORION OAKS PARK 36,516.00 18,664.97 17,851.03 RED OAKS DOG PARK 4,349.00 10,023,72 (5,674.72) RED OAKS PARK 577,00 12,205,86 (11,628,85) ROSE OAKS PARK 0.00 4,289,12 (4,289,12) SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER/PARK 76,990.40 50,317.70 26,672.70 WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTERJPARK 17,431,83 116,495.15 (99,063,32) PARKS SUB -TOTAL 253,155.04 735,254.62 (482,099,58) RECREATION: RECREATION PROGRAMS & SERVICES 37,252.16 189,688.46 (152,436.30) CATALPA OAKS PARK 350.00 14,327.05 (13,977.05) RED OAKS WATERPARK 0,01 84,382,76 (84,382.75) WATERFORD OAKS BMX 1,033.00 3,753.76 (2,720.76) WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK 0.00 56,660.12 (56,660.1) RECREATION SUB -TOTAL 38,635.17 348,612.15 (348,812.15) FACILITIES & MAINTENANCE: FACILITIES & MAINTENANCE 0.00 196,009,27 196,009.27) FACILITIES & MAINTENANCE SUB -TOTAL 0,00 196,009.27 �196,009.27) CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 12,622.50 0.00 0.00 INTERNAL FUND CHARGES' 0.00 96,139.31 (63,516,81) TOTAL $518,697.15 $2,815,319.68 ($2,296,622.53) 'INTERNAL FUND YTD FIGURE: INTERNAL SERVICE AND OTHER FUNDS PAYMENTS IN TRANSIT, See the Oakland County website's "Transparency in Government -Monthly Financials" to view the latest monthly Financial Statement detail by each departments' budget units: 1. Log onto www.oakoov.com/mcitbud/fiscal/Paces/info Dublvarks.asm 2. Click on each of the Parks and Recreation monthly financial reports you are interested in viewing 16 ITEM # 8 C Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Monthly Average Comparison Report (Comparison of FY 2015 Actuals with 5-Year Average Actuals) As of November 30, 2014 FY2015 Amended October November f December ( January February I March I _ Aodl Mav I lUne I July Aueust 5e0tember YEAR TO DATE REVENUES: 5-YEAR%VERgGE 71ENUE Percentage of Total I I $265,938 1,24% $147,916' 0.69% � $1,551,514J 7.22 1 $$ 6,832 .02% $3,198,486 14.88% $2,350,117 10.94°,L $1,272,604 5.42% I $1,167,Z43I 5.43%I 51,47.334 6.7055 $1,849,794 8.fi1% $1,411,2id 6,57% $1,458816 ° $21,491,305.42 FY2015 Amended Budget/Alottment $ 21,280,361 $263,328 $146,464 $1,536,285 $5,324,056 $3,167,092 $2,327,049 $1,260,133 $1,156,282 $1,426,197 $1,831,638 $1,397,358 $1,444,497 $21,280,361 FY2015 Planned Use of Fund Balance $ 4.346.291 FY 2015 Amended Budget $ 25,626,652 _FY 2015 Actuals $339,920 $178,777. $518,697 Avg. Monthly Revenue Over/(Under) $75,592 $32,313 $108,905 I �'-YFA itV (iF�fTENSE Percerhageofal $1,309,486 fi.20% $1,246,494 5.90% $1,558,686 7.36% $1,263,149 5.9896 $1,2(1�j e( 5.69Y6 $1,667,109 7.89°� $1,44ty 2 6.�56 $119$�i758 9.3856 $2,4 ,}28 166%L1696 $2,3 g 964 $2,169,587 10.27% $2✓ g1316 11.67' FY2015 Amended Budget/Alottment $ 25,626,652 $1,588,349 $1,511,942 $1,890,618 $1,532,145 $1,457,117 $2,022,130 $1,749,643 $2,404,9991 $2,987,667 $2,958,894 $2,631,614 $2,992,534 FY 2015 Actuals $1,508578 $1,306,741 $2,815,320 Avg. Monthly Expenses (Over)/Under $79,771 $205,201 $284,972 Total Avg Monthly Favorability/(Unfavorability) $196,362 $237,514 $393,876 (Actual Revenue Over/(Under) Expenses ($L168,658) ($1,127,964) $01 $01 $0l $01 Sol $ol $0l $0 ($2,296,623)I Prepared by Fiscal Services Division 17 ITEM # 8 D Parks and Recreation Commission ACTIVE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS BUDGET TO ACTUAL EXPENSE REPORT (as of December 31, 2014) Last TransactionDate Project ID Description Start Date Budget Expenses to Date Remaining Budget 100000002094 ACC Architectural Improvements 11/6/2014 11/6/2014 $70,000.00 $3,603.00 $66,397.00 100000001959 ACC Energy Management Upgrade 5/28/2014 9/30/2014 $17,500.00 $8,105.66 $9,394.34 100000002096 ACC Entrance Drive Replacement 11/6/2014 11/6/2014 $139,384.00 $3,667.60 $135,716.40 100000001826 ACC Interior Renovations 7/24/2013 11/30/2014 $672,228.00 $564,610.45 $107,617.55 100000002084 ACC Kitchen Storage Facility 10/30/2014 10/30/2014 $13,000.00 $0.00 $13,000.00 100000001881 ACC Roof Replacement 10/28/2013 10/27/2014 $799,295.00 $657,232.13 $142,062.87 100000002007 ADD Asphalt Trail 8/22/2014 9/4/2014 $43,000.00 $38,216.00 $4,784.00 100000001963 ADD Boat Launch Accessible 5/28/2014 5/28/2014 $55,000.00 $0.00 $55,000.00 100000001845 ADD Campground Pull Thru Sites 9/12/2013 12/19/2014 $248,167.00 $13,710.55 $234,456.45 100000002009 ADD Concrete Sidewalks 8/22/2014 8/27/2014 $18,500.00 $18,210.00 $290.00 100000002099 ADD Entrance Road 11/19/2014 12/29/2014 $88,577.50 $88,577.50 $0.00 100000001982 ADD Fishing Docks 7/11/2014 8/31/2014 $60,000.00 $1,267.07 $58,732.93 100000002095 ADD Fuel Tank Replacement 11/6/2014 11/6/2014 $65,000.00 $0.00 $65,000.00 100000001997 ADD Lakeview Pavillion Roof 8/5/2014 9/30/2014 $20,000.00 $888.71 $19,111.29 100000002023 ADD Maintenance Yard Paving 9/23/2014 9/23/2014 $15,000.00 $0.00 $15,000.00 100000000604 ADD Pavilion-Cmpgrd Recreation 9/1/2004 12/19/2014 $417,524.00 $129,051.87 $288,472.13 100000001968 ADM Energy Mgt Upgrade 6/2/2014 6/2/2014 $13,750.00 $0.00 $13,750.00 100000002018 CAT Energy Management Upgrade 9/23/2014 9/23/2014 $13,900.00 $0.00 $13,900.00 100000001970 GLC Energy Mgt Upgrade 6/2/2014 6/2/2014 $19,500.00 $0.00 $19,500.00 100000001825 GLC Interior Renovations 7/23/2013 11/30/2014 $577,404.00 $462,401.30 $115,002.70 100000001962 GLC Parking Lot Imp Design 5/28/2014 12/23/2014 $27,500.00 $8,813.35 $18,686.65 100000001750 GLG Bridge Replacement #13 12/3/2012 10/2/2014 $232,907.00 $19,873.38 $213,033.62 100000001964 GLG Drainage Improv Design 5/28/2014 5/28/2014 $18,000.00 $0.00 $18,000.00 100000001807 GLG HVAC Replacement 5/15/2013 10/27/2014 $290,939.00 $230,020.17 $60,918.83 100000001847 GLG Irrigation Pond Dredging 9/17/2013 5/31/2014 $296,000.00 $218,713.79 $77,286.21 100000001914 GLG Irrigation System Repl Des 2/11/2014 11/7/2014 $108,125.00 $73,765.45 $34,359.SS 100000001971 GLG Parking Lot Imp Design 6/2/2014 12/23/2014 $27,500.00 $8,813.34 $18,686.66 100000002086 GRC Concession Remodeling 10/30/2014 11/24/2014 $20,000.00 $9,320.43 $10,679.57 100000002024 GRV Asphalt Safety Path 9/23/2014 12/29/2014 $45,000.00 $45,418.00 ($418.00) 100000001927 GRV Campground Utility Imp Des 3/7/2014 10/27/2014 $42,500.00 $43,261.93 ($761.93) 100000002012 GRV Play Lot Concession 8/28/2014 12/1S/2014 $250,000.00 $66,924.00 $183,076,00 100000001751 GRV Restroom/Shower Section C 12/3/2012 11/7/2014 $613,975.00 $588,660.41 $25,314.59 100000001967 GRV Roadway Putt Putt Light 5/29/2014 10/31/2014 $22,500.00 $19,310.84 $3,189.16 100000001332 HGH Boardwalks -Docks -Overlooks 12/8/2009 5/31/2014 $64,000.00 $49,926.17 $14,073.83 100000001752 HGH ParkingLot- Central 12/3/2012 10/27/2014 $178,842.00 $182,165.16 ($3,323.16) 18 ITEM # 8 D Parks and Recreation Commission ACTIVE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS BUDGET TO ACTUAL EXPENSE REPORT (as of December 31, 2014) Last TransactionDate Project ID Description Start Date Budget Expenses to Date Remaining Budget 100000001331 HGH Trail Development -Phase 1 12/8/2009 10/31/2014 $284,200.00 $135,205.80 $148,994.20 100000001969 IND Energy Mgt Upgrade 6/2/2014 6/2/2014 $14,250.00 $0.00 $14,250.00 100000001960 IND Fishing Dock Replacement 5/28/2014 5/28/2014 $35,000.00 $0.00 $35,000.00 100000002011 IND Play Lot Twin Chimneys 8/28/2014 11/7/2014 $39,000.00 $10,121.03 $28,878.97 100000001891 IND Upper Bush Bdwlk TrlPhsll 11/15/2013 11/24/2014 $150,000.00 $34,114.45 $115,885.55 100000001966 IND Wood Burning Unit 5/29/2014 12/15/2014 $48,500.00 $15,913.33 $32,586.67 100000002005 LYC Sidewalk Replacement 8/21/2014 8/21/2014 $30,000.00 $0.00 $30,000.00 100000002021 LYG Boardwalk Replacement 9/23/2014 12/15/2014 $25,000.00 $6,828.98 $18,171.02 100000001998 LYG Pumphouse Roofing 8/5/2014 9/30/2014 $15,000.00 $888.70 $14,111.30 100000001335 LYP Boardwalks -Docks -Overlooks 12/8/2009 12/15/2014 $80,000.00 $76,850.17 $3,149.83 100000001753 LYP Pavilion Small Dog Park 12/3/2012 9/5/2014 $40,000.00 $28,254.00 $11,746.00 100000000983 LYP West Norton Drain Bridge 1/2/2007 10/27/2014 $40,000.00 $23,837.91 $16,162.09 100000002008 ORN Doe Park Concrete Sidewalk 8/22/2014 8/27/2014 $5,238.00 $4,968.00 $270.00 100000000867 ORN Pavilion -Dog Park 2/13/2006 9/5/2014 $251,261.00 $251,462.76 ($201.76) 100000001499 RDD Stormwater Reclaimation 4/28/2011 1/24/2014 $70,000.00 $20,982.52 $49,017.48 100000002088 RDG LED Entrance Sign 10/30/2014 10/30/2014 $30,000.00 $0.00 $30,000.00 100000001498 RDG Stormwater Reclaimation 4/28/2011 1/24/2014 $70,000.00 $19,818.59 $50,181.41 100000002019 RDP Energy Management Upgrade 9/23/2014 9/23/2014 $14,450.00 $0.00 $14,450.00 100000002089 RDP LED Entrance Sign 10/30/2014 11/6/2014 $30,000.00 $0.00 $30,000.00 100000001961 RDP Parking Lot Exp Design 5/28/2014 12/29/2014 $50,000.00 $10,864.00 $39,136.00 100000002025 RDP Removable Raised Flooring 9/23/2014 12/19/2D14 $45,355.00 $41,210.00 $4,145.00 100000002022 RSE Boardwalk North Connector 9/23/2014 12/15/2014 $160,000.00 $39,012.78 $120,987.22 100000001115 RSE Boardwalks -Docks -Overlooks 11/28/2007 7/3/2014 $342,000.00 $231,920.99 $110,079.01 100000001114 RSE Trail Development 11/28/2007 11/30/2014 $389,500.00 $129,832.85 $259,667.15 100000002087 RWC Concession Remodeling 10/30/2014 10/31/2014 $30,000.00 $1,235.50 $28,764.50 100000001336 RWP Connector Trail 12/8/2009 11/7/2014 $397,122.00 $360,126.06 $36,995.94 100000001957 RWP Entrance Shade Structure 5/28/2014 5/28/2014 $48,859.42 $0.00 $48,859.42 100000002079 RWP River Pumphouse Restroom 10/21/2014 10/21/2014 $12,000.00 $0.00 $12,000.00 100000001958 RWP Shade Struct Kiddie Area 5/28/2014 5/28/2014 $80,209.80 $0.00 $80,209.80 100000001819 SAC Ellis Barn Improvements 6/5/2013 11/7/2014 $643,056.00 $591,987.77 $51,068.23 100000001965 SAC Horse Barn Bldg K Design 5/28/2014 10/27/2014 $20,000.00 $11,228.45 $8,771,55 100000002085 SPC Concession Remodeling 10/30/2014 10/31/2014 $20,000.00 $1,126.00 $18,874.00 100000001999 SPC Concession Roofing 8/5/2014 12/29/2014 $65,000.00 $32,574.12 $32,425,88 100000001916 SPG Irrigation Sys Repl Des 2/11/2014 12/19/2014 $116,869.00 $6,300.00 $110,569.00 100000001938 WCM LED Entrance Sign 3/24/2014 10/24/2014 $40,000.00 $37,757.80 $2,242.20 19 ITEM # 8 Project ID Description 100000002020 WLC Energy Management Upgrade 100000001915 WLG Irrigation Sys Repl Des 1D0000001757 WTR Dog Park Fence 100000001756 WTR Dog Park Site Work 100000002017 WTR Energy Management Upgrade 100000002013 WTR Expanded Maintenance Yard 100000002083 WTR Office Ren Ernst House 100000002080 WWC Concession Remodeling Illustrative Net Position - Unrestricted Operating Reserve FY2015 Capital Equipment FY2015 Planned Use of Balance; Depreciation Operating Subsidy Total Planned Use of Fund Balance Active C1P Projects - Budget Parks and Recreation Commission ACTIVE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS BUDGET TO ACTUAL EXPENSE REPORT (as of December 31, 2014) Last Transaction Start Date Budget Date 9/23/2014 9/23/2014 $18,200.00 2/11/2014 12/19/2014 $179,720.00 12/3/2012 12/3/2012 $20,000.00 12/3/2012 3/15/2013 $30,000.00 9/23/2014 9/23/2014 $13,850.00 8/28/2014 8/28/2014 $15,000.00 10/30/2014 10/30/2014 $ 60,0o0.00 10/21/2014 12/29/2014 $20,000.00 $9,693,157.72 Capital Reserve/Amount Available for Capital Improvement and Capital Equipment Total Net Position - Unrestricted as of September 30, 2014 (Unaudited) $3,408,400.00 8937,891.00 Expenses to Date Remaining Budget $0.00 $68,550.00 $0.00 $4,597.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4,600.00 $5,756,697.82 Amount Percentage of Total $5,750,000.00 22.24% $594,663.81 2.30% $4,346,291.00 16.81 % $9,693,157.72 37.50% $5,466,563.74 21.15% $ 25,850, 676.27 100.00% $18,200.00 $111,170.00 $20,000.00 $25,403.00 $13,850.00 $15,000.00 $60,000.00 $15,400,00 $3,936,459.90 20 ITEM # 8 E Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Maintenance Projects under $100,000 BUDGET TO ACTUAL EXPENSE REPORT (as of December, 2014) Cost Budget Expended Variance Center Title Amount Amount (Budget - Expended) ACC Stucco Repair $ 20,000 $ 20,000 ADM Pavement Maintenance Program* $ 150,000 $ 2,851 $ 147,149 ADM Carpet/Flooring Management Program* $ 150,000 $ 150,000 ADM Interior/Exterior Painting Program* $ 120,000 $ 37,108 $ 82,892 ADM Window/Door Replacement Program* $ 120,000 $ 120,000 ADM Tree Planting Program* $ 125,000 $ 125,000 ADM Natural Resource Program* $ 335,000 $ 420 I $ 334,580 ADM ADA Transition Program* $ 350,000 li $ 350,000 ADM Electronic Entry Gates - Park -wide study/design $ 30,000 $ 30,000 ADM Dog Park Development - Design $ 27,500 I $ 27,500 GLG Exterior Stone Repair $ 10,000 $ 10,000 RWP Operational Signage $ 20,000 $ - I $ 20,000 RWP Wave Pool - Structural Assessment/Repair $ 25,000 $ 25,000 Totals $ 1,482,500 $ 40,379 $ 1,442,121 31 * Program amount is listed over $100,000, however this covers multiple project locations. 1/5/2015 21 JANUARY 13, 2015 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA AGENDA ITEM NO. 9 A ADMINISTRATION To: Chairman Fisher and Commission Members From: Daniel J. Stencil, Executive Officer Submitted: January 5, 2015 Subject: Proposed 2015 OCPR Commission & Executive Committee Meeting Dates IVA f l]IJP JLOH110r <_l`►LIPM imi 1**0IM According to the OCPR Commission Bylaws the Commission shall set the regular meeting dates and times at its January meeting. Attached is the 2015 proposed schedule for the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting dates. This listing includes the 2015 dates of the Commission Meetings, the dates of the Executive Committee Meetings and also dates and locations for various meetings and conferences. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff recommends approving the 2015 OCPR Commission and Executive Committee meeting schedule. MOTION Move to approve the 2015 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission and Executive Committee Meeting schedule as submitted. 22 2015 a 0 IV Cai AM Oc i t 6/ a d O a a N d 1 N i a N r AM IV d r O N N .E E u 2015 Oakland County Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting Schedule Please note there may be some dates with multiple items scheduled. Refer to the key below the calendar for further details. I January IS M T W T F 5 I 1 2 3 14 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 122 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 31 IFebruary 15 M T W T F 5 1 1 2 3 4, 5 6 7 8 9 1 30 11 12 13 14 15 16 V 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 1 March 5 M T W T F 5 1 2 3 4 A 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 E24 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 April IS M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 Cb 24 25 26 27 29 30 1 May S M _T W _T F S 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 WS 20 i 211 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 June 5 M T W T F 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 220 17 ;1181, 19 20 21 22 M 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 July 5 M T W T F 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 it 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 - 24 25 26 27 929 30 31 August 5 M T W T F 5 1 2 3 4 50 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25, 26 27 28 29 30 31 September 5 M T WIT F 5 1 2 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14416 II 17 18 19 20 21 22. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 October 5 M T W T F 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 '14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 '22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 November 5 M T W T F 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 30 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 December 5 M T W T F 5 Ij 1 2 _3j 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 123 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 I JAN 2016 1 OCPRC Meeting Executive Committee Meeting 22 OCPRC Budget Study Session & Ex. Comm. Mtg. (2) � Executive Committee Meeting & Aaenda Deadline ElOCPR Commission Meeting Date & Aaenda Deadline I Aaenda Submission Deadlines ❑i Holiday 18 Chairman/Exec. Officer Review Agenda for Exec. Comm. Mtg. Present budget info at end of april Schedule additional work sessions in April 25 Agenda Packets delivered to OCPR Commission Additionalwork session in May 1 /5/2015 Additional worksession in June 27 OCPRC Study Session @ 1:30 & Executive Committee Mtg. Additional work session in July immediately following 23 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION 2015 MASTER CALENDAR DAY DATE OCPR COMMISSION MEETINGS TUESDAY January 13, 2015 TUESDAY February 10, 2015 TUESDAY March 10, 2015 TUESDAY April 14, 2015 TUESDAY TUESDAY May 12, 2015 TUESDAY TUESDAY June 9, 2015 TUESDAY July 14, 2015 TUESDAY August 11, 2015 TUESDAY September 8, 2015 TUESDAY October 13, 2015 TUESDAY November 10, 2015 TUESDAY December 8, 2015 EVENT REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING - OFFICER ELECTION REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING - White Lake Oaks Golf Course Club House) REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING FY 2015 BUDGET PRESENTATION WORK SESSION I REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING -(Red Oaks Soccer Complex) FY 2015 BUDGET PRESENTATION WORK SESSION If REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING -(Springfield Oaks Activity Center) REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING - (ADOPT FY 2015 BUDGET) REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING-(Groveland Township Fire Hall) REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING RECOMMENDED EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETINGS ( Fourth Tuesdav of every month If TUESDAY January 27, 2015 TUESDAY February 24, 2015 TUESDAY March 24, 2015 TUESDAY April 28, 2015 TUESDAY May 26, 2015 TUESDAY June 23, 2015 TUESDAY July 28, 2015 TUESDAY August 25, 2015 TUESDAY September 22, 2015 TUESDAY October 27, 2015 TUESDAY November 24, 2015 TUESDAY December 22, 2015 MEETINGS/CONFERENCES TUES-FRI FEB 10-13, 2015 SAT -WED FEB 21-25, 2015 MON-WED MAR 30-APR 1, 2015 MON-FRI JUN 8-12, 2015 FRI-MON JUL 10-13, 2015 SUN-TUES SEPT 20-22, 2015 TUES-THURS SEPT 15-17, 2015 DISCONTINUED EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING MRPA ANNUAL CONFERENCE/TRADE SHOW; LANSING, MI NACo LEGISLATIVE CONFERENCE; WASHINGTON DC MAC LEGISLATIVE CONFERENCE; LANSING, MI SPDF ANNUAL CONFERENCE SOUTHEAST, MICHIGAN NACo ANNUAL CONFERENCE; CHARLOTTE, NC MAC ANNUAL CONFERENCE; GRAND TRAVERSE RESORT, ACME, MI NRPA CONGRESS & EXPOSITION; LAS VEGAS, NV NRPA LEGISLATIVE FORUM, WASHINGTON DC NOTE: All regular Commission meetings will be held at OCPRC Administration Offices located at Waterford Oaks, 2800 Watkins Lake Road, unless otherwise noted. 24 V�711�1R_1►111 .01%01ai � t I;i,-�� OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA JANUARY 13, 2015 To: Chairman Fisher and Commission Members From: Daniel J. Stencil, Executive Officer Submitted: January 7, 2015 Subject: OCPR Commission Bylaws INTRODUCTION AND HISTORY AGENDA ITEM NO. 9 B ADMINISTRATION We have provided a copy of the current Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Bylaws. This is to provide the Commission an opportunity to conduct a periodic review of the current OCPRC Bylaws in case there are any areas that may need to be clarified or possibly added. 25 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION By -Laws Article I Name The agency is called the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission, hereinafter referred to as the Commission. Article 11 Area The area served by the Commission shall include all lands and waters in accordance with Michigan law. Article 111 Statutory Authority The Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission shall exercise such powers and perform such duties as are authorized and provided by the statutes and the laws of the State of Michigan under Act No. 261 of the Public Acts of 1965, as amended, and the Oakland County Board of Supervisors Resolution #4531 dated February 8, 1966 establishing the Commission. Article IV Purpose The purposes of the Commission shall be: 1. To develop and operate parks and recreation facilities, related programs and support services. 2. To prepare and submit annually an operating budget for final approval by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners. 3. To prepare and recommend for approval by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners, all property acquisitions, granting opportunities and the adoption of a comprehensive recreation master plan, 4 To serve as an informational resource center for local parks and recreation commissions and/or boards. 5 To determine the extent of need for parks, preserves, trails, recreation and other conservation facilities within Oakland County. 26 6 To develop cooperative planning efforts with the various cities, villages, townships and school districts concerned with parks, recreation and conservation services. Article V Membership The Commission shall consist of ten (10) members. Three (3) members are statutorily designated positions: the Oakland County Executive, or his/her designee; the Oakland County Water Resources Commissioner, or his/her designee, and the Chairperson, or his/her designee, of the Road Commission for Oakland County. The remaining seven (7) members shall be appointed by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners and shall include not less than one (1) and not more than three (3) members of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners. Article VI Salaries and Compensation Commissioners' remuneration for services rendered shall be per diem and mileage as established by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners. Article Vll Officers Section 1. Election of Officers. The Commissioners shall elect, at their first meeting of the year, a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, and Secretary. All officers are eligible for re- election. Election to office shall be by majority vote and candidates need not be present. Section 2. Term of Office. Officers shall take office immediately following their election and shall hold office for a term of one (1) year. Section 3. Vacancv. Any office that becomes vacant shall be filled by special election by the Commission at any meeting. Each person so elected to fill a vacancy shall remain in office until the regular election of officers at the first meeting of the year. Section 4. Duties. a. The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings, except for the election of the office of Chairperson itself; appoint committees and perform such other duties as may be directed by the Commission. b. In the temporary absence of the Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson shall assume the responsibilities of the Chairperson. c, The Secretary shall keep, in good detail, minutes of all meetings or shall delegate authority to do so to a qualified recorder. -z- 27 d. The Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary and Chairperson Emeritus, if a commissioner is so designated, shall serve as the Executive Committee of the Commission. Section 5. Chairperson Emeritus. From time to time, the Commission may designate an individual currently on the Commission who previously served as Chairperson to serve as Chairperson Emeritus. Chairperson Emeritus shall function as an advisor to the Chairperson and shall be part of the Executive Committee when such committee meets. Article Vll! Committees. The Commission may establish standing committees and special committees which shall meet at the call of their respective chairs. Committees shall be appointed by the Chairperson and shall meet under the same conditions and rules as does the Commission. Any three (3) members, but no more than five (5), appointed by the Chairperson, may constitute a committee. Article 1X Meetings Section 1. Reqular Meetings. The Commission shall set the regular meeting dates and times at its January meeting. All members shall be notified of meetings in writing 48 hours in advance of said meetings. Section 2. Special Meetings. Special meetings may be called as needed by the Chairperson or by three (3) members of the Commission. Section 3. Advertised Public Hearinqs. The Chairperson will declare such a public hearing open and state its purpose. The petitioner, or proponent of the action advertised, will be heard first. Section 4. Cancellation. A meeting may be cancelled by the Chairperson by notifying the members no later than 24 hours prior to the meeting. Section 5. Parliamentary Authoritv. All meetings of the Commission shall be conducted in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order, unless those Rules are inconsistent with these Bylaws, any special rules or orders of the Commission, or any procedural rules promulgated by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners. Section 6. Open Meetinqs Act. All meetings of the Commission, as well as any committee or special meeting where a quorum is present, shall be subject to the Open Meetings Act, Act 267 of the Public Acts of 1976, as amended. -3- 28 Section 7. Quorum. In accordance with Act No. 261 of the Public Acts of 1965, as amended, six (6) members of the Commission present and voting shall constitute a quorum. Section 8. Absences. A member shall notify the Commission prior to a meeting if he/she will be unable to attend. Section 9. Voting. a. All ten (10) Commission members, including the Chairperson, may discuss and vote upon any matter brought before the Commission for its consideration. b. A roll call vote shall be taken in all cases when requested by a member. c. All members present shall be recorded as an aye, nay, or abstention. d. Commissioners shall not vote on issues where a personal conflict of interest may be present. Section 10. Recess. The Commission may not stand in recess overnight. Section 11. Non -Member Addresses to the Commission. Only members of the commission or its staff shall be given the floor to speak during any Commission meeting except under one or more of the following conditions; 1. During Public Comments, with a reasonable time limit established at the discretion of the Chairperson. 2. Any person may be given permission by the Chairperson, or a majority of the Commission members present, to address the Commission. 3. Any Commission member shall request permission of the Chairperson to direct specific questions to any non-member. 4. As provided for in the approved Agenda of the Commission meeting. Section 12. Limitation of Debate. A one -hour limit may be called for on any item on the agenda or any item properly before the Commission. When the question of limiting time of debate to one (1) hour has been carried by a majority, the Chairperson shall divide the time equally between the members present and voting. Members may yield their allotted time to another member. Article X Executive Officer Section 1. Appointment. An Executive Officer shall be appointed by the Commission. Section 2. General Duties. The Executive Officer shall be responsible for the professional and administrative work, directing and coordinating the program of the Commission. The Executive Officer's work shall be carried out with the widest degree of professional responsibility, subject to the policy determination of the Commission and administrative policies of Oakland County. -4- 29 Section 3. Administrative Duties. The Executive Officer shall supervise and review the work of the staff, and prepare a proposed operating budget for submission to the Commission. Section 4. Public Relations. The Executive Officer and the Commission Chairman, or their designee(s), shall officially represent the Commission and its staff at conferences, interdepartmental meetings of the county government, meetings among local, state and federal agencies and serve generally as liaison between the Commission and the public. The Executive Officer shall present Commission recommendations to the Oakland County Board of Commissioners. Article XI Budget Section 1. Budget Preparation and Adoption. The Executive Officer shall bear responsibility for the preparation of the budget and shall submit such budget to the Commission for approval and adoption by the first regular meeting in September. Section 2. General Appropriations. The Commission shall abide by the General Appropriations Act. Section 3. Purchasinq. The Commission shall abide by the purchasing policies and procedures as approved by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners. Article Xll Audit An annual audit will be authorized by the Commission prior to the end of the fiscal year, Article X111 Amendments These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the Commission members present at any meeting called for this purpose. Thirty (30) days' written notice to all members of the Commission shall be required prior to voting on bylaw amendments. Amendments shall be consistent with the laws of the State of Michigan and Oakland County Board of Commissioners resolutions. Amendments shall become effective upon approval. Revised: July 18, 2007 Revised: October 22, 2008 Revised: January 12, 2011 DA$DataWy documents\Commission\Bylaws\Revised 011211.doc -5- 30 V�1.1ILlR 1O11111116, 0101ai y i I ii , � OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA — i Diu InVlli'A, i. iva.i i.11iIM+llil....... .