HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1984.08.07 - 4155CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF HIGHLAND CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE PRIMARY ELECTION HELD ON AUGUST 7, 1984 (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN MANUFACTURED BY Ofillit g@. ELE;TIQH:::SIMPLY .:.:MASOFACTURfRS. STAIIONERS AND PRINTERS 1919 East Kilgore Road KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN ••cri I N) : I . . I i 1.U1 VAR.. P •'.3;s \r-1 -ii l'j..z.. '''.., -.},. ,: , ' 1•C I Ic.. .; .i:-:. , `-•-'''N.: : L,,,•,1/4 ::-.,;1[..,z, r...,,,..r.,.._ , ex..,.." L:C.,;1..,,..._:._k:1:,k*. ..:.''''',, : (R)THOMAS P . , D,UNLE.A .• : .r. . _.______:______ _ .::._: . : : L II (R) RONALD SELKE : ::•\.'!"..1..) cz.-....i‹,:: : : : t•• i : i i . :\ ::.. , : •••••0.•::: • • rn. • 0.. TOTAL :(R) • • • • • ••• TWA 40_ PATR ICIA 10Tos4 IILTOTAL.••••••••••: ••••••••••••• :1.(R).....•SANPRA...LEE'iBOUR.A.S•SA STATEMENT OF VOTES The whole number of votes given by the " DEMOCRAT I C Pift:fiureS Party for caiidicJates for the office of " SUP 1`.•V:::1•....$1):R in this .:0011i.itnii was dnd ijthey Were given for the:f011OVving named persons: PERSONS REDMOND: THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS ARTHUR W. VAN BROOK The whole number of votes given by the REPUBLI CAN SUPERVISOR Pony for candidates for :the :Offibe of was ` and they were given ford* following named persons: pERSONS:RECEIVING:THE VOTES : NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN iN vv.:03ps: THOMAS P. DUNLEAVY RONALD SELKE The whole: nOmbei. of Votes given by the. : :Ratty for candidates for the office Of was : ;•.arid theY: were giVen:.fortne-f011owing /lamed :person s. . . . . . ....... . . • .• • • .•:. PERSONS..RECEIVING:TRE.VOTES::....: :..NUMREKQE.:VOTES:WRITTFN:IN.:WPRO..S.: TOTAL STATEMENT OF VOTES The:Whoje:MiMber Otiititps :given by the Put figures in this column arty for candidates for the office or CLERK and they were given for the following named persons: ' PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS NANCY E. SHARP TOTAL The:whore:number:6f VOteS::given:by: the :" DEMOCRAT I:C Part* for candidates for the office of ..... TREASURER and they were giVerfloe the following named PersOnS: : PERSONS RECEIVING THE yo.TE4: .NUMBER OP VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS The whole number of votes given by the REPUBL I CAN Party for candidates for the office of TREASURER and they were :given for the foflOwinginatned:berSonS: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES ; NUMBER:oFi:vccrgS inipiTTN IN WORDS "DIAL STATEMENT OF VOTES ;The :whole number of votes given by the DEMOCRAT IC j Vote for Four :TRUSTEE: Party for candidates for the office o Put figures in this column and they were given for the following named persons: : PERSONS RECEIVING :THE VOTES : NUMBER OF :VOTES WRITTEN : IN WORDS JOAN T .• BOYLE BOB HELZ The whole number of votes given by the REPUBLICAN Party for candidates for the: office of : TRUSTEE: Vot e for Four was and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS SANDRA LEE BOURASSA CARMEN V. TALBOT TOTAL The whole number of votes given by the Party for candidates for the office of was and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS ...TQTAL. PRECINCT NUMBER Yes I No Total Yes No Total o s: :Total: .• Yes. 5 43 ! 49: ! 41 . . 6,2L.' 1.5<P . .. 1:.14 1 ,1) 1.: . (e)? 9c : l hoc 41 - bL 12-7 21I STATEMENT OF VOTES Put 'figures in this column The whole number of votes given for and against the PROPOSITION I -LIBRARY MIL.LAGE . . . .... Shall the constitutional limitation on the ad valorem taxes which may be imposed upon all property in the Charter Township of Highland, Oakland County, Michigan e increased by one mill ($1.00 per thousand of state equalized valuation) for the ten year period from 19814 through 1993 for the Pt.thl ic Library? : WAS of which number votes were marked YES and votes were marked NO The whole number of votes given for and against the ••••PROPOS•ITION .1.1...-....ROAD:•MI:14A0E:•:. .. ... • • ••• Shall the constitutional limitation on the ad valorem taxes which may be imposed upon all property in the Charter Township of Highland, Oakland County, Michigan b increased by 1.00 mill ($1.00 per $1,000 of state equal ize.d valuation) for the five-year period from 1984 through and including 1988 for maintenance, improvement a construction of roads in the Charter Township of Highland, including construction of safety paths with new road construction? of which number votes were marked YES and votes were marked NO of Oakland County That .. candidate by the : DEMOCRATIC Part' i for the office of having received sufficient number of votes is nominated TRUSTEE _DEMOCRAT IC_ Party for the office of _ TRUSTEE Party for the office a Party far:the:office of TRUSTEE TRUSTEE TRUSTEE DEMOCRAT I REPUBLICAN Party for the office of c_ TRUSTEE REPUBLICAN Party for the office of That: Candidate: by the .— DEMOCRATICL That :candidate by the : That candidate by the That candidate by the. • - : That : candidate by the : laving received sufficient number of votes is nominated having received sufficient number of votes is nominated having received having receiVed:sufficient number of votes is nominated hay i r'ig received having teteiVed Soffitient nuMberaf:VateS :iS narninated having:ieCeiVed :SuffiCient:riuMber:of votes is nominated : That candidate by the REPUBL I CAN candidate by the Party for the office o CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION STATE OF .MICIIIGrAINT COUNTY OF OAKLAND The Board of Canvassers of the OW V1ILA day of [WHY,/ , CrtV, TOWNSHIP having Ascertained and Canvassed the Votes of said .. at the Primary Election, held on the ___ one thousand nine hundred and _ Do Hereby CetifY and Determine 11:IOONTv, CNTY, POWNSH.P ViLLA6 Charter Towns ip of Highland : August jth eighty-four That candidate by the . That‘ z: candidate by tle That _ candidate by the That candidate by the candidate by the.. : That. :Candidate:by the DEMOCRATIC REPIJBL I CAN REPU:WL..1 CAR DEMOCRAT I C REPUBL I CAN Party for the office of it Party for the officeof Party jar the office of .. ' Party for the office of :Party for the office of ..: L Or:the:office of _ having received sufficient number of votes is nominated SUPERViSOR having received : SU fficient:nurnber: of votes is nominated SUPERV:I SOR having received sufficient number of votes is nominated CLERK having received sufficient number of votes is nominated CLERK having:reCeiVed:sufficient number of votes isinominatedii TREASURER: : ....:haVing•TeOdived.Suffibient'nkirriber of votes is nominated • __ . . Party TREASURER , Catididate' by the :REPUBL ICAN :.Pirtt: for ty, pf.:11p.e of having received sufficient nttfriber of votes is nominated TRUSTEE - having received sufficient number of votes is nominated TRUSTEE candidate by the _ Party for the office of having received sufficient nuinf.)er of votes is nominated Party for the office of That cancliclat:t.4 :by the : . . having received sufficient nutribi:r of votes is nominated :Raily for the Office Of having received sufficient number of votes is nominated 7.P laving received sufficient number of votes is nominated :That . candidate by the That candidate by the having received sOffidient:nurnber:Of:voteS:is nominated: Party for the office of . Party for the office Of ..... .. :Party for the office of : having received sufficient number of votes is nominated • •::That:: ••••• • ..candidate .by..I.NY That " " : having received : Sufficient :number of votes is nominated candidate by the . . . PartY for the office of : : . :That: : : : j :having re.Ceived• sufficient ritinlber of .)iotes. is nominated candidate by the " Partif ::for the Office of : : :That . " having received:SUffiCieht nUMber:of :voteS is nothinated:::: Candidate by the 'Party for the office of :::..:: . That . hiving received SOffielerit number of votes is nominated andidaF by the . Fatty .for the office of :That . : :LL_L having received sufficient number of votes is nominated Candidate by Da Further 1-10reby::1)etarrnine: That the following PropOsitions or questions were Passed or defeateci as indicated below: NAME OF PROPOSITION PROPOSITION I - LIBRARY MI LLAGE Defeated:... NAME OF PROpOSITION . " PROPOSITION II ROAD MILLAGE rkfeate d NAME.:OF PROPOSITION: • NONE • • Having NAME OF PROPOSITION: : NONE :Sufficient votes WaS:: Sufficient ivotes was : Sufficient votes Was! Sufficient: votes was NAME OF PROPOSITION NONE: : Re:cenied;L: Not Received NAME or PROPOSITION NONE Sufficient votes was Received Not Received In :Witness : Whereof, We have :hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal: the . : County : of : CITY. veLLACE1 crrY, TOWritil,111, 01.1 August el ghty-four this : day of in the yeazine:thiOsand nine hundred and .:. r.riAl Rim AN. BOARD OF CANVASSERS ATTEST: CLERK OF SOA RD OP: CANVASSERS. : CHAI RMAN OF BOARD or CA\VASSE RS