HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 2005.05.03 - 4050• CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF BRANDON CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE REGULAR ELECTION HELD ON MAY 3, 2005 CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN • • • • PREcINCT REPORT OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN SPECIAL ELECTION MAY 3, 2005 RUN DATE:05/13/0b 02:10 PR 0301 BRANDON CHET PCT 01 & 02 VOTES PERCENT REGISTERED VOTERS - TOTAL 3!..)80 RALLOTS CAST - TOTAL 641 VOTER TURNOUT - TOTAL . , . 11.91 BRANDON 50H00L DISTRICT - DOE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 I LAURA CRACCHICLO A5 1.60 D'ANNA KEEBIF 354 59-60 NANCY K. STEORSCHFIN 192 32.43 WRITE-IN 1 .17 BRANDON scnoor, MILLAGE I VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 'YES 469 73.74 NO 167 26.26 BRANDON SCHOOL MILLAGE II VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 YES 401 63,35 NO ..... 232 36.65 voTEs pERcENT 4841 842 17.39 • 4111 PRECINCT REPOR7 OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN SPECIAL ELECTION MAY 3, 2005 RUN DATE:05/13/05 0210 PM 0303 BRANDON cHRT TWP 03 04 REGIsTFRED VOTERS - TOTAL BALLOTS CAST - TOTAL. , VOTER TURNOUT - TOTAL . BRANDON SCEWL DISTRICT - ROE VOTE FOR NOT MoRE THAN 0 1 LAURA CRAccuToLO 49 10.23 D ,ANNA KFEBLE, 265 NANCY K. STROESCHEIN 163 34.C3 wRITE. IN ....... . . . 2 .42 OXFORD AREA COMMUNITY SCHOOLS DOE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN t) 2 LEE BARCLAY 142 35.41 ANTHONY DAvTD GIANNOLA 109 21,18 PAMELA PFETPS 150 3J.41 WRITE-IN WRITE-IN 0 OXFORD SCHOOL MILLAGE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN :0 1 YER 182 65.94 NO. 94 34.06 BRANDON SCHOOL MILLACE I VOTE FOR NOT moRE THAN 0 1 YEc 383 68.27 NO 178 3I.13 BRANDON sCBOOL VILLAGE II VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 YES 355 63.39 NO 205 36.61 76.39 BRANDuN SCHOOL MILLAGE IT VOTE FoR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 /ES NO . . . . . . 11 93,61 • • PRECINCT REPORT OAKLAtAD COUNTY, MtcHTGAD SPECIAL ELECTION MAY 3, 2DC5 RUN DATE:05/13/05 0210 PM 0305 BRANDON CERT TIP O. -VOTEs PERCENT REGISTERED VOTERS - TOTAL 1583 BALLOTS CAST - TOTAL 73 VOTER TURNOUT - TOTAL 4.61 BRANDON SCHOOL DISTRICT - ROE VOTE .FoR NOT MORE TEAN 0 1 LAURA cRAccETOLO ---------11 15.49 D I ANNA XEEBIE 33 46.48 NANCY K. STRoESCHETN 2'T 38.03 RITE• 0 BRANDON SCHcoL MILLAGE I VOTE FOR NOT MoRE THAN 0 I YES 59 80.82 NO 14 1918, VOTES PERCENT 1043 214 20.52 4111 PRECINCT REPORT OAKLAND COUNTY, MICRIGAN SPECIAL ELECTION MAY 3, 2005 RUN DATE:05/13./05 02:10 PM 0306 BRANDON oHRT TWB 06 REGISTERED VoTFRS - TOTAL .BALLOTS CAST - TOTAL. VOTER TURNOUT TOTAL . BRANDON SCHOOL DISTRICT - NOR VOTE Fop NOT MOPE THAN 0 1 LAJRA CRACCHIOLO 7 3.55 O'ANNA FEEBLE US 58.38 NANCY E. STROHSCREIN. .... 69 35-03 WR1TE-1K 3.05 PRANDON Sc8COL MILLAGE I VOTE TOR NOT MORE TilAK 0 1 YES 156 73.24 NO 57 26.76 BRANDON SCHOOL MILLACE 11 VOTE FOR NOT mORR THAN 0 1 YE,; 131 61-21 No 83 38.79 251 12 17 10 11 2 17 10 12 2 BRANDON SCHOOL MILLAGE I VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN ONE (1) YES NO BRANDON SCHOOL MILLAGE II VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN ONE (1) YES NO BRANDON SCHOOL MILLAGE I VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN ONE (1) YES NO BRANDON SCHOOL MILLAGE II VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN ONE (I) YES NO • • • LAPEER COUNTY, MICHIGAN MAY 3, 2005 ELECTION RESULTS HADLEY TOWNSHIP PRECINCT #1 BALLOTS CAST (LAPEER COUNTY) 631 ELGIBLE VOTERS IN OAKLAND COUNTY 29 BRANDON SCHOOL DISTRICT - BOARD OF EDUCATION VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN ONE (1) LAURA CRACCHIOLO 6 D'ANNA KEEBLE 7 NANCY K. STROHSCHEIN 15 HADLEY TOWNSHIP PRECINCT #2 BALLOTS CAST (LAPEER COUNTY) ELGIBLE VOTERS IN OAKLAND COUNTY BRANDON SCHOOL DISTRICT - BOARD OF EDUCATION VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN ONE (1) LAURA CRACCHIOLO 