HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendas/Packets - 2015.12.08 - 40305MEETING NOTICE OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a regular meeting of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission will be held at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 8, 2015, at Oakland County Parks and Recreation Administration Office, Waterford, Michigan 48328. located at 2800 Watkins Lake Road, GERALD A. FISHER CHAIRMAN Telephone: (248) 858-4603 2800 Watkins Lake Road • Bldg 97W • Waterford, MI 48328-1917 248.858.0906 . 1.888.00PARKS • DestinationOakland.com GAKLAND COUNTYPARKS December 2, 2015 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Oakland County, Michigan Commissioners: A meeting has been called of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission as follows: PLACE................................... TIME ................................... Oakland County Parks Administration Office 2800 Watkins Lake Road Waterford, MI Tuesday, December 8, 2015 2:00 p.m. PURPOSE ................................ REGULAR MEETING This meeting has been called in accordance with the authorization of Chairman Gerald Fisher of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission. Sincerely, Daniel J. Stencil, CPRE Gerald A. Fisher Chairman Executive Officer I David VanderVeen Vice Chairman John A. Scott Secretary Next Meeting: January 12, 2016 (Subject to OCPRC Approval) A. David Baumhart 111 2016 Meeting Schedule Pending OCPR Commission Approval Ron Fowkes Robert E. Kostin Christine Long Meeting Location: Oakland County Parks and Recreation Administration Office Gary R. McGillivray 2800 Watkins Lake Road Jim Nash David W. Pons Waterford, Michigan 48328 Daniel 1. Stencil Executive Officer 0 ur mission is to provide quality recreational experiences that encourage healthy lifestyles, support economic prosperity and promote the protection of natural resources. 2 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting Parks & Recreation Administration Offices 2800 Watkins Lake Road, Waterford, MI 48328 Tuesday, December 8, 2015 2:00 p.m. AGENDA Page #'s Action Reauired Presenter/Phone # I Call Meeting to Order ------ G. Fisher 248.514.9814 2 Roll Call 3 Pledge of Allegiance ------ 3-4 4. Approval of Agenda Approval pp G. Fisher/D. Stencil 248.858.4944 5-14 5. Approval of Minutes: Regular Meeting of 11/10/15 Approval V. Valko 248.858.4603 6. Public Comments: G. Fisher 7. CONSENT AGENDA: 15-16 A. OCPR Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Budget to Actual Report for Month Ending Receive & File J. Phelps 248.858.5319/D. Stencil 10/01/15 (FM 01, FY16) 17 B. Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Comparison Report for Month Ending Receive & File J. Phelps/D. Stencil 10/01/15 (FM 01, FY16) 18 C. Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Average Comparison Report for Month Ending Receive & File J. Phelps/D. Stencil 10/01/15 (FM 01, FY16) 19-21 D. Capital Improvement Projects Budget to Actual Report & Statement of Net Position Receive & File J. Phelps/D. Stencil For Month Ending 10/01/15 (FM 01, FY16) 22 E. FY 2016 CIP Schedule Update Receive & File M. Donnellon 858.4623/D. Stencil 23 F. FY 2016 Maintenance Management Plan/Projects Update Receive & File M. Donnellon/D. Stencil 24 G. Fiscal Services 4th Quarter Financial Forecast Receive & File J. Phelps/D. Stencil 25-26 H. FY 2015 4th Quarter Non -Sufficient Funds Check Write -Off Receive & File J. Phelps/D. Stencil 27-29 L Monthly Purchasing Report for Month Ending 10/31/15 (FM 01, FY16) Receive & File P. Castonia 858.0909/S. Wells 858.4634/D. Stencil 30-31 J. OCPR 4th Quarter FY2015 Contributions Receive & File D. Stencil/M. Prowse 249.2801 32-33 K. OCPR 4th Quarter FY2015 Sponsorships Receive & File D. Stencil/M. Prowse 34-35 L. OCPR 4th Quarter FY2015 Temporary Use Permits Receive & File D. Stencil/M. Prowse 36-37 M. OCPR FY 2015 Year -End Contributions Receive & File D. Stencil/M. Prowse 38-40 N. OCPR FY 2015 Year -End Sponsorships Receive & File D. Stencil/M. Prowse 41-42 O. OCPR FY 2015 Year -End Temporary Use Permits Receive & File D. Stencil/M. Prowse 43-44 P. CIP Project Approval: Addison Oaks — ADA Improvements — Adams Lake Beach & Picnic Area Information/Approval J. Myers 202.9287/M. Donnellon 3 8. REGULAR AGENDA: 45-47 A. Historical Assets Work Group (H.A.W.G.) Goals and Objectives 48-49 B. Approval of 2016 OCPRC Meeting Dates 50-89 C. License Agreement for Katherine's Catering at Lyon Oaks and White Lake Oaks 90-132 D. Conceptual FY 2017 CIP/Maintenance Management Plan 133-148 E. Conceptual FY 2017 Capital Equipment Plan 149-150 F. OCPR Organizational/Staffing Chart 151-198 G. Marketing & Branding Committee Recommendation 199-204 H. Pending Capital Projects Summary 9. REPORTS: 205-223 A. Executive Officer Report B. Participation and Program Review FY 2016, Month 01 C. Parks Finance and Service Delivery Committee Update D. Executive Committee Update 10. OLD BUSINESS 11. NEW BUSINESS 12 CLOSED SESSION: Annual Executive Officer's Performance Evaluation 13. ADJOURN Next Meeting: 2:00 p.m. on JANUARY 12, 2016 Information M. Prowse/D. Stencil Information/Approval D. Stencil/S. Wells Information/Approval J. Hall/P. Castonia Information M. Donnellon/S. Wells/D. Stencil Information T. Hughes 343.1011/J. Dunleavy 858.4647 Information S. Wells/D. Stencil Information/Approval D. Stencil/D. Stanfield 705.4108/M. Prowse Information M. Donnellon Receive and File D. Stencil Receive and File T. Fields 858.0914/J. Dunleavy/T. Hughes Receive and File S. Wells/D. Stencil G. Fisher G. Fisher G. Fisher G. Fisher (To be Determined - Subject to OCPRC Approval of 2016 Proposed Calendar) OCPR Administration Building, 2800 Watkins Lake Road, Waterford, MI 48328 * NOTE: All phone numbers are area code (248) unless otherwise noted. As a reminder, if you have not already done so, please turn your cellular phones off or to a silent or vibrate mode for the duration of the meeting. This will allow the meeting to proceed without distractions or interruptions. Thank you foryour cooperation. 4 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Regular Meeting November 10, 2015 Chairman Fisher called the meeting to order at 2:01 p.m. in the Commission meeting room at the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Administration Office. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Gerald Fisher, Vice Chairman J. David VanderVeen, Secretary John A. Scott, A. David Baumhart III, Ronald Fowkes, Robert E. Kostin, Christine Long, Gary McGillivray, Jim Nash, David Potts COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT WITH NOTICE: None ALSO PRESENT: Parks and Recreation OC Corporation Counsel Oakland County Fair APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Daniel Stencil, Executive Officer Sue Wells, Manager of Parks and Rec. Operations Zach Crane, Architectural Engineer II Phil Castonia, Chief of Business Operations Mike Donnellon, Chief -Park Facilities Maint. & Dev. Jim Dunleavy, Chief -Park Ops. & Maint.- N. District Terry Fields, Chief -Recreation Programs and Services Tom Hughes, Chief -Park Ops. & Maint.- S. District Jen Myers, Architectural Engineer II Desiree Stanfield, Supervisor — Marketing & Comm. Jody Hall, Financial Attorney Andy Krumwiede, Buyer II L C Scramlin, Director Moved by Mrs. Long, supported by Mr. Fowkes to approve the agenda with the following change: Under Regular Agenda - Move Item 81 Proposed Purchase of Oak Management Used Food & Beverage Equipment, Furniture and Miscellaneous Accessories — Lyon Oaks/White Lake Oaks, to just after Item 8 A Appointment of 4t" OCPRC Member to the Executive Committee AYES: Baumhart, Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, Long, McGillivray, Nash, Potts, Scott (9) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote. 5 (Commission Meeting, November 10, 2015) Page 2 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Moved by Mr. Kostin, supported by Mr. Scott to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 13, 2015, with the following changes: Page 5 - Evaluation, Review and Recommendation of Waterford Oaks Master Plan Design Competition, correct the vote on the motion to: AYES: Baumhart, Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, McGillivray, Nash, Scott (7) NAYS: Potts, VanderVeen (2) Motion carried on a voice vote. Page 10 - OCPRC/City of Royal Oak Ad Hoc Committee, correct the vote on the motion to: AYES: Baumhart, Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, McGillivray, Nash, Potts, Scott (8) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote. AYES: Baumhart, Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, Long, McGillivray, Nash, Potts, Scott (9) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote. PUBLIC COMMENTS: LC Scramlin, Director of the Oakland County Fair, and Executive Committee for the Michigan State Fair, provided an update on the Michigan State Fair and also thanked the OCPR Commission for the support, assistance and sponsorship this year to the Michigan State Fair. CONSENT AGENDA: Moved by Mrs. Long, supported by Mr. Kostin to remove Item 7 I-1 Addison Oaks Fuel Tank Replacement —Construction Approval from the Consent Agenda, and approve Items 7 A — 7 H and Items 7 I-2 thru 7I-4 under the Consent Agenda, as follows: A. OCPR Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Budget to Actual Report for Month Ending 09/30/15 (FM12, FY15) B. Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Comparison Report for Month Ending 09/30/15 (FM12, FY15) C. Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Average Comparison Report for Month Ending 09/30/15 (FM12, FY15) 6 (Commission Meeting, November 10, 2015) Page 3 D. Capital Improvement Projects Budget to Actual Report & Statement of Net Position for Month Ending 09/30/15 (FM12, FY15) E. FY 2015 Year -End Budget Amendments F. FY 2015 CIP Schedule Update G. FY 2015 Maintenance Management Plan/Projects Update H. Monthly Purchasing Reports for Month Ending 09/30/15 (FM12, FY15) 2. Addison Oaks — Boat Launch Accessible — RP Grant $($55,000) - Construction Approval 3. Addison Oaks — Fishing Dock Replacement — RP Grant ($60,000) - Construction Approval 4. Independence Oaks — Boat Launch — MNRTF Grant ($60,000) - Construction Approval AYES: Baumhart, Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, Long, McGillivray, Nash, Potts, Scott, VanderVeen (10) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote. 7 I-1Addison Oaks Fuel Tank Replacement —Construction Approval Moved by Mr. Nash, supported by Mr. Baumhart to amend the existing budget of CIP#2095 Addison Oaks — Fuel Tank Replacement, created November 6, 2014, from $65,000 to $90,620. This amendment reflects an increase of $25,620 as anticipated in the FY2016 Capital Improvement Program Management Plan. Funding is available from Net Position — Unrestricted, Amount available for Capital Improvement and Capital Equipment. Annual Contracts $ 8,800.00 Permitting $ 500.00 Matzak Inc. of Ray, MI $69,500.00 Project Contingency $11,820.00 Total Project Costs $90,620.00 AYES: Baumhart, Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, Long, McGillivray, Nash, Potts, Scott, VanderVeen (10) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote. 7 (Commission Meeting, November 10, 2015) Page 4 REGULAR AGENDA: Appointment of 4th OCPR Commission Member to the Executive Committee Moved by Mr. Fisher, supported by Mr. Potts to appoint OCPR Commissioner Gary McGillivray to the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Executive Committee. AYES: Baumhart, Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, Long, McGillivray, Nash, Potts, Scott, VanderVeen (10) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote. Proposed Purchase of Oak Manaaement Used Food & Beveraae Equipment, Furniture and Miscellaneous Accessories — Lvon Oaks/White Lake Oaks The Commission reviewed the proposal and the estimated value of the used equipment, furniture and miscellaneous accessories at Lyon Oaks and White Lake Oaks Conference Centers from Oak Management and also the request for upgrades at the existing facilities for the brides and grooms rooms. It was reported that to purchase these items and to replace what is currently in the facilities would be at a much greater cost. In addition, staff advised that the improvements being requested at the facilities could be completed by OCPR staff at a reduced cost. Moved by Mrs. Long, supported by Mr. Kostin to approve the proposed Bill of Sale for the purchase of the personal property at Lyon Oaks and White Lake Oaks, as outlined in Exhibit A and Exhibit B, from Oak Management. AYES: Baumhart, Fowkes, Kostin, Long, McGillivray, Nash, Potts, Scott, VanderVeen (9) NAYS: Fisher (1) Motion carried on a voice vote. Second Amendment to the Oakland County Fair Cooperative Aareement - Temporary Winter Storaae Proaram Moved by Mrs. Long, supported by Mr. Fowkes to approve the Second Amendment to the Oakland County Fair Cooperative Agreement between Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission and Oakland County 4-H Fair Association, allowing the Oakland County Fair Association to provide temporary winter indoor storage of RV equipment, for the fee of $5,000 for the time period of October 2015 to April 2016. AYES: Baumhart, Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, Long, McGillivray, Nash, Potts, Scott, VanderVeen (10) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote. E. (Commission Meeting, November 10, 2015) Page 5 Proposed 2016 Fees and Charqes Moved by Mr. McGillivray, supported aby Mr. Kostin to approve the proposed 2016 Fees and Charges for implementation on January 1, 2016, with the clarification that the Half Day Rental at Springfield Oaks Facility Rental - Ellis Barn is for 4 hours. AYES: Baumhart, Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, Long, McGillivray, Nash, Potts, Scott, VanderVeen (10) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote. Commissioner VanderVeen requested a report on the numbers of resident and non-resident park patrons that visited the Oakland County Waterparks in 2015. Proposed Residential Lease Agreement Renewals — Oakland Countv Parks Property: 1. Hatt lease — Groveland Oaks: 2. Foshia Lease — Springfield Oaks Moved by Mrs. Long, supported by Mr. VanderVeen to adopt the following resolution approving the Residential Lease with Robert and Cattie Hatt for the Groveland Oaks Residential Property located at 6000 Grange Hall Road, Holly, MI 48442 for a 5-year term effective January 1, 2016, which will be forwarded to the Oakland County Board of Commissioners for final approval, and Moved by Mrs. Long, supported by Mr. VanderVeen to adopt the following resolution approving the Residential Lease with Terry and Martha Foshia for the Springfield Oaks Residential Property located at 12080 Clark Road, Davisburg, MI 48350 for a 5-year term effective January 1, 2016, which will be forwarded to the Oakland County Board of Commissioners for final approval. RESIDENTIAL LEASE — HATT — GROVELAND OAKS WHEREAS the County of Oakland is the owner of Groveland Oaks County Park; and WHEREAS a 1,100-square foot house, identified as 6000 Grange Hall Road, Holly, MI 48442, is located on the grounds of Groveland Oaks County Park; and WHEREAS it is the desire of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission to lease said house located at 6000 Grange Hall Road, Holly, MI 48442 to Robert and Cattie Hatt for a period commencing January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2020; and WHEREAS under the terms and conditions of the and Cattie Hatt will pay rent as follows: January 1, 2016 — December 31, 2016 January 1, 2017 — December 31, 2017 January 1, 2018 — December 31, 2018 January 1, 2019 — December 31, 2019 January 1, 2020 — December 31, 2020 each month and pay all utility costs; and attached Lease Agreement Robert $718.00 $732.00 $747.00 $762.00 $777.00 E (Commission Meeting, November 10, 2015) Page 6 WHEREAS the Departments of Facilities Management and Corporation Counsel have reviewed and/or prepared all necessary documents related to the attached lease agreement; and WHEREAS it is the recommendation of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission and the Department of Facilities Management that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accept and approve the terms and conditions of the attached Lease Agreement. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission hereby recommends the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approve and authorize the attached Lease Agreement between the County of Oakland and Robert and Cattie Hatt. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the rent amount received be deposited in the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Rental House Revenue fund line item. RESIDENTIAL LEASE — FOSHIA — SPRINGFIELD OAKS WHEREAS the County of Oakland is the owner of Springfield Oaks County Park; and WHEREAS a 1,344-square foot house, identified as 12080 Clark Road, Davisburg, MI, 48350, is located on the grounds of Springfield Oaks County Park; and WHEREAS it is the desire of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission to lease said house located at 12080 Clark Road, Davisburg, MI 48350 to Terry and Martha Foshia for a period commencing January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2020; and WHEREAS under the terms and conditions of the attached Lease Agreement Terry and Martha Foshia will pay rent as follows: January 1, 2016 — December 31, 2016 $793.00 January 1, 2017 — December 31, 2017 $809.00 January 1, 2018 — December 31, 2018 $826.00 January 1, 2019 — December 31, 2019 $842.00 January 1, 2020 — December 31, 2020 $859.00 each month and pay all utility costs; and WHEREAS the Departments of Facilities Management and Corporation Counsel have reviewed and/or prepared all necessary documents related to the attached lease agreement; and WHEREAS it is the recommendation of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission and the Department of Facilities Management that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accept and approve the terms and conditions of the attached Lease Agreement. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission hereby recommends the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approve and authorize the attached Lease Agreement between the County of Oakland and Terry and Martha Foshia. 10 (Commission Meeting, November 10, 2015) Page 7 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the rent amount received be deposited in the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Rental House Revenue fund line item. AYES: Baumhart, Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, Long, McGillivray, Nash, Potts, Scott, VanderVeen (10) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote. Oakland Countv Sheriff's Office Contract 1-Year Extension Moved by Mr. Scott, supported by Mr. McGillivray to approve the proposed contract with the Oakland County Sheriffs Office for Law Enforcement Services with the OCPR Commission for 2016 at the rates provided in the proposed contract and listed below: Rates for Services in Calendar Year Monthly Rate for 1 Sergeant and 3 Deputy II's Hourly Rate for each PTNE Park Deputy II Hourly Rate for each PTNE Park Deputy I Hourly Rate for each PTNE Mounted Deputy Hourly Overtime Rate(s) Sergeant Deputy II PTNE Park Deputy II PTNE Park Deputy I PTNE Mounted Deputy 2016 $43,144.00 $20.02 $17.50 $17.50 $78.11 $65.64 $30.03 $26.25 $26.25 AYES: Baumhart, Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, Long, McGillivray, Nash, Potts, Scott, VanderVeen (10) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote. Service Portfolio Update: Proposed Sponsorship Policv Amendment — Policv 09-006 Project Advisor Becky Stepp reviewed the proposed Sponsorship Policy Amendment which included a definition of sponsorship, asset inventory, types of advertising and a possible RFP process. The Commission indicated they would like a bit more time for review and to also clarify a few items before approving. This item will be postponed until the December OCPRC meeting. In the meantime, staff and the Commission will schedule a meeting which will provide an opportunity for additional clarification on the recommended changes. 11 (Commission Meeting, November 10, 2015) Page 8 Pendinq Capital Proiects Summary Chief of Park Facilities Maintenance and Development Mike Donnellon presented the Pending Capital Projects Summary. The Commission requested staff include a key or legend for the project abbreviations or acronyms with all future project listings to help identify projects and locations. 50th Anniversary Promotional Campaign OCPR Project Advisor Victor Chiasson and Supervisor of Marketing and Communications Desiree Stanfield provided the Commission with an update on the status of the promotional plans for the OCPR 50th Anniversary celebration in 2016. Included in this presentation was a recommendation for the approval of 2016 Appreciation Days which will provide free park entry into Oakland County Parks Day -Use Parks for several dates in 2016, a discounted price for a 50th Anniversary Parks Passbook to invite our citizens to sample a number of park facilities at a discounted rate, and also plans to develop a historical publication to trace Oakland County Parks history over the last 50 years. Moved by Mr. McGillivray, supported by Mr. Baumhart to approve the following 2016 Appreciation Days providing free park entry into the Oakland County Parks Day -Use Parks: Grandparents Day (September 11); Veteran's Day (November 11); Thanksgiving (November 24); Christmas Eve (December 24); Christmas Day (December 25); and New Year's Eve (December 31); and Approve the sale of the OCPR 2016 50th Anniversary Parks Passbook at a discounted price of $15 each, recognizing the true value is well in excess of $50. AYES: Baumhart, Fisher, Fowkes, Kostin, Long, McGillivray, Nash, Potts, Scott, VanderVeen (10) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote. Communications & Marketina Presentation (Semi -Annual) Supervisor of Marketing and Communications Desiree Stanfield made a presentation on the status of OCPR Communications and Marketing. Topics covered included Employee Recruitment, Waterpark Attendance and Record Numbers in Earned Media Value. In addition she covered the top three initiatives for 2016: Branding and Marketing, Oakland County Parks and Recreation 50th Anniversary Celebration in 2016 and Finding an "In" to Schools/Reaching Families. The Commission requested staff to report back and verify if the Oakland County Parks and Recreation telephone numbers are on the promotional vehicle wraps. In addition, the Branding and Marketing Committee will bring a recommendation on a marketing firm to the Commission at the December OCPRC meeting. 12 (Commission Meeting, November 10, 2015) Page 9 REPORTS: Executive Officer's Report In addition to the items included in the Executive Officer's Report filed in the agenda, the following information was noted: • 2016 OCPRC Proposed Meeting dates/times • HCMA-OCPR joint Park Perks pass sales analysis • Annual Oakland County Auction/OCPR asset sales results • BMX Race on Halloween Oakland Press article • Acquisition of property in White Lake Township • Update on OCPR Volunteer Policy and point redemption Participation and Program Review FY 2015, Month 12 The Participation and Program Review report for September 2015 was received. Parks Finance and Service Delivery Committee Update Manager of Parks and Recreation Operations Sue Wells provided an update on the progress of the Parks Finance and Service Delivery Committee. This committee is currently evaluating what could be eliminated from the budget for cost savings, and possible options to generate more revenue. In addition, staff will be reviewing existing programs and participation to determine what programs should be continued and which could be discontinued. Staff will also I be proposing no lifeguards at Independence Beach starting the summer of 2016. They will also evaluate and prioritize full-time and part-time staffing, evaluate concessions, hours of operations and determine what processes could be streamlined to be more effective and also save costs. Executive Committee Update Chairman Fisher informed that the Executive Committee reviewed the Normandy Oaks discussions with the City of Royal Oak. It was recommended that sponsorship funds could be one way to proceed on this proposed project and also fees and charges would be another possibility. No commitment has been made with the City of Royal Oak at this time. He also provided an update on the status of the discussions with the State of Michigan DNR on the proposed ORV facility, consideration of what to do with the first year's revenues, the inclusion of a clause for OCPR to opt out, possible grants that might be available and the commitment from the MDNR on maintenance costs. NEW BUSINESS: The Commission will be determining the 2016 OCPR Commission meeting dates and times at the December Commission meeting. 13 (Commission Meeting, November 10, 2015) Page 10 OLD BUSINESS: There was no new business to report. ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m. John A. Scott, Secretary Vicky Valko, Recording Secretary 14 06JkIW_1►1111114WIJ►111111_I��►t OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA DECEMBER 8, 2015 AGENDA ITEM NO. 7 FISCAL SERVICES - P&R ACCOUNTING To: Chairman Fisher and Commission Members From: Daniel J. Stencil, Executive Officer; Brian Menghini, Fiscal Services Supervisor Il; Jeffrey Phelps, Fiscal Services Supervisor II Submitted: November 19, 2015 Subject: Consent Agenda — OCPR Monthly Financial Reports 7. A. REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE BUDGET TO ACTUAL REPORT October, 2015 (FM 1, FY 2016) 7. B. REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE COMPARISON REPORT October, 2015 (FM 1, FY 2016) 7. C. REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE AVERAGE COMPARISON REPORT October, 2015 (FM 1, FY 2016) 7. D. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS BUDGET TO ACTUAL REPORT AND STATEMENT OF NET POSITION October, 2015 (FM 1, FY 2016) 15 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Item # 7 A REVENUE AND EXPENSE BUDGET TO ACTUAL REPORT FM 1 FY 2016 FOR MONTH ENDING 10/31/2015 2016 YEAR TO (OVER) % OF REVENUE BUDGET DATE UNDER BUDGET BUDGET ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES: Millage Tax 12,305,000.00 782.48 12,304.217,52 0.01s Capital Contributions 45,000.00 0.00 45,000.00 0.0% Other 275,525.00 40,342.95 235,182,05 14.6% GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE 812,000.00 37,181.04 774,8118.96 4.6% LYON OAKS GOLF COURSE 1,203.500.00 65,327.34 1,138,172.66 5A% RED OAKS GOLF COURSE 336,700.00 17,472.13 319,227.87 5.2% SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE 681,654.00 29,296.96 652,357.04 4.3 % WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE 757,533.00 30,B57.50 726,675.50 4A % ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 135,000.00 0.00 135,000.00 0.0 h GLEN OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 157,000.00 0.00 157,000.00 0.0% GROVELAND OAKS CONCESSIONS 108,000.00 0.00 108,0oo.00 0.0% LYON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 110,000.00 0.00 110,000.00 0.0°% RED OAKS WATERPARK CONCESSIONS 250,500.00 0,00 250,500.00 0.0% SPRINGFIELD OAKS CONCESSION 6,000.00 0.00 6,000.00 0.0 % WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK CONCESSIONS 160,500.00 0,00 160,500.00 0.0% WHITE LAKE OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 50,000.00 0.00 50,000,00 0.0% OAKLAND COUNTY MARKET 195,200.00 15,049.65 180,150.35 7.7°% ADDISON OAKS PARK 585,516.00 75,606.42 510,909,50 12.9 % GROVELAND OAKS PARK 806,750.00 4,393.42 802,356.58 05°% HIGHLAND OAKS PARK 10,600.00 631.00 9,969.00 6.0°% INDEPENDENCE OAKS PARK 311,023.00 10,263.00 300,760.00 3.3°% LYON OAKS PARK 151,000.00 13,212.00 137,788.00 8.7°% ORION OAKS PARK 167,000.00 7,365.00 159,635.00 4.4 % RED OAKS DOG PARK 47,000,00 2,807.00 44,193,00 6.0% RED OAKS PARK 20,200,00 603.00 19,597.00 3.0916 ROSE OAKS PARK 7,000.00 0.00 7,000.00 0.0% SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTERIPARK 112.375.00 36,520.61 75.854.39 32.5% WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTERIPARK 7B,305.00 2.526,00 75,779,00 3.2°% RECREATION PROGRAMS & SERVICES 3D1,600.00 20,586.50 281,013.50 6.B% CATALPA OAKS PARK B,onoo 1,036.00 6,964,00 13.0% RED OAKS WATERPARK 1,067,650.00 10.00 1.067,640,00 0,0 % WATERFORD OAKS BMX, 30,100A0 1,315.00 28,785.00 4.4 % WATERFORD OAKS WATER PARK 647,900,00 10.00 647,890.00 0.0% TOTAL REVENUE 21,942,131,00 413,195A0 21.528,936,00 1.9°% EXPENSE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 5,520,443.00 306,357,58 5,214,085,42 6.5% FISCAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION 126,809.00 11,144.98 115,664.02 8.8% FISCAL SERVICES PARKS & REC 246,262.00 26,429.24 219,833,76 10.7 GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE 880,021.00 60,86C73 819,156.27 6.9 % LYON OAKS GOLF COURSE 1,334,587.00 92,636.93 1,241,950.07 6.91% RED OAKS GOLF COURSE 7B9,569.00 40,780.01 749.088,99 5.2% SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE 6511,721.00 45,040.22 813,672,78 6,8% WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE 762,036.00 50,009.22 712,026.78 6.6% ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 246,535.00 12.076.05 234,45B.95 4.9 % GLEN OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 214,432.00 13,833.00 200,599,00 6,5°% GROVELAND OAKS CONCESSIONS 106,950Ao 495.50 106,454.50 0.5 % LYON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 232,102.00 15,637.92 216,464.00 6.7°% RED OAKS WATERPARK CONCESSIONS 208,350A0 1,745.86 206,604.14 0.8 % SPRINGFIELD OAKS CONCESSION 72,086.00 1,4813.57 70,597.43 2.1% WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK CONCESSIONS 158,325,00 445.66 157,B79.34 0.3% WHITE LAKE OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 197,632.00 11,124.B2 186,507.18 5.6% OAKLAND COUNTY MARKET 219,175.00 11,739,95 207,436.05 5.4% ADDISON OAKS PARK 1,510,B16,00 95,719.85 1,415,096.15 6.3% GROVELAND OAKS PARK 1,285,163.00 59,905.09 1,225,257.91 4.7% HIGHLAND OAKS PARK 83,000.00 3,912.75 79,16715 4.7% INDEPENDENCE OAKS PARK 1,170,448,00 63,380.83 1,107,067.17 5.4 % LYON OAKS PARK 332,619.00 23,56IA1 309,057.59 7.1°% ORION OAKS PARK 1119,924.00 9,549.77 100,374.23 5.0% RED OAKS DOG PARK 106,391.00 6,213.75 100,177.25 5.8°% RED OAKS PARK 142,507.00 9,251.74 133,255,25 6.5°% ROSE OAKS PARK 77,100.00 3,96135 73,13BA5 5.1°% SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTERIPARK 421,896.00 29,12t.69 392,774.31 6,99/6 WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTERIPARK 676.200.00 51,563.98 624,636.02 7.6°% RECREATION PROGRAMS & SERVICES 1,683,470.00 99,223A3 1,584,246.57 5.9 % CATALPA OAKS PARK 151,638.00 10,316,09 141,319.91 6,8% RED OAKS WATERPARK 1,447,207.00 49,33B.08 1,397,868.92 3.4% WATERFORD OAKS BMX 57,856.00 1,332.03 06.523.97 2.0% WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK 948,544.00 24,585.90 923,958.10 2.5% FACILITIES & MAINTENANCE 2,014,351.00 115,360.82 1,898,990.18 5.7°% INTERNAL FUND CHARGES' 0.00 113.319.11 (113,319.11) NIA TOTAL EXPENSE 24,203,545.00 1,471,477.11 22,812,067,89 6.1% REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENSE (2,341,414,00) (1,058,282.11) 'Internal Fund YTD Expense; Internal Service and otherfunds payments in transK 16 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Item # 7 B REVENUE AND EXPENSE COMPARISON REPORT FOR MANAGEMENT PURPOSES ONLY FM 1 FY 2016 FOR MONTH ENDING 10/31/2015 YEAR TO DATE REVENUE OVER YEAR TO DATE YEAR TO DATE REVENUE OVER EXPENSE (UNDER)EXPENSE BUDGET CENTER REVENUE EXPENSE (UNDER) EXPENSE W/O DEPRECIATION' W/O DEPRECIATION' ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 41,125.43 306,357.58 (265,232,15) 304,683.21 (263,557.78) FISCAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION 0.00 11,144.98 (11,144.98) 11,144.98 (11,144.98) FISCAL SERVICES PARKS & REC 0.00 26,428.24 (26,428.24) 26,428.24 (26,428.24) ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES SUB -TOTAL 41,125.43 343,930.80 (302,805.37) 342,256.43 (301,131.00) GOLF: GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE 37,181.04 60.864.73 (23,683.69) 50,179.41 (12,998.37) LYON OAKS GOLF COURSE 65,327.34 92,636.93 (27,309.59) 55,749.24 9,578.10 RED OAKS GOLF COURSE 17,472.13 40,780.01 (23,307.88) 26,940.47 (9,468.34) SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSE 29,296.96 45,048.22 (15,751.26) 39,727.82 (10,430.86) WHITE LAKE OAKS GOLF COURSE 30.857.50 50.009.22 (19,151.72) 42,429.66 (11.572.16) GOLF SUB -TOTAL 180,134.97 289,339.11 (109,204.14) 215,026.60 (34,891.63) FOOD SERVICES: ADDISON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 0.00 12,076.05 (12,076.05) 4,486.74 (4,486,74) GLEN OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 0.00 13,833.00 (13,833,00) 6,848.83 (6,848.83) GROVELAND OAKS CONCESSIONS 0.00 495.50 (495.50) 256.40 (256.40) LYON OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 0.00 15.637.92 (15,637.92) 8,358.46 (8,358.46) RED OAKS WATERPARK CONCESSIONS 0.00 1,745.86 (1,745.86) 1,519.94 (1,519.94) SPRINGFIELD OAKS CONCESSION 0.00 1,488.57 (1,488.57) 886.51 (886.51) WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK CONCESSIONS 0.00 445.66 (445.66) 225.77 (225.77) WHITE LAKE OAKS CONFERENCE CENTER 0.00 11,124.82 (11,124.82) 4,294.82 (4,294.82) FOOD SERVICES SUB -TOTAL 0.00 56,847.38 (56,847.38) 26,877.47 (26,877.47) COUNTY MARKET: OAKLAND COUNTY MARKET 15,049.65 11,739.95 3,309.70 11,441.26 3,608.39 COUNTY MARKET SUB -TOTAL 15,049.65 11,739.95 3,309.70 11.441.26 3,608.39 PARKS: ADDISON OAKS PARK 75.606.42 95,719.85 (20,113A3) 65,715.51 9,890.91 GROVELAND OAKS PARK 4.393.42 59,905.09 (55,511.67) 38,371.78 (33.978.36) HIGHLAND OAKS PARK 631.00 3,912.75 (3,281.75) 829.78 (198.78) INDEPENDENCE OAKS PARK 10,263.00 63.380,83 (53,117.83) 47,235.57 (36,972.57) LYON OAKS PARK 13,212.00 23,561Al (10,349,41) 11,189.83 2,022.17 ORION OAKS PARK 7.365.00 9,549.77 (2,184,77) 7.271.15 93.85 RED OAKS DOG PARK 2,807.00 6,213.75 (3,406.75) 3,927.17 (1,120.17) RED OAKS PARK 603.00 9,251.74 (8,648.74) 9,165.89 (8,562.89) ROSE OAKS PARK 0.00 3,961.55 (3,961.55) 1,687.49 (1,687.49) SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER/PARK 36,520.61 29,121.69 7,398.92 15,263.47 21,257.14 WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER/PARK 2.526.00 51,563.98 (49.037.98) 30,979.07 (28,453,07) PARKS SUB -TOTAL 153,927.45 356,142.41 (202,214.96) 231.636.71 (77,709.26) RECREATION: RECREATION PROGRAMS & SERVICES 20,586.50 99,223.43 (78,636.93) 89,931.60 (69,345.10) CATALPA OAKS PARK 1,036.00 10,318.09 (9,282.09) 5,108.42 (4,072.42) RED OAKS WATERPARK 10.00 49,338.08 (49,328.08) 27,371.21 (27,361.21) WATERFORD OAKS BMX 1,315.00 1,332.03 (17.03) 1,174.97 140.03 WATERFORD OAKS WATERPARK 10.00 24,585.90 (24,575.90) 5,574.12 (5,564.12) RECREATION SUB -TOTAL 22,957.50 184,797.53 (161,840.03) 129,160.32 (106,202.82) FACILITIES & MAINTENANCE: FACILITIES & MAINTENANCE 0.00 115,360.82 (115,360.82) 110,489.68 (110,489.68) FACILITIES & MAINTENANCE SUB -TOTAL 0.00 115,360.82 (115,360.82) 110,489.68 (110,489.68) OTHER: INTERNAL FUND CHARGES ` 0.00 113.319.11 (113,319.11) 113,319.11 (113,319.11) OTHER SUB -TOTAL 0.00 113,319.11 (113,319.11) 113,319.11 (113,319.11) TOTAL 413.195.00 1,471,477.11 (1,058,282.11) 1,180,207.58 (767,012.58) Internal Fund YTD Expense: Internal Service and other funds payments in transit See the Oakland County website's "Transparency in Government" monthly reports to view the latest monthly financial report detail by budget center: 1. Log on to www.oakgov.conVmgtbud/fiiscaVPapes/info pub/parks.aspx 2. Click on each of the Parks and Recreation monthly financial reports you are interested in viewing Disclaimer: These columns are for management purposes only to show the budget center's status without depreciation. The Parks & Recreation Fund is classified as an Enterprise fund. Enterprise funds are used to report any activity for which a fee is charged to an external source for goods or services. Depreciation is a method of allocating the cost of a tangible asset over its useful life and is a true operating expense. 17 Item #7C REVENUES: 5-YEAR AVERAGE REVENUE Percentage of Total FY2016 Amended Budget/Alottment FY2016 Planned Use of Fund Balance FY 2016 Amended Budget FY 2016 Actuals Avg. Monthly Revenue Over/(Uner) EXPENSES: 5-YEAR AVERAGE EXPENSE Percentage of Total FY2016 Amended Budget/Alottment FY 2016 Actuals Monthly Actual Revenue Over/(Under) Expenses Cumulative Actual Revenue Over/(Under) Expenses Unrestricted Net Position: 9/30AS* $22,393,448. Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Monthly Average Comparison Report (Comparison of FY 2016 Actuals with 5-Year Average Actuals) As of October 31, 2015 FY2015 Amended October November December January February March April May June July August September YEAR TO DATE Budget 1 $280,558II $147,7561 $1,398,879I $5,337,902 $3,039,6261 $2,210,930 $1,326,584 $1,163,1961 $1,494,2041 $1,940,3791 $1,472,8141 $1,542,542 231% 0.69% 6.55%i 25,00%, 14.23%1 10.35%! 6.21%1 5.45%I, 7.00%1 9.09%1 6.90%1 7.22%I $ 21,942,131 $288,2671 $151,816, $1,437,3151 $5,494,567'1 $3,123,1421 $2,271,6* $1,363,0331 $1,295,156 $1,535,2591 $1,993,6931 $1,513,28111 $1,594,925i $21,942,131 $ 2,341,414 $ 24,283,545 $413,195{ $413,195 $1Z4,928{ i $124,928 1 j $1,359,317 $1,245,534, $1,565,4081 $1,308,5661 I $1,222,3031 $1,668,545! I $1,490,1191 I $2,000,6101 $2,602,7091 $2,410,7021 $2,224,3911 $2,492,645. j 6.30% 5.77% 7.25%1 6.06%' 5.66%1 7.73%: 6.90% 9.27% 12.05%I 11.17%! 10.30%1 11.54%, $ 24,283,545 $1,529,055 $1,400,8571 $1,760,6211 $1,471,750 $1,374,729' $1,876,6201 $1,675,943 $2,250,0951, $2,927,2781 $2,711,326j $2,501,7821 $2,803,489 I { $1,471,477 _ $1,471,477 $57,678 $57,578 l� $182,506{ $0! Sol $oi $0 $0' Sol $Di Sc $0 $o! $0 $132,506 (S1r , h $o; $o1 $0; $ol Soi $ol $ol Sol 0 $o1 $0, ($1,058,282) Prepared by Fiscal Services Division 18 Parks and Recreation Commission ACTIVE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS BUDGET TO ACTUAL EXPENSE REPORT (as of November 18, 2015) Last Transaction Project ID Description Start Date Budget Expenses to Date Remaining Budget Date 100000001959 ACC Energy Management Upgrade 5/28/2014 9/30/2015 $17,500.00 $15,396.21 $2,103,79 100000002195 ADD Adams Lake Beach ADA 7/29/2015 7/29/2015 $125,000.00 $0.00 $125,000.00 100000002145 ADD Beach Conc Roofing 2/23/2015 10/31/2015 $20,000.00 $19,913.30 $86.70 100000001963 ADD Boat Launch Accessible 5/28/2014 2/28/2015 $55,000.00 $255.00 $54,745.00 100000001982 ADD Fishing Docks 7/11/2014 2/28/2015 $60,000.00 $1,522.07 $58,477.93 100000002095 ADD Fuel Tank Replacement 11/6/2014 10/29/2015 $90,620.00 $4,400.00 $86,220.00 100000002117 ADD Maint Bldg Boiler Replace 1/20/2015 10/1/2015 $10,200,00 $9,821.64 $378.36 100000002023 ADD Maintenance Yard Paving 9/23/2014 10/29/2015 $15,000.00 $16,263.30 ($1,263.30) 100000000604 ADD Pavilion-Cmpgrd Recreation 9/1/2004 10/13/2015 $417,524,00 $345,615.37 $71,908.63 100000002146 ADD Sec C Restroom Roofing 2/23/2015 10/31/2015 $10,000.00 $10,950.87 ($950.87) 100000001968 ADM Energy Mgt Upgrade 6/2/2014 3/6/2015 $13,750.00 $9,905.40 $3,844.60 100000002018 CAT Energy Management Upgrade 9/23/2014 7/1/2015 $13,900.00 $8,433.00 $5,467.00 100000001970 GLC Energy Mgt Upgrade 6/2/2014 7/1/2015 $19,500.00 $13,066.20 $6,433.80 100000001914 GLG Irrigation System Repl Des 2/11/2014 10/29/2015 $108,125,00 $89,009.13 $19,115.87 100000002274 GLG Maintenance Bldg Nrth Roof 10/29/2015 10/29/2015 $10,000.00 $0.00 $10,000.00 100000002086 GRC Concession Remodeling 10/30/2014 9/30/2015 $114,595.00 $114,766.24 ($171.24) 100000002147 GRV Beach Conc Roofing 2/23/2015 10/31/2015 $31,000.00 $33,368.65 ($2,368.65) 100000001927 GRV Campground Utility Imp Des 3/7/2014 10/31/2015 $1,549,641.00 $1,547,399.38 $2,241.62 100000002275 GRV Fishing Docks Trst Fnd Grt 10/29/2015 10/29/2015 $48,500,00 $0.00 $48,500.00 100000002148 GRV Sec A Restroom Roofing 2/23/2015 10/31/2015 $14,000,00 $16,375.77 ($2,375.77) 100000002294 GRV Storage Shed 11/18/2015 11/18/2015 $10,000.00 $0.00 $10,000.00 100000002271 GRV Waterslide Site Improvemen 10/28/2015 11/18/2015 $15,000.00 $9,009.89 $5,990.11 Item # 7 D Percentage of Expenses to Budget 87.98% 0.00 % 99.573'0 0.46% 2.54% 4.86% 96-29% 108.42 % 82.78% 10931% 72.04% 60.67% 67.01% 82.32% 0.00 % 100.15% 107.64% 99.86% 0.00% 116.97% 0.00% 60.07% 19 Parks and Recreation Commission ACTIVE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS BUDGET TO ACTUAL EXPENSE REPORT (as of November 18, 2015) Last Transaction Project ID Description Start Date Budget Expenses to Date Remaining Budget Date 100000002171 IND Beach Retaining Wall Repl 4/15/2015 10/29/2015 $30,000.00 $28,354.94 $1,645.06 100000002113 IND Boat Launch 1/16/2015 1/16/201S $60,000.00 $0.00 $60,000.00 100000002192 IND Boathouse ADA 7/29/2015 7/29/2015 $8,000.00 $0.00 $8,000.00 100000002272 IND Contact Station Roof 10/29/2015 10/29/2015 $10,000.00 $0.00 $10,000.00 100000001969 IND Energy Mgt Upgrade 6/2/2014 7/1/2015 $14,250.00 $9,746.10 $4,503.90 100000002193 IND Hidden Springs ADA 7/29/2015 7/29/2015 $25,000.00 $0.00 $25,000.00 100000002180 IND Twin Chimneys ADA Improve 5/26/2015 10/13/2015 $25,000.00 $16,312.25 $8,687.75 100000001891 IND Upper Bush BdwikTrlPhsil 11/15/2013 11/24/2014 $150,000.00 $34,114.45 $115,885.55 100000002194 IND Upper Bushman ADA 7/29/2015 7/29/2015 $48,000.00 $0.00 $48,000.00 100000002273 IND West Maintenance Bldg Roof 10/29/2015 10/29/2015 $15,000.00 $0,00 $15,000.00 100000002019 RDP Energy Management Upgrade 9/23/2014 7/1/2015 $14,450.00 $7,740.00 $6,710.00 100000002022 RSE Boardwalk North Connector 9/23/2014 10/31/2015 $160,000.00 $119,524.22 $40,475.78 100000002164 RWP Cable Fence - Lazy River 3/26/2015 10/29/2015 $42,000.00 $37,858.00 1 $4,142.00 100000002163 RWP Cable Handrail Bridge -Lazy 3/26/2015 3/26/2015 $77,000.00 $0.00 $77,000.00 100000002225 RWP Wave Pool Wave Equip Rep 9/22/2015 11/5/2015 $380,743.00 $81,802.70 $298,940.30 i 100000002144 SAC Davis House Roofing 2/23/2015 10/13/2015 $20,000.00 $13,305.90 $6,694.10 100000002295 SPC Starter Bldg Rebuild 11/18/2015 11/18/2015 $19,000.00 $0.00 $19,000.00 100000001916 SPG Irrigation Sys Repl Des 2/11/2014 10/29/2015 $116,869.00 $97,905.86 $18,963.14 100000002020 WLC Energy Management Upgrade 9/23/2014 7/2/2015 $18,200.00 $10,260.00 $7,940.00 100000002153 WLC S Parking Lot Repaving 2/23/2015 9/30/2015 $40,000.00 $32,394.46 $7,605.54 Item # 7 D Percentage of Expenses to Budget 94.52% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 68.39% 0.00% 65.25% 22.74% 0.00% 0.00% 53.56% 74.70% 90.14% 0.00% 21.49% 66.53% 0.00% 83.77% 56.37% 80.99% Project ID Description 100000001915 WLG Irrigation Sys Repl Des 100000002154 WLG S Parking Lot Repaving 100000002017 WTR Energy Management Upgrade Illustrative Net Position - Unrestricted Operating Reserve FY2016 Capital Equipment FY2016 Planned Use of Balance: Parks and Recreation Commission Item # 7 D ACTIVE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS BUDGET TO ACTUAL EXPENSE REPORT (as of November 18, 2015) Start Date Last Transaction Budget Expenses to Date Remaining Budget Percentage of Date Expenses to Budget 2/11/2014 10/29/2015 $179,720.00 $167,456.96 $12,263.04 93.18% 2/23/2015 9/30/2015 $40,000.00 $32,394.50 $7,605.50 80.99% 9/23/2014 7/2/2015 $13,850,00 $6,902.10 $6,947.90 49.83% Active CIP Projects - Budget Capital Reserve/Amount Available for Capital Improvement and Capital Equipment Proiects Closed in FY2016 100000002086 GRC Concession Remodeling 100000002117 ADD Maint Bldg Boiler Replace 100000002144 SAC Davis House Roofing 100000002146 ADD Sec C Restroom Roofing 100000002147 GRC Beach Conc Roofing 100000002148 GRV Sec A Restroom Roofing 100000002153 WLC S Parking Lot Repaving 100000002154 WLG S Parking Lot Repaving 100000002171 IND Beach Retaining Wall Repl Total Projects Closed in FY2016 Total Net Position - Unrestricted as of September 30,2015 (Unaudited) $4,275,937.00 $2,961,543.86 $1,314,393.14 Actual $ 114,766.24 9,821.64 13,305.90 10,950.87 33,368.65 16,375.77 32,394.46 32,394.50 28,354.94 Unrestricted Net Position $ 5,750,000 $ 376,000 $ 2,341,414 $ 4,275,937 $ 11,629,778 $ 291,733 $ 22,323,448 21 Item # 7 E Commission Approval Schedule for Capital and Maintenance Projects (REVISED November 17, 2015 - Pending and Subject to change) CONSENT Agenda Schedule • December, 2015 o Addison Oaks—ADA Improvements —Adams Lake Beach & Picnic Area ($125,000) (Construction Approval) • January, 2016 o Addison Oaks — Maintenance Yard Improvements ($100,000) (Construction Approval) • February, 2016 o Groveland Oaks— Fishing Pier— MNRTF Grant ($48,600) (Construction Approval) REGULAR Agenda Schedule • December, 2015 • January, 2016 o Independence Oaks — ADA Improvements Twin Chimneys — Constr, ($125,000) (Construction Approval) o Rose Oaks— Enbridge Maintenance Access Agreement (General Approval) o Springfield Oaks— Ellis Barn Accessibility (General Approval) • February, 2016 • March, 2016- • April, 2016 o Independence Oaks — Proposed Independence Safety Path ($741,417) (Informational) 22 Cost Center Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission FY2016 Maintenance Programs BUDGET TO ACTUAL EXPENSE REPORT (as of November 13, 2015) Title ACC Stucco Repair GLG Exterior Stone Repair ADM Pavement Maintenance Program ADM Carpet/Flooring Management Program ADM Interior/Exterior Painting Program ADM Window/Door Replacement Program ADM Tree Planting Program ADM Natural Resource Management Program* Totals Budget Amount $10,000 $10,000 $50,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $50,000 $335,000 $515,000 Item # 7 F Expended Budget - Expended Amount (Variance) $4,925 $4,925 *NOTE: Program amount is listed over $100,000, however this covers multiple project locations. $45,075 $510,075 23 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION (50800) OPERATING REVENUE OPERATING EXPENSE COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2015 YEAR-END REPORT ENTERPRISE FUND PARKS & RECREATION ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2015 VARIANCE BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL FAVI(UNFAV) PERCENT $ 8,752,911.00 $ 9210.411.00 $ 9,693,635.38 $ 683,224.38 $ 25,151,352-00 $ 23,964,009,00 $ 23,950,20760 3 13,801.20 Item # 7 G EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES 7,42% Fav, Entrance Fees Gen Admission $352,864 due to favorable late summer weather, Fav, Fees Camping $252,128 based on continued increased demand and favorable camping weather conditions. Fay. Temporary Licenses $34,636, Fees Day Use S36,515 due to increased activity. Fay. Reimb Contracts $48,590 due to higher than anticipated 4-H Reimbursement, Unfay. Antenna Site Management ($59,999) due to anticipated additional towers that did not take place at Addison Oaks and Springfield Oaks. Unfay. Commission Food Services ($36,286) due to seasonal fluctuations and demand. Unfay. Greens Fees ($63,933) and Rental Golf Carts ($16,978) due to unfavorable early summer weather conditions. 