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Agendas/Packets - 2015.05.12 - 40297
MEETING NOTICE OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a regular meeting of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission will be held at 2:00 p.m. on Mav 12, 2015, at the Red Oaks Nature Center, located at 30300 Hales Street, Madison Heights, Michigan 48071. GERALD A. FISHER CHAIRMAN Telephone: (248) 858-4603 1 2800 Watkins Lake Road • Bldg 97W • Waterford, MI 48328-1917 248.858.0906 • 1.888.00PARKS • DestinationOakland.com OlIZAKLAND COUNTYPARKS Gerald A. Fisher Chairman J. David VanderVeen Vice Chairman John A. Scott Secretary Pecky D. Lewis, Jr. Chairperson Emeritus A. David Baumhart III Gregory C. Jamian Robert E. Kostin Christine Long Gary R. McGillivray Jim Nash Daniel J. Stencil Executive Officer May 6, 2015 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Oakland County, Michigan Commissioners: A meeting has been called of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission as follows: PLACE .................................... Red Oaks Nature Center 30300 Hales Street Madison Heights, MI 48071 TIME ................................... Tuesday, May 12, 2015 2:00 p.m. PURPOSE ................................ REGULAR MEETING This meeting has been called in accordance with the authorization of Chairman Gerald Fisher of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. Sincerely, Daniel J. Stencil, CPRE Executive Officer Next Meeting: SPECIAL MEETING: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 @ 2:00 p.m. Oakland County Parks Administration Office 2800 Watkins Lake Road Madison Heights, Michigan 48328 0 ur mission is to provide quality recreational experiences that encourage healthy lifestyles, support economic prosperity and promote the protection of natural resources. E Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting Red Oaks Nature Center 30300 Hales St., Madison Heights, MI 48071 Tuesday, May 12, 2015 2:00 - 3:30 PM AGENDA Page #'s Action Reauired Presenter/Phone # 1. Call Meeting to Order ------ G. Fisher 248.514.9814 2 Roll Call ------ « 3. Pledge of Allegiance ------ « 3-4 4. Approval of Agenda Approval G. Fisher/D. Stencil 248.858.4944 5-11 Approval of Minutes: Regular Meeting of 04/14/2015 Approval V. Valko 248.858.4603 5 Special Meeting of 04/29/2015 Approval V. Valko 6. Public Comments: G. Fisher 12 7. INTRODUCTION: Shayne Skolnik, Grounds Maintenance Supervisor - Lyon Oaks T. Hughes 343.1011 13 8. CONSENT AGENDA: 14 A. OCPR Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Budget to Actual Report for Month Ending Receive & File J. Phelps 248.858.5319/D. Stencil 02/28/15 (FM 05, FY15) 15 B. Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Comparison Report for Month Ending Receive & File J. Phelps/D. Stencil 02/28/15 (FM 05, FY15) 16 C. Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Average Comparison Report for Month Ending Receive & File J. Phelps/D. Stencil 02/28/15 (FM 05, FY15) 17-21 D. Capital Improvement Projects Budget to Actual Report & Statement of Net Position Receive & File J. Phelps/D. Stencil For Month Ending 02/28/15 (FM 05, FY15) 22 E. FY 2015 CIP Schedule Update Receive & File M. Donnellon 858.4623/D. Stencil 23 F. FY 2015 Non-CIP Maintenance Projects Update Receive & File M. Donnellon/D. Stencil 24-25 G. FY 2015 2nd Quarter Purchasing Report Receive & File P. Castonia 858.0909/S. Wells 858.4634/D. Stencil 26 H. Fiscal Services 2nd Quarter Financial Forecast Receive & File J. Phelps/D. Stencil 27 1. Facilities and Maintenance - 2nd Quarter Transfer Amendment Information/Approval J. Phelps/D. Stencil 9. REGULAR AGENDA: 28-71 A. Proposed Waterford Oaks Recovery Park License Agreement Information/Approval D. Stencil/S. Wells 72-80 B. FY 2015 CIP Project Approvals: Addison Oaks - Kitchen Storage Unit - Construction Approval Information/Approval J. Myers 202.9287/M. Donnellon 81-98 C. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Projects (15) - Transfer of Funds from Operating Budget to CIP Budget Approval M. Donnellon/M. Prowse 249.2801/J. Phelps 3 99-109 D. FY 2015 CIP Project Report Receive & File M. Donnellon/D. Stencil 110-122 E. Recreation Programs and Services Presentation Receive & File T. Fields 858.0914/S. Wells 123-136 F. Communications and Marketing Presentation Informational D. Stanfield 858.4627/D. Stencil 137-138 G. Resolution Proclaiming July 2015 as National Recreation and Parks Month ApprovalBOC D. Stencil 139 H. FY 2016-2025 CIP Forecast Informational M. Donnellon/S. Wells/D. Stencil 10. STAFF REPORTS: 140-165 A. Executive Officer Report Receive and File D. Stencil B. Participation and Program Review FY 2015, Month-3 Receive and File T. Fields/J. Dunleavy 858.4647/T. Hughes 343.1011 166 C. Food -Beverage Update Receive and File P. Castonia 858.0909/S. Wells/D. Stencil D. Executive Committee Update Receive and File G. Fisher 11. OLD BUSINESS G. Fisher 12 NEW BUSINESS G. Fisher 13. ADJOURN --- 3:30 PM Next Meeting: 2:00 p.m. on June 16, 2015 Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting Room, 2800 Watkins Lake Road, Waterford, MI 48328 Brief Park Tour 3:30-3:45 PM and Red Oaks Connector Trail Dedication Ceremony @ 4: 00 p. m. * NOTE: All phone numbers are area code (248) unless otherwise noted. As a reminder, if you have not already done so, please turn your cellular phones off or to a silent or vibrate mode for the duration of the meeting. This will allow the meeting to proceed without distractions or interruptions. Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions on items listed on this agenda, please contact staff listed, Dan Stencil or Sue Wells. 4 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting April 14, 2015 Chairman Fisher called the meeting to order at 2:04 p.m. in the Commission meeting room at the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Administration Office. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Gerald Fisher, Vice Chairman J. David VanderVeen, Secretary John A. Scott, A. David Baumhart III, Ronald Fowkes, Robert E. Kostin, Christine Long, Gary McGillivray, Jim Nash, David Potts COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT WITH NOTICE: None ALSO PRESENT: Parks and Recreation OC Corporation Counsel OC Fiscal Services Oakland County Purchasing Katherine's Catering Emmet's Energy Oakland County Fair APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Daniel Stencil, Executive Officer Sue Wells, Manager of Parks & Recreation Operations Jeremy Brown, Assistant Park Supervisor Phil Castonia, Chief of Business Operations D.J. Coffey, Park Supervisor Andrea Craft, Office Assistant/Receptionist Mike Donnellon, Chief -Park Facilities Maint. & Dev. Ryan Danescu, Asst. Park Supervisor Jim Dunleavy, Chief -Park Ops. & Maint.- N. District Terry Fields, Chief -Recreation Programs & Services Tom Hughes, Chief -Park Ops. & Maint.- S. District Karen Kohn, Supervisor —Administrative Services Jen Myers, Architectural Engineer II Matt Pardy, Park Supervisor Melissa Prowse, Supervisor of Planning Desiree Stanfield, Supervisor -Comm. & Marketing Jody Hall, Financial Attorney - Corp. Counsel Jeff Phelps, Parks and Rec. Fiscal Coordinator Andy Krumwiede, Buyer II Pam Weipert, Compliance Officer Scott Guzzy Katherine Farrell John Curtis Rick Bray LC Scramlin, Director Moved by Mr. Fowkes, supported by Mr. Scott to approve the agenda with the following changes: • Add Item 8 C - Introduction of Andrea Craft, Office Assistant/Receptionist • Remove Item 10G under Regular Agenda - Semi Annual Communications and Marketing Presentation AYES: Baumhart, Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, Long, McGillivray, Potts, Nash, Scott, VanderVeen (10) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. 5 (Commission Meeting, April 14, 2015) APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Moved by Mr. McGillivray, supported by Mr. Baumhart to approve the minutes of the OCPR Regular Commission Meeting of March 10, 2015. AYES: Baumhart, Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, Long, McGillivray, Potts, Nash, Scott, VanderVeen (10) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. PUBLIC COMMENTS: There were no comments from the public. PRESENTATION: Jeremy Brown, Assistant Park Supervisor at the County Market, introduced Rick Bray of Emmet's Energy (Waterford). Emmet's Energy was the Winter Classic BBQ Cook -off Sponsor on March 15, 2015 at the Oakland County Market. Staff presented Mr. Bray with a plaque in appreciation of his generous donation of prize money for the event. INTRODUCTIONS: Red Oaks Park Supervisor Matt Pardy introduced Ryan Danescu the new Red Oaks Assistant Park Supervisor. In his new role Ryan will support the operations of Red Oaks County Park, which includes the golf course, nature center, youth soccer complex, dog park and waterpark. Primarily, he will supervise the operations of Red Oaks Waterpark, including staff recruitment, training, hiring, scheduling, and oversight, as well as coordinating Oakland County Parks lifeguard training program. Jim Dunleavy, Chief of Park Operations and Maintenance, North District introduced Donald "D.J." Coffey, the new Independence/Orion Oaks Park Supervisor. DJ is currently responsible for making the transition from winter operations to summer operations, including hiring and training summer staff. DJ will also begin meeting with staff on upcoming events and rental operations. His initial goals will be to understand our current park operations focusing on the maintenance and operation of Independence Oaks and Orion Oaks. Karen Kohn, Supervisor — Administrative Services introduced Andrea Craft the new Office Assistant/Receptionist. Andrea will be working at the front desk of the OCPR Administration Office. CONSENT AGENDA: All items are considered to be routine by the OCPR Commission and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Commission member so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda. Moved by Mrs. Long, supported by Mr. Nash to approve Items 9 A-G under the Consent Agenda as follows: 9A. OCPR Monthlv Revenue and Expenditure Budqet to Actual Report for Month Endinq 02/28/15 (FM 05, FY15) 9B. Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Comparison Report for Month Endinq 02/28/15 (FM 05, FY15) 9C. Monthlv Revenue and Expenditure Average Comparison Report for Month Endinq 02/28/15 (FM 05, FY15) 6 (Commission Meeting, April 14, 2015) 9D. Capital Improvement Proiects Budaet to Actual Report & Statement of Net Position For Month Endina 02/28/15 (FM 05, FY15) 9E. FY 2015 CIP Schedule Update 9F. FY 2015 Non-CIP Maintenance Proiects Update 9G. Revised FY 2015 Vehicle Budqet Amendment AYES: Baumhart, Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, Long, McGillivray, Nash, Potts, Scott, VanderVeen (10) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. REGULAR AGENDA: Temporary Use Permits — With Request for Alcohol Sales: 1. Michigan Antiaues Festival, Mav 2015/Oakland Countv Fair Association 2. State Fiqure 8 Championship, September 2015 / Oakland Countv Fair Association 3. Michigan Antiques Festival, October 2015 / Oakland Countv Fair Association 4. Back Roads Half Marathon November 8, 2015 / SCAMP/Clarkston State Bank - IndeDendence Oaks Moved by Mrs. Long, supported by Mr. VanderVeen to approve the temporary use permits as follows: Approve 1.) The sale of alcohol on OCPRC property, and 2.) The corresponding Temporary Use Permit for a craft beer tent at the Michigan Antiques Festival at Springfield Oaks County Park May 1-3, 2015, and Approve both the 1.) Sale of alcohol on OCPRC property, and 2.) The corresponding Temporary Use Permit for the craft beer tent at the State Figure 8 Championship at Springfield Oaks on September 12, 2015, and Approve both the 1.) Sale of alcohol on OCPRC property, and 2.) The corresponding Temporary Use Permit for the craft beer tent at the Michigan Antiques Festival at Springfield Oaks, October 2-4, 2015, and Approve both the 1.) The sale of alcohol on OCPRC property, and 2.) The corresponding Temporary Use Permit for Clarkston SCAMP for a craft beer tent at the Back Roads Half Marathon at Independence Oaks on November 8, 2015. AYES: Baumhart, Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, Long, McGillivray, Nash, Potts, Scott, VanderVeen (10) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. 7 (Commission Meeting, April 14, 2015) FY 2015 CIP Project Approval: Addison Oaks - Kitchen Storaqe Unit - Conceptual Approval Moved by Mr. McGillivray, supported by Mr. Scott to conceptually approve the Addison Oaks Conference Center Kitchen Storage Facility project. AYES: Baumhart, Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, Long, McGillivray, Nash, Potts, Scott, VanderVeen (10) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote Food & Beverage - Proposed Contract with Katherine's Caterinq (Ann Arbor) - White Lake Oaks and Lvon Oaks Banquet and Grill Room Operations Moved by Mr. Scott, supported by Mr. Baumhart to adopt the following resolution to approve the proposed Conference Center and Grill Room Food and Beverage Services Contract for Lyon Oaks and White Lake Oaks with Katherine's Catering of Ann Arbor as presented, and forward it to the Oakland County Board of Commissioners for final approval: WHEREAS the County and E.A. Fuller Oak Management Corporation ("Oak Management") entered into a lease dated December 14, 2006 (MR # 06245) and amended January 1, 2008 ("Lease") for food and beverages services for Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission ("OCPRC") facilities; and WHEREAS the Lease provides for an expiration on December 31, 2015; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners passed Miscellaneous Resolution #06245 stating, "...no further extensions beyond December 31, 2015 shall be made to this lease without an appropriate RFP process" and that current Oakland County Purchasing Policies would be followed; and WHEREAS Oakland County Parks and Recreation formed a Food and Beverage Committee comprised of key administration and operations staff and Parks Commissioners and enlisted the assistance of Oakland County's Purchasing Division, Health Division, and Corporation Counsel; and WHEREAS the Committee subsequently developed a combined golf operations and food and beverage Request for Proposal for the operation of White Lake Oaks and Lyon Oaks; and WHEREAS, after determining it would be in the best interest of Oakland County Parks and Recreation to continue to operate the golf courses in house, the Committee advertised the food and beverage opportunity to the vendors who responded to our Approved Caterer Request For Proposal; and WHEREAS two additional bids were received and after the evaluation process, a tentative agreement was negotiated; and WHEREAS it is the recommendation of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approve and authorize the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission to enter into a license agreement and professional services contract with Katherine's Catering of Ann Arbor for the operation of the Lyon Oaks Grill Room and Conference Center and the White Lake Oaks Conference Center and Grill Room for a five-year 8 (Commission Meeting, April 14, 2015) contract beginning January 1, 2016, with two optional five-year extensions at the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission's sole discretion. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission recommends the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approve and authorize the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission to enter into a license agreement and professional services contract with Katherine's Catering of Ann Arbor for the operation of the Lyon Oaks Grill Room and Conference Center and the White Lake Oaks Conference Center and Grill Room for a five-year contract beginning January 1, 2016, with two optional five-year extensions at the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission's sole discretion. AYES: Baumhart, Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, Long, Nash, Potts, Scott, VanderVeen (9) NAYS: McGillivray (1) Motion carried on a voice vote The Commission requested staff provide an estimate on revenues/expenditures for Food and Beverage services at White Lake Oaks and Lyon Oaks for Katherine's contract for the first five years. FY 2015 Pendinq CIP Proiect Report Staff presented a monthly report that highlights all of the capital projects staff is working on, and also a program management report to help identify the projects that are part of a budgeted program. The Commission received this report. Update on CAPRA - Commission for Accreditation of Parks and Recreation Aqencies (National Parks & Recreation Association) Staff provided information about becoming certified through CAPRA - Commission for Accreditation of Parks and Recreation Agencies - which is affiliated with National Recreation and Parks Association. Certification from CAPRA is one of the OCPR key initiatives previously presented to the Commission. This certification is a means of OCPR adapting the best practices used across the country for efficiency and effectiveness, and also creating a sustainability plan. If it is determined this is something the Commission desires, staff will present a resolution for Commission's approval to proceed with certification in June. The Commission requested, before a decision is made on proceeding with the application, that staff report back on specific costs/fees for certification, the amount of staff time required to complete the process, benefits for OCPRC, as well as CAPRA's background. OC Market Proqramminq and Operations Presentation Assistant Park Supervisor Jeremy Brown provided a presentation on the programs and operation of the Oakland County Market. In addition, staff has noticed an increased amount of vehicles using the County Market parking lot as a cut -through to avoid the traffic light at the intersection of Pontiac Lake Road and County Center Drive West. For the safety of Market vendors and patrons visiting the facility, it has been determined that signs will be installed informing the public that cut -through traffic is prohibited. Identification of OCPR Marketing Goals/Marketing Committee Update The Marketing Committee is in the process of reviewing Requests for Proposal (RFP's) from other entities in order to develop a draft for OCPRC. Their goal is to have a draft ready to present to the Commission at the end of May. The broader effort of this committee is to do more in the branding and marketing areas E (Commission Meeting, April 14, 2015) for Oakland County Parks. Chairman Fisher asked the Commission if any of the members not currently on the committee would like to become part of the committee and Commissioner Potts indicated he would. Chairman Fisher added Commissioner Potts to this committee. Proposed OCPRC Studv Sessions - April 28 and Mav 26, 2015 Moved by Mr. VanderVeen, supported by Mr. Baumhart to approve two OCPR Commission study sessions — one on Wednesday, April 29, 2015 at 2:00 p.m., and one on Wednesday, May 27, 2015 at 2:00 p.m., for the purpose of presenting and reviewing the proposed FY 2016-2018 OCPR Commission Budget. AYES: Baumhart, Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, Long, McGillivray, Nash, Potts, Scott, VanderVeen (10) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote STAFF REPORTS: Executive Officer Report In addition to the items included in the Executive Officer's Report filed in the agenda, the following information was noted: - June 16 OCPRC meeting will be at 9:00 a.m. - If Commissioners are interested in attending the Special Park Districts Forum be sure to contact the Executive Office so reservations can be made. Special Park Districts Forum scheduled for June 8-12, 2015 - Staff provided a report/update on the Davis House and possible options for roof replacement - Staff is working on updating the OCPR Commissioner's Manual - May 12 OCPRC meeting will be at Red Oaks Nature Center with the Connector Trail dedication ceremony immediately following the Commission meeting - Staff will be providing monthly Temporary Use Permit reports in the agenda packets Participation and Program Review FY 2015. Month 06 The Participation and Program Review report for March 2015 was received. Food-Beveraqe-Golf Committee Update There was no additional information to provide on the Food and Beverage Committee. Executive Committee Update Chairman Fisher advised the Commission that the March Executive Committee meeting included a review of the April OCPRC Agenda and a discussion on the ORV project and the meeting with MDNR representatives in Lansing on April 1, specifically that the ORV facility would serve residents of southeast Michigan, Ohio and possibly Canada. Oakland County should not bear the entire burden of the cost to renovate this facility, but shared with all parties involved. Representatives from the MDNR agreed and felt the sharing could be for both the expenses and the profits. OCPR representatives will be working very diligently to ensure that the section used for the Dixie Gully Run events be included in Phase I of the project. 10 (Commission Meeting, April 14, 2015) Proposed Waterford Oaks Greenhouse License Agreement with RecovervPark A meeting was held with staff, Chairman Fisher, Vice Chairman VanderVeen, Corporation Counsel and Recovery Park representative to discuss the status of the Waterford Oaks Greenhouse License Agreement. As a result of that meeting, it was recommended the Commission discuss this further in closed session. CLOSED SESSION: Moved by Mr. Fowkes, supported by Mr. Scott to adjourn to a Closed Session for the purpose of discussing a legal matter. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Baumhart, Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, Long, McGillivray, Potts, Nash, Scott, VanderVeen (10) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. The meeting adjourned to closed session at 3:30 p.m. The meeting reconvened to open session at 4:07 p.m. OLD BUSINESS There was no old business. NEW BUSINESS There was no new business to report. ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 4:07 p.m. John A. Scott, Secretary Vicky Valko, Recording Secretary 11 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA MAY 12, 2015 AGENDA ITEM NO. 7 FACILITY'S, OPERATIONS, AND MAINTENANCE To: Chairman Fisher and Commission Members From: Daniel J. Stencil, Executive Officer Thomas J. Hughes, Chief of Parks Operations and Maintenance — South District Submitted: May 4, 2015 Subject: Introduction — Grounds Maintenance Supervisor Shayne Skolnik INTRODUCTION AND HISTORY Shayne Skolnik joins us as a full time Grounds Maintenance Supervisor at Lyon Oaks County Park. Shayne obtained his Bachelor's Degree in Crop and Soil Sciences with a Turfgrass Emphasis from Michigan State University. He comes to OCPR after working 20 years at Mystic Creek Golf Course, with the last 15 being the Golf Course Superintendent. He has experience in golf course construction, heavy equipment operation, equipment maintenance and all aspects of turf management. Shayne is also a Certified Golf Course Superintendent (CGCS) through the Golf Course Superintendents of America (GCSAA). In his new role, Shayne will be reporting to Paul Simpson, Park Supervisor at Lyon Oaks. Shayne will be responsible for the grounds and building maintenance operations of Lyon Oaks Golf Course. He will also be responsible for the maintenance of Lyon Oaks Park, including soccer fields, cricket fields, day use park, and dog park. 12 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION .AGENDA MAY 12, 2015 AGENDA ITEM NO. 8 FISCAL SERVICES - P&R ACCOUNTING To: Chairman Fisher and Commission Members From: Daniel J. Stencil, Executive Officer Brian Menghini, Fiscal Services Supervisor 11 Jeffrey Phelps, Fiscal Coordinator Submitted: April 22, 2015 Subject: Consent Agenda — OCPR Monthly Financial Reports 8. A. REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE BUDGET TO ACTUAL REPORT March, 2015 (FM 6, FY 2015) 8. B. REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE COMPARISON REPORT March, 2015 (FM 6, FY 2015) 8. C. REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE AVERAGE COMPARISON REPORT March, 2015 (FM 6, FY 2015) 8. D. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS BUDGET TO ACTUAL REPORT AND STATEMENT OF NET POSITION March, 2015 (FM 6, FY 2015) 13 Item #SA OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE BUDGET TOACTUAL REPORT F M 6 FY 2015 (FOR MONTH ENDING 3131116) 2015 YEAR TO (OVER), % REVENUE BUDGET DATE UNDER BUDGET BUDGET ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES: Millage Tax $11,702,000.00 $11,092,136.72 $610,863.28 94.7% Other 255,525.00 86,657.27 168,867.73 33.9% GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE 812,000,00 51,39228 760.607.72 6.3% LYON OAKS GOLF COURSE 1,219,500.00 93,399,86 1126,100.14 7 7 % RED OAKS GOLF COURSE 336,700.00 17,261.76 319.438.24 5.1% SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE 681,654.00 45,724.93 635,929.07 6.7% WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE 764,128.00 42,53202 721,595.98 5.6 % ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 130,000.00 53,683.83 76,316.17 41.3% GLEN OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 200,000.00 62,205.66 137,794 34 31.1 % GROVELAND OAKS CONCESSIONS 91,500.00 0.00 91,500.00 0.0% LYON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 110,000.00 26,057.88 83,94712 23.7% RED OAKS WATERPARK CONCESSIONS 225,500.00 0.00 225,500.00 0.0% SPRINGFIELD OAKS CONCESSION 12,000.00 0.00 12,000.00 0.0% WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK CONCESSIONS 140,500,00 0,00 140,500.00 0.0% WHITE LAKE OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 55,00000 19,813.08 35,18592 36.0% OAKLAND COUNTY MARKET 195,200.00 38,335.19 156,864.81 19.6 % ADDISON OAKS PARK 542,516.00 126.296.24 416,219.76 23.3% GROVELAND OAKS PARK 778,150.00 62,659.70 715,490.30 8.1 % HIGHLAND OAKS PARK 9,930.00 3,750.00 6,180,00 37.8% INDEPENDENCE OAKS PARK 349,028.00 92,347,42 256,680.58 26.5% LYON OAKS PARK 165,000A0 30,316.00 134,584.D0 18.4-1. ORION OAKS PARK 167,000.00 91,551.00 75,449.00 54.6 % RED OAKS DOG PARK 47,000.00 16,584,00 30,416.00 35.3% RED OAKS PARK 12,000.00 16,967.50 (4,967.50) 141 4 % ROSE OAKS PARK 3,000.00 0.00 3,000,00 0.0% SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER/PARK 112,375.OD 90,850.40 21,524.60 80.8% WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTERIPARK 77,405,00 49,460,93 27,944,07 63.95h RECREATION PROGRAMS&SERVICES 277.000.00 104,315.12 172,684.88 37.7% CATALPA OAKS PARK 8,000.00 2,798.00 5,202.00 35.0 % RED OAKS WATERPARK 1,052,650.00 1,150.01 1,051,499.99 0.1% WATERFORD OAKS BMX 1T500.00 1,033.00 16,467.00 5.9 % WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK 647,900,00 750.00 647,15D.00 0.1 % CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT L439,05900 0.00 4,439,059.00 00% TOTAL REVENUE $25,636,720,00 $12,310,029,80 $13.326,690,20 48.0% EXPENDITURE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES $6,030,017.00 12,805,158.30 $3,224,85870 46.5% FISCAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION 105,252.00 64,88T80 40,364.20 N/A FISCAL SERVICES PARKS & REC 211,239.00 105,568.35 105,670.65 N/A GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE 956,494.00 252,021.92 704,472.08 26.3% LYON OAKS GOLF COURSE 1,452,19200 471,552.92 980,639.0E 32.5% RED OAKS GOLF COURSE 738,740.00 232,736.72 506,003,28 31.5 % SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE 757375.00 244,884.58 512,490.42 32.3% WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE 869,531.00 260,621.02 608,909,98 30.0% ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 200,630.00 88,836.12 111,793.88 44.3 % GLEN OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 147,808.00 119,728.86 28,079.14 81.09A GROVELAND OAKS CONCESSIONS 105,425.00 9,477.32 95,947,68 9.0% LYON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 200,411,00 115,033.80 85,377.20 57.4% RED OAKS WATERPARK CONCESSIONS 210,700.00 1,320,27 209,379.73 0.8% SPRINGFIELD OAKS CONCESSION 26.181.00 18,61R05 7,564.95 71.1 % WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK CONCESSIONS 159.175.00 1,624.07 157.550.93 1.0% WHITE LAKE OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 169,111.00 79,521.85 89.589.15 47.0% OAKLAND COUNTYMARKET 229,467,00 51,902.77 167,564.23 27.0% ADDISON OAKS PARK 1,527,833,00 520,938.02 1.006,89498 34.1% GROVELAND OAKS PARK 1,38B,507.00 350,269.09 1.038,237.91 25.2% HIGHLAND OAKS PARK 54,220.00 26,402-79 27,817.21 48.7% INDEPENDENCE OAKS PARK 1,216,981.00 501,543.06 715,43794 41.2% LYON OAKS PARK 338.266.00 154,93133 183,33427 45,8 % ORION OAKS PARK 210,198.00 59,40852 160,789,48 28.3 % RED OAKS DOG PARK 69,282-00 28,560.36 40,721.64 41.2 % RED OAKS PARK 154,636,00 47,325.21 107,310.79 30.6% ROSE OAKS PARK 52,733.DO 18,108.70 34,62430 34.3% SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER/PARK 417,466,00 200.121.65 217,344.35 47,9% WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTERIPARK 740,285,00 405,709.10 334,575,90 548% RECREATION PROGRAMS & SERVICES 1,362,164.00 630,103,66 732,060.34 46.3 % CATALPA OAKS PARK 106,445.00 46,699.14 59,745.86 43.9% RED OAKS WATERPARK 1,539,10T00 327.305.58 1,211,801.42 21.3% WATERFORD OAKS BMX 75,108.00 9,445.54 65,66246 12.6% WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK 1,091,987,00 199,014.70 892,972.30 18.2% FACILITIES & MAINTENANCE 2,621,754.00 546,725.63 2,075,02837 20.9% INTERNAL FUND CHARGES` 100,000.00 0381T85 16,18215 NIA TOTAL EXPENDITURE $25,636,720.00 $9,089,92305 $16,546,796.95 35.5% REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENDITURE $0.00 3,220.10615 4,236,767.15 2015 2014 2013 2012 ACTUAL REVENUE TO DATE: 48.0/ 46.8% 51.9% 62.291. BUDGET BALANCE: 52.0% 53.2 % 48.1 % 37.8% ACTUAL EXPENDITURE TO DATE: 35.5% 32.8% 36,1°% 33.7% BUDGET BALANCE: 64.5% 67.2% 63.9% 66.3% 'INTERNAL FUND YTO FIGURE: INTERNAL SERVICE AND OTHER FUNDS PAYMENTS IN TRANSIT, 14 Item # 8 B OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE COMPARISON REPORT FM6FY2015 (FOR MONTH ENDING 3131/15) YEAR TO DATE YEAR TO DATE REVENUE OVER PARK REVENUE EXPENDITURE (UNDER) EXP, ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES (Inc. Tax Revenue) $11,168,793.99 $2.805,158.30 $8,363,635.69 FISCAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION 0,00 64,887,80 (64,887.80) FISCAL SERVICES PARKS & REC 0.00 105,568.35 (105,568.35} ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES SUB -TOTAL 11,168,793.99 2,975.614,45 8,193,179.E GOLF: GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE 51,392.28 252,021.92 (200,629,64) LYON OAKS GOLF COURSE 93,399.86 471.552.92 (37B,153,06) RED OAKS GOLF COURSE 17,261.76 232,736,72 (215,474.96) SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE 45,724.93 244,884.58 (199,159.65) WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE 42,532.02 260,621.02 {218,089-00) GOLF SUB -TOTAL 250,310.85 1,4611,817.16 (1, 11.506,31) FOOD SERVICES: ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 53,663.83 88,836.12 (35.152.29) GLEN OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 62,205.66 119,728.86 (57,523.20) GROVELAND OAKS CONCESSIONS 0.00 9,477.32 (9,477.32) LYON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 26,057.88 115,033.80 (88,975.92) RED OAKS WATERPARK CONCESSIONS 0.00 1,320,27 (1,320.27) SPRINGFIELD OAKS CONCESSION 0.00 18,616.05 (18,616.05) WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK CONCESSIONS 0.00 1,624,07 (1,624.07) WHITE LAKE OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 1%813.08 79,521.85 59,708.77) FOOD SERVICE SUB -TOTAL 161,760A5 434:158.34 (72,397.89) COUNTY MARKET: OAKLAND COUNTY MARKET 38,335.19 61,902.77 (23,567,58) COUNTY MARKET SUB -TOTAL 38,335.19 61,902.77 23,567.58) PARKS: ADDISON OAKS PARK 126,296.24 520,938.02 (394,641.78) GROVELAND OAKS PARK 62,659,70 350,269.09 (287,609.39) HIGHLAND OAKS PARK 3,750.00 26,402.79 (22,652.79) INDEPENDENCE OAKS PARK 92,347.42 501,543,08 (409,195.64) LYON OAKS PARK 30,316,00 154,931.73 (124,615,73) ORION OAKS PARK 91,551.00 59.408.52 32,142.48 RED OAKS DOG PARK 16,584,00 28,560.36 (11,976.36) RED OAKS PARK 16.967.50 47,325.21 (30,357.71) ROSE OAKS PARK 0-00 18,108.70 (18,108.70) SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER/PARK 90,850,40 200,121.65 (109,271.25) WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER/PARK 49,460.93 405,709.10 (356,248.17) PARKS SUB -TOTAL 580,783.19 2,313,318,23 (1,732,535,04) RECREATION: RECREATION PROGRAMS & SERVICES 104,315.12 630,103.6E (525,788.54) CATALPA OAKS PARK 2,798.00 46,699.14 (43,901,14) RED OAKS WATERPARK 1,150.01 327„305.58 (326,155.57) WATERFORD OAKS BMX 1,033.00 9,445,54 (8,412.54) WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK 750.00 199,014.70 (198,264,70) RECREATION SUB -TOTAL 110,048,13 1,212,568,82 (1,211,818.62) FACILITIES & MAINTENANCE: FACILITIES & MAINTENANCE 0.00 546,725,63 546,725.63 FACILITIES & MAINTENANCE SUB -TOTAL 0.00 546,725.63 546,725.63 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 0,00 0.00 0.00 INTERNAL FUND CHARGES` 0.00 83,817.85 (83,817,85) TOTAL $12,310,029.80 $9,089,923.05 $3,220,106.75 `INTERNAL FUND YTD FIGURE: INTERNAL SERVICE AND OTHER FUNDS PAYMENTS IN TRANSIT. See the Oakland County website's "Transparency in Government -Monthly Financials" to view the latest monthly Financial Statement detail by each departments` budget units' 1. Log on towww.oakoov.com/motbud/fiscallPaaes/infooubloarks.asD) 2. Click on each of the Parks and Recreation monthly financial reports you are interested in viewing 15 Item #8C Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Monthly Average Comparison Report (Comparison of FY2015 Actuals with 5-YearAverage Actuals) As of March 31, 2015 I FY201S Amended I October I November Hoary February I March I April I Mav A I August I September I YEAR TO DATE I I REVENUES: 5-YEAR AVERAGE REVENUE $265,938 $147,91d $1,551514 $5,376,832 $3,198,486 $2,350,117 $1,272,604 $1,167,743 $1,440,334 $1,849,794 $1,411,216 I $1,458,819,, Percentage of Total 1.24% 0.6996 7.& 25.0256 14.88% 10.94% 5.92% 5.43% 6.70% 8.61% 6.571. 6.794, FY2015 Amended Budget/Alottment 1$ 21,280,361 $263,328 $146,454 $1,536,285 $5,324,0S/d $3,167,092 $2,32.7,049 $1,260,11g $1,156,282 $1,426,197 $1,831,638 $1,397,358 $1,444,497 $21,280,361 FY2015 Planned Use of Fund Balance $ 4,356,359 i FY 2015 Amended Budget $ 25,636,720 FY 2015 Actuals $339,920 $178,777 $945,424 $5.818,134 $2,980,210 $2,047,5641 $12,310,030 Avg. Monthly Revenue Over/(Under) $76,592 $32,313 ($590,859) $494,077 ($186,882) ($279,486) ($454,245) EXPENSES: i 5-YEAR AVERAGE EXPENSE $1,309,486 $1,246,494' $1,558,686 $1,263,149 $1,201,294 $1,667,109 $1,442,462 $1,982,758 $2,463,128 $2,356,964 $2,169,5871 $2,466,316J Percentage of Total 6.20°t 5.90%I 7.38% 5.98°t 5.69% 7.89% 6.83°% 9.38°.6 11.66°,� ILS6°.i 10.27%I 11.6 FY2015 Amended Budget/Alottment $ 25,636,720 $1,588,973 $1,512,536 $1,891,361 $1,532,747 $1,457,690 _ $2,022,9241 $1,750,330 $2,405,944 $2,988,941 $2,860,017 $2,632,648 $2,992,709 FY 2015 Actuals $1,508,578 $L306,741 $1,628,07D $1,488,509 $1,319,787$1,838,237 $9,089,923 Avg. Monthly Expenses(Over)/Under $80,395 $205,795 $263,290 $44,738 I_ $137,902[ $184,6871 $916,307 Total Avg Monthly Favorability/(Unfavorability) $156,989 $238,108 ($327,569( $538,315 ($48,980)1 ($94,798)1 $462,062 (Actual Revenue Over/(Under) Expenses ($1,168,658)I ($1,127,964) ($682,645) i $4,329,6251 $1,660,4221 $209,3271 $01 $01 $01 $01 $01 $Oi $3,220,1071 1 Unrestricted Net Position: 9/30/14$25,850,676.27 1 $ 22,906,562 $ 27.837.156 Prepared by Fiscal Services Division 16 Project ID Description 100000002094 ACC Architectural Improvements 100000001959 ACC Energy Management Upgrade 100000002084 ACC Kitchen Storage Facility 100000002115 ACC Water Heater Replacement 100000002145 ADD Beach Conc Roofing 100000001997 ADD Beach Front Pavillion Roof 100000001963 ADD Boat Launch Accessible 100000001845 ADD Campground Pull Thru Sites 100000001982 ADD Fishing Docks 100000002095 ADD Fuel Tank Replacement 100000002117 ADD Maint Bldg Boiler Replace 100000002023 ADD Maintenance Yard Paving 100000000604 ADD Pavilion-Cmpgrd Recreation 100000002146 ADD Sec C Restroom Roofing 100000001968 ADM Energy Mgt Upgrade 100000002018 CAT Energy Management Upgrade 100000001970 GLC Energy Mgt Upgrade 100000001962 GLC Parking Lot Imp Design 100000001750 GLG Bridge Replacement #13 100000001964 GLG Drainage Improv Design 100000001914 GLG Irrigation System Repl Des 100000001971 GLG Parking Lot Imp Design 100000002147 GRC Beach Conc Roofing 100000002086 GRC Concession Remodeling 100000002024 GRV Asphalt Safety Path 100000001927 GRV Campground Utility Imp Des Parks and Recreation Commission Item # 8 D ACTIVE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS BUDGET TO ACTUAL EXPENSE REPORT (as of April 22, 2015) Start Date Last Transaction Budget Expenses to Date Remaining Budget Percentage Date Completion 11/6/2014 3/26/2015 $70,000.00 $65,331.50 $4,668.50 93.33% 5/28/2014 3/31/2015 $17,500.00 $15,396.21 $2,103.79 87.98% 10/30/2014 10/30/2014 $13,000.00 $0.00 $13,000.00 0.00% 1/20/2015 1/20/2015 $14,600.00 $0.00 $14,600.00 0.00% 2/23/2015 2/23/2015 $43,500.00 $0.00 $43,500.00 0.00% 8/5/2014 1/31/2015 $20,000.00 $14,588,72 $5,411.28 72.94% 5/28/2014 2/28/2015 $55,000.00 $255.00 $54,745.00 0.46% 9/12/2013 2/5/2015 $248,167.00 $217,607.59 $30,559.41 87.69% 7/11/2014 2/28/2015 $60,000.00 $1,522.07 $58,477.93 2.54% 11/6/2014 11/6/2014 $65,000.00 $0.00 $65,000.00 0.00% 1/20/2015 1/20/2015 $10,200.00 $0.00 $10,200.00 0.0091. 9/23/2014 4/2/2015 $15,000.00 $8,520.00 $6,480.00 56.80% 9/1/2004 3/26/2015 $417,524.00 $331,537.36 $85,986.64 79.41% 2/23/2015 2/23/2015 $17,900.00 $0.00 $17,900.00 0.00% 6/2/2014 3/6/2015 $13,750.00 $9,905.40 $3,844.60 72.04% 9/23/2014 9/23/2014 $13,900.00 $0.00 $13,900.00 0.00% 6/2/2014 3/6/2015 $19,50C.00 $8,027.10 $11,472.90 41.16% 5/28/2014 3/19/2015 $27,500.00 $14,916.83 $12,583,17 54.24% 12/3/2012 3/19/2015 $232,907.00 $212,021.30 $20,885.70 91.03% 5/28/2014 5/28/2014 $18,000.00 $0.00 $18,000.00 0.00% 2/11/2014 1/31/2015 $108,125.00 $82,034.23 $26,090.77 75.87% 6/2/2014 3/19/2015 $27,500,00 $14,916.82 $12,583.18 54.24% 2/23/2015 2/23/2015 $36,800.00 $0.00 $36,800.00 0.00% 10/30/2014 4/17/2015 $114,595.00 $47,633.54 $66,961.46 41,57% 9/23/2014 12/23/2014 $45,000.00 $45,418.00 ($418.00) 100.93% 3/7/2014 4/17/2015 $1,549,641.00 $225,037.43 $1,324,603.57 14.52% 17 Project ID Description 100000002148 GRV Sec A Restroom Roofing 100000002171 IND Beach Retaining Wall Rep[ 100000002116 IND Boat House Boiler Replace 100000002113 IND Boat Launch 100000001969 IND Energy Mgt Upgrade 100000001960 IND Fishing Dock Replacement 100000002118 IND Maint Bldg Tube Heater 100000001891 IND Upper Bush BdwlkTrlPhsll 100000001966 IND Wood Burning Unit 100000002151 LYC Parking Lot Replacement 100000002005 LYC Sidewalk Replacement 100000002021 LYG Boardwalk Replacement 100000002152 LYG Parking Lot Replacement 100000001998 LYG Pumphouse Roofing 100000000983 LYP West Norton Drain Bridge 100000002008 ORN Dog Park Concrete Sidewalk 100000001499 RDD Stormwater Reclaimation 100000002129 RDG Golf Netting 100000002088 RDG LED Entrance Sign 100000001498 RDG Stormwater Reclaimation 100000002019 RDP Energy Management Upgrade 100000002089 RDP LED Entrance Sign 100000001961 RDP Parking Lot Exp Design 100000002022 RSE Boardwalk North Connector 1 100000002087 RWC Concession Remodeling Parks and Recreation Commission Item # 8 D ACTIVE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS BUDGET TO ACTUAL EXPENSE REPORT (as of April 22, 2015) Start Date Last Transaction Budget Expenses to Date Remaining Budget Percentage Date Completion 2/23/2015 2/23/2015 $14,300.00 $0.00 $14,300.00 0,00% 4/15/2015 4/15/2015 $30,000.00 $0.00 $30,000.00 0.00% 1/20/2015 1/20/2015 $12,000.00 $0.00 $12,000.00 0.00% 1/16/2015 1/16/2015 $60,000,00 $0.00 $60,000.00 0.0051. 