HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1978.08.08 - 4115OF GROVELAND : TOWNSH I P : • . : • • • Vii AGE)- MANUFACTURED BY OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN GROVELAND TOWNSH I P PR !MARY AUGUST 8, 1978 CANVASS 1 F VOTES CAST AT TII( PRIMA RY ELECTION HELD ON AUGUST 8 1978 COATE Or EI.ECFION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS 1919 East Kilgore Road 40 KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by Form No. M-398-PC CANVASSER BOOK.---PRIMARY TOTALS.: • PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER lgr mqr PARTY OFFICE CANDIDATE NAMES .ANDREW YENCHAR DONALD TITSWORTH• (10 LL.C. B.RONOI.GE • TRUSTEE. (vote for .one) (R) CLARK J. MORGAN (11) ANDREI 'CONSTABLE - — The whole number of votes given by the DEMOCRATIC Party for candidates for the office of 1 st 2. TOTAL. Party for candidates for the office of NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN.,IN WORDS ii- 11. 11 3. 4,. IOTA Was and they were given for the following named persons PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES 1. 2. 4. TOTAL I 1 NUMBER OF VOTES witirrEN N.! ORM STATEMENT OF VOTES Put. nGuRrs IN THIS COLUMN and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS 1. ANDREW YENCHAR 2. 3. 4. The whole number of votes given by the REPUBL I CAN Party for candidates for the office of SUPERV I SOR and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMRER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS 1. DONALD L. T I TSWORTH 2. 3. 4, The whole number of votes given by the DEMOCRAT I C CLERK Was , and they were given For the fallowing named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES H 3., 4, TOTAL The whole number of votes given by the REPUBLICAN Party for candidates fa the office of LURK was and they were given for the following named i5ersonsz PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES I" ELAINE K. PHILLIPS 2. , NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS The whole number of votes given by the Party for candidates for the office of EASURER was , they were given for the following named personi: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES . NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS 3 4. The whole number of votes given by the RE PUB!. CAN Party for candidates for the office of - TREASURER and they were given For the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES BILL C . BROW I GE 3. 4. 5. 1. NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WOR TOTAL NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS TOTA Party for candidates for the office of 4 STATEMENT OF VOTES PUT FIGURES IN THIS COEUMN The whole number of votes given by the DEMOCRATIC Party for candidates for the office of The whole number of votes given by the DEMOCRAT IC Party for candidates for the office of TRUSTEE (vote_for one) was and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES 2. TOTAL ll The whole number of votes given by the REPUBLICAN ThIJ&TEE for one) vvr:4 and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES The whole number of votes given by the was and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING TI45 vOTEs 1. 2. 4, ,l'arly for candidates For the office of NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS NUMBER OF VOTES WRMEN IN WORDS TOTAL . 4 NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS TOTAI 1 4. TOTAL 3. STATEMENT OF VOTES PUT MURES IN THIS COLUMN The whole number of votes given by the .RALK Party for candidates for the office a CONSTABLE (vote for one) Was and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES 1. 2, The whole number of votes given by the REPUBLICAN Party for candidates for the office of not they were given 4PoWTdri-:-Wing namewda Pesort: STABLE -(vote PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS 1 ° THOMAS H. Op ISENBERRY 2. 