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AGENDA ITEM: Amendment #1 to the FY 2023 Antiterrorism Emergency Assistance Grant
DEPARTMENT: Prosecuting Attorney's Office
MEETING: Board of Commissioners
DATE: Thursday, September 21, 2023 9:30 AM - Click to View Agenda
Resolution #2023-3356
Motion to accept additional grant funding from the State of Michigan, Department of Health and
Human Services for the FY 2023 Antiterrorism Emergency Assistance Grant in the amount of
$68,553 for the period of October 1, 2022, through September 30, 2023 and authorize the Chair of
the Board of Commissioners to execute Amendment #1; further, amend FY 2023 budget as detailed
in the attached Schedule A.
Grant Penny Luebs
The Oakland County Office of the Prosecuting Attorney was initially awarded grant funding for the
FY 2023 Antiterrorism Emergency Assistance Grant in the amount of $87,500 from the State of
Michigan, Department of Health and Human Services for the period of October 1, 2022, through
September 30, 2023 (#2023-2720). The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services has
awarded additional funding in the amount of $68,553 for the period of October 1, 2022, through
September 30, 2023, to cover remaining salary and fringe costs for the two grant-funded positions.
The purpose of this grant is to provide support regarding the school shooting incident in Oxford
Township on November 30, 2021, which included 4 deceased students, 7 surviving gunshot victims
and approximately 2,000 terrorist victims consisting of the Oxford High School student body and
staff. The magnitude and complexity of this case requires a substantial response from Victim
Services, that includes ensuring victims are continuously updated on case developments, receiving
emotional support throughout the court process, receiving referrals for mental health treatment
when requested and receiving assistance seeking financial compensation from the state for
reimbursement of medical and mental health bills.
Amendment #1 provides supplemental funding for reimbursement of salaries and fringe benefits for
one (1) General Fund General Purpose (GF/GP) Full-time Eligible (FTE) Victim Advocate position
(#4010201-15538) and one (1) GF/GP FTE Office Support Clerk Senior position (#4010201-15532).
This grant Amendment has completed the Grant Review Process in accordance with the Board of
Commissioners’ Grant Acceptance Procedures.
Committee members can contact Michael Andrews, Policy and Fiscal Analysis Supervisor at
248.425.5572 or andrewsmb@oakgov.com, or the department contact persons listed for additional
Mary Larkin, Victim Advocate Leader
Aaron Snover, Board of Commissioners Created/Initiated - 9/21/2023
AGENDA DEADLINE: 09/21/2023 9:30 AM
1. FY23 AntiTerrorism Emergency Assistance AEAP Grant AMEND #1 Schedule A
2. Grant Review Sign-Off AEAP amendment #1
3. notice of additional funding FY'23
2023-10-10 Public Health & Safety - Recommend to Board
2023-10-19 Full Board - Adopt
Motioned by: Commissioner Charles Cavell
Seconded by: Commissioner Yolanda Smith Charles
Yes: David Woodward, Michael Spisz, Karen Joliat, Kristen Nelson, Christine Long, Robert
Hoffman, Philip Weipert, Gwen Markham, Angela Powell, Marcia Gershenson, Janet Jackson,
Yolanda Smith Charles, Charles Cavell, Brendan Johnson, Ajay Raman (15)
No: None (0)
Abstain: None (0)
Absent: William Miller III, Gary McGillivray, Michael Gingell, Penny Luebs (4)
Oakland County, Michigan
Schedule "A" DETAIL
R/E Fund Name Division Name
Fund #
Cost Center
(CCN) #
Account #
Program #
Grant ID (GRN)
Project ID #
Summary Account Title
FY 2023
FY 2024
FY 2025
R General Fund Grant Prosecuting Litigation FND10101 CCN4010201 RC610313 PRG122090 GRN-1004104 610000 Federal Operating Grant $68,553 $-$-
Total Revenues $68,553 $-$-
E General Fund Grant Prosecuting Litigation FND10101 CCN4010201 SC702010 PRG122090 GRN-1004104 702000 Salaries Regular $50,780 $-$-
E General Fund Grant Prosecuting Litigation FND10101 CCN4010201 SC722740 PRG122090 GRN-1004104 722000 Fringe Benefits 17,773 --
Total Expenditures $68,553 $-$-
GRANT REVIEW SIGN-OFF – Prosecuting Attorney
GRANT NAME: FY2023 Anti- Terrorism Emergency Assistance
FUNDING AGENCY: Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS)
DEPARTMENT CONTACT PERSON: Mary Larkin (248) 858-1059
STATUS: Grant Acceptance (Greater than 15% of original award)
DATE: 09/14/2023
Please be advised that the captioned grant materials have completed internal grant review. Below are the returned
The Board of Commissioners’ liaison committee resolution and grant amendment package (which should include this
sign-off and the grant amendment with related documentation) may be requested to be placed on the agenda(s) of the
appropriate Board of Commissioners’ committee(s) for grant amendment by Board resolution.
Management and Budget:
Approved – Shannon Lee on behalf of Sheryl Johnson (09/14/2023)
Human Resources:
Approved by Human Resources. Continues 2 position with no changes. HR action not needed - Heather Mason
Risk Management:
Approved. Agreement allows the governmental self-insurance and waives the additional insured requirement. – Robert
Erlenbeck. (09/14/2023)
Corporation Counsel:
Approved. – Sharon Kessler (09/13/2023)
From: noreply@egrams-mi.net
Sent: Tuesday, September 5, 2023 3:18 PM
To: Larkin, Mary A
Subject: Michigan Department of Health and Human Services Amendment for
AEAP-2023 -
Antiterrorism Emergency Assistance - 2023
CAUTION: This message is from a sender outside of the Oakland County
organization. Do
not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and
know the content is
Mary Larkin, Project Director
Oakland County of Prosecutors Office
1200 N. Telegraph
Dear Mary Larkin:
The following is an amendment for your organization for funding
administered by the Michigan
Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) through AEAP-2023 -
Antiterrorism Emergency
Assistance - 2023 Agreement.
Please complete the amendment modification to the application and have
your Authorized Official
submit through MI E-Grants within two (2) weeks. If you are not able to
submit your amended
application within this time, please contact your Grant Program Manager
and Grants Division Team
Member to request and extension.
Following sections are requested to be amended.
Facesheet (Others)
Budget (Funding Changes)
Purpose of the Amendment:
The purpose of this amendment is to add funding in the original agreement
for $68,553 and to modify the
budget categories to reflect current spending, as shown on the Attachment
B budget pages.
Next Steps
The next steps in the MI E-Grants system for amending your application
and/or budget and submitting
your AEAP-2023 - Antiterrorism Emergency Assistance - 2023 for MDHHS
approval are as follows:
1. For your convenience you can access the “MI E-Grants Training for
Grantee” material from the MI
E-Grants (https://egrams-mi.com/mdhhs/) home page left menu by clicking
“About EGrAMS” and
downloading the PDF.
2. Login into MI E-Grants system URL: https://egrams-mi.com/mdhhs/.
3. The agency Project Director may need to assign new users access to
the AEAP-2023 -
Antiterrorism Emergency Assistance - 2023 program.
4. Enter the application using the drop down menu’s 'Grantee ->Grant
Application ->Enter Grant
Application' and click on 'Go' button.
5. Select the AEAP-2023 - Antiterrorism Emergency Assistance - 2023
program using the 'Lookup'
icon and click the 'Go' button.
6. Select hyperlink to the AEAP-2023 - Antiterrorism Emergency
Assistance - 2023 and amend the
application sections listed above in this email.
7. When the amended application has been completed, click the
'Validate' button, the application
is error free and is now ready for your agency Authorized Official to
8. Submit the amended application the Authorized Official enters the
application using the drop-
down menu's 'Grantee > Grant Application> Grant Application Preview' and
click on the 'Go'
9. Select the AEAP-2023 - Antiterrorism Emergency Assistance - 2023
program using the 'Lookup'
icon and click the 'Go' button.
10. Click on the hyperlink titled AEAP-2023 - Antiterrorism Emergency
Assistance - 2023.
11. The Authorized Official reviews the amended application and click on
the ‘Submit’ button. This
will submit your amended application for Michigan Department of Health and
Human Services
Program Approval Amendment.
12. View your Original/Amended/Draft agreement use the drop-down menu’s
'Grantee> Project
Director> Application Status' and click the ‘Go’ button. Select the Grant
Program and click on the
‘Find’ button. Click on the ‘View Contract’ button to access the
Additional Documents
In addition, you may refer to your training materials on the home page
https://egrams-mi.com/mdhhs by
clicking "About EGrAMS" and download instruction documentation (PDF
Technical Assistance
If you need assistance with access and system issues technical assistance
is available
through Grants Division EGrAMS Help Desk at MDHHS-EGRAMS-
Thank you for your cooperation and support. Please contact your Grants
Division Liaison if you have any
Grants Division Management
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, Bureau of Grants and