6/2/2014 3/6/2015 $14,250.00 $5,876.10 $8,373.90 41.24% 5/28/2014 5/28/2014 $35,000.00 $0.00 $3S,000.00 0.00% 1/20/2015 1/20/201S $8,800.00 $0.00 $8,800.00 0.00%1 11/15/2013 11/24/2014 $150,000,00 $34,114.45 $115,885,55 22.74%' 5/29/2014 3/31/2015 $48,500.00 $64,698.35 ($16,198.35) 133.40%' 2/23/2015 2/23/2015 $12,000.00 $0.00 $12,000,00 0.00% 8/21/2014 1/31/2015 $30,000.00 $16,308.00 $13,692.00 54.36% 9/23/2014 4/9/2015 $2S,000.00 $23,983.70 $1,016.30 95,93% 2/23/2015 2/23/2015 $12,000.00 $0.00 $12,000.00 100% 8/5/2014 1/31/2015 $15,000.00 $6,388.69 $8,61131 42.59% 1/2/2007 1/16/201S $40,000.00 $51,498.40 ($11,498.40) 128.75%1 8/22/2014 8/27/2014 $5,238.00 $4,968.00 $270,00 94,85%1 4/28/2011 1/24/2014 $70,000.00 $20,982.52 $49,017.48 29.98%1 2/4/2015 2/4/2015 $15,000.00 $0.00 $15,000.00 0.00% 10/30/2014 10/30/2014 $30,000.00 $0.00 $30,000.00 0.00% 4/28/2011 1/24/2014 $70,000.00 $19,818.59 $50,181,41 28.31%1 9/23/2014 9/23/2014 $14,450.00 $0.00 $14,4S0.00 0.00%1 10/30/2014 11/6/2014 $30,000.00 $0.00 $30,000.00 0.00%1 5/28/2014 3/6/201S $50,000,00 $31,625.50 $18,374.50 63.25%I 9/23/2014 3/19/201S $160,000.00 $112,517.4S $47,482.55 70.32%1 10/30/2014 4/17/2015 $97,290.00 $27,792.98 $69,497.02 28,57%1 ' 100000001957 RWP Entrance Shade Structure 5/28/2014 3/31/2015 $48,859.42 $216,4S $49,642.97 0.44%l 18 Project ID Description 100000002163 RWP Ornamental Cable Bridge 100000002164 RWP Ornamental Cable Fence 100000002079 RWP River Pumphouse Restroom 100000001958 RWP Shade Struct Kiddie Area 100000001965 SAC Horse Barn Bldg K Design 100000002170 SAC Water Tower Restoration 100000002085 SPC Concession Remodeling 100000001999 SPC Concession Roofing 100000001916 SPG irrigation Sys Repl Des 100000002114 SPG Rental House Furnace 100000001938 WCM LED Entrance Sign 100000002020 WLC Energy Management Upgrade 100000002149 WLC N Parking Lot Improvement 100000002153 WLC 5 Parking Lot Repaving 100000002130 WLG Golf Netting 100000001915 WLG Irrigation Sys Repl Des 100000002150 WLG N Parking Lot Improvement 100000002154 WLG S Parking Lot Repaving 100000001757 WTR Dog Park Fence 100000001756 WTR Dog Park Site Work 100000002017 WTR Energy Management Upgrade 100000002013 WTR Expanded Maintenance Yard 100000002161 WTR Overhead Door 100000002162 WTR Playground Railing 100000002080 WWC Concession Remodeling Parks and Recreation Commission ACTIVE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS BUDGET TO ACTUAL EXPENSE REPORT (as of April 22, 2015) Item # 8 D Start Date Last Transaction budget Expenses to Date Remaining Budget Percentage Date Completion 3/26/2015 3/26/2015 $19,225.00 $0.00 $19,225.00 0.00% _. .... 3/26/2015 3/26/2015 _... $22,850.00 .._... $0.00 $22,850,00 0.00% 10/21/2014 10/21/2014 $12,000.00 $0.00 $12,000.00 0.00% 5/28/2014 5/28/2014 $80,209.80 $0.00 $80,209.80 0,00% 5/28/2014 2/5/2015 $20,000.00 $16,046.45 $3,953.55 80.23% 4/15/2015 4/15/2015 $20,000.00 $0.00 $20,000.00 0.00% 10/30/2014 10/31/2014 $20,000.00 $1,126.00 $18,874.00 5.63% 8/5/2014 2/19/2015 $65,000.00 $48,558.42 $16,441.58 74,71% 2/11/2014 1/31/2015 $116,869.00 $86,264.78 $30,604.22 73,81% 1/20/2015 1/20/2015 $9,300.00 $0,00 $9,300.00 0.009/. 3/24/2014 3/19/2015 $40,000.00 $46,541.80 ($6,541.80) 116.35% 9/23/2014 9/23/2014 $18,200.00 $0.00 $18,200.00 0.00% 2/23/2015 2/23/2015 $15,000.00 $0.00 $15,000.00 0.00% 2/23/2015 3/31/2015 $40,000.00 $388.25 $39,611.75 0.97% 2/4/2015 2/4/2015 $15,000.00 $0,00 $15,000.00 0.00% 2/11/2014 1/31/2015 $179,720.00 $147,250.22 $32,469,78 81.93% 2/23/2015 2/23/2015 $15,000.00 $0.00 $15,000.00 0.00% 2/23/2015 3/31/2015 $40,000.00 $388.26 $39,611.74 0.97% 12/3/2012 12/3/2012 $20,000.00 $0.00 $20,000.00 0.00% 12/3/2012 3/15/2013 $30,000.00 $4,597.00 $25,403.00 15.32% 9/23/2014 9/23/2014 $13,850.00 $0.00 $13,850.00 0.00% 8/28/2014 8/28/2014 $15,000.00 $0.00 $15,000.00 0.00% 3/24/2015 3/24/2015 $8,000,00 $0,00 $8,000.00 0.00% 3/24/2015 3/24/2015 $25,000,00 $0.00 $25,000.00 0.00% 10/21/2014 4/17/2015 $104,099,00 $24,424.31 $79,674.69 23.46% $5,336,619.22 $2,111,043.77 $3,225,575.45 19 Parks and Recreation Commission Item # 8 D ACTIVE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS BUDGET TO ACTUAL EXPENSE REPORT (as of April 22, 2015) Illustrative Net Position - Unrestricted Operating Reserve FY2015 Capital Equipment FY2015 Planned Use of Balance: Depreciation Operating Subsidy Total Planned Use of Fund Balance Active CIP Projects - Budget Capital Reserve/Amount Available for Capital improvement and Capital Equipment Projects Closed in FY2015 100000000867 ORN Pavilion -Dog Park 100000001114 RSE Trail Development 100000001115 RSE Boardwalks -docks -Overlooks 100000001331 HGH Trail Development -Phase 1 100000001332 HGH Boardwalks -Docks -Overlooks 100000001335 LYP Boardwalks -Docks -Overlooks 100000001336 RWP Connector Trails 100000001751 GRV Restroom/Shower Section C 100000001752 HGH Parking Lot - Central 100000001753 LYP Pavilion Small Dog Park 100000001807 GLC HVAC Replacement 100000001819 SAC Ellis Barn Improvements 100000001825 GLC Interior Renovations 100000001826 ACC Interior Renovations 100000001847 GLG Irrigation Pond Dredging 100000001881 ACC Roof Replacement $ 3,408,400 $ 947,959 $ 251,463 $ 130,309 $ 231,921 $ 135,206 $ 49,926 $ 76,850 $ 362,987 $ 590,190 $ 182,165 $ 28,254 $ 263,445 $ 591,988 $ 463,681 $ 571,917 $ 292,839 $ 657,232 Unrestricted Net Position $ 5,750,000 $ 611,881 $ 4,356,359 $ 5,336,619 $ 6,409,269 20 Parks and Recreation Commission ACTIVE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS BUDGET TO ACTUAL EXPENSE REPORT (as of April 22, 2015) Unrestricted Net Projects Closed in FY2015, continued. Position 100000001967 GRV Roadway Putt Putt Light $ 19,311 100000002007 ADD Asphalt Trail $ 38,216 100000002009 ADD Concrete Sidewalks $ 18,210 100000002011 IND Play Lot Twin Chimneys $ 36,012 100000002012 GRV Play Lot Concession $ 247,451 100000002025 RDP Removable Raised Flooring $ 41,210 100000002096 ACC Entrance Drive Replacement $ 92,245 Total Projects Closed in FY2015 $ 5,373,028 Total Net Position - Unrestricted as of March 31,2015 (Unaudited) $ 27,837,156 Item # 8 D 21 Item # 8 E Commission Approval Schedule for Capital and Maintenance Projects (REVISED April 20, 2015 - Pending and Subject to change) • May, 2015 o Addison Oaks — Kitchen Storage Unit (Construction Approval) o ADA Transition Program -Amendment • June, 2015 o Red Oaks Water Park — Wave Equipment ($325,000) (Conceptual Approval) o Red Oaks Nature Center— Parking Lot ($575,000) (informational) o Addison Oaks — Maintenance Yard Improvements (Conceptual Approval) o Independence Oaks — Bailey House Removal (RFP Approval) • July, 2015 o Glen Oaks Golf Course & Conference Center — Parking Lot Design ($768,416) (Construction Approval) o Springfield Oaks — Water Tower Improvements — Design ($20,000) (Conceptual Approval) o Springfield Oaks Activity Center— 4-H Covered Arena Construction (Bldg. K) ($200,000) (Conceptual Approval) o Independence Oaks — Connector Trail — Interlocal Agreement (General Approval) o Red Oaks — Trail Easement Agreement (General Approval) • August, 2015 o Red Oaks Water Park — Wave Equipment ($325,000) (Construction Approval) o Independence Oaks —Twin Chimneys Universally Accessible Improvements (Conceptual Approval) • September, 2015 o Addison Oaks -- Maintenance Yard Improvements (Construction Approval) o Red Oaks Nature Center— Parking Lot ($575,000) (Construction Approval) • October, 2015 o Springfield Oaks Activity Center— 4-H Covered Arena Construction (Bldg. K) ($200,000) (Construction Approval) o Lyon Oaks Golf & Conference Center — Parking lot Replacement — Design ($24,000) (Conceptual Approval) 22 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Item 8 F Maintenance Projects under $100,000 BUDGET TO ACTUAL EXPENSE REPORT (as of April 20, 2015) Expended Variance Cost gadget Title Amount (Budget - Center Amount Expended) Expended ACC Stucco Repair $ 20,000 $ 20,000 ADM Pavement Maintenance Program* $ 150,000 $ 6,577 $ 143,423 ADM Carpet/Flooring Management Program* $ 150,000 $ 21,603 $ 128,397 ADM Interior/Exterior Painting Program* $ 120,000 $ 41,117 $ 78,883 ADM Window/Door Replacement Program* I $ 120,000 $ 37,551 $ 82,449 ADM Tree Planting Program* I $ 125,000 $ 19,600 $ 105,400 ADM Natural Resource Program* $ 335,000 $ 14,076 $ 320,924 ADM ADA Transition Program* $ 350,000 $ 3,498 $ 346,502 ADM Electronic Entry Gates - Park -wide study/design $ 30,000 $ 30,000 ADM Dog Park Development - Design $ 27,500 $ 27,500 GLG Exterior Stone Repair $ 10,000 $ 10,000 RWP Operational Signage $ 20,000 $ 20,000 RWP Wave Pool -Structural Assessment/Repair $ 25,000 $ 25,000 Totals $ 1,482,500 $ 144,023 $ 1,338,477 Program amount is listed over $100,000, however this covers multiple project locations. S/S//2015 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA MAY 12) 2015 AGENDA ITEM NO. 8 G ADMINISTRATION -- BUSINESS OPERATIONS To: Chairman Fisher and Commission Members From: Daniel J. Stencil, Executive Officer Phil Castonia, Chief of Business Operations Submitted: May 4, 2015 Subject: OC Parks Purchasing Activity Report 02 FY 2015 INTRODUCTION AND HISTORY In 2008 as part of the Strategic Master Plan, the Commission requested regular updates from the staff about the purchasing activity for the last quarter. Staff will present a quarterly status update on the Purchasing Activity from the 2"d quarter of Fiscal Year 2015 for the Parks and Recreation Department. ATTACHMENTS - 2"6 Quarter Fiscal Year 2015 Parks Purchasing Activity Report (January 1 — March 31, 2015) STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Commission receive and file this report. MOTION Move to receive and file this report. 24 Item # 8 G OCPR FY 2015 2nd Quarter Purchasing Report 5060101 I Awarded Vendor Parks a Estimated m c p Contract(NTEj Contract pp m m m P01 Contract Number Purchase Order/P-Card Description a m Net Exceed Usage Amount RI Name city N � orP-Card Amcunt Amounts ofMuRi to 6 f Department {t Contracts I 11/10/15 3161 112 Parks Trailers American Trailer Mari Waterford Ml 01102/15 238783 $ 13,98&00 11/26/14 3182 12116 Infatable 6ungee Run Moonwalk USA/Tanda Carp Livonia ( M! 01/09/15 239121 $ 2.250.00 09117114 00309DA 1013G Waterford Oaks Master Plan Orchard, Hiltr, McClimeni Livonia MI i 01130//5 4335.... 810,000.00 I 09/17/14 003090E I 10130 Waterford Oaks Master Plan _. Russel Design Ncrthvi9e I N11 ( 01130/15 4336 I $10,000.00 09/17/14 003090C I IMO Waterford Oaks Master Plan Landscape Architects and Planners � Lansing MI 01130M5 4337 $10,000.00 11/07115 3159 12/4 Parks Concession Equipment Rite -Way Service Keego Harbor MI ._Of,5 241268-241269.241270 $ 25,470.33 I11/07/15 3159 1214 Parks Concession Equipment Douglas Equipment Bluefield WV 0220/15 241272-241273-241274 S. 23,754.54 11/07/15 3159 1214 Parks Concession Equipment Sam Tell and Sans Farmingdale NY 02/20/15 241276-2e1277-241278 S 15,791.34 1210014 3193 1/6 Golf Barrier Netting Tri State Recreational Zeeland till 02125715 4370 522,09.00 I011'05715 3214 1/22 { Landscape Chemicals Residex Novi (. Mt 02125/15 4372 $150,000,00 01/05/15 3214 1/22 Ij Landscape Chemicals Harrelft Lakeland FL 02125115..1. 4373 $150,000.00 01105il5 3214 122 j Landscape Chemicals Tri Turf l Traverse City MI 02t25,15 4377 3150;300.00 01/26/15 3239 279 FUR Ea Black and Associates I Sparks I M❑ 02/23/15 241351 S 3,239.00 02/02/15 3249 2118 Parks Trash Receptacles I RJ Thomas Cherokee IA 03/05115 241 B61 S 7,B22.90 11/01114 3181 12/15 Beaded Ice Cream Mini Muffs Norwich CT 03110115 4386 I $120,000,00 11/26/14 3113 12118 Forestry Equipment I Morbark Winn MI 03112/15 242211 I $ 61,212,25 101/27/15 I 3241 2112 Red Oaks Tent Celina Tent Celina OH 03/12/15 242212 I $ 4,183.02 s 01/27/15 I 324D 2116 Picnic Table and Replacemnt Boards 2015 � RJ Thomas Cherokee IA 03/12/15 242213-242214 S 16,251.25 10/20/14 3127 11120 Parks Landscape and Golf Equipment and Utility Vehicles Weingadz Farmington MI 03/13/15 236749 S 14,226.00 Hills I10120/14 3127 11120 parks Landscape and Golf Equipment and Utility Vehicles Textron charlotte NC 03113/1-1 231121 $ 32,100.00 10120/14 3127 11/20 Parks Landscape and Goit Equipment and U6liy vehicles Munn Tractor Auburn Hilts MI 03/73/15 2387fi1 S 10,929-00 10/20114 3127 1120 Parks Landscape and Golf Equipment and U6Iity Vehicles Munn Tractor Auburn Hilts MI 03/13/15 238762 5 11,505.00 10120/14 3 12, 7 1 /20 Parks Landscape and Golf Equipment and Utility Vehicles I Spartan Distributors Auburn Hills MI 03113/15 239857 f $ 52,031.63 1020114 ( 3127 1120 Parks Landscape and Golf Equipment and Utility Vehicles I Textron Charlotte NC 03/13115 238930 $ 21,318 OO 1020114 I 3727 11120 parks Landscape and col`. Equipment one Utility Vehicles Spartan Distributors Auburn Hots MI 03113115 239858 S -- 29,158.66 1020/14 Ilf 3127 1 WO parks landscape and Golf Equipment and Utility Vehides Spartan Distributors Auburn Hills i M! 03113115 239859 $ 54,518.50 I1012074 I 31127 11?20 Parks Landscape and Golf Equipment and Utility Vehicles Spartan FA tributors Auburn Hills i MI 03/13/15 239860 S 54,518--50 10/20114 I( 3127 11120 parks Landscape and Golf Equipment and Utility Vehides I.. Spartan Distributors Auburn Hills MI I M113115 239861 S 27,361.79 1 0120/1 4 { 3127 11120 Parks Landscape and Gaff Equipmentand Willy Vehicles Spartan Distributors I Auburn Hills Mi 03/13/15 I 239062 $ 19,262.09 102011.4 r 3127 it120 Parks Landscape and Golf Equipment and Utility Vehicles Wolverine Rental I Ann Arbor I Am 03173115� 1 240296 S 18,OWAO I10/20/14 3127 ( 11/20 Parks Landscape and Golf Equipment and UtilityVehides Spartan Distributors ( Auburn Hills MI 03/13/15 242210 S 24,291.28 10I20/14 3127 1 IJ20 parks Landscape and Golf Equipment and Utility Vehicles J W Turf I Wixom MI 03/13/15 239553 S 6,923.98 J{1 02/10/15 3258 3/10 Marketing and Adverimieg Vetride -it Trailer Wraps Media Swing I Grasse Ponite I MI 03118/15 4393 N I S16,000.00 Fa=s 03131/15 326E 3131 Portable Toilet Rental and Service Metro Environmental Walled Lake MI 04103A 5 ! 4409 590,000.00 03/06115 3281 413 Gall Cart Batteries Start All Squthfield ( MI 0410611 L5) 441C 550,0DD.00 0211705 i 3263 I 3110 Fryer Cd Recydmg Evergreen Grease Service Adrian, MI 04106115 4411 $1,00 02/19115 3266 3/5 Parks Concession Food Supply Gordan Food Service Grand Rapids MI 04107175 4413 I $150.000.00 Notes Line Item#2 Lin. Item #3 Line Item#a Line Item #5 Line Item #6 Line Item#7 Lime Item 08 Line Item #9 Line Item #to Line Item#11 Une Item 1112 Line Item #13 Line Item #14 Line Item #15 i u` rmalixed I m (Yes or No)� AJK l Yes fI AJK Yes ! AJK Yes AJK Yes AJK Yes AJK Yes AJK i Yes s AJK I Yes AJK Yes AJK Yes AJK Yes 1 AJK Yes AJK I Yes AJK I Yes AJK I Yes AJK I Yes AJK I Yes AJK I Yes AJK I Yes AJK I Yes AJK I Yes AJK I Yes AJK I Yes AJK Yes AJK Yes t AJK Yes AJK Yes I AJK Yes j AJK Yes AJK I Yes AJK Yes I AJK Yes yl AJK I Yes j AJK Yes I AJK Yes Vendor Pays $0.07 commission per pour,. of food 1 AJK Yes grease I AJK Yes 1 25 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2015 SECOND QUARTER REPORT ENTERPRISE FUND PARKS & RECREATION ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2014 VARIANCE BUDGET BUDGET FORECAST FAV/(UNFAV) PERCENT OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION (50800) OPERATING REVENUE $ 8,752,911.00 $ 9,210,411.00 $ 9,210,411.00 $ 0.00% OPERATING EXPENSE $ 25,151,352.00 $ 25,636,720.00 $ 25,636,720.00 $ - 0.00% NET OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) $ (16,398,441.00) $ (16,426,309.00) $ (16,426,309,00) S - 0.00% NON -OPERATING REVENUE $ 16,398,441.00 $ 16,426,309.00 $ 16,426,309.00 $ 0.001/0 (EXPENSE) TOTAL INCOME BEFORE TRANSFERS $ $ $ $ 0.00°/a TRANSFERS IN $ $ $ $ CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM $ $ $ - $ TOTAL NET INCOME (LOSS)" $ - $ $ - $ - TOTAL NET ASSETS - BEGINNING 95,820,1547.29 TOTAL NET ASSETS - ENDING $ 95,82p,847.29 Item # 8 H EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES 5/5/2015 26 r �i i i ui �ru��m i ii i iy�, ism OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA MAY 12, 2015 AGENDA ITEM NO. 8 I ADMINISTRATION To: Chairman Fisher and Commission Members From: Daniel J. Stencil, Executive Officer Jeffrey Phelps, Parks and Recreation Fiscal Coordinator Submitted: May 5, 2015 Subject: FY2015 2nd Quarter Facilities Maintenance Transfer INTRODUCTION AND HISTORY Beginning in FY2014, operating budgets for park -wide Building and Grounds Maintenance projects are budgeted in the Facilities and Maintenance cost center. Once operating maintenance project expenses are incurred for a specific park, a budget amendment is to be made on a quarterly basis. Based on FY2015 activity from January 1 through March 31, the following FY2015 budget amendment is recommended: FY2015 Amendment 1ADD 5060715-730814 $4,858.00 1ADD 5060715-731115 $13,450.00 (ADM 5060101-730198 $185.00 1GRV 5060720-730814 $22,335.00� 1GRV 5060720-731115 $841.00 1 HGH 5060765-730814 $551.001 11 N D 5060725-730814 $592.001 11N D 5060725-731115 $967.001 LYP 5060755-730814 $1,093.001 TORN 5060724-730814 $862.00 1 RDG 5060328-730198 $592.001 1 RDP 5060751-730198 $622.00 1 RDP 5060751-730814 $759.00 1RSE 5060760-730814 $400.00 1RWP 5060831-730198 $400.00 (SAC 5060732-730198 $200.00 SPG 5060330-731115 $400.001 W LG 5060326-730198 $5, 250.001 1WTR 5060735-730814 $19,600.001 1FM 5060910-730198 -$73,957.00 $0.00 MOTION Move to approve the Facilities Maintenance transfer to the cost centers specified above. 27 L moolpiko1l1g i11: OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA MAY 1212015 To: Chairman Fisher and Commission Members From: Daniel J. Stencil, Executive Officer Submitted: May 5, 2015 Subject: Proposed Waterford Oaks Recovery Park License Agreement INTRODUCTION AND HISTORY AGENDA ITEM NO. 9 A ADMINISTRATION A draft of the license agreement between Recovery Park and Oakland County Parks and Recreation is in the process of review by the attorneys for Recovery Park and Oakland County. Staff anticipates a final proposed license agreement from Corporation Counsel which will be provided to the Commission as soon as Corporation Counsel receives the document from Recovery Park's attorney. 28 �AKLAND COUNTY PARKS License Agreement The Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission (OCPRC) hereby grants a license for use of its Property as set forth herein to: Name of Entity or Person ("Licensee"): RecoveryPark Address: 8201 St. Aubin Street, Suite # 200, Detroit, MI 48211 Contact Person: George Gardiner and Gary Wozniak Telephone Number: 586-292-7726 [WE SHOULD HAVE A PHONE NUMBER FOR GARY TOO] E-Mail Address: ggardiner@recoverypark.org For and in consideration of the issuance of this License, the Parties agree to the following terms and conditions: Use of OCPRC Property. Licensee may only use the Property described below for the purposes set forth in this License. 1.1. Location. Waterford Oaks Greenhouse Complex located at 1580 Scott Lake Road, Waterford, MI 48328 including greenhouses and surrounding land (approximately 3.7 acres), which is depicted and described in Exhibit A to this License (hereinafter "Property"). Exhibit A is incorporated into this License. 1.2. Use. Licensee shall only use the Property for the following purposes: (1) the non- profit operations of Licensee to complete vegetative growth with a limited staff consisting of exclusively the following individuals, and no other persons shall be on the Property: , , which amounts to winding up of operations on the Property commenced in December, 2014 and vacating the Property on or before October 31, 2015; and (2) research for growing, including collection of data on seeding cycles, germination cycles, and harvest cycles and yield; upon request of OCPRC, the information received from this research shall be shared with OCPRC and the public. Notwithstanding any other provision in this License, Licensee shall not use the Property as part of its work force training program due to its size and the limited purpose of this License. The Parties acknowledge that Licensee may sell its agricultural and horticultural products harvested from the Property to off -set the costs of this License and such sale shall have the goal to be not -for -profit. There shall be no sales of such products on the Property. 1.3. Term. This License shall be effective on April 1, 2015 and shall end on October 31, 2015, without any action of the Parties. The Parties acknowledge that there shall be no extensions of this License. 1.4. License Fee. On May 1, 2015 and the first day of each calendar month thereafter, during the term of this License, i.e., on or before October 31, 2015. Licensee shall pay OCPRC nine hundred and ninety-six dollars ($996.00) as a License Fee. Page 1 of 6 05-01 Draft 29 1.5. Payment. All monies owed to OCPRC under this License shall be paid by check or money order made payable to the "County of Oakland" and sent to the following address: Oakland County Parks and Recreation, Attention: Waterford Oaks, Park Supervisor, 2800 Watkins Lake Road, Waterford, Michigan 48328 or another address designated by the OCPRC Executive Director in writing. 1.6. S" igns• Licensee shall not place any signs or advertisements on the Property. 1.7. Condition of Property. Licensee shall keep the Property and anything stored thereon in good order and repair, in a clean, safe, and healthful condition, and free of trash. Licensee's use of the Property shall not cause damage or waste to the Property. 1.8. Access to Property. Licensee shall have twenty-four hour access to the Property exclusively from Scott Lake Road and not from or through the Park property; however, Licensee's use of the Property shall not disrupt OCPRC's operations on or around the Property or disrupt any third -parties who live adjacent to the Property. OCPRC shall have twenty-four (24) hour access to the Property, without advance notice to Licensee, for inspection and to ensure Licensee's compliance with this License. When the adjacent County Park is closed to the public, there shall be no noise generated on the Property that is audible beyond the boundaries of the Property. 1.9. Alteration to Property. Licensee shall not make any alterations, additions, or changes to the Property, unless prior written approval is given by OCPRC. 1.10. Property is "AS IS". Licensee acknowledges that it had the opportunity to inspect the Property and accepts the Property AS IS. 1.11. Condition of Property at Expiration/Termination. Licensee shall completely vacate the Property on or before October 31, 2015, including removal of all of Licensee's personal property and Licensee's agricultural and horticultural products, whether such products are at the end of their growing season/cycle or not. Upon the termination the date or expiration date of this License, Licensee shall leave the Property in the same condition that Licensee found it and clean of all trash. If Licensee does not completely vacate the Property and remove all its personal property and its agricultural and horticultural products by 6:00 a.m. on November 1, 2015, such property and products shall become the property of OCPRC and OCPRC may dispose of such property and products as it sees fit. Licensee shall be obligated to pay all costs and expenses incurred by OCPRC in the enforcement of the vacation obligation. 1,12. Smoking., Smoking is prohibited on the Property. 1.13, Herbicides/Pesticides. Licensee shall only use organic or natural pesticides and herbicides (and not petroleum based pesticides and herbicides or other pesticides or herbicides, which require a state license or certification for application) on the Property or in its growing operations on the Property. Page 2 of 6 05-01 Draft 30 1.14. Consent Judgment: Licensee acknowledges and understands that there is a consent judgment that governs the use of the Property (stemming from Case Number 1991- 422171-CZ in Oakland County Circuit Court). Licensee shall not operate a retail business on the Property nor use the Property in any manner that would violate the consent judgment. The consent judgment is attached and incorporated into this License as Exhibit B. 1.15. Licensee Employees/Agents. Licensee shall not assign or permit any employees or volunteers convicted of felonies to work at the Property. 2. Licensee Responsibilities. 2.1. Licensee shall provide and pay for the following services at the Property: (a) trash removal; (b) custodial services; and (c) pest, rodent, and invasive species control inside the greenhouses and garden/growing areas located on the Property. 2.2. Licensee and all persons performing work on behalf of Licensee shall not, in any manner, hold themselves out to be agents or employees of OCPRC or Oakland County, Michigan ("County") 2.3. Licensee is responsible for and shall obtain, at its sole expense, all necessary licenses, permits, and other governmental approvals that are necessary for use of the Property. 2.4. Licensee shall not sell or permit anyone to sell, serve or consume alcoholic beverages on the Property. 3. OCPRC Responsibilities. 3.1. OCPRC may provide and pay for the following services at the Property at its discretion: (a) pest and rodent control outside the greenhouses and garden/growing areas located on the Property; (b) lawn and turf management services for the Property; and (c) portable/temporary toilets for Licensee's employees and agents to use while on the Property, beginning May 1, 2015. 3.2. OCPRC shall provide and pay for all utilities (electric, gas, sewer, and water) for the Property and for generator operations; provided however, Licensee shall reimburse OCPRC for all utility costs. OCPRC shall bill Licensee on a quarterly basis or upon termination/expiration of this License (whichever is earlier) for the utility costs in this Section. Licensee shall pay such bill within thirty (30) days of receipt. 3.3. OCPRC may perform maintenance and repairs for the Property and shall be responsible for the costs associated therewith, as determined in its reasonable discretion, except that Licensee shall reimburse OCPRC for the costs of such maintenance and repairs attributable to Licensee's use of the Property. If Licensee is responsible for costs under this Section, OCPRC shall bill Licensee and Licensee shall pay such costs within thirty (30) days of receiving the bill. Page 3 of 6 05-01 Draft 31 4. Liability/Assurances. 4.1. Damage to County/OCPRC Property. Licensee shall be responsible for any damage to any County or OCPRC property or facility caused by Licensee, its employees, agents, invitees, volunteers, subcontractors, or any other persons on the Property because of Licensee's use of the Property, If such damage occurs, OCPRC may in its discretion make repairs and/or replacements or cause a third party to make the necessary repairs or replacements, after providing advance notice to Licensee, and Licensee shall reimburse OCPRC the costs for repairing and/or replacing such damaged property or facilities to the extent caused by Licensee, its employees, agents, invitees, volunteers, subcontractors, or any other persons on the Property because of Licensee's use of the Property. OCPRC shall bill Licensee for such costs and Licensee shall pay such costs within thirty (30) days of receiving the bill, The damage amount that Licensee is responsible for under this Section shall be limited to three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000.00). 4.2. Damage to Licensee Property. Licensee shall be solely liable and responsible for any property loss or damage resulting from fire, theft or other means to its personal property located, kept, or stored on the Property. 4.3. Liability for Claims. Licensee shall be solely liable and responsible for any Claims by third parties, as defined herein, occurring at or on the Property, which arise out of Licensee's or its employees, agents, invitees, volunteers or subcontractors use of the Property. 4.4. Hazardous Material. Licensee shall not cause or allow any person or entity to cause any hazardous material, waste, or debris to enter any OCPRC or County property. 4.5. Indemnification. Licensee shall indemnify, hold harmless, and defend the County, its Boards, Commissions, officials, and employees from any and all Claims, as defined herein, that are incurred by or asserted against the County or its Boards, Commissions, officials, and employees by any person or entity which are alleged to have been caused by or found to arise from the acts or omissions of Licensee or its employees, agents volunteers, subcontractors, invitees, or any other persons on the Property as a result of Licensee's use of the Property and in connection with any violation of this Agreement, 4.6. Definition of Claim. "Claim" means any loss; complaint; demand for relief or damages; lawsuit; cause of action; proceeding; judgment; penalty; costs or other liability of any kind which is imposed on, incurred by, or asserted against a Party or for which a Party may become legally or contractually obligated to pay or defend against, whether commenced or threatened, including, but not limited to, reimbursement for reasonable attorney fees, mediation, facilitation, arbitration fees, witness fees, court costs, investigation expenses, litigation expenses, or amounts paid in settlement. Page 4 of 6 05-01 Draft 32 5. Waiver of Claims. Notwithstanding any other provision in this License, Licensee agrees to waive, release, and discharge the County and its elected and appointed officials, officers, employees, agents, and volunteers from all Claims, as defined herein, stemming from the RecoveryPark's alleged right to occupy the Property prior to April 1, 2015. Notwithstanding any other provision in this License, the County agrees to waive, release, and discharge Licensee from all Claims, as defined herein, stemming from the RecoveryPark's alleged right to occupy the Property prior to April 1, 2015. 6. Survival. Sections 4 and 5 and the duties and obligations contained herein shall survive the expiration or termination of this License. 7. Insurance. Licensee shall obtain and maintain insurance according to the specifications set forth in Exhibit C. Exhibit C is incorporated into this License. 8. Compliance with Law and Park Rules. Licensee, including its employees, agents, volunteers, invitees, and subcontractors must comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations and ordinances, the OCPRC Rules and Regulations and the requirements of this License. A copy of OCPRC Park Rules and Regulations shall be given to Licensee upon execution of this License. The OCPRC Park Rules and Regulations also can be found on the OCPRC website. 9. Successors and Assigns. This License shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of the Parties. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Licensee shall not assign any portion of this License without the prior written consent of OCPRC. 10. Waiver. The failure of OCPRC to insist upon strict performance of any covenants or conditions of this License or to exercise any option herein conferred in any one or more instances shall not be construed as a waiver or relinquishment of any such covenants, conditions, or options, but the same shall be and remain in full force and effect. No covenant, term or condition of this License shall be deemed to have been waived by OCPRC, unless such waiver is in writing by OCPRC. 11. Amendments. This License cannot be modified unless reduced to writing and signed by both Parties. 12. Severability. If any term or condition of this License or the application thereof is deemed invalid or unenforceable, to any extent, the remainder of this License or the application of such term or condition shall not be effected. Each term or condition of this License shall be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law, unless the removal materially alters the basic intent of the Parties in executing this License. 13. Governing Law. This License shall be governed, interpreted, and enforced by the laws of the State of Michigan. 14, Counterparts. This License may be executed in one or more counterparts, including facsimile copies, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which shall together constitute one instrument. Page 5 of 6 05-01 Draft 33 15. Entire License. This License sets forth all covenants, promises, agreements, conditions and understandings between the Parties concerning the use of the Property and there are no covenants, promises, agreements, conditions or understandings, either oral or written, between the Parties other than are herein set forth. 16. The Parties represent that their respective signatories have the requisite authority to execute and bind them to the duties and responsibilities contained herein. APPROVED AND AUTHORIZED BY LICENSEE: NAME: TITLE: SIGNATURE DATE APPROVED AND AUTHORIZED BY OCPRC: TITLE: SIGNATURE DATE Page 6 of 6 05-01 Draft 34 aw 4 * e IBIT A EXH{ - a f " j � Masonry Garage .y , OC y"" (Shared Operational Use) _ T .r (C I. r X'a; } �AL - ! M 10 rip J — Ct "- Legend • Leased Area - 3.7 Acres .. w 0 ' Bam Area - Not Part of Lease I� 3 Map Revised 04/9/2015 0 100 200 Feet 35 EXHIBIT B 1,14 9 2 -. STATE OF MICHIGAN IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF OAKLAND i i ERIC M. ERNST and DIANE ERNST, husband and wife, Plaintiffs, Case No, 91-422171-CZ -vs- Hon, Barry Howard WATER -FORD TOWNSHIP, a Michigan Chartered Township, and EDWARD J. FISH, JR., Water -ford Township Director of Planning, _ Defendants, STUART B. COONEY (P 25900) Attorney for Plaintiffs Ln GERALD A. FISHER (P 13452) Attorney for Defendants - 30903 Northwestern Highway P.Q. BoX 3040 Farmington Hills, MI 48333-3040� (313) 851-9500 e1ajY i 14 i:�1Siff CONSENT JUDGMENT � I At a session of said Court held in the Courthouse I in the City of Pontiac, Count akland, State + of Michigan on €jFr. 1 � 9 PRESENT: Honorable BARRY ► . HOWARD 0111OUIT JuU )G-E The parties having filed pleadings in this case raising the question of the extent to which Act 93 of the Public Acts of 1981, r I as amended, the so-called Michigan Right to Farm Act, restricts l Township regulation of Plaintiffs` property and operation, and the I parties having resolved this dispute by compromise agreement that the Plaintiffs` property and operation shall be restricted as 36 EXHIBIT B provided in this Judgment based upon the Cour_t's equitable jurisdiction, and the Court being fully advised in the premises; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED AND ADJUDGED AS FOLLOWS; 1. The property which is the subject matter of this Consent Judgment ("the property") is known as parcel number 13-13-300-195, commonly known as 1580 Scott Lake Road, Waterford Township, Oakland County, Michigan. The property is approximately 5.2 acres in area. 2. Plaintiffs shall be authorized to use the property as permitted in this Judgment. 3. Plaintiffs shall be permitted to retain and use the i t structures currently situated on the property, as shown as existing { structures on the Plan attached and incorporated as part of this L Judgment. The structures shall be used for the purpose specified on the Plan. Plaintiffs shall be enjoined from constructing and/or using any one or more structures on the property which are not expressly permitted in this Judgment, subject to the provisions of Paragraph 8, be -low. a 4: Aside from single family residential use, Plaintiffs shall be permitted to use the property for the purpose of growing flowers and plants, and for retail sale of such flower and plant materials grown on the property. There shall be no importation to and sale from the property of items or materials not grown on the Property, provided, Plaintiffs shall be permitted to purchase plant materials which are grown from seed on other premises, with the understanding that at least four weeks of the growth process for such materials shall occur on the property prior to sale. With the sale of flowers and/or plants, Plaintiffs shall be permitted to sell pots, baskets or potting soil for flowers and/or plants (mixed on the 2 37 EXHIBIT B premises). plaintiffs shall be enjoined from using the property for purposes other than single family residential use except as expressly authorized in this Judgment, and, subject to the provisions of Paragraph 8, below. 5. Plaintiffs shall be permitted to use the property for the retail sale of the referenced flowers and plants, and the related items specified above, within the season or period May 1 through June 10 each year. In addition, at times other than in the May 1 through June 10 season, Plaintiffs shall be permitted to make casual, sales of such items in accordance with this paragraph. Such i casual sales are intended to involve the presence of up to one or two customers at a given time on the property. While Plaintiffs t r S shall not be required to prohibit a small number of additional customers (more than one or two) from being present on the property at a given time, it is the intent of this Judgment that, except during the May 1 through June 10 season each year, the presence of 1 f more than one or two customers on the property at a given time would -represent the exception to the rule, and shall in no event represent the typical circumstance or pattern of activity. The limitation of selling season to May 1 through June 10, and a restriction of sale activity to casual sales at other times, as outlined above, constitutes the fundamental basis for the Township's consent to this Judgment, and, accordingly, this provision shall be strictly enforced by the court. 