HomeMy WebLinkAboutReports - 2023.08.17 - 40506 AGENDA ITEM: Acceptance from the Michigan Department of State Police for the FY 2024 Secondary Road Patrol and Traffic Accident Prevention Program DEPARTMENT: Sheriff’s Office MEETING: Board of Commissioners DATE: Thursday, August 17, 2023 7:39 PM - Click to View Agenda ITEM SUMMARY SHEET COMMITTEE REPORT TO BOARD Resolution #2023-3240 Motion to approve the FY 2024 Secondary Road Patrol and Traffic Accident Prevention Program grant award; to continue seven (7) SR FTE Deputy II positions (#02572, #03114, #7501, #14865, #15480, #15481 and #15894) and one (1) SR FTE Sergeant position (#07790) located in the Sheriff’s Office, Patrol Services Division; authorize the Chair of the Board of Commissioners to execute the grant award; further to amend FY 2024 as detailed in the attached Schedule A. ITEM CATEGORY SPONSORED BY Grant Gwen Markham INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND The Oakland County Sheriff’s Office (OCSO) has been awarded $1,184,560 in grant funding from the Michigan Department of State Police (MSP) - Office of Highway Safety Planning (OHSP) from Public Act 416 to conduct secondary road patrol activities for the period October 1, 2023, through September 30. This is the 45th year that the OCSO has been awarded Secondary Road Patrol and Traffic Accident Prevention Program Grant funding. The Fiscal Year grant allocation represents an increase of $723 from last year’s funding. The grant provides continued funding for seven (7) Special Revenue (SR) full-time eligible (FTE) Deputy II positions (#02572, #03114, #7501, #14865, #15480, #15481 and #15894) and one (1) SR FTE Sergeant position (#07790) located in the Patrol Services Division. No county match is required. The continuation of this program, including positions, is contingent upon continued grant fudning. POLICY ANALYSIS The Chair of the Public Health and Safety Committee waived the liaison committee requirements due to the grantor deadlines and the Board’s grant submission process and calendar. BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUIRED: Yes Committee members can contact Michael Andrews, Policy and Fiscal Analysis Supervisor at 248.425.5572 or andrewsmb@oakgov.com, or the department contact persons listed for additional information. CONTACT Curtis Childs Gaia Piir, Sheriff Fiscal Officer ITEM REVIEW TRACKING Aaron Snover, Board of Commissioners Created/Initiated - 8/17/2023 AGENDA DEADLINE: 08/27/2023 7:39 PM ATTACHMENTS 1. FY24 SRP Schedule A 2. Grant Review Sign-Off 3. SRPGrantAgreement_20230801 COMMITTEE TRACKING 2023-08-09 Finance - Recommend to Board 2023-08-17 Full Board - Approve Motioned by: Commissioner Robert Hoffman Seconded by: Commissioner Brendan Johnson Yes: David Woodward, Michael Spisz, Penny Luebs, Karen Joliat, Kristen Nelson, Christine Long, Robert Hoffman, Philip Weipert, Gwen Markham, Angela Powell, Marcia Gershenson, William Miller III, Yolanda Smith Charles, Charles Cavell, Brendan Johnson, Ajay Raman (16) No: None (0) Abstain: None (0) Absent: Gary McGillivray, Michael Gingell (2) Passed Oakland County, Michigan SHERIFF'S OFFICE - FY 2024 SECONDARY ROAD PATROL Schedule "A" DETAIL R/E Fund Name Division Name Fund # (FND) Cost Center (CCN) # Account # (RC/SC) Program # (PRG) Grant ID (GRN) # Project ID # (PROJ) Region (REG) Budget Fund Affiliate (BFA) Ledger Account Summary Account Title FY 2024 Amendment FY 2025 Amendment FY 2026 Amendment R Law Enforcement Grants Sheriff Patrol Services FND11005 CCN4030601 RC615571 PRG110010 GRN-1004167 615000 State Operating Grants $1,184,560 $-$- Total Revenues $1,184,560 $-$- E Law Enforcement Grants Sheriff Patrol Services FND11005 CCN4030601 SC702010 PRG110010 GRN-1004167 702000 Salaries Regular $710,175 $-$- E Law Enforcement Grants Sheriff Patrol Services FND11005 CCN4030601 SC722750 PRG110010 GRN-1004167 722000 Workers Compensation 11,292 -- E Law Enforcement Grants Sheriff Patrol Services FND11005 CCN4030601 SC722760 PRG110010 GRN-1004167 722000 Group Life 1,633 E Law Enforcement Grants Sheriff Patrol Services FND11005 CCN4030601 SC722770 PRG110010 GRN-1004167 722000 Retirement 198,118 E Law Enforcement Grants Sheriff Patrol Services FND11005 CCN4030601 SC722780 PRG110010 GRN-1004167 722000 Hospitalization 121,818 E Law Enforcement Grants Sheriff Patrol Services