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AGENDA ITEM: Acceptance of the FY 2024 Funds from the Automobile Theft Prevention Authority
DEPARTMENT: Sheriff’s Office
MEETING: Board of Commissioners
DATE: Thursday, September 21, 2023 9:30 AM - Click to View Agenda
Resolution #2023-3355
Motion to accept grant funding from the State of Michigan, Auto Theft Prevention Authority in the
amount of $1,615,061 with a grant match of $944,790 totaling $2,559,851 and grant funding passed
through the City of Detroit, in the amount of $88,270 with a grant match of $58,847 totaling
$147,117 for the period of October 1, 2023 through September 30, 2024; authorize the Chair of the
Board of Commissioners to execute the grant agreement; authorize a representative from the
Sheriff’s Office to execute the agreement for participation in the Oakland County Auto Theft Task
Force and receipt of ATPA grant funds with the local units of government; create one (1) new Full-
Time Eligible (FTE) Special Revenue (SR) Sergeant position (4030901) in the Sheriff’s Office/
Investigative & Forensic Services/Special Teams Unit; further, amend the FY 2024 budget as
detailed in the attached Schedule A.
Grant Penny Luebs
The State of Michigan, Automobile Theft Prevention Authority (ATPA), has awarded Oakland
County funding in the amount of $1,615,061 with a grant match of $944,790 totaling $2,559,851 for
the funding period of October 1, 2023 through September 30, 2024. The ATPA encourages
multijurisdictional agreements and, for that reason, the Oakland County’s award includes one
Detroit position and Detroit’s award includes one Oakland County Sheriff’s Office position.Oakland
County will receive grant funding in the amount of $88,270 with a required match of $58,847 for the
Oakland County position working with the Detroit ATPA team; and
The Oakland County ATPA award includes funding for the following:
1) $956,978 for Oakland County Sheriff’s Office with a required match of $526,068
2) $111,706 for Farmington Hills Police Department with a required match of $71,137
3) $93,157 for Hazel Park Police Department with a required match of $58,771
4) $133,210 for the Royal Oak Police Department with a required match of $85,473
5) $125,878 for the Southfield Police Department with a required match of $80,586
6) $85,153 for the Detroit Police Department with a required match of $53,434
7) $108,979 for the City of Pontiac with a required match of $69,321
Each participating municipality is responsible for their own match requirements.
Oakland County’s total required match for both the Oakland County ATPA award and City of Detroit
ATPA award, in the amount of $584,915, is available in the FY 2024 – FY 2026 General Fund Inv &
Forensic Svcs Transfers Out budget and the LE Grants Transfers In account.
The award provides continued funding for the following positions in the Sheriff’s Office:
• one (1) Special Revenue (SR) Full-Time Eligible (FTE) Sergeant position (#4030901-10333)
• five (5) SR FTE Deputy II positions (# 4030901 - 06108, 06109, 06147, 06148, and 11067)
• one (1) SR Part-Time Non-Eligible (PTNE) 1,000 hours per year Court Park Deputy position
• one (1) General Fund/General Purpose (GF/GP) FTE Deputy II position (#4030601-11149)
contracted with the City of Pontiac
The award provides funding for the creation of one (1) new SR FTE Sergeant position in the
Sheriff's Office/Investigative & Forensic Services/Special Teams Unit (4030901).
The grant award also includes funding for overtime, vehicles and mileage, field operations supplies,
office operations supplies, and equipment.
The One (1) SR FTE Deputy II position (#4030901-10898) in the Sheriff’s Office which is assigned
to the Detroit ATPA program, is continued through ATPA grant funding passed through the City of
Detroit and awarded to Oakland County through a separate agreement issued by the City of
Acceptance of this grant does not obligate the County to any future commitment and continuation of
the Special Revenue positions in the grant is contingent upon continued future levels of grant
Committee members can contact Michael Andrews, Policy and Fiscal Analysis Supervisor at
248.425.5572 or andrewsmb@oakgov.com, or the department contact persons listed for additional
Curtis Childs
Gaia Piir, Sheriff Fiscal Officer
Aaron Snover, Board of Commissioners Created/Initiated - 9/21/2023
AGENDA DEADLINE: 09/21/2023 9:30 AM
1. 2024 ATPA Grant Acceptance Schedule A
2. Grant Review Sign-Off
3. 08-24 OCAT award ltr
4. 08-24 OCAT Contract
5. 08-24 OCAT Budget
6. 08-24 OCAT MOA (updated 9-12-23)
7. Sheriff's Office - FY2024 ATPA Grant HR Write Up (002)
2023-09-19 Public Health & Safety - Recommend and Forward to Finance
2023-09-20 Finance - Recommend to Board
2023-09-21 Full Board - Adopt
Motioned by: Commissioner Charles Cavell
Seconded by: Commissioner Yolanda Smith Charles
Yes: David Woodward, Michael Spisz, Karen Joliat, Kristen Nelson, Christine Long, Robert
Hoffman, Philip Weipert, Gwen Markham, Angela Powell, Marcia Gershenson, Janet Jackson,
Yolanda Smith Charles, Charles Cavell, Brendan Johnson, Ajay Raman (15)
No: None (0)
Abstain: None (0)
Absent: William Miller III, Gary McGillivray, Michael Gingell, Penny Luebs (4)
Oakland County, Michigan
Schedule "A" DETAIL
R/E Fund Name Division Name Fund # (FND)
Cost Center
(CCN) #
Account #
Program #
Grant ID (GRN)
Project ID
# (PROJ)
Summary Account Title
FY 2024
FY 2025
FY 2026
R Law Enforcement Grants Sheriff's Office - Inv. & Forensic Svcs FND11005 CCN4030901 RC695500 PRG116270 GRN-1004249 695500 Transfer In - OC $526,068 $526,068 $526,068
R Law Enforcement Grants Sheriff's Office - Inv. & Forensic Svcs FND11005 CCN4030901 RC695500 PRG116270 GRN-1004253 695500 Transfer In - Detroit 58,847 58,847 58,847
R Law Enforcement Grants Sheriff's Office - Inv. & Forensic Svcs FND11005 CCN4030901 RC615571 PRG116270 GRN-1004248 615000 State Operating Grants - OC 1,615,061 1,615,061 1,615,061
R Law Enforcement Grants Sheriff's Office - Inv. & Forensic Svcs FND11005 CCN4030901 RC615571 PRG116270 GRN-1004252 615000 State Operating Grants-Detroit 88,270 88,270 88,270
Total Revenue $2,288,246 $2,288,246 $2,288,246
E Law Enforcement Grants Sheriff's Office - Inv. & Forensic Svcs FND11005 CCN4030901 SC702010 PRG116270 GRN-1004252 702000 Salaries $85,600 $85,600 $85,600
E Law Enforcement Grants Sheriff's Office - Inv. & Forensic Svcs FND11005 CCN4030901 SC712020 PRG116270 GRN-1004252 702000 Overtime 22,769 22,769 22,769
E Law Enforcement Grants Sheriff's Office - Inv. & Forensic Svcs FND11005 CCN4030901 SC722900 PRG116270 GRN-1004252 722000 Fringe Benefit Adjustments 28,248 28,248 28,248
E Law Enforcement Grants Sheriff's Office - Inv. & Forensic Svcs FND11005 CCN4030901 SC702010 PRG116270 GRN-1004248 702000 Salaries 655,191 655,191 655,191
E Law Enforcement Grants Sheriff's Office - Inv. & Forensic Svcs FND11005 CCN4030901 SC712020 PRG116270 GRN-1004248 702000 Overtime 194,183 194,183 194,183
E Law Enforcement Grants Sheriff's Office - Inv. & Forensic Svcs FND11005 CCN4030901 SC722900 PRG116270 GRN-1004248 722000 Fringe Benefit Adjustments 344,639 344,639 344,639
E Law Enforcement Grants Sheriff's Office - Inv. & Forensic Svcs FND11005 CCN4030901 SC730373 PRG116270 GRN-1004248 730000 Contracted Services 658,083 658,083 658,083
E Law Enforcement Grants Sheriff's Office - Inv. & Forensic Svcs FND11005 CCN4030901 SC731213 PRG116270 GRN-1004248 730000 Membership Dues 910 910 910
E Law Enforcement Grants Sheriff's Office - Inv. & Forensic Svcs FND11005 CCN4030901 SC731304 PRG116270 GRN-1004248 730000 Officers Training 35,000 35,000 35,000
E Law Enforcement Grants Sheriff's Office - Inv. & Forensic Svcs FND11005 CCN4030901 SC750070 PRG116270 GRN-1004248 750000 Deputy Supplies 37,119 37,119 37,119
E Law Enforcement Grants Sheriff's Office - Inv. & Forensic Svcs FND11005 CCN4030901 SC750399 PRG116270 GRN-1004248 750000 Office Supplies 5,200 5,200 5,200
E Law Enforcement Grants Sheriff's Office - Inv. & Forensic Svcs FND11005 CCN4030901 SC774363 PRG116270 GRN-1004248 770000 Info Tech Ops 107,804 107,804 107,804
E Law Enforcement Grants Sheriff's Office - Inv. & Forensic Svcs FND11005 CCN4030901 SC776661 PRG116270 GRN-1004248 770000 Motor Pool 101,000 101,000 101,000
E Law Enforcement Grants Sheriff's Office - Inv. & Forensic Svcs FND11005 CCN4030901 SC778675 PRG116270 GRN-1004248 770000 Telephone Communications 12,500 12,500 12,500
Total Expenditures $2,288,246 $2,288,246 $2,288,246
R Law Enforcement Grants Sheriff's Office - Inv. & Forensic Svcs FND11005 CCN4030901 RC615571 PRG116270 GRN-1003973 State Operating Grants $(66,946)$(66,946)$(66,946)
R Law Enforcement Grants Sheriff's Office - Inv. & Forensic Svcs FND11005 CCN4030901 RC615571 PRG116270 GRN-1003971 State Operating Grants (1,138,619)(1,138,619)(1,138,619)
R Law Enforcement Grants Sheriff's Office - Inv. & Forensic Svcs FND11005 CCN4030901 RC695500 PRG116270 GRN-1003974 BFA10100 Transfers In (66,946)(66,946)(66,946)
R Law Enforcement Grants Sheriff's Office - Inv. & Forensic Svcs FND11005 CCN4030901 RC695500 PRG116270 GRN-1003972 BFA10100 Transfers In (590,053)(590,053)(590,053)
Total Revenue $(1,862,564)$(1,862,564)$(1,862,564)
E Law Enforcement Grants Sheriff's Office - Inv. & Forensic Svcs FND11005 CCN4030901 SC702010 PRG116270 GRN-1003971 SC702010 - Salaries Regular $(525,351)$(525,351)$(525,351)
E Law Enforcement Grants Sheriff's Office - Inv. & Forensic Svcs FND11005 CCN4030901 SC712020 PRG116270 GRN-1003971 SC712020 - Overtime (155,801)(155,801)(155,801)
E Law Enforcement Grants Sheriff's Office - Inv. & Forensic Svcs FND11005 CCN4030901 SC722900 PRG116270 GRN-1003971 SC722900 - Fringe Benefit Adjustments (281,317)(281,317)(281,317)
E Law Enforcement Grants Sheriff's Office - Inv. & Forensic Svcs FND11005 CCN4030901 SC702010 PRG116270 GRN-1003973 SC702010 - Salaries Regular (77,626)(77,626)(77,626)
E Law Enforcement Grants Sheriff's Office - Inv. & Forensic Svcs FND11005 CCN4030901 SC712020 PRG116270 GRN-1003973 SC712020 - Overtime (20,649)(20,649)(20,649)
E Law Enforcement Grants Sheriff's Office - Inv. & Forensic Svcs FND11005 CCN4030901 SC722900 PRG116270 GRN-1003973 SC722900 - Fringe Benefit Adjustments (25,617)(25,617)(25,617)
E Law Enforcement Grants Sheriff's Office - Inv. & Forensic Svcs FND11005 CCN4030901 SC730324 PRG116270 GRN-1003971 Communications (6,000)(6,000)(6,000)
E Law Enforcement Grants Sheriff's Office - Inv. & Forensic Svcs FND11005 CCN4030901 SC730373 PRG116270 GRN-1003971 Contracted Services (498,567)(498,567)(498,567)
E Law Enforcement Grants Sheriff's Office - Inv. & Forensic Svcs FND11005 CCN4030901 SC731213 PRG116270 GRN-1003971 Membership Dues (840)(840)(840)
E Law Enforcement Grants Sheriff's Office - Inv. & Forensic Svcs FND11005 CCN4030901 SC731304 PRG116270 GRN-1003971 Officers Training (60,000)(60,000)(60,000)
E Law Enforcement Grants Sheriff's Office - Inv. & Forensic Svcs FND11005 CCN4030901 SC731780 PRG116270 GRN-1003971 Software Support Maintenance (6,196)(6,196)(6,196)
E Law Enforcement Grants Sheriff's Office - Inv. & Forensic Svcs FND11005 CCN4030901 SC750070 PRG116270 GRN-1003971 Deputy Supplies (13,200)(13,200)(13,200)
E Law Enforcement Grants Sheriff's Office - Inv. & Forensic Svcs FND11005 CCN4030901 SC750399 PRG116270 GRN-1003971 Office Supplies (4,800)(4,800)(4,800)
E Law Enforcement Grants Sheriff's Office - Inv. & Forensic Svcs FND11005 CCN4030901 SC760126 PRG116270 GRN-1003971 Capital Outlay Miscellaneous (44,000)(44,000)(44,000)
E Law Enforcement Grants Sheriff's Office - Inv. & Forensic Svcs FND11005 CCN4030901 SC776661 PRG116270 GRN-1003971 Motor Pool (130,000)(130,000)(130,000)
E Law Enforcement Grants Sheriff's Office - Inv. & Forensic Svcs FND11005 CCN4030901 SC778675 PRG116270 GRN-1003971 Telephone Communications (12,600)(12,600)(12,600)
Total Expenditures $(1,862,564)$(1,862,564)$(1,862,564)
GRANT REVIEW SIGN-OFF – Sheriff’s Office
GRANT NAME: FY 2024 Auto Theft Prevention Authority (ATPA) Grant
FUNDING AGENCY: State of Michigan
DEPARTMENT CONTACT PERSON: Sgt. Robert Negri / (248) 858-5247
STATUS: Acceptance (Greater than $10,000)
DATE: 09/12/2023
Please be advised that the captioned grant materials have completed internal grant review. Below are the returned
The Board of Commissioners’ liaison committee resolution and grant acceptance package (which should include this sign-
off and the grant agreement/contract with related documentation) may be requested to be placed on the agenda(s) of the
appropriate Board of Commissioners’ committee(s) for grant acceptance by Board resolution.