6. Customers for the retail sale of the items specified above shall gain ingress and egress, and shall park their vehicles, as follows: N 38 EXHIBIT B (a) While Plaintiffs operate with the currently existing structures, as shown on the attached Plan, and/or expand the structures in the manner permitted below so as to include proposed addition number 1 and/or proposed addition number 3 (both of which are temporary growing structures of pole construction without permanent foundation and with poles set in concrete pots in the ground to provide stability), the following shall apply; (1) During the May 1 through June 10 season, Plaintiffs shall be permitted to utilize the existing driveway onto Scott Lake Road adjacent to the residence on the property, and Plaintiffs shall also be permitted to utilize a second driveway onto Scott Lake Road, provided: (i) Plaintiffs must first seek and obtain a permit for such second driveway from the Road Commission for the County of Oakland; (ii) the location of such second driveway shall be situated as determined by mutual agreement between the Township and the Road Commission for Oakland County to be the safest location for such second driveway (with the Court reserving jurisdiction to resolve any dispute in this regard); and (iii) such second driveway shall not be used, and shall be blocked from use by a locked gate or comparable device restricting any vehicular access, at all times other than during the May 1 through June 10 season. (2) Upon establishment of the landscape buffer (which shall include existing and new trees) along Scott Lake Road, as shown on the attached Plan, in addition to the existing parking area adjacent to the sales office, Plaintiffs may permit customers to park in the second parking area designated on the Plan, located between the greenhouses and Scott Lake Road. such area may be maintained in grass, however, if the Township determines in the exercise of reasonable discretion that persons using or traveling in or on such second parking area have tracked an accumulation of dirt, mud or the like onto Scott Lake Road, Plaintiffs shall forthwith cease using the second parking area and second driveway unless and until the second parking area is graveled in a manner which is customary for gravel parking lots for retail business purposes, as reasonably specified by the Township Planning Department. (b) In the event Plaintiffs obtain approval for proposed addition number 2, as shown on the attached Plan, 39 EXHIBIT B then, prior to occupancy and/or use of addition number 2, Plaintiffs shall: (I) Abandon and remove the second driveway. (2) Widen the existing driveway as shown on the attached Plan. (3) Abandon and absolutely cease and desist from using, and be enjoined from using, the second parking area as a parking area, including removal of any gravel surface of such second parking area if a grave), surface had been established, (4) Be permitted to establish and use parking area number 3, as shown on the attached Plan, north and/or east of the barn on the north end of the property, to be utilized in conjunction with the currently existing parking area. a s = 7. Subject to the terms set forth below, if and when a z rcPlaintiffs desire to place one or more new structures or additions 5 on the property for use in growing and/or selling flowers or L w punts, such structures shall be restricted to the three proposed O 3 additions labeled proposed addition numbers 1, 2 and 3 on the W attached Plan. Plaintiffs shall seek authorization for the u w 1 construction and use of such structures or additions by the x a submission of a site plan in accordance with the specifications for a site plan set forth in the Waterford Township zoning ordinance. Such site plan shall be submitted in triplicate to the Director of 1 the Planning Department. The Planning Department shall forward copies of the site plan to the Director of the Building Department i and to the Township engineer. The Planning, Building and C ! Engineering Departments shall administratively review such site plan (in lieu of customary site plan review by the Planning Commission) for the purposes of; 5 40 EXHIBIT B ti (a) Ensuring the adequacy of parking, as shown on attached plans for future parkinq, (b) Ensuring that the new proposed structure would be Consistent with this Judgment. (c) Reviewing for the issuance of a building permit, including conformance with applicable building codes. (d) Ensuring that the structure is within the designated area for future structures, as shown on the attached Plan. If the site plan meets the provisions set forth above, is in conformity with all applicable law and ordinances (with the understanding that the terms of this Judgment shall take priority o over ordinances inconsistent with this Judgment),, and is in IL E 0 conformance with this Judgment, permits shall be issued. No structures or improvements not shown on the attached Plan 5 shall be permitted, and the same shall be enjoined, subject to the z Z terms of Paragraph S, below. J 8. Notwithstanding any provision of this Judgment to the w contrary, Plaintiffs shall be entitled to apply to Waterford U Township for a rezoning and/or for a "variance" from the Zoning a x Board of Appeals, in which case such applications shall be governed by applicable ordinance and law. 9. The terms and provisions or this judgment shall be binding i upon, and shall enure to the benefit of, the parties hereto, and to their respective successors, assigns, grantees and transferees. 10. The Court shall retain jurisdiction of this case for k purposes of enforcing this Consent Judgment. li. Plaintiffs shall be required to pay all applicable building permit and site plan review fees required in the future in connection with proposed future improvement/expansion, and shall 0 41 EXHIBIT B pay the building permit fees for the buildings which have been newly constructed on the property. 12. This Consent Judgment may be recorded by either party with the Register of Deeds for the County of Oakland. «a� 13. All claims and causes of action of Plaintiffs Defendants shall be merged as part of this Consent Judgment, including, without limitation, the dismissal with prejudice of all claims for money damage relief. CIRCUIT COURT JUDGE Approved as to form, substance and entry: CAMPBELL, KEENAN, STARRY & COO= J STUART B. COONEY (P 00) Attorney foz P I a'otlifss KOHL, SEC ARDLE, LYNCH, CLARY ON By: GERAL FISHER (P 13462) Attorne for Defendants 99721EBWO1LKS 7 42 ---------- N II La ET- 1,1lT SIT KIEFT ENGINECRIN., IN:. EXHIBIT B KOHL, SECREST, WARDLE, LYNCH, C L A R K A N D H A M P T O N 94 MACOMB PLACE COUNSELORS AT L A W MT- CLEMENS, MI ABQ43-7903 (313) 455-7180 30909 NORTHWE:5TERN HIGHWAY TELEFACSINILE(313)465-0e73 P.O. SOX 3040 FARMINGTON HILLS. MICHIGAN 48333-3040 7335 WESTSHIRE OR_ SUITE 103 LANSING. M148917-.97e4 - (517) 627-1601 G ERALp A- FI$I-iE t2 TELEPHONE (313) 051-9500 TELEFAOSIMILE 517 627.101,7 T E LE FAC51 M I LE (313) 8 51-215 8 500A TRUST BUILDING 40 PLAHL STREET, N.W. GRAND RAPIDS, M149503.3009 December 8, 1992 f616)459.9848 TELEFAC51W LE (file) A56-1450 3061 COMMERCE DRIVE P.O. OOX 611066 PORT HURON, M1 48061-IOf 8 - (3i3)3135.8e65 TELEFACSI MI LE(313) 385-9593 Township Board Charter Township of Waterford 5200 Civic Center Drive Waterford, MI 48329 RE: Eric M. Ernst, et al v Waterford Township, et al Dear Members of the Township Board: The referenced case was commenced against the Township by Mr. and Mrs, Ernst in November of 1991 relative to their greenhouse/retail sale activity an the east side of Scott Lake Road adjacent to the Waterford Oaks County Park. The lawsuit seeks a court determination that: (1) The greenhouse/sale activity amounts to a "farm operation" governed by the Michigan Right to Farm Act; (2) The Township has no right to regulate the activity; (3) The property owners have the right to install buildings consistent with appropriate farm practices, and (4) The Plaintiffs request money damages for a violation of the civil rights of the Plaintiffs. Because of an earlier decision in the Michigan Court of Appeals which I consider to be improperly decided, Plaintiffs have some basis for claiming that their operation is exempt from applicable zoning ordinances. In order to correct this situation, the Township would be required to take this case to the Michigan Court of Appeals, and probably have to seek relief in the Michigan Supreme Court, a court which only takes those cases which they deem to be meritorious. Thus, in order to fight this case, the Township would have to expend significant amounts of money. Consequently, we have been negotiating for the -purpose of determining whether a settlement agreement could be reached which would be mutually acceptable to the parties, and serve as an inducement not to litigate further, F-V�} DES 9 12°9,2 44 EXHIBIT B Waterford Township Board December 8, 1992 Paae Two KO-,. SECREST, WARDLE, LYNCH, CLARK AND HAMPTON Enclosed is .a proposed form of Consent Judgment which permits a moderate expansion of the operation, but restricts any type of extensive business on the property. The enclosed Judgment, together with a present and future site plan (to be provided to you by the Planning Department) are recommended as a very appropriate alternative to further litigation in this case. I am hopeful that you will be able to act on this at your meeting of December 14, 1992. We have a court date scheduled on December 15, 1992, at which the Court is awaiting determination on settlement. Hest regards, You y truly, GGer� A. Fisher GAF/jes cc; Ed Fisch, Planner James Schafer, Planner 45 - :_.:...... - EXHIBIT, B -O FFICEIiS Dennis M. Ritter, Supervisor Betty Fortino, Clerk Paul E. Deni, Treasurer Gwenda Dempsey, Trustee Bill Gloeer, Trustee Katherine G. Inn-, Trustee Sean A. Scott, Trustee WATEQFOQD A C=TER TOCINSIED 6200 Civic. Center Drive Waterford, Michigan 48329-3773 Telephone 674-3111 MEMORANDUM DEPARTMENT Or PLANtii1NG Edward T. Fisch, Sr. Director DATE. December 7, 7992 TO: Dennis M. Ritter, Township Supervisor �' FROM: Jim Schafer, Assistant Director - planning Department RE: Emst Site Plan/Consent Judgement .... _....... Attached is the most recent revision to the above -referenced site plan which was delivered to this office by Bill Goga - Kieft Engineering on today's date. The plan has been revised to adequately address all of the Planning Department's previous review comments, By way of a copy of this memo, I am informing Gerry Fisher of same. If you have any questions, please give me a call. JTS/pah CC" File 46 EXHIBIT : — = _ ... . KOHL, SECREST, WARDLE, LYNCH, C L A R K A N D H A M P T O N 94 MACOY.e PLACE C O U V S E L O R S A T L A W .'T. CLEMENS. NI 48043.7903 (313) 4 F+3- 710 0 309C3 NM�THWEST£RN HIGHWAY TELEFACSIMILE(313)4e^.5-0673 P.O. EBOX 3040 FARMINGTON HILLS, MICHIGAN 48333.3040 7335 R OR., SUITE IO3 LANN5Y5ING7G. MI aA91T.97 ra (517)627.1e 81 GERALO A. FISHER TELEPHONE (313) 85t•9400 TELEFACSIMILE(St7) 6P.7.1957 T6L.CFACSI M I LE (313) 051.21Je SODA TRUST L'111LDING 40 PEARL ST REET, N.W. GRANO RAP(Os, N149503-3009 November 4, 1992 (616)A$9-y"a 7ELEFACSIMILE (6IS) 4S6-1450 3061 COMMERCE DRIVE P.O. BOX Is. 100a P0R-I HURON. H146061-1089 ("' ;i " ` �'c' tle 11x'"e'i ....-;Y�,•.1 (21313e5.O Bea E LE FACSINILE(313) 335•0593 Stuart B. Coonev, Esq. Clarkston Mills, Suite 1 20 West Washington Street Clarkston, MI 48346 RE: Ernst v Waterford Tow(iship,_�--t �_,,,__,. .._ r.• ..•- Dear Stuart: Consistent with our discussion, I have now prepared what I understand to be the final draft of the Consent Judgment text for the referenced case, which is enclosed with this letter. It is my understanding that your client is in the process of having Mr. Goga make all necessary modifications in the plans which will be attached to the Judgment. I strongly recommend that you also make contact with Mr. Goga so that all of the inclusions on the plan, as required in the settlement, find their way into the plan, Also consistent with our telephone discussion, in order to save our clients the cost of an unnecessary court appearance, I have made arrangements with Judge Howard's office to modify the trial date in the case from November 9, 1992 to Tuesday, December 8, 1992 at 8:30 in the morning. When the plan has been completed by Mr. Goga, please have copies immediately delivered to James Schafer in the Township Planning Department for review. I am hopeful that we will be able to place this matter before the 'Township Board within the next couple weeks, 47 EXHIBIT B KOF. SECREST, WARDLE, LYNCH. CLARK AND HAMPTON Stuart B. Cooney, Esq. November 4, 1992 Page Two Best regards. Yours very truly, Gerald A. Fisher GAF/jes Enclosure cc: Dennis Ritter, Supervisor James Schafer, Planner 48 EXHIBIT MEMO: October 19, 1992 TO: Dennis Ritter, Supervisor FROM: Jim Schafer, As.s'.t. Planning Director RE: Ernst v. Waterford Township The Planning Department has reviewed the latest revised draft of a proposed consent judgement for the above -referenced case. As revised, we have no additional comments which remain to be addressed as far as the test is concerned. However, we have not received a revised site plan reflecting the provisions of the draft consent judgement. Therefore, until such time as we have had the opportunity to review and comment on said plan we are unable to affirm conformance of the draft consent judgement text with the required site plan.. Accordingly, we await submittal of the site plan for our review and comment. By copy of this memo Gerry Fisher has been notified of the status of this cage from the Planning Department's perSpect4 e. if you have any questions please give me a call. JTS/gd cc: Ed Fisch, Planning Director -Gerry Fisher, Township Attorney Pile 49 EXHIBIT B GERALD A- FISHER KOHL, SECREST, WARDLE, LYNCH, CLARK AND HAMPTON C O U NSELORS AT L A W 30903 NORTHWESTERN HIGHWAY P.O. BOX 30a0 FARMINGTON HILLS, MICHIGAN 46333.3040 TELEPHONE (313) b51-9500 TCLEFAGSIMILE (313) 651-Z156 October 13, 1992 94 MACOMB PLACE HT. CLEMENS, Mi 4BC43-7903 (313) C65-718D TELEFACS I H I LE(313)465-D673 7335 WESTSHIRE DG„ SUITE 103 LANSING. `1148917.9764 (517) 527-IB8I 7ELEFAC5IM ILE (5171 627.1-467 500A TRUST BUILDING 4C PEARL STREET, N.'W, GRAND RAPIDS, MI 49503.3009 (616) 459-9846 TELEFACSIMILE (616) 456.1450 Stuart B . Cooney, Esq . -; �'n O C I 15 1992 20 W. Washington, Suite 1 - Clarkston, MI 48346 V'r,i 's 19 r;-1,0,V'd"dI!^ RE: Ernst v Waterford Township- f5r; Dear Stuart: Enclosed is a marked up copy of my prior September 29, 1992 draft of Consent Judgment, containing modifications consistent with your October 7, 1992 letter to me. The changes made are as follows: 1. In Paragraph 4, I have added language which would permit, with the sale of flowers and plants, the sale of pots, baskets or planting soil for such flowers and/or plants (mixed on the premises). I have not included your requested authorization for the independent sale of potting soil for the reason that this opens the door to retail operations beyond the contemplation of all of our settlement discussions, 2, In Paragraphs 5 and 6, I have broaden the language so as to include the concept that, in addition to the sale of flowers and plants, there would be the authorization for the sale of the items specified in Paragraph 4. 3, In Paragraph 6(a), I have clarified that the temporary growing structures of pole construction would have poles set in Concrete pots in the ground to provide stability. 4. In Paragraph 6(a)(2), I have clarified that the parking lot would not have to be graveled until an accumulation of dirt, mud or the like was determined to be tracked onto Scott Lake Road. 5. In Paragraph 11, I have deleted reference to the requirement of your client paying penalties relative to the failure to obtain building permits for the newly constructed buildings on the property. 50 EXHIBIT B KOnL, SECREST. WARDLE. LYNCH. CLARK AND HAMPTON Stuart B. Cooney, Esq. October 13, 1992 Page Two Finally, with regard to the landscape buffer, the purpose of such improvement is to prevent ingress and egress in all locations along Scott Lake Road except at the approved driveway, and to establish a buffer between the parking area and the street and nearby residential. I have confirmed with the Township planning staff that the buffer requirement should take effect at such time as the area adjacent to Scott Lake Road is to be utilized for parking purposes. In order to proceed expeditiously on, this matter, I am transmitting this letter to you concurrent,,with my transmittal to Tovmship officials, In the event that the Township administration is not satisfied with any of these proposed modifications, I will advise,you as quickly as possible. in the meantime, please confirm that these modifications provide an appropriate basis for resolution of the case so that I can schedule this matter for consideration by the Township Board. Best regards. Yours very truly, Gerald A. "Fisher GAF f j es cc; Dennis Ritter, Supervisor Jim Schaefer, Assistant Township Planner 51 EXHIBIT B KOHL, SECREST, WARDLE, LYNCH. C L A R K AND H A M P T O N 94 MACOMB PLACE C O U N 5 E L. 0 R 5 A T L, A W MT. CLEMENS. M1 413043-7903 (-3) 465.7160 30903 NORTHW':STERN HIGHWAY TELEFAC6I M ILE(3I3)465-0675 P.O. BOX 3040 ]335 WESTSHIRE DR., SUITE 103 ARMINGTON HILLS, MICHIGAN 46333-3040 LANSING, MI 48W7-9764 (5t7) 621-168, GF=RALD A. FISHER TELEPHONE (313) 65t•9500 TELEFACSIMILE (517) 627.1887 TELEFACSIMILE(319) 851-2f5B 500A TRUST eUILD717G 40 PEARL STREET, N.SV. - GRAND RAPIDS, MI 49503-3009 September 29, 1992 (616)459-9848 TELEFACSIMILE (016) 456-1450 Stuart B. Cooney, Esq. j' ) 20 W . Washington, Suite Y .;5 ... Clarkston, MI 48346 - r. F f RE: Ernst v Waterford Township, et al Dear Stuart: I am in receipt of your September 24, 1992 letter, accompanied by a proposed re -draft of Consent Judgment in the referenced case. Your re --draft incorporated several modifications. Subject to the discussion below, I have made the modifications you have requested, and have revised the Judgment accordingly. With regard to Paragraph 4, you have deleted reference to "flowers- and plants," and have substituted authorization for greenhouse growinq and processinq procedures and for limited retail sale of the products as produced on the premises. The substitute language proposed is too broad, and would permit activities well beyond those ever discussed. I have attempted to address the concern_ raised in your September 24, 1992 letter by adding additional language to Paragraph 4, which is offered for your review, In Paragraphs 5 and 6, you have again substituted the phrase "greenhouse products" for "flowers and plants." My notes reflect that we have consistently discussed the sale of flowers and plants, and the phrase "greenhouse products," to my knowledge, has no definition or practical limitation. Thus, I have reinserted "flowers and plants." In Paragraph 6(a), your client indicated that the temporary growing" structures would not have cement or other permanent flooring. What is the meaning of the. phrase "cement based," contained in your draft? 52 _ EXHIBIT B KOHL, SECREST, WARDLE. LYNCH, CLARK AN. HAMPTON Stuart B. Cooney, Esq. September 29, 1992 Page Two In Paragraph 6(a)(2), why shouldn't Plaintiffs have to establish the tree buffer prior to starting the new parking use? The use of the front lawn area for parking was the basis for requiring the tree buffer, both for aesthetics, and to assure that cars used only the driveway access onto the property. In Paragraph (6)(a)(2), you have indicated a proposal to have the Road Commission, and not the Township, make the determination whether dirt has been tracked onto the public road, which would give rise to the requirement to gravel the parking area, Inasmuch as this represents a departure from our discussions and agreement at the property, I will pass this along to the Township for review, With regard to Paragraph 6(b)(1), as noted above, the tree buffer was related to the parking of cars adjacent to Scott Lake Road, and not to the utilization of the additional building. With regard to Paragraph 7, you have deleted from plan review for your clients' proposed additions the review for the adequacy of parking. Parking is of significant importance, and has been part of our discussion (and I thought agreement) from the beginning, as reflected in my letter to you of April 16, 1992. With regard to Paragraph 7(b), I have no difficulty with a clarification of terms, Please advise of the intent of your limitation that review for applicable building code conformance would be limited to building codes "as applicable under this agreement?" At the end of Paragraph 7, you deleted the requirement that new structures must comply with applicable law and ordinances. I am unclear on why such language was deleted. It is my assumption that your client has no desire to propose a building structure which does not comply with applicable ordinances and law, subject to the terms of the Judgment. Please advise on this issue. With regard to Paragraph 8, I am unclear what you mean by the language which authorizes Plaintiffs to apply for a variance- from the strict terms of the Judgment. This is something never discussed. Obviously., a party is always entitled to request the Township Board to modify the Judgment, 53 EXHIBIT B_ Stuart B. Cooney, Esq, September 29, 1992 Page Three KOHL. S£CREST, WAROLE. LYNCH. CLARK AND HAMPTON With regard to Paragraph 11, the obligation to pay any penalties for failing to get a building permit has consistently been part of our discussion. Again, see my letter of April 16, 1992. I have attempted- to provide expedited turn —around time on your proposal in order to avoid problems with the court's docket, and to put this matter to rest as quickly as possible. Your expeditious treatment of the enclosed would be most appreciated, and would save our clients the necessity of further court appearances, and the like. Best regards. Yours very truly, Gerald A. Fisher GAFjjes Enclosure cc: Dennis N, Ritter, Supervisor Ed Fisch, Planner Jim Schafer, Planner 54 ` . EXHIBIT B KOHL..SECREST, WARDLE, LYNCH. CLARK AND HAMPION 94 MACOMB PLACE C C U N S f= L C R S A T L AW MT. CLEMENS• M1 48043-7903 (313) 469•TIBO 30903 NORTHWESTERN HIGHWpy TELEFACSIMILE(313) 465-0673 P.O. 5OX 3040 FARMINCTON HILLS, MICHIGAN 48333.3040 7335 iVESTSMIRC OR., SUITE 103 LANSING. MI AS-W7.9764 (517) 527•IA 81 tiERALt7 A. FISHER TEl_@PHDNE(3l3)H51.9S00 TCLZFACSIMILE (517) 627-IBBY TE La FACSI MI L6: (313) 8S1.21S6 SODATRUST BUILD)NG 40 PEARL ST'0.E[T. N.W. ' GRAND RAPIDS, MI 49503.3309 August 31, 1992 (616)459-9848 TELEFAGSIMILE (616} <56-1450 Stuart B, Cooney, Esq. �=�A Campbell, Keenan, Harry & Cooney R 20 West Washington S E P 2 1992 Suite 1 Lbin ;NSHip Clarkston, Kichi an 48346 i�LAININiN43 GJM�IM:10N RE: Ernst v Waterford Township, et al. PER Dear Stuart'. Consistent with our meeting of August 27, 1992 relative to the referenced case, I have prepared a proposed form of Consent Judgment resolving all aspects and issues in the case. It is my understanding that Plaintiffs will now have Kieft Engineering prepare a final Plan for attachment to the proposed Judgment. The new Plan must include the designations and inclusions specified in the proposed Judgment, including: — Designation of existing parking area. — Designation of -second parking area. — Designation of third parking area. — Designation of existing driveway. Specification of the manner in which the existing driveway will be expanded in the event Plaintiffs proceed with proposed addition number 2. — Designation of driveway number 2. — A description of the uses for each building, including the growing areas and sales office. 55 KOF. SECREs T, WARDLE, LYNCH. Stuart B. Cooney, Esq. CLARK AND HAMPTON August 31, 1992 Page Two I am concurrently transmitting a copy of the enclosed draft of settlement to Dennis Ritter, Supervisor, and to Co -counsel. If any modifications are required as a result of review by them, I will advise you as quickly as possible, Once you have had an opportunity to review the enclosed with your clients, please contact me for further processing of this matter at your earliest convenience. Best regards, Yours very truly, Gerald A, Fisher GAF/kms Enclosure cc: Dennis Ritter, Supervisor James Schafer, Planner Sean P. Fitzgerald, Esq, 56 ...... ...:..... EXHIBIT B KOHL, SECREST, WARDLE, LYNCH. CLARK AND HAMPTON COL) N.S E L_ORS AT LAW 30903 NORTHWESTERN HIGHWAY P-O, ROX 3040 FARMING70N HILLS, MICHIGAN 48333-3040 GERALD A, FISHER TF-L.£PHONE (313) 851.9600 TELEFACMI MILE (373) 681-PI56 February 27, 1992 Ed Fisch, Planning Director Charter Township of Waterford 5200 Civic Center Drive Waterford, MI 48329 RE: Ernst v Waterford Township, et al Dear Ed: 04 MACOMB PLACE Rif. CL_tA ENS. MY a60a3-7703 (313}465-7i60 TELEFACSIMILE(3E3)4G5-DG73 7335 WESTSHIRE DR„ SUITE 103 LANSING, Mt ABS$7-9764 (517) 527-1301 TELEFACSIMILE (5t7) 627•I8B7 500A TRUST BUILDING 40 PEARL STREET, N.W. GRAND RAPIDS, HI 49.9033009 (616) 4-9-9648 TELEFACSIMILE)616).515-1490 As part of my preparations in the referenced case, it occurred to me that Mr. and Mrs, Ernst had previously engaged in negotiations (and possibly court proceedings) relating to a conveyance of a portion of their property to Oakland County Parks & Recreation. It would be extremely insightful to know whether Mr, and Mrs. Ernst claimed in negotiations for such conveyance that they should, be compensated for the loss of the right to have the very greenhouses they have now constructed. In other words, if Mr. -and Mrs, Ernst have been paid for giving up the right to have the greenhouses, such payment would be relevant to the currently pending litigation, Accordingly, at your very earliest convenience, I would appreciate your making contact with Oakland County Parks & Recreation for the purpose of determining whether we can obtain access to the file (or files) in connection with the sale and purchase of the Ernst property to Oakland County Parks & Recreation. r_ Best regards. truly, Fisher GAF/jes cc; Dennis M. Ritter, Supervisor 19092 PI - NING CO1l Mlhh sjtl f 57 EXHIBIT B MEMO: April 8, 1993 TO: Ken Delbridge, Building Director FROM: Jim Schafer, Ass't. Planning Director RE: Ernst Greenhouse Expansion This office received site plans for two proposed 201 x 48' greenhouses at the above -referenced site on 4-7-93. In accordance with the consent judgement (#39) on the site, we are assessing fees and will conduct a modified administrative site plan .review. When this review is complete we will notify you of approval for issuance of permits. If you have any questions please give me a call. JTSlgd cc: Dennis M. Ritter, Supervisor Ed Fisch, Planning Director Jerry 5chon4, Building Department File 58 EXHIBIT B MEMO: April 14, 1993 TO: Ken Delbridge, Building Director FROM: aim Schafer, Ass't. Planning Director RE: Ernst Greenhouse Expansion Attached is an approved copy of the site plan for two (2) 20' x 48' greenhouses at 1580 Scott Lake Rd. The plan has been reviewed under the provisions of Consent Judgement #39 (Ernst v. Waterford) and is in accordance with those provisions. If you have any questions please let me know. JTS/gd cc: Dennis M. Ritter, Supervisor Mike Ashley, Engineering Department Ed Fisch, Planning Director Gerald Fisher, Township Attorney Ernst, Applicant 59 EXHIBIT B WARDLEf LYNCH, HAMPTONf 94 Macomb PlaceSECREST, Iv1t, Clemns,MI 4804 5651 TRUEX AND MORLEY Fax(81 0)4660673 GARY L. DOVRE Counselors at Law 7335 WestsNre Dr., Suite 103 DIRECT DIAL. (248) 539-2817 30903 Northwestern Highway Lansing, MI 48917-9764 P.O. Box 3040 (517) 627-1881 Fax (517) 627-1887 Farmington Hills, Michigan 48333-3040 833 Kenmoor Drive, S.E. Grand Rapids, MI 49546,2373 Telephone (248) 851-9500 (616) 28"14-3 Fax (616) 285-0145 Fax (248) 851-2158 2904 Cherry Hills Drive P.O. Box 11258 August 4, 1999 Champaign, IL 61821-1258 (217)398-9034 (217)398-9036 Mr. Larry Lockwood Planning Department Charter Township of Waterford 5200 Civic Center Drive Waterford, MI 48329-3773 Re: Ernst Consent Judgment Dear Larry: From our July 7, 1999 discussion, it is my understanding that Mr. Ernst wants the Township to approve construction of part of "addition number 2" under paragraph 6.(b) of the Consent Judgment, without complying with subparagraph (1)-(4) of that provision. Although the meeting Mr. Ernst subsequently requested may be appropriate down the road, the game plan we suggested July 7th remains our recommendation. That was: 1. Have Mr. Ernst present a plan showing exactly what he wants to do now, and in the future. 2. Have Mr. Ernst give us his position (in writing) as to closing of the north driveway and making the south driveway a permanent, two-way drive- 3. The property should be in full compliance with the existing Consent Judgment. We are referencing the landscaping deficiencies you mentioned. 4. The Road Commission should be contacted to determine their position regarding the driveway issues. Very truly yo , i . GAR AR? GLD/lk e � t) 5 i9gq CC: Gerald A. Fisher, Esq. TAHampton.Flsher16316.B2MIGLD.LOCKWOOD LTR 990804150147.doc 60 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Katherine G. Innes, Supervisor Betty Fortino, Clerk Dee A. Minton, Treasurer Todd T. Birkle, Trustee Paul E. Deni, Trustee Bette O'Shea, Trustee Jean A. Scott, Trustee July 18, 1997 A CHARTER TOWNSBIP 5200 Civic Center Drive Waterford, Michigan 48329-3773 Telephone: (248) 674-6255 • Fax: (248) 674-4097 Gerald A. Fisher Kohl, Secrest, Wardle, Lynch, Clark and Hampton 30903 Northwestern Highway Farmington Hills, MI.48333-0040 1t d. 0-' PLANNING DEPARTMENT Edward J_ FiscB, Jr., AMP, PCP Director RE: Request by Eric Ernst to modify Consent Judgment #91-422171-CZ Dear Gerry: I have met with Eric Emst who owns the Ernst Greenhouses on Scott Lake Rd., north of VVatkins Lake Rd. Mr. Ernst has two (2) concerns. The Consent Judgment in 6b requires that the second driveway be abandoned and removed upon completion of Addition No. 2. Since the consent judgment was entered, two (2) traffic lights have been installed on Scott Lake Rd, at both intersections of Watkins Lake Rd. This now places the northerly drive, which was to be exclusively for ingress and egress, in a position not conducive to safe ingress and egress. In that regard, the secondary drive as referenced in the consent judgment makes more sense to service the greenhouse facilities. Mr. Ernst requests that the consent judgment be amended to exclude the reference of this section to allow this secondary drive to act as a primary drive during his operation period from May 1st to June 10th. We are in accord with this request. 2. The plan specifies Addition No, 2 within a 48' x 82' rectangle (3,936 sq. ft.), Mr. Ernst explained the physical difficulties in attaching a building to the existing greenhouses as shown on the plan and would prefer a freestanding greenhouse of 60' x 80' in this location as an amendment to the plan. We have no objections to this request. Continued.... 61 EXHIBIT B Page 2 of 2 Please review and prepare, if appropriate, the amendments to the consent judgment so that it may be brought to the Township Board. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, Edward J. Fisch, Jr., AICP, PCP Planning Director EJF/kml pc: Katherine Innes, Twp, Supervisor Eric Ernst File 62 EXHIBIT B lk9ER 1321 ' 8,82 STATE OF MICHIGAN IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF OAKLAND 3 ERIC M. ERNST and DIANE ERNST, husband and wife, Plaintiffs, —vs— RECEIM FOR FILING OAKLAND ?'ii�,, lrl_EPK WATERFORD TOWNSHIP, a Michigan Chartered Township, and EDWARD J. FISH, JR. , Waterfor�Z��$ P Township Director of Planning, $'Y __ Defendants . DENITY COON Y f HI Case No. 91-422171-CZ Han. Barry Howard 13#52 RCG41EIEBE PH- STUART 3 . GOONEY (P25900) D�3O DEC, B' y 114:22 PM a a Attorney for Plaintiffs :3651 NISC �3.EiU i i GERALD A. FISHER (P 13462) Attorney for Defendants Y 30903 Northwestern Highway E19 F`Efr' 1 lEt=- T FAIN P.O. Box 3040 T, 1.301f1. 77��EE-2- L92 04-Z6PM Farmington Hills, MI 48333-3040 3AA RMT FEE 2.00 i (313) 851--9500 J AFFIDAVIT GIVING NOTICE OF CONSENT JUDGMENT W W w STATE OF MICHIGAN) '" )ss. o COUNTY OF OAKLAND) le GERALD A. FISHER, being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is of suitable age and discretion to make this affidavit, ! and as legal counsel on behalf of the Charter Township of Katerford, states that, on December 15, 1992, a certain Consent Judgment was entered in Oakland County Circuit CGurt Case No. 91-422171-CZ relative to property situated in the Township of Waterford, County of Oakland, State of Michigan, known as Parcel No. 13-13-300-195, cotzunonly known as 1580 Scott bake Road, T OK m G.K. 'k i I L 63 EXHIBIT B LIM 13213 883 Waterford Township, Oakland County, Michigan, and being more specifically described on the attached and incorporated exhibit. In order to obtain an understanding of the purpose, intent and terms of the Consent Judgment, it shall be necessary to review such Judgment, which is on file with the Circuit Court Clerk's office. The Judgment establishes certain authorizations and limitations with regard to the use of the property for the purpose of growing { flowers and plants, and for retail sale of such flower and plant materials grown on the property. I x a z WATERFORD f CHARYL;A Z f BY:aFISHER, Attorney a J U ' crihed and sworn to before e t is " day of. r 1992 , Not 'r'y Puh fi c F Oa. land Count Michigan My Commission Expires: 4/12/95 La J 0 DRAFTED BY AND AFTER RECORD RETURN TO: GERALD A. FISHER, ESQ. 30903 Northwestern Highway P. 0. Box 3040 Farmington Hills, MI 48333-3040 STATE OF MtCyl^AN �. SS.. COUN i `f 01 CAKLi�*"D LYNN. D. AL_LEN, County 'Clerk fof t ie ;?mnty 'rof balidand, Clark of ithe Cirr+ait Court thereof, the some being a Qourt ox ; Boor d apd 'having a 'Skal, hereby Cert'tiy t, ie'! the attacl ed IS "I' true copy. In Te6hrrioey vvlfc reof, , I htmre herewito set my hand aad. placed 1 e Seal of said Cou:t this � 2 j I 'f, r^ A-.)E- ,j Clerk -Register of Deeds Deputy Cleric , -2- 64 GAKLAND COUNTYPARKS PLANNING AND RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT PLANNING REVIEW Addison Oaks Kitchen Storage Facility Updated: April 21, 2015: Page 2 of 5 Public Engagement In the 2010 Community -Wide Survey, 10% of respondents indicated they had used "Golf Clubhouses/Conference Centers" in the past 12 months. 6% responded that "Golf Clubhouses/Conference Centers" were among the three types of recreation facilities they used most often. (Leisure Vision (ETC), 2010) Drive -Time Service Area Not applicable Visitor Trends The following annual visitor numbers to Addison Oaks Conference Center were reported by the staff of Oak Management: FY2012 — 29,635 FY2013 — 30,937 FY2014 — 26,777 The table below shows the month to month visitor numbers for FY2012 through FY2014 for Addison Oaks Conference Center: 5,000 4,000 3,000 �FY2012 2,000 �— FY2013 1,000- sY , FY2014 Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Market Analysis Market analysis has not been completed Facility Standards Conference Center facility standards have not been completed Facility Plans — Food and Beverage Analysis Scope of Project Profitable Food Facilities (PFF) sent representatives to 14 different facilities that are managed by the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission in order to evaluate their Food and Beverage (F&B) operations. Based on the findings of the on -site analysis, PFF created a list of recommendations that aim to help these facilities comprehend the issues that they are facing and seek to improve the general status of their F&B operations. (Profitable Food Facilities, October 2013, p. 3) 65 EXHIBIT B PROPERTY DESCRIPTIOA1 99- $Q The property which is the subject of the Consent Judgment in Case No. 91-422171-CZ is situated in the Township of Waterford, County of Oakland, State of Michigan, described as: 01 T3N . R9E _ SEC 13 02 S 15 ACRES-C'F VI 1 f2 OF 03 SW 1 r 4. EXC IN! 75 FT OF 04 W 183 FT, ALSO EXC 05 iW 60 FT TAKEN FOR ROAD. 06 ALSO EXC BEG' AT !'T DIST 07 S 89- 55-12 F 5 5,1 . 79 FT 08 FROM SW SEC COR . z 09 TH N 00-02-42 W 495.00 FT. a .10 TH S 89-55-L2 1 734.0�4 FT, i 11. TH " 00-03--45 W 495,00 FT. 12' TH N 89- 55-1.2 W7i 3. 11 FT < 13 Y TO BERG 5.20 A SK J V I V Z J 41 J O G d J x Q 66 EXHIBIT B 67 EXHIBIT B ERROR: undefined OFFENDING COMMAND: STACK: 68 EXHIBIT C INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS During this License, the Licensee shall provide and maintain, at its own expense, all insurance as set forth and marked below. The insurance shall be written for not less than any minimum coverage herein specified. Primary Coverages. Commercial General Liability Occurrence Form including: (a) Premises and Operations; (b) Products and Completed Operations (including On and Off Premises Coverage); (c) Personal and Advertising Injury; (d) Broad Form Property Damage; (e) Independent Contractors; (f) Broad Form Contractual including coverage for obligations assumed in this Contract; $1,000,000 — Each Occurrence Limit $1,000,000 — Personal & Advertising Injury $2,000,000 — Products & Completed Operations Aggregate Limit $2,000,000 — General Aggregate Limit $ 300,000 —Damage to Premises Rented to You (formally known as Fire Legal Liability) Workers' Compensation Insurance with limits statutorily required by any applicable Federal or State Law and Employers Liability insurance with limits of no less than $500,000 each accident, $500,000 disease each employee, and $500,000 disease policy limit. 1. ❑ Fully Insured or State approved self -insurer. 2. ❑ Sole Proprietors must submit a signed Sole Proprietor form. 3. ❑ Exempt entities, Partnerships, LLC, etc., must submit a State of Michigan form WC-337 Certificate of Exemption. Commercial Automobile Liability Insurance covering bodily injury or property damage arising out of the use of any owned, hired, or non -owned automobile with a combined single limit of $1,000,000 each accident. This requirement is waived if there are no company owned, hued or non -owned automobiles utilized in the performance of this License. Commercial Umbrella/Excess Liability Insurance with minimum limits of $2,000,000 each occurrence. Umbrella or Excess Liability coverage shall be no less than following form of primary coverages or broader. This Umbrella/Excess requirement may be met by increasing the primary Commercial General Liability limits to meet the combined limit requirement. Supplemental Coverages —As Needed ❑ Professional Liability/Errors & Omissions Insurance (Consultants, Technology Vendors, Architects, Engineers, Real. Estate Agents, Insurance Agents, Attorneys, etc.) with minimum limits of $1,000,000 per claim and $1,000,000 aggregate. 2. © Commercial Property Insurance. The Licensee shall be responsible for obtaining and maintaining insurance covering their equipment and personal property against all physical damage. Page 1 of 3 69 3. ❑ Liquor Legal Liability Insurance with a limit of $1,000,000 each occurrence shall be required when liquor is served and/or present. 4. ❑ Pollution Liability Insurance with minimum limits of $1,000,000 per claim and $1,000,000 aggregate when cleanup & debris removal are part of the services utilized. 