HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1992.08.04 - 4032CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF BRANDON CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE PRIMARY ELECTION HELD ON AUGUST 4, 1992 (DATE OF ELECRON) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN MANUFACTURED BY MIME httI.t CL ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS 1919 East Kilgore Road • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Z 1.3 t°11" %-71 -0- tm 1n.) C m n co rl 02 -I ----_— - -- — I I IMI I I I (D) r 1 II I 1111111 1 1 TOTAL • 111 I II III I — e/11 114 1111 PATE(1,,,PEtRA- II. , 1 (R) JANET L. VAN TINE! lit w El , II I 1 1 1 I IMMO (R) LESLIE L. WRIGHT I II 1111 III I II I ISSN! TOTAL 1 I HE I D I WOOD : _ TOTAL II 11 , ill IIII I pi , II- -.I 1 111 I I (iii ( RR ))CAIK:ORLE A. HE I NEMANN I i p.,.1.1 N L. McARTHUR 11 I WI 1liii le:16 r 1•111 MIMATOTAL SALLY JO SWAYNE I 11. I I I 1 I Dill I MI I IITOTAL D) Ad6 , II 11 I I I I DA B. DULA Mil I I 1 6 i ric,11 gi BLIN II I II I_ II I IIII Ellt,3 IA (R ) CINDY FLETCHER FOYiT 1 11 1 IM 1,3 111 (R) KAYA. WiLLIAMS , C-•.1 &ii TOTAL 33, cn 73 V/ M '33 • -I 1/41:3 IN - I -0 -0 73 - X 7:1 rn NOONVH (:) -I > Z 31-12 0 < 1.11 --- 1..0 I,..) -. C m -I c--) 3 n 7> co g i 2 1- xi 0 •-•1 ...—_—,---- ___ ----3 (D) STEVE ALLEN -., CHARLES M. INMAN, JR. ..P n --t -4 -, ‘.3\ SN TOTAL -, w cr, -I rrt _-- - KEITH D. BEUTLER E; , m 13C.ti '''r());\--lis•I EDNA M. BURTON C5 -"-- in W , 7z, 'c-• -•••••. ".. ••••... n.... -V' .--.• --,Q, )...I EN. c> RONALD HAASE -n (R ) 0 c n m ( JO SARAH HOCKEY ,r\ "N. ..... NANCY McARTHUR N.) -.-- 0 -',... IN -...10,‘ (R) VERNON SCOTT i •i "Ts _I ...."•-•,,IKk).\ BOB THOMPSON , ".... ....... SANDRA LYNN .....c... a,* ..ci....., v.........) czz,. TOTAL m > co TOTAL m , „..... ................,, .......,z s•..),.....t.,,,, c:, rn -n 0 m • , • -. -t 0 • ..-...- I . S31011 d0 11n130/31VIS PRECINCT NUMBER 1 ,P, G STATEMENT OF VOTES CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF BRANDON PRIMARY ELECTION - AUGUST 4, 1992 , Put figures The whole number of votes given by the DEMOCRAT I C Party for candidates for the office of SUPERV I SOR in this column . was ielt/J0- C and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS 1. . ,. 2. _ 3. _. 4. , - 5. r 6. . TOTAL The whole number of votes given by the REPUBL I CAN Party for candidates for the office of SUPERVISOR _ 9 4, / 4., / i'n id - Ilt . ..A A . &•ff iffilgir .41.11L.S-a-d iiairlivAdirse/ and they were given for the following named persons: i / PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES N BER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS . . . ...1r ,,," ' 6-170 1. PATR ICIA A. ALEXANDER - ...- IKFT Al/• 2. JANET L. VAN TINE A , Of r/ 6 / Pi 3. LESLIE L. WR I GHT ;I eka"// Ai 411PF 4. 5. . 6. _ TOTAL /6•44( _ The whole number of votes given by the DEMOCRAT I C Party fir candidates for the office of CLERK /...-- was ." "OF and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES :ER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS , • HE I D I WOOD A( /12 / 2. 3. 4. . . 5. . 1 1 ... / //, Zege /5 2 and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES UMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS _ r -/.,4 (21.64(..L4 // ? 1. CAROL A. HEINEMANN 4e / , 2. KAREN L. McARTHUR Je4.wL4,e4A-', / Air all 'ir irnril of Al i 00, ir / I ,. 1 gy . SALLY JO SWAY NE _.%1_ ,1 4411 „ ::,,,,,L .... / . 5. 6. TOTAL The whole number of votes given by the DEMOCRAT I C Party for candidates for the office of TREASURER ...--"-- /— was 0 1 and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS 1. , 2. . _ 4. 5. 6. — TOTAL 0 The whole number of votes given by the REPU; I CAN Party for candidates for the office of TREASURER ... I fir— ALLAir/ P ci 'Iriodasf lliME and they were given for the following named rsons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMB - OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS I gieW JAPAIW,7"1", f UFA t LINDA B. DULA ARIPKTA..., — Al I am --i /ion wii m 0 w. im "Air', . CINDY FLETCHER FOYT w WE WA I .9Wir/W - . KAY A. WI LL I AMS rieffeA WM. 04r'.A21.,_Eff 77 4 6 r 4, It E q ..., I TOTAL 46 n STATEMENT OF VOTES CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF BRANDON PRIMARY ELECTION - AUGUST 4, 199 DEMOCRAT I TRUSTEE Put figures The whole number of votes given by the Party for candidates for the office of in this column / VOTE FOR FOUR was /kat... / and they were given for the following named persc;1111. PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS 1. STEVE ALLEN I ,„,/ /1 /7 - 'I 2. CHARLES M. INMAN, JR. /il I .0 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. REP,. I CAN TRUSTEE TOTAL 11/ The whole number of votes given by the Party for candida es for the office of ' i / i VOTE FOR FOUR ./r.!/ / '1, .0 %Me and they were given for the followin g nam- • persons: 1 41 PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES BER OF V • TES 1NR TTEN IN WORD. 1. KEITH D. BEUTLER te / 1 /// i r , I / , ” 40 i 1 i 2. ED NA M. BURTON pm RONALD HAASE 3. - • SARAH HOCKEY dr - / AIMPF / otpinpyri wpm rk , dritiffi //LW, _ /". s. 1,dirte aa.d..,A, fiLforal NANCY Mc ARTHUR PETERS 764MAlirlArrArri MAIM 1 VIN 5. ... ..wiiiw/1,013Cri AtI-P,01.4nAWA12.41= -ALlitit .... pr, VERNON SCOTT .v/m/ owns 6. ...flel .1A.i..tg. lt.ffidrrA 1146QI 7. BOB THOMPSON ‘ ..1 . A .,n• 4Dit .. 4r.ali ..14/./.‘L.1./ .4. gigi SANDRA LYNN WILLETT M 8. ,Irref..n .i 1. d J . AA /' ',1r .Le--° 4 iiill OrirMil ' lirr / I 9. 10. ,, i VOTE FOR TWO was and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS _ 1. 2. ' 3. _ 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. it _ TOTAL The whole number of votes given by the REPUBL I CAN 'arty or candidate for the office of CONSTABLE VOTE FOR TWO was / 1 ,1 /.00, / / and they were given for the following named persons: i PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUM • R OF VOTE WRITT IN WORDS / / ja 1. EDWARD LaDOUCEUR t / iil 1 4v V(' / 2. _ 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. _ 8. i 9. 10. 11. TOTAL lli .40 ,s A 4-P 2 26(9 STATEMENT OF VOTES, CHARTER TOWNSH I P OF BRANDON PRIMARY ELECT ON - AUGUST 4, 1992 7 CONT I NUED OLI CE PROTECT ION PRECINCT NUMBER Yes No Total Yes No Total Yes ' No Total No Total Yes No Total 3 /77 raq _5. lig ; I 6, I f.4 on, s- 173 6-6 / s-3 // 1/2 40i I' 1' , ••• • ----- - - 1 PRECINCT II NUMBER l I 1 I I I Y es • No I Total Yes No Total I Yes No Total Yes No Total Yes No Total — — I 1 I , 1 1 f , i ll , 1 1 _ il _ jl. 7 I 1 2.P STATEMENT OF VOTES CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF BRANDON PRIMARY ELECTION - AUGUST 4, 1992 Put figures The whole number of votes given for and against the CONTINUED POLICE PROTECTION in this column Shall the existing levy for police protection of not less than two mills nor more than four mills be continued for a period of 20 years, being 1994 through 2013, inclusive? Said levy is in the excess of that provided in Section 6, Article IX, of the Constitution of the State of Michigan. I III" )0111 , ff- alf / ,&"1,(.--e-------- was Apo- .,/, of which number ,/ i -, fl ' k d votes were marked YES . I am As III and if ...." / / votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES, 111 The whole number of votes given for and against the 1 , was of which number votes were marked YES III and I was of which number votes were marked YES and votes were marked NO T TOTAL VOTES, The whole number of votes given for and against the was of which number votes were marked YES -rr and votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES, 6 •P candidate I) candidate b Thalc-QgZ irtV for the offi DEMOCRATI C having received sufficient number of votes is nominated , PUBLICAN Party for thrpffice of SUPERVISOR SUPERV I SOR having received sufficient number of votes is nominated That candidate b Tha DE 0 RA candidate by the rty for the office of Party for the office of CLERK CLERK R E Flo; L I 64 ice of r the TREASURER That candidate by EPUBL I CAN Party tit the office of That !f!2 4 . arty for the office of REASURER having received sufficient number of votes is nominated RUSTEE R t DEMOCRAT I C candidate by A u Party/rOj the offi TRUSTEE That having received SU fficient num be--:-r of votes is -riominated candidate by the EMOCRAT I C for thriliffice of CONSTABLE havina received sufficient nurnher of votes is nominated That TRUSTEE r the office of • - A.c:e."0.413'661 darty for the office of having received sufficient number of votes is nominated CONSTABLE RE _B_LeL5n2 CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION STATE OF MICHIGAN, } COUNTY OF OAKLAND The Board of Canvassers of the COUNTY of OAKLAND (COUNTY, CITY, TOWNSHIP OR VILLAGE) (COUNTY, CITY, TOWNSHIP OR VI g ) having Akertained and Canvassed the Votes of said CHARTER TOWNSH I P OF BRANDON (COUNTY. CITY, TOWNSHIP OR VILLAOS) at the Primary Election, held on the 4t h AUGUST day of , one thousand nine hundred and N I NETY -TWO. . Do Hereby Certify and Determine That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated SS. COUNTY OF OAKLAND having received sufficient number of votes is nominated That candidate bv.t" DEMOCRAT I having received sufficient number of votes is nominated C having received sufficient number of votes is nominated DEMOCRAT IC DEMOCRATIY- candidate by the Party for the office of That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated TRUSTEE TRUSTEE DEMOCRAT I C candidate by the Party for the office of That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated That Lt 4-' C /17 W/l/ 7A/i31. having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by That i 1..../-v- if,t,t ...-,--- iv-- ....----- having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candida ji.. i2dif REPUBL ICAN That 7 "A iii ii. II i 16 li e MI _ f It (.4-1, _ ..... .. ....dik 4rai-ring received sufficient number of votes is nominated REPUB /CAN TRUSTEE candidate 09-14 , AIP..af / 1 Tha......0 A ALI ..,..m...1111LwarrAIL-411.1101 th EPUBL I CA 62 /A..‘fr _ -4 Ar a ctrf o r tbe,affice of 7--r-1 TRUSTEE pe ice of candidate Thai candidate by the /Party for the office of _ _ ,-) , Party for the office of "tu for the office of - . r ---C.- having received sufficient ntritatliotes is 'nominated TRUSTEE BOARD OF CANVASSERS AK OF BOARD OF CANVASSERS. CHAIRMAN OF BOARD OF CANVASSERS. ATTEST: 21) in the year one thousand nine hundred and GUST NINETY—Mg) day of this candidate by the ri.trubLi Party for the office of t•vri !MOLL That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the Party for the office of That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the Party for the office of That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the Party for the office of That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the Party for the office of That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the Party for the office of That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the Party for the office of That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the Party for the office of Do Further Hereby Determine: That the following Propositions or questions were passed or defeated as indicated below: NAME OF PROPOSITION 1 CONTINUED POLICE PROTECTION NAME OF PROPOSITION 2 NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION 4 NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION 5 NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION 6 NONE Received Passed Having Sufficient votes was ae.feeteth. 44et_Etece lied_ Received Passed Having Sufficient votes was Not Received Defeated Received Passed Having Sufficient votes was Not Received Defeated Received Passed Having Sufficient votes was Not Received Defeated Received Passed Having Sufficient votes was Not Received Defeated Received Passed Having Sufficient votes was Not Received Defeated In Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal of the COUNTY of OAKLAND (COUNTY. CITY,1.40)&NSHIP OR VILLAGE) (COUNTY, CITY. TOWNSHIP OR VILLAGE] 8.P