HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 2023.08.08 - 40468CANVASS OF VOTES CAST -AT THE - SPECIAL ELECTION -HELD ON - AUGUST 8,2023 NOVI COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY CANVASSERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY,MICHIGAN OaklandCounty,MichiganTuesday,August8,2023Election8/8/2023Page7 se}sjo|jeg 19 "4ssjojjeg aajuasqy: Dald PrecinctNovi,Precinct1273208481Novi,Precinct2.255181436Novi,Precinct3173128301Novi,Precinct4.&6poss599:318827Novi,Precinct514896244 =88394 48217.05%16.77%19.06%13.03%13.06%9.53%18.93%21.49%23.02%16.64%16.02%17.75%NoviPrecinct7.aa126°Novi,Precinct1489Novi,Precinct15wedBBsNovi,Precinct18234Novi,.Precinct19Novi,Precinct20&21NoviPrecinct23 SC 0 OO OOD OD OD OD OO oO Nr Or OMAN HK ON SOOO OO OO OOO Oe SOOO OOO ON OO ON Totals OaklandCounty,MichiganTuesday,August8,2023Election8/8/2023Page9 "4se)sjojjegaaquasqy: 2 1se>sjoyjeg PUIDeLd: PrecinctNovi,Precinct1313169482Novi,Precinct2oehs296141.437Novi,Precinct320993302Novi,Precinct4&6=s—=CSTSs«830Novi,Precinct516283245Novi,Precinct7::154~104°258Novi,Precinct149629125Novi,Precinct15naeBON5iABTottiBNovi,Precinct18255147402Novi,Precinct19..290154444Novi,Precinct20&21334202Novi,Precinct23 88394482191525.17%903484382,56917.05%642383021,80116.77%1426918334,37019.06%641812451,88013.03%322262581,976.13.06%9.53%18.93%21.49%23.02%16.64%16.02%oOo Oo0OlLUmOlmUCOCULUCUCOOl: or OM oO Oo S00 OG OO OOO oO oO a. SCO OOO OOO Oo oO -NW CO OO. Totals STATEMENT OF VOTES NOVI COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT The whole number of votes given for and against the Put figures in this column Operating Millage Proposal This proposal will allow the school district to levy the number of mills required to be levied to enabletheschooldistricttoreceiveitsrevenueperpupilfoundationallowance. Shall the total limitation on the amount of taxes for operating purposes which may be assessedagainstallproperty,except principal residence and other property exempted by law,in NoviCommunitySchoolDistrict,Oakland County,Michigan,be increased by 19 mills ($19.00 on each$1,000 of taxable valuation)and against all principal residences,qualified agricultural property,qualified forest property,supportive housing property,property occupied by a public schoolacademy,industrial personal property and commercial personal property by 5.49 mills ($5.49 oneach$1,000 of taxable valuation),both millages to be for a period of 11 years,2023 to 2033,inclusive;the estimate of the revenue the school district will collect from combined local propertytaxesauthorizedhereinifthemillageisapprovedandleviedin2023isapproximately$775,799 andleviedin2024isapproximately$18,735,442? was Four thousand six hundred forty-two of which number Two thousand seven hundred nine votes were marked YES and One thousand nine hundred thirty-three votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES 4;6|4}2 The whole number of votes given for and against the Put figures in this column Millage Renewal Proposal to Provide Funds to Operate a System of Public Recreation andPlaygrounds This proposal will allow the school district to continue to levy public recreation millage previouslyapprovedbytheelectors. Shall the limitation on the amount of taxes which may be assessed against all property in NoviCommunitySchoolDistrict,Oakland County,Michigan,be increased by and the board of educationbeauthorizedtolevynottoexceed0.9365 mill ($0.09365 on each $1,000 of taxable valuation)for aperiodof10years,2024 to 2033,inclusive,for the purpose of providing funds for operating asystemofpublicrecreationandplaygrounds;the estimate of the revenue the school district will |Fcollectforsuchrecreationprogramifthemillageisapprovedandleviedin2024isapproximately$2,638,033 (this is a renewal of millage that will expire with the 2023 levy)? was Four thousand six hundred fifty-three of which number Three thousand sixty-nine votes were marked YES and One thousand five hundred eighty-four votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION STATE OF MICHIGAN ) )ss. COUNTY OF OAKLAND ) The Board of Canvassersof the COUNTY of OAKLAND (COUNTY,CITY,TOWNSHIP OR VILLAGE)(COUNTY,CITY,TOWNSHIP OR VILLAGE) having Ascertained and Canvassed the Votes of said NOVI COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT (COUNTY,CITY,TOWNSHIP,VILLAGE OR SCHOOL) atthe SPECIAL Election,held onthe 8TH__day of AUGUST in the year Two Thousand TWENTY-THREE Do Hereby Certify and Determine That the following propositions or questions were passed or defeated as indicated below: Operating Millage Proposal Having Received Sufficient votes was PassedNAMEOFPROPOSITIONNetRecsivedDefeated Millage Renewal Proposal to Provide Funds to Operate a System of Public Recreation and Playgrounds Having Received Sufficient votes was PassedNAMEOFPROPOSITIONNetRecsivedDefeated CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION In Witness Whereof,We have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal of CHAIRPERSON BOARD OF CANVASSERS c*the vesr Te 4HOUSANE_TWELSe=AZLLLE CLERK OF BOARD OF CANVASSERS LISA BROWN EE ON-OFBOARD OF CANVASSERS ~CHAIRPE