5. ❑ Medical Malpractice Insurance with minimum limits of $1,000,000 per claim and $1,000,000 aggregate. 6. ❑ Garage Keepers Liability Insurance with minimum limits of $1,000,000 per claim and $1,000,000 aggregate. 7. ❑ Cyber Liability Insurance with minimum limits of $1,000,000 per claim and $1,000,000 aggregate. 8. ❑ Other Insurance Coverages as maybe dictated by the provided product/service and deemed appropriate by the County Risk Management Department. a) Pesticide/Herbicide Applicators Liability with minimum limits of $1,000,000 per claim/occurrence. General Insurance Conditions The aforementioned insurance shall be endorsed, as applicable, and shall contain the following terms, conditions, and/or endorsements. All certificates of insurance shall provide evidence of compliance with all required terms, conditions and/or endorsements. 1. All policies of insurance shall be on a primary, non-contributory basis with any other insurance or self-insurance carried by the County; 2. The insurance company(s) issuing the policy(s) shall have no recourse against the County for subrogation (policy endorsed written waiver), premiums, deductibles, or assessments under any form. All policies shall be endorsed to provide a written waiver of subrogation in favor of the County; 3. Any and all deductibles or self -insured retentions shall be assumed by and be at the sole risk of the Licensee; 4. Licensee shall be responsible for their own property insurance for all equipment and personal property used and/or stored on the Property; The Commercial General Liability and Commercial Automobile Liability policies along with any required supplemental coverages shall be endorsed to name the "County of Oakland and it officers, directors, employees, appointees and commissioners" as additional insured where permitted by law and policy form; 6. Licensee shall require its contractors or sub -contractors, not protected under Licensee's insurance policies, to procure and maintain insurance with coverages, limits, provisions, and/or clauses equal to those required herein; Page 2 of 3 70 7. Certificates of insurance must be provided no less than ten (10) Business Days prior to the County's execution of this License and must bear evidence of all required terms, conditions and endorsements; and 8. All insurance carriers must be licensed and approved to do business in the State of Michigan and shall have and maintain a minimum A.M. Best's rating of A- unless otherwise approved by the County Risk Management Department. Revised September 29, 2014 Page 3 of 3 71 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA MAY 1212015 AGENDA ITEM NO. 9 B FACILITIES MAINTENANCE & DEVELOPMENT To: Chairman Fisher and Commission Members From: Daniel J. Stencil, Executive Officer Michael J. Donnellon, Jr., Chief of Park Facilities Maintenance & Development Jennifer Myers, Architectural Engineer II Submitted: April 21, 2015 Subject: CONSTRUCTION — Addison Oaks -- (1) Kitchen Storage Facility EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. The Addison Oaks Conference Center is jointly licensed by the Michigan Liquor Control Commission (MLCC) to Oakland County and Oaks Management. One of the requirements of this license is to provide separate storage for alcohol, which is not conveniently available at the facility. In addition, alcohol is currently stored in a cooler with food items which creates issues with space and security. A walk-in cooler is proposed to be located on the exterior of the building with access from inside to address these concerns 2. $30,256.43 3. A contingency of 10% is included. 4. The funding for this project will be within the approved FY2015 Capital Improvement Program Management plan due to postponement of lower priority capital projects. PLANNING OVERVIEW 1, Refer to planning review (attached) for detailed planning information relative to this project 1. Capital/Maintenance Management Plan (FY2013 & 2014) Fiscal Year Kitchen Storage Notes Facility Design 2015 $13,000 Design only 2016 $66,000 Construction, unfunded forecast a) Initial budget history: b) This project is budgeted for design only in FY2015, with construction forecasted for FY2016. The design has been simplified to allow for: 1. A lower total project investment 2, Expedited design and construction in FY2015. PROJECT OVERVIEW Kitchen Storage Facility (Need): Design & construction purpose: a) The Addison Oaks Conference Center is jointly licensed by the MLCC to Oakland County and Oaks Management as of the summer of 2014. One of the requirements of this license is to provide separate storage for alcohol, which is not currently conveniently available at the facility. Alcohol is currently stored in a shared cooler with food items, allowing access to the alcohol to a larger audience than necessary, creating security concerns. In addition, the facility needs more room for both food and liquor storage. A masonry building addition, similar to the existing structure was originally budgeted for design in FY2015 and construction in FY2016. However, upon researching the design staff began to realize that there was a potential to save on both the investment of time and money by locating a cooler unit outside the facility with inside access, while still effectively meeting the needs of the project. 72 Page 2 2. Design & construction considerations: a) Staff will use in-house design and construction for this project when possible. b) Annual contracts will be used as necessary for design and construction. c) The walk-in cooler and equipment will be publicly bid. 3. Design program elements: a) Concrete pad: 240 sf b) Walk-in cooler: 130 sf c) Frame opening in existing building d) Electrical connections 1. Walk-in cooler 2. Associated equipment e) Equipment and pad protection f) Modify existing gravel maintenance drive g) Site restoration 2. Design/Engineering Consultants & Contractors 1. Prime design consultants a) Architectural: In-house b) Electrical: Berbiglia Associates 2. Contractors: a) Architectural/Site: In-house trades b) Electrical: Annual contract, to be bid c) Equipment: To be publicly bid 3. Previous discussions/agenda dates 1, Included in budget review process as an active or pending project since FY2015 4. Funding considerations 1, FY2015 Capital improvement project, design 5. Project Timeline: 1. Construction bidding & procurement March 2015 2. Construction award May 2015 3. Construction start June 2015 a) Work will be coordinated with operations to minimalize disruption b) Facility is open year-round 4. Construction end June 2015 6. Fiscal Considerations: 1. Refer to the planning review (attached) for revenue, expense and operational information. 2. Anticipated annual depreciation: a) Total Project costs: $33,800 conceptual estimate b) Kitchen Storage Facility, 10 years, $3,380 3. Life -cycle of facility: a) Kitchen Storage Facility 15 years PROCUREMENT INFORMATION 1. Bid documents were released by Oakland County Purchasing on March 24, 2015 that included the following: 1. Walk-in cooler $20,756,43 a) Procurement and installation of walk-in cooler 2. Bid documents were released by OCPR to annual contracts that included the following: 1. Electrical $2,400 a) Electrical materials and modifications — at this time bids have not been received and the conceptual development budget number is being submitted 3. Additional materials will be procured and work will be completed by OCPR staff as indicated above a) In-house work $2,400 4. Total equipment and construction costs: $25,556.43 73 Page 3 5. Walk-in cooler bidding information: 1. Bid opening: a) Number of vendors who bid: 2. Number of invited vendors: ATTACHMENTS 1. Attachment A — Planning Review 2. Attachment B — Proposed Floor Plan 3. Attachment C — Proposed Equipment STAFF RECOMMENDATION April 13, 2015 4 Public Staff recommends proceeding with construction of the walk-in storage facility at Addison Oaks Conference Center for a total project cost of $30,256.43. MOTION Move to approve the construction of the walk-in storage facility at Addison Oaks Conference Center for a total project cost of $30,256.43, as follows: Design: $ 1,900.00 Equipment: $ 20,756.43 Construction: $ 4,800.00 10% Contingency: $ 2,800.00 Total project costs: $ 30,256.43 74 GAKLAND COUNTYPARKS PLANNING AND RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT PLANNING REVIEW Addison Oaks Kitchen Storage Facility Updated: April 21, 2015: Page 1 of 5 The Planning Review is an overview of planning documents and demographic trends related to projects identified by OCPR's Capital Improvement Management Plan and 10-Year Forecast document. The intent is to inform the proposed project in a way that will improve outcomes and provide critical information to the Parks Commission regarding the project's relevance to the goals and objectives of OCPR. Budget Center ACC —Addison Oaks Conference Center Management Plan Scope FY2015: FY2015: A 9' x 16' walk-in cooler and associated equipment will be placed on a 10' x 24' poured concrete pad on the north side of building. Two openings will be made in the building: one doorway for staff to access walk- in cooler and one smaller opening to run electrical from inside building to cooler. The outside of cooler will be embossed metal panels and a membrane (EPDM) roof to match the existing building. The maintenance drive will need to be evaluated and measures taken, such as bollards, to ensure separation of vehicles from cooler and pad. The purpose of this improvement is to comply with Michigan Liquor Control Commission Code' requiring separate storage of liquor. FY2016: Construction (OCPRC, Sept 2014, p. 52) Budget Forecast ■ FY2015: $13,000 (OCPRC, Sept 2014, p. 13) ■ FY2016: $66,000 (OCPRC, Sept 2014, p. 52) Strategic Plan 1.2.2 Recreation Facilities Vision: Develop and maintain year round recreation facilities that support passive and active recreation pursuits for people of all ages (PROS Consulting, April 2008, p. 3) Recreation Facilities Goal: Upgrade existing recreation facilities and add additional recreation facilities and amenities that energize the community to want to live, work, and play in Oakland County (PROS Consulting, April 2008, p. 4) Recreation Plan Objective 2.2: Planned Capital Improvement and Major Maintenance Projects — Implement capital improvement and major maintenance projects that have been identified in the park master planning process or in capital project/major maintenance forecasts and pursuant to the results of the facility planning process (OCPRC, February 2013, p. 13) Park Master Planning The Addison Oaks park master plan is under development. ' httn://www.michigan.gov/documents/dleg/MLCC Code and Rules 343265 7.pdf 75 GAKLAND COUNTYPARKS PLANNING AND RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT PLANNING REVIEW Addison Oaks Kitchen Storage Facility Updated: April 21, 2015: Page 3 of 5 Addison Oaks / Design: ■ Current Challenges: The kitchen is showing its age and is in need of a remodel. If the facility reaches full capacity, the kitchen will be unable to handle the demand ■ Recommendation: Recommend planning for a more efficient kitchen to be designed; one that includes more energy efficient systems (Profitable Food Facilities, October 2013, pp. 30-31) Accessibility The 2006 Accessibility Assessment was conducted by a consultant team in 2005-06 to inventory, analyze, develop options, and estimate costs for the needs of ... Oakland County Parks and Recreation Parks in regard to the specific requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. (Executive Summary) 2006 Accessibility Assessment Report Findings: The 2006 Accessibility Assessment does not comment on the existing walk-in coolers other than to state that the ramp connecting the kitchen to the cooler area is steeper than ADA requirements for public facilities. (Straub, Pettitt, Yaste; Becket & Raeder; Michigan Protection & Advocacy Service, April 2006) Additional Accessibility Recommendations The kitchen and walk-in cooler areas are not open to the public; therefore, ADA requirements for public facilities do not apply. However, reasonable measures taken at the time of construction/installation to increase accessibility are usually less expensive than attempting to retrofit facilities later on. The need for accessibility could arise if a person with a disability becomes employed in the future or if an existing employee becomes temporarily physically disabled, but otherwise still able to perform his or her duties. Service Portfolio The Addison Oaks Kitchen Storage Facility project may support the following three (3) service categories identified in the OCPRC Service Portfolio with the associated primary Beneficiary of Service and Target Tier Minimum Cost Recovery Goals; Category of Service Concession/Vending/Banquet Rentals/Exclusive Use - Private/Non-Profit Long Term Leases (GreenPlay LLC, June 2014, pp. 41-48) Service Assessment Cost Recovery Beneficiary of Service Target Tier Pyramid Tier Minimum Tier 5 Mostly Individual Benefit 150% Tier 5 Mostly Individual Benefit 150% Tier 5 Mostly Individual Benefit 150% Calculated provision strategies for the following services potentially supported by the Addison Oaks Kitchen Storage Facility range from Advance Market Position to Affirm Market Position. Through the Service Assessment conducted during the OCPRC Service Portfolio Project each of these services were indicated to be a good organizational fit and identified OCPRC as having a strong market position to provide these services. Each of these services were also identified as economically viable due to the high degree each service is currently or potentially attractive as an investment of resources by OCPRC. 76 GAKLAND COUNTYPARKS PLANNING AND RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT Financial Service Fit Capacity Concession/Vending/Banquet Good High Rentals/Exclusive Use-Private/Non-Profit Good High Long Term Leases Good High (GreenPlay LLC, June 2014, pp. 41-48) PLANNING REVIEW Addison Oaks Kitchen Storage Facility Updated: April 21, 2015: Page 4 of 5 Market Alternative Position Coverage Provision Strategy Advance Strong Low Market Position Advance Strong Low Market Position Affirm Strong High Market Position Operational Considerations The purpose of this project is compliance with regulatory requirements. Certain increases in efficiency due to improvements in kitchen storage may also be expected. Impacts on operational revenue and expense are not anticipated. Agreements and Restrictions Not applicable Other Planning Implementation of projects identified in the Capital Improvement and Maintenance Management Plans may also require approvals on the federal and/or state level and may be subject to site plan and other review by local Boards and Commissions. Careful review of zoning, environmental, and other regulations is an important aspect of the design process. Costs for permitting and review will be anticipated in project budgets. References GreenPlay LLC. (June 2014). Service Portfolio Project. Waterford, Michigan: Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. Leisure Vision (ETC). (2010). Community Survey Final Report. Waterford, MI: Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. OCPRC (5). (February 2013). Chapter 5. Recreational Resources. In Five -Year Parks and Recreation Master Plan, Waterford, Michigan: Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. OCPRC (9). (February 2013). Chapter 9: Strategic Action Plan. In Five -Year Parks and Recreation Master Plan. Waterford, Michigan: Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. OCPRC. (February 2013). Chapter 9: Strategic Action Plan. In Five -Year Parks and Recreation Master Plan. Waterford, Michigan: Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. OCPRC. (Sept 2014). FY2015-2025 Capital Improvement Management Plan. Waterford, Michigan: Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. Profitable Food Facilities. (October 2013). Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Food & Beverage Analysis. Waterford, Michigan: Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. 77 GAKLANDC®UNTYPARKS PLANNING REVIEW PLANNING AND RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT Addison Oaks Kitchen Storage Facility Updated: April 21, 2015: Page 5 of 5 PROS Consulting. (April 2008). Oakland County Parks Strategic Plan Summary Report. Waterford, Michigan: Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. Straub, Pettitt, Yaste; Becket & Raeder; Michigan Protection & Advocacy Service. (April 2006). Oakland County Parks and Recreation Americans with Disabiliities Act (ADA) Assessmesnt and Master Plan. Waterford, Michigan: Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. 78 r _ ---- - - PROPOSED KITCHEN STORAGE FACILITY - R LOCATION PLAN ADDISON OAKS 2013 KITCHEN STORAGE FACILITY , J,FKLANr, P1►��'1� t��1�9 w�reva+axwwwkae pal teaxwo�urprs,aa..tc�.e V to a X 00 00 J�" - [ DAIS sr o�noliGREAT LAKES HOTELKolpak SUPPLY/�IEONARD,MI 48367 USA `. ADDISONOAKSDRAWING #: A048633R3 W BANQUET UNIT#: 001 C FACIT ITY ORDER #: 060ARt111041DlM%ORIr/ � , I I �'►�� OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA MAY 12, 2015 AGENDA ITEM NO. 9 C FACILITIES MAINTENANCE & DEVELOPMENT To: Chairman Fisher and Commission Members From: Daniel J. Stencil, Executive Officer Michael J. Donnellon, Jr., Chief of Park Facilities Maintenance & Development Melissa Prowse, Supervisor of Planning Submitted: April 14, 2015 Subject: GENERAL APPROVAL— FY2015 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Transition Program — (1) Budget Adjustment EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. Amend the Maintenance & Operations Budget to remove $340,000 of the approved FY2015 ADA Transition Program funds ($350,000), add $258,140 to a FY2015 ADA Transition Capital Improvement Program (CIP) fund and $36,000 to a FY2015 ADA Capital Equipment Fund, for a total of $294,140. 2. $45,860 less than previously approved. 3. No contingency required 4. Motion to amend the FY2015 MaintenancelOperations and Capital Budgets. PLANNING OVERVIEW 1. Refer to planning review (Attachment A) for detailed planning information relative to the program 1. Capital/Maintenance Management Plan (FY2015 — FY2026) a) Initial budget history: Fiscal Year Project Notes 12015 1 $350,000 Began the program under Maintenance & Operations. PROGRAM OVERVIEW 1. FY2015 ADA Transition Program (Need): 1, Purpose: a) Upon review of the recommended Department of Justice's priorities for ADA improvements (see attached planning review for additional information), focus of this program was changed from the replacement of various park -wide building fixture items such as touchless faucets, countertops, partitions to addressing site improvements for delineated accessible parking, pedestrian routes, site pathways and railings to various facilities as listed in Attachment B 2. Considerations: a) A staff evaluation committee was established to review the previously completed Oakland County Parks and Recreation Americans with Disabilities Assessment and Master Plan (ADAAMP). (2006) and establish a list of improvements based on the Department of Justice's recommended priorities for ADA Improvements. b) The evaluation committee reviewed the previous ADAAMP for completed projects by individual park maintenance staff since the completion of the plan. c) $5,000 of the previously approved fund has been used to purchase accessible faucet handles for 161 campsites al Groveland Oaks Park. d) $5,000 of the previously approved funds will be used to extend the existing stainless steel ADA handrail into the existing Red Oaks Waterpark Wave Pool. 81 Page 2 3. Program Elements: a) (25) Paved Accessible vehicle parking spaces, including 7 van accessible spaces b) Approximately (3,700) linear feet of accessible pedestrian routes/pathways. c) Approximately (410) linear feet of accessible handrails. d) 2 Accessible Hay Wagons e) 4 Accessible Beach Wheel Chairs (2 Adult, 2 Child -sized) 2. Design/Engineering Consultants & Construction Managers 1. Evaluation Committee Members: 1. Linda Hegstrom 2. Melissa Prowse 3. Jennifer Myers 4. Sandy Dorey 2. Prime design consultants - ADAAMP (2006) Completed by Straub Pettitt Yaste; Becket & Raeder; and Michigan Protection and Advocacy Service, Inc. 3. Annual Consultants/Contractors a) Independence Oaks -Twin Chimney's Accessibility Site Improvement (Design Only) 1. Civil Engineering - Giffles-Webster Engineers 2. Architectural - Steven Auger & Associates b) Bush Brother's Asphalt Paving, Farmington Hills, Michigan c) Nationwide Fence, Inc., Chesterfield, Michigan 3. Previous discussionslagenda dates 1. Included in Budget Review Process - FY2015 CIP/Maintenance Management Plan & 10yr Forecast, 4. Funding considerations 1. As of 3-24-15 and based on previous capital project approvals and projects that have been placed on hold, the balance of the Approved FY2015 Capital Improvement Program Management Plan ($6,674,335) is $1,510,968. 5. Project Timeline: 1. Construction bidding & procurement May 2015 a) Design proposals received March 2015 2. Construction award June 2015 3. Construction start June 2015 4. Construction end September 2015 6. Fiscal Considerations: 1. Refer to the planning review (attached) for revenue, expense and operational information. 2. Anticipated annual depreciation: a) Total Project costs: $294,140 b) Depreciation for Site Improvements, 15 years c) Estimated Annual Depreciation: $19,610 3. Life -cycle of facility: a) Paving 15-20 years b) Railings 20-25 years ATTACHMENTS 1. Attachment A - Planning Review 2. Attachment B - FY 2015 Barrier Free Removal Project List 3. Attachment C - Addison Oaks Adams Lake/Concession - Accessible Routes & Parking Map 4. Attachment D - Groveland Oaks Campground Recreation Pavilion -Accessible Routes & Parking Map 5. Attachment E - Independence Oaks Boat House - Accessible Routes & Parking Map 6. Attachment F - Independence Oaks Hidden Spring Beach - Accessible Routes & Parking Map 7. Attachment G - Independence Oaks North -Accessible Routes & Parking Map 8. Attachment H - Independence Oaks Twin Chimney's -Accessible Routes & Parking (Design Only) 9. Attachment I - Red Oaks Waterpark - Accessible Handrail Map. 10. Attachment J - Accessible Haywagon & Beach Chair Photos 82 Page 3 STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of a budget amendment of $294,140, from the approved FY2015 Maintenance & Operations Budget for the FY2015 ADA Transition Program. Staff further recommends approval to include $258,140 for the attached list of priority FY2015 ADA Transition projects within the Capital Improvement Program Budget. Staff further recommends approval to include $36,000 for the attached list of priority FY2015 ADA equipment within the Capital Equipment Fund. MOTION Move to approve an operating budget amendment transferring $294,140 from Facilities and Operations FY2015 ADA Transition Program to "Capital Reserve/Amount Available for Capital Improvement" account to accommodate FY2015 ADA Transitions Projects: Capital Improvement in the amount of $258,140 and Capital Equipment in the amount of $36,000. Parks and Recreation Fund (#50800) Operatine Budeet. Revenues: 5060666-160666-665882 Planned Use ofBaIance Expenses: 5090910-160430-730198 Building Maintenarice illustrative Unrestricted Net Position; Operating Reserve FY2015 Capital Equipment FY2015 Planned Use of Balance: Depreciation Operating 5ubsldy Total Planned Use of Fund Balance Active CIP Projects - Budgets. Capital Reserve/Amount Available for Capital Improvement and Capital Equipment Total Projects Closed in FY2015 Total Net Position - Unrestricted as of March 31, 2015 (Unaudited) FY2015 FY2015 Amended FY 2015 Revised Budget Amenrlmant Budget $ (4,356,359.00) $ 294,140.00 $ (4,062,219.00) $ 1,416,454.00 $ (294,140.00) $ 1,122,314.00 $ 5,750,000.00 $ - $ 5,750,000.00 $ 611,881.00 $ 36,000.00 $ 647,881.00 $ 3,408,400.00 $ - $ 3,408,400,00 $ 947,959.00 $ (294,140.00) $ 653,819.00 $ 4,356,359.00 $ (294,140.00) $ 4,062,219.00 $ 5,336,619.00 $ - $ 5,336,619.00 $ 6,409,269.00 $ 258,140.00 $ 6,667,409.00 $ 5,373,028,00 $ 5,373,028.00 $ 27,837,156.00 $ - $ 27,837,156.00 83 GAKLANDCOUNTYPARKS PLANNING REVIEW PLANNING AND RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT ADA Transition Program Updated: May 4, 2015: Page 1 of 6 The Planning Review is an overview of planning documents and demographic trends related to projects identified by OCPR's Capital Improvement Management Plan and 10-Year Forecast document. The intent is to inform the proposed project in a way that will improve outcomes and provide critical information to the Parks Commission regarding the project's relevance to the goals and objectives of OCPR. Budget Center Multiple Management Plan Scope Evaluation and 10-Year phased completion of various compliance projects identified in the 2006 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Americans with Disabilities (ADA)' Assessment and Master Plan. Cost of compliance of the 2006 plan was approximately $7 million. Staff is currently evaluating the 2006 plan and developing a detailed transition plan for each park based on the schedule of park master plan completion. Of the $7 million identified within the 2006 plan, some of the projects will be corrected during facility renovation projects. Therefore, only $3 million is forecasted over the 10-year time period. (OCPRC, Sept 2014, p. 95) (Straub, Pettitt, Yaste; Becket & Raeder; Michigan Protection & Advocacy Service, April 2006) Budget Forecast ■ FY2015 — $350,000 (OCPRC, Sept 2014, p. 95) Strategic Plan 1.2.2 Recreation Facilities Vision: Develop and maintain year round recreation facilities that support passive and active recreation pursuits for people of all ages (PROS Consulting, April 2008, p. 3) Recreation Facilities Goal: Upgrade existing recreation facilities and add additional recreation facilities and amenities that energize the community to want to live, work, and play in Oakland County (PROS Consulting, April 2008, p. 4) Recreation Facilities Strategies: #11— Establish an ADA compliance plan for parks and golf courses Recreation Plan Objective 2.2: Planned Capital Improvement and Major Maintenance Projects — Implement capital improvement and major maintenance projects that have been identified in the park master planning process or in capital project/major maintenance forecasts and pursuant to the results of the facility planning process (OCPRC (9), February 2013, p. 13) 1 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) is a law that was enacted by the U.S. Congress in 1990. The ADA is a wide-ranging civil rights law that prohibits discrimination based on disability. It affords similar protections against discrimination to Americans with disabilities as the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which made discrimination based on race, religion, sex, national origin, and other characteristics illegal. Disability is defined by the ADA as "a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity." The determination of whether any particular condition is considered a disability is made on a case by case basis. 84 GAKLANDCOUNTYPARKS PLANNING REVIEW PLANNING AND RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT ADATransition Program Updated: May 4, 2015: Page 2 of 6 Objective 2.4: Accessibility and Universal Design — Plan recreational facilities that are, to the greatest extent possible, usable by people of all abilities A. Conduct field assessments of all facilities built or modified since 2006 to assess compliance with 2010 Standards or Outdoor Developed Area Guidelines and update Accessibility Assessment spreadsheets G. Establish priorities and timeframes for correcting all deficiencies found in the Accessibility Assessment in collaboration with appropriate staff H. Develop procedures to implement the Accessibility Transition Plan in collaboration with appropriate staff (OCPRC (9), February 2013, p. 19) See pages 18-21 in Chapter 5 — Recreational Resources for more details on accessibility requirements, history of accessibility in the OCPR system, and current approach to resolve accessibility issues. Park Master Planning The park master planning process includes development of a park -specific transition plan for each park in the OCPR system. Public Engagement The 2010 Community -Wide Survey, did not address the need for accessible facilities (Leisure Vision (ETC), 2010). Development of an accessibility advisory group is underway per the Strategic Action Plan action: "Action 2.4.E: Obtain public input: Hold at least one meet with people with disabilities and disability organizations during the formulation of the Accessibility Transition Plan" (OCPRC (9), February 2013, p. 19). Drive -Time Service Area Not applicable Visitor Trends Not applicable Market Analysis Market analysis has not been completed. Currently 11% of Oakland County residents are reported to have some type of disability. With the retiring of the boomer generation and increased longevity, this number is likely to increase. 2 According to the U.S. Census Bureau, among the civilian non -institutionalized population in 2012 In Oakland County, 11 percent reported a disability. The likelihood of having a disability varied by age - from 4 percent of people under 18 years old, to 9 percent of people 18 to 64 years old, and to 32 percent of those 65 and over (US Dept of Commerce, 2012). 85 GAKLAND COUNTYPARKS PLANNING AND RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT Facility Standards See Accessibility Section below Accessibility PLANNING REVIEW ADATransition Program Updated: May 4, 2015: Page 3 of 6 Accessibility Assessment of Existing Facilities The Oakland County Parks and Recreation Americans with Disabilities (ADA)Assessment and Master Plan completed in 2006 (Straub, Pettitt, Yaste; Becket & Raeder; Michigan Protection & Advocacy Service, 2006) contains a list of all physical barriers within the parks that hinder their use by persons with disabilities. The assessment covered buildings, recreation facilities (play equipment, fishing piers, waterpark, etc.), and the parking lots, sidewalks, and other support facilities within the parks. In addition, the report included recommendations for best practices for operations, programs, and policies. The 2006 accessibility assessment report estimated that the removal of all physical barriers identified in the report would cost approximately $7 million (in 2006 dollars). However, this amount is not strictly reliable in 2015, for the following reasons: • Since the report was completed park staff have made some of the corrections, especially to door hardware and some parking lots and access routes; • Some facilities have been removed or replaced; • Some facilities that were accessible in 2006 are no longer accessible due to maintenance needs; • Two new parks have been added to the county park system (Highland Oaks and Catalpa Oaks) that were not assessed; • The report contained many barriers that affect staff only and not the public; and • The ADA does not require that all physical barriers identified in the report be corrected. While there is no "Grandfather Clause" for buildings and other structures that were built before standards were first adopted in 1991, not all pre-1991 structures always need to be modified. The emphasis of the ADA is that programs, services, and activities be provided equally to people with disabilities. The 2006 assessment report is not a transition plan, as defined and required by the ADA. Rather, it provides the information needed to develop a transition plan. A transition plan for Oakland County Parks and Recreation is in the process of being developed. To complete the transition plan, all parks are being revisited to note removals, modifications, and replacements of facilities since 2006. Campgrounds, beaches, picnic areas, trails, and shared pathways (which were not included in the 2006 report) are being assessed using Outdoor Developed Area Guidelines and proposed Accessibility Guidelines for Pedestrian Facilities in the Public Right of Way (PROWAG).3 Photos are also being taken of each identified accessibility issue included in the transition plan. Development of a Transition Plan The required contents of a transition plan are: 1) Identification of physical obstacles that limit accessibility to programs, services, and activities; 2) The method to be used to make the facilities accessible; 3) A schedule for making modifications; and 3 At this time, neither the Outdoor Developed Area Guidelines nor PROWAG has been adopted by the Department of Justice and are not strictly enforceable for local and state governments. However, proposed guidelines are usually considered the best available information for barrier removal and accessibility and can be (and have been) used in a court of law. 86 GAKLANDCOUNTYPARKS PLANNING REVIEW PLANNING AND RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT ADATransition Program Updated: May 4, 2015: Page 4 of 6 4) The name of the public official responsible for the implementation of the transition plan. Department of Justice Priority System The Department of Justice (DOJ) recognized that it is not always possible for local governments and businesses to quickly remove all physical barriers and have recommended the following priorities for barrier removal: 1. Approach and Entrance --parking lots, bus stops, exterior access routes, building entrances, etc. 2. Access to Goods and Services —service counters, seating areas, etc. 3. Toilet Facilities —including bathing facilities. 4. Additional Access --telephones, drinking fountains, and alarm systems. As written, this priority system applies primarily to buildings or other structures with one or a few entrances, but does not work well for open park areas with different types of recreation opportunities spread throughout the park. However, using the rationale behind their development, they can be modified to create a priority ranking for park and recreation facilities. Oakland County Parks Priority System For the outdoor park environments at Oakland County parks, a modified priority system is being developed for each park. OCPR Priority 1 The first priority identified by the DOJ, "Approach and Entrance," was defined as the contact stations, the larger day use parking lots within the parks, and the access routes from those parking lots to the primary facilities they serve. OCPR Priority 2 — 4 The second through fourth priorities address the recreational opportunities at the park. These were split into three tiers, based on the most desired recreation opportunities at each park. Tiers were determined using the results of the 2010 county -wide survey and recent public surveys at specific parks, when available. Individual park surveys are being carried out (beginning in 2013) as master plans are developed for each park. Unlike the DOJ recommendations, some restrooms are included with the recreation opportunity when they are required for participation. For example, the restrooms in the modern camping areas at Groveland and Addison Oaks Parks are given the same priority as the campgrounds (priority 2 for Tier A Recreational Facilities) because they support the recreation opportunity of modern camping, rather than a lower ranking as the DOJ suggests. It is not practical that someone could camp and not use the restroom. OCPR Priority 5 The fifth priority is defined as "Non -Essential Support Facility/Service." For example, the laundry facilities in restroom buildings at Addison Oaks and Groveland Oaks were assigned this priority ranking as they were considered a non -essential to the recreation opportunity. OCPR Priority 6 The sixth priority has been assigned to physical barriers in structures that have been identified in the master plan as needing further study as to their future use, renovation, replacement, or removal. OCPR Priority 7 The seventh priority refers to physical barriers noted in the 2006 report that would impede a park employee but not the general public. These issues are not addressed in this transition plan. 87 GAKLAND COUNTYPARKS PLANNING AND RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT Accessibility Project Selection PLANNING REVIEW ADATransition Program Updated: May 4, 2015: Page 5 of 6 In addition to the assigned priority ranking for each identified accessibility issue, other factors will also determine when specific physical barriers will be addressed. Both the Five -Year Parks and Recreation Master Plan and the individual park master plans are planning documents that address present and future parks needs and design. The Capital Improvement Program Management Plan (CIPMP) and the Maintenance Management Plan (MMP) provide lists of proposed maintenance, renovation, and new construction projects, along with tentative dates for their completion. It is the goal of Oakland County Parks to fully integrate the planning, scheduling, and execution of all park improvement projects, including the tasks identified in the transition plan. Oakland County Parks and Recreation has a certified ADA Coordinator (Linda Hegstrom) on staff to oversee this effort. There is no question that the integration of the transition plan with master planning and capital improvement/maintenance planning is key to actually completing the tasks identified in the transition plan. However, master planning is a time -intensive task as each park is individually scrutinized and plans developed for its improvement. Beginning in FY 2015, OCPRC has included in the annual budget a fund solely for barrier - removal projects. Therefore, using the 2006 assessment report, as well as completed transition plans for individual parks, priority 1 projects will be identified each year system -wide, beginning with the most popular parks and those in the most need of repair. As priority 1 projects are completed, lower priority projects will be placed on the annual barrier removal list. In conjunction with MMP and CIPMP projects, completion of the projects on the annual barrier removal list will eventually result in a park system that all people, regardless of ability, can visit and enjoy. Service Portfolio and Service Assessment Implementation of accessibility improvements is categorized as Inclusion Services within Tier 1— Mostly Community Benefit. Inclusion Services are defined thus: "Provides for universal accommodation and programs to any agency activity, park, and/or facility providing leisure opportunities to people with disabilities. Inclusion services area intended to comply with the Americans Disabilities Act (ADA federal mandate)." (GreenPlay LLC, June 2014, p. 88) Operational Considerations Operational considerations will be analyzed on a project -by -project basis Agreements and Restrictions Not Applicable Other Planning In addition to regulatory requirements (ADA) and Parks Commission approvals, implementation of projects identified in the Capital Improvement and Maintenance Management Plans may also require approvals on the federal and/or state level and may be subject to site plan and other review by local Boards and Commissions. Careful review of zoning, environmental, and other regulations is an important aspect of the design process. Costs for permitting and review will be anticipated in project budgets. References GreenPlay LLC. (June 2014). Service Portfolio Project. Waterford, Michigan: Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. 88 GAKLANDCOUNTYPARKS PLANNING REVIEW PLANNING AND RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT ADA Transition Program Updated: May 4, 2015: Page 6 of 6 Leisure Vision (ETC). (2010). Community Survey Final Report. Waterford, MI: Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. OCPRC (5). (February 2013). Chapter 5. Recreational Resources. In Five -Year Parks and Recreation Master Plan. Waterford, Michigan: Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. OCPRC (9). (February 2013). Chapter 9: Strategic Action Plan. In Five -Year Parks and Recreation Master Plan. Waterford, Michigan: Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. OCPRC. (Sept 2014). FY2015-2025 Capital Improvement Management Plan. Waterford, Michigan: Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. PROS Consulting. (April 2008). Oakland County Parks Strategic Plan Summary Report. Waterford, Michigan: Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. Straub, Pettitt, Yaste; Becket & Raeder; Michigan Protection & Advocacy Service. (April 2006). Oakland County Parks and Recreation Americans with Disabiliities Act (ADA) Assessment and Master Plan. Waterford, Michigan: Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. 89 Q�qrtA MWAMKLAND FY2015 Barrier Removal Projects COUNTYPARKS Attachment B Attach- Budget Park Area W ment CenterlD r Scope Construct at least 7 accessible parking spaces and access aisles. At least two spaces must be van accessible. Locate at C Adams Lake Beach and least two spaces (one van -accessible) near the access route to the fishing pier and Timber Ridge Picnic Area. Regrade and ADD Picnic Area rebuild non -compliant part of access route to the beach concession and restroom building. Adams Lake Beach and Regrade running slope and cross slope and maintain path surface to specifications for access route from day use parking ADD Picnic Area lot to boat launch area and other areas along the trail as needed and funds allow. Campground Recreation p GRV Pavilion Provide 6 standard accessible parking space and 1 van accessible space. F IND Boathouse Provide 1 standard accessible parking space and 1 van accessible space. Hidden Springs Beach Provide 5 standard accessible parking spaces and 2 van accessible spaces. Construct access route from parking access F IND Complex aisles to beach area. Upper Bushman Fishing Regrade as necessary and pave route. Correct running slope of access route from trail to piers and add a transition plate G IND Area from the route onto the pier. Relocate 2 accessible parking spaces closer to the entrance to the trail. Twin Chimneys or other Survey and redesign entire picnic area for universal accessibility, including all pathways, connections and potential H IND picnic area building modifications for existing facilities. RWP Lazy River Provide approximately 410 linear feet of ADA handrails to the existing bridge ramp handrail. Capital Projects TOTAL ADD Accessible Haywagon GRV Accessible Haywagon Adams Lake Beach and ADD Picnic Area Beach chairs (one adult, one child) Hidden Springs Beach IND Complex Beach chairs (one adult, one child) 4/21/2015 Cost Estimate $35,000 $90,000 $7,140 $8,000 $25,000 $48,000 $25,000 $20,000 $258,140 $6,000 $6,000 $12,000 $12,000 Capital Equipment TOTAL $36,000 Capital Equipment and Projects TOTAL $294,140 Addison Oaks Adams Lake Beach and Picnic Area e! �• ' r '' � Yule . ��•.- n�hme — � , 6 � Pmamoro e Addison Oaks Location Map Proposed Accessible Parking Area � ProposedPath Existing Trail Location of Work KLAND COUNTY PARKS Oakland County Parks and Recreation 2800 Watkins Lake Road Waterford, MI 248-858.0906 w .oestinationOakland.corn av Accessible Routes v a & Parking a om Attachment C 91 N Groveland Oaks Campground Recreation Pavilion C • � O Trloo �a �� �A • Gran o Groveland Oaks Location Map Accessible Parking Area AccessiblePath Existing Trail '* Location of Work OAKLAND couNnr PARKS Oakland County Parks and Recreation 2800 Watkins Lake Road Waterford, MI 248-858-0906 w .DestinationOaldand.cnm Accessible Routes N & Parking g do _m o� Attachment D ii ice: �� •.: , , I;,� � - � • - � ' N PyP Independence Oal (-,_ Proposed Parking Area � � Boathouse 1 Standard Accessible'` k. 1 Van Accessible F' 1 y Independence Oaks Location Ma Boathouse': rt 4= p Proposed Accessible Parking Area Existing Trail Location of Work X. �• ;. ; r:..�•z.;��AKLANC 4. ; COUNTY PARKS oOakland County Parks and Recreation ,� \ .i; — ;� .p .�i ` , �' f,•• t, Al l 2800 Watkins Lake Road r.�. �' "•''.1.. • Waterford, MI = . -'.'` •�. '• - 246•856.0906 ,' i �;\• �:''�� -, www.DestlnationOakland.com Accessible Routes & Parking ;:' .. ♦ -,� M ::�.:. � ` ±,�:: , ,-, C . a s:'~ fa Ottachmimnt E Beach Concession Building 14 liez N Independence Oaks Hidden Springs Beach Complex Is is S Sh V h, jl Independence Oaks Location Map Proposed Accessible Parking Area ProposedPath Existing Trail Location of Work ;; Ni� C_�AKLAND Z COUNTY PARKS Oakland County Parks and Recreation 2900 Watkins Lake Road Waterford, MI 248-958-0906 —.Destinationoakland.com �'~` Accessible Routes & Parking Attachment F 94 N "0. "7 Independence Oaks Upper Bushman Fishing Area Z6 d, *rR,— a r Independence Oaks •...................• Location Map Proposed Path VA 1,344 Feet v., Proposed Accessible Parking Area ProposedPath IV, Location of Work IVA j gA Q KLAND COUNTY PARKS Oakland County Parks and Recreation 2800 Watkins Lake Road Waterford M I ";06 Provide 2 Accessible 249-95 —.Delination0aidand.corn Parking Spaces Near Trail Entrance Accessible Routes & Parking mm .as•�:'..'� �;\� - ., Attachment G 95 Twin Chimney's? Restroom - ;z. N r Independence Oaks Twin Chimneys Picnic Area VI Independence Oaks r Location Map Existing Trail Location of Work GAFKLAND COUNTY PARKS Oakland County Parks and Recreation 2800 Watkins Lake Road Waterford, MI 248-858-0906 w .Destinatlon0akland.com Accessible Routes a & Parking om Attachment H �s 96 i Provide Handrails Along Walkway Ak ~ F -�7 1 a L I. Red Oaks Lazy River Water Park _ Handrails 13 Mlle Mac `amount "Y, rA Independence Oaks ' Location Map -+--�—' - Proposed Handrails To Be Added •-- Location of Work r y P� I i - GAKLAND A T COUNTY PARKS Oakland County Parks Recreation and 2900 Watkins Lake Road Waterford, MI • } f 248-858.0906 www.Destination0akiand.com n -.Aft. Accessible Routes g _m & Parking o° Attachment 1 J 97 Attachment J: Examples of Proposed Capital Equipment Purchases with FY2015 Transition Program Funding Accessible Hay Wagon Accessible Beach Chair 16 Pending FY2015 Capital Project Summary Item # 9 D 4/21/2015 Cost Capital Improvement Program Center Project Name Description of Project Approval Status ACC Architectural Improvements $70,000 ACC ACC Kitchen Storage Facility - Design $13,000 Garden/Entrance Landscape Renovation - Design $25,000 Architectural improvements for the previously approved structural reinforcement of the conference center roof. Design/engineering for an approximate 300 SF (24'x12') addition on the existing kitchen cooler storage facility connected to and located north of the existing conference center building's kitchen area to meet existing health and liquor code requirements. Complete landscape planting bed renovation of the existing entrance, courtyard and garden areas, including irrigation, lighting, drainage, brick paver reinstallations, step refurbishment and garden wall replacement. Clos �d Due to the change in the liquor license, secure storage is required for all alcoholic beverages This project is postponed until further notice due to completion of other critical projects. 99 Pending FY2015 Capital Project Summary Item # 9 D 4/21/2015 Cost Capital Improvement Program Center Project Name Description of Project Approval Status Campground -Pull -through Sites -Construction ADD $85,000 ADD Campground -Concrete Pads -Construction $105, 000 ADD Beach Concession Building Roofing Replacement ADD Section C Restroom Construction of pull -through sites in camping section A Approved by the Commission and is that utilizes existing campsites with the construction of substantially complete a new gravel road Phased Installation of concrete RV pads, similar to Groveland Oaks Section A, including earthwork, base concrete and restoration As part of the FY2015 Roofing Management Program ($150,000), staff have identified, prioritized and are working with the OC Facilities Planning and Engineering staff to complete the removal/replacement of the asphalt shingles on the existing Addison Oaks Beach Concession Building ($43,500). As part of the FY2015 Roofing Management Program ($150,000), staff have identified, prioritized and are working with the OC Facilities Planning Engineering staff to complete the removal/replacement of the asphalt shingles on the existing Addison Oaks Sec C Restrooms ($17,900). Approved by the Commission and is substantially complete Capital replacement project as funded under the FY2015 Roofing Management Program Capital replacement project as funded under the FY2015 Roofing Management Program 100 Pending FY2015 Capital Project Summary Item # 9 D 4/21/2015 Cost Capital Improvement Program Center Project Name Description of Project Approval Status ADD Fuel Tank Replacement -Construction $65,000 ADD Maintenance Yard Repaving ADM EnergyManagement S g ement System Upgrade (Phase II) $66,000 ADM Pavement Management Program $300,000 ADM Roofing Management Program $150,000 ADM Building Equipment Replacement Program $37,000 ADM Fenceline Replacement Program $150,000 Replacement of an existing non -compliant fuel tank utilized by park maintenance staff -Work to be completed in conjunction with ADD Maintenance Yard Project is currently being coordinated with the ADD Maintenance Yard Repaving Project. Conceptual review and approval byte commission is scheduled fortune paving project. 2015 Design and Construction of Addison Oaks Maintenance Yard repaving ($150,000) as funded within the ADM Capital replacement project as funded Parkwide pavement replacement program ($300,000) under the FY2015 Pavement for failing and end of life -cycle pavement as Management Program. Conceptual coordinated and managed by Oakland County Facilities review and approval byte commission is Engineering & Planning staff. scheduled for June 2015 Parkwide phased EMS system upgrade, to meet the current OC energy management policy, cost recovery, Replacement of outdated equipment minimizing on -call response times, utilizing new technoloy to meet county -wide energy monitioring technology usage standards and policies. Parkwide pavement replacement program for failing Annual pavement replacement projects, and end of life -cycle pavement as coordinated and managed by Facilities Planning & managed by Oakland County Facilities Engineering & Engineering (General Fund). Planning staff. Parkwide roof replacement program for failing and Annual roof replacement projects, end of life -cycle roofs, as coordinated and managed by managed by Facilities Planning & Oakland County Facilities Engineering & Planning staff. Engineering (General Fund). Parkwide building equipment replacement program for failing and end of life -cycle equipment, as coordinated and managed by Park Facilities Maintenance Staff. Parkwide fenceline replacement program for failing and end of life -cycle fences, as coordinated and managed by park Facilities Maintenance staff. Annual building equipment replacement projects, managed by Facilities Maintenance Preventative Maintenance Unit. Annual fenceliine replacement projects, managed by variours park chief's and staff. 101 Pending FY2015 Capital Project Summary Cost Capital Improvement Program Center Project Name CAT Phase II -Irrigation System -Design $20,000 Phase II - Recreational Fields - Construction CAT $800,000 CAT Phase II - Recreational Fields - Design $80,000 CAT Phase II - Irrigation System - Construction $200,000 GLC Parking Lot Improvements -Construction $310,000 Description of Project Design/engineering for the Installation of an underground irrigation system for the Recreational Fields as part of the Phase II development plan identified in the approved January 2011 Business Plan. Item # 9 D 4/21/2015 Approval Status Design/engineering for the renovation of the existing Recreational Fields as part of the Phase II development Due to fiscal concerns staff are exploring plan identified in the approved January 2011 Business an alternative to design and install the Plan. irrigation mains to the fields for hand Design/engineering for the renovation of the existing watering that will not interfere with any Recreational Fields as part of the Phase II development future site grading/drainage plan identified in the approved January 2011 Business Improvements. Plan. Design/engineering for the Installation of an underground irrigation system for the Recreational Fields as part of the Phase II development plan identified in the approved January 2011 Business Plan. Complete renovation of the existing failing paved parking lot for the Golf and Conference Center, including all necessary ordinance and storm water corn Staff are in the process of finalizing the construction drawings and release for bidding. Construction approval by the 102 Pending FY2015 Capital Project Summary Cost Capital Improvement Program Center Project Name GLG Parking Lot Improvements -Construction $310,000 GRV Paved Connector Trail GRV Section A Restroom Building Roof Replacement Description of Project Item # 9 D 4/21/2015 Approval Status � f, -�-P. " 'd Ww W f� T • _ An addition to the paved safety path which was part of the FY2014 Pavement Maintenance Program, as identified and prioritized by staff. This 760 linear foot extension of the FY2014 path along the main park road Extension of an existing capital trail to the boat launch and paved loop trail around Stewart project as funded under the FY2015 Lake is funded under the FY2015 Pavement Pavement Management Progam. Management Fund and provides a safe pedestrian route along the main gravel road. As part of the FY2015 Roofing Management Program ($150,000), staff have identified, prioritized and are working with the OC Facilities Planning and Engineering staff to complete the Capital replacement project as funded removal/replacement of the asphalt shingles on the under the FY2015 Roofing Management existing Groveland Oaks Sec A Restroom Building Program ($14,300). 103 Cost Capital Improvement Program Center Project Name GRV Beach Concession Building Roofing Replacement Pending FY2015 Capital Project Summary Item # 9 D 4/21/2015 Description of Project As part of the FY2015 Roofing Management Program ($150,000), staff have identified, prioritized and are working with the OC Facilities Planning and Engineering staff to complete the removal/replacement of the asphalt shingles on the existing Groveland Oaks Beach Concession Building ($36,800). Approval Status New capita[ replacement project as funded under the FY2015 Roofing Management Program Phased construction to replace the electrical/water Campground -Utility Improvements -Construction system of campground Sections A (24 sites), B (28 Approved in December 2014 and GRV $1,549,641 sites), & C (58 sites), to meet the requirements of the construction began January 5, 2015 and is modern RV power requirements, including the 80% complete. consideration of other site utilities. For FY2015 operation of the concessions at Red Oaks Waterpark, Waterford Oaks GRC Concession Remodeling ($114,595) Installation of Phase I concession improvements. Waterpark and Groveland Oaks Concessions, commission approval was received for phase I construction, February 2015. Currently pending for inter -local agreement, therefore design/engineer is Construction of approximately 1.6 miles of expected to begin after agreement Upper Bushman Boardwalk/Trail Phase II-Constr. asphalt/boardwalk trail access along Sashabaw Road approval in FY2015, with construciton to IND $300,000 (Engineering Only) from the newly acquired Independence North Property begin, at the earliest, sometime in to the Main Entrance of the park. FY2016, Therefore approximately $1.2 million will be postponed from FY2015 until FY2016. Replacement of approximately 100 linear feet of 8' LYG Boardwalk, Replacement -Construction $25,000 wide golf cart boardwalk, due to inadequate base post Completed by in-house staff and in the construction resulting in irregular frost heaving of the process of closing the project. deck. 104 Pending FY2015 Capital Project Summary Item # 9 D 4/21/2015 Cost Capital Improvement Program Center Project Name Description of Project Approval Status RDG Golf Netting, Replacement -Construction $30,000 Replacement of approximately 150 Linear feet of 60' Bids currently under review by Chiefs Thigh golf netting. and park staff. Design engineering of Lyon Oaks Golf/Conference New capital replacement project as Center Parking lots ($24,000) funded within the funded under the FY2015 Pavement FY2015 Pavement Management Program ($300,000) LYG/LYC Parking Lot Replacement Design/Engineering 1r,� failing and end of life -cycle pavement as Management Program. Conceptual coordinated and managed by Oakland County Facilities review and approval by the commission staff, has not yet been scheduled. Engineering & Planning LED Entrance Sign at Nature Center-Design/Constr. Design and installation of LED entrance sign for the Scheduled to be installed with the RDP30+000 Nature Center parking lot expansion. Parking Lot Expansion -Construction NC $525,000 Construction of an initial 200 parking space lot for the Staff have finalized a phased concept Nature Center to improve pedestrian and vehicle circulation for operations and programming. I:i11lt drawings and budget with the City of Madison Heights. Due to CMH funding issues, staff have postponed any further approvals and are exploring other alternatives until funding is available. 105 Cost Capital Improvement Program Center Project Name RSE Boardwalk, North Connector -Construction $160,000 RWP Concession Remodeling- Design $53,000 RWP Restroom-River Pumphouse-Design $12,000 RWC Concession Remodeling ($97,290) Pending FY2015 Capital Project Summary Item # 9 D 4/21/2015 Description of Project Approval Status Design and installation of approximately 450 linear Currently scheduled for construction in feet of 10 wide boardwalk with railings, connecting the the sprng/summer 2015 by in-house northern, land -locked parcel of land, aka Holly School carpenters and trades, Bulk purchase of Property. lumber and materials complete for both FY2015 Boardwalk projects (LYG/RSE). Design/engineering for the remodeling of the existing 2,550 square foot concession building (30x85), including central food service hub for remote concessions, kitchen equipment, retail sundries area and patron queing area. Design/engineering of a new 16'x20' family restrooms off existing pumphouse facility as conceptually designed by DLZ. Installation of Phase I concession improvements. For FY2015 operation of the concessions at Red Oaks Waterpark, Waterford Oaks Waterpark and Groveland Oaks Concessions, phase I construction approval to be presented to the Commission, February 2015. This project is postponed until further notice due to completion of other critical projects. For FY2015 operation of the concessions at Red Oaks Waterpark, Waterford Oaks Waterpark and Groveland Oaks Concessions, commission approval was received for phase I construction, February 2015. Design/engineering and bidding to be Wave Pool -Wave Equipment Replacement-Constr. Replacement of the existing 30+ year old wave making completed spring/summer for RWP $325,000 equipment Commission conceptual approval in July 2015. Replacment schduled after pool operations in September. 106 Pending FY2015 Capital Project Summary Item # 9 D 4/21/2015 Cost Capital Improvement Program Center Project Name Description of Project Approval Status SAC Horse Bldg. K Construct -Construction $200,000 SAC Dam Improvements - Design $30,000 SAC Davis House Roofing Replacement Construction of an indoor/covered practice facility, including all necessary site improvements/utilities, in collaboration with the 4-H Horse Council and their current funding of approx. $40K, to be located near the existing 4-H Horse Barn. Design/engineering for the first phase of improvements identified by SME of the removal and replacement of existing deteriorating water spillway and other site restoration, in collaboration with Springfield Township Officials/Board. As part of the FY2015 Roofing Management Program ($150,000), staff have identified, prioritized and are working with the OC Facilities Planning and Engineering staff to complete the removal/replacement of the cedar shake shingles on the existing Springfield Oaks Davis House ($60,200). Design/engineering scheduled to be completed in FY2015 with postponing the construction until further notice due to other critical projects. Design/engineering pending interlocal agreement as presented at the January 2015 commission meeting. Commission approval will be scheduled upon coordinaton of project with Springfield Township. Capital replacement project as funded under the FY2015 Roofing Management Program for Asphalt Shingles with an alternate for Wood Cedar Shake Shingles for consideration by the Springfield Township Historical Society. 107 Cost Capital Improvement Program Center Project Name SAC Public Address System -Design $30,000 SAC LED Entrance Sign at Activity Center- Design/Constr. $30,000 WLG Golf Netting, Replacement -Construction $30,000 WLC/ South Parking Lot Repaving WLG WLC/ WLG North Parking Lot Design Engineering WWC Concession Remodeling - Design $104,099 Pending FY2O15 Capital Project Summary Description of Project Design/engineering for a new facility -wide public address system for emergency preparedness, event annoucements and cross -marketing of park -wide recreational opportunities, replacing an existing system that does not meet coverage areas of the park. Item # 9 D 4/21/2015 Approval Status This project is postponed until further notice due to completion of other critical p rojects. Based on RCOC traffic counts, staff are Design and installation of LED entrance sign for the proposing to install this sign at the Red Activity Center Oaks Golf Course on John R, in conjunction with the sign for the Red Oaks Nature Center on 13 Mile Road. Replacement of approximately 150 Linear feet of 60' Bids currently under review by Chief's high golf netting, located along hole #1. and park staff. Repaving of White Lake Oaks Golf/Conference Center South Parking lot ( $80,000) as funded within the ADM Parkwide pavement replacement program ($300,000) Capital repaving project as funded under for failing and end of life -cycle pavement as the FY2015 Pavement Management coordinated and managed by Oakland County Facilities Program Engineering & Planning staff. Design of White Lake Oaks Golf/Conference Center New capital replacement project as North Parking lot ($30,000) as funded within the ADM funded under the FY2015 Pavement Parkwide pavement replacement program ($300,000) for failing and end of life -cycle pavement as Management Program, Conceptual coordinated and managed by Oakland County Facilities review and approval by the commission Engineering & Planning staff. has not yet been scheduled. For FY2015 operation of the concessions at Red Oaks Waterpark, Waterford Oaks Installation of Phase I concession improvements. Waterpark and Groveland Oaks Concessions, commission approval was received for phase I construction, February 2015, 108 FY2015 Capital Improvement Program Program Management Report (as of4/21/2015) Capital Improvement Program CIP# CostCtn Project Title Roofing Management Program 2145 ADD Beach Concession Roof Replacement 2146 ADD Section C Restroom/Shower Roof Replacement 2148 GRV Section A Restroom/Shower Roof Replacement 2147 GRV Beach Concession Roof Replacement 2144 SAC Davis House Roof Replacement ($60,200) Project Total/Program Balance Pavement Management Program 2023 ADD Maintenance Yard Repaving 2024 GRV Asphalt Safety Path 2151 LYC Parking Lot Replacement - Design (FP&E) 2152 LYG Parking Lot Replacement - Design (FP&E) 2153 WLC South Parking Lot Repaving 2154 WLG South Parking Lot Repaving 2149 WLC North Parking Lot Improvements - Design (FP&E) 2150 WLG North Parking Lot Improvements - Design (FP&E) Project Total/Program Balance Building System Replacement Program 2115 ACC Water Heater Replacement 2117 ADD Maintenance Building Boiler Replacement 2116 IND Boat House Boiler Replacement 2118 IND Maintenance Building Tube Heater Replacement 2114 SPG Rental House Furnance Replacement Project Total/Program Balance Energy Management Upgrade Phase II 2018 CAT EMS Upgrade 2019 RDP EMS Upgrade 2020 WLC EMS Upgrade 2017 WTR EMS Upgrade Project Total/Program Balance Fenceline Replacement Program Pending RWP River Bridge Handrail Replacement Pending RWP River Ornamental Cable Replacement Pending RWP Handrail Pending WTR Accessible Playground Handrail Replacement Project Total/Program Balance Total Program Balance Project Program Program Budget Budget Balance $ 150,000 $ 43,500 $ 17,900 $ 14,300 $ 36,800 $ 112,500 $ 37,500 $ 300,000 150,000 35,000 12,000 12,000 40,000 40,000 15,000 15,000 $ 319,000 $ $ 37,000 13,000 10,200 12,000 8,800 9,300 (19,000) $ 53,300 $ (16,300) $ 66,000 13,900 14,450 18,200 13,850 $ 60,400 $ 5,600 $ 150,000 20,000 23,000 12,000 25,000 $ 80,000 $ 70,000 $ 77,800 109 MAY 12, 2015 i 1411'1';A i I' OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA AGENDA ITEM NO. 0 E RECREATION PROGRAMS AND SERVICES To: Chairman Fisher and Commission Members From: Daniel J. Stencil, Executive Officer Sue Wells, Manager of Parks and Recreation Operations Terry Fields, Chief of Recreation Programs and Services Submitted: May 4, 2015 Subject: Recreation Programs and Services 2015 Preview INTRODUCTION AND HISTORY Purpose: An overview of the Recreation Programs and Services area for Oakland County Parks and Recreation. The presentation will target and highlight the events, programs, and operations of Mobile Recreation, Special Events, Nature Services, Adaptive Services, Dog Park programming, Outreach, and Natural Resource Education. The presentation will be communicated through a brief PowerPoint presentation, along with additional video footage of some special coverage the Parks System received through our events and offerings. We will also provide video of some special guests utilizing our many parks and trails. Included in the information are our 2015 Calendar of Events, a staffing matrix for job assignments, and a county map showing the 2014 RAPP visits, illustrating our reach to the cities, villages, and townships, The investment and participation numbers from our services in 2014 are provided. The results will show the impact the Recreation Programs and Services have for our residents. ATTACHMENTS - 2014 RAPP Visit Map - 2015 Calendar of Events - South Park Office Org Chart 110 r OtY of Village of Village Mundy Grand Blanc Goodrich Hadley Mctamora D den rY of Almont Berlin OAKLAND Baines Township Township 6rond Blanc Township Atlas Township Township Township Township Almont Township Township P : COUNTY PARKS ............................................ • Village of • . Village of Leonard • Argentine Fenton Township • • Holly Ortonville • Brandon Oxford Addison • Bruce Armada Township iP Township Lily of Township Townsh6rovitldip Township Township Township Township Township P 1 F 4m r Linden • Village • Lily of • of Oxford • • Village • Fenton • of Holly • Village � • • of Romeo Ray • Village of Lake Orion • Township Deerfield Tyrone •ese • Springfield Independence Oakland • Township Township Township • Washington Township e f Township Township ewnship Township City of . . • Village • of Clarkston • • Mobile Rec RAPP Visits of Lace City of • Angelus Auburn City of • Sales by Zip Code • Hills Rochester • 2014 Season Oceola Hartland• • Highland White Lake Waterford • of City of • Shelby Township Macomb Township Township Township • T Township Township p Township� VVV Rochester . • Hills • • • City of 1 - 5 • Sylva °t1 • uti°a • City of • 6 - 10 • Village of City of Keg.* • • Milford Commerce Orchard Harbor • Clinton 1 - 15 �� Brighton • Milford Township P Village of Li of Lake Village City of • Bloomfield Troy Litt' i Sterlin g Township 16 20 TownshipTownship . Township Wolverine West Hlls • Hsi hts 9 - . Lake Bloomfield . Bloomfield • city of Township Township city of • 21 - 32 Litt' of Brighton • Walled Li of Birmingham • Vill a Litt' of Li •of • ° Wixom Village of of BeverlyClawson • Q Franklin Southfield Hills Clfy o Fraser Fraser Special Events . City of Township City of M City of • Farmington Royal Oak rhl H7� City of Litt' of � H fights• Warren Litt' of Hamburg Breen Oak • Lyon City of Novt Lnthrup s Berkley • Village City of Litt' °9 of Roseville ,�— Township P Township p •City of Township � Southfield Huntington Litt' of • City Cof linter \ . South ie City of Wow Pleasp�j- • en enter Line . Lyon Novi Townshipof City of L City ob Farmington of City 1 inch = 4 miles f•••••••••••••••••••••� Oak PR.ark Hazel in rxstp°'"t` Oakland County Parks and Recreation ••••••••••••` w 0a6`000 Northville City of 2800 Watkins Lake Road Webster Northfield Salem TownshipNorthville City of Redford Livonia Litt' Harper Waterford, MI ' Township Township Township Township Litt' of Detroit t Woods 248-858-0906 Plymouth Highland www.Destination0akland.com Township Park Recreation, Programs and Services 2015 Master Calendar of Events DAY OF THE SPCCIAL EVENTIPROCRAM DESCRIPTION WEEK MONTH DATE TIME COST AGE RANGE LOCATION Lot Nat -Fit: Snowshoe Tn It! ';Saturday January 3 241)m Nature Caner Event with winter-tiwities. Snow Let's Go! Ewcnt with winter activites. Tutring. snow namtkl. cir 10men Tubing no". painting -etc Sabu•daw .1..uan Its IIa-2p Free Families Waterford Oaks .. Bays and Girl Club or Youth Abilities gym for kids with disabilities youth with disabilitkl:x Saturday January lli 9:30 - ll:tatam No Chargc 6-21 years Southeast Michigan DaiNl"s — RoAc, Patel Badge Make the World a Better 1f1am42po & 2- Place Saturday Jamuar• III Jptn SS/Scout, S2iadult Wint Nature Center NalureFit IN'inter Sun•ivul 'Saturday I.lan... y Ill 2-3:341pm Red Oaks Nature Center Bogs and Girl Chub of Youth Abilities Opera gym for lids with disabilities Youth with Disstbititiec Satankay ,January 17 9:30 - t I :", am No Charge 6 21 year �Snulheast Miessim. Red Run Stun Walncsd:a 1 jjxnnxrq t7 I;301m-311m I t IRed Oaks Nature Center Wittier Star Party Saturday January 17 smas-storm I Wier Nature Center Iso;1theissi (Youth I'lormany BoysandGirl Club of Abilities Open gym for h&is with disabilitiesyouth with disabilities ISauurdro' 1 24 9:30-IMillion No Charge I6-21 years Michfkmo ITuning your Tot in to Winter Saturday Jaouan 241 t-2NS pm Wint Nature Center I4 111-12pm d 2- ISSi�ScoutnJad.1] DakicsCbn•er Petal Badge 1 Use Ryon re- WiselySatnrdaN 1January 2J alsoRed Oak, Nature Center E,'ent wit], winter avthi ics, Snow Let's Go! Event with winter aetisities. Tubing snmy painting. etc 101(Opengy. Tuhbag. snrwy painting. etc Friday Woolson 311 6p-9p Free I Fomifiels Waterford Oaks IJ Boys and Girl Club of Youth Abilities furicidswith disabilities Youth loth Disabilities Saturday ... ;w3 31 9:30 - 11:011 am No Charge 6-21 rears Southeast Michigan 10am-12pm & 2- Call Scout Badge Days Geography Pin Saturday IJanunry 31 apm Wint Nature Center Nature Sprouts Saturday Llama, 31 (It. 11:45am Rod Oaks Nature Center BM for Salt Use- Fire & Ice !January S Downtown Rochester & and Cutahpat Snow• Pitch Isatu'd,i, February CoalmanPan retNight Out Tracking Wildlife Iebbruary 6 '-Nprea 1Rcd Out,, Nature Canter Valeanine's Dann: for tooth iduals with Development Disabilities. Adnhts are invited to m+e, come or musk, dancing. saa,klAdalt ,with Uerdopmcnial Charge far Racal Oak Senior Valentine's Dance and fun at the Royal Oak Senior Ctntcr. Disablities I Friday (February 6 7 - 9 pan Caregivers Island over Ceta- 9-Hole2-iscl, Scramble- 1 FOOT GOLF FOOTGOLF SNOW OPEN _ Golf, Flood and Prii'm Saturday February 7 2P69 S15fream iAge 16- Rest Oaks GC (Join (lie Pack ISnturday (February 7 21s --0pm I I Wint Nature Center Valentine's Dan"- for Individuals with Developmental Dixabilhties. Adults are incited tram evening J.—i—lanring. Ada Its ,with Developmental Charge for I16 Watcrlbnl ..Is Aethity (Center Valentine's Dance Nnacles and fun at Waterford Oaks Activity Center, Disub!ilics Friday Fehruan' 13 7 - 9 pm ICarcgiver8 gad user Great Backyard Rini Count Learn about common winter birds and how to participate in the gran backyard bird count. Saturday February la 10 am - Nooa No Charge I Wint Nature Center I and Girl Club n! Youth Abilities jOpen gym Aselidswith disabilities ('Youth Witb Disahilitit: S:dnrduy February (1J 9:311-IWon am No Charge 21 years (Boys Southeast Michigan (Youth Boys and Girl Club of Abilities One. to,. for kids With disabilities Youth with Disabilities Saturday lFelow ary 21 9:311 - 11:00 am No Charge 6.21 year; Southeast Michigan With Winter actkitics. Snow Let's Go! Event with Winter activities. Tubing, snow paintingett (Event Tubing. snow painting, etc I Saturday Febuary 21 11 a-21, Free Families Catalpa Oaks Samslmcs, Tracks, sad Tec, Learn the basics of snon'shouing, how to identify animal tracks, and ileconne a t-shin I Saturday poebruxr• 21 Zlim• pen S5 per person Families Indeneuden"c Oala' A "Frozen" Encounter Learn how animals fare iu Elsa's Winter World, make art Olaf craft, enjoy a comptire.• gait a snack. �Tuhino..''r Saturday February 21 1:341-3pm S1 per person Families Red Oaks Nature Center (!( Event with s+'intcr actisitits. Snow Let's Go! IEvcnUe'ithnrinter actiwitias.'rubing, snow Painting. etc nainti.e.M" Friday IFebuan' 27 6p-9p Fria: IFamilis Catalpa Oaks (Open IYouth IS.ttarday I Boys and Girl Club of Youth Abilities gvm for kids with s is tbilitit , with Disabilities Fehruan• 28 9:30 - 11:09 am No Charge 6.21 year. Southeast Michigan Learn to isleathfy maple trees, take a bike'to tap at sees: and taste the sup, We will taact you the tools, lips and methods Maple Magic needed nee to make Nour own hatch of maple syrup ad home. Nnrth DIY ISatunky February 28 211m-41mt S5 per permn Ilndenanlun"c Onles Learn to identify maple ortaaa , take hike to lapin tree anote d tthe Nap. We Will teach you the Ions%, lips aesd methods Maple Magic needed to make wour vivo batch of maple syrup at home South - DIY Saturday Fehr..ry 28 24 pm S.9 per person I Red Oaks' Nature Center Coyote & Trifoid & Cnvutc Fact I Fehruan•, Sheet March Nature Cenlers Naturalists will help you complete all of the necessary requirements to achieve the baslgus and pins needed: ph:ue sce I 10am-I2pm & 2- Weisel Badge Registration form below. Pre -registration requiral. Geologist Snurda., jMamh ipm SSJScaml."VadultI Wint Nature Center j Bays ant[ Girl Club of Youth Ahilitis Open gym far kids With disabilities Youth with Disabilities Saturday IMarch 7 9:34) - 11:00 am No Charge 16- 21 years Southeast Michigan IC complete all or the necessary I fF I2pm & 2- utt Sel.et Geogrophy Pin requirement to nehieve the Saturday Manic IM-1, amp I551S"auL S2laluh tlt _ Red Oaks Nalpre Center_ Nest It,,, Moninr's Training This taini.g pnevbks information about birds, monitoring technignes tunlothcrsnlumeer requiremems. Sunday h 2-i µat I j Wint Nato're Center Oakland Caooty Parks aol Racrwaion is looking fur wolxniccrs to conduct rntg som y work at ben parks. You will learn {y Fro. Sur—Training,to rccm2oixutbe"ells ofsineiagfrngs, �dongwith tbi AiR•hism+•s. I Friday (March jiJ 7.9 mw ( Wim N:uurr Ccntcr 112 Recreation, Programs and Services 2015 Master Calendar of Events DAY OF THE SPECIAL EVENT/PROGRAM DESCRIPTION WEEK MONTH DATE TIME COST AGE RANGE LOCATION Boys and Girl Club of Youth Abilities Open gym for kids,vith disabilities Youth m its Disabilities Saturday March IJ 9:311 - 11:00 am No Charge 6 - 21 )cars Sonthe:ut Michigan Celebrate 3/14/15 by ma king a tasty pies over the campfire. Learn about numbers in nature. Make a number related craft Super Pi Day .. ye learn about the nun her that goes "to infinity and beyond!' North Saturda) March Il 2-4 Pm S5 per Person Wint Nature Center Celebrate 3/1J/13 b) making a tasty pies over the campfire. Learn about numbers in nature. Make n number related craft Super Pi Day as me learn about the number that goes "to infinity and beyond!' South Saturday March li 2-4 Pm S5 Per person Red Oak, Nature Center 9-Hole 2-Person Classic Golf Scramble +9 Holes 2-Person Foutgolf Scramble- Golf, Food and Prizes 11:1111 AM S50/Tcam Age 16+ GOLF Saturday March 21 Red Oaks GC Boys: nd Girl Cluh of Youth Abilities Opcn Irv. for Idds frith disabilities Youth pith Disabilities Saturday March 21 9:341 - L1:00 an No Charge 6 - 21 )cars Southeast Michigan ,loin Dingell VA Dominos clinic/tournament Clinic .md tornamnent Adapthc Adults Wednesday March 25 10 am - noon No Charge Veterans Hluplt l Vnlunteers mill learn 12 species ol'grasel:uul birds by sight :md song,and then monitor their presence during', eekly sy:lks Grassland Bird Survey Training at the parks Thursda) March 26 7-9 pm Wint Naturc Center Adults with Developmental charge for Spring Fling Spring dunce for indi, id-l—ith De,elopmentad Disabilities. Adults are ins iced for dinner, music and dancing Disabiitics Friday March 27 6:30 - 8:30 pm Caregi)crs 18 and ,,r, No, i Communit) Center Are You My Mother? Learn about hahy animals, enjoy an animal themed craft and snack, plus a nature n alk Saturdm March 28 1-2:30 pm Sl per person Wint Nature Center conplcte:dl of tlic nccessa r ]0-12pn & 2- Junior Girl Scout Habitat Badge requirements to achic,e the Saturday March 28 qpm S5/Scout S2/adult Red Oal,s Nature Center Boys and Girl Club of Youth Abilities Open gym for kids with disabilities Youth with Di,ahilitles, Satmd:q March 28 9:30 - 11:00:tan No Charge 6 - 21 )cars Southeast Michigan 15,01111 narshma lk will be dropped from a helicopter to be turned in fora prize! You only need to exchange one Ma rAnallm, Drop maruhm:dlo,v to receive a prirc Frid:n April 3 Hlam Free Fa ilies Catalpa Oaks Children 3-6 Nature Sprouts Hands-on nature discovery mill include a hike, rt aft, story, snack and more. Satnrda) .April J W sun -I1:45 am SJ per person year, old Red Oaks Nature Center Spring Star Party Learn to identify the constellation Leo the Lion, make an astronomy craft, and enjoy a smock Satnardav April 11 9-11 pm Sq per pe-m Families Wint Nature Center complete all of the necessan 10-12pm & 2- Brotvnic Senses Badge requirements to achic)c the Saturday April 11 {Pm SS/Scout. S2/adult Red Oalcs Nature Center alignment and reading the GOLF PUTTING CLINIC greens Saturday April II 3PM SI5/S12.50 Adult Red Oaks GC Premier Dance at our Glen Oalcs Banquet facility forudults with Developmental Disabiities. Walk around entertainment. Adults with Developmental SU/person - Glen Out, Colf:md So ing into Spring Buffet food provide by Oak Managements. Music and Dancing Disabiities Wednesday April 1S 6:411) - 9:00 pm Everyone Pays 18 and over B:uaquc( Cent, Tour the night sky inside St rLah, our indoor, inflatable planetarium. A naturalist,vill lead you on a night hike around children and Astra Evening Fricod.,hip Woods to sec ,hat:ninals are stirring after dart:. We till cNen be s—ing it "star-studded" snack! Friday April 17 8-Itl pm SJ per person adults Learn to Identify different types of frogs based on their calls, male a craft, and enjoy a game, takes a hikes at dusk a nd listen An E)cning of Amphibians for frogs. Frida) April 17 7-8:30 pm Sq per person Wint Nature Center Friday & Lacrosse Clinic Basic kills of Lacrosse Ada five r Satud:,) April 17-18 No Charge veterans TBD .. r....vP.......q- GOLF PUTTING CLINIC alignment and reading the Saturday April 18 2PM S]5/S12.50 Adult Whites Lake Oalc, GC alignment and reading the GOLF PUTTING CLINIC greens Saturday April 18 JPM S15/$12.50 Adult Sprin!,dield Oads GC Idi m-12pn & 2- D:sies - Clover Petal Use Resources Wisely Saturday April 18 4 pm Wint Nature Center ...s; �•�"• ., 8 years anti Nature Jonrnahng Disco er some of John James Audubon techniques for documenting birds in North America Volunteers mill Icad this Saturday April 18 1 -3 pm No Charges older Red Olds Nature Center John Dingell VA Badmiton Clinic Badmitton clinic with dominos Adaptive Adults Wednesday April __ 10 am - noon No Charge Veterans Hospital Nature -based technuloo, is redefining our outdoor experience, this program mill teach you the capabilities of nature -bused School -aged eNotare technology and how you can utilize them. Saturday April 25 _ -3:30 pm S5 per person children Red Onto Nature Center Amphibian Trifold April & May Spring Cleanup TBD April TBD TBD Red Oats Nature Center Are You My Mother" Learn about baby animals, enjoy :n animal thcmcd craft and snack, plus a n:ntre syalk Saturday May _ 1-2:30 pm S4 per person Red Oaks Nature Center Vaccine Clinic Saturday May 2 10arn-21m Waterford Oals Rattlesnake Education - Orion Oaks Rattlesnake education for dog owners, keep dogs s:d'e from Michigan's only venomous snake Saturday May _ 12 - 2 pm No Charge Orion Oak, - Dog Parts 1llam-121'n & '- Girl Scout Gcocher Badges taint Nature Center Vaccination Clinic Saturday Ma, _ Hism-21 Orion Oaks Canine Sports Fest Saturday Mn, _ 9an»-41 Orion Oak, Crip, Proper lcchnique. GOLF CHIPPING CLINIC tat yokes and alignment Sumba, Nla) 3 2Pp9 515/S12.50 Adult White Lake Oad., GC Vaccine Clinic Saturday Moe 9 11ham-21 Orion Oaks Grip, proper technique. COLF CHIPPING CLINIC stroke:u it ali nnaent Sou nla, Ma, 9 3PM SI5/S12.50 Adult Red Oat.., G( 113 Recreation, Programs and Services 2015 Master Calendar of Events DAY oFTUE I I SPECIAL EVENTMROGRAM ; DESCRIPTION WEEK MONTH DATE TIME COST AGE RANGE LOCATION Vucein:aion Clinic Saturday May 7 Illam-2pm Waterford Oaks This Sprint: s csioa will focus us, the "A,B, C's of Nature'. tell rand outdoor fun ineludci songs, nature hike, era@, soar Timing your Tol in to Spring had more, Saturday May 9 1 - 2:d5 pm S4 per person 3-6 years Wint Nature Center Join us for this naturalist -lee) hike that is sore to lie full of color mrd song. We will help you learn the differences between children and Warble into Spring the warblers and try to find other s rrir migrants throe hoot the park I Saturd- May 9 Ill-12pm IS3 Per person adults Red Oulu Nature Center One -hour lessons for any iodisidta� wade a disahilits'. A Af Pro and Recreational Therapist will assist n'ith swing; Beech Woods Gulf (Course Golf Lesmnos el-elopment. I Individuals with disabilities Monday May I 5:0-6:I10 pm S121reck bead over pen'lice green and nn course ITuesday GOLF LADIES INSTRUCTIONAL LEAGUE -12 weeks -whI forbe;dnners May 26:12PM �:6 S22N Adult-LadiesRed Onks GC Vaccine Clinic Saturday Muv IRI -2pm Red Oaks Ht-12pm &- I '_ Brownie Letterbox Badge Situ rdny May 16 ypm Red Oaks Nature Center if(, litam-12pm & 2- BrossIlia Hiker Bad yy Saturday May 411m Witt Nature Center One -hoer lessons roe nay individual with a disability. A Gulf Pro and Recreational lberapist will assist with swing I<Ieselupnrent. I I)N Beech Woods Golf Galr Lessons Individuals with disabiktias Monday Map Smi-6oN)rym S126n'cek band ever Course Go Native _ _ Saturday May 23 1 - 2:30 Pm Red Oaks Nature Center Go Native - Plant Safe Saturday MAY 23 noon- a pm Red Oaks Nature Center scchniyucstrht •>ty and GOLF PITCHING CLINIC stroke Saiarday Mar 23 •1:15PM SM112.511 Adult jWhite Lake Oak GC ages 5 and I Raiding Monarch Butterflies Mmlareh Specialist will sllare tips and secrets on raising monarchs from eggs to caterpillars. to heattifd butterflies Wednestluy May 27 �6:311-N pm $3 per person older Wint Nature Center Glow Addison I Saturday May 341 Free Families IAddisoa Oaks 111•d2pm � 2- Wcbelos INularulist Badge Saturd:n' may 1341 Iypm Red Oak Nature Center One -hour lessons for any individual with a disability. A Golf Pro and Recreational Therapist will assist with swing Beech Woods Gulf I GoIf Lsysans development, lndh idaads%I ith disabilities Monday June 1 �5:h11-6dhi pm Sl'_Ise'eck 63a4 over Course OC Express Gulf Pickup at Red Oak.drive to Springfield Oaks. then return to Reef Oaks Tuesday June _ }7am - 3:15 pm I Springfield Oat.-, GC ridiug.cnniinental ff S42IS33 1--pay y-PERSONSCRAMBLE hreukDesLlunch,cuntest bolas Tuesday Ju s - IN:30AM Ill, Age Nit ISpringfreld Oak GC OCPnrk Eslress - Ellis Barn Springfield Onls County Historical Ellis Barn Historical Tour eta Wednesday, .lour 3 ITBD Adults IPurl: I m4 0n2Pm & 2- Junior Girl Seoul Garden Badge Saturday June I6 -t pat Whet Nature Center I 10-12pm & 2- Callcoes Tree Badge _ _ _ Saturday Jnne 6 dpm Red Oaks Nature Center Crasslanal Bird Hike Tahe a hike at Orion Oaks with the Audubon Society. Brings field guide wad bin —lags Saturday June ( N-H! am Na Charge Orion oaks One -hour kx,ans for any loll. ideal with a Aisthi[in•- A Gulf Pro and Recreational Therapist will assist with swing I Beech Woods Golf Golf Lessons development. ladinduads with disabilities Moods, June N 5;00-6:00pm SIV,eek band over Course Emphasis on fitness and GOLF LADIES NOSCORE LEAGUE -12 weeks-wkl xacial=is of golf Tuesday June 9 4:20FM (S228 Adult-Ladias Red Oaks GC GOLF LADIES NO SCORE LEAGUE -12 wick - wit 1 Emphasis un 6tncssand Wudne4da' .Gate 10 401[im S2211 Adult -Ladies Red Oak, GC Vaed-tino Clinic I Saturday June i3 10-2 I Lyon Oaks Gardens & more Discover how to incorporate Milkweed plants into your yard to help create habitat for Monarch Butterflies along with a for Monarchs host of other wildlife. Saturday June 13 11-12:34) pm trot person t t Red Oak' Nature Center �S3 f chldren :end Nature Tech This ryrogram ws71 teach the cnpibilitiss of nature hazed teelrnalo ��' and how you can atifFer them I Saturday Junc 13 2-3;311pm 53 per person ( adult !Vint Nature Ceptcr Step fly the boat bamc at Addison. Grovelatd, and Independence information on aquatic in-sh a species and hoe' 1.3 Amrade Invasive Species hoaten can stop them, Saturday June gam -i pm IN. Charge I Buathouscs ,topped playing due to a stroke, amputatiun or joint replacement. A Gnlr Pro and Recreational Therapist will assist with I BWoods Golf cuch Coll'Lessolu swing development. Weekly program, Individuaknith disabilities Mandan Jane IS S:IN)-6:OP pm IS121week I6 and over Course CJS/16 Sessions - River Walk Walk the L:ay River for Fitness General Recreation Monday Junc 15 7:341-N:30 pm IS•{drnp is Ili and over Red Oulu lVater Park 3Hilre-w i Springfield Oak' - Ellis Barn Douce Far Individual with Deselpmcntal disabiliue-s. Alt agar enjoy barbeque. d-e ne wad hayride in Ellis Ban, - Premier Event all 1 Pulatieuhs Thursday Junc IN 6:IN1- Y:m1 pm IE-eymc pars ;All ages Bana S45116 Sessivas - River \Palk Walls the Lazy River for Fitness General Reerutina Thursday Jane 1N 7:30 - 8:311pa, S4 drop io 16 and over Red Oak Water Park OCPark Express - Autism Twin Chimneys Friday .tune Ile 9:30.3:00 Indelwadance Oulu I 9:34) am - 2:341 OCParks Express - Autism Program with OUCares- weekG, field trip Youth wkh Autism Friday June 119 to. Dal rate S21141 G-13 years I Independence Oaks V:weinulion Clinic SSaturday June 211 1n- 2 � independence Oaks ( Ca wad Campfire F.u,lny an crcniag. niturattst-lad, wooer :xlcenture on heuufil'ul Craoltnf Lake. On shore actiyilic5 sviEl inrlutic a campfire. inn:ark, ISaturday 1211 6:311-&30 lehidren amA (\\'inl Nature Center and a "Liar's Club", June pen 10 Ile,, Neese l iudults with 114 Recreation, Programs and Services 2015 Master Calendar of Events OF THE IDAY SPECIAL EVENTJPR4G1Lyht DESCRIPTION WEEK MONTH DATE TIME COST SAGE RANGE LOCAVON Gampse for mOrethan Sl i(1i) in cash pries in the Oakland County P;wkx and Recreation 5th a nnual RRQ Rib, Evcut BBQ Competition I co .1 ctitima. Free Admission far Spectators! Saturday June vats 8-5 i Lathrop Village GOLF (GOLF Mnmdnv Junc Y 9:00Ah7 S3JS77 pre -pay IYouth Whitc Lake Oukc GC (Golf Onc-huor I wsons for any individual frith a disability'. A Gulf Pro and Recreatimmi Therapist y. ill assist with swing 122 ISIX 16 B-ch Woods Golf ADR LaNsonx development. _ __ _......_ individuals with disabilities Monday June 5:00-6.00 pm week mad ever Course 45/I6 $WYsions - S4 IRWPfADR (River Walk Wolk the Lazy River for Fitness General Recreation Monday June 22 7:30-8:30 pro Sdrop io Landover Red Oulu, Water Park Paradise Pnvilionlshcitcr at (Outreach OCPufis Exprtaui-Waterford _............._ %terpark Tuesday June 23 9:3n-3:30 I I Waterford Oalei IGOLF up to 9-holes of goHeaeh GOLF YOUTH GOLF PROGRAM _ _ week Tuesday Junc 23 9110AM S82677 pre-paY Youth Red Oaks GC a 9:3t) am - 3J0 IOuteaach OCPark Express -Waterford Field trip -JH&Water Parks 'field trips Tuesday June 123 pm S101child 16 -I3 years WV tcrford Oak Paradise PaviUOnlsheltcr at i IOutretch OCPark Express - Waterford (Water park Wednesday June 124 9:341. 3:341 (Waterford Oaks 9:30 am - 3:30 (Outreach OCParks Express -Waterford Field trip •4H. Witter Parks Field Trips Wedncsday June 24 Jim IS101child 6-13 years Waterford Oaks I Do -,Southfield Creature Feature Fest Wednesday June 24 5:30-9 pm I Southlicld1Burgh Park INRE Clean up the Clinton - Ind. Oaks Wed —day June 24 10-am-12pm Crooked Lake A Day at Catalpa Oaks (to he Event renamed) Thursday June 25 �a30-3 pm Catalpa Oaks IOtrreach IOCPaarkx Paradise Paviiioafshcker at IWaler }} Express-Water(ord nark Thursday June 25 9.30.3;311 (Waterford Oaks IRWP/ADR Il 545A6 Sessions- IS4 I16 I River Walk Walk the Lazy River for Fitness Gencrul Recreation Thursday Jame 25 7:30-8;30 pm Arup in and over Red Oak Water Park IADR OCParks Expo' -Autism Twin Chimneys Friday Jame 26 9:30-3:00 I inndepen lance Onk (_ADR For individuals with Developmental disabilities. Adults are invited in enjoy an evening of dancing, panto on bast rides. Adults with Developmental I'-6 6:00 am -Seth) charge for ISummer SiuQr music and law. games Disabiifics Friday Junc pm Caregivers tlB and Orer Independence Oak 9:30 am - 2:311 IADR OCPark Express -Antis. lButtcrfly Program with OUCar..-s-weekly field trip loath n iih Autism Friday Juuc 26 pm fiat rate S2il11 16-13 years Independence Oaks NRE Count SOtprduy June 27 Hium -Ipro I i hadencudcnce Oaks IADR One -hour lesions for may individual with a disability. A Golf Pro and Recreational Therapist will assist with swing I Becch Woods Gulf Golf Ltxsa_u_x deyelonment. Individuals with disabilitiesun Monday Jc 29 5:00-6:00 pm $12/week band over Course _ I29 154"A(i Sessions - RWP/ADR River Walk Walk the Laxy River for Fibm s (General Recreation Monduy June 7:311.8:30 Pm 34 dram in 16 and over Red Oaks Water Park �ladelxudcnccontks 10mitaeh OCPorks Exps'ess- Independence Twin Chimnsas Tuesday June 130 9:311-3:30 ISenior OCPark,. Express -Senior Twin Chimneys Tuesday June I34) 12;410-"I In en depdence Oaks 9:30 am-3:30 if, Outreach OCPark�Expri -independence Field Trip- Nature S Water in flalahly Field Tripe Tuesday June 31) pm IS101chi1J -13yrars Indepcndencc Oaks �Senior OCPark Express - Senior Outdoor afternoon at the part: -Pontoon howl. ride and Cook's ice cream Senior/Adaptive Tuesday June ail 12:3o-J:30 pm) (Adults lndencndcnce Oaks Oallrutch OCParks Express - Indcpendencc ITwin Chimneys Wednesday July 1 9:30-3:30 I I Ipdeacndencc Oak Senior OCPark Express - Senior ITwin Chimneys Weduc.4day July 1 12.00-5:00 (ndepandeacc Oaks 9:30 am - 3.34) Outreach OCPark Express-fOtkpendence Field Trim - Nature&Water in0alabkcs Field Trips Wednesday July pm SiiVchild 6-13 peso InJcpcndcncc Oaks (Senior OCPm ks Exprass- Senior Outdoor afternoon at the park - Pontoon boat ride and Cook's ice cream Senior/Adaptive Wednesday Jul, { �2 12:30-4;30 pm Adults IndependenOak Outreach OCPmrks Express - Independence Twin Chimneys Thursday' Job 9:30-3:30 I :,depend..- ndcocadcom Oaks Senior OCPark ExorGys-Senior ITwin Chimneys Tharsilav July 12 12:00-5:410 I Independence Oak S45116 Sessions RWP.'ADR River Walk Walk the Lmzy River for Fitness General Reerwtiop Thursdaav July 2 7.311- 8:30 om Sa drop in 16 and Over Red Oaks Water Park IADR _ Ooc-huur lessons far any individind with a disability. A Gulf Pro and Recreational Therapist will assist with swing _ Beech Won& Gulf Golf Lesions Je,clopment. lndi,iduatswilh Disabilities Monday July 6 SAM-6:18)nm S32/wick band over Course GOLF OC Express Goff Pickup at Red Oa1w drive to Sprial field Oaks, then return to Red Oak Tucsdac July 7 7am 3:15 pm I SI a gfwld Oaks CC Naturc/Shelter at Outreach OCPark Espres;- Red Oak Water nark Tocsday July 7 9.30 3:31) I Red Oak, - ai a'au uu uriipfa:.w ova-, pre -pay GOLF GOLF 4-PERSON SCRAMBLE riding.,ominental ,- . Tuesday July 7 8:30AM IS421S33 pas (Age A Springlicld Oaks GC 9:30 ant - 3:30 Outreach OCP irl s Espres - Rea/Oaks Field. trip- Nature & Water Parks Field 1 rills Tuesday July 17 pm 311pchild 1, - 13 years Red Oaks Nataa /Shcher at Outreach OCPJrk Exp-, - Red Oaks I\Vaterpark Welo—Im Jul, In 9:311-3:30 I (Red Oak, 115 Recreation, Programs and Services 2015 Master Calendar of Events DA%'OFTHE SPECIAL EVE.NTTROGRAM DESCRIPTION WEEK I MONTH DATE TIME COST AGE RANGE LOCATION 9:30 am - 3:341 Outrcaelt OCPsrk Express- Red Oaks Field trip - Nature & %Voter Parks Field Trips W'edoes'lay July S pm SI0/child 6 - 13 years Red Oak -Nature/Shelter at # Outreach OCParks Express - Red Oaks Wmcrpark ,Thursday jduly 9 9:30-3:31I Red Oalcs 9:30 nm - 3:30 10mrcach OCPark Express - Red Oaks Field trip - Nature&Water Park Field Trips Thursday (July 9 pm ISlOkbild 6-13 years Red Oaks IADR OCPurks Express. Autism Twin Chimoews Friday July 10 9:311-3:00 Indepundanee Oak IGOLF FOOT GOLF YOUTH FOOTGOLF PROGRAM up t1 o 9-1. of golf c.•teh (July S821M77 pre -pay Youth Friday HI6droPM Red Oil" GC 9:30am-2:30 IADR OCPark Ezprcns-Autism Proaram wit►OUCarex-we-rkly fecid trip Youth with Anti— Friday July 111 pm flat at.S2no 6-13 years Independence Oak SPC Butterfly Parade ISaturday July I I 11:311-3:30pm (Free Families Red Oaks Nature Cotter 1ADR One -hour lesmns fnr any in(licidn:d with :uiimhititc. A Colf Pru aml Recrntional Therapist n•ill assist with aping IMomlay Beech W.mdo Gulf Gulf Lessons devclapment. lodividla:ds with Disabilities July 13 Sant-6:(HI Pm 6xad over Course t(flJuly 84i/l6 Sessions - I RWP/ADR River Wait( Walk the Garay River for Fitness General Recreation Monday 13 7:30-8:311 Pm S4 drop in 16 and over Red Oak Water Park NC Get Outdoors Oakland ........ Naturalists Asxixt Tuesday IJuty 1J _ _... _.. Independence Oak Paradise Pavilion/shelter at -Outreach OCPark'Expr(as-WmcrrnrI Water part( I7"ucsdnp Jnlp 14 9:311-3:30 Waterford Oak Paradise P: vilinutsheller at Outreach OCPark Express - WaterGwd Rater purl: Wedncxd:p' July lc 9:30-3:311 Waterford Oaks 9:30 am - 3:341 Outreach OCParkv Express -Waterford Field trip - JH & Water Parks _ _ _ Field Trips Wednesday July 15_ _.._ Pm SHI/cIdid 6 - 13 years Waterford Oak NRE Clean ap the Clintae Orion Oak Wednesday July 0 4pm-6pm Orion Oak Luke 16 Paradise Pavilion/sheltcm at Outreach OCPurks Exprestt-Waterfard Water par]( Thursday July 16 9:30-3.311 1Wmcford O+d(s rommunih' Adults with DevNapmenisd ehargc far ADR Summer Dan,.(name TBD) For individuals with developmental disability%. Adults arc invited in an evening of music, dancing and dinner. Disabii(6 Thured:g' July 16 I6:30-a:30 pm Caregivers IS and over Navi Center S35n6 Scssinns- RWP/ADR Ricer Walk Wall( the Levy Ricer for Fitness _ General Recreation Thursday Judy 3( I'.:311. R:30 (�m� S4 drop in 16 sad aver Red 0.1. Water Park 9:30 am - 3:3ik j Outreach OCPark Express -Waterford Field trip-4H&Water Park Field Trips Thursday July If. (1sm S10/child 6-I3 years 1Walerrord Oaks ADR OCParks Expos -Autism Twin Chimneys (Friday July 17 I9:31)-JAM) Independence Oaks 9:30 am - 2130 I ADR OCPurkx Express -Autism Program with OUCaros-weekly Geld trip Youth with Autism Friday July 17 tteat not rate S21M1 6- 13 years IndeJten I c Oul(s 1:311 am - 1aH1 OekI:" d international AOR Dreams and Wings Children with disabilities are invited on a 20 minute plane ride. Youth with Disabilities Saturday Jul' I3 Pm No Chirac 6- IS years Airport NRE Coyote Education - RO Dug Park Suit-& July 15 121xn 2 Pm I Red Oak Dog Park OC Paris Express -Teen Fuot IMaaday GOLF Golf Pickup tram community" drop off at Red Oak Gulf Cour.,c (July 120 Point-.Jtm...._. I _ _ Red Oak Guif Coarse One -lour lessons for any joa ividu:d with a disability. A Gulf Pro and Recreatiaaai Therapist will assist wilt 7 keg (July Beech Woods Gulf ADR Golf Lessons dcwelapmcat. Individuals with disabilities Monday 20 $AMI -6:00 pm Sl2/ wcek 6 anti over Course S45/16 Sessions - RWP/ADR River Walk Walk the Lay River for Fitness General Recreation Monday (Jdy 211 7:311- S:30 pm SJ drop in 16 and Over Red Oak Water Park Outreach OCPark Express - Indeptiodcnce Tvyin Chimneys Tuesday (July 21 9:30-3:341 Independence Oak Senior OCPark Express -Senior Twin Chimneys Tocsday (July 21 12:101-Sam Itdc#xndencc Oak IJoly 19:311 am - 3:311 Outreach OCPark Express- Independence Field Trip - Nature & Water intatables Fickd Trips Tuesday 21 #pm SI0/child 6 -13 gears Indepeode Outs Senior OCParks Express- Senior Outdoor afternoon at the park- Pontoon hoot ride and Cnnk's ice cream Senior/Adaptive Tuesday July 21 I12t30-J;311 Pm Aduks Independence Oak. Get Outdoors Oakland (to he 9:311 one -apm Independence Oak DOG renamed) Tocsday ,July �1 Outreach OCPnrk Exprez- Independence Ten in Chimneys Wedncsd4ty July 22 9-30-3:31) IndcTa:ndence oak (Benda, OCParks Express -Senior Twin Chinmcys Wednesday' July 22 12.00-5:/0 lodependcnee Oak. 9:30 am - 3:311 (Outreach OCPark'Express-Independence Field Trip-Nature&Water in notaldcs Field Trips Wed-sti v jJuh• '22 pm Sl0/child 6 -13 years Independcace Oak ISeaior OCParks Express- Senior Outdoor afternoon at the park - Pontoon boat ride and Cook's Ice cream Senior1Ad p,!!,.e I Wcd.csdag (July .4;30 pm Adak% k' Independence OaSPC �22 1:.1:30 Hot Spots he set up onbetdon•around Waducsday IThorsday July am-2pm Free Families To he determined (Outreach OCParks Exnrus- kmepeodcnce Tb90 Chinmcys (July 3 1,23 9:311-3:3f1 I12:411-5:ta1 h:depeodeacc0a k (Scalar IQl', PIIYI(%Express -Senior Twin CT+imneys 'Thursday (July ludependcuee Oaks 116 Recreation, Programs and Services 2015 Master Calendar of Events DAYOFTHE SPECIAL EVENTJPROGRAM DESCRIPTION WEEK MONTH RWPiADR River Walk Walk the Lazy River for Fitncs. General Reereirtinn Thursday Jule Outreach OCPawkx Esprsass- Imlependuce Field Trip- Nature S Water hiDalablcs Fidd Trills Thursday _ July Scninr OCParks Express- Senior Outdoor afternoon at the park- Footman host ride and Cook's ice cream ISenioriAdaptive Thursday July ADR OCParks Exprims - Autism ITmin Chimneys Friday July ADR �OCParksExltrcas-Amism_ _ Program withOUCares- weeklyIieldtrip IYputhwith Amisen FriJny'_ IJUIy SPC Butterfly Sk Saturday July 0 nohwa Iesssas far any individual frith . disability. A Golf Prn and Rcrmitional Therapist mill assist with moving ADR IRNN'PIAIIR Golf iessans devehipwart. Ludiritlaals with Disabilities Monday July River Walk Walk the L.uy River for Fitness General Recreation Monday July Nature/Sbeher m Ontrcuclr OCParks Express - Red Oaks Watcrnark Tuesday July IOutreach OCParks Exprcys - Red Oaks Field trip. Nature& -Witter Parka Field Trips Tu.dny July Narturc/Sheller at I IOidreach OCParls Express - Red Oaks Wat,viiark ?Wcalnesday July (Outreach OCParks Express - Red Oak' Fidd trip Nature S Water Parks _. Field Trios Wednesday July Au rtahlc water Parkin July ISPC Hot Spots he set up on hat duyaround Wednesday Natu,oShc to it( IWutcrt—li IOutreaah OCParks Express -Red Oaks Thursday July lRWPiADR River Walk Wardle the [Amy River for Fitness I General Recreation Thursday (July outrcach IOCParks Express - Red Oak Field trip- Nature S Water Parks �Ficld Trips Thursday July ADR JOCParks Espress - Amin- Program with OUCares-weekly field trip Youth with Autism Friday July ADR OCParks Express -Autism Twin Chimnc Friday Juh• i%•s a n�i pw n. SPC Hot Spots be set up on bpi day` around Wednesday r„ e July 3 0u 3 Soccer Taantamcitt Under Event _ _ the fights— _.__.— _ TBA Judy ADR W/C Daze For individuals with dixuhiliti.- Picnic, cantivaf, pontoon bow rids, and music Sponsored by Wright and Filippis Individuals with Disahilhies Saturday August RWPiADR River Walk Walk the Lazy Ri-r for Fitness General Recreation Monday August Paradise Pa Ilion/shelter at Outreach OCPawks Express- Waterford Water park Tuesday August riding.contincntal GOLF GOLF 4-PERSON SCRAMBLE hreakfast,lunch.contest holes Tucsday August GOLF I OC Express Golf Pickup at Red Oaks, drive to Springfield Oaks, then return to Red Oaks Tuesday August Nit mer dance for individuals with Developmental Disabilities. Adults are invited for dinner, music, dancing and lmva Adults with Developmental ADR Lathrop - Summer picnic gam. Disuhiitics Tuesday Au mst Outreach OCParks Express -Waterford Field trip - JH&- Witter Park Field Trips !Tucsday August Paradise Pavilioo/,Iidtcr at 1 Outreach OCParks Express -Waterford Water Dark IWedn.dny August Outreach OCParks Express -Waterford Field tell) - JH&Water Parks Field Tri`ls IWodncsd:) August Paradlso Paviliontshcher ri Outreach 1I1WPiADR OCParks Express - Waterford Witter Park Thursday Aueost River Walk Walk the Lazy River for Fitness General Recreation Thursday August Outreach OCPark• Express- Waterford Ficid trip -JH 11 Water Parks Field Trips Thursday (Twin August (ADR OCParks I-,,— - Airtioun Chimneys Friday August (ADR OCParks Express - Autism Program with OUCarins- weekly Dell trip h'outh with Autism _IFrid:ay August An event that ix all about the Air. with loot air balloon, professional lite team, birds of prey and many other activities for EVENT Air Emir the 1'nmilics, Saturday August INC ISunwncr Star Party _ ._ _ _.. _. Saturday..._ (August IRWPIADR IRiver Walk Wall: the Lam} Rk er for Fitness IGeaacrad Reereatio Monday AAugust DATE TIME COST AGE RANGE LOCATION S411116 S tisions- 23 s7:30-8:300m Ste drop is 16 and are, Red Oak, Water Park I9:30 am - 3:30 I 23 ltm ISto/child 6-13years lnslcpcndcnce Oaks 123 I12:30-4:30 It. Adults I Independence Oulu 24 9:30-3:00 Independence Oaks 9:30 am - 2:30 24 pm flat rate S21N1 6-13 y— I adeltcndcnce Oaks 2S Lan Oak I5.00-6:WIn. Bccch Woods Golf 27 Sl21,reek band aver Course I7:341-8:30 SJ5(16 Sessions - 27 pen $J drop In 16 and orcr Red Oak Water Park 28 9:30-3.30 Red Oak I 9:30 am-3:341 I28 1� pm S1Ofchiltl 6 - 13 rears Red Oaks 129 9:30-3.30 I Re d Oalcs am 9:30 - 3:3t1 !29 pm SIO/child 6 - 13 curs Red 0. I29 11am-2pm Free Ftum-0. To Ire determined 1Red 30 9:30-3:30 I Oaks S45/16 Sessions - 30 1:30-8.341 to. Sit drop in I16andoyer Red Oulcs Water Park 9:30 am-3:30 341 to. S101child 6 -13 yeyws Red Oafs 9:341am-2:3a . 31 Pm Rat rate S200 1!6-13 years ❑ ikl—dance Oak, 3S sJ:3ti-3:111 I ladcpaidencc Oaks 8th I11am-2pm Free (Families To liedettemined I9 am-tfl pm I I LyuI Oaks sum -2:1N1 I m Pit No Charge Ail ages Independence Oaks 14((('' S4S/16Sessinas- f 3 j7:30-8:30 Pm Ste drop in 16 and racy IRal Oaks Water Park J 9:30-3:30 (Waterford Oaks 18:30AM pre -pay J ISJ2IS33 Itlt I Age.%+ i Springfield Oak' GC J I7am -3:15 pm I ISpringridd Oaks GC cbatrge for Lathrop Village d 6:041-8:t81 Pm cufegivers 18 and overCommunity Center 9:30 am-3:30 11'. 1 SIUlc illd 6 - MY— ( Waterford Oak 5 I9:31J - 3:30 I Waterford Oak' 9:311am-3:341 5 pen SIO/child 6 -13 years Wstcrfard Oaks 16 9:30-3t311 Woo tcrfard Oaks S4/16 Sessions - 6 7:30- 8:30 Pm Sit drop in 16 and over I Red Oaks Water Park 9:311 am - 3:311 6 ism S101ehild 6 -13 curs Waterford Oak 7 9:30-3:00 ladcpesds:ncc Oaks am -'_:30 ? I9:30 pm flat rite S211(1 6-13 yeah 111114'1leildl'nl`L• Oaks N 2pm-liopea IFrce Families: Groveland Oaks IN 9-Iipm I_ \Vint Nature Center S45/16 Sessions - I I Ht 7:31)- 8:30 in. ISJ drop in 116 mul uncr Red Oaks Water Park 117 Recreation, Programs and Services 2015 Master Calendar of Events DAY0 F TH E SPECIAL EVENTIPROGRAM DESCRIP710N WEEK MONTH IOntPCiteh OCParks Express- Independence _.._ _ 7\rip Chinurcps Tuesday IAnwst Lai- OCParks Express- Senior Twin Chimoeys Tuesday Linen Outreach OCPurks Express - Independence Field Trip- Nature ti Water inflatabtcs Field Trips Tuesday August Senior OCParks Express -Senior Outdoor afternoon at the park- Pontoon boal ride and Cook's iec cream SeniurfAdapthe Tuesday August Outreach OCParks Express - Independence Tsvin Chimneys Wednesday August Senior OCParks Express -Senior Twin Chimneys Wednesday August Outreach OCParts Express -Independence Ficid Trip- Nature & Water influtnblcs field trips Wednesday August Senior OCParks Express -Senior Outdoor afternoon at (he park- Pomona hoot ride and Cook's ice crew _ Senior/Adaptive Wednesday August Veteran OCParks - Express Picnic at park, butt ride with ice cream Adaptive Adults Wednesday August SPC lint Spots An portable water park to beset up on hot tiny around the county Wednesday August Clem up the Clinton Addison NRE Oats, Wednesday August Outreach O01-1-,Express-independence _ _ _ jTmiq Chimneys Th rsday August ISenior OCParks Espna-Senior Twin Chamacys Thursday August IRWPtADR Riser Walk Walk the Litry River for Fitness General Recreants Tlmrnday August Outreach OCPark Exnreet- independence Field Trip. Nature& Water inBalable Field Trips Thursday August ISenior OCParks express - Senior Outdoor afternoon at the park- Pow—o beat ride and Cook's ice cream SetiorlAdapdre Thursday August IADR OCPark' Express -Autism Twin Chimmeys Friday jA-2-. ADR OCParks Express - Autism Program with OUCares- weekly field trip Youth n ith Autism Friday August NRE insect Night Hike Friday IAagma Natu n/Shelter at Outreach OCPork Express - Red Oaks .. _.._ Wuterpark Tuesday August Outreach OCPurk Express - Red Oaks Field trip- Nature& Water Parks Field Trip, Tuesday IAugust NaturdSl chcr at Outreach OCParic' Express -Rivl Oak _ Watcgmrk Wetlncidar August Outreach OCParks Express - Red Oaks Field trip- Nature$ Water Park Field Trip, Wahaesd.y August a yx ,attic SPC Hot $POIs be set I'll on hot Jay around Wednesday August C�aturcishelter at Outreach OCParks Express - Rat Oaks Waterparlt.... Thursday August Outreach OCParks Express - Rid Oaks Field trip - Nature d: Water Park Fidd'rrips Thursday August DOG Vaccimnian Chair Saturday August Rattlesnake Education Lsoo NRE Oak Saturday August IDOG C:minc Spomlicst TBA tie—t IDOG Pup Crawl TRA Angaet IDOG Puppy Trot _ _ _ _ TBA _.. August IDOL nil rusaicJ andfar needing to he TBA Aukvst GOLF OC E,press Gulf Pickup at Red Oaks, drive to Springfield Oaks, then return to Rcd Oak Tuesday Setttemher GOLF GOLF 4-PERSON SCRAMBLE iiding.coutincntal Tuesday Sdstcmher DOG Dog Swim Saturday September IHaunted H:llnn-x A haunted Island not at Saturday September SPC _ _. Gruvehou! units _... DOG IDog Sn it. _.. Sunday IScltaniter DATE TIME COST { AGE RANGE LOCATION 11 9:30-3:3o ( lodcl—dcnce Oaks li 12:4141-5.410 i fndcpcndcnec Oalc++' 9:3o am.3:3i1 I1 m I5ltilrhitd 6 - 13 years InJepcndcncc Oaks II1 .30-4all pm 191:311- IAdalts Indelmmkince Oaks 3:30 i (pdcla'ndeace Oaks 12 12:im 500 (miepeodcncc Oaks 9:341 am - 3:30 12 lam S1111thild 6 -Li years Independence Oaks 1i2 12:301 4:31) pro Adults Independence Oaks 112 111 sun - 3:30 am No Charge Veterans Independence Oaks 12 tiara-2pm Free !Families To hcdolcrmhted Addison Oak' -Buhl 112 l0am-12pm Lake I13 9.30-3:30 _ _ h,depealcnce O.k, 13 12:(al-5-IM Indcltcndcncc Oak Sa5116 Sessions - 13 7:311. N3011m S.i drop in 16 and over Red Oaks Water Pork I9:341 nm - 3:30 13 Jim S101chilli 6 - 13 years Independence Oaks 13 12:30-J_30 pm 19:34) Adutts Independence Oaks I1 - 3:00 Indepcndeaec Oak' 9:30am-21341 14 not flat rule S200 6- 13 years htdepcndcnce Oak 1.1 spm.9:31lpm Whit Nature Center 18 9:30-3:3i1----- -- RedOakS 9:341 am -3:30 18 pm S1iVahild 6 - 13 years Red Oaks 19 9130-3.30_ Reel Oaks 9:30 am-3;30_.._ 19 Pat ISII{/child 6-13 years Red Oak 19 11ntn-2pm IFree Families To he determined 20 9:311- 3311 I Red Oaks 9:30 am - 3:30 1 20 In. SWlfchild 6 -13 years Red Oaks 22 Ill-'_ � Orion Oaks 29 1Imn-1:30pm Lyon 0als Dog Park 3 (.. I Orion Oak• t 7:un -3:IS pm SpH.Lficld Oak GC 8:311A M IS42IS33 pre-poy Age 5tt* 1 112inn-slan _ pp Sprbtgrieht oaks GC ! 12 I Wi ierl'nrd Oak 112 Ipm-i11pm IFree... _ iFamilies Grnrelund Oaks 1 3 121mn-Sum I I Red Oaks 118 Recreation, Programs and Services 2015 Master Calendar of Events DOG Velcro' IOntreach Outrwch SFC DOG DOG DOG EVENT DOG NC ....,.Outreach NRE DOG DOG NC ADR Senior �Seninr Senior ISPC Iseninr 1ADR 1 1DOG ISPC isoidor ISenior ISeaicr Senior PC ADR Iscamiqu, Scuinr NC ADR ADR ADR DAY OE THE SPECtALEYENTIPROGRAM _ DESCRIPTION WEEK MONTH FidI, Felt Sunday Sentembnr OCPark- Express Hayrid rith ciderand don.ts Adapthe Adults Tuesday SgA..bcr OCPurks Express- Addison Oaks Historical Wednesday September OCParks Esprtss - AJdisuo Oaks I Historical Bultl csmte hE:torical tour Wedoc,,alay Scptcmhcr Haunted Hahn»s IA haunted Island antat GravcIand o: 1, September Saturday Dng Sw in - Beach Dog Si. - Beach Dot; Su im - Beach Fail Clash, Car Shaw Hon Im-n een Let's GI— Huyride Arts Bents and Eats Monarch Migration Dog $rein - Batch Dog Sirin - Beach Autumn Magic Heyrfdes H.—I Happenings OCParks Express - Fail Colter Tours OCParks Express - Fall Color Tours OCParlty Express- Fail Color Tours Bun Bash OCParks Express- Fall Color Tours Youth Abilities Dngtde Tailgating Hidden Forest OCParks Express - Fall Color Tours OCParks Expre e, - Fall Color T— OCPark Fxpr--]Fall Color Tours OCParks Express- Fall Color Tours Boo Bash I Youth Abilities OCParlcs Express- Fall Color Tours OCParks Express- Fall Color Tours Pumpkin-Fest Youth Abilities Hullosseca Happiness VI III Ahilities Sat :rd:n..._ September Saturday Scinemhe, Sunday _._ September -- Saturday SepLLmbcr __ ... Saturday ISelaember Saturday ISetsttnnher Fri., Snl„ Sun., i Gencrnl Recreation Mon. isepteraht, September ITBA September TBA Selstenah- Istuiday September _ __.... October Far Individuals with D-1.1-rnlalC.Ioiki a Disabilities. Adults arc im'ited to an —sing of music, d—icq! and mocks.' Adults with D-dopmentai Royal 0.1, Senior C-11cr- Disubiiti. (Friday October Market Tuesday ITUmlay IOctoher Comity Market/tusxed lunehiaddison for Hayride ScoiorlAduptiye IOclober _ Market IThatsday IOetehe., so \curl top and a scars' . _.. Sate I:q __. October 1Ot.hr Ad&sun Oaks Hayrideiciders & donuts Senior/Adal d- T6t tLrc Open it in for kids with disabilities Youth frith disabilities Saturday I October ISaturdav IOctoticr Sunday October County Marlu:t/boxed lanchloddison for Hayridc &:niur/Adaptise Tuesday October Market Tuesday October Market Thursd:n' October Addison Oaks HayridWcidcrs&donuts Seni,.-Ada Live nv. Thursday October so scay lop ad a scary Saturday October Open twm for kids with disabilities Youth with Disabilities Saturday October. Market Tuesday October County MarkciHnsxed lunch/addieoa for H-ride, Senior/Adaptire Tuesday Oeudn:r Saturday October Oln:n gym for kids t,ith disabilities Youth with Disabilities Sumrd.p Octoher For Iulis'itluals"kh Decclopinewal Dkohilities. Aacs 16 and older :Ire invited to as r—hng of music, dancing, tricli- or- Adults with Dcrclopmlmtal (real Ing and dine r a( Sowli ield Chie• Center. Di,.Joilics Tuesday loci filter Open gynt for kids tcith disabilities Yumh nhh Disabilities ISatnrda, (October DATE TIME COST 13 121" -Spm 15 Illam-3:36pm No Charge 16 I8:00 - 5;00 I 16 ITBD 19 7pm-llipm Fro: 1121-4p. 19 19 I .2pm -d pm 211 �121Im-4pm 26 111 urn - 2pm 26 A tl) 2fr 4W-7thITBD nht I27-25 11 pm-Jpm 1 !Charge for 12 idXF-9ahipm �Cnregircrs 6 8:31l - J:00 8:311 Ilm - 3:30 6 pm 18 18:38 _ J:DU IIn I7pm-101on IFrec II I311 112:30 - i:30 pro 111 59:30 - 11:00 am No Charge I111 I]1um-tom I11 I9:3Bam i 8:3o am - 3:3ll 17 nm 113 • 8:30-3:011 15 6:30 - 4:00 15 I12:30-4:311pm 17 I7pm-101m IFree 17 9:30 -11.00 nip No Charge 211 8:30 - J:Ba 8.30 am - 3:30 21) pm I2, ITBD 24 �27 I9:30 - I I1thl an, NaCltrgrc chrgao ivers cee I31 9:311 - 1 t:lm ma No Charge AGE RANGE LOCATION Red Oak' Ad limn Oaks County Veterans P arks' Addison Oaks County P trlcs. Addison Oalis C.u.tF Adults parks _.._ Families Groyelood Oaks lndelx:ndcncc Oak' Grovelsnd Oaks Independence Oaks Independence Oaks _. _.. Lyon Oaks Independence Oak All ages Royal Oak I ndcocni cocc Oal.-s Addison Oaks Grnreland Oaks Independence Oaks Rnr:d Oak Senior 18 anduser Cenw, WnwrfordlAddisnn Waterford County adults Market/Addison Onto Waterford/Addi... Families Addison On", Addison Oak CountF Adult Purks Boys :md Girt Ciao of 6-21 years Southeast Michigan Orin. Oulu* Independence Oak Waterford County Adults Market/Addison Oak Waw,furd/Addinm Waterford/Addison Addison Oaks County Adults Park Families IAddison Oaks Boys and Girl Club of 6-21 years Southeast Michigan Waterford/Addison Waterford C... ty Adults MarkcNAddson Oak Red Onks Nature Center Boys and Girl Club of 6.21 ycacs Southeast Micbig;ul 18 alai over Southfield Ckic Ccmer I Boys and Girl Chub of 6- 21 rears Southeast Michigan 119 Recreation, Programs and Services 2015 Master Calendar of Events DA7 OF THE SPECIAL EVENTIPk8GRAM _ _ DESC:RIPTIO\ WEEK -- MONTH DATE ---- - TIME _ COST AGE RANGE LOCATION Premier Dance at— White Lake Gall" and Minn.- (7-t— W.dk around , n. • r+ ant. Music. dancing. Buffet se-ed Adults e'ith Dc-1,, .e,adi S141p.rs- White Laces GolraAd Starlite Dance be O:a]ce Management . Disabiitics �1 ednesrLty I Naa-ember _ a 6:Ia1- Y:W pm._ Erery•ane pups 18 and Deer Banquet Center Boys load Girl Club of Youth Abilities Open gym for Lids with disabilities Youth with Disabilities sa—day Ni vember 7 9:30 - I1:00 am No Charge 6-21 years Southeast Michigan FAIT Star Party S:nnrda}• - November la 8-16nm _ Whit N atu re Center Boys and Girl Club of Vouth Abilities Oloen gym for kids nvith disabilkics _ -- _ _ -- _ �- - Youth with Disabilities Saturday November—, 14 _ 9:30 -I I ;(H) am No Charge - 6- 21 years Southeast Michigan Adults with Doelopmetal charge for Novi Hoc Donn Fall dunce for individuals with Dcvelopmcnul Disabilities. Adults are invited for dinner, music and dancing Disahiaies Friday November 20 6:30- 8t30 Lm Caregivers 1E and over I Novi Community Center ys Girl Club of IYu uth Abdit n, „ .. ... (Open h m far kids with disahiliticc .___ ........ _... .— ........ ..,._ ,._ Youth with Disabilities _ Saturday N—raber. ._ 21 9:30 - IIAn am No Charge 6-21 years. South'easr Miehfy IOCPark E:press- Light Tours _ IBus Lookout Unige Wednesday D—uher 2 a 30-9:0h Waterford OCParks Express- Light Tours tour to look at the holiday lights includingearatmg And hot t icptJcookks_ Senior/Adaptive WCdAcAda+ December 2 F 30-9:0! pm Adults W'merford OCParkq Express-LBgktTmrA I Lookout Lodge Thursday December 3 15:30-9:01 Waterford OCPark ESnrcm - light Tours Bits tour in look at the holiday light5inclndingcaroling anti. hot cocoa/coddes _ Seniur4daptire 1-"i`d-"day December 3 I531! 