HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1980.08.05 - 4149HIGHLAND TOWNSH I P (ANY 55 OF VOTES CAST AT THE PRIMARY ELECTION HELD ON AUGUST 5. 1980 (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF_ 0A;LAN D _COUNTY, MICHIGAN (NAME OF COUNTY; CITY, TOWNSHIP OR VILLAGE) MANUFACTURED BY OgItgLEtikl! 13E@t9 eL ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS 1919 East Kilgore Road • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by Form No. M-39-PC CANVASSER BOOK—PRIMARY TOTALS PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER "IV 1RIr SUPERVISOR DoilAp .1).:. .11PiTP.::',.r..;!.,14.24a.1.4()•174,••.:)9 ,-r:-..41.., • .. • 1 1 , • ... • ARTHUR VAN '2. BROOK'.... .-, ' -, 1 • • "1" ,• '. ' .... -,.:-.---.-:-..... - . : . . : •• '.• ''''......!:., ii....'_-4,. Y.j!....L1....1 . ":•5:2:. ..1.4.......11.L: ....,4-..,..,..- • -WtErtS :'''BUtEARD;Hlit;Ht.4:'.4.1.,-.i.Liv;i44..:V.:-4...te:::4:::.'::'::::::i.:Y....... ... . .. . . ... .... . • • ,:. 41, 1'.. .: ' ..115.1 ....)./...j..L aiz .: ....i:i :)...1.2•L _,24..i, _..._..4.• • ..• • .P.l__.i:Z.. CLERK .L.11 SYLV A KOTULA K ...=TREASURER L I LL I AN ANN WAL KER. •'TRUSTEE :: (vOte..:...for LO Albert Korona 1 .1 ://'S Robert Petrak 1:$ tf?; - - James J. 1/771 Clarence Carlson Marie E. Hewn: /.0 L IBRARY BOARD (Vote fo—r -2)z: "I 1 • 1 1 • 4 - " MO: jr`79 Blai ne R. Eng 1 und T I q i : I I i 3 1:r I 1 , • 1 1 I r i i 1 1 1 t I .I. ; 1. . i I I tI I I 1 sr. I i I ' 1 I I , 1 „._..I .[__ 1._. 1 i . , r 1 1 . , 1 t 1 • 1 TI--- 1 1 . # -I . I i 1; 1: I I I I I t I I I I I II I' ,.1 f I II I I I I I I I I i ; . T I 0 I . .. . 1 . 1 i.. ;. ; I I . I II ; 1 I I I . I I ....i I I . .. , i , ,:. I , : . ... 1 -,--- , I 1 „ , p 1 . 1.1 I 1 I i .; .. 1 1: 2 ;> ? I E I I ' ; / I , • 1 1 1 1 • i I I : • I F 111 11 - rjr: ,22_442_21.2 . I I 1 I I .. I; I: I, ., ...4_ I . • • I • • . • • I 1 oilew A;), • • • Sl'ATEMENT OF VOTES H I GHLAND TOWNSHIP STATEMENT OF VOTES • PARTY • ; • • PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER OFFICE • • •• II TOTALS CANDIDATE NAMES .• 2 I 4 1 5 :6 _ AV J H I • 4 2, 3, PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES 1. PATRICIA M. CHIPPS ALBERT KORONA ROBERT PETRAK NtP:iBTR Ok VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS 1! 1 I 5. Nancy E. Sharp 6. Fred Shilling i[ If TOTAL 3, . • 1 1 1 TOTAL FUT FIGURES . The whole number of votes given by the DEMOCRATIC Parly for candidates for the office of (VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 1) WGS , TREASURER "I THIS CRUM and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS , 1. ., 2. 1 3. il i 4,TOTAL 1 - - t---1 The whole number of votes given by the REPUBLI CAN Party 1:.:.5 r candidates for the office of TREASURER (Vote for not more than 1) WOS C:11 •Ate -e.. and they were given for the following named persons; q PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS 1 N 1 1 ----t1 f 1 ° Lillian Ann Walker ._ • /-/, 2. 1 3. , ! 4. I TOTAL 1 . A 'S 0 . —.— The whole number of votes given by the DEMOCRATIC Peaty for 0:mdiciates for tho °I rice of TRUSTEE , (vote for not more_thariA)_ was 41.----1--k.-- 1 r.....4 •hevls uutzren rikunP1 1,-, 4k. red IrtNAA re ra nrinner.ri r-9.1•SP,roc , II III I [ 4. ----- f ( The whole numbep tc:s:::::::::: e::: tvheonsRwEPosU ,13.._.L.....1...,,C,A..,N.,..../..„..4.,P.....7::;:nakiates for the office of .TRUSTEE Vote for not more than 4) ....- - 2' Clarence Carlson Charles 1_,_c_p_gmr 4' Marie E. Hewitt , , F and they were given for 7ii.,.-... following named gr,.;..7,11!-:.: and they were given for fr..