— .,......r„i...... —.. . a ., .+i.111�1 V.,1�..I e i ..",—,, . . , iu. ..e�b.wr JANUARY 13, 2015 To: Chairman Fisher and Commission Members From: Daniel J. Stencil, Executive Officer Sue Wells, Manager of Parks and Recreation Operations Submitted: January 6, 2015 Subject: Proposed 2015 Appreciation Days INTRODUCTION AND HISTORY AGENDA ITEM NO. 9 C ADMINISTRATION Oakland County Parks has held Appreciation Days at its Day Use parks each year. The free entry into the Day Use parks (Addison Oaks, Highland Oaks, Independence Oaks, Lyon Oaks, Orion Oaks, Red Oaks, and Rose Oaks) affords the patrons to use the park without purchasing a vehicle permit. Communications and Marketing works with park staff on advertising these days. The following are the proposed days and dates for 2015: Veteran's Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Eve Christmas Day News Year's Eve MOTION November 11, 2015 November 26, 2015 December 24, 2015 December 25, 2015 December 31, 2015 Move to approve the 2015 Oakland County Parks Appreciation Days as follows: Veteran's Day Wednesday, November 11, 2015 Thanksgiving Day Thursday, November 26, 2015 Christmas Eve Thursday, December 24, 2015 Christmas Day Friday, December 25, 2015 News Year's Eve Thursday, December 31, 2015 in order to provide free access into the Oakland County Day Use Parks. 31 1�1=1'ILIILI01Pike-A01\1 i 1111 L_�� OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA JANUARY 13, 2015 To: Chairman Fisher and Commission Members AGENDA ITEM NO. 9 D BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT From: Daniel J. Stencil, Executive Officer Melissa Prowse, Supervisor, Planning & Resource Development Submitted: January 6, 2015 Subject: State Grant Strategy & Mitigation Update INTRODUCTION AND HISTORY Oakland County Parks and Recreation has been the fortunate recipient of millions of dollars of state and federal grant funding throughout its organizational history. Staff would like to make a brief report to the Commission on current grant strategy, and to provide a summary of current/funded grant projects. Staff will also provide an update on OCPR's "conversions" of grant -funded property, information on how those conversions are impacting our ability to receive larger grants at this time, and a strategy for mitigating those conversions. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff recommends the Commission receive and file this information. 32 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA JANUARY 13, 2015 AGENDA ITEM NO. 9 E RECREATION PROGRAMS AND SERVICES To: Chairman Fisher and Commission Members From: Daniel J. Stencil, Executive Officer Terry Fields, Chief of Recreation Programs and Services Sandy Dorey, Recreation Program Supervisor Submitted: January 7, 2015 Subject: Acceptance of Barrick Enterprises, Inc. FY2015 Contribution for Disabled Veterans Programming INTRODUCTION AND HISTORY Barrick Enterprises, Inc., a local BP Branded Marketer, is planning to contribute $10,000 to Oakland County Parks and Recreation in Fiscal Year 2015. This contribution has been initiated due to the ongoing partnership Oakland County Parks and Recreation has with the U.S. Paralympics, Team USA and the successful Disabled Veteran's Sport initiative OCPRC has managed in past years. Specifically, the Barrick Enterprises, Inc. contribution will support the development of recreational opportunities for veterans with disabilities. The program will include the Paralympic Experience Sports Expo, Paralympic Sports Clinic Series and various social opportunities for veterans with disabilities throughout the Oakland County community. Additionally, the acceptance of this contribution from Barrick Enterprises, Inc. will serve as matching funds to allow OCPRC to be eligible once again for The BP Fueling Communities Program which provides grants to local organizations that are nominated by BP's Branded Marketers to support the communities in which they do business. The BP Fueling Communities Program gives back to local organizations that support health, education, youth, food and housing to spread charity and goodwill. OCPRC has received funding through the BP Fueling Communities Program in FY2013 and FY2014. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the acceptance of the Barrick Enterprises, Inc, contribution of $10,000 to assist OCPRC in the development of recreational opportunities for veterans with disabilities and become eligible for additional funding through the BP Fueling Communities Program. MOTION Move to approve the attached proposed resolution to accept the $10,000 contribution from Barrick Enterprises, Inc., for the development of OCPR recreational opportunities for veterans with disabilities, and forward to the Oakland County Board of Commissioners for final approval. 33 MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION IN RE: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION - FY2015 Barrick Enterprises, Inc. Contribution Acceptance To the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Chairman and Commissioners: WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission has been selected to receive a $10,000 contribution from Barrick Enterprises, Inc., a local BP Branded Marketer; and WHEREAS, the contribution will fund the Disabled Veteran's Sport Initiative, which will include the Paralympic Experience Sports Expo, Paralympic Sports Clinic Series, and various social opportunities for veterans with disabilities throughout the Oakland County community; and WHEREAS, the acceptance of the Barrick Enterprises, Inc. contribution will serve as potential matching funds to allow Oakland County Parks and Recreation to be eligible for the BP Fueling Communities Program; and WHEREAS, the BP Fueling Communities Program provides monetary contributions to local organizations that are nominated by BP's Branded Marketers, such as Barrick Enterprises, Inc., to support the communities in which they do business; and WHEREAS, the Fueling Communities Program gives back to local organizations that support health, education, youth, food and housing to spread charity and goodwill. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission recommends acceptance of the $10,000 Barrick Enterprises, Inc, contribution to assist in the development of recreational opportunities for veterans with disabilities and become eligible for additional funding through the BP Fueling Communities Program. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission hereby requests the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorize and accept the $10,000 Barrick Enterprises, Inc, contribution. Moved By: Supported By: Date: 34 VS1_1AR'00 Pike 1 4 i1 �_1 lli ►i� OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA �� �" n­ .. JANUARY 13, 2015 AGENDA ITEM NO. 9 F FACILITIES MAINTENANCE & DEVELOPMENT To: Chairman Fisher and Commission Members From: Daniel J. Stencil, Executive Officer; Mike Donnellon, Chief, Parks Facilities Maintenance and Development Submitted: January 7, 2015 Subject: Springfield Oaks Davisburg Dam Interlocal Government Agreement ADMINISTRATIVE OVERVIEW • Strategic Plan (2008) o Chapter 2.1.6 Recreation Facility/Amenity Needs ■ ...maintaining and updating the parks infrastructure. o Chapter 2.1.7 Operation/Maintenance Concerns ■ Bullet #4 — Partnering & sharing maintenance costs. o Chapter 2.1.9 In the Future... • Bullet #13 — Take care of park amenities that are present. o Chapter 3.1 Park Facility Findings and Recommendations ■ Bullet #4 — The parks need an asset management schedule for replacement. o Chapter 4.1 Facility Needs Assessment • Figure #1 — High Priority (5) for Picnicking areas & shelters. • 5 year Recreational Master Plan (2013) o Chapter 1 Executive Summary ■ Looking Forward, Recreation Facilities, Bullet #11 • Park Vision and Facility Concept (Master Plan) o Scheduled for completion in FY2014 • Capital/Maintenance Management Plan (FY2013 & FY2014) o Year Identified — FY2010 o Davisburg Dam — Spillway Replacement - $150,000 o Management Plan Priority #2 - Regulatory • Previous Discussions/Agenda Dates o Budget Review — June, 2010, 2011, 2012 & 2013 c Budget Approval — September 2010, 2011, 2012 & 2013. o Engineering Inspection Approval (SME/GWE) —April 6, 2011 o Informational Agenda — October 5, 2011 • Funding Considerations: c Grant evaluation & recommendation completed by ECT, Inc, dated 12-7-2011, for consideration. AGENDA OVERVIEW As previously reported on October 5, 2011, staff with the assistance of our consulting engineer SME, Inc., completed a dam analysis and report in August, 2011, identifying six basic recommendations for the 35 Page 2 maintenance and repair of the dam totaling approximately $400,000 - $600,000 over the next 2-10 years. This inspection and report was completed based on the strategic effort for the creation of an asset management schedule outlined in the 2008 Strategic Plan, Chapter 3.1 and other related chapters. In addition, staff with the assistance of Corporation Counsel and the Oakland County Property Management Department verified that Oakland County owns the property of the dam, however the deed language was interpreted to read that The Charter Township of Springfield and Springfield Parks and Recreation is financially obligated for the maintenance of the existing dam. After meeting with the township, further documentation was presented by the township and verified by Corporation Counsel through previous Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes that the financial obligation for maintenance and repair is split based on the frontage of the Mill Pond. This split is calculated based on GIS data to be 55% Oakland County Parks & Recreation Commission and 45% The Charter Township of Springfield. This dam impounds the existing Mill Pond that creates the township operated beach and Hart Center, including a grant funded fishing dock. Additionally this dam creates the primary east -west Davisburg Road connection. Since 2000, Oakland County Parks & Recreation has been responsible for the required inspection and maintenance of the dam as require by the MDNR. A resolution to the Oakland County Board of Commissioner's was approved by the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission for an affidavit, clarifying the financial responsibility as well as management of maintenance and repairs. Additionally, at its July 11, 2013 Township Board Meeting, The Charter Township of Springfield approved the attached affidavit of clarification, contingent on Oakland County Parks & Recreation Commission and Oakland County Board of Commission approval. This affidavit has since been ratified and recorded at the County Register of Deeds. This affidavit purposefully, only addressed the financial split between the two agencies of government. Staff began the process of drafting an Inter -local agreement between the agencies to address how to manage identified projects for future maintenance and construction. Attached is a resolution to the Oakland County Board of Commissioner's to approve an inter -local agreement for future management of maintenance and construction projects. In collaboration with The Charter Township of Springfield, staff will be working to identify and prioritize maintenance and repairs to the dam as well as to research any funding opportunities. ATTACHMENTS - Inter -local Agreement - Resolution of Approval RECOMMNEDATION Staff recommends approval of the attached Inter -local Agreement as drafted by the Oakland County Corporation Counsel and approved by the Charter Township of Springfield. MOTION Move to adopt the attached resolution regarding the Springfield Oaks Davisburg Dam Inter -total Agreement as drafted by Oakland County Corporation Counsel and approved by the Charter Township of Springfield, and forward to the Oakland County Board of Commissioners for final approval. 36 RESOLUTION REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INTER -LOCAL AGREEMENT FOR DAVISBURG DAM - SPRINGFIELD OAKS COUNTY PARK Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS, on February 23, 1984, the Oakland County Board of Commissioners adopted MR #84037 conveying the Mill Pond Site/Park to the Charter Township of Springfield (Springfield Township) for one dollar ($1.00) via quit claim deed; and WHEREAS, MR #84037 required that the financial obligation for maintenance and repair of the Davisburg Dam be split based on the frontage of the Mill Pond; and WHEREAS, the quit claim deed that was executed on March 1, 1984 to convey the Mill Pond Site/Park did not contain the requirement that the financial obligation for maintenance and repair of the Davisburg Dam be split based on the frontage of the Mill Pond; and WHEREAS, Oakland County Board of Commissioners adopted MR #13284 on November 13, 2013 approving an Affidavit to clarify the March 1, 1984 quit claim deed requiring Springfield Township and Oakland County to portion financial liability for the Davisburg Dam based on frontage of the Mill Pond; and WHEREAS, the Affidavit approved by MR #13284 required the Parties to enter into an Interlocal Agreement to set forth the duties and obligations of each Party for the actual repairs or maintenance to the Davisburg Dam; and WHEREAS, an Inter -local Agreement between the Oakland County and Springfield Township has been drafted by Oakland County Corporation Counsel, based upon the Affidavit of Clarification; and WHEREAS, the Inter -local Agreement was approved by the Springfield Township Board of Trustees. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission hereby recommend the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approve the Inter -local agreement between the County of Oakland and the Charter Township of Springfield, based upon the Affidavit of Clarification of financial responsibility, including maintenance and operational responsibility for the Davisburg Mill Pond Dam at Springfield Oaks County Park as drafted by Oakland County Corporation Counsel and approved by the Charter Township of Springfield. Moved by Supported by Date 37 AGREEMENT FOR MILL POND DAM MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR BETWEEN OAKLAND COUNTY AND CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF SPRINGFIELD This Agreement (the "Agreement") is made between Oakland County, a Constitutional and Municipal Corporation, 1200 North Telegraph, Pontiac, Michigan 48341 ("County"), through its statutory agent the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission ("OCPRC") and the Charter Township of Springfield, 12000 Davisburg Road, Davisburg, Michigan 48350 ("Township"). County and the Township may also be referred to jointly as "Parties". INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE OF AGREEMENT. The County owns a dam on property located in Springfield Township, Michigan adjacent to Broadway Road in Davisburg, Michigan, which is further described in Section 1.5. In 1984, the County conveyed property to the Township, which property is now commonly known as the Mill Pond Park located at 495 Broadway, Davisburg, Michigan, in exchange for one dollar and other consideration. The property was conveyed via Quit Claim Deed, which is recorded at Liber 8608, Page 12 in the Oakland County Register of Deeds. Given that the language, contained in the Deed, requiring a financial obligation from the Township was vague, the Parties executed an Affidavit of Clarification ("Affidavit"). In this Affidavit, the County agreed to be responsible for fifty-five percent (55%) of the financial obligation for service, repair and maintenance to the Dam and the Township agreed to be responsible for forty-five (45%) of the financial obligation for service, repair and maintenance to the Dam. The Affidavit and the division of the financial obligations were based upon each Party's proportional share property frontage on the Mill Pond. This Affidavit is recorded at Liber 46563, Page 797 in the Oakland County Register of Deeds. The County and the Township now enter into this Agreement, pursuant to Michigan law, for the purpose of delineating the duties and responsibilities between the Parties with respect to the service, maintenance and repair of the Dam. The Parties agree to the following terms and conditions: DEFINITIONS. The following words and expressions used throughout this Agreement, whether used in the singular or plural, shall be defined, read, and interpreted as follows. 1.1. Agreement means the terms and conditions of this Agreement and any other mutually agreed to written and executed modification, amendment, addendum, or exhibit approved in accordance with Section 2. 1.2. Claims means any alleged losses, claims, complaints, demands for relief or damages, lawsuits, causes of action, proceedings, judgments, deficiencies, liabilities, penalties, litigation, costs, and expenses, including, but not limited to, reimbursement for reasonable attorney fees, witness fees, court costs, investigation expenses, litigation expenses, amounts paid in settlement, and/or other amounts or liabilities of any kind which are incurred by or Page 1 of 7 MILL POND DAM - INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT January 6, 2015 38 asserted against a party, or for which a party may become legally and/or contractually obligated to pay or defend against, whether direct, indirect or consequential, whether based upon any alleged violation of the federal or the state constitution, any federal or state statute, rule, regulation, or any alleged violation of federal or state common law. 1.3. County means Oakland County, a Municipal and Constitutional Corporation, including, but not limited to, all of its departments, divisions, the County Board of Commissioners, elected and appointed officials, directors, board members, council members, commissioners, authorities, committees, employees, agents, volunteers, and/or any such persons' successors. 1.4. County Emplovee means without limitation, any employees, officers, managers, trustees, volunteers, attorneys, and representatives of the County, and also includes any County licensees, concessionaires, contractors, subcontractors, independent contractors, contractor's suppliers, subsidiaries, joint ventures or partners, and/or any such persons, successors or predecessors, employees, (whether such persons act or acted in their personal, representative or official capacities). "County Employee" shall also include any person who was a County Employee at any time during the term of this Agreement but, for any reason, is no longer employed, appointed, or elected in that capacity . 1.5. Dam or Mill Pond Dam means the dam owned by the County and located at the Davisburg Mill Pond on property owned by the County in Springfield Township, Michigan; also known as the Davisburg Dam, Dam ID 244. 1.6. DaY means any calendar day beginning at 12:00 a.m. and ending at 11:59 p.m. 1.7. OCPRC means the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission, as established by resolution of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners pursuant to Public Act 261 of 1965, MCL 46.351, et seq. 1.8. Township means the Charter Township of Springfield, , including, but not limited to, its Board, any and all of its departments, its divisions, elected and appointed officials, board members, commissioners, authorities, committees, employees, agents, subcontractors, attorneys, volunteers, and/or any such persons' successors. 1.9. Township Emplovee means without limitation, any employees, officers, managers, trustees, volunteers, attorneys, and representatives of the Township, and also includes any Township licensees, concessionaires, contractors, subcontractors, independent contractors, contractor's suppliers, subsidiaries, joint ventures or partners, and/or any such persons, successors or predecessors, employees, (whether such persons act or acted in their personal, representative or official capacities). "Township Employee" shall also include any person who was a Township Employee at any time during the terra of this Agreement but, for any reason, is no longer employed, appointed, or elected in that capacity. 2. EFFECTIVE DATE/DURATION OF INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT/AMENDMENTS. 2.1. This Agreement and any amendments to this Agreement shall be effective when executed by both Parties. All amendments to this Agreement shall be in writing. The approval and terms of this Agreement and any amendments shall be entered in the official minutes of the governing bodies of each. Party. An executed copy of this Agreement and any amendments shall be filed by the County Clerk with the Secretary of State. 2.2. This Agreement shall commence on the date the Agreement is completely executed by all Parties and end when cancelled or terminated as provided in Section 8. Page 2 of 7 MILL POND DAM - INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT January 6, 2015 39 3. SERVICE, REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBIITIES. 3.1. For each service, repair, or maintenance project for the Dam, Parties shall designate a contact person who shall be the Party's primary contact point for that project. 3.2. The OCPRC and the Township shall collaborate to create and reach a consensus for proposals for each service, repair or maintenance project to the Darn. The OCPRC does not need to collaborate on proposals for service, repair or maintenance to the Dam in the following circumstances: (1) if the OCPRC does not want the Township's forty-five percent (45%) contribution toward service, repair or maintenance of the Dam; or (2) if, as determined by OCPRC, an emergency requires immediate service, repair or maintenance to the Darn to avoid harm to persons or property; in this circumstance the Township's forty- five percent (45%) contribution will be required, provided however, in this circumstance the Township's contribution shall not exceed two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500.00). 3.3. If the Parties are unable to collaborate and reach a consensus for a service, repair, or maintenance project to the Darn, then the matter shall be addressed pursuant to Section 7. 3.4. Given that the Dam is the property of the County, the OCPRC shall perform and manage any service, repair or maintenance to the Dam or cause a thud -party to perform and manage the service, repair or maintenance to the Darn, except as otherwise provided herein. 3.5. The OCPRC and the Township may agree that the Township can perform certain service, repair or maintenance work to the Darn. The Township and the OCPR shall set forth, in writing, the service, repair or maintenance work to be performed by the Township. 3.6. If the Township performs any service, repair or maintenance on the Dam, then all contracts for such work shall be between the contractor and the Township (and not the County/OCPRC). The Township shall be responsible for all costs associated with those contracts, provided however; that the Township may seek reimbursement from the OCPRC pursuant to Section 4. The contractor providing the work pursuant to this Section shall be approved by the OCPRC 1,xecutive Officer or his/her designee, in their sole discretion. The contract providing for such work shall contain the following provisions; (1) a requirement that the contractor and/or any subcontractors indemnify the County for all Claims arising out of the contract and work performed to or around the Dam and (2) a requirement that the contractor and/or subcontractors obtain and maintain insurance at levels and in the manner approved by the County, in its sole discretion. 3.7. Notwithstanding any other provision in this Agreement, the County shall perform day-to- day maintenance and repair of the fence along the South side of Broadway and of the Dam spillway, including, but not limited to lubricating the control mechanism, without seeking contribution from the Township pursuant to Section 4. This day-to-day maintenance does not include replacement of the fence or the Darn spillway. 3.8. Notwithstanding any other provision in this Agreement, the Township shall perform day- to-day grounds maintenance on the strip of land between the South side of Broadway and the Mill Pond (not all the grounds around the Dam), including lawn moving, turf management and vegetation removal, without seeking contribution from the County pursuant to Section 4. 4. PAYMENTS. Page 3 of 7 MILL POND DAM - INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT January 6, 2015 40 4.1. Except as provided in Section 3.2, the OCPRC shall be responsible for fifty-five percent (55%) of the costs associated with the service, repair and maintenance of the Dam and the Township shall be responsible for forty-five percent (45%) of the costs associated with the service, repair and maintenance of the Dam as required by the Affidavit. 4.2. The OCPRC shall send an itemized invoice to the Township for its share of the costs associated with the service, repair and maintenance of the Dam. The Township shall pay the invoice within thirty (30) days of its receipt. The invoice shall state the manner and method of payment to the OCPRC. The invoice shall include documentation that would allow the Township to determine costs for all aspects of the service, repair or maintenance. Upon receipt of reimbursement from the Township, the OCPRC shall provide the Township with all project -close out documents, as built drawings, waivers of liens, warranties, and any other drawings, reports or documents related to the service, repair or maintenance 4.3. If the Township performs the service, repair or maintenance work on the Dam, as provided in Sections 3.4 and 3.5, then the Township shall send an itemized invoice to the OCPRC for its share of the costs associated with the service, repair and maintenance of the Dam. The OCPRC shall pay the invoice within thirty (30) days of its receipt. The invoice shall state the manner and method of payment to the Township. The invoice shall include documentation that would allow the OCPRC to determine costs for all aspects of the service, repair or maintenance. Upon receipt of reimbursement from the OCPRC, the Township shall provide the OCPRC with all project -close out documents, as built drawings, waivers of liens, warranties, and any other drawings, reports or documents related to the service, repair or maintenance. 4.4. If either Party, for any reason, fails to pay the other Party any monies when and as due under this Agreement, the non -breaching Party may exercise the remedies found in Sections 7 and 18. The non -breaching Party shall have the right to charge up to the then - maximum legal interest on any unpaid amount. Interest charges shall be in addition to any other amounts due under this Agreement. Interest charges shall be calculated using the daily unpaid balance method and accumulate until all outstanding amounts and accumulated interest are fully paid. 4.5. Notwithstanding any other term and condition in this Agreement, if the nonbreaching Party pursues any legal action in any court to secure its payment under this Agreement, and prevails, the breaching Party agrees to pay all costs and expenses, including attorney fees and court costs, incurred in the collection of any amount. ASSURANCES. 5.1. Each Party shall be responsible for any Claims made against that Party by a third party, and for the acts of its employees arising under or related to this Agreement. 5.2. Except as required by Section 4.5, in any Claim that may arise from the performance of this Agreement, each Party shall seek its own legal representation and bear the costs associated with such representation, including judgments and attorney fees. 5.3. Except as otherwise provided for in this Agreement, neither Party shall have any right under this Agreement or under any other legal principle to be indemnified or reimbursed by the other Party or any of its agents in connection with any Claim. Page 4 of 7 MILL POND DAM - INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT January 6, 2015 41 5.4. This Agreement does not, and is not intended to, impair, divest, delegate or contravene any constitutional, statutory, and/or other legal right, privilege, power, obligation, duty, or immunity of the Parties. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as a waiver of governmental immunity for either Party. 5.5. The Parties have taken all actions and secured all approvals necessary to authorize and complete this Agreement. The persons signing this Agreement on behalf of each Party have legal authority to sign this Agreement and bind the Parties to the terms and conditions contained herein. 5.6. Each Party shall comply with all. federal, state, and local ordinances, regulations, administrative rules, and requirements applicable to its activities performed under this Agreement. 6. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. In no event shall either Party be liable to the other Party or any other person, for any consequential, incidental, direct, indirect, special, and punitive or other damages arising out of this Agreement. 7. DISPUTE RESOLUTION. All disputes relating to the execution, interpretation, performance, or nonperformance of this Agreement involving or affecting the Parties shall first be submitted to the OCPRC Executive Officer and the Township Supervisor, The OCPRC Executive Officer and the Township Supervisor shall promptly meet and confer in an effort to resolve such dispute. If they cannot resolve the dispute in five (5) business days, the dispute may be submitted to a panel of three individuals, with the OCPRC Executive Officer and the Township Supervisor each selecting a member, and the two members so selected choosing the third member. If the dispute is not resolved within thirty (3 0) business days then, at the option of both parties, the matter may be submitted to arbitration by a single arbitrator (selected by the panel), with arbitration conducted in Oakland County, Michigan in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association, and judgment on the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court having jurisdiction; or the matter may be submitted to facilitation. 8. TERMINATION OR CANCELLATION OF AGREEMENT. 8.1. Either Party may terminate or cancel this entire Agreement, upon sixty (60) days written notice, if either Party decides, in its sole discretion, to terminate this Agreement, for any reason including convenience. 8.2. The effective date of termination and/or cancellation shall be clearly stated in the written notice. Either the Board of Commissioners Chairperson or the OCPRC Chairperson is authorized to terminate this Agreement for the County under this provision. 8.3. If this agreement is terminated, the parties respective financial obligation for service, repairs and maintenance to the Dam shall remain as described in the Affidavit 9. DELEGATION OR ASSIGNMENT. Neither Party shall delegate or assign any obligations or rights under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other Party. For purposes of this Section, consent for the County shall be given by the OCPRC Executive Officer or his/her successor and consent for the Township shall be given by the Township Supervisor. 10. NO EMPLOYEE -EMPLOYER RELATIONSHIP. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as creating an employer -employee relationship between County and the Township. 11. NO THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES. Except as provided for the benefit of the Parties, this Agreement does not and is not intended to create any obligation, duty, promise, contractual right Page 5 of 7 MILL POND DAM - INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT January 6, 2015 42 or benefit, right to indemnification, right to subrogation, and/or any other right in favor of any other person or entity. 12. NO IMPLIED WAIVER. Absent a written waiver, no act, failure, or delay by a Party to pursue or enforce any rights or remedies under this Agreement shall constitute a waiver of those rights with regard to any existing or subsequent breach of this Agreement. No waiver of any term, condition, or provision of this Agreement, whether by conduct or otherwise, in one or more instances shall be deemed or construed as a continuing waiver of any term, condition, or provision of this Agreement. No waiver by either Party shall subsequently affect its right to require strict performance of this Agreement. 13. SEVERABILITY. If a court of competent jurisdiction finds a term or condition of this Agreement to be illegal or invalid, then the term or condition shall be deemed severed from this Agreement. All other terms, conditions, and provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force. 14. PRECEDENCE OF DOCUMENTS. In the event of a conflict between the terms and conditions of the Affidavit and this Agreement, the terms and conditions in the Affidavit shall prevail and take precedence over any allegedly conflicting terms and conditions in the Agreement. 15. CAPTIONS. The section and subsection numbers, captions, and any index to such sections and subsections contained in this Agreement are intended for the convenience of the reader and are not intended to have any substantive meaning. The numbers, captions, and indexes shall not be interpreted or be considered as part of this Agreement. Any use of the singular or plural, any reference to gender, and any use of the nominative, objective or possessive case in this Agreement shall be deemed the appropriate plurality, gender or possession as the context requires. 16. FORCE MAJEURE. Notwithstanding any other term or provision of this Agreement, neither Party shall be liable to the other for any failure of performance hereunder if such failure is due to any cause beyond the reasonable control of that Party and that Party cannot reasonably accommodate or mitigate the effects of any such cause. Such cause shall include, without limitation, acts of God, floods, fire, explosion, vandalism, national emergencies, insurrections, riots, wars, strikes, lockouts, work stoppages, other labor difficulties, or any law, order, regulation, direction, action, or request of the United States government or of any other government. Reasonable notice shall be given to the affected Party of any such event. 17. NOTICES. Notices given under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be personally delivered, sent by express delivery service, certified mail, or first class U.S. mail postage prepaid, and addressed to the person listed below. Notice will be deemed given on the date when one of the following first occur: (i) the date of actual receipt; (ii) the next business day when notice is sent express delivery service or personal delivery; or (iii) three days after mailing certified U.S. mail. 17.1. If Notice is sent to County, it shall be addressed and sent to: OCPRC Executive Officer, 2800 Watkins Lake Road, Waterford, Michigan 48328 and the Chairperson of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners, 1200 North Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan 48341. 17.2. If Notice is sent to The Township, it shall be addressed to: Springfield Township Supervisor, 12000 Davisburg Rd, Davisburg, Michigan 48350 and the Springfield Township Clerk, 12000 Davisburg Rd, Davisburg, Michigan 48350 17.3. Either Party may change the individual to whom Notice is sent and/or the mailing address by notifying the other Party in writing of the change. Page 6 of 7 MILL POND DAM - INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT January 6, 2015 43 1 S. GOVERNING LAW/CONSENT TO JURISDICTION AND VENUE. This Agreement shall be governed, interpreted, and enforced by the laws of the State of Michigan. Except as otherwise required by law or court rule, any action brought to enforce, interpret, or decide any Claim arising under or related to this Agreement shall be brought in the 6th Judicial Circuit Court of the State of Michigan, the 50th District Court of the State of Michigan, or the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan, Southern Division, as dictated by the applicable jurisdiction of the court. Except as otherwise required by law or court rule, venue is proper in the courts set forth above. 19. ENTI.RE AGREEMENT. This Agreement and the referenced Affidavit represents the entire agreement and understanding between the Parties regarding the maintenance and repair to the Dam. This Agreement supersedes all other oral or written agreements between the Parties regarding that subject matter. The language of this Agreement shall be construed as a whole according to its fair meaning, and not construed strictly for or against any Party. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Collin W. Walls has been authorized by a resolution of the Charter Township of Springfield, to execute this Agreement. EXECUTED: DATE: WITNESSED: DATE: IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Michael J. Gingell, Chairperson, Oakland County Board of Commissioners, has been authorized by a resolution of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners to execute this Agreement. EXECUTED: WITNESSED: DATE: Michael J. Gingell, Chairperson Oakland County Board of Commissioners DATE: Page 7 of 7 MILL POND DAM - INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT January 6, 2015 44 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA JANUARY 13, 2015 To: Chairman Fisher and Commission Members From: Daniel J. Stencil, Executive Officer Jody Hall, Attorney—OC Corporation Counsel Submitted: January 7, 2015 AGENDA ITEM NO. 9 G ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Subject: Proposed License for Access Agreement between Ford Motor Company and Oakland County Parks and Recreation; Approval INTRODUCTION AND HISTORY In October, 2008, Conestoga -Rovers and Associates (CRA), on behalf of the Ford Motor Company, submitted a Notice of Migration (NOM) to the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) pursuant to R 299.5522 and R 299.51017 of the Michigan Administrative Rules for properties located adjacent to the northern boundary of the former Wixom Assembly Plant Property (Site). The notified property owners included Oakland County, Transportation CSX, and Carlesimo Investments, Inc. The NOM was filed based on preliminary Phase II Environmental Site Assessment investigation results collected by CRA in 2008. Additional data collected to date indicate that chloride in groundwater is the only constituent that has potentially migrated off the former Ford Wixom Assembly Plant Property onto the adjacent Oakland County property, which is Lyon Oaks County Park. The chloride concentrations in groundwater appear to be attributed to historical salt storage operations located on the north area of the site. Chloride concentrations in groundwater at the northern property boundary are above MDEQ residential drinking water criteria. The MDEQ requires that these drinking water criteria exceedances are fully delineated by Ford, Therefore, Ford is requesting temporary access to the Oakland County property to install and monitor groundwater wells in order to delineate the chloride criteria exceedances. The MDEQ requires the Ford Motor Company demonstrate groundwater delineation by collecting multiple samples over a period of one year or more. No active remediation is expected to be required on the property; however, provisions are included in the conditions of the License should it become necessary. In consideration, Oakland County Parks will receive an amount of $7,000 annually, with the first year prorated based upon the date of Licensee's execution. This License will terminate on December 31, 2016. Oakland County Corporation Counsel and Property Management have reviewed the License. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the License between Oakland County and the Ford Motor Company, MOTION Move to approve the License between Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission and the Ford Motor Company, to allow access to the Lyon Oaks County Park property adjacent to the northern boundary of the former Wixom Assembly Plant Property for the purpose of environmental testing, including the performance of soil borings and the installation and sampling of underground monitoring wells. 45 LICENSE THIS LICENSE, made this _ day of 20 ("Date of this License"), is entered into between the County of Oakland, through its statutory agency, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission, 1200 N. Telegraph, Pontiac, MI 48341 (hereinafter referred to as "Licensor") and FORD MOTOR COMPANY, a Delaware corporation, with offices at c/o Ford Motor Land Development Corporation, 330 Town Center Drive, Suite 1100, Dearborn, Michigan 48126, (hereinafter referred to as "Licensee"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Licensor is the fee owner of a certain parcel of real properties located at 30200 Oak Creek and 30500 Century Drive in Wixom, Michigan; WHEREAS, Licensee is desirous of obtaining a License to enter and use certain real property owned by Licensor for the purpose of performing environmental testing and, if necessary, remediation; WHEREAS, Licensor has agreed to allow Licensee to enter and use certain real property subject to the terms of this License. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the terms and conditions contained herein, the Parties agree to the following: 1. For valuable consideration in the amount of Seven Thousand Dollars ($7,000.00) annually ("License Fee"), Licensor gives Licensee and its authorized employees, representatives, contractors and agents a revocable License to enter and use certain real property owned by Licensor for the purposes set forth in this License. The real property that Licensee shall have access to and the manner in which the access will be permitted is set forth herein and in Exhibit A (hereinafter referred to as "Premises"). The License Fee for the first year is due to Licensor upon Licensee's execution of this License and shall be prorated from the date of Licensee's execution. The License Fee for subsequent years is due on January 1 of each year. 2. Permitted Uses. Licensee may enter and use the Premises for environmental testing and sampling and remediation of the Premises and for no other purposes. Environmental testing shall include performance of soil borings and the installation and sampling of underground monitoring wells. Licensee shall provide the results from all environmental sampling and testing that occur on the Premises to Licensor, at no cost to Licensor, within ten (10) business days of receiving the results. At any time, if the results of the testing or sampling indicate that remediation is necessary, Licensee, prior to commencing remediation, shall create a remediation work plan, which shall include restoration of the Premises and forward a copy to Licensor for written approval, such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. However, prior to granting its approval, Licensor may request reasonable changes to the work plan, which 46 shall be made by Licensee. If remediation is necessary, Licensee shall give Licensor at least five (5) business days written notice before the work cornmences. The remediation and restoration of the Premises shall be performed by Licensee and shall be at the sole cost of Licensee and at no cost to Licensor. Licensee may only enter the Premises through the gates at the locations depicted in Exhibit A. These gates shall be locked at all times. Prior to installation, the gates must be approved by Licensor. The installation and maintenance of the gates shall be at Licensee's sole cost. Licensee shall maintain the gates in a good and safe condition. 3. This License shall be for a term commencing as of the date of this License is fully executed by the Parties (hereinafter referred to as the "License Commencement Date") and terminating December 31, 2016 (hereinafter referred to as "License Termination Date"), unless earlier terminated pursuant to the provisions of Paragraph 14. 4. Licensee certifies, represents, and declares that it has no title in and to the Premises of Licensor or to any portion thereof and has not, does not, and will not claim any such title or any easement over the Premises of Licensor. 5. All activities, operations, or work performed by Licensee, its agents, employees, contractors and invitees on and about the Premises shall be conducted with the least possible inconvenience to Licensor. 6. Licensee shall, during the term of this License, keep the Premises in a safe, clean and proper condition. Licensee shall not, without the prior written approval of Licensor, install or place any permanent structures on the Premises, except that Licensor acknowledges that Licensor may install monitoring wells and erect a fence(s) to protect those wells, as located and depicted on Exhibit A. 7. Licensee shall create and maintain a Health and safety plan (HASP) specifically for the Premises that will be implemented to monitor conditions during ground intrusive activities. The HASP shall ensure that all remedial activities are performed safely and in accordance with applicable legal and regulatory requirements and that all persons on the Premises and the environment are protected from exposure to premises -related impact material. Each contractor or subcontractor that will perform work for Licensee shall create, implement, and maintain a HASP. 8. Licensor shall, at all times, have the right to make such other use of the Premises as shall not be inconsistent with Licensee's exercise of this License. 9. Licensee shall be responsible for any damage to any Licensor's property or facility that is caused by Licensee, its employees, agents, invitees, volunteers, or subcontractors or any other persons on the Premises because of Licensee's use of the Premises. If damage occurs, Licensor shall make the necessary repairs and/or replacements or cause a third party to make the necessary repairs or replacements, provided however, Licensee shall reimburse Licensor for all costs associated with the necessary repairs and/or replacements. Licensee shall be solely Page 2 of 5 Ford Motor Company and OCPR License Agreement --Final Version. docxFINAL 47 liable and responsible for any of its personal property and for any loss or damage resulting from fire, theft or other means to its personal properly located, kept, or stored on the Premises during Licensee's use of the Premises. In connection with Licensee's use of the Premises, Licensee shall not cause or allow any person or entity to cause any hazardous material, waste, or debris to enter any Licensor property in any medium. 10. Licensee shall indemnify and hold harmless Licensor, its officers, directors, employees, contractors and agents (herein collectively referred to as the "Indemnitees") from and against any and all suits, liabilities, obligations, losses, damages, penalties, reasonable attorney fees or claims (collectively referred to as the "Claims"), which may be imposed upon, incurred by or asserted against the Indemnitees or any of them, by reason of actual or alleged (i) injury or death to persons (including, without limitation, employees of one or more of the Indemnitees or of Licensee and employees of its contractors, subcontractors, vendors, or agents), (ii) damage to the properly of any person or legal entity (including, without limitation, the property of one or more of the Indemnitees and the property of its contractors, subcontractors, vendors, agents or employees), arising from or in any manner based upon or relating to the acts or omissions of Licensee, its employees, agents, invitees, volunteers, or subcontractors or any other persons on the Premises because of Licensee's use of the Premises.. However, the foregoing indemnity shall not apply to the extent that such Claims are caused by the gross negligence or willful misconduct of Licensor or its officers or employees. 11. Licensee shall, in the exercise of the rights and privileges granted by this License, adhere to and comply with all laws, ordinances, rules and regulations applicable to its activities, operations and work performed upon, or use of, the Premises. 12. Licensee may assign this License to any subsidiary or affiliate of Licensee with the prior written approval of Licensor, such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. 13. This License is granted subject to existing rights, if any, of third parties. 14. This License shall cease and terminate, without the necessity of the execution of any further documents upon (a) the completion of the term of this License, or (b) in the event Licensee is in default with respect to any of its obligations hereunder, Licensor may terminate this License upon giving 10 (ten) days' written notice to Licensee; provided, however, in the event Licensee cures such default within such 10 (ten) day period, the License shall remain in full force and effect. Unless otherwise approved in writing by Licensor, upon termination or expiration of this License, Licensee shall remove, at its sole cost, all of its equipment or properly located on or in the Premises within thirty (30) calendar days, including the removal of the monitoring wells. Licensee shall restore the Premises to the condition which existed as of the License Commencement Date within thirty (30) calendar days. 15. This License may not be changed orally but only by an instrument in writing signed by both Licensor and Licensee. Page 3 of 5 Ford Motor Company and OCPR License Agreement --Final Version. docxFINAL 48 16. All notices provided for or desired to be sent by the parties shall be in writing, and shall be deemed to have been fully given when deposited in the United States mail via prepaid certified mail, or by prepaid overnight mail delivery service providing written evidence of delivery, and addressed as follows: If to Licensor: Oakland County Facilities Management 1 Public Works Drive — 95 West Waterford, MI 48328 Attention: Property Manager Specialist With a copy to: Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission 2800 Watkins Lake Road Waterford, MI 48328 Attention: Executive Director If to Licensee: Ford Motor Company c/o Environmental Quality Office Fairlane Plaza North 290 Town Center Drive, Suite 800 Dearborn, MI 48126 Attention: Barbara Rusinowski With a copy to: Ford Motor Land Development Corporation Fairlane Plaza South 330 Town Center Drive, Suite 1100 Dearborn, MI 48126 Attention: Emily Smith-Sulfaro Page 4 of 5 Ford Motor Company and OCPR License Agreement --Final Version. docxFINAL 49 17. This License may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which so executed shall be deemed to be an original, and such counterparts shall together constitute one and the same instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have duly executed this License as of the Date of this License. LICENSOR: OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION IN Its: LICENSEE: FORD MOTOR COMPANY Its: Page 5 of 5 Ford Motor Company and OCPR License Agreement --Final Version. docxFINAL 50 (N) CONESTO 3A—ROVERS & ASSOCIATES October 22, 2014 Mr. Daniel Stencil Executive Officer Parks and Recreations Department Oakland County 2800 Watkins Lake Road Waterford, Michigan 48328 Dear Mr. Stencil and Mr. Donnellon: 14496 Sheldon Road, Suite 200, Plymouth, Michigan 48170 Telephone: (734) 453-5123 Fax: (734) 453-5201 www.CRAworld.com Reference No. 048891 Mr. Mike Donnellon Park Operations and Maintenance Chief Parks and Recreations Department Oakland County 2800 Watkins Lake Road Waterford, Michigan 48328 Re: Access for Monitoring Well and Soil Boring Installation 30200 Oak Creek Road (Parcel # 22-06-400-025) Oakland County Parks and Recreation Department Oakland County, Michigan On behalf of Ford Motor Company (Ford), Conestoga -Rovers & Associates, Inc (CRA), is sending this letter to request access from the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Department onto the property located at 30200 Oak Creek Road (Parcel # 22-06-400-025) in Wixom, Michigan (Property). A copy of Ford's Site Access Agreement Form is included in Attachment 1 for review and approval. The above -referenced Property is located adjacent to the Former Ford Wixom Assembly Plant located at 28801 South Wixom Road in Wixom, Michigan. As previously detailed in two "Notice of Migration of Contamination" forms submitted to Oakland County Parks on October 23, 2008 and March 27, 2009, there is a potential for migration of impacts from the Former Ford Wixom Assembly Plant onto the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Property listed above. The purpose of the Site Access Agreement is to allow Ford, CRA, and its Subcontractors access onto the Properties for the installation of six soil borings and six permanent monitoring wells to investigate potential chloride impacts from the Former Ford Wixom Assembly Plant. The soil borings will be installed to approximately 25 feet below ground surface (bgs), and the six permanent monitoring wells will be completed to approximately 20 to 25 feet bgs (dependent on depth to groundwater) utilizing direct push drilling methods. The proposed soil boring and monitoring well locations are shown on Figure 1. In addition, access will be necessary for a minimum of 1 year following the installation for routine chloride groundwater sampling of the permanent monitoring wells. All results from the initial soil and groundwater investigation and subsequent groundwater sampling events will be provided to the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Department. Upon completion of the Equal Employment Opportunity REGISTERED COMPANY FUN Employer ISO 9001 ENGINEERING DESIGN Worldwide Engineering, Environmental, Construction, and IT Service51 () CONESTOGA-ROVERS & ASSOCIATES October 22, 2014 2 Reference No. 048891 Former Ford Wixom Assembly Plant project, the monitoring wells will be properly abandoned in accordance with applicable regulations. It is expected that the soil boring and monitoring well installation activities, which include well development and initial groundwater sampling will take approximately 5 working days to complete. Groundwater sampling of the permanent monitoring wells will take 2 days per event and abandonment activities will take 1 day to complete. All Site activities will be coordinated with Mr. John Chasteen or Mr. Tom Hughes, Park Supervisors. A Site -Specific Health and Safety Plan (HASP) will be implemented to monitor conditions during ground intrusive activities. The HASP will ensure that all remedial activities are performed safely and in accordance with applicable regulatory requirements, and that all persons on the Site, the general public, and the environment are protected from exposure to Site related impacted material. Each contractor involved with the scope of work will be required to develop, implement, and maintain their own Site -Specific HASP forthe activities they will perform at the work site. Please signify your acceptance and authorization by signing the attached Site Access Agreement Form and returning the document in the enclosed envelope. A completed Site Access Agreement Form will be provided for your records. Additional monitoring locations will not be installed without your prior written permission. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (734) 453-5123. We appreciate your cooperation. Yours truly, CONESTOGA-ROVERS & ASSOCIATES 46_tL1VA1q Nathan Kuhl NK/BKH/ds/1/Det. Encl. Figure 1—Access for Monitoring Well Installation Attachment 1— Site Access Agreement Form cc: Barbara Rusinowski —Ford EQO Jody Hall — Department of Corporation Counsel Worldwide Engineering, Environmental, Construction, and IT Services 52 LEGEND O PROPOSED MONITORING WELL LOCATION ® TW36-6 TEMPORARY WELL LOCATION XTW36-10 ABANDONED TEMPORARY WELL LOCATION MNl36-1S MONITORING WELL LOCATION �PMW-9S MONITORING WELL LOCATION ■ S336-55 SOIL BORING LOCATION x — FENCE RAILROAD — — — PROCESS WASTE ® ELECTRICALTOWER TRIDENT PROPERTY BOUNDARY cv 046691-34(STEN002)GN-DE001 OCT 2112014 '.53 I � I\ I d29n014 (1217-17.1'l71tgGq MW4&54 BRBI2D14 MWlb25 1I17R01] BI10R01] TWJ&iD diDn009 uolL (1 ].1 &78.76)ft SGS (17.5-22,5)fl BGB (17522.5)It 0G5 (5-10)ft BGS al Chomlatry uglL uolL uglL ue/L �w do 1100000 {eb)/1100000 Ab) IGenargl ChemisiM Geneml Chomlatry General Chomlatry Il World. 1000000 u/ 4 {eb) IChlorldo 60000I91000 280D00 job) I IChlorldo 51BS000 1.. I Mw3e-4B �.GS (2orztraso2e) I I u IL CSX PROPERTY General cnemdlry OU / RTY / % cmmlae ]roaoo (ob) 0 40 120ft I 22-06-400-015 / ARCEL ADDRESS: 3032 i S.VMXOM RD. / WHITE LAKE, MI. 18393 Mwne-4D 8/d2014 8�• � (24.9-2u.9) k BGS NL / Chomlatry / I IGonorol Chlagtla 7100001110000 W35.1S / MW36-SC .. I MW364B My�35-52 MW35-53 �• Mysr3�ys 6B3655 411W36-09 I I ETLFlNO GATE TW3 WELL HOUSES Mw3asD d11Ro14 - ft In. uplL / �(15.132-2om) Genoml Chomlatry / Chlgrldq 1111111 (eb) YARD MAINTENANCE ' POLE BARN - NJ3�1D H4'I; tiq I� Mvv3s,5o / ❑ TNGG2 5111200E 1==000 (15-20 ) R BGS (15.20) R BGs - MN3fi36 TW36-2 p null, uq/L ���y - P �— P oenortl Chomlatry r Chlorltlo 211DMD (eb)/212000D (eb) - .' MW36.57 Motels Sodl- - 924DDD 114.6&1oM kSGS MW3&SB 6/11R014 Geneml Chomlatry Chloride 320000 (eb) \\\\ 5R011 (17.77-22.77)RBGS POND iP3E�15 jMW]b5y (1].B'i&iB.99)ft SGS m uq/L TA115.45 _ MW3651 uq/L Chomlatry I IJ Gononl Chomlatry IG.rml Chlorldo \ 120D000 [ab) M1AG6-5B m � � IChlorldo 18D0000 {qb) rrr Slte-Se.kg—n ROeden9sl Nan-Peeldentlel Groundwater ResidentGl Grounow Weter Fb—b011y end Shell- Gdndri; Mier ❑Inllrq NMer Sur{eroM r V91edhell-w SgMblllty EYpbaNly menace Indoor Air dNlell Sereenh0 L&I to C e ( p Mettle (upq SDdlum 1300000 230I)m 3500M NLV ID Geneml QmMetry (up4) Chloride 2500DO 250000 FF NLV D ENVIRONMENTAL AUDIT REPORT PRIVILEGED DOCUMENT figure 1 ACCESS FOR MONITORING WELL INSTALLATION FORD MOTOR COMPANY FORMER WIXOM ASSEMBLY PLANT Wixom, Michigan 53 Attachment 1 Site Access Agreement Form 048891Stencil-2D 54 a I OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA ��..,.. ...... ��.���� ��������� �..amvwnen��..� ��� �wn.,,,�, @p 'aWr y�Y.m ��� ', ... ,,nnrrma r ­­.­,,. I.r�.....—, .. 1. ­ �, �.,., ll �i �eJttm JANUARY 13, 2015 AGENDA ITEM NO. 9 H NATURAL RESOURCES To: Chairman Fisher and Commission Members From: Daniel J. Stencil, Executive Officer Brittany Bird, Natural Resources Planner Submitted: December 10, 2014 Subject: Request for Approval — Memorandum of Understanding 2015 MDNR Michigan Invasive Species Grant (MISG) to form an Oakland County Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area (CISMA) INTRODUCTION AND HISTORY The Michigan Invasive Species Grant Program (MISGP) began October 2014 and will operate each year that the state legislature appropriates funding. A minimum of $3.6 million and up to $5 million will be available for the 2014 grant cycle (projects to occur spring 2015 — October 30, 2016). The purpose of the MISGP is to provide funding and technical assistance to prevent, detect, eradicate, and control terrestrial and aquatic invasive species. Administration of MISGP is through the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) working collaboratively with the Departments of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD). Local, federal, or tribal units of government, nonprofit organizations, and universities may apply for a Michigan Invasive Species Grant for work to be conducted in Michigan. Proiects that are collaborative in nature will receive higher scoring than for individual agencies or organizations. The MDNR MISGP is intended to formalize existing and establish new local and regional management structures known as Cooperative Invasive Species Management Areas (CISMAs) which function to develop and implement multi -agency, multi -jurisdictional, public -private invasive species management projects that seek to restore ecological function, preserve green infrastructure, improve outdoor recreation opportunities, tourism, public safety, property values, and fish and wildlife biodiversity. Several such CISMAs currently exist and Operate in the State of Michigan by Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), and have historically been funded through Federal dollars, previously unavailable to Oakland County interests due to lack of a local Federal Partner Agency. With the advent of the 2014 MDNR MISG funding source, 9 Oakland County Townships, 2 cities, 2 land conservancies, as well as, OCPR, Oakland Schools, the Road Commission for Oakland County, and the Oakland Conservation District, have come together with intent to: Formalize a Memorandum of Understanding to create an Oakland County Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area (CISMA) and associated Steering Committee; See MOU and Exhibit A. `Steering Committee Organization'. 2. Seek 2014 MDNR MISG funding to conduct treatment on, and provide education and outreach for state -prioritized invasives within Oakland County including: phragmites, swallow -wort, Japanese knotweed, Eurasian watermilfoil, European frogbit, and flowering rush, as summarized in Exhibit B. 56 OCPR'S ROLE Within the framework of this grant proposal, during the 2015 and 2016 growing seasons, Oakland County Parks and Recreation commits to treating approximately: 140 acres of swallow -wort at 5 parks; partnering with adjacent landowners and Michigan Nature Association to treat 46 acres of swallow -wort on 6 acres of adjacent private land; treating approximately 15 acres of phragmites at 6 parks; and conducting 7 burns at 4 parks over approximately 155 acres for invasive control and habitat improvement. In addition, OCPR will collaborate with OPIS CISMA partners to conduct public education and outreach efforts regarding invasive species identification and control within our parklands via associated OCPR program events. Proposed treatment will occur on OCPR parklands, and adjacent private lands that contain MNFI-mapped high -quality natural areas that are links within regionally -significant fen and headwaters complexes within the Clinton and Shiawassee River Headwaters, and represent key components of the Oakland County Green Infrastructure Vision. If awarded, MDNR MISG funding will continue to advance public -private swallow -wort control partnership work completed in northwestern Oakland County under a 2010 MDNR-Federal Stimulus Funds Grant, and a 2012 Sustain Our Great Lakes Grant. Toward this end OCPR is seeking $58,300 in grant funding and commits to providing $84,440 in (already) budgeted local match. Orion Township will serve as grant fiduciary for the 2014 MDNR MISG Grant, if awarded. Additional administrative, education, and outreach support will come from the Oakland County Conservation District, Oakland Phragmites and Invasive Species Task Force (OPTS, 501.c3), and the Stewardship Network. As a matching partner, and MOU signatory, OCPR would serve on the OC CISMA Steering Committee for duration of grant implementation and reporting. TENTATIVE PROJECT TIMELINE PENDING GRANT APPROVAL • February 15, 2015 — MDNR Grant Awards Announced • February 15 — March 31, 2015 — Execution of Grant Agreement (Orion Township) • Spring 2015 — October 30, 2016 — Grant Implementation and Progress Reporting • December 30, 2016 — Final Grant Reports Due • OC CISMA to meet (at a minimum) Quarterly during the project timeframe. ATTACHMENTS 1. Memorandum of Understanding — Oakland County Cooperative Species Management Area 2. Exhibit A — Steering Committee Organization 3. Exhibit B — 2014 MDNR MISG — Oakland County CISMA Partnership Grant Budget STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff recommends execution of the Oakland County Invasive Species Management Area (OC CISMA) Memorandum of Understanding by the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. MOTION Move to approve the Oakland County Invasive Species Management Area (OC CISMA) Memorandum of Understanding with Addison Township, Charter Township of Bloomfield, Charter Township of Brandon, City of the Village of Clarkston, Charter Township of Independence, City of Keego Harbor, Michigan Nature Association, North Oakland Headwaters Land Conservancy, Oakland County Conservation District, Oakland County Intermediate School District, Oakland Phragmites and Other Invasive Species Task Force, Charter Township of Orion, The Road Commission for Oakland County, Rose Township, Charter Township of Springfield, The Stewardship Network, Charter Township of Waterford, Charter Township of West Bloomfield, to be executed immediately by the Chairman or his designee. 57 OAKLAND COUNTY COOPERATIVE INVASIVE SPECIES MANAGEMENT AREA MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING /_1►T, Is] ki W ADDISON TOWNSHIP CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF BLOOMFIELD CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF BRANDON CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF CLARKSTON CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF INDEPENDENCE, CITY OF KEEGO HARBOR MICHIGAN NATURE ASSOCIATION NORTH OAKLAND HEADWATERS LAND CONSERVANCY OAKLAND COUNTY CONSERVATION DISTRICT OAKLAND COUNTY INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL DISTRICT OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION OAKLAND PHRAGMITES AND OTHER INVASIVE SPECIES TASK FORCE CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF ORION THE ROAD COMMISSION FOR OAKLAND COUNTY ROSE TOWNSHIP CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF SPRINGFIELD THE STEWARDSHIP NETWORK CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF WATERFORD WEST BLOOMFIELD PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is made and entered into by and among the entities listed above, which are collectively referred to in this MOU as the "Parties" or individually as a "Party." In October 2014, the State of Michigan launched the Michigan Invasive Species Grant Program (the "MISGP"). The MISGP is intended to provide funding and technical assistance to prevent, detect, eradicate, and control terrestrial and aquatic invasive species, e.g., milfoil, phragmites, swallowwort, knotweed, and flowering rush. Local, federal, or tribal units of governmental, nonprofit organizations, and universities may apply for funds under the MISGP. Collaborative projects involving several governmental units and/or organizations have a higher likelihood of receiving MISGP funds than projects involving a single government unit or organization. Page 1 FINAL VERSION -December 16, 2014 58 I. PURPOSE: The purpose of this MOU is to establish and document an organizational framework of collaboration and cooperation between the Parties to work toward addressing the effects of invasive species across jurisdictional boundaries. II. ESTABLISHMENT OF THE OCCISMA: The Parties establish the Oakland County Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area ("OCCISMA"), which encompasses properties that are operated and managed by the Parties and the combined geographical boundaries of all the townships, cities, and villages that are Parties to this MOU. III. STATEMENT OF MUTUAL INTENT, BENEFIT AND INTEREST: The Parties to this MOU are presently encountering invasive species control issues on lands within the OCCISMA and have a mutual intent to undertake and/or coordinate certain actions to address such issues, including but not limited to the following: • Administering programs for purposes of controlling and preventing the spread of invasive species; • Education and outreach programs regarding invasive species and management methods; and • Applying for grant funding to support the above. The Parties agree that it is to their mutual benefit and interest to work cooperatively to inventory, monitor, control, and prevent the spread of invasive species across jurisdictional boundaries within the OCCISMA. This cooperative effort will achieve better management of invasive species while improving working relationships between the Parties and the public. IV. STEERING COMMITTEE: The OCCISMA Steering Committee (the "Steering Committee") is established and shall consist of one (1) representative from each Party. The Steering Committee representative shall be appointed by the governing body of each Party prior to the first Steering Committee meeting and each representative shall have one vote. The Steering Committee may also appoint, by a majority vote, ex-officio, non -voting members. The ex-officio, non -voting members must be representatives of other governmental units or non-profit organizations that share a common interest or have expertise in the areas of invasive species management. The Steering Committee shall: (i) assist in the coordination and/or undertaking of the actions described in Section 111; (ii) provide expertise and oversight to invasive species management activities within the OCCISMA; (iii) provide expertise and coordinate grant applications of or for the Parties relative to areas within the OCCISMA; and (iv) be organized and undertake such other duties and responsibilities as set forth in Exhibit A. Exhibit A is incorporated into this MOU. Page 2 FINAL VERSION -December 16, 2014 59 V. GRANTS AND OTHER FUNDING: A. The Steering Committee will work to identify opportunities for grant funding and other funding sources to carry out the programs, undertakings, activities, purposes and intentions of this MOU and shall assist the Parties in making applications and coordinating commitments from the Parties for matching funds relative to such applications. B. Each Party will decide whether to participate/join in a particular grant application or application for other funding. If a Party decides to participate/join in a particular grant application or other funding application, then the Party agrees to work cooperatively to contribute matching funds in reasonable proportion to the amount of funding to be expended within and for the benefit of that Party's community. C. Because the OCCISMA and Steering Committee are not legal entities, the Steering Committee will designate a Party as the Lead Agency (a legal entity) to apply for grants or other funding and to receive and distribute funds from grants or other funding sources. The Lead Agency shall not decide the allocation of funds among the Parties. The allocation of funds shall be set forth in the grant application/agreement or other funding agreement and, if not, the Steering Committee, by majority vote, shall allocate the funds among the Parties who participated/joined the grant application or other funding source application. D. Notwithstanding any other provisions in this Section, it is the intent to apply for the 2014 MISGP grant. The Parties agree to provide matching funds as set forth in Exhibit B. Exhibit B is incorporated into this MOU. For the 2014 MISGP grant, Orion Township shall be the Lead Agency. If awarded, the 2014 MISGP funds shall be allocated as set forth in Exhibit B or, if less the than total requested grant funds are awarded, allocated in proportion to the pledged matching funds of each Party. Any remaining balance of the 2014 MISGP grant funds shall be allocated by a majority vote of the Steering Committee. E. Grant funds and other funding shall be used only for purposes that are allowed and intended under the grant application and any agreement or requirements issued by the funding agency or organization. All Parties shall fully and promptly cooperate and comply with all applicable grant application requirements, grant agreement requirements (including any accounting, auditing, record keeping requirements), other requirements of the funding agency or organization that are conditions of the award of the funding, and all applicable laws, rules, regulations, and ordinances. VI. MISCELLANEOUS: A. RETENTION OF JURISDICTION. Each Party to this MOU retains primary jurisdiction, responsibility and management of lands under its ownership and jurisdiction, which may include, among other things, entering into separate arrangements to implement invasive species management activities. B. Each Party will, to the extent contemplated under this MOU, coordinate priorities, actions, and resources for preventing, eradicating, containing, and controlling invasive species within the OCCISMA. Page 3 FINAL VERSION -December 16, 2014 60 C. Other organizations are or will be involved with carrying out the purposes and undertakings implemented under this MOU, but such organizations are not parties to this MOU. D. NO TRANSFER OF REAL PROPERTY INTERESTS, This MOU does not transfer and does not intend to transfer real property rights that each Party has to its lands that are in the OCCISMA. E. PRINCIPAL CONTACTS. The principal contacts for each Party shall be the Steering Committee representative appointed by and for each Party. F. ADMINISTRATION OF FUNDING, CONTRACTS, PROPERTY. The manner, method, and requirements regarding the receipt, deposit, disbursal, and expenditure of funding under any grant or source of funding shall be proposed by the Steering Committee and approved by each Party's governing bodies in accordance with any applicable laws, charters, ordinances and policies and may be set forth in an amendment to this MOU. The manner, method and any requirements regarding the actions of entering into any contracts or acquiring, owning, taking custody, operating, maintaining, leasing, selling or disposing of personal property shall be proposed by the Steering Committee and approved by each Party's governing bodies in accordance with any applicable laws, charters, ordinances and policies and may be set forth in an amendment to this MOU. G. NON-EXCLUSIVE. This MOU is not exclusive and does not prohibit or restrict the ability, right, and option of a Party to make application for individual grants or to work cooperatively with other communities, agencies or organizations in making separate grant applications. Additionally, this MOU in no way restricts the Parties from participating with other public or private agencies, organizations, and individuals in activities, programs or projects that are similar to those undertaken by the Parties to this MOU. H. COMMENCEMENT & TERMINATION. This MOU is effective as of the date that all Parties have signed this MOU. A Party may terminate its participation in the MOU at any time, subject to the following; (i) A terminating Party shall provide the other Parties at least ninety (90) days advance written notice of the effective date of its termination; and(ii) if a Party has committed to provide matching funds for a grant application, grant agreement or other funding agreement, then a Party may not terminate its participation in the MOU until it pays the committed matching funds to the Lead Agency and fulfills all applicable grant or funding agreement requirements or unless a majority of the Steering Committee membership votes to allow such Party to terminate its participation in the MOU without paying its matching funds and without fulfilling the applicable agreement requirements. Terminating this MOU does not relieve a Party from complying with the requirements of an executed grant agreement or other funding agreement. This MOU shall continue in effect for so long as two or more Parties remain or until the Steering Committee unanimously votes to terminate this MOU. LIABILITIES, Each Party shall be responsible for the acts and omissions of its own employees, officials, and/or agents. Nothing herein is intended to waive governmental immunity provided in accordance with applicable law. Page 4 FINAL VERSION -December 16, 2014 61 J. AMENDMENT OF MOU. Modifications or amendments of this MOU shall be set forth in a written amendment or restatement of this MOU that has been approved by the governing bodies of all Parties and signed by its designated official. K. COUNTERPARTS & ELECTRONIC SIGNING. This MOU, including any amendments, may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same document. In making proof of this MOU, and any amendments, it shall not be necessary to produce or account for more than one such counterpart executed by the Party against whom enforcement of this MOU is sought. Signature to this MOU transmitted by facsimile transmission, by electronic mail in portable document format (".pdf') form, or by any other electronic means intended to preserve the original graphic and pictorial appearance of a document, will have the same force and effect as physical execution and delivery of the paper document bearing the original signature. In witness whereof, the Parties hereto have executed this MOU as of the last date written below: Signatures begin on the next page. Page S FINAL VERSION -December 1 G, 2014 62 ADDISON TOWNSHIP By: Print Name: Title: Date: Signatures continue on the next page. Page 6 FINAL VERSION -December 16, 2014 63 CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF BLOOMFIELD By: Print Name: Title: Date: Page 7 FINAL VERSION -December 16, 2014 64 CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF BRANDON By: Print Name: Title: Date: Signatures continue on the next page. Page 8 FINAL VERSION -December 16, 2014 65 CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF CLARKSTON By: Print Name: Title: Date: Page 9 FINAL VERSION -December 16, 2014 66 CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF INDEPENDENCE By: Print Name: Title: Date: Signatures continue on the next page. Page 10 FINAL VERSION -December 1 b, 2014 67 CITY OF KEEGO HARBOR By: Print Name: Title: Date: Page 11 FINAL VERSION -December 16, 2014 68 MICHIGAN NATURE ASSOCIATION By: Print Name: Title: Date: Page 12 FINAL VERSION -December 16, 2014 69 NORTH OAKLAND HEADWATERS LAND CONSERVANCY By: Print Name: Title: Date: Page 13 FINAL VERSION -December 16, 2014 70 OAKLAND COUNTY CONSERVATION DISTRICT By: Print Name: Title: Date: Page 14 FINAL VERSION -December 16, 2014 71 OAKLAND COUNTY INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL DISTRICT By: Print Name: Title: Date: Page 15 FINAL VERSIGNT-December 16, 2014 72 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION By: Print Name: Title: Date: Page 16 FINAL VERSION -December• 16, 2014 73 OAKLAND PHRAGMITES AND OTHER INVASIVE SPECIES TASK FORCE By: Print Name: Title: Date: Page 17 FINAL VERSION -December 16, 2014 74 CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF ORION By: Print Name: Title: Date: Signatures continue on the next page. Page 18 FINAL VERSION -December 16, 2014 75 THE ROAD COMMISSION FOR OAKLAND COUNTY By: Print Name: Title: Date: Page 19 FINAL VERSION -December 16, 2014 76 ROSE TOWNSHIP By: Print Name: Title: Date: Page 20 FINAL VERSION -December 16, 2014 77 CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF SPRINGFIELD By: Print Name: Title: Date: Signatures continue on the next page. Page 21 FINAL VERSION -December 16, 2014 78 THE STEWARDSHIP NETWORK By: Print Name: Title: Date: Page 22 FINAL VERSION -December 16, 2014 79 CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF WATERFORD By: Print Name: Title: Date: Signatures continue on the next page. Page 23 FINAL VERSION -December 16, 2014 80 WEST BLOOMFIELD PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION By: Print Name: Title: Date: Signatures continue on the next page. Page 24 FINAL VERSION -December 16, 2014 81 EXHIBIT A STEERING COMMITTEE ORGANIZATION The Steering Committee will: A. Elect from its membership a chairperson, vice -chairperson, and secretary at its first meeting by a simple majority vote, and establish the duties and responsibilities of each such officer. At a minimum, the duties and responsibilities of the above officers shall include the following: (1) the chairperson shall call and preside over meetings of the Steering Committee, and the chairperson shall call a meeting at his own discretion or upon the request of two or more members of the Steering Committee; (2) the vice - chairperson shall perform the above duties of the chairperson in his or her absence; (3) the secretary shall keep a written record of all meetings of the Steering Committee and official copies of any documents relating to the undertakings of the Steering Committee, and pass all such records on to any successor. In the absence of both the chairperson and the vice-president, a member of the Steering Committee shall be appointed to preside over a duly called meeting of the Steering Committee upon a simple majority vote. B. Elect from its membership such other officers as are deemed to be necessary, the necessity, duties and election of which shall be determined by simple majority vote. C. Intervals of such appointments shall be at the discretion of the Steering Committee, D. Meet at the call of the Chairperson, no less than four (4) times per year, for purposes of carrying out the activities, undertakings, programs, purposes and intentions set forth in the MOU. E. Share pertinent information, encourage and promote cooperation, and keep communication open and frequent so all representatives are informed on the status of the issues that may affect working relationships. F. To the maximum extent possible, operate by consensus with a commitment to cooperation across jurisdictional boundaries. G. Use the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order as a guide for conducting its meetings in an orderly, fair and efficient manner. H. A quorum of the Steering Committee shall be required to conduct business at any meeting. A quorum shall consist of a majority of the representatives that have been appointed to the Steering Committee by the Parties under the MOU, or in the event of a vote regarding a grant in which less than all of the Parties are contributing matching funds a quorum for purposes of deliberations and decisions concerning such grant shall consist of a majority of the representatives appointed to the Steering Committee by such matching fund contributing Parties. Page 25 FINAL VERSION -December 16, 2014 82 The Steering Committee will conduct activities including but not limited to: A. Convene meetings as necessary. B. Maintain records of accomplishments. C. Develop public relations, education, and training initiatives. D. Actively seek cooperators, volunteers and alternate funding sources critical to the management success of the OCCISMA. E. Prepare and provide to the Parties of this MOU an annual written report of project accomplishments. F. Encourage cooperative relationships and active participation by all Parties to this MOU and any other interested parties. G. Review and propose amendments and updates to the MOU, as necessary. Page 26 FINAL VERSION -December 1.6, 2014 83 EXHIBIT B JOC CISMA Summary f 201S 2016 IPARTNER I I I I I (Townships Addison (Bloomfield Brandon Ilndependence 1Orion Rose Township ISpringOeld l Waterford Test Bloomfield Cities: Clarkston Keego Harbor 10akland County Parks IRCOC (Oakland Schools (Conservation District [Land Conservancles: INOHLC IMNA I Isubtotal I Education and Outreai OPIS[rSN I (Grant Admin 1 Orion Twp TOTAL $67 $17 PROIEJ $120,1001 $75,000 $15,0M] $60,0001 $75,0001 $15,0001 $340,0001 $15,0001 $70,000 $3,600 $13,928 $142,7361 $105,0001 $80,0001 $39,9201 1 1 $40,3001 $14,6161 $1,225,200 $211,167� $33,3241 $1,46%6911 84 +� �• Proposed Treatment 3 Survey locations ' Brandon Addlson 00tand County i tl `",� i a�.pissV AryY. f l � O ra.rry iwr. - - • O d' otlon • nn.a.. Rose O a • • t.s..�.n • RJ O ct..t..a;« A • =s ladepende6c • ti SpfitpR.ld a �� . t i a.«.et�ar+..•t:t.. a - \ 24 �- i Owae ce,s rne. tsra.a�a I Waurioro ( ...� 0 ©Mc;Wlcrsul tit r —a �� r� �// a •• •� �� � � Bloom:td _ \ �West� �tl 'a O BloomMld e � � El� Si �.� l Ilvott tltpp..011wart.en,.*r 21mr-.LA* h.AYid •SW Mrwt.<d 44 t.lri dL> nr.A.�r �wYii 4n«r.1�.