HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1976.08.03 - 4103:1 a g titid 199 East :1K.itgore. tad HKAL.AMAZ00;:M.1.CHIGAlt: GROVELAND TOWNSHIP PRIMARY ELECTION August 3, 1976 CANV?SS OF •., I iES C, E. HELD ..: N ugifs:t .1.976 (DATE Or ELECTION), AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS 0 COUNTY --*OPPOOPQMP(MooPPOWMPP1/4"k7W- OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN MANUFACTURED BY ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS s.;r4 M-..PC CANVASSER.-RC). . Mariam: IN This :COLUMN: The whole number of votes given by the Democratic Party for candidates for th9 office of Supervi sorl and they were given For the following named person PERSONS RECEIVING THIS VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WIOTTEN IN 1,111011p.$ Leo $. James 27 Andrew Yenchar te whole number of voRn oNe.77 Republ i can 111, w. art! ior 7'..4177ciidate,:: For fbe office: S upe rv i so r : Wark t ( O given tor ILOtinwin g nrimed pvsons: mascots REC•VINC:' VHF VCYFES NUMBER OF yoIES VilitlrirtiN WORM Donald L. Titsworth Tho whoie number or votti.s qiven by ih Democratic Party For candidates for the oific.e of Clerk was _ : arid thOY we en for she:fallowmg pcinctd e p.div.tris; : NG. ReglYI THF:NPQTES NUMBER. OF 'WW1'S WRI 'TOTAL • fie whole. number of vuses given by the Repub 1 i can Patty fc)r candielat:.= h.).`f t • k kL and they were givem. For the follovving rrantml DeITSOFIS: PERSONK RFC:EYING TNIt VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITFEN'te WORDS Willi am Mark Borowy Elaine K. Phillips Ti*whole:nunilaer.:0%kites:ipVeh'bl Democratic r candidates For the office °area sure r , WCM: and they were given: For the toiiowing:riarriN:1 persons: PERSONS RE.^.E/VING TEAK VOTIFS, NOMIRES OF vo.r4s wRITTEN: M :wore* "........:.. . InIPYrle A.: B rOSSeaU .L..._:_:.fr_dH en I ey :::Lee :H.. Thompson I ...,C.::.: :PIIT 1719URES IN MIS Ciliiite,N Republi can h e Trea s ure.. r tI- (:: " •••• • .1001 le JO OW itl..) d ii 1,..tresove.. CIF VOTES WRITTEN !!,•4 WORD'S he W;lE )ei- "vof • Democrat icPOrty 10F c:r c4:fr cr tho 0.4) ice OF Trustee . . d • • • f:TreX,INS:grtEl FS. • • . . • • Ronal .d'.W:. Applegate . . • . .p.a.§maR or VOTES WRENEN Fred H. •McDavid Trustee Wd5.. i.i el; WJ' i?d : R.CCE6114..q,. THE OTE.S :..• • ;NI WC)RE).... Kenneth J. Titherage 2, Jean L. Wudarcki • wh1e numbeC., Democratic TOTAL Vote for Twoi- Ptirty for ,7.0114 idClt th0: ciffi :01 C9ri4table : ., tile to ,.0waly pepsons.. VOTEs : . e". TheiblE.P. c)F VOTPS VITEN iN WOIF Andrew:. M.. ••Yench.ar. - • • . 170TAL,.: -- VoLe for Two .." Cent' hi POrty. ipr c,ancii.drItefi 1,1e La_ :e: Republican 1.01:11') e.:4 CD vc;t•s by (.1114'.,-.i they 1.4.z....,ro tHr: . .VOTES Ted Schmidt 101 A 71.k7E.TI 11 11 candidate.:b Oar,: - Democ ra.t.i.c_ _ ') c:rtnclidatbi. by: •The.:. received the ilatgest number of vOtes Supervi sor: „it-idyll...is: received the largest ni.ittiber of votes: • : : .1..Y1V nil received the forgesf- number of votes Clerk ov'r rs.iceivea rho Ictrgest njmhc' of s nominated is norfli rlclteCl is nominated is Fl () minuted .Deffg/gra:t c _ . Rep_ub I. Democrat i c _Dermoic rart_t_c4, [; .APPUb. cq.11 noçra or the office •,t rty.: arty 'o11.11e c4 ice arty:for the office _Patkly ror the office of tHy - the:office 1...;1. . : : :Paiiy•for:the cit ice of , , ,rairttf. tor the:oh:ice Or or,the olfir,e at !art .n•urribt..of•:: votes... Truste Reg ular Terrn• • • ., • • ••••• • • : • ••. -•", • •• ,•• • • • • • "," •.. •• Truste ]Q Fill Vacancy.. : ••••• :•••• •• ••• •:•• ••••• • • :•. ••••••::i••••••,:•• • • ..• ••• ••••••:•.••• .:•••• • _ receivect.ttle.•targe..st...httrnber.:tit ..:Vatn.s:. :• • TtuStee.•••:•..-.. • • • .. .• receive contablo 47! la r riufttber of votes I. •tiav _ Treasurer e :l.cirgest nuMbei of V:C.itps nommo • . • . • ' - is nominated • • - is nominated nt)minated is nominated is nominated is nominated Rep ub I can_ _ rhr ifor the office 0 : -4.arYY. fat tie office of : That canaidote .av - - by: the. Pa kififor ;Ike Off fe.:6 Of " Party for the office a • . Tfir.3t, • - by thc:. (not the Office __Party for the office of the office a ..Party fo Ti . • • • . .• -Party for tine office of by b by: the_ — candidate: by the That candidate by the.. jiaving received the:largest number of: votes :is:nOrnindted laving received the largest number of votes is nominated .• Party ir the office of:. . Party For the office ol -Party for t office a 3F .Claki and . . : oaKtalid \j t the Prirni,trY• Ele'atiOn,held -- The Doord o .,...mycissers of the ._... .t-N,scertoined onc.I Convossc.vA Ph 3 rd day of__.___Akigt)5_t__ Do i`rieeeby Certity and Determine •t.. he _ Rep ul.?. _I can, -Democrat-LC --Republ ican emacra C1. • ..71.•'.)'•') .; Thr.Y. _ cndidcie b y the. cariditiA6 15)i• (- 1 11(ni - conaidoto ttne_ That._ candidate by:the:. i„ nr.tit . candidate by the That canr4idaie b y the j• ! b•,,t- Tuesdgiy... one thousand nine • • • • •.• • • • :.•:. • _I.... •.:•. t. . , . • • retety t:12.0H.:tko.::tor.gest number of :..T.ruS.:tee••: • - •.•Re.4.0Iar re1i... • • .• -having received the larg est number of votes Constable reeeiVed• tWilargeSt number of: :votes Cans tall a . _having Leceiveci the largest number of votes is nominated Cons tab IC _haying received the largest number of votes is nominated havi•rig• carldi te by I h ccmdidr.:Ii.e. by ccdct- I",tv 1 Tficr_ eaddnie by th • r.(15•10.1 d "t =y tr 1.Ty the . Rep.0 b 1 pan : • -a the office:0- . . . . votes is nominated vifiej received: the:large:0 ricUtnit300:o vores is naminateci::: hoVin.g: - .having received the largest number of votes is elected received the t cngest number of votes is e tected __h aying received the largest number of votes is er.ecfed having received tile largest rr.tertber of votes is elected . , l'ecciveckhe lar5,:je:St number of: Vatei:iS:eloLlte Porty for he office _Priy for tjt' office o ..1*orty for the office of_ • Pit for the office o :4'.tprtio (Or the office Porky for the office __..Pcirrty for the office of ... hay lig:ieee ed the get numbs .6f vçh iS nOrri nated Ptity for t64 office of Porarty for the office c Peirtyjot the off;ce, of__ Vir1.0 tlte :16:rgest tirnber. of" yo.tosE is ii Party for the office of_ Party tol is office eceived- the lell.(qeSt number t votes is tho: t:lfliT r :ii 117.,1ilinCitie:C" 4:16M non)bet. _..koving received the largest number of vo.et, -Piog49:: fat the affic.ii of_ the ticeN:ed rapnbo. o• number ...ItcrYina cowod th 1•0-.1.g . . . . . . . !s: •..having • Wes...rs•noymilc, e.c. • • • j . . . . . . . . . . _having r:d(teiv6(1tileilargeI •iturrir. nO.le nomincited vctes NAME: OF PROPOSITION : iIffi Cient •vOte,., was Rec eived : O...f. „.0 . . . :..., ..c ute.t.ere• nt votes w . wet• . • . . . . . . Flaying POSSed Defeated ••• •:... -• • katd Passed Urereoted Having cwin g Not Received • .1 . ••• •• • •••• ...r.‘ec.rwe • •aving • •::: :tNiol••• Rec.6.1.ied • None _ . _ NAME OF PROPOSITION None NAME OF PROPOSMON None mcmaggEguarammaueravo.: 1,4ErAt.: airtrzszontmrlatmarrig : •one thonson -1 Ativist hundred and._ _sementy_-_s ix Joy or this t - cr.)4.r.,,c,-,: OF:ci CHINiFZI\,:;Ar‘i ^ .44 • .11 •c:Ai CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION :_ha ving re6e.ivel the lartlest•itilitiber :=-A yates candidate :by. candidate by the-. Thof , . catidiflote..by •-. •• • • emnd1date :by•thi5s• 4 .4 • dk.late :.candidate by . . ------- That- candidate . by the .. • . . • cand•iddi•e• by That- •4.7.0iidijdotO• by • .candidate by th_ • candidate.. by it-Ie....7 •Icandlidat‘.6Y.the:•••• • candidate.. by the candidate by ..:Dei•ftirribIli.::11604WDe.tormincit • •• • •.:: • ••• • : .1.110.rthe loileiwiriti Propositions or qupstions were passed or .1:61"eated Ca Pwrir for the office or Picrrirty for the office of_ : Of the............._L•c0.1.1ritY.L • VI slag . • Co!-!,:.1 Oakland -