FND11005 CCN4030601 SC722790 PRG110010 GRN-1004167 722000 Social Security 53,894 E Law Enforcement Grants Sheriff Patrol Services FND11005 CCN4030601 SC722800 PRG110010 GRN-1004167 722000 Dental 7,469 E Law Enforcement Grants Sheriff Patrol Services FND11005 CCN4030601 SC722810 PRG110010 GRN-1004167 722000 Disability 11,467 E Law Enforcement Grants Sheriff Patrol Services FND11005 CCN4030601 SC722820 PRG110010 GRN-1004167 722000 Unemployment Insurance 426 E Law Enforcement Grants Sheriff Patrol Services FND11005 CCN4030601 SC722850 PRG110010 GRN-1004167 722000 Optical 216 E Law Enforcement Grants Sheriff Patrol Services FND11005 CCN4030601 SC776659 PRG110010 GRN-1004167 770000 Motor Pool Fuel Charges 35,000 E Law Enforcement Grants Sheriff Patrol Services FND11005 CCN4030601 SC776661 PRG110010 GRN-1004167 770000 Motor Pool 33,052 Total Expenditures $1,184,560 $-$- GRANT REVIEW SIGN-OFF – Sheriff’s Office GRANT NAME: FY 2024 Secondary Road Patrol Grant FUNDING AGENCY: Michigan State Police - Office of Highway Safety Planning DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Lt. Anthony Spencer / (248) 858-5022 STATUS: Grant Acceptance (Greater than $10,000) DATE: 08/07/2023 Please be advised that the captioned grant materials have completed internal grant review. Below are the returned comments. The Board of Commissioners’ liaison committee resolution and grant acceptance package (which should include this sign- off and the grant agreement/contract with related documentation) may be requested to be placed on the agenda(s) of the appropriate Board of Commissioners’ committee(s) for grant acceptance by Board resolution. DEPARTMENT REVIEW Management and Budget: Approved – Sheryl Johnson (08/04/2023) Human Resources: Approved by Human Resources. Continues positions with no change. No HR action needed. – Heather Mason (08/03/2023) Risk Management: Approved. No County insurance requirements – Robert Erlenbeck (08/07/2023) Corporation Counsel: Approved – Sharon Kessler (08/04/2023) Services to be Provided Instructions All fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are required. After completing all required fields, click SAVE to store the information on this page. To clear all information on this page, click DELETE. To navigate to the next application form, you may use the Next Form navigation button at the bottom of the page. NOTE: Using the navigation buttons at the bottom of the page will automatically SAVE the page. Comple tion of this page is re quire d for application submission. SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED Instructions Indicate how your department will utilize the funds allocated by selecting each applicable checkbox that describes an activity engaged in by your county’s SRP Deputies. All activities must be allowable under the provisions of P.A. 416 and must be consistent with the reported expenditures. At least one (1) selection is required *. Select all that apply. * Services to be Provided Patrol and monitor traffic violations on secondary roads. Investigate crashes involving motor vehicles on secondary roads. Provide emergency assistance to persons on secondary roads. Enforce violations of criminal laws which are observed by or brought to the attention of the sheriff’s department while patrolling secondary roads. 2024 Secondary Road Patrol and Traffic Accident Prevention Program (SRP) 2024-SRP-63 Secondary Road Patrol Agreement Instructions All fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are required. After completing all required fields, click SAVE to store the information on this page. To navigate to the next application form, you may use the Next Form navigation button at the bottom of the page. NOTE: Using the navigation buttons at the bottom of the page will automatically SAVE the page. Comple tion of this page is re quire d for application submission. Secondary Road Patrol Ag reement Funding Period — October 1, 2023 - September 30, 2024 State Allocation * $1,184,560.00 Maintenance of Effort (MOE) Requirement * 48.00 FTEs Background: The Office of Highway Safety Planning (OHSP) is responsible for administering the Secondary Road Patrol and Traffic Ac cident Prevention Fund. Before a c ounty obtains its grant from the amount annually appropriated for secondary road patrol and traffic ac cident prevention, the c ounty