HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1970.11.03 - 4126COUNTY, MICHIGAN OAKLAND •- CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE ELECTION HELD ON NOVEMBER 3, 1970 TOWNSHIP OF GROVELAND (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OUNT CITY.: TOWNSHIP CH VI .L.E,AO) MANUFACTURED BY OlgOigLikkAT UEgt, tit ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS 1919 East Kilgore Road • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by Form No. M-398 CANVASSER BOOK Specify. whe:tiov General, FrimaTy or Special Election TOWNSHP OF GROVELAND STATEMENT OF VOTES NOVEMBER 3, 1970 The whole number of votes :Oven for the office of U1 FIGURES IN THIS tOLtIMN : TOWNSHIP SUPERVISOR (two Year term Three Hundred Forty One cmd the.y..Vsfete • )•MAURICE HADLEY votes '"eived Thre e Hundred Forty One feceived votes received • Votes The whole :number :of votes given for the off ic e of cftiel they i•eie givri ter ke !olLi-eiw..3 named per§orrs: (R) DONALD L. TITSWORTH ''''"iv°d Three Hundred Fifty Five ote.s: . . • .• • . • • • received IOTA , • . .•.••.•,• • .. • • ,., e 4 TOWNSHIP TREASURER (two year term i , 11 Calk] Oley were r0t trre ) BILL C. BRONDIGE received Three Hundred Forty Five , received voles votes yeses -- votes our year term) . . • • recoi,a,..r:t •TOTAL. . . '77777 -7: VOTE-..FOR.:•:1n10T MORE....TFINT c vi I o !lumber' of ..vote3 givonjOr oltic"..or .•: TOWNSHIP . urn] they ‘riere givgn •for.tire frdlowiir!sr:!ncrtred%peNons:. : • .• . : 344 EV€d •Three'...Hund red- Forty:: Folle. • •. . :• • •IT-coiv.ed... • . : . ••• . : .... .racoivc:d ie.ceiv!od votes received ‘tetes votes VOtes • • voles STATEMENT OF VOTES he Whole 110.4€6r 01 votes biVen for the ,office•af uwNS11 I P ::CONSTABLE : : year : t61'11.1 PDT FIGURES : IN THIS COLUMN and they were given for the following named Persons: votes , received votes ree.eived ` votes TOTAL. votes rio whole number of votes iv ii for the 61-fice of and they were given for the forioWing, named persons: receiVed received TOTAL : vOtes çien for the of-ficE.i was and:.fikry Oersons.:: rocc.ivect votes n-ceiveo votes icwved votes votes Ti Wh016 nuit:Sai. vir.-te!:; qo he :i.)if and tfrey ...Korb gig:NI iop.i.lii .640.11121,VinSi: 716ireled..'...f..4.i:ioiv.':.. . .•... • . . . . .. .. . . . . .t-aceive0 ace.i0,d• yeceiV C.: e • VO , COUNTY OAKLAND TOWNSHIP OF GROVELAND (COuliji; CHy, Towrighir,o", Vi nhige) 3rd dayof NOVEMBER having received the lar gest : number of ,av re,c e,tved die largest number :al having received the laigest 1113Mbo.r oF havina"reCeived the lari.1 .6.4 number Vi !In [v.:1Ying seceive.{1 the ialge5t niinther o _,.havr,g received the In '5 nurnbor ..vokts is elected . That CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION STA TE OF NITCILLMAN, O OAKLAND OUNTY F_ The Board al Canvassers oF the_ uniy, Ls: having Ascertained and Canvassed the Votes of soid_____- at the . GENERAL El ection, held on the- SEVENTY one thousand nine hundred and D Hereby COrtifif. 0404 Deermne• rfte .H60 'yotts i5. elected.. '...Gro.v.e.Ion.d Townhip S uprvisor,_: : ...Ote.s is.. el eitted .:.Gtokeleh d.:TowashipClerk • .11:it... _ qe • •:vo.t.65• • ci• oct•e•• a • r • A Township u rot_ : •:• Th61..Dale Hitchcock _ _ _ _ ".. vote's Grove land Township Trustee (fpti(_yeor...::tOrtn Jess Van CO•tio. • ••• • _ . . . Grove I •aiii.d Township ...Con 5 tab. I ..Jolites• .Vo 1. 1.Trik • • .Thai . votes is eleC, rpve ond Townsh p Con s :tab) o num ber . votes is elected That- - - - - votes is elected, _ That._ votes is elected- .. 'n !le I yOieS is elected.. . • is eiertP_ - :'00-t6s - hart- received tl'te largest number a CVlil toc.::12 . . 9 ...4 Ct I 1•7:.:i (c). • •• • • • •• • - .• . . TeCniA.4d. •i.c::::.r.....jest••!.1•1...lh'il:.!er.. vi)es That-- _ _____ . having received the cagesi number of votes is elocted That _ __havinq received the largest number of votes is elected That, __having feceived :trie la rest number of votes is elected_ That__ _ having receNed the largest :number Of :votes is elected__ _ That tes is elected civin received the krçjest nuniber.of That _hovin9 mceived the larges ilumber of That_ _ _ es is elected_ re.r.'.ei ,.ed the klegest:norriber of _havinci received the :oicfest number of :FNMFMnageSTEMSTAZWOEF.L7 : 112iitiatt52120:7.ter,iliid.000174 In %fitness Whereof, We have here LI rite set our hands ond affix.ed :he Seal of the COUNTY - f OAKLAND ,,! 1,1 th 90.1 dav or in the year one thousand nine hundred CHNRMAN .• BOARD OF COUNTY . • CANVASSERS • ATWST: Z."'M BOAcr COUNTY N V A SSE IZ S.