0.06% Fay. Controllable Personnel $250,232, Building Maintenance Charges $209,537, Grounds Maintenance $56,528, Motor Pool $198,989, Motor Pool Fuel Charges $48,254 based on activity level. Fav, Depreciation $77,294 due to fewer project completions that anticipated, Unfay. Adj Prior Years Exp (S118,297) for cancelled capital project which were expensed. Unfay. Contracted Services ($124,436), Advertising ($104,564) Natural Gas ($59,562), Design Fees ($85,129), Electrical Service ($58,044), Water and Sewage Charges ($45,240), Sponsorship ($26,055), Public Information ($20,343), Printing ($11,204), Info Tech Operations ($106,650), Telephone Communications ($18,439), and Maintenance Department Charges ($23,868) due to increased activity and demand. In addition, Planned Use of Balance was used to purchase seven (7) pickup trucks from the Motor Pool at a cost of $208,552 during the second quarter of FY2015 contributing to overall operating expenses exceeding revenues, as described in the Non - Operating Section below. NET OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) $ (16,398,441.00) $ (14.753,598.00) S (14,056,572.42) $ 697,025.58 472%. NON -OPERATING REVENUE $ 16,398,441.00 $ 14,753,598.00 $ 12,451,731.21 $ (2.301,866.79)-15.60% Fay. Property Tax Levy $130,813 based on actual collections, Non -operating (EXPENSE) revenue budget included Planned Use of Fund Balance, $2,669,948 of which Fund Balance will be reduced ($1.604,841) to cover FY2015 operating loss. Fay. Prior Years Revenue $33,927 and Gain on Exchange of Assets $32,187, Contributions $32,831 and Capital Contributions $308,000. Unfay. increase Market Value Invest ($104,864). TOTAL INCOME BEFORE TRANSFERS $ $ $ (1,604,841.21) $ (1,604,841.21) 0.00% TRANSFERSIN $ $ - $ - $ - CAPITALIMPROVEMENTPROGRAM $ - S - $ - $ - TOTAL NET INCOME (LOSSp $ - $ $ (1,604,84121) $ 0,604,841.21) TOTAL NET ASSETS - BEGINNING 95,820,847-29 TOTAL NET ASSETS- ENDING $ 94,216,006.08 11/2512015 24 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA DECEMBER 8, 2©15 To: Chairman Fisher and Commission Members From: Daniel J. Stencil, Executive Officer Brian Menghini, Fiscal Services Supervisor II Submitted: December 1, 2015 Subject: 4th Quarter FY 2015 Non -Sufficient Funds Check Write -Off INTRODUCTION AND HISTORY AGENDA ITEM NO. 7 H FISCAL SERVICES Attached is a copy of the Uncollectible Non -Sufficient Funds (NSF) Check Listing for 4th Quarter FY2015 for the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Department. This is a "receive and file" item only. This listing will need to be signed and then forwarded to Jeff Phelps for Lynn Sonkiss' approval and presentation to the Board of Commissioners with the Quarterly Forecast Report. MOTION Move to receive and file the ©CPR Uncollectible Non -Sufficient Funds NSF Check Listing for 4th Quarter FY 2015, and then forward to Jeff Phelps for Lynn Sonkiss' approval and presentation to the Board of Commissioners with the Quarterly Forecast Report. 25 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION FY2015 Non -Sufficient Funds (NSF) Check Listing July 1, 2015 - September 30, 2015 Name Budget Date Month Receipt $25 Fee Month Letter Referred j (Last, F)rst) Center NSF Amount * Replaced Number Paid? Written off Sent to OCCC Bunton, Raymond ORN 07/15/15 30.00 n/a n/a no 09/15 07116/15 n/a Total $ 30.00 * Uncollectible NSF checks of $100 or more are referred to Oakland County Corporation Counsel (OCCC). Oakland County Fiscal Services Policy: If it is determined that a receivable is uncollectible, then amounts up to $1,000 may be written off by approval of the manager of Fiscal Services. All write-offs shall be reported to the Board of Commissioners with the quarterly forecast report. Write-offs in excess of $1,000 require Board of Commissioners' approval. Authorized by: C:\$Data\My DocumentsTrian\Cash Management\NSF Checks\OCPR Uncollectible NSF Check Listing -write off.x(sx FY2015-Q4 10/29/2015 10:10 AM 26 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA DECEMBER 8, 2015 AGENDA ITEM NO. 7 I ADMINISTRATION - BUSINESS OPERATIONS To: Chairman Fisher and Commission Members From: Daniel J. Stencil, Executive Officer Phil Castonia, Chief of Business Operations Submitted: November 25, 2015 Subject: Parks Purchasing Activity Report M1 FY16 INTRODUCTION AND HISTORY In 2008 as part of the Strategic Master Plan the Commission requested regular updates from the staff about the purchasing activity for the last quarter. Staff will present a monthly status report on the Purchasing Activity from Month 01 of Fiscal Year 2016 (October 2015) for the Parks and Recreation Department. ATTACHMENTS - Month 1 Fiscal Year 2016 Parks Purchasing Contracts Activity Report (October 1 — October 31, 2015) - Month 1 Fiscal Year 2016 Parks Purchasing Activity $5,000-$19,999.99 (October 1 —October 31, 2015) STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Commission receive and file these reports. MOTION Move to receive and file the FM 01 FY 2016 Parks Purchasing Contracts Activity Report for October 1 -- October 31, 2015 and the FM 01 FY 2016 Parks Purchasing Activity Report for purchases $5,000- $19,999.99 for October 1 — October 31, 2015. 27 FM 01 FY 2016 Parks Purchasing Contracts Activity Report (October 1 — October 31, 2015) Budget Year Existing Capital Equipment Type Replacement or New Estimated Cost Actual Cost Equipment Equipment ADD - Addison Oaks 2002 Kawasaki Mule Utility Vehicle Kubota RTV $18,000.00 $18,000.00 ADD - Addison Oaks 1997 JD Outfront Mower Mower Hustler Z-Turn Mower $15,000.00 $10,929.00 FM - Facilities Maintenance - - Infrared Camera New $6,500.00 $3,239.00 FM - Facilities Maintenance 1994 Morbark Chipper Chipper Chipper $35,000.00 $45,255.00 FM - Facilities Maintenance - - Equipment Lift New $33,000.00 $30,200.00 GLG - Glen Oaks 1994 Greensmower Mower Toro Greensmower $27,000.00 $27,361.79 GRV - Groveland Oaks 2000 Hustler Mower Hustler Z-Turn Mower $15,000.00 $11,505.00 GRV - Groveland Oaks 1990 Olathe Debris Sweeper Smitcho Sweepstar $30,000.00 $32,100.00 IND - Independence Oaks 2001 Hustler Mower Exmark $15,000.00 $14,226.00 IND - Independence Oaks 1998 Steiner Tractor Toro Workman MD $24,000.00 $24,291.28 LYP - Lyon Oaks 2006 Groundsmaster Mower Toro 4500D $59,000.00 $54,518.50 LYP - Lyon Oaks 1987 Sand Pro Bunker Rake Toro Sand Pro $19,000,00 $19,262.09 REC - Mobile Rec - - Trailer 2 Special Events $12,000.00 $8,598.00 Trailers REC - Mobile Rec - - Trailer Tent Trailer $7,500.00 $5,390.00 REC - Mobile Rec Zip Line New $90,000.00 $863951.60 RDP - Red Oaks 2003 John Deere Gator Utility Vehicle Toro Workman MD $15,000.00 $8,923.98 RDP - Red Oaks 1996 HR 5111 Mower Mower Toro 4500D $59,000.00 $54,518.50 SAC - Springfield Oaks 1998 Greensmower Mower Jacobsen $25,000.00 $215318.00 Greensking IV SAC - Springfield Oaks 2002 3500-D Mower Toro 3500D $33,000.00 $29,198.66 WTR - Waterford Oaks 1993 HR 5111 Mower Mower Toro 4100D $50,000.00 $52,031.63 Stump Grinder - Pending $0.00 $16,000.00 Commission Approval TOTAL: $588,000.00 $573,818.03 28 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION FY 2016 Month 1 Expenditure Report for October ($5,000.00 - $19,999.99) Document # j Department Title Account Title ( Trans- Vendor Name Additional Accounts Payable Info. 1 J Amount JE# DEPR227781 PR Addison Oaks Conference Ctr Depreciation Buildings 6,830.23 Not Vendor Related - - - VO# 01035019 PR Administrative Services Public Information j 15,008.75 MediaSwmg LLC Advertising and Marketing Vehi VO# 01036465 PR Administrative Services Software Support Maintenance 5,798.00 Cis"son US Inc Parks Media Outreach Software JE# CIPPRK0001 PR Capital Improvement Capital improvement Program 8,088.04 i Not Vendor Related -------- ------ JE# CIPPRK0001 PR Capital improvement Capital Improvement Program ! 5,283.14 Not Vendor Related VO# 01036492 PR Capital Improvement Capital Improvement Program 5,174.90 Marc Dutton Irrigation Inc Glen Oaks, White Lake Oaks, an VO# 01036492 PR Capital Improvement Capital Improvement Program j 17,927.74 Marc Dutton Irrigation Inc k Glen Oaks, White Lake Oaks, an VO# 01036492 PR Capital Improvement Capital Improvement Program 11,120.08 Marc Dutton Irrigation Inc Glen Oaks, White Lake Oaks, an JE# NS00225889 PR Glen Oaks Conference Center Water and Sewage Charges j 5,274.34 Not Vendor Related CR7733 JE# DEPR227781 PR Glen Oaks Conference Center Deprecation Buildings 6,984.17 Not Vendor Related JE# DEPR227781 PR Glen Oaks Goff Depreciation Park Improvements 6,942.06 i Not Vendor Related JE# DEPR227781 PR Groveland Oaks Park Depreciation Park Improvements i 14,232.69 Not Vendor Related JE# DEPR227781 PR Groveland Oaks Park I Depreciation Buildings 5,819.78 I� Not Vendor Related JE# DEPR227781 PR Independence Oaks Park Depreciation Park Improvements 9,042.70 Not Vendor Related JE# DEPR227781 PR Independence Oaks Park Depreciation Buildings 5,847.58 1 Not Vendor Related i JE# DEPR227781 PR Lyon Oaks Conference Center Depreciation Buildings 7,132.51 Not Vendor Related I -............... -- - . ........ ---- . ___... -- ... —.—... __...-- _.. ----- --- — - - -- - JE# DEPR227781 PR Lyon Oaks Golf Depreciation Buildings 5,474.99 Not Vendor Related JE# DEPR227781 PR Lyon Oaks Park ; Depreciation Park Improvements i 10,939.36 Not Vendor Related JE# DEPR227781 PR Rec Programs and Services Depreciation Vehicles 5,245.22 Not Vendor Related JE# DEPR227781 PR Red Oaks Goff Depreciation Park Improvements 10,792.67 Not Vendor Related JE# DEPR227781 PR Springfield Oaks Activity 1 Depreciation Park Improvements 8,798.64 Not Vendor Related JE# DEPR227781 ; PR Waterford Oaks Activity Ctr Depreciation Park Improvements 18,698.45 j Not Vendor Related E t-- --... - _.._. ._.Iy__-_ JE# DEPR227781 PR Waterford Oaks Waterpark Depreciation Park Improvements 18,954-24 Not Vendor Related -__..___._ JE# DEPR227781 PR White Lake Oaks Conf Center� .` _Dept. eciabon Buildings 6,650.03 Not Vendor Related Page 1 of 1 29 Lf 1Wi1W01ID 4MIJ01&11.I;iil�� OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA DECEMBER 8, 2015 AGENDA ITEM NO. 7 J PLANNING &RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT To: Chairman Fisher and Commission Members From: Daniel J. Stencil, Executive Officer Melissa Prowse, Supervisor of Planning & Resource Development Submitted: November 25, 2015 Subject: FY 2015 4" Quarter Contributions Report INTRODUCTION AND HISTORY Attached is the FY 2015 4th Quarter report for contributions received from July 1, 2015 through September 30, 2015. ATTACHMENTS FY 2015 4th Quarter Contributions Report STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff recommends the Commission receive and file the FY 2015 41h Quarter Contributions Report. MOTION Move to receive and file the FY 2015 41h Quarter Contributions Report. 30 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION FY 2015 4th Quarter Report for Contributions (Donations) -July 1, 2015 - September 30, 2015 .• .•Source ADM General Donation David Berkal $6.00 ADM General Donation Park Patron $3.00 Administration Sub -Total $9.00 ADD General Donation Park Patron $4.00 ADD General Donation Park Patron $4.00 AddNso u -Total n Oaks Park 5b 00 GRC General Donation Park Patron $3.00 Groveland Oaks Park'&6-Total $3.00 RDP General Donation Park Patron $20.00 RDP General Donation Park Patron $5.00 RDP General Donation Park Patron $2.00 RDP General Donation Park Patron $1.00 :. ... Oaks Park -Total ; $28.00Red SPG Commermorative Plaque on Existing Dedicated Bench Robert Dudley $111.00 _ - Sp �ngfield Oaks Golf Cou se.:5ub Total $11100, WTR General Donation William Tucker lif $1.00 . .. , W aterfotd.0aks Park Slab=Tota1 Grand Total $160.00 31 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA DECEMBER 8, 2015 AGENDA ITEM NO. 7 K PLANNING &RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT To: Chairman Fisher and Commission Members From: Daniel J. Stencil, Executive Officer Melissa Prowse, Supervisor of Planning & Resource Development Submitted: December 3, 2015 Subject: FY 2015 4th Quarter Sponsorship Report INTRODUCTION AND HISTORY Attached is the FY 2015 4th Quarter report for Sponsorships from July 1, 2015 through September 30, 2015. ATTACHMENTS FY 2015 41h Quarter Sponsorship Report STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff recommends the Commission receive and file the FY 2015 4th Quarter Sponsorship Report. MOTION Move to receive and file the FY 2015 4th Quarter Sponsorship Report. 32 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS 8t RECREATION COMMISSION FY 2015 4th Quarter Report for Sponsorship Revenue - July 1, 2015 - September 30, 2015 ,.. a + eTotals LYP Howl-O-Ween 2015 Thirty -One Gifts $50.00 LYP Howl-O-Ween 2015 Premier Pet Supply $250.00 LYP Howl-O-Ween 2015 Canine College $500.00 Lyain Oaks;Park Sub TotaC oo $soo RDD Canine Coffee and Conversation Camp Bow Wow Troy $100.00 'Re d•Oeks:;Do Park 5'ub-Total g $100:00 REC Sponsorship for Air Event Genisys Credit Union $4,500.00 Recreation Programs and Services' Sub Total . $4,500:00`• RWP RWP RWP RWP RWP RWP RWP WWP WWP WWP Dog Swim 2015 Dog Swim 2015 Dog Swim 2015 Fido Fest 2015 Fido Fest 2015 Fido Fest 2015 Fido Fest 2015 Dog Swim 2015 Dog Swim 2015 Dog Swim 2015 Pawsitive Steps LLC $250.00 Camp Bow WowTroy $700.00 CANINE TO FIVE $500.00 Camp Bow Wow Troy $700.00 Longview Boarding $250.00 Vet Hospital Oakland Hills $100.00 Pet Supplies Plus #5 $100.00 Red Oaks V1laterpa`rk Sub :Total $2,600' 0 Commerce Camp Bow Wow $350.00 Clarkston Camp Bow Wow $50.00 Clarkston Camp Bow Wow $300.00 Waterford Oaks 1Nafefpark Sub;Total $700.00 WCM 2015 Flower Days Oakland County Credit Union $1,500.00 WCM Oakland Uncorked Oakland County Credit Union $2,500.00 WCM Family Market Day Genisys Credit Union $3,800.00 Waterf T 0 ord Oaks CountyMarketi 5ub-. otal $7 800.0 WLG Warren Orlick Golf Outing Carl's Golfland $3,000.00 L 'White Lake e Oaks -,Gold `bourse Sub -rota) $3,000.00 FY2015 4th Quarter Sponsorship Revenue Grand Total $19,500.00 33 DECEMBER 8, 2015 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RPCREATION COMMISSION AGENDA AGENDA ITEM NO. 7 L PLANNING & RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT To: Chairman Fisher and Commission Members From: Daniel J. Stencil, Executive Officer Melissa Prowse, Supervisor of Planning & Resource Development Submitted: December 2, 2015 Subject: FY 2015 4th Quarter Temporary Use Permit Report INTRODUCTION AND HISTORY Attached is the FY 2015 4th Quarter report for Temporary Use Permits from July 1, 2015 through September 30, 2015. ATTACHMENTS FY 2015 4th Quarter Temporary Use Permit Report STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff recommends the Commission receive and file FY 2015 4th Quarter Temporary Use Permit Report. MOTION Move to receive and file the FY 2015 4" Quarter Temporary Use Permit Report. 34 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION FY2015 4th Quarter Temporary Use Permit Revenue Grand Total $400.00 35 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA DECEMBER 8, 2015 AGENDA ITEM NO. 7 M PLANNING &RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT To: Chairman Fisher and Commission Members From: Daniel J. Stencil, Executive Officer Melissa Prowse, Supervisor of Planning & Resource Development Submitted: November 25, 2015 Subject: FY 2015 Year End Contributions Report INTRODUCTION AND HISTORY Attached is the FY 2015 Year End report for contributions received from October 1, 2014 through September 30, 2015. ATTACHMENTS FY 2015 Year End Contributions Report STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff recommends the Commission receive and file FY 2015 Year End Contributions Report. MOTION Move to receive and file FY 2015 Year End Contributions Report. 36 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION FY 201S Year End Report for Contributions (Donations) - October 1, 2014 - September 30, 2015 ADM Pontiac Heritage Signs Installation Support West Construction Services $500.00 ADM Commemorative Brick Contribution James Houston for Bruck Duncan $60.00 ADM Commemorative Brick Contribution James Houston for Bruck Duncan $60.00 ADM Commemorative Brick Contribution James Houston for Bruck Duncan _ $60.60 ADM Motor Citizens Volunteer Services Day Chrysler Foundation $500.00 ADM General Donation David Berkal $6.00 ADM General Donation Park Patron $3.00 _ Adininistrdtlori;Sub-To •, te),.. $1,189.00, ADD General Donation Park Patron $4.00 ADD General Donation Park Patron $4,00 ` _ ... Addisan`Oaks Pa"�Sub". -Total GRC General Donation Park Patron $3.00 GrovelandaaksParkSub-Total ORN commemorative Bench -Bark Park Bob Breakfast Club -Orion Oaks $50U0 ORN Contribution in recognition of FS cust service Anonymous Customer $5.00 . ,, .. ..:.c .... .,.- 0iiori0aks0ark Sub -Total _. $505 00 REC Nature Center Program Tuning Your Tat Contribution REC Nature Center Program Tuning Your -rot Contribution $5.00 REC Nature Center Program Tuning Your Tot Contribution $5.00 REC Nature Center Program Tuning YourTot Contribution $5.00 REC Nature Center Program Tuning Your Tot Contribution $5,06 REC Nature Center Program Tuning Your Tot Contribution $5.00 AEC Nature Center Program _ _ _ Tuning Your Tot Contribution $10,00 REC Nature Center Program Tuning Your Tot Contribution $5.00 REC Nature Center Program Tuning Your Tot Contribution $5.00 REC Nature Center Program Tuning YourTat Contribution $5.00 REC Nature Center Program Tuning YourTat Contribution $5.00 REC Nature Center Program Tuning YourTat Contribution $5.00 REC Nature Center Program Tuning YourTot Contribution $5.00 REC Citizen Science - Nest Watch Program Tristan Thomas - Eagle Scout Project _ $194.03 REC Adaptive Recreation Program Portia Fields -Anderson $25.00 _ Recreation Programs&ServitesSub-Total $289.03 RDP General Donation Park Patron $20.00 RDP General Donation Park Patron $5.00 RDP General Donation Park Patron $2.00 ADP Red Oaks Nature Center Contribution for Animal Feed _ _ $2.00 RDP Red Oaks Nature Center Contribution for Animal Feed $5.00 RDP Santa Program General Contribution $3.00 RDP Red Oaks Nature Center Christine Thompson $50.00 RDP Red Oaks Nature Center General Contribution _ S2.00 RDP Red Oaks Nature Center Contribution for Anima) Feed $1,00 RDP General Donation Park Patron $1,00 Red Oaks Park Sub -Total ...... SPG Commemorative Bench Program Linda DeHetre for DennisDeHctre $1,040.00 SPG Commermorative Plaque on Existing Dedicated Bench Robert Dudley $111.00 .,, SpringfieldOaks�GolfCourse5ub-Total" WLG Commemorative Bench Program Nancy Holland for Ronald Ho!land $1,000.00 - White Lake Oaks Golf Course Sub -Total ,$1,000.00 WTR General Donation _ Wiilia m Tucker 111 $1.00 r...: Waterford 0a&s Park Sub -Total $1 00 Grand Total $4,237.03 37 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA DECEMBER 8, 2015 AGENDA ITEM NO. 7 N PLANNING & RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT To: Chairman Fisher and Commission Members From: Daniel J. Stencil, Executive Officer Melissa Prowse, Supervisor of Planning & Resource Development Submitted: November 25, 2015 Subject: FY 2015 Year End Sponsorship Revenue Report INTRODUCTION AND HISTORY Attached is the FY 2015 Year End report for Sponsorship revenue received from October 1, 2014 through September 30, 2015. ATTACHMENTS FY 2015 Year End Sponsorship Revenue Report STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff recommends the Commission receive and file the FY 2015 Year End Sponsorship Revenue Report. MOTION Move to receive and file the FY 2015 Year End Sponsorship Revenue Report. 38 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION FY 2015 Year End Report for Sponsorship Revenue - October 1, 2014 - September 30, 2015 ADM Dlxle Gully Run 11- Special Event Vendor America's Most Wanted $100.00 A ica's M mer ost Wanted Sub Total $ 100.00 REC �2015 Disabled Veterans Initiative Barrick Enterprises $10,000.00 Barrick Enterprises Sub -Total $ 10,000.00 RDD Canine Coffee and Conversation Camp Bow Wow Troy $100.00 RWP Dog Swim 2015 Camp Bow Wow Troy $700.00 RWP Fido Pest 2015 Camp Bow Wow Troy $700.00 Camp Bow Wow Troy Sub -Total $1,500.00 LYP Howl-O-Ween Dog Park Event (Canine College $500.00 LYP IFY2015 Howl-O-Ween 2016 Canine College $500.00 .. Canine College Sub Total $ 1,000.00 RWP I Dag Swim 2015 Canine to Five $500.00 -Canine to Five Sub -Total $ 500.00 WLG ) Warren Orlick Golf Outing )Carl'sI Golfiand ( $3,000.00 Carl's Golfland Sub -Total $ 3,000.00 WWP Dog Swim 2015 Clarkston Camp Bow Wow $50.00 f WWP Dog Swim 2015 Clarkston Camp Bow Wow $300,00 Clarkston Camp Bow Wow Sub -Total $ '350.00 WWP Dog Swim 2015 Commerce Camp Bow Wow $350.00 Commerce Camp Bow Wow Sub -Total $ 350.00 REC 2015 Marshmallow Drop Event Detroit Kid City $500.00 REC 2015 Come Out And Play Event Detroit Kid City $500.00 Detroit Kid City Sub -Total $ 1,000.00 REC Sponsorship for Air Event Genisys Credit Union $4,500.00 WCM FY2015 Destination 4-H Special Event Genisys Credit Union $500.00 WCM Family Market Day Genisys Credit Union $3,800.001 Genisys Credit Union Sub -Total $8,800.00 ADM I Dixie Gully Run II -Special Event Vendor Ironman Offroad 1 $100.00 Ironman Offroad Sub -Total $ 100.00 RWP Fido Fest 2015 �Longvlew Boarding $250.00 Longview Boarding Sub -Total $ 250.00 ADM ( Dixie Gully Run li - Special Event MotorCity Power Sports $1,500.00 Motor City Power Sports Sub -Total $ 1,500.00 REC FY 2015 Marshmallow Drop Special Event Oakland County Credit Union $5,000.00 REC Get Outdoors Oakland - Special Event Oakland County Credit Union $2,500.00 REC Nature at Night - Special Event Oakland County Credit Union $800.00 REC Happy Halloween Hayrides - Special Event Oakland County Credit Union $1,700.00 WCM 2015 Flower Days Oakland County Credit Union $1,500.00 WCM Oakland Uncorked Oakland County Credit Union $2,500.00 Oakland County Credit Union Sub -Total $14,000.00 ADM FY2015 Community Stewardship Initiative 10akland Parks Foundation 1 $10,000.00 Oakland Parks Foundation Sub -Total $ 30,000.00 RWP Dog Swim 2015 (PawsitiveSteps LLC 1 $250.00 Pawsitive Steps LLC Sub -Total $ 250.00 RWP t Fido Fest 2015 Pet Supplies Plus #5 $100,00 Pet Supplies Plus #S Sub -Total $ 100.00 LYP 1 Howl-O-Ween 2015 I Premier Pet Supply $250,00 Premiere Pet Supply Sub Total $ 250.00 ADM (Dixie Gully Run II -Special Event Szott Auto Group $2,000.00 Szott Auto Group Sub -Total $ 2,000.00 LYP `Howl-O-Ween 2015 Thirty -One Gifts $50.00 Thity-One Gifts Sub -Total $ 50.00 RWP I Fido Pest 2015 (Vet Hospital Oakland Hills $100.00 Vet Hospital Oakland Hills Sub -Total $ 300.00 FYZ015 Year End Sponsorship Revenue Grand Total $ 55,Z00.00 39 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION FY 2015 Year End Report for Sponsorship Revenue - October 1, 2014 - September 30, 2015 ADM FY2015 Community Stewardship Initiative Oakland Parks Foundation $10,000.00 ADM Dixie Gully Run If - Special Event _. . Szott Auto Group $2,000.00 ADM Dixie Gully Run it -Special Event Vendor ironman Offroad $100.00 ADM Dixie Gully Run 11- Special Event MotorCity Power Sports $1,500.00 ADM Dixie Gully Run 11-Special Event Vendor America's Most Wanted $100.00 _ Ad n a mi istr lion Sub Total $13,700.00 LYP Howl-O-Ween 2015 Thirty -One Gifts $50.00 LYP Howl-O-Ween 2015 Premier Pet Supply $250.00 LYP FY2015 Howl-O-Ween Dog Park Event Canine College $500.00 LYP Howl-O-Ween 2016 Canine College $500.00 :..... - Lon Oaks ark Sub -Total' y P S $1,3oo. 00 .. RDD .. .... . Canlne Coffee and Conversation Camp Bow Wow Troy $100.00 Red Oaks Dog Park Sub -Total: 1 .. $100.00 REC FY 2015 Marshmallow Drop Special Event Oakland County Credit Union $5,000.00 REC 2015 Marshmallow Drop Event Detroit Kid City $500,00 RFC 2015 Come Out And Play Event Detroit Kid City $500.00 REC 2015 Disabled Veterans Initiative Barrick Enterprises $10,000.00 REC Get Outdoors Oakland -Special Event Oakland County Credit Union $2,500.00 REC Nature atNight-SpecialEvent Oakland County Credit Union $800.00 REC Happy Halloween Hayrides -Special Event Oakland County Credit Union $1,700.00 REC Sponsorship for Air Event Genisys Credit Union $4,500.00 ... R ecreation Rrog'ra'ms and Services;Sub-TotaE $25,500.00. RWP Dog Swim 2015 Pawsitive Steps LLC $750.00 RWP Dogswim 2015 Camp Bow WowTroy $700.00 RWP Dog5wim2015 CANINETO FIVE $500.00 RWP Fido Pest 2015 Camp Bow Wow Troy $700.00 RWP Fido Fest 2015 Longview Boarding $250.00 RWP Fido Pest 2015 Vet Hospital Oakland Hills $100.00 RWP Fido Fest 2015 Pet Supplies Plus#5 $100.00 Red Oaks Waterpark Sub -Total _ _ . $2,600.00 WCM 2015 Flower Days Oakland County Credit Union $1,500.00 WCM[ Oakland Uncorked Oakland County Credit Union $2,500.00 WCM FY2015 Destination 4-H Special Event Genisys Credit Union $500.00 WCM Family Market Day Genisys Credit Union $3,800.00 t County Market a - Wa erford Oaks Coun M Sub Total ' $8,300.00 WLG Warren Orlick Golf Outing Carl's Golfland $3,000.00 White Lake Oaks Go t If Course Sub -Total $3,060.00 WWP Dog Swim 2015 Commerce Camp Bow Wow $350.00 WWP Dog5w1m 2015 Clarkston Camp Bow Wow $50.00 WWP Dog Swim 2015 Clarkston Camp Bow Wow $300.00 Waterford Oaks $700.00 FY2015 Year End Sponsorship Revenue Grand Total $55,200.00 40 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA DECEMBER 8, 2015 AGENDA ITEM NO. 7 O PLANNING & RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT To: Chairman Fisher and Commission Members From: Daniel J. Stencil, Executive Officer Melissa Prowse, Supervisor of Planning & Resource Development Submitted: November 25, 2015 Subject: FY 2015 Year End Temporary Use Permit Revenue Report INTRODUCTION AND HISTORY Attached is the FY 2015 Year End report for Temporary Use Permit revenue received from October 1, 2014 through September 30, 2015. ATTACHMENTS FY 2015 Year End Temporary Use Permit Revenue Report STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff recommends the Commission receive and file the FY 2015 Year End Temporary Use Permit Revenue Report. MOTION Move to receive and file the FY 2015 Year End Temporary Use Permit Revenue Report. 41 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION FY 2015 Year End Report for Temporary Use Permit Revenue -October 1, 2014 - September 30, 2015 ,yl c 0 N➢My�,� S ' taIN HIM, IND Back Roads Marathon -Twin Chimneys & Lakeview Pavilions, etc. High Five Races No $1,350.00 IND Commercial Photography Arace Photographic No $250.00 Independence Oaks Park Sub -Total $1,600.00 ORN Commercial Filming& Production Crown City Pictures No 52s,000A0 . `.. Lyon on Oaks Park Sub T $otal 25 000.00 SAC Commercial Photography Luna Dulce Photography No $100.00 SAC MI Antique Festival - Ellis Barn, Pavilion, etc. q Michigan Antiques Festival g q No $3,500,00 • • S ringfie d OaksPark Sub-T.ota1` ;` p $3,600e00 WCM OSAS Recovery Celebration Oakland County Community Mental Health Authority No $400.00 WCM Bicycle and Trailer Detection Testing Continental Auto No $250.00 WCM Oktoberfest Event - A Celebration of Local Abundance Leadership Oakland Yes *0.00 Waterford Oaks County MarketSub=Total' '::•, . $1,45000' FY2015 Year End Temporary Use Permit Revenue Grand Total $31,650.00 42 1�1A1:A,1�l�l+�1�1�1►1�1�1;� OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA DECEMBER 8, 2015 AGENDA ITEM NO. 7 P FACILITIES MAINTENANCE & DEVELOPMENT To: Chairman Fisher and Commission Members From: Daniel J. Stencil, Executive Officer Michael J. Donnellon, Jr., Chief of Park Facilities Maintenance & Development Jennifer Myers, Architectural Engineer II Submitted: November 17, 2015 Subject: CONSTRUCTION -- Addison Oaks Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Improvements Adams Lake Beach INTRODUCTION AND HISTORY As part of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Transition Program, accessibility improvements are planned for the Adams Lake beach area at Addison Oaks. There scope includes providing accessible paved parking along the north end of the parking lot to access the concession building and the trailhead. Further improvements include correcting the running and cross slopes of over 500 linear feet of existing asphalt path, connecting the path to the Section C restroom, and crack repairs. This work will be completed by annual contractor Bush Brothers Asphalt Paving of Farmington Hills, MI, along with in-house staff as needed. ATTACHMENTS 1. Attachment A — CIP Project Purchase Form STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends amending the existing budget of Capital Improvement Project (CIP) #2195 ADD Adams Lake Beach ADA to $72,248, This reflects a decrease as the project was originally budgeted at $125,000. MOTION Move to amend the existing budget of Capital Improvement Project (CIP) #2195 ADD Adams Lake Beach ADA to $72,248. This reflects a decrease as the project was originally budgeted for $125,000. Total project costs are as follows: Site improvements $58,150 In-house work $ 7,500 Contingency (10%) $ 6,568 Total $72,248 43 Revised 11112115 Oakland County Parks & Re-creation CIP Form $20,000 - $99,999 Date 111/17/2015 CIP# A ' Emergency Purchase Budget Center/ JAddison Oaks Park Abbry JADD Location Acct#/Description Project Title/Item JAmericans with Disabilities Act (ADA) — Improvements Adams Lake Beach Budget Information 0 Budgeted Unbudgeted Maintenance Programs Capital New Asset F,(] Replacement of Asset Improvement Current Budget 1$125,000.00 Total Recommended Amount, 1$72,248.00 Amount Including Contingencies If total cost is over original budget amount or unbudgeted, funds are recommended to be transferred from: Justification/Scope As part of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Transition Program, accessibility improvements are planned for the Adams Lake beach area at Addison Oaks. There scope includes providing accessible paved parking along the north end of the parking lot to access the concession building and the trailhead. Further improvements include correcting the running and cross slopes of over 500 linear feet of existing asphalt path, connecting the path to the Section C restroom, and crack repairs. This work will be completed by an annual contractor, Bush Brothers Asphalt Paving, along with in-house staff as needed. Public Bid FvJ Annual Contract Bush Brothers Asphalt Paving, Inc 20788 Osmus Farmington Hills, MI 48336 $58,180 Additional Information, See Attached 44 I&I�,Ii1W I1,I9-I e11rIad; 'I;IA OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA DECEMBER 8, 2015 AGENDA ITEM NO. 8 A PLANNING & RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT To: Chairman Fisher and Commission Members From: Daniel J. Stencil, Executive Officer Melissa Prowse, Supervisor - Planning & Resource Development Submitted: December 3, 2015 Subject: Historic Asset Work Group — Goals and Objectives INTRODUCTION AND HISTORY Oakland County Parks and Recreation owns multiple assets that have (or are assumed to have) historic significance. As stewards of its park lands, OCPR is also a steward of these historic resources. However, OCPR has not had, in the past, a guiding policy or process for the evaluation, determination, and use of its historic structures. This has led to some confusion over how the maintenance, use, and interpretation of historic assets fit with OCPR's mission and service portfolio. In the past staff has relied on input requested from OC Economic Development and Community Affairs and the OC Historical Commission on an as -needed basis to address immediate concerns. In the summer of 2015 OCPR staff and members of the Historical Commission formed a Historic Assets Work Group (HAWG) to try to anticipate future decisions regarding certain buildings or structures that are in need of repair. The goal of the HAWG is not to make a case to preserve every possible building or historic asset within the park system. Rather the goal of HAWG is to develop a policy and a procedure for the detailed and formal evaluation and documentation of historic assets within the park system so that a recommendation can be made for their continued use, maintenance, interpretation, or in some cases, removal. Members of the Historic Asset Work Group include: • Jennifer Radcliff, OC Historical Commission, OC Business Roundtable • Carol Egbo, OC Historical Commission, OU Faculty • Melissa Luginski, OC Historical Commission • David Walls, OC Historical Commission • Ron Campbell, OC Economic Development & Community Affairs • Dan Stencil, Executive Officer • Jennifer Myers, Architect/Engineer • Melissa Prowse, Supervisor — Planning • Jon Noyes, Principal Planner • Donna Folland, Senior Planner • Mike Donnellon, Chief Facilities, Operations & Maintenance • Jim Dunleavy, Chief of Park Operations — North District • Tom Hughes, Chief of Park Operations — South District The goals of the HAWG are attached. HAWG would like to bring back a draft proposed historic and cultural asset policy for Commission discussion in February. 45 Page 2 Members of the HAWG will be present at the December Commission meeting to provide a brief overview of the purpose and goals of the group, ATTACHMENTS • Historic Asset Work Group Goals STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Commission receive and file this information, MOTION Move to receive and file this information on the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Historic Asset Work Group. 46 QWEAKLAND COUNTY PARKS Historic Asset Work Group (HAWG) Goals September, 2015 Members: Jennifer Radcliff, Carol Egbo, Melissa Luginski, Dave Walls, Ron Campbell, Dan Stencil, Mike Donnellon, Jen Myers, Melissa Prowse, Donna Folland, Jon Noyes, Jim Dunleavy, Tom Hughes, Jillian Carps The Historic Asset Work Group plans to develop the following: A. Historic and Cultural Asset Policy Leads : Carol Egbo and Melissa Prowse Purpose: To provide a brief description of our organizations approach (philosophy and practice) to the identification and treatment of historic and cultural resources B. Asset Inventory Leads : Donna Folland and Carol Egbo Purpose: To provide a means of identifying and evaluating historic and cultural resources as part of a system -wide asset inventory C. Asset Management Strategy Leads : Ron Campbell and Jen Myers Purpose: To provide methodology and process to guide the treatment of historic assets once identified D. Asset Prioritization (Sub -classification) Model Leads : Mike Donnellon Purpose: To provide a means prioritizing investment in the stabilization, preservation, adaptive reuse, or dispossession of park assets that have been identified as historic or of cultural significance E. Outreach Program Leads : Melissa Luginski and Melissa Prowse (& Becky Stepp) Purpose: To provide methodology and process by which staff engages with the local community, other public entities, and the private sector in relation to the treatment of historic and cultural assets F. Interpretive Plan Leads : Jon Noyes and Carol Egbo Purpose: To describe the approach that will be taken to educate the public about historic and cultural assets 47 Los1=ILIA_ 6gl1Leg1VJgI a 0 � - I.1 I� OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA DECEMBER 8, 2015 To: Chairman Fisher and Commission Members From: Daniel J. Stencil, Executive Officer AGENDA ITEM NO. 8 B ADMINISTRATION Submitted: November 25, 2015 Subject: Proposed 2016 OCPR Commission & Executive Committee Meeting Dates INTRODUCTION AND HISTORY According to the OCPR Commission Bylaws the Commission shall set the regular meeting dates and times at its January meeting. Attached is the 2016 proposed schedule for the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting dates. This listing includes the proposed 2016 dates of the Commission Meetings and the dates of the Executive Committee Meetings, STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff recommends approving the proposed 2016 OCPR Commission and Executive Committee meeting schedule. MOTION Move to approve the 2016 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission and Executive Committee Meeting schedule as submitted. 48 J N d aw r W d do r O v 2016 Oakland County Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting Schedule Please note there may be some dates with multiple items scheduled. Refer to the key below the calendar for further details. 12/3/2015 January April S M T W T F S I S M T W T F S 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 113 14 15 16 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 181 19 20 21 22 23 117 18 19 1 20 21 22 23 24 25 126 127 28 29 30 124 25 26. Z7 28 29 30 February I May S M T W T F S I S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 2 3 4K 6 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 I 8 9 110 11 12 13 14 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 115 16 17 18 19 20 21 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 122 23 ro, 25 26 27 28 28 29 29 30I 31 March I June S M T W T F S I S M T W T F S 1 2 - 3 4 5 I 1 2-� 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 6 7 i� 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21, 22 23 24 25 26 19 20 21 '22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 26 27 28 29 30 OCPRC Meeting @ 2:00 p.m. 13 OCPR Commission Meeting Date & Agenda Deadline* Holiday 11 Agenda Submission Deadline DRAFT July I October S M T W T F S I S M T W T F S 1 2 I 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 1 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 123 24 25 26 27 28 29 August November S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 I 13 14 115 16 17 18 19 21 22 3 24 25 26 27 I 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 31 I 27 28 29 30 September December S M T W T F S I S M T W T F S 1 2 3 I 1 2 3 4 5 I 6 7 8 1 9 10 I 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 14 15 16 17 I 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 I20 21 22 23 24 I 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ®i 28 29 30 ! 25 26 127 28 29 30 31 I 1 JAN 2017 © Executive Committee Meeting @ 2:00 p.m. ❑5 Agenda Packets delivered to OCPR Commission 27 OCPR Commission Budget Study Sessions @ 2:00 p.m. I* Includes Executive Committee Agenda from Chairman Fisher I Commission meetings are the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 2:00 p.m. / Executive Committee meetings are either the 3rd or 4th Tuesday of each month at 2:00 p.m. 49 DECEMBER S, 2015 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA AGENDA ITEM NO. SC BUSINESS OPERATIONS To: Chairman Fisher and Commission Members From: Daniel J. Stencil, Executive Officer Sue Wells, Manager of Parks and Recreation Operations Phil Castonia, Chief -Business Operations Submitted: December 2, 2015 Subject: License Agreement for Katherine's Catering at Lyon Oaks and White Lake Oaks Conference Centers INTRODUCTION AND HISTORY With the change of food and beverage contractors at Lyon Oaks and White Lake Oaks Conference Centers, the liquor licenses at the Conference Centers need to be transferred to the new contractor (Katherine's Catering). In the process of transferring the liquor licenses, it was discovered that there was a change of ownership of the entity operating the Conference Centers. The County's current lease agreement for the operation of the Conference Centers is with EA Fuller Oak Management, LLC, but the current lease agreement was assigned/transferred to Fuller Oak Management in January 2014. However, the liquor licenses for these Conference Centers are still in the name of EA Fuller Oak Management. Pursuant to the Michigan Liquor Code, before the liquor licenses can be transferred to Katherine's Catering, the entity currently providing services at the Conference Centers must be the holder of the liquor licenses, Thus, in early November 2015, the process began to transfer the liquor licenses from EA Fuller Oak Management to Fuller Oak Management. The transfer between EA Fuller Oak Management and Fuller Oak Management might not be complete to permit the normal transfer of liquor licenses to Katherine's by January 1, 2016. The first event for 2016 is on January 2, which event requires a liquor license. Thus, there is a possibility that Katherine's and the County will have to apply for a conditional liquor license for the Conference Centers, so Katherine's can provide food and beverage services at the Conference Centers on January 2, 2016. In order to apply for a conditional liquor license, the applicant needs to have a legal right to conduct business at the premises at the time of application. Therefore, in order to facilitate the approval of the conditional liquor license for Katherine's, staff is requesting approval of the attached License Agreement to give Katherine's the right to conduct business at the Conference Centers in December 2015. MOTION Move to approve the attached License Agreement for Katherine's Catering granting them access to and use of the facilities at Lyon Oaks and White Lake Oaks Conference Centers for December 2015. 