HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1984.08.07 - 4039BRANDON TOWNSHIP CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE PRIMARY ELECTION HELD ON AUGUST 7, 1984 (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN MANUFACTURED BY LftI ".:. "." ELECTION svppo: :„0.4./.4purAcTogg.g$:: E trArioNlits AND PRINTERS 1919 East Kilgore Rood • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN . • • • ..-• • : • • •-• • • • ••• • •.• ::•. • • •• • • • •• • • • • • Cha rlene r.o.... : .... R. Ca rl .. .. ....'sbn....: 1r • ,:. r••••.....••••.• .-••.• . •• • • .• .. :.:•. LH... [,_., .......:•,..:2!....... 1.,.....z.......i-it..• • ...............................:::•• i............. If j'"'9,:: ....QTA.I ,...••••:•••:....... ....:•• .... ....:::!...:.......:::: 1:.......,..-"I Put figures in this column or candidates for the office of Party The whole r:iUmi)er!of votes given :b`(the :DEMOCRAT I c • : • " : " : : was and :they were :giveo!for:the:following nar.Peri perSons:: :PERSONS necElvomo THE VOTES " •::NUMBER:OPVOTESWRITTEN:MWORDB... UDY VanDUSEN SMITH : • • : : ••••••• • :. ..• . • .• ••• ••••• •.•:•••• The whole number of votes given by the REPUBL I CAN Party for candidates for the office of : was " „ • •••:: :••:::••••••:•••••••--- :.and they were given for the following warned persons: : PERSONS RECEIVING:THE:VOTES : .:NinvieErt OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS EDNA M. BURTON TOTAL The whole number of votes given by th EMOCRAT IC Party: for caritlidateS :forithe:!Offipe:Of:: was . . , arid they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES : NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN:IN:wpftos IOTA TREASURER RE PUBL I CAN The whole number of votes given by the : :Pot figures in this column PaOrfciit: Candidates for:::the office of . . and they were given for the following named persons; ..........."...PERSONS.:RECEIVING.THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WOROS. TOTAL The whole number of votes given by the E: DEMOCRAT IC : Party: for candidates :f or the off ice of : " " : Vot e: for . iii.rd:-.ther:ti.v0e.o :giv.oni:for the following named persons:. PERSONS:RECEIVING:THE VOTES ,NynAse.R:OF:upTEs.wRITTErsimwoRps.. TOTAL — - TRUSTEE The whole number of votes: given by::.rtho F.TP:UPL: i:Party fOr:carididates :for:the:office 0: Vote for F •ur was 6-1 and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS ROBERT W. FLATH :LEONA ;:1-1UTCFS 1:N p s : ROB ERT J. SERGENT • - • • ' • , • ' Put figures M this column The whole number of votes given by the DEMOCRAT I C : Party for candidates for the office of SUP ERV I SOR: Niji4.1BR OF NiOTE:iiviiitt•EN IN WORDS: and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES GEORGE P. BAILEY PAMELA K. rREETZ TOTAL The whole number of vtyW..s give.h by the :REPUBL I CAN Party for candidates :for : the office of SUPERVI 5OR ad they iniero given for the :following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES : : : NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS. TRUD E P. CALL I HAN CHARLES M. DALY FREDERICK THOMAS LENTZ : JOHN:...Q.LCHO.W.I iK. • •• •ELA INE .:EDWI..N.. R. PIERSON TOTAL Ruf:fkilqeS: 3 this coiurtv The whole number of votes given by the DEMOCRAT IC Party for candidates for the office of was and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS TOTAL The Whole number -of votes:given 13V the VPt.e foe TWO REPLJ BLI CAN : Party for candidates for the office of CONSTABLE ......... . . was " " ES : NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS: j and they were given for the following natnOci pOrsons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES EDWARD LaDOUCEUR TOTAL The whole number Of votes given by the : Party for candidates for The office Of : WS and:they:were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES : NUMBER OF VOTES:WRITTENAN:vvoRps. TOTAL • .ST....e.k-.MM.E.111.T...:O.F...VOT.E.$.;...: MEETING OF THE • ..• ELECTORS.: • . . PRECINCT NUMBER No .1 :Total •.: Yes Yes No Total Total Total I f ri :1?) . q. 94. 1 L-c,2 ri- Put figures in this column :The :whble nOmber of votes giVeri for' and 4t-fainstrhe ABOEL iTitqN OF*ANNUAL !:MEETING :oF,;T:FiE::EL:C...:TORS:: Shal l Brandon Township abolish its annual meeting of electors as permitted by 18146, CH. 16; as amended (MCLA 41.8, Sec. 5; MSA 5.8, Sec. 5) was of which number votes were marked YES , and • 1 votes were marked NO The whole number of votes given for and against the was ivotes•Vvere rriarked andI . ..• • • • • . •.• •• • • . votes were marked NO..... County TOWNSHIP ON VILLAGE i(jr, aving Aseertained and Canvassed the Votes of said _ :one thousand nine hundred and 11:tY:..fou.r. • .• e That candidate by the __ having received sufficient number of votes is nominated SUPERVISOR Party for the office o IL, DEMOCRAT REPUBL I CAN. having received sufficient number of votes is nominated Party for .0e,r)Ifice of SUPERVISOR . . . U. 1 fl having received sufficient number of votes is nominated CLERK oceived sufficient Ili:Ober of votes is nominated DE110ERAT IC REPUBL I CAN haVin CLERK Tha i candidate by the ,I 1 That = 1 .. ' candidate byli- e That . candidate by the " _ Party for the office of • 1:1 6. a ll Party for the office of That C RAT I C :candidate by the : Candidate: by tile -. fj Trim- . DEMOCRAT' :C : pond da te::by the •. •HTRUSTEE...• That UBL I CAN having received sufficient number of votes is nominated ,. TREASURER Party for the office of /) 16° 07 • Party-for.the:.o.ffica..of.;..,....•. Party for the office ............ : having received sufficient number of votes is nominated TREASURER having received:sufficient :nOniber of votes is nOminated:: That candidate by the. DEMOCRATIC . having received sufficient number of votes is nominated Party for the office of .TRUSTEE. • . L-144- 13— REPUBL I CAN 1.. UaLLCL • ••••• • •11 • • : -LLC ....E. • REP.UBLICAN:::••.. TRUSTEE having reCeived:su fficientntOber::Of VOtes , is nominated That cariciidate by the __.._D_EBI1C_RAII C DEMOCRAT IC That by the €:::R()E-L.P(.1,1.5°.1,A.. 7.p That . andiclate by the arty for the officu of Party for the office of 1:".. CERTIFICATE OF DETERIVI NATIO :SATE OF 1VITCHTI AN COUNTY OF. _OA K_LAN Oak land day of The Board of Canvassers of the at the Primary Election, h&c] on the I.: iCOUNTY, CITY, TOWNSHIP OR VILLAGE) Brandon Townsh p et'rey..Town:s4IP OR VILLAGE • AU4U St: ••••• ..• Do Hereby Certify and Determine received sufficient number of votes is nominated That " having DEMOC RATIC : . . TRUSTEE : candidate by 'the : :Party for the ptrice of D...E10C RAT I C candidate :by the:._.... That : : having TRUSTEE : That candidate by the That candidate by the That .... candidate by the That candidate by the Parjy to:r the, office of : Party on the office of , : Party for:the,Offide of : ' Part-V."161'7 tht., office of : Party for the office of _ received sufficient number of votes is nominated having received sufficient number of votes is nominated TRUSTEE having received sufticientnumbor of votes is riotninated TRUSTEE having received sufficient number of votes is nominated TRUSTEE having received sufficient number of vOtes is nominated : CONSTABLE....... havIng "CONSTABLE having received sufficient number of votes is nominated :Party for the Office: of : :CONSTABLE reegived::su:fficietit iidrnt)er of Vc)tes is nominated Having Having Having Sufficient votes was Sufficient votes was Sufficien t votes was Sufficient votes vvas Sufficient votes was Sufficient votes was Defeated Passed Defeated Passed Defeated Passed Defeated Passed Defeated Passed Defeated : Witness :Whereat, We have hereunto Set our hands and affixed the Sear Of ; the : : County : " Oà:kfahd: (C.0.31,r01, CITY, Towcmicif, cm VILLAG this d ay of in the year one thousand nine hundred arid TOWPISHIP.. :ON:.V.11..1. A • ::•A Lig • • • •••••• :•••••:: ATTEST: I. BOARD OF CANVASSERS tc. ii r "—C1:1RK OF BOARD Or CANVASSERS. • ...:•••• :.•• ..• • • •• : • . ..c•HAI•rlimAN.ibr::EIOAno or..cA•NvAss•iFts!;•:. I having received sufficient pLirnber of votes is norninated :: RE:PUBL I CAN : ::CONSTABLE: Candidate by the : Party for the office of ; . . . IHt • . having received sufficient number Of votes is riOrdiriated candidate by the : : Party for the office of : : " That : : : ; ; ;having received sufficient i)utriber Of VoteS'is:norninated : cantliciate by the :Party for the office Of _L_ That having received sUfficientriUnber:01 Votes:iS•nOrilinated : candidate :by: the :Party for the office of — . : " • That : • : : : having received sufficient number of votes is nominated :candidate by the Party for the office of : ; That . : " having received sUffiaient :nurriberidf:Votesiis nominated candidate by the • • Party for the office of That — having received sufficient numberof votes is nominated Candidate by the Party for the office Of That : . ..: • " ; having received Sufficient nth-fiber of Votes is nominated candidate by the Party for the office of : Do Further Hereby Deteribibe: . • That the folloWing ProposHions OrridestionS Were passed or defeated as indicated below: : NAME OF PROPOSITION ABOLITION OF :ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Flavin " " iiIIP;54".51111/4 1 ELECTORS g : Not Received : NAME OF PROPOSITION Hay NAME OF PROPOSITION Received Not Received NAME Of-PROPOSITION Received ot Received NAME OF PROPOSITION Received Not Received -NAME.OF:PROPOSITION Having Received n9 Not Received Received Not Received CHAI : 8 P