HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 2004.08.03 - 423900/04/1004 17:14 INDEPENDENCE TWP. 4 2488581533 NO.587 P02 OF CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE PRIMARY ELECTION HELD ON gra ga3 4,0 94 COATE OF Et-ealON) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS COUFITY,RIONGAN MANUFACTURED BY sirv, TQd EIE VILLAGE' • Ogelw by Fenn No, M-39111-PC CANVASSER BOOK—PRIMARY • .. • 6 !.1 03/04/2004 17:14 INDEPENDENCE TWP. 2488581533 STATEMENT OF VOTES -1 , :PARTY PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER TOTAL OFFICE IV V 1 -44`14°1° B "Mg " WIPIIMMIEZMW111,211 AO 1/ MA 1 •-• ,49.,iiirrnrzywrfarrimwEIW7IFTARrarE12=1171. 'AM 9/ x- A /70 FITAIMPFINIFEMOMIPME151F/OFTillr5iff.71 4.7 w . mormsmrommi mmillIMI = - ivilMIIIM= i =MOM ummon nmmOl• ----MIIIMMM = rmtrpJw-zyi_r_z'ZiwWIUIET/lFffigfflffaFMRFMVZM - Ara ii0IMMINMInMMON wrimirrzymaciwtiMilFEIVIUEMAIMWZIINEM , _ immnollE nME EMM M. 14, uNIWEIMAWNWZgratirMItArSIEUMMUS a 0?.5 g _ illiinliorn-n-•••• I .11 - MEM= M M = . .1111.111111 allonINIIIn =I ---.1. 1.6,- frPrArMkitiE77. 1W/IIMETWITIMMWAVAIIMIENNI It '-orrommnnn•n M - , - MI EM IIIIIn PIIMIEINI NM I. 1 milimEmMIMIIIIIIIMn OM i • I rtimiumr42-mk. .MillECIEMEMMINMIIIMUMMANNII • , InifforiPME5WAVEIWAILMIMMUMMUM el MI IM n la mwm_irmonvt-PIWZMAPIEISIADZI /2 MOVAIIA /56 'If . mmissamnn fErazumfmramarAirf-ArcAPINRN 0 AM21/ a 5"P / INOMPIIIIIM moms = ME ntriErmAri_,KozimvArli-M7AMiriMIWZ30 r4i ROMIngnarml---NO mom= L M FPNIVNIMIMWAIWAWINFlid ; 0 all IW . 0 Wila 1 142 kgilIMIll_-,- I n r - _. ,MMIN1111•nnnn•===. .II rmszwytirpAisEampum,41 nFmtif1ff21M1m / /do a PRIMPRIMIN•mmismi m M. rok-vimmamwrZAffillElittilkffilikAVIAM'grati ae MINIIMP=Imm N. = •mm =mum • —•••=imm...im mim imam E. rim r•--- . —....mi.. I , mow min millimm ir IMMINMEI IMI ME MIMI! MIIMMIIIIII 1.1 IMInIIIM IN• IN. 1 NIMIIMM=MINMEMIM MN MN MI MEM= ME iMl ME= ' IMI MI IIIMM =I NM 111111=1.1 M MEMNON NO.587 183 NO.507 PO4 a WT-ley ware given 10 Oper (ollowir.9 nomad personal FrrerinDI R=IR Pagiv igT toruilskos a 11411144111 air yaw yonnsH P4 WCINDI TOTAL . ; ; di 3 i I' ! . I 1 ' e e owl +Ey wire given fat th llowing nomad parsonai MOONS PICIP.940 THE vciFIO HOMER OF MCI ININTRAP4 WD111:4 13 a aro= TOTAL ,e5 0 9. /15 Ad nuaktiwipi voIin okra/ Inr t)lo/ Party fog Gundidatta fot the *Nina a 415 3 I et, MEca ••••lar.4•11 0 08/04/2004 17:14 INDEPENDENCE TIAP -> 2488581533 STATEMENT OF VOTES Chm,A4da_auraktet_obratecaiyaniayi f randlchotee It thot office of VMS rmid ?hey were given 1011411161win9 named parson& 1131FONS otaireta WIE VORA MMUS Of VOIR WIFFIVII Ilre %VONA TOTAL I. • • • , ,M / ' 72" -1.0 L / /A. ard !hey weft Oven /Or the folkwing named parsonat Panora. eicanoto1P Wang p of- Num= VOMWUPTIM II WIWI ro omignmArinenn I 4. .7SJ 7_./;Ln _ labE E7-27 - _ onmen oprimiwwwwwWiti PPE rivr,APAIPAIN • , mew urn 4400.14,„je , '44.4440‘.2.,..,4 • a g 1 . ,...i. ,,.4.1-a.- r - ' 4fiatilrkli: - - 41024/111r' - - ° UMPINAli 1 ntipAloto misktgr oF void silvan 61 and again, .,•• „horz, . ..,-.....-...---- --0,...;,,I..% - ....88,9714_, —..........-.7,-..-, • ••• _ 1111 . ... .,q. 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TOTAL VOTES, a 8 MI i 1 MIN lull 91memirm==.111111 111111 1. .1111_I TOTAL VOTES, 111111 MIN MIN •1111 11111: MIN of .436 n EWRIPARIMIEMPE=M1.1==.1=1111111 _ • . • • 111111 TOTAL VOTES, Ma ei of which rrymbet fOTAL VOIES, TOTAL VOTES, STATE or _MICTLIGA aotrorrier or ce6;15:1TY. 111011111 r`;VR vs1.1.A•11 — hcrtiNg Ascertoirri caul Canvassed the Vot a ihe dreary Elecifon, held or 4f........ • Tho Board of Canvassers of iho chly of brin meeived egifii4igatit number uf votes is roneiner ng received sufficient number of votes is !laminar Wrese.e.d-,44.-/ Thor bY dro Thai ... 6y the , .• That by the Theo by iho Then tostfirlaie by ihe Thol oorrzfickro. by rho having recaiyed euffi%iens number of vow, io alert Pony Ice Ai elks of .. having received sethrion, numb*, of V01.1 is .113/C1 Piller Fortin al. haying received sufficient number Dr %was iiolaft Porto for tho Oho of haring received su Mt lent nereber of yore, mct P/ for r6o office of Porto for gm office a 110:10.11g resail1051 PM IC 'MIT number si V0tIIIHI if 09.111,01 Peng for rho °Arco 01 havirs received sufficient number of ware is naming' 08/04/.2004 17:14 INDEPENDENCE TWP . 4 2488581533 NO.587 PU6 CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION coorMod:h464-"' Porgy lop Ai aim 01, cora Y ' Portlier the office *I . 0:0141 V 010 e, OEM 01 ltabefWat ej2.-4 :fr-ale .. 0=twrnbilt V001* 1 S ',arsine -• fr • , - number of woo is nominal NI- ,0 4...„4,, , havind received II/Vision? riorobos of votes is Mani illallber Of VCntosi oroinot norobof of votes I i nominal- conefickse by the- Thai having received sufficient ressmIses of worot 3 000sisios candiciato by tbs.. 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AUGUST 3, 2004 VOTER STATISTICS 3