50 -AKLAND License Agreement COUNTY PARKS _ The Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission ("OCPRC") grants a license (hereinafter "License") to use the property described below in Paragraph 1 to: Name of Entity or Person ("Licensee"): Katherine's Oakland County Catering, LLC Address: 359 Metty Drive, Suite 4, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48103 Contact Person: Jon Curtis, Operations Manager Telephone Number E-Mail Address: 734.930.4270-Work 734.277.0712-Mobile jon@katherines.com For and in Consideration of the issuance of this License, the Parties agree to the following terms and conditions: 1. Use of Countv Property. Licensee may only use the property described below for the purposes set forth in this License. 1.1. Property Location: The Licensee may use the entire conference centers at Lyon Oaks and at White Lake Oaks, including but not limited to the dining areas, grill rooms, and kitchens (hereinafter "Property"). 1.2. Commencement Date and End Date: This License shall commence on and shall end on December 31, 2015 at 11:59 p.m. 1.3. Fee: There shall be no fee for use of the Property under this License. 1.4. Terms and Conditions of Use: In June 2015, the County of Oakland (hereinafter "County") and Licensee executed a contract for Licensee to provide certain services at the Lyon Oaks and White Lake Oaks conference centers and grill rooms, effective January 1, 2016 (hereinafter "Contract"). That Contract is attached as Exhibit A to this License and incorporated herein. Except for the payment obligations contained in Section 5 of the Contract, the terms and conditions contained in the Contract shall apply to the Parties use of the Property under this License, even though the Contract is not effective until January 1, 2015. 2. Insurance. During this License, Licensee shall obtain and maintain insurance according to the specifications set forth in the Contract. 3. This License shall not and is not intended to interfere with the current lease that the County has with EA Fuller Oak Management (hereinafter "Fuller") to provide food and beverage services at the Property. Licensee shall not interfere with any food and beverage services currently provided by Fuller at the Property or any events that Fuller has scheduled at the Property. Page 1 of 3 51 4. Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of the Parties. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Licensee shall not assign or transfer any portion of this License without the prior written consent of OCPRC. 5. Waiver. The failure of OCPRC to insist upon strict performance of any covenants or conditions of this License or to exercise any option herein conferred in any one or more instances shall not be construed as a waiver or relinquishment of any such covenants, conditions, or options, but the same shall be and remain in full force and effect. No covenant, term or condition of this License shall be deemed to have been waived by OCPRC, unless such waiver is in writing by OCPRC. 6. Amendments. This License cannot be modified unless reduced to writing and signed by both Parties. 7. Severability. If any term or condition of this License or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is deemed to be invalid or unenforceable, to any extent, the remainder of this License or the application of such term or condition shall not be affected thereby. Each term or condition of this License shall be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law, unless such removal materially alters the intent of the Parties in executing this License. 8. Governing Law. This License shall be governed, interpreted, and enforced by the laws of the State of Michigan. 9. Counterparts. This License may be executed in one or more counterparts, including facsimile copies, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which shall together constitute one instrument. 10. Entire Agreement. This License sets forth all covenants, promises, agreements, conditions and understandings between the Parties concerning the use of the Property and there are no covenants, promises, agreements, conditions or understandings, either oral or written, between the Parties other than are herein set forth. Page 2 of 3 52 The Parties represent that their respective signatories have the requisite authority to execute and bind them to the duties and responsibilities contained herein. APPROVED AND AUTHORIZED BY LICENSEE: NAME: TITLE: DATE: SIGNATURE APPROVED AND AUTHORIZED BY OCPRC: NAME: TITLE: DATE: SIGNATURE Page 3of3 53 EXHIBIT A fOAKL L. BROOKS PATTERS ON -COUNTY EXECUTIVE OAKLAND COUNTY COUNTY MICHIGAN PURCI3ASING AJK Parks Event 003081 OAKLAND COUNTY COMPLIANCE OFFICE ur PURCHASING DIVISION �r _• LICENSE AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONTRACT NUMBER: 004458 a — Contract Amount: $ 750,000.00 U � Contract Effective Date: 01/01/2016 a Contract Expiration Date: 12/31/2020 a N This "Contract" is made between the COUNTY OF OAKLAND, a Michigan Constitutional Corporation, hereinafter called "County" and the "Contractor" as further described in the following Table. This Contract includes the license of County -owned real and personal property to Contractor and the provision of professional services by Contractor as further described herein. In this Contract, either Contractor or the County may also be referred to individually as a "Party" or jointly as the "Parties". COUNTY OF OAKLAND CONTRACTOR 2100 Pontiac Lake Road Katherine's Catering Oakland County, LLC Waterford, MI 48328 359 Metty Drive, Suite 4 (herein, the "County") Ann Arbor, MI 48103 Vendor I. D. No. 19604 (herein the "Contractor") INTRODUCTION A. The County owns and operates the following two (2) facilities, which are further described and depicted herein: ➢ Lyon Oaks Conference Center and Grill Room ➢ White Lake Oaks Conference Center and Grill Room B. The foregoing facilities have various food and beverage operations designed for use by the general public and designed to provide a means of recreation in Oakland County. C. The County desires to license these facilities and other property, set forth herein, to the Contractor and grant it the exclusive right to provide food and beverage services at the facilities. OAKLAND COUNTY COMPLIANCE OFTICE - PURCHASING PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONTRACT NUMBER 004458 Page 1 54 EXHIBIT A L. BROOKS PATTERSON-COUNTY EXECUTIVE 4TOA&L'"D = OAKLAND COUNTY COUNTY MICHIGAN PURCHASING This Contract is organized and divided into the following "Section" or "Sections" for the convenience of the Parties. SECTION 1. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND DEFINITIONS SECTION 2. CONTRACT EFFECTIVE DATE AND TERMINATION SECTION 3. SCOPE OF CONTRACTOR'S SERVICES SECTION 4. USE OF COUNTY FACILITIES AND PROPERTY SECTION 5. PAYMENT OBLIGATIONS SECTION 6. CONTRACTOR'S ASSURANCES AND WARRANTIES SECTION 7. CONTRACTOR PROVIDED INSURANCE AND INDEMNIFICATION SECTION 8. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS In consideration of the mutual promises, obligations, representations, and assurances in this Contract, the Parties agree to the following: §1. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND DEFINITIONS The following words and expressions when printed with the first letter capitalized as shown herein, whether used in the singular or plural, possessive or non possessive, and/or either within or without quotation marks, shall be defined and interpreted as follows: I.I. "Claims" means any loss; complaint; demand for relief or damages; lawsuit; cause of action; proceeding; judgment; penalty; costs or other liability of any kind which is imposed on, incurred by, or asserted against the County or for which the County may become legally or contractually obligated to pay or defend against, whether commenced or threatened, including, but not limited to, reimbursement for reasonable attorney fees, mediation, facilitation, arbitration fees, witness fees, court costs, investigation expenses, litigation expenses, or amounts paid in settlement. 1.2. "Contract Documents" This Contract includes and fully incorporates herein all of the following documents: 1.2.1. Exhibit I: Contractor Insurance Requirements 1.2.2. Exhibit II: Scope of Contractor's Services & Parties Responsibilities 1.2.3. Exhibit III: Description and Depiction of Facilities 1.2.4. Exhibit IV: Description of County Personal Property 1.2.5. Exhibit V: Servicemark 1.3. "Contractor Employee" means without limitation, any employees, officers, directors, members, managers, trustees, volunteers, attorneys, and representatives of Contractor, and also includes any Contractor licensees, concessionaires, contractors, subcontractors, independent contractors, contractor's suppliers, subsidiaries, joint OAKLAND COUNTY COMPLIANCE OFF, ICE - PURCHASING PRU I TSSIONAL SERVICE CONTRACT NUMBER 004458 Page 2 55 EXHIBIT A L. BROOKS PATTERSON-COUNTY EXECUTIVE tTOAKLAN OAKLAND COUNTY COUNTY MICHIGAN PURCHASING ventures or partners, and/or any such persons, successors or predecessors, employees, (whether such persons act or acted in their personal, representative or official capacities), and/or any and all persons acting by, through, under, or in concert with any of the above. "Contractor Employee" shall also include any person who was a Contractor Employee at any time during the term of this Contract but, for any reason, is no longer employed, appointed, or elected in that capacity. 1.4. "County" means the County of Oakland, a Municipal and Constitutional Corporation, its departments, divisions, authorities, boards, committees, and County Agent as defined below. 1.5. "County Agent" means any elected and appointed officials; directors; board members; council members; commissioners; employees; and volunteers of the County; whether acting in their personal, representative, or official capacities. "County Agent" shall also include any person who was a "County Agent" anytime during the term of this Contract but, for any reason, is no longer employed, appointed, or elected and in that capacity. 1.6. "Day" means any calendar day, which shall begin at 12:00:01 a.m. and end at 11:59:59 p.m. 1.7. "E-Verify" means an Internet based system operated by the Department of homeland Security (DHS) in partnership with the Social Security Administration (SSA) that allows participating employers to electronically verify the employment eligibility of their new hired employees. For more information and to register visit httos:He-verifv.uscis. Rov/enroll/. 1.8. "Event" means a function, gathering, meeting, party, wedding, or other assembly of persons or entities at or around the Facilities. 1.9. "Facilities" means the following real property, personal property, buildings, and the parking lots for the buildings, which are used by Contractor or Contractor Employees in performance of this Contract and are further described and depicted in Exhibit III: 1.9.1. Lyon Oaks Conference Center, Grill Room, and Golf Course 1.9.2. 'White Lake Oaks Conference Center, Grill Room, and Golf Course 1.10. "Fiscal Year" means the three hundred and sixty-five (365) day period beginning on October 1 and ending the following year on September 30; except for the first year of this Contract when the fiscal year shall begin on January 1, 2016 and end on September 30, 2016. 1.11. "Gross Revenue/Receipts" means the total dollar aggregate of the selling phice plus all other fees for any Services provided by Contractor at the Facilities or elsewhere, including deposits from all events including those that cancel (as long as the food and beverages were prepared at the Facilities), excluding only taxes and gratuity (which is voluntarily paid by customers to Contractor), whether made by cash, check, credit card, credit account, exchange, coupon redemption or other value. OAKLAND COUNTY COMPLIANCE OFFICE - PURCHASING PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONTRACT NUMBER 004458 Page 3 56 EXHIBIT A L. BROOKS PATTERSON-COUNTY EXECUTIVE OAKLAND COUNTY COUNTY MICHIGAN PURC.Ll_A► ING 1.12. "Intellectual Property" means any developments, improvements, designs, innovation, and materials that may be the subject of a trademarklservicemark, copyright or patent, trade secrets or Proprietary Information. 1.13. "Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission" or "OCPRC" means the county parks and recreation commission created by the county board of commissioners pursuant to Public Act 261 of 1965. . 1.14. "Property" means the real property and personal property owned by the County which is listed, described, and depicted in Exhibit In and IV. 1.15. "Proprietary Information" means ideas, concepts, inventions and processes related to the development and operation of computer software and systems such as source code, object code, security procedures and passwords. 1.16. "Services" means all food and beverage (alcoholic and non-alcoholic) products and services and all other products or services provided by Contractor or Contractor Employees at the Facilities or elsewhere when the food and beverages are prepared at the Facilities. Services shall include, but not be limited to, the purchase, preparation, transportation, and service of food and beverages (alcoholic and non- alcoholic) by the Contractor or Contractor Employees; clean-up after Events; rental -of linens, tableware, glassware, paper ware, decorations, tables, chairs, special equipment and inflatables provided by or through the Contractor or Contractor Employees; valet services provided by or through the Contractor or Contractor Employees; coat -check services provided by or through the Contractor or Contractor Employees; and operation of mobile food and beverage carts or stands by the Contractor or Contractor Employees at the Facilities. §2. CONTRACT EFFECTIVE DATE AND TERMINATION 2.1. Contract Term. The "Effective Date" of this Contract shall be as stated on the first page of this Contract, and unless otherwise terminated or canceled as provided herein, it shall end at 11:59:59 p.m. on the "Contract Expiration Date" shown on the first page of this Contract, at which time this Contract expires without any further act or notice of either Party being required. 2.2. Contract Renewal. The Parties are under no obligation to renew or extend this Contract after Contract Expiration Date, provided, however, that at OCPRC's option with the approval of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners, may extend this Contract for one or two five (5) year periods after this Contract has been in effect for at least two (2) years ("Renewal Terms"). The terms and conditions contained in this Contract shall apply to the Renewal Terms, except that the Equipment Fee and the Food and Beverage Fee shall be reviewed by the Parties. There shall be no further renewals or extensions of this Contract beyond the Renewal Terms set forth herein. At the expiration of the Contract or Renewal Terms, the Contract shall be bid through the Oakland County Purchasing Division, according to its policies and procedures in effect at that time. OAKLAND COUNTY COMPLIANCE OFFICE - PURCHASING PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONTRACT NUMBER 004458 Page 4 57 EXHIBIT A L. BROOKS PATTERS ON -COUNTY EXECUTIVE OAKLAND COUNTY COUNTY MICHIGAN PURCHASING 2.3. LeRal Effect. Notwithstanding the above, under no circumstances shall this Contract be effective until and unless: 2.3.1. This Contract is signed by a Contractor Employee, legally authorized to bind Contractor; 2.3.2. All Contractor Certificates of Insurance and any other conditions precedent to the Contract have been submitted and accepted by the County; and 2.3.3. This Contract is signed by an authorized agent of the Oakland County Purchasing Division, as provided for on the signature page of this Contract. 2.4. County Termination. The County may terminate and/or cancel this Contract (or any part thereof) at any time upon three hundred and sixty-five (365) days written notice to the Contractor, if Contractor defaults in any obligation contained herein and within the three hundred and sixty-five (365) days' notice period Contractor failed or did not attempt to cure such default. The effective date for termination or cancellation shall be clearly stated in the written notice. 2.5. Contractor Termination. Contractor may terminate and/or cancel this Contract (or any part thereof) at any time upon three hundred and sixty-five (365) days written notice to the County, if the County defaults in any obligation contained herein and within the three hundred and sixty-five (365) days' notice period the County failed or did not attempt to cure such default. The effective date of termination and/or cancellation and the specific alleged default shall be clearly stated in the written notice. 2.6. In the event of termination and/or cancellation of this Contract by either Party for any reason, Contractor shall pay the County all fees as set forth herein until the effective date of termination. 2.7. Upon termination and/or cancellation of this Contract, Contractor's use of County Property shall cease as of the effective date of termination, this shall include at the sole option of the County, cancellation of all Events Contractor scheduled at the Facilities after the effective date of termination. 2.8. Under no circumstances shall the County be liable for any future loss of income, profits, any consequential damages or any loss of business opportunities, revenues, or any other economic benefit Contractor may have realized but for the termination and/or cancellation of this Contract. The County shall not be obligated to pay Contractor any cancellation or termination fee if this Contract is cancelled or terminated as provided herein. §3. SCOPE OF CONTRACTOR'S SERVICES 3.1. Contractor shall perform all Services identified and described in this Contract and the Exhibits. 3.2. Contractor and the County, through OCPRC, shall perform all responsibilities as listed and described in this Contract and Exhibits. OAKLAND COUNTY CONTLIANCE OFFICE - PURCHASING PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONTRACT NUMBER 004458 Page 5 58 MA111, L. BROOKS PATTERSON -COUNTY EXECUTIVE IfOAKL OAKLAND COUNT" Y COUNTY MICHIGAN PURCHASING 3.3. Equipment and Supplies. Contractor is responsible for providing the equipment mid supplies to deliver and perform the Services required by this Contract, which are not expressly required to be provided by the County herein. §4. USE OF COUNTY FACILITIES AND PROPERTY 4.1. Access to Facilities. Contractor may use and have full access to the Facilities described and depicted in Exhibit III, provided, however, Contractor shall in no way be involved in the operation and maintenance of the golf courses at the Facilities. Contractor's use and access to the golf courses at the Facilities applies only to the sale and service of alcoholic beverages and the operation of mobile food and beverage carts or stands. 4.2. County Personal Pronertv. Contractor may use the County's personal property, which may or may not be affixed to the Facilities, that is listed in Exhibit IV. All personal property listed in Exhibit IV (whether it is affixed or not affixed to the Facilities) is deemed to be the personal property of the County. 4.3. Use of Facilities. Contractor shall only use the Facilities and the personal property listed in Exhibit III and IV for the purpose of providing Services at the Facilities or for preparing food and beverages to be served elsewhere. 4.4. County Access. The County may access the Facilities at any time for the purpose of examining and inspecting the Facilities and evaluating the Services provided pursuant to this Contract. If the County determines that the Facilities are not maintained pursuant to this Contract or Services are not provided pursuant to this Contract, it shall immediately notify Contractor in writing to correct the unsatisfactory conditions or Services. Contractor shall take immediate steps to correct such conditions or Services. 4.5. Signs. Contractor shall not place any signs or advertisements on the Facilities without the prior written consent of the OCPRC Executive Officer or his/her designee. 4.6. Conditions of Facilities. Contractor shall keep the Facilities and anything stored thereon in good order and in a clean, safe, and healthful condition as required by this Contract and as required by federal, state or local law, rule, regulation or ordinance. 4.7. Alterations, Additions, or Chances to Facilities. Except as otherwise provided in this Contract, Contractor shall not make any structural alterations, additions, or changes to the Facilities, unless prior written approval is given by OCPR.0 Executive Officer or his/her designee. 4.8. Removal of Personal Property. At the expiration or termination of this Contract, Contractor shall leave the Facilities in the same condition that Contractor found them, less ordinary wear and tear, and clean of all rubbish. Contractor shall remove all of its personal property within thirty (3 0) days of expiration or termination of this Contract. If Contractor does not remove its personal property within the thirty OAKLAND COUNTY COMPLIANCE O M 4 CE - PURCHASING PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONTRACT NUMBER 004458 Page 6 59 EXHIBIT A ifOAKL �+ID COUNTY MICHICTAN L. BROOKS PATTERSON-COUNTYEXECUTIVE OAKLAND COUNTY PURCHASING (30) day period, the County shall dispose of it as it sees fit. Upon receipt of an invoice from the County, Contractor shall reimburse the County for all costs associated with the removal and disposal of Contractor's personal property. 4.9. Damaae/Destruction of Facilities or County Property. 4.9.1. If any damage or destruction occurs to the Facilities or other County -owned property, Contractor shall notify the County immediately 4.9.2. Contractor shall be responsible for any damage or destruction to the Facilities or other County -owned property, which arise out of the acts or omissions of Contractor or Contractor Employees. 4.9.3. The County shall make the necessary repairs and/or replacements or cause a third party to make the necessary repairs or replacements to the Facilities or other County -owned property, provided, however, that Contractor shall reimburse the County for all costs associated with repairing and/or replacing the Facilities or other County owned property (which costs arise out of the acts or omissions of Contractor or Contractor Employees). Contractor shall pay such costs within fourteen (14) days of receiving an itemized invoice from the County; unless the County makes a claim for such damage or destruction under its property insurance and it is covered and paid for by the County's property insurance, in which case Contractor shall reimburse the County for any deductible the County must pay in connection with the damage or destruction. 4.9.4. In the event, any Facility is partially damaged or destroyed by fire or other casualty, the damage to such Facility shall be promptly repaired or rebuilt by the County and this Contract shall continue, except that if any Facility is damaged or destroyed by fire or other casualty to such a degree that it would prevent the Contractor from providing the Services as required by this Contract (in the County's reasonable discretion), then the County may elect to either repair or rebuild such Facility or to terminate the portion of this Contract as it relates to the particular Facility damaged or destroyed, by giving written notice to Contractor within thirty (30) days after the occurrence of such damage or destruction. Contractor will have thirty (30) days from the date of the notice to vacate such Facility. 4.9.5. While a Facility is being repaired or rebuilt the Equipment Fee and the Food and Beverage Fee owed by Contractor shall be reduced in proportion to the fraction of the Facility rendered unusable. If anyone Facility is damaged or destroyed to such a degree that it would prevent Contractor from providing Services as required by this Contract (in the County's reasonable discretion), then Contractor may elect to remain at the Facility or to vacate the Facility, without further liability to the County. 4.10. Damage to Contractor Property. Contactor shall be solely liable and responsible for any property loss or damage resulting from fire, theft or other means to OAKLAND COUNTY COMPLIANCE OFFICE - PURCIIASING PROFE SSIONAL SERVICE CONTRACT NUMBER 004458 Page 7 60 EXHIBIT A L. BROOKS PATTERSON-COUNTY EXECUTIVE 4TOAKL OAKLAND COUNTY COUNTY MICHIGAN PURCHASING Contractor's personal property located, kept, or stored on or around the Facilities during this Contract. 4.11. Liability for Claims. Contractor shall be solely liable and responsible for any Claims, occurring at or around the Facilities, which arise out of Contractor's or Contractor's Employees use of the Facilities or performance of Services under this Contract. 4.12. Contractor acknowledges that it has no title in or to the Facilities or any portion thereof and will not claim any such title to the Facilities. 4.13. Eminent Domain. If any number of Facilities are entirely taken by any public authority under the power of eminent domain, then this Contract shall be terminated on the day the public authority takes possession of such Facility(ies). If less than the whole, but more than thirty-five percent (35%) of a Facility is taken by any public authority under the power of eminent domain, then either Party may terminate this Contract, as it relates to the specific Facility only, upon thirty (30) days written notice to the other Party. In the event neither Party elects to terminate this Contract, this Contract shall terminate on the date the public authority takes possession of a specific Facility. Neither Party shall have any future liability or obligation under this Contract, if it is terminated under this Section. 4.14. Alcoholic Beverages. 4.14.1. Alcoholic beverages may be sold, provided and served only by Contractor and Contractor Employees at the Facilities as part of the Services provided under this Contract. 4.14.2. The liquor licenses from the State of Michigan for the Facilities shall be held by the County and Contractor as co -licensees. 4.14.3. The County shall be responsible for obtaining and maintaining the liquor licenses for the Facilities, including paying all costs and fees associated with obtaining and maintaining the liquor licenses and hiring and paying for the attorneys to assist with licensing from the State of Michigan. 4.14.4. Contractor and Contractor Employees shall be responsible for operating the Facilities in strict accordance with the Michigan Liquor Control Code, as amended and all rules and regulations promulgated thereunder ("the Code"). 4.14.5. The County and Contractor expressly acknowledge and confirm their joint responsibilities pursuant to the provisions of the Code for any and all violations under the Code at the Facilities, which may arise through acts or omissions of the County or Contractor or Contractor Employees. 4.14.6. Except as stated herein, Contractor or Contractor Employees shall have no right or interest in the liquor licenses for the Facilities. 4.14.7. Upon termination and/or cancellation of this Contract, or termination and/or cancellation of a portion of this Contract affecting a liquor license, OAKLAND COUNTY COMPLIANCE OFFICE - PURCHASING PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONTRACT NUMBER 004458 Page 8 61 EXHIBIT A 40'NQVND : COUNTY MICHIGAN L. BROOKS PA'1;PERSON-COUNTY EXECUTIVE OAKLAND COUNTY PURCHASING all rights of the Contractor as co -licensee for the Facilities or a Facility shall terminate automatically, subject only to the approval of the Michigan Liquor Control Commission. Contractor and Contractor Employees agree to cooperate in all matters necessary to cause a transfer of its interest to the County, including the execution of all documents and forms required by the Michigan Liquor Control Commission. 4.14.8. Only Contractor and Contractor Employees may serve alcoholic beverages at the Facilities. All persons serving alcoholic beverages must be trained and certified as required by the Code. §5. PAYMENT OBLIGATIONS 5.1. Equipment Fee. For the use of County -owned equipment, Contractor shall pay the County a twenty -thousand dollar ($20,000.00) fee per Fiscal Year, which shall be paid as set forth in this Section (hereinafter "Equipment Fee"); except that Contractor shall not pay an Equipment Fee for the time period beginning January 1, 2016 and ending September 30, 2017. 5.2. Food and Beverage Fee. Contractor shall pay the County three percent (3%) of the Gross Receipts/Revenue per each Facility per Fiscal Year as a "Food and Beverage Fee" beginning October 1, 2017. 5.3. Notwithstanding any other provision in this Contract, if Gross Revenue/Receipts total one million two hundred thousand dollars ($1,200,000.00) or more at the Facilities for the time period beginning October 1, 2016 and ending September 30, 2017, then the Contractor shall pay the twenty thousand dollar ($20,000.00) Equipment Fee for that time period and shall pay the Food and Beverage Fee on the actual Gross Revenue/Receipts for that time period. After this time period, the Equipment Fee and Food and Beverage Fee shall be due and payable as set forth in this Contract. 5.4. Equipment Fee Annual Increase. On October 1 of each year, beginning on October 1, 2019, the Equipment Fee shall be increased by three percent (3%) of the previous year's Equipment Fee ("Annual Increase"); except that if Contractor pays an Equipment Fee for the time period beginning October 1, 2016 and ending September 30, 2017, then the Annual Increase shall begin on October 1, 2018. 5.5. Due Date. The Equipment Fee and Food and Beverage Fee are due and payable on October 20 each year for the previous Fiscal Year's Equipment Fee and Food and Beverage Fee. 5.6. Utilities. The utilities, which Contractor is required to pay under in this Contract, shall be invoiced to Contractor on a quarterly basis, provided however, for the time period of January 1, 2016 to September 30, 2016 Contractor shall be invoiced once (after September 30, 2016) for the utilities during that period. Contactor shall pay the utility invoice within thirty (30) days of receipt of the invoice. OAKLAND COUNTY COMPLIANCE OFFICE - PURCHASING PROFESSIONAL S1MVICE CONTRACT NUMBER 004458 Page 9 62 EXHIBIT A L. BROODS PATTERSON-COUNTY EXECUTIVE f0AKL"D_"-1-- OAKLAND COUNTY COUNTY MICHIGAN PURCHASING 5.7. All costs and fees due to the County herein shall be payable to the "County of Oakland" and sent to. Oakland County Parks and Recreation, Attention: Executive Officer, 2800 Watkins Lake Road, Waterford MI 48328. 5.8. Late Charge. If the County does not receive the fees, utilities, or any other sum owed by Contractor under this Contract within five (5) days of its due date, Contractor shall pay the County a late charge equal to ten percent (10%) of any such overdue amount. Such late charge represents a fair and reasonable estimate of the costs the County will incur by reason of late payment by the County. Acceptance of such late charge by the County shall in no event constitute a waiver of Contractor's default with respect to such overdue amount, nor prevent the County from exercising any of its other rights and remedies. 5.9. Under no circumstances shall the County be responsible for any cost, fee, fine, penalty, or direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages incurred or suffered by Contractor in connection with or resulting from the Contractor's providing any Services under this Contract. 5.10. Off Set. The County has the right to offset any amounts due and owing to the Contractor should the County incur any cost associated with this Contract that is the obligation of Contractor under this Contract. 5.11. In -Kind Services. This Contract does not authorize any in -kind services by either Party, unless expressly provided herein. §6. CONTRACTOR'S ASSURANCES AND WARRANTIES 6.1. Contractor certifies that all statements, assurances, records, and materials submitted to County in connection with securing this Contract have been truthful, complete and accurate in all respects. Any material false statement, representation or omission made in connection with Contractor seeking or obtaining this Contract may be grounds for canceling or terminating this Contract and/or debarring the Contractor from future County contracts. The County's right to cancel this Contract as provided herein shall be in addition to any other rights the County has to terminate or cancel this Contract. 6.2. Service Warrantv. Contractor warrants that all Services performed hereunder will be performed in a manner that complies with all applicable laws, statutes, regulations, ordinances, and professional standards. 6.3. Taxes, The Contractor shall pay, its local, state and federal taxes, including without limitation, taxes (real or personal) because of this Contract, social security taxes, and unemployment compensation taxes. The County shall not be liable to or required to reimburse the Contractor for any federal, state and local taxes or fees of any kind. 6.4. Contractor's Incidental Ext)enses. Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Contract, the Contractor shall be solely responsible and liable for all costs and expenses incident to the performance of all Services for the County including, but OAKLAND COUNTY COMPLIANCE OFFICE - PURCHASING PROFESSIONAL SERVICE: CONTRACT NUMBER 004458 Page 10 63 EXHIBITA L. BROOKS PATTERS ON -CO UNTY EXECUTIVE frOMUAND== OAKLAND COUNTY COUNTY MICHIGAN PURCHASING not limited to, any professional dues, association fees, license fees (excluding any liquor license acquisition or maintenance fees), fines, taxes, and penalties. 6.5. E-Verify. 6.5.1. In accordance with Miscellaneous Resolution No.09116 (BOC Minutes, July 30, 2009, pp. 37-38), unless otherwise exempted, beginning January 1, 2016 and throughout the term of this Contract, Contractor must certify it has registered with, will participate in, and will continue to utilize, once registered, the E-Verify Program (or any successor program implemented by the federal government or its departments or agencies) to verify the work authorization status of all newly hired employees employed by the Contractor. Breach of this term or conditions is considered a material breach of this Contract. 6.5.2. Contractor certifies it has registered with, has and will participate in, and does and will continue to utilize once registered and throughout the term of this Contract and any permissible extension hereof, the E-Verify Program (or any successor program implemented by the federal government or its departments or agencies) to verify the work authorization status of all newly hired employees employed by the Contractor. 6.6. Contractor Employees. 6.6.1. Contractor shall employ and assign qualified Contractor Employees as necessary and appropriate to provide the Services under this Contract. Contractor shall ensure all Contractor Employees have all the necessary knowledge, skill, and qualifications necessary to perform the required Services and possess any necessary licenses, permits, certificates, and governmental authorizations as may be required by law. 6.6.2. Contractor shall solely control, direct, and supervise all Contractor Employees with respect to all Contractor obligations under this Contract. Contractor will be solely responsible for and fully liable for the conduct and supervision of any Contractor Employee. 6.6.3. All Contractor Employees assigned to work under this Contract may, at the County's discretion, be subject to a security check and clearance by the County. 6.6.4. All newly hired Contractor Employees, unless otherwise excluded under Misc. Resolution No. 09116, must undergo employment eligibility verification through the E-Verify system. Failure to verify newly hired employees is a material breach of this Contract. 6.7. Contractor Emplovee-Related Expenses. All Contractor Employees shall be employed at the Contractor's sole expense (including employment -related taxes and insurance). The Contractor warrants that all Contractor Employees shall fully comply with and adhere to all of the terms of this Contract. Contractor shall be OAKLAND COUNTY COMPLIANCE OFFICE - PURCHASING PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONTRACT NUMBER 004458 Page I I 64 EXHIBIT A L. BROODS PATTERSON-COUNTY EXECUTIVE Arom4cu OAKLAND COUNTY COUNTY MICHJGAN PURCHASING solely and completely liable for any and all applicable Contractor Employee's federal, state, or local payment withholdings or contributions and/or any and all Contractor Employee related pension or welfare benefits plan contribution under federal or state law. Contractor shall indemnify and hold the County harmless for all Claims against the County by any Contractor Employee, arising out of any contract for hire or employer -employee relationship between the Contractor and any Contractor Employee, including, but not limited to, Worker's Compensation, disability pay or other insurance of any kind. 6.8. Full Knowledize of Service Expectations and Attendant Circumstances. Contractor warrants that before submitting its Proposal and/or entering into this Contract, it had a full opportunity to review the proposed Services and all County requirements under this Contract. The Contractor is responsible for being adequately and properly prepared to execute this Contract. Contractor has satisfied itself in all material respects that it will be able to perform all obligations under the Contract as specified herein. 6.9. The Contractor's Relationship To The County Is That Of An Independent Contractor. Nothing in this Contract is intended to establish an employer -employee relationship between the County and either the Contractor or any Contractor Employee. All Contractor Employees assigned to provide Services under this Contract by the Contractor shall, in all cases, be deemed employees of the Contractor and not employees, agents or sub -contractors of the County. 6.10. Contractor's Compliance with the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. If Contractor is subject to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act ("ACA"), PL 111-148, 124 Stat 119, then Contractor shall ensure that all Contractor Employees under assignment to the County are provided with or have access to insurance as required by the ACA If Contractor is subject to the ACA, Contractor warrants it offers Contractor Employees and their dependents group health coverage that is affordable, that provides minimum essential coverage and value and that it will pay all applicable fees, takes or fines, as set forth in the employer mandates of the ACA under Tax Code §4980H and related regulations. §7. CONTRACTOR PROVIDED INSURANCE AND INDEMNIFICATION 7.1. Indemnification. 7.1.1. Contractor shall indemnify, defend, and hold the County harmless from any and all Claims which are incurred by or asserted against the County by any person or entity, alleged to have been caused or found to arise, from the acts, performances, errors, or omissions of Contractor or Contractor's Employees, including, without limitation, all Claims relating to injury or death of any person or damage to any property. 7.1.2. The indemnification rights contained in this Contract are in excess and over and above any valid and collectible insurance rights/policies. During the term of this Contract, if the validity or collectability of the OAKLAND COUNTY COMPLIANCE OFFICE - PURCHASING PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONTRACT NUMBER 004458 Page 12 65 EXHIBIT A L. BROOKS PATTERSON-COUNTY EXECUTIVE tTOAKL OAKLAND COUNTY COUNTY MICHIGAN PURCHASING Contractor's insurance is disputed by the insurance company, the Contractor shall indemnify the County for all claims asserted against the County and if the insurance company prevails, the Contractor shall indemnify the County for uncollectable accounts. 7.1.3. Contractor shall have no rights against the County for any indemnification (e.g., contractual, equitable, or by implication), contribution, subrogation, and/or any other right to be reimbursed by the County except as expressly provided herein. 7.1.4. Contractor waives and releases all actions, liabilities, loss and damage including any subrogated rights it may have against the County based upon any Claim brought against the County suffered by a Contractor Employee. 7.2. Contractor Provided Insurance. At all times during this Contract, Contractor shall obtain and maintain insurance according to the specifications indicated in Exhibit I. §8. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 8.1. Cumulative Remedies. A Party's exercise of any remedy shall not preclude the exercise of any other remedies, all of which shall be cumulative. A Party shall have the right, in its sole discretion, to determine which remedies are to be exercised and in which order. 8.2. Survival of Terms and Conditions. The terms and conditions contained in the following Sections shall survive and continue in full force beyond the termination and/or cancellation of this Contract (or any part thereof) until the terms and conditions are fully satisfied or expire by their very nature; "PAYMENT OBLIGATIONS"; "CONTRACTOR'S ASSURANCES AND WARRANTIES"; "CONTRACTOR PROVIDED INSURANCE AND INDEMNIFICATION"; "Dama2e/Destruction of Facilities or County Property"; "Audit"; "Severability"; "Governing Law/Consent To Jurisdiction And Venue"; and "Survival of Terms And Conditions". 8.3. County Right to Suspend Services. Upon written notice, the County may suspend performance of this Contract if Contractor has failed to comply with Federal, State, or Local laws, or any requirements contained in this Contract. The right to suspend services is in addition to the County's right to terminate and/or cancel this Contract. The County shall incur no penalty, expense, or liability to Contractor if the County suspends services under this Section. OAKLAND COUNTY COMPLIANCE OFFICE - PURCHASING PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONTRACT NUMBER 004458 Page 13 66 EXHIBIT A COUNTY MICHIGAN L. BROOKS PATTERS ON -COUNTY EXECUTIVE OAKLAND COUNTY PURCHASING 8.4. No Third Party Beneficiaries. Except as provided for the benefit of the Parties, this Contract does not and is not intended to create any obligation, duty, promise, contractual right or benefit, right to be indemnified, right to be subrogated to the Parties' rights in this Contract, or any other right in favor of any other person or entity. 8.5. Compliance with Laws. Contractor shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws, statutes, ordinances, regulations, rules, insurance policy requirements, and requirements applicable to its activities under this Contract, including but not limited to the Michigan Liquor Control Code, as amended, and all regulations and rules promulgated thereunder. 8.6. Permits and Licenses. Except for liquor licenses from the Michigan Liquor Control Commission, Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining, maintaining, and paying for all licenses, permits, certificates, and governmental authorizations necessary to perform its obligations under this Contract and to conduct business under this Contract. Within seven (7) days of request by the County, Contractor shall furnish copies of any permit, license, certificate or governmental authorizations necessary to provide services under this Contract; except that, within seven (7) days of receipt, Contractor shall provide copies of all Health Inspection Reports and any subsequent enforcement actions by the County Health Department to the OCPRC Executive Officer. 8.7. Discrimination. Contractor shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment in violation of state or federal law. Contractor shall promptly notify the County of any complaint or charge filed and/or of any determination by any court or administrative agency of illegal discrimination by Contractor. 8.8. Reservation of RiAts. This Contract does not, and is not intended to impair, divest, delegate, or contravene any constitutional, statutory, and/or other legal right, privilege, power, obligation, duty, or immunity of the County. . 8.9. Force Maieure. Notwithstanding any other term or condition of this Contract, neither Party shall be liable for failure to perform contractual duties or obligations caused by events beyond their reasonable control, including but not limited to: (a) acts of public enemies; (b) natural disasters; (c) terrorism; (d) war; (e) insurrection or riot; (f) natural disasters; (g) strikes, lockouts, work stoppages, or other labor difficulties; or (h) compliance with law. Reasonable notice shall be given to the affected Party of such event. Contractor is expected, through insurance or alternative temporary or emergency service arrangements, to continue its contractual duties or obligations if a reasonably anticipated, insurable business risk, such as business interruption or any insurable casualty or loss occurs. 8.10. Conflict of Interest. Pursuant to Public Act 317 and 318 of 1968, as amended (MCL 15.321, et seq.), no contracts shall be entered into between the County, including all agencies and departments thereof, and any County Agent. To avoid OAKLAND COUNTY COMPLIANCE OFFICE - PURCHASING PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONTRACT NUMBER 004458 Page 14 67 EXHIBIT A L. BROOKS PATTERS ON -COUNTY EXECUTIVE 4TOAKL - OAKLANTD COUNTY COUNTY MICHIGAN PURCHASING any real or perceived conflict of interest, Contractor shall identify any Contractor Employee or relative of Contractor's Employees who are presently employed by the County. Contractor shall give the County notice if there are any County Agents or relatives of County Agents who are presently employed by Contractor. 8.11. Project Managers. Each Party shall designate an employee or agent to act as a Project Manager. The Project Managers shall serve as a contact point for all matters related to the Services to be performed under this Contract. The Contractor's Project Manager shall coordinate with the County's Project Manager. The Contractor shall provide the name and qualifications of its Project Manager and an alternate. 812. Contract Administrator. Each Party shall designate an employee or agent to act as Contract Administrator. The County's Contract Administrator shall be responsible for such activities as monitoring deliverables and funding addressing the quality of services provided by the Contractor, reviewing invoices and submitting requests to the County's procurement authority for any contract modification. 8.13. Dispute Resolution. All disputes arising under or relating to the execution, interpretation, performance, or nonperformance of this Contract involving or affecting the Parties may first be submitted to the respective Project Managers and Contract Administrators for possible resolution. The Project Managers and Contract Administrators may promptly meet and confer in an effort to resolve such dispute. If the Project Managers cannot resolve the dispute in five (5) business days, the dispute may be submitted to the signatories of this Contract or their successors in office. The signatories of this Contract may meet promptly and confer in an effort to resolve such dispute. Before litigation is commenced by either Party regarding Claims arising under this Contract, the Patties shall use their best efforts to mediate such Claims. All costs for mediation shall be borne equally by the Parties. The Parties shall mutually agree to the mediator. 8.14. Access and Records. Contractor will maintain accurate books and records in connection with performance of this Contract for thirty-six (36) months after the end of this Contract and Contractor shall provide the County with reasonable access to such books and records, upon request. 8.15. Audit. The Countyfor an independent auditor hired by the County may perform contract audits (in its sole discretion) and shall have the authority to access all pertinent records and data and to interview any Contractor Employee during the term of this Contract and for a period of three years after final payment. Contractor shall explain any audit findings, questioned costs, or other Contract compliance deficiencies to the County within thirty (30) days of receiving the draft audit report. Contractor's written response shall include all necessary documents and information that refute the draft audit report and an action plan to resolve the audit findings. A copy of Contractor's response will be included in the final report. OAKLAND COUNTY COMPLIANCE OFFICE. - PURCHASING PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONTRACT NUMBER 004458 Page 15 68 EXHIBIT A COUNTY MICHIGAN L. BROOKS PATTERS ON -COUNTY EXECUTIVE OAKLAND COUNTY PURCHASING Failure by Contractor to respond in writing within thirty (30) days shall be deemed acceptance of the draft audit report and will be noted in the final report. 8.16. Delei4ation /Subcontract/ASS1Qnment/Sublease. Contractor shall not delegate, assign, sublease or subcontract any obligations or rights under this Contract without the prior written consent of the County. 8.16.1. The rights and obligations under this Contract shall not be diminished in any manner by assignment, delegation, sublease or subcontract. 8.16.2. Any assignment, delegation, sublease or subcontract by Contractor and approved by the County, must include a requirement that the assignee, delegee, or subcontractor will comply with the rights and obligations contained in this Contract. 8.16.3. Contractor shall remain primarily liable for all work performed by any subcontractors. Contractor shall remain liable to the County for any obligations under the Contract not completely performed or improperly performed by any Contractor delegee or subcontractor. 8.16.4. Should a Subcontractor fail to provide the established level of service as required by this Contract, Contractor shall contract with another agency for these services in a timely manner. Any additional costs associated with securing a competent subcontractor shall be the sole responsibility of Contractor. 8.17. No provision in this Contract limits, or is intended to limit, in any way Contractor's right to offer and provide its services to the general public, other business entities, municipalities, or governmental agencies during or after the term of this Contract. Except as provided in this Contract, this Contract shall not be construed to guarantee Contractor or any Contractor Employee any fixed or certain number of hours, Services, or Events at the Facilities. 8.18. No Implied Waiver. Waiver of any term or condition under this Contract must be in writing and notice given pursuant to this Contract. No written waiver, in one or more instances, shall be deemed or construed as a continuing waiver of any term or condition of this Contract. No waiver by either Party shall subsequently affect its right to require strict performance of this Contract. 8.19. Severabilitv. If a court of competent jurisdiction finds a term or condition of this Contract to be illegal or invalid, then the term or condition shall be deemed severed from this Contract. All other terms or conditions shall remain in full force and effect. Notwithstanding the above, if Contractor's promise to indemnify or hold the County harmless is found illegal or invalid, Contractor shall contribute the maximum it is permitted to pay by law toward the payment and satisfaction of any Claims against the County. 8.20. Captions. Section and subsection numbers, captions, and any index to sections or subsections contained in this Contract are intended for the convenience of the OAKLAND COUNTY COMPLIANCE OFFICE - PURCHASING PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONTRACT NUMBER 004458 Page 16 69 EXHIBIT A COUN` A' M I C H I G A N L. BROODS PA`I-rERSON-COUNTY EXECUTIVE OAKLA.ND COUNTY PURCHASING reader and are not intended to have any substantive meaning and shall not be interpreted to limit or modify any substantive provisions of this Contract. In this Contract, for any noun or pronoun, use of the singular or plural form, use of the nominative, possessive, or objective case, and any reference to gender (masculine, feminine, and neuter) shall mean the appropriate form, case, or gender as the context requires. 8.21. Notices. 8.21.1. Written Notice. All notices required under this Contract shall be in writing. Notices shallbe effective: (a) the next Business Day, if personally delivered; (b) the third Business Day, if sent by U.S. mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, (c) the next Business Day, if sent by a nationally recognized overnight express courier with a reliable tracking system, or (d) the next Business Day with a receipt of confirmation, if sent by email or fax. 8.21.2. Notice to County. Unless otherwise specified, notice to the County shall be addressed to those listed on the signature page of this Contract and to the Oakland County Compliance Officer/Purchasing Division at 2100 Pontiac Lake Road, Waterford, MI 48328, 8.21.3. Notice to Contractor. Unless otherwise specified, notice to Contractor shall be addressed to Jonathan Curtis, 359 Metty Rd Ste 4, Ann Arbor MI 48103. 8.22. Contract Modifications or Amendments. Any modifications, amendments, recisions, waivers, or releases to this Contract must be in writing, agreed to by both Parties, and added as a change order or amendment to this Contract. Unless otherwise agreed, the modification, amendment, recision, waiver, or release shall be signed by an expressly authorized Contractor Employee and by the same person who signed the Contract for the County or other County Agent as authorized by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners. 8.23. Precedence of Documents. In the event of a conflict between the terms and conditions in any of the documents comprising this Contract, the conflict shall be resolved as follows: The terms and conditions contained in this main Contract document shall prevail and take precedence over any allegedly conflicting provisions in all other Exhibits or documents. 8.24. Governing Laws/Consent to Jurisdiction and Venue. This Contract shall be governed, interpreted, and enforced by the laws of the State of Michigan. Except as otherwise required by law or court rule, any action brought to enforce, interpret, or decide any Claim arising under or related to this Contract shall be brought in the Sixth Judicial Circuit Court of the State of Michigan, the 50th District Court of the State of Michigan, or the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan, Southern Division, as dictated by the applicable jurisdiction of the court. OAKLAND COUNTY COMPLIANCE OFFICE - PURCHASING PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONTRACT NUMBER 004458 Page 17 70 EXHIBIT A L. BROOKS PATTERSON-COUNTY EXECUTIVE 1f0AK11 OAKLAND COUNTY COUNTY MICHIGAN PURCHASING Except as otherwise required by law or court rule, venue is proper in the courts set forth above. The choice of forum set forth above shall not be deemed to preclude the enforcement of any judgment obtained in such forum or taking action under this Contract to enforce such judgment in any appropriate jurisdiction. 8.25. Entire Contract. This Contract represents the entire agreement and understanding between the Parties. This Contract supersedes all other prior oral or written understandings, communications, agreements or Contracts between the Parties. The language of this Contract shall be construed as a whole according to its fair meaning, and not construed strictly for or against any Party. 8.26. CoLmty Intellectual Property. Contractor shall have no copyright, patent, trademark or trade secret rights in County Intellectual Property. 8.27. Contractor Use of County Servicemark. 8.27.1. The County grants Contractor the non-exclusive right to use its servicemark, as it is depicted and listed in. Exhibit V, on Contractor's uniforms or on publications (in any format) related to or associated with performance of this Contract. Permission to use the servicemark extends to use on the Contractor's website. 8.27.2. Contractor shall only use the servicemark in Exhibit V for the purposes described in this Contract and not fox any other purpose. 8.27.3. Contractor acknowledges that the County has certain rights in the servicemark depicted in Exhibit V and that Contractor has no right, title ox interest in the servicemark. 8.27.4. The servicemark covered under this Section shall be provided at no cost to Contractor. 8.27.5. Contractor's permission to use the servicemark in Exhibit V shall cease when the entire Contract is terminated and/or cancelled. Immediately upon termination and/or cancellation of this Contract, Contractor shall not display or depict the servicemark on its website or display, distribute or create any publication (in any format) or display, distribute or create other items that contain the servicemark. OAKLAND COUNTY COMPLIANCE OFFICE - PURCHASING PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONTRACT NUMBER 004458 Page 18 71 EXHIBIT A L. BROOKS PATTERS ON -COUNTY EXECUTIVE 4TOAKL OAKLAND COUNTY COUNTY MICHIGAN PmcnA.SING The undersigned execute this Contract on behalf of Contractor and the County, and by doing so legally obligate and bind Contractor and the County to the terms and conditions of this Contract. FOR THE CONTRACTOR: BY: f-F. FeLA4,c� DATE: 5-- 02 ;�• - f 5 Print Name: �C,+r?h5WAie #; ;;VV�F- L4 appeared in person before me this day and executed this Contract on behalf of Contractor and acknowledged to me under oath that they have taken all actions and secured any and all necessary approvals and authorizations and has the requisite authority from Contractor to fully and completely obligate and bind Contractor to the terms and conditions of this Contract and any and all other documents incorporated by reference and also acknowledged to me under oath having been provided with copies and having read and reviewed all Contract documents including all documents incorporated by reference. Subscribed and sworn to before me on this Z-7 day of Ili A&V- - 2015. Notary Public, State of (� JAO'Vsm County My Commission Expires: 12-'5-1Z 0 2 Acting in the County of & A46'ft-.G t,4-j FOR THE COUNTY: BY: DATE: i hael J. ge 1, Cha' erson Oakland County Board of Commissioners BY: imtb1fi. DATE: 6 Scott Guzzy, Purchasin isirator OAKLAND COUNTY COMPLIANCE OFFICE - PURCHASING PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONTRACT NUMBER 004458 Page 19 72 L. BROOKS PATTERS ON -COUNTY EXECUTIVE IFOAKL OAKLAND COUNTY COUNTY MICHIGAN PURCHASING APPROVED AS TO SCOPE OF CONTRACTOR SERVICES: B DATE: Daniel J. SteAdil, Executive Officer and Contract Administrator Oakland County Parks and Recreation 2800 Watkins Lake Road Waterford, MI 48328 OAIMAND COUNTY COMPLIANCE OFFICE - PURCHASING PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONTRACT NUMBER 004458 Page 20 73 EXHIBIT A L. BROOKS PATTERSON-COUNTY EXECUTIVE 4TOAKL OAKLAND COUNTY COUNTY MICHIGAN PURCHASING EXHIBIT I CONTRACTOR INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS The Contractor shall provide and maintain, at its expense, all insurance as set forth below, protecting the County against any Claims, as defined in this Contract. The insurance shall be written for not less than any minimum coverage herein specified. Commercial General Liability Occurrence Form including: a) Premises and Operations; b) Products and Completed Operations (including On and Off Premises Coverage); c) Personal and Advertising Injury d) Broad Form Property Damage e) Independent Contractors; f) Broad Form Contractual including coverage for obligations assumed in this Contract; $1,000,000 —Each Occurrence Limit $1,000,000 — Personal & Advertising Injury $1,000,000 —Products & Completed Operations Aggregate Limit $2,000,000 — General Aggregate Limit $ 500,000 — Fire Damage Limit (Any One Fire) 2. Workers' Compensation insurance with limits statutorily required by any applicable Federal or State Law and Employers Liability insurance with limits of no less than $500,000 each accident, $500,000 disease each employee, and $500,000 disease policy limit. 3. Commercial Automobile Liability insurance covering bodily injury or property damage arising out of the use of any owned, hired, or non -owned automobile with a combined single limit of $1,000,000 each accident. 4. Commercial Umbrella/Excess Liability insurance with a minimum limit of $2,000,000 each occurrence. Umbrella or Excess Liability coverage shall be no less than following form of primary coverages or broader. 5. Liquor Liability insurance with a limit of $1,000,000 each occurrence. 6. Commercial Property insurance. The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining and maintaining insurance covering their equipment and personal property against all physical damage. 7. General Insurance Conditions: The aforementioned insurance shall be endorsed, as applicable, and shall contain the following terms, conditions, and/or endorsements. All certificates of insurance shall provide evidence of compliance with all required terms, OAKLAND COUNTY COMPLIANCE OFFICE - PURCHASING PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONTRACT NUMBER 004458 Page 21 74 EXHIBIT A frojA&L��� COi7NTY MICHIGAN conditions and/or endorsements. L. BROOKS PAI'PERSON-COUNTY EXECUTIVE OAKLAND COUNTY PuRcnASINC- a. All policies of insurance shall be on aprimary, non-contributory basis with any other insurance or self-insurance carried by the County; b. The insurance company(s) issuing the policy(s) shall have no recourse against the County for subrogation, premiums, deductibles, or assessments under any form; C. Any and all deductibles or self -insured retentions shall be assumed by and be at the sole risk of the Contractor; d. All policies, with the exception of Workers' Compensation, shall be endorsed to name the County as additional insured; e. All policies shall, be endorsed to provide a written waiver of subrogation in favor of County, f. The Contractor shall require their contractors, or sub -contractors not protected under the Contractors insurance policies, to procure and maintain insurance with coverages, limits, provisions, and/or clauses equal to those required in this Contract; g. Certificates of insurance must be provided no less than ten (1 0) working days prior to commencement of Contract and must bear evidence of all required terms, conditions and endorsements; and h. All insurance carriers must be licensed and approved to do business in the State of Michigan and shall have and maintain a minimum A.M. Best's rating of A. OAKLAND COUNTY COMPLIANCE OFFICE -PURCHASING PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONTRACT NUMBER 004458 Page 22 75 EXHIBIT A 4T0WQVqS4D � COUNTY M.ICHiUAN L, BROOKS PATTERSON-COUNTY EXECUTIVE OAKLAND COUNTY EXHIBIT II PURCHASING SCOPE OF CONTRACTOR'S SERVICES & PARTIES RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Provision of Services. 1.1, Exclusive Operation of Facilities. Contractor shall provide and shall have the exclusive right to provide Services at and for the operation of the Facilities (Conference Centers and Grill Rooms). 1.2. Ouality of Service. The Services provided by Contractor under this Contract shall be of the highest quality and must be efficient and adequate to meet all reasonable demands of persons having Events at the Facilities or persons using the Facilities. 1.3. Equipment and Supplies. Contractor is responsible for providing the equipment and supplies to deliver the Services required by this Contract, which are not expressly required to be provided by the County herein, 1.4. Reservations. Contractor shall be, responsible for making reservations and booking Events to be held at the Facilities. 1.5. Outdoor Events. As part of providing Services, Contractor must be able to accommodate and provide for Events outside the Facilities that are located on County Property, e.g., outdoor weddings and parties on patios. Contractor shall be responsible for all set-up and prompt clean-up of outside Events, including but not limited to, chairs, tables, decorations, and sound system/equipment, 1.6. Mobile Food and Beverage Cart/Stands. As part of providing Services, Contractor shall operate mobile food and beverage (alcoholic and non-alcoholic) carts or stands at Golf Courses located at the Facilities. The Parties shall create operational procedures for the carts or stands, which shall include pricing, products, times of operation, and rules for the operation, maintenance and storage of the carts or stands and costs associated therewith, OCPRC shall provide and maintain the carts and stands to be used by Contractor or Contractor Employees. 1.7. Service Report, The Contractor shall prepare a monthly report regarding Services at the Facilities. The report shall contain a computation of each month's Food and Beverage Fee broken into separate categories by food, alcoholic beverages, and non- alcoholic beverages; by Facility; by Event; by Conference Room; by Grill Room; and as otherwise requested by OCPRC, If there were no Services for a month, a monthly report still shall be generated and submitted stating this fact. The report shall be sent to the OCPRC Executive Officer by the 20th day of each calendar for the previous month's activity. 1.8. Special or Cultural Events at Facilities by OCPRC. OAI{LAND COUNTY COMPLIANCE OFFICE - PURCHASING PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONTRACT NUMBER 004458 Page 23 76 EXHIBIT A ifOAKL�� COUNTY MTCHIGAN L. BROOKS PATTERSON-COUNTY EXECUTIVE OAKLAND COUNTY PURCHASING 1.8.1. OCPRC may holdup to twelve special or cultural events at each Facility per calendar year. 1.8.2. OCPRC shall be responsible for planning the special or cultural events and for all costs associated with the events. Contractor acknowledges that OCPRC may use other vendors to provide food or beverages (alcoholic or non- alcoholic) for the events. If Contractor is not providing food and beverages for a special or cultural event, OCPRC shall clearly indicate this fact in all marketing or advertising materials (electronic or written) for the event. 1.8.3. The Parties shall work together to schedule the special or cultural events at the Facilities to avoid date conflicts with Events at the Facilities. The calendar for the special or cultural events shall be provided to Contractor by November 1 each year for the following year's special or cultural events. 2. Marketing and Sale of Food and Beveraizes. 2.1. Contractor shall use its best efforts and take all necessary steps to further the sale of Services and food and beverages (alcoholic and non-alcoholic) at the Facilities, including but not limited to marketing, taking credit cards to pay for food and beverages, and when applicable, using mobile stands and carts to sell food and beverages (alcoholic and non-alcoholic). 2.2. Contractor shall prepare an annual marketing plan for the Facilities. The marketing plan shall be delivered to the OCPRC Executive Officer or his/her designee by October 31 for the following calendar year. The first marketing plan shall be due on or before October 311,2015. The OCPRC Executive Officer or his/her designee shall review the marketing plan and provide comments back to Contractor about the plan. Contractor shall have at least a ten thousand dollar ($10,000.00) annual budget to implement the marketing plan for the Facilities. 2.3. The Oakland County Parks logo/servicemark must be included in all promotional literature. 2.4. The County may use the Facilities for cross marketing of County Parks, including but not limited to brochures, flyers, marketing displays, and other information. 3. Menus and Food Prices. Menus and food prices shall be reviewed by Contractor and the OCPRC Executive Officer or his/her designee annually and shall be mutually agreed upon. The prices must be similar to current community market pricing and, upon request; Contractor must provide document research support. 4. Hours of Operation. U . Conference Centers. Contractor shall be available to provide Services at the Conference Centers three hundred and sixty-two (362) days a year. The three (3) days the Facilities may be closed by Contractor are Thanksgiving Day, December 25, and January 1. OAKLAND COUNTY COMPLIANCE OFFICE - PURCHASING PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONTRACT NUMItER 004458 Page 24 77 EXHIBIT A L. BROOKS PATTERSON-COUNTY EXECUTIVE tTOAKLAND= OAKLAND COUNTY COUNTY MICHIGAN PURCHASING 4.2. Grill Rooms. Contractor shall provide Services at the Grill Rooms and keep the Grill Rooms open for the Service to the public when the respective Golf Courses, located by the Grill Rooms, are open for business. Set-up and clean-up for Services at the Grill Rooms shall occur before and after the respective Golf Courses' hours of operation. Contractor shall get the permission from the OCPRC Executive Officer or his/her designee to change Grill Room hours of operation. Contractor may also be asked to open and provide Services at the Grill Rooms for special events outside normal Golf Course hours of operations. Unless otherwise approved in writing by the OCPRC Executive Officer or his/her designee, at no time while the Golf Courses are open to the public shall Services in the Grill Rooms be interrupted by a private party or closed to the public. If the OCPRC Executive Officer approves the closure of a Grill Room for a private parry, Contractor shall still provide some form of Services for the Grill Room, but in an alternative location at the Facility. 5. Mana2ement and Staffing. 5.1. Contractor shall hire a manager or combination of management staff, with experience providing Services, to manage and conduct day-to-day operations at each Facility. A manager or assistant manager shall be present at all times when the Facilities are open for business. 5.2. Contractor shall provide an adequate number of employees and staff to efficiently and effectively perform the Services and responsibilities required under this Contract, including serving food and beverages to customers at the Facilities. 6. Uniforms & Training. At Contractor's sole expense, all Contractor Employees shall be issued uniforms with Contractor's logo, shall maintain appropriate appearance, and shall be properly trained for all customer service issues and delivery of Services, including the service of alcoholic beverages. 7. Brand Advertising. Contractor shall not use or permit product brand identification without the express prior written approval of OCPRC. 8. Contractor acknowledges that County has an exclusive contract with a company to provide non-alcoholic beverages at the Facilities. Contractor shall purchase its non-alcoholic beverages through the company as directed by County. Upon request of Contractor, County shall provide a copy of the contract with the company to Contractor. 9. Utilities and Services for the Facilities. 9.1. Contractor Furnished Services. Contractor shall furnish and pay for the following services to all the Facilities (including the Grill Rooms, but excluding the Golf Courses and Pro -Shops): 9.1.1. Garbage collection service; 9.1.2. Telephone; 9.1.3. Cable/Satellite; and OARLAND COUNTY COMPLIANCE OFFICE - PURCHASING PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONTRACT NUMBER 004458 Page 25 78 EXHIBIT A L. BROOKS PATTERS ON-C OUNTY EXECUTIVE fOAKL��1�D = OAKLAND COUNTY COUNTY MICHIGAN PURCHASING 9.1.4. Internet Service. 9.1.5. Bills for the above -listed services shall be placed in Contractor's name. Contractor shall be solely responsible for and promptly pay for all services, when due. 9.2. OCPRC Furnished Services. OCPRC shall fitrnish and pay for the following services to all the Facilities for OCPRC use: 9.2.1. Garbage collection service; 9.2.2. Disposal of Used Grease and Oil; 9.2.3. Telephone; 9.2.4. Cable/Satellite; and 9.2.5. Internet Service. 9.3. Utilities. The County shall furnish the following utilities to all the Facilities: 9.3.1. Electricity; 9.3.2. Gas/Heat; and 9.3.3. Water/Wells/Water Filtration System 9.3.4. Sewer/Septic. 9.3.5. Bills for the above -listed utilities shall be placed in the County's name and the bills for the utilities shall be paid by OCPRC; provided that, Contractor shall reimburse OCPRC for all costs associated with the provision of gas, heat, electricity at all Facilities and municipal water and municipal sewer at White Lake Oaks (including the Conference Center, Restrooms, Grill Room and Pro - Shop, but excluding the Golf Course) in the manner set forth in Section 5 of the Contract. OCPRC shall be responsible for the costs of operation, maintenance, repair, and replacement of the septic system, well, or water filtration system located at Lyon Oaks. The Parties acknowledge that there are separate electric meters for operation and use at the Golf Courses located at the Facilities. The Parties also acknowledge that there is a separate water meter at White Lake Oaks for operation and use of the Golf Course and that there is a well at Lyon Oaks for operation and use of the Golf Course. Contractor shall not have to pay for electricity to operate the golf courses at the Facilities, including electricity to charge golf carts and water to irrigate the golf courses at the Facilities. 9.4. Generator. Contractor acknowledges that there are no generators at the Facilities and that OCPRC will not provide generators at the Facilities. OAKLAND COUNTY COMPLIANCE OFFICE - PURCHASING PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONTRACT NUMBER 004458 Page 26 79 EXHIBIT A iro,Aat� COUNTY MICHIGAN L. BROOKS PATTERS ON -COUNTY EXECUTIVE OAKLAND COUNTY PURCHASING 9.5. Interruption of Water Supply. If the water supply is interrupted at the Facilities, then Contractor shall be responsible for providing and paying for water needed to provide Services during the interruption. 10. Business Interruption Plan. Notwithstanding Section 8.9 of the Contract, Contractor shall create a business interruption plan to ensure the continuity of Services at the Facilities during a reasonably anticipated event, such as power outages. 11. Contract Performance Evaluation. Annually or more frequently as dictated by OCPRC, OCPRC shall perform an evaluation of the Services provided by Contractor under this Contract and Contractor's performance of its obligations contained herein. The Parties shall meet and discuss the conclusions of such evaluations and the steps that can be taken to implement the conclusions, if required. 12. Contractor Duties and Maintenance Responsibilities. Contractor shall perform the following duties and maintenance responsibilities: 12.1. Point -of -Sale System. Contractor shall provide and maintain a point -of -sale system for the purchase of Services at the Facilities. 12.2. Floor/Carpet Cleaning. Contractor shall clean all carpets and all floors of the Facilities and provide all cleaning supplies and equipment for such cleaning on a daily basis or more frequently as needed. The carpets and floors shall be professionally cleaned at least once a year or more frequently as needed. Upon OCPRC request, Contractor shall provide documentation evidencing the professional cleaning. 12.3. Interior Custodial Services. Contractor shall clean the interior of all Facilities, including the windows, screens, exhaust hoods (outside surface and screens), and fire places and provide all cleaning supplies and equipment for such cleaning on a daily basis or more frequently as needed or required; provided that OCPRC shall provide annual maintenance and an annual cleaning for the grease traps and exhaust hoods and dispose of the used grease/oil. 12.4. Pest Control. Contractor shall provide and pay for pest control for the interior of the Facilities including the kitchens located therein. 12.5. Outside Area CleaninF4. On a daily basis or more frequently as needed, Contractor shall clean and keep free of garbage the area outside the Facilities that is designated by OCPRC for eating and drinking, including but not limited to cleaning the furniture located in such areas, rinsing the grounds in such areas, and picking up and disposing of the garbage in such areas. The cleaning shall be completed pursuant to OCPRC standards, which shall be provided to Contractor upon execution of this Contract and annually thereafter. 12.6. Restroom Cleaning. Contractor shall clean all restrooms at the Facilities (including restrooms for the Conference Centers, Grill Rooms, and pro shops) on a daily basis or more frequently as needed. Contractor supply all equipment and products for such cleaning. Cleaning shall include but not limited to mopping and sanitizing of floors, OAKLAND COUNTY COMPLIANCE OFFICE - PURCHASING PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONTRACT NUMBER 004458 Page 27 80 OrOAKL COUNTY MICHIGAN L. BROOKS PATTERSON-COUNTY EXECUTIVE OAKLAND COUNTY PURCHASING scrubbing of urinals and toilets, disinfecting the counters, sinks, dispensers, doors, and door handles, incorporation of automatic air fresheners, and regular checks for cleanliness and neatness documented. The cleaning shall be completed pursuant to OCPRC standards, which shall be provided to Contractor upon execution of this Contract and annually thereafter. Contractor shall provide all toilet paper, facial tissue, hand towels, and hand soap for all restrooms at the Facilities. 12.7. Disposal of Garbage. Contractor and Contractor Employees shall be responsible for transferring and placing all garbage in the appropriate receptacle and keeping the area immediately around such receptacles neat and clean. 12.8. Alarm System. Contractor shall provide its own alarm system and security cameras, if desired. Contractor shall in no way change or tamper with either the door lock mechanisms or alarm systems provided by OCPRC. 12.9. Securing Facilities. Contractor is responsible for securing the Facilities every day, including but not limited to locking doors, securing gates, and setting alarms after Events. 13. OCPRC Duties and Maintenance Responsibilities. 13.1. Condition of Facilities Upon Contract Commencement. OCPRC shall provide the Facilities to Contractor in a clean condition with all carpets and floors professionally cleaned. 13.2. Facility Upgrades. Except as otherwise provided in this Contract, OCPRC shall be responsible for and pay for all physical and structural upgrades to the Facilities, including, but not limited to, replacement of bathroom fixtures, replacement of windows and screens, and building designs that might be required for such upgrades. 13.3. Facility Maintenance/Repair. Except as otherwise provided herein, OCRPC shall be responsible for maintenance, repair, replacement, and inspections for the Facilities including but not limited to, repair or replacement of windows and screens, repair or replacement of HVAC system, repair or replacement of roof, repair of electrical system, repair or replacement of plumbing system and repair or replacement of the restrooms fixtures, repair or replacement of fire places, and repair or replacement of elevators. 13.4. Equipment Maintenance/Repair/Replacement. OCPRC shall be responsible for the maintenance, inspections, repair, and replacement of the equipment affixed to the Facilities, including kitchen equipment affixed to the Facilities, exhaust hoods, and grease traps. 13.5. Sound System. Except for the golf courses located at the Facilities, Contractor shall provide, pay for, (unless already provided), maintain and replace a public address and/or sound system, including equipment, for the Facilities. OARLAND COUNTY COMPLIANCE OFFICE - PURCHASING PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONTRACT NUMBER 004458 Page 28 81 EXHIBIT A 4TOAKIAND COUNTY MICHIGAN L. BROOKS PATTERSON-COUNTY EXECUTIVE OAKLAND COUNTV PURCHASING 13.6. Fire Suppression. OCPRC shall be responsible for providing, repairing, and maintaining fire extinguishers, fire suppression systems, and/or ansul fire suppression for the Facilities as it deems necessary and as required by law. 13.7, Odors. If any unusually strong odor develops due to sewer gases or other reasons which are not caused by Contractor, OCPRC will take the necessary measures to expeditiously mitigate such odors at its expense. 13.8. Locking Mechanisms for Facilities. OCPRC shall be responsible for providing, repairing, and maintaining locking mechanisms for the doors of the Facilities. OCPRC shall provide keys or key cards for the locking mechanisms to Contractor and Contractor Employees pursuant to OCPRC key policy. 13.9. Light Fixtures. OCPRC shall be responsible for providing, repairing, and maintaining all light fixtures in, around, and outside the Facilities, including bulb replacement. 13.10. Window Treatments. OCPRC shall provide and pay for the window treatments (blinds, drapes, etc.) at the Facilities. OCPRC shall repair and replace the window treatments regardless whether the window treatments were provided by OCPRC or Contractor. Upon termination and/or cancellation of this Contract, all window treatments shall be the property of the County, regardless of who purchased or paid for the window treatments. 13.11. Interior Decorations/Ftuniture. OCPRC shall provide, replace, maintain, and pay for (in OCPRC's sole discretion) all interior decorating and interior decorations. For purposes of this Contract interior decorations shall mean furniture, televisions for Grill Rooms, pictures, wall hangings, plants, seasonal decoration and other decorations at the Facilities. Upon expiration of this Contract, all interior decorations located in or around the Facilities shall be the property of the County, regardless of who purchased or paid for the interior decorations. Upon execution of this Contract, the Parties shall meet and create a document to generate an interior design plan for the Facilities. 13.12. Paint/Wallvaper/VLWall Coverings. OCPRC shall provide, pay for and replace (in. OCPRC's sole discretion) interior paint, wallpaper and/or wall coverings at the Facilities. 13.13. Flooring/Carpet. OCPRC shall be provide and pay for (in OCPRC's sole discretion) the repair or replacement of flooring and carpeting at the Facilities. 13.14, Exterior Maintenance/Repairs. OCPRC shall be responsible for all exterior maintenance, repairs and replacements to and around the Facilities or to or around the property on which the Facilities are located, including cleaning of parking lots, exterior painting, exterior lighting, exterior window cleaning, canopy, parking lots, snow removal, signs, decorations and landscaping. OAKLAND COUNTY COMPLIANCE OFFICE - PURCHASING PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONTRACT NUMBER 004458 Page 29 82 EXHIBIT A L. BROOKS PATTERS ON -COUNTY EXECUTIVE fOAKL OAKLAND COUNTY COUNTY MICHIGAN PURCHASING 14. Equipment Provided by OCPRC. All equipment, furniture, decorations and other items provided by OCPRC for use by the Contractor, under this Contract, shall remain the property of the County. OAKLAND COUNTY COMPLIANCE OFFICE - PURCHASING PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONTRACT NUMBER 004458 Page 30 83 fOAKLAN COUNTY MTCHTGAN EXHIBIT A L. BROOKS PATTI RSON-COUNTY EXECUTIVE OAAND COUNTY PURCHASING EXIlMr M Lvon Oaks Main .Level -- Room Name and So xare Footage of each area is noted R ❑ � N � - ±r 00 ai o� a� M i! N Ln Bar 242 �)� o r rt Lh rt A IU 1 Q1 . � �7 f.1Q - 111 P fl `n n < w N w �a Fi Y7 w ° 10r, 5 -� n n, n n N 70 n O O N O I _1 OAICLANA COUNTY COMPLIANCE OFFICE - PURCHASING PROFS, SSIONAL SFRVICE CONTRACT NUMBER 004458 Page 31 8 tu o i w 0 = V 0 co Men's 328 Women's 328 CO N q0'AK1A,ND_fF COUNTY MICHIGAN EXHIBIT A L. BROOKS PAITERSON--COUNTY EXECUTIVE OAKLAND COUNTY PURCHASING EXHIBIT III Evon Oaks Lower Level- Room Name. and Square FootaVe of each area is noted 0 f C I 1 Ln m to r w n7 °1 CD0 CD z �• a D vq w ao � o 0 0 ro to ro ro .a to M r � o0 Hallway 502 r� o � ' Mechanical Fler_trical °r `° ID 274 134 © El rn a �n w OALCLAND COUNTY COMPLLANCE OFFICE -PURCHASING PROFESSIONAL, SERVICE CONTRACT NUMBER 004458 Page 32 m e EXHIBIT A L. BROOKS PATTERSON-COUNTY EXECUTIVE ITOAKL _ - OAKLAND COUNTY COUNTY MICHIGAN PURCHASING EXITf1;IT III White Lake Oaks Main Level — Room Name and Souare Footage of each area is noted a� L N S C1 W 0D < @ w n Ui fD It- O N W O PR �r_: x OAIMAND COUNTY COMPLIANCE OFFICE - PURCHASING PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONTRACT NUMBER 004458 Page 33 EXHIBITA t L. BROOKS PATTERS ON -COUNTY EXECUT WE ifOAKL OAKLAND COUNTY COUNTY MICHIGAN PURCHASING EXHM11I1 IV FOOD & BEVERAGE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY INVENTORY LIST Park: Lyon Oaks I Facility: Banquet & Grill Room i Quantity Item Description 1 Walkin Freezer in kitchen 4 Walkin Refrigerator 1 in kitchen, 3 in basement hall 1 2 Door Reach In Refrigerator Refrigerator with 2 wheeled quick serve racks 1 Ice Machine Basement hall 1 Ice Machine Upstairs in kitchen 1 Bread Warmer 4 door bread warmer Ij 1 Warmer Food Holding Unit 1 Slicer Food slicer with SS 36x30 table 1 Mixer Food mixer with acc. and SS 27x32 table 2 Steamer Double stacked with SS rack 6 Convection Ovens Double stacked 1 Tilt Skillet 43" tilt skillet 2 Oven/Stove 32" 6 burner stove with Oven and top grill 1 Flat top grill/Oven 32" flattop grill with Oven 1 Deep Fryer 47" 2 basket frier with 1 holding tray 1 Char Grill 48" Char grill 1 Coffee maker Commercial coffee maker 1 Sandwich prep Island 26' long SS Island with two 4 door coolers and 4 6 heat lamps heat lamps mounted to above prep island. 1 Prep tables SS 42"x132" Prep table 2 Prep tables SS 42"x90" prep tables 1 Bread warmer 2 drawer warmer built into prep counter top 1 Food holder , Heated, 3 tray ' 4 Reachin coolers Bar beer storage coolers, 2 in each bar area 1 Chiller Glass chiller for bar glasses 2 Microwave Countertop 1 plate warmers Portable plate warmers 1 plate warmers Portable plate warmers 1 plate warmers Portable plate warmers 1 Heater Dishwasher booster heater 1 Grill Portabel LP 32" Grill 1 Dishwasher OAKLAND COUN"IY COMPLIANCE OFFICE - PURCHASING PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONTRACT NUMBER 004458 Page 34 87 EXHIBIT A COAKL COUNTY MICHIGAN L. BROOKS PATTERSON-COUNTY EXECUTIVE OAKLAND COUNTY PURCHASING D 11 i 11811 FOOD & BEVERAGE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY INVENTORY LIST 1 Park: i White Lake Oaks Facility: i Banquet Center Quantity 1 1 8 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 18 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 Item Mixer Ice machine Convection ovens Cabnet steamers 140" tilt Brazing pan 16 burner range Iflat top griddle Ichar flame grill Double deep frier Prep island Plate warmers heat lamps heat lamps Dishwasher Booster heater bread warmers beer coolers Reach in cooler Portable racks walk in coolers Walk in freezer Line table 24"x32" SS Table in line OAKLAND COUNTY COMPLIANCE OFFICE - PURCHASING PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONTRACT NUMBER 004458 Page 35 Description Mixer with accessories and SS table 208/230v 4 Double stacked natural gas Double stacked vegitable steamers Brazing skillet, 120v, nat. gas Natural gas with oven and top grill Natural gas with oven 148" natural gas char flame grill Natural gas Sandwich prep table, with 1,3 and 1,4 door coolers and 2 cooled drawers, and plate warmers (4 door) 120v Portable plate warmers I120v, 42" mounted on two SS prep tables 120v, 36" on prep table island I208v, 3ph 127Kw, 208 3ph, Booster heater for dishwasher 12 drawer under cabinet style bread warmers Igrill room bar With 2 portable racks Racks for above cooler 88 EXHIBIT A L. BROOKS PAYMRSON-COUNTY EXECUTIVE tfOAMAND OAKLAND COUNTY COUNTY MICHIGAN PURCHASING EXIT rr V COUNTY SERVICEMARK OAKLAND COUNTY COMPLIANCE OFFICE - PURCHASING PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONTRACT NUMBER 004458 Page 36 89 ONIAI AN_ ONIpi eiyi.1a1 � � I;i,� OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA DECEMBER 8, 2015 AGENDA ITEM NO, 8 D FACILITIES MAINTENANCE & DEVELOPMENT To: Chairman Fisher and Commission Members From: Daniel J. Stencil, Executive Officer Michael J. Donnellon, Jr., Chief of Park Facilities Maintenance & Development Submitted: November 17, 2015 Subject: FY2017 CONCEPTUAL Capital Improvement Program (CIP) & Maintenance Management Plan — Project Lists EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. In an effort to continue to maintain, improve and manage over 230 park facilities, buildings and structures within the 13 Oakland County Parks, staff continues to improve the identification and forecasting of both capital and maintenance projects, Of the conceptual FY2017 CIP/Maintenance Management Plan projects, 97.6% represent a reinvestment into existing fixed assets and 2.4% represent an investment in new assets, 2. Conceptual Capital Funds Requested (FY2017): $1,500,000 3. Conceptual Maintenance Management Funds Requested (FY2017); $ 872,500 A. This is the initial CIP & Maintenance Management Plan project list for FY2017 for commission review and discussion. 4. Of the estimated $89,840,149 in current replacement value (CRV) of park capital assets, these management plans represent a 2.5% reinvestment. A. According to both the "National Research Council — Building Research Committee", and the "Association of Physical Plant Administrators (APPA), Capital Renewal and Deferred Maintenance Programs Report, 2009, Harvey Kaiser", an estimated 2% - 4% reinvestment (capital renewal) of the current replacement value of facilities is recommended (1.8 to 3.6 Million). B. 4%-5% is documented in the 2008 OCPRC Strategic Plan, Pros Consulting, Leon Younger ($3.6 to 4.5 Million). 5. The 10 year CIP/Maintenance Management Plan Project List has been revised pursuant: A. Annual review meetings with each Park Supervisor, Park Staff and Chief of Operations. B. Administrative directives to; 1) Meet a $1,5 million annual goal for CIP projects/programs/contingencies. PLANNING OVERVIEW 1. To be submitted as part of the Final Proposed Management Plan Document MANAGEMENT PLAN OVERVIEW 2, Capital/Maintenance Management Plan A. Initial budget history/procedures: 2) Completed in prior fiscal years as part of the annual budget review process for June, however expedited to meet the new annual budget process schedule for December commission approval, 3) Began forecasting 15 years in FY2010. 4) Modified the 15 year forecast to a 10 year forecast in FY2015, to align with various park planning efforts. 5) Temporarily modified the proposed FY2016 10 year forecast to a 4 year forecast to allow; a. For the potential establishment of a committee of staff and commissioners to complete a review of the unfunded projects, prioritize and forecast over the next 10 years. b. Staff/commission to meet the Capital Improvement Program goal of $1.5 million annually. 6) Management plan is reviewed annually by chiefs, park supervisors and staff prior to the new fiscal year budget cycle. Each year this review process begins July/August. Reference; OCPRC Industrial Appraisal Company -- Insurance Summary Report, dated 9-30-2010, termed 'Cost of Reproduction New' Page 2 a. Each year, a proposed list of projects is submitted to the Administrative Management Team (AMT) for review, comment and adjustment, prior to conceptual approval by the commission. 7) FY2016 Capital Improvement Program Budget (Refer to attachment A - CIP Management Plan List) a. 19 Pending Projects (Proposed ) i. Design/Engineering Projects (3)3 $ 95,000.00 ii. Construction Projects (14) $1,205,300.00 iii, Replacement Programs (2) $ 110,000.00 • Total Pending Projects $1,410,300.00 b. 0 In -Progress Projects (Carry-over) i. Design/Engineering Projects (1) $ 0.00 ii. Construction Projects (0) $ 0.00 • Total In -Progress Projects $ .00 c. CIP Contingency $ 89,700.00 d. Total Capital Improvement Program Budget $1,500,000.00 8) FY2016 Maintenance Program Budget (Refer to attachment A — Maintenance Management Plan List) a. 17 Proposed Projects/Programs i. Design/Engineering (1)3 $ 50,000.00 ii. Construction Maintenance Projects (9) $327,500.00 iii. Maintenance Programs (5) $110,000.00 iv. Natural Resource Programs (2) $385,000.00 • Total Maintenance Program Budget $872,500.004 9) FY2017 — 2021 Capital Improvement Program 4 Year Forecast (To be included in Final Proposed Management Plans) 10) FY2017 — 2021 Maintenance Program — 4 Year Forecast (To be included in Final Proposed Management Plans) 11) FY2016 Capital Improvement Unfunded Project List (To be included in Final Proposed Management Plans) a. The total of previous FY2016 Unfunded Projects is approximately $42.8 million. b. Of the total amount, approximately $23.5 million is a reinvestment into existing facilities. ATTACHMENTS 1. Attachment A — Proposed FY2017 Capital Improvement/Maintenance Management Plan Project List. 2. Attachment B — Proposed FY2017 Capital Improvement/Maintenance Management Plan Scope Descriptions. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff Recommends Conceptually approving the Proposed FY2017 Capital Improvement/Maintenance Management Plan Project Lists for following total amounts; • FY2017 Capital Improvement Program Budget Amount - 1,500,000 • FY2017 Maintenance Management Plan Budget Amount - $872,500 MOTION Move to conceptually approving the Proposed FY2017 Capital Improvement/Maintenance Management Plan Project Lists for following total amounts; • FY2017 Capital Improvement Program Budget Amount - 1,500,000 FY2017 Maintenance Management Plan Budget Amount - $872,500 2 Upon Commission Approval on September 8, 2015, `Pending/Proposed' projects will become `Active' staff projects that will follow typical commission approval procedures. Conceptual design/engineering for the projects listed within the 4 year forecast will be completed with in-house architectural and landscape architectural staff. 4 This amount is budgeted under the Facilities Maintenance (FM) budget center, #730789 General Program Administration. 91 FY2017 Proposed Projects for OCPRC Approval (listed by Priority Category) Source: Net Position - Unrestricted Priority Cost Capital Improvement Projects Management Program FY2017 Category Center Project Name Status (FUNDED) 1 Health and Safety 1 ADM Pavement Management Program P $100, 0 0 O.OQ 1 ADM ADA Transition Program P $10,000.00 1 IND ADA Improvements -Twin Chimneys - Constr. P $50,000.00 1 SAC Water Tower Improvements - Design $35,000.00 RWP PA System Replacement (Design) $10,000.00 Total Health and Safety (9) ,000 $205.OD . Regulatory � � 1ND JTwin ChimneysAccessible Docks (MNRTF Grant) $82,000. 00 Total Regulatory (5) $82,000.00 3 Customer Service -Revenue Generation 3 GRV Devil's Island Yurts (1 of 2) $55,000.00 3 IND Nature Center - Exhibit Remodeling (Design) $17,500.00 3 RDP Nature Center - Exhibit Remodeling (Design) $17,500.00 Total Customer Service -Revenue Generation (1) $90,000.00 4 Customer Service -Efficiency & Operational Savings 4 ADM EnergyManagement System g y Upgrade (Phase III - Final) $75,000.00 GLC Parking Lot Improvements $335,000.00 GLG Parking Lot Improvements $335,000,00 4 GRV Fenceline Replacement $40,000.00 GRV Retaining Wall Replacement -Concession $30,000.00 GRV Storage Yard Improvements $15,000.00 RDG Maintenance Building Roof Replacement $33,300.00 RWP Concession Office/Family Restrooms $50,000.00 WTR Boardwalk Replacement $20,000.00 WWP Family Restrooms $60,000.00 Total Customer Service -Efficiency & Operational Savings (2) $993,300.00 cement Enhancement JCustomerInterior 5 GLC , Brides Roo m - Renovat�on�ty 40 0 $ 00.00 Total Customer Service -Facility Enhancement (1) $40,000.00 Captial Improvement Program Contingency $89,700.00 Grand Total All Capital Improvement Program Projects $1,500,000.00 G:\2014 NEW STUFF\Agenda Material\2015\12 DECEMBER 2015\ Conceputal CIP Maint Mgmt Plan EXCEL from MJD 2015.11.10 Numbered FY2017 Proposed Projects(AMT).xlsx 92 11/19/2015 6:46 PM FY2017 Proposed Projects for OCPRC Approval (listed by Priority Category) Source: FY 2017 Operating Budget Priority Cost Maintenance Management Program Category Center Project Name Budget 1 Health & Safety 1 ADM ... Pavement Maintenance Program P 50,000.00 Total Health and Safety (1) $50,000.00 Regulatory ADM ADA Maintenance Program $10,000.00 ADM ARC Flash Compliance Program (Phase 1) $50,000.00 Total Regulatory .. $60,000.00 3 Customer Service -Revenue o Generatin 3 ADM �Carpet/Flooring Management Program P $20 ,000.00 Total Customer Service -Revenue Generation (1) $20,000.00 4 Customer Service -Efficiency &Operational Savings 4 ACC Stucco Repair P $10,000.00 ADD Residence Water Heater Replacement $1,000.00 ADD Maintenance Building Water Heater Replacement $1,500.00 ADM Fenceline Repair Program $10,000.00 4 ADM Interior/Exterior Painting Management P $20,000.00 4 GLG Exterior Stone Repair P $10,000.00 GRV Slide Painting $15,000.00 RWP Filter Sand Replacement $30,000.00 RWP Slide Painting & Rust Repair $150,000.00 RWP River/Kiddie Pool Bottom Repair/Repainting $100,000.00 WWP Filter Sand Replacement $10,000.00 Total Customer Service -Efficiency & Operational Savings (4) $357,500.00 5 Customer Service - Facility Enhancement 5 ADM Natural Resource Management Program P $335,000.00 5 ADM Tree Planting Program P $50,000.00 Total Customer Service. -Facility Enhancement (2) $385,000.001 Grand Total All Maintenance Projects $872,500.00 Acronym Legend IP In-Progress/Carry-over P Pending/Proposed MNRTF MDNR - Michigan Natural Resource Trust Fund RP MDNR - Recreational Passport Fund MDNR Michigan Department of Natural Resources G:\2014 NEW STUFF\Agenda Material\2015\12 DECEMBER 2015\ Conceputal CIP Maint Mgmt Plan EXCELfrom MID 2015.11.10 Numbered FY2017 Proposed Projects(AMT).xlsx 93 11/19/2015 6:46 PM QAKLAND COUNTY PARKS C Capital Improvement ADM Administrative Services Scope Description Project Name ADA Transition Program CIP Number Status Pending Project Scope Evaluation and phased implementation of various accessibility projects as identified in the American with Accessibilities Act (ADA) transition plan developed by OCPR; based on a 2006 accessibility analysis completed by Stewart, Petit and Yast Assc. Project Comments 2-19-2014 - Staff are currently evaluating the completed 2006 ADA Transition Plan based on the parks 10 yr Master planning schedule. Of the $7 million identified within the transition plan, some of the projects will be corrected during a facility renovation project. Therefore, only $3 million is forecasted over the 10 year period of time. 7-6-15 Budget adjusted per AMT meeting from $50,000 in FY2017 thru Fy2019 to $25,000, 7-29-15 Proposed amount of $350,000 in FY2015 brought to $0 and moved into budgeted amount for reporting purposes. 8/6/2015 Due to budget cuts, the first year program investment was close to $300,000. FY2016-2020 forecast investment is $135,000. With $50,000 investment each year after that the program is estimated to be complete in 58 years. The estimated total ADA investment is $7 million. Priority Title Regulatory Forecasted Year 2017 Proposed Amount Budgeted Amount $10, 000.00 13-Nov-15 9:20 AM 94 G.AKLAND COUNTY PARKS C Capital Improvement ADM Administrative Services Scope Description Status Pending Project Name Energy Management System Upgrade (phase III - final) CIP Number Project Scope Parkwide phased EMS system upgrade, to meet the current OC energy management policy, cost recovery, minimizing on -call response times, utilizing new monitoring technology. Project Comments 3-12-15 Project scope established as final phase of energy management system upgrade. 3-19-15 Previous facilities included: Phase I - ACC, ADM, GLC, GLG, IND Phase II - CAT, RDP, WLC, WLG, WTR (Activity Center) Phase III includes - SAC, SPC, SPG, LYC, LYG, RDG, WTR (Lookout Lodge) 7-6-15 Project moved from FY2016 to FY2017 per AMT meeting. Priority Title Customer Service - Efficiency/Operational Savings Forecasted Year 2017 Proposed Amount $75,000.00 Budgeted Amount 13-Nov-15 9:20 AM 95 'C'W'SAKLAND COUNTY PARKS C Capital Improvement ADM Administrative Services Scope Description Status Pending Project Name Pavement Management Program CIP Number Project Scope Yearly pavement replacement program based on a 2.5% of more than 1,000,000 SYDS of asphalt and concrete within all cost centers. Project Comments Replacement cost based on approximately 2.5% of total SYDS. Coordinate this program with established Facilities Engineering (General fund) program. A portion of the FY2014 funds will be used to establish a phased management program based on age and condition. Does not include small maintenance repairs as identified in the Maintenance Program. 1-17-2014 - Annual expenditure unchanged. 5-18-15 Annual amount decreased due to budget work session. 7-6-15 Budgeted amount decreased FY2017 from $200,000 to $100,000 and increased from $50,000 to $100,000 following years. 7-29-15 Proposed amount in 2015 moved to budgeted and proposed brought to $0 for reporting purposes. Priority Title Health and Safety Forecasted Year 2017 Proposed Amount $100,000.00 Budgeted Amount 13-Nov-15 9:20 AM 96 FY2017 Proposed Pavement Management Program Program Budget SAC - Barn Drive Replacement $100,000,00 Program Totals $100,000.00 97 GUW c`NTYLA � Scope Description C Capital Improvement Status Pending GLC Glen Oaks Conference Center Project Name Parking Lot Improvements -Construction CIP Number Project Scope Complete renovation of the existing failing paved 170 space parking lot for the Golf and Conference Center, including all necessary ordinance and storm water compliance. Project Comments 1-22-2014 - Changed the status of the project to'Active'. This parking lot was last renovated in 1997, by milling and capping the conference center parking area and expanding the same parking area eastward toward the existing maintenance facility. This renovation project did not address the existing failing parking lot gravel base, drainage or storm water, therefore shortening the life- expantancy of the project. This project must consider and correct the storm water, drainage and parking lot electrical issues. At this time, the design/engineering is expected to begin late Spring/Summer for potential renovation in FY2015. Construction estimate/budget will be validated during the conceptual design process for commission approval. 3-28-2014 - Adjusted budget based on construction management review from $275,000 to $310,000 or $1,800 per space. Adjusted scope of work to include the number of parking spaces, which is half of the total 341 parking spaces. 10-28-15 - Increase project costs from $310K to $335K based upon previous design/engineering and bidding. 11/12/15 Moved from unfunded to pending per AMT meeting. Priority Title Regulatory Forecasted Year 2017 Proposed Amount $335,000.00 Budgeted Amount 13-Nov-15 9:20 AM 98 Scope Description COUNTY PARKS C Capital Improvement Status Pending GLC Glen Oaks Conference Center Project Name Brides Room Interior Renovation CIP Number Project Scope Design/engineeering and construction for the remodeling of approximately 1,500 SF of existing second level apartment into a new Brides Room with the previous Bridesroom location remodeled into a Grooms Room. Project Comments 10-28-15 Intial Project scope. 11/12/15 Budget adjusted from $54,000 to $40,000. Priority Title Customer Service - Facility Enhancement Forecasted Year 2017 Proposed Amount $40,000.00 Budgeted Amount 13-Nov-15 9:20 AM 99 (ZAKYLAPAN RD Scope Description COUNT C Capital Improvement Status Pending GLG Glen Oaks Golf Course Project Name Parking Lot Improvements -Construction CIP Number Project Scope Complete renovation of the existing failing 170 space paved parking lot for the Golf and Conference Center, including all necessary ordinance and storm water compliance. Project Comments 1-22-2014 - Changed the status of the project to 'In -Progress'. This parking lot was last renovated in 1997, by milling and capping the conference center parking area and expanding the same parking area eastward toward the existing maintenance facility. This renovation project did not address the existing failing parking lot gravel base, drainage or storm water, therefore shortening the life- expantancy of the project. This project must consider and correct the storm water, drainage and parking lot electrical issues. At this time, the design/engineering is expected to begin late Spring/Summer for potential renovation in FY2015. Construction estimate/budget will be validated during the conceptual design process for commission approval. 2-7-2014 - Anticipate OCPRC Conceptual Approval at July/Aug/Sept Commission meeting (Subject to Change). Staff expect to release an RFP to exising annual Design/Engineers in March 2014. 3-28-2014 - Adjusted budget based on construction management review from $275,000 to $310,000 or $1,800 per space. Adjusted scope of work to include the number of parking spaces, which is half of the total 341 parking spaces. 10-28-15 - Increase project costs from $310K to $335K based upon previous design/engineering and bidding. 11/12/15 Moved from unfunded to pending per AMT meeting. Priority Title Regulatory Forecasted Year 2017 Proposed Amount $335,000.00 Budgeted Amount 13-Nov-15 9:20 AM 100 c�p5rA% LA R D Scope Description C Capital Improvement Status Pending GRC Groveland Oaks Concessions Project Name Retaining Wall Replacement - Concession CIP Number Project Scope Replacement/removal of the existing, failing concrete masonry unit retaining walls located on the beach side of the existing concession building, including installation of a stone masory cap. Project Comments 10-28-15 Initiate project scope of work based on annual project review meetings and inspections. Priority Title Customer Service - Efficiency/Operational Savings Forecasted Year 2017 Proposed Amount $30,000.00 Budgeted Amount 13-Nov-15 9:20 AM 101 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS Scope Description C Capital Improvement GRV Groveland Oaks Project Name Devil's Island Yurt CIP Number Status Pending Project Scope Design and construction of a 900SF camping yurt on Devil's island. Program includes raised deck around entire structure to access windows, furnishings, heating and cooling, water and electric service from the adjacent campgrounds to the island. Project Comments 1-9-2014 - Modified the original construction budget of $70,000 based upon previous installation of (2) 865SF Yurts at Groveland and Addison Oaks, each for approximately $36,000 ($45/SF), plus a multiplier of 1.75 ($80/SF), since most of the current installations were completed by in-house staff and the proposed location for the new yurts do not have the necessary water and electrical utilities. Staff resources may not be available and previous installations were on existing underutilized campsites. Added the design/engineering project. Priority Title Forecasted Year Proposed Amount Budgeted Amount 2-10-15 Based on previous construction of 4 yurts at Groveland and Addison Oaks the project includes all necessary costs for permitting and construction of a yurt, including the purchase of the yurt, deck materials, electrical, HVAC, water, furniture and site work. A savings may be realized if construction is completed with in-house trades. (Utilities will be on site from Utility upgrade project) 3-16-15 Adjusted from FY2016 to FY2018, budget will need to be adjusted to include getting water and electric to the island as utilities to Devil's Island were eliminated from the Utility upgrade project. 7/7/15 Per AMT decision this project was moved from FY2020 & FY2021 to FY2017 & FY2018. 8/6/15 Project is budgeted to be completed using annual contracts and will require less investment if completed by in-house staff. Customer Service - Revenue Generation 2017 $55,000.00 13-Nov-15 9:20 AM 102 Groveland Oaks Return on Investment for New Yurts Current yurt built on existing camp site. Existing Actual 2015 Rentals 2015 Gross Total Cost Recovery Yurt Investment @ $100 Revenue Staff $29,615.28 79 $7,900 3.7 Years Constructed 2013 New yurt built on Devil's island. New Yurt Projected Projected Projected Total Cost Investment* Rentals @ Gross Recovery $125 Revenue Staff $40,000 (includes utilities) 79 $9,875 4.1 Years Construction Contracted $55,000 (includes utilities) 79 $9,875 6.1 Years Construction *Included in the projected investment is a cost of $5,400 to furnish the yurt. As indicated in the project scope the yurt will require less investment if completed by in-house staff. 103 ('4-'W5rAKLAND COUNTY PARKS o=.^.RL"1 1.1 W r.1 i C Capital Improvement GRV Groveland Oaks Scope Description Project Name Storage Yard Expansion CIP Number Status Pending Project Scope Expansion of the existing bulk material storage yard located behind the township fire hall, including relocating approximately 300 LF of 6' Chain -link fence and all earthwork for the relocation of the existing entrance drive for improved safety. Project Comments 11-3-15 Project initiated due to inadequate space for temporary storage of various bulk materials and yard waste from the operation and maintenance of the campground. The existing entrance would be moved further away from the intersection of Grange Hall Road and Dixie Highway for improved safety. Estimated Fence relocation - $8,000 Estimated Surveying - $2,500 Estimated Materials - $2,500 Contingency - $2,000 All earthwork is budgeted to be completed by park staff and equipment. Priority Title Customer Service - Efficiency/Operational Savings Forecasted Year 2017 Proposed Amount $15,000.00 Budgeted Amount 13-Nov-15 9:20 AM 104 (14-ZrAKLAND COUNTY PARKS r�ir•�f•:cA"i •wi4ayi� C Capital Improvement GRV Groveland Oaks Scope Description Status Pending Project Name Fence Line Replacement CIP Number Project Scope Replacement of approximately 10,000 linear feet of 6' Chain -link fence along Grange Hall Road with farm style fencing. Project Comments 1-13-2014 - Unchanged 3-16-15 Scope changed at budget hearing from chain link fence to farm style fence also adjusted from FY2016 to FY2017. 8/3/15 Remove and replace 2600 LF of farm fence along south end of park from Dixie/Grange Hall along Grange Hall Rd to Maintenance Bldg. 2600LF@$12/LF=$32,000 (includes removal of existing fence and required 6' vegetation clearing per specification) Replacement of bar gate = $2,000 LS 10% Contingency = $4,000 for a total budget amount = $40,000 Priority Title Customer Service - Efficiency/Operational Savings Forecasted Year 2017 Proposed Amount $40,000.00 Budgeted Amount 13-Nov-15 9:20 AM 105 c%K P� � Scope Description C Capital Improvement Status Pending IND Independence Oaks Project Name Twin Chimneys Universally Accessible Improvements Phase I - Construction CIP Number Project Scope Bring all Twin Chimneys site features and amenities in line with 2010 Universally Accessible Improvements ADA standards as well as Federal Accessibility Guidelines for Outdoor Developed Areas. Project Comments 3-19-15 Project was identified and prioritized as part of the ADA Transition Program in FY2015, therefore a project scope was created. 3/31/15 Need to address the septic system in conjunction with this project. 8-18-2015 - As mention above, the project was identified as part of the FY2015 ADA Transistion Program ($350,000), originally budgeted within the park operating. In May of 2015, OCPRC approved this project as a Capital Project, in part with (7) other identified ADA projects based on the Departmetn of Justice's (Doi) recommended priorities for ADA Improvements, Priority Title Regulatory Forecasted Year 2017 Proposed Amount $50,000.00 Budgeted Amount 13-Nov-15 9:20 AM 106 ;,AKl..At"I Scope Description COUN1Y PARiG C Capital Improvement Status Pending IND Independence Oaks Project Name Twin Chimneys Accessible Docks - MNRTF Grant CIP Number Project Scope Replace existing floating dock with a new universally accessible fishing pier on Crooked Lake, the new floating dock will also be used for access to pontoon boat, includes improved access pathway, transition platform and accessible parking spaces Project Comments 3-16-15 Scope created for grant application. 7/7/15 Per AMT decision project moved from FY2016 to FY2017. Priority Title Regulatory Forecasted Year 2017 Proposed Amount $82,000.00 Budgeted Amount 13-Nov-15 9:20 AM 107 QWLAND .,5f "IRKS c C Capital Improvement IND Independence Oaks Scope Description Project Name Nature Center -Exhibit Remodeling -Design CIP Number Status Pending Project Scope Design for the replacement of the failing existing exhibits that are over ten years old. Scope to include mobile exhibits incorporating new technology for interpretative and educational value, and room finish changes. Project Comments 1-22-2014 - Previous 2001 exhibit replacement was $353,000, including room finishes. Therefore, the budget was increased to reflect a 10% design engineering budget based on previous expenditures. Modified project scope for clarity. 7/7/15 Per AMT decision project moved from FY2016 to FY2017. Priority Title Forecasted Year Proposed Amount Budgeted Amount Adjusted project Fiscal Year from FY2020 to FY2016. Construction estimate/budget will be validated during the conceptual design process for Commission approval. 3-17-15 Per discussion at budget hearing need to look at making the new exhibits portable so they can travel to the various nature centers. 10-28-15 Budget reduced from $35,000 to $17,500 to accommodate Red Oaks Nature Center into planning and cost effiencies. Customer Service - Revenue Generation 2017 $17,500.00 13-Nov-15 9:20 AM 108 (,q!N'5"AKLAND COUNTY PARKS C Capital Improvement RDG Red Oaks Golf Course Scope Description Project Name Maintenance Building Roof Replacement CIP Number Status Pending Project Scope Replacement of 2420 square foot of metal roofing on the Maintenance Building roof. Project Comments 3-12-2105 -This project has been identified and prioritized by Facilities Planning and Engineering to be completed as part of the Roofing Management Program in FY2016. 7/7/15 Per AMT decision project moved from FY2016 to FY2017. Priority Title Customer Service - Efficiency/Operational Savings Forecasted Year 2017 Proposed Amount $33,300.00 Budgeted Amount 13-Nov-15 9:20 AM 109 "QW[FAKLAND COUNTY PARKS C Capital Improvement RDP Red Oaks Park Scope Description Project Name Nature Center Exhibit Remodeling - Design CIP Number Status Pending Project Scope Design for the replacement of the failing existing exhibits that are over ten years old. Scope to include mobile exhibits incorporating new technology for interpretative and educational value, and room finish changes. Project Comments 3-17-15 Per discussion at budget hearing need to look at making the new exhibits portable so they can travel to the various nature centers. 10-28-15 Budget reduced from $35,000 to $17,500 to accommodate Red Oaks Nature Center into planning and cost effiencies. Priority Title Customer Service - Revenue Generation Forecasted Year 2017 Proposed Amount $17,500.00 Budgeted Amount 13-Nov-15 9:20 AM 110 QWWAK A � Scope Description COUNT.-..:vLUf&L& 1�'A L—"M C Capital Improvement Status Pending RWC Red Oaks Waterpark Concessions Project Name Concession Office/Family Restrooms CIP Number Project Scope Design and construction for the removal of the existing unused restroom (100SF) at the existing concession building for a concession office, while constructing 2-4 family style restrooms (700SF) on the north side of the existing bathhouse. Project Comments 10-28-15 Initiated project scope based upon discussions to complete the work with park staff. Based upon approximately 800 SF of remodeling at approximately $200/SF, initial total project costruction costs are estimated at $200,000. Therefore and if completed by park staff, the budget is estimated to be $100,000 (50% Savings). Conceptual design will be completed this winter with park design staff for budget validation. 11/12/15 Phased over two year FY2017 and FY2020 per AMT decision. Priority Title Customer Service - Efficiency/Operational Savings Forecasted Year 2017 Proposed Amount $50,000.00 Budgeted Amount 13-Nov-15 9:20 AM III G.AKLA� � Scope Description COUM C Capital Improvement Status Pending RWP Red Oaks Waterpark Project Name PA System Replacement (Design) CIP Number Project Scope Design of PA system to replace failing system. Project Comments Priority Title Customer Service - Efficiency/Operational Savings Forecasted Year 2017 Proposed Amount $10,000.00 Budgeted Amount 13-Nov-15 9:20 AM 112 t99-% R Scope Description C Capital Improvement Status Pending SAC Springfield Oaks Activity Center/Park Project Name Water Tower Improvements - Design CIP Number Project Scope Overcoating/abatement and installation of all necessary safety equipment as identified in the engineering reports dated 2007 & 2013 including encapsulating of the existing lead base paint, permitting and a water chlorination system. Project Comments Consider painting the tower as a Golf Ball and Tee for marketing purposes Need to verify budget with FP&E. 2007 Dixon Engineering Report Recommendations #2, #3, #4, #11, #13, #15 & #16. 1-30-2014 Adjusted project fiscal year from FY2015 to FY2017. 3-12-15 Adjusted the project fiscal year from FY2015 to FY2016, adjusted the proposed amount from $120,000 to $300,000 in accordance with FP&E recommendations. Need to determine if township is going to be utilizing and if so contributing to repair costs. 5-18-15 Adjusted from FY2016 to FY2018 per budget work session. 10-28-15 Increase project cost from $300K to $350K to include the consideration of a water chlorination system. Priority Title Health and Safety Forecasted Year 2017 Proposed Amount $35,000.00 Budgeted Amount 13-Nov-15 9:20 AM 113 t'Nn�-P`� Scope Description C Capital Improvement Status Pending WTR Waterford Oaks Activity Center/Park Project Name Boardwalk Replacement CIP Number Project Scope Replacement of approximately 500 linear feet of existing boardwalk by park carpentry staff. Project Comments 12-1-14 - Moved up to FY2016 from FY2019 per forecast meeting 3-3-15 Construction budget is based upon 500 LF @ $250.00 per foot, and will be constructed by park staff. 3-16-15 Adjusted from FY2016 to FY2017 per budget hearing. 11-3-15 - Revised budget from $125,000 to $70,000 for materials only. 11/12/15 Revised budget from $70,000 to $20,000 to be completed in-house using some existing material and some new. Priority Title Health and Safety Forecasted Year 2017 Proposed Amount $20,000.00 Budgeted Amount 13-Nov-15 9:20 AM 114 c'WNKL pN D Scope Description C Capital Improvement Status Pending WWP Waterford Oaks Waterpark Project Name Family Restrooms CIP Number Project Scope Design/engineering and construction of 2-4 family restrooms within the existing bath house by park staff, impacting approximately 1,000 SF of under utilized locker room space. Project Comments 11-3-15 Project initiated to accommodate a customer service need within the waterpark facilities. The estimated budget is for materials only. Priority Title Customer Service - Efficiency/Operational Savings Forecasted Year 2017 Proposed Amount $60,000.00 Budgeted Amount 13-Nov-15 9:20 AM 115 tour iY AR D Scope Description M Maintenance Status Pending ACC Addison Oaks Conference Center Project Name Stucco Repair CIP Number Project Scope Annual stucco repair/replacement of the existing stucco building fagade, heavy timber accents and chimney repairs. Project Comments 1-17-2013 - Increase budget from $10,000 to $80,000 for the necessary chimney repairs as quoted by National Restoration, Inc. (Annual Contractor). 12-17-2013 - Since 2007, $10,000 has been budgeted annually in the parks building maintenance line item for annual repair and replacement of the existing stucco fagade. Consider exploring fundraising activites for the sustainability of the historic structure. The FY2014 Chimney and stucco repairs will be coordinated with the budgeted roof replacement project. 4-9-2014 - Modified forecast to show the $20,000 annual expenditure. 7-2-2014 - Proposed amount changed from $20,000 to $10,000 due to budget constraints. 11-12-14 - Commission approved amount for FY2015 is $20,000; maintenance building is next building to be addressed for stucco repair/replacement. Priority Title Customer Service - Efficiency/Operational Savings Forecasted Year 2017 Proposed Amount $10,000.00 Budgeted Amount 13-Nov-15 12:13 PM 116 (1-�WNAKLAND COUNTY PARKS ��: ••PIM. �N' n1111�:'s M Maintenance ADM Administrative Services Scope Description Project Name Natural Resource Management Program CIP Number Status Pending Project Scope Annual Natural Resource Management Program for all necessary in-house and contracted services for prescribed burns, deer surveys, permit/fees, habitat/wildlife management, native plantings, and other related natural resource management Project Comments 2-19-2014 - This program will complete and replace the following FY2014 NR Projects: NR-Aerial Deer Survey NR-Arborist Services NR-Environmental Permits & Fees NR-Habitat Management NR-Wildlife Management NR-Native Plantings NR-Prescribed Burns NR-Herpetological Study Escalation of budget over the 15 yrs represents a goal to meet or exceed national standards for the preservation and management of our natural areas. Priority Title Forecasted Year Proposed Amount Budgeted Amount Requires verification from Natural resources. 4-1-2014 NR-Herpeto logical Study - This study is being included into the overall Natural Resource Management Program instead of a stand alone project. 2014/2015 - Baseline Herpetological Studies (10 Parks) FY14-$110,000 budgeted, FY15 - $110,000 proposed budget 2016 - Critical Habitat Assessments & Report Preparation (10 Parks) - $45,000 proposed budget 2017 - Identification of Grant Funding Opportunities for Implementation of Management Recommendations - $5,000 proposed budget Customer Service - Facility Enhancement 2017 $335,000.00 13-Nov-15 12:13 PM 117 FY2017 Proposed Natural Resources - Major Maintenance Budget Program Budget Aerial Deer Survey60 $,00.00 Env. Permit/ Certifications $3,000.00 Woody Invasive Control $85,000.00 Herbaceous Invasive Control $85,000.00 i Mechanical Control j $50,000.00 Aquatic Weed Control $20,000.00 Native Seed/ Plantings $8,000.00 Wildlife Mgt $8,000.00 Prescribed Burns $60,000.00 Swale Mgt $10,000.00 Program Totals $335,000.00 118 c314KL NDS Scope Description a1 ttLL� u� '"_uavAm M Maintenance Status Pending ADM Administrative Services Project Name Tree Planting Program CIP Number Project Scope Annual Natural Resource Management Program for all necessary in-house and contracted tree planting in park natural buffers and public areas based upon 500 trees annually. Project Comments NR-Natural Resources 1-22-2014-The FY2015 budget was increased to accommodate a larger park -wide tree planting effort by Land Management Staff, volunteer, contractors etc, including the re-establishment of the Tree Tribute Program. Therefore the Project Scope was changed to include approximately 500 deciduous & evergreen trees. Priority Title Customer Service - Facility Enhancement Forecasted Year 2017 Proposed Amount $50,000.00 Budgeted Amount 13-Nov-15 12:13 PM 119 FY2017 Proposed Forestry - Major Maintenance Budget Program Budget Tree Removals $25,000.00 Tree Plantings $25,000.00 Program Totals $50,000.00 120 4U(QN,Y ARKDS Scope Description M Maintenance Status Pending ADM Administrative Services Project Name Interior/Exterior Painting Management CIP Number Project Scope Yearly interior and exterior paint of approximately 150 facilities with varying surface types of wood, metal, masonry EFTS etc, within all cost centers, including walls, facades and structures. Project Comments 3-1-2013 - This does not include the Addison Oaks Buhl Estate Stucco Repair. Maintenance cost based on approximately 4-6 facilities per fiscal year. A portion of the FY2014 funds will be used to validate a phased - management program based on condition and age. 1-22-2014 - Unchanged for FY2015. Priority Title Customer Service - Efficiency/Operational Savings Forecasted Year 2017 Proposed Amount $20,000.00 Budgeted Amount 13-Nov-15 12:13 PM 121 G.IAKLAND COUNTY PARKS t,j.L�,_.,,.,.• im M Maintenance ADM Administrative Services Scope Description Project Name Carpet/Flooring Management Program CIP Number Status Pending Project Scope Yearly replacement of carpet, hardwood, VCT, epoxy, tile etc. of approximately 100,000 SYD of interior building space. Project Comments Maintenance cost based on approximately 2.5% of total building space. Potentially reduce in FY2015 to 1% or less. A portion of the FY2014 funds will be used to validate a phased management program based on condition and age. 1-22-2014 Unchanged for FY2015 Priority Title Customer Service - Revenue Generation Forecasted Year 2017 Proposed Amount $20,000.00 Budgeted Amount 13-Nov-15 12:13 PM 122 �AKLAND COUNTY PARKS M Maintenance ADM Administrative Services Scope Description Status Pending Project Name ADA Maintenance Program CIP Number Project Scope Park -wide program established for the purpose of replacing existing building & grounds fixtures with ADA compliant fixtures, such as faucets, mirrors, counters, etc. Project Comments 11-3-15 Program initiated for addressing various lower priority ADA Transition Plan projects that are not considered capital replacement projects as defined by Fiscal Services. Priority Title Regulatory Forecasted Year 2017 Proposed Amount $10,000.00 Budgeted Amount 13-Nov-15 12:13 PM 123 149W_% ND COUNTY PARKS M Maintenance ADM Administrative Services Scope Description Status Pending Project Name Fenceline Repair Program CIP Number Project Scope Park -wide fenceline repair program establish to replace small portions offence line componets, such as posts, fabric, wire etc. Project Comments 11-3-15 Program establish to maintain fence line standards of repair and maintenance. Priority Title Regulatory Forecasted Year 2017 Proposed Amount $10,000.00 Budgeted Amount 13-Nov-15 12:13 PM 124 1(4--W'srA- %KLAND COUNTY PARKS M Maintenance ADM Administrative Services Scope Description Project Name ARC Flash Compliance Program (phase 1) CIP Number Status Pending Project Scope Phased 5 year engineering analysis program, based on the new National Electric Code (NEC) for the evaluation and Arch Flash Hazard and Safety Equipement labeling of all existing electrical panels located throughout the park system. Project Comments 11-3-15 Project initiated based on discovery during a Spring 2015 staff electrical training course, validated by risk management and the general fund. Facilities Operations & Maintenance (General Fund) is completing the final phase of a similar project. During the first year of the program staff will confirm the program budget amount, with emphasis/priority place on larger voltage panels at campgrounds, waterpark and golf courses. The evaluation is not only based upon panel size but includes the measuring of peak electrical loads, proximity of the panel to transformer and other electrical factors within an existing facility. For safety, all maintenance staff have been instructed to ensure the availabily of the required safety equipment when performing maintenance within any panel. Panel maintenace is a low frequency task for most maintenance staff and when in doubt, supervisor are to call a licensed contractor to preform the necessary maintenance. Priority Title Regulatory Forecasted Year 2017 Proposed Amount $50,000.00 Budgeted Amount 13-Nov-15 12:13 PM 125 1(4!W! irk KLAND COUNTY PARKS M Maintenance ADM Administrative Services Scope Description Project Name Pavement Maintenance Program CIP Number Status Pending Project Scope Yearly pavement maintenance program of more than 1,000,000 SYDS of Asphalt and Concrete within all cost centers, including cut & patching, crack filling, striping, small replacement project under $5,000. Project Comments 3-1-2013 - Maintenance cost based on approximately 2.5% of total SYDS and does not include complete replacement of asphalt & concrete. Coordinate this program with established Facilities Engineering (General fund) Program. 1-22-2014 -The approved FY2014 program will be completed during the spring and summer months of 2014, with a continued yearly evaluation of pavement projects for the following fiscal years. Priority Title Health and Safety Forecasted Year 2017 Proposed Amount $50,000.00 Budgeted Amount 13-Nov-15 12:13 PM 126 FY2017 Proposed Pavement Maintenance Budget Progra m SAC - Building K Resurfacing RDG - Crack Sealing RDG - Soccer Parking Crack Sealing WLG - Cart Path Resurfacing RNC - Trail Resurfacing ADD - Buhl Trail Resurfacing Program Totals $11,000.00 $8,000.00 $15,000.00 $6,000.00 $ 5, 000.00 $5,000.00 $50,000.00 127 zouN r r Scope Description M Maintenance Status Pending GLG Glen Oaks Golf Course Project Name GLG-Exterior Stone Repair CIP Number Project Scope Repair existing cultured stone and real stone exterior of building. Project Comments The cultured stone continues to require yearly attention due to detaching from building structure. 