HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1986.08.05 - 4150CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF HIGHLAND CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE PRIMARY ELECTION HELD ON AUGUST 5, 1986 (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN MANUFACTURED BY ff@tfi3E,I1OLY IJNEJt, ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS 1919 East Kilgore Road • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN STATEMENT OF VOTES, - :FRIIPUSAL71= : -KI,LLTA, GE: ..!RQA577:--: 'MI L:LAGE :To F ill Vacancy PROPD5 :1:T 1:0N : PROPOSITION Vote for One PRECINCT NUMBER • y.e.....:.N0:-•,:.....:.:::.. :•.TOTAI. . •••:••:•• •• .. ••• .:-.......1-.•:• • :•••.:•••.. :••.:•. ........:•77!: )e.$.7.•1 ::. ......:..1j...::.:11....?-± /:/' . 1.,:i......5.:::,!..• :';`,'....?1•.• :...........f.-7.1;:. ..;:i.,:. : 1?-15 6,01 CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF HIGHLAND STATEMENT OF V'OTES PROPOSAL #1 _ Put figures , The whole number of votes given for and against the POL ICE SERV I CE MI LLAGE PROPOS] TI ON in this column 1 Shall the constitutional limitation on the ad valorem taxes whi_ch_may be. imposed upon all propert y in the Charter Township of Highland, Oakland Count Michi.an b- ' increased by one and one-half mills ($1.50 per thousand of state eq ualized valuation for the ten y ear period from 1986 throu g h and includin g 1995 for police services? : I I 11 _I I [ , 7 6 I 1 of which number ! votes were marked YES , • ---4,----1-0—/ „/ and 1 votes were marked NO :( 1 TOTAL VOTES, 11 ri 4. -PROPOSAL-72 t---r- I The whole number of votes given for and against the ROAD MILLAG1E PROPOSITION Shall the constitutional limitation on the ad valoreM taxes which ma y be imposed upon all propert y in the Charter Township of Hi g hland, Oakland County , Michi gan, be increased b y one-half of a mill ($.50 per thousand of state e q ualized valuation) for the six y ear period from 1986 throu g h and includin g 1991 for maintenance and III improvement of public roads in the Charter Township of Hi ghland? __ .7- i 5-1 was C:7"-A-U--..-0--,,e--. - ,--a-a---------- ---4-L-'---,-(- ---,-2-.4.--e--„,...,, -- L-...- of which number _ .. votes were marked YES _.,...,-- and , votes were marked NO C-7:-/z.e.,,—.4_c,,t_ 1 TOTAL VOTES, 1 7 ------- 6-P .,C,HARTEVIOWNSELI.P.i.O1F..,,:HT:GHLAND."• STATEMENT OF VOTES IoF1H Vacancy -Vote for One Party for candidates for the office of TRUSTEE Put figures in this column The whole number of votes Oen by the DEMOCRATIC Was • and they Were:§iYon: for the 'following herned :Oei-SOnS PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES "NUMBER OF VOTES vunf.T.T.EN IN WORDS TOTAL The :Whitile number: of votes given by the : REPOptii CAN Vote for Oi TRUSTEE • • To ;Fill Vacancy Party for candidates for the office of was and they were given for the following name.d persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES :NUMBER OF VOTES:WRITTENtN WORDS::: ILL BRIAN The whole number of votes given by the Party for candidates For the office o waS•••• and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS TOTAL _ day of CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION STATE OF :MICHIGAN COUNTY OF OAKLAND l : -- County " Oakland: The Aorc1 of Canvassers ot the of - : : having ASbei'taine.d anti Canvassed the Votes of C ha r (0 at the Primary F.lection, held on the q41j1"V .i. CITY, il?W610.4P 90 VlLLAG August OR VILtAC one thousand nine hundred and e t)( Do Hereby Certify and Determine That having received sufficient number of votes nominated: • • • • •• - • • • • •• •• • • • ::•oandidate.i.b.y..the••••:•• •• • .•• •• • ...• : ••:-..• • • • •• •••• • . •—• • •• ..• .:•. •:...• • •• • .:.. • • • • . •• .. • .• : • • .• . . . . . :That... ••••• •;•.• • ::,,,•'••--..,::,:i6.4.•,;•:',:••••••••••••,:•:;-•-z-•-:•:-...-e.1::::;:i•--.4."-••7'..••• •• •:.•:. •••••••• •• ••" • • ••••••.: • ••:•::•••.: ••••• ::::•having••rebeiVed:sofficient:.niiMber..of . . . . . .votes is. norriinated • catididate:.by.:the• ••• .REPUBL I CAN Party for LhP office TRUSTEE To F i 11 Vacancy That . . having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate : That : , : : •:•• having'receiveds(i:fficientnUrribar of V:6-tei is nominated candidate by the Party for the office of : ••• : That : : : :haVing:YeceiVed:Suffit:ient number Of 'Vote§ is nominated candidate by the :•••• ••••••••• : for the :office of : That havinq receiVed::Siifficient:tiPiriber: Of VdtaS is nominated candidate by the : 7._ _ . . 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