HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1978.08.08 - 4041BRANDON TOWNSHIP PRIMARY ELECTION AUGUST 8, 1978 COUNTY/. MICHIGAN itICA r . C • AT THE PRIMARY ELECTION ANVASS OF VOTES CAST HELD ON AUGUST.. 8. • 1'. • AUGUST 978 . . •:. (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS Of • •BRANDON TOWNSHIP • • • • • • ••• • • :!JA.!•.1::..•.Cr COUN 7.Y.: CITY; .0? •VLLAGEI• MANUFACTURED BY 00,0:111LEILLIT uia • STATIONERS A: S 1919 East Kilgore Road KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN , Order by Forte No. M-398-PC CANVASSER BOOK--PRIMARY PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER PARTY OFFICE CANDIDATE NAMES 1 2 UPERV I SOR ) LESLIE L. WRIGHT 'CLERK REA SURE LEONA L ANDERSON FREDERICK ZAWACK The whole number of votes given by the DEMOCRATIC Party for candidates for the office of NUMBER OF Vous WRITTEN IN WORDS 2. 3. 4. IOTA PUT FIGURES iN THIS COLUMN eE1ViSR was and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES 1. LESLIE L. WRIGHT NUMBER OF VOTES :WRITTEN :INj.WORPS. The whole number of votes given by the , MIURA" Party for candidates for the office of CI:Arley were given for the fallowing named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES 1. 2. was NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS TOTAL NUtylBER \10ThS WRITTEN WORDS 1 EDN 2, 3, 4. The whole number of votes given by the Was and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES 1 2, 3, 4. ndidates for the office of NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN :WORDS TOTAL rty for STATEMENT OF VOTES The whole number of votes given by the REPUBLICAN Party for candidates for the office of SUPERV I SOR was and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES 1. MICHAEL J. BARRY 2. 3, 4, TOTAL The whole number of votes given by the REPUBLICAN. Party for candidates for the office o CLERK was and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES ft10.1 TOTAL STATEMENT OF VOTES The whole number of votes given by the DEMOCRATIC Party for candidates for the office of Was 4 The whole number of votes given by the I - I I 1 2. 3. 4. Party for candidates for the office of LAD IOTA NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS ; 2. 3, 4, NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS t- TOTAL NUMBER OF 'VOTS WRITTEN IN WORDS fl • I Party for candidates for the office of 2. PUT FIGURES IN THIS COLUMN and they were given for the following named persons; PERSONS RECEIVING THE vOTES UMBER OF VOTES •WRITTEN IN WORDS TREASURER was and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES 1. LEONA I. ANDERSON TOTAL • II The whole number of votes given by the DEMOCRATIC Party for candidates for the office of TRUSTEE (vote for one) was and they were given for the fallowing named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES 2. 3. 4. I -) The whole number of votes given by the REPUBL CAN Party for candidates for the office of 1. 2. 3, 4, TRUSTEE (vote for-42414_ wcs. and they;were giVen for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE vont. THOMAS M. AMOSS R_E_CLET3 The whole number of votes given by the Was -F and they were given for the following named persons; PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS 4. IOTA NUMBER OE VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS TOTA 11 The whole number of votes given by the Party for candidates for the office of TOTA 3. 4. STATEMENT OF VOTES .#UT'FIGURES. :. IN IBIS: COLUMN. The whole number of votes given by the DEMOCRAT I C Party for candidates for the office CONSTABLE (vote for ..;00) was and: they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE:VOTES 1. 2. 3, 4, IOTA The whole number of votes given by the _REPILBLICAtt_ Party for candidates for the office of CONSTABLE (vote for onel was and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS Was and they were given for the fallowing named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS 1. 2, 3. 4. The whole number of votes given by the Party for candidates for the office of and they were given for the followin PERSONS RECEIVING THE 1 2. 3, 4. was named persons: OTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS TOTAL The whole number of votes given by the Party for candidates for the office of was and they were given For the following named persons: pErtsONS RECEAV1NG THE VOTES 1. 2. NumBER OF VOTES WRri-rEN IN WORDS ELI] C170 fla anis] MEI e_s] JiLchtgan- was and t of which number votes were marked YES votes were marked NO was of which number votes were marked YES and eci NO ote were m I TOTAL VOTES, STATEMENT.: Of...:'.V.OTES The whole nu PUT FIGURES IN THIS SOLUMN or of votes given For and against the POLICE PROTECTION PROPOSITION — For the purpose of continued police protection, shall the existing levy of not less than two (2) mills, nor more than four (4) mills be continued for a period fo five years, of that provided4 TOTAL VOTES, The whole number of votes given for and against the 1 was of which number votes were marked YES and votes were marhecl NO TOTAL VOTES, The whale number of votes given for and against the OAKLAND COUNTY tl-e Votes at the Primary ElectiOri; held on That.. candidate by the -_DEma.c.RARG_ Party for the office of _baying receiyecl.sufficient number of votes is nominated •:SURER.VLSO-R--, R E-P-U-B L-I CAN - DEMOCRAT IC REPIIBLI.CAN_ • .• ' ...Party for the office of having received sufficient number of votes is nominated .CONSTAB-LE .. having received sufficient number of votes is nominated flaying received sufficient number of votes is nominated::: having received sufficient number of votes is nominated having received sufficient number of votes is nominated . haying received sufficient number of votes is elected having received sufficient number of votes is elected having received sufficient number of votes is elected _ having received sufficient number of votes is elected That _ having received sufficient number of votes is nominated CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION STATE OF MICHIGAN. C1°T-TN-TY or OAKLAND, The Board of Canvassers of the _ having Ascertained arid Canvassed 11 .. e.tgtit the-- of___ Augus_tz_ Do Hereby Certify and Determine , one thousand nine hundred andAeVeritSf That- - --- candidate by the -B.F,P.UOLIC-All- .---Paity for the office of ... That- - candidate by the _D-E.MOGRA-1:1C--- _Party for the office of .. That__ __ _ candidate by the- candidate by the. That --------- candidate by the That_____ - candidate by the That ___. candidate by the_ That- ---- - candidate by the__DEMO_CRAT_I_C___ __Party fa _ -- candidate by the -RERUBL CAN - -Party for the office of . That_ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ candidate by the Party for the office of_ That candidate by the-------- ---- -Party for the office of . 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LGLER-Ic having: reteived ::Stifficierit number ef votes naMiriateci ..:CLERK having received suffie.ionf :number of votes is nominated __3REAS.URER having received Sufficient numbet: of votes is noro:irmt:eci: - TREASURER having received sOfficient number of votes is: nominated :TRUSTEE ifficient h6triber of vOtcs is.riorrapotecl: REP_UBLICAN. -Party for the office of . — - Party for the office of _ _Party for the office of . the office of .Party for the office a ty for the office of Party for the office having received st . - Party For the office of .._-__TRUSTEE , , , having received sufficient number of votes is nominated he office of . CONS-FABLE - Party for the office of . . . _ . . having réceived sufficient number of votes is nominated or the office of having received sufficient number of votes is nominated _Party for the office of . _ having received sufficient number of votes is elected ______ _ _____ _____ ___ received ::Sirf.fiCiertt numbe r . Of Votes is elected:: by the- _ _ _ ___ _ for the Office of..: That . having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the .Party for the office Of : candidate by the.....-. for the office of havIn0......received•••Stifficient .nuMber of f.tov:i.nq. received sufffeient...nuMber at Inteinci recci \fed: sufficienl number of •voteS 5.flO•nii.hatOci• ya1.es i s:10t111n:;f0c1 vofts:: iS::nonijnotec: bcf...d :t..e.e"e. ./•ed sufficient:nu.fitber of .+OfeS is nominated iAeteivaizi suffic i en I , i.i0mber of votes S nonuinoted having received sufficient number of the office of heVirpj received sufficient nUmber a . . votes is nominated votes IS riaMiruited el; - . .. • . . • • . . .. . . .. . . • . • . • . . . • • . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . having received 'stiff ',cient -nu.Mber of .vetesiis Onl.i rio tec; _41arty for the office 4_.7 - having recei suffici:entinumbe.t orniote:5 :i:s :nOininated: pin g reeeiV.ed:sufficfent number of votes is nominated tons were passed or defeated s indicated below: NAME OF 'PROPOSITION • po.L.I:c..:.:1D.Ro."1-...E.cT.j.pN::_.PROPO S ITION MAW OF FROPOSMOF1 Having Received BOARD OF CANVASSERS CHAIRMAN OF BOARD OF CANVASSERS. ATTEST, OF BOARD OF :CANVASSERS. ER CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION having received sufficient number of votes i natitrititecl cA:titcliclate by the Party forithe office candidate by the Forty : for he :office al, That candidate by th That candidate by the Pctifir fo --- :•' candidate by the emir:for the office of : That ._ . candidate by the:- ----------- for the!affiee of : That_ candidate by the Party for the offiCe candidate by the-- _____ for the office That_ _ Candidate by theL _____ _ - - the Office of- : That:. :candidate by candidate by the: • Party for the offiCe at That. candidate by thej_ _ __ ._.:Pittiy:for the office That :candidate by the That candidate by the _PartY for the office of_ That; : candidate by the Party for the office of-: 00.farthér H6réky Deteintine: That the foil-Owing Ptopasitions Or at/et _ for the office hoyi:rt,c,': received Sufficientin0Mber of Votes 5 nominated: votes.: is'nomin(ited . hciv:nd received sufficient :number of votes is nomi nated .having received suffi::.:ient:nuMber of voles is nomi:nated. aving received :suffiçierit:number o for the office:of . ssed SuffiCient ..vate':was • • Receivad Having: .— . Suffic..-ient votes was - Not `<.,:ceived : Defeated N.NVIE OF PROPOSITIOR: Received Having -- ufficien Not Received Passed votes was - Defeated In Wanes* Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands ond affixed the Seal af -COUNTY of OAKLAND-- City , Ter.wrishig or Village) (County, City, Township or Vi I this_ __ , .day of - . in the year one thousand nine hundred and seventy -eight CHAIRMAN. i