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Election Canvasses - 2023.11.07 - 40687
CANVASS OF VOTES CAST -AT THE - CITY GENERAL ELECTION -HELD ON - NOVEMBER 7,2023 CITY OF WIXOM CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY CANVASSERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY,MICHIGAN CanvassResultsOfficialResultsOaklandCounty,MichiganRegisteredVoters148508of612896=24.23%GanvassResultsTuesday,November7,2023Electionertence)241of241=100.00%RunTimeHee11/7/2023RunDate11/15/2023Page117 Mayor-Wixom-Votefornotmorethan1 -—aBequaaiagnoun, yseQ syoyjeg Huo,Aye JSP}SJOljeg aajuasqy © }seD sjojjeg Duel sia\0q paiaysibay 3 10/129 [e101 ‘ajbeag pied PrecinctWixom,Precinct1556556113Wixom,Precinct2613613112Wixom,Precinct311411413Wixom,Precinct4iliSit402Totalsvedarea340,| 6742,87623.44%7432,91025.53%1342,6974.97%6232,93721.21%2174__11,420!19.04%2334402662TS6470209412Wig398eoooo o 8 NR CanvassResultsfeast)acELESSRegisteredVoters148509of612896=24.23%OaklandCounty,MichiganCanvassResultsTuesday,November7,2023Electioneeeeee:241of241=100.00%RVInRSuO:11/7/2023aUBet11/15/2023Page119 CouncilMember-Wixom-Votefornotmorethan3 yse>syojjeg Buno,Apey —siajo,pasaysi6ay se)SO}JPg [eIOL yse)sjoyjeg aaquasqy 4se>sjoyjeg yuDa!d _uueWYyag 48}8d 305 UeUaaY |PrecinctWixom,Precinct14174524682601,597Wixom,Precinct2485430499292‘1,706Wixom,Precinct369697015283Wixom,Precinct4393.380)415)2161404S460ERpedivsatlease)s4s4.990 23344016742,876266475;27432,910647001342,6972094122.6232,937oie1381Se2174|211/420©50;©50 FS: Nn DN oO NN OO -LO Totals_ CanvassResultsCanvassResultsPRAY:11/15/2023 OaklandCounty,MichiganTuesday,November7,2023Election11/7/2023Page120OfficialResultsRegisteredVoters448509of612896=24.23%PrecinctsReporting241of241=100.00% CouncilMember-Wixom-Votefornotmorethan3PrecinctWixom,Precinct1Wixom,Precinct 2Wixom,Precinct3Wixom,Precinct4_ Totals CanvassResultsOfficialResultsOaklandCounty,MichiganRegisteredVoters748509of612896 —24.23%CanvassResultsTuesday,November7,2023ElectionPoca241of 241=100.00%cmeoNNy11/7/202311/15/2023Page121 LibraryBoardMember-Wixom-Votefornotmorethan2 oe a6eyuerieg ynowiny =silo,paiarsi6ay yse sjojjeg Bunjo,Ajeq yse>sjojjeg aayuasqy yse>sjoyjeg UIDAIg “ueygi15 sayjuuar PrecinctrelSuWixom,Precinct1501496997351Wixom,Precinct25495361,085396Wixom,Precinct3959118675Wixom,Precinct4475,464).939))>303Rote16201587,3.207,| se)siojjed[e101 Hem UOsIITY 287623.44%743291025.53%13426974.97%"623293721.21%(217411,42019.04%2334402664756470209412igeeno Oo co:oto) onmnn st COO Oo 8nleleen-NON WH CanvassResults(airaSOaklandCounty,MichiganRegisteredVoters148509of612896=24.23%CanvassResults:Tuesday,November7,2023Electioneeeer241of241=100.00%EvenGor11/7/2023RunDate:41/15/2023Page123 LibraryBoardMember-TermEnding12/31/2027-Wixom-Votefornotmorethan1 yseQ sjoyjeg Huo,Ayieg S10se} /—aBiejuasieg inouin JSPD sjojjeg aajuasqy JSP)sjojjeg UINalg s19}0/passysi6oy -4se2 siojied e01 suman 4eeT Precinctf:ES6742,87623.44%743°«2,91025.53%1342,6974.97%6232,93721.21%‘217411,42019.04% 2334402664756470aiHe209412TotalsEsMeso)treso)S03auolreagerWixom,Precinct1Wixom,Precinct2Wixom,Precinct3Wixom,Precinct4 OfficialResultsRegisteredVoters148509of612896=24.23%(ORTilosete)asOaklandCounty,Michigan(GWEGSOUITuesday,November7,2023ElectionTracieReto2ATof241=100.00%Uineaiisetsare11/7/2023RunDate11/15/2023Page159 CharterAmendmentProposal-Wixom _sbeaua2ieg snowing |sie}0n pela, 1se)|ole flo -4sep syoyjeg Guo,Apes” yse}sjojjeg aajuasqy jse>sjojjeg DUIDaIg “SA}OA 18°) Precinct 233440266ATS6470209412°Wixom,Precinct1Wixom,Precinct23503771216Wixom,Precinct379531322Wixom,Precinct433724Ora2Teteleyooeee1100]eren0seeeelecla|ole6742,87623.44%7432,91025.53%1342,6974.97%62345)2,93721.21%217411,42019.04%Fe NON 000oOaoOoo 0O0.lLmOlUD8 CanvassResults:OfficialResultsOaklandCounty,MichiganRegisteredVoters1485090f612896—24.23%TNESSCUSTuesday,November7,2023Electioneneene241of241=100.00%11:10AM11/7/2023NPARYACP:Page161 CharterAmendmentProposal-Wixom yse>sjojjeg Buno,Aye; _—aBequarieg nouns 4sb)sjojjeg aajuasqy 4sB}sjoljeg UIDaIdwe3penisiS“ooseapsPrecinct 2334402664756470209412W2)48976742,87623.44%7432,91025.53%1342,6974.97%623-293721.21%217411,42019.04%Wixom,Precinct1Wixom,Precinct2649Ta7a20Wixom,Precinct3116161322Wixom,Precinct45544!60815Totalsets)etaletsoaa-NON tH oo OO 8 COO 0 8 ooo oO CanvassResultsOfficialResultsOaklandCounty,MichiganRegisteredVoters148509of612896=24.23%CanvassResultsTuesday,November7,2023ElectioneerCeeae241of241=100.00%1110AM11/7/202311/15/2023Page163 CharterAmendmentProposal-Wixom s1a}0(pasaysi6ay yse>sjojjeg BunyoAje3 | yseD sjojjeg eajuasqy 4seD s}ojjeg }DuUIDAId ‘aGequariog ynouiny —¥seDsio}jeg eI0L Precinct 6742,87623.44%743—-2,91025.53%1342697497%6232,93721.21%“2am1142019.00%23344026647570209)AleTeABT,Wixom,Precinct1Wixom,Precinct257814672419Wixom,Precinct3105261313Wixom,Precinct4Balee8160815.ates300]setea0-NON COCO O 8 ©$63 o 20:70) COO oO 8 Tobee EVECCEnSOfficialResultsOaklandCounty,MichiganRegisteredVoters148509of612896=24.23%CanvassResultsTuesday,November7,2023ElectionTecheeaeVeneeraie11/7/202311/15/2023Page185 CharterAmendmentProposal-Wixom yseD sjojjeg Buno,Ajie3 4se>)sjo||eg 3a}uasqy — yseD sjoqjeg yUIDaIdwoD0Byi&heeioOo~oeoOad:be“S1@10Q paiarsiGay ——48e3 Sqo}|eg [eIOL PrecinctWixom,Precinct15589665420Wixom,Precinct2bBooeae71033°Wixom,Precinct3113151286Wixom,Precinct4APbS:66OBLiOALaTeeleessose0rstOaa 23344016742,87623.44%26647527432,910b25.53%7001342,6974.97%20941226232,93721.21%OUT21890eneceeeltal420)(19,0450)CoO Oo 8 o'0'0 O76) COO tr STATEMENT OF VOTES CITY OF WIXOM The whole number of votes given for candidatesfor the office of Put figures in this MAYOR column was One thousand seven hundred ninety-four 1/7/94 and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS 1.Patrick Beagle One thousand seven hundred ninety-four 1/7);914 2: 3. A. 5. 6. TOTAL 1;7;9/4 The whole number of votes given for candidatesfor the office of Put figures in thisCOUNCILMEMBERcolumn was Four thousand nine hundred ninety 4|}9|9]|0 and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS 1.Peter Behrmann One thousand three hundred sixty-four 1/;3/);6)4 2.Keenan Gottschall One thousand three hundred thirty-one 1;3);3/1 3.Robert Smiley One thousand four hundred fifty-two 1;4/);5)2 4.Jeanette Wareham Eight hundred forty-three 814]3 5. 6. TOTAL 4/9;9)]0 STATEMENT OF VOTES CITY OF WIXOM The whole number of votes given for candidates for the office of LIBRARY BOARD MEMBER Put figures in this column was Three thousand two hundred seven 3/2/0|7 and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS 1.Jennifer Griffen One thousand six hundred twenty 1/;6);21),0 2.Allison Wert One thousand five hundred eighty-seven 1,;5)8/7 3. 4. 5. 6. TOTAL 3/2/0]7 The whole number of votes given for candidatesfor the office of LIBRARY BOARD MEMBER -—-TERM ENDING 12/31/2027 Put figures in this column was One thousand six hundred fifty 1/6/5/0 and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS 1.Leah Gettings One thousand six hundred fifty 1;6);5/)0 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. TOTAL STATEMENT OF VOTES CITY OF WIXOM The whole number of votes given for and against the Put figures in this column Charter Amendment Proposal The Wixom City Charter was adopted by the electors on November 3,1987.It contains gender- specific terminology throughout and every pronoun in the City Charter is masculine. Shall the City of Wixom City Charter be amended to change all gender-specific terminology to gender-neutral terms? was Two thousand one hundred thirty-five of which number One thousand one hundred votes were marked YES and One thousand thirty-five votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES 2/1)3)5 The whole number of votes given for and against the Put figures in this column Charter Amendment Proposal Currently,Section 4.11 E of the City Charter provides that a person appointed to fill a vacancy on City Council holds office until the Monday following the next regular City election in November.