HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1974.08.06 - 4244MANUFACTUF .1 1 1.7. A tkc -Rond {NAM OCIF COUNTY, C Y, TOWNSI-11P CP V I Li_t-,7,E) ) 9 (DATE OF E(ECTiON) ID ON .. orthn fz..; TOTAi„.s r •-•-% fr).. c'H L.. 11 5r11-1 15'21.1 1 f • C41 1 3 0 , ' I lo 1 HI 11--. "1— L.1,) • •• , .9 *4 ,f) 1 -A I -111 ,• L 1 j I - 1 1 ""-I , 7'0 • F , i . 1 C 1 '2, 1 '.-1 '• 1 '.40 1 Li t, 1 L. -1)1 •--,;,,---1 (.2 '4,1 '-'-', / i,,,.1 1 ,.,:„ 1 1 1 , i 1 : i I I 1 11 „E. fi r,,,,, 1 ,: ,,,--1 cE','7: ,-..-` 1 EEE.7•7 1.../-1 c,--E1 I , (I , .., E: 1 .• • 5 11 c 1 1 n_t 11's, -7" • • 1 1 • 1 11.I. I 1,41 , f PARTY OFFICE !d! j J L.'"/ Nt.IMI3FR OF VOTES 'WRITTEN IN VI ORVS , . 1 ...-4 I ..,. V - STARMLNT OF VOTES r of votes given byrhe ;.•;;I:rri for the RECEIVR-/G VETTES for for The Offirr:C.-. of „ • • •• •• • IR-IN-VI:LEI. CIF 2. t - , - The who!,, . . was iver, ;IICr forrovAng named persons: Fr I.CF„IVING THE_ VOTTES kr coridid,,,,, of NLIME-III,IT OF VOTi ,.. t 'WORDS - , 4. The Acre number of votes by :; for c •inEfItc4k.:A.c.s for t cr- .-, ice of (..1..—/2.,_,,,..._.4,............• • • -,,,,,,c.........:;,..., ,7-9,E .. • 7 . • end they were given for the farrowing named persons: ,i PERSONS RECEIVING THE yams ' NI_IMEIER r,..._............ , (.- „ rr 11 3. 4. - TOTAL The whore number of votes given by Voy for candidates for the office of sv 11 , . FTV // - 1 4 I"; - a I ) 1- / 1 6-• I I 1 ond they were given for the foiiowmg named persons: r PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES 1 . 11 - (4/ I r; TOTAL I] 11 The whore number of votes given by the I. '..i.,:•,:,,,--.C.',,_ ::':r..t,.,-<...,- !::7.r:lje- for condidcr; OS for the. office of .1) .......e._._ ..._ i; /5 . ;! , and they were ,g.ven for the forlowing named persons: 1 il- PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES /-) Nt.II,A.R OF VOTES "kr,Ii II:14 IN WORDS ! Ir.),-1- c,/ r"'• "-L- IT-II• '--I ' t•-•"•".• 7^ 4 , / I , f, ''':'2 r:./.) i'r` ..,'""Il I r ..--.. , r I I t STATEMENT OF VOTES iiise of The whche of votes • and they ..„ for fr.:C sE VOIrr.S .• %.1 .".n-4 WORDS Ad • • " TO"IAL by the for n is of and theyvs g v. n ror the :',Dttowina kr.,:..:.:1r€,T-gO THE VOiES ,/ .7. , ) 3. 9. - I /1 / OF vic:>RD:s !r) • r__.cr:" e P f 4./. The:ri b nr or votes giver) by the was and ticrE3.y v ivnnfor the faltowing named persons: PERT.ONS THE VOTES 4. t— NU sEts (.t VsEsi.i.S WPITTEN N WORDS ,""), 7/--"!*- ((71., 61 „ (,) . ; - ( . '"t The whole number of votes t-.3:ivon by t60LL . . Paay for conclidates for the office of 1 I , t I • . 51 • • € Ir 4 A /1- . 3. 4. ) ! or vien 6y ,ttL_ te: V ‘:€ ----- TOTAL for candidates for the office of €1 1, 3 fy for cone.i=-:::!ates for the office of 4 I €1 r : , . II oncl they were given for the follo ,Hirtg norned persons: • .„-t t ,,,,ER.s,-;x€4.5 F,:.::::.CE.3VNG T!.-',.' YCI.'ifES i..../ NUMEER OF VOTES WiZDTEN IN \,..;ORDS [1 ! ' l 'f 6 -..-":: ,f,) ' ,l-).- / ii7 , '. /,'-'1 , / (.' / ... /1)- . .. i ins% ?) .. I .- \.-r.'..... ....P......7., ., ---ci , _ / : '' ' ......... ,, €€ i 17, ! 4 1 : ,,,--.1..„,-,......,..A _ STATEMENT OF VOUS 71:41!. the ink P.'I: ;;;?.?;0r •e,as(nyem for e; ..• • e t /I ;,-,; • • - ..;L• J, •":1 J.1, / j • end 4/1! 4 (447 1.L.s. were ;-,-;;a4..ed NO TOTAL VOHS, The whole number of votes given for end against the Was of which number votes were marked YES 1, and . 1: votes were rnarKed was I i whidl number 11 votes were mcAed YES 'ond votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES, 1 3 4 The whole number of votes givcm 101 and ag,ctimi- the _having r6ceived sufficient number of votes is nornin:cted - _Purfy for the office of . having received sufficient number of votes is norninute.8 . ,having received sufficient number of votes is elected Pluzly for the office of._-_• That - by the by the rnt -r, by the That. That- ._PQ.Cty for the office of. • having received sufficient number of votes is elected for tha off;ce of hcving received sufficient number of Vot ,',i •:;nod the °Mee of having received sufficient number of votes is 7 rON The el s • (COUNTY., T Z"....WWSH C.171.17.:a Prii.inerry • z V I imr of vote „.ffic • eif vo tes : fl sufficient num !,-(e r of vateS is no •-; for the office o r of vo:.-es is i-;c: 7- L'r Ike 0 ffice of k _ _ _ _ fiavrig received sufficient number of votes s r:o:rinct ,A for the office of , huving r ,:cived sufficient number of votes is nominal . od the (-...,fficn- of , , _ •: :f(:•"„ _ _ _ _ _ _ „ „ !tevingrec ,..kod sufficient number of vets S ric.m;noied for the offke, of having received sufficient number of votes is nominated r the office of t . _ !loving received stjficient number of Votes is neminuted or o Hce of ohice of Navi,ng received suffi ci ent number of votes is nominated i.r• a rj-C7 _having received sufficient number of votes is nomir;oted for 1)n0 office of having received sufficient number of votes is nc.rninQt 7sd or the office of hcrving received sufficient number of votes is PQAy for tfle. office of _ having re( eived sufficient number of votes. is nominated 1.7)•ctirly for the office of -A? O.) e by the — J r .:( • .= y -.1.:Fte by /.1" . by That_ cP eondotc -o-y.tile a - -. . ri-Pf.-..liote , _ "Plat- .- canclickfi.e by the_ That i; candidate by the • Thot canclictc,.te _ co.:.:(di..7!...7rte by the_ That__ candidate by the. rcrS-.1 for the orficc.,_ of • That by the having received sufficient number of ',otos. is eke --ed or the office of That_ by the,— having received sufficient number of vores is def.:led = or "•.:.r;•-,Z.' OriP:-'4? candidate by the _ cond4dote by the by the That. lay the- 1..iy the- __P,::::;•.rty for the office of for the office ef__ _ haying received sufficient number of votes is nominated by the_ - Soflicien votes was t,.eceive.c ,Rec e ved o Pr- • Pc:e.:-,..ecf • t.aving , vories was sad L.7 • Eav[ng r.,10 NAME OF PkoPosmoN ,,,!,4,1tik.F. OF PP.CiP0:::;MON 3 Received ,caring Pcs:;sed i.Fkilcient votes was Defeated hove hereunto set ce3r horvis end the Seal of or V; ilago) (c_07,7, ClOy, Twnrhi cA. Vilivgst day of nne /... hundred arid -7 BOARD or CANVA(SERS ; •; _ -7/ CKO/FMA tO ATTEST: A , 7- ) ; .(2 -4 -. _ !loving received sufficient number of votes is riominoted ------- :%ts..- by the •_••• Po: vtiiy for the office of tlev .---- —coi-ied suffirierit'uebor of votes is - ' d :ti: by the __ .__ ,.._,r the ,e,ff ice of_ . . . _ . !ic.iving received sufficient nUlTd),-..:r of votes is rii..:•:,ini:tH candidate by the__ receive,d suffici .ent 11 umber of votes is riomin.itcl the.- -.... . received sufficient number of votes i ;I ;or c' rig riziccived sufficient number of votes is nc. • ,',:•..:•:, ily !,-.:4.11-,:: ,'-'1 ',.:::":::.•:01- .•' . • . .. . :tir-iiLreceived sufficient number of votes is n.i.r.w..,:icte.d . condidc.ile. by the_ - - -- •'.:•.•e ' .1.:.•• .. __ ....____ .•.-.,,ir.,g f00i.,Ve.(.1 .S,.jfnCient .-.711-i.or of vote ,. is nic.....,:rici.i.ed cainiclb-Ltis..- by the__ F for h ay ing r,ciei ved sufficient number of votes is nomincted the office or bovipg received sufficient number of votes is. nominoted y for the_ oiffice of having received sufficient comber of votes is nomiiieted ..?ariv for the office of , havi ng received sufficient number of votes is i'-iornincited r the (-Alice of having ice mvedsuffcrcit number of votes is nominoted for the. office. cyf !loving received sufficient number of votes is nominated Thr,rt f::.•:!lev•viag or O€lhC}5S wr.,:re passed or•de.rediA cis i cJiccted below: