HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 2002.08.06 - 4247Or C001,1; T4.NNS4Ir (ff!--v-.4-1.4-6-E COUNTY, MICHIGAN CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE ELECTION HELD ON ;< (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS MANUFACTURED BY Order by Form No. M-398 CANVASSER BOOK SpeciFy whethet General, Primary OF Special Election 6 STATEMENT OF VOTES PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER OFFICE AND NF TOTALS ‘1` CANDIDATE NAMES 1 i 3 41 ,6- 6 7 g •-,4, /4, // /.-ar t./ 41 /4- Nr ' A-10 - ' 1 IUSE PS ah- MN,- ri i Wii ,Iso l as ' c• - WEIME, O'g tea. -, mo gliaffilEZTFTZPAidrisiFT711771EFYIEWIRMFMNIMMTIPEILEr MUM MX .„-- ---6-1...,„_....7. WiririARIZWIlliMI a .25r Ggirmirranzwzg imam / FIZIRZFRIME/M7MMIATIMECIEr AVe FANnrrriffijE 1 =moms , smimir ONIINgrawnrwirriWIIMIFTEINIMEM' Tip/ dtri yam , a AMPMFFICMITITIPMFIFYIWZONT.IFETAPSIMMT; Mum 'IM NM Mn=111•11111M.111.1111 MilMIN===ii. ' • immin•I mn m=.... 1 E1 i , , =1.111M111 • , , Nimmmion. • 11..Bm , , , , _ , =milom , 1 , ._ . mimilm. • 1....mm 1 . , 1 == 11111111MMIN ' - II IM, . , , , , . , _MMINIMMIMIIIN ' m= . , ' 1 • MNIIIMIIIIIMM= . 1 3 STATEMENT OF VOTES li _1 IN I IT IMM TINIIIii 7 TIMI The whole number of votes given for the office of ard they were given For the Following iurned pc.rsons: _ 1 votes ' received votes received votes TOTAL votes , , The who'e number of votes given for the office of was ! I i ortd they were given for the following named persons: _ received roes „ received votes i received votes I - TOTAL votes ' The whole number of votes given for the office cf I wcs and they were given for the following named persons; received votes - received votes , .. . 1 • received votes I TOTAL votes I , Tie whole number of votes g iven for the office of _ was and they were given for the following named persons: 1 I received votes I I - received votes 1 received votes ! I received votes r received voles received votes received votes ii received votes , received votes I received vote received voles , TOTAL votes I • .1 • WC1S and they were given for the following named personn! received votes votes votes received received received received received - received received voted votes votes votes votes votes votes 4 STATEMENT OF VOTES IT neves C The whc4. number of votes given for the office of PI TM OMPS was , , and they were given lot the following named persons: . - i received votes I i _ received votes received votes TOTAL votes The whale number of votes given for the office of 1 received votes received votes TOTAL The whole number of votes given for the office of WCIS ond they were given for the followin g named persons: received votes votes received votes received votes 117.11 TOTAL The whole number of votes given loT the office of Was and they were given for the following named persons: received received votes received votes received votes TOTAL • STATEMENT OF VOTES 5 • PIT MOM 1 141 10111 GOMM -Uf-dA-C The whoie number of voles given for and against the I' i --2,74-- 2-,1_,-0- - • x - e --7/4-1--- 1 wicr sLA44 saGdi.ALlaild±3.11.64 • .../ . Z j 7 1 of which numbet vote5 were marked YES . and ...,t, ..e.f/ ....... .. ..._... -/— ..,..,/ 4. . _ _.....i —,aL . , .1 4. / LI2 votes we e markecl o6 . ...g.-.1 -.41 _ZA.,,,/ ,f9 e TOTAL VOTES. -7- he whole number of votes given for and ago nst th if / i _....1.---,scrz--t.../....4--0--/----"/61.-/-4-zii •=--.74-£..-4-.!--t..--e-e.c.-- l WaS ..41 .. • air • - ,-• o.' •f i. .• . i . -4 I. - ....or' . , i _ _. -4.