1-22-2014 Unchanged for FY2015. 7-2-2014 Proposed amount changed from $10,000 to $5,000 due to budget constraints. Priority Title Customer Service - Efficiency/Operational Savings Forecasted Year 2017 Proposed Amount $10,000.00 Budgeted Amount 13-Nov-15 12:13 PM 128 �4KLAND COUNTY PARKS �etL"_i'LJ M Maintenance GRV Groveland Oaks Project Name Slide Painting CIP Number Scope Description Project Scope Paint Groveland Water Slide. Project Comments Status Pending Priority Title Customer Service - Efficiency/Operational Savings Forecasted Year 2017 Proposed Amount $15,000.00 Budgeted Amount 13-Nov-15 12:13 PM 129 COUNTY ARKS Scope Description M Maintenance Status Pending RWP Red Oaks Waterpark Project Name Slide Painting & Rust Repair CIP Number Project Scope Removal/repair of rust and repainting of slide. Project Comments Priority Title Customer Service - Efficiency/Operational Savings Forecasted Year 2017 Proposed Amount $150,000.00 Budgeted Amount 13-Nov-15 12:13 PM 130 Now-% ND COUNTY PARKS M Maintenance RWP Red Oaks Waterpark Project Name CIP Number Project Scope Project Comments Scope Description Filter Sand Replacement Replacement of filter sand. Status Pending Priority Title Customer Service - Efficiency/Operational Savings Forecasted Year 2017 Proposed Amount $30,000.00 Budgeted Amount 13-Nov-15 12:13 PM 131 A LA D Scope Description M Maintenance Status Pending WWP Waterford Oaks Waterpark Project Name Filter Sand Replacement CIP Number Project Scope Replacement of filter sand. Project Comments Priority Title Customer Service - Efficiency/Operational Savings Forecasted Year 2017 Proposed Amount $10,000.00 Budgeted Amount 13-Nov-15 12:13 PM 132 V�V.' I A W.,1►111111*60101ai �_I II k►� OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA DECEMBER 8, 2015 To: Chairman Fisher and Commission Members From: Daniel J. Stencil, Executive Officer Sue Wells, Manager of Parks and Recreation Operations James C. Dunleavy, Chief of Parks Operations— North District Thomas J. Hughes, Chief of Park Operations — South District Submitted: November 25, 2015 Subject: Proposed FY 2017 Capital Equipment Plan INTRODUCTION AND HISTORY AGENDA ITEM NO. 8 E PARK OPERATIONS The Oakland County Parks staff has developed a 5-year Capital Equipment Plan to help forecast the future of our existing equipment. The 5-year Capital Equipment Plan has been a useful tool in determining what equipment needs to be replaced, both long and short term. This plan also gives us an opportunity to review inventory of park capital equipment, and how long equipment is kept in service. Each budget year this plan is revised by OCPR staff to determine the importance of what is needed to be replaced. A historical analysis of Capital Equipment expenditures for FY 2012-2016 and the proposed Capital Equipment expenditures for FY 2017 are included in the attached PowerPoint presentation. ATTACHMENTS - Capital Equipment Program PowerPoint Presentation - 5 Year Capital Equipment Forecast 133 r kod viii 0 1 D14KO h A Proposed FY log 2017 Capital Equipment Plan 134 Summary Staff has developed a 5 year capital equipment plan to help project into the future to identify equipment that needs to be replaced. This plan is reviewed on an annual basis and will be adjusted as needed based on the condition of each piece of equipment. Staff has submitted a historical summary of Capital Equipment purchased for FY 2012- FY 2016 along with the proposed FY 2017 Equipment. The Proposed FY2017 Capital Equipment List has been provided along with the individual breakdown of Capital Equipment and equipment description. 135 FY2012 - FY2017 Capital Equipment Purchased $800,000 $700,000 $600,000 $500,000 $400,000 $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 iff FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 a Operating Equipment Purchased $207,318 $289,991 ..... ... .......... ............I ....... $447,000 - - - -- ---------------------- $472,500 --- - ............. $383,000 o Recreation Equipment $211,000 $231,500 1 $97,070 $15,000 iTotal Capital Equipment $207,318 $500,991 $678,500 $569,570 $398,000 FY 2017 Proposed $250,000 $250,000 136 2 BUDGET CENTER EXISITING EQUIPMENT PROPOSED EQUIPMENT ESTIMATED COST Addison Oaks Conference Center Ice Machine Ice Machine $ 9,000 Addison Oaks Park 2002 Kawasaki Mule Carry -All Maintenance Cart $ 8,000 Glen Oaks Conference Center Range Top / Oven 3500Toro Trim Mower $ 5,000 Glen Oaks Golf Course 2003 Toro 3500Trim Mower Toro 3500Trim Mower $ 35,000 Groveland Oaks Jacobsen HR-5111 Jacobsen HR 600 $ 59,000 Independence Oaks Park 1995 Kawasaki Mule Utility Vehicle $ 18,000 Lyon Oaks Golf Course Club Car Beverage Cart Beverage Cart $ 17,000 Recreation Section New (2) 8' x 20' Special Event Trailers $ 15,000 Springfield Oaks Golf Course 2005Toro Groundsmaster4500-D Toro Gro undsmaster 4500-D $ 59,000 White Lake Oaks Golf Course John Deere 955Tractor Uti I i ty Tracto r $ 25,000 $ 250, 000 137 Ice Machine Addison Oaks $9,000 As part of the new Food and Beverage contract with Oak Management, Katherine's Catering and MMD, OCPR is responsible for the repair and replacement of kitchen equipment at the conference centers. The ice machine at the Buhl Estate is need of repair and is recommended to be replaced due to the repair costs. 138 Club Car Carryall Addison Oaks The Utility Cart will be used for all daily maintenance tasks for the park and campground at Addison Oaks. Tasks include campsite maintenance, line trimming, light hauling, brush trimming and trail maintenance. The cart size is ideal for mountain bike trail access and maintenance. 139 45.,000 BTU Range / Oven Glen Oaks Conference Center $5,000 As part of the new Food and Beverage contract with Oak Management, Katherine's Catering and MMD, OCPR is responsible for the repair and replacement of kitchen equipment at the conference centers. The grill / oven at the Glen Oaks Conference Center is need of repair and is recommended to be replaced due to the repair costs. 140 Toro Groundsmaster 3500-D Glen Oaks Golf Course $35,000 The 3500-D Mower is used for maintaining rough areas at Glen Oaks golf course. Bunker surrounds, tee box surrounds and green surrounds are the primary areas that this mower is used. The individual deck design eliminates the scalping of turf in these areas and reduces the need for hand mowing. 141 1W Jacobsen HR-600 Groveland Oaks $59,000 The HR-600 is a large area mower that is used for mowing turf areas throughout Groveland Oaks Park. The 11 ft. cutting width is ideal for maintaining large areas efficiently. The HR- 600 is replacing the HR-511 which will be used for parts at other facilities with a similar mower prior to being sent to auction. 142 Utility Vehicle Independence Oaks $18f 000 The Utility Vehicle will be used for all daily maintenance tasks for the park at Independence Oaks. Tasks include tree maintenance, line trimming, light hauling, brush trimming and trail maintenance. The vehicle requires 4WD for winter operations 143 A Beverage Cart Lyon Oaks $17fOOO As part of the new Food and Beverage contract with Oak Management, Katherine's Catering and MMD, OUR is responsible for the providing and repairing the beverage carts at the golf courses. The beverage cart at Lyon Oaks is need of repair and is recommended to be replaced due to the repair costs. 144 (2) Special Event Trailers Recreation Section $15,000 ($7,500 each) The Recreation Section will be purchasing (2) special events trailers ($6,000 per trailer). The trailers will be used for storing and transporting recreation equipment for events. 145 Toro Groundsmaster 4500-D Springfield Oaks Golf Course $59,000 The Toro Rough Mower is one of two mowers needed to maintain over 50 acres of golf course rough at Springfield Oaks. The 5 individual 21" decks also reduce the amount of turf damage and scalping. 146 Compact Utility Tractor White Lake Oaks Golf Course $25,000 The Utility Tractor is used for maintenance task that require PTO driven attachments. Daily debris blowing, leaf cleanup are the primary tasks that this equipment will be used for. Other uses included the use of attachments such as box blades and York rakes for grading. 147 Capital Equipment 5-Year Forecast FY 2018-2022 BUDGET CENTER PROPOSED EQUIPMENT ESTIMATED COST Glen Oaks Golf Course Toro Grounds Master 4500-D Rough Mower $ 60,000 Facilities Maintenance Boom Truck $ 120,000 Independence Oaks Jacobsen HR-600 $ 60,000 Springfield Oaks Golf Course Jacobsen IV Plus Greensmower $ 25,000 White Lake Oaks Golf Course Jacobsen IV Plus Greensmower $ 25,000 $ 265,000 Capital Equipment FY 2019 BUDGET CENTER PROPOSED EQUIPMENT ESTIMATED COST Addison Oaks I Hustler Mower $ 18,000 Glen Oaks Golf Course I Jacobsen IV Plus Greensmower $ 25,000 Lyon Oaks Golf Course I 3500 Toro Trim Mower $ 35,000 Orion Oaks I Exmark 72" Mower $ 15,000 Recreation Section I Mobile Stage $ 100,000 Red Oaks Golf Course I Toro 5410 Fairway Mower I $ 60,000 Red Oaks Waterpark I Ultramax $ 5,000 Waterford Oaks Waterpark I Ultramax I $ 71nnn $ 265,000 .. Addison Oaks Park Toro Groundsmaster 4100D $ 60,000 Glen Oaks Golf Course Toro Reelmaster 5410 Fairway Mower $ 60,000 Lyon Oaks Golf Course Toro Reelmaster 5410 $ 60,000 Recreation Section Bouncer Trailer $ 15,000 Red Oaks Golf Course Toro Sand Pro 5040 $ 16,700 White Lake Oaks Golf Course Jacobsen IV Plus Greensmower $ 25,000 Waterford Oaks Kubota 72" Z-Turn Mower $ 14,000 $ 250,700 Capital Equipment FY 2021 BUDGET CENTER PROPOSED EQUIPMENT ESTIMATED COST Glen Oaks Golf Course Utility Vehicle $ 20,000 Groveland Oaks Park Hustler Mower $ 20,000 Facilities Maintenance 2 Site Trailors @ $12,000 Ea. $ 24,000 Lyon Oaks Golf Course Toro Multipro 5800 Sprayer $ 45,500 Lyon Oaks Golf Course Jacobsen IV Plus Greensmower $ 25,000 Recreation Section Bus $ 150,000 Springfield Oaks Golf Course Jacobsen IV Plus Greensmower $ 25,000 White Lake Oaks Golf Course Toro Multipro 1250 Sprayer $ 25,000 $ 334,500 Capital Equipment FY 2022 BUDGET CENTER PROPOSED EQUIPMENT ESTIMATED COST Addison Oaks Park Kubota Utlity Vehicle $ 20,000 Glen Oaks Golf Course Toro Multipro 1250 Sprayer $ 25,000 Facilities Maintenance Skid Steer $ 40,000 Facilities Maintenance Tracks for Skid Steer $ 8,000 Independence Oaks Kubota 72" Z-Turn Mower $ 18,000 Lyon Oaks Golf Course Toro Reel master 5410 $ 55,000 Lyon Oaks Park John Deere Utility Gator with Cab $ 10,000 Red Oaks Waterpark 2017 Ultramax $ 7,000 White Lake Oaks Golf Course Toro Reelmaster 5410 $ 55,000 Waterford Oaks Park Kubota 72" Z-Turn Mower $ 18,000 $ 256"0 11 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA DECEMBER S, 2015 To: Chairman Fisher and Commission Members From: Daniel J. Stencil, Executive Officer Sue Wells, Manager of Parks and Recreation Operations Submitted: November 17, 2015 Subject: OCPR Organizational/Staffing Chart INTRODUCTION AND HISTORY AGENDA ITEM NO. S F ADMINISTRATION Attached is the current Organizational Staffing Chart for Oakland County Parks and Recreation. Currently there are seven (7) full-time positions that are not filled and eighteen (18) full-time positions that are under filled by part-time staff. We currently have: 74 Eligible Full -Time Employees 594 Non-eligible/Part-Time Employees Administrative staff has been identifying positions and efficiencies with full-time and part-time staff. Staff is currently working with Oakland County Human Resources on this matter. Current deletions of positions of PTNE(part-time non -eligible) for 2016 and 2017 are: 10 Lifeguards 2 Project Advisors 2 Attendants Staff has developed Manning Tables for each department and will be reviewing hours and positions needed for the 2017 budget preparation. We will bring back to the Commission further efficiencies/reductions after our meeting with OC Human Resources. If the Commission decides to pursue the collaboration with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources to operate the proposed the ORV facility, there will need to be additional staff allocated and the necessary funding to support that initiative. ATTACHMENTS 1. OCPR Staffing — Organizational Chart 149 Oakland County Fiscal Services- I Oakland Count Parks and Recreation Commission Y Management & Budget i 5060101.02479 Executive Secretary 5060101-03007 Executive Officer Parks & Rec i iiii 5060101-02615 Central Emp Rec Coord 5060101-03167 Manager of Parks & Rec Operations Business Operations Facilities Maint Dev I I Parks Operations North District I I Parks Operations South District i Rec Programs & Svs 1 1 I I 1 1 5060101-11577 Chief P L R Bus Ops 5o6oirn-ions Ohm Parks Fac L Maint 5060101-10736 Chief of Ops 8, Maint 5060101-00885 Chief of Ops B, Maint 5060101-07105 Chief Rec Program L Svs 5060805-10749 PINE Project Advisor Marketing & Communications I I ! Administrative Services I 1 Building Management I I i i csroveland, Highland & Rose Oaks I I i Springfleld Oaks i I i Addison Oaks I I i i Red Oaks I 1 I Adaptive & Therapeutic Services i 5060101-02508 Supervisor P i R Mark&Com 5060910-00990 Maint Supervisor II 5060720-02535 Parks Supervisor 5060330-2388 Parks Supervisor 5060715-09281 Parks Supervisor 5060831-11368 Parks Supervisor 5060805-00517 Recreation Program Supervisor 5060101-10730 Supervisor Admin Svs 50601946 6946 Graphic Artist FrE UNDERFIUED 5060101-01620 Procurement Tech FFE UNDERFILLED 5060970-03887 Skilled Maint Mach 11 5060720-01259 Parks Crew Chief SPRINGJ'ELD OAKS GOLF COURSE MAINT 5060715-02685 Parks Crew Chief RED OAKS DOG PARK 5060805.07984 Seasonal Prog Spec PINE VACANT 506010T-10742 PINE Grapple Ar1id 506 0101-05210 Technical AnIsMrH 5060910-06905 Skilled Malyd Mach II 5060720-03154 General Maint Mach 5060330-11522 Parks Crew Chief HE UNDERFILLED 5060715-03569 Grounds Equip Mach 5060729 4 Parks Helpers 5060805-11086 Seasonal Prog Spec 5060101-07106 Comm i Mkl Assistant SD60101-07864 Comm L Mkt Assistant 5060101-00278 Office Assistant 11 5060101-00798 Office Asslstanl 11 5060910-02433 General Maint Mach FFE UNDERFILLEDSD5072 5060910-01994 Packs Maint Aide FFE UNDERFILLED 0-10741 PINE Office Assistant 1 5060720-04320 Seasonal Prop Spec 5060720-04355 Seasonal Prop Spec 5060330-02201 General Malnt Mach 5060330-02249 Groundskeeper II HE UNDERFILLED 5060330-10743 5060715-02974 General Malyd Mach 5060715-10740 PINE Office Assidard 1 RED OAKS GOLF COURSE MAINTENANCE 5060805 3 Forks Helper 5060,01-OS404 Comm L Mkt Assistard FTE NO FILL 5060101-T7338 FTN Technical Assistant 5060101-01019 Office Assistant II 5060'01-05390 0 Assidard 11 5060910-10754 JTM Skilled Maint Mach 111 5060910-70759 PINE Skilled Maint Mach IN 5060720-04400 Seasonal Prog Spec PINE Grounds Equip Mach 5060330 8 Parks Helper efper 5060715-04159 Semonal Prog Spec 5060715-04759 Seasonal Prog Spec 5060328-11519 Maint S Supervisor 1 Dog Park Programs 5060101-11339 FIN Technical Asslslanf ca 5060970-11493 Pa Mani Alde 5060720-04401 Seasonal Prog Spec 5060715-06591 Seasonal Prog Spec 5060328-02151 Grounds Equip Mach 5060101-06.0 ONca Assldant 11 FFE UNDERFILLED fD60910-11495 (�E Parks Mains Aide 5060720-09703 Seasonal Rog Spec SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF PRO SHOP 5060775-10311 Semonal ProB Spec 5060328-11946 PINE Groundskeeper 11 5060101-06349 Otilce Assistant II 5060910 4 Parks Helper 5060720-11500 Seasonal Prog Spec 5060330-10204 Seasonal Prog Spec PINE VACANT 5060715-05677 P L R Prop Leader PINE VACANT 50603M 7 Parks Helper 5060805-70784 Recreation Program Supervisor 'so 060101-07816 Office Asslstanl I FTE UNDERFILLED 5060720-05676 P L R Prog Leader PINE VACANT 5060330-11496 Seasonal Pmg Spec 5060715 18 Parks Helper RED OAKS GOIF PRO SHOP Planning &Resource 5060101.11242 PINE OMce Assistant 11 pREVENTA7IVE �(Alt{Tj jIANCE L HVAC 5060720-06772 P L R Prog Leader PINE VACANT 5060330-11497 Seasonal Prog Spec 5060715 a Seasonal Labosar 5060328-04196 Seasonal Frog Spec 5060005-1 TOB7 Seasonal Prog Spec DevelDpment 5060701-11518 FLFI Office Assistant II FTN VACANT 5060910-02452 Mainl Su ervlsor 1 p 5060720 14 Pm*s Helper 5060WO 9 Forks Helpers 5060715 8 Parks i Rec Attendant 5060328 9 Parks Helpers 5060805 1 Porb Helper 5060720 8 Seasonal Laborer 5060330 1 Forks L Rec Attendant 5060910-03294 Skilled Maint Mach III 5060720 9 Lifeguard 5060101-09320 Supervisor P & R Planning I 5060910-01196 Parks Malnl Aldo "I UNDERFILLED 5060720 15 Parks & Rec AHendanl RED OAKS PARK Educational Services & PO4d &Beverage NoC(10TSSIONS SPRINGF1 LD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER 5060757 3 Parks Helpers Conservation Programs I 5060101.11514 Principal Planner 111111 1 GROVE jiAK� 5060420.11587 Food Worker 5060732.10752 fa Generd Mains Mech PTNE VACANT 5060732-10206 Seasonal Prop Spec 5060101-02982 P L R Bus Dev Rep FFE NO FILL 5060101-10032 Senior Planner 5060101-11584 Food & Bev Coord Ladd Management eIV ce 5060420.11594 Food Service Worker 5060732-11689 Seasonal Prog Spec I I Glen & Catalpa Oaks RED OAKS YIATERPARK 5060805.01461 Educ Res Specialist p 5060101'0746 PINE Project Advisor 5060420.11 Sao Seasonal Prog Spec 5060732 6 Parks Helpers 5060831.11362 Assistant Parks Supervisor 5060101-10747 PTNE Pmjed Advisor 5060420 5 Parks Is. Rec Attendants iii 5060831-00066 Skilled Maint Mach II 5060805 1 Parks Helper P 5060101-10748 PINE Project Adviser PINE NO ALL 5MI01-10732 Natural Resources Project Coord 5060327-02329 Perks Supervisor 5060B31-05709 Seasonal Rog Spec 5060101-11- 11409 CRL Pmjed Advisor Group & Facilities Sales SO10910-11521 Perks Crew Chief FFE NO FILL 506083'-05710 Seasonal Pmg Spec 506o101-11491 PINE Prot cl Adviser PTNE NO FILL 50601 at_00241 PINE Technical Aide 5=101-11516 GIS/CAD TECH IT Watediord Oa, GLFi�%% OAKS `O F CQ{�pt�f MAINTENANCE p f 5060327-10733 Pak. raw L`hlIs FIE VACANT SobOB31-057T1 Seasonal Prog Spec 5060831-08179 Seasonal Rog Spec Mobile Recreation, Buses, 5060101-11315 P L R Bus Dev Rep FTE NO flLl 5060910-11371 Groundskeeper It 5060910-11372 Groundskeeper II 5060327-09282 Grounds Equip Mach FFE UNDERFILLEUP060831-11055 Seasonal Prop Spec Stages, Bleachers &Tents g s 5060910-11494 Groundskeeper II FFE UNDERFILLED Independence &Orton Oaks ij 5060327-10715 PINE Grounds Equip Mech 5060831-11499 Seasonal Rog Spec 5060735-06949 Forks SupeMsor 5060327-03485 Generd Main) Mach 5060831 11 Parks Helpers 5060910-11494 J FOIE Parks Maint Aide 5060327 13 Helpers 5060837 5 Seasonal laborers 506OWS-06350 Recreation Program Supervisor 5060910 1 Seasonal Rob Spec 5060725-03335 Perks Supervisor WATERFORD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER easks 5060327 8 Seasonal Laborers 5060831 44 Lifeguanb IT & Interne) Services 5060910 4 Parks Helper 5060725-09564 Parks Crew Chief 5060735-11370 Skilled Maint Mach 11 GLEN 04 K.` 9OLF PRO SHOP 5060837 18 Podat Is. Rec Attendants REP OAKS WATERPARK CONCESSIONS BUSES SI ICES BLEACHERS L TENTS 5169725-92949 Grounds Equip Mach SOW735-11369 PINE Groundskeeper 11 5060735.04761 Seasonal Flag Spec 5060327.09504 Seasonal Prog Spec 5060327.10211 Seasonal Prog Spec 5060431-11586 Food service Worker 5060805-09565 Par Maird Aide 506ONS-11301 Bus Driver 5060101.04382 P L R Bus Dev Rep FFE NO FILL 5060725-02817 Grounds Equip Mach FFE UNDERFILLED 5060735.11084 Seasonal Prog Spec 5060327 12 Parks Helpers 5060431-11592 Food Service Worker 5060505-11392 Bus Driver 5060725 -01127 General Malnt Mach FIE UNDERFILLED 5060735 9 Forks Helpers 5060327 1 Park Is. Rec Attendant 5060431-11593 Food Service Worker 5060805-11383 Bus Driver INTER7t-1 SERVICES 5060725.11366 PINE Maint Laborer 5060431-11590 Seasonal Prop Spec 5060805-11384 Bus Driver 5060101-01337 FIN GIS/CAD Tech 1 I 5060725.10738 PTNE Office Assistant 11 5060437 15 Parks 8 Rec Attendants 5060805-11385 Bus Driver 5060101-06732 Account Clerk 11 FIE UNDERFILLED Equipment Management 5060725.10739 PINE Office Assistant l WATERFORD OAKS BMX, gATALPA OAKS PARk 5060805-11386 Bus Delver 111 5060725.04105 Seasonal Prog Spec 5060845-05699 Seasonal Prog Spec 5060870 4 Parks If6lpeff 5060805.11387 Bus Driver INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 5060725-04216 Seasonal Prog Spec 5060845 2Parks Helpers 5060805-11388 Bus Driver 5060101-10731 User Sup Specialist 11 5060910-03024 Auto Mechanic 11 5060725-07305 Seasonal Prog Spec 5060101-11517 nN USER SUPF TECH 1 5060910-01746 General Maint Mach FFE UNDERFILLED 5060725 13 Forks Helper MOBILE RECREATION 5060101-10459 PINE Parks Helper 5060910-10744 PENE Grounds Equip Mach 5060725 7 Seasonal Laborer WA ERFORD OAKS COUNTY MARKET White Lake Oaks 5060805.04326 Seasonal Prog Spec 5060725 10 Lifeguard DELETE 5060540-7108 Assistant Parks Supervisor 5060805.04076 P L 0. Prog Leader 5060725 11 Posb & Rec Attendant 5060540-11088 Seasonal Prog Spec I I 5060805.04077 P L R Prog Leader PINE VACANT 5060540 2 Perks Helpers Lyon Oaks 5060326-00657 Forks Supervisor 5060805-04079 P L R Prog Leader Project Management •`4� ge � 111 111 5060805.04100 P i R Prog Leader PINE VACANT ORION OAKS PARK WHITE LAKE OA G OURSE MAINT 5060805-01132 P i R Prop leader 50607 A 1365 INE MWrd Laborer piERFO A A]%ReAA 5060356-09084 Parb Supervisor FFE VACANT ��f ` 506032A-02229 Forks rew a 5060805-0130e P i R Prop leader Organisational Development & 5060910-08045 Arch Engineer 11 5060910-09562 Arch Engineer 11 5060724 4 Perks Helpers 5060837.016 Sk1lle Ma ntec 11 FlE U DERHLLED 506oB37-10751 General MaiM Mach LYON OAKS GOLF COURSE MAINTENANCE 5060326-03246 Grounds Equip Mach FIE UNDERFILLED5060805.04311 P i R Prog Leader 5060e05-01312 Volunteer Services 5060910-11492 FINE Construction Inspector It PINE 5060937-04758 Seasonal Rog Spec 5060356-11520 Grounds Malnt Supervisor 5060326-01179 Groundskeeper 11 5060326 7 Paks Helpers P L R Prog Leader 5060805-04313 P L R Prog Leader 5060837-0Seasonal Prog Spec 5060356-03530 General Malnt Mach FIE UNDERFILLED 5060326 4 Seasonal Laborers 5060805-0431P L R Prog Leader SO60B37-07615 7615 Seasonal Prop Spec 5060356-09283 General Malnt Mech WHITE LAKE QPKS GOLF PRO SHOP 5060805-01314 P L R ROB Leader PINE VACANT 5060101.07781 P L R Bus Dev Rep 5060837-01032 Seasonal Prog Spec 5060356.09983 Grounds Keeper 11 5060326.10066 Seasonal Prop Spec 5060805.05679 P L R Prog leader 506.7 -1149 8 Seasonal Prog Spec PINE VACANT 5060356 17 Forks Helper 5060326.10208 Seasonal Price Spec 5060805.05700 P L R Prog Leader L DZELOPMENT ORGANISATIONBus, 5060837 5 Pal Helpers 5060356 2 Seasonal Laborer LYON OAS GOLF PRO SHOP 5060326 14 Parks Helpers 5060805.05787 P L R Prog leader /� 5060101-04380 Summer us slst W60101-07982 Summer Bus Assist PINE VACANT 5060837 3 Seasonal Laborers 5060837 38 Lifeguards 50603s6.07009 $:asona Prop Spec 5060B05-07821 P L R Prog Leader 506080s-07827 P i R Prog Leader S06a,of -10756 College Intern PINE VACANT 5060837 15 Parks A Rec Attendants 5060356.10207 Seasonal Prop Spec 5060805.07822 P L R Prog Leader 5060101-10757 College Intern 506OM6-10210 Seasonal Prop Spec 5060805.07823 P L R Prog Leader College Intern 9 0 atb (� w �F1 EWorker `VACI��T SM101-1075College Intern PINE VACANT 50,0101-00484 Student FINE VACANT ookl SKepers 5060437-11585RD 5060356 2 PP rvice PINE arks & RNec Attendants 5060437-11591 Food Service Worker PIN VACANT 5060356 3 Perks & Rec Attendants DELETE 5060805.07825 P L R Prog Leader 5060805.09217 P L R Prog Leader 5060101-10351 Student PINE VACANT 5060437.11589 Seasonal Prog Spec 50-0805-09220 P L R Prop Leader 5060101-10352 Student PINE VACANT 5060437 12 Forks & Rec Attendants LYON OAKS PARK 5060805 8 Pab Helpers 5060101-10353 Student PINE VACANT SD60550-07304 Seasonal Prog Spec 5060101-10354 Student PINE VACANT W60755 9 Forks Helpers 5060101-OLIIO Summer Clerical PINE VACANT 5060101.09933 Summer Clerical PINE VACANT 5060755 1 Forks L Rec Attendant Nature Education on VOLUNTEER SERVICES 5060101-00482 Rec Program Supervisor 5060805-09566 Recreation Program Supervisor 5060101-10205 Seasonal Prog Spec 5060805-05172 Parks Naturalist 5060805-10750 PME Parks NafuraTlsf PINE VAr"'T 5060805-05249 Seasonal Prog Spec 5060805.09108 Seasonal Prog Spec 5060805.09705 Seasonal Prog Spec 5060805-09706 Seasonal Prog Spec 5060805-09707 Seasonal Prog Spec 5060805-10093 Seasonal Prog Spec Proposed FYI Strategic Staffing Allocation Special Events � � 5060805-05208 Recreation Specialist 5060805-10209 Seasonal Prog Spec Updated 1210212015 150 LUj*ggI0-14wel.Ir1r,1iitt< OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA DECEMBER 8, 2015 AGENDA ITEM NO. 8 G MARKETING/COMMUNICATIONS & PLANNING/RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT To: Chairman Fisher and Commission Members From: Daniel J. Stencil, Executive Officer Desiree Stanfield, Supervisor — Marketing & Communications Melissa Prowse, Supervisor - Planning & Resource Development Submitted: December 1, 2015 Subject: Marketing and Branding Firm Recommendation and Request to Authorize Staff to Negotiate Scope and Not -to -Exceed Amount INTRODUCTION AND HISTORY In response to a Request for Proposal for a Comprehensive Marketing Plan and Brand Assessment & Development that was provided to county contractors in May 2015, OCPR received 3 bids for the identified scope of services. The RFP was provided to all marketing and branding vendors with current annual contracts with the county, of which there are 12. The RFP, which outlines the intent and proposed scope of the project, is attached. After reviewing the initial bids, the OCPR Marketing Committee asked for revised proposals based on a $150,000 not -to -exceed amount. These revised proposals were submitted September 18tn The Marketing Committee heard presentations from each of the three firms on October 26th to learn more about their companies and their proposals for OCPR. The Committee narrowed the field to two firms and asked some follow-up questions. After reviewing the responses and having a final meeting of the Committee on November 18th, the Committee recommends the Commission work with Skidmore Studio on this project. As Skidmore Studio is an existing vendor with the County, a contract is already in place. Staff is requesting authorization to negotiate a scope of work and not -to -exceed amount for this project. Skidmore's range for the work requested is $125,000 - $150,000. The OCPR Marketing Committee members are: • Chairman Gerald Fisher • Commissioner Ronald Fowkes • Commissioner David Potts • Daniel Stencil, Executive Officer Sue Wells, Manager of Park Operations • Desiree Stanfield, Supervisor — Marketing & Communications • Melissa Prowse, Supervisor — Planning & Resource Development • Terry Fields, Chief of Recreation Programs & Services Phil Castonia, Chief of Business Operations 151 Page 2 ATTACHMENTS • RFP for a Comprehensive Marketing Plan and Brand Assessment & Development • Bids from Skidmore Studio • Bid from DBA Worldwide • Bid from Group[eX] STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Commission authorize staff to negotiate a scope of work with a not -to -exceed amount of $150,000 for the Marketing Plan and Brand Assessment and Development with Skidmore Studio. MOTION Move to authorize staff to negotiate a scope of work with a not -to -exceed amount of $150,000 for the Marketing Plan and Brand Assessment and Development with Skidmore Studio, and bring it back to the OCPR Commission for final approval. 152 Request for Proposal for a Comprehensive Marketing Plan and Brand Assessment & Development 1. Introduction On behalf of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation (OCPR), Oakland County Purchasing is seeking proposals for services as described below. Selected contractor will to work with staff and the Commission to developed a targeted and integrated marketing plan, as well as facilitate a brand evaluation and strategy development. The park system has been in operation since 1966 and offers the following parks and services: • 5 golf courses • 2 campgrounds • 2 nature centers • 2 waterparks • 6 "day -use" parks (picnic shelters, trails, wetlands, lakes/beaches, sports fields, disc golf, etc.) • 4 conference/event centers • 2 undeveloped parks (trails, wetlands, open space) • 3 dog parks • A county (farmers) market • Mobile recreation programs OCPR also offers a variety of programs and community events at these facilities and within the community, including (but not limited to): • Fire & Ice in downtown Rochester • Fourth of July Fireworks at Addison Oaks and Groveland Oaks • Marshmallow Drop at Catalpa Oaks • Air Fair at Groveland Oaks • Nature Center programs and classes • Non-profit and partner events, such as Oakland Uncorked (wine/food event) held at the County Market Oakland County Parks and Recreation operates more than 6,700 acres of parkland. For a full list of parks, facilities and programs, visit www.DestinationOakland.com. 2. Vision OCPR's vision for this planning process is to come through a six- to nine -month planning process with: • A marketing plan with data -driven strategies and tactics to communicate the wealth of resources, and motivate visitors to regularly utilize Oakland County Parks facilities and programs 153 • A brand that is distinctive, effective and sweeping enough to reflect the many assets that make up Oakland County Parks and Recreation The impetus for this RFQ is a desire by the Commission to: • increase users/participants at OCPR facilities and programs • Build relationships/connect emotionally with our constituents and park/program users • Increase cost recovery based on goals outlined in OCPR's Service Portfolio • Create a foundation for large-scale sponsor solicitation and management • Utilize OCPR facilities and programs as a driver of County economic development As part of the development of this RFQ, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission has further defined its current goals/priorities as follows: • Maintain high quality parks o Afford a high priority for trails o Include programs and activities for the broad population consistent with OCPR goals including youth, seniors and persons with disabilities • Provide high quality recreation programming o Include programs for all age groups throughout the county o Afford a priority for health, fitness and educational activities (along with or as part of activities that are "fun") o Afford a priority for programming for diverse/international populations • Support economic development and quality of life in Oakland County • Exercise good environmental stewardship on OCPR properties • Enhance and maintain an excellent system of public communications and marketing, including connections made with current park users and potential users; and routinely evaluate facilities and programs to ensure that they are productive and conform to priority OCPR values based on established program standards. The Commission and staff have formed a "Marketing Committee" that meets regularly to discuss marketing/branding and to develop this RFQ. The Committee consists of staff as well as representatives from the OCPR Commission. This Committee will oversee the development of the deliverables, with the Supervisor — Marketing & Communications as the project lead. 3. Scope The scope of the RFQ is two -fold: Develop a system -wide marketing plan, and define, evaluate, develop and implement an OCPR brand. OCPR would like to begin this work late -summer 2015 and have deliverables by spring 2016. A. Develop a system -wide marketing plan which encompasses the following: 1. Market Analysis —Comprehensive review of markets and opportunities for determining OCPR's strategic position in the markets it serves and how to create value and meaning from that position. 2. Strategic Communications Audit —Assessment of information distribution methods to ensure consistent positioning of the brand across all communication channels. The 154 communications audit will assess OCPR's capacity for, or performance of, essential communications practices and determine what is working well, what is not, and what might work better if large or small adjustments are made. 3. Marketing Strategy— Marketing strategies that motivate county residents and visitors to patronize Oakland County Parks' facilities and programs, and that convey OCPR's brand position. Strategy should include design and implementation plans for surveys targeting both current park users and non -users. 4. Implementation —Comprehensive, data -driven explanation of each recommendation including objective, execution, timeline and cost. 5. Evaluation — A definition of practical and measurable objectives and the metrics and anticipated timeframe used to track and measure the results of marketing efforts. B. Define, evaluate, develop and implement an OCPR brand: 1. Brand assessment— Research and engage with the Commission, staff and the public (users, non -users, businesses, partners, etc.) to evaluate current brand and evaluate its strength. Identify gaps between how OCPR views its brand, and how the public and guests perceive the brand in the marketplace. May include interviews of the Commission, staff and public, business community, focus groups, surveys, etc. 2. Brand blueprint development — Create a written plan to develop and apply an enhanced brand strategically throughout the organization in both the short and long term. 3. Brand culturalization —As a large agency with wide geographic reach and upwards of 600 staff (during peak season), brand culturalization is critical. Consultant will provide strategies and guidelines, potentially including training, for internal brand alignment. OCPR is open to suggestions for the revision of its current mission and vision statements to align with its goals and priorities. Alternate Scope Items These items are not required for bidding, but OCPR is seeking proposals for the following for those interested in providing these services. C. Web site evaluation — OCPR is interested in having its Web site (www.DestinationOakiand.com) evaluated for effectiveness, user -friendliness, organization, name, style (including font, color, use of photos/videos, etc.), design and navigation. D. Ongoing marketing support — OCPR is interested in obtaining rates for ongoing marketing support to provide periodic advice and recommendations, as needed, for system -wide marketing strategies and improving system -wide brand awareness. 4. Deliverables The successful bidder will be expected to provide written monthly reports describing project activities and progress and any schedule variances to the project lead. 155 A. Marketing • Summary report and presentation of the market research to staff/commission • Identification of the market strategy(s) for various target groups with alignment to the brand • Survey methodology and sample surveys for obtaining public input into the needs, wants and priorities of OCPR's target markets. • Written and candid assessment of existing communications, along with specific recommendations for improvement • Marketing plan that incorporates the research and market strategies for each target market, strategies for consistent and impactful communication of OCPR's goals and priorities, and a detailed execution plan, timeline and budget over the time period deemed necessary for a successful and economically feasible implementation. • Plan to be presented to the Commission. B. Branding • Summary report and presentation of the brand research to staff/commission, including phased implementation and priorities • Visual representation/Creative o Logo development o Style guide including standards for: colors, logos, printed materials, signage o Design templates for key marketing materials o Other recommendations as proposed by consultant • At least three tangible examples of brand execution 5. Information Required A. Business Organization a. State the full name and address of your organization and any partnering firm. Indicate state of incorporation or license to operate. B. Statement of the Problem a. State your understanding of the problem, as presented C. Approach D. Schedule a. Provide a narrative outlining approach to the stated problem, identified scope items and analytics and metrics that will be used to measure effectiveness of initiatives a. Provide a schedule indicating milestones and major tasks, including specific timeframe anticipated for discovery phase 156 E. Prior Experience a. Provide a description minimum of three similar projects within the last S years, including samples of logos and graphic work F. Capability and Qualifications G. Fees a. As it relates to the problem statement, please provide staff resumes, certifications and professional licenses that indicate the education, experience and training of the persons to be assigned to this project Provide a not -to -exceed proposal based on the following: i. A breakdown of fees relative to each item described in the scope ii. A breakdown of fees relative to staff and any proposed sub -consultants iii. A schedule of hourly relates related to Alternative Scope Item #2 (if bidding on this portion of the scope) iv. An estimate of anticipated reimbursable costs H. Additional Information I. Format a. Include any other information that is believed to be pertinent but not specifically asked for elsewhere. a. Proposals should be submitted as follows: Six (6) original copies should be printed and bound. A duplicate copy should be provided in a digital format. 6. Criteria for Selection A. Selection Process The following evaluation process will be used: 1. A selection committee will be established comprising of members of the Parks and Recreation Commission, Supervisor — Communications & Marketing, Supervisor —Planning & Resource Development, Chief of Business Operations, Chief of Recreation Programs & Services, and a Purchasing representative. 2. This selection committee will evaluate vendor proposals. 3. Interviews maybe conducted at the discretion of the evaluation committee. B. Criteria 1. Statement of the problem 157 2. Approach 3. Schedule 4. Prior experience with similar projects 5. Fees 6. Interview 7. Additional Information The following information is included with this RFQ to provide additional insight and clarification for bidders. • Five-year Recreation Master Plan • Service Portfolio Project Final Report • Annual Report • 2015 Marketing Plans 158 BRAND ASSESSMENT & STRATEGY PROPOSAL OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS 9.18.15 KICK ASS DESIGN SINCE 1959 SKIDMORESTUDIO.COM•313.446.8200•SKIDMORESTUDIO.COM © /I` /THE PROBLEM / After reviewing the documents provided, our understanding is that Oakland County Parks & Recreation is having difficulty motivating residents to patronize the parks' facilities and programs. We hesitate to delve too deeply into the problem before beginning research, but it does appear that there is an opportunity to strengthen relationships with residents and build greater understanding and differentiation of the experiences your department makes possible. As we move throughout our design thinking process, we often frame and reframe the Problem Statement as we uncover the heart of the issue. Our expertise in helping entities like yours position their entertainment experiences, particularly for millennial audiences, makes us uniquely qualified to guide OCPR through this comprehensive rebrand and marketing initiative. We look forward to discussing this opportunity further. 160 / THE SOLUTION / SKIDMORE STUDIO LLC 1555 Broadway, Fourth Floor, Detroit, Michigan 48226 // 313.446.8200 //A Michigan Limited Liability Company Skidmore is a boutique creative studio with a unique expertise. We connect entertainment industry leaders with the largest and most influential consumer generation of our time — millennials. With a specialized focus in entertainment and a deep understanding of Generation Y, we guide clients toward the best creative for their industry, audience, and objectives. WE HELP ENTERTAINMENT BRANDS ENGAGE MILLENNIALS THROUGH RESULTS -DRIVEN CREATIVE. Like the millennials we interact with, Skidmore has a passion to create the extraordinary. Using a bold combination of strategy and design, we craft brand experiences that have the power to move people. Whether your customers need a night out or a week away, we inspire the journey that leads to your destination. From dining and gaming to sports and travel, we've helped some of the biggest names in the business get even bigger. Hotels.com NCL 3 161 Our studio is full of fearless thinkers and doers, working together to make your customers move. We create inspiring work that does more than "capture your brand's potential" and "integrate marketing efforts." We create kick ass design that will blow your mind. Skidmore leverages a range of in-house capabilities to collaboratively solve design challenges across print, video and interactive. DESIGN STRATEGY ILLUSTRATION 3D ART & MOTION GRAPHICS COPYWRITING BRANDING PRINT BROADCAST DIGITAL MOBILE / APPS TRADE SHOWS / EXHIBITS ENVIRONMENTAL EXPERIENTIAL STORYBOARDS & ANIMATICS PACKAGING 4 162 / WHAT WE DO / WE DON'T DESIGN LOGOS. WE BUILD BRANDS. Your brand is an extension of who you are as a company. It only works if it is genuine and authentic. When organizations try to be something they're not, customers pick up on it right away. To honestly and effectively communicate who you are, your brand must be: Together we'll work through our Design Thinking process to figure out the best way to articulate your brand and initiate change in bottom line results. 