3, 4. The whole number of votes given by the Party for candidates for the office of was and they were given for the fallowing named persons; PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS TOTAL 2. 3, The whole number of votes given by the Party for candidates for the office of Was and they were given for the following named persons PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN kN WORDS 1. 2, 3. 4, TOTA, The whole number of votes given by the Was and they were given for the following named persons; PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES Party for candidates for the office of NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN iN WORDS f 1 1 4. TOTAL 11 -COUNTY of. _OAKLAND., TownstliP. Votes at: the PrintarY Election, held on one thousand nine hundred and- seventY eight 4E.440CRA-TKr....- - -Ptirfy for the office of .... rty for the office of . ..1/E.NOCRAT _Party for the office of Ft-AN- - Party for the office of _ _ XMOCRAT IC.. _Partifor the office of itEPUBL I CAN candidate by the That candidate by the candidate by ihe That___ ...- candidate by the candidate by the by the candidate by the, - DEMOCRAT I C Party That „_. candidate by the- - R-EPUBL-1-C-AN- - That..____ candidate by t candidate by t e- le-LR-E-NBO-GAN, her Of votes is nominated her of votes is norni:nnted having: received Sufficient number of Votes:it ne incited having received sufficieF-it number of votes is nominated is elected s elected _ having received sufficient number of votes .Party for the office o having received sufficient number of votes is elected That___ by the-_-__ That- _- s elected having received sufficient number of votes is elected GROVELAND TOWNSHIP CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION STATE OF MICHIGAN COUNT'5C ()V OAKLAND The Board of Canvassers of the ___ having Ascertained and (anvassed the the_ __ Do Hereby Certify. and Determine i-E-PUBL-1-CAN.-_. Party for the office of_ forthe offiee _Party for the office party: Far the:. effiCe Party for the cif 4to of _ „,.having received sufficient number of votes is : , having :received sufficient ilurOber of :votes is nOrriinOteri SUPERVISOR: I : ,having received Sufficient number of votes is nominated CLERK having received sufficient number of votes is nominated : -CLERK having rectiod sufficient number of votes LS hdrtiripfed TREASURER is nominated That having received suffrc . . candidate by the Party for the office of That candidate by the Party for the office a That candidate by the_ Party for the office of That _._____ _____________ _ _ _ having received 'suffitient:number of votes i s nom i nated : : for the offiCe Of -TREASURE.R.- having received"sufficien.t:number of ;votes is nominated For the tiiii;e:pf : : . . having :received sufficient numbcr of vo..es having :reCeiVed sufficient number of votes is nominated For thesi.OFFiCe.af CONSTABLE having received sufficient nurriber of votes is nominated for•the siffiee ...: -CONSTABLE : . h:aving receiVed sufficient :number of votes is nominated .ha:ving.receiyed sufficient: nurnber::pflyeite: is r:torninOted _,.. having received sufficient nu having received sufficie.nt nu candidate by the_ Party for the office of That. candidate by the Party For the office of. 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That-- '€. •..." . • • • • • .€€ : • .. • • •• • • • • . ••:":ho..:€1..ing.. 1 ec•eivt..d•..s.of ti.ti ent• ni.o.iiher. Of .voté .€..i.s•€.:€4,€seil.i..ei.ci tect .: ... . can'ti.idç.i.te. by the • €.:.Piti.tirfat.th:e offi•ce..of„_.......... ....:-...._......•.....„......-__.€__L.._....„,._.........___„.:_•.:..,...._..‘.... ...• .€ .:•::.:.• '.......: ••.::. €.:..... • ... . That '•••: : • • • . . . • • •ilo vi.n.q:•iec ei.y.:.,...€Ls Of f€z i 6€€€)t€ nu nit)61 1....t • vote .t•••• is nO€0,1lio:1€0•Li• . . • corididàte by the " " € "..Ptorii. for the"Office .Ol_. ••". • .. • . • • . • • .... •• . . • That • . havinc:j rth:€ei ved :still' i.c.€i e.n€1•€.0t.iiribe..i...o .f.....o.te.s.....i .:..riorniiinIed .. cant.liciate by the:. ---- - - - - -,,.... _______ Parffr. for the office of . ... ••• ...That..-..., __ €,..:•-;-L,--..“-€€€---.,“•--•:.:.1.--.-;....-.....L.-:-..;....:: _____ --,:,_ hav.i•Ii€€€r•e.cei\•;..ed....:;Liffi .cier.n. ii0•11€11....i.E.q.:••oi. ±ic€,1€.(:.€€•-s• •:i.s..€18:th.i.'nete:d • caildid.('.1.te: by. the. • € Party for the .office of...:_ ••• That.- ..— _ -...7H€:-. _ .7. __ -- - -7 ---.€:,€•-€.-€•••••‘7,..--,-.--......7 - -... _.€ - — ..,--......€_...._, ..,..li•ovint• T.e.de.i.'veci. sufficient • rtufi-16.0y€ di. .€€€€/€otip•s €i,..;:€•.00lo€:i•ii6f€Ei4....€ candidate by the • •Portsi for the of ice of ••••• • .......... • • ••••€ .....••••• •€ • • • • :••That.- • -,...€ having re.cei Y Et' Ci. €5.1.1if it-. oil.. nunrb•E•;r: of •,,,•ote• . i :,..;••nohiindtod • . ... . . . . . • Candidate by the.€—________—.-€.-- -Jody...for the office of- . .:... • •... .......• . . • .• • • • •.• . • :•.: .• • • ...•.• .• .... • • ...... -. . . ..: That.. • . . . • . ha'- no r..é.ce i ve€3 .s.uffi ciertt. nu:rt....be:, b.f vot•e€.5€ tl.,€,€ •no.1:-€.1€ipt€:,.;:€.1c.1€: candid.ate by .the.. .. €.Ptiliy far the Office OE •.. .. .. - : . ............. _....__.... . ...ThOt•• . . ocr.?....riti •roccived. :€,u tticient ot;mber .c)7€ votes €, s.• np .itit:rypted•• ..tai,.didate .hy the ._ ____ . _ €,. __ .......-.-- -.,•-:- ,,- - Party for the office of . • . . .• .. . . . .. • • .. ThiCit 7 .... .1t•ovi;€1.g r.e.cc-.,iv. d sty',€fic€fmt nyisnize:€r:€0 vots.i ti .npriiii.nnted candidate by the • .• •••• • • - • • €:Poillitr..foi-the office of . •••• • .. • • . • •••••.• € ••• •• • •.-- That - • • • : • • ••• • . liciv ing• reC 6 ived ...liu.ffic;e•ht:humbi4?'••61€ v6tes• i shemil ..rii.itc_.€€:•cl .• •candidate by theL..... -- .-•:-.. - 4.••,,.:..:•..•.:Piltriy••:for the Offi.ce of.. •• • .•. • € :. : ..• • • • • • • • • . • • .. :. • • • • .. €._..:....__._ .. II-1.at.._ • • •• • • • • • .. • :. havirig .re:CeiVed .$1.iffici .ent mini bo€: of yore ri€€€: € •notiiinot éld candidcite by the € : .. • . .. Party ..for. the.:office.of-. ....... € •• • • : • .. • • . .. .• • . - •-•.............-__ • That • :•linN:dri.q. i-e.ceived.:ijiffi cie.h.t...riun-Ceer .:04.:votel5 .:i...A: porrivri.o•fed...• candidate .by.:the.:€ . . .. . :Party...for the o. ffi.ce..o.f,.. .. • . .. .€ . • • • . ..._ • Thcit............- _.., - --------- -,.- ------ . -- ...- -.....- -...---:.-.-----....€-, hioyi ri .g....roc€••ei Yed•:suff ici f.7....t•lit)€€1;•be•:-.oi..v .ete..i...€,:nam.nnited . ccinCliddte by the : . . Pqrty for the office of • •._ . _ ._.€ . .....__ .,..___ That .. • • . .... ,hoyin.g€.recei.v0:.•..sLifficjent • nti rol?t,,.. of v.0.1:12.,...i.i€: i •€.1.1.0.r: ip.,..i.:to.d.€ (....d•rididate by the - Party. for•the'office of_ •Dti..Fterrt.lier Heieby -Drittiminet • Tha': the .(0116*iiii4 Profjo-Okitis or quo tions were passed or defeated as indicated. below: •- • having Rpceived P ed ffi Sucient voles as Not Received Dpfeated NAME or PROPSTION NAME OF PROPOSITION Rereived Having --Sufficient votes w Not Received Passed Defeated Received Passed Havint--5 Sufficient votes was Not Received Defeated Wne*s Whereof, We have hereunto set our and offi*ed the Sear ,c)f €0AKLAND (County, CitY:-7Tovvrithip ci ty., Town al --- - of AUGUST : . : : : : in the year one thousand nine hundred and4evbnty4:e.iglit . cHAIRI‘,4.4314./.. Vi IIge BOARD OF CANVASSERS