|| However,the person elected to City Council at the next regular election does not take office until noon on January 1 following the election,which creates another vacancy on City Council of more than six (6)weeks.If adopted,the proposed change to Section 4.11 E extends that temporary term of office to January 1 following the election,which would eliminate the gap. Shall this amendment be adopted? was Two thousand one hundred thirty of which number One thousand nine hundred eighteen votes were marked YES and Two hundred twelve votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES STATEMENT OF VOTES CITY OF WIXOM Put figures in this columnThewholenumberofvotes given for and against the Charter Amendment Proposal Currently,the City does not have full time officers for certain positions,such as City Assessor,City |} Engineer,City Planner,and City Attorney.It is proposed that Section 6.11 of the City Charter be || amended to align with past and current practice so that officers who are not full time may be paid on a fee basis set by the City Council. Shall this amendment be adopted? was Two thousand one hundred twenty-four 2\;1|2/4 of which number One thousand seven hundred sixty-four votes were marked YES and Three hundred sixty votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES 2)1|2)4 Put figures in thisThewholenumberofvotes given for and against the Solumi Charter Amendment Proposal Currently,the City levies a millage of up to three tenths (0.30)mill solely for construction, maintenance,repair and rehabilitation of safety paths and sidewalks under the jurisdiction of the City.The millage was for 15 years,2009 through 2023.The proposed Charter Amendment renews the same millage rate of up to three-tenths (0.30)mill for 15 years,2024 through 2038,inclusive for |} the same purposes.| Shall this amendment be adopted? was Two thousand seventy-three of which number One thousand seven hundred sixty-eight votes were marked YES and Three hundred five votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION STATE OF MICHIGAN ) )ss. COUNTY OF OAKLAND ) The Board of Canvassersof the COUNTY of OAKLAND (COUNTY,CITY,TOWNSHIP OR VILLAGE)(COUNTY,CITY,TOWNSHIP OR VILLAGE) having Ascertained and Canvassed the Votes of said CITY OF WIXOM (COUNTY,CITY,TOWNSHIP,VILLAGE OR SCHOOL) atthe CITY GENERAL Election,held on the 7TH day of NOVEMBER in the year Two Thousand TWENTY-THREE . Do Hereby Certify and Determine That Patrick Beagle having received sufficient number of votes is elected to the office of MAYOR. That__Robert Smiley having received sufficient number of votesis elected to the office of COUNCIL MEMBER. That Peter Behrmann having received sufficient number of votes is elected to the office of COUNCIL MEMBER. That Keenan Gottschall having received sufficient number of votes is elected to the office of COUNCIL MEMBER. That__Jennifer Griffen having received sufficient number of votes is elected to the office of LIBRARY BOARD MEMBER. That Allison Wert having received sufficient number of votes is elected to the office of LIBRARY BOARD MEMBER. That Leah Gettings having received sufficient number of votes is elected to the office of LIBRARY BOARD MEMBER —TERM ENDING DECEMBER 31,2027. Do Further Hereby Determine That the following propositions or questions were passed or defeated as indicated below: 1.Charter Amendment Proposal Having Received Sufficient votes was Passed NAME OF PROPOSITION Net-Reeeived Defeated 2.Charter Amendment Proposal Having Received Sufficient votes was Passed NAME OF PROPOSITION NetReceived Defeated 3.Charter Amendment Proposal Having Received Sufficient votes was Passed NAME OF PROPOSITION NetReceived Defeated 4.Charter Amendment Proposal Having Received Sufficient votes was Passed NAME OF PROPOSITION NetReceived Defeated CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION In Witness Whereof,We have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal of the one County this LE’Cray of NOVEMBER in the year TWO THOUSAND-FWENTYGTHREE.inAaLKGLZtLOIhALE. Cy .7 CHAIRPERSON BOARDAHA1NeeOF Cc CANVASSERSLapras CLERK OF BOARD OF CANVASSERS LISA BROWN