��..upY..u� rulrl ..trt%to :4 IM0721 w.a.nlraq—.1 w gym*--WWW—A.w U.M*.A6m lPV = O. mourn lMW-0.0Rbpe— AYn.Y� FIGURE 3 —TREATMENT POINTS 1.1 85 Table 4.4; Locations of proposed treatment sites. Partner Property Name Location Targeted Proposed Species Treatment Area Addison Township Lakeville Lake Lakeshore, open water, P,R 10 acres wetlands Bloomfield Township Forest Lake South Of Square Lake Rd., P 6 acres West of Franklin Rd. Gilbert Lake North Of Quarton Rd., East of P 7.6 acres Telegraph Rd. Island Lake North of West Long Lake Rd., P acres West of Franklin Rd. ( 113.6 Lower Long Lake North of West Long Lake Rd., P acres West of Franklin Rd. 122.8 Meadow Lake South of Maple Rd., East of P acres Inkster 12.4 Orange Lake South of Hickory Grove Rd., P 4 acres East of Telegraph Rd. ( Upper Long Lake South Of Square Lake Rd., East P 15.6 acres of Middlebelt Rd. Wabeek Lake I North of West Long Lake Rd., P 4.4 acres East of Inkster Rd. I Brandon Township 1235 Sands Rd Ortonville State Recreation I P 2 acres Area Oakwood Rd 1855 Oakwood Rd. I P 4 acres State Park Drain X-ing 1100 State Park Rd I P ( 2 acres Independence Township Clintonwood Park I Clarkston Rd I P,S 15.5 acres Bay Court Park Clarkston Rd I P,S,R 17.9 acres Deer Lake Beach White Lake Rd. I P,K,S 12.5 acres Lakeview Cemetery White Lake Rd. I P 13.2 acres Fire Station Waldon Rd P 1.5 acres Orion Township Gingell Nature Area ' Maybee Rd P 2 acres Friendship Park Pond ' Clarkston Rd P 2 acres Friendship Park Bike Clarkston Rd P 2 acres Path 1716 S Newman Rd 1716 S Newman P 1 acre (Private Owner) 2700 Waldon Rd. Christ the Redeemer Church P 1 acre (Private Owner) I Camp Agawam 11223 W Clarkston Rd P 12 acres Waldon Middle School 12500 Waldon Rd P 5 acres LOPS Bus Garage ( 3620 Giddings P 1 acre Scripps Middle School 1385 E Scripps P 2 acres 39 86 Lake Orion High School 495 E. Scripps P 5 acres Stadium Elementary 244 Stadium P 2 acres School Voorheis stream 7561 Cedar Key P 1 acre Six Rivers Regional Land 2375 Galaxy Way P 15 acres Conservancy Lochmoor Condo 2617 Lochmoor Blvd. P 15 acres Association Rose Township Camp Wathana Rose Twp. S 50 acres Springfield Township RCOC Right of Way Dixie and Davisburg Hwy S 0.5 acres Bauer (Private Owner) 12790 Rattalee Lake Rd S 1 acre RCOC Right of Way E. Holly Road (1-75 to Dixie P 10 acres Hwy) Ron Eaton (Private 10951 Andersonville Rd P 1 acre Owner) 1 RCOC Right of Way Edgar Rd/Andersonville Rd P 113 acres RCOC Right of Way and Parker Rd (at Springfield/Rose P 10 acres Private Homeowners Twp Boundary) ( RCOC Right of Way Dixie Hwy (Oak Hill to P acres Davisburg) 15 Private Homeowners Sherwood Drive and Patrick P 7.5 acres Drive 12000 Davisburg Rd. 12000 Davisburg Rd. P 115 acres Township Park Shiawassee Basin Unit 2 S ( 3 acres Township Park Shiawassee Basin Unit S 3 acres Township Park Shiawassee Basin Unit 7 S 6 acres Township Park Shiawassee Basin Unit 1 S Township Park Shlawassee Basin Unit 15 S Township Park Shiawassee Basin Unit 2 B 41 acres Township Park Shiawassee Basin Unit 3 B 39 acres Township Park Shiawassee Basin Unit 7 B 165 acres Hartman (Private Parcel 0717102001 P 21 acres Owner) Waterford Township West Bloomfield Township Drake Sports Park P to be determined by survey Marshbank Park P to be determined by survey Civic Center Park P 8 acres Keego Harbor Firefighters Pocket Park 1965 Cass Lake Rd K 11000 sq. ft. 40 87 Dollar Lake (Landscaped Public Space NW P 1000 sq. ft. Corner of Cass Lk Rd. and Orchard Lk. Rd) Fran Leaf Park 2100-2134 Brock St P 2400 sq. ft. Clarkston Depot Park P,K,S 3 acres Oakland Schools Northwest OTEC 8211 Big Lake Rd - Springfield P,S 15 acres Twp. Headquarters 2111 Pontiac Lake Road - P 15 acres I Waterford Twp. I Southwest OTEC 1000 Beck Rd - Wixom, MI P 110 acres Northeast OTEC 1371 Perry - Pontiac P 13 acres Southeast OTEC 5055 Delemere - Royal Oak P 13 acres Oakland County Parks Independence Oaks Independence Twp. P,S,B 173 acres Orion Oaks Orion Twp. P 3 acres Waterford Oaks Waterford Twp, P 3 acres Highland Oaks Highland Twp. P,S,B 98 acres Addison Oaks Addison Twp. P,S 8 acres Rose Oaks Rose Twp. P,S,B 98 acres Springfield Oaks Springfield Twp. S,B 30 acres 6951 Milford Rd (Private Rose Twp. S 8 acres Owner) 7695 Milford Rd (Private Rose Twp. S 8 acres owner) 7945 Milford Rd (Private Rose Twp. S 12 acres owner) ( Parcel # 627377001 Rose Twp, S 8 acres (Private Owner) 420 W. Munger Rd Rose Twp. S 6 acres (Private Owner) 5360 N Milford Rd Highland Twp. S 4 acres (Private Owner) Michigan Nature Association Big Valley Nature Rase Twp. S 25 acres Sanctuary Calla Burr Plant Preserve Rose Twp. K,S 2 acres Timberland Swamp Springfield Twp. P,R acres Nature Sanctuary 15 Lakeville Swamp Nature Addison Twp. P 7 acres Sanctuary North Oakland Headwaters Land Conservancy Camp Wathana Rose Twp. S 50 acres Village Park Independence Twp. P 15 acres ' 41 88 Long Lake Complex at Springfield Twp. P 21 acres Eaton Rd (Private owners) 42 89 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA JANUARY 13, 2015 AGENDA ITEM NO. 9 I PLANNING AND RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT To: Chairman Fisher and Commission Members From: Daniel J. Stencil, Executive Officer Michael J. Donnellon, Jr., Chief of Park Facilities Maintenance & Development Donna Folland, Senior Planner Submitted: January 6, 2015 Subject: Waterford Oaks Design Master Plan Competition Proposal INTRODUCTION AND HISTORY On September 18, 2014, Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission (OCPRC) issued a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for Design and Engineering Services (Event #003090). The overall scope of work is the development of a design master plan and business plan for Waterford Oaks County Park and continuing architectural and engineering services for a period of up to five years as the master plan is implemented. The RFQ evaluation committee consists of staff from Oakland County and OCPRC, Parks Commissioner Jim Nash, and Leon Younger (PROS Consulting). There were six bids in response to the RFQ. The evaluation committee, facilitated by Andy Krumweide (Oakland County Purchasing), evaluated six bids that were submitted and selected the three top -scoring teams: ■ OHM Advisors, Livonia, Michigan • Russell Design, Northville, Michigan ■ Landscape Architects and Planners (LAP), Lansing, Michigan Next Steps: Pending approval by the Parks Commission, the top teams listed above will be invited to compete in a design competition to provide a preliminary master plan and business plan. In addition to the materials provided with the RFQ, the invitees will be provided with an updated topographical survey of Waterford Oaks. Per the RFQ, the team submitting the top design, as well as second- and third -place design, will be selected by the evaluation committee with approval from the Parks Commission. Compensation will be provided to each team completing a preliminary master plan and business plan in the amount of $10,000 minimum; a total of $45,000 will be awarded. The evaluation committee will determine the final split of the $45,000. The team submitting the top design will undertake negotiations with OCPRC for a contract based on the previously -submitted rates. If an agreement cannot be reached, OCPRC will undertake negotiations with the second -placed and then third -placed design team. Upon successful negotiation and execution of a contract, the selected design team will proceed with a formal design master plan as outlined in the RFQ. 90 Page 2 Timeline Announce Design Competition Invitees Topographic Survey Provided to Invitees Preliminary Master Plan and Business Plan Announce Top Design Completion of Phase I Design Construction Start January 13, 2015 February 1, 2015 May 1, 2015 June 4, 2015 (tentative) January 2016 April 2016 STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff recommends Commission approval of the selection of OHM Advisors, Russell Design, and Landscape Architects and Planners as the participants of the Waterford Oaks Design Competition. MOTION Move to approve the selection of OHM Advisors, Russell Design, and Landscape Architects and Planners as the participants of the Waterford Oaks Design Competition. 91 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA JANUARY 13, 2015 AGENDA ITEM NO. 9 J I FACILITIES MAINTENANCE & DEVELOPMENT To: Chairman Fisher and Commission Members From: Daniel J. Stencil, Executive Officer Michael J. Donnellon, Jr., Chief of Park Facilities Maintenance & Development Jennifer Myers, Architect/Project Manager Submitted: December 10, 2014 Subject: CONCEPTUAL — Red Oaks — (1) Phase I - Concession Remodel — Construction (2) Phase II — Concession Remodel — Design EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. FY2015 Concession Remodeling budget adjustment/approval. a) FY2015 CIP Management Plan, pg. 11, project#3 b) Required for Self -operation in FY2015 & FY2016 2. Funds Requested — $151,083 a) George W. Auch is currently bidding Phase I Remodeling for FY2015 3. A 5% project contingency will be included 4. Phase I — Conceptual project approval 5. Phase II — Design engineering budget approval PLANNING OVERVIEW 1. Strategic Plan (2008) (Refer to Attachment A) 2. Five -Year Recreation Master Plan 2013-2017 (Refer to Attachment A) 3. Park Vision and Facility Concepts (Refer to Attachment A) 4. Capital/Maintenance Management Plan (FY2013 & 2014) a) Initial budget history: Fiscal Year Project Notes A portion of the budget funds will be allocated to the three Phase I — Concession Remodeling Project at Groveland, Red and Waterford 2015 $53,000 Oaks. 5. 2006 ADA Assessment Report a) Not applicable PROJECT OVERVIEW 1. Concession Remodel (Need): 1. Design & construction purpose: a) With the advent of self -operation of Groveland Oaks, Waterford Oaks and Red Oaks Concession stands and under advisement of our current food service consultant, small modifications and additions (Phase 1) are required to be made for the 2015 Waterpark season, including; 1. Purchase and installation of new and larger Fryers, including the necessary support equipment. a. Fryers are not large enough and cannot keep up with demand to properly serve the patrons. 2. An outdoor Grill, including the necessary support equipment of work tables, portable hand sink and refrigerator. 3. Shaved Ice Machine. 92 Page 2 4. Installation of the purchased Pizza Oven from the Pontiac Silverdome Auction this past summer. 5. Installation of the purchased Soft -serve Ice Cream Machine, from the Pontiac Silverdome Auction this past summer. b) A larger, Phase II remodeling is anticipated to be designed over the next 4 to 6 months to be implemented for the 2016 season that includes the replacement of: 1. Replacing failing concession equipment that has met its life -cycle and cannot be repaired due to the lack of parts. 2. Repairing and moving other concession equipment for efficient food preparation and service. 3. Update of existing utilities, i.e. gas, electric, water supply, sanitary, fire -suppression, etc. 4. May require the removal, updating and repairing existing walls, tile, built counters etc. to accommodate the required changes Design & construction considerations: a) The phase I design is relatively simple, as equipment is generally being moved around, replaced and added. No structural changes are needed. b) Phase II conceptual design will be presented to the commission at a later date. Phase I - Design program elements: a) (1) Outdoor Grill b) (1) Fryers c) (3) Shelving Units d) (8) Work/Prep Station Tables e) (2) Warming Stations f) (1) Portable Handsink g) (1) Outdoor Refrigerator h) (2) Outdoor Canopy i) (1) Under-the-counter Freezer j) (1) Shaved Ice Machine k) (1) Pizza Oven 1) (1) Soft Serve Ice Cream Machine m) Install 2 pieces of vendor provided equipment for outdoor food sales, i.e. pretzels, frozen lemonade or other. n) Utilize and/or slightly modify existing utilities to support the new equipment. 2. Design/Engineering Consultants & Construction Managers 1. Prime design consultants — JFR Architect, Inc. (JFR) 2. Construction manager — George W. Auch Company (GWA) 3. Funding considerations 1. FY2015 Capital Improvement Project 4. Project Timeline: 1. Construction bidding & procurement December 2014 2. Construction award March 2015 3. Construction start March 2015 a) The equipment will need to be installed and staff trained on its use prior to the park opening in May 2015 4. Construction end April 2015 5. Groveland Oaks opening May 2015 5. Fiscal Considerations: 1. Revenue: a) This will be the first year of self -operation of the concession building, however and according to the existing cost recovery of the concessions: 1. ConcessionNending/Banquets a. FY2012 Annual Revenue $ 11,560' b. Budgeted Future Annual Revenue $225,500' C. Estimated Increase Annual Revenue $213,940 1 Reference Service Portfolio 2012 2 Concession Budget for FY2015 93 Page 3 2. Expenditures: a) This will be the first year of self -operation of the concession building, however and according to the existing cost recovery of the concessions: b) Concession/Vending/Banquets a. FY2012 Annual Expenditures $ 50,669' b. Budgeted Annual Expenditures $195,7002 C. Estimated Increase $145,031 3. Estimated Cost Recovery Change: a) Concession/Vending/Banquets 1. FY2012 Cost Recovery 23%1 2. Budgeted Cost Recovery 156% 3. Estimated Change 133% b) Overall Service Category — 48%' 4. Anticipated annual depreciation (beginning in FY2015): a) Total Project costs: $131,083 b) Depreciation, 25 years: $5,244 5. Life -cycle of facility: a) Red Oaks Concession 25+ year life -cycle b) Existing concession closed to Fixed Assets in 1988. 1. Initial Investment: Part of a $4.8M Project 6. Return on Investment TBD with Phase II 7. CIP Management Plan Priority Level — Red Oaks — Phase I, Concession Remodel a) Customer Service - Efficiency/Operational Savings 6. Market Analysis: 1. Waterpark Analysis, pg. 16 & 17 Market Demographics BUDGET INFORMATION 1. Phase I — Project Costs: 1. Design (JFR): $ 6,000 2. Equipment: $ 28,146 3. Construction: $ 90,694 4. Contingency (5%): $ 6,242 5. Total: $131,083 2. Phase II — Design Engineering 1. Design: $20,000 ATTACHMENTS 1. Attachment A — Planning Overview 2. Attachment B — Waterpark Analysis, pg. 16 & 17 3. Attachment C — Sales by Zip Code (2013) 4. Attachment D — FY2015 Concession Budget 5. Attachment E — Service Portfolio — Cost Recovery Spreadsheet 6. Attachment F — Conceptual Estimate STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends amending the FY2015 Capital Improvement Management Plan to include the Red Oaks — Phase I — Concession Remodeling Project budget of $131,083. ' Reference Service Portfolio 2012 2 Concession Budget for FY2015 94 Page 4 Staff further recommends amending the FY2015 Capital Improvement Management Plan to include the necessary design engineering of Phase II — Concession Remodeling in the amount of $20,000. Staff anticipates conceptual and construction approval of Phase 11 Concession Remodeling. MOTION Move to amending the FY2015 Capital Improvement Management Plan to include the Red Oaks — Phase I — Concession Remodeling Project budget of $131,083; and also Move to amend the FY2015 Capital Improvement Management Plan to include the necessary design engineering of Phase II — Concession Remodeling in the amount of $20,000. 95 GAKLAND COUNTYPARKS Planning Review: Red Oaks Waterpark Concession Remodeling December 8, 2014 — Planning and Resource Development Budget Center RWP — Red Oaks Waterpark Management Plan Scope FY2015: Design/engineering for the remodeling of the existing 2,550 square foot concession building (30x85), including central food service hub for remote concessions, kitchen equipment, retail sundries area and patron queuing area. (OCPRC, Sept 2014, p. 15) FY2016: Construction (OCPRC, Sept 2014, p. 71) Budget Forecast ■ FY2015 - $53,000 (OCPRC, Sept 2014, p. 15) ■ FY2016 - $625,000 (OCPRC, Sept 2014, p. 71) Strategic Plan 1.2.2 Recreation Facilities Vision: Develop and maintain year round recreation facilities that support passive and active recreation pursuits for people of all ages (PROS Consulting, April 2008, p. 3) Recreation Facilities Goal: Upgrade existing recreation facilities and add additional recreation facilities and amenities that energize the community to want to live, work, and play in Oakland County (PROS Consulting, April 2008, p. 4) Recreation Plan Objective 2.2: Planned Capital Improvement and Major Maintenance Projects — Implement capital improvement and major maintenance projects that have been identified in the park master planning process or in capital project/major maintenance forecasts and pursuant to the results of the facility planning process (OCPRC, February 2013, p. 13) Park Master Planning FACILITY VISION: The vision for the Waterpark is focused on improvements in customer service that will make the current successes and high attendance sustainable. BUSINESS PRACTICES: ■ Work with food service vendor to improve attractiveness and variety of food service offered at the Waterpark, increasing revenue from food service ■ Consider offering food service from mobile vending carts both in the ticket queue and in the Waterpark Planning Review: Red Oaks Waterpark Concession Remodeling Page 1 96 GAKLAND COUNTYPARKS ■ Consider developing the ability to sell convenience items, such as towels, sunscreen, and disposable diapers (OCPRC, March 2013, p. 16) Public Engagement In process Participation Trends In process Facility Plans — Waterpark Assessment GreenPlay LLC and Water Technology Inc. were contracted by the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission to evaluate the two standalone waterparks and a beach/slide operation located at a regional park focusing on camping, all operated by Oakland County. The purpose of the Waterparks Assessment was to evaluate the physical and operational aspects of the facilities and make recommendations to enhance them. (GreenPlay LLC and Water Technology, Inc, October 2013, p. 3) Recommendations for Red Oaks ■ Remote concessions Recommendations for both waterparks ■ Re -bid concessionaire contract ■ "No Outside Food or Beverage" policy (GreenPlay LLC and Water Technology, Inc, October 2013, pp. 61-65) Facility Plans — Food and Beverage Analysis Profitable Food Facilities (PFF) sent representatives to 14 different facilities that are managed by the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission in order to evaluate their Food and Beverage (F&B) operations. Based on the findings of the on -site analysis, PFF created a list of recommendations that aim to help these facilities comprehend the issues that they are facing and seek to improve the general status of their F&B operations. (Profitable Food Facilities, October 2013, p. 3) Current challenges at both Red Oaks and Waterford Oaks Waterparks were identified: Design and Operations: ■ Both: Our top recommendation for OCPR is to operate the waterpark concession operations themselves. They have the highest potential for profits and are the easiest to manage. ■ Both: We recommend implementing a fresh grill concept in order to showcase an outdoor grill operation. ■ Both: Add an extra satellite location. This could include the afternoon sweet treats for our customers i.e. Funnel Cakes and Shaved Ice. ■ Both: Eliminate or minimize coolers and outside food. We can create a similar pleasurable experience and allow the grills to be rented outside the park. ■ Red Oaks: Insert utilities throughout key locations of the park to allow cart services and secondary satellite sites. Planning Review: Red Oaks Waterpark Concession Remodeling Page 2 97 GAKLAN®COUNTY PARKS ■ Red Oaks: Develop an outside picnic area for customers to eat at outside of the concession stand to allow us to open an extra window service. ■ Red Oaks: Turn extra window facing the parking lot into an employee and cabana server's service window. ■ Red Oaks: Recommend locating the outdoor grill operations next to the wall of the bathrooms that are located within the seating area for the concession Sales ■ Both: Add additional cash registers (3 minimum) to help manage the additional volume using a voucher system. ■ Red Oaks: Create a large welcoming sign announcing the name and branding the building. Vendor ■ Both: End the current contract now since neither party wants to continue the contract. ■ Both: Create a more appealing menu board outside and around the park. Note We highly recommend that OCPR start with these two waterpark operations to "get your feet wet" in managing food and beverage operations. Waterparks are the easiest to manage, are seasonal by nature (we only open for 100 days) and have the most potential profit in a short period of time. (Profitable Food Facilities, October 2013, pp. 8-10) Accessibility The 2006 Accessibility Assessment was conducted by a consultant team in 2005-06 to inventory, analyze, develop options, and estimate costs for the needs of ... Oakland County Parks and Recreation Parks in regard to the specific requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. (Executive Summary 2006 Accessibility Assessment Report Findings: ■ Signage: Install accessible signage at three entry points ■ Main Counter: Renovate 48" length of the counter to install a 36" high counter area ■ Interior and exterior door handles: Install three interior and six exterior accessible door handles (Straub, Pettitt, Yaste; Becket & Raeder; Michigan Protection & Advocacy Service, April 2006) Agreements No grant assistance has been received for this facility. Regional and Local Plans Reference relevant federal, state, county and/or local plans — in process Land Use and Zoning State current land use and zoning designations and reference relevant ordinances/regulations — in process Planning Review: Red Oaks Waterpark Concession Remodeling Page 3 98 GAKLAN®COUNTYPARKS Service Portfolio Category of Service Service Beneficiary of Service Target Tier Minimum Concession/Vending/ Waterpark Concessions Mostly Individual 150% Banquet Benefit (GreenPlay LLC, June 2014, pp. 41-48) Notes: Discrepancies were noted in the calculation of cost recovery between the two waterpark concession operations. Different assumptions were made at each park based on management of this service at each facility. Red Oaks Waterpark Concessions had a cost recovery estimate of 23% based on 2012 actuals. This number will be recalculated using 2014 actuals. Provision Strategy Service Fit Financial Market Alternative Provision Pricing Capacity Position Coverage Strategy Strategy Advance Cost Waterpark Recovery: Concessions Good High Strong Low Market Secondary Position Market (GreenPlay LLC, June 2014, pp. 41-48) Notes: OCPR is in a strong market position and coverage is low due to this service being located within an Oakland County Park facility. The Waterpark assessment completed in 2013 noted several opportunities to expand this service within OCPR waterparks, including self -operation and renovating the existing facilities to advance market position and increase cost recovery. References GreenPlay LLC and Water Technology, Inc. (October 2013). Oakland County Parks Waterpark Assessment. Waterford, Michigan: Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. GreenPlay LLC. (June 2014). Service Portfolio Project. Waterford, Michigan: Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. OCPRC. (February 2013). Chapter 9: Strategic Action Plan. In Five -Year Parks and Recreation Master Plan. Waterford, Michigan: Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. OCPRC. (March 2013). Red Oaks Park Vision and Facility Concepts 2013-2022. Waterford, Michigan: Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. OCPRC. (Sept 2014). FY2015-2025 Capital Improvement Management Plan. Waterford, Michigan: Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. Profitable Food Facilities. (October 2013). Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Food & Beverage Analysis. Waterford, Michigan: Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. PROS Consulting. (April 2008). Oakland County Parks Strategic Plan Summary Report. Waterford, Michigan: Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. Planning Review: Red Oaks Waterpark Concession Remodeling Page 4 99 GAKLAND C®UNTYPARKS Straub, Pettitt, Yaste; Becket & Raeder; Michigan Protection & Advocacy Service. (April 2006). Oakland County Parks and Recreation Americans with Disabiliities Act (ADA) Assessmesnt and Master Plan. Waterford, Michigan: Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. Planning Review: Red Oaks Waterpark Concession Remodeling Page 5 100 Figure 4: 2012 Racial/Ethnic Distributions for Red Oaks Waterpark Target Area (projected from 2010 Census) 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0 0.0% _— Some White Black Asian Other Alone Alone Alone Race Alone 92012 56.1% 35.8% 3.8% 1.7% 0 0 Hispanic Two or More Origin Races (Any Race) 2.5% 4.0% Source: ESRI Business Information Solutions 2012 (Note: Hispanic data is not race dependent.) The median income for the Red Oaks Waterpark target area was $44,565 in the 2000 Census, dipping slightly in 2012 to $43,819, according to ESRI estimates. ESRI further projects the median income will be at $51,808 in 2017. The highest percentage of the population in the Red Oaks target area (17.1 percent) earns incomes in the $50,000 — $74,999 range. This income level range within Oakland County would indicate more discretionary expenditures from these households on recreational services such as waterparks. Summary Comparison of Oakland County Demographics with those of the Red Oaks Waterpark Target Area 1. Four age categories can be significant with regard to water park participation: 0-4—waders and future participants in youth activities, 5-14 — youth program participants, 15-24 youth participants moving into adult participants, often seasonal employment seekers, and 25-54 which is the broad group ranging from those establishing families to those who are newly "empty -nesters." Oakland County and the Red Oaks Waterpark target area demographics are comparable for the 0-4 and 5-15 age categories. The Red Oaks target area's population in the 15-24 age category, a significant source of seasonal employment seekers, is slightly higher at 13.6 percent than the Oakland County population in this age group at 11.8 percent. This indicates a good market for hiring waterpark seasonal employees. The biggest difference in these age demographic categories, however, is in the "family age" category, from 25-54. The Red Oaks target area's population percentage in this category is 49.2 percent, while Oakland County's percentage is 55.5 percent. This may indicate a stronger youth target audience of those ages 5-14 at Waterford Oaks than at Red Oaks. 2. The median household income for Oakland County was $60,216 in 2012, compared to a median income for the target area for Red Oaks, which was $43,819, indicating that across the County, most families potentially have discretionary income for recreational opportunities such as trips to a waterpark. However, in the Red Oaks service area, this may be more challenging. 16 101 3. In 2012, Oakland County's 528,051 housing units were 65.8 percent owner -occupied and 26.1 percent renter -occupied with an 8.1 percent vacancy rate. By comparison, the 1,043,731 housing units in the Red Oaks target area were 55.9 percent owner -occupied, 30.4 percent renter -occupied with a 13.7 percent vacancy rate, which may indicate less discretionary income for recreational opportunities such as trips to a waterpark, B. Outdoor Aquatic Centers and Waterpark Trends A challenge of agencies such as the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission is to continue to understand and respond to the changing aquatic interests of those it serves. In this fast -paced society, it is important to stay on top of current trends impacting aquatic facilities. The following information highlights relevant local, regional, and national outdoor aquatic center and waterpark trends from various sources that may influence the OCPRC for the next several years. According to the National Sporting Goods Association (NSGA), swimming ranked third nation-wide in terms of participation in 20111. Nationally, there is an increasing trend toward leisure and therapeutic pools and water parks. Additional indoor and outdoor amenities like "spray pads" are becoming increasingly popular as well. In some cities and counties, spray pools are popular in the summer months and are converted into ice rinks during the winter months. Traditional pools are being eliminated in favor of these "spraygrounds" that are more interactive with "plenty of buttons and levers to push and pull to activate different features."' Recent trends in outdoor aquatics include the following': • Leisure pool concept that address the needs of recreation swimmers of all ages. • A focus on deve€oping splash pads that are either stand-alone facilities in neighborhoods or are part of larger aquatic centers. • Themed aquatic centers, • Use of more energy -efficient motors, regenerative filters, and other energy saving equipment. • Partnering with other agencies for development and operation of new multi -faceted aquatic centers. • Combining water features with non -aquatic activities such as skate parks. • Ideas for reaching broader audiences include the in -pool movie (swimmer view film on nearby screen from a floating device) or interactive pool features using technology. ' National Sporting Goods Association, "2011 Participation — Ranked by Total Participation", 2012. 2 Heather Reichle, "Financially Fashionable: How supplementing spraygrounds for pools impacts a budget", 0:\Trends\Current trends research backup\Trends by category\Trends by category\aquatics\Feature Story - A Growing Wave -- Reaching Diverse Audiences With Aquatic Programming.mht, accessed August 10, 2009. a Columbia Association, "Scan of Aquatics Industry Trends (for Columbia Master Plan)", August 11, 2011. 17 102 � i'0p M01� Coksnbt It Moms Owosso Flushing Flint Flint Flint Coruma Davison Flint Burton Flint Flint Lennon Burton Flint Burton Durand Gaines Bancroft Byron FowleMle Howell Pinckney 9regor-y Dexter Chelsea Ann Arbor Manchester Saline ---- � Yale OZA KLAND Lapeer A"'°° �ty COUNTY PARKS col— Emmett Swartz Creek Grand Metamora Dryden Almoni Alle nton Memphis Blanc Goodrich • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Holly Ortonville Oxford Oxford Leonard • Romeo Armada Richmond • • Linden • Lake • Washington Clarkston Orion Oakland r5d'on New Haven Fenton • bovisburg Lake • Ray • Orion Rochester • Washington New Clarkston Lake Orion Hann Auburn New • Waterford Hills Utica Macomb White Baltimore •Hlghland Highland White Lake Pontiac Rochester Rochest� Utica Hartland • Lake Waterford Pontiac 0 Utica Macomb more Waterford golf • Keego Pontiac 16 Commerce West Harbor stierling Clinton Brighton MBford Township Bloomfield Bloomfield Troy SHeights Sterling Mount Hills Township Clemens Harrison • Bloomfield Clinton Township Milford Walled West Bloomfield Hills Stering Township • Lake West Bloomfield Troy Troy H cm"" Heights • Township Bloomfield HIILs Birmingham Clawson .. Frown Brighton New • Wixom iSaint Farms Worn" nglon Franklin Royal Oak n Gann Hudson Novi Farmington Southfield is Warren 4o;t3,l e¢ Berkley • Royal Center Southfield Saint •outh Novi Novi Farmington Southfield €�% L "r Warren Clair Oak �I Hazy Eastpointe Lyon •• Farmington Warren Shores rtrtq�i5e tk • • • • • • • • • • • • �' ..,�.�,t Whitmore Northville Livonia Redford Detroit Detroit Park Detroit Detroit Grosse Lake Detroit Hamtramck Pointe betrolt Livonia Detroit Detroit Detroit Detroit Grosse Plymouth Livonia Redford Detroit Detroit Detroit Pointe Dearborn Detroit Detroit Detroit Arm hts ��� Westland biro' betroit Detroit Arbor Canton 6ardene� city Dearborn Dearborn t befrolt Ann Arbor Canton Westland Inkster Dearborn beatborn beftalt Ann Ypsilanti Wayne Dearborn betrolt Melvindale River Arbor Heights Allen Rouge Romulus Lincoln Ecorse Ann Ypsilanti Belleville Taylor Park Park Arbor Detroit Wyandotte Southgate r 16. rt Red Oaks County Park Waterpark Sales by Zip Code 2013 Season % Based on Complete Data (6.056) 0.01 - 0.04% 0.05 - 0.16% 0.17 - 0.31% 032 - 0.49% 0.50 - 0.69% - 0.70 - 0.95% - 0.96 - 1.59% - 1.60-232% - 2.33 - 3.56% 0 10.23% 1 inch = 8 miles 6.18%of 6,455 sales are not represented due to inaccurate or incomplete data. I 3.76% of 6ASS sales are not represented due to being out-of-state Oakland County Parks and Recreation 2800 Watkins Lake Road Waterford, MI 248-858-0906 www.Destination0akland.com — 103 RWC 5060431 Red Oaks Concession REVENUES ROW # Account Acct Descr FY2014 Budget FY2015 Budget FY 2015 ADJ FY 2015 Revised Budget FY2016 Budget FY ZU6 AD! FY 2016 Revised Budget 1 630308 Commission Food Services $ S00 $ 500 $ - $ S00 $ - 2 632023 Sales (non-taxable) $ 45,000 $ 45,000 $ - $ 50,000 $ 50,000 3 632037 Sales Retail (tax) $ 180,000 $ 180,000 $ - $ 200,000 $ 200,000 4 5 $ $ $ 2Z5,500 $ 225,500 $ $ 250,500 $ 250,500 EXPENDITURES 6 702010 Salaries Regular $ $ - $ 80,000 $ 80,000 $ - $ 75,000 $ 75,000 7 722740 Fringe Benefits $ $ - $ 4,000 $ 4,000 $ - $ 3,750 $ 3,750 8 730121 Bank Charges $ $ - $ 50 $ 50 $ - $ 50 $ 50 9 730198 Building Maintenance Charges $ $ - $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ - $ 5,000 $ 5,000 10 730247 Charge Card Fee $ - $ - $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ - $ 1,000 $ 1,000 11 730562 Electrical Service $ $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 12 730646 Equipment Maintenance $ $ - $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ - $ 5,000 $ 5,000 13 730786 Garbage and Rubbish Disposal $ $ $ 500 $ 500 $ - $ 500 $ 500 14 730814 Grounds Maintenance $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ $ - 15 731115 Licenses and Permits $ $ - $ 500 $ 500 $ - $ 500 $ 500 16 731241 Miscellaneous $ $ - $ 500 $ 500 $ - $ 500 $ 500 17 731269 Natural Gas $ $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 18 731388 Printing $ $ - $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ - $ 1,000 $ 1,000 19 731500 Public Information $ $ - $ 1,500 $ 1,500 $ - $ 500 $ 500 20 731780 Software Support Maintenance $ $ - $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ - $ 11000 $ 1,000 21 731941 Training $ $ - $ 1500 $ 1,500 $ - $ 500 $ 500 22 732102 Water and Sewage Charges $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 23 750063 Custodial Supplies $ $ - $ 2,500 $ 2,500 $ $ 2,500 $ 2,500 24 750154 Expendable Equipment $ $ - $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ - $ 5,000 $ 5,000 25 7SO385 Merchandisse for Resale $ - $ - $ 75,000 $ 75,000 $ - $ 75,000 $ 75,000 26 750399 Office Supplies $ - $ $ 500 $ 500 $ - $ 250 $ 250 27 750504 Small Tools $ - $ $ 2,500 $ 2,500 $ - $ 2,500 $ 2,500 28 750581 Uniforms $ $ $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ - $ 1,000 $ 1,000 29 761121 Depreciation Equipment $ $ - $ 500 $ 500 $ - $ 500 $ 500 30 774363 Info Tech Operations $ $ - $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ - $ 2,500 $ 2,500 31 774677 Insurance Fund $ $ $ 1,500 $ 1,500 $ - $ 1,500 $ 1,500 32 775754 Maintenance Department Charges $ $ $ 250 $ 250 $ $ 250 $ 250 33 778675 Telephone Communications $ $ - $ 4,00 $ 400 $ - $ 400 $ 400 $ $ $ 195,700 $ 195,700 $ $ 183,700 $ 185,700 NETTOTAL $ $ - $ 29,800 $ 29,800 $ $ 64,800 $ 64,800 Copy of 2015-2016 Concession Budgets.xlsx 104 Categorv: ConcessionNendingBanquets Direct Expenditures Salaries & Fringes FM Building Maintenance Park Building Maintenance FM Grounds Maintenance Park Grounds Maintenance FM Expenditures Contracted Services Custodial Services Custodial Supplies Depreciation of Buildings Depreciation of Equipment Depreciation of Park Improvements Depreciation of Vehicles Drain Equipment Equipment Maintenance Equipment Rental Expendable Equipment Garbage & Rubbish Disposal Greenhouse Allocation Licenses and Permits Merchandise for Resale Recreation Supplies Small Tools Special Events Telephone Communications Utilities (Electrical, Gas, Water/Sewer) Total Direct Expenditures Revenues Net Loss Current Cost Recovery Total Revenue Total Expenditures Net Loss Total Cost Recovery GRV RWP WWP Concession Concession Concession $3,000 $ 14,391 $ 3,878 $453 $ 663 $313 $ 5,893 $ 2,416 $76 $ 144 $1,000 $ - $65 $ 431 $ 449 $ 1,976 $3,000 $ 2,789 $ 1,346 $200 $ 247 $ 485 $ 306 $ 22,895 $ 3,672 $8,106 $ 50,669 $ 11,312 $4,610 $ 11,560 $ 9,946 -$3,496 $ (39,109) $ (1,366) 570, 23% 88% GRV Concessions .6% of overall park expenditures based on acreage RWP Concessions Concessions totaled 4.2% of expenditures at RWP 105 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS Concessions Buildings Upgrades Oakland County, MI Red Oaks Waterpark DESCRIPTION Unit of Total Total Meas. Quantity Unit $ Cost Misc Arch demo & patch allowance mnhr 80.00 $85 $6,800 Demo concrete slab & replace sqft 28 $20.00 $560 Remove and return FSE to owner mnhr 8 $85.00 $680 Site restoration allow 1 $2,500.00 $2,500 Update Ansul System allow 1 $7,500 $7,500 Plumbing Plumbing small job set up allow 1 $1,500 $1,500 3/4" gas line above grade Inft 50 $25.00 $1,250 3/4" gas line below grade Inft 15 $35.00 $525 Connect new equipment to gas line each 2 $250.00 $500 Electrical Electrical small job set up allow 1 $2,500 $2,500 Electrical demo mnhr 14 $100 $1,400 Junction box and condiut stubbed to clg each 1 $250 $250 New Panel RP-E each 1 $2,500 $2,500 New20A 1P circuit breaker each 15 $125 $1,875 New 20A 2P circuit breaker each 1 $150 $150 New 30A 2P circuit breaker each 2 $175 $350 New 45kVA Transformer each 1 $1,500 $1,500 Fused switch tapped to panel allow 1 $3,500 $3,500 BW- 2#12+1#12GRD - 1/2" C Inft 670 $16 $10,720 BW- 2#10+1#10GRD - 3/4" C Inft 50 $18 $900 4#4+1#8GRD - 1-1/4" C Inft 15 $25.00 $375 4#1/0+1#6GRD - 2" C Inft 10 $30 $300 GFI Outlet each 10 $225.00 $2,250 Subtotal sqft $50,385 General Conditions allow $15,000 Subtotal $65,385 Estimating Contingency 10.00% $6,539 Project Contingency 5.00% $3,269 Total Direct Costs $75,193 Testing $5,000 Utility Permits & Fees $0 Subtotal $80,193 Permits allow $5,000 Subtotal $85,193 CM Fees 4.00% $3,408 Subtotal $88,600 General Liability 0.50% $443 Subtotal $89,043 Payment & Performance Bond 1.00% $890 Subtotal $89,934 OCP allow $760 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS $90,694 CONFIDENTIAL GEORGE W. AUCH COMPANY Note: 1. Estimate includes M & E connections to FSE. 2. Installation of FSE is not included. George W. Auch Company Gerald E. McClelland. CPE. LEED AP Page 1 January 5, 2015 12/30/2014 1:56 PM 106 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA JANUARY 13, 2015 AGENDA ITEM NO. 9 .J 1 FACILITIES MAINTENANCE & DEVELOPMENT To: Chairman Fisher and Commission Members From: Daniel J. Stencil, Executive Officer Michael J. Donnellon, Jr., Chief of Park Facilities Maintenance & Development Jennifer Myers, Arch itecUProject Manager Submitted: December 10, 2014 Subject: CONCEPTUAL — Waterford Oaks — (1) Phase I - Concession Remodel — Construction (2) Phase 11 — Concession Remodel — Design EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. FY2015 Concession Remodeling budget adjustment/approval, a) FY2015 CIP Management Plan, pg. 11, project #3 b) Required for Self -operation in FY2015 & FY2016 2. Funds Requested — $136,632 a) George W. Auch is currently bidding Phase I Remodeling for FY2015 3. A 5% project contingency will be included 4. Phase I — Conceptual project approval 5. Phase II — Design engineering budget approval PLANNING OVERVIEW 1. Strategic Plan (2008) (Refer to Attachment A) 2, Five -Year Recreation Master Plan 2013-2017 (Refer to Attachment A) 3. Park Vision and Facility Concepts (Refer to Attachment A) 4. CapitallMaintenance Management Plan (FY2013 & 2014) a) Initial budget history: Fiscal Year Project Notes A portion of the budget funds will be allocated to the three Phase I — 2015 $37,000 Concession Remodeling Project at Groveland, Red and Waterford Oaks. 2. 2006 ADA Assessment Report a) Not applicable PROJECT OVERVIEW 1. Concession Remodel (Need): 1. Design & construction purpose: a) With the advent of self -operation of Groveland Oaks, Waterford Oaks and Red Oaks Concession stands and under advisement of our current food service consultant, small modifications and additions (Phase 1) are required to be made for the 2015 Waterpark season, including; 1. Purchase and installation of new and larger Fryers, including the necessary support equipment. a. Fryers are not large enough and cannot keep up with demand to properly serve the patrons. 107 Page 2 2. An outdoor Grill, including the necessary support equipment of work tables, portable hand sink and refrigerator. 3. Shaved Ice Machine. b) A larger, Phase 11 remodeling is anticipated to be designed over the next 4 to 6 months to be implemented for the 2016 season that includes the replacement of: 1, Replacing failing concession equipment that has met its life -cycle and cannot be repaired. 2. Repairing and moving other concession equipment for efficient food preparation and service. 3. Update of existing utilities, i.e. gas, electric, water supply, sanitary, fire -suppression, etc. 4. May require the removal, updating and repairing existing walls, tile, built counters etc. to accommodate the required changes 2. Design & construction considerations: a) The phase I design is relatively simple, as equipment is generally being moved around, replaced and added. No structural changes are needed. b) Phase 11 conceptual design will be presented to the commission at a later date. 3. Phase I - Design program elements: a) (1) Outdoor Grill b) (1) Fryers c) (1) Shelving Units d) (6) Work/Prep Station Tables e) (2) Warming Stations f) (1) Portable Handsink g) (1) Outdoor Refrigerator h) (2) Outdoor Canopy i) (1) Shaved Ice Machine j) Install 2 pieces of vendor provided equipment for outdoor food sales, i.e. pretzels, frozen lemonade or other. k) Utilize and/or slightly modify existing utilities to support the new equipment. 2. Design/Engineering Consultants & Construction Managers 1. Prime design consultants — Wakely & Associates (WA) 2. Construction manager— George W. Auch Company (GWA) 3. Funding considerations 1. FY2015 Capital Improvement Project 4. Project Timeline (Phase Q: 1. Construction bidding & procurement December 2014 2. Construction award March 2015 3. Construction start March 2015 a) The equipment will need to be installed and staff trained on its use prior to the park opening in May 2015 4. Construction end April 2015 5. Waterford Oaks opening May 2015 5. Fiscal Considerations: 1. Revenue: a) This will be the first year of self -operation of the concession building, however and according to the existing cost recovery of the concessions: 1. ConcessionNending/Banquets a. FY2012 Annual Revenue $ 11,312' b, Budgeted Future Annual Revenue $140,5002 C. Estimated Increase Annual Revenue $129,188 1 Reference Service Portfolio 2012 Concession Budget for FY2015 108 Page 3 2. Expenditures: a) This will be the first year of self -operation of the concession building, however and according to the existing cost recovery of the concessions: b) ConcessionNending/Banquets a. FY2012 Annual Expenditures $ 9,946' b. Budgeted Annual Expenditures $149,1752 C. Estimated Increase $139,229 3. Estimated Cost Recovery Change: a) ConcessionNending/Banquets 1, FY2012 Cost Recovery 88%' 2. Budgeted Cost Recovery 94%2 3, Estimated Change 6% b) Overall Service Category — 48% 4. Anticipated annual depreciation (beginning in FY2015): a) Total Project costs: $116,632 b) Depreciation, 25 years: $4,665 5, Life -cycle of facility: a) Waterford Oaks Concession 25+ year life -cycle b) Existing concession closed to Fixed Assets in 1990, 1. Initial Investment: Part of a $1.7M Project 6. Return on Investment TBD with Phase II 7. CIP Management Plan Priority Level — Waterford Oaks — Phase I, Concession Remodel a) Customer Service - Efficiency/Operational Savings 6. Market Analysis: 1. Waterpark Analysis, pg. 16 & 17 Market Demographics BUDGET INFORMATION 1. Phase I — Project Costs: 1. Design (WA): $ 10,490 2. Equipment: $ 21,647 3. Construction: $ 78,941 4. Contingency (5%): $ 5,554 5. Total: $116,632 2. Phase Il — Design Engineering 1. Design: $20,000 ATTACHMENTS 1. Attachment A — Planning Overview 2. Attachment B — Sales by Zip Code (2013) 3. Attachment C — FY2015 Budget 4. Attachment D — Service Portfolio — Cost Recovery Spreadsheet 5. Attachment E — Concession Photos 6. Attachment F — Conceptual Estimate STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends amending the FY2015 Capital Improvement Management Plan to include the Waterford Oaks — Phase I — Concession Remodeling Project budget of $116,632 1 Reference Service Portfolio 2012 2 Concession Budget for FY2015 109 Page 4 Staff further recommends amending the FY2015 Capital Improvement Management Plan to include the necessary design engineering of Phase II — Concession Remodeling in the amount of $20,000. Staff anticipates conceptual and construction approval of Phase II Concession Remodeling. MOTION Move to amending the FY2015 Capital Improvement Management Plan to include the Waterford Oaks — Phase I — Concession Remodeling Project budget of $116,632; and also Move to amend the FY2015 Capital Improvement Management Plan to include the necessary design engineering of Phase II — Concession Remodeling in the amount of $20,000. 110 GAKLAND COUNTYPARKS Planning Review: Waterford Oaks Waterpark Concession Remodeling December 8, 2014 — Planning and Resource Development Budget Center WWP —Waterford Oaks Waterpark Management Plan Scope FY2015: Design/engineering for the remodeling of the existing 2,100 square foot concession building (2805), including central food service hub for remote concessions, kitchen equipment, retail sundries area and patron queuing area. (OCPRC, Sept 2014, p. 16) FY2016: Construction (OCPRC, Sept 2014, p. 82) Budget Forecast FY2015 - $37,000 (OCPRC, Sept 2014, p. 15) FY2016 - $363,000 (OCPRC, Sept 2014, p. 82) Strategic Plan 1.2.2 Recreation Facilities Vision: Develop and maintain year round recreation facilities that support passive and active recreation pursuits for people of all ages (PROS Consulting, April 2008, p. 3) Recreation Facilities Goal: Upgrade existing recreation facilities and add additional recreation facilities and amenities that energize the community to want to live, work, and play in Oakland County (PROS Consulting, April 2008, p. 4) Recreation Plan Objective 2.2: Planned Capital Improvement and Major Maintenance Projects — Implement capital improvement and major maintenance projects that have been identified in the park master planning process or in capital project/major maintenance forecasts and pursuant to the results of the facility planning process (OCPRC, February 2013, p. 13) Park Master Planning FACILITY VISION: The facility vision for the Waterpark calls for replacement of aging and deteriorating infrastructure and incorporating these changes into a new theme for the Waterpark that would clearly distinguish it from Red Oaks Waterpark and encourage visitors to enjoy a full -day, whole -park experience. Revenue would be enhanced by adding more convenience items, improving food service, improving restroom facilities, and promoting rental of picnic facilities. BUSINESS PRACTICES: Planning Review: Waterford Oaks Waterpark Concession Remodeling Page 1 111 GAKLAND COUNTYPARKS ■ Encourage use of Waterpark integrated with a full -day experience at Waterford Oaks by providing amenities and conveniences that accommodate a longer stay for a family (improved food service, family restrooms, changing rooms, sale of toiletries and convenience items, comfortable places to relax) (OCPRC, July 2012, p. 13) Public Engagement In process Participation Trends In process Facility Plans — Waterpark Assessment GreenPlay LLC and Water Technology Inc. were contracted by the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission to evaluate the two standalone waterparks and a beach/slide operation located at a regional park focusing on camping, all operated by Oakland County. The purpose of the Waterparks Assessment was to evaluate the physical and operational aspects of the facilities and make recommendations to enhance them. (GreenPlay LLC and Water Technology, Inc, October 2013, p. 3) Recommendations for Waterford Oaks ■ Remote concessions ■ Concessions cleaning and equipment evaluation ■ Express service window Recommendations for both waterparks ■ Re -bid concessionaire contract ■ "No Outside Food or Beverage" policy (GreenPlay LLC and Water Technology, Inc, October 2013, pp. 64-65) Facility Plans — Food and Beverage Analysis Profitable Food Facilities (PFF) sent representatives to 14 different facilities that are managed by the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission in order to evaluate their Food and Beverage (F&B) operations. Based on the findings of the on -site analysis, PFF created a list of recommendations that aim to help these facilities comprehend the issues that they are facing and seek to improve the general status of their F&B operations. (Profitable Food Facilities, October 2013, p. 3) Design and Operations: ■ Both: Our top recommendation for OCPR is to operate the waterpark concession operations themselves. They have the highest potential for profits and are the easiest to manage. ■ Both: We recommend implementing a fresh grill concept in order to showcase an outdoor grill operation. ■ Both: Add an extra satellite location. This could include the afternoon sweet treats for our customers i.e. Funnel Cakes and Shaved Ice. ■ Both: Eliminate or minimize coolers and outside food. We can create a similar pleasurable experience and allow the grills to be rented outside the park. Planning Review: Waterford Oaks Waterpark Concession Remodeling Page 2 112 GAKLAND COUNTYPARKS ■ Waterford Oaks: We recommend locating the fresh grill station next to the main path opposite of the supervisor station on the concession stand side, Sales ■ Both: Add additional cash registers (3 minimum) to help manage the additional volume using a voucher system. ■ Waterford Oaks: Post menu advertising signage on the main entrance as guests walk through the main entrance opposite of the lockers. Vendor ■ Both: End the current contract now since neither party wants to continue the contract. ■ Both: Create a more appealing menu board outside and around the park. Note We highly recommend that OCPR start with these two waterpark operations to "get your feet wet" in managing food and beverage operations. Waterparks are the easiest to manage, are seasonal by nature (we only open for 100 days) and have the most potential profit in a short period of time. (Profitable Food Facilities, October 2013, pp. 8-10) Accessibility The 2006 Accessibility Assessment was conducted by a consultant team in 2005-06 to inventory, analyze, develop options, and estimate costs for the needs of ... Oakland County Parks and Recreation Parks in regard to the specific requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. (Executive Summary) 2006 Accessibility Assessment Report Findings: ■ Counters: Remove 96" of counter/cabinet and replace with 36" high counter (counters are in 96" sections) ■ interior and exterior door hardware: Replace with accessible hardware (Straub, Pettitt, Yaste; Becket & Raeder; Michigan Protection & Advocacy Service, April 2006) Agreements OSA 080 (1968): Land purchased with assistance from the federal Open Space Land Program BF21-9544 (1975): Bathhouse/Concession Building originally built with assistance from the Recreation Bond Fund Program; remodeled in 1995. Wave pool was also constructed with assistance from this grant CM00-002 (2000): wave pool replacement with assistance from the CM[ Bond Fund Program Regional and Local Plans Reference relevant federal, state, county and/or local plans — in process Land Use and Zoning State current land use and zoning designations and reference relevant ordinances/regulations — in process Planning Review: Waterford Oaks Waterpark Concession Remodeling Page 3 113 GAKLAND COUNTYPARKS Service Portfolio Category of Service Service Beneficiary of Service Target Tier Minimum Concession/Vending/ Waterpark Concessions Mostly Individual 150% Banquet Benefit (GreenPlay LLC, June 2014, pp. 56-60) Notes: Discrepancies were noted in the calculation of cost recovery between the two waterpark concession operations. Different assumptions were made at each park based on management of this service at each facility. Red Oaks Waterpark Concessions had a cost recovery estimate of 88% based on 2012 actuals. This number will be recalculated using 2014 actuals. Provision Strategy Service Fit Financial Market Alternative Provision Pricing Capacity Position Coverage Strategy Strategy Advance Cost Waterpark Recovery: Concessions Good High Strong Low Market Secondary S Position Market (GreenPlay LLC, June 2014, pp. 56-60) Notes: OCPR is in a strong market position and coverage is low due to this service being located within an Oakland County Park facility. The Waterpark assessment completed in 2013 noted several opportunities to expand this service within OCPR waterparks, including self -operation and renovating the existing facilities to advance market position and increase cost recovery. References GreenPlay LLC and Water Technology, Inc. (October 2013). Oakland County Parks Waterpark Assessment. Waterford, Michigan: Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. GreenPlay LLC. (June 2014). Service Portfolio Project. Waterford, Michigan: Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. OCPRC. (February 2013). Chapter 9: Strategic Action Plan. In Five -Year Parks and Recreation Master Plan. Waterford, Michigan: Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. OCPRC. (July 2012). Waterford Oaks Park Vision and Facility Concepts 2013-2022. Waterford, Michigan: Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. OCPRC. (Sept 2014). FY2015-2025 Capital Improvement Management Plan. Waterford, Michigan: Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission, Profitable Food Facilities. (October 2013). Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Food & Beverage Analysis. Waterford, Michigan: Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. PROS Consulting. (April 2008). Oakland County Parks Strategic Plan Summary Report, Waterford, Michigan: Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. Planning Review: Waterford Oaks Waterpark Concession Remodeling Page 4 114 GAKLAND COUNTYPARKS Straub, Pettitt, Yaste; Becket & Raeder; Michigan Protection & Advocacy Service. (April 2006). Oakland County Parks and Recreation Americans with Disabiliities Act (ADA) Assessmesnt and Master Plan. Waterford, Michigan: Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. Planning Review: Waterford Oaks Waterpark Concession Remodeling Page S 115 Nov tatnrop�igvilk Flushing Flint Flint0im;ZAKLAND Brown city Yale 7wosso Flint Cerunna Davison Lapeer Attica Imlay COUNTY PARKS Burton City Flint Flint Flint Capac Emmett Lennon Burton Burton Swartz Creek Grand Metanora Dryden Almont Allenton Memphis i 41111111 Durand Blanc Goodrich Bancroft Gaines • * • • • • • • • • • • R • 9110 • • • Holly Ortonville Oxford card Leonard • Romeo Armada Richmond Byron • • Linden Fowle�ville Lake • Clarkston Orkin Oakland Washington New Haven Fenton + Davisburg Lake • Ray + Orion Clarkston Rachesier • Washington New Haven Lake Orion Auburn New Waterford Oaks County Park Waterpark Waterford Hills ' Utica Macomb White Baltimore Sales by Zip Code Hartland *Highland Highland hit Lake , 4, Ponflac Rochester G k Rochester �1CO 2013 Season • Waterford Pontiac Utica Macomb New Howell Waterfo ' Baltimore %Based on Complete Data (4,948) • ego Pontiac Commerce West Harbor Sterling Clinton .02 - .D8% Township Milford P Bloomfield Troy 44eights Styling Mount Bloomfield Towrohip Clemens Heights Harrison .09-.18% Brighton • Bloomfield Hills • Clinton Township .19 - .36% Milford Walled West Bloomfield Hills Township • Lake �St�e�rliingstery West Bloomfield Troy bights Height ClintonP .37-.54% • BirminghmnTroy Bloomfield - Hills Clawson • Fraser Saint .55 - .76% Brighton New Wixam • Novi Farmington Franklin Royal Oak Warren Clair Hudson Farmington Southfield = Warms Rosevi{le�� Berkley .77-.92% • Royal Southfield • Center .93 -1.31 % Pinckney Novi Oak saint •oufh Novi Farmington Southfield Line Park HazeLineWarren Clair 1.32 -1.83% 0 Lyon •• • • • • • • Farmington par Wnrren Eastpointe Shareso • • • • • • • • • Fdrndwa Ij wFliP�n 1.84-4/0 Whitmore Gregory Northville Livonia Redford Detro{t Detroit Detroit Detroit Wdsy oo 4.1 - 6% 1 inch = 8 miles lake Detroit Hamtramck Grosse � 7.39% Livonia Detroit Detroit Detroit Detroit Pointe Grosse 5.3% of 5,224 sales are not represented Dexter Plymouth Livonia Redford Detro(t Detroit Pointe due to inaccurate or incomplete data. Dearborn Detroit Detroit Detroit Detroit Ann Arbor canton rg Detroit Westland Detroit Detroit Detroit Detroit 7.6% of 5,224 sales are not represented City Dearborn Dearborn OetroltDetroit due to being out-of-state Ann Arbor Canton Westland Inkster Dearborn Dearborn Detroit Chelsea Ann Ypsilanti were Dearborn born Oakland County Parks and Recreation Ann Arbor Heigh Detroit River 2800 Watkins Lake Road Arbor Allen un°akn Waterford, MI Ann YpsilantiBelleville EcRouge Romulus orse Taylor Park Park 248-858-0906 Arbor Manchester Soling Detr'olt www.DestinationOakiand.com SoultIolahWyandotte 116 WWC 5060437 Waterford Oaks Concession REVENUES ROW # Account Acct Descr 1 630308 Commission Food Services 2 632023 Sales (non-taxable) 3 632037 Sales Retail (tax) 4 5 EXPENDrrURES 6 702010 Salaries Regular 7 722740 Fringe Benefits 8 730121 Bank Charges 9 730198 Building Maintenance Charges 10 730247 Charge Card Fee 11 730562 Electrical Service 12 730646 Equipment Maintenance 13 730786 Garbage and Rubbish Disposal 14 730814 Grounds Maintenance 15 731115 Licenses and Permits 16 731241 Miscellaneous 17 731269 Natural Gas 18 731388 Printing 19 731500 Public information 20 731780 Software Support Maintenance 21 731941 Training 22 732102 Water and Sewage Charges 23 750063 Custodial Supplies 24 750154 Expendable Equipment 25 750385 Merchandisse for Resale 26 750399 Office Supplies 27 750504 Small Tools 28 750581 Uniforms 29 761121 Depreciation Equipment 30 774363 Info Tech Operations 31 774677 Insurance Fund 32 775754 Maintenance Department Charges 33 778675 Telephone Communications NETTOTAL FY2014 Budget FY2015 Budget f Y2%S ADJ FY 2015 Revised Budget FY2016 Budget F)C Z= AQ_J FY 2016 Revised Budget $ 50D $ 500 $ -T son $ - $ 30,000 $ 30,000 $ - $ 35,000 $ 35,000 $ 110,000 $ 110,000 $ - $ 120,000 $ 120,000 $ $ $ 140,500 $ $ 155,500 $ 140,500 $ 155,500 $ - $ - $ 60,000 $ 60,000 $ - $ 55,000 $ 55,000 $ - $ - $ 3,000 $ 3,000 $ - $ 2,750 $ 2,750 $ - $ - $ 25 $ 25 $ $ 25 $ 25 $ - $ - $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ - $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ - $ - $ 500 $ 500 $ - $ 500 $ 500 $ - $ - $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ - $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ - $ - $ 500 $ 500 $ - $ 500 $ 500 $ $ - $ 500 $ 500 $ - $ 500 $ 500 $ - $ - $ 500 $ 500 $ - $ 500 $ 500 $ - $ - $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ - $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ - $ - $ 1,500 $ 1,500 $ - $ 500 $ 500 $ $ - $ 1,000 $ 11000 $ - $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ - $ - $ 11500 $ 1,500 $ - $ 500 $ 500 $ - $ - $ 2,500 $ 2,500 $ - $ 2,500 $ 2,500 $ - $ - $ 51000 $ 5,000 $ - $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ - $ - $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ - $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ - $ $ 500 $ 500 $ $ 250 $ 250 $ $ - $ 2,500 $ 2,500 $ - $ 2,500 $ 2,500 $ - $ - $ 11000 $ 1,000 $ - $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ - $ - $ 500 $ 500 $ - $ 500 $ 500 $ - $ - $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ - $ 2,500 $ 2,500 $ - $ - $ 11500 $ 11500 $ - $ 11500 $ 1,500 $ - $ - $ 250 $ 250 $ $ 250 $ 250 S - <_ 5 400 $ 400 $ - $ 400 $ 400 $ - 5 - S Lt4175 $ 149,175 $ - S 139 S $ 139,175 $ - $ - $ (8,675) $ (8,675) $ $ 16,325 $ 16,325 Copy of 2015-2016 Concession Budgets.xlsx 117 Categorv: ConcessionNendingBanciuets Direct Expenditures Salaries & Fringes FM Building Maintenance Park Building Maintenance FM Grounds Maintenance Park Grounds Maintenance FM Expenditures Contracted Services Custodial Services Custodial Supplies Depreciation of Buildings Depreciation of Equipment Depreciation of Park Improvements Depreciation of Vehicles Drain Equipment Equipment Maintenance Equipment Rental Expendable Equipment Garbage & Rubbish Disposal Greenhouse Allocation Licenses and Permits Merchandise for Resale Recreation Supplies Small Tools Special Events Telephone Communications Utilities (Electrical, Gas, Water/Sewer) Total Direct Expenditures Revenues Net Loss Current Cost Recovery Total Revenue Total Expenditures Net Loss (Total Cost Recovery GRV RWP WWP Concession Concession Concession $3,000 $ 14,391 $ 3,878 $453 $ 663 $313 $ 5,893 $ 2,416 $76 $ 144 $1,000 $ - $65 $ 431 $ 449 $ 1,976 $3,000 $ 2,789 $ 1,346 $200 $ 247 $ 485 $ 306 $ 22,895 $ 3,672 $8,106 $ 50,669 $ 11,312 $4,610 $ 11,560 $ 9,946 -$3,496 $ (39,109) $ (1,366) 57% 23% 88% GRV Concessions .6% of overall park expenditures based on acreage RWP Concessions Concessions totaled 4.2% of expenditures at RWP 118 LS11 Photo 48 Photo 49 10/29/2013 119 flit l +' 1"4401 i �• t Fars * &TR ro , �� OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS Concessions Buildings Upgrades Oakland County, MI Waterford Oaks Waterpark DESCRIPTION Unit of Total Total Meas. Quantity Unit $ Cost Misc Arch demo & patch allowance mnhr 80.00 $85 $6,800 Site Restoration allow 1 $2,500 $2,500 New Dry Erase Board each 1 $350 $350 Plumbing Plumbing small job set up allow 1 $1,500 $1,500 New 1/2" PEX w/ fittings Inft 50 $5.00 $250 New 1/2" CW / HW line w/ fittings Inft 155 $35.00 $5,425 New 1-1/2" Sanitary line w/fittings Inft 20 $15.00 $300 Tie in to existing sanitary mnhr 3 $85.00 $255 New sink each 1 $800,00 $800 New hose bib with backflow preventer each 1 $425 $425 Electrical Electrical small job set up allow 1 $2,500 $2,500 Electrical demo mnhr 28 $100 $2,800 New 208-240v Buck -Boost Transformer each 2 $2,000 $4,000 Replace NEMA 6-50R Receptacle each 1 $200 $200 Replace NEMA 6-20R Receptacle each 1 $175 $175 New 50A 2P circuit breaker each 1 $225 $225 New 20A 2P circuit breaker each 1 $150 $150 New 20A 1 P circuit breaker each 9 $125 $1,125 BW- 2#6+1#10GRD - 3/4" C Inft 30 $20.00 $600 BW- 2#12+1#12GRD - 3/4" C Inft 500 $16 $8,000 GFI Outlet each 14 $150.00 $2,100 WM G3000 Inft 8 $12 $96 WM G4000 Inft 8 $16 $128 Subtotal sqft $40,704 General Conditions allow $15,000 Subtotal $55,704 Estimating Contingency 10.00% $5,570 Project Contingency 5.00% $2,785 Total Direct Costs $64,060 Testing $5,000 Utility Permits & Fees $0 Subtotal $69,060 Permits allow $5,000 Subtotal $74,060 CM Fees 4.00% $2,962 Subtotal $77,022 General Liability 0.50% $385 Subtotal $77,407 Payment & Performance Bond 1.00% $774 Subtotal $78,181 OCP allow $760 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS $78,941 CONFIDENTIAL GEORGE W. AUCH COMPANY Note: 1. Estimate includes M & E connections to FSE. 2. Installation of FSE is not included. George W. Auch Company Gerald E. McClelland, CPE, LEED AP Page 1 January 5, 2015 12/30/2014 2:14 PM 121 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS Concessions Buildings Upgrades Oakland County, MI Waterford Oaks Waterpark Alt DESCRIPTION Unit of Total Total Meas. Quantity Unit $ Cost Misc demo allowance allow 1.00 $1,000 $1,000 Concrete pad allow 1 $1,500 $1,500 Buried propane line Inft 14 $35.00 $490 Propane line above grade Inft 46 $30.00 $1,380 Site Restoration allow 1 $1,500.00 $1,500 Propane tank Set By Others $0 Subtotal sqft $5,870 General Conditions 2.00% $117 Subtotal $5,987 Estimating Contingency 10.00% $599 Project Contingency 5.00% $299 Total Direct Costs $6,886 Testing $250 Utility Permits & Fees $0 Subtotal $7,136 Permits 2.50% $178 Subtotal $7,314 CM Fees 4.00% $293 Subtotal $7,606 General Liability 0.50% $38 Subtotal $7,644 Payment & Performance Bond 1.00% $76 Subtotal $7,721 OCP allow $150 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS $7,871 CONFIDENTIAL GEORGE W. AUCH COMPANY George W. Auch Company Gerald E. McClelland, CPE, LEED AP Page 2 January 5, 2015 12/30/2014 2:14 PM 122 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA I�„1 111111. . 