shall enter into an agreement for the sec ondary road patrol and traffic acc ident prevention services with the OHSP. In eac h fisc al y ear, $15,000,000 of the proceeds deposited in the state treasury for taxes on the retail selling pric e of spirits must be allocated to the sec ondary road patrol and training fund (MCL 256.629e). (A perc entage of the proceeds are also allocated to MCOLES to administer the training to locals grant). A county's share of the amount annually appropriated for sec ondary road patrol and traffic ac cident prevention must be the same percentage that the c ounty received, or was eligible to receive, of the total amount allocated to all c ounties under section 12 of 1951 PA 51, MCL 247.662, less the amounts distributed for snow removal and engineers, during the period of J uly 1, 1976, through J une 30, 1977. As such, this funding formula has not changed sinc e 1977. Maintenance of Effort (MOE): The county shall immediately notify OHSP of any reduc tions in the expenditures or working number of c ounty -funded road patrol positions if the remaining number of working road patrol positions is below the September 30, 1978 or September 30, 2021 level, whichever year the expenditures or level of road patrol is lower. This notific ation shall inc lude the latest county estimate of total county general fund revenue for the pertinent c ounty fiscal year. Notification shall be in writing and inc lude appropriate explanatory information. County agrees to use funding solely on secondary roads for the following services to be provided: Patrolling and monitoring traffic violations. Enforcing the c riminal laws of this state, violations of which are observed by or brought to the attention of the sheriff's offic e while providing the servic es required by Public Act 416 of 1978 (P.A. 416). Investigating acc idents involving motor vehic les. Providing emergenc y assistanc e to persons on or near a highway or road patrolled as required by P.A. 416. 2024 Secondary Road Patrol and Traffic Accident Prevention Program (SRP) 2024-SRP-63 The sheriff's offic e can provide these services on sec ondary roads within a city or village if the legislative body of the local unit of government passes a resolution requesting the services, with the exception of taking c omplaints. How funds can be spent: Employ ing additional personnel Purchasing additional equipment Enforcing laws in state and c ounty parks Providing selective motor vehic le inspection programs Providing traffic safety information and education programs that are in addition to those provided before the effective date of P.A. 416, Oc tober 1, 1978 Eligible Expenses: Eligible expenses inc lude: Salaries and fringe benefits for time that deputies spend on sec ondary road patrol assignments. Mileage reimbursement OR Ac tual automotive costs. NOTE: If using a mileage rate that includes an allowance for depreciation of the vehicle, including the IRS rate, the c ounty may not also request reimbursement for a vehicle. Equipment expenses Supplies and Operating expenses Ineligible Expenses: Ineligible expenses inc lude: Salaries and fringe benefits for time that deputies did not spend on sec ondary roads. Any costs related to non-sec ondary road patrol activity. Quarterly Reimbursement Requests: The county agrees to submit a Quarterly Financial Report within 20 days of the completion of each quarterly period beginning with the date of this agreement. A general ledger report produc ed by the c ounty 's offic ial acc ounting system must be submitted with eac h Quarterly Financ ial Report. The ledger must reconc ile to reported c osts. Funds are alloc ated each fiscal year beginning October 1. Sheriff offic es must submit for reimbursement requests quarterly . Quarterly reports are due: 1. January 20 2. April 20 3. July 20 4. October 20 Reimbursement requests must be made using the OHSP MGX system. All personnel c osts, automotive expenses, equipment, and operating costs must be listed and provided with the general ledger. All costs requested must reconc ile 2024 Secondary Road Patrol and Traffic Accident Prevention Program (SRP) 2024-SRP-63 with the general ledger. Method of Payment: The State of Michigan shall reimburse the county for expenditures inc urred during the previous quarter. Reimbursement may be delay ed should the