--Alowing named PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES 1, James J. Mil e Mt.,' M NUER WWII:EN IN Vy ORM TOTAL 1 The whole number of votes given by the Polly for candidates for the offi.ce of flLrt p ELLfl L, 3. PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS I 1 g I 1. . 1 ' 2 Was and they were given for the follovving named persons; PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES 1 2, 3 4. The whole number of VQi6.-7rg 411/4;01 by i'ho Ig 11 NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS or candidates for POO • I was and they were given for the r f c;]owing glar:gle0 PERsom,s • . . . Numan 3. 4. STATEMENT OF VOTES _ 1 1 POI FIGURES The whole number of votes g iven by the DEMOCRAT I C Party to condtdates For the oi4ce of Le BRARy OA& THIS "1LUMN mor_-_e_tiotan_2) WCIS ,-- 1 and they were given for the following named persons: ! PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITrEt4 IN WORDS 1. c._ : , 2. 4. TOTAL.! , i The whole number of votes given by the REPUBL ICAN P y For cundi4atcs for the office of 1 ] 1 . f , Lobrary Board vote for not morewpan 2) , and they were gi,,,.:n for ih,-, fg !lowing named persons: PERSONS RT.-=,...,. , -:-IE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS t Blaine R. Englund J . 2, g 3, 1 I. 4. TOTAL —. The whole number of votes given by the Party for candidates for the office of was liii LII- .1 i‘ 2. 1 TOTAL 11.... • Party for the office of - Party for the office a _ ...Party for the office , Party For the office o _Party for the office o Party for the office of DE1OCRAtIC.. Part forlhe office of . -REPUBL4CAN--- - Party for the office of DEMOCRAT IC REP_U BLICAN- 0.E.NOCRAT.LCL itif/ . for..theciff&Of. .Party for the office of. _Party for the office of __. DEMOCRAT-I-C - _Party for the office of___ DEMOCRAT IC Party for the office of iDEMOCRAT-1.:C:L for the office of_ _ That__________ candidate by the_ --OPUBLICAN . That-- sufficient number of votes is nominated sufficient. number of Votes •is nominated sufficient number of vete!ii is nominated sufficient number of votes is nominated That candidate by the- That by the .REP.WIL ICAlt _ by the.. _ _ ..R EPU111. LCAR _ That by the.. That by the Party for the office of That DEMOCRATIC. _ having received sufficient number of votes is _Party for the office of LIBRARY BOARD- __. having received sufficient number of votes is elected the Office of . LIBRARY- BOARD- - .having received sufficient number o the office of _LIB_RARY. BOARD having received sufficient number of votes is elected _Party fo _Party for the office of _ Paitrty for the:Office o having received -5ufficient number of votes is elected aVing ••••• • - .voteseceived :sufficient.nutrifier votes is elected laMiriated _Party for the office of eceived sufficient number of votes is elected --Party for the office of _ _ having received sufficient number Of :Votes nominated by the_ That- by the- - That .having CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION F.PATEI OF _MICHIGA.N. cotrz,irry or OAKLAND The Board of Canvassers of the ____ T WAIN.SR !Pr C ITT OR %/II-LAW!) having Ascermined and (canvassed the Votes at the Primary Election, held on of August _, one thousand nine hundred cancl_Ki_gb_ty_. De Hereby Certify and Determine ss -of - OAKLAND-- - e office o k.L1506111-cAN _Party for That_. candidate by That... candidate tlf the- That_ ._ candidate by That-- candidate by t That by the.. That candidate by t That... candidate by the That— candidate by the_ That- candidate by the.. That_ - candidate by the__ That. _-------_ candidate by the_ -RERLIBLI CAN EPU candidate by the__ R. CAN candidate by the_ _REPUBL I CAN.. That- -- candidate by the- _ _DEMOCRAT IC having received sufficient number of votes is nominated having received sufficient number of votes is nominated SUPERVISOR haying received Sufficient number