- ..al _ 615' ,1 i of which number .....-di .. ,.: _ .< ..„6_, 4... —4—: < _..i, _AAP < -.IV Aft ..+0 31 9 i votes were marked YES 1 and Ii - „.4,..r..i.., I* --Z- - , ..l. ,r.:. -4.1 .+-4 110 _ .e_ ,...• V5 were mark . NO / i -al ....,* -a -ri _ AL.. .•. di -, ''..; -4-.. _A- ...If- -1.A. .i. It--- TOTAL VOTES, of The whole number of votes given For and against the _ . / was ...311e -.IL -4. . -4__ ...' ...r _ 4_ ...di-4/ .4. ." .. .... . ..1. .". .4 ... -.1111 ., .di -., f / of which number ...--.4-, 4 -. ./ ri. ../...„..-iii-/ .... ... .4..4 . .. • -of 4 61116 if votes were marked YES . 1 and _....---2-16=lieff ieftb...4./.24lie:itia tieedeZ.Zei:&--__ •- , voles were marked ,.. 1 -..111 f ..edin-/ . -.=. , .. ='- .4 • . ' _44 - ...-.11. . -e; . ,,011,1 .4.! - 4.., . .__ . -, Of .... .41 -0. • all TOTAL VOTES, / i The whole number oF voles given For rand ogainst the i 1 — i svas of which number 1 votes wvre marked YES ' ond VOTeS Were frlarlreci HO , i TOTAL VOTES. _________________[ .1- • 6 411, STATE OF MICHIGAN. I, '12,1E-ea The Bcarci of Canvassers of the Ve" h P •Al'\414.1* ) C CwiIyC.LCILI;;Aili.114,1agai COUNTY OF Do Hereby Certify and Determine votes ir.Qiecteek erac tif49-"j"--P :4‘61"494'Wla 'having receiv6du sufficient number of ' aving received a sufficient number of O That votes is elected That vales ir elected- having received a sufficient number of having received a sufficient number of having race That votes is elected That votes is elected ved o sufficient number of having received a sufficien number of Thai votes is elected That votes is elected That voles is elected That.. • votes is elected - Loving received a sufficient number of having received n sufficient number of having received a sufficient number of having received a sufficient number of CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION having Ascertained and Canvassed the Votes ofsaicl1,4Z-...7,-4.6.---c--Q-- eirr.....y..1.41r, Township 0.-.44-14.11*-} Z i at the___.e„fr...4_ -1'41 a-- Election, hekl on the. 4:).fer....__ _day 'wo thousand voles i1e.e1-e•kieel. - - -- z That _ 6, / 0 -cr4,12-661-ei?-1-c,,-6-1, votes .4s-aJeetes1,_ having received a sufficient number of That. votes is elected. That votes is elected. ;lovi ng received a sufficient number of having received a sufficient number of That_ having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected- That_ votes is elected having received a sufficient number of FROPOSTROW , r64,,e'et; HAM OF 4 Passed eceiy Sufficient votes was Having ATTEST: day of That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected_ That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received 11 suffi clan number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received id sufficient number of votes is elected Thal having received a suffic:ent number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is deCled Do Further Hereby Determiner That the fallowing Prepositions or questions were passed or defeated as indicated below: • HAIME OF PROPOSIDON 1. . Received riming of RectivediSuKicient v°1" Wa , r Not Rater rjoij ricnnn9 eceived 4ursicient vales was Delermed assecil clewed Having Received Received Sufficient votes was Defeated Not Received Its Vanes. of thi ihi In lh reef, We have hereunto set o"....LIands end affixed the Seal L-16. Zovrty, T,m,ihp rIIgi (Covrty, Ci+r3-T+r~hcp-a.-V-141aVllrl - J"1 d*Ll ecV 2dair-44,' ±4-e4eC4 -e OP WARD OFCRIYASSEP5. year two thOusand apla 71-4-1--e-C12-/ 1"Ad / 11 14MAA, N. ) eda.A.A1f=e CHAIR BOARD OF CANVASSERS