county fail to provide all required reports and other documentation or is not in complianc e with P.A. 416 and the Agreement Conditions and Requirements. Unallowable costs will not be reimbursed. Annual Reporting Requirements: The county is required to submit their annual report through the MGX sy stem whic h contains: (a) A description of the servic es provided by the sheriff's department of the c ounty under MCL 51.76, other than the servic es provided in a c ounty park. (b) A description of the servic es provided by the sheriff's department of the c ounty under MCL 51.76 in c ounty parks in the county. (c) A copy of each resolution by a c ity or village of the c ounty whic h requests the sheriff's department of the county to provide the servic es described in MCL 51.76. (d) A copy of each c ontrac t between a county and a township of the county in which township the sheriff's department is providing a law enforcement service, as required by MCL 51.77(7). (e) The rec ommendations of the sheriff's department of the county on methods of improving the services provided under section MCL 51.76; improving the training programs of law enforcement offic ers; and improving the communications sy stem of the sheriff's department. (f) The total number of sworn officers in the sheriff's department. (g) The number of sworn officers in the sheriff's department assigned to road safety programs. (h) The ac cident and fatality data for inc orporated and unincorporated areas of the county during the preceding calendar year. * (i) The c rime statistics for the inc orporated and unincorporated areas of the county during the preceding calendar year. * (j) The law enforcement plan developed under subsec tion (7), i.e., The sheriff of eac h county and the direc tor of the department of state police, or their authorized representatives shall meet and develop a law enforcement plan for the uninc orporated areas of the c ounty . The law enforcement plan must be reviewed and updated periodic ally . (k) A desc ription of the role alcohol play ed in the inc idenc es of personal injury traffic ac cidents and traffic fatalities in the c ounty . The data for lines (h) and (i) will be c ompiled by the OHSP. The county will not be required to provide this information. 2024 Secondary Road Patrol and Traffic Accident Prevention Program (SRP) 2024-SRP-63 Record Keeping Requirements: The county must maintain acc ounting rec ords, following generally ac cepted ac counting proc edures, to rec eive reimbursement for expenditures under this agreement. Doc umentation supporting all expenditures shall be maintained for at least three y ears after the expiration of the fiscal year covering this agreement. The Sherriff agrees to expend funds obtained under this agreement only during the period c overed by the agreement and only for purposes specified. All revenue and expenditures shall be recorded in a fund or acc ount separate from the provider's other funds or acc ounts. The general ledger is required and must reconc ile to reported c osts. 1. Personnel Costs. Amounts expended under this agreement for P.A. 416-Funded Road Patrol Deputies shall be based upon payrolls doc umented and approved in acc ordance with the policies and prac tices of the Sheriff and shall be supported by time and attendanc e rec ords and daily ac tivity logs for individual employ ees. The daily logs must detail all ac tivities engaged in, locations of ac tivities, and times engaged in eac h ac tivity . 2. All automotive expenses, supplies, and equipment shall be authorized and procured in acc ordance with the general policies and prac tices of the c ounty . Automotive expenses can be reported based either on the ac tual costs incurred for vehic les, gasoline, maintenanc e, insuranc e, and other vehicle costs, or on actual miles driven times a mileage rate. If the c ounty c hooses to use a mileage rate, they may either use the most rec ently published IRS business rate, in whic h case no further calc ulation is required, or calc ulate the mileage rate based on the county's actual c osts. Supporting documentation for the c ounty 's calc ulated rate must be kept on file for review during monitoring. Monitoring and Audit: The OHSP, the Local Government Audit Division of the Mic higan Department of Treasury , and the State Auditor General, or any