0 D'ANNA KEEBLE 7 NANCY K. STROHSCHEIN 5 LAPEER Allk, MICHIGAN • lAY 3, 2005 ELECTION RESULTS MINtORA TOWNSHIP PRECINCT #I BALLOTS CAST (LAPEER COUNTY) 474 1RYDEN TOWNSHIP PRECINCT #1 ELGIBLE VOTERS IN OAKLAND COUNTY 58 BALLOTS CAST (LAPEER COUNTY) 270 ELGIBLE VOTERS IN OAKLAND COUNTY 17 OXFORD AREA COMMUNITY SCHOOLS - BOARD OF EDUCATION VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN TWO (2) )1CFORD AREA COMMUNITY SCHOOLS - BOARD .OF EDUCATION LEE BARCLAY 37 VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN TWO (2) ANTHONY DAVID GIANNOLA 25 LEE BARCLAY 0 PAMELA PHELPS 29 ANTHONY DAVID CIANNO1A 2 PAMELA PHELPS 1 OXFORD SCHOOL MILLAGE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN ONE (1) YES 36 MEN TOWNSHIP PRECINCT 111 (CON'T) NO 22 70RD SCHOOL MILLAGE EFOR NOT MORE THAN ONE.(1) • METAMORA TOWNSHIP PRECINCT #2 ; I. BALLOTS CAST (LAPEER COUNTY) 400 1 ELGIBLE VOTERS IN OAKLAND COUNTY 8 DEN TOWNSHIP PRECINCT #2 OXFORD AREA .COMMUNITY SCHOOLS - BOARD OF EDUCATION 'ORD AREA COMMUNITY SCHOOLS - BOARD OF EDUCATION VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN TWO (2) E FOR NOT MORE THAN TWO (2) LEE BARCLAY 5 H3ARCLAY ' . 11 ANTHONY DAVID GIANNOLA_ 4 BONY DAVID GIANNOLA 9 PAMELA PHELPS 7 ELA PHELPS 11 OR]) SCHOOL MILLAGE E FOR NOT MORE THAN ONE (1) 6 14 OXFORD SCHOOL MILLAGE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN ONE (1) YES NO 8 OAKLAND COUNTY REGULAR ELECTION -MAY 3,2005 STATEMENT OF VOTES BRANDON SCHOOL DISTRICT The whole number of votes given for the office of MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION- VOTE FOR ONE - FOUR YEAR TERM was one thousand seven hundred seventy 1,710 D'ANNA FEEBLE nine hundred sixty five 965 NANCY K. STROHSCHEIN .six hundred sixty six 666 LAURA CRACCHIOLO one hundred thirty nine 139 TOTAL votes -1,770 Regular Election - May 3, 2005 TOTAL votes ,746 OAKLAND COUNTY REGULAR ELECTION - MAY 3, 2005 STATEMENT OF VOTES OXFORD AREA COMMUNITY SCHOOLS The whole number of votes given for the office of MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION VOTE FOR TNO - FOUR YEAR TERM was five thousand seven hun.dred forty six 5,746 LEE BARcLAy received two thousand two hundred twenty seven 2,227 PAMELA PHELPS received two thousand forty 2,040 ANTHONY DAVID GIANNOLA received one thousand four hundred seventy nine 1,479 Regular Election - May 3, 2005 OAKLAND COUNTY REGULAR ELECTION - MAY 3,2005 STATEMENT OF VOTES BRANDON SCHOOL DISTRICT The whole number of votes given for and against the I. OPERATING MILLAGE RENEWAL PROPOSAL EXEMPTING PRINCIPAL RESIDENCE AND QUALIFIED AGRICULTURAL PROPERTY This proposal will renew the previously authorized millage rate levy required for the school district to receive its revenue per pupil foundation guarantee, which millage was reduced by the application of the Headlee millage reduction fraction. Shall the limitation on the amount of taxes which may be assessed against all property, exempting therefrom principal residence and qualified agricultural property as defined by law, in Brandon School District in the Counties of Oakland and Lapeer, Michigan. be increased by 15.0410 mills ($15.0410 on each $1,000.00 of taxable valuation) for a period of 5 years, 2005 to 2009. inclusive, to provide funds for operating purposes; the estimate of the revenue the school district will collect if the miilage is approved and levied in 2005 is approximately S1,319,111 (this is a renewal of millage which expired with the 2004 tax levy)? was one thousand nine hundred fortpone votes 1,941 of which number one thousand four hundred thirteen votes were marked YES votes 1,413 and five hundred twenty-eight votes were marked NO votes 528 TOTAL votes 1,941 The whole number of votes given for and against the II. OPERATING MILLAGE PROPOSAL EXEMPTING PRINCIPAL RESIDENCE AND QUALIFIED AGRICULTURAL PROPERTY • This millage increase, together with the millage renewal, will allow the scriool district to levy