9:101 pm Adults Waterford OCP:ark Espress-Light Tours Look, tLodge Deecmhcr J I530 9.410 W;ncrford OCPark<Esprecs - Light Tours Bus tour to look at the holidow lights including caroling and but cocoalcookies _ _ _ Senior/Adaptive Friday December a ia:30-9:011 pm Adults Waterford OCParkEspress- fightTours LnukoutLodge Monday December 7 5:30-9:0I Waterford IWaterrord OCPark'Express - Light Tours Bus tour to both at the holiday lights including caroling unit hot coco:Jcookies Scniar/Adaptive Mttnday _ December 7 5:30-9:00 pm Adults --. OCPurks Espreas - Light Tours I - ---- --_ .. --- .. _._. .. ..._. _ _ Lookout Lodge Tucsdar �Devennhcr 8 5:311-9:1111 _ IW:uerrord IWaterftrd OCParks Espnss-Light Tour. Bus tour to look at the holiday lights including caroling and_ hot cocoalctatuo - ScnioriAdapthe Tmsday ;December A 5:311-.9:011 pm Adults Far Ind dtaLs w ith Derelupmentul D sabnbiti�s. Aduh .arc in in•A to mt rwuuing oimus Lu ant, A visit from Santa .and A,hdts with Developmentat eharge for Jingle Bell Hall dinner At the Waterford CIA. Disubiitiew Wednesday ,Thurad:q ID-crativir 9 6:1111-8dN1 m caregvers 18 and o'er fWaterlord CAI Building OCPark Express -Light Tours _ Umkout Ladµ ITImrsday December 111 5:341-9:01 (Waterford OCParks Express - Light Twon Has tau rto lank at the holiday lights including caroling and hot eoco:dconkicx Senior/A(i tive DeeelOttmental IDectatlher Ili 5:31l-9:00 Pm Adults Waterford For Individuals with Developmental Dis:thilitics, Adults are invited to an ceming of movie. Anncing, u special cnont ttawn A<lalts with I cbargc for Lullvup Village Almost New Years South to the New Year and dinner at Lathrup Village Community Center. Disabiitics I TnesA:q• December 29 6aNh- B:INI pm caregivers 18 and over Community Center For Individuals it Da�elopmenud. Adults arc im'itetl w an evening of music, dancing, a special mum don•n it tt ale Nt>c Adults with Developmental I I 16:11,11. charge fur I Waterford Oak Activity Almost New rears North Ycar and dinner Waterford Ook Activity Center. Disabiitics , Wednesday --_I 0—nether 311 8:01 pm caregivers I8 ant! over Center Express - Ellis Barn I f Springfield Only County IOCParks Historical I TBD j9:01- 3;01 Purk 120 Sandy Dorey Laurie Stasiak Melissa Nawrocki amm now Kathleen Dougherty Katie Bontinen Darlene Rowley Recreation Supervisor Program Su 9 P Recreation Program Supervisor Recreation Specialist/ Reareabori !P{rog'raur Education Resources Shana Labair Park Supervisor South - RPS Office Special Events S pen(lpr South - RPS Office 248-343-0372 Cell Waterford REC Office W-aherford RFC Office Specialist Office Assistant II White Lake Oaks 248-343-6287 Cell 248-424-7076 Work 248-858-5267 Work 24g,.166.14BO Work Waterford REC Office 248�24-7077 Work stasiakl@oakgov.com 248-821-4280 Cell � ,1_3 8$ 061,1 Waterford REC Office 248-858-0916 Main 248-431-1482 Cell Dog Paris Revenue Supervisor nawrockim@oakgov.com hWftA6crdkg0v.WM 248-858-0704 Work 248-858�945 Desk rowleyd@oakgov.com doreys@oakgov.com Dog Park Programs Marshmallow Drop Commu�nl y Adaptive Recreation Hockey Edge Red Oaks Clean Up 'Pat+dmershipS 248 431.0449 Cell bontinenka@oakgov.com Junior Golf Campground Recreation Butterfly Parade Mobile IPv`ecfea�iErn labairs@oakgov.com Golf Scramble @ OCParks Express p Butterfly 5K y dou he g rtyk@oakgov.00m Community Collaboration Hotspots (with John) RA'PR Reservations for Special P Springfield Oaks Project Excel with J l Urban Health &Wellness Snow - Lefs Go (with John) Airfare Pumpkin Smash Events, Nature Center Melissa/John) Inclusion/ADA Initiative Fire & Ice Festival (with John) dotpatS Ellis Barn Rentals & Fire & Ice - Dog Sleds Ribbon Cutting -May 12th Snow 'Let, Soo Education Programs Programs, Mobile REC Operations Arts, Beats &Eats BBQ Competition Light up the Night @ Addison Boo Bash Wildlife Surveys I Units, Waterpark and Riverwalk Come Out &Play -Catalpa Fall Classic Car Show Hidden Rorest Run Pavilion Group Sales Footgolf 50th Anniversary Gtd t Outdoors Oakland - Hidden Forest Run Pire Ice & (.With Melissa) Citizen Science Programs RAPP 50th Anniversary State Fair -Senior Day Independence Boo Bash (with John) Reservations for ftses, Liaison for Partners Uniform Ordering Trick or Tee Field Sports Rentals - Haunted Hallows (with John) Stages, bleacihers, and Community Collaboration Lyon Oaks & Catalpa Oaks Trick or Tee (with Darlene) Education Front Desk Coverage (with Sarah & Melissa) Lynn Conover Sarah Hudson Recreation Program Supervisor Parks Naturalist Independence Oaks Red Oaks Nature Center Nature Center 248-837-7862 Work 24"25-6473 Work 24"21-3295 Cell 248-630-5468 Cell Animal Care canoverl@oakgov.cam Outreach Animal Care Naturalist Services Outreach Pumkin Fast (with Darlene) Naturalist Services Trick or Tee (with Darlene) 121 Holly Wolfe Deborah Thuesen Kathy Thomas Benjamin Prowse Seasonal Program Specialist South -RPS Office South - RPS Office Karen Anneberg Tuesday & Thursday Monday, Tuesday & Thursday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm 7:30 am - 3:30 pm Seasonal Program Specialists 9 P 248-396-8439 Cell Seasonal Program Adaptive Programs - Jamie Laurencelle Independence Oaks Developmentally Disabled South -RPS Office OC Parks Express Gardens Lauren Fouche Wednesday & Friday Parks Helper 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Programming Support Specialist South - RPS Office Office Assistant I Monday & Wednesday Lauren Oxlade 248-424-7081 Main 9:30 am - 3:30 pm 248-470-1670 Cell Dog Park Revenue Seasonal Program Specialist Adaptive Programs -Veterans Sponsorship Reporting Red Oaks Nature Center OC Parks Express Trip Escort Special Event Registrations Programming Support g g PP Lisa Licata Seasonal Program Specialist Sports Field & Facility Rentals Shelby Exel South - RPS Office Adaptive Program Lead Staff - OC Express Registrations Clerical Programming Support TBD Mobile Recreation TBD TBD Seasonal Program Seasonal Program Specialist Specialist Seasonal Program Specialist South - RPS Office Waterford Inventory Trailers Programming Support Programming Support Special Event Waterford Special Event Site Visits Preparations Preparations 122 MAY 12, 2015 �0111j*sIILIIU 9ifJ Ilk i j,1;i;�Jft OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS &, RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA AGENDA ITEM NO. 9 F CO111111L1171Cdt1011S d11d Mark t111g To: Chairman Fisher and Commission Members From: Daniel J. Stencil, Executive Officer Desiree Stanfield, Supervisor — Communications and Marketing Submitted: May 4, 2015 Subject: Communications and Marketing Update INTRODUCTION AND HISTORY The Communications and Marketing Unit provides an essential service to staff operating the system's 13 parks, special events and programs. Oakland County Parks' integrated marketing and communications initiatives parallel National Recreation and Park Association's standards for Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies (CAPRA). Its strategies are classified into six main components: public relations, media relations, social media, marketing, advertising and branding. The unit serves as an "in-house agency" that also provides photography, videography, design, website content development, printing, social media, signage and event planning for ground breaking and dedications plus media days. The unit's primary role is to create general awareness to increase attendance, revenue and participation with measurable results additionally, we promote the parks system regionally, statewide and nationally as a leader in the parks and recreation profession. This is accomplished via staff -written articles published in trade magazines and online publications and award nominations. Note: It is proposed as part of the 2016 Operating Budget that Communications and Marketing has its own budget center due to its initiatives being a commission priority. An overview of summer 2015 Initiatives, indicated below, will be presented during the commission meeting, including the following: Waterparks -Methods of promoting the new season pass at both waterparks -Special events including a radio promotion plus Disney star and character appearances Golf Courses -Integrated marketing mix including a digital billboard, CBS golf show and trade publications -Advertising with the Detroit Tigers regionally and statewide Campgrounds -Pure Michigan and Michigan.org advertising Camper -specific publication advertising 123 Page 2 Nature Centers •Metro Parent Magazine — print & digital •Oakland County Moms •Michigan Fun Pass •Girl Scouts Connect Magazine Recreation Program Services •Vinyl wraps for high -profile vehicles •Billboards on wheels Social & Media Initiatives •Initiatives to get guests involved •Broadcast media more than $100,000 •Facebook and Twitter •Wilder Side of Oakland County Blog And other initiatives that include: •Event Planning •Employee Recruitment •Trails Promotion 124 Desiree Stanfield Supervisor 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m. 248.858.4627 w 248.410.5758 c AMT Advertising Annual Report Marketing Branding/Marketing Committee Master Planning Committee Media relations Oakland County Fair Signage SPDF & Gold Medal Committee 50th Anniversary Committee Videos Pat Brockway Technical Assistant Monday —Friday 8 a.m.-noon 248.858.4607 Air Fair FootGolf Glow Golf Golf courses Marshmallow Drop Mobile Recreation Natural Resources Newsbreak SPDF Meagan Bridget Shafto Communications/Mkt. Asst. 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m. 248.858.1086 w 248.884.9326 c Dedications/open houses Marketing Ellis Barn weddings Fire and Ice Festival Media relations Nature Centers Oakland County Fair Presentations Social media Trade shows Waterparks 50th Anniversary Committee Patricia Lindsay Technical Assistant /hours vary 38.4624 agraphy: t, park, program a Management >graphy PROJECT COORDINATION Melissa Wagner Graphic Designer 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. 248.858.4629 Design and layout of print and digital material Digital images Creates logos, maps and drawings Designs displays Jonathan Schechter Nature Education Writer Tuesday & Wednesday 7:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. 248.858.0520 w 248.701.7451 c Wilder Side of Oakland County blog Nature interpretive signage State/national magazine stories Environmental issues i parkspr@oakgov.com Mary Zednik Communications/Mkt. Asst. 7/7:30 a.m.-3:30/4 p.m. 248.858.4628 CC[ Newsletter Coordinates printjobs Photography with Pat Lindsay Plaques Promotional items Website oversight/home page banner requests Deliveries Information packets Brochure distribution Jennifer Smith Technical Assistant Tuesday &Thursday 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. 248.858.4928 Award nominations Campgrounds Commission agenda covers Dog parks Emarketing Restroom posters Volunteers Jane Peterson Technical Assistant Monday, Wednesday & Friday 9:30 a.m.-3 p.m. 248.858.4611 Adaptive Recreation BMX Display requests Oakland County Market News releases Newsbreak articles Park info signs Winter events: cross-country ski, snowshoeing, platform tennis, ice fishing 03/1 S 125 Public Relations Media Relations Social Media 0=00i Marketing I A Public Relations: Maintenance of a favorable public reputation through working with media. The purpose is to inform the public of OC Parks' mission, policies, practices, facilities, programs and events in a positive, consistent and credible manner while building a strong relationship with the general public Media Relations: Coordinating directly with media to maximize earned positive coverage while building a relationship with media individuals Social Media: The collective of online communication channels dedicated to community -based input, interaction, content -sharing and collaboration Marketing: Promoting and selling products or services through market research and pricing strategies Advertising: Producing advertisements for commercial products or services for mostly paid recognition Branding: Creating a unique name and image for a product with a consistent theme, aims to establish a significant and differentiated presence in the market that attracts and retains loyal customers Definitions developed using Public Relations Society of America's terminology for industry segments. 126 SF.l 7 F.TiTi [OGIiTil Ul 0 - Unlimited Visits All Simmer - RED OAFS PICK WATERF RD OAK WATERIPARK 40 A* WATER PARK ` ' Starting at PARK Starting at "-$67 "-$44 1I for Oakland County . fot Oakland County ResSdents _ r ..• fte�r�ertls M TIMF. FOP .,uNINE .."FIVE courses S. to play Y AI LAN N-r Y%n .,- ®°rw,a,,�, L�� Reserve your d favorite � campsite JIM Mdlw Oaks, Leonard • fit and Oaks. H ly Call 248.858,1400 OWLANDCOUNTYPARKs �}■ Oro ga%Www E� IiL at k� -- OW OFFER ENDS ,TUNE 28tlh! Family Discount NEW - Season Passes ■ Available for Red Oaks and Waterford Oaks waterparks ■ Unlimited visits all summer ■ Valid only at the waterpark for which they are purchased 1 Added Value ■ Present your season pass from your Q%D "home" waterpark to receive a $5 discount couNTypARKS admission at the other waterpark. Buy Online'at Kwaterparks.com ■ Discount applies only to season pass holders, not additional guests. ■ Save $5 on each additional season pass! ■ Deal is good for up to four additional season passes purchased, for the same household, on the same receipt. ■ Additional passes must be purchased in the same transaction. Special Events Red Oaks Waterpark ■ 95.5 #TownTour o June 12 (6-10 a.m.) ■ Disney Star Peyton List o August 8 (1-4 p.m.) Waterford Oaks Waterpark ■ SpongeBob character visit; tie into food and beverage /�—lam MOjo IN THE MOFINING'S '\,TOWN TOUR 128 GOLF COURSES ■ Michigan Golf Show ■ Digital billboard on 1-96 east of Beck Road ■ CBS Golf TV Show ■ Jeff Lesson on Golf Ads ■ USA Today Detroit Tigers Section & Yearbook ■ Carl's Golfland & Michigan Links Magazine CAMPGROUNDS ■ MARVAC Camping Show Directory & Facebook ■ Pure Michigan Magazine ■ Good Sam RV Travel Guide ■ Michigan.org ■ Family Motor Coaching Association ■ Tourist Oriented Directional Signage o 1-75 exit 101 North & South P U R E I C H I G A N PLAY STAY PLAN SHOP BLOG MAP ' WO.FWIn WnFCW mFFR Groveland Oaks County Park 7 fnformadon sfap Weather PURE ICHIGAN PLAY STAY PurN Sr l ererres > wa:at c+.cscw•m wnF Addison Oaks County Park t"`;' ��� Information Nap Weather Addison Oaks Address 1480 West Romeo Road Leonard, 1.4148367 Grovoland Oaks County Park Web Site Address 14555 D'ode Hghway Hdey, MI 48442 Onrhg Dtrerhons 129 NATURE CENTERS ro NATU E CENI ETt +S 0 00'_248,6Z .0 - - Year -Round Programs • Family Nature Programs • Scout Badge Days • ' Wild, Birthday Parties • Storlab (portable planetarium) • Field Trips for all ages - including pre-school! :nj 117', Visit the nature centers or let us bring the programs to you. Metro Parent Magazine o Digital Content o Michigan Fun Pass ■ Oakland County Moms -_� Girl Scouts Connect Magazine 5 4 r' � • � NAT RE _ � CENTER r Itlaiu+nr3nhl��i com MAI MetroParent HOME DAILY CALENDAR FREEBIES CONTESTS MAGAZINE SUBSCRIBER SIGN IN SIGN UP FOR SOUTHEAST MICHIGAN destination �AKLANDCom 130 RECREATION PROGRAM SERVICES Vehicle wraps for Mobile Recreation Units ■ 5 trailers and nature center Trail Blazer ■ Driving billboards traversing major county roads ■ Dixie Highway, Woodward, Telegraph, M-59, 1-75; 60,000 miles ■ Six units $15,000 SOCIAL MEDIA/MEDIA INITIATIVES Social media shout outs at Michigan Golf Show Broadcast Media Value to -date: $110,863.42 . 7 8 131 MMOakland County Parks and Recreation i Posted by Meagan Bridget Shalto In March 16 at 4:07pm Edited i 1 th Today we gratefully acknowledge the work of Eagle Scout Candidate Tristan Thomas_ He built and donated 22 Nest Boxes to the Natural Resources Stewardship Program at Oakland County Parks. Tristan's donation will help further native bird conservation and provide nesting Facebook structures for birds including the Eastern Bluebird and the Tree Swallow. 771 people reached Lke Comment Share 15 45 1�- 3 ,r> 1 M. - ■ Actively promoting positive events ■ Including the patron's name so that he/she will share ■ Supervisors actively engaging in social media publicity Oakland County Parks and Recreation added 3 new • r1 photos. Potted by Meager afidget She is I I April 3 at 10:40am • %11 10,000 marshmallows have been dropped so far at the Great Marshmallow Drop at Catalpa Oaks! ■ Promotion on Facebook helps create a greater awareness of events ■ Timely promotions ■ Social sites engage with and assist 411111-1 with answering questions and talking with patrons about events, locations, etc. 132 Twitter @DestinationOak and @OCParksNews _': JoLl Pal,:;: fcl.'cC.tFG OCP coordinates with Mrs. weber r,i=r 21_: mommy bloggers for t FREE potatoes + a cooking demo at this weekend's Oakland Co_ Market! event publicity. facebaok.coinlmrstvebersneigh... Thnx r DestinationOak & ,_c�almont2 for info! Staying on -trend is important; use national days to interact with leading organizations EOakland County Parks ;Cr,_•ti Celebrate National Walking Day 411 & hike at an `OaklanclCounty Park 1,v1 miles of safe. enjoyable trails i;'1American_Heart Wilder Side of Oakland County Blog The blog will be located at OCPoutdoors.com. Topics ■ Arctic Invaders Approaching Oakland County ■ Eastern Chipmunks: More than a Meaty Mouthful ■ A Spring Tale of Two Plovers Blog Posts have been shared by: ■ Sleeping Bear Dunes ■ Huron —Clinton Metro Parks ■ International Wildlife Refuge Alliance ■ Keepers of the Shiawassee ■ Michigan Audubon ■ Michigan Department of Natural Resources ■ Michigan Outdoor Writers Association ■ North Oakland Headwaters Land Conservancy ■ Oakland Press Bloggers ■ Six Rivers Regional Land Conservancy 0 WILDER SIDE OF OAKLAND COUNTY A bundle of seemingly endless energy, easily recognized by two white stripes that are bordered by black on its rusty -red sides, has emerged from winter life underground to the topside habitats of all Oakland County Parks. It's time to welcome the eastern chipmunk. 133 Event Planning From the word "Go," Communications and Marketing assists with the planning of advance promotions and publicity while focusing on day -of event coordination. ■ Marshmallow Drop ■ Red Oaks Connector Trail Dedication ■ Catalpa Oaks Come Out and Play/Media Day ■ Butterfly Parade/Media Day ■ Oakland County Fair Media Day/TJ Craven performance Interpretive Signs ■ Beavers impact on parks ■ Vernal ponds' role in parks ■ Ghost River — George W. Kuhn Drain 1 Best Builders In The tUamm � wl lcmn 6.a n�J h., In JI..i.yrch.fumA Inc l4mrJ.m. niu�Ihrualn krrl �l.cling lhv mulls-n�m `K 1 L.l�nn.l me uJn uJ..ln xin.Io Jua.finc lr¢.for building ,/ _ m.Inl.l rJlhrlrn.11uiF .nllnnrr h.rkryh.rN (urlhrir ulidm.lrt(mf r.Ar.lkrJn Ih. amxr IiJ.r41nihcnm nfm to lhrdun.Lh b.nilM1 p.yrJ in IMrn.ulh. Trlp.nJ mW Trails Promotion ►U!! jtICN16AN nv ins wi. ev I iw0 iur `+ ._ Independence Oaks County Park Nos" .r■i 1 IMw..a na OYs b . nua[Yri.b_.H `235.i...n.lT asr;.na na.aacn fi.n++6.a 1•.Y.iay gala43.uN-�_ rvLli 4116giu f JgtJou. v.�a 2I.. ec.wa wn..r . n.f... �• cb. n �x nv. ew.e..,xee-r 41 3 0 3503 Pure Michigan R. " " Michigan Trails Magazine 134 Employee Recruitment V. R, k A great place www.oakgov.com/hr/jobs Efforts began in December with a news release, social media, a job flyer provided to OC Human Resources and job information posted on the landing page of Destination Oakland.com. Advertising and promotion has included: ■ The Oakland Press, Troy Times, Madison Park News, Sterling Heights Sentry, Royal Oak Review, Rochester Post and Warren Weekly. ■ Collegiate student newspaper ads: Central Michigan University Life, The Eastern Michigan University Echo, The University of Michigan Daily, The Oakland University Post and The Michigan State University News ■ Fox 2's Murray Feldman who shared on his Job Shop segment and Channel 7's Jeff Vaughn for Workers Wanted segment ■ Tx 5' road signs at 20 park locations; total exposure via daily vehicle count*. 88,210 ■ Decals for park site entry doors ■ Provided suggested tweets and Facebook posted with Bill Mullan to share with other county staff. ■ Developed jobs flyer for OC Human Resources plus a food and beverage jobs only version; staff requested printed copies for Oakland University and Oakland Community College recruiting events; South Office; MARVAC Camper Show; Fire and Ice and more. 135 Looking Forward Upcoming Initiatives Commitment to community events Continuation of videos ■ Parks forum site visits ■ Conference centers Collaboration with Economic Development and Community Affairs ■ Parks Forum ■ Leverage their business reps to "sell" conference centers ■ 50th Anniversary Celebration ■ General Fund Recovery Program 136 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA MAY 12, 2015 To: Chairman Fisher and Commission Members From: Daniel J. Stencil, Executive Officer AGENDA ITEM NO. 9 G ADMINISTRATION Submitted: May 4, 2015 Subject: Resolution Recognizing July 2015 as "National Recreation and Parks Month" INTRODUCTION AND HISTORY Attached for the Commission's consideration and approval is a proposed resolution recognizing July 2015 as National Recreation and Parks Month. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff recommends the Commission approve the attached proposed resolution recognizing July 2015 as National Recreation and Parks Month. MOTION Move to adopt the proposed resolution in support of proclaiming July 2015 as National Recreation and Parks Month, and forward it to the Oakland County Board of Commissioners for final approval. 137 MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION IN RE: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION — RECOGNIZING JULY 2015 AS NATIONAL RECREATION AND PARKS MONTH To: Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission's mission is to provide all residents of Oakland County with recreational, leisure, and learning experiences, parks, open spaces, and facilities, resulting in a comprehensive county park system that enhances quality of life; and WHEREAS, parks, recreation activities, and leisure experiences provide opportunities for young people to live, grow, and develop into contributing members of society; and WHEREAS, parks and recreation creates lifelines and continued life experiences for older members of our community; and WHEREAS, parks and recreation generates opportunities for people to come together and experience a sense of community through fun recreational pursuits; and WHEREAS, parks and recreation agencies provide outlets for physical activities, socialization, and stress - reducing experiences; and WHEREAS, parks, playgrounds, nature trails, open spaces, community and cultural centers, and historic sites make communities attractive and desirable places to live, work, play, and visit, in a manner that contributes to our ongoing economic vitality; and WHEREAS, parks, greenways, and open spaces provide a welcome respite from our fast -paced, high- tech lifestyles while simultaneously protecting and preserving our natural environment; and WHEREAS, parks and recreation agencies touch the lives of individuals, families, groups, and the entire community, which positively impacts upon the social, economic, health, and environmental quality of our community, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission proclaims July 2015 as Recreation and Parks Month and encourages all citizens to celebrate healthy, active lifestyles by participating in their choice of recreation and park activities. Date: Moved By: Supported By: AYES: NAYS: 138 L*1aIl4W.AIION IRXXIJll•■" 1:I 1i 1i OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA MAY 12, 2015 AGENDA ITEM NO. 9 H FACILITIES MAINTENANCE & DEVELOPMENT To: Chairman Fisher and Commission Members From: Daniel J. Stencil, Executive officer Michael J. Donnellon, Jr., Chief of Park Facilities Maintenance & Development Submitted: May 5, 2015 Subject: FY 2016-2025 GIP Forecast Staff is working on finalizing the revisions to the proposed FY 2016-2025 CIP Projections, which include the 10-Year Forecast. This information will be sent to you by close of business on Friday, May 8, 2015. Staff and the Commission could have further discussions on this at the Budget Study Session on May 27, 2015. 139 EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S REPORT ITEM # 10 A 1. Upcoming Events: Attached for your information is a list of upcoming events and programs scheduled by the Recreation Programs and Services and park staff. 2. June OCPR Commission Meeting: At the March 10, 2015, OCPR Commission meeting the Commission approved rescheduling the June OCPR Commission meeting from June 9, 2015 to June 96, 2095 at 9;00 a.m, due to the SPDF event that will be held at Addison Oaks on June 9. Clinton River Watershed Council Annual Meeting: At the April 16, 2015, annual meeting of the Clinton River Watershed Council in Warren, several individuals supporting the parks system were recognized for their outstanding volunteerism and support of the Clinton River Watershed Council. Kathleen Dougherty, OCPR Educational Resource Specialist, was recognized with the Jerry Carvey Volunteer of the Year Award. For the past 15 plus years Kathleen has participated in volunteer activity that includes stream monitoring and cleanup. John Meyland, a long-standing volunteer of the parks system, was also recognized for his participation in stream monitoring and cleanup, as well as his nationally recognized photojournalism efforts. 4. Upcoming OCPR Commission and Executive Committee Dates: The next OCPR Commission meeting dates will be Special Meeting May 27, 2015 @ 2:00 p.m. at the OCPR Administration Office, and June 16, 2015 at OCPRC Administration Office at 9:00 a.m. The next two Executive Committee meetings will be Tuesday, May 26, 2015 @ 2:00 p.m. and Wednesday, June 24, 2015 @ 10:00 a.m. 5. 2015 SPDF Conference Update: The Special Park Districts Forum is scheduled to run from Monday, June 8 through Friday, June 12, 2015. If you would like to attend and have not already done so, please submit your registration requests to Vicky Valko at 248.858.4603 or valkov(c�oakgov.com. 6. CAPRA Certification: At this point the staff request to submit for CAPRA accreditation Certification has been placed on indefinite hold. OCPR Purchasing Detail Report: At the 04/29/2015 OCPRC meeting the Commission requested to receive a listing of the accounts payable for OCPR items. We have placed a brief example below of what may be included in such a report. Please advise if this is what the Commission was requesting staff to submit to the Commission on a monthly basis. { PR Glen Oaks Conference Center 161011 730198 Building hlaintenance Charges 39373 16532160000000000000W03 0000000231 Comedca Inc THE HOLIE DEPOT 2773 1 PR Glen Oaks Conference Center 1fi0011 730198 Building Maintenance Charges 12681 1653216 000000000000.0003 0000000231 Comenca Inc THE HOME DEPOT 2773 1 PR Glen Oaks Contrence Center 1600-11 730198 Budding Maintenance Charges 283 55 1653216_00000000000000004 0000000231 Comenca Inc TE\JACOSSEII i PR Glen Oaks Conterence Center 1fi0011 730198 Bwlding Idantenance Chargas 106 20 D0519829 00g0000-175 f.Ldaest Fur Filter Inc 16a25r.1 Pleated Panel DP Lten• i PR Glen Oaks Conference Center 1fi00.11 730198 Bwlding hlaintenance Charges 2618 D0519829 0000000.175 L1idr.est Air Filter Inc FILTERS i PR Glen Oaks Conference Center 160011 730198 Building Maintenance Charges 91 20 0 5197090 0000000/15 L1idAsest Au Filter Inc 20..2,x2 Pleated Panel OP Mery i PR Glen Oaks Conference Center 160011 730198 Building Maintenance Charges 95 52 D0519700 0000000/75 I.lidl,est Am Filter Inc 20x25 Rmq Panel Series 635 Me i PR Glen Oaks Conference Center 160011 730198 Building Maintenance Charges 1323 Do519700 Ill 0175 Lkdnest Art Filter Inc FILTERS i PR Glen Oaks Conference Center 160011 730198 Building Maintenance Charges 166 60 D-20141218 0000011243 Dynamic Systems Inc Glen Oaks - Banquet room 1indo 5 PR Glen Oaks Conference Center 160011 730198 Budding Maintenance Charges 166 60 OCP1192015 000001fi213 Dynamic Systems Inc Glen Oaks -Banquet room � indo i PR Glen Oaks Conference Center 160D" 730198 Budding Maintenance Charges 595 00 19310 0000003179 Butcher and Butcher Construction Co Inc Labor i PR Glen Oaks Conference Center 160011 730198 Building Maintenance Charges 58 50 19310 0000008179 Butcher and Bulcher Construction Co Inc Miscellaneous Supplies Cost FI i PR Glen Oaks Conference Center 160011 730198 Building Maintenance Charges 13 72 d0520027 0000000/75 Midwest Au Filter Inc FILTERS 8. August Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund Board Tour: On August 18, 2015, Oakland County Parks will host a luncheon and tour for the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund Board prior to its meeting in Detroit on August 19, 2015. The lunch will be held at Lyon Oaks, followed by a tour (on an OCPR bus) of Trust Fund -funded projects at Lyon Oaks as well as a series of other projects in Pinckney and Dexter area. The tour is being coordinated by SEMCOG in partnership with Oakland County Parks, Six Rivers Regional Land Conservancy, the Huron River Watershed Council, Legacy Land Conservancy and Washtenaw County. These tours provide opportunities to showcase grant - funded projects for Trust Fund board members while they are traveling around the state to board meetings. The host committee will be securing sponsorship dollars to cover the cost of the luncheon and bus. 140 9. Oakland County Human Resources: We have been advised by Human Resources that seasonal staff recruitment applications are down this year from the last two years. OCPR and Human Resources has promoted and marketed summer personnel more than in the history of OCPR. In addition staff and HR started marketing and promoting the positions even earlier this year and the numbers are still down. 10. Temporary Use Permit Report: The following Temporary Use Permits were approved by Corporation Counsel and Risk Management between March 24 and April 28, 2015. Michigan Antiques Festivals, Springfield Oaks, May 2015 ($3,500) Michigan Antiques Festivals, Springfield Oaks, October 2015 ($3,500) Continental (Vehicle sensor testing), Waterford Oaks — County Market Parking Lot, April 21 & 23, 2015 ($250) High Five Races, Back Roads Half Marathon, Independence Oaks, November 2015 ($1,350) 11. Fifth Third Bank Michigan State Fair - OCP is Presenting Sponsor: Oakland County Parks is going to be a Presenting Sponsor of the Michigan State Fair in the amount of $5,500 which will underwrite program costs of Senior Day on Friday, September 3, 2015. 12. Red Oaks Nature Center Clean -Up: Again this year Oakland County Parks hosted an annual clean-up on the grounds/woods at the Red Oaks Nature Center. On Saturday, April 25, from 9-12:00 noon approximately 60 volunteers and staff participated in the clean-up. Lunch for the volunteers was generously provided by Commissioner Gary McGillivray and his wife Diane. 13. Oakland County Parks and Recreation Employees Golf League: Oakland County Parks and Recreation staff has organized an employee golf league. This league will be playing on Monday afternoons at White Lake Oaks. All participants will be paying the regular rate for golf and car rentals. Staff will be using their own personal time to participate in this league. 14. MRPA Professional Development Opportunity: The Michigan Recreation and Parks Association (MRPA), in collaboration with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and Oakland County Parks and Recreation are developing a statewide professional development opportunity of trail construction, standards and maintenance to be hosted at Addison Oaks in the Fall of 2015. More details will be provided at a later date. 15. OCPR Commission Committee Appointments: Included with this report is a listing of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission committee appointments. This is an audit of the committee appointments. Please review and advise if any changes need to be made. 16. National Parks and Recreation Association (NRPA): Attached to this report is an article that cites "50 Reasons to Attend the 2015 MRPA Annual Conference The NRPA Annual Conference is scheduled for September 15-17, 2015 in Las Vegas, NV, 17. MRPA Community Service Award Winners: All three of the organizations we nominated for MRPA Community Service Awards have been selected as winners! Clarkston SCAMP, Oakland County History Corps and CRAMBA received their awards at an April 14 award ceremony at the Hannah Community Center in East Lansing. OCP earns three MRPA Community Service Awards Oakland County Parks and Recreation is proud to announce the receipt of three Michigan Recreation and Park Association Community Service Awards. The awards honor the volunteers and agencies that help OCP create a welcoming environment for visitors. Executive Officer Dan Stencil accepted the awards on behalf of Clarkston SCAMP, Clinton River Area Mountain Bike Association (CRAMBA) and Oakland County History Corps. Clarkston SCAMP won for its special relationship with OCP. SCAMP, a five week summer day camp for children and young adults with special needs, uses the facilities at Independence Oaks County Park. Campers enjoy hiking, swimming, boating and fishing and are also frequent visitors to Waterford Oaks Waterpark. CRAMBA was honored for its efforts to establish and maintain 5.6 miles of groomed trails for fat tire biking and its support of OCP by hosting its annual fall classic mountain bike race at Addison Oaks. "CRAMBA is always eager to spread the word about the mountain biking facilities by publicizing trail conditions, new developments and upcoming events," Stencil said. 'They are one of our biggest advocates and park users." Oakland County History Corps was recognized for its work with OCP, Oakland County Historical Commission, Oakland Parks Foundation History 141 Corps, Waterford Schools History Center and Oakland University to enhance the understanding of park places and in doing so, creating new ways of shaping the recreational experience of the parks. The History Corps is a volunteer group supporting OCPRC staff and programs through their work as researchers, archivist, educators and docents. 18. Warren Orlick Memorial Golf Outing: We have been advised that Carl's Golfland would like to be an Event Sponsor for the Warren Orlick Memorial Golf Outing on September 18, 2015 and also donate bags and tee packs. The check in the amount of $3,000 is scheduled to be sent in July, bags and tee packs can be picked up at our convenience. 19. OCPR Commission Member Manual: Staff is currently working on updating the OCPR Commission Member Manual. This is a reference manual for OCPR Commission members that includes items such as P.A. 261, OCPRC Bylaws, Park Rules and Regulations, policies, etc. We are expanding the data to provide more detailed information to the Commission. Our plan is to eventually offer an electronic version of this manual. Once we have updated the manual we will be contacting the Commission members to bring in their existing books so that we may bring the older versions up to date. 20. Oakland County Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area (CISMA): In the winter the Oakland County Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area Collaboration was organized to coordinate invasive species management county -wide. The group applied for a Michigan Department of Natural Resources grant that was not approved. The attached letter updates the current efforts of the group, which Oakland County Parks and Recreation and the Road Commission for Oakland County are members. 21. Commission Pictures at Red Oaks Trail Dedication Ceremony: We are requesting the Commission to wear the Port Authority brand short sleeve light blue polo shirts to the May 12, 2015 OCPR Commission meeting which will be held at Red Oaks Nature Center. There will be a Red Oaks Trail Dedication Ceremony immediately following the meeting and we will be taking pictures of the Commission at this event. An example of the shirt is shown below: 22. Communications and Marketing: Listed below is an update from Desiree Stanfield, Supervisor — Communications and Marketing: -Coordinated promotion for the Marshmallow Drop which resulted in 8,000 participants and media coverage by TV Channels 4 & 7 plus the Detroit Free Press, The Oakland Press, M Live, Observer & Eccentric and Southfield Cable. Total broadcast publicity value: $21,125.88. -Submitted four National Association of County Park and Recreation Officials awards including: Professional Lifetime (Retiree) Pecky D. Lewis, Jr.; Friends of Parks and Recreation: Clinton River Area Mountain Bike Association; Park and Recreation Program Award Class II Parks and Recreation Agency (population over 500,000) Mobile Recreation and Recreation Assistance Partnership Program; and Special Awards Planning Initiative Service Portfolio. -Submitted the National Association of Counties 2015 Achievement Award for the Oakland County Market's Cooking Demonstration Program. The award recognizes innovative county government programs. 142 Submitted successful award nominations for three Michigan Recreation and Park Association Community Service Awards for: Clarkston SCAMP, Oakland County History Corps and the Clinton River Area Mountain Bike Association. -Promoted the Special Park District Forum via an "Early Bird Registration Ending" e-vite to 163 past participants and current contacts, the National Recreation and Park Association and National Association of County Parks and Recreation Officials. Mailed postcards to the Michigan Association of County Parks and Recreation Officials. Sent an e-marketing message to 37 "early bird registration" participants with a special offer to bring a co-worker at the early bird rate. Developing information for a website for participants to refer to during the June event. Provided content for special "Z-Card" name tag, giving brief overview of Oakland County Parks. -Developed a communications plan for the launch of the waterparks season pass program which included a rotating banner on DestinationOakland.com, updated waterparks website content, news release, e-marketing message to 40,237 subscribers with video links, Facebook, Twitter, article in the weekly employee e-newsletter Newsbreak and future feature article in the summer Community Connections Initiative, the parks e-newsletter that is distributed to the Oakland County's 62 cities, villages and townships. -Created an ad for the May issue of the national Family Motor Coaching Magazine. Circulation of more than 85,000 distributed to motorhome manufacturers, dealers, service facilities, RV resorts, campgrounds, component manufacturers, suppliers and service. Coupon offer: Buy two nights, get 3rd night free; Sunday-Thursday/no holidays. -Placed camping ads in the April and May issues of the Magazine of Country Music (16,500 magazines printed plus website and digital impressions). Coupon offer: Buy two nights, get 3rd night free; Sunday- Thursday/no holidays. -Developing print ads Michigan Gardener Magazine for May -December focusing on the Oakland County Market and digital content for its member e-newsletter. More than 31,000 issues are distributed at 260 sites in Southeast Michigan six times a year; and the email list containing OCP's digital content has 4,000 names. -Provided information on waterparks opening preparations and clean water best practices plus photographs for an article in Tourist Attractions and Parks Magazine. Red Oaks Waterpark Supervisor Matt Pardy was interviewed. -Submitted an article on salamander migration to the Southeastern Michigan Land Conservancy, at its request, which will appear in its spring newsletter (1,125 printed copies) and be linked to its website www.smlcland.00r . The newsletter is being included in "Funder Packages" to potential donors and will also be distributed at community events including GreenFest at the Detroit Zoo and Earth Day. The story will be credited to Oakland County Parks and Recreation. -Submitted the "Wilder Side of Oakland County Blog" into the Michigan Outdoor Writers Craft Awards contest. -Tracked that the "Wilder Side of Oakland County Blog" on Vernal Ponds was shared by the Oakland Audubon Society, Southeast Michigan Land Conservancy and the International Wildlife Refuge Alliance. A blog on the "Tale of Two Plovers" was shared by Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore. -Developed ads for Metro Parent Magazine for May/June focusing on the new waterparks season passes and the August 8 appearance by Peyton List at Red Oaks Waterpark who stars as Emma on Disney Channel's Jessie. The August ad will focus on general awareness. The magazine prints 60,000 copies and its website has 150,000 unique page views monthly. -Created a half -page ad for Macomb Now Magazine to promote the waterparks season pass for the summer quarter (June -August). On average, more than 15,000 issues reach the community with an estimated readership of 400,000-plus each issue and nearly 5,000 subscriptions are mailed. Plus Macomb Now is sold at hundreds of stores throughout Macomb County and surrounding communities. 