Management and Budget:
Approved – Sheryl Johnson (09/08/2023)
Human Resources:
Approved by Human Resources. Continues 8 FTE and 1 PTNE position and creates 1 FTE position. HR action
is needed. HR write up will be sent to Katie West to include in the packet. – Heather Mason (09/07/23)
Risk Management:
Approved. No County insurance requirements in documentation. – Robert Erlenbeck (09/07/23)
Corporation Counsel:
Approval based upon updated MUA provided to me in an email from C. West on 9.12.23.– Heather Lewis
[revised MOA mentioned is attached]
Mr. Daniel Pfannes – Chair
Director Steve Cooper, Lt. Col. Chris Kelenske – Representing Law Enforcement
Mr. Christopher Helmick, Mr. William Patterson – Representing Automobile Insurers
Ms. Nicole Quisenberry, Dr. Christopher Melde – Representing Purchasers of Automobile Insurance
www.michigan.gov/msp ● 517-284-3193
September 1, 2023
Lt. Steve Jacobs
Oakland County Sheriff's Office
1200 North Telegraph Road, Building 38E
Pontiac, Michigan 48341
RE: 08-24 OCAT
Dear Lt. Jacobs:
I am pleased to inform you that your application to the Michigan State Police, Grants and
Community Services Division, Auto Theft Prevention Authority (ATPA), has been selected to
receive grant funding. With a focus on innovative programs that address auto theft and fraud,
your efforts are valued and appreciated. The award for your team/project, pending the
finalization of the Grant Agreement (contract), is $2,559,851. The ATPA portion of your award
is $1,615,061, and the match requirement is $944,790. Please note that the ATPA Board of
Directors has approved your request for both equipment and training at 100 percent, and
that amount is reflected in your ATPA award. Further details regarding allowable
expenditures is contained in the enclosed grant contract.
It is crucial that you read through the entire contract to be sure you and your financial officer are
aware of and able to abide by the grant requirements. Contract requirements will be enforced.
Non-compliance of contract requirements may result in grant suspension and financial
penalties. The deadline for returning your signed contract is September 30, 2023.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding your award, please contact Mr. Chris Baldwin,
ATPA Executive Director, at Baldwinc8@michigan.gov or 517-582-4480. We look forward to
working with you.
Mr. Chris Baldwin, Executive Director
Automobile Theft Prevention Authority
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AUTHORITY: MCL 500.6105; COMPLIANCE: Voluntary, however, failure to complete will result in cancellation of grant/loss of funds.
Scan and email one complete copy with original signatures to the ATPA by September 30, 2023, at
MSPATPA@michigan.gov. Do not send a paper copy.
II.Contract Conditions and Requirements
Grant Award
The ATPA grant award is to be utilized solely for the benefit of motor vehicle theft prevention programs and initiatives.
The ATPA will only reimburse expenditures incurred during the grant period of October 1, 2023, to September 30, 2024.
The project number (listed above in Award Information) must be included on all correspondence addressed to the ATPA
regarding this grant.
A change in authorized official, project director, financial contact, participating agency, personnel assigned to the team, or
budget line item change requires a Project Modification Request (GRANTS-034), which can be downloaded from the
ATPA website at www.michigan.gov/msp/divisions/grantscommunityservices/atpa.
The authorized official and financial officer will serve without compensation from the ATPA grant award.
Any amount of the grant award received, or forfeiture funds generated as a result of motor vehicle theft prevention
activities shall be used to enhance motor vehicle theft prevention programs or initiatives. Forfeiture funds include, but are
not limited to, forfeiture of cash and receipts from the sale of property.
Public communications materials, news releases, or training announcements that result from this grant must cite the “Auto
Theft Prevention Authority” as the source of funding. Copies of the materials or news releases must be sent to the ATPA
at least five days prior to publishing, and the ATPA reserves the right to make any necessary edits. The ATPA also has
the royalty-free right to copy, publish, and distribute any data or material associated with this grant.
Law enforcement personnel funded by the ATPA grant award shall dedicate 100 percent of their regular work hours
conducting ATPA grant-related duties. Prosecuting attorneys who designate a portion of their time for ATPA activities will
dedicate 100 percent of their designated time to ATPA grant related duties. This will be reflected in daily logs which will
be made available for on-site monitoring by ATPA personnel.
The grantee agrees to return all unexpended grant funds to the ATPA within 60 days after the project is completed. The
check shall be made payable to the “State of Michigan.”
Failure to comply with any reporting responsibilities identified in this contract may result in withholding grant payment(s) or
the cancellation of the grant award. The grantee’s lack of compliance will also be taken into account when considering
future grant applications and awards from the ATPA.
All grantees must comply with the requirements of the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) System Act, 1968 PA 319, as
amended. This act requires county sheriffs’ departments, as well as city, village, and township police departments, to
submit monthly UCR data.
I.Award Information
Name of Grantee/Fiduciary
Oakland County Sheriff's Office
Project Title/Acronym
1200 North Telegraph Road, Building 38E
ZIP Code
Total Grant Award
ATPA Award
Match Requirement
Grant Period Start Date
October 1, 2023
Grant Period End Date
September 30, 2024
Project Number
Authorized Official
Lt. Steve Jacobs
Project Director
Sgt. Robert Negri
Financial Contact
Ms. Tammy Metrick
GRANTS-043 (04/2019)
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The Progress Report (GRANTS-037), Financial Report (GRANTS-035), and Expenditure Detail (GRANTS-036), can be
downloaded from the ATPA website at www.michigan.gov/msp/divisions/grantscommunityservices/atpa. The grantee
agrees to submit reports in accordance with the schedule referenced in this contract.
All grant-funded employees, including employees of subgrantees, will complete and submit an Employee Time
Certification (GRANTS-038). Grantees will submit GRANTS-038 to the ATPA annually via email to
All projects must maintain adequate supporting documentation for financial and progress reports submitted to the ATPA.
Failure to provide adequate supporting documentation may adversely affect current-year reimbursements and future
ATPA grant requests.
ATPA Teams
The grantee will serve as the fiduciary for the ATPA grant. The fiduciary will be responsible for receiving grant funds,
distributing funds to participating team members, and receiving and compiling reports from team members. The grantee
will submit grant reports according to the schedule referenced in this contract, as well as those specially requested by the
When an agency withdraws an employee from an ATPA team, the ATPA approved budget for that position will remain
with the ATPA team. The project director must inform the ATPA when the withdrawal occurs by completing the Project
Modification Request (GRANTS-034). The vacant position must be replaced within 30 days or the position will be
unfunded unless an extension request has been approved in writing.
Participating agencies are expected to participate on the ATPA team that received the grant award for the entire grant
period. Participating agencies that withdraw personnel from the ATPA team before the end of the grant period will be
reimbursed based upon the percentage of the grant period in which they participated. The ATPA Board of Directors
reserves the right to deny future grant awards based on agency participation.
All personnel who are funded by an ATPA team must have their activities approved by the team commander.
III.Program and Financial Review
On-Site Monitoring and Payments
ATPA staff will schedule appointments with grantees in order to conduct on-site monitoring and grantees must accept
these appointments.
Grantees must maintain separate accounting records to document grant revenues and expenditures.
This grant is reimbursement only (excluding non-profit organizations). Grantees must document that expenditures have
been paid by local sources before requesting reimbursement from the ATPA.
Supporting documentation which must be submitted with the financial report is as follows:
-Time and Attendance: Payroll expenditures must be supported by employee’s earning history, attendance sheet,
time sheet, payroll register, and duty log. These records must be retained and made available to ATPA staff
during on-site monitoring.
o Law Enforcement and Prosecutors Only - Attach the monthly duty logs to the Financial Report (GRANTS-
035)when submitted.
-Fringe Benefits and Overtime: Retain a copy of cost allocations for fringe benefits charged to the ATPA program.
o Law Enforcement and Prosecutors Only - Each person’s overtime hours must not exceed twenty percent
of the person’s actual regular hours worked. For grantees only paying overtime, this limit does not apply.
-All payments for expenditures (e.g., utilities, office rent, copier use, vehicle lease/rent, cell phones) must be
supported by an actual invoice or the method of determining cost.
-Equipment Procurement Procedures/Consultant/Contractual Service: Grantees must attach a copy of the actual
invoice or the method of determining cost.
Payment Procedure: For non-profit organizations only, advance payment, with exception, will be based on prior
experience and budget limitations. The ATPA agrees to provide the agency with an advance as needed, up to
90 percent of the total ATPA share. Non-profit organizations must submit the Financial Report (GRANTS-035) to
request an advance payment. Non-profit organizations acknowledge that upon receipt of this advance, a liability
due to the ATPA will be established. The liability will be reduced as expended and reported to the ATPA. Any
unexpended funds shall be promptly returned to the ATPA.
GRANTS-043 (04/2019)
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-Advances are conditional upon receipt of financial and progress reports completed in accordance with grant
conditions. The final payment will be made on a reimbursement basis.
All grantees must sign up through the online SIGMA Self Service vendor registration process to receive State of Michigan
payments as Electronic Funds Transfers (EFT)/Direct Deposits, as mandated by the Management and Budget Act, 1984
PA 431, MCL 18.1283a. Vendor registration information is available on the Michigan Department of Technology,
Management and Budget’s (DTMB) website located at www.michigan.gov/SIGMAVSS.
Should the grantee discover an error in a previous reimbursement request, the grantee shall immediately notify the ATPA
and refund the ATPA any funds not authorized for use under this contract and any payments or funds advanced to the
grantee in excess of allowable reimbursable expenses.
Mileage Expense for Non-profit Organizations: Limited to the grantee’s established mileage reimbursement allowance for
non-federally funded activities, not to exceed the ATPA approved budget amount. Grantees must provide supporting
documentation for these expenses.
Vehicle Usage/Rental Expenses for Law Enforcement and Prosecutors: Limited to the grantee’s established
reimbursement policy for non-federally funded activities, not to exceed the ATPA approved budget amount.
IV. Criminal or Administrative Investigations/Charges
If any employee of the grantee/subgrantee associated with this grant project becomes aware of a criminal or
administrative investigation or charge that directly or indirectly involves grant funds referenced in this contract, the grantee
shall immediately notify the ATPA’s Executive Director in writing that such an investigation has been initiated or that a
charge has been issued.
V.Debarment, Suspension, and Other Responsibility Matters (Direct Recipient)
Pursuant to Executive Order 12549 (Debarment and Suspension) and implemented at 2 C.F.R. Part 2867 for prospective
participants in primary covered transactions as defined at 28 C.F.R. Part 2867, Section 2867.20(a) the grantee certifies
that it and its principals:
-Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, sentenced to a denial of
federal benefits by a state or federal court, or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any federal
department or agency.
-Have not within a three-year period preceding this application been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered
against them and are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a governmental entity
(federal, state, or local) for commission of fraud or criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to
obtain, or performing a public (federal, state, or local) transaction or contract under a public transaction; violation
of federal or state antitrust statutes; commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or
destruction of records, on making false statements, or receiving stolen property;
-Have not within a two-year period preceding this application been convicted of a felony criminal violation under
any federal law; and
-Have not within a three-year period preceding this application had one or more public transactions (federal, state,
or local) terminated for cause or default.
The ATPA and/or the grantee may suspend and/or terminate this contract without further liability or penalty to the ATPA
for any of the following reasons:
-Failure to comply with any of the terms of this contract. Suspension requires immediate action by the grantee to
comply with the terms of this contract; otherwise, termination by the ATPA may occur.
-Failure of the grantee to make satisfactory progress toward the measurable objectives set forth in this contract.
-Filing false certification in this contract or other report or document.
This contract may be terminated by either party by giving 15-days written notice to the other party. Such written notice will
provide valid, legal reasons for termination, along with the effective date of termination.
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This contract may be terminated immediately if the grantee, an official of the grantee, or an owner is convicted of any
activity referenced in Section IV of this contract during the term of this contract or any extension thereof.
Should this contract be terminated by either party, within 30 days after the termination, the grantee shall provide the ATPA
with all financial, performance, and other reports required as a condition of this contract. The ATPA will make payments
to the grantee for allowable reimbursable costs not covered by previous payments. The grantee shall immediately refund
to the ATPA any funds not authorized for use and any payments or funds advanced to the grantee in excess of allowable
reimbursable expenditures.
VII. Liability
All liability to third parties; loss or damage as a result of claims; and demands, costs, or judgments arising out of activities
such as direct service delivery to be carried out by the grantee in the performance of this contract shall be the
responsibility of the grantee and not the responsibility of the ATPA if the liability, loss, or damage is caused by or arises
out of the actions or failure to act on the part of the grantee, any subgrantee, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by
the grantee, provided that nothing herein shall be construed as a waiver of any governmental immunity that has been
provided to the grantee or its employees by statute or court decisions.
All liability to third parties; loss, or damage as a result of claims; demands, costs, or judgments arising out of activities
such as the provision of policy and procedural direction to be carried out by the ATPA in the performance of this contract
shall be the responsibility of the ATPA and not the responsibility of the grantee if the liability, loss, or damage is caused by
or arises out of the action or failure to act on the part of any ATPA employee or agent, provided that nothing herein shall
be construed as a waiver of any governmental immunity by the state of Michigan, its agencies (the ATPA), or employees
as provided by statute or court decisions.
In the event that liability to third parties, loss, or damage arises as a result of activities conducted jointly by the grantee
and ATPA in fulfillment of their responsibilities under this contract, such liability, loss, or damage shall be borne by the
grantee and the ATPA in relation to each party’s responsibilities under these joint activities, provided that nothing herein
shall be construed as a waiver of any governmental immunity by the grantee, the state of Michigan, its agencies (the
ATPA), or their employees, respectively, as provided by statute or court decisions.
It is specifically understood and agreed that, if the State of Michigan or any County is party to this contract, nothing in this
Section will require such party to indemnify any other party or entity in any litigation that may arise from the performance
of this contract. This is not to be construed as a waiver of governmental immunity.
VIII. Eligible Expenditures
All eligible expenditures listed below with identified amounts are the ATPA portion; agencies are responsible for
appropriate match as identified in Section I. Any expenditure not detailed below must have approval from the ATPA prior
to acquisition/purchase.
-Regular salaries.
-Longevity costs.
-Fringe benefits (FICA, unemployment, workers
compensation, retirement, life, medical, dental
and vision insurance).
-Overtime hours. Hours must not exceed 20
percent of the total sworn employees’ budgeted
salary/fringe amount. This amount is cumulative
for the team and can be utilized at the teams’
discretion. For grantees only paying overtime,
this limit does not apply.
-Training/Travel expenses. Travel outside
normal territory, not to exceed $2,500 per
employee/per year.
-Vehicle operation cost. Not to exceed:
o Law enforcement agency - Calculated at
$10,000 per employee/per year. Costs
are cumulative, not limited per
employee. Only vehicles engaged in
road patrols/investigations are eligible.
o Prosecutor’s office - $750 per assistant
prosecuting attorney/per year for
mileage and parking reimbursement.
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o Non-profit organization - $1,500 per
employee/per year for mileage
-Office space or utilities. Requires prior approval.
-Office furniture. Requires prior approval.
-Copier purchase/usage. Not to exceed:
o Law enforcement agency - $1,200 per
o Prosecutor’s office - $1,200 per year.
o Non-profit organization - $2,400 per year.
-Phone installation. Prior approval is required.
-Landline phone purchase/usage. Not to exceed:
o Law enforcement agency and
prosecutor’s office - $750 per
person/per year.
o Non-profit organization - $1,500 per year.
-Office supplies. Not to exceed $200 per
year/per person.
-Investigative supplies for law enforcement
agency (sworn employees only). Not to exceed
$300 per year/per person.
-Computer purchase. Prior approval is required.
-Cell phone purchase/usage. Prior approval is
-Motor vehicle theft-related association dues,
including dues to the International Association of
Automobile Theft Investigators and Michigan
Association of Vehicle Theft Investigators.
-Training or conference for educational purposes
relating to vehicle theft/fraud investigations.
Prior approval is required.
IX. Ineligible Expenditures
This is not an all-inclusive list. Prior approval is required for any expenditure(s) not listed below.
-Inordinate fringes, including, but not limited to,
lump sum payments (e.g., banked sick/vacation
time, bonuses, pensions, health benefits, and
holiday pay).
-Health care benefit waiver bonuses.
-Indirect costs.
-Expenditure(s) incurred before or after the grant
-Any administrative costs not directly related to
the administration of this grant.
-In-car terminals and system.
-Law Enforcement Information Network (LEIN)
usage fees.
-Vehicle, liability, or professional insurance.
-Non-motor vehicle theft-related membership and
agency dues.
-Expenditures in excess of approved budget.
-Clothing/cleaning/gun allowance.
-Emergency response compensation.
-Show-up pay.
-Educational incentives (e.g., college courses
and trade schools).
-First-class travel.
- Costs incurred applying for this grant (e.g.,
consultants, grant writers).
-Personnel, including law enforcement officers,
not connected to the project to which this grant
-Fundraising and any associated salaries or
-Legal fees.
-Purchase of promotional items unless prior
approval is received in writing.
-Contributions and donations.
-Fines and penalties.
-Losses from uncollectible bad debts.
-Purchases of land.
-Military-type equipment such as armored
vehicles, explosive devices, and other items
typically associated with military arsenal.
-Construction costs and/or renovation, including
-Expert witness fees.
-Weapons, including tasers.
-Conducting law enforcement operations with the
intent of generating revenue for personal or
agency gain through deceitful, fraudulent,
unethical, or illegal methods.
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X.Law Enforcement Objectives
-Reduce the number of motor vehicle thefts in your grant area by investigating cases that have the highest
potential for reducing the demand for stolen vehicles, arresting individuals who are involved, and reducing false
motor vehicle theft reports.
-Reduce the economic gain associated with motor vehicle theft by recovering stolen vehicles/parts/equipment and
by identifying fraudulent insurance activity.
-Recover more in stolen vehicles/parts/equipment value than the total approved grant award from the ATPA.
-Comply with ATPA guidelines/policies/conditions and UCR requirements for submission of data.
-Maintain clear and reliable documentation for the project’s performance activity and financial expenditures.
-Following auction, report to the ATPA the dollar amount deposited into the forfeiture account on the Progress
Report (GRANTS-037).
-A team member shall attend regular meetings for area detectives and insurance investigators, including
participation in the Anti Car Theft (ACT) meetings. Please note that email correspondence will be accepted in lieu
of physical attendance.
XI.Law Enforcement Evaluation Criteria (See Section XVII. Arrest Ranking)
-Number of 14 point motor vehicle theft (MVT)
related arrests.
-Number of 12 point MVT related arrests.
-Number of ten point MVT related arrests.
-Number of eight point MVT related arrests.
-Number of six point MVT related arrests.
-Number of four point MVT related arrests.
-Number of two point MVT related arrests.
-Number of insurance fraud related arrests.
-Number of passenger vehicles recovered.
-Dollar value of passenger vehicles recovered.
-Number of other vehicles recovered.
-Dollar value of other vehicles recovered.
-Number of parts parts/equipment recovered.
-Dollar value of parts/equipment recovered.
-Number of commercial vehicles recovered.
-Dollar value of commercial vehicles recovered.
-Dollar amount deposited into forfeiture account.
XII. Prosecutor Objectives
-Provide full-time access to the judicial system for the ATPA task forces in the grant area and provide opportunities
to informally discuss cases and legal issues.
-Vertically prosecute all selected motor vehicle theft related cases.
-Maintain a policy of plea bargaining only when absolutely necessary.
-Achieve an overall conviction rate of 80 percent.
-Achieve a trial conviction rate of 70 percent.
-Strive for maximum sentence lengths for defendants.
-Maintain clear and reliable documentation of project’s financial expenditures and performance activity.
XIII.Prosecutor Evaluation Criteria
-Number of cases initiated.
-Number of preliminary exams held.
-Number of preliminary exams waived.
-Number of cases disposed pre-trial.
-Number of defendants who pled guilty to original
-Number of defendants who pled guilty to lessor
included offense.
-Number of plea bargain dismissals.
-Number of other dismissals.
-Number of cases disposed by trial (jury/judge).
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-Number of defendants convicted on original
-Number of defendants convicted on reduced
-Number of defendants incarcerated.
-Number of defendants fined/placed on
-Dollar amount of restitution ordered.
-Number of defendants convicted of insurance
XIV.Non-Profit Organization Objectives
-Conduct 15 motor vehicle theft awareness education programs/seminars (minimum of 20 attendees each).
-Etch 200 vehicles.
-Distribute 1,500 ATPA approved auto theft preventative fliers/brochures regarding motor vehicle theft prevention.
-Write and publish no less than 5 articles about motor vehicle theft prevention. The articles must cite the ATPA as
a source of funding. Forward article copies to the ATPA.
-Contact 200 residences within your community with a door-to-door strategy. Inform them of the most up to date
auto theft prevention strategies.
-Maintain clear and reliable documentation of project’s financial expenditures and performance activity.
XV. Non-Profit Organization Evaluation Criteria
-Number of programs/seminars conducted.
-Number of vehicles etched.
-Number of fliers/brochures distributed.
-Number of theft prevention articles written and
-Number of residences contacted.
XVI.Reporting Schedule
XVII.Arrest Ranking
Felony Charges MCL Arrest Points
Altering Vehicle Identification Number with Intent to Mislead 750.415 10
Arson - Owner Involved 750.75 14
Car-jacking 750.529a 8
Chop Shop 750.535a 14
Continuing Criminal Enterprise 750.159i 14
Counterfeit Insurance Certificates 257.222 6
Embezzlement 750.174 6
Failure to Return Rental Vehicle 750.362 6
False Certification 257.903 12
False Police Report 750.411a 8
Organization Type Quarterly Progress and Financial Reports Due Date
Law Enforcement Agency
Prosecuting Attorney’s Office
Non-Profit Organization
Progress Report (GRANTS-037) 10-01-23 to 12-31-23 01-31-24
Financial Report (GRANTS-035) 10-01-23 to 12-31-23 01-31-24
Progress Report (GRANTS-037) 01-01-24 to 03-31-24 04-30-24
Financial Report (GRANTS-035) 01-01-24 to 03-31-24 04-30-24
Progress Report (GRANTS-037) 04-01-24 to 06-30-24 07-31-24
Financial Report (GRANTS-035) 04-01-24 to 06-30-24 07-31-24
Financial Report (GRANTS-035) 07-01-24 to 09-30-24 10-15-24
Progress Report (GRANTS-037) 07-01-24 to 09-30-24 10-31-24
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False Pretenses 750.218 12
False Statement in Application for Title 257.254 12
Forged License Documents/License Plates 257.257 6
Insurance Fraud - Owner Staged Arson/Larceny/Theft 500.4511 14
Interstate Transportation of Stolen Motor Vehicle 750.535 14
Larceny by Conversion 750.362 6
Larceny from Motor Vehicle 750.356a 4
Obtain Personal Identification (ID) Without Permission 257.324 6
Odometer Fraud 257.233a 12
Operating License Forged, Altered, or False 257.324 6
Possess or Sell Rosette Rivets 750.415 4
Possess Stolen Vehicle with Intent to Pass Title 257.254 10
Repair - Salvage Facility Violation 257.217 4
Receiving and Concealing Stolen Property 750.535 8
Unlawfully Driving Away Automobile 750.413 6
Unlawful Use 750.414 4
Use Fraudulent ID to Lease or Purchase Vehicle 750.415 12
All Other Charges 2
Note to Arrest Rankings:
-Team takes credit for most serious charge against subject and ignores others.
-Team takes credit for original arrest charge, even if reduced later by prosecutor.
-If subject is arrested on three separate warrants, team may count three arrests.
-Attempted crimes or conspiracy to commit crime earns same points as listed.
XVIII. Special Conditions
This contract is valid upon approval and execution by the ATPA.
This contact is conditionally approved, subject to and contingent upon the availability of funds.
The grantees will not assume any responsibility or liability for costs incurred by the ATPA prior to the full execution of this
XIX.Contract Signatures
Grant funding will not be released until all requirements of the signed grant contract have been agreed upon. The
undersigned has the authority to accept the terms of this grant contract.
Printed Name of Authorized Official Signature of Authorized Official Date
Printed Name of Project Director Signature of Project Director Date
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Printed Name of Financial Contact Signature of Financial Contact Date
Printed Name of ATPA Executive Director Signature of ATPA Executive Director Date
Percent202360%BUDGET APPLICATION BUDGET ATPA STAFF ATPABUDGETMODIFICATIONRECOMMSHARESWORN EMPLOYEES(7) Oakland Co. Deputies & (1) Sgt.580,338$ 711,392$ 711,392$ 426,835$ Employees Benefits:317,704$ 393,110$ 393,110$ 235,866$ Overtime 179,610$ 220,899$ 220,899$ 132,539$ (1)Hazel Park PD-Detective 72,592$ 75,150$ 75,150$ 45,090$ Employees Benefits:32,927$ 34,018$ 34,018$ 20,411$ Overtime 15,705$ 16,260$ 16,260$ 9,756$ (1)Royal Oak PD -Officer 73,156$ 73,156$ 73,156$ 43,894$ Employees Benefits:86,997$ 86,997$ 86,997$ 52,198$ Overtime 32,030$ 32,030$ 32,030$ 19,218$ (1)Farmington Hills PD-Detective 83,228$ 88,676$ 88,676$ 53,206$ Employees Benefits:47,683$ 49,932$ 49,932$ 29,959$ Overtime 26,182$ 17,735$ 17,735$ 10,641$ (1) Detroit PD-Detective 66,885$ 70,230$ 70,230$ 42,138$ Employees Benefits:22,072$ 23,176$ 23,176$ 13,906$ Overtime 17,791$ 18,681$ 18,681$ 11,209$ (1)Southfield-Detective 75,108$ 90,364$ 90,364$ 54,218$ Employees Benefits:49,502$ 59,610$ 59,610$ 35,766$ Overtime 24,922$ 29,990$ 29,990$ 17,994$ TOTAL SWORN EMPLOYEES 1,804,432$ 2,091,407$ -$ 2,091,407$ 1,254,844$
OTHER EMPLOYEES(1) Admin Asst. - Part-time Deputy - Oakland CO 26,149$ 27,321$ 27,321$ 16,393$ Employees Benefits 1,521$ 1,590$ 1,590$ 954$ TOTAL OTHER EMPLOYEES 27,670$ 28,911$ 28,911$ 17,347$
VEHICLES(8) Vehicles at $20,000 (OCSD)240,000$ 204,000$ 204,000$ 122,400$ (2) Vehicles x $20,000 (DPD, FHPD)-$ (1) Vehicle at $10,000 (HPPD)-$ -$ (1) Vehicle at $11,200 (ROPD)-$ -$ (1) Vehicle at $5,000 (SPD)-$ -$ TOTAL VEHICLES 240,000$ 204,000$ -$ 204,000$ 122,400$
FIELD OPERATIONSInv. Supplies 7,200$ 7,800$ 7,800$ 4,680$ MAATI and IAATI dues 840$ 910$ 910$ 546$ Conference Training 60,000$ -$ -$ -$ Maintenance for LPR 6,196$ 2,250$ 2,250$ 1,350$ 2 GPS Tracker Units renewal fees 19,250$ 1,996$ 1,996$ 1,198$ TOTAL FIELD OPERATIONS 93,486$ 12,956$ -$ 12,956$ 7,774$
OFFICE OPERATIONSSupplies 4,800$ 5,200$ 5,200$ 3,120$ Cell Phones 18,000$ 19,500$ 19,500$ 11,700$ Office phones 6,000$ -$ -$ Sonim Commercial Device Monthly Service 2,100$ -$ -$ TOTAL OFFICE OPERATIONS 30,900$ 24,700$ -$ 24,700$ 14,820$
GRAND TOTAL 2,196,488$ 2,361,974$ -$ 2,361,974$ 1,417,184$ REIMBURSEMENT PERCENT 50%60%
SEE BELOW FOR GRAND TOTALEQUIPMENT AT 100%LPRs/Safes/Cameras/GPS trackers/Raid equip 50,000$ 132,877$ 132,877$ 132,877$ TRAINING AT 100%Training Conferences/Travel -$ 65,000$ 65,000$ 65,000$
TOTAL GRANT AWARD 2,246,488$ 2,559,851$ 2,559,851$ 1,615,061$
FY 2024 Agreement
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Oakland County (Oakland County Sheriff's Office)
City of Pontiac (Oakland County Sheriff’s Office-Pontiac)
City of Farmington Hills (Farmington Hills Police Department)
City of Hazel Park (Hazel Park Police Department)
City of Royal Oak (Royal Oak Police Department)
City of Detroit (Detroit Police Department)
City of Southfield (Southfield Police Department)
This Agreement is made between Oakland County (Oakland County Sheriff's Office), City of
Pontiac (Oakland County Sheriff’s Office-Pontiac), City of Farmington Hills (Farmington Hills
Police Department), City of Hazel Park (Hazel Park Police Department), City of Royal Oak
(Royal Oak Police Department), City of Detroit (Detroit Police Department), City of Southfield
(Southfield Police Department).
This Agreement will be performed by the parties’ law enforcement agencies. Each party may be
referred to in this Agreement by its respective law enforcement agency.
Oakland County may also be referred to in this Agreement as the “Grant Administrator.” The
parties are collectively referred to in this Agreement as the Oakland County Automobile Theft
prevention team OCAT.
The purpose of this Agreement is to set forth the relationship and responsibilities of the members
of OCAT.
The following exhibits are part of this Agreement:
Exhibit A: FY 2024 Automobile Theft Prevention Authority (ATPA) Grant
Exhibit B: FY 2024 ATPA Grant Contract.
FY 2024 Agreement
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OCAT agrees to accomplish the following objectives, which are more fully outlined in Exhibit A
and Exhibit B:
Oakland County (Oakland County Sheriff's Office) will:
• Work to reduce the number of automobile thefts in the grant coverage area, as defined in the
ATPA Grant Application (Exhibit A), by investigating cases that have the highest potential for
reducing the demand for stolen vehicles, arresting individuals who are involved in auto theft-
related activities and reducing false auto theft reports.
• Comply with ATPA guidelines, policies, and Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) requirements
for submission of data.
• Maintain clear and reliable documentation of performance activity and financial expenditures.
• Attend regular meetings for area detectives and insurance investigators, including participation
in the monthly anti-car theft meetings.
• Following forfeited property auctions, report to the ATPA the dollar amount deposited into the
designated forfeiture account on progress reports.
• Receive quarterly progress reports and reimbursement requests from OCAT participating law
enforcement agencies, compile received reports, and submit compiled data with supporting
documentation to the ATPA by the due dates designated in the ATPA Grant Contract
(Exhibit B).
City of Pontiac (Oakland County Sheriff’s Office-Pontiac) will:
• Work to reduce the number of automobile thefts in the grant coverage area, as defined in the
ATPA Grant Application (Exhibit A), by investigating cases that have the highest potential for
reducing the demand for stolen vehicles, arresting individuals who are involved in auto theft-
related activities and reducing false auto theft reports.