the statutory rate of 10 mills on all property except principal residence and qualified agricultural property required for the school district to receive its revenue per pupil foundation guarantee. Shall the limitation on the amount of taxes which may be assessed against all property, exempting therefrom principal residence and qualified agricultural property as defined by law, in Brandon School District in the Counties of Oakland and Lapeer, Michigan, be increased by 2.959 mills (52.959 on each $1,000.00 of taxable valuation) for a period o15 years, 2005 to 2009, inclusive, to provide funds for operating purposes; if approved, the estimate of the revenue the school district will collect if the millage is approved and levied in 2005 is approximately $259,501 (this millage will be levied only to the extent necessary to restore the "Headlee reduction)? was one thousand nine hundred thirty-seven votes 1,937 of which number one thousand two hundred fifty-nine votes were marked YES votes 1,259 and slx hundred seventy.eight votes were marked NO votes 678 TOTAL votes 1,937 • Regular Election - May 3, 2005 OAKLAND COUNTY REGULAR ELECTION - MAY 3, 2005 STATEMENT OF VOTES OXFORD AREA COMMUNITY SCHOOLS The whole number of votes given for and against the OPERATING MILLAGE PROPOSAL EXEMPTING PRINCIPAL RESIDENCE AND QUALIFIED AGRICULTURAL PROPERTY This proposal will enable the school district to levy the statutory rate of 18 mills on all property except principai residence and qualified agricultural property required for the school district to receive its revenue per pupil foundation allowance, Shall the limitation on the amount of taxes which may be assessed against all property, exempting therefrom principal residence and qualified agricultural property as defined by law, in Oxford Area Community Schools, Oakland and Lapeer Counties, Michigan, be increased by 2.3549 mills ($23549 on each $1,000.00 of taxable valuation) for a period of 2 years, 2005 and 2006, to provide funds for operating purposes; the estimate of the revenue the school district will collect if the millage is approved and levied in 2005 is approximately $645,779 (this millage is to restore millage lost as a result of the reaucton required by the Michigan Constitution of 1963)? was four thousand one hundred forty votes 4,140 of which number two thousand five hundred thirty-two votes were marked YES votes 2,532 and one thousand six hundred eight votes were marked NO votes 1,608 TOTAL votes 4.140 • Regular Election May 3, 2005 CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION • The Oakland County Board of Canvassers, having canvassed the votes of BRANDON SCHOOL DISTRICT at the Regular Election, held on the 3rd day of May, Two-Thousand Five, hereby determine: • That D'ANNA KEEBLE having received the largest number of votes is elected to the office of MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF BRANDON SCHOOL DISTRICT CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION • The Oakland County Board of Canvassers, having canvassed the votes of OXFORD AREA COMMUNITY SCHOOLS at the Regular Election, held on the 3rd day of May, Two-Thousand Five, hereby determine: That LEE BARCLAY having received the largest number of votes is elected to the office of MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF OXFORD AREA COMMUNITY SCHOOLS That PAMELA PHELPS having received the second largest number of votes is elected to the office of MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF OXFORD AREA COMMUNITY SCHOOLS • • CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION • BRANDON SCHOOL DISTRICT 1. OPERATING MILLAGE RENEWAL PROPOSAL EXEMPTING PRINCIPAL RESIDENCE AND QUALIFIED AGRICULTURAL PROPERTY The OAKLAND COUNTY Board of Canvassers having canvassed the votes of at the REGULAR ELECTION, held on the 3rd day of MAY, TWO THOUSAND FIVE hereby determine; This proposal will renew the previously authorized millage Having RECEIVED sufficient votes was PASSED rate levy required for the school district to receive its revenue per pupil foundation guarantee, which miliage was reduced by the application of the Headlee millage reduction fraction. Shall the limitation on the amount of taxes which may be assessed against all property, exempting therefrom principal residence and qualified agricultural property as defined by law, in Brandon School District in the Counties of Oakland and Lapeer. Michigan, be increased by 15.0410 mills ($15.0410 on each $1,000.00 of taxable valuation) for a period of 5 years, 2005 to 2009, inclusive, to provide funds for operating purposes; the estimate of the revenue the school district will collect if the millage is approved and levied in 2005 is approximately $1,319,111 I. (this is a renewal of millage which expired with the 2004 tax levy)? CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION • BRANDON SCHOOL DISTRICT II. OPERATING MILLAGE PROPOSAL EXEMPTING PRINCIPAL RESIDENCE AND QUALIFIED AGRICULTURAL PROPERTY The oAKLAriro COUNTY Board of Canvassers having canvassed the votes of at the REGULAR ELECTION, held on the 3rd day of MAY TWO THOUSAND FIVE hereby determine: Having RECEIVED sufficient votes was PASSED This millage increase, together with the miliage renewal, will allow the school district to levy the statutory rate of 18 mills on all property except principal residence and qualified agricultural property required for the school district to receive its revenue per pupil foundation guarantee. Shall the limitation on the amount of taxes which may be assessed against all property, exempting therefrom principal residence and qualified agricultural property as defined by law, in Brandon School District in the Counties of Oakland and Lapeer, Michigan. be increased by 2.959 mills ($2.959 on each $1,000.00 of taxable valuation) for a period of 5 years, 2005 to 2009, inclusive, to provide funds for operating purposes; if approved, the estimate of the revenue the school district will collect if the millage is approved and levied in 2005 is approximately $259,507 (this mitlage wilt be levied only to the extent necessary to restore the 1-leadlee" reduction)? • CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION OXFORD AREA COMMUNITY SCHOOLS OPERATING MILLAGE PROPOSAL EXEMPTING PRINCIPAL RESIDENCE AND QUALIFIED AGRICULTURAL PROPERTY The OAKLAND COUNTY Board of Canvassers having canvassed the votes of at the REGULAR ELECTION, held on the 3rd day of MAY, TWO THOUSAND FIVE hereby determine; This proposal will enable the school district to levy the statutory rate of 18 mills on all property except principal residence and qualified agricultural property required for the school district to receive its revenue per pupil foundation allowance. Shall the limitation on the amount of taxes which may be assessed against all property, exempting therefrom principal residence and qualified agricultural property as defined by law, In Oxford Area Community Schools, Oakland and Lapeer Counties, Michigan, be increased by 2.3549 mills ($2.3549 on each $1,000.00 of taxable valuation) for a period of 2 years, 2005 and 2005, to provide funds for operating purposes; the estimate of the revenue the school district will collect if the millage is approved and levied in 2005 is approximately $645,779 • (this millage is to restore millage lost as a result of the reduction required by the Michigan Constitution of 1983)? Having RECEIVED sufficient votes was PASSED OAKLAND CO TY BOARD OF CANV,AiSELS_I. , .----) CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION • ln witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal of the OAKLAND COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT the 10th day of May, in the year Two Thousand and Five, CHAIRPERSON CLERK OF BOARD OF CANVASSERS CHAIRPERSON OF BOARD Of CANVASSERS F:\CLRKRQQCANVA F'AGESSCERTIFKATE OF DETERMINATION.doc