111 1 :.,..1 m,I I„ „ II i II, .I I I I.1.,1 1.111, 11 1, I, nn. .. 1 11I I I'll(.,., 1. 1.. 111 1 1 .1 . i , II ., . I I . ,, I lvch `, 10........ .'.... f I "I' " !I,, ",.1 ),� JANUARY 13, 2015 AGENDA ITEM NO. 9 J 1 FACILITIES MAINTENANCE & DEVELOPMENT To: Chairman Fisher and Commission Members From: Daniel J. Stencil, Executive Officer Michael J. Donnellon, Jr., Chief of Park Facilities Maintenance & Development Jennifer Myers, Architect/Project Manager Submitted: December 10, 2014 Subject: CONCEPTUAL — Groveland Oaks — (1) Phase I - Concession Remodel — Construction (2) Phase 11— Concession Remodel — Design EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. FY2015 Concession Remodeling budget adjustment/approval. a) FY2015 CIP Management Plan, pg. 11, project#3 b) Required for Self -operation in FY2015 & FY2016 2. Funds Requested — $153,650 a) George W. Auch is currently bidding Phase I Remodeling for FY2015 3. A 5% project contingency is included 4. Phase I — Conceptual construction approval 5. Phase 11— Design engineering budget approval PLANNING OVERVIEW 1. Strategic Plan (2008) (Refer to attached relevant pages) a) 1.2.2 Recreation Facilities Vision 1. Develop and maintain year round recreation facilities that support passive and active recreation pursuits for people of all ages. (Strategic Plan 2006 Summary Report, Page 3) b) Recreation Facilities Goal 1. Upgrade existing recreation facilities and add additional recreation facilities and amenities that energize the community to want to live, work, and play in Oakland County. (Strategic Plan 2008 Summary Report, Page 4) c) Chapter Strategies 1. Establish and ADA Compliance plan for parks and golf Courses (Page 4, Bullet#11) d) Chapter 4.1 Facility Needs Assessment 1. Medium Priority (13) Overnight camping areas. (Page 19, Figure 1) 2. Five -Year Recreation Master Plan 2013-2017 (Refer to attached relevant pages) a) Objective 2.2: Planned Capital Improvement and Major Maintenance Projects 1. implement capital improvement and major maintenance projects that have been identified in the park master planning process or in capital project/major maintenance forecasts and pursuant to the results of the facility planning process. (Recreation Plan 2013-2017, Chapter 9: Page 13) b) Action 2.2.JJ: Campground Group Area C and Day Use Restrooms (Chapter 9; Page 14), 3. Park Vision and Facility Concepts a) Scheduled for completion in FY2014 1. Refer to Master Planning schedule from Oakland County Parks & Recreation — Planning 123 Page 2 4. Capital/Maintenance Management Plan (FY2013 & 2014) a) Initial budqet history: Fiscal Year Project Notes A portion of the recommended funds are expected to come from the FY2015 CIP Management plan for the Red Oaks and Waterford Oaks Concession Remodeling — Design project of $90,000 (pg. 11, Project 2015 $0 #3) 5. 2006 ADA Assessment Report a) Not applicable PROJECT OVERVIEW 1. Concession Remodel (Need): 1. Design & construction purpose: a) With the advent of self -operation of Groveland Oaks, Waterford Oaks and Red Oaks Concession stands and under advisement of our current food service consultant, small modifications (Phase 1) are required to be made for the 2015 campground season, including modifications and additions of; 1. Purchase and installation of new and larger Fryers, including the necessary support equipment. a. Fryers are not large enough and cannot keep up with demand to properly serve the patrons, 2. An outdoor Grill, including the necessary support equipment of work tables, portable hand sink and refrigerator. 3. Shaved Ice Machine b) A larger, Phase II remodeling is anticipated to be designed over the next 4 to 6 months to be implemented for the 2016 season that includes the replacement of: 1. Replacing failing concession equipment that has met its life -cycle and cannot be repaired due to the lack of parts. 2, Repairing and moving other concession equipment for efficient food preparation and service. 3. Update of existing utilities, i.e. gas, electric, water supply, sanitary, fire-supression, etc. 4. May require the removal, updating and repairing existing walls, tile, built counters etc. to accommodate the required changes 2. Design & construction considerations: a) The phase I design is relatively simple, as equipment is generally being moved around, replaced and added. No structural changes are needed. b) Phase II conceptual design will be presented to the commission at a later date, 3. Phase I - Design program elements: a) (1) Outdoor Grill b) (2) Fryers c) (3) Shelving Units d) (5) Work/Prep Station Tables e) (2) Warming Stations f) (1) Portable Handsink g) (1) Outdoor Refrigerator h) (1) Outdoor Canopy i) (1) Shaved Ice Machine j) Install 2 pieces of vendor provided equipment for outdoor food sales, i.e. pretzels, frozen lemonade or other. k) Utilize and/or slightly modify existing utilities to support the new equipment. 2, Design/Engineering Consultants & Construction Managers 1, Prime design consultants —Stephen Auger Associates (SAA) 2. Construction manager— George W. Auch Company (GWA) 3. Funding considerations 1. FY2015 Capital Improvement Project 124 Page 3 4. Project Timeline: 1. Construction bidding & procurement December 2014 2. Construction award March 2015 3. Construction start March 2015 a) The equipment will need to be installed and staff trained on its use prior to the park opening in May 2015 4. Construction end April 2015 5. Groveland Oaks opening May 2015 5. Fiscal Considerations: 1. Revenue: a) This will be the first year of self -operation of the concession building, however and according to the existing cost recovery of the concessions: 1. ConcessionNending/Banquets a. FY2012 Annual Revenue $ 4,610' b. Budgeted Future Annual Revenue $76.5002 C. Estimated Increase Annual Revenue $71,890 2. Expenditures: a) This will be the first year of self -operation of the concession building, however and according to the existing cost recovery of the concessions: b) ConcessionNending/Banquets a. FY2012 Annual Expenditures $ 8,106' b. Budgeted Annual Expenditures $100,4252 C. Estimated Increase $ 92,319 3. Estimated Cost Recovery Change: a) Concession Nending/Banquets 1. FY2012 Cost Recovery 57%' 2. Budgeted Cost Recovery 76%2 3. Estimated Change 19% b) Overall Service Category - 48%1 4. Anticipated annual depreciation (beginning in FY2015): a) Total Project costs: 133,650 b) Depreciation, 25 years: $5,346 5. Life -cycle of facility: a) Groveland Oaks Concession 25+ year life -cycle b) Existing concession closed to Fixed Assets in 1990. 1. Initial Investment: $658,860.22 6. Return on Investment TBD with Phase II 7. CIP Management Plan Pri133,6ority Level - Groveland Oaks- Phase], Concession Remodel a) Customer Service - Efficiency/Operational Savings 6. Market Analysis: 1. Not available at this time BUDGET INFORMATION 1. Phase I - Project Costs: 1. Design (SAA): $ 6,000 2. Equipment: $ 24,488 3. Construction: $ 96,797 a) Under Staff Review - Received January 5, 2015 4. Contingency (5%): $ 6,364 5. Total: $133,650 2. Phase II - Design Engineering 1. Design: $20,000 1 Reference Service Portfolio 2012 2 Concession Budget for FY2015 125 Page 4 ATTACHMENTS 1. Attachment A — FY 2015 Concession Budget 2. Attachment B — Service Portfolio — Cost Recovery Spreadsheet 3. Attachment C — Conceptual Estimate STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends amending the FY2015 Capital Improvement Management Plan to include the Groveland Oaks — Phase I — Concession Remodeling implementation budget of $133,650. Staff further recommends amending the FY2015 Capital Improvement Management Plan to include the necessary design engineering of Phase II — Concession Remodeling in the amount of $20,000. Staff anticipates conceptual and construction approval of Phase II Concession Remodeling. MOTION Move to amend the FY2015 Capital Improvement Management Plan to include the Groveland Oaks — Phase I — Concession Remodeling implementation budget of $133,650; and also Move to amend the FY2015 Capital Improvement Management Plan to include the necessary design engineering of Phase II — Concession Remodeling in the amount of $20,000. 126 GRC 5060420 Groveland Oaks Concession REVENUES ROW # Account Acct Descr 1 630308 Commission Food Services 2 632023 Sales (non-taxable) 3 632037 Sales Retail (tax) 4 5 EXPENDITURES 6 702010 Salaries Regular 7 722740 Fringe Benefits 8 730121 Bank Charges 9 730198 Building Maintenance Charges 10 730247 Charge Card Fee 11 730562 Electrical Service 12 730646 Equipment Maintenance 13 730786 Garbage and Rubbish Disposal 14 730814 Grounds Maintenance 15 731115 Licenses and Permits 16 731241 Miscellaneous 17 731269 Natural Gas 18 731388 Printing 19 731500 Public Information 20 731780 Software Support Maintenance 21 731941 Training 22 732102 Water and Sewage Charges 23 750063 Custodial Supplies 24 750154 Expendable Equipment 25 750385 Merchandisse for Resale 26 750399 Office Supplies 27 750504 Small Tools 28 750581 Uniforms 29 761121 Depreciation Equipment 30 774363 Info Tech Operations 31 774677 Insurance Fund 32 775754 Maintenance Department Charges 33 778675 Telephone Communications NET TOTAL FY2014 Budget FY202S Budget FYMS AIiJ FY 2015 Revised Budget FY2016 Budget RY 2si6 AD1 FY 2016 Revised Budget 11500 $ 1,500 $ - 1,500 $ - $ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ - $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 60,000 $ 60,000 $ - $ 70,000 $ 70,000 $ $ - $ 76,500 $ - $ 91,500 $ 76,500 $ 91,500 $ - $ - $ 40,000 $ 40,000 $ - $ 40,000 $ 40,000 $ - $ - $ 2,000 $ 2,000 $ - $ 2,000 $ 2,000 $ - $ - $ 25 $ 25 $ - $ 25 $ 25 $ - $ - $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ - $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ - $ - $ 250 $ 250 $ - $ 250 $ 250 $ - $ - $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ - $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ $ - $ 500 $ 500 $ - $ 500 $ 500 $ $ - $ 500 $ 500 $ - $ 500 $ 500 $ - $ - $ 500 $ 500 $ - $ 500 $ 500 $ - $ - $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ - $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ - $ - $ 1,500 $ 1,500 $ - $ 500 $ 500 $ - $ - $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ - $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ - $ - $ 750 $ 750 $ - $ 250 $ 250 $ - $ - $ 2,500 $ 2,500 $ - $ 2,500 $ 2,500 $ - $ - $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ - $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ - $ - $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ - $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ - $ - $ 500 $ 500 $ - $ 250 $ 250 $ - $ - $ 2,500 $ 2,500 $ - $ 2,500 $ 2,500 $ $ $ 750 $ 750 $ - $ 750 $ 750 $ - $ - $ 500 $ 500 $ - $ 500 $ 500 $ - $ - $ 3,500 $ 3,500 $ - $ 1,500 $ 1,500 $ - $ - $ 1,500 $ 1,500 $ - $ 1,500 $ 1,500 $ - $ - $ 250 $ 250 $ - $ 250 $ 250 $ - $ 400 $ 400 $ - s 400 $ 400 $ - $ 7 100AZ5' $ 200,425 $ - S 96,fiIS $ 46,675 $ $ - $ (23,925) $ (23,925) $ - $ (5,175) $ (5,175) Copy of 2015-2016 Concession Budgets.xlsx 127 Categorv: Concession/VendingBanquets GRV RWP WWP Direct Expenditures Concession Concession Concession Salaries & Fringes $3,000 $ 14,391 $ 3,878 FM Building Maintenance $453 $ 663 Park Building Maintenance $313 $ 5,893 $ 2,416 FM Grounds Maintenance $76 $ 144 Park Grounds Maintenance $1,000 $ - FM Expenditures $65 $ 431 Contracted Services Custodial Services Custodial Supplies Depreciation of Buildings $ 449 Depreciation of Equipment Depreciation of Park Improvements $ 1,976 Depreciation of Vehicles Drain Equipment Equipment Maintenance $3,000 $ 2,789 $ 1,346 Equipment Rental Expendable Equipment Garbage & Rubbish Disposal $200 $ 247 Greenhouse Allocation Licenses and Permits Merchandise for Resale Recreation Supplies Small Tools $ 485 Special Events Telephone Communications $ 306 Utilities (Electrical, Gas, Water/Sewer) $ 22,895 $ 3,672 Total Direct Expenditures $8,106 $ 50,669 $ 11,312 Revenues $4,6101 $ 11,560 $ 9,946 Net Loss -$3,496 $ (39,109) $ (1,366) Current Cost Recovery 57% 23% 88% Total Revenue JTotal Expenditures Net Loss Total Cost Recovery GRV Concessions .6% of overall park expenditures based on acreage RWP Concessions Concessions totaled 4.2% of expenditures at RWP 128 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS Concessions Buildings Upgrades Oakland County, MI Groveland Oaks DESCRIPTION Unit of Total Total Meas. Quantity Unit $ Cost Misc Arch demo & patch allowance mnhr 80.00 $85 $6,800 Remove and replace sidewalk sqft 540.00 $10 $5,400 Site restoration allowance Ipsm 1.00 $2,500 $2,500 Demo concrete slab & replace sqft 28 $20.00 $560 Remove and return FSE to owner mnhr 8 $85.00 $680 Clean and seal QT grout sqft 1,530 $0.75 $1,148 Plumbing Plumbing small job set up allow 1 $1,500 $1,500 3/4" gas line below grade Inft 90 $35.00 $3,150 Connect new equipment to gas line each 2 $250.00 $500 Mechanical Inspect / repair extg louvers in high bay allow 1 $750 $750 Clean extg air curtain allow 1 $500 $500 Recomission extg hood allow 1 $5,500 $5,500 Electrical Electrical small job set up allow 1 $2,500 $2,500 Electrical demo mnhr 14 $100 $1,400 Junction box and condiut stubbed to clg each 1 $250 $250 New Panel Lp-131 each 1 $2,500 $2,500 New 15 / 20A 1 P circuit breaker each 12 $125 $1,500 New 100A 2P circuit breaker each 1 $450 $450 BW- 2#12+1#12GRD - 1/2" C Inft 650 $16 $10,400 3#3/0- 2" C Inft 25 $35 $875 GFI / Outlet each 28 $225,00 $6,300 New Exit sign each 1 $250.00 $250 Subtotal sqft $55,413 General Conditions allow $15,000 Subtotal $70,413 Estimating Contingency 10.00% $7,041 Project Contingency 5.00% $3,521 Total Direct Costs $80,974 Testing $5,000 Utility Permits & Fees $0 Subtotal $85,974 Permits allow $5,000 Subtotal $90,974 CM Fees 4.00% $3,639 Subtotal $94,613 General Liability 0.50% $473 Subtotal $95,086 Payment & Performance Bond 1.00% $951 Subtotal $96,037 OCP allow $760 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS $96,797 CONFIDENTIAL GEORGE W. AUCH COMPANY Note: 1. Estimate includes M & E connections to FSE. 2. Installation of FSE is not included. 3. Estimate excludes storefront improvements noted on cover page. George W. Auch Company Gerald E. McClelland, CPE, LEED AP Page 1 January 5, 2015 12/30/2014 1:35 PM 129 1*1.Al.1R_INIpikeiyi01ad: iI;1►�� OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA JANUARY 13, 2015 AGENDA ITEM NO, 9 K RECREATION PROGRAMS AND SERVICES To: Chairman Fisher and Commission Members From: Daniel J. Stencil, Executive Officer Sue Wells, Manager of Parks and Recreation Operations Terry Fields, Chief of Recreation, Programs and Services John Haney, Recreation Program Supervisor Submitted: January 6, 2015 Subject: Proposed 2015 Recreation Assistance Partnership Program (RAPP) INTRODUCTION AND HISTORY The goal of the Recreation Assistance Partnership Program (RAPP) is to provide more recreation opportunities and experiences to cities, villages, and townships; community parks and recreation departments; schools; downtown development authorities (DDA); non-profit organizations; and underserved populations. RAPP is an element of the parks system's evolving Strategic Master Plan to serve all areas and citizens of the County of Oakland and to create community through people, parks, and programs. RAPP will be marketed to the designated groups in all 62 cities, villages, and townships in Oakland County. We will have a focused effort in encouraging communities to collaborate with other businesses or agency providers within their city, village or township through the collaboration portion of the grant. The requested funds for the 2015 Recreation Assistance Partnership Program will be preliminarily allocated as follows: • $70,000 Community outreach/CVT's, including mobile units, GO! Adventures and nature education • $30,000 Bus Transportation to Lewis E. Wint Nature Center, Red Oaks Nature Center, Waterford or Red Oaks Waterparks, designated Oakland County Parks golf courses, any Oakland County day use park, as well as transportation for the OC Express • $25,000 Community Collaborations with cities, villages, townships and DDA's to support (Additional $50,000 for a total of $75,000) community events and festivals • $25,000 Historic Urban Corridor partnering with recreation departments in Oak Park, Royal Oak Township, Ferndale, Pontiac, Madison Heights, Lathrup Village and Hazel Park. The Recreation Assistance Partnership Program is projected to provide more than 200,000 residents and visitors, who otherwise may not have this opportunity, a chance to enjoy quality recreation activities in their community and within our parks. RAPP Funding Timeline • The funding started out as a Federal Government program in the late 1970's for $30,000/year • The program was no longer funded as of the early 1980's. At that time staff requested the OCPR Commission replace those funds o 1981 — OCPRC budgeted to replace the $30,000/annually o In the mid 1980's the funds were increased to $50,000 o In the early 1990's the funds were increased to $100,000 o In 2010 the funds were increased to $150,000 130 Page 2 STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff requests the Commission to continue to support the Recreation Assistance Partnership Program and approve the allocation of $150,000, as well as considering an additional $50,000 to support community collaborations, for a total of $200,000. MOTION Move to approve the continuation of the support for the Recreation Assistance Partnership Program (RAPP) and authorize the expenditure of the budgeted funds in the Recreation Programs and Services Division in the total amount of $200,000. 131 «1,t ILIINa►I!l*60jVJgIa1 r.111 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA JANUARY 13, 2015 AGENDA ITEM NO. 9 L ADMINISTRATION To: Chairman Fisher and Commission Members From: Daniel J. Stencil, Executive Officer Phil Castonia, Business Development Representative Submitted: January 6, 2015 Subject: Approval of Contract for Oakland County Sheriff Office Contract for Law Enforcement Services - Amendment #2 INTRODUCTION AND HISTORY The Oakland County Parks and Recreation Park System has historically contracted for law enforcement patrol services with the Oakland County Sheriff's Office. The purpose of the contract is to provide our visitors with a safe and enjoyable experience with trained professional law enforcement personnel providing the patrol duties within the parks. Prior to 1990 Oakland County Parks used six full time Public Safety Officers to patrol the County Parks. In 1990, the Sheriff's Office took over patrol operations and Oakland County Parks had one Deputy II and two Deputy I's to patrol the parks. In 1992, the Deputy II position was upgraded to a Sergeant position for better supervision. The current full time staffing levels have been the same since 1990„ although the PTNE staffing levels and hours have increased almost every year. Oakland County Parks has substantially grown since 1990 by acquiring additional properties such as Catalpa Oaks, Highland Oaks, Rose Oaks, Red Oaks Nature Center, the County Market and all three dog parks. There have also been major improvements at Waterford Oaks and Red Oaks Water Parks. The Parks Deputies have been supplying continued support to the natural resources efforts in regards to controlled hunts, stand compliance and controlled burns. The amendment is for the current contract which was for a 3 year time period that began January 1, 2013 and ending on December 31, 2015. These rates are consistent with the rates as established by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners for the local units of government. Both Corporation Counsel and Management & Budget have reviewed the attached contract and rates. Our current staffing is as follows: 1 Sergeant, 1 Deputy 11 (DII) — Patrol Investigator, and 2 Deputy I (DI) positons. The DI positions have been continually changing as our Deputies are promoted to road patrol DII's. In an effort to gain large efficiencies on both parks and Sheriff Office staff and customer service to our guests, we have been working with the Sheriff's Office for a resolution to this staffing turnover problem. We are able to upgrade our DI's to D11 Patrol Investigators and make the positions a "Special Assignment" which does not allow them to be "bumped" out and gives us years of stability. Costs for the upgraded positions are projected out below. The amendment would upgrade the current two (2) FTE Deputy I (no -fill) positions to two (2) FTE Deputy 11 Patrol Investigators effective February 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015 keeping the number of full time contracted staff to four (4). 132 Page 2 SALARY AND FRINGE BENEFIT COST: Reclassify one (1) GF/GP FTE Deputy I position To Deputy II Patrol Investigator position Difference in Salary Reclassify one (1) GF/GP FTE Deputy I position To Deputy II Patrol Investigator position Difference in Salary TOTAL ANNUAL INCREASE FOR 2 POSITIONS There will be no changes in operating charges for upgraded positions. ATTACHMENTS FY 15 Annual Cost $106,949 $115,579 $8,630 $106,949 $115,579 8 630 $17,260 • Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Amendment #2 for Contract for Sheriff Law Enforcement Services 2013-2015 • Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Resolution for Amendment #2 for Contract for Sheriff Law Enforcement Services 2013-2015 STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff recommends approving the attached resolution approving the contract amendment with the Oakland County Sheriffs Office for Law Enforcement Services with the Parks & Recreation Commission for 2015 at the rates provided in the attached amendment. MOTION Move to approve the resolution approving contract amendment #2 with the Oakland County Sheriffs Office for Law Enforcement Services with the Parks & Recreation Commission for 2015 at the rates provided in the attached amendment, and forward it to the Oakland County Board of Commissioners for final approval. 133 MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION IN RE: Sheriff's Office -Contract Amendment #2 for Law Enforcement Services for the Parks and Recreation Commission 2013-2015 To the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission has contracted with the Oakland County Sheriff's Office to provide law enforcement services for the Parks (M.R. #12318); and WHEREAS this Contract provided that an amendment to this Contract must be approved by a resolution of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners and the Parks and Recreation Commission; and WHEREAS a proposed amendment to the contract would add upgrade (2) FTE Deputy I (no -fill) to (2) FTE Patrol Investigators effective February 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015 leaving the number of full-time contracted staff to four (4) ; and WHEREAS the Sheriff has agreed to upgrade two (2) FTE Deputy I (no -fill) to Patrol Investigator for the Parks and Recreation Commission under the terms of this contract. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission recommends the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approve Amendment #2 to the original contract for the Oakland County Sheriff's Office 2013-2015 Law Enforcement Services Agreement with the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission to upgrade two (2) FTE Deputy I (no -fill) to two (2) Patrol Investigators on February 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that two (2) GF/GP FTE Deputy I positions (01946, 02092) be reclassified to Deputy II in the Patrol Services Division/Parks (4030616) of the Sheriff's Office for the period February 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this amendment take effect February 1, 2015. Date: Moved by: Supported by: Ayes: Nays: 134 OAKLAND COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE 2013-2015 LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Amendment 2 Pursuant to the contract for Law Enforcement Services Agreement between the COUNTY and the PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION, the parties hereby agree to amend said contract in accordance with the above resolution. All other contractual provisions, of the 2013-2015 Law Enforcement Services Agreement not otherwise affected by the above resolution, remain in full force and effect. FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual assurances, promises, acknowledgments, set forth in this Amendment 2 to the 2013-2015 Law Enforcement Services Agreement, ("Amendment") and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and adequacy of which is hereby acknowledged, the undersigned hereby execute this Amendment on behalf of the Parties, and by doing so legally obligate and bind the Parties to the terms and conditions of this Contract. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Gerald A. Fisher, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Commission, hereby acknowledges that he hereby executes this Amendment on behalf of the Commission, which binds the Commission to the terms and conditions of this Amendment. EXECUTED: DATE: Gerald A. Fisher Chairman WITNESSED: Clerk DATE: Parks and Recreation Commission IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Michael J. Gingell, Chairperson, Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby acknowledges that he has been authorized by a resolution of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners, to execute this Amendment on behalf of Oakland County, and hereby accepts and binds Oakland County to the terms and conditions of this Amendment. EXECUTED: DATE: WITNESSED: Michael J. Gingell, Chairperson Oakland County Board of Commissioners County of Oakland DATE: 135 Law Enforcement Patrol Services Parks and Recreation 2013-2015 Amendment #2 Fixed Rates: Salary and Fringes Deputy I DII - Patrol Investigator Operating Charges Transportation Deputy Supplies Equipment Rental Uniform Cost Liability Insurance Additional Fixed costs Monthly 2015 213,898.00 no change no change no change no change no change 2015 231,158.00 17,260.00 1,438.33 136 ITEM # 9 M Commission Approval Schedule for Capital and Maintenance Projects (REVISED December 17, 2014 - Preliminary and Subject to change) • January, 2015 o Springfield Oaks Activity Center — Mill Pond Dam Repairs Agreement (General Approval) o Red/Waterford/Groveland Oaks — Concession Remodel — Phase 1 ($90,000) (Conceptual Approval) • February, 2015 o Independence Oaks — Connector Trail — Interlocal Agreement (General Approval) o Red Oaks Nature Center— Parking Lot ($525,000) (Conceptual Approval) o Glen Oaks Golf Course & Conference Center— Parking Lot Design ($620,000) (Conceptual Approval) o Waterford/Springfield Oaks — Greenhouse Operational Lease (Final Approval) o CIP/Maintenance Projects Quarterly Update • March, 2015 o Red Oaks — Trail Easement Agreement (General Approval) o Catalpa Oaks — Recreation Fields/Irrigation Design ($150,000) (Engineering RFP Approval) o Red/Waterford/Grove land Oaks — Concession Remodel — Phase 1 ($90,000) (Construction Approval) o Addison Oaks — Kitchen Storage Unit (Construction Approval) • April, 2015 o Red/Waterford/Groveland Oaks — Concession Remodel — Phase II ($90,000) (Conceptual Approval) o Red Oaks Water Park— Wave Equipment ($325,000) (Conceptual Approval) o Glen Oaks Golf Course & Conference Center — Parking Lot Design ($620,000) (Construction Approval) • May, 2015 o CIP/Maintenance Projects Quarterly Update • July, 2015 o Red Oaks Water Park — Wave Equipment ($325,000) (Construction Approval) • August, 2015 o Red Oaks Nature Center— Parking Lot ($525,000) (Construction Approval) — Construction Contingent upon the City of Madison Heights approval o CIP/Maintenance Projects Quarterly Update 137 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA JANUARY 13, 2015 To: Chairman Fisher and Commission Members AGENDA ITEM NO. 9 N BUSINESS STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT From: Daniel J. Stencil, Executive Officer Stephanie Mackey, Business Strategy and Development Submitted: January 5, 2015 Subject: Introduction — Intern Taylor Kimball INTRODUCTION AND HISTORY Taylor Kimball is a senior at Central Michigan University majoring in Recreation and Event Management with a Community Emphasis and a minor in Outdoor and Environmental Education. Taylor is completing a 15-week internship with Oakland County Parks and Recreation Volunteer Services Office. Her internship started on January 5, 2015, and will extend through mid -April. Taylor is providing support for Training and Volunteer Services and will be reporting to Stephanie Mackey. Her projects include, but are not limited to: support for large events such as Fire & Ice and the Great Marshmallow Drop, updating materials for Volunteer and Seasonal Employee Orientations and working at a variety of recruiting events and information booths. She will also provide support for Public Engagement efforts by collecting surveys at Independence Oaks. 138 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA JANUARY 13, 2015 To: Chairman Fisher and Commission Members From: Daniel J. Stencil, Executive Officer Phil Gastonia, Business Development Representative Submitted: January 7, 2015 Subject: Food -Beverage -Goff Committee/Consultant Update INTRODUCTION AND HISTORY AGENDA ITEM NO. 10 B ADMINISTRATION A verbal update on the current Food and Beverage projects will be given. Including the following: Pepsi Contract • Contract language review is underway by Corp Counsel • Targeted to bring to the Commission in February Springfield Oaks • MMD Management (Division of Rose Foote Catering) is well underway on their planning for operations to begin when the weather breaks in March. They will be reaching out to the leagues for an open house and customized menus. • Liquor license transfer is still in process through the MLCC Concession Operations • Plans are still being worked on for Phase 1 (minor updates to concessions) • Staff are beginning to prepare for the onboarding of staff to operate concessions o The part time positions will be posted this in January o The full time position interviews will occur in January. • Menu development and contract with food distributor is almost complete Approved Caterer List • Bid responses have been received and will be evaluated in January. Conference Center 1 Golf Operations RFP Update (White Lake and Lyon Oaks) • Interviews with the top 3 vendors occurred on January 6. • Next steps will be discussed with the F&B Committee and then a recommendation brought to the Commission 139 ,1.tNe1NI�1��1�JNli;ri1,1� OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA JANUARY 13, 2015 AGENDA ITEM NO. 10 C PLANNING AND RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT To: Chairman Fisher and Commission Members From: Daniel J. Stencil, Executive Officer Donna Folland, Senior Planner Submitted: January 6, 2015 Subject: Master Planning and Public Engagement Program Update — Receive and File INTRODUCTION AND HISTORY The foundation for OCPRC's master planning and public engagement strategy is provided by the Park Master Planning 6-Phase Process and the OCPRC Public Engagement Philosophy developed in coordination with the Executive Committee on March 26 and reviewed and accepted by the Parks Commission on April 2, 2014. An inventory of the public engagement strategies in use or planned, with specific attention paid to the selection and engagement of target audiences was presented to the Parks Commission on September 3, 2014. OCPRC's new comprehensive Public Engagement Program was launched in 2013. Its development has been guided by a consultant team from the University of Michigan — Flint's University Outreach Program. This presentation will provide an update on the progress of OCPRC's Public Engagement Program to date and forecast Public Engagement events in FY2015. All Public Engagement events will be related to specific planning efforts. General program improvements, including linkage with the OCPRC branding project and a strategy for involving businesses in public engagement will be introduced. PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT COMPLETED IN FY2013-14 Park Public Engagement Method Date(s) Related Planning Park User Intercept Survey June 26 - July 14, 2013 Addison Oaks On -Site Focus Groups Oct 5 and Oct 22, 2013 Addison Oaks Park Master Park Master Planning Online Survey Oct 1 - 31, 2014 Planning Park Master Planning Open House Oct 23, 2014 Park User Intercept Survey June 26 - July 14, 2013 Groveland Dixie Gully Run 1 Event Survey Aug 9, 2014 Groveland Oaks Park Master Oaks --- - Planning Dixie Gully Run II Event Survey Nov 3 - 10, 2014 Independence Park User Intercept Survey July 2 - 27, 2014 Independence Oaks Park Oaks Master Planning Orion Oaks Facility Survey: Dog Park Lighting April 5 - 31, 2014 Purchase of portable lights for dog parks Red Oaks Facility Survey: Nature Center and Oct 5 - 31, 2014 Parking lot upgrade project and Friendship Woods Nature Center operations Springfield Oaks Park User Intercept Survey July 5 - 13, 2013 Springfield Oaks Park Master Planning 140 Page 2 PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT FORECAST FOR FY2015 Park I Public Engagement Method Oakland Countywide Recreational Needs County Assessment — Telephone Survey Catalpa Oaks I Park Master Planning Online Survey Glen Oaks Golf Course: Park User Intercept Survey Groveland Park Master Planning Online Survey Oaks Park Master Planning Open House Independence Park User Intercept Survey — Winter Oaks Users Lyon Oaks Golf Course: Park User Intercept Survey Red Oaks I Golf Course: Park User Intercept Survey Golf Course: Park User Intercept Survey Oaks' Park Master Planning Online Survey Park Master Planning Open House White Lake Golf Course: Park User Intercept Survey Oaks Projected Date(s) Related Planning Strategic Planning in 2016 Spring 2015 Updated Strategic Action Plan in 2017 All park and facility planning Winter 2015 Catalpa Oaks Park Master Plan Update Spring 2015 Glen Oaks Park Master Planning Golf Course Standards and Practices Winter/Spring 2015 Groveland Oaks Park Master Winter/Spring 2015 Planning Winter 2015 Independence Oaks Park Master Planning Spring 2015 Lyon Oaks Park Master Planning Golf Course Standards and Practices Spring 2015 Red Oaks Park Master Planning Golf Course Standards and Practices April/May 2015 Springfield Oaks Park Master Fall 2015 Planning Fall 2015 Golf Course Standards and Practices White Lake Oaks Park Master Spring 2015 Planning Golf Course Standards and Practices STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff recommends to Commission receive and file this information. 141 EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S REPORT ITEM # 10 D 1. Upcoming Events: Attached for your information is a list of upcoming events and programs scheduled by the Recreation Programs and Services and park staff. 2. 2015 SPDF Conference Update: Staff is continuing to work on planning efforts in anticipation for the 2015 Special Park Districts Forum, to be co -hosted by Oakland County Parks and Recreation, Huron -Clinton Metroparks Authority and the Michigan Department of Natural Resources. The forum is scheduled to run from Monday, June 8, 2014 through Friday June 12, 2015. Please review the week at a glance planning guide and attached conference session guide. If you wish to attend any portions of the conference, please submit your registration requests to Vicky Valko by March 1. 2015. Key session/dates for Commissioner consideration include the following; A. Monday June 8th 4:00pm — 8:00pm a. Conference Welcome Reception at the Southfield Westin B. Tuesday June 9th 6:00pm — 8:00pm a. Dinner and Entertainment at the Buhl Estate, Addison Oaks County Park i. We are inviting Commission Fisher and Dan Stencil to provide welcome/opening remarks C. Friday June 121h 8:30am — 5:30pm a. "A Day in the D" Hosted by MDNR at the Outdoor Adventure Center, Detroit D. Friday June 121h 5:45pm — 8:00pm a. Dinner/Closing Celebration, Belle Isle Aquarium and Conservatory, Detroit Sponsorship Update: To date, staff has pending sponsorship agreements with the following vendors: a. Century Industries b. Giffels-Webster Engineers c. Global Marketing Amusement Professionals d. Midworld Playstates e. Musco Lighting f. Superior Play g. Moosejaw (In -Kind) h. REI (In -Kind) i. Vermont Systems (In -Kind) Conference expenses that OCPRC has committed to will be satisfied by these sponsorships. Please contact Zach Crane (cranez6Doakgov.com) or Brittany Bird (birdb0)oakaov.com) if you have any SPDF Conference questions. 2015 MRPA Conference and Trade Show — Local Officials Package: The 2015 Michigan Recreation and Parks Association (MRPA) Conference and Trade Show will be February 10-13, 2015 at the Radisson Hotel —Lansing at the Capitol. Included in the program this year will be a Local Officials event February 11-12, 2015. We have included a copy of the special invitation to the Local Officials event for your review. We encourage all who can attend to attend. If you are interested in attending please contact Vicky Valko at valkov(boakgov.com or 248.858.4603 or Karen Kohn at kohnkCo)oakgov.com or 248.858.4606. We could qualify for a discounted price if we register early (before January 16th) 4. Michigan Department of Natural Resources: Attached to this report is a letter we received from the Michigan Department of Natural Resources Grants Management Division acknowledging receipt of OCPR Commission Chairman Fisher's letter regarding the proposed Off -Road Vehicle (ORV) facility. 142 5, Summer Applications: In working with Oakland County Human Resources throughout 2014, Parks was able to get part-time summer applications open on December 15, 2014. These positions are typically opened in early February. This will help staff recruit and train potential employees, as well as recruit more qualified applicants, 6. Red Oaks Nature Center Building Hours: Listed below are the hours for the Red Oaks Nature Center Building - Summer (Memorial Day - Labor Day): Open Close Saturday 10:00 AM 8:00 PM Sunday 12:00 PM 5:00 PM Monday Closed Tuesday 10:00 AM 5:00 PM Wednesday 10:00 AM 5:00 PM Thursday 10:00 AM 5:00 PM Friday 10:00 AM 5:00 PM Rest of Year (Labor Day - Memorial Day) Open Close Saturday 10:00 AM 5:00 PM Sunday 12:00 PM 5:00 PM Monday Closed Tuesday 10:00 AM 5:00 PM Wednesday 10:00 AM 5:00 PM Thursday 10:00 AM 5:00 PM Friday 10:00 AM 5:00 PM 7. Communications and Marketing: Listed below is an update of initiatives from Desiree Stanfield, Supervisor - -Submitted an award nomination to Michigan Recreation and Park Association for Elected Official — Ruth Johnson, Michigan's Secretary of State and former county commissioner and parks commissioner, -Designed holiday ads to promote recreation gift cards in The Oakland Press December 12 & 19; exposure: print - 27,634; digital: 19,161. A similar ad also ran in the Huron Valley Chamber of Commerce weekly November e-newsletter. -Created and sent "Save the Date" a -mails and postcards for the Special Park Districts Forum in June 2015. -Designed an ad for Wint and Red Oaks nature centers in the Metro Detroit Teacher Edition of the 2015 Michigan Fun Pass. The publication targets pre-K — 8`h grade students, parents and teachers (10,000 copies) in Macomb, Monroe, Oakland, Washtenaw and Wayne counties, Since teachers are group planners in other capacities, the Teacher Edition also reaches scouts and church planners. Created an ad for the winter issue of Edible Wow to promote the cooking demonstrations at the Oakland County Market on the second and fourth Saturdays from January -March. -Solicited feature story ideas to NRPA's Parks & Recreation Magazine 2015 issues and received permission to contribute: May issue — Dixie Gully Run event and grant application for proposed adventure recreation park near Groveland Oaks County Park; August issue: Addison Oaks Equestrian Camping weekend and Oakland County Parks commitment to equestrian trails, facilities and programs; and December issue — Preservation of historic facilities -Submitted images for cover contest for NRPA's Parks & Recreation Magazine. The winning photograph will be featured on the July 2015 issue of Parks & Recreation Magazine celebrating 30 years of "July is Parks and Recreation Month". -Designed a Recreation Gift Card for the December issue of Metro Parent Magazine and a Nature Centers ad for the January issue. -Prepared 12 goodie bags for the finalists of the Water Resource Commissioners Clean Water Calendar Contest and one Family Fun Passbook for the grand prize winner. 143 •Provided an ad for the athlete program and promotional items for 400 participants for the winter Michigan Senior Olympics. Oakland County Parks is a bronze medal sponsor for 2014-2015. •Facilitated the announcement of early (December 15) job application openings for: lifeguards, seasonal program specialists, program leaders and parks helpers that included: leaderboard ads in The Oakland Press, jobs flyers, emarketing, a news release, information on DestinationOakland.com, signage at all 13 park locations, the employee e-newsletter and information sharing with other Oakland County departments. Media Exposure for the past month that included: Broadcast Temporary dog park lighting Channel 7 WXYZ Local Market Viewership: 95,912 Local Publicity Value: $3,949.53 Nov. 7, 2014 WHMI 93.5 FM New Overhead Lights to Extend Hours of South Lyon Dog Park Dec. 6, 2014 Print Maintenance By The Numbers NRPA's Parks & Recreation Business Magazine Nov. 7, 2014 Volunteers 101 NRPA's Parks & Recreation Business Magazine Nov. 7, 2014 On all 'fours' The Clarkston News David Fleet Nov. 7, 2014 Oakland County Market C & G Newspapers Tiffany Esshaki Nov. 7, 2014 Parks provide plenty of ways to get outside during winter months C & G Newspapers Nov. 24, 2014 Holiday season packed with festivals, parades, Santa visits — Holiday Light Tours The Oakland Press Nov. 22, 2014 Briefs: No injuries in structure fire; Free park entry; Zoo's Arctic Cafe earns green certification The Daily Tribune Nov. 25, 2014 Free Admission Offered at Select Oakland County Parks on Thanksgiving Day Patch.com Nov. 25, 2014 Lighting extends hours at dog park Home Town Life Dec. 1, 2014 144 Royal Oak getting ready to sell land to create park at Normandy Oaks The Oakland Press Dec. 2, 2014 Sheriffs Office: Dog park rules are in place for pets' safety The Daily Tribune Dec. 3, 2014 Haul out the holly C & G Newspapers Dec. 3, 2014 DNR grant of $2.9 million OK'd for Oakland County Parks in township The Clarkston News David Fleet Dec. 5, 2014 Farmington Community Calendar/Jingle Bell Ball Home Town Life Dec. 5, 2014 145 UvcominL, Events — January, 2015 Adaptive Recreation January 10, 17 & 24 Sports -Ability: Open Gym/Activities for Kids w/Disabilities — Boys & Girls Club — Royal Oak January 31 Archery for Individuals with Disabilities — Troy Market Programs January 10 & 24 Edible WOW Cooking Demonstrations Natural Resource Education Prourams January 17 The Red Run Story — Red Oaks Nature Center Nature/Interpretive Programs January 3 Nature Fit: Snowshoe Try It! — Wint Nature Center January 10 Nature Fit: Winter Survival — Red Oaks Nature Center January 10 Daisies Rosie Petal Scout Badge — Wint Nature Center January 17 The Red Run Story — Red Oaks Nature Center January 17 Winter Star Party — Wint Nature Center January 20 Star Lab — Orchard Lake Middle School — Red Oaks Nature Center January 21 Star Lab — Orchard Lake Middle School — Wint Nature Center January 24 Daisies Clover Petal Scout Badge — Red Oaks Nature Center January 24 Badge Day: Use Resources Wisely — Red Oaks Nature Center January 24 Tuning Your Tot into Winter — Wint Nature Center January 31 Cub Scouts Geography Pin — Wint Nature Center January 31 Nature Sprouts — Amazing Owls — Red Oaks Nature Center January 31 University of Scouting — Lamphere High School — Red Oaks Nature Center Special Events, Dols, and Health & Wellness January 3, 10, 17 & 31 Cross -Country Ski School — Independence Oaks Volunteer Opportunities January 23-25 Fire & Ice Festival — Downtown Rochester Mobile Recreation January 7 Bus: Waterford Senior Center to Motorcity Casino January 7 Bus: Avondale High School to Reuther Middle School January 8 Bus: Troy High School Ski Club to Mount Holly January 12 Bus: Avondale High School to Van Hoosen Middle School January 14 Bus: Troy High School Ski Club to Mount Holly January 15 Bus (2): Oakside Scholars to the Michigan Science Center January 17 Bus (2): Lake Orion Dragons to Motor City Casino January 20 Bus: Avondale High School to Royal Oak High School January 21 Bus: Waterford Twp. P & R to Meadowbrook Theater — Oakland University January 23-25 Tents, buses, and stage: OC Fire & Ice Downtown Rochester January 24 Bus: Wedding Shuttle from Holiday Inn Express to the Guardian Building January 25 Bus: Waterford Senior Center to the Whiting January 28 Bus: Troy High School Ski Club to Mount Holly January 30 Bus: Waterford Twp. P & R to the Detroit Symphony Orchestra & Fisher Theater 146 1.11, hl q.: is rt kd L�.Tmv.1 and Oiiri. t{csa,irtl� .� t'40k Parks, Recre ,►e Ourc s.,. - the Cornerstr xxiq Coxirrrr it •,L,.,1,j.nq Center • 2,ausjjhg, n?j • Wednesday, February 11, 2015 Featured Sessions (This is a sampling of the 40+ programs scheduled for Wednesday) MOXIE:The Secret to Bold and Gutsy Leadership, John daldomChair of Leadership dehe�l�R entN2growth Sustainable Pyrkwski;) Aljpllfl��H7lttdl4 Ililltunlly EpU4901lkeM, h rl e.Ii1Y,l Exceptional Boarder Mgt I Extension Strategic All qri Wrath of Parks and Recreation, MSU fxtrnsion' Effective Mee1ing$+M:.1.J Extension platetrcaktng and Rwhy Jiaarners-Is Your Community Ready% Dick Carlisle, CarliscJWtrron Association Reduce Operating Eovnsm with Sustainable Design, Ernest Joyner rlf6sly16 Strategies,Tappbrg Outdoor Recreation for 1*WMII Attraction, Fli,i;I C.errnco The New Customer: MarketfeglgThe LbMMalmentof Truth, Ryan Hegreness Trail Towns -Leveraging your trails for Economic Development, Harry Burkholder Exhibit Hall Grand Opening featuring 90+exhibitors Lunch with members of the Legislature Also meeting on Wednesday at the conference is the DNR Trust Fund Board Thursday, February 12, 2015 Featured Sessions (This is a sampling of the40+ programs scheduled for Thursday) Breakfast Keynote Address, Mitchell Silver, NYC Park Commissioner DNR Grant Workshops, DNR Staff The Impact of Parks on Property Values, John Crompton Strategy for Placemaking Inclusion, Funding- Make Sure You're in the Plan, Rebecca Rynbrandt Community Engagement - Getting the Right people Involved, Jamie Schriner-Hooper Kick Start Placemaking, DO Try This at Home, Julie Hales -Smith Economic Impact of Sporting Events, John Shaner Lakes to Land Initiative: A Regional Recreation Collaboration, John lacoangeli Planning and Crowdfunding Public Places, Luke Forest Exhibit Hall featuring 90+ exhibitors Lunch in the Exhibit Hall Also meeting on Thursday at the conference is the Natural Resources Committee Vent patio a STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES LANSING RICK SNYDER GOVERNOR December 17, 2014 Mr. Gerald A. Fisher, Chairperson Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Administrative Office 2800 Watkins Lake Road Waterford, Michigan 48328 Dear Mr. Fisher: ap NATy� YtcHla�� KEITH CREAGH DIRECTOR Thank you for your November 17, 2014, letter to the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund (MNRTF) Board of Trustees, regarding the Department of Natural Resources' (DNR) attempt to acquire property in Oakland County for an Off -Road Vehicle (ORV) facility. DNR Director Keith Creagh has asked me to respond. As you are aware, the DNR Parks and Recreation Division did apply for a MNRTF grant to acquire property in Groveland Township, Oakland County. Your letter was provided to the MNRTF Board of Trustees (Board) prior to their December 3, 2014 meeting. At this meeting, the Board recommended funding for this project, with the understanding that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission had not yet committed to being involved in the development or operation of the facility. Subsequently, on December 10, 2014, Mr. Ronald Olson, Chief of the DNR Parks and Recreation Division, was invited to the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission (Commission) meeting to further address the issues raised in your letter to the Board. Chief Olson confirmed at the meeting that the DNR Parks and Recreation Division is committed to collaborating with Oakland County to develop an effective business plan that will result in a quality operation that is self-supporting. The plan will consider several options for operating the facility. These options including using agency staff, a private operator, or involving an ORV club through a grant agreement to assist the agencies in operating the ORV segment of the facility. A proposed lease will also address what would happen if the facility was not able to support itself as planned. Chief Olson also committed to developing a workgroup of DNR Parks and Recreation staff with Oakland County Parks and Recreation staff, to include two commissioners, to develop a business plan and associated draft lease. A suitable lease would be drafted for review no later than April 1, 2015. We appreciate you sending the letter to make sure the Board had all the information available when making their recommendation. We do believe this facility, once developed, will be a recreation destination in southeast Michigan and the DNR looks forward to continued discussions with Oakland County. CONSTITUTION HALL - 525 WEST ALLEGAN STREET • P.O. BOX 30028 - LANSING, MICHIGAN 48909-7528 www.michigan.gov/dnr • (517) 284-MONR(6367) 148 Mr. Gerald A. Fisher Page 2 December 17, 2014 If you have additional questions or concerns, you may contact Chief Olson at 517-284-6135 or., olsonr a@michigan.gov, or you may contact me at 517-284-7268 or debrabandersi5michigan.00v. Sincerely, <tev J. DeBrabander, Manager Grants Management 517-284-7268 debrabandersa,michigan.gov cc: Mr. Dan Stencil, Executive Director, Oakland County Parks and Recreation Mr. Keith Creagh, Director, DNR Dr. William E. Moritz, Natural Resources Deputy, DNR Mr. Ronald Olson, DNR Ms. Sharon Schafer, DNR Mr. Paul Yauk, DNR Mr. Jon Mayes, DNR 149 '1 L OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Administrative Office 2800 Watkins Lake Road Waterford, MI 48328 November 17, 2014 Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund Board c/o Keith Creagh, Director Department of Natural Resources P.O. Box 30028 Lansing, MI48909 Subject: Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund Grant Consideration for Off -Road Vehicle Facility in Groveland Township, Oakland County Dear Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund Board Members: For some period of time, the Department of Natural Resources has been diligently working with the Administration and Staff of Oakland County Parks and Recreation in an effort to develop a site in Southeast Michigan for off -toad vehicle ("ORV") users. Toward this end, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission ("Commission") has been informed that the Trust Fund Board ("Board") has been requested by the Department to approve a grant to be used by the State to acquire several parcels of land in Groveland Township, Oakland County that would be utilized for such purposes. I understand that action on the Department's request may be taken next month. It is my further understanding that if such grant were awarded, the expectation would be that the Department would negotiate with Oakland County to develop an arrangement that would provide for the development and operation of the ORV site by the Commission. The Commission has enjoyed an' outstanding relationship with the Trust Fund Board and Department for many years, and together we have accomplished a great deal for parks and outdoor recreation, as well as preservation. As Chair of the Commission, I recognize that being straightforward in any relationship is important, and with this in mind this letter is provided to alert the Board before it acts on the grant request that the Commission has not yet undertaken the due diligence needed to commit to participation with the State to develop and operate the ORV facility being considered in the event the grant is awarded. Of course, the Department would have other options for the development and operation of an ORV facility on the property being considered, either on its own or with other partners. However, it is my wish to avoid the circumstance of an approval of the grant for the Groveland Township property on the assumption of Oakland County's participation, only to have the Commission later determine not to participate. 150 The due diligence of the Commission relates primarily to obtaining data on anticipated Oakland County usership, and financial projections for the development and long-term operation of the facility. The Commission has a millage approved by the voters every ten years, and charges fees for the use of certain facilities. On this basis, the County has been fortunate enough to be in a position to operate a number of parks and places of outdoor recreation. Many of the . parks and recreation facilities, and areas of preservation, are not self-sustaining. Thus, the Commission must be diligent in terms of allocating funds in its budget for existing programs and facilities, and also for proposed new ones. Thus, in order to avoid the creation of a facility that could not be sustained over the long term, information has been requested on the following: the number of Oakland County residents that would be serviced by the facility; the capital expenses for developing the facility on the property in question; and the projected revenues and expenses over the long-term from the operation. I had anticipated that Oakland County Parks and Recreation Staff would have provided this information, but to date it has not done so. Under such circumstances, the. Conunission has not been able to complete due diligence and, act_ on the key question of committing to the development and operation of a Groveland Township ORV facility in the event the Trust Fund Board determines to award the grant for such purposes. Res , -Ger A. Fisher, Chairperson Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Copies to: Trust Fund Board Members: Brad Canale 2028 Audubon Ann Arbor, MI 48103 Keith Charters 126 Spring Hill Road Traverse City, MI 49696 Samuel Cummings, Chair CWD Real Estate Investment 15 Ionia, SW, Suite 630 Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Erin McDonough, President Michigan Oil and Gas Association 124 W. Allegan Street, Suite 1610 Lansing, MI 48933 Page 12 Ron Olson, Chief of Parks and Recreation Division Department of Natural Resources Parks and Recreation Division PO box 30257 Lansing MI 48909-7757 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Members Michael Gingell, Chairperson, Oakland County Board of Commissioners Dan Stencil, Executive Director, Oakland County Parks and Recreation 151