143 -Placed an ad in the Clawson 75'h Anniversary booklet using a retro swimming photo to promote the new season pass at Red Oaks Waterpark; 10,000 of the commemorative booklets will be published. -Placed front page banner golf ads in The Oakland Press on April 3 & 17 promoting programs offered for new or novice golfers to learn the sport. -Aired the 2014 Lyon Oaks Golf Course segment on Michigan Golf Weekly after the April 25 Zurich Classic of New Orleans for the discounted rate of $1,000. -Placed a half page ad, "Make Time for Nine" in The Oakland Press Golf Guide with a circulation of 77,990. The ad will also be visible online with an average monthly page view of 978,263. The golf guide will be published Sunday, May 3. -Designed a Get Outdoors! Bike Unit ad for OaklandCountyMoms.com to promote the Mobile Recreation unit rentals via an April leaderboard ad. -Developed a communications plan for the change to no lifeguards on duty at the Addison Oaks beach including: a handout for the public; updates to the website and printed materials; new signage; social media and facility voice messages. Additionally, prepared the same to announce the new recreation offerings of an inflatable waterslide and portable zip line. -Coordinated topics and locations for a production crew from Information Technology to shoot the "Spring Fun in Oakland County" video. -Created a flyer for Oakland County Human Resources that focus on the food and beverage summer job opportunities. -Placed an ad in the 2015 season Michigan Mountain Biking News Magazine which reaches 100,000+ summer sports enthusiasts across the mid -west. It's distributed at 11 Michigan Welcome centers, all Boyne USA Resorts, 500+ regional retail locations and mountain bike special events. Designed to create general awareness and cross -promote the Oakland County Parks, the ad features the waterparks new season pass message, campgrounds, golf courses, dog parks and the Addison Oaks fat tire winter bike trail. -Inserted two ads in West Bloomfield Today promoting BMX and Waterparks. The issue was delivered the week of April 19. The publication covers West Bloomfield, Keego Harbor, Sylvan Lake and Orchard Lake with a circulation of 25,000. -Created an ad for the 2015 Toledo Blade Camping Directory. In addition to including it in the April 28 newspaper edition, the directory is distributed to campgrounds, RV dealerships and area attractions in the northern Ohio and Southern Michigan area as well as the Northwest Ohio Regional RV Show. Circulation is 240,000. Coupon offer: Buy two nights, get 3`d night free; Sunday-Thursday/no holidays. -Sponsored the Six Rivers Land Conservancy's 2015 Adventure League at the Explorer Level ($2,500) which includes: Oakland County Parks name on flyers, maps, promotional materials, T-shirts, 2,000 newsletters, social media communications, link on website, and premier event sponsor. -Photographed and shot video at the Marshmallow Drop at Catalpa Oaks; and took photos of new employees and award presentations. -Provided oversize goodie bags and waterpark Post Its to 170 sophomores- seniors for the Annual Youth in Government Day Program hosted by Oakland County. Also provided promotional items and jobs flyers to Oakland County Humans Resources staff attending jobs fairs at Oakland University, Wayne State University and Rock Financial. -Continued to promote the lifeguard and food & beverage employee jobs via Facebook, Twitter, an e- marketing message and lifeguards promoted on Jeff Vaughn's Workers Wanted segment on wxyz.com. 144 -Media "hits", print, digital and television, included: PRINT: Clinton Rover Watershed Council offering hike at Independence Oaks County Park The Oakland Press: 45,859 circulation April 16, 2015 httr)://www.theoaklandr)ress.com//general-news/20150416/clinton-rover-watershed-council-offerinq-hike- at-independence-oaks-countv-park Residents invited to'Spring Clean -Up' at Red Oaks Nature Center in Madison Heights The Daily Tribune: 66,531 circulation April 11, 2015 httr)://www.dailvtribune.com/genera1-news/20150410/residents-invited-to-sprinq-clean-up-at-red-oaks- nature-center-in-madison-heiqhts Lyon Township seeks grant to connect existing pathways Hometownlife.com: 19,200 circulation April 3, 2015 httr)://www. hometown life. com/storv/news/local/south-lvon/2015/04/03/lvon-township-i)athways- commun itv-connections-grants/25239451 / 'Swing Into Spring' for special needs adults Hometownlife.com. 19,200 circulation April 1, 2015 httr)s://www.google.com/u rl?rct=i&sa=t&url=httr)://www. hometown life.com/storv/news/local/farmington/2 015/04/01 /special-needs-oakland-countv-sprinq- event/70776888/&ct=aa&cd=CAEYACoUMTgxMTU3MiEONzYzMzMvMTg4MDkvGiFmMmIZZDQ4MGM wMmViYiM6Y29tOmVuOIVT&usq=AFQiCNGfOpVk9sSE klv46sb7CXTIJZa4Q State grant for Highland park expansion approved Hometownlife.com: 19,200 circulation April 1, 2015 http://www. hometownlife.com/storv/news/local/milford/2015/04/01 /grant-help-prow-hiqhland- park/70726740/ Surveyors set to count the creepy crawlers at Oakland County's parks The Daily Tribune: 66,531 circulation March 31, 2015 httr)://www.dailvtribune.com/environment-and-nature/20150330/survevors-set-to-count-creer)v-crawlers- at-oa kland-cou ntvs-parks Want 9000 pounds of free potatoes? Head to the Davison and Oakland County farmers' markets ... MLive.com: 3,186,626 circulation March 28, 2015 http://www.mlive.com/news/flint/index.ssf/2015/03/want 9000 pounds of free potat.html Easter Activities in Oakland County The Daily Tribune: 66,531 circulation March 28, 2015 http://www.dailvtribune.com/lifestvle/20150328/easter-activities-in-oakland-countv Home and Garden events across metro Detroit The Detroit News: 5,163,550 circulation March 26, 2015 http://www. detroitnews. com/storv/life/ho me-qarden/2015/03/26/home-qa rden-detro it/70506452/ 145 Readers share their favorite places in Oakland County The Oakland Press: 45,859 circulation March 26, 2015 http://www.theoaklandi)ress.com/lifestvle/20150326/readers-share-their-favorite-places-in-oakland- county Get free potatoes at Oakland County Market on Saturday Detroit Free Press: 5,163,550 circulation March 26, 2015 httr)s://www.aooa le.com/url?rct=i&sa=t&url=httr)://www.freep.com/storv/life/food/2015/03/26/free- potatoes- waterford/70441682/&ct=aa&cd=CAEYACoTODUOMik5ODcxMzQxOT120TYOM DIaYzA2N iYwOTUvYz AvMDk3ZTpib206ZW46VVM&usa=AFQiCNHKd7oiiKADukIRmJwRuw1 I KXzHYq Registration for adult hockey tournament ends April 6 The Oakland Press: 45,859 circulation March 23, 2015 httr)://www.theoaklandi)ress.com/qeneral-news/20150323/reqistration-for-adult-hockev-tournament- ends-april-6 Marshmallow Drop Coverage — Total Broadcast Publicity Value: $21,125.88 PRINT: Detroit Free Press April 3, 2015 http://www.freep.com/storv/news/local/2015/04/03/marshmellow-d rop-southfield/25272469/ Post Pioneer April 3, 2015 httr)://www. r)osti)ioneer.com/breakinq/children-hunt-for-15000-marshmallows-in-southfield-h3947.htmi Kids hunt for 15,000 marshmallows in Southfield Detroit Free Press April 3, 2015 httD://www.freer).com/storv/news/local/2015/04/03/marshmellow-d rop-southfield/25272469/ Easter Activities in Oakland County The Daily Tribune March 28, 2015 httr)://www.dailvtribune.com/lifestvle/20150328/easter-activities-in-oakland-countv BROADCAST: WDIV-DET (NBC) - Detroit, MI Local Market Viewership: 94,560 Local Publicity Value: $2,117.15 April 3, 2015 7:27 a.m. htti):Hmms.tveves.com/transcrii)t.asr)?Stationl D=1014&DateTime=4%2F3%2F2015+7%3A27%3A13+A M&Term=Oakland+County+Parks&PIavCIip=TRUE WDIV-DET (NBC) - Detroit, MI Local 4 News at 4 Local Market Viewership: 126,359 Local Publicity Value: $2,866.26 April 3, 2015 4:10 p.m. http://mms.tveves.com/TranscriDt.asp?StationlD=1014&DateTime=4%2F3%2F2015+4%3A10%3A32+P M&Term=Oakland+County+Parks&PIavCIip=TRUE 146 WDIV-DET (NBC) - Detroit, MI Local 4 News at 4 Local Market Viewership: 126,359 Local Publicity Value: $2,866.26 April 3, 2015 4:14 p.m. http://mms.tveves.com/transcript.asp?Station I D=1014&DateTime=4%2F3%2F2015+4%3A14%3A50+P M&Term=Oakland+County+Parks&PlavClip=TRUE WJBK-DET (FOX) - Detroit, MI Fox 2 News 5 PM Local Market Viewership: 73,305 Local Publicity Value: $3,528.20 April 3, 2015 5:43 p.m. http://mms.tveves.com/transcript.asr)?StationI D=1004&DateTime=4/3/2015%205:43:33%20PM&glavcli p-true WXYZ-DET (ABC) - Detroit, MI 7 Action News at 5 Local Market Viewership: 82,818 Local Publicity Value: $1,846.90 April 3, 2015 5:19 p.m. http://mms.tveves.com/transcript.aso?Station I D=999&DateTime=4/3/2015%205:19:18%20PM&plavclip =true My TV20 - Detroit, MI 7 Action News This Morning on TV20 Detroit + Local Market Viewership: 12,928 Local Publicity Value: $678.86 April 3, 2015 7:45 a.m. http://mms.tveves.com/transcrii)t.asr)?Station I D=7785&DateTime=4/3/2015%207:45:36%20AM&glavcli p=true WDIV-DET (NBC) - Detroit, MI Local 4 News Today at 6AM Local Market Viewership: 103,094 Local Publicity Value: $2,158.06 April 3, 2015 6:54 a.m. http://mms.tveves. com/transcript. asp?Station I D=1014&DateTime=4/3/2015%206:54:37%20AM&glavcli p-true WXYZ-DET (ABC) - Detroit, MI 7 Action News This Morning Local Market Viewership: 89,649 Local Publicity Value: $1,956.41 April 3, 2015 6:05 a.m. http://mms.tveves.com/transcrii)t.asr)?Stationl D=999&DateTime=4/3/2015%206:05:23%20AM&plavclip =true 147 WXYZ-DET (ABC) - Detroit, MI 7 Action News This Morning Local Market Viewership: 73,339 Local Publicity Value: $3,107.87 April 3, 2015 5:35 a.m. httr)://mms.tveves.com/transcript.asp?StationlD=999&DateTime=4/3/2015%205:35:56°/`20AM&iDlavclir) =true 148 Uveomine Events — Mav, 2015 Adaptive Recreation May 4, 11, 18 Adaptive Golf Lessons — Beech Woods Golf Course May 16 & 17 Wheelchair Lacrosse — Jewish Community Center— West Bloomfield Camping May 1 Welcome Weekend — Groveland Oaks & Addison Oaks May 22 Memorial Day Weekend — Groveland Oaks & Addison Oaks Golf May 2 Chipping Clinic — Lyon Oaks Golf May 2 Chipping Clinic — Glen Oaks Golf May 3 Chipping Clinic — White Lake Oaks Golf May 4 Group Golf Lessons — Lyon Oaks Golf May 9 Chipping Clinic — Red Oaks Golf May 12 Instructional Ladies League (12 Weeks) —Red Oaks Golf May 23 Pitching Clinic — White Lake Oaks Golf May 23 Pitching Clinic — Glen Oaks Golf Market Programs May 3 Mom 2 Mom Sale — Oakland County Market May 17 & 31 Flower Day — Oakland County Market Natural Resource Education Programs May 2 Rattlesnake Education for Dog Owners — Orion Oaks Dog Park May 15 Clinton River Water Festival — Oakland University May 27 Raising Monarch Butterflies — Wint Nature Center Special Events, Does, and Health & Wellness May 2 Vaccination Clinic - Orion Oaks Dog Park May 2 Michigan Antique Festival — Springfield Oaks/Ellis Barn May 8, 9, 10 Soccer Tournament — Lyon Oaks May 9 Vaccination Clinic — Waterford Oaks May 16 Free Wood Chip Day — Orion Oaks May 16 Vaccination Clinic — Red Oaks Dog Park May 30 Light Up the Night — Addison Oaks Volunteer Opportunities May 2 Canine Sports Fest — Orion Oaks Dog Park May 3 Mom 2 Mom Sale — Oakland County Market 149 Upcoming Events --- Mav, 2015 Nature/Intervi-etive Programs May I Oakland Christian — Wint Nature Center May I CSDD/Frogs — Wint Nature Center May 2 Brownie Troop #70836 — Red Oaks Nature Center May 2 Warble Into Spring — Red Oaks Nature Center May 2 Jr. Girl Scouts — Geocache Badge — Wint Nature Center May 5 Pine Knob Elem. — Wint Nature Center May 6 Holy Goss Preschool — Wint Nature Center May 7 Holy Cross Preschool — Wint Nature Center May 8 Little Sprouts — Wint Nature Center May 8 Girl Scout Troop #7006 — Wint Nature Center May 9 Webelo Seouts/Naturalist Badge — Wint Nature Center May 9 Tuning Your tot Into Spring — Wint Nature Center May 9 Are You My Mother — Red Oaks Nature Center May 12 Commission Meeting & Trail Dedication May 12 Independence Elem.-Starlab — Wint Nature Center May 13 Musson Elem.-Nature Discovery — Wint Nature Center May 14 Garden Work Bee— Wint Nature Center May 16 Brownie Hiker Badge — Wint Nature Center May 16 Brownie Girl Scout -Letterbox Badge — Red Oaks Nature Center May 17 Reilly's 7th Birthday — Wint Nature Center May 19 Christian Leadership Academy-Starlab — Wint Nature Center May 20 Andersonville Elementary— Wint Nature Center May 21 MRPA Park Resources Committee Meeting — Red Oaks Nature Centel - May 23 Daisy Troop #30110 — Red Oaks Nature Center May 26 Springfield Plains — Wint Nature Center May 27 Holden Elem. — Wint Nature Center May 27 Raising Monarchs/Nat. Res. — Wint Nature Center May 30 Girl Scout Troop #70088 — Wint Nature Center May 30 Girl Scout Troop #75297 — Wint Nature Center May 30 Webelos — Naturalist Badge —Red Oaks Nature Center Mobile Recreation May 1 Festival: West Bloomfield Parks & Recreation at Drake Sports Park May 1 Bus: Avondale High School to Groves High School May 2 Bouncer: Genisys Credit Union Hunger Walk at OCC Highland Campus May 2 Mini-fest: West Bloomfield Kiddie Kite Day at the Community Service Building May 2 Bleachers: Oakland Community College Softball Tournament in Waterford May 2 Bus: Hoops Shuttle to the Palace of Auburn Hills May 2 Bus: Huron Valley Sinai to the GM Headquarters May 2 Bus: Heidi Hailgowski to the Hazel Park Racetrack May 2-3 Stage: American Cancer Society Relay for Life Milford May 3 Climbing Tower: Christ Church Cranbrook Ice Cream Social May 3 Bus (2): Avondale High School to Seahohn High School May 4 Bus: St. Matthew Lutheran School to Guernsey's Ice Cream May 4 Bus: Avondale High School to Bloomfield Hills High School May 5 Bus: Avondale High School to Farmington High School May 6 Bus: Avondale High School to Bloomfield Hills High School May 6 Bus: Oakland County Credit Union to the State Capitol May 7 Bus (2): Avondale High School to Bloomfield Hills High School May 8 Bus: Waterford Township Parks & Recreation to the Detroit Symphony Orchestra May 8 Bus: OC 4-H MSU Extension to Comerica Park 150 Upcoming Events — May, 2045 May 8 Bus: Oakside Scholars to the Detroit Zoo May 9 Bus: OCPRC waterpark orientation at the Lookout Lodge May 9 Stage: ABC Harley Davidson Waterford event May I 1 Bus (2): Avondale High School to Hatt Middle School May 12 Bus: OCPRC Waterford Oaks to the Commission Meeting at Red Oaks May 13 Bus: Waterford Township Parks & Recreation to Meadowbrook Theater May 14 Bus: Avondale High School to Seaholm High School May 14 Bus: Mighty Oaks to Michigan State University May 15 Bus: Four Corners Montessori to Oakland University in Madison Heights May 15 Stage: American Cancer Society Relay for Life May 16 Festival 2: OCPRC BMX day at the BMX Track May 16 Tent: Michigan Basset Rescue at Independence Oaks May 16 Bus: Wedding shuttle to Rustbelt Market in Detroit May 16-17 Stage: American Cancer Society Relay for Life Shelby Township May 16 Stage: Clawson Chamber of Commerce Claws & Paws Adoption Event May 16-17 Stage: American Cancer Society Relay for Life Brighton May 17 Festival: OCPRC Market Spring Flower Days May 17 Bus: OCPRC Waterpark Orientation May 17 Stage: City of Wixom Founders Fest at the Gibson House May 17 Stage: YMCA Metro Detroit Girls on the Run 5K at Kensington Metro Park May 18 Bus (2): Avondale High School to Reuther Middle School May 19 Bus (2): Four Corner Montessori to Camp Tamarac May 20 Bus (2): Clarkston Elementary to Greenfield Village May 20 Bus: Waterford Senior Center to Motorcity Casino May 20 Stage: Auburn Hills Christian Center Pack the Place in Auburn Hills May 21 Bus (2): Four Comers Montessori to the Troy Nature Center 151 Board of Directors Directors up for re-election 3 Year Term Susan Kelsey General Motors, Biodiversity Program Manager, Sustainability Initiatives Jamie Burton Hubbell, Roth & Clark, Inc, Associate - Environmental Engineering Department Greg Kacvinsky OHM Advisors, Project Manager John Takle General Motors, Staff Environmental Engineer Robert Zvonek Midwest Financial Advisors, Vice President Officer Candidates President: 1 st Vice President: 2nd Vice President: Treasurer: Secretary: Susan Kelsey Jeff Bednar Tara Presto Shawn Keenan Kevin Chandler Meeting & J� 152 '� Meet & Greet]16 ,� 5:00pm - 6:30pm Watershed Exhibit Hall Open Cash Bar (open during entire evening) Strolling Dinner Stations River Day Logo Contest Voting (voting ends at 6:30pm) Program 6:30pm Program begins Program Introduction: Anne Vaara, CRWC Executive Director Susan Kelsey, CRWC Board President Election of Board of Directors & Officers (see back of program) 7:00pm Guest Speakers - See Below CRWC Summary of Activity - Anne Vaara Jim Williams Tribute - Terry Pritchett Presentation of Awards - Anne Vaara & Susan Kelsey Awards Jerry Carvey Volunteer of the Year Kathleen Dougherty Johanna Roskopp Awards Rueben Flatt John Meyland Terry Navratil Table Sponsors & Exhibitors Anderson, Eckstein & Westrick, Inc Anthony V. Marrocco, Macomb County Public Works Office Applied Science, Inc ASTI Environmental DTE Energy Environmental Consulting & Technology Fishbeck, Thompson, Carr & Huber General Motors Giffels-Webster Hubbell, Roth & Clark LimnoTech NTH Consultants, Ltd OHM Advisors Pure Oakland Water Exhibitors Chief Financial Federal Credit Union Natural Community Services Waste Management 153 CLINTOX RIVER WATERSHED Clinton River Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Projects _- Lake Huron I� i I 'I St. Clair River Anchor a By - . 41ia t=rshed I i I e,� f -- D ,t - jOrainag Lake St. Clair A Proposed GLRI Projects = Q Completed GLRI Projects N Q AOC Boundary ADetroitRiver Erie 0 4.25 8.5 17 Mites f jToLake RESTORATION PROJECTS FUNDED THROUGH THE GREAT LAKES RESTORATION INITIATIVE I Completed Projects Avon Creek Restoration Lake St. Clair Coastal Marsh Restoration Paint Creek Habitat Restoration Dam Removal Paint Creek Restoration Project IRestoring Fish Passage in the Red Run Headwaters E. coli Reduction at Lake St. Clair Beaches Michigan Beaches -Macomb County Health Department Salt River Marsh Coastal Habitat Restoration Clinton River Spillway and Fish Habitat Restoration Reducing the Impact of Stormwater at Lake St. Clair Metropark Nowcast models for beach closures Black Creek Marsh Planning and Design Illicit Discharge Elimination Program Household Hazardous Waste Great Lakes Shoreline Collection Developing TMDL Implementation Plan for Coon Creek Michigan mrl:c For more information visit www.crwe.org or contact us at: contact at crwc.org or (248) 601-0606 154 Future Proiects Partridge Creek Commons Habitat Restoration Sylvan Glen Golf Course Restoration Galloway Creek Fish Passage Restoration Clinton River Corridor Restoration Clinton River Spillway Habitat Enhancement Wolcott Mill Metropark Wetland Restoration Project Shelby Township Stream Bank Stabilization Galloway Wetland Restoration McBride Drain Restoration Red Run Habitat Enhancement Master Plan Harley Ensign Coastal Wetland Restoration �� .. j } Jy i This is the Clinton River Watershed Expected Outcomes • 235 acres of aquatic and terrestrial habitat restoration • 92,000 feet of lineal channel restoration • 130 acres of floodplain or wetland restora- tion • 92,000 feet of in -stream habitat • 365 tons of sediment loading reduction Thousands of lakes, ponds and wetlands. Hundreds of miles of clear, cold streams. Home to heron, trout and mink. A playground for fishing, paddling, hiking and biking. The gateway to Lake St. Clair's boating par- adise. 760 Sq. Miles - 4 Counties - 74 Communities -1.5 million people F For over 42 years, the Clinton River Watershed Council (CRWC) has pro- vided opportunities for citizens, schools, governments, businesses, and other community groups to get involved and active in ensuring a healthy Clinton River for us all through education, stewardship, and watershed management —to make a difference in your community... ' today and for future generations. �ONR, r4t Z `�' �l WATERSHED COUNCIL 155 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Committee Listing Committee Commission Members Staff Liaison Staff Members Marketing ( & Branding) Greg Jamian, Gerald Fisher, David VanderVeen, Melissa Prowse, Desiree Stanfield Dan Stencil, Desiree Stanfield, Ronald Fawkes, David Potts Melissa Prowse, Meagan Shafto Food & Beverage a. Concessions Boyd Brokenshaw, Darlene Rowley, b. Approved Caterers John Scoff, Robert Kostin, Pecky Lewis, David Baumhart Phil Castonia,Sue Wells Paul Simpson, Jim Dunleavy, Phil Gastonia, Sue Wells, Tom Hughes c. Banquet Operations Food & Beverage: John Scott, Robert Kostin, Pecky Lewis, David Baumhart, Phil Castonia,Sue Wells Darlene Rowley, Paul Simpson, Jim Dunleavy, Phil Gastonia, Food & Beverage and Golf Operations RFP David VanderVeen Sue Wells, Tom Hughes Mike Donnellon, Melissa Prowse, Waterford Oaks Design Competition John Scott, Jim Nash Jan Myers Jim Dunleavy, Katie Pardy, Tom Hughes Sue Wells, Lynn Conover, Nature Center Facility - Use of Building(s) Gerald Fisher, Gary McGillivray, David Baumhart Sue Wells Jim Dunleavy, Sarah Hudson, Terry Fields, Tom Hughes Waterpark Design Committee John Scott, David Baumhart Mike Donnellon Katie Pardy, Matt Pardy, Sue Wells, Tom Hughes, Jim Dunleavy Katie Pardy, Matt Pardy, Sue Wells, Waterpark Naming Committee John Scott, David Baumhart Desiree Stanfield Melissa Prowse, Tom Hughes, Jim Dunleavy, Desiree Stanfield, Meagan Shafto Others (??) To Be Announced Dan Stencil To Be Announced Revised as of 04/29/2015 156 50 Reasons to Attend the 2015 NRP... 50 Reasons to Attend the 2015 NRP Page 1 of 7 Contact Us Advocacy Careers and Professional Development Conservation Funding Health and Wellness INRPA Annual Conference Operations IParks and Recreation Magazine Social Equity Trends and News IUrban Parks and Recreation Cities Speak City Parks Blog Conversations in Equity Get to Know Blog MOVE! Next City Park Advocate Play Today Preventing Chronic Diseases Sustaining Places The Dirt The New Nature Movement Nature Rocks Wildlife Promise 50 Reasons to Attend the 2015 NRPA Annual Conference Share 0 by Matt Brubaker I Posted on April 21, 2015 Whether you have never had a chance to attend or you are one of those people who has an overwhelming collection of conference badges from over the years hanging on your office wall, the 2015 NRPA Annual Conference is the one you don't want to miss! Every year, the NRPA Annual Conference is where more than 7,000 park and recreation professionals come for energetic networking activities, inspirational education sessions and an inside look at the latest products for the field. But this year is extra special because NRPA is celebrating its 50Fh Anniversary and we aren't holding anything back! Here are 50 reasons why you don't want to miss out on the NRPA Annual Conference on September 15-17 in Las Vegas, Nevada. 1. Everyone will be there! Don't be left out of the largest annual gathering of park and recreation professionals under one roof. 2. Join the celebration! NRPA will be celebrating its 50th anniversary all three days. 3. You will have your choice of hundreds of education sessions that cover a variety of topics including leadership and management, public relations, marketing, recreation programming, revenue/customer service and much more. 4. Tom Farrey, ESPN Reporter and Executive Director of the Aspen Institute, will be presenting on the Aspen Institute's Project Play and the Future of Play. 5. The conference is graciously supported by an exclusive group of sponsors — Greenfields, Playcore, and American Ramp Company. 6. Become a member! Non-members receive one year of membership with registration. That includes so many great benefits well beyond the conference. What are you lookinq for? tad LINNFtT icy lEmail Address Earth Day, Every Day 50 Reasons to Attend the 2015 NRPA Annual Conference 5 Ways You Can Get Involved This Earth Week You've Got NRPA Membership Now What? 5 Tips for Recruiting Your Next Park and Recreation Employee The Magic of Local Parks and Recreation 5 Tips for Recruiting Your Next Park and Recreation Employee Three Ways You Can Advocate for Summer Nutrition 5 Ways You Can Get Involved This Earth Week March Madness and 8 Ways PRT Students Can Bring Glory to Their School 2015 April March February January 2014 2013 2012 2011 http://www.mpa.org/blog/50-reasons... 50 Reasons to Attend the 2015 NRP... 4/215-715 50 Reasons to Attend the 2015 NRP... 50 Reasons to Attend the 2015 NRP... Page 2 of 7 7. Mark Hall Patton, star of TV's "PawF1 Stars", will be presenting on how museums fit in park and recreation departments. 8. NRPA Premier members who purchase four full package registrations, get the fifth registration for FREE! 9. Ninety-seven percent of prior attendees would recommend attending to a colleague. 10. Get face to face time with manufacturers and service providers during exhibit hall hours and at the Exhibit Hall Networking Party. 11. Hear from top speakers in the field and get motivated for the year ahead. 12. Speed sessions help you learn something new in just 20-minutes and cover an array of fun and educational topics. 13. Network with people from all 50 states plus Germany, France, India, China, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Japan, Australia, United Kingdom, Canada, Turkey and more. 14. You need to try it before you buy it, rig,,U Test out amazing cutting edge playground equipment and other products from some of the top brands in the exhibit hall. 15. We are social! Some of the best highlights and photos are shared on social media during the conference and you can share your great ideas. Just be sure to use #NRPA50. 16. Jon Jarvis, Director of the National Park Service, will be the featured George Butler Lecture series keynote speaker. 17. You will have a chance to win a $100-$200 American Express Gift Card every hour on the hour in the exhibit hall. Tweets Follow n • NRPA news 56m W @NRPA news It's your last 4 days to vote for your favorite park project! ow.ly/LQrxN *ParksBuildCommunity *Belnspired Show Summary NRPA news 18h @NRPA_news Remember to vote and help your favorite park project win a $20,000 grant! ow.ly/LQrpj *ParksBuildCommunity Show Summary http://www.nrpa.orgib]og/50-reasons... 50 Reasons to Attend the 2015 NRP... 4/2-AM 5 50 Reasons to Attend the 2015 NRP... 50 Reasons to Attend the 2015 NRP... Page 3 of 7 NRPA-\.Y' ,.r.AT IDEAS STAR1 HERE 18. Don't miss your chance to see NRPA Board Chairman Detrick Stanford bust out some moves, maybe. 19. You can hear about the Park of the Future from the bright minds of the future leaders of parks and recreation. 20. Eighty-eight percent of attendees are satisfied with their overall experience — you can be too! 21. Earn CEUs to maintain your certification or reach other professional development goals when you attend most education sessions. 22. More than half of last year's attendees rate their value for attending the conference above average. 23. Be in touch with what is going on around the country, get new ideas and stay ahead of the trends. 24. Volunteer and your registration fee can be greatly reduced or you may even be able to attend for free! 25. At the NRPA Member Celebration area in the exhibit hall there will be interactive games, prizes and giveaways, a magician and more! 26. parks Build Community ■a�.or�a.6rg Celebrate revitalization of a local park. Join NRPA as we unveil our2u15 Barks Build Community renovation oroiect at Joe Kneip Park in the City of North Las Vegas. 27. Learn how to be a highly respected, highly influential and highly successful communicator in Jerry Balistreri's interactive session "Reading the Tells - Learning How to Read Body Language" in the Learning Playground. 28. Join exhibitors and your colleagues at the Exhibit Hall Networking Party Tuesday night for networking, entertainment and cash prizes. Light hors d'oeuvres and beverages will be served. 29. You can win something great and do some good when you bid on a silent auction item. Visit the exhibit hall to place your bids on items including products, services and experiences. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to a charitable partner. http://www.nrpa.orgiblog/50-reasons... 50 Reasons to Attend the 2015 NRP... 4/2- 50 5 50 Reasons to Attend the 2015 NRP... 50 Reasons to Attend the 2015 NRP... Page 4 of 7 L"earni g P1ay round 30. The Learning Playground and Learning Labs in the exhibit hall will get you out of your chair to interact directly with speakers and experience fun, hands-on learning. 31. Bring your running shoes and grab a glow stick for the 5K Night Fun Run/Walk presented by Las Vegas Local Host Committee. 32. So many certifications and so little time! During the pre -conference workshops you can become certified for the first time or get recertified as a Certified Playground Safety Inspector (CPSI), Aquatic Facility Operator (AFO), or a Certified Park and Recreation Professional (CPRP). 33. Seventy-five percent of attendees come to the NRPA Annual QwifeianiR to network. Whether that means meeting new people, reconnecting with colleagues or learning from the best in the business, there are many opportunities to network. 34. Bring your clubs or rent a set for the Golf Tournament at Revere Golf Club presented by the Las Vegas Local Host Committee. 35. Explore what Nevada has to offer. Skip the slot machine and sign up for a photo scavenger hunt, a tour of the Hoover Dam or another Off -Site Institute put on by the Las Vegas Local Host Committee. 36. Win complimentary registration for 2016. There will be multiple opportunities in the exhibit hall to win free registration to the 2016 NRPA Annual Conference in St. Louis. 37. Learn how to be a successful speaker and create sessions that engage your audience at the Pre -Conference Workshop "What Every Good Speaker Knows and You Don't." 38. The Pre -Conference Workshop "12 Steps to Sponsorship Success" will teach you how to approach your sponsorship from determining what assets are valuable to sponsors to what you should charge. 39. Have a little fun in-between sessions and challenge one of your colleagues to inflatable human bowling. Don't worry it's as cool as it sounds! http://www.nrpa.org/blog/50-reasons... 50 Reasons to Attend the 2015 NRP... 4/2-MO 5 50 Reasons to Attend the 2015 NRP... 50 Reasons to Attend the 2015 NRP... Page 5 of 7 40. If you get all the squares on the Expodition Game card stamped and turned in you could win cool prizes. 41. Return to your department inspired, refreshed, full of new ideas and with a better understanding of how to best serve your community. 42. The new and improved NRPA Research Sessions (formerly known as the Leisure Research Symposium) provide an international forum for scholarly exchange and discussion about leisure. The Sessions include both theoretical and applied research applicable to daily practice, with an emphasis on the latter. 43. Help NRPA blow out it's candles at the "NRPA Party: Celebrating 50 Years" in the Mandalay Bay Convention Center. 44. Join some of the top agencies and professionals in the field as they (or hopefully you) accept awards at the Best of the Best Ceremony. 45. In Donna Kuethe's compelling session "True G.R.I.T.T. — Growing Resiliency in Tough Times" participants will identify that adversity is inevitable and learn to not only survive but thrive through life's difficulties. 46. The NRPA Events App provides attendees everything necessary to plan and navigate the conference right at their fingertips. Access speaker bias, session and event descriptions, maps, local resources and connect with colleagues all from your phone or tablet. http://www.m7a.org/blog/50-reasons... 50 Reasons to Attend the 2015 NRP... 4/219A 5 50 Reasons to Attend the 2015 NRP... 50 Reasons to Attend the 2015 NRP Page 6 of 7 47. The wallet -sized Pocket guide — packed with a full schedule, maps, event details and more. This convenient little guide is great to pair with the app or use on its own for those who may not prefer the digital method. 48. In Michael Bork's session "The Balloon Animal: The Most Stressed Creature in the World!" participants will gain an understanding of the basics of stress, how individuals handle stress and what physical effect stress can have on the body all while playing with balloon animals of course. 49. Whether you are a student looking to pursue a career in the field, a young professional looking to further your career, a seasoned professional looking for a new challenge, or a park and recreation agency recruiting new staff, you will find it ALL at the NRPA Career Center in the exhibit hall. 50. What happens in Vegas doesn't have to stay in Vegas. Bring back all the great ideas you soaked up and share them with your colleagues. Hopefully those 50 reasons are enough to demonstrate how amazing this years conference is going to be and why you don't want to miss a second of it. Mark your calendars because reaistration opens Mav 1. 2015. If you could attend for free, would that be another reason to attend? The 50th person to resister will receive FREE reaistration! Make sure you set aside time to register at 12 p.m. ET on May 1 for your shot at being lucky number 50! What would you add to this list? Leave a comment below or tweet us @NRPA News using #NRPA50 Matt Brubaker is the Marketing Manager of NRPA. Recommended NC2NV 101 NC2NV: Hitting the Road Editor I April 9, 2015 My Story: What Being an NRPA Scholar Did for Me Rebecca Lackey I April 7, 2015 http://www.lupa.org/blog/50-reasons... 50 Reasons to Attend the 2015 NRP 4/2-'025 50 Reasons to Attend the 2015 NRP... 50 Reasons to Attend the 2015 NRP... Page 7 of 7 March Madness and 8 ' Ways PRT Students Can Bring Glory to Their School Kevin O'Hara I March 27, 2015 March Madness and the Final Four of Parks and Recreation Michael Klitzing, CPRE I March 19, 2015 Four Tips for a Stellar National Awards Submission Brenda Beales;Roxanne Sutton I February 9, 2015 Leave a comment Blog comments are moderated and will be posted once approved. Name Wf77a r t Enter the code shown above: Post Comment The opinions of NRPA blog contributors don't necessarily reflect the editorial position of National Recreation and Park Association as a whole. 22377 Belmont Ridge Road Ashburn, Va 20146-4501 600.626.NRPA (6772) ® 2014 NRPA, All Rights Reserved http://www.nrpa.org/blog/50-reasons... 50 Reasons to Attend the 2015 NRP 4/2'Afg 5 6di NEWS RELEASE April 21, 2015 Desiree Stanfield 248-858-4627 @OCParksNews Three Oakland County Parks volunteer groups receive state awards OAKLAND COUNTY — Oakland County Parks and Recreation announces three of its dedicated volunteer groups recently won Michigan Recreation and Park Association Community Service Awards. The awards honor the volunteers and agencies that help OCP create a welcoming environment for visitors. Executive Officer Dan Stencil accepted the awards on behalf of Clarkston SCAMP, Clinton River Area Mountain Bike Association and the Oakland County History Corps during a ceremony April 14 in East Lansing. Clarkston SCAMP won for its special relationship with OCP. SCAMP, a five -week summer day camp for children and young adults with special needs, uses the facilities at Independence Oaks County Park, Campers enjoying hiking, swimming, boating and fishing and are also frequent visitors to Waterford Oaks Waterpark. CRAM BA was honored for its efforts to establish and maintain 5.6 miles of groomed trails for fat tire biking and its support of Oakland County Parks by hosting its annual fall classic mountain bike race at Addison Oaks County Park. "CRAMBA is always eager to spread the word about the mountain biking facilities by publicizing trail conditions, new developments and upcoming events," Stencil said. Oakland County History Corps was recognized for its work enhancing the understanding of park places, shaping the recreational experience of the historical park structures and landscapes and creating new and interesting volunteer opportunities. The History Corps is collaboration between members of the Oakland County Historical Commission, the Oakland Parks Foundation, the Waterford Schools History Center and the faculty of Oakland University, Volunteers support parks staff and programs through their work as researchers, archivists, preservationists and docents. Visit DestinationOakland.com for more information. Join the conversation on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @DestinationOak. -30- 164 OAKLAND COUNTY COOPERATIVE INVASIVE SPECIES MANAGEMENT AREA (CISMA) 2800 Watkins Lake Road Waterford, MI 48328 Dear Oakland County CISMA Supporter, We are contacting you to express appreciation for your support of the Oakland County Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area (CISMA) and the letter of support you wrote to the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) in support of the Oakland County CISMA's 2014-2015 Michigan Invasive Species Grant (MISG). MDNR received 68 applications requesting approximately $15 million from the MISG Program. MDNR awarded twenty grants totaling approximately $4 million dollars; a small percentage of this funding was awarded to southeast Michigan interests, however, the Oakland County CISMA was not successful in securing monies. A full summary of the MDNR 2014-2015 MISG grant awards may be accessed at: htti)://www.michiean.Rov/documents/dnr/CISMAs in Michigan Final 482321 7.Ddf Despite lack of state funding, the Oakland County CISMA continues to make tremendous progress toward collaborative, multi -jurisdictional, public -private invasive species management in Oakland County. So far this year, the CISMA has: • Finalized a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with participating partners. • Established an OC CISMA Steering Committee and commenced regularly -scheduled meetings. • Convened 19 partners who have allocated nearly $300,000 in budgeted funds to treat invasive plants. • Obtained a generous $75,000 allowance from the Road Commission of Oakland County (RCOC) to be allocated to the treatment of Phragmites in road right-of-ways located within the geographic jurisdiction of OC CISMA Steering Committee Members. • Worked with RCOC to streamline permit requirements for treatment of invasives in road right-of- ways. • Scheduled a workshop for Oakland County Municipalities to provide best management practices for facilitating public -private invasive control partnerships. • Prepared public education and outreach pieces on invasive plants in Oakland County. Currently, Oakland County CISMA Officers and Steering Committee members are actively seeking both short- term and long-term funding resources to bolster our initial efforts, and to continue to build momentum toward a sustained invasive species management collaborative in Oakland County. The Oakland County CISMA wishes to thank you, in advance, for your continued support of our efforts to steward natural areas, waterways, and supporting infrastructure, throughout our communities. Sincerely, The Oakland County CISMA Officers: Chair - Emily Duthinh, Oakland Phragmites and Invasive Species Taskforce Vice — Chair - Brittany Bird, Oakland County Parks and Recreation Secretary — Jennifer Tucker, Supervisor - West Bloomfield Parks and Recreation Member at Large — Chris Barnett, Orion Township Supervisor 165 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA MAY 12, 2015 To: Chairman Fisher and Commission Members From: Daniel J. Stencil, Executive Officer Phil Castonia, Chief of Business Operations Submitted: May 4, 2015 Subject: Food and Beverage Update INTRODUCTION AND HISTORY AGENDA ITEM NO. 10 C ADMINISTRATION Staff will be prepared to provide verbal update on the current Food and Beverage projects. 166