163 OUR APPROACH 4 I /DESIGN THINKING/ Skidmore is driven by Design Thinking. Any good marketer knows that design is about more than making things look pretty. It's a way of thinking, a process of discovering how customers interact with a product, then building a brand around that experience. Through Design Thinking, we build extraordinary brands that are both pretty and profitable. In the context of evolving your brand, a high level summary of the Design Thinking process looks like this: 165 / DISCOVERY/ We begin every project with an extensive dive into our clients, their customers and their competitors. We learn about challenges and goals, we uncover strengths and weaknesses, we walk a mile in your customer's shoes and get a feel for who you really are. Then we pull it all together in order to answer our three big questions: WHAT MAKES YOU UNIQUE? WHO SHOULD YOU BE TALKING TO? HOW CAN YOU ENGAGE THEM? UNDERSTAND YOUR BRAND SO WELL WE COULD SELL IT OURSELVES TIMING: 10 TO 12 WEEKS _ Deliverables: Market analysis Strategic communications audit Brand assessment B 166 / DISCOVERY STEPS TO DELIVERABLE (may include) / Each of the following steps allow us to take an in-depth look and discover what is and isn't working. We often call this phase "holding up the mirror." It allows for the client and Skidmore teams to become a united front as we dive into strategy. While this is for Skidmore to make sure they know everything about your business; chances are, your business will walk away with new insights too. KEY LEADER INTERVIEWS Communicate business goals Discover pain points Discuss the internal workings TARGET AUDIENCE / VISITOR INTERVIEWS // Learn why they are or aren't involved with the brand // Discover the outside perception of the brand // Discuss their wants and needs PARK VISITS AND EXPLORATION // Get the full experience of everything the parks have to offer REVIEW OF CURRENT MARKETING MATERIALS // Logo, messaging, website, brochures, social media COMPETITOR ANALYSIS // Look at predetermined competitors' marketing materials // Visit sites and locations to learn about their experiences // Find differences and similarities, uncover differentiators INDUSTRY RESEARCH // Beyond competitors, looking at the space the brand lives in // Finding commonalities and standards // Understanding where the industry has been and is going FORMULATE KEY TAKEAWAYS 9 167 / STRATEGY / THOUGHTS ARE COLLECTED, IDEAS ARE CONNECTr7r% AND PLANS ARE CONCOCTED. Once we've done our research, we develop a positioning strategy that begins to build the bridge between you and your customers. Words, tactics and style combine as the framework for extraordinary creative to take shape. This guide ensures that every future brand component, from business cards to broadcast spots, supports the positioning and furthers the objectives. FORMULATE A FAIL-SAFE s > Deliverables: PLAN OF ACTION Marketing strategy document Brand blueprint — includes logo design Brand culturalization plan — includes style guide TIMING: 8 TO 10 WEEKS and brand standards 10 168 / STRATEGY STEPS TO DELIVERABLE (may include) / The strategy phase is bringing it all together and creating a fresh and smart approach. After discovery, we are armed with information that shapes and informs creative ideas. We work with the client and involve them in brainstorming the new direction. Establishing general strategies, we then provide suggested tactics that support the brand's new focus. BRAINSTORM SESSION(S) WITH CLIENT // Blue sky discussion about hopes and dreams for the brand, based on discovery key takeaways. BRAINSTORM SESSION(S) INTERNALLY WITH CREATIVE TEAM H A chance for Skidmore to reflect on everything we've learned and come up with more ideas for growth. IDENTITY DEVELOPMENT AND STYLE GUIDE Concepts, client reviews, and revisions Defining brand standards and providing a final look and feel PROVIDE STRATEGIC TACTICS AND NEXT STEPS // Refining the brainstorms into tangible tactics and plans DEVELOP PROOF OF CONCEPTS THAT REPRESENT STRATEGIES 169 /ADDITIONAL SCOPE ITEMS / Skidmore Studio would highly recommend using the partner selected for this RFP for the additional scope items. In the event we are awarded the rebranding contract, we would be prepared to engage in both the website evaluation and ongoing marketing support. They are both core competencies of the studio, 12 170 / WEBSITE EVALUATION STEPS (may include) / The website is the face of the brand in the digital age. Evaluating the website provides big insights into the whole flow of the digital presence. Knowing what content is used or ignored, how users are arriving, and what pages are entry or exit points are a great start to understanding what the user needs and how to improve the experience. CONTENT SUMMARY // General overview of assets and messaging Site map and architecture assessment Determining ease of access to information COMPETITOR WEBSITE REVIEWS ANALYTICS REVIEW Keyword insights Inbound and outbound traffic patterns Page relevance Demographic insights Device and browser usage 13 171 / ONGOING MARKETING SUPPORT (may include) / As a full service studio, we have the in-house talent required to create and support a full 360-degree marketing campaign. Building upon the original strategy and goals, we can provide ongoing marketing materials such as: STRATEGY 11 Ongoing brand strategy 11 Social media strategy 11 Campaign strategy 11 Messaging and content strategy CONTENT CREATION 11 For any medium: print, web, social, broadcast GRAPHIC DESIGN 11 Logos 11 Print advertising 11 Brochures and informational pamphlets 11 Signage and wayfinding 11 Direct mail 11 Posters and flyers 11 Packaging Il Business cards 11 Letterhead and envelopes DIGITAL DESIGN 11 Email campaigns 11 Social campaigns 11 Keynote and Powerpoint presentations 11 Website design Il Video and motion graphics ILLUSTRATION 11 Various styles of finished art: graphic, editorial, technical, stylized 11 Mascot character development 11 Storyboards and animatics TRADITIONAL ADVERTISING 11 TV Live production or animated 11 Radio 11 Out of Home Billboards Bus wraps Building wraps and banners Experiential Point of purchase 14 i rk: DETROIT PUBLIC SCHOOLS AFTER MAKING A NUMBER OF IMPROVEMENTS THROUGHOUT THE DISTRICT, DETROIT PUBLIC SCHOOLS SOUGHT SKIDMORE'S ASSISTANCE IN REFRESHING THEIR BRAND. WHETHER IT'S A NEW BRAND or an evolving one, effective logos are born out of plenty of strategic thought and planning. Identifying our goal was the first step: Create a new logo and tagline that reflects the improvements the district has been making, including increasing academic achievement, updating facilities and implementing new programs. After thorough research and brand strategy development, we created a new logo and tagline to replace the district's 10-year-old "I'm In" campaign. The new logo and tagline reflect DPS' progress and help carry forward the positive momentum while remaining true to DPS' roots. The new logo shape is modern take on the door, and also symbolizes a blue ribbon for quality schools. We chose to keep blue as the primary color because it has been strongly associated with DPS for many years. 174 DETROIT PUBLIC SCHOOLS `_ SEE IT BELIEVE IT --am DETROIT PUBLIC SCHOOLS People are often pleasantly surprised by DPS' rich offerings, so the new tagline encourages people to take a closer look at the schools. R RESULTS: WHILE IT'S TOO EARLY HOW TO TELL HOW THE NEW BRAND AFFECTS PERCEPTION AND ENROLLMENT, WE HAVE RECEIVED POSITIVE FEEDBACK FROM DPS. ««««««««««««««««««««««««««««< "WE ARE SO PROUD OF THE WORK WE DID [WITH SKIDMORE] AND THE AMAZING OUTCOME. THE DISTRICT IS CONFIDENT THAT "SEE IT, BELIEVE IT" WILL GIVE PEOPLE A FRESH PERSPECTIVE ABOUT THE PROGRESS BEING MADE AT DPS. WE CAN'T THANK THE TEAM ENOUGH FOR THEIR SUPPORT." — MICHELLE ZDRODOWSKI, Detroit Public Schools Chief Communications Officer 17 175 / DPS PROJECT SCHEDULE / TASK PLAN START PLAN COMPLETE Proposal/SOW - - Account/Project Management 7/26/2013 10/18/2013 Design Direction 3/18/2014 3/18/2014 Discovery Prep/Research 7/22/2013 7/30/2013 Discovery Strategy Meeting 7/30/2013 7/30/2013 Focus Groups 7/31/2013 7/31/2013 Draft Discovery Doc 8/5/2013 8/5/2013 Discovery Doc - internal review/revisions 8/2/2013 8/5/2013 AM Approval/Document Design 8/2/2013 8/6/2013 Client Review/Approval 8/13/2013 8/13/2013 Disco doc client revision 8/12/2013 8/12/2013 Strategy Brainstorming/Collaboration 8/12/2013 8/14/2013 Market Research 8/14/2013 8/14/2013 Draft Strategy Doc 8/13/2013 8/13/2013 Strategy doc - Internal Review/Revisions 8/14/2013 8/14/2013 AM Approval/Document Design 8/16/2013 8/16/2013 Client Presentation 8/16/2013 8/16/2013 18 176 / DPS PROJECT SCHEDULE (continued) / TASK PLAN START PLAN COMPLETE Tagline brainstorm 8/19/2013 8/21/2013 Client review - tagline concepts 8/21/2013 8/21/2013 Tagline concept refinement 8/21/2013 8/21/2013 Client approval 8/21/2013 8/21/2013 AM Handoff to Creative 3/18/2014 3/18/2014 B/W Logo Concepting 8/26/2013 8/26/2013 B/W Log Concepting 8/22/2013 8/22/2013 Internal review/revisions 8/23/2013 8/26/2013 Client Review 8/30/2013 8/30/2013 Logo concept - Client revisions 10/9/2013 10/9/2013 Client Approval 9/3/2013 9/3/2013 Logo - redesign 10/21/2013 10/21/2013 111 ustration 11/15/2013 11/15/2013 Internal review/revisions 10/25/2013 11/15/2013 Client Review 11/15/2013 11/15/2013 Color Logo Revision 12/4/2013 12/4/2013 Client Approval 3/18/2014 3/18/2014 File Prep/Package 3/19/2014 3/19/2014 19 177 MICHIGAN DEFENSE CENTER TO CONNECT MICHIGAN BUSINESSES WITH OPPORTUNITIES IN THE DEFENSE INDUSTRY, SKIDMORE DEVELOPED A SET OF MARKETING TOOLS TO HELP SPREAD THE WORD. DID YOU KNOW the defense industry awarded $4.7 billion in contracts to Michigan businesses last year? Those contracts were responsible for creating 50,000 defense -related jobs within the state. That's a huge number, but it could be much greater if more Michigan businesses knew how to attain these contracts. Equipping businesses with the information they need was Skidmore's primary goal in creating materials for the Michigan Defense Center (MDC). By telling the story of available opportunities and creating a clear pathway to business growth, we positioned the Department of Defense and Homeland Security as attractive venues for new business development. The website reinforces the theme of innovation and details the steps to get involved. 20 178 MICHIGAN DEFENSE CENTER »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»> W RESULTS: TRAFFIC TO THE SITE HAS INCREASED AS HAS INTEREST FROM THE BUSINESS COMMUNITY. ACCORDING TO THE MDC, FEEDBACK FROM ALL OF ITS CONSTITUENTS HAS BEEN POSITIVE AS WELL «««««««««««««««««««««««< This print piece provides an introduction to the defense industry and its history in Michigan. The innovative nature of the defense industry is brought to life through photography and infographics. 21 179 / MDC WEBSITE PROJECT SCHEDULE / TASK PLAN START PLAN COMPLETE Account/Project Management 7/26/2013 10/4/2013 Design Direction 3/17/2014 5/23/2014 Prep/Research 8/6/2013 8/6/2013 Discovery Strategy Meeting 7/31/2013 7/31/2013 Interviews/discovery research 8/13/2013 8/13/2013 Draft Discovery Doc 8/13/2013 8/13/2013 Discovery Doc internal review/revisions 8/13/2013 8/13/2013 AM Approval/Design 8/13/2013 8/13/2013 Client Review - discovery doc 8/16/2013 8/16/2013 Strategy Brainstorm/Collaboration 8/16/2013 8/16/2013 Draft Strategy Doc 8/16/2013 8/19/2013 Strategy doc internal review/revisions 8/19/2013 8/19/2013 AM approval/Design 8/21/2013 8/21/2013 Client Review - messaging doc 8/21/2013 8/21/2013 Campaign Theme 9/3/2013 9/3/2013 Strategy Brainstorm - STAYS OPEN 8/26/2013 8/26/2013 Strategy Recap 8/27/2013 8/27/2013 Client Review - Strategy Recap 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 Brand Style Board Creation - Nate 8/29/2013 8/29/2013 Brand Style Board Creation - Laura 8/27/2013 8/27/2013 Brand Style Board- Internal review 8/29/2013 8/30/2013 22 180 / MDC WEBSITE PROJECT SCHEDULE (continued) / TASK PLAN START PLAN COMPLETE Wireframe Brainstorming 9/3/2013 9/4/2013 Wireframe - Phase 1 9/3/2013 9/3/2013 WF internal review/revisions 9/4/2013 9/4/2013 Client Review - WF & brand style board 9/5/2013 9/5/2013 Wireframe & brand style board revisions 9/4/2013 9/4/2013 Client Approval - wreframe & brand style board 9/4/2013 9/17/2013 Functional Spec - Phase 1 9/6/2013 9/9/2013 Functional Spec Revisions/Approval 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 Main Page - design 9/12/2013 9/12/2013 Main page design - add content +internal review 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 Client review - Main page design 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 Main page design - client revisions 9/18/2013 9/19/2013 Client approval - main page design 9/19/2013 9/19/2013 Content creation (outside) 9/19/2013 9/19/2013 Website content Internal review/revisions 9/19/2013 9/19/2013 Client review - website content 9/19/2013 9/19/2013 Website content revisions (outside) 9/19/2013 9/19/2013 Final approval - website content 9/19/2013 9/19/2013 Add final Content and Package for dev 9/19/2013 9/19/2013 Web development 9/19/2013 10/1/2013 QA - design and functionality 9/30/2013 10/2/2013 Phase I website - design revisions 10/4/2013 10/4/2013 Phase I Development - client review 10/4/2013 10/4/2013 Launch - Phase 1 10/18/2013 10/18/2013 Facebook and Twitter images 10/15/2013 10/15/2013 23 181 / MDC WEBSITE PROJECT SCHEDULE (continued) / TASK PLAN START PLAN COMPLETE Wireframe - Phase II 11/19/2013 11/19/2013 Client approval - wireframe Phase II 11/20/2013 11/20/2013 Website Phase II copy review 11/25/2013 11/27/2013 Page Design 11/26/2013 11/26/2013 Waiting 12/19/2013 12/19/2013 Page Design Internal Review/Revisions 12/19/2013 12/19/2013 Client Review - secondary pages 12/19/2013 12/19/2013 Secondary pages - client revisions 12/19/2013 12/19/2013 Client Approval - secondary pages 12/19/2013 12/19/2013 File Prep/Package 12/27/2013 12/27/2013 Programming & Dev - Phase 11 12/27/2013 1/24/2014 Design QA/Functional QA 1/31/2014 1/31/2014 Phase II Development - client review/approval 3/17/2014 3/18/2014 Final Tweaks 2/17/2014 2/18/2014 Training 3/17/2014 3/17/2014 Launch 3/19/2014 3/19/2014 Client Log -In 3/17/2014 3/17/2014 Page Wireframe 3/17/2014 3/17/2014 Client approval wireframe 3/17/2014 3/17/2014 Page design 3/17/2014 3/17/2014 Internal review of page design 3/17/2014 3/17/2014 Client review/revisions 3/17/2014 3/17/2014 File prep and package 3/17/2014 3/17/2014 Development 3/17/2014 3/17/2014 QA - design and functional 3/17/2014 3/17/2014 Final tweaks 3/17/2014 3/17/2014 Launch 3/17/2014 3/17/2014 24 182 / MDC PROJECT SCHEDULE / TASK PLAN START PLAN COMPLETE Content turnover meeting 3/17/2014 3/17/2014 Content outline 8/27/2013 8/27/2013 Client review - content outline 8/29/2013 8/29/2013 Copywriting - brochure - Outside 9/3/2013 9/4/2013 Copywriting - internal review/revisions 9/5/2013 9/5/2013 Copy - client review 9/9/2013 9/9/2013 Copy - client revisions - outside 9/20/2013 9/20/2013 Copy - final client approval 9/20/2013 9/20/2013 Concepting - cover and spread 9/6/2013 9/9/2013 Concept - internal review/revisions 9/11/2013 9/11/2013 Concept - internal revisions 9/16/2013 9/17/2013 Client Review- initial look and feel 9/20/2013 9/20/2013 Brochure - Full Layout/Design 9/30/2013 9/30/2013 Brochure - Internal review/revisions 10/2/2013 10/2/2013 Client review - full layout 10/2/2013 10/2/2013 Brochure Design Revisions 10/10/2013 10/10/2013 Client Approval 10/11/2013 10/11/2013 Brochure File Prep/Package 10/11/2013 10/11/2013 Printing 10/17/2013 10/17/2013 Copy - full review - all deliverables 10/11/2013 10/15/2013 Infographic Illustration 10/16/2013 10/16/2013 Brochure - fix and repackage for reprint 1/29/2014 1/29/2014 25 183 / MDC PROJECT SCHEDULE (continued) / TASK PLAN START PLAN COMPLETE Video Brainstorm 9/6/2013 9/6/2013 Video Script/Outline 9/9/2013 9/10/2013 Video Script - client revisions 10/1/2013 10/1/2013 Layout Draft Storyboard Comp 9/16/2013 9/16/2013 Draft Storyboard - Internal Review 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 Storyboard - client review 9/17/2013 9/17/2013 Client revisions to storyboard/script 9/20/2013 9/20/2013 Final Storyboard - Internal Review 9/23/2013 9/23/2013 Final Storyboard - Client Approval 9/24/2013 9/24/2013 Illustrations/animation 9/24/2013 9/27/2013 In -studio Shooting 10/2/2013 10/2/2013 Voice-over Recording 10/17/2013 10/17/2013 Editing and Internal Revisions 9/30/2013 10/11/2013 Final Video - Client Review 10/17/2013 10/17/2013 Final video - client revisions 10/16/2013 10/16/2013 Final client approval and final rendering 10/17/2013 10/17/2013 Change order - add MDC logo to video 1/16/2014 1/16/2014 26 184 / MDC PROJECT SCHEDULE (continued) / TASK PLAN START PLAN COMPLETE Radio Brainstorm 3/17/2014 3/17/2014 Write Draft Script 10/1/2013 10/4/2013 Script - internal review 3/17/2014 3/17/2014 Draft Script - Client Review 3/18/2014 3/18/2014 Script Revisions 10/15/2013 10/15/2013 Final Script - Client Revisions/Approval 3/17/2014 3/17/2014 In -Studio Talent Recording 3/17/2014 3/18/2014 Music Selection 3/19/2014 3/19/2014 Client review - radio spot 3/19/2014 3/19/2014 Editing and Revisions 3/20/2014 3/20/2014 Final Spot - Client Approval 3/21/2014 3/24/2014 27 185 CRAIN COMMUNICATIONS WE BROUGHT GRAIN'S INNOVATE THINKING TO THE FOREFRONT WITH A REBRANDING THAT POSITIONS THE MEDIA COMPANY FOR THE NEXT 100 YEARS. CRAIN COMMUNICATIONS IS A 100-YEAR-OLD MEDIA COMPANY specializing in niche content for a diverse range of industries, from automotive to healthcare. Its individual publications' brands are strong and recognizable, but Crain's own brand is unknown. To define and distinguish the overarching brand, Skidmore helped Crain Communications create a platform unique from its publications. In addition to aligning internal and external messaging in a consistent direction, this platform helps Crain to broadcast those messages. GRAIN OrMffill GrctI.t A-- Donald D. Eagle. CM Datrolt. MI 48207-2997 Corporate Faclllti- Director office: 3134460428 f—. 313446.1650 mobile: 313952M93 dooglo@aroinsom orain.00m In addition to aligning internal and external messaging, we developed a brand identity, which was applied to print and digital touch points. 28 186 ............................................................................................................................................................. CRAIN COMMUNICATIONS ............................................................................................................................................................. 61W1 ..riaa A... Q CAREERS Ni... N....•. /04•/ T.+n•.'/.lq wl'YrltAv..r.nr..�+r-•, b.l; �r � •�luwl�•.c+ey Ad Age ..re.,.p.r tin+. { EVENT CALENDAR Smv cra..a rj wm. mau" v I-dw. end e. J.O..h —W.rrr I—' At —1 the topl- end [...wa kv r.e.d tq know L pitve di of .' upettwe.! o-xhh tP heal th. num r td /qu 11 < September - > Fusce Sit Comdo vestibulum 1 W Desktop website and mobile designs not yet live, as of 6/17/15. 29 187 / CRAIN PROJECT SCHEDULE / TASK PLAN START PLAN COMPLETE Proposal/SOW 9/24/2014 9/24/2014 Account/Project Management 12/4/2014 2/26/2015 Design Direction 9/17/2015 12/9/2015 LAUNCH MEETING 9/17/2015 9/17/2015 Shot list photography prep 9/17/2015 1/19/2015 Prep/Research 9/10/2014 9/10/2014 Key Leadership discussion 9/11/2014 9I11/2014 Publisher interviews 9/15/2014 9/19/2014 Site Audit 9/16/2014 9/19/2014 Discovery Summary (doc) 9/24/2014 9/24/2014 Discover Summary Presentation 9/25/2014 9/25/2014 Strategy Brainstorm - STAYS OPEN 9/17/2015 10/16/2015 Strategy Brainstorm Meeting #1 9/30/2014 9/30/2014 Strategy Review 9/25/2014 10/2/2014 Strategy Recap (doc) 10/3/2014 10/3/2014 Strategy doc - review/revise 10/15/2014 10/15/2014 Strategy doc - design revisions 10/16/2014 10/16/2014 Client Presentation - Strategy Recap 10/17/2014 10/17/2014 Wireframe Handoff/Brainstorm 10/23/2014 10/23/2014 Initial Wireframes 10/22/2014 10/24/2014 Wireframe - internal review/revisions 10/27/2014 10/27/2014 Client Review - Wireframes 10/28/2014 10/28/2014 Wireframe Revisions 10/28/2014 10/28/2014 Client approval of wireframes 10/28/2014 10/28/2014 3Qs check in 9/17/2015 9/17/2015 30 188 / CRAIN PROJECT SCHEDULE (continued) / TASK PLAN START PLAN COMPLETE Content Architecture 10/20/2014 10/24/2014 Client review 10/28/2014 10/28/2014 Content Architecture - revisions 10/27/2014 10/27/2014 Survey + client to-do list 10/27/2014 10/31/2014 Client Approval 9/17/2015 9/17/2015 Create Copy - Wave 1 12/3/2014 12/4/2014 Create Copy - Wave 2 12/11/2014 12/11/2014 Wave 2 Copy - revise/finalize 12/12/2014 12/15/2014 Create Copy - Wave 3 12/16/2014 1/5/2015 Wave 3 Review/revisions 12/27/2014 2/13/2015 Create Copy - Wave 4 (DITL stories) 2/6/2015 2/12/2015 DITL Copy review 2/12/2015 2/20/2015 DITL Copy revisions 2/13/2015 2/13/2015 Create Copy - Wave 5 (department stories - 1 sample) 2/23/2015 2/27/2015 Crain Cares + publication descriptions 3/2/2015 3/6/2015 Copy Revisions 4/7/2015 4/7/2015 31 189 / CRAIN PROJECT SCHEDULE (continued) / TASK PLAN START PLAN COMPLETE Idea Board Creation 10/29/2014 10/29/2014 Idea Board - internal review/revisions 10/29/2014 10/29/2014 Client Review - Idea Board 10/28/2014 10/31/2014 Main Page(s) Design 11/4/2014 11/5/2014 Main Page Design - internal review/revisions 11/10/2014 11/10/2014 Client Review - Main Page(s) 1/2/2015 1/2/2015 Main Page(s) Revisions 1/2/2015 1/2/2015 Client Approval - Main Page(s) 1/2/2015 1/2/2015 Secondary Page Designs - Part 1 11/26/2014 12/1/2014 Secondary Page Design - internal review/revisions 12/3/2014 12/4/2014 Client Review - Secondary Pages 1/2/2015 1/2/2015 Secondary Page Revisions 1/2/2015 1/2/2015 Client Approval - Secondary Pages 1/2/2015 1/2/2015 Secondary Page Designs - Part 2 12/16/2014 12/16/2014 Secondary Page - internal review/revisions 12/17/2014 12/18/2014 Client Review - Secondary Pages Part 2 1/2/2015 1/2/2015 Secondary Page Designs - Part 2 Revisions 1/2/2015 1/2/2015 Client Approval/File Prep/Package 1/2/2015 1/2/2015 Development 1/5/2015 2/2/2015 Design/PM/Strategy During Dev 9/17/2015 10/14/2015 Design QA 9/17/2015 9/18/2015 Functional QA 9/21/2015 9/22/2015 Client Review/Approval 9/23/2015 9/29/2015 Launch 9/30/2015 9/30/2015 32 190 IDENTITY WORK SAMPLES unsok CAff BLUEWATER St.Clair . , COUNTY, MICHIGAN ak-mti �o�t 33 191 / LEADERSHIP PROFILES / TIM SMITH Tim Smith is President and CEO of Skidmore Studio, a 55-year-old creative studio based in Detroit. With nearly 26 years of professional creative experience, Tim guides clients with a focus on design thinking. He is an advocate for risk taking, while at the same time insisting that brands connect to their audience with authentic messaging. It is with this goal that Tim relocated Skidmore Studio to Detroit's historic Madison Building in 2011. He is seen as a leading force in Detroit's revitalization efforts for this decision, which brought 25 creative professionals to the city. Tim joined Skidmore in 2001 and has transformed the business from one that worked almost exclusively with advertising agencies to one that services small- to medium-sized companies from a range of industries. This strategic shift was instrumental in ensuring the longevity and the growth of the company. Prior to coming to Skidmore, Tim held the position of Senior Vice President of Marketing and Communications at Village Green, one of the nation's largest luxury apartment owners/developers. He is a former journalist and frequent contributor to publications such as Crain's Detroit Business, The Detroit News and the Detroiter. Tim is actively involved in the Detroit design community, sitting on the Board of Directors for the Detroit Regional Chamber's as well as Downtown Detroit's Creative Corridor Advisory Board. In addition, he is a frequent guest speaker on the topic of design thinking. He has appeared on Devin Scillian's Flashpoint, Paul W. Smith's WJR Radio Show, Fox Morning, WDIV's Morning and Evening News programs as well as WDET, WWJ and WCSX radio shows. 34 192 SHAWN McCONNELL January 2013 — Present Design Director 11 Skidmore Studio Lead team of designers and illustrators in all things creative. Work with Strategy Director to deliver extraordinary creative that is on target. Develop tactical recommendations and executions that encompass brand, digital, broadcast, print and experiential. Key clients: Dave and Busters, American Express, and Crain Communications August 2010 —.January 2013 Senior Designer H Skidmore Studio Worked with Strategy and Account teams to deliver final extraordinary creative for mid to large size regional clients. Key clients: Detroit Regional Chamber, Detroit Tigers, and Metro Times March 2003 —August 2010 Principal, Art Director 11 McConnell Creative Worked directly with clients and large agencies to develop everything from brand and websites to exhibit experiences. Key clients: McDonalds HR, Mars, Inc., The Henry Ford Museum, and the Cranbrook Institute of Science August 1999 — March 2003 Sr. Designer 1 Design Director H Trio Communications Inc. Led a small design team to large results in print and digital mediums. Key clients: Buick, Federal Mogul, Flagstar Bank, and Automation Alley. 35 193 KACHA AZEMA October 2011 — Present Lead Strategist H Skidmore Studio Originally trained as a designer, Kacha excels at quickly identifying that "one thing" that is fundamental to a project and uses it to craft solutions that are simple, meaningful and intuitive. From this uncomplicated foundation he leads his team and clients to generate out -of -the -box ideas that engage and transform. October 2006 — 2011 VP, Creative Director of Design H ES3 — Led a team of 8-15 Graphic Designers, Art Directors, and Associate Creative Directors — Led the work of Photographers, Illustrators, Video Editors and other industry professionals to achieve project objectives — Worked as the lead Graphic Designer / Art Director on high profile and high visibility marketing and training projects for Fortune 100 automotive companies July 2010 — Present Creative Director, Owner // Stoma chofanger.com — Launched an apparel company targeted at cyclists and cycling enthusiasts of all disciplines — Designed and developed all corporate and apparel artwork September 2003 — October 2006 Creative Director H Ideation — Partnered with the owner of the company to launch from the ground up — Created environmental and display graphics for small / medium-sized businesses, non-profit organizations and churches — Worked as the lead Graphic Designer / Art Director on all projects 36 194 KACHA AZEMA continued April 1999 —August 2003 Freelance Art Director // Verve Design Freelance Art Director for small / medium-sized business, non profit -organizations publications, churches January 2000 — January 2003 Creative Arts Director // The Bridge Church Worked with the Music, Tech, and Sound Teams to produce weekly services with high quality and high production values June 2000 — December 2000 Art Director // Ferguson Design and Printing Received and prepared customer -supplied artwork for production, or created new artwork for production per customer guidelines and objectives March 1998 —April 1999 Graphic Designer // Ideas and Images Created B213 marketing and collateral for mid -size to large companies and Tier 2 and 3 automotive suppliers 37 195 / FEES / Estimated Fee Range...................................................................... $125,000 — $150,000 Discovery — Market Analysis — Strategic Communications Audit — Brand Assessment Strategy — Marketing Strategy, Implementation & Evaluation — Brand Blueprint — Brand Culturalization Plan Additional Scope Items — Web Site Evaluation Ongoing Marketing Support— Not included in above fee range...................Hourly (see next page for rates) 38 196 / 2015 RATE SHEET/ Executive Strategy $300 ... ...... . 1-1-1 1 --- Creative Direction $250 CGI/Motion Graphics - -11 - ----- ------------ ---------- -- -- $250 Animation - - - ----- $200 --- -------- .. .... Strategy $200 Design Direction $200 Design $175 Illustration $175 . ... . ... ........... Interactive Programming . . . ...... ------ $175 Sr. Copy Writing - - - ---- ----- $175 - - ------ Video Editing .. 1-- 11 1 1 1.. 1 . . . . .... ..... ...... . ...... $175 . .... Account/Project Management $150 Jr. Copy Writing $140 Production Design $140 Research/Strategy Assistance $140 Photography $120 --------- - ... I..--., - - Project Support $100 Proof reading/Ed iting $100 39 197 /KEY CONTACT/ Drew Patrick CFO / COO 313.446.8212 drew@skidmorestudio.com 1555 Broadway, Fourth Floor Detroit, MI 48226 313.446.8200 skid morestudio.com 40 198 Ltw:AW_1►1LeAgjej►Iki' 1111►tom OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA DECEMBER 8, 2015 AGENDA ITEM NO. 8 H FACILITIES MAINTENANCE & DEVELOPMENT To: Chairman Fisher and Commission Members From: Daniel J. Stencil, Executive Officer Michael J. Donnellon, Jr., Chief of Park Facilities Maintenance & Development Submitted: October 20, 2015 Subject: INFORMATIONAL — Pending Capital Project Summary EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. A report/listing of all Capital Improvement Program Projects indicating project titles, descriptions and status, based upon the most current Management & Budget Report of `Projects — Budget to Actual Expense Report' 2. No funds requested with this report. 3. Receive and File PLANNING OVERVIEW 1. Not Applicable PROJECT OVERVIEW 1. Not Applicable ATTACHMENTS 1. Attachment A — Pending Capital Project Summary Report STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Commission receive and file the Pending Capital Project Summary report, MOTION Move to receive and file the Pending Capital Project Summary report. 199 Cost Center Description Cost Capital Improvement Program Center Project Name Addison Oaks Conference Center ACC Energy Management System Upgrade (Phase 1 - $17,500) Pending FY2O15 Capital Project Summary Item # 8 H (Source; Budget to Actual Report Dated 8/31/2015) Description of Project Project Status Percent Complete Park -wide phased EMS system upgrade, to meet the Due to programming related issues, current OC energy management policy, cost recovery, completion of the upgrade will carry into 90% minimizing on -call response times, utilizing new FY2016 monitoring technology Replacement of an existing non -compliant fuel tank ADD Addison Oaks Park utilized by park maintenance staff -Work to be Fuel Tank Replacement -Construction ($95,000) completed in conjunction with ADD Maintenance Yard paving project. ADD Addison Oaks Park Grant funded project forthe additions of an accessible Boat Launch, Accessible ($55,000) boat launch at the existing Boat Rental Facility. MKf ME Addison Oaks Park Fishing Dock Replacement ($60,000) Addison Oaks Park Maintenance Yard Repaving ($15,000) Grant funded project for the replacement of a fishing dock, near the existing Boat Rental Facility. Design and Construction of Addison Oaks Maintenance Yard repaving ($150,000) as funded within the ADM Park -wide pavement replacement program ($300,000) for failing and end of life -cycle pavement as coordinated and managed by Oakland County Facilities Engineering & Planning staff. Project is currently being coordinated with the ADD Maintenance Yard Repaving Project. Conceptual approval granted at the June 25% commission meeting. Approved by commission in November 2015 Grant approved, February 2013 Bids received and approved by commission in November 2015 Grant approved, February 2013 Material bids received and commission approved in November 2015, to be completed by park staff. Due to budget constraints, staff are considering completing portions of the project with Park staff. Conceptual approval granted at the June commission meeting for the completion of the design engineering construction Plans. Staff anticipates presenting to the commission for construction approval in January 2016, 20% 20% 15% 12/1/2015 200 Pending FY2015 Capital Project Summary (Source; Budget to Actual Report Dated 8/31/2015) Item #8H Cost Center Description Cost Percent Capital Improvement Program Description of Project Project Status Center Complete Project Name Addison Oaks Park ADD Adams Lake Beach ADA ($125,000) Administrative Services ADM Energy Management System Upgrade (Phase I - $13,750) Catalpa Oaks Park CAT Energy Management System Upgrade (Phase II - $13,900) Glen Oaks Conference Center GLC Energy Management System Upgrade (Phase I - 19,500) GLG GRV GRV IND 12/1/2015 As part of the FY2015 ADA Transition Program ($258,140), to regrade and paved spaces/side aisles within an existing gravel parking lot, including the regrading/repaving of the accessible route to the concession building(35,000). Additionally the approximate 1,500 LF of existing paved pathway between the concession and the boat rental facility will be regraded for an accessible route ($90,000) Park -wide phased EMS system upgrade, to meet the current OC energy management policy, cost recovery, minimizing on -call response times, utilizing new monitoring technology Park -wide phased EMS system upgrade, to meet the current OC energy management policy, cost recovery, minimizing on -call response times, utilizing new monitoring technology Park -wide phased EMS system upgrade, to meet the current OC energy management policy, cost recovery, minimizing on -call response times, utilizing new monitoring technology Approved for construction May 2015 10% Due to programming related issues, completion of the upgrade will carry into 90% FY2016 Due to programming related issues, completion of the upgrade will carry into 90% FY2016 Due to programming related issues, completion of the upgrade will carry into 90% FY2016 Glen Oaks Golf Course Replacement of the existing asphalt shingle roof with Construction complete. Project will be Maintenance Bldg. North Roof Replacement 30 year GAF Timberline asphalt shingles. closed after final billing is complete. 99% ($10,000) Groveland Oaks Park Fishing Docks (MNRTF Grant) Groveland Oaks Park Waterslide Site Improvements ($15,000) Independence Oaks Park Twin Chimneys ADA Improvements ($25,000) Replacement of existing failed concrete sidewalks, including a small 8'x10' Ticket Booth, fencing and site restoration by park staff. As part of the ADA Transition Program, design engineering will be completed for accessible improvements at the existing Twin Chimney's Pavilion. Currently under construction by Facilities Maintenance and Groveland Oaks Parks 60% Staff Commission Approved in May 2015. Staff anticipates presenting to the 95% commission for conceptual approval in November 2015. 201 Cost Cost Center Description Capital Improvement Program Center Project Name Independence Oaks Park IND Energy Management System Upgrade (Phase I - $14,250) IND Independence Oaks Park Upper Bushman ADA ($48,000) Pending FY2015 Capital Project Summary (Source; Budget to Actual Report Dated 8/31/2015) Description of Project Park -wide phased EMS system upgrade, to meet the current OC energy management policy, cost recovery, minimizing on -call response times, utilizing new monitoring technology As part of the FY2015 ADA Transition Program ($258,140) to regrade and pave existing accessible parking space and trail to the existing boardwalk and fishing docks Project Status Due to programming related issues, completion of the upgrade will carry into FY2016 Trail relocation is under construction Grant approved October 2014 Independence Oaks Park Grant funded project for the addition of an accessible IND Design complete and currentlentl y out for Boat Launch ($60,000) boat launch at the existing Boat Rental Facility. Bidding. Independence Oaks Park As part of the FY2015 ADA Transition Program IND Boathouse ADA ($8,000) ($258,140) to remove, regrade and repave the existing Approved for construction May 2015 accessible parking space and rout to the Boat House. As part of the FY2015 ADA Transition Program Independence Oaks Park ($258,140) to remove, regrade and repave the existing IND Approved for construction May 2015 Hidden Springs ADA ($25,000) accessible parking space and rout to the Hidden Springs Beach Area. Item # 8 H Percent Complete 90% 75 20% 10% 10% 12/1/2015 202 Cost Cost Center Description Capital Improvement Program Center Project Name Pending FY2015 Capital Project Summary (Source; Budget to Actual Report Dated 8/31/2015) Description of Project Item #8H Project Status Percent Complete Construction of approximately 1.6 miles of Currently pending for inter -local Independence Oaks Park agreement. asphalt/boardwalk trail access along Sashabaw Road IND Upper Bushman Boardwalk/Trail Phase II-Constr. Currently unfunded and would require 0% from the newly acquired Independence North Property $150,000 (Engineering Only) to the Main Entrance of the park. commission approval to proceed with the project. Independence Oaks Park Replacement of the existing asphalt shingle roof with Construction complete. Project will be IND West Maintenance Building Roof Replacement 30 year GAF Timberline asphalt shingles, funded by the closed after final billing is complete. 99% ($15,000) approved FY2016 CIP Contingency IND Independence Oaks Park Contact Station Roof Replacement ($10,000) Red Oaks Park RDP Energy Management System Upgrade (Phase II - $14,450) RWP Red Oaks Waterpark Ornamental Cable Bridge Railing ($77,000) Red Oaks Waterpark RWP Wave Pool -Wave Equipment Replacement-Constr. ($345,000) White Lake Oaks Conference Center WLC Energy Management System Upgrade (Phase II - $18,200) Replacement of the existing rubber membrane roof with a new rubber membrane roof, funded by the approved FY2016 CIP Contingency. Park -wide phased EMS system upgrade, to meet the current OC energy management policy, cost recovery, minimizing on -call response times, utilizing new monitoring technology Currently under construction with annual contractor Butcher & Butcher Construction. Due to programming related issues, completion of the upgrade will carry into FY2016 As part of the Fenceline Replacement Program Bids were received July 1, 2015. Staff anticipate completing the ($150,000), staff will be replacement of the existing replacement project in March/April. bridge railing and install a new ADA compliant handrail located at the ramp and bridge over the Lazy River. Commission approved October 2015. Railing is being fabricated 5% 90% 30% Commission construction approval Replacement of the existing 30+ year old wave making October 2015. Equipment will be 25% equipment installed before operations begin spring 2016. Park -wide phased EMS system upgrade, to meet the current OC energy management policy, cost recovery, Due to programming related issues, completion of the upgrade will carry into 90% minimizing on -call response times, utilizing new FY2016 monitoring technology 12/1/2015 203 Pending FY2015 Capital Project Summary Item # 8 H (Source; Budget to Actual Report Dated 8/31/2015) Cost Center Description Cost Capital Improvement Program Description of Project Project Status Percent Center Complete Project Name Park -wide phased EMS system upgrade, to meet the Waterford Oaks Activity Center/Park Due to programming related issues, current OC energy management policy, cost recovery, WTR Energy Management System Upgrade minimizing on -call response times, utilizing new completion of the upgrade will carry into 90% (Phase 11 - $13,850) FY2016 monitoring technology 12/1/2015 204 EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S REPORT December 8, 2015 ITEM # 9 A 1. Upcoming Events: Attached for your information is a list of upcoming events and programs scheduled by the Recreation Programs and Services and park staff. 2. OCPR Employment Applications: We have been advised that the application process for seasonal and summer OCPR positions will open on December 4, 2015. 3. Springfield Oaks Starter Shack: We have received an estimate for repairs for the starter building at Springfield Oaks damaged by fire. The total replacement cost we will receive is $69,950. Parks must deduct the $25,000 deductible leaving us with $44,950 for the project. Staff is looking at alternatives for the construction of the building, We will bring more information to the next OCPR Commission meeting. 4. OCPR Annual Holiday Party: The Annual Holiday Party for Oakland County Parks and Recreation will be held on Thursday, December 17, 2015 at White Lake Oaks. The event will start at 11:30 a.m. and lunch will begin at 12:00 noon. 5. Temporary Use Permit Update: During the timeframe of 10/21/15 — 11/17/15, the following Temporary Use Permits were issued: • True Entertainment for b-roll filming at Groveland Oaks — 10/22/15 - $125 • Tailwind Racing for a Cyclocross Race—11/15/15 - $250 6. Proposed ORV Facility Fees: At the 10/27/15 Executive Committee meeting staff was requested to prepare a report for the Commission on the vehicle entry fees for Silver Lake, the Mounds and the proposed fee for the proposed ORV facility at Groveland. A summary of that information is attached to this report. 7. Update on SMART Bus Rentals vs. OUR Bus Rentals: Staff is diligently gathering information regarding leasing buses for our organization. Currently we have prices and leasing guidelines from Hoekstra, a company based in Troy, We are continuing to work with SMART to gather similar information to see if they are able to accommodate our needs. We will bring the information to the Commission when completed. 8. Clarkston SCAMP: Oakland County Parks and Recreation received a Helping Hands Award from Clarkston SCAMP, "A Special Camp for Special Kids" at their Annual Recognition Night on December 2, 2015. This award is presented to a group or individual that has significantly contributed to SCAMP's success in the past year. 9. Marketing/Branding Follow Up: The Marketing and Branding Committee chose to release an RFP for a Comprehensive Marketing Plan & Brand Assessment & Development to a list of vendors approved by Oakland County's Purchasing Department to target global and specific skill sets not held by Oakland County departments. The project was not simply a revision of an existing logo, For example, the County of Oakland revised its logo recently which was a new look of the existing oak tree logo. For Oakland County Parks, a new logo will be the last step after a lengthy process that involves many of the steps below. And, the new logo will need to reflect not just the umbrella of the organization but the individual businesses within the organization that are revenue -producers including, but not limited to, the five golf courses, two campgrounds and two waterparks. The parks system has not been through a formal branding process since its inception in 1966, The vendor selected for the comprehensive marketing plan & brand assessment and development will conduct: • Market Analysis • Strategic Communications Audit • Culture Assessment • Competitive Audit • Industry Audit • Brand Assessment • Market Positioning 205 These processes will involve interviewing staff and stakeholders including park users and non -park users. The County departments do not have the resources or staffing to conduct these studies. In fact, other factions of the County also contract out for marketing services. When Economic Development and Community Affairs decided to rebrand, it too went out for bid and selected a company to develop marketing pieces for its sales staff to take to potential business partners. 10. Commission Room Window Treatments: Staff is in the process of replacing the window blinds in the OCPR Commission meeting room. The Sheer Shop of Shelby Township, Michigan has provided a quote in the amount of $1,222 for 7 faux wood blinds. This includes the cost of removing existing blinds. 11. Article on Ellis Barn: Communications and Marketing Technical Assistant Pat Brockway wrote an article on the Ellis Barn, Rewriting The Book Of Love, which appeared in Parks and Rec Business magazine. A copy of that article is attached to this report. 12. Repair Estimates on OCPR Structures or Facilities: At a previous meeting the Commission requested staff provide information regarding potential upgrades or repairs to the Waterford Oaks Ernst House and the Greenhouse. That information is attached to this report. 13. Park Visitation Estimates: The Annual Dashboard is being completed and will be provided to the Commission in January. It is part of a larger staff effort to improve data collection methods and to consistently document and track performance metrics throughout the park system. In 2015, staff focused on improving the process for estimating visitation numbers. We conducted studies at day use and dog parks that resulted in revised estimates for average vehicle occupancy for day use and dog parks and revised estimates for average campers per campsite. The new figures are significantly lower than the traditional vehicle and campsite multipliers in use at many park systems. Estimates for golf course visitors were expanded to include league players and participants in golf outings and programs. These revised formulas for estimating visitation were applied to raw data over a three year period (FY2013, FY2014 and FY2015). 