HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1973.10.03 - 4138KXXXXXXXXXXXXNQ 1(.4190k; _COUNTY, MKIHIIGAN OF_ OAK LAND ri) 1 TOWNSHIP OF GIIOVEIAND SPECIAL ELECTION OCTOBER 3, 1973 ...: .cAN.•. • . ••• ••.1 ..•..•:• VOTES . •. . . . AT THE ELECTION ,FIELD ON : OCTOBER .3 ,..1973 (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED: Br..111:EHOOARD'H-PF-CANVAS,SEPS:.: SPEP:IAL SPEP:IAL MANUFACTURED BY IL Et ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTU1ERS SCHOOL FORM PRI N I ERS OFFICE FURNITURE AND S P Pl4E 1915 East Kilgore Road • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by Forrn No. M.397 CANVASSER BOOK Specify whether General. Kimary o? Specicli Eledior, I was of which number votes were marked YES and •-• votes were markecV'N .n. . TOT VOTES • The whole number of votes for and against the was of which number votes v'ere marked YES and votes were marked N.0 The whole :number af. votes-for and against the waS of which number vefi.,s were mai.ked YES ond votes were marked NO T CITA VOTE ON QUEST-FON Of CONFIRMING GIVINI'OF=FRANCISE TO- The whole non-4.:ie, of votes THE DETROIT : EDISOM COMPANY •PUT 511BRtS• Do you favor the confirming of a franchise to THE DETROIT EDISON COMPANY, granting permission to erect, construct„ lay, operate and maintain jnLLtJijn the TOWNSHIP OF GRQVELAND. all needful and .proper poles mains, wires, pipes, conduits and other apparatus requisite for the transmission, transforming and --_das_tributton of electricity for public and private.us_a, sublect, however, to all conditions and restrictions of said franchise, as passed at a session of the Township Board of said Township, held on MnrKiay, the 6th dAy of August, 1973? having received sufficnt noiliber --having received :Received Having tticient votes :.wa:; Not KocEtive:d NONE Pa ts.vd ....... Received Havina SuFficient Not Ri,ceived . . — _ hi Whness Wherea, We hi..ive hereunto set our hands pad aqi:ite:d the "t: t•k.. COUNTY. ,r• OAKLAND • (CQunt.y, _.'...:,.::. T,..ri.er.•:, I, ... ...:0 , i I i , 1 ,.,p,.:' , ' Co L.::.:.1•, • •• Crf...,, .t .i.,...,.......4 lf,:p , k/ i Ho . . . . thi$ .-:,....- .„ . in it ey..t.s:Kn....ohe thousand ii16 doy oi OCTOBER • A • ckAfr;i‘A.AN. • • • MOITRITETEOTO RO.A.R.0 .CANv A SSE R.S _ Z il:)F Gr.,;;A:KI) 0 NV,6,SSERS. or p-RoPosmoN NONE NAME or pitopo0ruco,4 STATE OF _Nil ICEFIG,X N .sr or_ OAKLAND_ • • . • :COUNTY • ••• ••• • • • ••OAKIAND.:•:.:,• •:• ••••• • • • he .E.,:;.16:1-cd 0 I the.. . • • .• • :• . • . • • •••oIr rv.; 2;: ::::,o,:.,.111-5C.11. . . . :the: Ve;tes. . o nid TOWNSHIP GE GROILE LAND .. • ••ii t hi1 6:-.Yi.110.g<>1 • • at th e , SPECIAL Electmn, held _ .dey of _OCTOBER . . one thousand nine hundred and_____sPYPAity.--three, Do Hereby Certify and Determine That votes is elected _ That_ votes is elected That_ votes is elected _ _ That.., votes is elected_ _ That votes is elected__ - That _ votes is elected _ That _ votes is elected_ That votes is elected _ Ti-mt having received votes :9 elected having received _having received --having re having received :suftrcient mJnibe; -having received sa.r'scierlt nutTi e ived sufP,rtiero. having receivecf .st::fficieht :number .tri -- ----- having received suffiic...ent .nurilbet. ThJt votes IS elected__ 17:ko Farther Her,.421 Trle•ermine: Tjvj the following Propositions or Questions were passed or defeated as indicoted below. .••• NAME OF PEOPOSMON DETROIT EDISON FRANCHISE Hovi • --- Sufficient votes.- assed