• Comply with ATPA guidelines, policies, and Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) requirements
for submission of data.
• Maintain clear and reliable documentation of performance activity and financial expenditures.
• Attend regular meetings for area detectives and insurance investigators, including participation
in the monthly anti-car theft meetings.
• Following forfeited property auctions, report to the Grant Administrator the dollar amount
deposited into the designated forfeiture account on progress reports.
• Submit quarterly progress reports and reimbursement requests to the Grant Administrator by
the due dates set by the Grant Administrator.
City of Farmington Hills (Farmington Hills Police Department) will:
• Work to reduce the number of automobile thefts in the grant coverage area, as defined in the
ATPA Grant Application (Exhibit A), by investigating cases that have the highest potential for
reducing the demand for stolen vehicles, arresting individuals who are involved in auto theft-
related activities and reducing false auto theft reports.
• Comply with ATPA guidelines, policies, and Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) requirements
for submission of data.
• Maintain clear and reliable documentation of performance activity and financial expenditures.
• Attend regular meetings for area detectives and insurance investigators, including participation
in the monthly anti-car theft meetings.
• Following forfeited property auctions, report to the Grant Administrator the dollar amount
deposited into the designated forfeiture account on progress reports.
FY 2024 Agreement
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• Submit quarterly progress reports and reimbursement requests to the Grant Administrator by
the due dates set by the Grant Administrator.
City of Hazel Park (Hazel Park Police Department) will:
• Work to reduce the number of automobile thefts in the grant coverage area, as defined in the
ATPA Grant Application (Exhibit A), by investigating cases that have the highest potential for
reducing the demand for stolen vehicles, arresting individuals who are involved in auto theft-
related activities and reducing false auto theft reports.
• Comply with ATPA guidelines, policies, and Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) requirements
for submission of data.
• Maintain clear and reliable documentation of performance activity and financial expenditures.
• Attend regular meetings for area detectives and insurance investigators, including participation
in the monthly anti-car theft meetings.
• Following forfeited property auctions, report to the Grant Administrator the dollar amount
deposited into the designated forfeiture account on progress reports.
• Submit quarterly progress reports and reimbursement requests to the Grant Administrator by
the due dates set by the Grant Administrator.
City of Royal Oak (Royal Oak Police Department) will:
• Work to reduce the number of automobile thefts in the grant coverage area, as defined in the
ATPA Grant Application (Exhibit A), by investigating cases that have the highest potential for
reducing the demand for stolen vehicles, arresting individuals who are involved in auto theft-
related activities and reducing false auto theft reports.
• Comply with ATPA guidelines, policies, and Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) requirements
for submission of data.
• Maintain clear and reliable documentation of performance activity and financial expenditures.
• Attend regular meetings for area detectives and insurance investigators, including participation
in the monthly anti-car theft meetings.
• Following forfeited property auctions, report to the Grant Administrator the dollar amount
deposited into the designated forfeiture account on progress reports.
• Submit quarterly progress reports and reimbursement requests to the Grant
Administrator by the due dates set by the Grant Administrator.
City of Detroit (Detroit Police Department) will:
• Work to reduce the number of automobile thefts in the grant coverage area, as defined in the
ATPA Grant Application (Exhibit A), by investigating cases that have the highest potential for
reducing the demand for stolen vehicles, arresting individuals who are involved in auto theft-
related activities and reducing false auto theft reports.
• Comply with ATPA guidelines, policies, and Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) requirements
for submission of data.
• Maintain clear and reliable documentation of performance activity and financial expenditures.
• Attend regular meetings for area detectives and insurance investigators, including participation
in the monthly anti-car theft meetings.
• Following forfeited property auctions, report to the Grant Administrator the dollar amount
deposited into the designated forfeiture account on progress reports.
• Submit quarterly progress reports and reimbursement requests to the Grant
Administrator by the due dates set by the Grant Administrator.
FY 2024 Agreement
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City of Southfield (Southfield Police Department) will:
• Work to reduce the number of automobile thefts in the grant coverage area, as defined in the
ATPA Grant Application (Exhibit A), by investigating cases that have the highest potential for
reducing the demand for stolen vehicles, arresting individuals who are involved in auto theft-
related activities and reducing false auto theft reports.
• Comply with ATPA guidelines, policies, and Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) requirements
for submission of data.
• Maintain clear and reliable documentation of performance activity and financial expenditures.
• Attend regular meetings for area detectives and insurance investigators, including participation
in the monthly anti-car theft meetings.
• Following forfeited property auctions, report to the Grant Administrator the dollar amount
deposited into the designated forfeiture account on progress reports.
• Submit quarterly progress reports and reimbursement requests to the Grant
Administrator by the due dates set by the Grant Administrator.
The Parties mutually agree:
• To make all reasonable efforts to ensure that all reports are submitted to the Grant
Administrator, compiled, and forwarded to the ATPA by the due dates designated in the ATPA
Grant Contract (Exhibit B).
• To work cooperatively to fulfill all grant requirements as stated in the ATPA Grant Contract
(Exhibit B).
• To use the Michigan High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas’ Deconfliction Center on all cases,
when applicable.
Each Party shall be responsible for its own acts and the acts of its employees and agents, the
costs associated with those acts, and the defense of those acts.
- Each party certifies that it and its principals:
- Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, sentenced
to a denial of federal benefits by a state or federal court, or voluntarily excluded from covered
transactions by any federal department or agency.
- Have not within a three-year period preceding this Agreement been convicted of or had a civil
judgment rendered against them and are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or
civilly charged by a governmental entity (federal, state, or local) for commission of fraud or
criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public
(federal, state, or local) transaction or contract under a public transaction; violation of federal
or state antitrust statutes; commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or
destruction of records, on making false statements, or receiving stolen property;
- Have not within a two-year period preceding this Agreement been convicted of a felony
criminal violation under any federal law; and
- Have not within a three-year period preceding this Agreement had one or more public
transactions (federal, state, or local) terminated for cause or default.
FY 2024 Agreement
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All notices or other written communications shall be addressed as indicated in this section, or as
specified, by a subsequent written notice delivered by the party whose address or authorized
representative has changed.
Notices or other communications required by, or related to, this Agreement shall be in writing and
shall be delivered in one of the following manners:
a. In person.
b. By certified registered mail, return receipt requested, with all postage or charges prepaid;
c. By email to the email address identified for the authorized representative.
Oakland County: Farmington Hills:
Contact: Contact:
Address: Address:
City, State, Zip: City, State, Zip:
Telephone: Telephone:
Email: Email:
Hazel Park: Detroit:
Contact: Contact:
Address: Address:
City, State, Zip: City, State, Zip:
Telephone: Telephone:
Email: Email:
Royal Oak: Southfield:
Contact: Contact:
Address: Address:
City, State, Zip: City, State, Zip:
Telephone: Telephone:
Email: Email:
City, State, Zip:
This Agreement is contingent upon funds being awarded by the ATPA for auto-theft prevention
activities. This Agreement is effective when signed by the Parties, by and through their duly
authorized representatives, for a period beginning October 1, 2023 through September 30, 2024,
unless terminated early, as hereinafter set forth.
FY 2024 Agreement
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Any party may terminate this Agreement for any reason, provided that at least 30 days advance
written notice of termination is given to the non-terminating parties by the terminating party.
This Agreement is the complete and exclusive Agreement between the Parties with respect to the
subject matter thereof, and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, proposals, and other
communications between the Parties either oral or written. This Agreement may only be amended
by a written document signed by the Parties after receiving approval from their governing bodies.
However, a Party may change its Correspondence information without amending the Agreement in
accordance with Section VII; it is not necessary to amend this Agreement for the sole purpose of
changing the Correspondence information.
This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but
all of which together shall be deemed to be one and the same agreement. A signed copy of this
Agreement delivered by facsimile, email, or other means of electronic transmission shall be deemed
to have the same legal effect as delivery of an original signed copy of this Agreement.
FY 2024 Agreement
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Each Party certifies that it has received approval from its governing body via resolution to enter
into this Agreement. The person signing this Agreement on behalf of each Party certifies that he
or she has the necessary approval and authority to sign this Agreement on behalf of the Party and
bind the Party to the terms and conditions contained herein.
Oakland County (Oakland County Sheriff's Office)
By: Date:
Printed Name:
City of Pontiac (Oakland County Sheriff's Office-Pontiac)
By: Date:
Printed Name:
City of Farmington Hills (Farmington Hills Police Department)
By: Date:
Printed Name:
City of Hazel Park (Hazel Park Police Department)
By: Date:
Printed Name:
City of Royal Oak (Royal Oak Police Department)
By: Date:
Printed Name:
City of Detroit (Detroit Police Department)
By: Date:
Printed Name:
City of Southfield (Southfield Police Department)
By: Date:
Printed Name:
1. That the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accepts grant funding from the State of Michigan, Auto
Theft Prevention Authority in the amount of $1,615,061 with a grant match of $944,790 totaling $2,559,851
for the period of October 1, 2023, through September 30, 2024.
2. That the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accepts grant funding from the State of Michigan, Auto
Theft Prevention Authority, passed through the City of Detroit, in the amount of $88,270 with a grant match
of $58,847 totaling $147,117 for the period of October 1, 2023, through September 30, 2024.
3. To continue one (1) SR FTE Sergeant position (#4030901-10333), five (5) SR FTE Deputy II positions
(#4030901-06108, 06109, 06147, 06148, and 11067) and one (1) SR PTNE 1,000 hours per year Court Park
Deputy position (#4030901-12036) in the Sheriff’s Office/ Investigative & Forensic Services/Special Teams
4. To continue one (1) GF/GP FTE Deputy II position (#4030901-11149) contracted by the City of Pontiac and
reimbursed by the ATPA grant in the Sheriff’s Office/Patrol Services/Pontiac Unit.
5. To continue one (1) SR FTE Deputy II position (#4030901-10898) working as part of the Detroit ATPA team
in the Sheriff’s Office/Investigative & Forensic Services/Special Teams Unit.
6. To create one (1) SR FTE Sergeant position in the Sheriff’s Office/ Investigative & Forensic Services/Special
Teams Unit (#4030901).
Automobile Theft Prevention Authority (ATPA) Program grant.
The State of Michigan, Automobile Theft Prevention Authority (ATPA), has awarded Oakland County funding in the
amount of $1,615,061 with a grant match of $944,790 totaling $2,559,851 for the funding period of October 1, 2023,
through September 30, 2024. The ATPA encourages multijurisdictional agreements; Oakland County’s award
includes one Detroit position and Detroit’s award includes one Oakland County Sheriff’s Office position. Oakland
County will receive grant funding in the amount of $88,270 with a required match of $58,847 for the Oakland County
position working with the Detroit ATPA team. The Oakland County ATPA award includes funding for the following:
$956,978 for Oakland County Sheriff’s Office with a required match of $526,068; $111,706 for Farmington Hills Police
Department with a required match of $71,137; $93,157 for Hazel Park Police Department with a required match of
$58,771; $133,210 for the Royal Oak Police Department with a required match of $85,473; $125,878 for the
Southfield Police Department with a required match of $80,586; $85,153 for the Detroit Police Department with a
required match of $53,434; and $108,979 for the City of Pontiac with a required match of $69,321. Each participating
municipality is responsible for their own match requirement; and Oakland County’s total required match, for both
the Oakland County ATPA award and City of Detroit ATPA award, is $584,915 and is available in the FY 2024 – FY
2026 General Fund Inv & Forensic Svcs Transfers Out budget and the LE Grants Transfers In account.
The award provides continued funding for the following positions in the Sheriff’s Office: one (1) Special Revenue (SR)
Full – Time Eligible (FTE) Sergeant position (#4030901-10333), five (5) SR FTE Deputy II positions (#4030901 - 06108,
06109, 06147, 06148, and 11067), and one (1) SR Part-Time Non-Eligible (PTNE) 1,000 hours per year Court Park
Deputy position (#4030901-12036). The award provides continued funding for one (1) General Fund/General
Purpose (GF/GP) FTE Deputy II position (#4030601-11149) contracted with the City of Pontiac. The award provides
funding for the creation of one (1) SR Full-Time Eligible (FTE) Sergeant position. The grant award also includes funding
for overtime, vehicles and mileage, field operations supplies, office operations supplies, and equipment. Funding for
(1) SR Deputy II position (#4030901-10898) in the Sheriff’s Office, who is assigned to the Detroit ATPA program, is
continued through ATPA grant funding passed through the City of Detroit and awarded to Oakland County through
a separate agreement issued by the City of Detroit. One (1) unmarked vehicle with radio, overtime cost, and cell
phone are included in the Detroit ATPA award.
It is requested that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accepts grant funding from the State of Michigan,
Auto Theft Prevention Authority in the amount of $1,615,061 with a grant match of $944,790 totaling $2,559,851
for the period of October 1, 2023, through September 30, 2024. It is also requested that the Oakland County Board
of Commissioners accepts grant funding from the State of Michigan, Auto Theft Prevention Authority, passed
through the City of Detroit, in the amount of $88,270 with a grant match of $58,847 totaling $147,117 for the period
of October 1, 2023, through September 30, 2024. It is requested to continue one (1) SR FTE Sergeant position
(#4030901-10333), five (5) SR FTE Deputy II positions (#4030901-06108, 06109, 06147, 06148, and 11067) and one
(1) SR PTNE 1,000 hours per year Court Park Deputy position (#4030901-12036) in the Sheriff’s Office/ Investigative
& Forensic Services/Special Teams Unit. It is also requested to continue one (1) GF/GP FTE Deputy II position
(#4030901-11149) contracted by the City of Pontiac and reimbursed by the ATPA grant in the Sheriff’s Office/Patrol
Services/Pontiac Unit. It is requested to continue one (1) SR FTE Deputy II position (#4030901-10898) working as
part of the Detroit ATPA team in the Sheriff’s Office/Investigative & Forensic Services/Special Teams Unit. It is
requested to create one (1) SR FTE Sergeant position in the Sheriff’s Office/ Investigative & Forensic Services/Special
Teams Unit (#4030901). Oakland County’s portion of the required match totaling $584,915 and is available in the FY
2024 – FY 2026 General Fund Inv & Forensic Svcs Transfers Out budget and the LE Grants Transfers In account. It is
requested that the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners is authorized to execute the grant agreement, and
to approve any grant amendments within fifteen percent (15%) of the original award, which are consistent with the
original agreement as approved. It is also requested the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorizes a
representative from the Sheriff’s Office to execute the Agreement for Participation in OCAT and Receipt of ATPA
Grant Funds with the local units of government and the Agreement for Participation in Preventing Auto Theft (PAT)
and Receipt of ATPA Grant Funds. The acceptance of this grant does not obligate the County to any future
commitment and continuation of the Special Revenue positions in the grant is contingent upon continued future
levels of grant funding. The FY 2024 budget is amended as detailed in the attached Schedule A.
*Note: Annual rates are shown for illustrative purposes only.
Class Gr Period Base 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year
Sergeant --Annual
*Note: Annual rates are shown for illustrative purposes only.
**Note: Fringe benefit rates displayed are County averages. Annual costs are shown for illustrative purposes only.
Actual costs are reflected in the budget amendment.
Create one (1) SR FTE Sergeant position
Salary at 1 Year Step $100,813
Fringes @34.59% $34,871
Total Health Care Based Fringes $15,973
Cost $151,657