HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1978.08.08 - 41570A1(LAINID COUNTY, MICHIGAN OF HIGHLAND TOWNSHIP . rOW 1`,1:'>HTP. VILLA yammaii.nriaa AUGUST 8, 1978 PRIMARY HIGHLAND TOWNSHIP •NVASS IF IOTES CAST AT ThE PRIMARY ELECTION HELD ON Aggps_t_ 8„ (DAVE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS MANUFACTURED BY ELECTION SUPPLY ::.*•4•Nitf•FA.07.!..R;RA ••• •••STATIONERS AND PRINTERS 1919 East Kilgore Road d° KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by Form No. M-398-PC CANVASSER BOOK—PRIMARY STATEMENT OF VOTES :•:.PARTY:.:•••• • ••• OFFIcE • CANDIDATE NAMES TOTALS 'PRECINCT OR WARD:,N:UM SER. • • SUPERVISOR ) SHARYN GIDDAY (D) ARTHUR VAN BROOK (R) THOMAS P • riutTLEAvY (R) RICHARD 3. FORSYTH (R) ROBERT WATSON CTERK••• (D) JOYCE IZZI (D) SYLVAI (D) JOHN L. GWIZDALk • ..(R)..:.:WILLI S .•• BULLARD P.AIRTY PRECINCT OR WA RDNUMBER n TOTALS I I CONSTABLE I I I i at i ,.//1 ( 'I11.1) HAROLD G. HAYDEI1- l'il• I 7'7)7"-I --/--k' l'I / "•'''': I J I '4140 I I i L 5 1 1 I . I ' HC-HILAND TOWNSHIP 8/B/18 STJEET OF VOTES .8c 1 I 1 ; --Tov7 57-0 tP) I, ..----' 1. ______ _ 1( -I- Ix„, I L i 6r 10.:_i ?/,',1 I I/- 1 g,51- x , 6 [ r ; I i- ' LIBRARY 3oJ -6 xt4/4 : f i d ,-. I 4 '"-Li70),..1 17,-?! cif 2- 1 _(0._1, coN 1 /5-7/rig ..... _._,,.. ., _ ,_•,_ _ ,___L_____„......,,:—....4 j BETTY J. SAMPSON I I i - i BETTY J. SAMPSON ] II • 1'. • An 0 z7(,/ ) HARRY M. DODD -P,) DORIS R. MASON 3ff 5'1 7/ ::' • 0.): e.,,,-, -,- if ,,L- ,,,e_ j • 1 , ! r?-0 f 0 I ilh. I5 • .(JO -I,',57:2I fp :I 7.-.C.1 i 5-a..i •,-3 Pill ado 89 /Jai 5-4741 9.0 / Act 1 _ _ _ i n 1 .. „ I ----- - - -•:=-- i ., I _ h. • ,11 fr-.01.• il i 'S 0 r y .(id e-sTri bi3,5 1 i..-II'i Ii r_.01 '/ ' il,X• ' I . 3La_KI 56 I 7./ 1 1 ti 1-7 „--- : fl , 1)1 141—.P5 ft 2 )1 7 icalthil Hive/ , ,----E !I 1 I -i L. _1/_•-- ‘,..._i_._. J II 1! ....____.! ,. II 1.! /1T9 . 1.; „ ,. ., H . .. . 11 . . . . ., 1b 1:1 P\1 n t I .170,24T L ; :• ; ; : 1 r, -it F ._.L.- -; ---1 t i 1 ' i . ; : i r I: : _ ERVISOR and they were given For the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOIES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS Was 1 . (D) SHARYN GIDDAY 3. (D) PATRICIA A. SABO 4. (D) ARTHUR VAN BROOK The whole number of votes given by the REPUBLICAN ( Party for_candidates for the office of NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS Party for candidates for the office of E, THOMAS P. DUNLEAVY 2. RICHARD J. FORSYTH 3. ROBERT WATSON 1 . 4. The whole number of votes given by the DEMOCRATIC CLERK was and they were given for the fallowing named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES JOYCE IZZI 1. NUMBER OF VOTES•WHITEN IN WORDS = 4. The whole number of votes given by the REPUBLICAN CLERK was „ TOTAL ) Party for candidates For the office of „ NUMBER OF VOTES wiurrN IN WORDS and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS REcoVING•vOTES : • NUMBER OF VOTES WRIT-TEN IN WORDS 2. 3. 4. STATEMENT OF VOTES PUT FIGURES IN THIS COLUMN The whole number of votes given bY the DEMOCRATIC Par y for candidates for the office of. was sLrzER3asnR__. I and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES 2. SYLVIA KOTULAK #—/ and they were given for the followIng named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES I.. 41' 0 ,5 1 MARZA-: SHILLING TOTAL The whole number of votes given by the Party for candidates for the office was TOTA e number of votes given by the DFMOCRATIC Party for candidates .for The arrICe PUT RUBES IN THIS tiliuMN was and ".they. were given for the following named persons: PERSONS •RECEIVING• THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WREE1E4 IN WORDS TREASURER TREASURER Was 1. OVER 2. DONNA L. COX 3. JOHN L. GWIZDALA NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS • •Pady for candidatesior the office of.. NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN iN WORDS TOTAL 4. The whole number of votes given by the Party for candidates for the offic wa S and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN 1. 2. 3. 4. TOT.A,L TOTAL STATEMENT OF VOTES 2, CARMEN 3. COREY 3. NANCY SHARP 4, TOTA The e number of votes given by the REPUBLICAN Party for candidates for the office of and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES ANNAIIALKER__ 2. 3. 4. The whole number of votes given by the DFMOCRATIC TRUSTEE (vote for one) and :they were given for the fallowing named persons PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES 4. 1. TOTAL . The whole number of votes given by the .uatuardai !oft for candidatesjor the off ice of TRUSTEE (vote for one) was and they were given bribe following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES HENRY BESANCON 2. WILLIS BULLARD JR. NUMBER :OF VOTES WRITIIN WOWS CONSTABLE and they were given for the fallowing named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES:WRITTEN IN WORDS Was 1 " HAROLD G. HAYDEN 2. 1 3. 4, TOTAL TOTAL KARY_BOARE (Vote for not ITIOre than two) was LIB was ed persons: NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTF,?..I IN WORDS 3, 4, STATEMENT OF VOTES The whole number of votes given by the DEMOCRATIC Party far candidates for the office of PUT DOMES iN THIS COUttal The whole number of votes given by the REPUBLICAN Party for candidates for the office of Was aild-the-y—w—ere given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS 2, 3. 4, The whole number of votes given by the DEMOCRATIC Party for candidates for the office a and they were given for rhe fallowing named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES wRirreN IN wc.4.mos 2. TOTAL 4. The whole number of votes given by the npunicAN Party for candidates for the office o LIBRAB.Y.:; r. z and they were given or t e o owing•ni PERSONS RECEIVING THE VO 1_ Hp.rry VI. Dodd 2. DOISRMSO TOTAL The whole number of votes given by the Party for candidates for the office of 11 Was and they were given For the following nomod persons: PERSONS RECRVNG .THE VOTES 2 3, 4. NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS TO votes were marked YES --- and vote or cl NO were oF which number votes were marked YES and votes were marked NO The whole number of votes given for and against the of which number 7 6 STATEMENT OF VOTES The whole number of votes given for and against the TRUSTEE PROPOSITION PUT FIGURES IN THIS COLUMN Shall the number of Trustees on the Highland Township Board be increased from two (2) to fonr (4) trustPPs, in accordanef. with Michi.,Pn gtntwl-PA pWrtillAtit 11 thereto? was of which number TOTAL VOTES, The whole number of votes given for and against the ADVISORY QUEST ON Do you favor the construction of aLNorth/South•trunk line Such_as_the pmposed.147,27 d frPeway approxiMatPlyal•ng that ortsi-nal_routR/_ was es were marked NO TOTAL VOTES, OAKLAIV seventy—eight --Party for the office of__ - -Party for the office of. or the office of -Party for the 'office of _Party for the office of , . . _Party for the office of _having received sufficient CLERK :having received suffidien CLERK received sufficient nit TREASURER S. nominated lioer:of ,.yotes•iS:pornihated: her of votes is nomi nal having received sufficient SUPERVISOR having received sufficient nuntbei of votes SUPERVISOR riLirriber Of votes is nominated IV .riumbeiyof::VateS-i:S'njanittia'ted:.• _havirip received sufficient number of votes is nominated TREASURER DEMOCRATIC PUBLICAN REPUBLICAN btkii6kAIR REPUBLICAN D aiaGRAT ....:PartY :farilihei:affnce Of PrilrtV: for the office of PittrITY for the office of .: .Party for the office o having received S.ifficien CONSTABLE having received sufficient CONSTABLE _having received sufficient number of votes is nominated TRUSTEE Ilavirta_received sufficient number of votes is nominated TRUSTEE iuMberof...Valesisf.norninated:.: number of Vote's is :nominated: having received sufficient nuMbeie .; _Party for the office of . . : having received suffici:ent number of Yotês::i$ hot* iii4tod : : . : for the Office of : : having received suffitien Party for the office of votes is nominated number of :votes 1 is nominated 4: tParty for the office of ._.. having received sufficient number of Vcit!..s is nominated -Party (or the Office Of.:. : laving received sufficient number of votes is nominated . _ , DEMOCRATIC REPUBLICAN Al" .Party for the office o Party for the office of.. : having received sufficient number of .V.OteS is elected LLParty For the office of A : " " having receive d su fficient:nuMber Of votes is elected _Party for the office of_ having received sufficient number of votes is elecie . _Party for the office of_ received sufficient number of votes is elected That by the_ That__ by the____ That__ having received stfficion boeribor of votes is noretibeftd CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION 1 l'Sr:A0}:t OP ,MIOEIGAN;s: :iciovNT-r:o.re,..,...CiALLAAND : :The Board Of CarliaSerci Ci[th:e.L.,,:....:.:.:--COU=: : : : Of :.. . : : i COUNTY: I DIVIISIV ,.: :Gli Y OR Vi A5) having : Ascertained and Can .yaired :the: Votes : at the Primary flectitin: held ari.... 8th AUGU:ST : :: : tho- _ - - -L.....,-:L_:_...-._-_day of : ,::Ohe:thousand:::niae hundred and a Hereby Certify and Determine candidate by the.- candidate by the candidate by lily: That. . candidate by the candidate by the That candidate by the_ That-_-, - candidate by the_ _ candidate by That- - candidate by the_ That_ candidate by the... That ..... candidate by That_ _ _ candidate by the candidate by the4.1 candidate by candidate by the_ That candidate by the That by the That... by the . . _ That. That by the . .:EtENOCRATIC Party for the office of.. , having received sufficient number of votes is nominated - having received sufficient number of votes is elected having received sufficient number of votes is elected -REPUBLI6W-e candidate by the .Party for the office of .... e Party for the office of..__ That_ candidate by the reeeiVed::s:ufficientiailberief: Nicite§: is nominated Party for the off NAME •OF PROPOSITION - -TRUSTEE - PROP-OS TION NAME OF PROPOSITION ADV I SORY QUEST I ON NAME OF PROPOWION SEAL ATTEST: :LERK OF BOARD OF CANVASSERS. CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION •That • : . . . . . .• . .. • • .• • h:aving:y.etoi•Ved.:sufficint number of•Yate•s"..is nominoted... . tottdidot6 by thi. • •••Peiti*:•for 1116 office oL..• • • • • •• •• • •• • ••• • • •••• • • • •-::••• ••••:•••• .• ••• • .• ••• • . • ..T.hot_ •.:. • • • • • •••• ••• • • • • .•• . • • • fed: : . . . . . •• • . . • .• ....• .• : • .carkiidate by the :..Poit.ty :•far • the office o f •• ..• •• • • .• • • •••: •• • • • • • ••••••.. • • • • ••••••• •.• • • . .•••••. ••.• . • . .. • . . . . . . :Mat- • • :•.having...r.eei of .Va..teS •i •n•oi.riate.id • candidate by :the:•. . • • • • • Pa./tit :1dr the r...1-0ice.••Of •• . .• .• • • .•.: • ... • •• • • • • •.• •••• • • • •••.. • • • • • That.