Of :Votes is nominated ._CLERK _tidying received sufficient number of :votes:i:s::nornihoted havinq received :s:iffitli6 o t number Of votes iis,noMinated TREASURER . hcvirig reCeiVed sufficient:m:3;4er: of votes is nominated ▪ baying :received :sufficient number of votes is nominated TRUSTEE _ baying: received sufficient nuMbéi. Of :votes: is inominated: - -TRUSTEE:- - having received ..T.AUSTEE _ having received -TRUSTEE:— ..:.: having received _ TRUSTEE ... - - . baying received TRUSTEE . having received sufficient number of votes is nominated . TRUSTEE_ - having received sufficient number of votes i S nominated _._ TRUSTEE „ - - . . having received sOficient number of votes is nominated LIBRARY BOARD e 411040.c.Fui 6 candidate by the Party for the office of - That_ candidate by the Party for the office oF__ having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the That candidate by the.. That candidate by the That_------- ---- candidate by That candidate by the having received sufficient number of vote..! i BOARD OF CANVASSERS CHAIRMAN OF BOARD OF CANVASSERS. BOARD OF CANVASSERS. CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION That- candidate by the That.... : fiavi n•g i'ecei n•;:edist•ifficient number c vote. is nominated Paity:faritlie office o " number : Of votes is noroirtat6d Party for the office of. reiceiyedisoffig..:cri.f. number of votes is inominated ho\,i..sj received s fi ..ient 1 rmher of v otes :is::i.jo:iiiinafed Party for the office of bovine received sufficient number of votes is nominated ----Party for the office of,. having received sufficient number at votes is nominated Pady for the office of hay ig received sufficient number vtheti: i :S norif:iriated candidate by the..---- - - ---- ---- Party for the office of_ That_ candidate by the Party for the office of. . .. .. .. . . . • .. . . That._ : . . . . ..htiv'ing...recei:ved cuff i •ci ea. :r.n.i_rinber..aF .v6tes::i . . ....... . .. . . ilbtni6.6tO.d 7 nomi nated nof6d candidate by th., Party for the office of.-_ That- candidate by the_ - — - -Party for the office of _ having received sufficient number of votes is nominated . :.• • • • • . .. • . ..•• . having received sufficient number of .votes is ii.o.rningted candidate • by - -- for the .offiCe. • • • • .. • • • • • • • • .• • • ... • • • • : • . • :••• ••••• • • • • • .That_ • •• •: . • • having r•et.eiyed•• :suffi.cient noni.ber..6f. vo4es i.:s.nOnlinated candidate •.• • •• •• •.:.. ••••••• • .• •••• •••• •.:That - • .• •:. • .•:••. • • • •• :••:h•dving...reCei:v.edisisfficient .:hütriber.•••of ..candidate by the . Pady...Fórthe. office • •• . • • •• • • • . •: . . . • • :•-•.• haying:::.r•ec:ei:.vect• suffie;:.ent••nuth•or •Of:Vetes• iS.pOrll'intife.d • .candidate : ---- For the •office ...That.:_ • • . • • • . • • • • • • • .hav.ing..ireceiv..!:.ci...s.ufficiep.t. ntirnb.et..•of vóte.s ..:i.s .:6O.m:incoed:. • candidate • • Party For the Offi•Ce. of :Da :Fisith01....He.eleby• Delta.0.1460.1 • That the Following Propositions or questions were passed or defeated as indicated below: . . • • vote.S...i.tl.orni•nated . . . . . NAME OF PROPOSITION NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION NONE NAME OF PRoPosrnot4 NONE Received r , Passed moving autticient votes was --------- Not Received Defeated , Received Passed : • naving Dutricibrit votes was Not : Defeated: Received r Passed rlavinq votes was Not Received Defeated hi Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands oncl affixed the Sect! of the_ - C°UNTY f.Coonty, Cimy Township or Vi I la:oe) Ccliority; City Towri sk its Or Vi Ilaqo this.._____ „day Of 4 AUGUST : jetyepr one thousand nine hundmed and , :_EJGHTV BAY, of OAKLAND :CHAIRMAN. • ATTEST: