HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1988.08.02 - 4237(NAME OF COUNTY, CITY, TOWNSHIP OR VI(VLAGE) COUNTY, MICHIGAN k AT THE PRIMARY EtFCTION HELD ON (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS MANUFACTURED BY • affi VIN L tumsy V LEA1)1 :) allit.A1 .4 a 00,p ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS 1919 East Kilgore Road • ',ALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by Fonri No. M-398-PC CANVASSER BOOK—PRIMARY UT MAW' The whole number of votes given by_tl epubilean Party for candidates for the office of IN THIS COUVA4 il - SUP a-visor as w 4'-if .4-2 G -,,,,c, ,LL--, et- ue,i--e2 j..x.,_ 2K,ZLL,Z k,:,1z. (,.= ,L) i „-?.1 & 7 and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS , .-../ _ IJ 2 3. 4. TOTAL The v,,hole number of votes given by th e Republican Party for candidates for the office of , Clerk was 4.1.---j4, ,e.4....44„ i(. "...44,f(-4.ez-Z.„5.,,..e,ie,c-Z-4_, . „_.ct , and 11-my were given for the following named persons: n t/ / 7 Yl PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES riTTEN IN WORDS -VIL d'.--' %/,,,,-/A....k!2<x-re,,a'-- 71 F t Richard A. Holman ._k.--A.z, ' - -sro---"E-- -,-g.,e --- 2-Z.-A' - ft,-(747.-47-??7T1 71- - • 6--- 1 2.I 1 i 3. 1 . 4. TOTAL j /! The whole number of votes given by the Republican Party for candidates for the office of Treasurer was tcp-d 1 and they were given for the fallowing named persons: / i . ! PERSONS RECEMN0 THE vorE.s NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN WORDS [ I I ;•1 " Jo hn Lutz i.ha ticeLyt-41,--;,(y‘_,-4-1 -,4tLx- / i. 2. -1- 3. i I TOTAL i / I The whole number of votes given by i e Republican Party for candidates for the office of 7 Tr u st e e WetS..L2LX' ' I.-el-41,1f% 45-X21 //1-e---"Ke4e.K'( ' 0e---ZITZT--,0 _,/i n and they were given for the following named ersons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTg7 _ IN WORDS -[ / 2 ' Frank }L MI 1 1a,r_d . J.,/_o_-(L ei_.--&,(67_" .1-tic - - _e,-,c yi , t -• 7 / - 1--", i Daniel I., Travis ti-u-x...6 Le- d 4,.._ Z v --, 1,2 ' _ 4. me i Le roy Vaara ( ---,af--Ttlf4L 4e , -7z ,.,/,7 The whole number or votes given by the epubl le-an Party for candidates for the office or _R Trustee was and they were given for the following named persons: PER RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS L-A-/-1.1.6,=--!-4.-tteetZe'Z d--itz: te. , cl; if: , .../-oz 7 i r 1, William -D-.. Vandermar-k (- 2. George Vitinaros //ii it.eZ 1-64--.1„-n.,..4,) i 3. I 1 -- i' ii TOTAL - i' 7.7.rit)-4 TJ / 1 I PUT flGilftES IN This COLUMN I i L/1 .--112 v y -{', --1 - a21 1 ' ;H was of which number 41.,,,. votes were marked YES and votes were marked NO HI TOTAL VOTES, 6 STATEMENT OF VOTES The whole number of votes given for and against the Fire Millage Renewal Proposal was r7L.e of which number j.x e.:777(tzt_zzik_ALt/te,,,:_, votes were marked YES , ,..7z_ / . :,_ii__I /tL votes w4 marked NO TOTAL VOTES, The whole number of votes given for and against the Safety Path Millage_Proposal 11117, The whole number of votes given for and against the was of which number votes were marked YES and 1 1 ! votes were marked NO COUNTY OF The Board of Canvassers of the That candidate by the Party for the office of_ . having received sufficient number of votes is nominated CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION 7 STATE OP MICITI-AN. /) t-Vmle---E-Lle-p-') (COUNTY, TOWNSHI , :TY OP VILLAGE} , Of having Ascertained and Canvassed the Votes at the Primar y Election, held on the _ da y of SS. , one thousand nine hundred and That_ candidate by That_ _ candidate by That _L candidate bY.." the _ Do Hereby Certify and Determine ZL -2--Aiarky for the office of having received sufficnt number of votes is nominated )----4-1.2 ...---4-4,-„,- J , Imi...ving recei(ed,sufficieAt 5umber of votes is nominated arty for the office of. --L(LA.1.------) [vying received 5effici_.91it number of votes is nominated • . . ., iLz1.1...,"4. -=,...c.-.7.6riy for the office J `',-':..,•-Z.:te .0t-- /t.14,,) 7.) ., / That_ 6-7 "'--. It'l ' 4-/-12,. . . 4`.-2-7.4 A- e-Z..- having received sufficieit number of votes is nominated _ ,9__.‘ , 6 ,.,. ._ candidate byithe_iy.,-- _64,1.Z.L._ i!-7,440rty for the office of __..,..1.,,.-i4,_<„--2i,‘,.*:,16.70_ , • That......,V./...2-, 2t."..... a ______ _ ___ _ _ _________________ _ .... ..,...._ ___________nving received sufficicit number of votes is nominated candidate by theg_ C -)--#..../Lt 4- x---2-1arly for the office of —TAte_-_-71-4-ft-ip I -- .' Th0t_2 , r ---/C.Z1-e. a/re-Aft .-' having received suffisj_9nt number of votes is nominated candidate by the_..--,4)4,e__ arty for the office o That_&-?6:4-6L, -1,9 , ---74:7--itcZe-t --xx 4.2-1 - hpving received zufficievt number of votes is nominated candidate by the_ ...M.- e/...4:.,1,1-Part y for the office of . _ s,2„44f-P.it -2.7/(-)_..n,,,,ei...-tx--_ .tz..--ZtZ.:;cr-r-._::::_:_ That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the_ Party for the office of That candidate by the Party for the office of That_ having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the Party for the office of That _ having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the Party for the office of having received sufficient number of votes is nominated That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the Party for the office of _ That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the Party for the office of That havin g received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the Party for the office of That . having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the Party for the office of_ - That .having received sufficient number of votes is elected by the Party for the office of_ That having received sufficient number of votes is elected by the Party for the office of_ That having received sufficient number of votes is elected by the _Party for the office of That. having received sufficient number..of votes is elected by the _Party for the office of_ ______________________________ having received sufficient .nuniber of .votes is elected by the Party for the office of_ That .having received sufficient number of votes is elected by the Petrify for the office of_ NAME OF PROPOSITION Safety Path Millage :lEelc;ZE) Having Sufficient votes was-1 ST4 CLERK OF FIOARD OF CANVASSERS. . _ (County _..1Ci„re,y5:2nshirfor Village) -day of_ (Count this in the year,one thousand nine hund d and, yk je - 7 / BOARD OF CANVASSERS ty CHAIRMAN OF BOAR-D OF CANVASS That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated hdate by the - _Party for the office of That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated lidate by the Party for the office of That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated date by the Party for the office of That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated hdate by the _ Party for the office of_ That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated hdate by the Party for the office of That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated ;date by the Party for the-office of That lidate by the Party for the office of That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated lidate by the Party For the office of That__ having received sufficient number of votes is nominated liciate by the .Party for the office of having .received sufficient number of votes is nominated Hate by the.. for the office of _________ _ _ ______ _______________ That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated lijate by the Party for the office of That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated lidate by the Party for the office of That__ having received sufficient number of votes is nominated lida.te by the Party for the office of That_ having received sufficient number of votes is nominated lAate by the NOV for the bffice"i5LL._ That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated lidate by the Party for the office of r-urtber Hereby Determines the following Propositions or questions were passed or defeated as indicated below: .. having received sufficient number of votes is nominated NAME OF PROPOSITION Fire Millage Renewal Having Sufficlent votes Not-...Reee+yed- wa Drk..ettc-7:-1 , NAME or PROPOSITION Received Passed Having — Sufficient votes was Not Received Defeated In Witneigt Wreof, We have hereunto set our ban of the ond affixed the Seal ity, To nship or Village) rg rORFISCI , s nuMT fal -5 PI2 Sincerel TOWNSHIP OFFICES 913) 625,5111 FRANK G. RONK Supervisir RICHARD A. HOLMAN C,lorK ..101-/N LuTz Frees; .r-of TOWNSHIP TRUSTEES • CAR01. D. BAL ZARINI DALE A STUART DANIEL F. TRAVIS WILLIAM C. VANDERMARK. CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF INDEPENDENCE 90 NOPTh MAIN 910EE1 P 0. BOX 69 CLAIAKSION, FL. 9HsC.N 0019 August 4, 1988 Howard Altman Director of Elections 1200 N. Telegraph Road Pontiac, MI 48053 Dear Howard: I am sending you a Certificate of Determination from the August 2, 1988 Primary Election. The following candidates were certified by our Board of Canvassers for the November 8, 1988 General Election: Supervlso Frank G. Ronk - Republican:- Clerk Richard A. Holman - Republican Treasurer John Lutz - Republican Trustees' - all Republican Frank H. Millard Daniel F. Travis Mel Leroy Vaara William D. Vandermark Please let me know if you need additional information. Richard'A. Holman, Clerk Charter Township of Independence