HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1978.08.08 - 4083T 0, McGEE nLERK. IT H. LONG ,ERvisoiR 2840 FISHER AVENUE WALLED LAKE, MICHIGAN 48086 624-0110 c7),I) (< ..) -t- • - c,-, e" ,,, q...q..,, 4., • C''' 40' <H. DOHANY 7A SURER :USTEES K. HALISAUER HIGGINBOTHAM D J. HOLMES IN JACK August 10, 1978\ COMMERCE TOWNSHIP Howard Altman ctor of Elections And County Clerk's Office 1 North Telegraph Road Aac, Michigan 48053 . Mr. Altman: 'hursday, August 10, 1978 the Commerce Township Board of Canvas met to canvass the local returns from the August 8, 1978 Prin. tion. As we were notified that Board of Canvassers member Flo :ward has moved from the community, I made a temporary appointn ,ynn Gouge, 4702 aarfwood, Milford, Michigan 48042 to the Towns .d of Canvassers, !ral omissions were noted in the Statement Sheets, The appropri Trisnpr.tnrs wPrP nntifiPH nnd p_nrTIP in tn pnl,rpot "1"-hra pyrnr -2- )u favor the construction of a North -South state trunkline roat )ximately along the originally proposed M-275 route, and to be ;ructed with state and federal funds? )sed is a certified copy of the Canvass of Votes cast at the P/ Election held on Tuesday, August 8, 1978 and Canvassed by the I of Canvassers of the Township of Commerce, Oakland County, Mi )rely, P. 't D, McGee )rce Township Clerk i 1 ! Ii : ; I 5 ; , , r 1 I I i I i e 6-- el 19 -7 (DATE OF EL:'..:Ch.::.1,1) STAE , NT OF VOTES rre; Pj v,5h3 y Nen. b tra7! , PET MUM TI.14 candidates for `.6t4 ofit nd they were given for Tio Foflow 'mg noAsc-A os: PER-WM RECEIVINO VOlEi Numalt OE VOTES WRITTEN N [=, r : rp:ty were gwc.i tne I ii Pf:',17:EMMG 1-1.•4, yams tsurnb.:.:,,. of itots given by tha • . — • and they were give the foitawmp named. pox:cons: ITIE VOTES . . ,nt.t TIt'aIVINO fcJ candidcites NFt v;;Ic nk:-:raafr4 V,,:r7'M given by the t t can d. rd persomz -re",7 s fiMIRIE1 4 i! e...J1 ;or 1:13CSON-.: RI:CEA/W.-) THF 4 .0.t.:4 WORZT I! E. i I, ,61 k' 1. ,..,,hok,• number of vofe. givw.1.„/ , Cor 'Ike office .L 5 1. The whok, number of votes given by he for the office ; . . . ,.,..-,frvEr•I for the follovvinci r,711.1.o?Eis• RECENING E r 11 I. E I] • (7.)1'..4E.L LTY 4. and thcy v•E'er::1 t..17,v,..,n for the PHocNs ilE,CENING P4E VOW?: ,-- 9 . . . / whole number of voit::,aven a Ali' for cc ddatcs Fo theo!Tfze 11 and they were given for the fc.dlowing ricon:;:c1 peron pERsONS RECEiviNKI THE N„E'oc.F.F.' NUMB.ER ç V PATEN PZ ( E 1. EE E 11 - ° E , ; The whole number of votes given by t -they wc.::te given for the • pErt.sot,ts RECTIviNCE; The. yons• !I I I eiry F!- MIPAEAR OF yOTES WRYTTIIN N WORM I .1 I I I ; P, and thc.f? w wci and th ey 4,40N: per5ons.. ,`P T'r'M VOVES VOEYS „ 1 3. r rtattRies GIN.1,MN I I r I - I P • . " 0 . : 11, -1- : 1111 r V r. 1.7. I/ didates the PERSCT*.' PTE..:1V!!.'4.C.., 1 2. 3. : The when -1',Umber of vot:,-.s g'ivert for cancii:doies For .31 was • and they yeeto ,aiven: for the blicAk..ir,g rtOqiNi persons: •PERSONS RECEEVINti. THR 3, P the viere given for Ine: rtaro ,:,...! person sz PERSONS RECE€V1P::. ''.1-4E VOTES NUMBER OE VOTES WRIT7E.H IN NUMBER OE VOTn IN 'qv 2. and they were given for the faliow7 PERSONS RE:CEIVING 1? -ft Vt.7.t.I.E.S 4. 3. of votes giv,..41 ;y the TOT/,.t. 1 „ !.k.;,(1.bgn . . . . were 4, TOTAL r cc rtd.-.-iotot.. for the 1, 2. 3, 4, OF V OTES 11; sing tititiY:C.Fritit,;.:3 V;r.;•: 1.; ij JJ of vo're, . • titi' titi:;• ;4' wtiiti,q; cli.'?;?..til for f 'he; ri•ti)1 tirtig r1;41-j r•ERSO4,;$ THJI NW Vf..::'1Us titq If 3, The by the Party for c..wldk4tes for the Act' ;ti•-- `1 1E 2, 4, 11 if " ! I • . , j IF J iL • T tl" ti 11 for in.A! !'CM.r.:04vLi nerriled pi,.•-p:;)r151, VOTOS .; ,., II 2. 1 1,.. . • • . . . • lirl Q I; af 1 Ji 1 j ati';'•ti • iti7V Jr' F 4. number of voles Tb i• ti-•11:•-ti,W- OF VOTES WRITTEN tN WORDS Vti,:•37 ,JJVC:;J:i Fri Fintitil,FY . . and they were'given for the HImving nar,Het.1 anoNs REEv:Nta THE VOTES til 2. 3, ]!!!----- 11 ! - - ,: -- - - •- P am! they weft. ;,-.-;:,••,--,1 for the toflowing ncr•reo 7,41:,--vi.cnis, I[ Ptiv.r..-.--,:-•;Lti,145 RECENING 11-tE VOIM • - -;-, 1 . I : , 4. 11 The w':.lote number of votes givot .• . sji for exirKiidorly.. NOMKR OF Vr,)7i \A":iittiN 0,1 WO;RC:q 4. c F mork,.:Nq W.) The wboie number of hsi oncf: WCIS of which number STATEMENT OF VOTES fl kl,"e vC,tkz•lo C . . . . car4J;cierto by the f 4!, VOt,e5 4 n:•••:•”T,.,'..$115.1•.:7,i _ hoyir1,72;.ju:;:3 „ . by the — by Ore That..- by the — - — That_ . _ f. Thct nu •0:! - -r cr • Fj.n C /.7 HP:r.4HtY D . . 4.3 4 yott,..s i hol• Ike DI a P i V of-P)ce 4:1 i 114;5 by ttic!••• by tile_ ..1•Cf•Vial.) •: cam. T2 - _ • . i'vcr6p..3 • „ . U.V,01.4 •••.; ,jt- L tos C„J - -Jo w:li,.1.!•171 - - i :• A;11!„...•1 .- JO 3 Q4, ••", ; ; - - — " — — bumoti.- gr.).1:47:1A 1.7) 41, 'I 14,1 vp ) qtp ..„ .004.01.14 liNYN NOLIWOdCA:id 10 11vVii past)d - - — -" 94 JO.3 ettiAmi - - — ----"--jo 1.513 -ay Aci