14. County -Wide Survey: The OCPRC Parks and Recreation Master Plan expires on December 31, 2017. The new Recreation Plan will update the organizational mission, vision, goals and objectives based on public input from Oakland County residents — generally referred to as the County -Wide Survey. Staff review of the 2010 County -Wide Survey has indicated that this survey did not collect sufficient responses to enable comparison between the needs and perceptions of current users of OCPRC parks and non -users of OCPRC parks. Staff recommends engaging a consultant to conduct the survey in 2016 and increasing the number of responses collected to ensure that the Parks Commission has the information needed to update the organization's mission, vision, goals and objectives. 15. Detroit Institute of Arts InsidefOut Program: We have been advised by Springfield Township they have been accepted to participate in the DIA Inside/Out Program, which is a program where the DIA installs replicas of artwork in the community. The DIA prefers the seven to 12 images that the communities get to be within walking or bike -riding areas. Springfield has requested that the art replica for their community be installed in Rotary Park. These art pieces will be in the park from April to July 2016. In addition, Orion Township Community Programs Director Lisa Sokol advised that Orion Township has also been selected to participate in the DIA Inside/Out Program. She has indicated they are looking at placing a piece of art at Orion Oaks Dog Park. We will provide additional information as it is received. This is another example of OCPR's collaboration efforts with local communities and a non-profit organization. 16. 2015 Annual Report: A DRAFT of the 2015 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Annual Report will be provide d to the commission at the meeting Tuesday, December 8, 2015. After reviewing the document if you have any suggestions or comments, please provide them to Vicky Valko by Tuesday, December 15, 2015 at 12:00 noon. 17. OCPRC Key Initiatives Update: The Commission established OCPRC key initiatives in order to keep the organization moving forward in a consistent but limited direction and to focus on what is important. The initial list of five (5) potential key initiatives were identified and presented at the February 10, 2015 Commission meeting and are listed below, along with a current quarterly status report of each initiative: 206 A. Food Services, including the contracts for food and beverage banquet operations and park concessions: Over the past several months, Parks staff has worked collaboratively with representatives of Katherine's Catering of Ann Arbor and Oak Management of Birmingham to facilitate a smooth transition of operations at Lyon Oaks and White Lake Oaks banquet centers (effective January 1, 2016). At the November 10, 2015 Commission meeting, the purchase of tables, chairs, and other related items were approved by the Commission. In January, staff will be making an annual report on food and beverage and park concessions operations for 2015, including plans for 2016. B. Proposed Groveland Oaks West1ORV Park Proposal: The joint work group met most recently on September 25. The Michigan Department of Natural Resources staff has gone back and forth between the parties to identify a framework in which the Oakland County Parks may be able to participate as a partner to lease the proposed off -road vehicle park from the MDNR. The MDNR has tendered pending purchase agreements to landowners in Groveland and Holly townships. The MDNR Real Estate Division anticipates providing monthly updates on their efforts. C. Marketing and Branding: On October 26, the Marketing and Branding work group interviewed three potential agencies pre -qualified by Oakland County Purchasing. The work group has narrowed its choices to two of the vendors and is expected to make a recommendation resulting from their November 18 meeting at the December 8 Commission meeting. D. County -wide Survey/Public Engagement: The county -wide survey is required as part of the MDNR- required 5-Year Recreation Master Plan, which expires in 2017. Staff, through the Southeast Michigan Parks Systems Collaboration, is considering a collaborative survey between the MDNR, the Huron -Clinton Metroparks, and the Oakland County Parks. E. Accreditation: Staff continues to use the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies (CAPRA) Certification Standards as guidelines and reference tools for the development of policies, procedures and plans intended to assure the Commission's sustainability. Accreditation has been a continuing focal point of the Southeast Michigan Parks Systems Collaboration as a means of sharing best practices that could include policies, procedures, and plans that support accreditation. At the May 27, 2015 OCPR Commission meeting, the Commission recommended adding an additional item to the list of proposed key initiatives. That item is: F. OCPR Commission Budget Process/Schedule: Attached is the current FY 2017-19 budget process/schedule, approved by the Commission for the development of the Operating, Operating Equipment, and Capital Improvement budgets. The first items to be brought to the Commission at the December 8 meeting will include the proposed capital equipment and proposed capital improvement projects. 18. OCPRC Bus Leasing Options: Staff is diligently gathering information regarding leasing buses for our organization. Currently we have prices and leasing guidelines from Hoekstra, a company based in Troy. We are continuing to work with SMART to gather similar information if they are able to accommodate our needs. We will bring the information to the Commission when completed. 19. Listed below is an update from Desiree Stanfield, Supervisor — Communications and Marketing: -Designed a one-third page ad for the 2016 Pure Michigan Magazine promoting three Oakland County Parks amenities for which people will travel a distance to use: Waterparks, Golf Courses and Campgrounds. One million magazines will be inserted into Midwest Living Magazine February 8, 2016. The travel guide aligns with the Pure Michigan national advertising campaign, supports key Travel Michigan initiatives and sells Michigan as the ideal vacation destination. -Wrote text and submitted photographs for three pages of content in the 2015 Prosper Magazine. Hosted the mParks Marketing Committee four-hour social media workshop presented by Identity, which has developed campaigns for Absopure plus Sea Life and Lego Land at Great Lakes Crossing. The Nov. 5 workshop focused on social media studies and statistics tied to parks and recreation, case studies and models for success, how to reach established goals and desired outcomes, social media tactics, execution, and 207 implementation, tools for management and monitoring plus metrics, measurement, and free or low-cost tools. Identity is an award -winning, integrated public relations firm specializing in media relations, marketing, social media, and creative. -Developed an ad for Michigan Fun Pass 2016, targeted to 300,000 pre-K - sixth grade students in public and private schools. The Winter Cold is Cool Edition will be in schools Nov. 20 with distribution pending at 432 McDonalds across the state. The ad will feature the OCP's Recreation Gift card. -Designed a full -page ad for the 2016 Waterford Area Chamber of Commerce Member Directory & Community Profile/Buyer's Guide; 11,500 directories will be distributed to each student in the Waterford School District, throughout Waterford Township at local hotels, senior centers and other high traffic businesses in Oakland County in January 2016. The ad features the amenities of Waterford Oaks County Park. -Presented to Oakland Township Parks and Recreation's Marketing and Communication Committee, at the request of its Director Mindy Milos -Dale, tactics for improving the marketing of its parks system. -Developed a communications plan for holiday sales promotion of the Recreation Gift Card and 2016 Waterparks Season Passes that included: social media; a news release; e-marketing messages Nov. 16 & 23 to 30,899 recipients; website homepage banner; December ad in Metro Parent Magazine (prints 60,000 copies and its website has 150,000 unique page views monthly); an ad in Kids Standard Magazine's Winter Issue (40,000 copies will be distributed to all schools in the Bloomfield, Clarkston, Lake Orion, Oxford Schools, Pontiac, Waterford and West Bloomfield districts Nov. 20), Wilder Side of Oakland County blog, The Oakland Press front page banner ads on Nov. 20, Dec. 4 & 18; and the Oakland County Moms banner ad for November (website average monthly unique visitors 40,000; average monthly page views, 90,000; e- newsletter 4,300; Facebook: 6,200; Twitter, 9,550). The special offer for golfers shopping for holiday gifts to incent them to purchase a Recreation Gift Card is for every $50 spent on a gift card, purchasers receive a $10 voucher valid toward greens fees at any of the five courses. Vouchers valid thru June 30, 2016. Sales start Cyber Monday, Nov. 30. Sales are online or at any park or facility that sells gift cards. -Crafted 14 e-marketing messages from Oct. 16 -- Nov. 11 featuring adaptive, golf, natural resources stewardship, nature centers, Oakland County Market, scouts, and volunteers to a total of 109,263 recipients. Created an ad for the Detroit Pistons Yearbook to promote the 2016 Annual Vehicle Permits. Last season, there was an average of 15,266 Pistons fans per game (41 home games for 625,917 total attendees). Approximately 5-10% purchase the Pistons Yearbook. -Renewed for 2016 participation in the Michigan Logo Sign Program. The blue/white tourist signs for the Oakland County market are located on westleast Pontiac Lake Road and north/south County Center Drive West. The signs for Groveland Oaks campground are located on northbound/southbound Interstate-75. -Developed an Oakland County Moms web banner ad featuring the Recreation Gift Card. OCMoms reports 40,000 average monthly website unique visitors; 90,000 average monthly page views; 4,300 e-newsletter subscribers; 6,200 Facebook followers and 9,550 Twitter followers. -Created two ads for MetroParent Magazine— trails for November and the rechargeable Recreation Gift card and 2016 Waterparks Season Passes for December. The magazine prints 60,000 copies and its website has 150,000 unique page views monthly. -Created a banner ad for The Oakland Press Nov. 6 front page featuring the Oakland County Market's holiday shopping nights and ads featuring Recreation Gift Cards and 2016 Waterparks Season Passes for Nov. 20, Dec. 4 and Dec. 18. -Placed an ad in the Girl Scout magazine, Connect, featuring Scout Badge Days at Wint and Red Oaks nature centers. The magazine is delivered to the homes of all Troop Leaders, Co -Leaders, and Operational Volunteers and is available at each of the five Service Center locations and on ctssem.orq. The print run is estimated at 5,500 per edition covering Genesee, Livingston, Macomb, Monroe, Oakland, St. Clair, Sanilac and Wayne counties. -Communicated the "cash only" accepted and fee changes for the golf courses for Nov. 16-20, 2015 during the upgrade of the point -of -sale system with signs, website content and e-marketing message to 11,813 recipients. -Wrote a feature story for the statewide magazine Michigan Outdoor News, "Snake Tale: Encounter with an 208 Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake". The article includes two photographs from Independence Oaks County Park and a DestinationOakland link. The 900-word article describes a passive encounter with an EMIR along a park trail by parks staff and includes natural history information along with the upcoming federal proposal to reclassify the species as a threatened species. The magazine has a circulation of 30,000. -Received a direct link from the United States Fish and Wildlife Service on its endangered species website page to a Wilder Side of Oakland County blog "Live and Let Live" that shared information on the Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake in Oakland County that included information on the species behavior and how humans can easily coexist. The link included contact information for Oakland County Parks. -Gave a presentation (Jonathan Schechter, Nature Education Writer) on coyotes in suburban Oakland County to a local homeowners association that included information on ways to keep coyotes wild. The presentation focused on the roles coyotes play in the habitat and dealt with myths often perpetuated by local media. Conducted a tour (Jon Noyes, principal planner, and Jonathan Schechter, nature education writer) to the Highland Equestrian Conservancy of the newly accessible section of Rose Oaks County Park, via a boardwalk constructed by parks staff. The HEC is interested in supporting trail accessibility and connectivity. -Submitted five videos to mParks, the Michigan Recreation and Park Association, for possible inclusion in a statewide Come Out and Play video public service announcement. mParks is collecting videos from all agencies and will select the clips it deems best portray recreation in Michigan. Videos submitted include: Oakland County Parks' version of Come Out and Play (created by Intern Mackenzie Wireman) as well as Orion Oaks Dog Park (created by volunteer Michael Flees); By the Numbers video; and one video of each waterpark. -Photographed the Boo Bash at the new Activity shelter at Addison Oaks, the Pumpkin Fest and Tricks and Tees at Red Oaks Nature Center and Golf Course and construction of the new accessible trail at Independence Oaks -North. Also shot video of the Boo Bash and Pumpkin Fest. -Coordinated tabletop displays with photos, brochures, event flyers and promotional items for the mParks, the Michigan Recreation and Park Association, social media strategy conference and Clinton River Watershed Council Student Congress. -Communications and Marketing maintains content and photographs on Michigan.org for the golf courses, campgrounds, waterparks, county market and nature centers. The content is updated annually. Each quarter, Michigan.org sends an analysis of click on its website to specific Oakland County Parks properties. The chart below shows the top click rates for the two campgrounds and two waterparks, the facilities that were the most frequently searched. Red Oaks Clicks • April 68 April _ 148 May 152 May 300 June 409 June 379 July 859 July 682 August 435 j August 377 September 146 September 141 e s • ! County •'rk oQ •' April _ 460 • ` May 247 May 698 I 1 June 816 June 912 _ (July 1915 July 1023 I August 961 August 748 I September 274 September 402 I 209 PRINT EXPOSURE -Haunted attractions: Halloween options abound in Detroit area — Boo Bash Macomb Daily Online: 74,524 unique visitors per month Oct. 26, 2015 -Great Places to see Fall Colors — Red Oaks County Park. Prosper. 60,890 circulation. Oct. 29, 2015 -BMX Halloween Race. The Oakland Press. 45,859 circulation. Nov. 3, 2015 Oakland County community calendar — Starlite Dance for Adaptive Recreation Daily Tribune Online: 74,524 unique visitors per month Nov. 11, 2015 •Announced the winners of the 2nd Annual Pics in the Parks photo contest by distributing a news release to local and statewide media as some of the winners hailed from parts of southwestern Michigan, Macomb County and the Grand Rapids area. 0,kK1,AND COUNTY `Pics of the Parks' show off county's natural play spaces By Tiffany EsshakiM '- November 11, 2015 Diane Wilks, of Rochester Hills, took first place in the Parks with her photo called "Stairway to Nature" (Photo provided by Destination Oakland) 5. 1 • L{ i��• Martha Myers, of Oxford, won best in show for this photo category Titled "Fishing for Lily Pads." (Photo provided by Destination Oakland OAKLAND COUNTY — Diane Wilks, of Rochester Hills, has been going to Independence Oaks Park in Clarkston for years. The vast natural space is special to her for more than a few reasons. "It's just one of my favorite places; it's awesome. I was going through a hard time years ago, and my boyfriend at the time would take me to that park to go on walks," said Wilks. "Later, he proposed to me there, and we've been married to this day." Wilks' affinity for Independence Oaks could be felt through the beautiful photograph she took of the park's shoreline, titled "Stairway to Nature." The image was so impressive that it took first place in the Parks category of this year's Pics of the Parks contest. 210 The second annual competition is an effort of Oakland County Parks and Recreation to encourage guests to get outside and enjoy all that their parks system has to offer. Since July, the parks department has been collecting submissions of photos taken within Oakland County's 13 parks, and recently, the top shots were announced with an exhibition at Somerset Collection in Troy. Jon Noyes, principal planner for Oakland County Parks and Recreation, said it was good fun sifting through all the submissions in categories like recreation, selfies and kids. "The staff of the Oakland County Parks puts heart and soul in our work and the recreational experiences that we help create. One of my favorite things about the photo contest is that we get a chance to see our parks through the eyes — and, yes, lenses — of some of our guests," he said in an email. "Birds and butterflies, dogs and docks, glowing sunsets and goofy kids — it is just really neat to step back and see the wonder that is happening all around us. What an amazing job that we have here in parks, when (we) can play a part in something that means so much to so many." Wilks' special space certainly means a lot to her, as it's one of the few spots she can go to and find relief from the stresses of daily life. "It's just one of my favorite places in the park," she said of her photo, which depicts a staircase descending down to the water. "I love to walk around that lake. In the winter, I love to cross-country ski around that lake. It's one of the places I like to stop and look out at the water, take a breath and enjoy." Other local winners include Jennifer Lavender -Scott, of Ferndale, who took third place in the Kids category; and Tim Srock, of Rochester Hills, who took first place in the Action category. Wilks also took second place in the Recreation category. To see all the photos, visit Oakland County Parks' Facebook page. You can find a link to the page on their website, www.DestinationOakland.com. C & G Newspaper Reporter Tiffany Esshaki featured the 2"d Annual Pics of the Parks Photo Contest in the Birmingham -Bloomfield Eagle, Farmington Press, Madison Park News, the Warren Weekly and the West Bloomfield Beacon. http://www.warrenweeklv.com/news/%E2%80%98pics-parks%E2/`80%99-show-county%E2%80/o99s- natural-play-spaces-87975 211 Upcoming Events —December 2015 Adaptive Recreation December 9 Jingle Bell Ball — Waterford CIA December 29 Almost New Year's South — Lathrup Village Community Center December 30 Almost New Year's North— Waterford Oaks Activity Center Market Programs December 3 & 10 }Holiday Shopping Night — Oakland County Market Natural Resource Education Programs December 19 Christmas Bird County Tally Rally — Wint Nature Center Nature/Interpretive Programs Field Trips, Birthday Parties, Meetings December 5 Elliot's Birthday Field Trip — Red Oaks Nature Center December 6 Ski Patrol Meeting — Wint Nature Center December 12 Brownie Journey Field Trip — Red Oaks Nature Center Public Interpretive Programs December 4 Parents' Night Out — Red Oaks Nature Center December 12 Holiday Nature Crafting — Wint Nature Center December 12 Crafting for the Holidays -- Red Oaks Nature Center Badge Days December 5 Tigers: Elective Adventure — Sky's the Limit — Wint Nature Center OC Parks Express — Light Tours December 2 OCParks Express — Royal Oak/Berkley December 4 OCParks Express — Oakland Park Towers December 4 OCParks Express — Salvation Army December 8 OCParks Express — Waterford/ Auburn Hills December 9 OCParks Express — Arden Court December 10 OCParks Express — OLHSA (grandparents raising grandkids) Special Events, Dogs, and Health & Wellness December 8 & 9 Park Closed due to Managed Hunts — Addison Oaks December 25 Park Closed due to Managed Hunts — Independence Oaks Volunteer Opportunities December 3 & 10 Holiday Shopping Nights — Oakland County Market December 5 history Center — Upper Bushman Manor House December 9 Jingle Bell Ball -- Waterford CIA December 29 Almost New Year's South — Lathrup Village Community Center December 30 Almost New Year's North — Waterford Oaks Activity Center Mobile Recreation December 1 Stage: Waterford Twp. P & R Tree Lighting at Waterford City Hall December 2 Bus (2): OCPRC - Adaptive Rec OC Express Light Tours December 3 Light Tower: OCPRC-Waterford Market Holiday Shopping Nights December 3 Bus (2): OCPRC - Adaptive Rec OC Express Light Tows December 3 Stage: Royal Oak P & R Tree Lighting at the Farmers Market December 4 Light Tower (2): Jim Runestad Tree Lighting at Fisk Farm December 4 Bus (2): OCPRC - Adaptive Rec OC Express Light Tours 212 Upcoming Events —December 2015 Mobile Recreation (continued) December 5 Bus: Wedding shuttle from Addison Oaks to Downtown Rochester December 5 Stage: Pontiac Holiday Extravaganza in the Front of the 50th District Court December 5 Stage: Centerline Christmas tree lighting at Centerline Parks & Rec December 5 Stage: Midtown Detroit Inc. Noel Night between DIA and Public Library December 6 Bleachers: Rochester Chamber of Commerce Christmas Parade December 7 Bus (2). OCPRC - Adaptive Rec OC Express Light Tours December 8 Bus (2): OCPRC - Adaptive Rec OC Express Light Tours December 9 Bus: Four Corners Montessori to Forgotten Harvest December 10 Light Tower: OCPRC-Waterford Market Holiday Shopping Nights December 10 Bus (2): OCPRC - Adaptive Rec OC Express Light Tours December 11 Bus: Waterford Twp. P & R Senior Trip to the Detroit Symphony Orchestra December 11 Bus: Four Corners Montessori to Meadowbrook Hall December 12 Bus: Michael Schenden Christmas Party at the White Horse Inn December 14 Bus: Avondale High School to Larson Middle School December 16 Bus: Four Corners Montessori to Forgotten Harvest December 16 Bus: Avondale High School to West Middle School December 18 Bus: Brookfield Academy to the Commerce 14 Theater December 19 Bus: Big Chief Chorus Tour of Oakland County for Caroling 213 GAKLAND COUNTYPARKS ORV Questions from 10/27/15 PLANNING AND RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT Executive Committee November 17, 2015: Page 1 of 2 At the 10/27/15 Executive Committee meeting a report was requested on the vehicle entry fees for Silver Lake, the Mounds and the proposed fee for the proposed ORV facility at Groveland. Please see below: The Mounds Silver Lake Proposed Groveland West Resident Daily* $10 Passport $15 Non -Resident Daily $15 Passport $15 Resident Seasonal $40 Passport $60 Non -Resident Seasonal $70 Passport $60 Silver Lake State Park does not charge a fee for vehicle entry. Vehicles with the Recreation Passport on their license plate (the $11 paid upon renewing license plates) are provided entry into the park. Like all state -operated ORV areas, vehicles are also required to purchase a Michigan ORV Registration ($26.25) and a state ORV trail permit ($10). These permits would also be required for entry/access to the Groveland facility In order to be eligible for ORV grant funding, a separate non-resident rate cannot be charged, therefore a flat $15/vehicle has been proposed forthe Groveland Oaks West facility. The Joint Work Group discussed not providing an annual vehicle pass the first year of operation, but phasing this in in a future year. As further reference, below is a chart from the market analysis showing the rates for private ORV facilities in Michigan: Facility Bundy Hill Kids in the Rocks & Valleys Turtle Ridge Twisted Trails Mudd $20 Day $15 $15 Adults Rider Day Fee $20 $35 Two Day $20 $25 4x4 $50Three Day $404x4Two Day $10 Children Passenger Day Fee $5 $5 $5 Season Pass $150-10 Punches $125 - $175 $175 Annually Sample Event Fee Day Fee + $5 per $35 Fri or Sun $20 challenge Cause Related Sat $40 ATV Rental ATV Rentals Additional Fee Types $40/hr ($500.deposit) Onsite It was also requested that staff put together a summary on the revenues received per year at The Mounds and Silver Lake for their ORV facilities, as compared to the anticipated revenues for the proposed OCPR ORV facility. 214 GAKLAND COUNTYWKS ORV Questions from 10/27/15 PLANNING AND RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT Executive Committee November 17, 2015: Page 2 of 2 As Silver Lake State Park does not charge a vehicle entry other than the Recreation Passport (and required ORV stickers), it is hard to compare with potential revenue from the proposed Groveland facility, which would charge a per -vehicle entry fee. Revenue for Silver Lake State Park in 2015, including ORV stickers and Recreation Passports sold at the park was $1,175,253. Information on revenue from the Mounds is not available. 215 Ogrounds + sports turf Rewriting The Book Of Love Rustic wedding trend breathes new life into historic barn BY PAT BROCKWAY 216 ittory is writing a second story for the 131-year-old Ellis bam in Oakland County, Mich. The family bam that housed award -winning Percheron horses and stored hay is now in high demand by brides and grooms. In fact, all 2016 dates are booked, and reservations are now being taken for the 2017 wedding season. Because of the state's four distinct seasons with fluctuating temperatures, the Ellis Barn is rented May - October until a fireproof heating solution is installed. Fourteen weekends are available for nuptials. For two weekends in July, the bam is reserved for the annual Oakland County Fair (OCP), which draws 100,000+ visitors. "Brides and grooms want something that is tent- or Facebook worthy," OCP Principal Planner Jon Noyes says. "They don't want something that is `Anywhere, USA' for their special day. They want to make memories and be immersed in the history of the structure, be connected to its stories, and make its history become part of their love story." In 2007, the barn was dismantled board -by -board from the Ellis Family Homestead on Dixie Highway and relocated to Springfield Oaks County Park, just five short miles away. Ex -Amish barnwrights were hired to inventory, dismantle, and reconstruct the barn. Since then, the facility has been used for historical tours, antique shows, and bam dances. A Storied Past The bam has a rich history. The 14,000-square-foot, two- story structure, built in 1884, was part of the 78-acre Ingomar Stock Farm owned by Norman J. Ellis. When constructing the bam, Ellis chose a location on a major travel route leading to his successful sheep -transportation business, as well as Percheron breeding, involving the strong draft horses needed to navigate the poorly constructed roads. Ingomar Stock Farm was recognized by the Michigan Historical Commission as a Michigan Centennial Farm. This designation is given when land has been in the same family for 100 years or more. Ellis and his wife Ester Swayze Ellis did not have children, but not long after building the impressive barn, a sign of prosperity to the surrounding community, they found a newbom that had been left on their doorstep. The baby was later adopted as Glen Norman Ellis. The Ellis Barn was also named Bam of the Year in 2003 by the Michigan Barn Preservation Network. Eventually, the creation of interstate highways took travelers away from the bam and decreased the need for agricultural products from the family farm. Today's marrying couples want something that is text - or Facebook worthy. They don't want something that is Anywhere, USA. The Ellis Barn in Oakland County, Mich., plays perfectly Into this vision. a 3 217 Rewriting The Book Of Love The Next Chapter In 2001, RBI 33 LLC, a real estate investment company owned by former major-league baseball players Kirk Gibson and Tim Birtsas, purchased the land. Realizing the historic significance of the barn, they donated it to Oakland County Parks and Recreation, along with $75,000 to assist with the bam's relocation and rehabilitation. The joint Oakland County Parks/Road Commission project utilized a $600,000 Transportation Enhancement Grant through the Michigan Department of Transportation to hire the ex -Amish barnwrights. To preserve the structure's historical integrity, OCP staff presently works with state historical -preservation groups when making any repairs or changes to the barn, according to Noyes. "We could have just built a pole barn and rented it out for weddings," Noyes says. "But it would not be a structure with historical and cultural value." The Ellis Barn can accommodate up to 350 people, depending on table/chair set-ups between the two floors. It is rented "as is," and brides can arrange for their own catering and decorations. Park Supervisor Darlene Rowley says brides and grooms have been very creative. "One bride made special hand-held fans for the guests," she says. "Grooms get involved in making a bar or getting music. The sound in the barn is great." The themes for the weddings have ranged from country style, with hay bales instead of chairs and corn stalks, to elegant, with china place settings, to vintage style, incorporating antiques that have special meaning to the bride and groom. Renters are given access to the barn the day before the event and until noon the day after for cleanup. Rowley says incorporating a wedding facility into the park has been a learning experience. "You learn to think on your feet," she says. "Multiple uses of the park are the most challenging. Once we had a wedding, a dog show and horses, along with campers, all at the same time. We told the dog and horse people not to use their public address systems during the wedding ceremony. It worked out well because everyone knew their place and worked together to make sure they didn't disturb the ceremony." Turn The Page The Ellis Barn's attraction also translates to the Buhl Estate, another historic building preserved by the county parks. The Buhl Estate has an interesting history, dating back nearly 90 years. The 1927 Tudor- 24 DECEMBER 2015 FRB Photos This Page: Amy Mexander-Barnes of Creative Elements Design Studio 210 style mansion, once home to Lawrence Buhl, a Detroit industrialist, sits amidst dramatic willows, surrounded by a formal flower garden in Addison Oaks County Park. It was designed by Robert O. Derrick, who also designed the Henry Ford Museum at Greenfield Village in Dearborn, Mich. The Buhl estate and surrounding property was purchased by Oakland County Parks in 1969 and opened to the public in 1971. Another popular wedding site, the estate's history and the beautiful surroundings are attractive to brides and grooms. "Mis was a private retreat for the wealthy," Noyes says. "Groomsmen find themselves dressing for the wedding in rooms where big business deals were made. The bride is standing in Cora Buhl's garden, where she spent many hours tending flowers." The Buhl estate, a Tudor -style mansion built in 1928, is another popular wedding site that was preserved by the Oakland County Parks. It was designed by Robert O. Derrick, who also designed the Henry Ford Museum at Greenfield Village in Dearborn, Mich. OCP also preserved a 1920s English -style stone building at Glen Oaks County Park in Farmington Hills. Designated as a Michigan Historical Building, it became the clubhouse for the Glen Oaks Golf Course and is a favorite for banquets and weddings. The property also features an outdoor wedding garden. With the success of these three historical facilities, Oakland County Parks is continuing to evaluate other structures within the parks system. Noyes says the reuse of existing buildings celebrates the area's history and enhances the visitors' recreational experience. "It adds value to have cool things in the park" he says. "When it comes to history, not everything is in a museum. Just as there is history in the lakes, trees, flora, fauna, and wildlife at the Oakland County Parks, there is history in the architecture left behind." PRH Pat Brockway is a technical assistant with Oakland County Parks and Recreation in Mich. She can be reached at brockwayp@oakgovcom. To comment on this article, log on to www.parkwndrecbusiness.com Photos This Page: Oakland County Parks Staff FRB www.paftandrecbusiness.com 25 21 9 MEMORANDUM To: Chairman Fisher Commissioner VanderVeen Commissioner Scott From: Dan Stencil, Executive Officer Mike Donnelion, Chief— Facilities, Operations and Maintenance Melissa Prowse, Supervisor — Planning Re: Waterford Oaks Greenhouse Complex Date: October 21, 2015 Per the discussion at the October 13, 2015 Commission meeting and to assist the Commission in decision -making regarding the future of the greenhouses, the following is a summary of the known budgetary implications of the Greenhouse Complex at Waterford Oaks County Park. The plastic roof over the main house (where the community garden was located) is failing. Staff estimates that complete failure will occur sometime within the next 2 years, potentially as early as this winter. Based on estimates received for replacing the plastic over the production houses, which are similar in size, this is an estimated (unfunded) $20,000 capital project. Operationally, if OCPR were to "mothball' the facility until it is determined how to move forward, annual operating/maintenance expenses are estimated at approximately $45,590, Mothball Operating Expenses - WTR Greenhouse Complex Salaries $ 6,500 Building Maintenance $ 6,970 Electrical $ 4,710 Equipment Maintenance $ 130 Grounds Maintenance $ 8,000 Natural Gas $ 17;300 Water & Sewer $ 750 Small Tools $ 230 Insurance Fund $ 1,000 TOTAL $ 45,590 Salaries are based on annual and monthly expenditures for mechanical system maintenance, building repairs, mowing and line trimming, and lawn care. Other line items are based on the 2010 operating budget for the facility, when OCPR had acquired but was not yet utilizing the facility. 220 NATIONAL RESTORATION INC. 2165 Fyke DR, Milford, ML 48381 Preserving America's Landmarks Phone 248-318-0609 Fax 248-714-6323 Johnf(i�nationalrestorati on.net July 20, 2015 Mr. Colin Gibbs Building Management Supervisor Oakland County Parks & Recreation 2800 Watkins Lake Road Waterford, MI 48328 Ph. 248-431-3556 Fax 248-858-4645 gibbsc(aD,oakgov,com RE: Ernst House Budget Mr. Gibbs, Per our onsite meeting, and from your annual inspection report, we hereby propose to provide all of the material, labor and equipment needed to complete the following items of work. This document is for budget purposes only. Scope of Work: • Mobilize • With the use of detergent and high pressure water clean the exterior siding on the house. • Replace up to three broken windows. • Remove and replace the broken pieces of soffit. • Remove the existing linoleum tiles in the bathroom and replace with new. • We have budgeted $2,500,00 to have the hardwood floors sanded and refinished. • Cut out and tuck point all mortar joints in the chimney. • Cut out and tuck point any mortar joints in the foundation as needed. • Remove and replace loose or missing stone or block from the foundation of the house. • Excavate and waterproof the basement walls on the east portion of the house • Prime the interior walls and ceilings after minor repairs are made. • Apply two coats of paint to the interior surfaces. • We have not included new finished flooring material other than the bathroom, or new cabinets or appliances. • For this project is time and material with a cost not to exceed $25,000,00 We appreciate the opportunity to provide you with the highest quality craftsmanship and products available. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, John Fletcher, President 221 OAKLAND COUNTY `Pics of the Parks' show off county's natural play spaces By Tiffany EsshakW D November 11, 2015 Diane Wilks, of Rochester Hills, took first place in the Parks category with her photo called "Stairway to Nature." (Photo provided by Destination Oakland) Ir Martha Myers, of Oxford, won best in show for this photo titled "Fishing for Lily Pads." (Photo provided by Destination Oakland OAKLAND COUNTY — Diane Wilks, of Rochester Hills, has been going to Independence Oaks Park in Clarkston for years. The vast natural space is special to her for more than a few reasons. lilt's just one of my favorite places; it's awesome. I was going through a hard time years ago, and my boyfriend at the time would take me to that park to go on walks," said Wilks. "Later, he proposed to me there, and we've been married to this day." Wilks' affinity for Independence Oaks could be felt through the beautiful photograph she took of the park's shoreline, titled "Stairway to Nature." The image was so impressive that it took first place in the Parks category of this year's Pics of the Parks contest. The second annual competition is an effort of Oakland County Parks and Recreation to encourage guests to get outside and enjoy all that their parks system has to offer. Since July, the parks department has been collecting submissions of photos taken within Oakland County's 13 parks, and recently, the top shots were announced with an exhibition at Somerset Collection in Troy. Jon Noyes, principal planner for Oakland County Parks and Recreation, said it was good fun sifting through all the submissions in categories like recreation, selfies and kids. 222 "The staff of the Oakland County Parks puts heart and soul in our work and the recreational experiences that we help create. One of my favorite things about the photo contest is that we get a chance to see our parks through the eyes — and, yes, lenses — of some of our guests," he said in an email. "Birds and butterflies, dogs and docks, glowing sunsets and goofy kids --- it is just really neat to step back and see the wonder that is happening all around us. What an amazing job that we have here in parks, when (we) can play a part in something that means so much to so many." Wilks' special space certainly means a lot to her, as it's one of the few spots she can go to and find relief from the stresses of daily life. "It's just one of my favorite places in the park," she said of her photo, which depicts a staircase descending down to the water. "I love to walk around that lake. In the winter, I love to cross-country ski around that lake. It's one of the places I like to stop and look out at the water, take a breath and enjoy." Other local winners include Jennifer Lavender -Scott, of Ferndale, who took third place in the Kids category; and Tim Srock, of Rochester Hills, who took first place in the Action category. Wilks also took second place in the Recreation category. To see all the photos, visit Oakland County Parks' Facebook page. You can find a link to the page on their website, www.DestinationOakland.com. 223 REVISEI 2/08/15 Page #'s 1. 2. 3. 3-4 4. 5-14 5. 6. 7. 15-16 17 18 19-21 22 23 24 25-26 27-29 30-31 32-33 34-35 36-37 38-40 41-42 43-44 Call Meeting to Order Roll Call Pledge of Allegiance Oakland County Parks al recreation Commission Meeting Parks & Recreatit_- Administration Offices 2800 Watkins Lake Road, Waterford, MI 48328 Tuesday, December 8, 2015 2:00 p.m. AGENDA Approval of Agenda Approval of Minutes: Regular Meeting of 11/10/15 Public Comments: CONSENT AGENDA: A. OCPR Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Budget to Actual Report for Month Ending 10/01/15 (FM 01, FY16) B. Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Comparison Report for Month Ending 10/01/15 (FM 01, FY16) C. Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Average Comparison Report for Month Ending 10/01/15 (FM 01, FY16) D. Capital Improvement Projects Budget to Actual Report & Statement of Net Position For Month Ending 10/01/15 (FM 01, FY16) E. FY 2016 CIP Schedule Update F. FY 2016 Maintenance Management Plan/Projects Update G. Fiscal Services 4th Quarter Financial Forecast H. FY 2015 4th Quarter Non -Sufficient Funds Check Write -Off I. Monthly Purchasing Report for Month Ending 10/31/15 (FM 01, FY16) J. OCPR 4th Quarter FY2015 Contributions K. OCPR 4th Quarter FY2015 Sponsorships L. OCPR 4th Quarter FY2015 Temporary Use Permits M. OCPR FY 2015 Year -End Contributions N. OCP•R FY 2015 Year -End Sponsorships 0. OCPR FY 2015 Year -End Temporary Use Permits P. CIP Project Approval: Addison Oaks — ADA Improvements — Adams Lake Beach & Picnic Area Action Reouired Presenter/Phone 4 ------ G. Fisher 248.514.9814 Approval G. Fisher/D. Stencil 248.858.4944 Approval V. Valko 248.858.4603 G. Fisher Receive & File J. Phelps 248.858.5319/D. Stencil Receive & File J. Phelps/D. Stencil Receive & File J. Phelps/D. Stencil Receive & File J. Phelps/D. Stencil Receive & File M. Donnellon 858.4623/1). Stencil Receive & File M. Donnellon/D. Stencil Receive & File J. Phelps/D. Stencil Receive & File J. Phelps/D. Stencil Receive & File P. Castonia 858.0909/S. Wells 858.4634/D. Stencil Receive & File D. Stencil/M. Prowse 249.2801 Receive & File D. Stencil/M. Prowse Receive & File D. StenciUM. Prowse Receive & File D. Stencil/M. Prowse Receive & File D. Stencil/M. Prowse Receive & File D. Stencil/M. Prowse Information/Approval J. Myers 202.9287/M. Donnellon 8. REGULAR AGENDA: 45-47 A. Historical Assets Work Group (H.A.W.G.) Goals and Objectives 48-49 B. Approval of 2016 OCPRC Meeting Dates 50-89 C. License Agreement for Katherine's Catering at Lyon Oaks and White Lake Oaks 90-132 D. Conceptual FY 2017 CIP/Maintenance Management Plan 133-148 E. Conceptual FY 2017 Capital Equipment Plan 149-150 F. OCPR Organizational/Staffing Chart 151-198 G. Marketing & Branding Committee Recommendation 199-204 H. Pending Capital Projects Summary 9. REPORTS: 205-223 A. Executive Officer Report B. Participation and Program Review FY 2016, Month 01 C. Parks Finance and Service Delivery Committee Update D. Executive Committee Update 10. OLD BUSINESS 11. NEW BUSINESS 12. Eb9SCP Sr:geutive Offieer's Per ....,aaee Evaluation 13. ADJOURN Next Meeting: 2:00 p.m. on JANUARY 12, 2016 Information M. Prowse/D. Stencil Information/Approval D. Stencil/S. Wells Information/Approval J. Hall/P. Castonia Information M. Donnellon/S. Wells/D. Stencil Information T. Hughes 343.1011/1 Dunleavy 858.4647 Information S. Wells/D. Stencil Information/Approval D. Stencil/D. Stanfield 705.4108/M. Prowse Information M. Donnellon Receive and File D. Stencil Receive and File T. Fields 858.09145. Dunleavy/T. Hughes Receive and File S. Wells/D_ Stencil G. Fisher G. Fisher G. Fisher CANCELED G. Fisher (To be Determined - Subject to OCPRC Approval of 2016 Proposed Calendar) OCPR Administration Building, 2800 Watkins Lake Road, Waterford, MI 48328 * NOTE: All phone numbers are area code (248) unless otherwise noted. As a reminder, if you have not already done so, please turn your cellular phones off or to a silent or vibrate mode for the duration of the meeting. This will allow the meeting to proceed without distractions or interruptions. Thank youforyour cooperation. 5060101 a m cco M > a) LLJ o Cl) in a m FM 01 FY 2016 Parks Purch: 'ng Contracts Activity Report (October 1 - ( ober 31, 2015) Itf # 7 I Replaces P: # 28 Awarded Vendor Parks Estimated PO / Contract Purchase Contract Contract Description Award Number Order/ (NTE) Not Usage � Name City m Date or P-Card P-Card Amount to Exceed Amount of in Amounts Multi Department Contracts 09/16/15 3466 9/30 Red Oaks Wave Generation Electrical Wades Electrical Washington Twp. MI 10/20/15 4594 NA $39,506.00 ALL Installation Contracting Notes AJK Yes