HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1994.08.02 - 4238TO _AUG-17-1994 16:10 FROM 1NDEPENDENCE.TWP 6581533 P.01 TOWNSHIP OFFICES (IO) 412S.SHI FAX (0/0 ILE A. STUART Svplposee XaNtMeCAMIT NI JOHN LUTZ Irenurc-• Towtarnr MUSES SIRUCE mEnCACO JEFrRFT Ode*, DANIEL F. I reAvcs MEL LEFIOT VAAPA , s i 3y 313-625-25135 4. tjLic_itl"" 313.625-5111' WA' CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF INDEPENOENCE 3A-CV L-4"ALI 90 r')ORTM MAIN MET PO. Kg 09 CLARK NIK STON. "m .ito 4634? OCX.SF _ • Nib \MOW 140 Ca". =MOTES BOARD or CANVASSERS MEETING August 2, 1994 Members Present: Cecelia Yarber Janette Barker Nancy Woodruff Election of Chairperson: Nancy Woodruff The Chairperson read the results by precinct, on the four proposals. Ms. Yarber and Mrs. .Barker recorded. The votes were tallied and checked against the summary. The results were: Xaa N2 1.) Additional Police Millage .4468 2258 2764 2.) Police Millage 2.3032 3638 1416 3.) Additional Library Millage .0307 2517 2345 4.) Library Millage .7199 3780 1314 The reports were completed and signed. The meeting was adjourned at 3:00 p.m. --- Joan E. McCrary Secretary ( ) 1 , 0 • .RUG-17-1994 1610 FROM INDEPENDENCE. TIAJP STMEMOtt: OtiNdtEk 85181533 P.02 6 was of which number : . MM.L.T."—ITMEE Thephale number of votes given for and against the • :-• • - 1 L. Li' - , PROPOSALS was of which numiter rotes were marked YES -- -- and votes were marked NO AvriNrankiarce shag *schwa rower,* el Irdletroleaot to Wee; end to levy in NIOItione 0.4400 1 MI s mild of frze,t to NM* flavors mkt watt Om CooembucTiVEieoloval of Ibti tordid Le • row lety 1)47-01" (IC9r0thostety19.) flef haul see foam value goo ow Mel tat arrifallon_ bflatood try Mk* IX of tro MOW Constatato. It *mead Sid thit WM would in to piLleithertallori to WNW toprogirrelflf MVO t 100$ wog a MI lattel YES • yO . TM -17 '77 :777— • • : • • • • ' • • '; ; TOTAL VOTES, vv. 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