HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1976.11.01 - 4123OF COUNTY, MICHIGAN OAKI4ND ...NAME OF COUNTY, CITY, TOWNSHfR OR VII LAG CROVELAND TO1PINSI411) Cr NEM'. 1ECI" 1 ()1n1 NOVEME4Ert 2, 1976 CANVASS OF VOTES CAST • AT THE ELECTION HELD ON (DATE rLECTION)1 AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS MANUFACTURED BY (JItLEIJAT Olgt, tf .ELEcrtok...:stopipLy.::::...skouf...4(7vREas : STATIONERS AND PRINTERS 1919 East Kiitgtviro R0.00 : KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN .00etS4 by Form N K399 CA NV:ASSER BOOK Sp‘dfy :v+filgtitio G Pikticuy Spec tor PUT .FIGURESiii 'this COLuMN The Whole .nUmber. Of .Vdte..:biVeri..161:.:the...OffiCe „SUPERVISOR' ond they wore giver; (or thejollowirignomed received: received received The whole. number of votes given for the office of CLERK . . and for the following named Oersei: received PHYLLIS R. SOLBERG received : , received TOTAL •E-LA : PH ILL I PS votes votes votes votes The whole: number of votes givt?ri for e - . and i Fey were qiv iu or the foifowinl named poiSbris ... WAYNE A. BROSSEAU ioceivd " :Vdt6:5 BILL C. BROND I GE TLceived . - v voles received votes TOTAL votes Thebo le:: nuti:lber of votes given for the Office of and they were.cilveii for tlie Following namEd parsons : : : : : : : d : :FRED fl..,.McDAV10 received . : votes : KENNETH: J. T I THE RAG E • received . : : : : : vbtes • received votes received votes eceived votes received votes : "votes Votes Votes vateS votes vote • received received received received OFFICE AND • „7.7a e- 11 STATEMENT OF VOTES, PRECINCT OR WARD :NUMBER rTh.f TOTA %.-.A.Al'i I-JI --, YL 1 1j. rnM,Y1L: .1 '- 1 L------' '-- '---1I TIH IIL i .. 1 /44/Dle a/ raivcfrm e r------t-- — 1111 1)0/4,4LB Z.. 77 /7-3 040e7 105 _. - --------• L I ,----- — - • .. 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CANDIDATE NAMES f 7 STATEMENT OF VOTES, : PUT FIGURES IN TIM SITIAIM11 :: Vote for not more than 1 The whole number of votes given for the office of TRUSTEE - XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (to fill vacancy was and they were. .9. it for the .fcilloviing nonled.pers.Oris received received received votes votes votes votes ntirnber votes giv..-30Ef6:r OF14:6. p ..CONSTABLE..:::(vOte. for not mdre..than and they -mete given br the following Otimcl ipersons: received voi e.s TED SCHM 1 DT received received TOTAL The whole number of votes given for the office of was cmd they were given for the following named perso votes votes votes received TOTAL The whoie numbc,r of votes given for the office of was and they were given for the following named Pet so II : received votes votes received voi:6 received roceiyed voles received votes rec_eiVed received : ieceived received : VateS: •.. votes CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION OT;NTY , `PA Tit: 0•14-‘ .'.,‘,11C1 11161 AN }. ss, The roaraid of' 1,1.:invosSets of the _ : , , :: : having Ascertoined and CanvasSed the Votes of OROVELANO TOWNSHI P at the GENERAL Election,: held thE - - - -day of_ :one..thousand Do Hereby certify and Determine L That_ _ . vof 6s eieded SUPERV I SOR That votes iS elected_ CLERK .. having received the larc:Jesl ntiniber 0 ----having received the laujest num ioe.r of tie iluirt.1„cr 0: votes is elected ___ _TREASURER_ CRiitisj:: Teceived the• 6st . 01 votes is elected. __ _ TRUSTEE That having received the largest nuttiber votes is elected---------TRUSTEE _(tof _I vacancy)_ - _ _ That . -having received the largest nuiibet :.v4.-ites is elected - CONSTABLE . ...f That , h having received the largest nurnbei . of votes I elected_ CONSTABLE vat as is elected_ That votes is:elected__ Thot _ votes is elected„, That _hcniing rbceiveci th0:10r,,i_Vnit •ritirriber i5f votes is elected That hoving received the !digest nori-ker: of vote's is elected : That kois,n....1 receiver votes is elected- having received the largest number of havitig i'eceivs01 the ,orgest noincier or ccci c' ti' oi: : That ivateS tS tv.,ceived the - • .VE)t.e. S • eal,ad - That _ ..__.having received the largest number :votes.is 06, That _ _ _ : received the:largeSt:::number es IS elected That________. :votes is elected__ _ having received the largest number of ____ having received the largest nutnbel. of having received the largest number of That votes:is elected... _ That :votes is elected__ turnber of aving received the larges Th at : votes is elected aving received the largest number ol That_ votes is elected__ having received the largest n u mb er of In Witness; Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal of the 9A.Ki 1? 7N\.1... . ___ _ _ _ of this- _clay of___ NO.V.EMBER in the year one thousand nine hundred and _s_even_ty -ls Ix ATTEST,: OF ROARO OF COUNTY CANVASSERS: