HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1980.08.05 - 4199HOLLY TOWNSHIP !! PARTY E ,c7,7. OR WARD 1 2 AV , 1 2 SUPERVISOR Roger J. Studley Richard Smith 33 : I : : . : : i- 1----' , : I 0 6? •,' C ERK Jane Stone Joanne Flanigan „•4 ! TREASURER Bruce R. Middleton — Harold Mitchell Charles Richardson CONSTABLE (v e For or Raymond M. Hellas 1- - Marietta R. Fitch 2 VOTES . . : : . H : , , . • , ', ; .......... '4E . Debris Middleton TRUSTEE (vote for two) Stanley Sanders _ BRARY BOARD Frank W. Young PARTY OFFICE NDIDATE. NAMES N40- ..... PARK COMMISSION Harry R. Fergerson Wilfred Richardson PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER AV TOTALS 11 11 J11 / r I 1 the DEMOCRATIC (v)te fr,t- nat_nrio . for MFF or.v().1-E$ kp,FE:EfTEN -5, 4, DEMOCRAT IC condftico.es for thc.. CLERK (vote for not more than 1) -Hey :i•••;.:n TI•iK,, VOTES '')F. VOTES the votesgsvr by tile- STA (vote for not more .f.tan 7i ) was s. • ! wa4-e g -717,FC 72: , Roger d„ Studley TOTA L. ' REPUBLICAN cffec SUPERVISOR , Richard Smith TOTAL JANE STONE 4, i vote for not more tha REPILB L wc,15 TOT of • CLERK 7 141 rr.' NLIMr':7 GANNE_ ELAN I GAN au OR S -M 1 DOL ET41544 TOTA.L VOTEE P,L..:.f,-;?.1".4q. OF VOTES c*: TOT/ 4 Cf. TREASURER DEMOCRAT IC 2, 3, TO DEMOCRAT I C TRUSTEE end , C Vet: REPUBL I CAN TRUSTEE --(---liota-for not more- ...._Char.IPs W. RichArd-son--- i 4, t he by the :IT VOTE., .:•1 WORDS aote for not more than end they - 3. The whole TOTAL REPUBLICAN _ :,• TREASURER ot more than...1,1 .:?! . ernice Alexander (Vote for not more than 21, tamfey-S.6-ader-c Harold D. Mitchell - OF VOTES Ike DEMOCRATIC 7 1 he °Ffice c).i.• CONSTABLE ! mare—tban. j) • IOTA REPUBLICAN AceoiLIBRARY pcL Marietta R, Fitch Frank W. Young 4. • • : J"-"' 3, ,the REPUBLICAN " '-f " '4 CONSTABLE :(vote for nal,: wore than I ) NUMSER OF VOTE:,; WORDS Ra,ymond M__Hetias 2, .•••• , • 4. DEMOCRATIC (Vote for not more than TO-17-\L _Pote for not more than,2). OF `,/-(At.::: 54 WORDS 1 2. .1! 3 4. The whole number of 1. 2. and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS a a.,an'Tr t N.., - __ i PUT FIGURES 1 l The whole number of votes given by the DEMOCRAT IC Party for candidates for the office of P ARK COMM - N THI GOtilMM 1 —r----- '"---1--- 1' I H.Vote—for—nat_mor.e.__than_ 2 Was - 1 • and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS _IJ r___._ 1. I — I 2. 3. i . 1 L 4. _____ ___________ TOTAL • i The 1 e whole number of votes given by the REPUBL I CAN Party for candidates for the office ofPARK COMM. i 1 Vote for not more than 2 was , 1 and they were given for the following named persons: . PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES - OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS i - —T- rI 1 - Harry R. Fergerson ' — - . H: i 1 2. ,:. 1 -- ,H Wi if resi___P rLdson - , _ 3. li 4. !il ._. HI _ TOTAL„.. IThe whole number of votes given by the Party for candidates or t e office of L 1 Was and they were given for the fallowing named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES 1. votes given by the Party for candidates for the office of was NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS 3, 4. The whole number of votes given by the was Party for candidates for the office of 1. 2. 3. having at the 2)6 the. 5th August hundred arid_ E i ghty- _ _REP.U_BL _ he 7 ) COTT7::,7 MICHIGAN. ?, S61, 3 C.. - - - COUNTY_ r_ TOWNSH:7. OR V: OAKLAND having received 71 t number of votes is ncirninc.rred hovino c4:9;17..7: of _SUP E_R_V_LSOR received suf-c-neof number of votes is nom inated 0 _S_UPERILLSOR having received sufficient number of votes is nominated CLERK c• . hoving received sufficient number of votes is ilemnci C.LERIC Cart(-11,."L- a by DEMOCRAT IC _ _ REEUBLICANL DEMOCRATIC havng received sufficient number of votes a nominot REASURER Ot having received sufficient number of votes is norrina....:id :..TREASURER---------. , having received sufficient number of votes is nominwc,-: TRUSTEE DEMOCRAT Le_ _ having received 0.t.• TRUSTEE — • — sufficient number of votes is nominatec:. !Tr p.1 ' - REPUBLIC-AN- - REP_UBLICAN_ having received sufficient number of votes is nominated having- rece ived sufficient number vo tes i s norrinoted of . _TRUSTFF liavina received sufficient number of votes: is nominated or the office of _ _C_O_NSTA_BLE received sufficient number of votes is nominated. ',REPUBL 1 CAN CONSTABLE - the office of having received sufficient number of votes is nominete...i he office of LIBRARY _BOARD_ That h oei ng F-1..colved sufficient iwir...n7r votes is nominated condiektc-.1 by d• the ,Ffice of 1...1-BRARY -BOARD - _ having r6ceived sufficient number of votes is nominated EPOBL CAN __ +, I LIBRARY BOARD .._. having rece i ved sufficient number of votes is nomineted LA-8 RARY- -BOARD- i.r.1 received E- ufficient number of votes is elected - -DEMO-GRATIC-- - be office °I- PARK COMM-I SS1ON- . _ _ having received sufficient number of votes is electee office or PARK _COMMISSION_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - — hoeing received suffic i ent number of votes is elected PARK COMMISSION 2::_:.'h-cving received sufficient number of votes is elected . PARK -COMM.I_SS .1 0.N_ 'having received sufficient number of votes is -.7.1ectcl -r the office of . clndidate by tfii e _DEMOCRAT IC - D EMO_C RAT VG EPUBL cAN _ _ by the That _ by the__ . by by tile_ ___. DEMOCRAT .• R-E11)(.181.. I CAN' pgsr-.:?v R E P_Ufit CAN rifltt r 1 :1 That_ by the - Hare by the_ Cog; having received suffi:...nt number of votes 5 elected ciice of_ ------ -. having received sufficient number of vo tes 15 n.rir.:r.cited -- having received sufficient number of votes is nominated r.)r6te office of ieFice of , cunamafe ,••-.Yy° T. i• ,.::::tn.ttidate by _ hovino recei•••••••:.: siitiiCiellt number :A- votes iS rhomH-icted -----• having received suffjcient• number of votes is nominc,te.id _ havHd received sulk :et n, mber or vo tes is nominctecj. candlick.:..? by the- b the That candidoiii5 can dot Los the .1NONE 2 NONE NA NONE indicato.c: Rs:N P!:.ssecl —3 COUNTY TD-vvr,hipoc Villor (C'orTty., Cry, TI Ii il51 dtily of AUGUST- _ :+:-.-wsan,d-nine hundred A EIGHTY tHAIRMAt--L haVirlg Teceived Qf votes is nc,rniriateci the. office Lri v 7 r: g received sufficient nurribi7iir of votes :5 floniciated for the office recei\ied aufficHent nbc of votes is noi•Tinate.,.: hc,v,rig recaived sufficient number of votes is normiated having Naceive.ci sufiicieni• nt.mhei of votes 5 nominuied hoving recieiived sufficient number of votes is nominated oi _.havii-Lg received sufficient number of votes i . havin g received suffent ni.imt-2er of votes is nominatd - hayinq receivci sufficient riumbe.r o rirominc.lted •• the office of_ having receved sufficiew number of votes is icy the having reseivd SJff.celV i-iumb-r of votes is norniriaec' Party for the offit;e of having received suffkient nuiTiber of votes is noiminotec' the office of re passed a votes W0:t. sc:•red , •Hceived Htve ,et OW bands