- i.S..:norninatgd candidate by the Party for the office ..of . • . . That • • • ha.v.ing ..received can•diclate by ----- ........PorfV•••fOr.the::•affite. of_ • • • • :• • :. • • • • ::•. • ••• ••• • . . • :•• That • •• . • • • • • ••.- •. • ••• . • . • .a. . . .. • • • . • . . • . • ...h . olviag •tit.eilo. c.s•uffi.cient...6u6bei•e .t.. .v ... at.e•.s. •.• .• .• i • .. s. . . . n . .: e . .. . •r . ••• A . •:n . • • . d, .. t . •:.e• . •.j . .d candidate by the Prtyfor . thd.6fhto:of_ „ ._• .•... . • •• •.• ...That. : • . . , .• e ..... .. having .re.c..ei vea . s Li.ft 1.c. i.ent. I umb . at ynte. - i n...ii......i. ted :.• . . candidate fp';', the :PortV•far tfie•aff;c:. e of.:, •• .. .. • ... • . . • .. . • .. .• •••• . .: ..... •.• ..:::: • ..• :..;,:_•.•:... : • ..That:.• . . • : .. . ha ving..teepiNied ..5.= 0 ff i .c...i Emi.t...n.0 mber of ..n4.1'..e...s.. is::.Aieirt.).i.:nci.ted •. • . . . . . .. . . . . candidate by the •Pd Fc r the office . . .. :That -- : . ..., ._. .______-.. lictv ing..r..e.cb ived.svifici614.11lrr6bor of • vcifo•Si .is.:.tio.Iiiiioq.:Ied. '.. . CD64,:ti.dDII 1* the :: . : • . . ........Pnifir.::fq.r.t44:6..fiCe of.... .• . : . . ... _. _ _- __.•___•______ •That. . . • .(la:Ying..r.6.ei'veti. si.Iff.i.c_ i ant n I.) h. i 6 0 i' :a....-• :.y.o.:te S.:: i S.:: il.tiiii• i ri•Ot.e .t..1 ... e,(III:::lidovili. by the '" ' ' :. . ...- . .:. • Poor .for.thi. offiC..of...• .: ...:•.• • : ........• i. •• • .•-•••••••• .....• .. :... •••• ..... ......:. :... • • • ..• ••.: •:.:: •,:•..:••,:.. • .. . . ... .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . . ... . .. .. .. . .. . . .... . . :• That • -1i no . ret .. e V0.6 $ LI f f i erit .n on be • o. . LIPS .e.s. . .... .. ::. .. . 1 s..n oin 1 nal •.‘,:c1 .. .. :.C. onidi.do.t..e. by tiii,•:••_•_-•___ .......;.••___.....-•-..:....Picorty :•for •tfle'affiCe...af- -........._.-_•.-,........: - - ..- -•-•.........• _•,........................- :...:......:-.....:•....L.........:........:.••_•...•:.• -•::•:••••••• : • . iThcit..1. . :: • • • .. . • . - . ••••: haYi'il...g....r.e.t..ei.\.4.:d::..S:ii:ffi•c....i.en .i...11.1.,Iintiei:•:•::;, v:a•f .,:•;:....i....:ii.:D.m...1.6....ite'd•• •candidate by••th.e.:_....__ —____ _.......,,,:.-:. Party •.for...the .af-FiCe.of..• : .• .• •• . . :••.: ..• ••...•.••• . • ••••• ....... •• • • • • •.:....• • • . ••••••••••••• • ••. .• :•• ... That • .. • •hair: ••• ing ••re&ei•vd. .. . ..it.f . ic• i en r ..niJinf5e-r ,..-, y6tes........1.•s• ii•anl:ineli•icl.•:: .zanclidate by .the••;......:.__.,, --- --- _....,... _____ :Patti!: lot the •office af.-.._. ___ -..• ___ • __ •-•,......_•......._..:_•_•_..._....i.....•_ ___ -_•.............__•......._:•.:...........:•:....:•._:•....._•.•;••••_,•_.• • _____ ____ ---- reee.iv.ed.:•••s:sffiei ent: ntrinb.nr::•o•f votes is nom inated . • :candi.dote. 69 itiro • • • .PortV..fo.r the :offif,.. of • : • • . _ _ _ . • .• •: • • . • . ..hay:11;pg: 111.. ..V6.....s..i.i.i.:..1-.0.mj.r.sOted • candidate by the.. • Party. for the Office •of..-- Do Further Hoiibt • Veite.r.nitetio : 1 ha the Following Propositiois or .1060ieris •vv6t6 looed:or:.-eklétated ps...intlitotod•b.olow: • , . Received . Passed flaying -- DuItIcient votes was Received Passed having — - vote,- wci5 - • — Ntifgrackii-gVE.0 ----- Received Passed Having ufficient votes was _ INOt. Received Defeated in Witness Whereof, We hove hereunto set our hands end affixed the Seal of tile_ _ CQ-UNTY of OAKLAND _ (County, City. Tovir.sh!p nk Village) f.County, City, Township. or Village) 1'114 day of AUGUST ______. _ _ _ in the year one thousand nine hundred and . _.seventrreiglit CHAIRMAN. BOARD OF CANVASSERS CHAIRMAN OF BOARD OF CANVASSERS;: