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Election Canvasses - 2023.11.07 - 40680
CANVASS OF VOTES CAST -AT THE - CITY GENERAL ELECTION -HELD ON - NOVEMBER 7,2023 CITY OF ROCHESTER CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY CANVASSERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY,MICHIGAN entGSect(aEeeeRegisteredVoters748509of612896=24.23%OaklandCounty,MichiganGanvassResultsTuesday,November7,2023ElectionPrecinctsReporting241of241=100.00%Muiiats1110AM11/7/2023RunDate11/15/2023Page75 CouncilMember-Rochester-Votefornotmorethan4 yse>sjoyjeg Bunjo,Ayeq yse)sjojjeg aajuasqy yse>sjojjeg JUIDald =uosiajed uuy -pinog sejénoq salon,yseD seuor aiqqea PrecinctRochester,Precinct1193398421475324457Rochester,Precinct2290)603506Sal468576Rochester,Precinct3155312308341281366Rochester,Precinct4185310290.300°272339Rochester,Precinct5275412372361446409Rochester,Precinct6;169315223256-291345,Totalceaineeteed)eeoteueeraleeeone _—gasney uensuyy“fp —ypnepeg -y ped ‘CanvassResultsOfficialResultsOaklandCounty,MichiganRegisteredVoters148509of612896=24.23%CanvassResultsTuesday,November7,2023ElectionPrecinctsReporting241of241=100.00%11/7/2023Ulelias:Teas:RunDate44/15/2023Page76 CouncilMember-Rochester-Votefornotmorethan4 abeyu -1se9 siojjeg [P10 ada NOUN]PrecinctRochester,Precinct18272,06240.11%Rochester,Precinct21,1032,85638.62%Rochester,Precinct36461,64439.29%Rochester,Precinct46411,39745.88%Rochester,Precinct58752,12041.27%Rochester,Precinct6548),1,16647.00%Totals464011.24541.26% CanvassResultsOfficialResultsOaklandCounty,Michigan‘RegisteredVoters148509of612896= 24.23%CanvassResultsTuesday,November7,2023ElectioneReeearPLCarepaleeroaysRonFiveere11/7/2023RunDate11/15/2023Page143 OpenStoresOrdinance-Rochester -aGequarieg noun, “sajo,1se>) yseD sjoyjeg Bunog Aye; 584 Precinct yse)sjoyjeg aaquasqy yseD sjojjeg yuUIDaId -s1a}0Apaleysiboy “4529 siojjeg [e101 Rochester,Precinct1Rochester,Precinct2141se958i1,099Rochester,Precinct397546643Rochester,Precinct452586638Rochester,Precinct562810872Rochester,Precinct626/05)521,547Totals,eeeVo498ca427462s|4103318272,06240.11%S03besa1,1032,85638.62%326268526461,64439.29%282292676411,39745.88%42140153875212041.27%194304505481,16647.00%B85464011,24541.26%.O56)0 5G:0 1S SOOO OO or OOO oO e OfficialResultsRegisteredVoters148509af612896=24.23%CanvassResultsOaklandCounty,MichigancomesResultsTuesday,November7,2023ElectionPrecinctsReporting241of241=100.00%RunTime11510AM11/7/2023Run-Date11/15/2023Page145 CannabisLicensingCharterAmendment-Rochester :abequariad ynownic s1010A paiaysi6oy yse>sjojjeg Guo,Aj1e3 yseZ sjojjeg aajuasqy yse>syoyjeg JUINaId -saqopse) ©4yse>sioyjeg [e101 PrecinctRochester,Precinct1137687824Rochester,Precinct216529354100Rochester,Precinct3111533644Rochester,Precinct463576639Rochester,Precinct575793868Rochester,Precinct632Biko©5A3Totalseee|pasdoseeniasta491 0410331862,06240.11%0 503023teLTe1032,85638.62%0326268526461,64439.29%Orne28229267—641‘A397:45.88%04214041.27%047.00%0|41.26%2:0:'0'50 0 '0:;6 -OCOror™m Nmnen ts. STATEMENT OF VOTES CITY OF ROCHESTER The whole number of votes given for and against the Put figures in this column Open Stores Ordinance Summary of Ballot Question: This proposed ordinance,if adopted,would provide for three retail adult use cannabis retail establishments to be allowed to operate in the city limits.Shall the Proposal be Adopted? was Four thousand six hundred twenty-five of which number Four hundred ninety-eight votes were marked YES and Four thousand one hundred twenty-seven votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES 4;6|2|5 The whole number of votes given for and against the Put figures in this column Cannabis Licensing Charter Amendment Summary of Ballot Question:This proposed charter amendment,if adopted,would establish an application process,selection criteria,licenses,fees,and regulations for three adult use retail cannabis establishments in the City.Shall the Proposal be Adopted? was Four thousand six hundred eighteen of which number Five hundred eighty-three votes were marked YES and Four thousand thirty-five votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES STATEMENT OF VOTES CITY OF ROCHESTER The whole number of votes given for candidatesfor the office of Put figures in this COUNCIL MEMBER column was Twelve thousand five hundred eighty-five 1/2)/5/8)5 and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS 1.David A.Berletich One thousand two hundred sixty-seven 1/2/67 2.Douglas Gould Two thousand three hundred fifty 2;3);5/0 3.J.Christian Hauser Two thousand one hundred twenty 2/);1/21)0 4.Debbie Jones Two thousand two hundred seventy-four 2,;2|);7 14 5.Ann Peterson Two thousand eighty-two 2/;0/;8/2 6.Marilyn Trent Two thousand four hundred ninety-two 2);4/9 |2 TOTAL}1/2/5|81/5 CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION STATE OF MICHIGAN ) )ss. COUNTY OF OAKLAND ) The Board of Canvassers of the COUNTY of OAKLAND (COUNTY,CITY,TOWNSHIP OR VILLAGE)(COUNTY,CITY,TOWNSHIP OR VILLAGE) having Ascertained and Canvassed the Votes of said CITY OF ROCHESTER(COUNTY,CITY,TOWNSHIP,VILLAGE OR SCHOOL) atthe CITY GENERAL Election,held on the 7TH day of NOVEMBER : in the year Two Thousand TWENTY-THREE . Do Hereby Certify and Determine That Marilyn Trent having received sufficient number of votes is elected to the office of COUNCIL MEMBER —FOUR YEAR TERM. That Douglas Gould having received sufficient number of votes is elected to the office of COUNCIL MEMBER —FOUR YEAR TERM. That Debbie Jones having received sufficient number of votes is elected to the office of COUNCIL MEMBER —FOUR YEAR TERM. That ___J.Christian Hauser having received sufficient number of votes is elected to the office of COUNCIL MEMBER —TWO YEAR TERM. Do Further Hereby Determine That the following propositions or questions were passed or defeated as indicated below: 1.Open Stores Ordinance Having Reeesived Sufficient votes was Passed NAME OF PROPOSITION Not Received Defeated Cannabis Licensing 2.Charter Amendment Having Received Sufficient votes was _Passed NAME OF PROPOSITION Not Received Defeated CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION In Witness Whereof,We have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal of Oakland County this LE day of NOVEMBER ‘CHAIRPERSON BOARD OFhartynolCANVASSERS a rrCi#Cie.a=CLERK OF BOARD OF CANVASSERS CHAIRPERS(BOARD OF CANVASSERS ===LISA BROWN