of their duly authorized representatives, shall have acc ess to any books, doc uments, papers, and rec ords of the Sheriff whic h are related to this agreement, for purpose of monitoring and audit. The county shall c omply with the requests of the OHSP for information on reports related to the manpower, expenditures, and services of the c ounty . Termination The agreement is void if the county reduc es its expenditures or level of road patrol below that whic h the c ounty was expending or providing immediately before Oc tober 1, 1978, or Oc tober 1, 2021, whic hever y ear the expenditures or level of road patrol is less. (MCL 51.77(1)). If there is an allegation of non-complianc e with the provisions of this subsec tion, the OHSP shall notify the Sheriff in writing and afford the Sheriff with an opportunity to demonstrate complianc e. If c ompliance c annot be established, OHSP shall notify the Sheriff in writing of the termination of this agreement. This termination shall be effective as of the date on whic h the non-complianc e originally oc curred. Sanctions: If the county materially fails to comply with the terms and conditions of the agreement, the OHSP may take one or more of the following actions, as appropriate in the circ umstances: 1. Temporarily withhold cash payments pending correc tion of the deficienc y by the county. 2. Disallow all or part of the c ost of the ac tivity or action not in c ompliance. 3. W holly or partly suspend or terminate the c urrent agreement. 4. W ithhold further funding for the program. 5. Take other remedies that may be legally available. Instructions Select the checkbox below to provide an electronic signature for the grant agreement. An electronic signature from each of the specified roles is required before application submission. Signature Agreement Agency Project Director - Sheriff * Click here to affirm that you have read and agree to comply with the Secondary Road Patrol Grant Management Requirements and Agreement. 2024 Secondary Road Patrol and Traffic Accident Prevention Program (SRP) 2024-SRP-63 * Click here to affirm that you have read and agree to comply with the Secondary Road Patrol Grant Management Requirements and Agreement. Agency Authorized Official - County Chairperson Agency Financial Officer * [X]Click here to affirm that you have read and agree to comply with the Secondary Road Patrol Grant Management Requirements and Agreement. 2024 Secondary Road Patrol and Traffic Accident Prevention Program (SRP) 2024-SRP-63 Certification of Grant Officials Instructions Click SAVE to populate and store the information on this page. If any of the three (3) required roles (Project Director, Authorized Official, or Financial Officer) are not assigned, an error message will appear. Click the Add/Edit Pe ople link in the left navigation menu to assign the required roles. Once all of the required roles are assigned, return to this page to SAVE and store the updated information. To navigate to the next application form, you may use the Next Form navigation button at the bottom of the page. NOTE: Using the navigation buttons at the bottom of the page will automatically SAVE the page. Succe ssful comple tion of this page (without e rror) is re quire d for application submission. Certification of Grant Officials W e certify that the information contained in this application including, but not limited to, the Methods and Procedures and Budget Detail, is accurate to the best of our knowledge. W e agree to comply with P.A. 416, the Contract Conditions and Requirements, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, and Office of Highway Safety Planning (OHSP) policies with the understanding that failure to do so is cause for termination of the grant. CHAIRPERSON, COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS NAM E TITLE ADDRESS STATE AGENCY WITH WHICH COUNTY EEO IF ON FILE PHONE NUM BER EM AIL ADDRESS FAX NUM BER SHERIFF NAM E TITLE ADDRESS PHONE NUM BER FAX NUM BER EM AIL ADDRESS 2024 Secondary Road Patrol and Traffic Accident Prevention Program (SRP) 2024-SRP-63 FINANCIAL OFFICER NAM E TITLE ADDRESS PHONE NUM BER FAX NUM BER EM AIL ADDRESS PRIMARY CONTACT PERSON FOR SRP PROGRAM NAM E TITLE ADDRESS PHONE NUM BER FAX NUM BER EM AIL ADDRESS 2024 Secondary Road Patrol and Traffic Accident Prevention Program (SRP) 2024-SRP-63