HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 2008.08.05 - 4243CNN SS ver3 CAST ,g; AM CANVASSED SU 7HE BIAM OF CAM SSERS OF ,:az4 ',LAME OF 4 TV, CITY, TOWNSHIP OR ViLLAGE) HRH fl ri THE ELEV,IM MELO ON {DATE OF ELECTION) marl Imam Order by Form No, IA-3N CANVASSER BOOK Specify whether General, Primary or Special Election U.: CI ....; NO I r! C. -.' • . ‘: ,;...-7-, 04. _ iN) . CD MANUFACTURED E3Y ELECTION CO 1854 STATEMENT OF VOTES P „ - OFFICE AND PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER i CANDIDATE NAMES V V TOTALS 1r, - ..,,.i, , : _... ' ! io ; II i / NI /fir W714 ' - --.-----:,,:- - ( -1,:l 1.thj.5 _L21..7ci ,':' 7 ; i ', ..- ' 4 /-5-ir LAA : ii t . .- ,./6.' !,";_ti)/ : • / i , , 1 MEM : ; 7 , - 4. ce- : /63 • - ivi. ' /a ,) 41,4 - Iriggfftl c5,;) : .6i., •'• ' j i ' ' ' i 11111111111 ) , 1 11111111111 1 , L p,: , I E _ 1 .4_.9 .4- t • It- , "Pi .'..2i 117, ,/.33 I 3...-- ir...,-,7 ,...,',/, 6' i',,i.)••VS-' •et ee, ! ! ; ' : ! I a. . ; i q4 !!__ '. '_-/ ', _6' 1 ' 4 L4511_941 12 4-.)- ,57,-, :".45' ' ...Y5 1 ErligilEMOIREENVI 4? ii,P 1 ; ; ; ' •:;4...-2-;,((11.2_,/, i-5- 4 d _.-.411:22-11: (H , -,-;,/e r' lizy tvi 5'99 , I A,' . ., , I - :- - 7 -e5 ' .:.,2 '.' ' ( 27 ' ,i.,' -/ 1 ... A" ', 1 11111101111111111111111111111 , , • - ../ v • ,,, ..,...e.-.1-7-ge ' 11- ' .--9 3 '', a LL,:',2_ ; 74; S ,''', -- LLi H...:06L V : -e-:. Ira q-er': 41.611 i 78- • , 1; 1<p, . r + ' ; i , r t c!,J- ,12 I/ ..-,., , /4/1 ; :5- f i 0 ie ,! .:13 -?- J/4i / : 1..=.7- I , , '` , , , ', t, ; , ! I 31,, :, :i * 1/7 ,i; ' . ! ."23_ "c:3 1 / I 7 Z7:2 .,5 09 , f i I ; t_,-.--i .i lf,./14 1 L I I i. . . /1 I 1 c- ; 1 .1 ' , / ,;:- 3' •;' 13_11/k., 12.41 9 " - ' 5 .1" ii' :, .; , , 1 ; , ,c.,,, . ,;21s _c cf..; ,')/ ; i L-, ': Iffalegi 1 ,JAY ' i , - ., ) /4 ' - ;1--/ , . t 1, ! 1 , , MI= ; '; . r. . , ,,-, ,y ;14 I th._ j .3?:. 't .7. ...) 122: 311 ' - 'f.1 !.--; -,.. ' - • IR !,5-3.r.,2'; -7 0,5'' • • , h I, 1/ 1 i I // 1 i'-'3 • bi ; j! 1 ii,',7 1_91 ; /4' (77 ) l'iy- 14.2 i3z--)- 64,-7_73 :5'3! :1 1 4., iv ' il ; (9'' ' 7-4" 1 1 1------- Ir..i if. fit, 4 ..,.. _ : I 1 _. n : '.7';'.,____i.',/,.5'‘-;, II , '.'6-- 9/ !1,-,• I 1, .. i • . . i ,,,,x . , i 1 , , , , ,,, ,, / , , t . 1 i if 1 I 1 - - i C, I 111111111 .&-li-6tz.th-c , 0 if 1_0 _. , -1 _____n _ ' ' - " 1 _L _ ,_ 40,WIlliFfOR 0 0 !! i 4 —{-41 • . '1.r. . 1 t t 'ili i r ME _ I t I i ---H-----1- - - --i----t 1 -- I I . I ( STATEMENT OF VOTES iv VANES 1 r „ ___._ ...„ 1 MIMS COMM 1 1 i The whole number of votes given for the office of ../...L422:L,_,......1-1,' ....' ' I was 11/1 I 1 i and they were given for the foilovving named persons: 1111 11 • r reoetve •. ., - „. ,votes NM I i MEM i i ,•-+ 11 -"; 4 .-- re:;eive - ..,), , ,..?, _ ... ,...tr , ' v°16s. liffelft received votes 1 TOTAL votes I ., The whole number of votes given for the office of (:,;','Z.;'‘..%.,11.,.-: 11 t1 H and they were given for thn fettowing named persons: ? „ - - - .4Li, 4, gtv 11`'fr I 11;; ;';'' Qce i c a?‘„ii ,t4-"//I/ ----viz,,t9s 1 -P '•7," / , f" received votes TOTAL voles L / ...3 1 ____. The whole number of votes given for the office of was I II . ' ; and they were given for the foffowing named persons: 11111 -.'•',' .--,-------15 .— . , i'', fecowea 6 1 '-';'-i 111 i.•Lie ' .' ' votes WM . 'N ..- •.! (I/ , / i2r f. : /, / , ir -7if-, cvi,vg. tes ,. reoeiv 1ArzW /24'1.-ixdp-',(.," ( 7 4 v1---L-6. TOTAL -. ;4e':01 --/i-e .:' .. 1 v otos cram . The whole number of votes given for the office of ---, J,... , . , ,, WEIS r 1 d 0 ii and they were given for the foliow 'ng named persons: ii r ,,, A , ..t. received , . , ' / ' I e , , , ,,, 7 ,,..- . rece,iv , 111 .e , . / r :,•4 • if, e) ..;„-.97/.. ,"-f, ig es, ,- , / " receiv , • - rreec-e 'iivt, . / ' .' : - - -- v v o o t t e e s cve. , s Il iolln . . - . cr,' , - •• receives r •''' .".--.4. votes II „ .1 ..-- ,,-, •-!-- r 4 I i 1 . •'" ... ' i ir .0. , ) . - • 4.:' ,., t- i • ),,- . / votes ' , .,1. received — / , , id , recee ft , iv - - .k.f, 7.;,, Y Al ' / ''. " ---1 Aliffiffil741111 -.4.. i- ._ 7 . _ , ,• .. i . PV: • reCeiVeCie .i ,:rg..4/„.., ,,,,f,„6-,_.,,,- il4 X.te,1 . .0..•?. / ' , received r e tes I . ii v 4- 4 .-IT a r' . . ..,,, ..i.;_recoived votes ', .- a 2`,.. ?-- '.--.!'..-•., 1 '. ' ;41 : ' ' TOTAL votaa / :: STATEMENT OF VOTES •-- - PUT MIMES , /4,04,, e, m nits Ken The whote n:imber of votes given for the office Of'-'.,,. '..•.,%It_ ‘,•"(:__ ,gi..t--":241-U' - ' L.)/z, ._ ' 1-- ' I was r afig-they-ware-given-fer-trie-folowing named -persons: received votes r...ce.--, ....,", r ,- , - votes re *yd e z .3 • . - .. 1 .4.-_, 1 il vott. i ll_c votes 3. ..44 . ' , L.. i A .' ''/-:, 1 ' - I . • ' __ - _ 4 r -N The whole number of votes given for the office of 46' 6 .2 - ..- , • : t . f -e. ' iteZ•pr .e., F- e , . . ) WaS . and they were given for he following named persons: receive-a votes received votes • 1 . i. i :; ,,, • • .., 1 if - f 1 yL.'" ()' votes 5 i -........ .1' . ../ZY1 , , 1 rp(Avoi:1 ;-I:. , , if; ;L- ,,..' . , ,' ,,,L , i ' 4/1 ,,--1 votes --- o'i II 64 ,,mciaii, P C i i votes r 4'4 9 r 4,:, - ,. - •) ,, 4, •-'-',7 WI . :.-ilAt!. '-'7L,',P' .e. 'V -/ •rocelve(1 votes _ . 41.1GUT 5, 20013 Lim F1-7, votes i --. SAFETY PATH MILLAGE i. WioiiiWit."1C611-diti-Votes. ' CONTINUED rt, RENEWAL.. ----I Shag the Charter Township of t rd n VOIeS .. [.....______ _ TOWNSHIP I dependence be authorized to -•- --- continue the previously _ _ . ; t FIRE AND EMERGENCY 0 a •...fthorized levies of up to .4494 of votes 1%---, SERVICES MILLAGE _ one mill for a period of ten (A) , -4 LE RENEWAL i years, starting with the December 2009 levy, to continue the safety ----- of , 0 path program, including votes • I, -,-, r r 1111; Shail the Charter Township construction and maintenance of , 1----; Independence be authorized to — , oo0iinJe the previously safety paths and the acquisition ----- autnorized levies of up to 3,1688 ,__, Qf fighis-or-way for such nci rams for a period of tour t4) years, tril purpose? This proposed millage starling with the December 2068 __i, is }la renewal of previously ,, daut, orized millage to be eievmye.r tgoel.picroyvidseefrvireicepsro,teTlt g ,...., votes • „..isbursed to the Township tor ! -_,-,-, 4 - 1 t advanced life support. in the r• these purposes. Approval of th' 5 i ? proposal woutri votes i, Township? This proposed ,. • . - renew a tax ,I 'imitation increase of $0.45 per r- to be r .t.000 of taxable value on all I _i•—;.--,-.---.4. miliage s a renewal of previously - votes .,...,_.; authorized Millage li I disbursed to the Township for - ,.-,able property in the Township ' - , 1 it ts estimated thai this orobosal rt i these purposes. Approval of this i sa would renew a tax - would resun in the ailthorizatiOn -------.-- - votes ' The.4 Pr°P°- -1 to caect $767.400.00 in the first t i irnitatiort increase of $3.17 per ',--1 _ year if approved arid levied. If „."--,--„I $1,000 of taxable value on all . i "''''l taxaWe property in the Township. „ It is estimated that this proposal - 1 and would result in the authorization 7K. • —•-• to collect $5.411.000.00 in the _ NO •- : first year if approved and levieo. yeies _ 7.---'4 0 - --- - r- . I•I I YE-1. ' ..=::., i',/ PC1 - votes 11-1 NO - votes • 1 :--.,•,-,,d votes ......-- -rarai qr-o,-, . OCT-10-2008 13:10 INDEPENDENDENCE TWP - at t,cirtI IruMI I. %ad 2466252585 2 P.02/02 114 S A uk. • A. Ascertained and Canvassed the Votes of sa Election, held on the City, Township or Vamp) 'Vey of 114 (2.1_4Z.Z.-ateaaving received a -sufficient ridinber of LLiiaving received a sufficient number of baying received a sufficient number of s elected at - 3 elected _having received a sufficient riumoer of 38% TOTAL P.O: P.002 0CT-10-200B 13:15 CLERK ATE OF MICHIGAN, 4-ty SS . lusand_.a6 e Board of Canvassers at the. f f ................ .. (county, cnty17-To1/474 or Vii(age (Qounty, try, Tmr)*Kp or Village) DeHereby Certify did Determine 3 ele° 4-64:4,4L41141z.d. at.. .1 havinQ received a sufficient number of fteitgeka&a.oti. ei44,°'jeOLI having received a sufficient number of el- 3L. 3 elected._ —4:41.-d-hat. 3 elected received a sufficient number of a.ing received a sufficient number of s elected,...„ L:_?2 4e4 3 elected aL having received a sufficient number of at having received a Sufficient number of s elected at naving received a sufficient number of s elected__ ....... .„... ...... „, .... , ........ . ... .............. _ .. ................... -- at navIng received a sufficient number of s eiected I at__ _having received a sufficient number of s elected at having received a sufficient number of day of / in the year two thousand and I ,- (A, / • l; . _ this CHAIRMAN. - CHAIRMPT AIL2 ' - alt SEAL 0,A ATTEST: [11. ASSES -c 2 )1 ilc.- CIEFIr( OF DC!) CLAIWASSFRS. I .„ CPAIRMAN OF Bo/AHD ( Received Passed Having 1,40"temilived Sufficient votes was Defeated Received Passed Having Sufficient votes was Net-Resetived Doleatad Received Passed 4aving R Sufficient votes was Defeated eceive - 7.`A , • 7 That .. . . „having received a sufficient riUmber of voles is eiected ... _ That . having received a sufficient number of votes is e/ected That. having received a sufficient umber of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is eiected. That having received a sufficient number ot voles is eiected. That.. -, votes is elected.. That having received a suffttent :)umber of votes Is elected That having received a sufficient nurnoer of votes irs elecled _ Do Further Hereby Determine That the following Propositions or questions were passed or defeated as irrAcated below:: an Witness Whereof We have hereunto set our hands anc 4ffixeci the Si (4- ' A of the ia of c.ty Township a Opp', _ir.96;11.5., C4 Township or ViUgn) having received a sufficlent number of Received Passed ""ing Not Received Sufficient votes was Defeated