HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1984.08.07 - 4248August 9, 1984 F101TNIE:11 Pt.T • DE7k.SIMEYI 11:TAYT. 4.;::TIVITY CENTER Road 873'. L.A]:;tveq 4 u::6 Zoirmstiiia of [JItettl:vitirtitt 90 N. Main Street, P.o. Box 69 Clarkston, Michigan 48016 n Howard Altman Director of Elections 1200 N. Telegraph Read Pontiac, MT 48053 Dear Heward:'. I am sending you a Certificate of Determination from the August 7 Primary Election. The following candidates were certified for the November 6, 1984 General Election: Supervisor Frank G. Ronk - Republican Clerk Richard A. Holman - Republican Floyd J. Tower - Democrat Treasurer John Lutz - Republican Frederick P, Ritter - Democrat Trustees Carol D. Balzarini - Republican Dale A. Stuart - Republican Daniel F. Travis - Republican William D. Vandermark - Republican Charles J. Smalley - Democrat Please let me know if you need any additional information. Sincerely, 77- Richard A. Heiman, Clerk Independence Township RAH/rh DATE 01 ELECTI.pN) %!.. COUNTY, CITY, TOWNSHiP OR 'JUL.. MANUFACTURED BY EL ECTi(fr..!..-:::' STATIC AND T E S si Kilgolv: -Road KLIL:AZOO, Order by FOTZli No. M-793-PC CANVASSER BOOK—PRIMARY 3 — I / , 1. TOTAL • 4,.„.t.,.,..-•-•) P;Z: ,',':-!'y for candidates for the office of ! ! ' ; , ! -11. i '' ---.. -/--/ / t • (.2/- 7 -/K.— y-•;•'''' /7-..- 11 1/-1' ,••!.,.•:.:. , ••-• • ,"-•,•.: '.L..! /2.....„,-,7,-.::-!'/L •-•," ,(/ _ //- 71.4!.....--..-•e!,----,,,,,!/,••• (/'-'f .P. / /-, .. '-_-.','...,/ - z -/L. e.._. A --- (-7-: ' .:( - , -,scre gi ,.....ri :C4 ..,- he Fanowip:-.: earied p•Ei•frons: 11 : CLIVNG THE !.C...';ES OF VOTES WRFETE?,5 IN WORDS • . . . . . . ("" . . /-7 • es,!--"•• z • A--n.---a/ !I I • / . . 1 2. IC_,-/W—d.le---,---' (4-- 17(./.4.—L.--e-g-el---t-,--/ P.--..!,!. 7..-". /,,*.,=-Yir---6, ; -4// .,-P(t//t/ 4. TOTAL _ J , ! • The whole number of votes given by the k./.() ..,..7„Lie„,,,,,,,..Perry for candidates for the office of i i • 4 i( , r.,...., 4 ../" ./.-•-•,..L../..2.k.r—/' and they were given for the loll -•:•:.ng : o!11 •-•:ns: i PE FiSONS RFC& f \ ! !Cs:n: i. !I- 1:7'. FS: NUI-Y1F.: P OF - _t: `W P.:- "i7 !,',. rN WORDS I . :_ i 1 lj .(,,,/ -,,A),,iii:_y_•,,,_-- , , 1, 4. i 2. 1 3. 1 1 1 1 - 1 • H , 1 4.• TOTAL _.......___. The ',hole number of votes given by t e <' _erv._,,,,e....,...e...-, Party for candidates for the office of ._._ _.,., / •,• ./ avv 4,`s ,,,,,-/ / 7 -/-,' ':' ....',1_ .,---/ il /-7 / //,..• .,.; /1./.;.(77.:7/ ;17, •r :7. and tt.! y were given for the following named persons: il i 1 PERSONS RECEIVENG THE VOTES NUMP,ER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS II 1 i T -41 ;+{,/'- 1.'.'. <-14-1; --_Lt.J.:4/.-__.„,' t'_2.- ..._ 1, (_L, /1 a/24;"14.7.':-..-/_ L1 . , ,,,..)1--- .1,,,-(...." .-;''''..),.0.„ , -7 •,-- \\...gitc 6.(-,z,./i.--- d.:.'7,-‹_ - , /.., , _•., --.4 1 , i 7 / number of votes given by the ! 1. 2. 3. • 1 The v i13. I 4. 11 al/ (2_ r -.1•• . - ( 2, TOTAL vidy for candidates for the office of NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN iN WORDS frel'111 was and they were for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES viRniEN IN WORDS 1. 2. i.,..t-. :1 .,ti `,. j:- • ,--,,.-i The w',.o.fc., n=,..irni of votes given by the 12“ .. / ' :r , • Party For candidates for the offic=., of 11- - 1 i - i" : '• ; .] : , . -..--- -- V , 4_7 / ._. ....._ was 7.--1.7 -.". (-. • -.J- 1 4" ': Ct .•-•_/.. t t / • / r- ..'-- ./..- 6. r,.4' ;117....../.-c: 6A---- .. • _,.,.. , ...;;4......_,,,,,L,..2.2...e ...L., .-••': :,....' . ,. ! - and they vo.:re gi,..,,n for the fallowing named persons: PE.IIONC RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRIrTEN N WORDS 1 1. 6 !i Tri ,.-. r/11:-(_ : L /. 1 "11 7.; J. LLL- -2, 3. 4. ThF•::::!e number of votes given by the was / a/nd ibely Ft for the following named persons: RECLIPING THE VOTES 1.7 1 / - TOTAL 1- 2. 3. 4. The v,,hote number of votes given by the Pr ly for candidates for the office of I WaS • • • • • • • • , • of which number i. votes were marked YES I and 4 ,! votes were marked 0 ., TOTAL VOTES, The whole number of votes given for and against the ,.._ .---r _1 , was . _ - of which number 1 votes were marked YES I and .. i vntes wel-e. niciii<ed NC) ! 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